艾司摩爾 (ASML) 2004 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the ASML Q1 2004 earnings conference call on April 21, 2004. [Operator's instructions] I would now like to hand over the conference over to Mr. Franki D'Hoore, Director of European Investor Relations.

    歡迎參加 2004 年 4 月 21 日舉行的 ASML 2004 年第一季財報電話會議。[ 操作員指示] 我現在將會議交給歐洲投資者關係總監 Franki D'Hoore 先生。

  • Mr. D'Hoore, you may start


  • Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

    Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

  • Ladies and gentlemen, this is Franki D'Hoore from ASML Investor Relations.

    女士們、先生們,我是 ASML 投資者關係部的 Franki D'Hoore。

  • Thank you for participating in the ASML Q1 results conference call.

    感謝您參加 ASML 第一季業績電話會議。

  • Joining me today are Doug Dunn, our CEO, and Peter Wennink, our CFO.

    今天加入我的是我們的執行長 Doug Dunn 和財務長彼得溫尼克 (Peter Wennink)。

  • This call will be one hour.


  • We will start with one question per person in the first round, to give everybody an opportunity.


  • When there is time left at the end we can take your follow-on questions.


  • Before we start, allow me to read the Safe Harbor statement.


  • The matters discussed during this presentation include forward-looking statements that are subject to risk and uncertainties.


  • Including but not limited to economic conditions; product and pricing; manufacturing efficiencies; new products development; ability to enforce patents; availability of raw materials and critical manufacturing equipment; trade environment, and other risks indicated in filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


  • At this point I would like to hand over to Doug for a brief statement followed by your questions.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Thank you Franki, and welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first quarter call.


  • I just want to kick off with a few comments of my own and then we will quickly move on to the questions, which I think is the important part of the event.


  • Just to remind you we have a web page and the slides are on the web page.


  • There is also a five-minute overview from myself accompanying them.


  • From our point of view, I think we take some pride in Q1.


  • It was a strong quarter for us in every sense.


  • We were very pleased with the way in which ASML performed.

    我們對 ASML 的表現非常滿意。

  • However, even more pleased by the way in which the market responded to this growth and to our products also.


  • I think that is best captured by the excellent bookings in Q1, in which we increased our backlog from 124 systems to 163 systems.

    我認為第一季的出色預訂最能體現這一點,我們的積壓訂單從 124 個系統增加到 163 個系統。

  • Of course, we took quite a lot of those orders for the next nine months out and we will come to that shortly.


  • One of the frequently asked questions that we have been receiving during the day is regarding the average selling price.


  • Now, I can take that one well and truly and kick it into touch, if I may.


  • First of all, as you well understand, whatever we have on the backlog today to some extent predetermines our next three months out, and possibly the next six months out even.


  • Certainly the three months out.


  • Therefore, what we shipped in Q1 is what we had in the backlog at the end of the fourth quarter, and that was the mix that the customers wanted.


  • I am frankly delighted by that mix, because it was a mix of product that they quickly wanted to put into production.


  • It was today's technology, 180nm, 130nm, i.e. 248nm wavelength technology.


  • Mostly into existing fabs, a lot of which are still good working eight-inch fabs.


  • And therefore, for me it was an excellent sign that the market is really booming right now, as we speak, for chips to go into DVD players and mobile phones, that can only be produced on today's designs and in today's fabs, and they are predominantly 248nm fabs and eight-inch equipment.

    因此,對我來說,這是一個極好的跡象,表明市場現在確實正在蓬勃發展,對於用於DVD 播放器和行動電話的晶片來說,這些晶片只能在今天的設計和今天的工廠中生產,而且它們是主要是248奈米晶圓廠和8英寸設備。

  • So we shipped precisely what the customers wanted, nothing more and essentially nothing less either.


  • That is reflected in the mix of product.


  • That mix, of course, dictates the average selling price and what you see there is precisely what you get.


  • So I hope that you recognize that it is not an issue of pricing pressure at all, in fact just the opposite.


  • We are exerting pricing pressure in a positive direction.


  • We are booking orders at a slightly more aggressive price than we were last year, because clearly the demand is much greater this year.


  • So it is not an issue of pricing pressure.


  • It is merely a direct issue of mix, driven by what you, the end consumer, wants and what our customers, the IC manufacturers, can deliver, which is eight-inch wafers based on 248nm wavelength.

    這只是一個直接的混合問題,由您(最終消費者)的需求以及我們的客戶(IC 製造商)可以提供的內容(基於 248 nm 波長的 8 英寸晶圓)驅動。

  • That will change as the quarters go by, but we already announced to you - to ensure that you are not confused again, the next two quarters out - that our backlog for the next six months out is again dominated by today's production capacity, by 248nm systems.

    隨著季度的推移,這種情況將會發生變化,但我們已經向您宣布- 為了確保您不會在接下來的兩個季度中再次感到困惑- 我們未來六個月的積壓訂單將再次由今天的產能主導,即248nm系統。

  • Mathematically that gives an average selling price as a price of around €7.6m for this next six-month period.

    從數學角度來看,接下來六個月的平均售價約為 760 萬歐元。

  • That will change slightly, clearly, but basically that is going to be it.


  • So I hope that has put that into perspective.


  • We are looking forward to a continuation of a good strong period in Q2.


  • Again, pre-empting probably a frequently answered question, why is it impossible to predict precisely the bookings levels in a quarter because of the lumpy nature of our business?


  • We could average out and say we will book around one-to-one with our billings by units, by value as well, in Q2, could even be higher.


  • And of course, we will let you know precisely what the number is at the end of Q2.


  • So I think, taking those two comments, I will just make a couple of general statements.


  • We held on to our operational issues during Q1 very well.


  • Our receivables stayed well under control.


  • Our inventories stayed well under control.


  • We generated cash in the quarter as we promised, and we delivered the gross margin improvements in the quarter, in Q1, as we promised.


  • And again, to repeat my comment from the webcast earlier, we can relatively safely predict in the second quarter another two percentage points of gross margin improvement on the first quarter.


  • At that point I am going to cease.


  • I think I made the points I wanted to make.


  • Just let me finish with an overall comment.


  • The market out there is really hot and strong.


  • We are taking full advantage of that.


  • I think it is going to maintain hot and strong throughout this year.


  • Personally I suspect next year also, but only time will tell.


  • But certainly in the short term, in the next quarter or two, ASML looks forward to (I think) two good quarters.

    但當然在短期內,在接下來的一兩個季度,ASML 期待(我認為)兩個好的季度。

  • So I am very positive about the end markets.


  • I am very positive about our customers, and I am extremely positive about our products and the way in which our operations have improved, and their excellence to deliver increasingly good returns.


  • So with that I will pass over to the moderator to begin the question process.


  • Operator


  • Thank you sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, it is question time. [Operator's instructions] The first question is from Mr. John Pitzer, CSFB.

    女士們先生們,現在是提問時間。 [操作員說明] 第一個問題來自CSFB的John Pitzer先生。

  • Mr. Pitzer, go ahead please.


  • Seb Jekmar - Analyst

    Seb Jekmar - Analyst

  • Yes, hi, this is Seb Jekmar for John Pitzer.

    是的,大家好,我是約翰‧皮策 (John Pitzer) 的塞布‧耶克馬爾 (Seb Jekmar)。

  • Congratulations on your strong bookings for the quarter, but the question we have is - in spite of the increasing backlog, units shipped were down sequentially.

    恭喜您本季的預訂量強勁,但我們的問題是 - 儘管積壓訂單不斷增加,但出貨量卻連續下降。

  • Can you perhaps dig a little deeper to see what is driving this?


  • Was it demand [indiscernible] from customers, or is there some lead-time constraints that are limiting the number of units that are being shipped?


  • And that is my question, thanks.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Okay, yes.


  • Yes, first of all, it is no secret, no surprise to the industry, that every company I know of, maybe there are some exceptions here, tend to have a good fourth quarter and a slightly weaker first quarter.


  • We are no exception either.


  • Our customers are usually closed over Christmas.


  • It takes them some time to open up shop again in the beginning of the year.


  • And even we take a short break at Christmas to rest before we come back again, and Q1 is a short quarter.


  • So I think they are part of the factors.


  • The issues regarding our ability to meet our customers' demand.


  • You know, it depends where you are coming from here.


  • If you want to order, to take delivery of a new product, be it a new car or a new scanner tomorrow, you probably won't get one.


  • Whether it is a high-class scanner or a high-class car, you will have to wait a few weeks, and we have lead times which are real.


  • And therefore, in some cases customers who have been caught out and not given us orders in sufficiently advance warning, have had to wait more than a week or two for delivery, and in fact, in some cases more than a month or two.


  • That is to be expected and that is normal, and that will continue through forever.


  • So I think the Q1 units shipped were a reflection of what the customer wanted.


  • In fact, we shipped - was it 62 units, Peter, in Q1?

    事實上,我們在第一季出貨了 62 台,Peter?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, we sold 58 systems, 42 new and 16 refurbished, and I think I would like to add to what you just said, Doug, is that we shipped what the customers wanted, and we basically ordered the material for those shipments about six months ago.

    是的,我們售出了58 套系統,其中42 套是全新的,16 套是翻新的,我想我想補充一下你剛才所說的,道格,我們運送了客戶想要的東西,我們基本上為這些貨物訂購了大約六個月的材料前。

  • So six months ago - that was in the third quarter of last year - this is what our customers thought that they needed.


  • So we were not in the habit at that time of ordering more than what our customers wanted.


  • So, you could say if we would have had more material, would we have shipped more in Q1?


  • Yes, we would have, but the simple fact is that six to seven months ago they didn't want more, so we didn't order more.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • So that puts it in perspective and I guess that will always be the case.


  • In an upturn period you will always want the new car tomorrow and you will have wait a month or two for it, I am afraid, and that is going to be the case this time, and it is true of all equipment suppliers.


  • So, I just want to stress it was a very good first quarter from a shipment point of view.


  • I am pleased with our performance and many of our customers actually are pleased with our performance too.


  • Next question?


  • Operator


  • Thank you sir.


  • The next question is from Mr. Robert Meyer, Semiconductor Equipment.

    下一個問題來自半導體設備公司的 Robert Meyer 先生。

  • Go ahead please, sir.


  • Robert Meyer - Analyst

    Robert Meyer - Analyst

  • Yes, from some other equipment providers we have heard an interesting story of changing mix between 200mm and 300mm demand.

    是的,我們從其他一些設備供應商那裡聽到了一個關於 200mm 和 300mm 需求之間的組合變化的有趣故事。

  • Some suggesting that, due to the ramp up in China we are seeing more 200mm demand or a surge in that.

    有些人認為,由於中國的成長,我們看到 200mm 的需求增加或激增。

  • Can you give us a little bit more granularity as to what you are seeing in demand between 200mm and 300mm?

    您能否更詳細地介紹一下您所看到的 200 毫米到 300 毫米之間的需求?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, we will try and help you there.


  • By the way, you may have not looked on our web page.


  • We do have some Powerpoint presentations which show you the backlog, that is the orders we have on the books today, based on technology, wafer size, and region also, and then usage of foundry of memory, etc.

    我們確實有一些 Powerpoint 演示文稿,向您展示積壓的訂單,即我們今天在書籍上的訂單,基於技術、晶圓尺寸和區域,以及內存代工廠的使用情況等。

  • So, just picking a few of your points here.


  • The 200mm market by value for us is around 36%; in fact it is precisely 36% of our backlog by value.

    200mm 市場對我們的價值約為 36%;事實上,以價值計算,這正好占我們積壓訂單的 36%。

  • Leaving, therefore, 64% for 300mm.

    因此,為 300mm 留下 64%。

  • That will give you some idea of the value split between the two wafer sizes.


  • You specifically asked about China.


  • Clearly China was a big influence.


  • China is now 13% of our backlog.

    中國目前占我們積壓訂單的 13%。

  • It has never been so high, and two years ago it wasn't on the chart, and now it is bigger than Europe, in fact, when it comes to our value backlog.


  • A lot of that is eight-inch, 200mm, although there is some 12-inch coming through here, and I guess we are going to see more eight-inch fabs built in China.

    其中許多是 8 英寸、200 毫米,儘管也有一些 12 英寸晶圓廠通過這裡,我想我們將看到更多的 8 英寸晶圓廠在中國建造。

  • We already know of several that have been signposted.


  • But the main fact is that 80% of the world silicon these days is eight-inch or smaller, and if you want to move quickly into production that is where you have got to ramp up, and that is what customers are doing.

    但主要事實是,當今世界 80% 的矽片尺寸為 8 英寸或更小,如果您想快速投入生產,就必須加大力度,而這正是客戶正在做的事情。

  • I think from a 300mm point of view, it is inevitable, just as tomorrow will come so will 300mm, and we are in the lead there.


  • We have, I think, good penetration of most 300mm fabs.

    我認為,我們對大多數 300 毫米晶圓廠都有良好的滲透力。

  • There are some in Japan not yet cottoned on to our product and bought, but we are hoping that they will eventually.


  • But outside Japan we have most fabs which are at least partially committed to our product, usually at the critical stages, critical layers.


  • So, we feel we have a very good position in 300mm, and it's the better part of our market share, in fact, this 300mm product.

    所以,我們覺得我們在 300mm 領域擁有非常好的地位,而且它是我們市場份額的更好部分,事實上,就是這個 300mm 產品。

  • So the future bodes well for us, and it's merely a matter of time until all these existing 200mm fabs are full.

    因此,未來對我們來說是個好兆頭,所有這些現有的 200 毫米晶圓廠滿員只是時間問題。

  • The Chinese ones will be built over the next two or three years I guess, and hopefully we will fill them as well.


  • And in the meantime, the people who can afford and have afforded the bigger 300mm fabs will be moving into production mode with those more aggressively, and we'll see those orders increasingly coming through, and at the 193nm wavelength technology.

    同時,那些能夠負擔得起並且已經負擔得起更大的 300mm 晶圓廠的人將更積極地進入生產模式,我們將看到這些訂單越來越多地通過,並且採用 193nm 波長技術。

  • And it reflects a little bit in our backlog today, where we have a €7.6m ASP for the next six months, and I think it is €10m or €10.7m, I believe actually, for the final quarter of this year.

    這反映了我們今天的積壓訂單,未來六個月我們的平均售價為 760 萬歐元,我認為實際上今年最後一個季度的平均售價為 1000 萬歐元或 1070 萬歐元。

  • That will get diluted as we take more orders of eight-inch, by the way, but it tells you that we are still filling up, I am happy to say, good eight-inch fabs with 248nm wavelength product.

    順便說一句,隨著我們接受更多的 8 英寸訂單,這會被稀釋,但我很高興地說,這告訴你,我們仍在填補擁有 248 nm 波長產品的優質 8 英寸晶圓廠。

  • So China will come, and I think that will kick in to an even higher gear next year, but with 13% of our backlog Chinese already, I am quite pleased with our penetration there.

    所以中國將會到來,我認為明年將會更加迅速,但由於我們的中國積壓訂單已經達到 13%,我對我們在中國的滲透率感到非常滿意。

  • Robert Meyer - Analyst

    Robert Meyer - Analyst

  • But were there any component supply issues related to, that might have slowed down shipments related to this?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • About a thousand actually.


  • No, to be serious on that one, and Peter gave you the real answer here.


  • We have real lead times, and if customers do not give us at least decent warning of orders, then there is nothing we can do about it, and we're certainly not going to build speculatively every possible product we can and inflate our inventories, and not be able to sell any of it.


  • So there is always going to be in an upturn stress on every supplier, whether he is supplying the paint for the covers, or a lens, or anything else for that matter.


  • That is quite natural.


  • We work with them all in a very disciplined way, and we have got a balanced supply chain that is doing an excellent job.


  • If you look at the lead-time in which we are shipping our product, it has never been so short for the existing tools.


  • We have taken a lot of lead time out of the existing tools.


  • Of course, the new tools are always longer, but our lead times have come down to [stack] lead-time quite substantially.


  • So I give our supply base a lot of credit for the effort that they have put into that, and we are therefore shipping much more quickly than we ever could before.


  • But still, the good news is that our product is so well liked that we can never totally satisfy people in the very short term, and we never can.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I would like to add, Robert, that there is no difference whether [it go] in terms of a 200mm tool or a 300mm tool, when we are dealing with issues with respect to the supply chain.

    羅伯特,我想補充一點,當我們處理供應鏈相關問題時,無論是 200 毫米工具還是 300 毫米工具,都沒有差別。

  • Robert Meyer - Analyst

    Robert Meyer - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • The next question is from Mr. Matt Gable, Calypso.

    下一個問題來自 Calypso 的 Matt Gable 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks.


  • I was wondering if you could talk about sequential backlog in bookings, performance in the current quarter, what you are seeing?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Q2?


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, well it is early days yet, but it has continued.


  • The upturn continues, the momentum continues.


  • There is only a couple of weeks into the quarter but still.


  • I made a comment earlier on this call, and also on the webcast, that we think we will have strong second quarter bookings.


  • And therefore, at the end of Q2, and this is always a difficult thing to judge because of when customers finally place the order.


  • Slip over a week into Q3 and we could miss a significant order, but at the end of Q2 I think it is a reasonable forecast to give but we expect to have a backlog at least of the same size, and possibly higher, than we have at the end of Q1.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Thank you, good enough.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Navier Purer, Citigroup.

    下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Navier Purer 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Navier Purer - Analyst

    Navier Purer - Analyst

  • Doug, hi, good afternoon to you.


  • I just want to understand how much turns business potential do you still have in your capacity going forwards?


  • Because obviously you have got a fairly full backlog but you are also saying lead times are decreasing, so at what point, say intra quarter, do you actually start having to turn orders away?


  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Okay, thanks Navier.


  • Obviously in the quarter that we are in it is very difficult to fit anything in there that we have not already planned to turn.


  • We do plan to turn some stuff anyway, so we always have a little bit that we are planning to turn.


  • But looking out more to the fourth quarter, I think you can see from what we have given you in our backlog numbers, we have room in the fourth quarter, and time between now and then, to take quite a lot of orders.


  • And the good news is that with the strength of the eight-inch, the 200mm equipment, and at a relatively matured wavelength, 248nm, therefore we enjoy much short lead times there, we can turn that between now and the fourth quarter.

    好消息是,憑藉 8 英寸、200mm 設備的實力,以及相對成熟的波長 248nm,因此我們在那裡的交貨時間很短,我們可以在現在到第四季度之間扭轉這一局面。

  • So our ability to turn product in Q4 is still very strong, and we are taking orders right now that we will ship in Q4 without too much trouble.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, some of those orders that are already, of course, under progressed state of negotiation.


  • So that will turn into orders in this month and next.


  • So, yes, if you look at the turns potential in terms of the backlog, we are confident that will fill up the fourth quarter nicely.


  • Navier Purer - Analyst

    Navier Purer - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Nicholas Gaudois, Deutsche Bank.

    下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Nicholas Gaudois 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Yes, hi there.


  • Could you give us a bit more clarity on how you see ASPs for new tools, only not total tools, but new tools evolving?

    您能否更清楚地告訴我們您如何看待新工具的 ASP,不僅不是全部工具,而是不斷發展的新工具?

  • If you look at the backlog, I think you can triangulate that new tools ASPs for the next six months are around €9.2m to €9.3m.

    如果您查看積壓訂單,我認為您可以透過三角測量得出未來六個月的新工具平均售價約為 920 萬至 930 萬歐元。

  • Where do you see these going into the two quarters after Q4 and then Q1?


  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, the new systems backlog is actually on €9.6m, just to mathematically correct you slightly there.

    好吧,新系統的待辦事項實際上是 960 萬歐元,只是為了在數學上稍微修正你的情況。

  • But it was a good guesstimate, and that is on our web page, by the way, so there are no prizes for me getting that right, and it will continue to increase.


  • Many of our more advanced tools, albeit in very small quantities, are shipping in the high teens and the low twenties of millions.


  • So that average selling price has remorsely increased, thankfully, through the life of steppers and scanners, and through the life of ASML, and will continue to march into the distance until €20m becomes a normal backlog and €30m becomes a big one.

    因此,值得慶幸的是,在步進機和掃描儀的整個生命週期中,以及在ASML 的整個生命週期中,平均售價已經令人遺憾地增加,並且將繼續向遠方邁進,直到2000 萬歐元成為正常的積壓,3000 萬歐元成為大筆積壓。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, and your assumption, listening carefully to what you said, is that you are trying to split the new ASP in the first six months and in the second six months.

    是的,仔細聽你所說的,你的假設是你試圖在前六個月和後六個月分割新的 ASP。

  • And yes, your assumption, although you have mentioned a few numbers, but it is fair to say and also safe to say, that over the next two quarters the ASP will be between €9m and €9.5m, and after the next two quarters it will definitely be above the level of €10m.

    是的,您的假設是,儘管您提到了一些數字,但可以公平地說,也可以肯定地說,在接下來的兩個季度中,平均售價將在900 萬歐元到950 萬歐元之間,並且在接下來的兩個季度之後肯定會高於1000萬歐元的水平。

  • Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Yes, that is exactly right, Peter, that was my assumption.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Matthew Gale, Goldman Sachs.

    下一個問題來自高盛公司的 Matthew Gale 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • Yes, I have a question for Peter just regarding margins.

    是的,我有一個關於利潤的問題想問 Peter。

  • Looking at the margin differential between 200mm and 300mm tools, I know historically you have said that it has been as much as 10%.

    看看 200mm 和 300mm 刀具之間的裕度差異,我知道您曾經說過,差異高達 10%。

  • I am just interested if you could give an update on where that stands.


  • And just a follow up to that is, is there any margin differential between a 248 tool and a 193 tool at this stage in your production process?

    後續問題是,在您生產流程的現階段,248 刀具和 193 刀具之間是否存在裕度差異?

  • Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

    Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

  • Let me discipline you, gentlemen.


  • One question at a time please.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Well, I will comment on the 200mm and the 300mm.


  • Yes, at one moment in time, especially last year, there was as much as ten percentage points difference.


  • That has significantly gone down as a result of the value proposition for our 300mm tools, so we are able to get better pricing, and also the result of the cost of goods reduction program.

    由於我們 300mm 工具的價值主張,這一數字已顯著下降,因此我們能夠獲得更好的定價,也是商品成本降低計劃的結果。

  • So that difference is significantly lower, and towards the end of the year I expect that difference to be not very significant any more.


  • So, yes, you are right, there is a bias towards 200mm in terms of better margin, but that gap is coming down.

    所以,是的,你是對的,就更好的餘裕而言,有 200 毫米的偏差,但這個差距正在縮小。

  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • And is there anything by wavelength?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • By wavelength, not specifically [inaudible].


  • No, I do not think there are significant differences there, no.


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • Thank you, Peter.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Vander Brooken, Petercam.

    下一個問題來自 Petercam 的 Vander Brooken 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Vander Brooken - Analyst

    Vander Brooken - Analyst

  • No, actually my question was on the gross margin split and it has been answered.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • The next question from Mr. Jean D'Anjou, Credit Suisse.

    下一個問題來自瑞士信貸銀行的 Jean D'Anjou 先生。

  • Jean D'Anjou - Analyst

    Jean D'Anjou - Analyst

  • Good afternoon gentlemen.


  • You mentioned in the past that you were expecting total capacity that could be shipped theoretically in one quarter, for new systems to be 60, 65.

    您過去提到,您預計新系統理論上可以在一個季度內發貨的總容量為 60、65 個。

  • When do you think you will be in a position to be able to ship such a volume in a given quarter?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I think the answer, Jean, is whenever customers want them.


  • We are ready to go.


  • If you look at our shipments, they are climbing nicely, new product shipments, given that (I think) a year ago we were shipping only 25 systems a quarter.

    如果你看看我們的出貨量,你會發現新產品出貨量正在大幅攀升,因為(我認為)一年前我們每季只出貨 25 個系統。

  • We are now well above [2X] that, so it is climbing up very nicely.

    我們現在遠高於這個水準 [2 倍],所以它的上升勢頭非常好。

  • So, we are keeping ourselves as close to the customer demand as we can, and that 60 number we will get to whenever we have to.

    因此,我們盡可能貼近客戶需求,只要有必要,就會達到 60 個數字。

  • Jean D'Anjou - Analyst

    Jean D'Anjou - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Gennadin Menin with Dresdner.

    下一個問題來自德勒斯登的 Gennadin Menin 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Gennadin Menin - Analyst

    Gennadin Menin - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • It is a follow on to the previous question, which is - I think, Peter, you've told us earlier that - correct me if I am a little bit wrong - but for every 50 additional tools you need to ship, you need to train up another 100 people in terms of additional manpower, or something like that.

    這是上一個問題的後續問題,即 - 我想,Peter,你之前告訴過我們 - 如果我有一點錯誤,請糾正我 - 但是對於您需要交付的每 50 個額外工具,您需要培訓另外100 人以增加人力或類似的東西。

  • I was just wondering, are you beginning to pick up any people right now for potentially higher shipments expected through second half '04 and into 2005 at that point?

    我只是想知道,你們現在是否開始招募人員來應對 04 年下半年和 2005 年預計可能更高的出貨量?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • What I said is for every additional start per week, which in 50 weeks is about 50 tools, we would need roughly 100-120 people extra.

    我所說的是,每週每增加一次,即 50 週內約 50 個工具,我們將需要額外約 100-120 人。

  • We are already looking into what we should do.


  • If by the end of the year we want to raise the capacity, that means that you have to hire them about six months in advance.


  • If we are going to decide to do that, then it will be based largely on contract work.


  • So we are going to look for as flexible a solution as we can get.


  • So, yes, we are looking into that.


  • Gennadin Menin - Analyst

    Gennadin Menin - Analyst

  • Any chance of any turns --


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • There are no follow-on questions yet.


  • Wait your turn; you will get the chance later.


  • Operator


  • Thank you sir.


  • The next question is from Mr. Jay Dean with JP Morgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Jay Dean 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Congratulations Doug.


  • Peter, in terms of the company's capacity in units, what is the capacity in units, assuming a 50-50 split?

    Peter,就公司的單位產能而言,假設 50-50 的分配,單位產能是多少?

  • And is it safe to assume that you can ship, or are likely to ship, in the 60 new unit range in the second quarter?

    是否可以安全地假設您可以或可能在第二季度交付 60 個新單位範圍內的產品?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • The answer is yes.


  • Peter, I think we can both answer this.


  • Is that Jay Deahna, by the way?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, okay, hi.


  • Thought it was.


  • I'm on a separate phone here;


  • I didn't pick it up, Jay.


  • Good to hear from you.


  • Yes, we can ship 60 systems a quarter, new systems a quarter, whenever we are required to do so, and that day is not far away.

    是的,只要我們需要這樣做,我們就可以每季交付 60 個系統,每季交付新系統,這一天並不遙遠。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • And the capacity?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, sorry Jay, I didn't understand your question, that you are saying are you able to ship, let us say, the quoted 60 units per quarter capacity split in 50-50 already in the second quarter.

    是的,抱歉傑伊,我不明白你的問題,你是說你是否能夠發貨,比方說,每季度報價 60 件的產能已在第二季度拆分為 50-50 件。

  • Is that your precise question?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • That was part of it but the bigger question, and if you can answer that, that would be great.


  • I am basically asking you, is it fair to assume that the company is going to ship 60 new units in the second quarter?

    我基本上是在問你,假設該公司將在第二季出貨 60 台新設備是否公平?

  • But the second part of the question is, I am trying to figure out what your maximum capacity is.


  • As we roll into next year, assuming a 50-50 mix between 200mm and 300mm, would that be 300 systems in a year or how --

    當我們進入明年時,假設 200mm 和 300mm 之間有 50-50 個混合,那麼一年內會是 300 個系統嗎?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Okay.


  • What we said is our capacity going out of this year, were we currently [asking] 60 and 65 units, and a previous caller asked the question - if you want to go from one start extra per week, which would mean an extra 50 tools, how many people would you need, and are you taking actions or are you preparing to do that?

    我們所說的是我們今年的產能,我們目前[要求] 60 和 65 個單位,之前的來電者問了這個問題 - 如果你想從每週額外增加一個開始,這意味著額外的 50 個工具,您需要多少人,您是否正在採取行動或準備這樣做?

  • And I answered that, yes, we are preparing to do that.


  • So it means that 60 to 65 would get you a 240 to 260 number.

    所以這意味著 60 到 65 會得到 240 到 260 的數字。

  • And yes, if you would start the preparation, as we do another 50 that would bring you to around 300 in that mix of 50-50.

    是的,如果您開始準備,就像我們再做 50 次一樣,那麼您將在 50-50 次混合中達到大約 300 次。

  • We feel pretty comfortable with that.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • So yes, Jay, next year we can do the 300, in answer to your question.

    所以,是的,傑伊,明年我們可以參加 300 場比賽,來回答你的問題。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • What would be the building capacity if you maxed out your [indiscernible]?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Sorry, would be the building capacity?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • We basically have that.


  • Were you referring to us, ASML, or to the suppliers?

    您指的是我們、ASML 還是供應商?

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • I am referring to ASML, because let's say, for example, you had demand to build 370 systems next year.

    我指的是 ASML,因為假設您明年需要建立 370 個系統。

  • Would you have to build a new building, or could you find a way to do that with your existing manufacturing infrastructure?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • No, I think in terms of square footage it is there.


  • It is a matter of adding the people and training the people.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • And some more capital equipment, Jay, as well.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, some more capital equipment but not buildings.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Would you have to build full systems in Connecticut to do that?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • No.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • But we may choose to.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Sean Murphy, Nomura.

    下一個問題來自野村證券的 Sean Murphy 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Sean Murphy - Analyst

    Sean Murphy - Analyst

  • Hi, guys.


  • Just enquiring about the proportion of business going to the IDMs, that seems to have increased strongly in the backlog.

    只要詢問 IDM 的業務比例,積壓訂單中的比例似乎大幅增加。

  • I am wondering to some degree whether there has been a reluctance to order because of the debate about 157 versus immersion?

    我在某種程度上想知道是否因為關於 157 與沉浸式的爭論而不願意訂購?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • No, you are right on your observation that the IDM business has come to life during the quarter. 24% of our backlog is IDM, which is a healthy improvement over a quarter ago.

    不,您的觀察是正確的,IDM 業務在本季已經開始復甦。我們的積壓訂單中有 24% 是 IDM,這比一個季度前有了顯著改善。

  • The reluctance of the IDM, the slowness to come to the party so to speak, is not, I think, anything to do with the 157 situation at all, or immersion.

    我認為,IDM 的不情願,或者說參加聚會的緩慢,與 157 的情況或沉浸感根本沒有任何關係。

  • It is all to do with their own confidence, first of all, in the strength of the recovery.


  • So the good news is they are much more confident now.


  • They are placing mega million dollar deals for equipment from us.


  • And secondly, the fact that they are seeing, I think, the foundry utilization increasing to pretty high levels, being easy with my words there, and that is worrying them and therefore they are saying - hey, let us now start to take some of the danger out of supply by building our own capacity up.

    其次,我認為,他們看到代工利用率增加到相當高的水平,我的話很容易,這讓他們擔心,因此他們說 - 嘿,讓我們現在開始採取一些措施通過建立我們自己的能力來應對供應不足的危險。

  • So it is a healthy sign and nothing at all to do with immersion or 157.

    所以這是一個健康的跡象,與沉浸或 157 無關。

  • It is just their confidence returning and foundry business working at a very high utilization factor, and being frankly less available to them.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, and I would like to add to that, that it is not so much 248 200mm, that they are asking.

    是的,我想補充一點,他們要求的不是 248 200mm。

  • The IDM demand is (I would say) more focused on 193 and 300mm, which then, in terms of value, gives them a bigger part of the backlog.

    IDM 需求(我想說)更集中在 193 和 300mm,就價值而言,這給他們帶來了更大的積壓量。

  • Sean Murphy - Analyst

    Sean Murphy - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Ulrich Belzer with Lehman Brothers.

    下一個問題來自雷曼兄弟的 Ulrich Belzer 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Ulrich Belzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Belzer - Analyst

  • Yes, good afternoon.


  • Just wondering what split of 248 versus 193 wavelength, and eight-inch versus 12-inch tools in shipments, do you have in mind, say for Q4 of this year?

    只是想知道 248 波長與 193 波長以及 8 英寸與 12 英寸工具的出貨量有何區別,您是否想到今年第四季度的情況?

  • And then, how do you think that split is going to look at the end of '05, which is looking out far, but your best guess would be nice?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Was it the unit or value split you wanted?


  • Ulrich Belzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Belzer - Analyst

  • The unit split please.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I have got to do the sum on that, it is more difficult.


  • Let me finish off the answer I was going to give you.


  • The value split is, as you know, two-thirds 300mm, roughly one-third 200mm, and you saw from our average selling price at the back of Q4 is loaded with the more exotic technology.

    如您所知,價值分配是三分之二的 300 毫米,大約三分之一的 200 毫米,您可以從我們第四季度後面的平均售價中看到,裝載了更奇特的技術。

  • And therefore also, I guess, to some extent loaded with more 300mm.

    因此,我想,在某種程度上,裝載了更多的 300 毫米。

  • But I have no idea, maybe my colleagues can rough it out what that unit split would be in Q4.


  • I am not sure we know yet actually.


  • But certainly at the end of 2005 there will be a lot of eight-inch tools still sold then, but the people who have built the 300mm fabs will have filled their 200mm capacity and be absolutely purchasing, I think, exclusively 300mm.

    但到 2005 年底,肯定會有大量 8 吋設備仍在銷售,但建造 300mm 晶圓廠的人們將填滿他們的 200mm 產能,我認為,絕對會專門購買 300mm。

  • So it is going to be switching very dramatically, maybe beginning in Q4 but certainly through 2005, towards a dominance in units for 300mm.

    因此,它將會發生非常戲劇性的轉變,也許從第四季度開始,但肯定會持續到 2005 年,朝著 300mm 單位的主導地位轉變。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • If I may comment a little further on that also.


  • The current split, like Doug said, in the backlog is that in terms of value, 193nm technology is about one-third and 248 is 52%.

    正如 Doug 所說,目前積壓訂單中的分配情況是,就價值而言,193nm 技術約佔三分之一,248 佔 52%。

  • Well, although the fourth quarter still needs to be booked fully, and in 2005 the visibility, of course, is (I would say) limited.

    好吧,雖然第四季度仍然需要訂滿,而且在 2005 年,可見度當然(我想說)是有限的。

  • I think it is safe to say that the 193nm share will go up, and it would be safe just to say that in terms of value, towards the end of the year it can grow to anywhere between 40-50%.

    我認為可以肯定地說 193nm 的份額將會上升,可以肯定地說,就價值而言,到年底它可以增長到 40-50% 之間。

  • Whether it is close to 40% or to 50% is a bit of a guess, but it is safe to say that it will be over 40% and probably lower than 50%.

    是接近 40% 還是接近 50% 還是有點猜測,但可以肯定地說會超過 40%,並且可能低於 50%。

  • And with respect to 200mm and 300mm, two-thirds is now 300mm, 33% is 200mm.


  • That will go down, it will be lower than 30% for the 200mm part.

    這個數字會下降,對於 200mm 的零件來說,這個數字會低於 30%。

  • That is my personal expectation.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • His question though, Peter, was units and I do not have that data here with me.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think we have to work from value here.


  • We have a reasonable guidance on where the ASP is going to be, so they can work it out.

    我們對 ASP 的發展方向有合理的指導,以便他們能夠解決。

  • Ulrich Belzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Belzer - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Johannes Reece, DIT.

    下一個問題來自 DIT 的 Johannes Reece 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Johannes Reece - Analyst

    Johannes Reece - Analyst

  • Yes, good afternoon.


  • Maybe a question on immersion.


  • Is it right to assume that you have no immersion tool booked so far?


  • And what can we expect on bookings for maybe the coming nine months?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Okay, I will answer the first one of your questions.


  • We do have immersion tools booked right now.


  • It is four or five and I do not quite recall which is booked right now.


  • We will ship our first immersion tools this year, and we will continue taking immersion tool orders from now on for ever I guess, at least for the next 10 years, but we are not going to tip off the competition how well we are doing there.

    我們將在今年發貨我們的第一批沉浸式工具,我想從現在起我們將永遠繼續接受沉浸式工具訂單,至少在接下來的10 年裡,但我們不會向競爭對手透露我們在那裡做得有多好。

  • So I am not going to give any forecasts on immersion tool bookings, other than we will make lots of them.


  • Johannes Reece - Analyst

    Johannes Reece - Analyst

  • But it will be more than in the rest of the years that you have booked maybe up to now?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, that is your second question and I'm trying to be strict here.


  • I do not honestly know but I suspect it could be a similar amount again.


  • Johannes Reece - Analyst

    Johannes Reece - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Martin Chules, National City Bank.

    下一個問題來自國家城市銀行的 Martin Chules 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Martin Chules - Analyst

    Martin Chules - Analyst

  • Yes, good afternoon, a quick question.


  • Any thoughts on your immersion lithography technology versus Nikon and Tokyo?


  • Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

    Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

  • Could you repeat the question please?


  • It is difficult to hear you.


  • Martin Chules - Analyst

    Martin Chules - Analyst

  • Yes, sure.


  • I am trying to get some information on your thoughts on the immersion lithography technology that Nikon and Tokyo Electron doing some joint mass production tests currently finished.


  • I was wondering if you have any comments on how the technology is playing out versus your competitors?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, it is always hard to know what the competition is doing precisely.


  • They do not send us many e-mails on those things, but from our point of view we do know what we are doing precisely.


  • We have processed well over 6,000 wafers full scan speed through, in a normal production tool.

    我們已經在普通生產工具中以全掃描速度處理了 6,000 多個晶圓。

  • Most of those wafers have been at the request of customers who have come along and seen them and observed them.


  • Therefore, we have a working system and, as mentioned in the previous question, we have sold a handful of those already, and booked two different customers.


  • So I think we are ahead of the competition significantly on our immersion capability, and we will try and maintain that lead.


  • It is difficult to know, because at the last conference, which people kind of strut their stuff on these things, we were the only company who could show imaging done at full scan speed, at any scan speed in fact.


  • The competition showed some still imaging, which is pretty easy to do, but of course scanning at speed - when you have got water moving and the potential bubbles forming - is much more difficult.


  • We showed that in great quantity of data, and have processed 6,000 or 7,000 wafers, and so far I think we are the only ones to have processed any wafers at scan speed.

    我們透過大量數據展示了這一點,並且已經處理了 6,000 或 7,000 片晶圓,到目前為止,我認為我們是唯一能夠以掃描速度處理任何晶圓的公司。

  • But I am sure the competition will make some progress also but we are well ahead right now.


  • Martin Chules - Analyst

    Martin Chules - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Pry Cadiserum, Chain Capital.

    下一個問題來自 Chain Capital 的 Pry Cadiserum 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

    Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

  • Hi, could you just give us an update on your option program, in terms of what you are seeing currently from customers, and how that is developing?


  • We have obviously seen a bigger mix, as we said, of capacity tools.


  • I am interested to see how that is playing into the option program.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • This is Peter's baby, so Peter over to you.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, I think it is over the last couple of weeks or months we have seen an increased level of attention for that program, because we personally feel that it is a good instrument to use in this industry, where it is difficult for our customers to, looking at the lead times that we are facing, 9-10 months.

    是的,我認為在過去的幾週或幾個月裡,我們看到對該計劃的關注度有所提高,因為我們個人認為它是在這個行業中使用的一個很好的工具,而我們的客戶很難在這個行業中使用它。 ,看看我們面臨的交貨時間,9-10 個月。

  • And the visibility that they have, of three to four, that you have a tool which is called an option program.


  • That can give them the flexibility to call off a tool whenever they want.


  • So yes, we are in very detailed discussions with a few customers to basically beef up and (I would say) improve the option program as we first had it in its more or less rudimentary form, and customers are requesting now an option program that has a little bit more flexibility in it for them.


  • And we are determining what the option price for that should be.


  • So it is a program that is gaining attention and momentum, and I am pleased with that and I think it will be a help for our customers.


  • It will also be a help for ASML when this inevitable downturn will come.

    當這種不可避免的經濟衰退到來時,這也將對 ASML 有所幫助。

  • Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

    Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

  • Can I just clarify as opposed to asking another question?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Nice one.


  • Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

    Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

  • The option level - is that just roughly equivalent to the lens price or is it varied more [inaudible] other factors?

    選項等級 - 大致相當於鏡頭價格,還是有更多[聽不清楚]其他因素的變化?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • No, it depends on the fact, the price of the option is dependent on the level of flexibility that the customer wants.


  • Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

    Pry Cadiserum - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Tim Schufmulender, Morgan Stanley.

    下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Tim Schufmulender 先生。

  • Tim Schufmulender - Analyst

    Tim Schufmulender - Analyst

  • Hi Doug, Peter.


  • Just a clarification and a question.


  • The first, you talked about 200mm shipments remaining a high percentage for the next six months, and I think you also mentioned 248nm or is there any change, given that 200mm shipments were 193.


  • And then the main question I had was for Peter, which was on the inventory side.


  • The inventory level was stable.


  • Has there been any change within that, the split between lens inventory and light source inventory?


  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I will take the first part, Peter, and then-- So on the technology split by value, 193, as I think Peter mentioned this two questions ago, is exactly 30% of our backlog, and the balance is a combination of 248nm and 365nm, for 67%.

    Peter,我將討論第一部分,然後——關於按價值劃分的技術,193,正如我認為 Peter 之前提到的這兩個問題,恰好是我們積壓的 30%,其餘部分是 248nm 和365nm,佔67 %。

  • And that reflects, therefore, what we're going to be shipping in the next six months, that kind of split.


  • If that helps you understand what the technology split is.


  • It will richen as time goes by, to 193, but please keep in mind the processes that our customers have running right now.

    隨著時間的推移,它會變得更加豐富,達到 193 個,但請記住我們的客戶現在正在運行的流程。

  • The chips that they have designed and got in production right now, are using either 180nm or 130nm or 200nm technology, and that is what they have to gear up to make a lot of more of this week, this month, this quarter.

    他們現在設計並投入生產的晶片採用的是 180 奈米、130 奈米或 200 奈米技術,這就是他們必須做好準備才能在本週、本月、本季生產更多晶片。

  • And therefore, the only thing they can do is buy existing technology.


  • Not because of any limitations of mine, because of their own factory limitation.


  • It is what the factory is designed to produce, therefore what we are seeing is - and I see this as being really good news, and I am disappointed in the way that there has been such a strange set of questions asked about our average selling price.

    這就是工廠設計生產的產品,因此我們所看到的是 - 我認為這確實是個好消息,但我對人們對我們的平均售價提出了一系列奇怪的問題感到失望。

  • Not in this call but previously.


  • Because what we need to see is today's product shipping.


  • Today's mobile phones, today's color TVs, today's DVDs.


  • They are only full of 248nm or 365nm processed chips.


  • So it is excellent news that we are shipping lots of these products.


  • It means the recovery is here, and it is strong, and it is hot, and it is today.


  • It is not technology buys that they may want to use some time next year.


  • It is stuff they want to take in to factories next quarter and have running a week later, and that is where we excel.


  • So that is my comment on the technology issue.


  • So, it will be rich with today's requirements, thankfully, two-thirds of it, for the next six months out.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • With respect to the question on lens and light source inventory.


  • The inventory stayed flat.


  • We do not have any issues with lenses and light sources, only you could say that we could use more, given the current demand of the market.


  • There are no specific issues with respect to lenses or light source there that influence the total euro value of the inventory.


  • What I can tell you about the inventory is that, with the pressure of the market right now, [leave] to returns will actually go up, because there will not be a lot of inventory idle on the factory floor.


  • So, but nothing specifically to mention on lens and on the [lasers].


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • My word on that is it's a well-balanced inventory that reflects the complete mix of modules, components and piece parts, and is therefore eminently shippable and will ship pretty quick.


  • Tim Schufmulender - Analyst

    Tim Schufmulender - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Andrew Griffin, Merrill Lynch.


  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Hi everyone.


  • Just have a question on the linearity of this year.


  • We've had three quarters now where your order value has been significantly higher than your sales value.


  • You have mentioned both that what you are shipping in Q1 was what your customers wanted, but earlier on in the call you mentioned also that there was a certain limitation of the supply chain ramp up because the pick-up really only began in orders in Q3 last year.


  • I did not quite understand that.


  • Were you somewhat supply chain limited in Q1, and therefore should we expect reasonable sequential growth throughout the rest of the year?


  • Or was it actually that the customers wanted as much as they got in Q1?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • They would have taken more of some things.


  • I am not sure it is a supply chain ramp up.


  • I mean there may be elements of that here and there but it is just lead time.


  • It takes a certain time to do certain things, whether it is produce a stepper or a lens, or a human child for that matter, and it is hard to compress that lead-time beyond the physical limits.


  • So the issue really is not that of our ability to ramp up.


  • We can ramp up to 250, 300, 350 systems, as we mentioned earlier in this call, but we can only do that in a certain - it is fixed by the lead time of the stuff that is made for us or that we make.

    正如我們之前在本次電話會議中提到的,我們可以增加到250、300、350 個系統,但我們只能在一定範圍內做到這一點- 它由為我們製造或我們製造的產品的交貨時間決定。

  • Therefore, I would ask you to think more about order lead times and less about ramp up capability.


  • We are not miracle makers and it does take a finite time to do some of these tasks, and they are well publicized to customers who increasingly give us - and this answers part of your question, Andrew, as well, - who increasingly give us, therefore, longer lead time orders, thankfully.

    我們不是奇蹟創造者,完成其中一些任務確實需要有限的時間,並且它們已向越來越多地為我們提供服務的客戶進行了充分宣傳- 這也回答了您的部分問題,安德魯, - 他們越來越多地為我們提供,因此,值得慶幸的是,訂單的交貨時間更長。

  • And that is why you see the order book value, the backlog and the booking rate, increasing greater than our billing rate, because they are filling in the gaps that they have in, not just the second quarter out, but the third quarter out, and now increasingly into the fourth quarter out, recognizing the fact that lead times are real.


  • It takes my customers three months to process and test and assemble a chip, and you can ask for it in two months if you like, you will not get it.


  • Equally well it takes me between eight and 12 months for my products.

    同樣,我的產品需要 8 到 12 個月的時間才能完成。

  • So, when you see the orders coming in quicker than the systems going out, it is because there is an upwards ramp, and because they are placing slightly longer lead time orders, filling in the third and fourth quarter out.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • You have given us some good clues, and by the way I very much appreciate you giving us that backlog ASP time split between near term and long term, that helps a lot.

    您為我們提供了一些很好的線索,順便說一句,我非常感謝您為我們提供了近期和長期之間的積壓 ASP 時間劃分,這很有幫助。

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Some of you guys needed it.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Definitely me.


  • But you skirted around what is happening in Q2.


  • You mentioned the backlog is flat.


  • That could either mean that your orders are coming down a lot or that your sales are going up a long way.


  • Can you give any color or comfort on --


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Sorry.


  • Yes, okay.


  • This is the second question, Andrew.


  • We are being very strict so far.


  • We will just give a quick answer.


  • I am not going to expand on Q2 other than what we said.


  • It is very hard to predict the future.


  • I think to say that we are going to book -- It is going to be a strong quarter, okay?


  • The billings will be a strong quarter and the bookings will be a strong quarter, and you have to interpret what I mean by strong there because I do not precisely know either.


  • We have a good idea but there is a bandwidth here that we are uncertain of ourselves.


  • If customer X brings in a 20-system order on the last day of the quarter, you are peeved to miss it by a day.

    如果客戶 X 在該季度的最後一天收到了 20 個系統的訂單,那麼您會因為錯過一天而感到惱火。

  • You may mark me down but I will get it a day later.


  • So it is that kind of difficulty we have in trying to be too predictive here.


  • So we prefer to say we will book about as much as we will bill, possibly more, and it will be a strong bookings period and a strong billings period.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mrs. Debby Langalan, Eindhoven Defla.

    下一個問題是來自埃因霍溫德夫拉的 Debby Langalan 女士。

  • Go ahead please madam.


  • Debby Langalan - Analyst

    Debby Langalan - Analyst

  • Yes, what I wanted to know is if these strong figures have any influence on the agreement that was made at the end of February about the loss of jobs?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • No, the loss of the jobs was the result of the restructuring program that we announced last year.


  • It had to do with the fact that we needed to lower the breakeven point of this company, and as you know, it is a very cyclical business, and we see now the clear signs already beginning of what we call the new upturn.


  • It will be a new downturn also.


  • At that time, we have clearly committed to ourselves that we will lower the breakeven point to a level where we will not lose money, and in order for us to be able to do that we have to restructure our cost base.


  • That is what we did and that is what we intended to do, and that is what we will execute.


  • Debby Langalan - Analyst

    Debby Langalan - Analyst

  • What level is this breakeven point now?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I'm sorry, yes.


  • Well, one question only but I will give you a quick answer.


  • It was 160 and it is coming down to 130 as we've said.

    正如我們所說,之前是 160,現在會下降到 130。

  • It will be at 130 in the second half of this year.


  • And we will have the next question now, please.


  • Debby Langalan - Analyst

    Debby Langalan - Analyst

  • This year, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Ali Irani, CIBC World Markets.

    下一個問題來自 CIBC 全球行銷部門的 Ali Irish 先生。

  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Yes, good morning gentlemen.


  • This is Ali Irani.


  • I was hoping you could give us some update on your bridge tool program, and--?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I missed that, on what?


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Could you give us an update on your bridge tool program?


  • The 200mm, 300mm --


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • The XT?


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Exactly.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Okay, yes.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Obviously the customer funds are limited and many of your customers are looking to extend their 200mm fabs some time, and Doug, one of the customers that I thought of is ST Micro, that is still tooling today two brand new 200mm fabs.

    顯然,客戶資金有限,許多客戶都希望延長他們的 200mm 晶圓廠一段時間,而我想到的客戶之一 Doug 是 ST Micro,該公司今天仍在加工兩個全新的 200mm 晶圓廠。

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, I will not comment on any specific customer, but the bridge tool (as you call it), which is what we call our XT product range, which as you imply in your question is designed for either 12-inch or eight-inch 300mm, 200mm product, is being very well received.

    好吧,我不會評論任何特定客戶,但橋接工具(如您所說),這就是我們所說的 XT 產品系列,正如您在問題中暗示的那樣,它是為 12 英寸或 8 英寸設計的300mm、200mm產品,深受好評。

  • We have launched that product, as you saw some short while ago.


  • It is getting a lot of rave reviews from the press and from customers, and I am not going to predict how successful it will be but it will be successful, and it will go into the situation where a customer who cannot yet afford the luxury of a 300mm fab can afford to extend his technology to 200mm, and wants to go down below 100nm, our feature size, will start to buy those tools and there are a lot of enquiries coming in.

    它得到了媒體和客戶的好評,我不會預測它會有多成功,但它會成功,而且它將進入這樣一種情況:一個還買不起奢侈品的客戶300 毫米晶圓廠有能力將其技術擴展到200 毫米,並且想要降至100 奈米(我們的特徵尺寸)以下,將開始購買這些工具,並且有很多詢問。

  • Do not forget, it has the very high throughput of our Twinscan product, but at eight-inch it is a very productive tool, as well as being an exceptionally good tool for overlay and for resolution.

    不要忘記,它具有我們 Twinscan 產品的非常高的吞吐量,但在 8 英寸時,它是一個非常高效的工具,也是一個非常好的疊加和解析度工具。

  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Just a clarification on this.


  • In terms of timing of revenue from XT to customers for production use, could you give us an idea of this?

    關於 XT 向客戶提供用於生產用途的收入的時間安排,您能否給我們介紹一下?

  • We are talking the second half of this year?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • We are talking about this quarter, the second quarter.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • This quarter.


  • Fantastic, thanks very much.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Do not build a lot of increment revenues into that tool this quarter.


  • It begins this quarter.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • But it is good to know that the customers are putting it into the fab.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Schapel Premanick, Soundview.

    下一個問題來自 Soundview 的 Schapel Premanick 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Schapel Premanick - Analyst

    Schapel Premanick - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • Couple of questions.


  • I do not know if this question has been asked, because I joined in later.


  • What do you think this year your mix of ArF, [TrF] and I-line will be for the year?

    您認為今年 ArF、[TrF] 和 I-line 的組合會如何?

  • I'm sure you have the visibility.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • Okay.


  • Well let me - since you missed the beginning you missed the fact that we said one question only please.


  • You have asked your question so I will answer that one as well as I can.


  • Then you can come back at the end if there is time for second questions round, although we are running out of time.


  • So, the backlog mix - and you can get this off our website by the way - by wavelength.

    所以,積壓的混合 - 你可以順便從我們的網站上得到這個 - 按波長。

  • It is 33% precisely for 193, 15% precisely for 365 I-line as you may call it, and 52% for 248.

    193 的精確度為 33%,365 I 線的精確度為 15%(如您所稱),248 的精確度為 52%。

  • And I guess that is fairly reflective of what we are going to ship in the next six months, and it will richen up towards the end of the year with 193, and next year we will see more and more 193 going into that mix.

    我想這相當反映了我們將在未來六個月內發布的產品,到年底它將豐富 193,明年我們將看到越來越多的 193 進入該組合。

  • Schapel Premanick - Analyst

    Schapel Premanick - Analyst

  • Lastly a question for Peter.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • No, I am sorry we have one question only to start with.


  • Sorry, that is the rule of the game.


  • Next question please.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Steve Connell, Capital Group.

    下一個問題來自 Capital Group 的 Steve Connell 先生。

  • Steve Connell - Analyst

    Steve Connell - Analyst

  • Yes, could you compare and contrast for me how your supply chain is working this cycle compared with the last cycle, taking into account the acquisition you made of the [SPG], and how that has internationalized your supply chain, and how that changes your lens maker?

    是的,您能否為我比較一下您的供應鏈在本週期與上一個週期的運作情況,考慮到您對[SPG] 的收購,以及這如何使您的供應鏈國際化,以及這如何改變您的供應鏈。鏡片製造商?

  • So just give me a feel for how the supply chain is working differently this cycle versus the last cycle?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • In a couple of words, or maybe it is three words, it is working better, that is three words isn't it, I guess.


  • And to give you a feel for, to qualify why I say that, which is a good thing to say and it is true, and you asked about the [SPG] acquisition.

    為了讓你感受一下,解釋我為什麼這麼說,這是一件好事,而且確實如此,你問了有關 [SPG] 收購的問題。

  • Yes, it did extend our supply base.


  • We do now actually support ourselves with some modules.


  • We have given ourselves a bit of relief from one or two suppliers who were not performing, quite frankly, and therefore, we took some of those modules inside as well as left them outside.


  • So had a dual source situation there rather than sole source, ourselves being one source and outside supply being another source.


  • We can, therefore, make the sole source external supplier more decent and honest by our own internal benchmarking, and that has helped quite a lot.


  • And it is also beginning to broaden our reach into suppliers outside the very local environment of where we are headquartered.


  • It is switching on the USA and we have an active program.


  • It is early days yet; so do not build a lot into this for the next couple of quarters.


  • An active program to begin to source products from low cost parts of the world.


  • Again, stretching our horizons out to Asia, for instance, but over the course to other parts of Europe.


  • So, the supply chain situation is better than it has been.


  • It is improving continually and I guess it always will be.


  • It is bound to come under pressure because we are an outsource supplier and, therefore, most of our pressure from our customers we pass straight on to our suppliers, but we are much more in control now.


  • We had a supply date, by the way, last week in which we reviewed with our suppliers our requirements, and began to make sure that they were geared up for the expansion.


  • So, yes, I can say no more, it is getting better, three words.


  • Steve Connell - Analyst

    Steve Connell - Analyst

  • How has it effected your cycle time, Doug?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • It has come down, and all we have to measure from really is, well, we can measure 12-inch, although eight-inch cycle times are down substantially from last time round. 12-inch not so much, 12-inch tends to be leading edge technology as well.

    它已經下降了,我們真正需要測量的是,我們可以測量 12 英寸,儘管 8 英寸的周期時間比上一輪大幅下降。 12 吋不僅如此,12 吋也往往是領先的技術。

  • So although our internal cycle time in ASML has come down quite substantially, from actually 26 weeks down to single digits almost now, still some of the modules and components, which are getting increasingly more complex with 193 and immersion and so on, do tend to neutralize the benefits our suppliers would be bringing in.

    因此,儘管我們ASML 的內部週期時間已經大幅下降,從實際上的26 週降至現在的個位數,但仍然有一些模組和組件,由於193 和沈浸式技術等變得越來越複雜,確實傾向於抵消我們的供應商將帶來的好處。

  • So they get better and then we ask them to do an even more complex job, which resets them back to where they were again.


  • So, 200mm is a tough one.


  • It is improving but we are loading our suppliers up with some pretty complicated modules, and therefore it is not fair at this stage to expect miracles today.


  • They will come tomorrow I think.


  • Steve Connell - Analyst

    Steve Connell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Stuart Adrian, Morgan Stanley.

    下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Stuart Adrian 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Stuart Adrian - Analyst

    Stuart Adrian - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • Just squeaked in at the end there.


  • Just a quick question and it is unfortunately on the ASP, but just in terms of - you were reasonably upfront through the summer of last year in saying that you had priced, Doug, I think it's particularly the [Inotera] business, relatively aggressively.

    只是一個簡單的問題,不幸的是,這是關於 ASP 的,但就 - 去年夏天你相當坦率地說,你已經定價了,道格,我認為這尤其是 [Inotera] 業務,相對積極。

  • In addition to that, are there other volume purchase agreements that we should expect to roll off, that were done at the bottom of the cycle, at some point in the first half of this year, that automatically will give you a better average selling price than some of your bigger customers?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • In case of any customers listening into this, we are always extremely aggressive with all our customers.


  • They get excellent pricing from us.


  • But it is a fact that the product mix changes and the environment changes, and the volume changes, and some go up and some go down.


  • So as we improve our products with better packages, better options, and so on, better throughput, better overlay, etc., etc., we add value.


  • And therefore, we add cost, and also we add to the price for that.


  • So that drives the price upwards.


  • The fact that the market is stronger right now means that customers are much more focused on delivery than they were last year, when any quarter would do last year.


  • This year it is 'can you do it next week' type of thing.


  • Much more focus on delivery and slightly less on price, but only slightly less.


  • So that gives us an advantage to package the product up and leverage the price a little bit.


  • Yes, there are some contracts we took last year for last year's product, which was less rich in some of the features, and at a time when the market was more stressed, which we are living off and honoring right now.


  • The replacements for those will not be the same products because the products march on with improvements.


  • Therefore, the price will be different next time round.


  • And it is a different environment also.


  • It is now more of a seller's environment, less of a buyer's environment.


  • Stuart Adrian - Analyst

    Stuart Adrian - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Francois Millier, Cazenove.


  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Francois Millier - Analyst

    Francois Millier - Analyst

  • Hello, good afternoon.


  • I have got a question about the orders you placed for critical components.


  • Say at the end of a quarter you have got 100 units, new units, in your backlog.

    假設在季度末您的積壓訂單中有 100 個單位,即新單位。

  • How many sets of critical components are you ordering for those machines?


  • It is something like 50, 75, 100?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, if we have orders, all those orders are covered by orders for the components that go into them, okay?


  • All of them.


  • So if we have a good order, for us an order must pass certain criteria before it is recognized as an order, and then we will schedule it and at that point, if we have not got material on order to cover it, we will place it.


  • So everything is covered by order.


  • Although, just picking up some of your nuance there, for instance, some of the lead times for some of the screws is two weeks, and for other things can be nine months.


  • So we do not order the screws until we need them.


  • So everything essentially is covered.


  • So for 100 systems, we will order 100 long lead items today and then, as the time goes by, we will order the less lead time items, and finally the screws and finally the paint, and then we finally ship it.

    因此,對於100 個系統,我們今天將訂購100 個長交貨期項目,然後,隨著時間的推移,我們將訂購交貨期較短的項目,最後是螺絲,最後是油漆,然後我們最終發貨。

  • And in some cases if we - because there is a risk in every business and we are prepared to take some risk here - if we know that there are orders about to come through the system of our customers, we will occasionally order those in advance in anticipation of that order, knowing full well that if the order fails to come through there are probably five other customers out there who will take it in a decent timeframe.

    在某些情況下,如果我們 - 因為每項業務都存在風險,並且我們準備在這裡承擔一些風險 - 如果我們知道有訂單即將通過我們客戶的系統發送,我們有時會提前訂購這些訂單對該訂單的預期,充分了解如果訂單未能完成,可能還有其他五個客戶會在適當的時間內接受該訂單。

  • Francois Millier - Analyst

    Francois Millier - Analyst

  • Because if I am looking at the Q3 backlog for new units, it was something like 80.

    因為如果我查看第三季新單位的積壓訂單,就會發現大約有 80 個。

  • Now I am wondering why, when it is going to be 80 shipments?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Where do you get the Q3 backlog for 80 from?

    您從哪裡獲得第 3 季 80 的積壓訂單?

  • That is not a number we have ever published.


  • We do not publish quarterly backlog, we give you 12-month backlog, and we tell you how much is required within six months.

    我們不公佈季度積壓訂單,我們給您 12 個月的積壓訂單,並告訴您六個月內需要多少。

  • Okay?


  • So you never got 80 for a quarterly backlog.

    所以你永遠不會得到 80 個季度積壓訂單。

  • You maybe saw a backlog of 80 systems for six months out, but I don't know where you-- So your numbers I do not recognize at all, we do not give quarterly backlog information.

    您可能會看到 80 個系統積壓了六個月,但我不知道您在哪裡 - 所以您的數字我根本不認識,我們不提供季度積壓資訊。

  • Can I help you any more with that or are you--?


  • Maybe you could call Franki back on that one because you are obviously misunderstanding the information we give you?


  • Francois Millier - Analyst

    Francois Millier - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Niels Sweck, Theodoor Gillisen.

    下一個問題來自 Niels Sweck 先生、Theodoor Gillisen。

  • Niels Sweck - Analyst

    Niels Sweck - Analyst

  • My question is actually more of a clarification issue.


  • Is it correct that Doug mentioned an ASP of €7.6m during his introduction for the next six months?

    Doug 在其介紹中提到未來六個月的平均售價為 760 萬歐元,對嗎?

  • And if so, what does that exactly relate to?


  • Is that 248nm systems or?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, an average selling, so you are right, €7.6m is what we published in the press release.

    嗯,平均銷量,所以你是對的,760 萬歐元是我們在新聞稿中發布的。

  • It is what is on our web page and it was on my five-minute webcast, and it is also, I mentioned earlier in this conversation, it is what the average selling price is for all the orders we have on the books for the next six months out.


  • That contains I-line, 248, 193, 200mm, 300mm, refurbished tools, secondhand tools, everything.

    其中包含 I-line、248、193、200mm、300mm、翻新工具、二手工具,應有盡有。

  • It is an average.


  • Niels Sweck - Analyst

    Niels Sweck - Analyst

  • It is an average of everything in fact?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, that is what ASP means, average selling price.


  • Niels Sweck - Analyst

    Niels Sweck - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Brendan, Eden Events.

    下一個問題來自 Eden Events 的 Brendan 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • Mr. Brendan - Analyst

    Mr. Brendan - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • You mentioned that for the next six months we get cell phones, DVDs, and stuff like that.

    你提到在接下來的六個月裡我們會得到手機、DVD 之類的東西。

  • They are full of 248nm, 365nm produced parts, and people are ordering roughly two-thirds of the backlog to produce more of that stuff.

    它們充滿了 248 奈米、365 奈米生產的零件,人們正在訂購大約三分之二的積壓訂單來生產更多的此類產品。

  • Can you explain what happens when all the cell phones now have 90nm produced parts, 193nm lithography parts?

    您能否解釋一下,當現在所有手機都採用 90 奈米生產零件、193 奈米光刻零件時會發生什麼?

  • There are critical layers and all that stuff but put some color on the transition here, how people deal with this stuff that they're ordering like crazy now?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • Okay, good question.


  • It's a good question, and indeed, most of the stuff of today was designed, the chips were designed a year ago, and therefore it is a year old technology.


  • It is 248 and it's basically, and it's I-line as well.


  • There is some 193 in there, one or two critical layers in some products, but basically when you need 193 you are below 100nm very crudely.

    那裡有一些 193,在某些產品中有一兩個關鍵層,但基本上當你需要 193 時,你就非常粗略地低於 100nm。

  • For a logic device below 130nm, for a memory device below 110nm.


  • So once you get into the 200nm feature size, you want to go to 193.

    因此,一旦進入 200nm 特徵尺寸,您就會想要達到 193。

  • There are some slight variations on that but let us generalize a bit here.


  • And that is going to be the next generation chip set for everything, whether it is a nan flash, DRAM, or the next generation mobile phone with multimedia.


  • It is going to be at 90nm, and you are going to see, therefore, four or five, if not more, critical layers at 193 wavelength technology and that is how it begins to creep in.

    它將採用 90nm,因此,您將看到 193 波長技術的四到五個(如果不是更多的話)關鍵層,這就是它開始滲透的方式。

  • That is how it begins to move in.


  • And as you go down to 70nm you are probably going to find that your critical layers and your intermediate layers, i.e. 20 mask layers are at 193, and ultimately, when you get down to 45nm, all your layers are at 193 or with immersion as well.

    當你下降到 70nm 時,你可能會發現你的關鍵層和中間層,即 20 個掩模層都處於 193,最終,當你下降到 45nm 時,所有層都處於 193 或沉浸式出色地。

  • And that transition will come through the next chipset redesign, and they are under way right now.


  • They are on the drawing boards right now and some are going into other production right now for some suppliers, but obviously suppliers cover a range of speeds.


  • Some are early with it, and some are a little bit later.


  • So I believe that 193 will increasingly become impactful on our customers, and therefore ourselves, towards the backend of this year and all the way through next year.

    因此,我相信從今年年底一直到明年,193 對我們的客戶以及我們自己的影響力將越來越大。

  • I think next year will probably be the acceleration year for it.


  • Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

    Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

  • I think at this point we are probably ready for one last question.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I thought that was the last question, that is good.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • The last question is from Mr. James Fontanelli, Arete Research.

    最後一個問題來自 Arete Research 的 James Fontanelli 先生。

  • Go ahead please sir.


  • James Fontanelli - Analyst

    James Fontanelli - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • I was just wondering whether you had any further thoughts on the potential for you guys entering the LCD stepper market?

    我只是想知道你們對於進入 LCD 步進機市場的潛力是否有進一步的想法?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, we have had a lot of thoughts on that over the years, Jim, but we have not concluded those thoughts yet in a form that we are prepared to talk about.


  • And therefore, I am afraid you will have to be a little bit patient a little bit longer to decide if we do or we do not.


  • James Fontanelli - Analyst

    James Fontanelli - Analyst

  • Is there a timeframe on that do or do not?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • James Fontanelli - Analyst

    James Fontanelli - Analyst

  • And what is it?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • That is our timeframe.


  • James Fontanelli - Analyst

    James Fontanelli - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • It is a pleasure.


  • Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

    Franki D'Hoore - Director European IR

  • All right.


  • So at this point we would like to thank everybody for listening into this call, and we'd like to conclude it at this point.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes.


  • Thanks a lot for the contributors, appreciate your questions and your patience, thank you.
