目前位置: 財報狗 / 金融 / 金融概念股每股盈餘排名



股號 / 名稱 單季 EPS 近四季 EPS
RF Regions Financial Corp 15.91 57.48
HAFC Hanmi Financial Corp 15.91 67.54
BSBR Banco Santander Brasil SA 15.83 47.05
SNFCA Security National Financial Corp 15.77 39.81
CSWC Capital Southwest Corp 15.59 54.09
NWFL Norwood Financial Corp 15.59 51.63
FMAO Farmers & Merchants Bancorp Inc 15.59 55.2
FHB First Hawaiian Inc 15.59 56.83
VEL Velocity Financial Inc 15.59 64.3
BFS Saul Centers Inc 15.59 59.82
OPOF Old Point Financial Corp 15.26 51.96
PFC Premier Financial Corp (OHIO) 14.94 63.97
ICMB Investcorp Credit Management BDC Inc 14.94 9.56
HTH Hilltop Holdings Inc 14.94 52.93
BSIG Brightsphere Investment Group Inc 14.94 58.5
UBS UBS Group AG 14.61 40.92
SFBC Sound Financial Bancorp Inc 14.61 49.68
NEWT NewtekOne Inc 14.61 66.54
GBCI Glacier Bancorp Inc 14.61 52.61
OCSL Oaktree Specialty Lending Corp 14.61 23.38
TRIN Trinity Capital Inc 14.61 57.48
FBP First BanCorp 14.61 59.1
FBNC First Bancorp (North Carolina) 14.61 80.59
CUBE CubeSmart 14.41 57.04
ESSA ESSA Bancorp Inc 14.36 57.87
PFS Provident Financial Services Inc 14.36 36.44
BBVA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 14.29 51.96
BBDO Banco Bradesco SA 14.29 39.43
ONB Old National Bancorp 14.29 53.58
KRC Kilroy Realty Corp 14.29 54.23
TSLX Sixth Street Specialty Lending Inc 14.29 67.03
BOTJ Bank of the James 14.29 59.75
ELS Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc 14.29 63.0
MUFG Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 14.16 1,567.96
PGC Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corp 13.96 59.1
OHI Omega Healthcare Investors Inc 13.96 44.7
MRBK Meridian Corp 13.96 33.12
BCS Barclays PLC 13.9 40.34
NKSH National Bankshares Inc 13.64 47.09
ADC Agree Realty Corp 13.64 59.1
OCFC OceanFirst Financial Corp 13.64 56.83
HTGC Hercules Capital Inc 13.64 65.92
HBNC Horizon Bancorp Inc 13.64 15.59
GAIN Gladstone Investment Corp 13.64 34.28
RMR RMR Group Inc 13.62 48.04
MGYR Magyar Bancorp Inc 13.31 40.27
CZNC Citizens & Northern Corp 13.31 46.76
CNOB ConnectOne Bancorp Inc 13.31 56.5
CCAP Crescent Capital BDC Inc 13.31 82.88
MITT AG Mortgage Investment Trust Inc 12.99 74.04
FHN First Horizon Corp 12.99 44.81
SLRC SLR Investment Corp 12.99 57.57
AGNC AGNC Investment Corp 12.66 46.76
RBB RBB Bancorp 12.66 60.08
CFB CrossFirst Bankshares Inc 12.66 47.74
FFIN First Financial Bankshares Inc 12.66 47.09
DX Dynex Capital Inc 12.34 41.24
MFIN Medallion Financial Corp 12.34 57.15
MFA MFA Financial Inc 12.34 46.16
FUSB First US Bancshares Inc 12.34 48.06
EQR 住宅地產 12.34 79.56
ACR Acres Commercial Realty Corp 12.02 27.97
CVBF CVB Financial Corp 12.02 46.44
CGBD Carlyle Secured Lending Inc 12.02 58.11
GCBC Greene County Bancorp Inc 12.02 46.94
PPBI Pacific Premier Bancorp Inc 12.02 -4.87
TRNO Terreno Realty Corp 12.02 48.95
BCBP BCB Bancorp Inc 11.69 37.99
SASR Sandy Spring Bancorp Inc 11.69 61.7
OPBK OP Bancorp 11.69 45.46
FXNC First National Corp 11.69 36.37
PMT PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust 11.69 47.09
NYMT New York Mortgage Trust Inc 11.69 -10.72
SBCF Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida 11.69 44.81
GBDC Golub Capital BDC Inc 11.67 45.77
USCB USCB Financial Holdings Inc 11.37 33.74
SBFG SB Financial Group Inc 11.37 56.83
WTBA West Bancorporation Inc 11.37 41.57
EBMT Eagle Bancorp Montana Inc 11.37 35.4
OPHC OptimumBank Holdings Inc 11.04 44.21
SHBI Shore Bancshares Inc 11.04 40.59
HFWA Heritage Financial Corp 10.72 35.4
HBAN Huntington Bancshares Inc 10.72 33.77
GECC Great Elm Capital Corp 10.72 22.53
FULT Fulton Financial Corp 10.72 51.96
EVER EverQuote Inc 10.72 12.34
PRA ProAssurance Corp 10.39 27.12
CZWI Citizens Community Bancorp Inc 10.39 45.79
GSBD Goldman Sachs BDC Inc 10.39 22.77
CBAN Colony Bankcorp Inc 10.39 40.59
FRBA FIRST BANK (Hamilton) 10.39 52.04
TIPT Tiptree Inc 10.39 35.72
BRX Brixmor Property Group Inc 10.39 35.07
LCNB LCNB Corp 10.07 16.56
UBCP United Bancorp Inc 10.07 44.76
HFBL Home Federal Bancorp Inc of Louisiana 10.07 38.77
GSHD Goosehead Insurance Inc 10.07 25.33
FCF First Commonwealth Financial Corp 10.07 48.03
O Realty Income Corp 9.74 34.42
