艾司摩爾 (ASML) 2004 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by and welcome to the ASML fourth quarter 2004 results and annual results [inaudible] January 19 2005. [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS].

    感謝您的耐心等待並歡迎閱讀 ASML 2004 年第四季業績和年度業績[聽不清楚]2005 年 1 月 19 日。[操作員說明]。

  • I would now like to turn the call over to the Mr. Craig DeYoung.


  • Mr. DeYoung, go ahead please.


  • Craig DeYoung - VP IR

    Craig DeYoung - VP IR

  • Welcome everyone.


  • And thank you for joining the call.


  • Before we begin I would like to introduce ASML's participants in the call today.

    在我們開始之前,我想介紹一下今天電話會議中 ASML 的參與者。

  • Joining us are ASML's President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Eric Meurice.

    加入我們的還有 ASML 總裁兼執行長 Eric Meurice 先生。

  • We are joined also by our Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Peter Wennink.

    我們的財務長 Peter Wennink 先生也加入了我們的行列。

  • I would like to remind you of today's protocol for the call.


  • The call will last 1 hour.

    通話將持續 1 小時。

  • We ask that you confine your questions to 1 with 1 small follow-up if necessary.

    我們要求您將問題限制為 1 個,並在必要時進行 1 次小型跟進。

  • We will be strict on this issue in fairness to others.


  • Having said that, let me remind you that the matters discussed in this call may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, economic conditions, product demand, semiconductor industry capacity, worldwide demand and manufacturing capacity utilization for semiconductors, the principle product of our customer base, competitive products and pricing, manufacturing efficiencies, new product developments, ability to enforce patents, the outcome of intellectual property litigation, availability of raw materials and critical manufacturing equipment, trading environment and other risks indicated in the risk factors included in ASML's annual report on form 20-F and other filings with the U.S.

    話雖如此,請容我提醒您,本次電話會議中討論的事項可能包括前瞻性陳述,這些陳述存在風險和不確定性,包括但不限於經濟狀況、產品需求、半導體產業產能、全球需求和製造半導體產能利用率、我們客戶群的主要產品、有競爭力的產品和定價、製造效率、新產品開發、專利執行能力、智慧財產權訴訟結果、原材料和關鍵製造設備的可用性、貿易環境等ASML 20 -F 表格年度報告和其他向美國提交的文件中包含的風險因素中指出的風險

  • Securities and Exchange Commission.


  • I would first like to turn the call over to Eric for a brief introductory statement.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Okay.


  • Thank you Craig.


  • Thank you to everybody for attending the call.


  • You have all received potentially the different documents, press release and the document attached.


  • So I will be very brief in summarizing the different messages that we would like to share with you.


  • First is Q4 was a good quarter in terms of financial performance.


  • Growth was 29% quarter to quarter, 60% versus last year.

    季度環比成長 29%,與去年相比成長 60%。

  • And net income at the level of 13.8%, with an operating income at 23%.

    淨利為 13.8%,營業收入為 23%。

  • These are significant performances.


  • You add this into a picture.


  • The picture is one of continuous improvement from Q4 2003 to Q1, to Q2, to Q3 to Q4 2004.

    這張圖是從 2003 年第 4 季到第 1 季、第 2 季、第 3 季到 2004 年第 4 季持續改善的情況。

  • A nice trend, concluding 2004 on a very good financial performance on most of the areas of execution, growth, profitability and liquidity.

    這是一個很好的趨勢,2004 年在執行、成長、獲利能力和流動性的大部分領域都取得了非常好的財務表現。

  • And I think we will be happy to answer any of your questions on the subject.


  • Regarding the outlook, I think I would like to draw your attention to, in fact, slide 28 of the presentation, which we have forwarded, was 3 very, very simple messages.

    關於前景,我想我想提請大家注意,事實上,我們轉發的簡報的第 28 張投影片是 3 條非常非常簡單的訊息。

  • 1 is we are clearly in one of those semiconductor cycles downward trend.

    1 是我們顯然處於半導體週期下降趨勢之一。

  • And all the statistics show that we are still in this correction, although that correction may be short-lived or small in impact in view of the level of inventory which the industry has accumulated, which seems to be at now historical levels.


  • So again, the market is not positive.


  • But, on the other hand, the sales corrections seems to have now been concluded.


  • In this environment, it is a very good thing that ASML has performed in Q4 with such good numbers, which proves the capability of ASML to adapt to difficult environments.


  • And proves, or shows, the impact on the different execution projects regarding cost and regarding cash cycle, which have been put in place some time ago and which is yielding nicely.


  • Looking at 2005, we have -- we start the year with a significant backlog.

    展望 2005 年,我們在年初就積壓了大量訂單。

  • A significant backlog in 2 facets.


  • First is it is large.


  • About €1.7b of backlog. 80% of it shippable in the first 6 months of the year.

    約 1.7b 歐元的積壓。其中 80% 可在今年前 6 個月內出貨。

  • And for a company of our size, about €2.5b in 2004, having a backlog, 80% of which is shippable in 6 months at €1.7b, is a good number.

    對於我們這樣規模的公司來說,2004 年大約有 2.5 億歐元,有積壓訂單,其中 80% 可以在 6 個月內以 1.7 億歐元的價格發貨,這是一個不錯的數字。

  • The second facet, which is very important on that backlog is that this backlog is extremely skewed forward technology and advanced machines, which plays in our forte.


  • And which is also a reflection of the current weak semiconductor situation.


  • In order terms, we have booked the technology transitions.


  • And on this, the volume is significant.


  • And the dollars and euro amount appropriate.


  • It is, at this point, true that we haven't yet booked the capacity demand.


  • And that this capacity demand remains uncertain.


  • And therefore the conclusion, in fact, of our message is that at this very moment we see a strong position by ASML in which that -- in the fact that we have booked significantly due to this technology transition.

    因此,事實上,我們的訊息的結論是,此時此刻,我們看到了 ASML 的強勢地位,事實上,由於這種技術轉型,我們已經預訂了大量訂單。

  • That we have executed in 2004 and have proven P&L parameters, which will deliver, or have delivered and will deliver profitability and liquidity on the level of €1.7b.

    我們已於 2004 年執行並已證實損益參數,這些參數將實現或已實現並將實現 1.7b 歐元水準的獲利能力和流動性。

  • And -- but however, we are uncertain as to when the capacity orders would come.


  • This is not a pessimistic comment.


  • This is a statement of uncertainty.


  • And this is where at this moment we are.


  • We are not planning to guess the market.


  • We are just planning to manage accordingly, manage for this uncertainty with the expectation of being able to go up significantly in the end of Q2, beginning of Q3 if the capacity orders were to come back.


  • Or adapt our cost structure with the flexibility that we have acquired, in case Q3 were not to materialize.


  • So this summarizes, in fact, the messages that we wanted to pass.


  • Very good performance in Q4, proving a potential.


  • Very good penetration in the technology arena -- advanced technology arena.


  • Uncertainty as to when the capacity order will come.


  • And on this, I would welcome your questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you Mr. Meurice. [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS].

    謝謝莫里斯先生。 [操作員說明]。

  • First question comes from Mr. Orchi (ph).

    第一個問題來自 Orchi 先生(ph)。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question sir.


  • Uechi Orchi - Analyst

    Uechi Orchi - Analyst

  • Hello.


  • My name is [Uechi Orchi] from JP Morgan.

    我是摩根大通的[Uechi Orchi]。

  • My first question is to Mr. Meurice.


  • You hinted that the order trend, I think in the press call, was quite weak in the first 2 months of the quarter and then picked up in December.

    我認為您在新聞發布會上暗示訂單趨勢在本季度的前 2 個月相當疲軟,然後在 12 月有所回升。

  • Just the first question is, as we have entered into the third week of January, what's your sense of what the order momentum is?


  • And the secondly, can you also conference -- this is for Peter, can you confirm that the ASP new order intake was about 17.2m.

    其次,您能否也開個會議——這是 Peter 的發言,您能否確認 ASP 新訂單量約為 1720 萬份。

  • And how do we think about ASPs for the rest of 2005?

    我們如何看待 2005 年剩餘時間的 ASP?

  • The ASP trend?

    ASP 趨勢?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes, this is the crux of the analogies of future potential.


  • Clearly we had a very significant backlog in Q2 and Q3 of 2004.

    顯然,我們在 2004 年第二季和第三季有大量積壓訂單。

  • And you can imagine that it was natural to accumulate such a backlog in an environment of capacity constraints.


  • It is clear, natural for customers to book ahead in the view of securing slots.


  • When the market corrected itself in the Q2 timeframe, this necessity became less fundamental.


  • And the fact that there was an obvious correction to -- I would not say overbooked, but to a conservative backlog, to a more natural backlog was natural.


  • This happened in Q4, where October didn't see any activity.


  • November did see some, I would say, backlog clean-up with 5 to 6 and 5 to 7 systems which were, again, sold.

    我想說,11 月確實清理了 5 到 6 個和 5 到 7 個系統的積壓訂單,這些系統再次被出售。

  • But they were mainly base orders.


  • And December saw the activities coming back.

    12 月,活動又回來了。

  • But this activity has been well balanced between Memory customers, Foundry and other Logic customers.


  • This is -- we received about 27 units of orders in the December timeframe.

    這是——我們在 12 月的時間範圍內收到了大約 27 單位的訂單。

  • Since we started the year in January, it is much too early to say.


  • Historically there is no activity in the first 2 weeks of January, mainly due to closing or any other seasonal issues.


  • We could just say that the third week, which is, in fact, this week, we are starting to have activities back.


  • But I would say again, much too early to call.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • On your question which is on the new ASP, that's what I guess you are referring to?

    關於您關於新 ASP 的問題,我猜您指的是這個問題?

  • Uechi Orchi - Analyst

    Uechi Orchi - Analyst

  • That's correct.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • That is in the area you just mentioned here.


  • Operator


  • Are you ready to take --


  • Uechi Orchi - Analyst

    Uechi Orchi - Analyst

  • Can I just have a follow-up please?


  • On immersion tools, you have 8 units booked in the backlog.

    對於沉浸式工具,您在積壓中預訂了 8 個單位。

  • What is your sense?


  • Last quarter you were guiding to about 10 to 12, I think, for the full year 2005.

    我認為,上個季度您對 2005 年全年的指導目標是大約 10 到 12 個。

  • Is your expectation for the full year still around that number or should we use this 8 units already in the backlog to expect something higher than that for the rest of 2005?

    您對全年的預期是否仍在這個數字附近,或者我們是否應該使用積壓中的這 8 個單位來預期比 2005 年剩餘時間更高的數字?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • No, the 8 units in backlog, if I'm not mistaken, is for the first half of 2005.

    不,沒記錯的話,積壓的 8 個單位是 2005 年上半年的。

  • And therefore we would expect to book more soon, by the way.


  • And clearly there would be 2 facets to this.


  • 1 is because we introduce a new machine - the 1400, which will be available as immersion machine only in Q3.

    1 是因為我們推出了一款新機器 - 1400,它將僅在第三季度作為浸入式機器提供。

  • And these ones are not booked yet and they will have to be booked.


  • And, as you may also know, we have some great potential on some of the former 1400s which will be shipped into [Head 1], which will be probably upgraded, or potentially upgraded, within the last half of 2005.

    而且,您可能也知道,我們在一些前 1400 型號上具有巨大的潛力,這些型號將被運送到 [Head 1],這些型號可能會在 2005 年下半年進行升級或可能升級。

  • So in other terms, 8 backlog immersion is the certain minimum for the year 2005.

    因此換句話說,8 個待辦事項浸入度是 2005 年的最低限度。

  • Uechi Orchi - Analyst

    Uechi Orchi - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Gaudois.


  • Please state your company name followed by your question sir.


  • Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Deutsche Bank.


  • First question on ASPs in Q1 increasing quite meaningfully by about €2m for total tools.

    第一個問題是關於第一季 ASP 的工具總數大幅增加了約 200 萬歐元。

  • Could you give a bit of clarity on what is driving the increase in ASP for shipments in Q1 in terms of makes?


  • Is it [1 and 3] dry or is immersion playing a part?

    [1 和 3] 是乾燥的還是浸沒的?

  • And would you expect ASPs to effectively step down from there and normalize the base in Q2 and Q3 before resuming their normal course?

    您是否期望 ASP 能夠有效地從那裡退出,並在第二季和第三季恢復正常基數,然後再恢復正常進程?

  • In other words, is Q1 somewhat exceptional in terms of mix?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes and yes.


  • For the backlog you have on slide 27, in fact an explanation.

    對於幻燈片 27 上的積壓工作,實際上是一個解釋。

  • We have -- the backlog is -- comprises 63% in value of the ArF segment, 193.

    我們的積壓訂單佔 ArF 細分市場價值的 63%,即 193。

  • And this is a key driver of the ASP.

    這是 ASP 的關鍵驅動因素。

  • In fact, I should say the 300 millimeter on one hand, which is 90% of the backlog, and 63% of the backlog being 193 nanometers.


  • These are the reasons why the ASP is so high.


  • Now, we do expect, or we do expect in the normal environment, capacity orders should come regularly.


  • And already in Q1 for Q2 deliveries, it will be a mixture of used machines as well as a mixture of potential 200 millimeters or KrF machines.

    在第一季和第二季的交付中,這將是二手機器以及潛在 200 毫米或 KrF 機器的混合。

  • And this will naturally reduce the average ASP.


  • We do expect, however, that in any event, the trend on the ASP growth will remain.


  • Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Just a follow-up on backlog again, 2% of value is from Japan.

    再次跟進積壓訂單,2% 的價值來自日本。

  • You did ship some tools to 1 customer - Matsushita in Q4.

    您確實在第四季度向 1 位客戶 - 松下運送了一些工具。

  • Were the orders placed in Q4 from the same customer and would you expect this portion to grow naturally for up to the first half of 2005?

    第四季的訂單是否來自同一客戶?您預計這部分訂單到 2005 年上半年會自然成長嗎?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I cannot address questions which are too customer-specific.


  • We do expect, however, to receive orders from our current 4 customers in 2005, additional to the current orders that we have in the system.

    然而,除了我們系統中現有的訂單之外,我們確實預計 2005 年還會收到來自目前 4 位客戶的訂單。

  • It is very difficult at this very moment to call the timing.


  • Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Just a very quick clarification of what you said before, and then I leave you.


  • When you were mentioning 27 orders, Eric, in December, was this for new tools or total tools including refurbished?

    Eric,當您在 12 月提到 27 個訂單時,這是新工具還是包括翻新工具在內的全部工具?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • That was including total tools.


  • But I must say I will have to look at them because this is a very small for refurbished, if I'm not mistaken.


  • Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Jay Deahna, JP Morgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Jay Deahna 先生。

  • Go ahead sir.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • It's Jay Deahna from JP Morgan.

    我是摩根大通的傑伊‧迪納 (Jay Deahna)。

  • Now that Canon has backed away from the ArF market for 90 and 65 millimeters, I'm just wondering -- hello?

    現在佳能已經退出了 90 毫米和 65 毫米的 ArF 市場,我只是想知道 - 你好?

  • Craig DeYoung - VP IR

    Craig DeYoung - VP IR

  • Yes, go ahead Jay.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Yes, now that Canon has backed away from the leading edge ArF market, I'm just wondering what kind of momentum you have in terms of possibly gaining some market share from maybe second tier Taiwan or Japanese customers that are going to have to look elsewhere for leading edge ArF systems?

    是的,現在佳能已經退出了領先的 ArF 市場,我只是想知道你們有什麼樣的動力來可能從可能不得不尋找其他地方的二線台灣或日本客戶那裡獲得一些市場份額用於領先的 ArF 系統?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • We do not comment, of course, on our competitors and their strategy.


  • Coming myself from Intel anyway, I will be a very, I would say paranoiac and believing that our competitors are always there with a potential better product than ours.


  • So not withstanding this, it is true that we have felt a very good acceptance of our ArF product, mainly due to its capability in throughput of course, because it is TWINSCAN architecture.

    儘管如此,我們的 ArF 產品確實得到了很好的認可,當然主要是因為它的吞吐量能力,因為它是 TWINSCAN 架構。

  • But also in overlay, which, as you know, improves significantly the yield on the critical layer.


  • And we think that its performance, throughput combined with yield on critical layers at the low end of the resolution, is making our penetration in every area of the world, Japan in particular, much easier.


  • We have also some hope that in addition to the fact that critical layers become even more of a bigger business in view of the fact that critical nodes means and requires more layers -- critical layers.


  • We also believe that mid-critical (ph) layers also become more subject to yield and overlay requirement.


  • And we therefore believe that in addition to our current potential leadership in the ArF critical layer, we may have the same type of things happening as the mid-critical layers become more yield conscious.

    因此,我們相信,除了我們目前在 ArF 關鍵層的潛在領導地位之外,隨著中關鍵層變得更加註重良率,我們可能會發生同樣類型的事情。

  • And so we expect to see this happening sometime in the year 2005.

    因此我們預計這會在 2005 年的某個時候發生。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Right.


  • So just a quick follow-up.


  • In the fourth quarter, did you book any systems from any new customers?


  • And do you expect anything like that in 1Q?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • Let's look at the number.


  • I think we have some wins.


  • So I don't know if we can publish them.


  • We have some wins in Taiwan for Memory vendors.


  • There again I'm not sure I can mention.


  • So there is a clear path of gaining new customers.


  • And these customers -- how many?


  • There is a number.


  • Yes, so we have at least 2 new customers that started to book in Q4 and that we will deliver in the first half.

    是的,所以我們至少有 2 位新客戶在第四季度開始預訂,我們將在上半年交付。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Robert Mare.


  • Please state your company name sir, followed by your question.


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • Robert Mare, Needham & Company.


  • Can you tell us about what sort of push out or rearrangements of delivery schedules you had over the past few months, and any sort of pattern that that would imply?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes, in fact there were 7 orders, which were cancelled because we did not accept for [indiscernible], we didn't think the orders were significant enough to need to have a slot reserved, etc.

    是的,事實上有 7 個訂單被取消,因為我們不接受[音訊不清晰],我們認為這些訂單不足以需要預留席位等。

  • So there was a clean-up of 7.


  • Most of them were things which were planned to be in the Q3 timeframe.


  • And a mixture of new and used -- a mixture of customers.


  • Clearly no reading of any trends.


  • You can imagine that when you are in Q4 and anything happened in November, there was, on both sides, I would say as well on the customer side, a need for clean-up.

    你可以想像,當你進入第四季並且 11 月發生任何事情時,雙方(我想說的是客戶方)都需要進行清理。

  • And that's basically what happened.


  • It's not even a correction of the bookings booked.


  • It was old things that were in the system.


  • Clearly there was no significant cancellation for deliveries in Q4.


  • There were push-outs and put-ins, as usual, in such a situation.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I would like to add to that, Robert, that in a few of those cases we decided to pull them off the books because we did not believe that we would ship them in the time period that was indicated on the backlog.


  • But also, if you look at the cancellations throughout the year, we had 4 in the first quarter, 9 in the second quarter, 9 in the third quarter and 7 in the fourth quarter.

    而且,如果你看一下全年的取消情況,第一季有 4 起,第二季有 9 起,第三季有 9 起,第四季有 7 起。

  • So that's not a trend.


  • It's something that happens from time to time.


  • And those cancellations can very often happen at the source of that.


  • They cancel one through and they reorder another.


  • So it's quite normal.


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • So, just as a clarification, so there were no substantial rescheduling of orders in Q1 or Q2 or pushing out of Q1 into Q2 for example?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • No.


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mrs. [Gjord Adian].

    下一個問題是 [Gjord Adian] 女士提出的。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Dieter Weber - Analyst

    Dieter Weber - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • This is actually Dieter Weber from Morgan Stanley.


  • I would probably just have 2 questions.


  • And that is in regards to your strategy, you indicated that you will focus on the mid-critical layers going forward as one of your target markets.


  • Could you just give us a feel in terms of potential indications this might have in terms of your marketing sales effort.


  • And for Peter then, if -- what the impact actually might be in terms of the guidance for these OpEx points?

    那麼對於 Peter 來說,如果 - 這些 OpEx 點的指導實際上可能會產生什麼影響?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes, this is a very good question.


  • In the growth initiative, 1 initiative is to move or improve our market share in areas where our market share is not exclusive.


  • It is -- in other terms, we think we have a fairly high market share in ArF.

    換句話說,我們認為我們在 ArF 領域擁有相當高的市佔率。

  • We think, therefore, that our market share in KrF and i-line is not to the same level and therefore an opportunity.

    因此,我們認為我們在 KrF 和 i-line 的市佔率不在同一水平,因此是一個機會。

  • In order to get there, most of the focus has been to develop an architecture which is cheaper than the current architecture so that we can hit more easily the price points requested by the customers without having a margin impact.


  • So we are coming in there with a new product, called the 400 XT or XT 400, which we are marketing to the different customers.

    因此,我們推出了一款新產品,稱為 400 XT 或 XT 400,我們正在向不同的客戶進行行銷。

  • In terms of impact on OpEx, we do not expect this to be any impact because this is just another product in the roadmap, which will use the same sales force, of course.


  • And we will use the same services environment.


  • So of course we expect that if we get highly successful to this, we will have a variable cost increase due to the servicing of those different and machines.


  • But nothing in that which will not be -- not be added cost.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And also, because it is part of the planned initiatives for 2005, it is in the R&D in our budget and is also in the guidance that we gave you.

    而且,因為它是 2005 年計畫舉措的一部分,所以它包含在我們預算的研發中,也包含在我們為您提供的指導中。

  • Dieter Weber - Analyst

    Dieter Weber - Analyst

  • Could I just ask another quick follow-up question?


  • On your balance sheet you have -- in the position for upper [cost] asset, and increase by roughly €50m.

    在您的資產負債表上,您處於較高[成本]資產的位置,並且增加了約 5000 萬歐元。

  • Could you just give us an idea of what that is?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Have to have -- if you give me --


  • Dieter Weber - Analyst

    Dieter Weber - Analyst

  • I was just wondering if it's potentially in regards to your agreement with Micronics, for example?

    我只是想知道這是否可能與您與 Micronics 的協議有關?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • No.


  • It's just -- I'm just looking at some details announced here, these are operational-related issues.


  • There's an increase in the VAT balance.


  • There's an increase in some pre-paid expenses.


  • We increased -- there's an increase in compared market value of the derivatives, the [733 valuation].

    我們增加了-衍生性商品的相對市場價值增加,[733 估值]。

  • So it's a bit of everything.


  • It's nothing -- it is nothing specific.


  • Dieter Weber - Analyst

    Dieter Weber - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Nav Sheera.

    下一個問題來自 Nav Sheera。

  • Could you please state your company name followed by your question sir.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • Hi there.


  • It's Nav Sheera from Citigroup.

    我是花旗集團的 Nav Sheera。

  • Eric, I was just wondering, on your [faults] that you've got for the execution purposes for X months going forward, that is, tech -- technological, leadership, [differentiation] and cost competitiveness, I just wanted to ask what you personally are bringing to the party from your previous experience with regards to these 3?

    艾瑞克,我只是想知道,關於你在未來 X 個月的執行目的中所犯的[錯誤],即技術——技術、領導力、[差異化] 和成本競爭力,我只是想問什麼您個人會將您之前關於這三個方面的經驗帶到聚會上嗎?

  • And also how could we see this leading to a lower break-even than 1 third a unit in the future in time?


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • This is a very good question.


  • The technology part is, of course, a legacy.


  • I would say this Company is based on technology.


  • It is based on technology leadership.


  • And I will be only a great supporter of this.


  • And you remember also that I come from the IC industry, Intel and ICC, where we had, at the time, pioneered the digital TV business, etc. etc.

    你還記得我來自 IC 產業、英特爾和 ICC,當時我們在這些產業開創了數位電視業務等。

  • So technology, I would be part of the team and hopefully be a great cheerleader.


  • But also somebody who will look closely at business plans.


  • And I am sure that we will soon ask those questions about the [indiscernible].


  • And clearly I will make sure that there is [agreement] in the decisions we are taking.


  • But on the other hand, we also understand that technology is an art where you drive innovation with certain way and giving enough freedom to get to the level of leadership that is necessary.


  • The 2 other focuses -- cost and lead time.


  • You may have heard it from the voice of my known former boss, Michael Dell.


  • And it is something that I certainly lived through in full detail for the 6 years of my life at Dell and after that with Thomson.

    在戴爾工作的 6 年以及此後在湯姆森工作的 6 年裡,我確實詳細地經歷了這一點。

  • I will be driving 2 things. 1, focus.

    我將駕駛兩件事。 1、聚焦。

  • Attention to these things, which when you are a technology company, you may not have put on the first page of your agenda.


  • And, as you see here, we at the Board level wanted to commit ourselves by talking to you and deciding these focuses to clarify to everybody, also within our own organization, that this is the long-term initiative.


  • And we are going to put serious focus to this.


  • Now the additional part, which I hope to be able to contribute, is there are methods, methodology, execution methodology about lead time and cycle time or speed, in general, or cost, which a person from the PC industry or the TV industry, like I am, has been dealing with.


  • And I plan to be very, very involved in the day to day activity, trench-work, to get to appropriate performance.


  • Now, the third aspect of this is being a new person and realizing that you are new only for the first 100 days of that.

    現在,第三個方面是成為一個新人,並意識到你只在前 100 天是新人。

  • So [live] here, it's very important that you push the teams to work out of the box.


  • And I think I came up with a certain number of stupid questions enough to get people to think out of the box and they have already. [Enthusiastically] it has taken certain numbers of actions which may need to resolve, in particular, lead times, which are not only the standard continuous improvement process.

    我認為我提出了一些愚蠢的問題,足以讓人們跳出框框思考,他們已經這樣做了。 [熱情地]它已經採取了一定數量的可能需要解決的行動,特別是交貨時間,這不僅僅是標準的持續改進流程。

  • Now, it is much too early for us to commit numbers.


  • And I would gladly do so at some point.


  • I think at this moment we commit focus.


  • And we commit results.


  • We just would want to be given a bit more time before we quantify exactly the time and the extent of those results.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • So just a very quick follow-up, you would be able to see improvement, say, on a 4 to 9 month lead time?

    因此,只需非常快速的跟進,您就能在 4 到 9 個月的準備時間內看到改善?

  • And you would be able to see improvement on a 130 unit break-even in the future?

    您將來是否能夠看到 130 單位損益平衡點有所改善?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Certainly.


  • In fact, lead time is hiding tons of things.


  • It's hiding first value.


  • If you get to a customer and say this is not any more 4 to 9 months lead time, but it is 2 to 6 or 1 to 6, if we get excited about it, then you create value for the customer.

    如果您聯絡客戶並說交貨時間不再是 4 到 9 個月,而是 2 到 6 個月或 1 到 6 個月,如果我們對此感到興奮,那麼您就為客戶創造了價值。

  • And your customer at the end pays for the value that he gets.


  • So you have an improvement of margin that comes from the value that you get.


  • Secondly, and again using terms that Michael Dell used often, low lead time companies with low friction.


  • Friction is cost.


  • So if you have things quicker.


  • If you do things faster, you also lessen your costs -- your [indiscernible] costs, and of course, cash cycle diminishes to significant levels.


  • So we do expect that this will absolutely improve the performance -- the financial performance.


  • Of course, the break-even and most importantly, the speed at which we can react to a cycle.


  • Because break-even theoretical is one thing.


  • The other thing is how fast you can go down in your own variable costs.


  • And these things will contribute to the P&L significantly.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • That's great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Ali Irani.


  • Would you please state your name and question sir.


  • Thank you.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Yes, good morning.


  • Thank you.


  • Good morning.


  • This is Ali Irani with CIBC World Markets.

    我是 CIBC 世界市場部的阿里·伊拉尼 (Ali Irani)。

  • Understanding that there's a residual level of technology investment still taking shape in the first quarter and your comments about being early in the quarter.


  • Do you have visibility in your order book right now for unit bookings or euro bookings shipping out to be a flat or better quarter from the Q4 crop?


  • And Eric and Peter, the reason I ask that is looking at the unit levels and bookings, we're very close at the top run rate we were at in the first half of 2004 -- 2003.

    艾瑞克和彼得,我問這個問題的原因是查看單位等級和預訂量,我們非常接近 2004 年上半年至 2003 年的最高運行率。

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • In fact this is correct.


  • If you look at this chart, which I think you had on page 25, if you put yourself in December '03 mode, you would put yourself with about €1b backlog.

    如果你看一下這張圖表(我認為你在第 25 頁上有過),如果你將自己置於 2003 年 12 月模式,你會發現自己有大約 10 億歐元的積壓。

  • And then with €1b backlog you would have created a business of €2.5b.

    然後,如果您積壓了 10 億歐元,您就可以創造 2.5 億歐元的業務。

  • Okay.


  • This is what we did in 2004.

    這就是我們在 2004 年所做的。

  • So therefore, if you are the optimistic person, you would say that with a backlog of €1.7b at the start of the year, if you extrapolate to this €2.5b, you can get highly optimistic.

    因此,如果您是樂觀的人,您會說年初的積壓金額為 1.7b 歐元,如果您推斷到 2.5b 歐元,您會變得非常樂觀。

  • But what was interesting with these statistics is that yes, with a backlog of €1b we can create even better numbers than the one we have guided, even as early as Q1, which is the question where we are calling for about 60 units at €10.7m.

    但這些統計數據的有趣之處在於,是的,憑藉10 億歐元的積壓,我們甚至可以早在第一季就創造出比我們指導的更好的數字,這就是我們要求以歐元購買約60 個單位的問題。10.7m。

  • So obviously in the quarter it would be difficult to do much better.


  • But there is always options to do more used machines, etc.


  • And I remind everybody that we are in very [indiscernible] business.


  • We can go up or we can go down with 1 or 2 machines, and that makes the system we can do that.

    我們可以用 1 或 2 台機器向上或向下,這使得我們的系統可以做到這一點。

  • Now unfortunately, if you look at the glass half full, you would look at the same page, slide 25, and you will see that in December '02 we had also a backlog of €1b.

    現在不幸的是,如果你看半滿的玻璃杯,你會看到同一頁,幻燈片 25,你會發現在 2002 年 12 月我們還有 10 億歐元的積壓。

  • But then in December 2002 -- sorry, 2003, developed very, very differently.

    但到了 2002 年 12 月——抱歉,是 2003 年,情況發生了非常非常不同的變化。

  • So this is why, at the end, we want to have an uncertain or not a cautious look at 2005, just an uncertain look.

    因此,這就是為什麼我們最終希望對 2005 年有一個不確定的或不謹慎的看法,只是一個不確定的看法。

  • We have got a good backlog.


  • The good news is that backlog is above significantly what it was in 2002 and what it was in 2003.

    好消息是,積壓訂單大大高於 2002 年和 2003 年。

  • So we are not above in the performance then.


  • But whether this will go up or down within the year, not the fact itself, but the outside, is something that we cannot call.


  • Our optimism, however, goes to the level where we are preparing ourselves with smart supply chains to bigger numbers.


  • And we are preparing ourselves to follow the potential lead of 2004, which means the potential growth in Q2 and Q3 above the current backlog.

    我們正在準備追隨 2004 年的潛在領先地位,這意味著第二季和第三季的潛在成長將超過目前的積壓訂單。

  • But we are smart enough to think that it may not happen.


  • And in which case every [indiscernible] commitment we make should not impact our P&L.


  • So clearly here, we think the messages we want to give is an uncertain message, with enough potential for growth and enough potential for no growth compared to 2004.

    很明顯,我們認為我們想要傳達的訊息是一個不確定的訊息,與 2004 年相比,有足夠的成長潛力和足夠的不成長潛力。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And as an add-on Ali, we had -- in the fourth quarter we had just 2 first months were very, very low.


  • Almost zero.


  • So we had a good bookings month, which was measured early in the month of December.

    所以我們的預訂月表現不錯,這是在 12 月初測得的。

  • So I think we also measured it this afternoon and [indiscernible] to our webcast where [indiscernible] that we do feel that the month of January will not be zero bookings.


  • It's also, in that sense, because we do not see a repeat of the fourth quarter where the first 1 or 2 months were zero.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • So Peter, if I try to extrapolate from those comments and some of the announcements by some of your core customers and the larger spenders, it would be fair to expect your unit bookings to be no worse than flat?


  • If I look at your fourth quarter bookings when they come in on the new systems, you are probably 10 to 15 units shy of the order book that was hoped for in the quarter.

    如果我看一下你們第四季在新系統上收到的訂單,你們可能比本季預期的訂單量少了 10 到 15 個單位。

  • Maybe those 10 to 15 units slip into the first quarter.

    也許這 10 到 15 個單位會滑入第一季。

  • Is that a good way to read that?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • That is a very reasonable way to read it.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • But again, the key difficulty in our communication is that we believe that it is a possibility.


  • And therefore we are strongly preparing the supply chain to do so.


  • But we are not wanting to guide and take the risk that will have an impact on the P&L just because we were being 100% certain, because that is not the case.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Right.


  • And 1 quick follow-up on the immersion litho tools.

    以及 1 個關於浸沒式微影工具的快速跟進。

  • What is the current cycle time and lead times for those tools?


  • And how many do you see yourself limited at building for 2005?

    您認為 2005 年自己的建設能力有限?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • In my optimistic view, I would say the sky is the limit.


  • But you may want -- it is difficult.


  • The lead time, the tool itself is, and the structure itself, whether it is a 1400 or a 1250, its standards apply.

    交貨時間、工具本身以及結構本身,無論是 1400 還是 1250,都適用其標準。

  • It's -- I think it's about a 9-month lead time.

    我認為大約有 9 個月的準備時間。

  • The fact that it is immersion or not is not impacting significantly the lead time in fact.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Matt Gable.


  • Please state your company name sir, followed by your question.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Calypso Capital.


  • I was just wondering, generally, what's the sentiment out there from your customers for the first half of this year?


  • Are they more implying to spend in the first half of the year versus what they were thinking a few months ago?


  • Has there been any attitude change?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Well you as you have seen, I guess, the 2 big attitude changes in the market with the very, very large customer of ours and key players in the industry, whom I will not mention to you.


  • But I know you know the 2 big names that they would overspend in 2005.

    但我知道你知道 2005 年他們會超支的兩個大牌。

  • You have the Memory people who -- I don't think they've done any announcement, but they are clearly saying that they believe prices will be under pressure in 2005.

    記憶人士——我認為他們沒有做出任何聲明,但他們明確表示他們相信 2005 年價格將面臨壓力。

  • And therefore they need to run faster in their technology ramp-up because price being the issue -- cost is the issue, therefore they need to get to the next generation.


  • And that we have seen already some orders from other than the big guys we talk about, who already boost orders.


  • And you can see the amount of our jobs, the backlog -- in fact I don't think we show -- yes, we show.


  • Memory, 50% -- 49% of our backlog is Memory business.

    內存,我們積壓的 50% - 49% 是內存業務。

  • So you can see here a serious, I would say, optimism as to the need for CapEx investment.


  • If you look, however, in 2 other areas, you have got 2 areas of question marks. 1 is Foundry.

    但是,如果您查看其他 2 個區域,您會發現 2 個區域有問號。 1是鑄造廠。

  • And we all know that Foundry will be a short-term decision making point.

    我們都知道 Foundry 將是一個短期決策點。

  • So at the moment you see the statistics, the overall statistics of semiconductor going in a different way.


  • We know that that will trigger some orders.


  • At this point, those numbers haven't happened.


  • But I think it is perfect to say that 1 or even 2 foundries have already announced that they are more optimistic, which I think is the first step before taking a decision.

    但我認為完美的是,有 1 家甚至 2 家代工廠已經宣布他們更加樂觀,我認為這是做出決定之前的第一步。

  • So Foundry business, we expect this to be short term.


  • And this is why this makes us -- puts a challenge on our supply chain because we know that we have to react fast.


  • And the third segment and the last segment before the fourth segment, are the people like -- I will mention names, like AMD, Infineon, Steele (ph), who have made announcements to the effect that they don't see 2005 as a good year for themselves and that they have to go disciplined on CapEx management.


  • And for this I would not comment more than their own press releases.


  • But I remind everybody that again we are strong in the technology transitions.


  • And on these technology transitions we give the first priority of CapEx decision.


  • And therefore we may be impacted a bit by them reducing their CapEx exposure -- expenditure.


  • But not as much as [you could measure].


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Meunier.

    下一個問題來自 Meunier 先生。

  • Please state your company name sir, followed by your question.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Good afternoon gentlemen.


  • It's Francois Meunier from Cazenove.


  • Yes.


  • Regarding your guidance for Q1.


  • I just wanted to make sure what kind of assumptions you are making for used systems.


  • That's my first question.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Okay.


  • First of all great accent.


  • Second sense, we have to look at the numbers.


  • Okay, on the 60 units.

    好的,60 單位。

  • Yes, the numbers that you have are 60 units, out of which 10 are used.

    是的,您擁有的數量是 60 個單位,其中 10 個已使用。

  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And in terms of services, I think we've seen a bit of a decline sequentially in terms of revenues from services.


  • Is it something which is a trend or is it just normal or anything --?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • No.


  • First of all, it's a U.S. dollar question.


  • You may know that we have more services in the U.S.


  • It's more the way of doing business.


  • And we have more difficulty to get a service contract in Asia which are part of the price, though it's a bit difficult for us even, sometimes, to track exactly what services is all about.


  • But the number that you have which reduces a bit, is due to the dollar.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • In fact, I may say that there is an opportunity for more service business by the fact that some of the customers who did not want to -- CapEx --- to increase CapEx, will want us to help them drive yield out of the current machine.


  • And that will create consulting jobs as well options work as well as service work, which may be boosted in 2005 due to this.

    這將創造諮詢工作、選擇權工作以及服務工作,2005 年這些工作可能會因此而增加。

  • But again, this is not a commitment.


  • We are just listening to customers' needs at this very moment.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Is it fair to assume that it's going to be more in Europe than in the U.S.?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Maybe general.


  • Everybody has the same problem.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Ulrich Pelzer.

    下一個問題來自 Ulrich Pelzer 先生。

  • Please state your company name sir, followed by your question.


  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • It's Ulrich Pelzer from Lehman Brothers.


  • Just 1 that requires a bit of a longer answer, then 2 very quick ones.

    只有 1 個需要較長的答案,然後是 2 個非常快速的答案。

  • You said, I think, that in the fourth quarter all ArF shipments were XT 1250 or 1250i.

    我認為你說第四季度所有 ArF 出貨量都是 XT 1250 或 1250i。

  • Is that correct?


  • And then could you please update me on when is the XT 1400 dry shipping and then the XT 1400i, I think, you said in Q3 of '05?

    然後,您能否告訴我 XT 1400 何時乾燥運輸,然後是 XT 1400i,我想,您是在 05 年第三季度說的?

  • But none of those are in the backlog yet.


  • Is all of that correct?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • While we are looking at the statistics to be sure that we say the truth on Q4, if you can help me there.


  • On the 1400, drys are scheduled with significant volume in the first half.

    1400 上半年,預計乾燥量大。

  • And this is all booked.


  • And we are in the process of delivering those.


  • And this is probably going to be the fastest, and probably the fastest [indiscernible] for the issues of ASML in every one with all the machines.

    這可能是最快的,而且可能是所有機器上解決 ASML 問題最快的[音訊不清楚]。

  • The immersion -- the immersion 1400 is due for Q3.

    沉浸式體驗-沉浸式 1400 將於第三季發布。

  • And let me check if I can tell you if we have orders.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, the shipments in Q4 were all XT 1250s.

    是的,第四季的出貨量都是 XT 1250。

  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • [Inaudible] 1400.

    [聽不清楚] 1400。

  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • The 1400 dry or i?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Both.


  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • And then the XT 400, that's a KrF tool presumably.

    然後是 XT 400,這大概是一個 KrF 工具。

  • And when would it be available for shipment?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • The XT 400 will be available for shipment second half 2005.

    XT 400 將於 2005 年下半年出貨。

  • And [indiscernible] XT 400 -- you said 400, yes?

    還有 [音訊不清晰] XT 400——你說的是 400,是嗎?

  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • XT 400?

    XT 400?

  • So Q4 2005.

    2005 年第四季。

  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • Oh right.


  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • And then 1 final one.


  • The 130 break-even EBIT level, what is the ASP underlying that?

    130 的損益平衡 EBIT 水平,其背後的 ASP 是多少?

  • Is that €10m per new tool?

    每個新工具是 1000 萬歐元嗎?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • It's about €10m, yes.


  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Dan Pang (ph).

    下一個問題是 Dan Pang (ph) 提出的。

  • Please state your company name sir, followed by your question.


  • Hi, this is [Orfis Malik] calling for Dan Pang from Prudential Equity Group.

    大家好,我是 [Orfis Malik],請保德信股票集團的 Dan Pang 來電。

  • I have a question with respect to your decision to enter the flat panel display market.


  • It's a 2 part question.


  • Firstly, what is the problem you tried to solve in flat panel display?


  • And what is the new technology angle that you plan to bring to the table?


  • And secondly, how should we look at the length of the development and the level of spending -- R&D spending going into the flat panel display?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • This is a very good question.


  • So first of all, you have to fit it in the right place.


  • We do not want to create a [me too] product.


  • So it is clear that we have tried to confirm that we can do a better mouse trap.


  • And that better mouse trap is based on flexibility.


  • It looks as if the customers will put a lot of value on the possibility to put on immersion 7 or 8, place any type of sizes that they want to make.

    看起來客戶會非常重視放置沉浸式 7 或 8 的可能性,放置他們想要製作的任何類型的尺寸。

  • And all this in a very, very short cycle time.


  • So the machines that we are putting together will resolve that problem.


  • And the cost level of that machine is to be at the same level, or potentially better hopefully, than our competitors, which means we are creating more value which, by the way, seems to be significant in terms of millions of dollars that customers will save.


  • And we could do this at the cost level which is equivalent or better than our competition.


  • So the equation-- the economic equation is good.


  • So that flexibility seems to have serious implications.


  • In any event, and this is where the issues of when are we going to start fully with all the efforts on that project, the issue is now to have the customer recognize this value and therefore commit.


  • And we will not start without having this done.


  • Clearly this is a business where there are only 4 or 5 potential customers who make the market.

    顯然,這是一個只有 4 到 5 個潛在客戶才能創造市場的業務。

  • It is fundamental for us to have commitment from the most important ones.


  • And this commitment is the proof that we will offer value.


  • It's not that it will not make a [killing].


  • And that is, at this very moment, what is being discussed.


  • Timeframe-wise, there is no secret.


  • We are trying to hit the generation 7/8.

    我們正在努力衝擊 7/8 世代。

  • So at this very moment you will hear that it is a 2-year project.


  • But again, I want to have the flexibility to say it is a 3-years project if nobody don't want a generation 7 before.

    但再次強調,如果沒有人不想要第 7 代,我想靈活地說這是一個為期 3 年的計畫。

  • Or 8 early if we have to.


  • But, of course, this is a significant project.


  • So it's difficult to make it before that.


  • Regarding the outlay of cash for R&D, I would answer your question next quarter when we have the same friendly call.


  • But because it depends on those discussions that we have with our potential customers, so before we get into that -- those specifics, I would like to go further and get them come in.


  • Orfis Malik - Analyst

    Orfis Malik - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from John Peacher (ph).

    下一個問題來自 John Pecher(博士)。

  • Please state your company name sir, followed by your question.


  • Setmeer Komar - Analyst

    Setmeer Komar - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • This is actually Setmeer Komar from John Peacher (ph).

    這實際上是約翰·皮徹 (John Peacher) 的塞特梅爾·科馬爾 (Setmeer Komar)。

  • I'm sorry, I had to jump off the call for a little bit so if I'm repetitive, excuse me for that.


  • My question is on the Memory segment.


  • I look back at your backlog composition, then we have gone from 30% early 2004 to almost half the backlog now.

    我回顧一下你們的積壓情況,我們已經從 2004 年初的 30% 減少到現在積壓的一半了。

  • A couple of questions.


  • What are your thoughts on how sustainable this demand is given that there is a significant amount of supply that's coming online?


  • What would cause you to be worried about this capacity in the segment?


  • And second, if you can just briefly talk about the 193 nanometer penetration in the Memory segment.

    其次,您可以簡單談談記憶體領域的 193 奈米滲透率。

  • Thanks.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • I didn't catch the second part of your question.


  • Setmeer Komar - Analyst

    Setmeer Komar - Analyst

  • The 193 penetration.

    193 滲透。

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • So certainly you should never -- well, you should try to avoid quoting long-term trends to a fixed one point backlog.


  • As we explained at the beginning, the backlog happened this way because the Memory people have to rush on the technology because of the price curve that goes in their favor.


  • So they are trying to move fast.


  • And we know that the Foundry people are waiting a bit to see how the semiconductor overall market will evolve.


  • So you have a, I would say, natural bias of the current backlog towards Memory.


  • But that may be very short-lived and we may have Foundry coming very, very strongly in the end of Q1, Q2 etc.

    但這可能是非常短暫的,我們可能會在第一季、第二季末等時候讓 Foundry 變得非常非常強勁。

  • And doing the same nice gains that I think we've seen in the first 2 years, where sometimes the Korea (ph) business is bigger, sometimes the Taiwan (ph) business is bigger, depending on these timings which are different.


  • They work on different scales.


  • But it is true that the memory business is a very interesting business for us.


  • We are at the high end of the -- at the [indiscernible] end of the technology curve.


  • We know that the DRAM people, and the SRAM (ph) people now -- sorry, and the FLASH people now, are driving the normal curve very much more aggressively than everybody else.

    我們知道現在的 DRAM 人員和 SRAM (ph) 人員——抱歉,現在還有 FLASH 人員,比其他人都更積極地推動正常曲線的發展。

  • So clearly you will start to see the possibility for different business for us.


  • One that drives every day to the next level of technology, with very, very short amortization time for them.


  • And other business, other foundries and Logic-type environments at the end, where they would go into with the more standard normal-type curve.


  • Is it sustainable?


  • Is it sustainable?


  • Are you talking about 10 years or 100 years?


  • Setmeer Komar - Analyst

    Setmeer Komar - Analyst

  • More 2 to 3 quarters thanks.

    更多 2 至 3 個季度,謝謝。

  • I remember when Doug Dunn used to talk about orders and backlog in the middle of last year.

    我記得去年年中道格鄧恩(Doug Dunn)經常談論訂單和積壓訂單。

  • He used to say that one of indicators that he took from that is utilization.


  • And as long as they remained good, he was saying that the order outlook would be okay.


  • Operator


  • You are fading away.


  • Could you speak up a little?


  • You are fading away.


  • Setmeer Komar - Analyst

    Setmeer Komar - Analyst

  • Sorry.


  • I recall in the middle of last year, Doug Dunn used to say that you used to look at fab utilization as a good metric to look at orders.

    我記得去年年中,道格鄧恩 (Doug Dunn) 曾經說過,你過去常常將晶圓廠利用率視為衡量訂單的一個很好的指標。

  • For the Memory segment, what would cause you to change your view or get more concerned about -- [or more conservative], that's what I was getting at.


  • It's more of the short term, 2 to 4 quarters [indiscernible].

    這更多是短期的,2 到 4 個季度[音訊不清晰]。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think what Doug says was generally is true is that this fab utilization drives this.


  • But the Memory segment, fab utilization is always high.


  • It is run that fact [indiscernible].


  • What is really driving this is the fact that before the necessary shrink that Eric talked about, they do need the high NA ArF tools, it's for 65 nanometer design rules.

    真正推動這一趨勢的是這樣一個事實:在 Eric 談到的必要縮小之前,他們確實需要高 NA ArF 工具,它適用於 65 奈米設計規則。

  • And they also need our 860s for their 90 nanometer mid-critical layers.

    他們還需要我們的 860 用於 90 奈米中關鍵層。

  • So they need to cut cost.


  • They need to do that through shrink.


  • So we are just witnessing this change over from 200 millimeter KrF driven, now to 300 millimeter ArF driven, with KrF support in the mid-critical layers.

    因此,我們剛剛見證了從 200 毫米 KrF 驅動到現在 300 毫米 ArF 驅動的變化,並在中關鍵層提供 KrF 支援。

  • How long is it going to take?


  • It's going to take as long as they feel the pressure of driving costs down.


  • That is generally what we are seeing.


  • So you could say, some people ask what bad is because the expectation -- the price curve for the year end is going down.


  • That's what the expectation is.


  • That's bad news, but it is good news because it means that they have to start pushing their costs down in their strategy.


  • Setmeer Komar - Analyst

    Setmeer Komar - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Matthew Gill.


  • Please state your company name sir, followed by your question.


  • Matthew Gill - Analyst

    Matthew Gill - Analyst

  • Goldman Sachs.


  • A question on the LCD market.


  • You talked a little bit earlier today in some of the analyst and the press conferences about the requirements to go in that having securing customer commitment.


  • But can you talk about what the financial requirements you see for ASML as far as what you're expecting this to do to the Company margins?

    但您能談談您對 ASML 的財務要求以及您預計這會對公司利潤產生什麼影響嗎?

  • Is this likely to be dilutive to Company margins going forward?


  • And if not, if you think it can actually be keeping margins flat or even be accretive, over what timescale do you think that needs to occur over?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Sorry.


  • Can you repeat the last part of your question please?


  • Matthew Gill - Analyst

    Matthew Gill - Analyst

  • If, indeed, you do think moving into the LCD market will keep your margins at the same level as just being in the IC market or even be accretive, how long a period does that take before that comes to pass?

    事實上,如果您確實認為進入 LCD 市場將使您的利潤率保持在與 IC 市場相同的水平,甚至會增加,那麼需要多長時間才能實現這一目標?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • I don't think we are concerned at all with the margin question.


  • First of all because, as I said at the beginning, we expect the cost of our machine to be significantly similar, if not better, than the cost of our competitors'.


  • And we expect to have value.


  • So this means that today there is a high chance that our margin will be above the current 40% that we are driving on IC lithography.

    因此,這意味著今天我們的利潤率很可能會高於目前 IC 光刻的 40%。

  • And we expect this to be happening very, very quickly.


  • We don't expect to have an issue of costs at the beginning being very high and then trying to move the architecture down to get the appropriate margin, because again, it's not an area where you buy your way in.


  • You [do not starting] to price yourself low to get the business and then move your price up. [indiscernible] in an environment where you want to penetrate.

    你[不會]先把自己的價格壓低以獲取業務,然後再提高價格。 [音頻不清晰]在你想要滲透的環境。

  • Here it's a business to business.


  • It's a discussion with the customers.


  • Do you want the value?


  • Do we take the contract?


  • Do we take the orders?


  • Yes?


  • No?


  • And these are the conditions.


  • I do not expect there will be dilution of margin at all.


  • Your question is extremely valid, but I won't answer it, in terms of the cost structure.


  • Depending on how much investment is required, how much are we going to reduce our potential net income due to the fact that we may have to invest a bit in R&D.


  • This is clear on our agenda of doing nothing stupid.


  • And trying to dilute net income opportunity to the minimum.


  • There are ways of doing this. 1 is we have already a fund which we have been using in the past years to finance ventures and different opportunities and things.

    有一些方法可以做到這一點。 1是我們已經擁有一支基金,過去幾年我們一直在使用它來為企業和不同的機會和事物提供資金。

  • And this is, of course, possible for us to focus this money onto this.


  • The other option is to develop this project with the customers so that the funding is spread, in which case it becomes much more affordable.


  • And the third opportunity, which is the one that I would go for the last, is to say it hits us a bit and we can afford it.


  • It's okay.


  • But if I do this it's only because we can afford this in terms of what you guys expect us to deliver in terms of net income.


  • So the discussion will be something that should be put on the table after we have discussed with the customers, agreed with the conditions on the sign-overs.


  • And then at the moment we take the decision, we will clearly show you all the parameters.


  • Nothing will be hidden there.


  • If we do this, it's going to be a good business decision for the future.


  • But it's also going to be not a stupid decision for the short term.


  • Craig DeYoung - VP IR

    Craig DeYoung - VP IR

  • Operator, we have time for 1 more call only.

    接線員,我們只剩下再打 1 通電話的時間了。

  • Operator


  • The last question will be from -- the final question is from Mr. Orchi.

    最後一個問題將來自——最後一個問題來自 Orchi 先生。

  • Please state your company name sir followed by your question.


  • Uechi Orchi - Analyst

    Uechi Orchi - Analyst

  • My question has been answered actually.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • That was easy.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO

  • 1 more.

    還有 1 個。

  • Operator


  • Okay.


  • Robert Mare?


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • Yes, just a quick question regarding currency.


  • Obviously your numbers were good for the quarter.


  • Could you tell us what impact you've had in currency throughout the year and particularly in the fourth quarter and how that would have been impacted had we not had the move of the dollar versus the euro, given that a lot of your expenses, or a fairly sizeable percentage, are in euros.


  • Yet sales, a fair amount, are in dollars.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Nothing straight.


  • The vast majority of our sales is in euros.


  • Our costs are in euros.


  • And we did mention that in certain areas of Europe, the service revenue in the U.S., the revenue is dollars.


  • So then we did have an impact on a few million in the fourth quarter. €2 to €3m max.

    所以我們在第四季確實對幾百萬人產生了影響。最高 200 至 300 萬歐元

  • But there is a positive side.


  • And that is we are sourcing more from the U.S.


  • We are sourcing our leases (ph) from the U.S., we are sourcing the majority of modules from the U.S.


  • And there we had a positive effect there.


  • Possibly good.


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • So overall does that net out to a relative neutral?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Craig DeYoung - VP IR

    Craig DeYoung - VP IR

  • Thank you operator.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the ASML fourth quarter and 2004 annual results conference call.

    女士們、先生們,ASML 第四季和 2004 年年度業績電話會議到此結束。

  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
