博通 (AVGO) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


博通公佈 2024 財年第三季財務業績強勁,綜合營收達 131 億美元,較去年同期成長 47%。該公司提供了第四季度的指引,預計人工智慧收入將持續成長,非人工智慧市場將復甦。他們將 2024 財年收入預期上調至 515 億美元。

該公司專注於人工智慧收入成長、加速VMware預訂並穩定非人工智慧半導體收入。他們也正在探索客製化人工智慧專案的機會以及軟體和半導體領域的潛在併購機會。演講者討論了 AI 市場中向定制晶片加速器的轉變以及 VMware 業務模式的轉型。


使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Welcome to Broadcom Inc., third-quarter fiscal year 2024 financial results conference call.

    歡迎參加 Broadcom Inc. 2024 財年第三季財務業績電話會議。

  • At this time, for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call over to Ji Yoo, Head of Investor Relations of Broadcom Inc.

    現在,我想將電話轉給 Broadcom Inc. 投資者關係主管 Ji Yoo 進行開場發言和介紹。

  • Ji Yoo - Head of Investor Relations

    Ji Yoo - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, operator, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Joining me on today's call are Hock Tan, President and CEO; Kirsten Spears, Chief Financial Officer; and Charlie Kawwas, President Semiconductor Solutions Group.

    與我一起參加今天電話會議的還有總裁兼執行長 Hock Tan;克斯汀‧斯皮爾斯,財務長;以及半導體解決方案集團總裁 Charlie Kawwas。

  • Broadcom distributed a press release and financial tables after the market closed describing our financial performance for the third quarter of fiscal year 2024.

    Broadcom 在收盤後發布了一份新聞稿和財務表格,描述了我們 2024 財年第三季的財務表現。

  • If you did not receive a copy, you may obtain the information from the Investors section of Broadcom's website at broadcom.com.

    如果您沒有收到副本,您可以從 Broadcom 網站 Broadcom.com 的投資者部分獲取資訊。

  • This conference call is being webcast live.


  • An audio replay of the call can be accessed for one year through the Investors section of Broadcom's website.

    可以透過 Broadcom 網站的投資者部分獲得為期一年的通話音訊重播。

  • During the prepared comments, Hock and Kirsten will be providing details of our third-quarter fiscal year 2024 results, guidance for our fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, as well as commentary regarding the business environment.

    在準備好的評論中,Hock 和 Kirsten 將提供 2024 財年第三季業績的詳細資訊、2024 財年第四季的指導以及有關商業環境的評論。

  • We'll take questions after the end of our prepared comments.


  • Please refer to our press release today and our recent filings with the SEC for information on the specific risk factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements made on this call.


  • In addition to US GAAP reporting, Broadcom reports certain financial measures on a non-GAAP basis.


  • A reconciliation between GAAP and non-GAAP measures is included in the tables attached to today's press release.


  • Comments made during today's call will primarily refer to our non-GAAP financial results.


  • I will now turn the call over to Hock.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Ji, and thank you, everyone, for joining us today.


  • In our fiscal Q3 2024, consolidated net revenue of $13.1 billion was up 47% year on year, and operating profit was up 44% year on year.

    2024 年第三財季,合併淨收入為 131 億美元,較去年同期成長 47%,營業利潤較去年同期成長 44%。

  • These strong results reflected three key factors: one, AI revenue continues to grow and grow strongly; two, VMware bookings continue to accelerate; and three, non-AI semiconductor revenue has stabilized.


  • Before I give you more color on our two reporting segments, let me give you a quick update on guidance.


  • Now we started the year providing annual guidance with quarterly updates as we run the process of integrating VMware.

    現在,我們在新的一年開始時,在運行 VMware 整合流程時提供年度指導和季度更新。

  • Things are now much more stable, and we are in the first -- sorry, and we're in the final quarter of 2024.

    現在情況更加穩定,我們處於第一個 - 抱歉,我們處於 2024 年最後一個季度。

  • So instead of giving you annual guidance, we now revert to providing the quarterly guidance for Q4.


  • Starting with software, in Q3, infrastructure software segment revenue of $5.8 billion was up 200% year on year driven by $3.8 billion in revenue contribution from VMware.

    從軟體開始,第三季基礎設施軟體部門營收為 58 億美元,年增 200%,其中 VMware 貢獻了 38 億美元的營收。

  • The transformation of the business model of VMware continues to progress very well.


  • In fact, last week, we held a well-attended VMware Explore Conference in Las Vegas, our first as a combined company.

    事實上,上週我們在拉斯維加斯舉辦了一次參加人數眾多的 VMware Explore 會議,這是我們作為合併後的公司舉辦的第一次會議。

  • This event was all about promoting VMware Cloud Foundation, or VCF, which is the full software stack that virtualizes an entire data center and creates a private cloud environment on-prem for enterprises.

    這項活動旨在推廣 VMware Cloud Foundation(VCF),它是一個完整的軟體堆疊,可虛擬化整個資料中心並為企業創建本地私有雲環境。

  • The success of this strategy is reflected in our performance in fiscal Q3.


  • We booked more than 15 million CPU cores of VCF, representing over 80% of the total VMware products we booked during the quarter.

    我們預訂了超過 1500 萬個 VCF CPU 核心,占我們本季預訂的 VMware 產品總數的 80% 以上。

  • And this translates into an annualized booking value, or ABV as I had described before, of $2.5 billion during Q3, up 32% from the preceding quarter.

    這意味著第三季的年化預訂價值(ABV)為 25 億美元,比上一季成長 32%。

  • Meanwhile, we continue to drive down costs in VMware.

    同時,我們持續降低 VMware 成本。

  • We brought VMware spending down to $1.3 million in Q3 from $1.6 million in Q2.

    我們將 VMware 支出從第二季的 160 萬美元降至第三季的 130 萬美元。

  • And when we acquired VMware, our target was to deliver adjusted EBITDA of $8.5 billion within three years of the acquisition.

    當我們收購 VMware 時,我們的目標是在收購後三年內實現調整後 EBITDA 達到 85 億美元。

  • We are well on the path to achieving or even exceeding this EBITDA goal in the next fiscal '25.

    我們正在順利實現,甚至在下一財年超過 25 財年的 EBITDA 目標。

  • Now turning to semiconductors.


  • In networking, Q3 revenue of $4 billion grew 43% year on year, representing 55% of semiconductor revenue.


  • This was again driven by strong demand from hyperscalers for both AI networking and our custom AI accelerators.


  • As you know, our hyperscale customers continue to scale up and scale out their AI clusters.


  • Custom AI accelerators grew 3.5 times year on year.


  • In the fabric, Ethernet switching, driven by Tomahawk 5 and Jericho3-AI grew over 4 times year on year, while our optical lasers and PIN diodes used in optical interconnects grew three-fold.

    在結構中,由Tomahawk 5和Jericho3-AI驅動的以太網交換同比增長超過4倍,而我們用於光學互連的光學激光器和PIN二極管增長了三倍。

  • Meanwhile, PCI Express Switches more than doubled, and we're shipping in volume our industry-leading 5-nanometer, 400-gigabit per second NICs and 800-gigabit per second DSPs.

    同時,PCI Express 交換器數量增加了一倍以上,我們正​​在批量出貨業界領先的 5 奈米、每秒 400 吉比特的 NIC 和每秒 800 吉比特的 DSP。

  • So now let me give you more color on our networking products which are not used in AI.


  • As we had indicated last quarter, we believe we hit bottom in Q2.


  • And in Q3, non-AI networking was up actually 17% sequentially even as it was down 41% year on year.

    在第三季度,非人工智慧網路實際上環比增長了 17%,儘管同比下降了 41%。

  • We expect this level of revenue to sustain in Q4 and the year-on-year decline to moderate to 30%.

    我們預計第四季營收將維持這一水平,年減幅將放緩至 30%。

  • So in adding the strength we continue to see in AI, we expect total networking revenue to grow over 40% year on year in Q4.

    因此,隨著我們在人工智慧領域繼續看到的優勢,我們預計第四季度網路總收入將年增超過 40%。

  • Across enterprise infrastructure, we see the same trend of recovery in server storage.


  • Our Q3 server storage connectivity revenue was $861 million, up 5% sequentially and down 25% year on year.

    我們第三季的伺服器儲存連線營收為 8.61 億美元,季增 5%,年減 25%。

  • In Q4, we expect server storage revenue to grow mid- to high-single-digit percent sequentially even as revenue is expected to be down high-single-digit percent year on year.


  • Moving on to wireless.


  • Q3 wireless revenue of $1.7 billion grew 1% year on year, representing 23% of semiconductor revenue.

    第三季無線營收為 17 億美元,年增 1%,佔半導體營收的 23%。

  • And in Q4, reflecting the launch of next-generation devices and our North American customers, we expect wireless revenue to actually grow over 20% sequentially even as it will be relatively flat year on year.

    第四季度,隨著下一代設備的推出和北美客戶的推出,我們預計無線收入實際上將環比增長 20% 以上,儘管同比相對持平。

  • On to broadband, Q3 revenue declined 49% year on year to $557 million, [and] represented 8% of semiconductor revenue.

    在寬頻方面,第三季營收年減 49% 至 5.57 億美元,佔半導體營收的 8%。

  • Broadband remains weak on a continued pause in telco and service provider spending.


  • And in Q4, we expect broadband to continue to be down over 40% year on year, but we do expect that recovery to begin in '25.

    在第四季度,我們預計寬頻將繼續同比下降 40% 以上,但我們確實預計復甦將於 20 年開始。

  • Finally, Q3 industrial resales of $164 million declined 31% year on year.

    最後,第三季工業轉售額為 1.64 億美元,年減 31%。

  • We believe we are approaching bottom in Q3 as Q4 resales are expected to recover sequentially.


  • Year on year, Q4 industrial resales will still be down approximately 20%.


  • In summary, here are the trends we are seeing in semiconductors.


  • In aggregate, we have reached bottom in our non-AI markets, and we're expecting a recovery in Q4.


  • AI demand remains strong and we expect, in Q4, AI revenue to grow sequentially 10% to over $3.5 billion.

    AI 需求依然強勁,我們預計第四季 AI 營收將季增 10%,達到 35 億美元以上。

  • This will translate to AI revenue of $12 billion for fiscal '24, up from our prior guidance of over $11 billion.

    這將意味著 24 財年的人工智慧收入將達到 120 億美元,高於我們先前超過 110 億美元的預期。

  • Putting it all together with software, here's our forecast for Q4.


  • We expect Q4 semiconductor revenue of approximately $8 billion, up 9% year on year.

    我們預計第四季半導體營收約 80 億美元,年增 9%。

  • For infrastructure software, we expect revenue to be about $6 billion.

    對於基礎設施軟體,我們預計收入約為 60 億美元。

  • So we are guiding Q4 consolidated revenue to be approximately $14 billion, which is up 51% year on year.

    因此,我們預計第四季度合併收入約為 140 億美元,年增 51%。

  • We also expect this will drive Q4 consolidated adjusted EBITDA to achieve approximately 64% of revenue.

    我們也預計這將推動第四季度綜合調整後 EBITDA 達到營收的約 64%。

  • This Q4 guidance would imply we are raising the outlook for our fiscal 2024 revenue to $51.5 billion and adjusted EBITDA for the year to

    該第四季指引意味著我們將 2024 財年營收前景提高至 515 億美元,並將本年度調整後的 EBITDA 提高至

  • [61.5%].


  • And with that, let me turn the call over to Kirsten.


  • Kirsten Spears - Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer

    Kirsten Spears - Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer

  • Thank you, Hock.


  • Let me now provide additional detail on our Q3 financial performance.


  • Consolidated revenue was $13.1 billion for the quarter, up 47% from a year ago.

    該季度綜合營收為 131 億美元,比去年同期成長 47%。

  • Excluding the contribution from VMware, Q3 revenue increased 4% year on year.


  • Gross margins were 77.4% of revenue in the quarter.

    該季度毛利率佔營收的 77.4%。

  • R&D was $1.5 billion, and consolidated operating expenses were $2.2 billion, up year on year primarily due to the consolidation of VMware.

    研發費用為 15 億美元,綜合營運費用為 22 億美元,年成長主要是由於 VMware 的合併。

  • Q3 operating income was $7.9 billion and was up 44% from a year ago, with operating margin at 61% of revenue.

    第三季營業收入為 79 億美元,年增 44%,營業利益率為營收的 61%。

  • Excluding transition costs, operating profit of $8 billion was up 45% from a year ago with operating margin of 62% of revenue.

    不計轉型成本,營業利潤為 80 億美元,比去年同期成長 45%,營業利益率為營收的 62%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA was $8.2 billion or 63% of revenue.

    調整後 EBITDA 為 82 億美元,佔營收的 63%。

  • This figure excludes $149 million of depreciation.

    該數字不包括 1.49 億美元的折舊。

  • Now a review of the P&L for our two segments, starting with semis.


  • Revenue for our semiconductor solutions segment was $7.3 billion and represented 56% of total revenue in the quarter.

    我們的半導體解決方案部門的收入為 73 億美元,佔本季總收入的 56%。

  • This was up 5% year on year.

    這一數字年增了 5%。

  • Gross margins for our semiconductor solutions segment were approximately 68%, down 270 basis points year on year, driven primarily by a higher mix of custom AI accelerators.

    我們的半導體解決方案部門的毛利率約為 68%,較去年同期下降 270 個基點,這主要是由於客製化 AI 加速器組合的增加所致。

  • Operating expenses increased 11% year on year to $881 million on increased investment in R&D, resulting in semiconductor operating margins of 56%.

    由於研發投資增加,營運費用年增 11% 至 8.81 億美元,導致半導體營運利潤率達到 56%。

  • Now moving on to infrastructure software.


  • Revenue for infrastructure software was $5.8 billion, up 200% year on year primarily due to the contribution of VMware and represented 44% of revenue.


  • Gross margins for infrastructure software were 90% in the quarter, and operating expenses were $1.3 billion in the quarter, resulting in infrastructure software operating margin of 67%.

    該季度基礎設施軟體毛利率為 90%,該季度營運費用為 13 億美元,基礎設施軟體營運利潤率率為 67%。

  • Excluding transition costs, operating margin was 69%.

    不計轉型成本,營業利益率為 69%。

  • Moving on to cash flow.


  • Free cash flow in the quarter was $4.8 billion and represented 37% of revenues.

    本季自由現金流為 48 億美元,佔營收的 37%。

  • Excluding cash used for restructuring and integration of $529 million, free cash flows of $5.3 billion were up 14% year on year and represented 41% of revenue.

    不包括用於重組和整合的現金 5.29 億美元,自由現金流為 53 億美元,年增 14%,佔營收的 41%。

  • Free cash flow as a percentage of revenue has declined from the same quarter a year ago due to higher cash interest expense from debt related to the VMware acquisition and higher cash taxes due to a higher mix of US income and the continued delay in the reenactment of Section 174.

    自由現金流佔收入的百分比較上年同期有所下降,原因是與 VMware 收購相關的債務帶來的現金利息支出增加,以及美國收入組合增加以及重新制定法律的持續延遲導致現金稅增加。條。

  • We spent $172 million on capital expenditures.

    我們在資本支出上花了 1.72 億美元。

  • Days sales outstanding were 32 days in the quarter, in line with the year ago.

    本季應收帳款天數為 32 天,與去年同期持平。

  • We ended the third quarter with inventory of $1.9 billion, up 3% sequentially.

    第三季末,我們的庫存為 19 億美元,季增 3%。

  • Note that we continue to remain disciplined on how we manage inventory across the ecosystem.


  • We ended the third quarter with $10 billion of cash and $72.3 billion of gross principal debt.

    第三季末,我們擁有 100 億美元現金和 723 億美元總本金債務。

  • During the quarter, we replaced $5 billion of floating rate notes with new fixed senior notes.

    本季度,我們用新的固定優先票據取代了 50 億美元的浮動利率票據。

  • We used the proceeds from the completed sale of VMware's end-user computing business to KKR, and cash on hand to reduce floating rate debt by an additional $4.2 billion.

    我們利用完成向 KKR 出售 VMware 最終用戶計算業務的收益以及手頭現金,將浮動利率債務額外減少了 42 億美元。

  • Following these actions, the weighted average coupon rate and years to maturity of our $53 billion in fixed rate debt is 3.6% and 7.7 years, respectively.

    採取這些行動後,我們 530 億美元固定利率債務的加權平均票面利率和到期年限分別為 3.6% 和 7.7 年。

  • The weighted average coupon rate and years to maturity of our $19 billion in floating rate debt is 6.7% and 3.1 years, respectively.

    我們 190 億美元浮動利率債務的加權平均票面利率和到期年限分別為 6.7% 和 3.1 年。

  • We expect to repay approximately $1.9 billion of fixed rate senior notes due in Q4.

    我們預計將償還第四季到期的約 19 億美元固定利率優先票據。

  • Turning to capital allocation.


  • In Q3, we paid stockholders $2.5 billion of cash dividends, which based on a split-adjusted quarterly common stock count, represented a cash dividend of $0.525 per share.

    第三季度,我們向股東支付了 25 億美元的現金股息,根據分割調整後的季度普通股數量計算,每股現金股息為 0.525 美元。

  • For Q4, we are rounding up the quarterly cash dividend to $0.53 per share.

    對於第四季度,我們將季度現金股利四捨五入至每股 0.53 美元。

  • In Q3, the split-adjusted non-GAAP diluted share count was 4.92 billion, in line with expectations.

    第三季度,經拆股調整後的非 GAAP 攤薄股數為 49.2 億股,符合預期。

  • We paid $1.4 billion of withholding taxes due on vesting of employee equity, resulting in the elimination of 8.4 million AVGO shares.

    我們支付了 14 億美元的員工股權歸屬預扣稅,消除了 840 萬股 A​​VGO 股票。

  • In Q4, we expect the non-GAAP diluted share count to be approximately 4.91 billion shares.

    第四季度,我們預計非 GAAP 攤薄後股數約為 49.1 億股。

  • Now on to guidance.


  • Our guidance for Q4 is for consolidated revenue of $14 billion and adjusted EBITDA of approximately 64%.

    我們對第四季的指引是綜合營收為 140 億美元,調整後 EBITDA 約為 64%。

  • For modeling purposes, we expect consolidated gross margins to be down approximately 100 basis points sequentially on the higher revenue mix of semiconductors and product mix within semiconductors.

    出於建模目的,我們預計,由於半導體收入組合和半導體內部產品組合的增加,綜合毛利率將連續下降約 100 個基點。

  • GAAP net income and cash flows in Q4 are impacted by higher taxes, restructuring, and integration-related cash costs due to the VMware acquisition.

    第四季的 GAAP 淨利潤和現金流量受到因收購 VMware 而導致的更高稅收、重組和整合相關現金成本的影響。

  • As Hock just discussed, we are resuming quarterly revenue and adjusted EBITDA guidance for fiscal 2025 as fiscal year '24 has been a transition and integration year following the VMware deal close.

    正如霍克剛剛討論的那樣,我們將恢復 2025 財年的季度收入和調整後的 EBITDA 指導,因為 24 財年是 VMware 交易完成後的過渡和整合年。

  • That concludes my prepared remarks.


  • Operator, please open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Vivek Arya, Bank of America.

    維韋克·阿里亞 (Vivek Arya),美國銀行。

  • Vivek Arya - Analyst

    Vivek Arya - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Just a clarification, Hock, and then the question.


  • So I think AI revenue roughly $3.1 billion-ish in Q3, flattish sequentially.

    因此,我認為第三季人工智慧營收約為 31 億美元左右,與上一季持平。

  • What was the mix in terms of compute versus networking?


  • And the $3.5 billion for Q4, what do you see as that mix?

    第四季的 35 億美元,您認為這個組合是什麼?

  • And then as we get into fiscal '25, I realize you're not guiding overall AI, but just how is your general kind of confidence and visibility?

    然後,當我們進入 25 財年時,我意識到您並沒有指導整體人工智慧,但您的整體信心和知名度如何?

  • Do you think that Broadcom can kind of grow in line or better than the overall AI silicon industry in fiscal '25?

    您認為博通在 25 財年的成長是否能夠與整個人工智慧晶片產業保持一致或更好?

  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes.


  • Well, as we indicated in the last earnings call, for this past quarter, I think we're talking about two-thirds in compute and one-third in networking.


  • And we kind of expect Q4 to run the similar trend.


  • And as far to answer your second part, no, we don't guide yet for fiscal '25, but we do expect fiscal '25 to continue to be strong -- to show strong growth on our AI revenue.

    至於回答你的第二部分,不,我們還沒有對 25 財年進行指導,但我們確實預計 25 財年將繼續強勁——以顯示我們的人工智慧收入的強勁增長。

  • Operator


  • William Stein, Truist Securities.

    威廉斯坦,Truist 證券公司。

  • William Stein - Analyst

    William Stein - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Hock, one of the things that we've picked up from both suppliers and the broader ecosystem in AI, I think we heard this from NVIDIA as well, that there was a shift in their revenue in the quarter, somewhat away from cloud service providers towards enterprise.

    Hock,我們從供應商和更廣泛的人工智慧生態系統中得到的資訊之一,我想我們也從NVIDIA 那裡聽到了這一點,他們本季度的收入發生了變化,在某種程度上偏離了雲服務提供者走向企業。

  • And I wondered if that might potentially have a slowing effect on your revenue outlook in this end market because your participation is really pretty focused on the cloud customers.


  • I wonder if you're seeing that, if you view it as a challenge or maybe you have a contrary view.


  • Thank you.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay.


  • Well, it's an interesting question in terms of the shift.


  • But see, we do not focus very much on enterprise AI market as you know, Will.


  • Our products in AI are largely -- very much largely focused, especially on the AI accelerator or XPU side but even -- also just as much on networking side, on hyperscalers, on cloud -- those three large platform and some digital natives, what you call big guys.


  • We don't deal very much on AI with enterprise.


  • So we obviously don't see that trend.


  • Operator


  • Ross Seymore, Deutsche Bank.


  • Ross Seymore - Analyst

    Ross Seymore - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • I wanted to pivot over to the software side of things.


  • Hock, it seems like, obviously, the VMware business had a great fiscal third quarter.

    霍克,顯然,VMware 業務的第三季財報表現出色。

  • It seems like the classic Broadcom software fell off.


  • So I guess the two-part question is, what happened in the classic Broadcom side of things to create that volatility?


  • And are we now kind of reaching that $4 billion base in the fourth quarter that you talked about with VMware?

    我們現在是否可以在第四季達到您與 VMware 談論的 40 億美元的目標?

  • And if so, what are the puts and takes in the growth rate as we look into the future on that business?


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, as far as we indicated, the VMware business continues to book very well as we convert our customers very much in two ways, one from perpetual to a subscription license but also those subscription license for the full stack of VCF.

    嗯,據我們表示,VMware 業務的預訂情況繼續良好,因為我們透過兩種方式將客戶轉化為大量客戶,一種是從永久許可證轉換為訂閱許可證,另一種是VCF 完整堆疊的訂閱許可證。

  • And that has been very successful, as I indicated, given the high ratio of VCF subscribers and new subscribers that we have achieved.

    正如我所指出的,鑑於我們已經實現了很高的 VCF 訂戶和新訂戶比例,這一舉措非常成功。

  • And we see this trend continuing in Q4 very much so and also very likely through into '25.

    我們看到這種趨勢在第四季度持續存在,並且很可能持續到 25 年。

  • So in terms of directional trend, other than the indication I'm giving -- than the guidance I'm giving you in Q4 '24, directionally, we continue to see accelerated bookings and, by extension, accelerated growth.

    因此,就方向趨勢而言,除了我給出的指示之外,除了我在 24 年第四季度向您提供的指導之外,從方向上看,我們繼續看到預訂加速,進而加速成長。

  • Operator


  • Stacy Rasgon, Bernstein.


  • Stacy Rasgon - Analyst

    Stacy Rasgon - Analyst

  • Hi, guys.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • I have two short ones, one on each segment.


  • So on semis, the non-AI networking is like more than 50% below where it was running before it rolled off.

    因此,在半決賽中,非 AI 網路的效能比發布前的運行速度低了 50% 以上。

  • And clearly, the other businesses are also way below their peaks.


  • Is there any reason why those shouldn't -- and this is just cyclical or is there something else going on?


  • Is there any reason why those shouldn't get back to prior levels once recovery happens?


  • And then on the on the software side, so the non-VMware pieces looks like it's back to that 2 billion-ish a quarter level or so that it was at before.

    然後在軟體方面,非 VMware 部分看起來又回到了每季 20 億左右的水平,或之前的水平。

  • Is that just Brocade falling off?


  • And is this sort of 2 billion-ish a quarter -- is that bottomed as well?

    這是每季約 20 億的數字嗎?

  • Is that the right level, we ought to be thinking about the growth after the non-VMware software business as we go forward from here?


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • On the semi side, the answer is very simple.


  • We have -- as you all know, we've gone through your typical down cycle of semiconductors.


  • And I'm referring particularly to non-AI, and we have talked about that before many times.


  • We've gone through a down cycle -- and as the ecosystem as many of our customers, but the broad ecosystems work on an adjustment in inventory levels at all stages in the supply chain.


  • And we're not totally -- we are not immune from it, obviously, as we try to insulate ourselves from it as much as possible.


  • We've gone through it and the signs -- the indications we have seen very clearly is we have, in fact, passed through the bottom.


  • The best indicator is the bookings we are receiving.


  • In non-AI, our bookings in Q3 of non-AI semiconductor demand is up 20%.

    在非人工智慧領域,我們第三季的非人工智慧半導體需求預訂量增加了 20%。

  • And so also this -- we are well on the way to recovery.


  • Now by end markets, as I indicated, the level of the amount of recovery, the timing of recovery somewhat varies.


  • But we're seeing largely on enterprise, enterprise data center, enterprise IT spending, we've passed the bottom.

    但我們主要看到企業、企業資料中心、企業 IT 支出已經觸底。

  • And Q3 was, in fact, sequentially, a recovery from the bottom of, we believe Q2 or Q1 this fiscal year.


  • And we'll see Q4 continuing that recovery and obviously, in our view, into '25 in terms of the cycle.

    我們將看到第四季度繼續復甦,我們認為,就週期而言,顯然會進入 25 年。

  • Broadband, we are not seeing it yet in terms of the bottom, but we see that as close to bottom in the sense that here again, bookings are up from where it used to be.


  • And so we are very clear in thinking that broadly, we have, as a whole, non-AI semiconductors.


  • We've gone through the down cycle; it is on an uptick.


  • And like all previous cycles, my sense, Stacy, is we will get us back to the level we used to be.


  • There's no reason at all why it doesn't and given the rate of bookings, it will go.


  • I daresay -- even put a thought in your mind that as AI permeates enterprises all across and digital natives, you need to upgrade servers.


  • You need to upgrade storage.


  • You need to upgrade networking, connectivity across the entire ecosystem.


  • And if anything else, we are -- we could be headed for up cycle -- timing precisely when, we're not sure -- but an up cycle, that could even meet or even surpass what our previous up cycles would be, simply because the amount of bandwidth you need, the amount -- to manage, store, manage all these workloads that come out of AI would just need to refresh and upgrade hardware.

    如果有其他的話,我們 - 我們可能會進入上升週期 - 確切的時間,我們不確定 - 但一個上升週期,甚至可能達到甚至超過我們之前的上升週期,簡單地說因為你需要的頻寬量,管理、儲存、管理人工智慧產生的所有這些工作負載只需要更新和升級硬體。

  • So that's my two cents' worth on where we're headed from this down cycle.


  • So my belief in '24 was the lowest point for the uptick.

    所以我認為 24 年是上漲的最低點。

  • That's part of the reasons we are stating it very clearly here.


  • On the software side, your question, no, I think we have reached a level of stability that puts and takes -- Brocade as one of those that goes up and down, very volatile, and that's largely it.


  • But on the non-VMware revenue, on software revenue, I think we've reached a level of very clear stability.

    但就非 VMware 收入、軟體收入而言,我認為我們已經達到了非常明顯的穩定性水準。

  • And what we are looking towards more is how VMware picks up over the next several -- 1 year, 1.5 years.

    我們更期待的是 VMware 在接下來的幾年(1 年、1.5 年)中將如何發展。

  • Operator


  • Ben Reitzes, Melius Research.

    本‧雷茨 (Ben Reitzes),Melius 研究中心。

  • Ben Reitzes - Analyst

    Ben Reitzes - Analyst

  • Hey.


  • Thanks a lot for the question.


  • Hock, I wanted to ask you about semiconductors, your AI revenue, if you could just clarify some of your comments.


  • Was the third quarter 3.1-sh in line with your expectations and it was anything weaker than expected?

    第三季 3.1-sh 是否符合您的預期,是否低於預期?

  • And then with the sequential growth, the 3.5, where are you expecting that to come from?

    然後隨著連續增長,即 3.5,您預計它會從哪裡來?

  • And then if you don't mind, you said next year AI revenue should grow quite a bit.


  • I was just wondering if that was due to any additional customers within your hyperscaler and consumer Internet portfolio.


  • Thanks.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, our number in third quarter is pretty much in line what we expect AI revenue to be.


  • And our revenue in Q4 was -- forecast for Q4 is what is giving us the basis to a large extent to step up our guidance for AI revenue for the full year to over $12 billion.

    我們第四季的收入是——第四季度的預測在很大程度上為我們將全年人工智慧收入指引提高到超過 120 億美元奠定了基礎。

  • So if nothing else, that continues to indicate, I hope to us, that next year, the trend will continue to be strong.


  • And again, it's all largely hyperscalers, cloud, and digital natives.


  • And it's, again, a mix of AI accelerators and networking.


  • And it's also largely based on backlog we have in place for that.


  • Beyond that -- and it shows the growth.


  • Beyond that, no, we're not guiding you beyond the backlog we have.


  • So I kind of answer your question indirectly on, do I have any more customers; we shall see.


  • Operator


  • Karl Ackerman, BNP Paribas.


  • Karl Ackerman - Analyst

    Karl Ackerman - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Curious and I was hoping you could speak to the relocation of IP back to the US that is causing a $4.5 billion tax liability.

    我很好奇,我希望您能談談知識產權遷回美國導致 45 億美元納稅義務的情況。

  • Historically, Broadcom has redomiciled ahead of a pending transaction, and I'm getting questions from investors if this action may relate to any asset sales as the company seeks to pay down debt.


  • So if you could clarify that, that would be helpful.


  • Kirsten Spears - Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer

    Kirsten Spears - Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No, it was just the timing of when we chose to do it this time.


  • And no, it doesn't have anything to do with that.


  • It's just we relocated the IP, and that caused the $4 billion charge.

    只是我們重新定位了 IP,才導致了 40 億美元的費用。

  • The offset to that is a deferred tax liability, so think of that as non-cash, very little cash impact to that.


  • Operator


  • Timothy Arcuri, UBS.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Hock, I wanted to ask about the growth rate in your AI revenue versus what we're seeing on the GPU side.

    Hock,我想問你們的 AI 收入成長率與我們在 GPU 方面看到的成長率相比。

  • Your AI revenue grew in the same zip code this year is what the GPU compute is growing.

    今年,您的 AI 收入在相同的郵遞區號中成長,而 GPU 運算的成長也是如此。

  • And you did say that it would be up next year, but your main customer's ramping a new version of their custom ASIC next year, and there's some thought that they might shift some of their purchasing back to GPUs next year.

    您確實說過明年會增加,但您的主要客戶明年將推出新版本的客製化 ASIC,有人認為他們明年可能會將部分採購轉移回 GPU。

  • So do you think that the growth of your AI revenue should still approximately track how much GPU compute is going to grow next year?

    那麼,您是否認為 AI 收入的成長仍應大致追蹤明年 GPU 運算的成長量?

  • If you can give us any qualitative or quantitative thoughts there, that would be great.


  • Thank you.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hey, Tim.


  • I think we had some communication gaps here.


  • Could you repeat the question?


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • So the question, Hock, really is around the growth rate of your AI revenue versus what we're seeing on the GPU side because this year, you grew about the same as what GPU compute's growing.

    因此,Hock,問題實際上是圍繞 AI 收入的成長率與我們在 GPU 方面看到的成長率進行比較,因為今年,您的成長與 GPU 運算的成長大致相同。

  • And the question is, is there anything happening next year that would change that equation so that your growth rate of your AI revenue would be materially different than what GPU compute is growing next year?

    問題是,明年是否會發生任何事情會改變這個等式,從而使您的 AI 收入成長率與明年 GPU 運算的成長率有很大不同?

  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • That's a very difficult question for me to answer because it comes in two parts, right?


  • In terms of GPU growth, you should ask the guys who does merchant GPU or GPU which is obviously, NVIDIA and

    就 GPU 成長而言,你應該問做商業 GPU 或 GPU 的人,顯然是 NVIDIA 和

  • [AFD].


  • And I don't see -- I don't play in the enterprise market at all.


  • See, that's part of the market I don't see.


  • Having said that, they do both play somewhat in the hyperscalers, where I'm totally focused on doing.


  • So that's really very -- there's really no connection one with the other, that is, it's indirect.


  • But enough suffice for me to say long term -- I'm saying actually and thoughtfully, long term, the large hyperscalers, few and large hyperscalers with very large platforms, huge consumer platform subscriber base have the entire model predicated on running a lot of large language models, a lot of AI requirements, workloads out there.


  • And it will drive as a matter of time, towards creating as much as possible their own compute silicon, their own custom accelerators as a matter of time.


  • And we are in the midst of seeing that transition, which may take several -- a few years for that to happen.


  • So that is on a different trajectory, a different path, and I'm in that path of doing this, enabling custom accelerators.


  • I'm in that path.


  • I'm not in a path of, in the meantime, a different trajectory of enabling enterprises to do AI on their own workloads.


  • That's more the merchant guys.


  • Some of the merchant guys obviously also in the hyperscaler today, but there's a process, obviously, of a transition going on.


  • So one doesn't really connect with the other theme in that regard.


  • But I would likely say obviously, as the transition occurs, we have a good tailwind in the business model we have of providing accelerators and networking to the AI data centers of those large hyperscalers.


  • Operator


  • Harsh Kumar, Piper Sandler.


  • Harsh Kumar - Analyst

    Harsh Kumar - Analyst

  • Yeah, Hock, I was curious about the profitability of VMware.

    是的,Hock,我對 VMware 的獲利能力很好奇。

  • Historically, your software businesses have had operating margins greater than 70%.

    從歷史上看,您的軟體業務的營業利潤率超過 70%。

  • VMware, I know, is newer, and you're doing things a little different.

    我知道,VMware 比較新,而且你們做的事情有點不同。

  • You're keeping more customers than you historically have kept.


  • But I was curious if you see a similar profile as the rest of your software businesses for VMware after you're done with all the cuts and everything.

    但我很好奇,在完成所有削減和所有工作後,您是否會看到與 VMware 的其他軟體業務類似的概況。

  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I'll let you draw your own conclusion, Harsh, but I was -- the pain is to lay out as you probably heard.


  • In Q3, our revenue from VMware was $3.8 billion and our operating expenses is $1.3 billion.

    第三季度,我們來自 VMware 的營收為 38 億美元,營運費用為 13 億美元。

  • And you can pretty quickly figure out where we're headed in terms of operating margin and, as I indicated, EBITDA margin.

    您可以很快弄清楚我們在營業利潤率以及 EBITDA 利潤率方面的發展方向。

  • And Q4, we'll continue the trajectory of revenue continuing to grow and expenses starting -- still dropping even as it starts to stabilize but continue to reduce.


  • Operator


  • CJ Muse, Cantor Fitzgerald.

    CJ 繆斯、坎托·費茲傑拉。

  • CJ Muse - Analyst

    CJ Muse - Analyst

  • Yeah, good afternoon.


  • Thank you for taking the question.


  • I wanted to focus on software gross margin.


  • So when you closed the acquisition of VMware, we ticked lower from low 90s to kind of high 80s.

    因此,當您完成對 VMware 的收購時,我們的股價從 90 年代的低點降至 80 年代的高點。

  • And we're now pushing a bit higher into July.

    我們現在將價格推高一點,進入 7 月。

  • And curious, as we kind of get to that $4 billion threshold, and you've kind of indicated higher in fiscal '25, how should we think about the gross margin trajectory overall for software?

    好奇的是,當我們達到 40 億美元的門檻,而您在 25 財年表示更高的門檻時,我們應該如何考慮軟體的整體毛利率軌跡?

  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, it's, for us, software gross margin is actually -- to be direct, it's not that relevant.


  • You know that, right?


  • So unless I'm running SaaS, big time.

    因此,除非我運行 SaaS,否則的話。

  • Now a lot of our products on subscription but they're not SaaS.

    現在我們的許多產品都是訂閱的,但它們不是 SaaS。

  • We have some products on SaaS cloud-based, but most of them are not.


  • And our gross margin will be around 90%, at least.


  • Operator


  • Chris Casey, Wolfe Research.


  • Chris Caso - Analyst

    Chris Caso - Analyst

  • Yeah, thank you.


  • Good evening.


  • I wonder if you could speak to the custom AI revenue and perhaps the contribution from some of the other customers aside from that largest customer.


  • How meaningful are the other customers in that segment?


  • And what do you expect into next year as some of those newer projects start to ramp?


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I know we're dancing around the thing.


  • As I indicated, we have three customers now going on, and all three of them are meaningful.


  • Otherwise, we won't call them customers as the criteria we've used.


  • Until we get meaningful shipments out to them on AI accelerators, we do not really consider that as a customer.


  • Simply because it's a new -- this is an emerging trend.


  • It's not an easy product to deploy for any customer.


  • And so we do not consider proof of concepts as production volume.


  • These are all production accelerators deployed in AI data centers of those three customers.


  • Operator


  • Christopher Rolland, Susquehanna.


  • Christopher Rolland - Analyst

    Christopher Rolland - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • My question is actually on storage.


  • And Hock, you bought Seagate's hard disk drive SoC assets earlier in the year.

    Hock,您在今年早些時候購買了希捷的硬碟 SoC 資產。

  • Can you talk about what you actually bought there, what it means in terms of economics for your company, and whether this accelerates your storage business over the next few years?


  • Thanks.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, this is more of a partnership than anything else.


  • Basically, what we essentially created in that transaction was to begin with, we actually believe long term in the sustainability of hard disk drives media as a great long-term sustainable storage -- alternative or storage medium for those hyperscalers.


  • It makes sense.


  • One lighting, eventually, everything goes to flash -- don't think so.


  • Hard disk drive storage, it will still be meaningful.


  • And the technology, which is most interesting for us, has a lot of ways to go as hard disk drives goes on to -- from where it is today, which is 22, 23, 24 terabytes to going to 30, 40, and even 50 terabytes.

    對於我們來說最有趣的技術,隨著硬碟的發展,還有很長的路要走——從今天的 22、23、24 TB 到 30、40,甚至50 TB。

  • A lot of technology along the way and a lot of that resides in silicon.


  • So what we're doing, in effect, is a collaboration more than anything else, though it's structured, obviously, as a purchase of intellectual property.


  • But we're also taking engineers, designers, combining it with the designers we have and basically enabling Seagate and eventually the entire industry to continue a road map that goes towards 50 terabytes.

    但我們也招募了工程師、設計師,將其與我們現有的設計師相結合,基本上使希捷乃至整個行業能夠繼續邁向 50 TB 的路線圖。

  • That's our ambition.


  • That's our vision, and to be able to do that within five years or less.


  • So that's pretty much what it is.


  • It's a statement of our belief that hard disk drives, nearline hard disk drive storage will sustain very well over the next five years, if not longer.


  • Operator


  • Aaron Rakers, Wells Fargo.


  • Aaron Rakers - Analyst

    Aaron Rakers - Analyst

  • Yeah, thanks for taking the question.


  • Kind of thinking strategically as we look forward ahead to NVIDIA's Blackwell product cycle.

    當我們展望 NVIDIA Blackwell 產品週期時,這是一種策略性思考。

  • There's been some indications that possibly Broadcom has an opportunity to participate more deeply in the optical side of that product platform from NVIDIA.

    有一些跡象表明,Broadcom 可能有機會更深入參與 NVIDIA 此產品平台的光學方面。

  • I'm curious, do you see that as an opportunity relative to prior generations of NVIDIA just to deepen a participation or just to participate in general in kind of the areas of DSPs and maybe other things related to the Blackwell cycle from NVIDIA?

    我很好奇,與前幾代 NVIDIA 相比,您是否認為這是一個加深參與或只是全面參與 DSP 領域以及與 NVIDIA Blackwell 週期相關的其他領域的機會?

  • Thank you.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • That's an interesting question, and I've got simple answer.


  • I'm not really participating in NVIDIA road map.

    我並沒有真正參與 NVIDIA 路線圖。

  • I'm really not directly in that kind of market, in that kind of product road map.


  • That's NVIDIA product road map in terms of Blackwell.

    這就是 Blackwell 方面的 NVIDIA 產品路線圖。

  • Impressive product, on the way to coming out.


  • Now in terms of base technology we developed, of course, it could be used, it could be applied.


  • And we are very happy to share that with -- as it may be useful to get -- to enable Blackwell to be part of that, whether it's on the optical component side, which is what you're referring to or even on the DSP side, in terms of providing the interconnects to enable clusters of Blackwell to be built.

    我們非常高興與您分享這一點,因為這可能很有用,使 Blackwell 能夠參與其中,無論是在光學組件方面(即您所指的)還是在 DSP 方面一方面,提供互連以建立 Blackwell 集群。

  • That's as far as our engagement in that.


  • We're happy to be part of that ecosystem as I said.


  • But directly, we're not in that market as you know.


  • Operator


  • Joe Moore, Morgan Stanley.


  • Joe Moore - Analyst

    Joe Moore - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • I wonder, Hock, if you could talk about your thoughts on further M&A.


  • Is that still on your radar down the road?


  • And if you did, would it be still software-focused or any possibility of semiconductors becoming interesting to you again?


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Joe, that's a beautiful question.


  • I'm telling this bluntly, so don't get disappointed.


  • Right now, I'm having my hands really full and enjoying myself doing it on really turning, transforming the business model of VMware.

    現在,我正忙得不可開交,並且享受著真正改變 VMware 業務模式的過程。

  • It's a great experience and you're feeling great about it when you do -- and when you're doing it pretty much running way beyond expectation as we indicated in that slide.


  • So no, I'm very focused on getting VMware continue -- as it continues to accelerate in getting private cloud deployed in the largest enterprises in the world.


  • And you know what, might another year, two years to go to make that transformation totally complete.


  • Operator


  • Harlan Sur, JPMorgan.


  • Harlan Sur - Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • Hock, last quarter, you talked about an acceleration in R&D investments by your AI customers, and you talked about your follow-on wins for their next-generation XPU ASIC programs.

    Hock,上個季度,您談到了 AI 客戶加速研發投資,並談到了他們的下一代 XPU ASIC 程式的後續勝利。

  • It also looks like they're trying to accelerate their deployments of their GPUs, XPUs, and networking into their data centers here in the second half of the year.

    他們似乎也試圖在今年下半年加快 GPU、XPU 和網路在資料中心的部署。

  • We know that on AI accelerators specifically, supply is quite tight, given the co-ops packaging and the HBM memory constraints.

    我們知道,鑑於合作社封裝和 HBM 記憶體限制,特別是在 AI 加速器上,供應相當緊張。

  • So has the team seen upside orders and demand for XPUs and networking here in the second half?

    那麼下半年,團隊是否看到了 XPU 和網路的訂單和需求上升?

  • Have you been able to meet that upside demand or is the team somewhat supply constrained?


  • I guess in other words, is the AI demand greater than your supply here in the second half of the year?


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • No, we are.


  • We continue to see some orders.


  • We continue to see upsides.


  • And you are right in the pattern of the behavior they're doing because, as you know, as our customers, these hyperscalers trying to deploy more and more capacity of AI data centers -- in AI data centers, and you start to hear them talk in terms of power.


  • They don't even talk in terms of how many XPU or GPU plus they found in there. 500 megawatt, 1 gigawatt was no chance but people dreaming that.

    他們甚至沒有透露在那裡發現了多少 XPU 或 GPU。 500兆瓦、1吉瓦雖然不可能,但人們都在夢想著。

  • So we are -- as they get this enable, we're getting full-ins, we're getting upsides.


  • And I expect that to happen a lot more in 2025.

    我預計這種情況在 2025 年會發生更多。

  • We're not putting that in any guidance or indication we're giving you.


  • But I told you what you say is exactly right on.


  • We do expect to see upside as we've been seeing recently.


  • We continue to see that probably going forward over the next 12 months, especially related to XPUs getting deployed and getting infrastructure available and rushing to deploy them.

    我們繼續看到這種情況可能會在未來 12 個月內發生,特別是與 XPU 的部署、基礎設施的可用以及急於部署它們相關。

  • We see quite a bit of that.


  • Harlan Sur - Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Analyst

  • Have you been able to meet that upside or are you somewhat limited by supply constraints?


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • We can meet those upsides.


  • Operator


  • Edward Snyder, Charter Equity Research.


  • Edward Snyder - Analyst

    Edward Snyder - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Hock, that was a perfect segue into my question.


  • You've said in the past calls that you thought that AI compute would move away from ASICs and go to merchant market.

    您在過去的電話中曾表示,您認為人工智慧運算將從 ASIC 轉向商業市場。

  • But it looks like the trend is kind of heading the other way.


  • Are you still the opinion that that's going to be the long-term trend of this?


  • And secondly, as you just pointed out, power is becoming the defining factor for deployment with all the big guys at this point.


  • And given the performance per watt of the ASICs over GPUs, which is superior to GPUs, why shouldn't we see more of these guys moving to custom ASICs?

    鑑於 ASIC 相對 GPU 的每瓦效能優於 GPU,為什麼我們不應該看到更多的人轉向自訂 ASIC?

  • I know it takes a long time, and it takes a lot of funding, et cetera.


  • But especially as the enterprise starts getting more involved with this, there are going to be some applications that are kind of standard across some of the enterprises -- wouldn't we even see some of the bigger -- like AWS, move to a custom silicon for a specific workload?


  • So basically, the overall trend in ASICs in AI.

    基本上,這是人工智慧領域 ASIC 的總體趨勢。

  • Thanks.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay.


  • Ed, did I hear you right to say at the beginning -- maybe I didn't -- that you meant that there is a trend towards ASIC or XPU from general purpose GPU, right?


  • Edward Snyder - Analyst

    Edward Snyder - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • You're right, and you're correct in pointing out to me that, hey, I used to think that general purpose merchant silicon will win at the end of the day.


  • Well, based on history of semiconductors mostly so far, general purpose merchant silicon tends to win.


  • But like you, I flipped in my view.


  • And I did that, by the way, last quarter, maybe even six months ago.


  • But nonetheless, catching up is good.


  • And I actually think so, because I actually think there are two markets here on AI accelerators.


  • There's one market for enterprises of the world, and none of these enterprises are incapable nor have the financial resources or interest to create the silicon -- the custom silicon, nor the large language models or the software and going maybe to be able to run those AI workloads on custom silicon.


  • It's too much, and there's no reason for them to do it, because it's just too expensive to do it.


  • But there are those few cloud guys, hyperscalers with the scale of the platform and the financial wherewithal for them to make it totally rational, economically rational, to create their own custom accelerators, because it's all -- right now, not going to -- not trying to emphasize it, it's all about compute engines.


  • It's all about especially training those large language models and enabling it on your platform.


  • It's all about constraint, to a large part, about GPUs.

    這在很大程度上與 GPU 的約束有關。

  • Seriously, it came to a point where GPUs are more important than engineers -- these hyperscalers in terms of how they think.

    說真的,GPU 已經比工程師更重要了——這些超大規模人員的思考方式。

  • Those GPUs are much more -- or XPUs are much more important.

    這些 GPU 更重要——或者說 XPU 更重要。

  • And if that's the case, what better thing to do than bring it under the control of their own destiny by creating your own custom silicon accelerators.


  • And that's what I'm seeing all of them do.


  • It's just doing it at different rates and do -- and they're starting at different times, but they all have started.


  • And obviously, it takes time to get there.


  • But they're all -- a lot of them, there are a lot of learning in the process versus what the biggest guy of them who has done longest have been doing for seven years.


  • Others are trying to catch up, and it takes time.


  • I'm not saying they'll take seven years.


  • I think they'll be accelerated, but it will still take some time step by the time to get there.


  • But those few hyperscalers platform guys will create their own if they haven't already done it and start to train them on their large language models.


  • And that is, yeah, you're right; they will on go in that direction totally into ASIC or, as we call it, XPUs, custom silicon.

    那就是,是的,你是對的;他們將朝著這個方向完全進入 ASIC,或者我們稱之為 XPU,定制晶片。

  • Meanwhile, there's still a market for in enterprise for merchant silicon.


  • Edward Snyder - Analyst

    Edward Snyder - Analyst

  • Right.


  • That basically suggests that you're on the early part of your curve where -- I'm not trying to call it GPUs whatever -- but you could be getting to something closer to the peak of the GPU market just because everything, right, beside the cost expense.

    這基本上表明你正處於曲線的早期部分——我不想稱之為 GPU——但你可能會接近 GPU 市場的頂峰,因為一切,對吧,除了成本費用之外。

  • And as you're spending all this money and you're paying all this money for power, the ASICs become more and more attractive.

    當你花費所有這些錢並為電力支付所有這些錢時,ASIC 變得越來越有吸引力。

  • So the curves are going to look different, right?


  • Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Hock Tan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It's an accelerating curve.


  • It may take longer than we all like it to happen but definitely accelerating, because the size of those -- and the size of the demand from those hyperscalers will totally rival that in the enterprise.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • And that is all the time we have for our question-and-answer session.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Ji Yoo for any closing remarks.

    我現在想將電話轉給 Ji Yoo,讓其發表結束語。

  • Ji Yoo - Head of Investor Relations

    Ji Yoo - Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, operator.


  • This quarter, Broadcom will be presenting at the Goldman Sachs Communacopia and Technology Conference on Wednesday, September 11 in San Francisco.

    本季度,Broadcom 將於 9 月 11 日星期三在舊金山舉行的高盛 Communacopia 和技術會議上發表演講。

  • Broadcom currently plans to report its earnings for the fourth quarter and fiscal year 2024 after the close of market on Thursday, December 12, 2024.

    博通目前計劃在 2024 年 12 月 12 日星期四收盤後公佈第四季和 2024 財年的收益。

  • A public webcast of Broadcom's earnings conference call will follow at 2:00 PM Pacific.

    Broadcom 收益電話會議的公開網路直播將於太平洋時間下午 2:00 進行。

  • That will conclude our earnings call today.


  • Thank you, all, for joining.


  • Operator, you may end the call.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's program.


  • Thank you all for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
