目前位置: 財報狗 / 金融 / 金融概念股總資產排名



股號 / 名稱 現金及約當現金 流動資產 總資產
JPM 摩根大通 0.0 132,257,343,511,396.6
BAC 美國銀行 0.0 107,764,147,610,142.92
HSBC 滙豐控股 0.0 99,686,558,937,380.56
MUFG Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 0.0 86,747,061,423,180.6
C 花旗銀行 0.0 77,743,870,968,879.16
SMFG Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc 0.0 65,261,411,370,347.31
WFC 富國銀行 0.0 63,764,185,167,922.15
SAN Banco Santander SA 0.0 62,853,374,595,422.85
BCS Barclays PLC 0.0 62,760,498,187,722.87
GS 高盛 6,016,518,427,955.24 35,279,030,677,446.04 55,375,944,153,158.84
UBS UBS Group AG 0.0 51,710,233,301,111.17
RY Royal Bank of Canada 0.0 49,814,236,038,701.89
TD Toronto-Dominion Bank 0.0 47,598,154,068,353.59
MS 摩根士丹利 3,482,068,465,657.42 23,324,102,961,770.64 40,147,272,053,544.37
BRK.A 波克夏 A 1,577,018,254,771.63 38,125,487,666,495.07
BRK.B 波克夏 1,577,018,254,771.63 38,125,487,666,495.07
LYG Lloyds Banking Group PLC 0.0 37,481,675,972,837.45
ING ING Groep NV 0.0 34,916,640,679,690.12
BMO Bank of Montreal 0.0 33,377,938,567,943.05
BNS Bank of Nova Scotia 0.0 32,719,925,555,120.69
NWG NatWest Group PLC 0.0 29,267,180,065,258.1
BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 0.0 26,426,745,605,802.79
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 0.0 24,610,441,500,647.37
PRU 保德信金融集團 611,161,068,920.59 24,304,597,351,142.89
MFC Manulife Financial Corp 592,888,889,370.62 22,503,017,446,041.7
USB 美國合眾銀行 0.0 22,412,367,083,747.46
MET 大都會人壽保險 663,068,623,619.96 22,383,918,703,991.79
PNC PNC Financial Services Group Inc 0.0 18,504,266,784,675.86
TFC Truist Financial Corp 0.0 17,550,634,802,668.72
KB KB Financial Group Inc 0.0 16,851,949,304,400.51
SHG Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd 0.0 16,449,882,215,996.97
COF Capital One Financial Corp 0.0 16,194,892,737,471.68
SCHW Charles Schwab Corp 1,390,468,252,332.01 15,854,536,454,239.21
ITUB 伊塔烏聯合銀行 0.0 15,213,004,592,258.5
2882 國泰金 331,924,124,000 13,767,150,337,000
BK 紐約梅隆銀行 0.0 13,747,208,681,374.08
WF Woori Financial Group Inc 0.0 13,671,070,604,708.23
LNC Lincoln National Corp 191,671,371,617.47 12,913,482,820,311.57
NMR Nomura Holdings Inc 964,429,032,780.08 12,707,823,011,299.25
APO Apollo Global Management Inc 534,142,284,704.02 12,486,063,261,055.65
2881 富邦金 379,050,189,000 12,067,311,207,000
KKR KKR & Co Inc 491,601,648,148.75 11,898,077,577,144.12
STT 道富銀行 0.0 11,671,435,150,862.8
JXN Jackson Financial Inc 124,465,791,567.49 11,182,757,408,021.5
BBDO Banco Bradesco SA 0.0 10,942,190,569,085.93
PFG 美國信安金融集團 139,165,773,162.49 10,363,787,698,409.49
EQH Equitable Holdings Inc 230,098,160,997.08 9,775,735,568,863.02
IBN ICICI Bank Ltd 0.0 9,771,188,346,775.35
AXP 美國運通 1,342,789,957,340.8 8,969,367,731,537.67
2891 中信金 107,976,364,000 8,839,609,949,000
SLF Sun Life Financial Inc 232,865,623,344.64 8,522,872,618,417.34
CB 丘博保險集團 75,598,017,283.36 8,146,215,019,745.56
BHF Brighthouse Financial Inc 166,692,306,466.15 7,881,522,835,979.39
BSBR Banco Santander Brasil SA 0.0 7,455,098,487,469.6
FCNCA First Citizens BancShares Inc (Delaware) 0.0 7,391,952,983,668.4
CFG Citizens Financial Group Inc 0.0 7,187,131,257,645.87
FITB Fifth Third Bancorp 0.0 7,035,340,483,432.69
MTB M&T Bank Corp 0.0 6,876,016,340,364.35
HBAN Huntington Bancshares Inc 0.0 6,747,982,110,918.1
ALLY Ally Financial Inc 0.0 6,338,470,823,238.92
KEY KeyCorp 0.0 6,184,235,008,256.96
PUK Prudential PLC 190,713,179,964.84 6,009,381,552,197.72
AMP 阿默普萊斯金融 281,576,181,507.34 5,993,753,115,932.41
VOYA Voya Financial Inc 50,024,212,485.58 5,415,071,439,926.83
AIG American International Group Inc 43,019,501,093.94 5,330,254,958,123.34
RF Regions Financial Corp 0.0 5,197,429,770,413.94
5880 合庫金 79,069,296,000 5,165,509,688,000
CI 信諾集團 249,460,240,598.5 5,150,478,379,435.07
2888 新光金 74,235,966,000 5,144,862,564,000
NTRS Northern Trust Corp 154,539,793,023.48 5,138,167,268,753.35
IBKR Interactive Brokers Group Inc 120,038,285,310.51 4,960,855,555,488.74
DFS 發現金融 0.0 4,878,186,744,630.8
2892 第一金 59,304,501,000 4,704,422,325,000
2886 兆豐金 103,947,126,000 4,671,606,749,000
ICE 洲際交易所 27,886,681,200.68 2,943,796,044,519.65 4,606,853,301,479.16
BLK 貝萊德 421,670,409,340.14 4,579,990,894,114.05
CME 芝加哥商業交易所 95,568,052,967.83 3,404,339,297,974.24 4,541,398,899,277.09
TRV 旅行家集團 23,095,722,937.53 4,400,709,931,797.83
2880 華南金 75,858,073,000 4,246,261,896,000
2884 玉山金 62,593,270,000 4,068,237,577,000
2883 凱基金 68,053,348,000 3,948,244,504,000
SYF Synchrony Financial 0.0 3,947,187,910,280.61
RGA 美國再保險集團 109,894,670,229.22 3,921,151,530,202.25
AFL 美國家庭壽險 205,812,958,766.63 3,884,508,959,762.02
2885 元大金 83,226,254,000 3,715,729,804,000
ALL Allstate Corp 23,260,928,394.88 3,687,947,506,606.99
IX ORIX Corp 262,439,576,098.33 3,551,612,380,139.11
PGR 前進保險 4,724,876,080.21 3,493,930,217,495.15
NLY Annaly Capital Management Inc 49,166,036,216.83 3,421,615,956,046.44
2887 台新金 33,110,688,000 3,290,705,344,000
2801 彰銀 41,389,706,000 3,172,721,131,000
FNF Fidelity National Financial Inc 114,949,957,224.13 3,151,194,975,676.84
PLD Prologis Inc 43,567,685,842.52 3,149,771,202,004.31
2890 永豐金 41,540,847,000 3,068,775,166,000
ZION Zions Bancorporation NA 0.0 2,933,222,895,249.25
AGNC AGNC Investment Corp 16,685,751,192.35 2,908,111,665,732.05
GNW Genworth Financial Inc 67,668,155,330.56 2,870,312,657,090.37
CIB Bancolombia SA 0.0 2,793,859,635,343.28
FHN First Horizon Corp 0.0 2,714,391,746,443.44
L 洛茲集團 17,875,230,485.27 2,707,486,158,326.21
