艾司摩爾 (ASML) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


ASML 召開新聞發布會討論其第四季度和 2024 年全年業績,強調創紀錄的銷售和強勁的業績。他們強調人工智慧在推動半導體產業成長方面的重要性,並討論了他們對技術進步的關注。

ASML 預計營收將持續成長,並正在投資 EUV 和高 NA 系統。該公司致力於永續發展、多元化和社區倡議。高管們討論了有關 DeepSeek 技術、出口管制以及人工智慧和先進晶片的未來的問題。



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  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Good morning, everyone and welcome to this press conference of the Q4 and full year 2024 results at ASML.

    大家早安,歡迎參加 ASML 舉行的第四季和 2024 年全年業績新聞發布會。

  • My name is Monique Mols, I am responsible for Media Relations at ASML.

    我叫 Monique Mols,負責 ASML 的媒體關係。

  • You are here at the auditorium in Veldhoven, our headquarters, and we are here to talk you through our numbers, our developments, what we see in the future.


  • We have a couple of journalists here in the room, thank you for traveling to Veldhoven, very nice to see you, it's always nice to see people in person.


  • But we also have some people that are watching online and a very warm welcome to those watching from Asia and a happy new year and hope the year of the snake will bring good luck and fortune to you.


  • So thank you very much for joining in this special day, we appreciate the effort you're making.


  • (Event Instructions)


  • I'm not going to do the presentation for all the numbers, and I realize I forgot my clicker, wait a minute.


  • I have some help, we've got the CEO of ASML, Roger Dasen (sic - CFO of ASML), who will -- who loves forward-looking statements.

    我有一些幫助,我們有 ASML 的執行長羅傑·達森(Roger Dasen,原文如此,ASML 的財務長),他會——他喜歡前瞻性陳述。

  • So Roger Dassen will talk you through the numbers and you've seen him before and this year for the first time our CEO, Christophe Fouquet will be here to talk you through the development and our progress in 2024.

    Roger Dassen 將向您介紹這些數字,您以前和今年第一次見過他,我們的執行長 Christophe Fouquet 將在這裡向您介紹 2024 年的發展和進展。

  • So with that I'd like to welcome Christophe to the stage.

    因此,我想歡迎 Christophe 上台。

  • Thank you and I hand this over to you.


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • Thank you very much, Monique.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Roger and I are very happy to welcome all of you here at ASML to spend a bit of time to reflect on 2024, look at what we expect in 2025 and beyond, and of course take some of your questions.

    Roger 和我非常高興地歡迎 ASML 的各位花點時間回顧 2024 年,看看我們對 2025 年及以後的期望,當然也回答你們的一些問題。

  • So a bit more than a year ago, we defined 2024 as a transition year and this has definitely been a transition year and there's a couple of things I will be stressing in my presentation which were very, very important in 2024.

    因此,一年多前,我們將 2024 年定義為過渡年,這絕對是一個過渡年,我將在演講中強調幾件事,這些事情在 2024 年非常非常重要。

  • The first one is AI.


  • I think you have all noticed how AI became important for this industry.


  • I think there is not one day without all of you talking about AI.


  • Sometimes in very optimistic terms, sometimes more recently in more fearful terms, but AI is definitely a major major change for this industry and we'll talk about that.


  • And the second transition, you know that ASML is a technology company.


  • I think you know that our success has come from the fact that we have tried to always stay one step ahead when it comes to technology.


  • And 2024 also has been an important year, a very rich year in technology at ASML, preparing also for this technological transition we are going to see happening starting in 2025 with 2 nanometer logic but also some of the needs of the AI chips, high bandwidth memory, high power computers.

    2024 年也是重要的一年,是 ASML 技術非常豐富的一年,也為我們將從 2025 年開始看到的 2 奈米邏輯技術轉型做好準備,同時也滿足了人工智慧晶片、高頻寬的一些需求記憶體、高功率計算機。

  • So this has been also a major focus for 2024.


  • Roger of course is going to talk about the number, about '24, '25, but I think you already realize that we finished the year very strongly.


  • This is a new record year for ASML.

    今年是 ASML 創下新紀錄的一年。

  • This is a very strong record Q4 quarter.


  • We are very happy of course with those results and I cannot not use this opportunity to thank the entire ASML team everywhere in the world for all the hard work and the commitment basically to help us achieve those numbers.

    當然,我們對這些結果感到非常高興,我不能不利用這個機會感謝世界各地的整個 ASML 團隊為幫助我們實現這些數字所做的辛勤工作和承諾。

  • You have noticed also we start 2025 on a good note.

    您還注意到,我們以良好的開局迎接 2025 年。

  • Roger will spend some time on that but again so far a pretty good day.


  • So let me go a bit into some of the key trends in this industry.


  • I already mentioned AI.


  • We talked about AI also in our capital market day in November and what we explain is that in this industry we used to talk about semiconductor everywhere because today any major application requires semiconductor.

    我們在 11 月的資本市場日也談到了人工智慧,我們解釋的是,在這個行業中,我們過去到處都在談論半導體,因為今天任何主要應用都需要半導體。

  • Today, more and more we believe that we will be talking about AI everywhere.


  • So semiconductor will be everywhere but AI will be everywhere too.


  • And the reason for that is that the opportunity that AI represent for the entire economy, for the entire humanity is huge and we are just at the beginning of that.


  • What you see today is people starting to invest basically in hyperscale computer in order to develop their product and those product will come over time to eat our market.


  • This is really a very, very important change.


  • What you see here also is the number, the impact potentially on GDP.

    你在這裡看到的也是數字,也就是對 GDP 的潛在影響。

  • We talk about $1 trillion which is huge.

    我們談論的是 1 兆美元,這是一個巨大的數字。

  • So this will also mean that we can expect over time that a lot of company will want to play in this field.


  • So I know some of you maybe were surprised in the last few days that a new company suddenly come and want to compete.


  • Well, I think we have to get used to that because this is such an opportunity that there will be more and more player to grab this opportunity.


  • And we also explained in November that for AI to succeed cost has to go down and energy efficiency has to go down.

    我們也在 11 月解釋說,人工智慧要成功,成本必須下降,能源效率必須下降。

  • We also explained that this will come only with innovation, and I can promise you that in our industry any innovation that has ever reduced cost always created more volume and more opportunity and again we will see a lot of that happening hopefully in the next few months.


  • So what does it mean for us?


  • AI is going to be everywhere, and everyone everywhere means two things.


  • You will see two types of different products: the very advanced one, the one that we talk about every day which are going to require a very high technology; but also what we call mainstream semiconductor because you need sensor to feed basically AI with data.


  • And what we see happening on our market is that both the advanced technology segment is growing.


  • We see more and more appetite in fact for advanced technology in logic, in the RAM.

    事實上,我們看到人們對 RAM 中的先進邏輯技術的興趣越來越大。

  • This is of course a good thing for ASML but we see also a major increase in the volume of semiconductor overhaul.


  • So this is mainstream so there's a bit less sexy so people talk less about it but this is of course a very very important part of our business.


  • So this will continue to drive our entire portfolio.


  • And as I will explain later, that's also why we are continuing to invest basically in all those technology advanced one like EUV, less advanced one like DUV.

    正如我稍後將解釋的那樣,這也是為什麼我們基本上繼續投資所有先進技術(例如 EUV)和較不先進的技術(例如 DUV)。

  • If we look at the number we still talk about $1 trillion opportunity 2030.

    如果我們看一下這個數字,我們仍然談論 2030 年 1 兆美元的機會。

  • There's a lot of debate on how big this could be.


  • Is it bigger than $1 trillion?

    是否超過 1 兆美元?

  • How much bigger?


  • I think we are not really entering into this debate.


  • This is already a big number.


  • We're going to drive that and of course our business will scale with whatever this number will scale with but we're still looking of course as a very significant opportunity.


  • The only thing we don't know exactly today is how this is going to happen.


  • So we see the investment of everyone in AI.


  • We don't know exactly how this will play out into applications.


  • So when do you start yourself to buy mobile phone with AI, computer with AI, car with AI, et cetera, et cetera.


  • So that's the part I think we have to still understand.


  • We're going to watch what's happening this year, next year.


  • And this is why we are also still in our case sometime, people say a bit cautious on the long-term view because we don't have yet all the understanding again on how the AI opportunity will really play out in the coming years.


  • Now this being said, I think you have seen this slide in the past.


  • This is showing basically the EBIT, total EBIT of our ecosystem.


  • All the people that are being playing -- investing in this industry.


  • This is huge and this has been growing more than 13% year on year for many, many years.

    這是一個巨大的數字,多年來一直以超過 13% 的速度成長。

  • And what does it say?


  • This says that basically this industry has the means to continue to fuel innovation.


  • In fact, you most probably don't have any other industry that has this kind of means to keep driving innovation.


  • So that's why we always show that because this is still a good news.


  • There is means for innovation and as you see it here, the return is very good.


  • And people are investing on not only what's happening next year or the year after, they invest for what's going to happen in 5 and 10 years.

    人們不僅投資明年或後年發生的事情,還投資未來 5 年和 10 年後發生的事情。

  • And as you know, we do the same in ASML because we have to look basically not only to 2025, we have to look even already at what may happen in the next decade.

    如你所知,我們在 ASML 也做了同樣的事情,因為我們基本上不僅要著眼於 2025 年,我們甚至還要著眼於未來十年可能發生的事情。

  • So this is good news.


  • If I summarize a bit the future, it's bright.


  • We're still very bullish.


  • I think if anything AI has strengthened the opportunity for this business.


  • So AI is going to be a key driver starting next year.


  • But on the short term, it's also create a shift and that's what we have also experienced in 2024.

    但從短期來看,這也會帶來轉變,這也是我們在 2024 年所經歷的。

  • Some of our customers have done extremely well with AI.


  • In fact so well that they cannot produce enough chips to supply to their customer.


  • And those customers have been driving our own demand, and they will continue to do that in 2025.

    這些客戶一直在推動我們自身的需求,他們將在 2025 年繼續這樣做。

  • But you have also seen in 2024 that some of our customers were not doing as well because they were not yet basically on this AI opportunity.

    但你也看到,在 2024 年,我們的一些客戶表現不佳,因為他們基本上還沒有抓住這個人工智慧機會。

  • This has created a bit of -- this change also of dynamic last year.


  • The second thing, AI has a couple of challenges.


  • Cost, energy efficiency.


  • To improve that innovation is needed.


  • One of the innovation is Moore's law and we expect an acceleration of Moore's law.


  • We also expect that the market will have a higher product mix towards advanced logic and advanced DRAM.

    我們也預計市場將有更多面向先進邏輯和先進 DRAM 的產品組合。

  • And all of that is good for ASML.

    所有這些對 ASML 來說都是好事。

  • All of that will contribute to increase as we explained in November the need for the most advanced lithography machine EUV, DUV.

    正如我們在 11 月解釋的那樣,所有這些都將有助於增加對最先進光刻機 EUV、DUV 的需求。

  • And this will contribute to basically increase the size of our business.


  • This is why when we look at 2030 our expectation in terms of revenue is that we will be somewhere between EUR44 billion and EUR60 billion.

    這就是為什麼當我們展望 2030 年時,我們對營收的預期是在 440 億歐元到 600 億歐元之間。

  • In terms of gross margin, we are looking at a range of 56 -- between 56% and 60%.

    就毛利率而言,我們的預期範圍是 56——56% 到 60% 之間。

  • So those are good number again resulting from this opportunity.


  • Now you know that I'm an engineer still.


  • I still spend quite some time on technology because technology at the end of the day is what feed our success.


  • This is what prepare basically the opportunity for the next few years.


  • And as I said in my introduction, 2024 has been a great year for technology.

    正如我在介紹中所說,2024 年對科技來說是偉大的一年。

  • We have released many important product on EUV.


  • So we talked quite a bit about the latest low NA product, the NXE:3800 which provide almost 40% improvement on productivity.

    因此,我們對最新的低 NA 產品 NXE:3800 進行了許多討論,該產品的生產率提高了近 40%。

  • That tool was released to customer end of last year.


  • We've been shipping quite a few of those tool and those system are now being qualified.


  • They will be very important part of the ramp of the advanced technology in the next few months.


  • So this is very important.


  • We have demonstrated the full specification at ASML.

    我們已經在 ASML 展示了完整的規範。

  • Major step again in terms of performance.


  • And we are working now with customer to mature the platform.


  • High NA.


  • High NA has been a big news.

    高 NA 一直是個大新聞。

  • You know High NA is a program that we started in 2014.

    你知道 High NA 是我們在 2014 年啟動的一個計畫。

  • So you can imagine that when at the end of Q4, we get our first two customer acceptance.


  • This is a major validation not only of the value of the technology we bring to the customer but also of the investment we have made because this is a million of hours of work, a lot of innovation.


  • And therefore, we are very, very happy that the feedback from our customer on high NA is positive.

    因此,我們非常非常高興客戶對高 NA 的回饋是正面的。

  • They like what they see.


  • And now we're going to work with them to define exactly when, how and in which extent to introduce high NA in the future.

    現在我們將與他們合作,準確定義未來何時、如何以及在多大程度上引入高 NA。

  • But high NA is going to complement very nicely low NA to drive advanced technology manufacturing moving forward.

    但高 NA 將很好地補充低 NA,以推動先進技術製造向前發展。

  • Now we talk always a lot about EUV.

    現在我們總是談論很多 EUV。

  • Deep UV remains a very, very important product.


  • Most of the wafer today are exposed today with deep UV.


  • EUV is a very small part of the lithography layers.

    EUV 只佔光刻層的一小部分。

  • And you see it here, the number of exposure on deep UV is going to continue to grow between now and 2030.

    從現在到 2030 年,深紫外線照射的數量將持續增加。

  • So there also we need innovation.


  • Also because deep UV being a bit of a holder technology, maybe the competition around this product is getting higher.


  • So we're continuing to invest and here also we come with major innovation.


  • On our KrF product line with the first shipment of the NXT:870B which allow us to get to more than 400 wafer per hour.

    在我們的 KrF 產品線上,首批出貨的 NXT:870B 使我們能夠每小時生產超過 400 片晶圓。

  • So giving productivity.


  • Productivity for customer means lower cost.


  • Lower cost means for ASML that the customer will be more willing to work with those tools because they provide a cost advantage.

    對 ASML 來說,較低的成本意味著客戶將更願意使用這些工具,因為它們提供了成本優勢。

  • And we have also shipped our latest generation of immersion.


  • So immersion if you want is the most advanced deep UV technology before EUV.

    因此,如果您願意,沉浸式技術是 EUV 之前最先進的深紫外線技術。

  • There also the NXT:2150 was shipped to an advanced DRAM customer opening the era for again higher performance, higher productivity also on this tool.

    NXT:2150 也被運送給一家先進的 DRAM 客戶,開啟了該工具再次獲得更高性能和更高生產力的時代。

  • Finally, if you remember a few years ago we started our application business or holistically business.


  • We make still a lot of progress there.


  • We grow the size of this business every year.


  • If you look at the year starting store base, we have more than 1,000 system right now in the field which is of course very significant.

    如果你看看年初的商店基礎,我們現在在該領域擁有超過 1,000 個系統,這當然非常重要。

  • But the one thing I like to focus a bit more today is e-beam.


  • If you remember, we acquired HMI a few years ago, Taiwanese company doing e-beam.


  • And the reason for that was to bring fast e-beam technology to the market, what we call multi-beam.


  • And this year, the other big news I would say on technology together with the first customer acceptance for high NA product was the first customer acceptance of our multi-beam product by several customers, which is again a validation of the technology the investment but also the need moving forward of this tool.


  • So you are mostly a bit less familiar with this.


  • But these are also some of the very important technology, important product we are developing for our customer.


  • And we are also very happy to achieve good results on that last year.


  • Now we have to prepare the future with just more than technology.


  • People is a strong focus in ASML.

    人是 ASML 的重點關注對象。

  • I think that you know when Roger and I look at the assets of the company I think people always come first.


  • Because they are capable year after year to create all those technological miracles in R&D.


  • But also bring them to customer and make sure that customer can really use them in high volume manufacturing.


  • So investing in people remains absolutely a priority for ASML.

    因此,投資人才仍然是 ASML 的首要任務。

  • And we do it differently than we did it in the past.


  • Because we have a long-term view, we invest I would say earlier.


  • So what you see here are a few example.


  • We are getting more and more intern in ASML.

    我們在 ASML 的實習生越來越多。

  • So we are opening the doors of ASML to student as early as possible.


  • So that they get an idea a bit of what we are doing.


  • And that you know we make sure that ASML is high on their list when it comes to choose their next job.

    您知道,當他們選擇下一份工作時,我們會確保 ASML 在他們的名單中名列前茅。

  • We have been focusing on diversity.


  • We will continue to focus on diversity.


  • We are very happy that over time, the percentage of women in the company has grown.


  • It has been growing every year for the last 10 years.

    過去 10 年來,它每年都在增長。

  • It continues to grow.


  • And in order to do that, we have to work very early on the pipeline.


  • So we have to go basically also to school, university to make sure that right there, women also find an interest in ASML.

    因此,我們基本上也必須去學校、大學,以確保女性也對 ASML 感興趣。

  • ASML used to be seen as a company that is a bit rough.


  • And you only have guys, engineers walking there.


  • I think this image is changing for good reason.


  • Because this is of course a very open, very interesting place to be for anyone.


  • And finally, we're reaching out to university.


  • A lot of you, at least the local journalists, are very much aware of the cooperation we have with the TU University in Eindhoven.


  • Many other universities in the Netherlands.


  • But we are also extending that basically to a very global network of universities.


  • There also, it's a way to invest in the future.


  • And I will say a way to support in a broader term the entire industry.


  • Because you understand that not all those students will come to ASML.


  • But they may end up supporting our customer, our suppliers, et cetera, et cetera.


  • And that's also very important.


  • So more and more focus paid on that.


  • I think this is really, really a key element of attention for the leadership in ASML in the recent years.

    我認為這確實是近年來 ASML 領導層關注的關鍵因素。

  • Extension.


  • We are growing.


  • I want to show you the number for 2030.

    我想告訴你 2030 年的數字。

  • This is clearly calling to growth.


  • Growth in people.


  • Growth in capacity.


  • And as you know, we are a global company.


  • We have a very strong presence in the Netherlands of course.


  • Where we have the core of R&D.


  • The core for manufacturing.


  • But we also have activity in the US.


  • Elsewhere in Europe, Germany for example.


  • And in Asia.


  • And as we grow, our business, those places will grow with us.


  • So you will see I mean if you drove around for some of you this morning you see that there's still a lot of construction happening here in the campus.


  • You know about our plan of the second campus in Eindhoven.


  • But this also extend again to other part of the world.


  • And this is in preparation to support basically our growth.


  • So still a lot of activity here.


  • When we look at our ESG sustainability agenda, I think we started very early on to drive this agenda, long before we had CSRD and all those regulation coming our way.

    當我們審視 ESG 永續發展議程時,我認為我們很早就開始推動這項議程,早在 CSRD 和所有這些監管機構出台之前。

  • The reason for that is because we believe this was the right things to do.


  • We believe it was important to reduce our energy consumption, reduce our impact on our environment through some of the logistic activity we have.


  • We believe I said it already that our people are at the core of ASML success.

    我們相信我已經說過,我們的員工是 ASML 成功的核心。

  • We developed basically a lot of activity to make sure they feel well in ASML.

    我們基本上開展了很多活動,以確保他們在 ASML 中感覺良好。

  • And I think that we continue in term of governance to have the ambition to be a leader in this industry.


  • So we want to lead by example.


  • So to give you a few example on the environment.


  • We have reduced our EUV consumption per wafer by more than 54% since the first EUV machine which is enormous.

    自從第一台巨大的 EUV 機器以來,我們已將每片晶圓的 EUV 消耗量減少了 54% 以上。

  • And we're still working to get another 40% off in the next few years.

    我們仍在努力在未來幾年內再享受 40% 的折扣。

  • So we are actively making sure that the amount of energy we need on the EUV machine to expose a wafer goes down.

    因此,我們正在積極確保 EUV 機器曝光晶圓所需的能量下降。

  • We become a bit brave.


  • We first -- we shipped our first DPV system on a boat which I can tell you 10 years ago was out of the question in ASML.

    首先,我們在船上運送了我們的第一個 DPV 系統,我可以告訴你,這在 10 年前在 ASML 中是不可能的。

  • But we are learning how to do things differently and create new opportunity.


  • And we shipped our first DPV tool, our first YieldStar system as well.

    我們也推出了第一個 DPV 工具,以及第一個 YieldStar 系統。

  • And in the future, we plan to do a lot more than that in coordination with our customers, suppliers, et cetera.


  • On social, so we have a lot of activity with the community.


  • We are very proud of that.


  • More than 57 projects and more coming.

    超過 57 個項目,還有更多項目即將推出。

  • We're spending time on housing, on infrastructure projects.


  • Of course here in Brentport but not only.


  • Everywhere we have a strong presence.


  • We believe this is important to do that.


  • And we're also very happy that our employees are contributing themselves.


  • So we have a strong gift matching program which is getting also quite some success among our employees.


  • And we are very thankful that they do that.


  • We skip governance.


  • We get pretty high score on sustainability.


  • I think I'm more hot on what we do than the score we get.


  • But I think the rest of the industry is also recognizing a bit this effort.


  • One last thing to end because I think it's important.


  • This is about again the community.


  • I talked about housing.


  • We try to do more to really, I would say, increase, improve the experience of the people around us.


  • We had many discussions about growth.


  • And one of the things Roger and I believe, the rest of the leadership believe, is that we want to grow but we never want to be a burden for the community.


  • And in order to do that, you have to find the right balance and of course, proactively contribute to make sure that housing, school, infrastructure are available.


  • That's of course discussion that require strong support from local and global governments.


  • So we have those discussions as well.


  • But that remains important.


  • Education, STEM.


  • We start very early.


  • That's why you see a picture of very young kids.


  • We believe that you have to start as early as possible to explain children why this is a great world, why this is a positive world, why ASML, why this industry is positively contributing to society, to humanity.


  • We help also people who are working on other ESG innovation, locally again but also beyond that.

    我們也為從事其他 ESG 創新的人提供幫助,不僅在本地,而且還包括其他方面。

  • And well, you may have seen in our social media also this year we have quite some activity when it comes to employee giving.


  • So we talked about the gift matching program, but we have also a lot of people volunteering basically every day, many hours in order to engage with the community.


  • So this is a bit who we are today.


  • Roger is going to now give you a view of the number.


  • It's also exciting.


  • So with no further delay, I'd like to introduce Roger.


  • Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

    Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

  • Thank you, Christophe.


  • It's good to hear the CEO say that numbers are exciting, and they are.


  • And that's what we wanted to share with you.


  • So Christophe said it.


  • If we look at Q4, the fourth quarter, it was a very strong quarter.


  • And it was a very strong quarter.


  • It was a quarter where I think the company really ran on all cylinders.


  • It was a strong quarter based on the top line.


  • So if you look at net sales, it was a record quarter for ASML, exceeding our guidance from that vantage point.

    因此,如果你看一下淨銷售額,你會發現這是 ASML 創紀錄的季度,超出了我們從這個有利角度的指導。

  • It was a very strong quarter from a gross margin perspective, particularly held by the fact that we had very strong install-based business.


  • So that was one of the reasons why revenue was up.


  • But it was also an important driver of the gross margin.


  • It was a very strong quarter because we had a very strong order intake of EUR7.1 billion, which is a very good start, I think, for this year.

    這是一個非常強勁的季度,因為我們的訂單量非常強勁,達到 71 億歐元,我認為這對今年來說是一個非常好的開始。

  • And it's a very strong quarter because we had very significant cash generation in Q4, if only to make the CEO very happy.


  • So all in all, I think it's a quarter that ticked all the boxes.


  • And it was a quarter that indeed meant that we could end 2024 as a strong year.

    這個季度確實意味著我們可以以強勁的一年結束 2024 年。

  • If you look at what we said at the beginning of the year, we said, and Christophe made reference to a transition year, we said we expect the business to be approximately similar to what we had in 2023.

    如果你看看我們在年初所說的話,我們說,克里斯托夫提到了過渡年,我們說我們預計業務將與 2023 年的業務大致相似。

  • And indeed, we were able to get a little bit better than 2023 with a top line of EUR28.3 billion, gross margin of 51.3%, also a little bit better than what we expected at the beginning of the year.

    事實上,我們的業績比 2023 年好一點,營收為 283 億歐元,毛利率為 51.3%,也比我們年初的預期好一點。

  • Strong net income, as you see here, EUR7.6 billion, an earnings per share of EUR19.25. And we were able to return EUR3 billion to shareholders, either through dividends or share buybacks.

    正如您在此處看到的,強勁的淨利潤為 76 億歐元,每股收益為 19.25 歐元。我們能夠透過股利或股票回購向股東返還 30 億歐元。

  • We'll come back to that in a moment.


  • So all in all, I think a pretty strong picture for 2024.

    總而言之,我認為 2024 年的前景相當強勁。

  • And more or less in line and actually a little bit better than what we anticipated at the beginning of the year.


  • If you look at the different businesses already, Christophe highlighted some of the key elements in there.


  • If you look at the numbers for EUV, EUV sales, a little bit down, 9% down to EUR8.3 billion, with 44 EUV systems, both NXE and EXE.

    如果你看 EUV 的數字,你會發現 EUV 銷售額略有下降,下降了 9%,至 83 億歐元,有 44 個 EUV 系統,包括 NXE 和 EXE。

  • But also there, it was a transition year.


  • It was a transition year because we did introduce after, you know, 10 years, as Christophe explained, after 10 years of working on high NA, we were able to get the first high NA tool really to the customer, get it installed at the customer and get a customer to accept the tool.

    這是一個過渡年,因為我們確實在 10 年後推出,正如 Christophe 所解釋的那樣,經過 10 年的高 NA 工作,我們能夠真正為客戶提供第一個高 NA 工具,並將其安裝在客戶並讓客戶接受該工具。

  • So I think that was an important part of the transition.


  • We were able to bring the 3800 into the field and indeed get customers excited about that tool as well.

    我們能夠將 3800 引入現場,並且確實讓客戶對該工具感到興奮。

  • That is a tool that really drives the performance of EUV low NA to the next level.

    這是一個真正將 EUV 低 NA 性能提升到新水平的工具。

  • We used to look at an EUV tool with 160 wafers per hour, this one in final configuration gets you to 220 wafers per hour.

    我們曾經考慮過每小時處理 160 片晶圓的 EUV 工具,最終配置中的這款工具可每小時處理 220 片晶圓。

  • So also that I think is the biggest step that we made in EUV since the inception in terms of improvement of productivity.

    因此,我認為這是我們自 EUV 誕生以來在提高生產力方面邁出的最大一步。

  • So from that vantage point, bringing -- being able to bring that one into the field, I think is a major step as well.


  • So EUV, a little bit down in terms of in terms of total business, but really a transition year that is positioning us very well for the future.

    因此,EUV 的總業務量略有下降,但確實是過渡年,為我們的未來做好了準備。

  • Deep EUV grew a bit, 4% as you see here.

    Deep EUV 成長了一點,如您所見,成長了 4%。

  • And also there we introduced important new products into the market with the 2150, Christophe showed it, and the 870B, the KrF system on the on the NXT platform.

    在那裡,我們向市場推出了重要的新產品,包括 Christophe 展示的 2150,以及 NXT 平台上的 KrF 系統 870B。

  • Major, major breakthroughs from a technology perspective there.


  • Application grew very nicely with 20%, both YieldStar and multibeam in particular, contributing to that growth.

    應用程式成長非常好,成長了 20%,尤其是 YieldStar 和 multibeam,為這一成長做出了貢獻。

  • And there I think -- and Christophe again mentioned that the fact that we were able to get sign off from multiple customers on multibeam, again, a project that we've been working on for many, many years, I think is a milestone for the for the company.


  • And finally, install base, growing very, very strongly at 16%.

    最後,安裝量成長非常非常強勁,達到 16%。

  • And this is both on the service side and also on the on the upgrade side.


  • So all in all, as I mentioned, 2024, quite in line with what we expected at the beginning of the year and actually exceeding that a little bit.

    總而言之,正如我所提到的,2024 年與我們年初的預期非常一致,而且實際上還超出了一點。

  • If we don't move to the composition of our of our sales, a few things that immediately you will recognize, immersion very, very strong, you saw it in the growth number for deep UV, but clearly driven by the immersion business, making up for 44% of our system sales.


  • Also clear that memory is very strong.


  • And there I think the importance of high bandwidth memory to make AI work, I think is clearly recognized.


  • And I think that filtered through also in the order.


  • So memory, quite well recovered, I would say from 2023.

    所以記憶恢復得很好,我想說從 2023 年開始。

  • If you look at the regional mix, obviously, the thing that catches your eye is China, China very strong at 41% already quite strong, I would say in 2023 at 29%.

    如果你看看地區組合,顯然,吸引你眼球的是中國,中國非常強大,佔 41%,已經相當強大了,我想說到 2023 年將達到 29%。

  • You know the story, we've said it before, all the way through 2022, our order fill rate for China was quite low.

    你知道這個故事,我們之前說過,一直到 2022 年,我們在中國的訂單履行率都相當低。

  • We had an order fill rate for for China of around 40%.

    我們在中國的訂單履行率約為 40%。

  • So we could only give to China 40% of what they were asking for.


  • So as a result of that, the backlog for China had been filled all the way through 2022 massively.

    因此,到 2022 年,中國的積壓訂單已被大量填補。

  • And what you see here is that in '23 and '24, with the capacity expansions that we've been carrying through, we were able to execute on that historically built up backlog.

    您在這裡看到的是,在 23 年和 24 年,隨著我們一直在進行的產能擴張,我們能夠執行歷史上積壓的訂單。

  • As we mentioned before, we do expect that on a going forward basis, China will go back to more normal percentages of our business.


  • And that means lower 20%.

    這意味著降低 20%。

  • It's what we expect them to contribute to our sales this this year.


  • And that is commensurate with the representation of China in our backlog today.


  • So those are just some of the headlines if you look at the composition of our net sales.


  • I think this gives you a similar picture.


  • Again, it shows very clearly the strength of the memory business after -- which has been nicely building up, I would say, over the past couple of years, but a real spike this year, given the significance of high bandwidth memory for AI.


  • This gives you the default P&L, if you like for the consolidated statements of operation.


  • And again, as I mentioned before, I think very much in line with 2023.

    再次強調,正如我之前提到的,我認為與 2023 年非常一致。

  • So most of the numbers are quite comparable.


  • Although you would say that -- you would see that on the R&D side, we keep on pushing the pedal to the metal, right.


  • So it's very clear that with all the projects that we have, with the R&D pipeline that we have, with the very strong ambitions that we have also in the medium to long term, and the good ideas that we have, we keep on investing in in R&D, because I think that is something that we will be able to very firmly capitalize on in the years to come.


  • In terms of net bookings, I just want to highlight that because net bookings has captured the headlines in a few quarters last last year, and not always in a positive way.


  • But just if you look at it from an annual perspective, if you put all those quarters together, you see it wasn't too shabby, was it?


  • I mean, you're looking at an order intake for 2024, more or less on par with the order intake that we had in 2023.

    我的意思是,您看到的是 2024 年的訂單量,或多或少與 2023 年的訂單量持平。

  • So as we mentioned at the beginning of the year, a year, quite in line with what we what we had in 2023.

    正如我們在年初所提到的,這一年與我們對 2023 年的情況非常一致。

  • A bit of growth, and the fact that we were able to sustain the gross margin, in spite of the fact that we had the first high NA tools recognized, I think isa strong achievement.


  • Cash return to to shareholders.


  • What we propose to the AGM is to declare a total dividend of EUR6.40 per ordinary share, that would be a 5% increase over the total dividend for 2023.

    我們向年度股東大會提議的是宣布每股普通股股息總額為 6.40 歐元,這將比 2023 年股息總額增加 5%。

  • And I think that's very much in line with the policy that we have, a policy of growing dividends.


  • And whatever cash remains after we've used the cash in the business, whatever excess cash is there, and after distribution of dividend will be used in terms of share buybacks.


  • Share buybacks this year, fairly low in comparison to some of the previous years.


  • As you see it here, we bought back shares for approximately EUR500 million.

    正如您在這裡看到的,我們回購了大約 5 億歐元的股票。

  • And that is related to what I mentioned a bit earlier, Q4 was very, very strong in terms of cash generation.


  • But it really made up like more than 90%, I think of the total cash generation for the year.

    但我認為它確實佔了全年現金產生總額的 90% 以上。

  • So the cash came in quite late.


  • So at the end of the year, we're actually looking at a very high cash balance.


  • But as a result of that, we chose not to do too much share buybacks in 2024.

    但因此,我們選擇在 2024 年不進行太多股票回購。

  • In terms of outlook, so starting with the quarter, starting with Q1 2025, we expect net sales between EUR7.5 billion and EUR8 billion, installed base at EUR2.1 billion is what we expect for the first quarter, which is on par with the very strong install base sales that we already showed in Q4.

    就前景而言,從本季開始,從2025 年第一季開始,我們預期淨銷售額在75 億歐元至80 億歐元之間,安裝基數為21 億歐元,這是我們對第一季的預期,與我們在第四季度已經表現出非常強勁的安裝基礎銷售。

  • Gross margin for this first quarter, between 52% and 53%, a little bit higher than the guidance or narrow if you to define it in that way, then the guidance that you see there for the full year.

    第一季的毛利率在 52% 到 53% 之間,比指引值略高一點,或者如果你以這種方式定義的話,那麼毛利率會比你在全年看到的指導值窄一些。

  • That is also related to the fact that in Q1, we will not see revenue recognition for high NA.


  • So high NA will be more skewed towards the second half of the year.


  • As a result of that, a slightly better gross margin in Q1.


  • R&D, approximately at the level that we saw for last quarter, and SG&A, I think well managed even a little bit below the level that we had in the last quarter.


  • And then for the full year, we're looking at total net sales between EUR30 billion and EUR35 billion.

    然後,我們預計全年淨銷售額總額將在 300 億歐元至 350 億歐元之間。

  • So this is in line with what we what we discussed in in Q3.


  • A gross margin between 51% and 53%, so you do see a good increase there in comparison to previous years.

    毛利率在 51% 到 53% 之間,所以與前幾年相比,你確實看到了很大的成長。

  • And annualized effective tax rate of around 17%.


  • So that is the guidance that we have provided at Q3.


  • And that we're reiterating in actually today.


  • So I would say on a very strong start of the year, typically, what you would see is a very strong Q4, a not so strong Q1.


  • I think we just saw was pretty strong Q4, pretty strong Q1.


  • So I think that's good momentum.


  • Overall, and looking forward a little bit beyond 2025, what do we expect?

    整體而言,展望 2025 年後,我們有何期望?

  • And I think Christophe gave you the foundational comments for how we look at the business.


  • What is very important, and you saw that also in the R&D number, we continue to invest in in R&D in a big way.


  • So the roadmap that we have is quite broad and quite deep.


  • And we do believe that it sets us up for capturing the opportunities that the markets provide.


  • The markets as we see it, and as many people see it, the market by 2030, it could be a market, a semiconductor market that could exceed $1 trillion.


  • So very significant growth in comparison to where we are today.


  • And obviously, as Christophe said, AI is a very important driver of that growth.

    顯然,正如 Christophe 所說,人工智慧是這種成長的非常重要的驅動力。

  • And we believe we are well positioned to -- with our products, capture the opportunities that such a growing semiconductor market actually provides.


  • And in the capital markets today, we talked quite a bit about our roadmap there and about how we see a very significant share of ASML and an increasing share of ASML in the fabs of our customers, both on the logic side, and particularly also on the DRAM side.

    今天在資本市場上,我們談論了很多關於我們在那裡的路線圖,以及我們如何看待ASML 的非常重要的份額以及ASML 在我們客戶的晶圓廠中不斷增加的份額,無論是在邏輯方面,還是在邏輯方面,特別是在DRAM 側。

  • In terms of what that pans out, how that pans out and what that leads to, we reiterating the numbers that Christophe just gave you as well.


  • So we see growth scenarios leading to a market in 2030 for us, or a business for us by 2030, somewhere between EUR44 billion and EUR60 billion, and a gross margin between 56% and 60%.

    因此,我們預計到 2030 年,我們的市場或業務將在 2030 年達到 440 億至 600 億歐元之間,毛利率在 56% 至 60% 之間。

  • I would say both good optics from where we are today.


  • And finally, reiterating our capital allocation and financing policy, which hasn't changed.


  • So again, what we need for the business, we actually use in the business, and you saw some of the projects that we're driving.


  • So we have the R&D efforts, but also the CapEx efforts that were very visible and tangible on the slide that Christophe.

    因此,我們有研發工作,但也有資本支出工作,這些工作在 Christophe 的幻燈片上非常明顯和切實。

  • Well we have a policy of growing dividends, and then whatever remains will be shared with our shareholders by means of share buyback.


  • So that's the longer-term perspective.


  • I think it's looking bright.


  • And it's fueled by many of the dynamics that in the market that Christophe talked about, and many of the very strong ideas and projects and products that we have on our roadmap.


  • And with that, I would like to hand it back over again to Monique, going to so you can grill us on Q&A.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Yeah, just stay here.


  • And I'd like to invite Christophe as well for some Q&A.

    我還想邀請 Christophe 來參加一些問答。

  • So we are getting questions in online.


  • So continue to submit those if you're watching.


  • Just a small reminder, we are only taking questions from journalists.


  • So it is a media conference and a conference call for analysts will be later today at 3:00.

    這是一場媒體會議,分析師電話會議將於今天稍晚 3:00 舉行。

  • I see a lot of hands going up and Mark has the microphone.


  • So Mark, can you start there?


  • Marss Molca, can you say your name first and your publication, so everyone knows who you are?

    Marss Molca,你能先說出你的名字和你的出版物,這樣每個人都知道你是誰嗎?

  • Klaus Max Smolka - Media

    Klaus Max Smolka - Media

  • Sure.


  • Thank you very much.


  • It's Klaus Max Smolka of German newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


  • The elephant in the room this week is DeepSeek.

    本週房間裡的大像是 DeepSeek。

  • What is your expectation?


  • What's the effect of DeepSeek like technology on ASML?


  • And in particular, is DeepSeek technology going to jeopardize your sales in terms of the most advanced high technology machines?

    特別是,DeepSeek 技術是否會危害您最先進高科技機器的銷售?

  • Thank you.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Christophe?


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • Yeah, so I think a lot of this question in the last couple of days.


  • So first, I'd like to say we're not a model expert.


  • So I don't have a strong opinion on how good or bad is the new model.


  • So I'll leave that part aside.


  • From a more general point of view, we believe that AI success, AI expansion has two main challenges moving forward: cost, say differently, today, AI is too expensive to be able to be rolled out to many, many applications; and power consumption.


  • And in order for AI to be everywhere, we need to see major progress on cost and energy consumption.


  • That's the first thing.


  • The second thing is, if you look at this industry, lowering cost has always contributed to more volume.


  • This is basically the fundamental of Moore's law.


  • Moore's law is about reducing cost every single generation so that you create more opportunity.


  • So I will say in general that any technology, whatever it is, that will contribute into a cost reduction overhaul of AI will increase the opportunity.


  • This has been true in this industry for the last 40, 60 years.

    過去 40、60 年來,這個行業一直如此。

  • I think it's still true moving forward.


  • That's the first thing.


  • So if you ask me, for us, anyone that lower cost is in fact a good news for ASML because lower cost means AI can be used in more application.

    所以如果你問我,對我們來說,任何更低的成本實際上對 ASML 來說都是一個好消息,因為更低的成本意味著人工智慧可以用於更多的應用。

  • More application means more chips.


  • And we are in the business of providing equipment to people who make chips.


  • So that's the first thing.


  • The second thing also mentioned, AI is a huge opportunity.


  • Therefore, I think you should expect to see a few elephant in the rooms in the next few months or few years because everyone will want to be in.


  • And I think the competition, especially when it comes to software, because I think this is where the threshold to access is the lowest, will be very high.


  • So you cannot have an industry with this amount of opportunity without the key player being, I would say, challenged.


  • So I think you will see a lot more of those discussions happening in the next few months or years.


  • So I think it's a good news, if I make it short.


  • Again, I don't know exactly what DeepSeek can or cannot do, but I said again, anything that will drive costs down is a good news for ASML on the long term.

    再說一遍,我不知道 DeepSeek 能做什麼或不能做什麼,但我再說一遍,從長遠來看,任何能降低成本的事情對 ASML 來說都是個好消息。

  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Thank you, Christophe.


  • Kim here, Wall Street Journal.


  • Kim Mackrael - Media

    Kim Mackrael - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Kim Mackrael from the Wall Street Journal.


  • Another DeepSeek question.

    另一個 DeepSeek 問題。

  • Sorry about that.


  • I'm wondering over recent years, export controls to China and to particular fabs have been tightened.


  • Does DeepSeek say anything to you about the effectiveness of those controls?

    DeepSeek 是否曾向您透露過有關這些控制措施有效性的資訊?

  • What impact do you think controls have had on DeepSeek or on the ability to do something like that?

    您認為控制措施對 DeepSeek 或執行類似操作的能力有何影響?

  • Thanks.


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • Yeah, I think that any answer on that would be quite speculative.


  • So I think I don't know.


  • Again, there's a lot of opinion being given on how this relates to export control.


  • I think it's hard to say.


  • I think you look at -- we talk about software, we talk about algorithm, we talk about people working to develop better algorithm than other.


  • I think you're still pretty high at the surface of AI, if you know what I mean.


  • I think the software part, the algorithm part will be the most open field, most probably moving forward.


  • So I would not draw any conclusion.


  • I think you will see a lot of people trying to do that.


  • I think, of course, the topic being emotional, this is also a reason for that.


  • But I don't know, to be honest.


  • I think that would be highly speculative.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Yeah.


  • Okay.


  • Let's return to -- I see you.


  • Let's return to a question online.


  • From Le Monde.


  • Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

    Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

  • Happy for you.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • What about the Beethoven plan of the government?


  • Is everything okay with the promised investments and will ASML stay definitely in the Netherlands?


  • I think that's also a question, especially there's some speculation and some chat and news about France.


  • So maybe you want to address that first and then we go to Beethoven.


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • Well, I think we've been very clear many, many times and I'm going to try to be clear again.


  • But this is the place we want to be.


  • And this is the place we want to be because we have developed our infrastructure, R&D, manufacturing here in Veldhoven.


  • We believe that keeping those two close is very important for success.


  • So we want to continue to grow here around Veldhoven.


  • This is why we had this basically agreement to look for a second campus and we are finalizing that.


  • So we want to be here.


  • I cannot be more clear than that.


  • I think we are working as a resource with the different parties to make Beethoven, our second campus, a success.


  • We are deeply involved.


  • I think we have developed good working relationship with the municipality, but also with the Dutch government because some of the things we need require attention.


  • And of course, it's a bit of work, but we need as a country, as a region, to be able to do that because, of course, we are competing with many other places in the world where this doesn't sound like a big deal at all.


  • So I think we have to believe that we can do that, convinced we can do that.


  • And so far, the progress is good.


  • I think Roger can say a few more words because he's involved deeply on almost a weekly basis to track the progress.


  • But I think the intention and the ambition are remaining very, very strong.


  • I don't know, Roger, if you want to


  • --


  • Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

    Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

  • Yeah, sure.


  • We can say a few words on progress because obviously there are challenges, right?


  • I mean, if it's about nitrogen deposition or it's about the grid or it's about the execution power in municipalities, which recently drew some attention.


  • And it's all true.


  • But what is very, very clear is that there is a very strong commitment of our government and government at very different levels, be it at the national level or be it at the local or regional level.


  • There is a very strong commitment to making this happen.


  • So that is what works for us.


  • And then at the end of the day, this is collaboration.


  • And at the end of the day, making sure that the right resources are working on the right projects and getting stuff done in time.


  • And we have all the confidence that the things will be executed in time such that we can execute on the expansion as we have planned.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Okay, thank you. [John Koch] had a question from Bloomberg.

    好的,謝謝。 [約翰·科赫]向彭博社提出了一個問題。

  • Thank you.


  • Hi, John.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Two questions.


  • One on DeepSeek.

    DeepSeek 上的一個。

  • Well, the news on Monday sent tech stocks into a tailspin, especially NVIDIA, but also ASML's market cap fell by more than $20 billion on Monday.


  • So was this overblown, this reaction, do you think?


  • And what's your kind of response to investors who question the need to spend billions on advanced chips and hardware on AI?


  • And then the second question is, last week Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof said that he expects the Trump administration to keep pushing the Netherlands for more export controls on ASML sales to China.


  • What else can we expect on export controls this year?


  • Do you expect sales of your older DUV machines to be affected?

    您預計舊 DUV 機器的銷售會受到影響嗎?

  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Do you want to start with that?


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • You want to start the second one and then I'll go back to DeepSeek, if you want to

    如果您想開始第二個,然後我會回到 DeepSeek,如果您願意的話

  • --


  • Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

    Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

  • Okay.


  • On the second one, in terms of export controls, John, we're not going to speculate on that.


  • I mean, let's be clear, export controls is not new.


  • It's something that we've been living for many, many years.


  • And I think in good collaboration with governments have been able to work it and we'll just see what's going to happen there.


  • There is enough speculation we're not going to add to the speculation there.


  • I would make one comment on DeepSeek and then I'll give it to Christophe.

    我會對 DeepSeek 發表一條評論,然後將其轉給 Christophe。

  • We're not second guessing the market.


  • I mean, the market does what it wants to do.


  • But if you read the analyst reports on the tech stocks, I think there is an increasing voice that echoes what Christophe said, which is at the end of the day, if you make it cheaper and if you make it more accessible, if you make it more energy efficient, it can lead to a democratization of AI in a way that is necessary in order for this to become prevalent.


  • And that's what you see now in most of the analyst reports that I see.


  • That is what is being echoed there.


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • Yeah.


  • And I think what we do on AI or try to do that also in November, this is a long term trend, long term opportunity.

    我認為我們在 11 月在人工智慧方面所做的事情或嘗試這樣做,這是一個長期趨勢,長期機會。

  • And when it comes to this topic, we always invite everyone to look at the long term.


  • I think on the short term, we explained that.


  • So for us, for example, this created a major shift on the market.


  • And this was not all good, as you have seen last year.


  • I mean, some of our customers really struggled with the fact that this huge opportunity was coming.


  • It was changing the game of the market and not all of them did well, as you noticed.


  • And we also say, I said that in my presentation, today, we don't know exactly how AI will build itself.


  • So there will be a lot of new players coming in.


  • I don't think that you can define today who is the winner in 2030.

    我認為今天無法定義誰是 2030 年的贏家。

  • I think there will be a lot of competition because I said again, the opportunity is huge.


  • And to amplify Roger, we welcome in many ways that competition, because this will go against cost, which will increase the opportunity, and it will go in favor of innovation.


  • So I think the challenge is to be able to project yourself, not try to dream up what's happened in the next five years.


  • And like I say, you will get a lot of those discussion.


  • Because I don't think that DeepSeek is the last company that say, hey, this is a great opportunity I'd like to be in.

    因為我不認為 DeepSeek 是最後一家說「嘿,這是一個我想加入的好機會」的公司。

  • It's not like anyone is going to sit and say, well, we declared a winner today.


  • They are A, X, B, whatever.


  • No, people are going to fight for the opportunity.


  • And I think it's a good thing.


  • And well, now you know the question is always when it comes to market, you look at short versus long term.


  • We run a business.


  • We look at the long term because this is where the success, the opportunity is.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Thank you.


  • Toby, Reuters.


  • Toby Sterling - Media

    Toby Sterling - Media

  • Hi, yeah, Toby from Reuters.


  • I'm not sure, is there a logical contradiction there if you say it's good if the prices come down, but it's also good if there's huge demand for lots of AI chips.


  • So I'm just not sure if it makes complete logical sense what you say, that lower prices will drive better volumes.


  • For ASML in any case, maybe it's a wash, right?


  • Second question, I just I wanted to ask you, you had a great comment, I think, three months ago when you said that outside of AI, the chip market looks pretty sad.


  • And I'm wondering whether you see any change there with the rest of the market.


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • Yeah, so on the first one, on the cost relation to volume, let me try to put a bit of color on that.


  • Today, the level of AI sales is pretty high, but most of it goes to hyperscale computers, servers.


  • If you look at the number of chips related to that, it's pretty small, in fact.


  • This is not the majority of chips.


  • If it stays like this, then you only have people spending money in R&D to develop models, but you don't have -- which is a big question in AI, you don't have the application that basically create the return on this investment.


  • So what we expect to come over the years is those applications.


  • And those applications most probably will end up on a phone, on a car, in industrial applications, you see a lot of expectation, new expectation on robotics, for example, that's one new area.


  • Of course, on PC, et cetera, et cetera, on what we call


  • [AGI].


  • Today, those chips are not yet in demand.


  • We believe that when it comes to the size of our business, the demand will come more from the use of AI than the research on AI.


  • And to get those chips, if you want to have AI chips on your phone, the cost of those chips has to be a fraction of what maybe the hyperscaler can pay for it.


  • You cannot afford 25,000 chips on your phone.

    你買不起你的手機上的 25,000 個晶片。

  • So this has to happen.


  • And when this happens, which we see again, most probably in the second half of the end of this decade, then AI will really drive volume.


  • That's the relationship.


  • If the cost doesn't go down, you may continue to sell a few very expensive chips and make a few people very happy.


  • But you will not basically bring this technology to, well, let's say to the mass, and the volume will remain small.


  • So we have to get to that point.


  • And we don't know exactly when and how, but what we expect is mostly this happens between now and the end of the decade.


  • Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

    Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

  • Toby, it's a classic case of microeconomy, where it's all about price sensitivity.


  • And I think anything related to tech in the past has demonstrated to be very, very price sensitive.


  • So to the extent that you're able to drive down cost and prices, it more than compensates for in demand.


  • I think that's what we've seen in the past.


  • And that's the basis why indeed Christophe has been saying, starting last year, cost needs to be driven down in order for AI to be successful.


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • Yeah, and I think on the second question, Toby, I think what Roger and I had many discussions on that in the last few months, what we really see is we used to look at when the recovery of the normal business happened.


  • I think today, we believe that what's really happening in the market is a real shift.


  • So AI is changing quite a few things.


  • With some customers, some of our customers are doing extremely well, some of them having to catch up.


  • We see it changing potentially the roadmap of our customer because they have to develop basically processes that will be more targeting high-power computer or high bandwidth memory.


  • Roger talked about it.


  • So there is a real change.


  • There is a bit of a reorganization of the market, which I think we really started to sense in the second half of last year.


  • And this came with a bit of turbulences.


  • I think this is still happening because everyone is a bit lining up to basically go after this opportunity.


  • So this is quite a big change to be honest.


  • It affects quite a few parts of our business.


  • That's I think the way we look at it today.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • We still have a few minutes.


  • So there were some questions here.


  • Can you start there?


  • Yeah.


  • We'll try to be brief and get to all of you.


  • Huub Giesbers - Media

    Huub Giesbers - Media

  • Yes, I'm Huub Giesbers from Dutch news agency ANP.

    是的,我是荷蘭通訊社 ANP 的 Huub Giesbers。

  • And I was wondering, since I hear you mentioning that innovation is so important also for the semiconductor industry to reach volume, is it a bit concerned that the world markets are fragmenting because of trade wars or the threatening of trade wars with the US government?


  • You're mentioning tariffs almost every day also on semiconductors.


  • And will this in some way impact your long-term outlook?


  • Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

    Christophe Fouquet - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board

  • So I think we can both.


  • So the short answer, I think we've been consistent on that.


  • I think this industry has developed on a very successful open ecosystem.


  • The model where you decouple this ecosystem, where you try to have two maybe instead of one, makes things more expensive.


  • That's for sure.


  • And slow us down.


  • And I would say this is true almost for any economical matter.


  • So that I think is still true.


  • Does it necessarily affect the long term?


  • So there you can get more tactical where you say, well, now if I have two, then that could be more.


  • So there is no clear picture.


  • It depends a bit on how the whole thing evolves.


  • But the biggest impact is on cost and speed of innovation.


  • If you have an open ecosystem, both will be better.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Okay.


  • We need to speed it up a little bit.


  • Bert -- sorry, Dan, I'm trying to get to you.


  • Bert van Dijk - Media

    Bert van Dijk - Media

  • Bert van Dijk, Het Financieele Dagblad.

    伯特·範·戴克 (Bert van Dijk),Het Financieele Dagblad。

  • Just a follow up question on Toby's question about the other industry than the AI sector.


  • I was just wondering if you could elaborate a little bit on the automotive market and the industry market.


  • Do you see some kind of recovery happening there?


  • Or are you talking also about a shift in that industry as well?


  • And a short second question is about the order intake.


  • You're going to stop reporting on that from 2026.

    從 2026 年起,您將停止對此進行報告。

  • I was just wondering, is that because you feel like that the investors are too much focused on that number that leads to swings in your share price?


  • Or could you elaborate a bit on why you decided to stop?


  • Because it seems to be a step back in transparency.


  • Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

    Roger Dassen - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management

  • So let me take both.


  • On the automotive market, the relevance for us for the automotive market has two angles to it.


  • On the one hand, it is the electrification.


  • And on the other hand, it is ADAS, so autonomous driving or assistance and assistance systems.


  • So those are the two there.


  • I think electrification is clearly in significant parts of the world is not happening as rapidly as was anticipated.


  • I think when it comes to ADAS, it will be heavily dependent on how regulation is going to develop.

    我認為 ADAS 的發展很大程度取決於監管的發展。

  • But there we are more positive, and we do see that ADAS will break through.

    但我們對此更加積極,我們確實看到 ADAS 將會取得突破。

  • So yes, I think the automotive market globally right now is going through a bit of a dip with the electrification.


  • I think long term, I think ADAS is still strong.

    我認為從長遠來看,ADAS 仍然很強大。

  • When it comes to the transparency argument on what we're doing, I think at the end of the day, what matters to us is that we give investors the right information and the information that they can take the right decisions on.


  • We give them guidance.


  • We give you guidance every single year.


  • That guidance is based on ongoing conversations with our customers.


  • And we think that that guidance that we provide gives you a better indication of the momentum of our business than providing on a quarterly basis order intake, which we have been saying for quite a while is pretty lumpy.


  • So that's why we think in this case, over the longer term, less is more.


  • Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

    Monique Mols - Head of Media Relations.

  • Sorry, we have to end this.


  • So if you have any more questions, contact one of the Media Relations colleagues and we'll get back to you.


  • Thank you for joining.


  • Thank you for coming to Veldhoven.


  • Thank you for joining online and hope to see you next year.


  • Thank you.
