艾司摩爾 (ASML) 2005 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to the ASML first quarter 2005 conference call on April 13, 2005. [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS].

    女士們、先生們,感謝你們的耐心等待,歡迎參加 2005 年 4 月 13 日舉行的 ASML 2005 年第一季電話會議。[操作員說明]。

  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Craig DeYoung.


  • Mr. DeYoung, you may start.


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Thank you operator.


  • I would like to extend a warm welcome to everybody on behalf of ASML, this is our Q1 conference call.


  • Joining me today is our CEO, Eric Meurice, and our CFO, Peter Wennink.

    今天加入我的是我們的執行長 Eric Meurice 和財務長彼得溫尼克 (Peter Wennink)。

  • Just by way of a little call protocol, the duration of the call is 1 hour.

    僅透過一點通話協議,通話時間為 1 小時。

  • We would ask that you limit your questions to 1.

    我們要求您將問題限制為 1 個。

  • And then if the time allows, we will come back to your for a second question.


  • But this will allow us to get as many calls in as possible.


  • Having said that, I would like to remind you that the matters discussed in this call may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, economic conditions; product demand and semi-conductor equipment industry capacity; worldwide demand and manufacturing capacity utilization for semiconductors, the principle product of our customer base; competitive products and pricing; manufacturing efficiencies; new product development; availability to enforce patents; the outcome of international property litigation; availability of raw materials and critical manufacturing equipment; trade environment and other risks indicated in the risk factors included in ASML's annual report on form 20-F and other filings with the U.S.

    話雖如此,我想提醒您,本次電話會議中討論的事項可能包括前瞻性陳述,這些陳述受到風險和不確定性的影響,包括但不限於經濟狀況;產品需求及半導體設備產業產能;全球半導體需求和製造產能利用率,半導體是我們客戶群的主要產品;有競爭力的產品和定價;製造效率;新產品開發;可以執行專利;國際財產訴訟的結果;原材料和關鍵製造設備的可用性; ASML 20-F 表格年度報告和其他向美國提交的文件中包含的風險因素中指出的貿易環境和其他風險。

  • Securities and Exchange Commission.


  • Thanks for bearing with me on that.


  • What I'd like to do now is turn over the phone for a brief comment from Eric, followed by your questions.


  • Eric?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Okay.


  • Thank you Craig.


  • Good morning.


  • Good afternoon.


  • Thank you for attending the call.


  • Message will be brief.


  • In fact, we have got 2 messages.

    事實上,我們收到了 2 則訊息。

  • One is on execution.


  • Execution in Q1 has been excellent.


  • The results have been, as you can see, a bit shy from an average expectation.


  • However, extremely good compared to last year's Q1, compared to last year's Q4 and when compared to the history of ASML.

    然而,與去年第一季、去年第四季以及 ASML 的歷史相比,這是非常好的。

  • This is good at the top-line level, with a 51% growth.

    這在營收水準上表現良好,成長了 51%。

  • Good at the gross margin level, with a 40% gross margin achieved.


  • Good at the operating income level, where we are reaching 21%.

    營業收入水準良好,我們已達到 21%。

  • Good at the net income level, where we are nearly 15%.

    淨利潤水準良好,接近 15%。

  • All this with an improvement in market share and execution, which therefore is, I would say, near flawless in terms of our commitment to improvement of gross profitability and liquidity.


  • Very good news here is this improvement in execution is going to continue for long projects.


  • Basically, capability of our Company to execute to our financial targets.


  • Second message is the outlook.


  • This better machine, this machine which improves quarter to quarter is, I think, in fact a U-curve capacity utilization from our own customers.

    我認為,這台更好的機器,這台逐季改進的機器實際上是我們自己客戶的 U 型產能利用率。

  • We were hesitating, if you remember, our message at the conference in the end of Q4 was one of uncertainty.


  • We didn't know if there was going to be a pick up or a fall.


  • And it took us about 3 months and in fact, the whole of March to clarify a bit the situation in the sense that we are not seeing a pick-up.

    我們花了大約 3 個月,事實上,整個 3 月的時間才澄清了一些情況,因為我們沒有看到任何回升。

  • We are seeing a stabilization, which means what I call a U-curve utilization shape, usage.

    我們看到了一種穩定,這意味著我所說的 U 曲線利用率形狀。

  • And that forces a field of time where the old are entering and stabilizing at some level.


  • The good news is the level that we are seeing at this moment is high enough for us to execute to our financial target.


  • It is not extraordinary.


  • Therefore, we are not seeing a plain recovery.


  • But we are seeing a sustained level, which again will allow us to deliver.


  • So these are the messages that I wanted to clarify, underline.


  • One is great execution, strengthening the Company.


  • We are a maturing Company, which can perform on the cycle.


  • Cycle at this moment is flat, waiting for recovery.


  • And we have a certain number of signs that recovery will be coming.


  • However, we wanted to show a realistic process view to say that this recovery may not happen tomorrow.


  • On this, I would like to leave it to questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you Mr. Meurice. [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS].

    謝謝莫里斯先生。 [操作員說明]。

  • The first question comes from Mr. Nav Sheera, Citigroup.

    第一個問題來自花旗集團的 Nav Sheera 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Good afternoon gents.


  • Eric, you have made your prognosis for the cycle pretty clearly.


  • And I just wanted to concentrate on things which are probably more in your control, because in the presentation you have alluded to both lead time reduction and cost-control programs, which -- when at the last set of quarterly numbers you were reluctant to give targets.


  • But on this occasion you have.


  • I just wanted to ask you to expand a bit, please, on how you are going to reduce your lead times and also shed some light in terms of your reduction in cost of goods sold, as well for the TWINSCAN systems.

    我只是想請您詳細說明您將如何減少交貨時間,並就如何降低銷售成本以及 TWINSCAN 系統提供一些說明。

  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Okay.


  • I heard the first part of your question on lead time.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • The second part is on cost controls.


  • Just how you are reducing the cost of goods sold for TWINSCAN?

    您如何降低 TWINSCAN 的商品銷售成本?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Okay.


  • Very good.


  • Yes, again we are in a continuous improvement mode in terms of our ability to deliver value to our customer, which is lead-time and cost, which is profitability.


  • On the lead-time, you have seen from the presentation which is on the net that we are targeting now about 20% reduction on our cycle time, which is the technical cycle time of building a machine.

    關於交付週期,您可以從網路上的演示中看到,我們現在的目標是縮短週期時間(即製造機器的技術週期時間)約 20%。

  • And we think we can achieve that number by Q4.


  • And we think we can use this improved cycle time plus smart buffering and smart planning to reduce our lead-time, which is the time between taking an order and delivering, by 30%.

    我們認為我們可以利用這種改進的周期時間加上智慧緩衝和智慧規劃來將交貨時間(即接受訂單和交貨之間的時間)縮短 30%。

  • So 20% cycle time reduction, 30% lead time reduction.

    因此,週期時間縮短 20%,交貨時間縮短 30%。

  • The way to do this is smarter manufacturing, where we are going to use a smarter shift system.


  • At this moment we are not using this.


  • We are using voluntary labels and applying these different labels to the different machines we have.


  • Now we are going to have trained people at the same level, days and nights, 7 days a week.

    現在,我們將每週 7 天、日日夜夜地對同一級別的人員進行培訓。

  • And we expect this to be a very, very important point to achieve some, I would say, parallel work on some machines and therefore gain into cycle time.


  • In terms of lead-time, we are doing -- in fact, we have discovered that we can do a bit of better planning on critical components.


  • Not too many of those, but those critical components need to be buffered, need to be put in stock.


  • That's not a lot of money.


  • That's not a lot of working capital.


  • That also will be shared with suppliers.


  • And that will allow us to claim the additional 10% improvement on lead-time.

    這將使我們能夠額外縮短 10% 的交貨時間。

  • We are, of course, helped very much in this process by Zeiss, who is very much contributing to this -- to improvement.


  • On the cost control, clearly 2 initiatives.


  • One is on basic cost of goods sold.


  • As you know, this comes from looking at the spec, improving the spec, reducing the things which are not used, coming with evolution of material used, from expensive material to less expensive material, etc.


  • It is extremely technical. 100 line items per machine.

    這是非常技術性的。每台機器 100 個行項目。

  • And we are executing on this and we have basically identified significant savings.


  • So in addition, we are working with our suppliers, getting to be both sides more efficient.


  • And we are getting certain numbers of price reduction.


  • So price and redesigns will lead to about a 10% reduction of cost of our volume TWINSCAN, our basic TWINSCAN, within Q4 timeframe.

    因此,價格和重新設計將導致我們的大量 TWINSCAN(我們的基本 TWINSCAN)成本在第四季度內降低約 10%。

  • Second is the initiative, which I have, on purpose, not quantified at this time.


  • We are working to strengthen our capability to be more variable in costs and using more outside vendors and outside, I would say, support on non-critical items.


  • And with the smart contracts, we think we can [viabilize] to load, which is another way of saying that we feel much more comfortable to lead a business with a natural breakeven point.


  • And therefore, you have seen fairly significant, I would say, confidence that in view of the -- in spite of the U-shaped environment in which we are, we are fairly confident in guiding to the fact that we will be meeting our financial targets, which I repeat, as we said 3 months ago, trying to execute a 15% operating income.

    因此,我想說,你們已經看到了相當大的信心,儘管我們所處的 U 型環境,我們還是相當有信心引導我們實現我們的財務目標。目標,我重複一遍,正如我們3 個月前所說的那樣,試圖執行15% 的營業收入。

  • That is EBIT to sales on the cycle.


  • So up plus down, delivering 15% on average.

    所以上下加起來,平均達到 15%。

  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • Thank you for that.


  • Am I right in assuming that the 30% lead time reduction allows you to be able to ship the TWINSCAN within 6 months of receipt of order by the end of this year?

    我的假設是,交貨時間縮短 30%,使您能夠在今年年底收到訂單後 6 個月內發貨 TWINSCAN?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • This is the plan.


  • It's a bit more complicated than that.


  • As you know, there are more lead times than products, and depending on which maturity you're talking about.


  • But on average you are not far.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Matthew Gehl, Goldman Sachs.


  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Matthew Gehl - Analyst

    Matthew Gehl - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I wanted to ask a question really to the Q2 order guidance that you gave.


  • First, could you just clarify, you're expecting a downtick in orders in Q2.


  • Are you referring to new orders or is this only referring to total order demand, [used together]?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • It is total orders.


  • The reason of our, I would say, guidance, which of course we considered before forwarding to you as information.


  • Of course, we are in an industry where it is an extremely difficult call when the business gets better, because every customer [is going to] take the call and puts you tons of orders at the moment they get their own customers to move their volume.

    當然,在我們所處的行業,當業務好轉時,接到電話是一個極其困難的事情,因為每個客戶都會接聽電話,並在他們讓自己的客戶移動他們的數量時給你下大量訂單。 。

  • But we decided to be on the conservative side, because we believe that the memory segment has seriously booked to technology nodes, the new technology nodes in the first half.


  • And we believe it will take them a bit of time to put all this capacity into action before they have enough, even bandwidth, to go and put the next big batch of order.


  • Which is why we got a bit disappointed in the March timeframe, where in recent discussions about the next big batch of orders of the memory sectors, we clearly understood that there was a priority.


  • Which is to focus on digesting the significant orders that we shipped in the past 6 months.

    重點是消化我們在過去 6 個月發貨的重要訂單。

  • Matthew Gehl - Analyst

    Matthew Gehl - Analyst

  • Your new orders should be down sequentially as well in Q2?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • We still -- certainly.


  • We expect the numbers to be lower than the 35 that we achieved in Q1.

    我們預計這一數字將低於第一季的 35 個。

  • And which is probably in the other trend I wanted to mention, which showed our conservatism, which is the Foundry business.


  • Some of us, and some of you, have contacted the foundries in the January/February timeframe.


  • And all of us felt comfortable that the orders would come back because [a little bit in] parameters, particularly stock, was going in the right directions.


  • And overall, semiconductor sales were going in the right direction.


  • However, this wave hasn't yet happened.


  • Now, we are comfortable that the different parameters of the business are still improving.


  • And therefore, this wave is on its way.


  • We cannot yet time it, basically.


  • And thus, because we could not time it, we elected to put a conservative view on order entry for Q2.


  • And we did so because what we have been able to identify is still high enough for us to deliver this fairly good year.


  • So we thought it our duty to basically give a message of caution about the run rate, but of optimism about that run rate not being too long.


  • Matthew Gehl - Analyst

    Matthew Gehl - Analyst

  • But just maybe to clarify, your Q2 guidance reflects a more conservative number than it would be if you were just using your customer forecast right now, i.e. you're taking a discount from what they're telling you?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Complicated to say.


  • We are always doing this.


  • You always have customers -- in fact this is the big game here, where customers don't want to lose their slot.


  • So your statement is valid in every circumstance.


  • Customers would rarely tell you that they don't need a machine, because they know if they say that they lose the opportunity to get service with the fastest lead time.


  • However, I can translate it differently.


  • We didn't do more of a sanitization than we usually do.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I'll add a little bit to that now.


  • We internally talk about the conversion order rate.


  • And the conversion order rate is basically the actual orders that you booked in the quarter versus what you expect on the base of the customer contact.


  • And the customer contacts, like Eric just said, is based on their CapEx plans and on their capacity and on their plans to actually have a capacity.


  • So when you look at the order conversion rate, and we took it for the first quarter, it was a bit disappointing to us, just like Eric said, because we did expect that certain pockets of customers, especially foundries, would be more present in the order intake.


  • If we then take our expectation for this quarter, and we apply the same quarter conversion rate, because the customer body language isn't any different over the last couple of weeks.


  • So we apply that same order conversion rate.


  • We come to this more conservative guidance of Q2.


  • And that's how we do it.


  • It's how we see the market right now.


  • It's how our customers are basically telling our sales force what they need.


  • But it is also the level of uncertainty that they clearly radiate when it comes to actually placing the order.


  • That just makes us more cautious and say let's not go to a higher order conversion rate than what we saw in Q1.


  • I think that's the main reason.


  • Matthew Gehl - Analyst

    Matthew Gehl - Analyst

  • And a final follow-up question on the --


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • We're going to have to move on.


  • I apologize.


  • Matthew Gehl - Analyst

    Matthew Gehl - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks guys.


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Thanks Matt.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Jan-Willem Berghuis, Kempen & Co. Go ahead please sir.

    下一個問題來自 Kempen & Co. 的 Jan-Willem Berghuis。先生,請繼續。

  • Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

    Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Good morning.


  • This morning I listened to the press conference call and I think, Mr. Meurice, you made quite an interesting remark on that you were in talks with some customers, also related to the discussion on market conditions, which were hesitating to place orders.


  • And actually they were looking for delivery in the June timeframe.


  • Can you confirm this?


  • And can you confirm that these were 2 foundry customers?

    您能否確認這是 2 個代工廠客戶?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • I can confirm this, obviously.


  • We have been happily surprised that some of the orders that were negotiated in March in fact did happen, a [bigger] number did happen in the last week or so.


  • That these are requested for delivery time, but again, I repeat it, the request by customers.


  • And we probably will not be able to do this, although we probably will ship early after that.


  • These very specific orders are memory.


  • Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

    Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • But given the remarks you made just a minute ago, you don't expect them to be -- to come through in the remainder of the year, given your orders in the first half?


  • Or do you still believe it's an option for the second half of the year that these orders will come through?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • In fact, you have discovered our secret is we are a bit on the conservative.


  • Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

    Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • That's what I thought.


  • Okay.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • We do -- in other terms, we wanted to reset the curve.


  • So V-curve, that is you expect immediate [order] from us.

    所以,V 型曲線,就是您期望我們立即發出[訂單]。

  • We just said no.


  • The model is not this.


  • It's a U-curve and at some point it will go.

    這是一條 U 形曲線,在某個時刻它會改變。

  • The good news is we solely think that it's going to go up again.


  • And that's the message we're giving.


  • And this is where the conservatism is.


  • It's better than it looks when you just say Q2 booking is going to be low.


  • We say Q2 booking is going to continue low, but at some point the curve is going to go up pretty strongly.


  • The good news is the basic curve.


  • Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

    Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Odess(ph), Merrill Lynch.

    下一個問題來自美林證券公司 Odess(ph) 先生的人。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Mr. Odess, Merrill Lynch?


  • Are you there sir?


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Apparently not operator.


  • Go to the next one.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Gaudois, Deutsche Bank.


  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

    Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Hi there.


  • Could you give us a bit more clarity on average selling prices development beyond your guidance of €13.3m for shipments in the second quarter?

    您能否更清楚地介紹一下第二季出貨量 1,330 萬歐元的平均銷售價格發展?

  • Just looking at the ASPs in your backlog, if I take out what you have to ship in Q2, I have got ASPs for what is still in the backlog after that, around €12.5m.

    只需查看您的積壓訂單中的 ASP,如果我取出您在第二季度必須發貨的產品,我會得到此後積壓訂單中的 ASP,大約 1250 萬歐元。

  • I am wondering if this is the right number to start with for ASPs in the third quarter shipments and what will be the trend into the fourth quarter.


  • Again, of course, starting from a point which is arguably higher than expectations for the second quarter.


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Very difficult questions in the sense that we, as you know, are very granular.


  • We -- to clarify, the point is we have certain numbers of machines at very high end, the 1400, 0.93-NA.

    需要澄清的是,我們擁有一定數量的非常高端的機器,即 1400 台、0.93-NA。

  • These are very expensive machines.


  • And having 5 or 10 in the quarter makes a significant difference from the average ASP.

    當季度出現 5 或 10 次時,與平均 ASP 相比有顯著差異。

  • Clearly, we are very optimistic about Q2.


  • We are going to, again, deliver a fairly good performance.


  • We are going to deliver growth compared to Q1.


  • And this Q2 is highly loaded with machines, 1400s, which is why you have an ASP level which is significant.

    第二季的機器負載很高,有 1400 台,這就是為什麼 ASP 等級很重要。

  • Q3 and Q4, now you are asking me to be more precise as to the expected mix.


  • This I will try to avoid answering you.


  • This is where the uncertainty comes.


  • If you play a 1400, the technology transition at foundry or at IDM, the price will be the same.


  • If you play a capacity scenario, the price will be low but the volume will be high.


  • So extremely complicated to answer your question.


  • Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

    Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

  • Just a clarification about, of course, in your press release you are saying that your gross margin guidance in Q3 is based on lower volumes.


  • I am assuming lower volumes than Q2.


  • So in that context, I am assuming still that Q3 is not a quarter where you would have volume-driven pushes, i.e. one considers the 1400 will be high in the mix.

    因此,在這種情況下,我仍然假設第三季度不會出現銷售驅動的季度,即人們認為 1400 將在混合中處於高位。

  • That's really what I was trying for.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • You were talking about levels of granularity.


  • In some ways, yes, you could imagine that 1 1400 equals 1.3 code and code volume products, if you see what I mean.

    在某些方面,是的,如果您明白我的意思,您可以想像 1 1400 等於 1.3 代碼和代碼量乘積。

  • So when we say we are going to be lower in volume, it's a certainty.


  • But it could be a bit more 1400 or a bit less of that.

    但可能比 1400 多一點,也可能少一點。

  • And this is why I didn't want to be, at this moment, committed to giving the ASP.

    這就是為什麼我此時不想承諾提供 ASP。

  • Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

    Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just -- without too much granularity short term, and if you look in 2006, what in your mind is the current likely bracket of ASPs?

    然後只是 - 短期內沒有太多的粒度,如果您看看 2006 年,您認為目前可能的 ASP 範圍是什麼?

  • You're considering a similar level than Q2 or no?

    您是否正在考慮與 Q2 類似的等級?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • There is a significant chance for increase.


  • We are introducing in Q1 of 2006 our Hyper-NA machine.

    我們將在 2006 年第一季推出 Hyper-NA 機器。

  • We are taking orders at this very moment.


  • In fact, we are negotiating orders at this very moment.


  • It looks to be a successful machine.


  • And it is a highly -- fairly expensive machine, which is even above the 1400 numbers which we just talked about.

    這是一台相當昂貴的機器,甚至高於我們剛才談到的 1400 個數字。

  • So we see high probability that the ASP will continue growth.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And especially, Nick, in the quarters where volumes are low and the technology demand from customers is still there, we'll be highly focused on the really leading-edge tools.


  • And that has a positive impact on the ASP.

    這對 ASP 產生正面影響。

  • But, just like Eric said, it's difficult with relatively low numbers to give you an exact ASP because mix issues, 1 or 2 more or less 1400s will have an impact, as you may understand.

    但是,就像Eric 所說的那樣,很難用相對較低的數字為您提供準確的ASP,因為混合問題,1 或2 個或多或少的1400 將會產生影響,正如您可能理解的那樣。

  • But for 2006 we are introducing this particular tool, so this trend of rising ASPs, driven still by leading-edge needs of our customers, that is almost a given.

    但 2006 年我們將推出這項特殊工具,因此 ASP 上升的趨勢仍然是由我們客戶的前沿需求所推動的,這幾乎是必然的。

  • Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

    Mr. Gaudois - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks very much for your help.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Timothy Arcuri, Smith Barney.


  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Hi guys.


  • Actually I have 2 questions.


  • The first question is I know that many investors view your results as a leading indicator for the cycle.


  • And I know that you are obviously quite bearish on your chip makers or your customers, basically during the back half of the year.


  • However, if you look at your orders relative to the industry, the industry went up a lot more off of the bottom than most other big tool levers.


  • So do you think that maybe you are seeing some capacity digestion that is specific to lithography that might not be broadly indicative?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Again, the 2 factors which make this analysis a bit complicated, one is that we overbooked last year.


  • And that is a fact, a statement that the industry was a bit worried about not getting its share of capacities.


  • So the industry booked ahead.


  • And we actually did a significant backlog.


  • So the fact that you don't get bookings is a natural.


  • It's just a collection of your pre-bookings we're taking.


  • So if life would -- if we'd all be smarter, we would have taken the backlog divided by 12 and it would have been much smoother reading.

    因此,如果生活能夠——如果我們都變得更聰明的話,我們就會把待辦事項除以 12,那麼閱讀就會順暢得多。

  • So in other terms, our customers are getting the units that they expected in the first place.


  • And in fact, if you see from our performance of delivery, we are doing a fairly good run.


  • In fact, it's still growing in some ways if you correct for cyclicality, since now 6 quarters.

    事實上,如果你糾正週期性,自現在 6 個季度以來,它在某些方面仍在增長。

  • So we are very, very, very, very stable in the shipment part.


  • What is driving this is the behavior of bookings.


  • But, as I explained, you have behavior here of trying to reserve your capacity at the right time.


  • Now, having said that, to answer your question, the digestion effect.


  • We estimate it to be a creation of about 5 to 10% more capacity.

    我們估計,容量將增加約 5% 至 10%。

  • That is what we are shipping today, what we have been shipping in the past 4 to 6 quarters creates an additional capacity at the level of 5 to 10.

    這就是我們今天所運輸的產品,我們在過去 4 到 6 個季度中一直在運輸的產品創造了 5 到 10 個水平的額外產能。

  • So if you are thinking that the industry, semiconductor industry, is moving up by 5 to 10%, which is by the way not far from mid-term reality, the utilization rate is U-shaped.

    因此,如果你認為半導體產業正在成長 5% 到 10%(順便說一句,這與中期現實相距不遠),那麼利用率就是 U 形的。

  • And if we do this utilization rate at this moment, depending on which statistic you take, in the 80 to 90% range.

    如果我們此時計算利用率,則取決於您採用的統計數據,在 80% 到 90% 的範圍內。

  • So this is why the digestion effort is not that large.


  • It does exist.


  • It creates the U-shape.

    它創建了 U 形。

  • But the fact that the U-shape is at a significant level, which therefore allows all the technology orders to happen, gives us the optimism that you have heard from us, which is not bad for a bad cycle.

    但事實上,U 形處於顯著水平,因此允許所有技術訂單發生,這給了我們您從我們那裡聽到的樂觀情緒,這對於一個糟糕的周期來說並不是壞事。

  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Right.


  • So certainly, because there were so many litho tools bought in 2003 and '04 relative to other tools in the fab, certainly I would expect that maybe your results are not so broadly indicative of the overall industry, certainly in the back half of the year.

    當然,由於 2003 年和 04 年購買瞭如此多的光刻工具(相對於晶圓廠中的其他工具),我當然希望您的結果可能不能廣泛地反映整個行業,尤其是在今年下半年。

  • I guess maybe as a second question, I know you commented some on Memory and Foundry and Logic.


  • But can you give specific comments as to what your expectations are in Q2 and how does that [half of the year] by those 3 customer groups?

    但您能否具體評論一下您對第二季的期望以及這 3 個客戶群的[半年]期望如何?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • I will start with the first one, which we are again -- which gives another reason of optimism.


  • We are very happy with IDM.

    我們對 IDM 非常滿意。

  • Very, very happy.


  • We are making very good progress.


  • They are accreting orders.


  • We are having some new orders from new customers in this environment.


  • We are basically building market share and our older customers are coming back.


  • So good news here.


  • The Foundry business, we know we are discussing at this moment conditions of taking the next orders.


  • So we know things are cooking, in the Foundry business outside of China.


  • Okay?


  • So I would guess, if you were to put my answer to you by level of optimism, this is exactly how I see it.


  • IDM is excellent.

    IDM 非常出色。

  • Foundry outside of China is the next coming.


  • And then you have got a competition between Foundry in China and Memory business, which are the turnkey bits that at this moment, we don't read.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Mark Fitzgerald, Bank of America.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Looking at your backlog situation, can you give us some idea what you'd expect for shipments for the year?


  • Are we looking at down 15 to 20% on unit shipments?

    我們的出貨量是否會下降 15% 至 20%?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • I think, if I read your expectation of average analysts, what would I come up with? 190 units? 220?

    我想,如果我讀到你對一般分析師的預期,我會得出什麼結論? 190 單位? 220?

  • That's basically 185 units.

    基本上是 185 個單位。

  • So yes, we should be in the order of magnitude of, say, 200 to 220 total machines is an appropriate view of life.

    所以,是的,我們的數量級應該是,比如說,總共 200 到 220 台機器是一個合適的生活觀。

  • And again, as I say, based on the idea that the waves are not coming back.


  • So if I make myself clear.


  • So I will try to guide, not as a pessimistic view of life, but a conservative view of life, with a wait-and-see attitude about when the waves come back.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think I would like to refer back to what we said at the end of the fourth quarter, where we tried to give some kind of overview of what the analyst expectation was of industry growth for our customers.


  • And that's what basically translated down to what we thought a worldwide market could be.


  • I don't know whether you remember that particular slide in the presentation where we said -- that translates into a wafer market of between 400 and 500 units.

    我不知道您是否還記得簡報中我們所說的那張特定投影片——這意味著晶圓市場的數量在 400 到 500 單位之間。

  • That is what we said at the time.


  • I think we still stand by that range.


  • And you could then say it could have been that you've shipped some to the lower end of that range and does that effectively mean that if you take 40/45% unit market share, you would be around -- and the [used] numbers that we have been reporting, you're in that area.

    然後你可以說,你可能已經將一些產品運送到了該範圍的下限,這是否有效地意味著,如果你佔據 40/45% 的單位市場份額,你就會周圍 - 並且[二手]根據我們報告的數字,您就位於該區域。

  • That's just a measure.


  • So in that sense, it's within that range that we have given as the possibility for the market.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • And can I just test a thesis that it's [to you] bottom, because if you look, the global stock market seems to suggest the global economy is slowing here.


  • Things really deteriorate.


  • Historically, you guys will book at much lower levels than where we are bottoming out at this point.


  • So obviously, you are making some assumptions about the macro-picture out there.


  • And I'm curious if that's a downside risk you've not taken into consideration.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • We are taking the assumption -- everything you heard today is based on semiconductor growth overall at about 5%.

    我們假設—你們今天聽到的一切都是基於半導體整體成長率約為 5%。

  • I do not want to even think or talk about correlation between semiconductor and GDP.

    我甚至不想思考或談論半導體與 GDP 之間的相關性。

  • I leave you with this one.


  • At this moment, this is the best we can do.


  • Now if it's true, we will come back and apologize if the semiconductor industry goes down and then, of course, our assumption is that the U-curve remains the view for a longer time.

    現在,如果這是真的,如果半導體產業下滑,我們會回來道歉,然後,當然,我們的假設是 U 曲線在更長的時間內仍然是這種觀點。

  • But at this point, 5% tells you why we are, I would say, reasonably optimistic.

    但在這一點上,我認為 5% 可以告訴你為什麼我們相當樂觀。

  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Callers, we appreciate all your good questions, but if I could implore you to keep it to one, we'd really appreciate it for the rest of the scheduled time here.


  • Then we can get more calls in.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. [Dominic Sakar], Moors & Cabot.

    下一個問題來自 Moors & Cabot 的 [Dominic Sakar] 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Dominic Sakar - Analyst

    Dominic Sakar - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • Good morning.


  • A couple of questions.


  • If you could clarify once more, so your expectations of lithography units for 2005 is something close to below -- between 450 and 500.

    如果您能再澄清一下,那麼您對 2005 年光刻機的預期接近於以下數字——在 450 到 500 之間。

  • And ASML's new unit expectation's around 180.


  • Is that right?


  • Did I read that right?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • What we said is we went -- we referred back to the presentation that we put on the web at the end of Q4, where we gave our view of what the bandwidth was for the litho market in 2005.

    我們所說的是——我們回顧了第四季度末在網上發布的演示,其中我們對 2005 年光刻市場的頻寬給出了我們的看法。

  • That was between 400 and 500 units.

    那是在 400 到 500 單位之間。

  • And we said at that time that what at that time looked reasonable was about the mid point there.


  • But you could argue that now we are somewhere between the bottom point and the mid point, and that's what I wanted to say.


  • And you know our unit market share, which is generally between 40 and 45%.

    你也知道我們的單位市佔率一般在 40% 到 45% 之間。

  • So you can do the math.


  • Dominic Sakar - Analyst

    Dominic Sakar - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And all the other questions on Immersion side, what's the current expectations regarding what will be the ballpark units that you are looking for '05 ASML might be shipping, and maybe some hint into '06?

    以及沉浸式方面的所有其他問題,對於您正在尋找的 '05 ASML 可能會發貨的大致設備的當前期望是什麼,也許還有一些關於 '06 的暗示?

  • That would be great.


  • Thanks.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • In terms of Immersion, we are doing significant progress.


  • As you know, we have already shipped 3 units.

    如您所知,我們已經發貨了 3 台。

  • We booked, in fact, 2 units in Q1.

    事實上,我們在第一季預訂了 2 個單位。

  • We have now 10 units about in backlog, waiting for shipment.

    我們現在大約有 10 台積壓,等待發貨。

  • And these units will ship within Q2 and Q3.


  • At this point mainly, we are waiting for [indiscernible].


  • So we expect an acceleration of the bookings of Immersion in the Q3.

    因此,我們預計第三季 Immersion 的預訂量將會加速。

  • In fact, no.


  • End of Q2, beginning of Q3, in particular for the new machine, the Hyper-NA machine, which will be introduced in Q1 2006.

    第二季末,第三季初,特別是新機器 Hyper-NA 機器,它將在 2006 年第一季推出。

  • I do not expect any significant volume of Immersion in 2005 for the sake of these machines being R&D machines, mainly not yet production machines.

    我預計 2005 年 Immersion 的銷售不會很大,因為這些機器都是研發機器,主要還不是生產機器。

  • So it's a very normal technical development of a new process.


  • Dominic Sakar - Analyst

    Dominic Sakar - Analyst

  • What about the Immersion unit in 2006?

    2006 年的沉浸式課程怎麼樣?

  • Do you expect that to almost double, then, '05?

    那麼,05 年您預計這一數字將幾乎翻倍嗎?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Oh yes, minimum.


  • You mean double than '05?


  • Yes.


  • If I just mention the 10-ish machines or 10, 12 machines in '05, we will do more than that in 2006.

    如果我只提到 05 年的 10 台左右機器或 10、12 台機器,那麼我們在 2006 年會做得更多。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think the Hydro-NA, the Immersion, will address the next tech -- the next technology node that cannot be done with systems that are currently dry.

    我認為 Hydro-NA,即沉浸式技術,將解決下一個技術問題——目前乾燥系統無法完成的下一個技術節點。

  • So that means that if you have to go to that node to do the -- to do it wet.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • It becomes immediately a volume.


  • You go from 2005, with R&D data.

    你可以從 2005 年的研發數據開始。

  • And 2006 is the production data.


  • So you're talking serious volume.


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • We've got to move on.


  • Dominic Sakar - Analyst

    Dominic Sakar - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Steven Collier, Fulcrum Global.

    下一個問題來自 Fulcrum Global 的 Steven Collier 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • The next question, let's move onto the next question, Francois Meunier, Cazenove.

    下一個問題,我們繼續下一個問題,Francois Meunier,Cazenove。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I will have 1 question regarding the ASP of [indiscernible] tool, which has gone up [15 to 20] in Q1.

    我有 1 個關於 [音訊不清晰] 工具的 ASP 的問題,該工具在第一季已上升 [15 至 20]。

  • Could you please explain what's going on with your [sales level] going forward?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • What you are seeing is a transition from used [stepper style] to used scanners.


  • We saw that first changeover, we saw that happening in 2004.

    我們看到了第一次轉變,我們看到它發生在 2004 年。

  • But now it is the new scanner market, especially 200 millimeter, is starting to develop.


  • And that going forward is going to be the trend.


  • So yes, I do expect that that higher ASP we're going to be seeing will be prolonged going forward.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And could you explain what happened in services?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • What happened in services, service revenue was lower in Q1 largely because our customers didn't stop, but put a very significant lid on their option purchases.


  • So option sales, field option sales, went down significantly.


  • That was the main driver.


  • Another driver was that we saw throughout 2004, we saw significant movement of tools in customer fabs because customers were readjusting the layout of their fabs.

    另一個驅動因素是我們在整個 2004 年看到,我們看到客戶晶圓廠中的工具發生了重大變化,因為客戶正在重新調整其晶圓廠的佈局。

  • That basically stopped in the first quarter of '05.

    這種情況在 05 年第一季就基本停止了。

  • And I think it's a reflection of our customers -- the attempt of our customers to try to control costs.


  • That's what we have seen.


  • So it's been the incidental service revenue coming out of system movements, and the fact that they are have stopped buying service options, given the uncertainty that they are currently in.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • But why then was Mr. Meurice saying for €75m in Q2?

    但為什麼 Meurice 先生在第二季提出 7500 萬歐元?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Has he?


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Yes, this morning during the conference call --


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think during the conference call he guided between 55 and 65.

    我認為在電話會議期間他指導了 55 到 65 之間。

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • It may be my accent.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Sorry about that.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Didier Scemama, ABN Amro.

    下一個問題來自荷蘭銀行的 Didier Scemama。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Didier Scemama - Analyst

    Didier Scemama - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • I just had a couple of questions.


  • First question, can you just update us on lead times for 200 millimeter, where you are there compared to where you were?

    第一個問題,您能否向我們介紹 200 毫米的交貨時間,與之前相比,您現在的情況如何?

  • Just trying to get a hand on the potential for substantial business in the back half of '05.

    只是想在 05 年下半年抓住大量業務的潛力。

  • And the second question is regarding the backlog.


  • How confident you are that the current level of backlog from memory manufacturers has reached the bottom right now?


  • Is it likely that we'll revisit the sort of level that we had in '03 and early '04 in your opinion?

    您認為我們是否有可能重新回到 03 年和 04 年初的水平?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Okay.


  • Regarding the lead times.


  • For certain numbers of machines, we are planning lead times of 3 months or less in the second half.

    對於某些數量的機器,我們計劃下半年的交貨時間為 3 個月或更短。

  • So to answer your question, we have enough optimism to plan for the possibility of a very, very quick turn in that U-shape.

    因此,為了回答你的問題,我們有足夠的樂觀情緒來計劃 U 形出現非常非常快速的轉變的可能性。

  • So the way to get there has been to work on the cycle time, as I said, but also to take strategic decisions on which component you need to take.


  • And we make a bit of a bet about which machine is which, and of course this also comes through many discussions with customers.


  • So, yes, 3 months' lead-time is seriously possible for us in 2005, and for H2.

    所以,是的,對於我們 2005 年和下半年來說,3 個月的交貨時間是完全有可能的。

  • For your question on when is the Memory business going to kick in, you see, if you had asked me the question last week, I would have said let them digest and the questions will recur in Q3.


  • And then we are sure that in Q3 things will be discussed from the statistics we have, and this is why we guided that Q2 is not the right time.


  • But then I am wrong, because a week -- within a week we had a negotiation, as I just announced, that Memory -- a large company came back and requested a booking, like now, for a very, very short lead time.


  • So, uncertainty.


  • Unknown.


  • Didier Scemama - Analyst

    Didier Scemama - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So if I just summarize, you said around 2 -- sorry, 6 months for TWINSCAN, around 3 months for [indiscernible], and with regards to Memory you don't know, but people are coming and putting orders.

    所以如果我簡單總結一下,你說大約 2 個月——抱歉,TWINSCAN 大約 6 個月,[音頻不清晰] 大約 3 個月,關於內存你不知道,但人們正在過來下訂單。

  • If I just ask your opinion with regard to current business into 3Q and 4Q, what would you say?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Oh, I think we're preparing ourselves for that.


  • So you can have minimum 10 used machines and potentially another 10 to 15 new, which can be turned extremely quickly.

    因此,您至少可以擁有 10 台二手機器,還可能有 10 到 15 台新機器,這些機器的周轉速度非常快。

  • Didier Scemama - Analyst

    Didier Scemama - Analyst

  • Perfect, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Peter Testa, One Investments.

    下一個問題來自 One Investments 的 Peter Testa。

  • Go ahead please, sir.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • If I could ask, on Japan, the extent to which you can give some feeling, further feeling, on how your position is developing in Japan?


  • You mention new customers in IDM, I was wondering whether that's reflecting success in Japan, and maybe help us understand at what point you would expect to see a volume of orders in Japan reflecting the market potential as opposed to an interesting but quite low volume now.

    您提到 IDM 的新客戶,我想知道這是否反映了日本的成功,也許可以幫助我們了解您期望在什麼時候看到日本的訂單量反映市場潛力,而不是現在有趣但相當低的數量。

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • I like your question because it's part of the areas we want to underline to you.


  • Of course, there is a storm out there in the way that we are not in an exciting part of the cycle.


  • But the Company is executing on very, very important aspects.


  • We spent a lot of time on the cost restructure, on the cycle time, which was fundamental.


  • On the market share, we are doing a not superficial improvement.


  • And Japan is the example of these 2, in which we are building up, I would say, the long-term entry.


  • And this can be in Q1, summarized by 2 factual successes.

    這可以在第一季度透過 2 個事實成功來總結。

  • One is, we've passed now well above 50% there in at least one of our very large current customers.

    一是,我們現在至少在我們現有的一個非常大的客戶中已經超過了 50%。

  • And that's a very significant message in Japan, where a customer would give us the credibility necessary to become [a partner].


  • The second part of the story is in addition to that we are making such inroads, and I can clearly define 3 customers as very near public, I would say, evaluation phase.

    故事的第二部分是除了我們正在取得的進展之外,我可以明確地將 3 個客戶定義為非常接近公開的,我想說的是,評估階段。

  • So it is my hope that you'll be putting a name to 1 or 2 or 3 of them by the end of the quarter.

    因此,我希望您能在本季末之前為其中的 1、2 或 3 個給出名字。

  • As you know, a piece of that is we need to confirm these evaluations and design wins.


  • Part of this is we also need to have them make it public.


  • Some of you may have already heard one of them made it public, but I don't think I've heard that they have made it public on their own.


  • So we are very, very satisfied about the level of interest, and very, very satisfied about, more than the interest, the amount of work that these additional 3 customers are asking us to invest, to, I would say, conclude.

    因此,我們對興趣程度非常非常滿意,而且非常非常滿意,不僅僅是興趣,這另外 3 個客戶要求我們投資的工作量,我想說,得出結論。

  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • If I can ask, just to get perspective on that, if you were successful, let's say, with the 1, 2 or 3 customers, can you give some sort of sense as to the proportion of the market that you would be servicing?

    如果我可以問一下,只是為了了解這一點,如果您成功了,比如說,擁有 1、2 或 3 個客戶,您能否對您將服務的市場比例給出某種解釋?

  • I don't mean your market share, but the proportion of market share represented by these -- this sort of customer base.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • I would have to guess, but it's all the big ones.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Fine.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • You [think you're talking to] X and then figure out who has not got enough to test a TWINSCAN.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And this relates to new technology, and margin, and so on?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Exactly.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Andrew Griffin, Merrill Lynch.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Hi there.


  • I've just got a question about whether you had any cancellations in the course, and whether there's any material differences [indiscernible] orders.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • And I guess the other question is, just on that subject, it seemed from the data you gave that the R&D portion of your backlog, which I know is a tiny portion, but it fell.


  • But I didn't see any R&D sales when you split up the value of your sales by end customer.


  • And I just wondered whether you just didn't disclose the R&D sales, or whether there was a change there.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think it's not [indiscernible], it's probably within the 2-ish percent, and we loaded it into the IDM.

    我認為這不是[無法辨別],它可能在百分之二左右的範圍內,我們將其加載到 IDM 中。

  • Sorry about that.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • It's a very long number.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Fair enough.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And there were no cancellations there.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Okay, good.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Mr. Lizbec(ph), Rabo Securities.

    下一個問題來自 Rabo 證券公司的 Lizbec(ph) 先生。

  • Mr. Lizbec - Analyst

    Mr. Lizbec - Analyst

  • Good afternoon [audible] Rabo Securities.

    下午好[音訊] Rabo 證券。

  • I've got a question about the R&D budget.


  • You mentioned [inaudible] if and by how much the [inaudible]?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • I think the question was asked last quarter, and we basically said, first is first.


  • Which is gaining a decision on the LCD market, and that decision is going to be pending negotiations with customers, so that we get commitments and significant pre-funding.

    該公司正在 LCD 市場做出決定,該決定將等待與客戶的談判,以便我們獲得承諾和大量的預先資金。

  • So depending on the significant pre-funding in question, and the level of commitments and the request for schedule and speed, you're -- the number in question would be different.


  • We say, however, that that number will be not dilutive to our target of 15% [indiscernible].

    然而,我們說這個數字不會稀釋我們 15% 的目標[音訊不清晰]。

  • And at this very moment, we can't really comment further on that level.


  • Mr. Lizbec - Analyst

    Mr. Lizbec - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Jonathan Dutton, UBS.


  • Go ahead please, sir.


  • Jonathan Dutton - Analyst

    Jonathan Dutton - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Next -- in the next couple of years, [inaudible] free cash flow.


  • I wondered if you could let us know you're your priorities are for that cash flow, whether it's dividend payout or strategic [acts].


  • If it's the latter, in what particular fields [inaudible].


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • You were extremely difficult to hear, but I understand you say, what do we want to do with our flush cash.


  • And I think my predecessor once said, buying a whole bunch of [aircraft].


  • But I'm reversing his decision.


  • Clearly, there are 2 answers to that.


  • One, we would like to bring our cash level to what we think is a state of the art, or what our -- basically our peers in the market are getting to, as a percentage of total assets or percentage of sales or whatever.


  • To be sure that we are able to weather the different cycles and be of -- have enough cash available for the appropriate small merger and acquisition, etc.


  • Things that we may have to execute.


  • And we believe that that number is towards the €2b gross, which is €1.2b net, roughly.

    我們相信這個數字接近 20 億歐元的總收入,即淨額約 1.2 億歐元。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • We currently always look at the net cash balance, we have about €800m.

    目前我們總是關注淨現金餘額,我們大約有 8 億歐元。

  • On the balance sheet slightly more, €850m, which is our long-term debt.


  • So our net cash balance is roughly €0.5b right now, so there's still some -- but you are right, we are generating free cash flow that will add to the cash balance.

    所以我們現在的淨現金餘額約為 0.5b 歐元,所以還有一些 - 但你是對的,我們正在產生自由現金流,這將增加現金餘額。

  • And what Eric said, we feel comfortable with a cash balance of around €1b or €1.2b to support us in our organic growth.

    正如艾瑞克所說,我們對 10 億歐元或 1.2 歐元左右的現金餘額感到滿意,以支持我們的有機成長。

  • But also, to make sure that we have sufficient cash to one, weather the cycles, and also to do, when we need to, to do smaller type acquisitions, or M&A type of work, which by the way, we currently have nothing specific on the radar screen.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • But it is clear that we know it is our duty to - if we don't have something else to do with cash - to give it back to the shareholders.


  • So that is very, very clear.


  • The -- I would say I can -- we will have some consultation at some point, when the time is due, to find out the right programs and processes to do this.


  • Yes, there is a bit of a bias on our side, because we are in a high-tech environment, to bring that money back through structured share buyback systems.


  • That's 1 alternative, and we're going to look at the different alternatives at the right moment.


  • Jonathan Dutton - Analyst

    Jonathan Dutton - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. [Dep Badar], Bramwell Capital Management.

    下一個問題來自 Bramwell Capital Management 的 [Dep Badar] 先生。

  • Go ahead, please, sir.


  • Dep Badar - Analyst

    Dep Badar - Analyst

  • The one about the cancellation was answered, but I still can't figure it out.


  • Last quarter you had a backlog of 119 new systems.

    上季您積壓了 119 個新系統。

  • This quarter you shipped in new systems of 50, and the order was 35.

    本季您交付了 50 個新系統,訂單數量為 35 個。

  • That adds up to about 104, so you have a backlog of 92 systems, new systems.

    加起來大約是 104 個,因此積壓了 92 個系統,即新系統。

  • Could you just try to compute that, please, for me?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • We had -- at the end of Q4 we had 131 systems consisting of 119 new and 12 used, so that's 131.

    截至第四季末,我們有 131 個系統,其中 119 個是新系統,12 個是舊系統,所以總數是 131 個。

  • We've booked 35 systems in total, of which 23 new and 12 used.

    我們總共預訂了 35 套系統,其中 23 套是新的,12 套是二手的。

  • We shipped 50 new and 9 used.

    我們運送了 50 個新的和 9 個二手的。

  • That means you do 131 plus 35, minus 59, is 107. 107 is the end of the quarter, consisting of 92 new and 15 used.

    這意味著您做 131 加 35,減去 59,就是 107。107 是季度末,包括 92 個新的和 15 個已用的。

  • Dep Badar - Analyst

    Dep Badar - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • One more on your customers.


  • What are the -- what is the outlook for them in terms of the in-market demand, in terms of the Memory or the foundries.


  • You did mention about the utilization rates stabilizing.


  • Do they see that picking up somewhere in the third or the fourth quarter, or are they saying that this improvement is likely to be really gradual?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • We all heard positive signals.


  • There's nobody with negative signals.


  • You hear that the mobile business, mobile phone business is back, you hear that the guys doing Memory for mobile phone business are happy.


  • You hear that people working for Apple computers are very happy.


  • You hear that people working for Sony Playstation are very happy.

    你聽說為索尼 Playstation 工作的人非常高興。

  • So we hear a whole bunch of happy fellows.


  • Dep Badar - Analyst

    Dep Badar - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So that means they'll be placing orders on you, and then you will continue to grow, particularly in the third and the fourth quarters?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • The only negative we hear is on pressure, price pressure on Flash, and of course -- not even price pressure on [indiscernible], but [we need] price pressure on Flash.

    我們聽到的唯一負面消息是壓力,Flash 的價格壓力,當然,甚至不是 [音頻不清晰] 的價格壓力,但 [我們需要] Flash 的價格壓力。

  • This would be the only negative stuff that we get.


  • Dep Badar - Analyst

    Dep Badar - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Ali Irani, CIBC World Markets.

    下一個問題來自 CIBC 全球行銷部門的 Ali Irish。

  • Go ahead, please, sir.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Good morning, thank you.


  • I'm hoping you could discuss the value of the bookings in the second quarter.


  • I know we're focused here on the units maybe being a down quarter, but given the mix migrations and your product portfolio, would you expect the value of your second quarter bookings could possibly be flat or even up?


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • I will try to avoid answering.


  • We're trying to guide a bit more than we ever did, and I hope you all appreciate that we get out of -- a bit more than take a risk on our own credibility, and please respect [the fact that].


  • It's a bit difficult in such an industry.


  • So trying to guess the bookings of Q2, form and mix and price, is - you're asking too much.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Let me try to reformulate the question, then.


  • When you look at -- you mentioned some of the AT 1400 platforms being a more significant part in your Immersion business, picking up late in the second quarter, or in the [third quarter] bookings.

    當您查看時,您提到一些 AT 1400 平台在您的 Immersion 業務中發揮更重要的作用,在第二季度末或[第三季度]預訂量有所增加。

  • When you look at the mix of the customers that are booking right now, including, you mentioned IDMs, those are clearly investing in 90 nanometer or 65 nanometer pilots.

    當您查看現在預訂的客戶組合(包括您提到的 IDM)時,您會發現這些客戶顯然正在投資 90 奈米或 65 奈米試點。

  • And the Foundry comeback in activity would clearly only be at the 90 nanometer node.

    Foundry 的回歸顯然只會在 90 奈米節點上進行。

  • So by definition, wouldn't that imply a richer mix in bookings in the second quarter than in the first?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • I think you should work for us, and we will put you into the marketing and forecast department.


  • You may be correct.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Mr. Menon, Dresdner.


  • Go ahead, please, sir.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • Yes. 2 quick questions from me.


  • One is, the new orders, the [indiscernible] of the new orders you picked up in Q1 is down quite sharply from Q4, when you were above €17m in Q4 and you're down to about €11.7m in Q1.

    一個是新訂單,您在第一季獲得的新訂單[音訊不清晰]比第四季度大幅下降,當時第四季度的訂單金額超過 1700 萬歐元,而第一季則降至約 1170 萬歐元。

  • Is that because you took in a lot of 1400s in Q4, and you didn't take in so many 1400s in Q1, or is there any other factor there?


  • It's quite a sizeable drop.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • In fact, if you look at just the numbers, 35 units total with 12 used, you probably already have the answer.

    事實上,如果您只看數字,總共 35 個單元,其中 12 個已使用,您可能已經有了答案。

  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • No, I'm talking about new orders.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Oh, it is the new orders?


  • Okay.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • Yes, the new orders.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Same thing.


  • Again, 1400 is a long lead-time item, and we booked a long time ago.

    再說一遍,1400 是一個交貨時間較長的商品,而且我們很早就預訂了。

  • So, it's natural.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • You didn't take in many 1400 orders in Q1 then?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • That is correct.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • That is correct.


  • It is a mix issue.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And, just -- you addressed that quite a number of times, that the U-shaped upside and the wave of orders, stuff like that.

    而且,您多次提到 U 形上漲和訂單浪潮之類的問題。

  • I was just wondering, do you have any reason to believe that that is going to be a second half '05 phenomenon, or is it that it could be an '06 or '07 upturn?

    我只是想知道,您是否有任何理由相信這將是 05 年下半年的現象,或者可能是 06 年或 07 年的好轉?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Again, no idea.


  • We -- in Q1 -- in Q4, I told you what we knew and what was uncertain, and I come up with the same message here.


  • It's not pessimism, it's not optimism.


  • It's absolutely uncertain.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • And last one, if I may, is can you give us what your new breakeven number will be for the shipments?


  • Are you willing to give out that number?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Lower than 130.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • Okay --

    好的 -

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • No, in fact, I can do a bit more, okay?


  • And again, I'm a risk-taker, as you can imagine.


  • I can say it's 130 divided by 4, if you understand my point?

    我可以說是 130 除以 4,你懂我的意思嗎?

  • We are getting better at executing the breakeven on short notice.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • So, in other terms, we feel more comfortable about our variability.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • You're not saying that your breakeven is going from 130 to 35 to --?

    你不是說你的損益平衡點將從 130 增加到 35 到——?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Oh, please, don't push me, except a long time from now.


  • Mr. Menon - Analyst

    Mr. Menon - Analyst

  • Alright.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Mr. Pelzer, Lehman Brothers.

    下一個問題來自雷曼兄弟的 Pelzer 先生。

  • Go ahead, please, sir.


  • Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

    Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

  • Yes, guys, just 2 quick ones.


  • The order intake in Q2, coming back to an earlier question, down Q on Q for the new units also - is that what you were trying to say?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Down total new units?


  • Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

    Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

  • Total down, but new might in fact be up, Q on Q.

    整體下降,但新的實際上可能會上升,Q 接 Q。

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • It could be.


  • Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

    Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just another 1 on the gross margin.

    然後毛利率又增加了 1。

  • If I run the numbers, it looks as though your sales overall are going to be up, Q on Q, yet you're guiding the gross margin down, if we take the midpoint.


  • Why would that be?


  • Is that because XT 1400 is a new product, where perhaps there's a learning curve effect there, or what other reason might there be?

    是因為XT 1400是新產品,可能存在學習曲線效應,還是還有其他原因?

  • In particular, considering that there's an ongoing TWINSCAN cost reduction program?

    特別是考慮到正在進行的 TWINSCAN 成本削減計劃?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Only that if you go back 1 quarter, we guided the gross margin for the first half of '05 between 30 and 40%, which of course included the first quarter, we did 40%.

    只是如果你回顧 1 個季度,我們將 05 年上半年的毛利率指引在 30% 到 40% 之間,當然包括第一季度,我們做到了 40%。

  • That doesn't say that we won't do 40% in the second half, but we are focusing on the cost reduction program, just like you say, and we are executing on it.


  • And it's also a little bit of the mix of the products that we are selling in that quarter.


  • And you are right; if we sell more new products that might have 1 or 2 percentage points lower gross margin.

    你是對的;如果我們銷售更多新產品,毛利率可能會降低 1 或 2 個百分點。

  • So it's really dependent on the mix.


  • That's why we feel comfortable with the guidance that we gave a quarter ago, to keep that guidance up and let the quarters decide, and the ultimate shipments and the shipments mix decides where the gross margin will end up.


  • But it will be in that range.


  • Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

    Mr. Pelzer - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from Mr. Brenier, SG Securities.

    下一個問題是來自法國興業證券的 Brenier 先生。

  • Go ahead, please, sir.


  • Mr. Brenier - Analyst

    Mr. Brenier - Analyst

  • I was wondering where the growth in the inventories is coming from, when from raw materials these products are work in progress.


  • And given the cost scenario that you're showing for this year, are you concerned with this kind of level, or could we expect with this scenario again inventories going down?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • No.


  • The additional inventory that we have is work in progress, and this is due to the fact that we are preparing for a significant Q2.


  • But in numbers of turns, that is the numbers of days of future sales, we are continuously improving.


  • And this is the key part, the key initiative.


  • We will improve our cash cycles in our [indiscernible].


  • Now, sometimes we don't see it because, as I say, when you have a very high future quarter, you are going to have, because we have long lead times, higher WIP.


  • And therefore, if you divide the turns by [indiscernible], you may have some ratios which does not go the right direction.


  • But in terms of technical turns, based on the right measure, we are committed to improving the cash cycle.


  • Mr. Brenier - Analyst

    Mr. Brenier - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Operator, we have time for 1 more call.

    接線生,我們還有時間再打 1 通電話。

  • Operator


  • Thank you, sir.


  • Mr. Orji, JP Morgan, go ahead please, sir.

    摩根大通的 Orji 先生,請繼續,先生。

  • Mr. Orji - Analyst

    Mr. Orji - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Just 2 questions.

    只有 2 個問題。

  • The first is, I understand you had no cancellations for the quarter, but do you mind just walking us through the linearity of the quarter?


  • So, how did the orders that you generated [indiscernible] your clients' sentiments through the quarter?


  • And the second question is about your R&D.


  • Is this new level of R&D going to be the new levels used by models going forward, or will it tend to calm down after you've [indiscernible] the new mid-range [Canon] products?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Regarding the profile of order entry, as I said, January was not a good month but it's not supposed to be a good month.


  • It's the year start, so not particularly significant.


  • February was average-ish, okay?


  • And we had, as I think we made it clear, quite a lot of activity, negotiations.


  • I think this is common in March, and March didn't come as high again, particularly because of these X orders, which spilled into April.

    我認為這在 3 月很常見,而且 3 月並沒有再次達到如此高的水平,特別是因為這些 X 訂單蔓延到了 4 月。

  • And because our Memory friends didn't come up at the level we wanted, and because the Foundry didn't pop up.


  • So, in other terms, February okay, but nothing exciting.


  • And March was not [inaudible].


  • Mr. Orji - Analyst

    Mr. Orji - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Could you just quantify how much of the orders have spilled into the next quarter from March?

    您能否量化一下從 3 月開始有多少訂單溢出到了下一個季度?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • A handful - how many fingers do you have?


  • Mr. Orji - Analyst

    Mr. Orji - Analyst

  • I can invent some more.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • And regarding your R&D question.


  • Again, it's one of those things.


  • I'm happy with this question because it allows me to re-emphasize the fact that in spite of the cautious note that we've put to the outlook, we have a pretty aggressive vision of performance here - market share, sales, etc., and investment.


  • We are investing more in R&D, and we are going to sustain this provision of investment, and this investment is good.


  • So that will accelerate our development in the mid range, and will accelerate the introduction of our new machines [at the height].


  • Mr. Orji - Analyst

    Mr. Orji - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

    Craig DeYoung - Vice President Investor Relations

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, gentlemen.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the ASML first quarter 2005 conference call.

    女士們、先生們,ASML 2005 年第一季電話會議到此結束。

  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may disconnect now.
