艾司摩爾 (ASML) 2003 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the ASML annual results 2003 conference call on January 15, 2003.

    歡迎參加 2003 年 1 月 15 日舉行的 ASML 2003 年度業績電話會議。

  • Throughout today's presentation all participants will be in a listen-only mode.


  • After the presentation there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


  • If any participant has difficulty hearing the conference, please press the star key followed by zero on your push-button phone for operator assistance.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Doug Dunn.

    我現在想把會議交給 Doug Dunn 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Thank you Janet.


  • Just to correct your eloquent voice, it is actually January 2004 but never mind.

    只是為了糾正你雄辯的聲音,實際上是 2004 年 1 月,但沒關係。

  • Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for listening.


  • I am going to actually turn you over to Craig DeYoung who will just read out to you the first paragraph, or the first two pages of Winnie the Pooh.


  • Sorry, the Safe Harbor statement.


  • Craig, over to you.


  • Craig DeYoung - IR Director

    Craig DeYoung - IR Director

  • Actually, I would also like to remind you of the protocol for the call.


  • The timing of the call will be one hour and with us is Doug Dunn and Peter Wennink to answer your questions.

    通話時間為一小時,Doug Dunn 和 Peter Wennink 將與我們一起回答您的問題。

  • We ask that you confine your questions to one with one small follow-up please.


  • So we can get the maximum number of callers in as we can.


  • So, having said that, I will remind you that the matters discussed during this presentation include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to economic conditions; product and pricing; manufacturing efficiencies; new product developments; ability to enforce patents; availability of raw materials and critical manufacturing equipment; trade environment and other risks indicated in filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I missed that Craig, could you repeat?


  • Craig DeYoung - IR Director

    Craig DeYoung - IR Director

  • I will get with you after the meeting.


  • Having said that, let us open it up for the first question.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Actually, if I may, could I just make two or three sentences just before we begin, just maybe to give the questioners time to gather their thoughts.


  • So, we are reporting on the fourth quarter and the full year of 2003.

    因此,我們報告的是 2003 年第四季度和全年。

  • Indeed, a year ago it was a pretty desperate climate for the industry, and those of us who remember that very well, I guess.


  • What a difference a year makes.


  • Here we are today with a growing backlog rather than a decreasing one.


  • A company which has moved from losses into profit in the fourth quarter, and that trend will continue.


  • A company which was committed to having a cash balance of $1bn by this point in time has achieved it.

    一家承諾在這個時間點之前擁有 10 億美元現金餘額的公司已經實現了這一目標。

  • Sorry, euros, thank you Stuart.


  • A company which committed to taking its working capital down and has done so substantially.


  • A company which also committed introducing a breathtaking range of new products, unequalled before, and we have done that also.


  • I remind you the fact that we have introduced and taken the first order for an immersion tool, that we have shipped the first two [fill] 157 tools into development centers for customers to evaluate and to learn the techniques for the eventual use of 157, probably as an immersion technology.

    我提醒您,我們已經推出並接受了沉浸式工具的第一個訂單,我們已將前兩個 [fill] 157 工具運送到開發中心,供客戶評估和學習最終使用 157 的技術,可能是一種沉浸式技術。

  • And we maintain our leadership position in development of of EUV.

    我們在 EUV 的開發中保持領先地位。

  • And, of course, when it comes to volume manufacturing, we are a world leader in the shipments of 193 tools destined for real production environments.

    當然,在批量製造方面,我們在 193 種用於實際生產環境的工具的出貨量方面處於世界領先地位。

  • So, a very, very difficult year, the worst year ever in the industry, but fortunately saved very much by the fourth quarter, which showed a breathtaking turnaround, and one that I think is built on very, very firm foundations.


  • Therefore, we can look forward to four or six or eight quarters of sustained solid growth.


  • And, believe me, I cannot tell you how pleasant it is for me to be able to say that to you.


  • So, given that small preamble showing where I am coming from on this, I will now turn it over to your worthy selves for the torturous questions I am sure you are going to put to myself and my colleagues here.


  • Operator


  • [Operator instructions]


  • The first question comes from Mr. Jay Deahna.

    第一個問題來自 Jay Deahna 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • That would be Jay Deahna with JP Morgan.

    那將是摩根大通的 Jay Deahna。

  • Doug, it is unfortunate that the majority of your tenure has been downturn-related.


  • On the other hand, congratulations on keeping up the product development commercialization excellence while transitioning the company into a focused operating and financially managed operation.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Thanks Jay.


  • That was not a question, but I appreciate your words.


  • I am sure as the years go by my successor will do even better.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Here are the questions.


  • First of all, in light of the fact that you are seeing, I guess you could say, a greater than expected surge in 200mm demand.

    首先,鑑於您所看到的事實,我想您可以說 200 毫米的需求激增超出預期。

  • Does that change your peak unit expectation for the cycle?


  • Do you still think it’s in the 700/800 range?

    您還認為它在 700/800 範圍內嗎?

  • Where do you think it is for the peak for the cycle?


  • And then secondly, what is the timing now, do you expect the timing to get to breakeven at 130 units and is that all new systems only?

    其次,現在的時機是什麼,您是否預計時機會在 130 台時達到收支平衡,並且僅限於所有新系統嗎?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, I will answer your questions in reverse because that is easier.


  • The 130 breakeven point, Jay and other guys and girls on the line, is new systems only, yes.

    130 的盈虧平衡點,Jay 和其他在線的男孩和女孩,只是新系統,是的。

  • When we will get to that, I will not be specific to the month or quarter but this year, 2004, we will pass through that, down to that barrier.

    當我們做到這一點時,我不會具體到月份或季度,但今年,2004 年,我們將通過那個,直到那個障礙。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • First half or second half, Doug?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • It is going to be second half, Jay, okay.


  • I think, to be honest, there is a slight chance in Q2, but most likely second half.


  • It is a pretty imprecise thing to stab at.


  • We are looking at our programs that we have on various items, second half, maybe end of Q3.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And only the Dutch part, because we have finalized some of it.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, the 130 applies to the world, unfortunately.

    好吧,不幸的是,130 適用於世界。

  • Your first question was the number of units for the next peak, right?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • New units, I guess, right?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • New units.


  • Okay that is fine.


  • And you actually gave a pretty good answer yourself, which I would expect of you, actually. 700-ish, I guess, could be the next peak.

    實際上,您自己給出了一個很好的答案,實際上,我希望您能做到。我猜,700-ish 可能是下一個高峰。

  • Some would have it at 650, some at, I guess, 800, and I guess that is the respectable range.


  • The next peak I would anticipate being 2005.

    我預計的下一個高峰是 2005 年。

  • It will not reach those levels this year.


  • I think there is not the impetus yet to get us up there.


  • Nor is there, perhaps, the capacity with the suppliers around in a balanced way for all the equipment that will go to make up the equivalent in implanters and tracks and other things as well.


  • So that will be 2005 number in my opinion, Jay.

    所以在我看來,這將是 2005 年的數字,傑伊。

  • And you probably got it about right, as good as I can guess as the same number actually.


  • And to pre-empt, perhaps, part of your question, therefore we can get there.


  • We can do our fair share.


  • You can judge yourself our market share.


  • We are roughly 40% by volume today.

    我們今天的銷量大約是 40%。

  • We can get there.


  • You also asked the mix between 200mm and 300mm.

    您還詢問了 200 毫米和 300 毫米之間的組合。

  • That is a tough one.


  • I think right now we are seeing a lot of 200mm because the capacity exists and it is easy to switch on.

    我認為現在我們看到了很多 200 毫米,因為容量存在並且很容易打開。

  • It’s existing fabs that are working well, so a bang a few more tools in to get more output.


  • It is also why the refurbished market is pretty strong just now.


  • I think that is going to change some time in this year, probably in the second half, as all that refurbished stuff will dry up because people want to use it for volume, not to sell it on to somebody else.


  • The 200mm spare space will begin to dry up to some extent, not totally obviously.

    200mm 的備用空間會在一定程度上開始乾涸,並不完全明顯。

  • And people will feel more confident to go populate all the 300mm fabs which are currently only running at 20% of their capacity, their shells, right now and relatively empty shells.

    人們會更有信心去填充所有目前僅以 20% 的產能運行的 300 毫米晶圓廠,它們的外殼,現在和相對空的外殼。

  • So, I think we are going to see a change in mix towards the end of this year, as 300mm starts to pick up the slack, so to speak, once we have exhausted the 200mm expansion.

    所以,我認為我們將在今年年底看到組合的變化,因為 300 毫米開始彌補不足,可以說,一旦我們用盡了 200 毫米的擴展。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • That's great, thanks very much


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. John Pitzer.


  • Please state your company name followed by your question, sir.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • Yes, it is Credit Suisse First Boston.


  • Doug, you started to answer my question, talking about the mix between new tools and used tools in the fourth quarter.


  • Do you expect that mix to be about the same going into Q1?


  • And can you talk about overall order trends that you see going into the first quarter of 2004?

    您能否談談您看到的進入 2004 年第一季度的總體訂單趨勢?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I think the Q1 mix, John, just to be precise there.

    我認為 Q1 組合,約翰,準確地說。

  • It is difficult to guess much beyond Q1.

    很難猜測 Q1 之後的情況。

  • Q3 and Q4 are still unknowns and you heard my comment there.

    Q3 和 Q4 仍然是未知數,您在那裡聽到了我的評論。

  • I think the Q1 mix will be similar, and there will be a fair mix of used tools in there.


  • We expect, in fact, in Q1 in general terms to kind of beat the usual trend where Q1 is a low bookings quarter.


  • I would stick my neck out a little bit here and suggest that we can probably see the backlog increase in Q1, both in units and in value.


  • Whether you measure the value in euros or dollars is up to you.


  • I would take euros because that is a more conservative view.


  • So, I think that Q1 is going to be a pretty good booking period because of the momentum that we see sustained through the Christmas break and into January.


  • I could be wrong there, but I think we are going to buck the trend and see good growth-- Well, not good growth, modest but positive growth in Q1 on the bookings front.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • And then, Doug, could you speak a little bit about the 193 immersion tool?

    然後,Doug,你能談談 193 沉浸式工具嗎?

  • When do you think you will see competitors into the marketplace?


  • My guess is for about the first half of this year you will be the sole provider.


  • How many units do you think you can book on the 193 immersion tool?

    您認為可以在 193 沉浸式工具上預訂多少個單元?

  • And can you talk a little bit about the ASP increase you are getting from 193 dry to 193 immersion?

    你能談談你從 193 乾燥到 193 浸沒的 ASP 增加嗎?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • So, 193 immersion is a latecomer to the party, right?


  • I guess a year ago very few people understood, including myself by the way, the value of adding water, just add water.


  • I do it to my whisky all the time but never to my steppers and scanners.


  • It does not improve the whisky, but it does seem to improve the steppers and scanners.


  • So, it is a new trend, and I have got to say to my organization: Well done, chaps.


  • To get that out in a year and take the first order was a pretty special performance.


  • We were, let me say, lucky a little bit.


  • And you have got to understand this because you have got to place some bets on the company shortly.


  • The TWINSCAN system is ideally suited for a wet environment, so to speak, in that it has two chucks.

    TWINSCAN 系統非常適合潮濕環境,可以這麼說,因為它有兩個卡盤。

  • So you can do all the measurements off-line in the dry chuck, without having the problems of refractions on the surface of the water and so on.


  • Transfer those measurements to the wet chuck for exposure.


  • So, a big spin-off benefit of the two chuck solution is that when you go to a water-based system, boy it does give a big, big advantage to the customer who can perform measurements in the dry, known, well-tried, well-tested environment.


  • Also a bit of luck with the bottom service of our lens system, which was flat rather than convex, which allows the water meniscus to better stay with it.


  • So, we had a bit of luck but still, we got them out in time.


  • We are going to sell this year between, I do not know, five and ten systems, I guess, of that order.


  • There will be early development tools for our customers who want to explore the new technology, find out how the water interfaces with various processes and other things.


  • Learn how to use it, in other words.


  • The true value of immersion will not come through until you have a lens designed specifically for it, with a numerical aperture greater than one.

    除非您擁有專為沈浸感設計的鏡頭,其數值孔徑大於 1,否則沉浸感的真正價值不會顯現。

  • In other words, a lens that will not work in air but will work under water, so to speak.


  • And they will be the real winning products.


  • And we have got those lens designs coming through as we speak.


  • And we will be shipping those kind of products a few quarters down the track from now.


  • So you will see this year a handful or two of tools using development work by our customers.


  • And then after that, about a year afterwards, you will see the real improved resolution tools coming through with specially designed lenses.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • And Doug, you still feel you have at least a six-month lead on the competition here?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • If it were only six months, I would feel disappointed.


  • I personally think it is more than that.


  • It is difficult to tell because they are good.


  • We have heard a lot of noise from the competition, but we have got the orders.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • And then lastly, Doug.


  • Two of your larger customers, you have extended these option agreements to them.


  • I am kind of curious when you look at the Q4 order rates.


  • Did they include those two large customers or can we expect to see a surge from those guys in the first half of this year?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Peter is the architect of our option program.


  • He is dying to tell you.


  • So come on Peter.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • It is true, John, that those got converted into cold orders.


  • So, they are in there.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Let us hear it for Peter, yes.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • But more to come, Peter.


  • Is that the way to think about it?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Sorry, more?


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • More to come?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Well, those will not be options.


  • What customers now want, if you offered them an option program so that they can choose that moment in which they can call the order, they call it the moment that they give you the option.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, last year we wanted to sell tools and they wanted to give us orders for options.


  • This year we wanted to take options, they want to take the tools.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • So, I think the option program has served, at least two quarters in 2003, quite well and gave us a liquidity advantage, and gave us an early sight on some orders that we could book.

    所以,我認為期權計劃至少在 2003 年的兩個季度中發揮了很好的作用,給了我們流動性優勢,讓我們提前看到了一些可以預訂的訂單。

  • But currently what customers want is not options, they want tools.


  • John Pitzer - Analyst

    John Pitzer - Analyst

  • Right, thanks guys.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. Matt Gable.

    下一個問題來自 Matt Gable 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Craig DeYoung - IR Director

    Craig DeYoung - IR Director

  • Matt, sorry, this is Craig.


  • Before you start, could I just ask all the listeners and question askers to ask just one question and one follow-up, just in consideration of all the rest of the audience, so we can get as many in as possible.


  • Thanks.


  • Go ahead Matt.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Just had a question about the linearity of bookings in Q4 and follow-up.


  • Do you think in Q1 that backlog ASP will increase sequentially?

    您認為在 Q1 積壓的 ASP 會依次增加嗎?

  • Thanks.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • It is a tough one to call.


  • Depends on the mix as you know, mostly mix.


  • I mean our backlog ASP is not disappointing.

    我的意思是我們的積壓 ASP 並不令人失望。

  • It is really a function of the mix.


  • It is richer in used tools and 8 inch tools.


  • And, therefore, they do sell at a lower price because they produce less silicon per hour.


  • So, it is by no means, as far as I am concerned, a negative.


  • I think one or two of my colleagues on the call in here maybe think it is.


  • And it is just a function of mix.


  • It is difficult to tell what is going to come in Q1.


  • And I think there is still a lot more demand pent up for quick release capacity, which probably means that Q1 will stimulate also a lot of 200mm, and even some more refurbished tools to come into the backlog.

    而且我認為對於快拆能力還有很多需求被壓抑,這可能意味著第一季度也會刺激大量的 200mm,甚至還有更多的翻新工具進入積壓。

  • So, perhaps it will be the same mix as we see today and, therefore, similar ASP.

    因此,也許這將是我們今天看到的相同組合,因此,類似的 ASP。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I would like to add to that, Doug.


  • We did mention that we expect that 300mm demand in the second half of the year will actually increase.

    我們確實提到,我們預計下半年 300 毫米的需求實際上會增加。

  • So, that will need to find its way through the order backlog in the first half of the year.


  • Whether it is Q1 or Q2, that remains to be seen.

    無論是 Q1 還是 Q2,這還有待觀察。

  • What we are currently seeing is indeed this trend of 200mm additions to the capacity of our customers.

    我們目前看到的確實是客戶產能增加 200 毫米的趨勢。

  • But it has to grow to 300mm in the first of the year.

    但它必須在今年的第一年增長到 300 毫米。

  • So, that will mean growing ASP in the backlog.

    因此,這將意味著積壓中的 ASP 增加。

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • On the linearity thing.


  • We actually had four good booking months, if you include September in that.

    如果您將 9 月包括在內,我們實際上有四個不錯的預訂月份。

  • Four good booking months in one quarter is quite good going actually.


  • So, September and the three months of the quarter we had four good booking months.

    因此,9 月和本季度的三個月我們有四個很好的預訂月份。

  • Fairly linear and, I suppose, a bit lumpy.


  • Obviously a bit of a lull over Christmas and the first part of January, as people take their well-earned vacations, but interest still happened strong out there.

    聖誕節和 1 月上旬顯然有點平靜,因為人們度過了他們來之不易的假期,但那裡的興趣仍然很強烈。

  • So I think we are going to see less of a kind of a rush but a good solid incoming set of orders that will at least equal our outgoing orders.


  • And, therefore, we will have a neutral, positive book-bill ratio in the first quarter.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. Ali Irani.


  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Yes, with CIBC World Markets.

    是的,與 CIBC World Markets 合作。

  • Could you please help us identify, as we go through the first half of the year, what mix of customers you see ordering for new fab build and 300mm asset replacement cycle versus some of the line width improvements?

    您能否幫助我們確定,當我們度過上半年時,您看到訂購新晶圓廠和 300 毫米資產更換週期的客戶與一些線寬改進的客戶組合是什麼?

  • And how long you see the line width improvement extendible under 200mm fab?

    您看到線寬改進在 200mm 晶圓廠下可擴展多長時間?

  • And here, Doug, I am hoping you will give us a little bit of a view over the next 12 months of where you think your new 65nm 200mm offerings are going to play out in this cycle?

    在這裡,Doug,我希望你能給我們一點看法,在接下來的 12 個月裡,你認為你的新 65nm 200mm 產品將在這個週期中發揮什麼作用?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Okay, you may be surprised, you perhaps would not be surprised, inside ASML we have different views on some things, and this is one of them.

    好吧,你可能會驚訝,也許你不會驚訝,在 ASML 內部我們對一些事情有不同的看法,這就是其中之一。

  • One of my colleagues in this room, Mr. McIntosh, the well-known Scotsman, believes that 200mm is dead essentiallty, and 300mm is the only investment area that sensible customers will go.

    我在這個房間裡的一位同事,著名的蘇格蘭人麥金托什先生認為,200mm 已經死了,300mm 是明智的客戶唯一會去的投資領域。

  • I happen to disagree, modestly, with Mr. McIntosh, and that is fair too.


  • So, you get my answer, but since we allow you only one question, you only going to get one answer.


  • So, you are only going to get mine and I will not allow Stuart to give you his answer.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Well then, let me ask for this, maybe perhaps some color.


  • You have been marketing this product for a couple of months now and capacity in the industry is very tight.


  • And you would think that there was some value perceived over the next six to eight quarters in extending the life of the 200mm fabs.

    你會認為在接下來的 6 到 8 個季度內,延長 200 毫米晶圓廠的壽命會有一些價值。

  • So, perhaps, tangibly if you could help share with us what your customers are telling you in terms of potential bookings for those tools?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • So, there are a few customers, a randomly select bunch of customers, who have not yet, and probably should not yet, commit to 200mm but they want to go down the next node.

    所以,有一些客戶,一群隨機選擇的客戶,他們還沒有也可能不應該承諾 200 毫米,但他們想進入下一個節點。

  • And they are the guys who are expressing interest, and strong interest, in advanced technology at 200mm.

    他們是對 200 毫米的先進技術表現出興趣和強烈興趣的人。

  • Obviously, if you have a 300mm fab, it is probably-- Well, I would not say a waste of money, but it is maybe not the wisest investment to invest in 200mm leading edge if you have got a 300mm fab empty.

    顯然,如果你有一個 300 毫米晶圓廠,它可能——嗯,我不會說浪費錢,但如果你有一個 300 毫米晶圓廠空置,投資 200 毫米前沿可能不是最明智的投資。

  • So, those guys are going to be inclined to go more for the solution at 300mm, for obvious long-term, benefit reasons.

    因此,出於明顯的長期利益原因,這些人將傾向於更多地使用 300 毫米的解決方案。

  • So, think about the customers who are big but not quite big enough for 300mm.

    所以,想想那些大但不夠大到 300 毫米的客戶。

  • Those kind of people, at the leading edge, want to take their existing fabs, which are quite good, well-constructed fabs, and just take them down as far as we can technology-wiseTherefore putting off the point in time they have to commit to an investment, which maybe for them is a bridge too far.


  • A big 300mm project.

    一個 300 毫米的大型項目。

  • So, there is a handful of customers showing initial interest.


  • I am sure there will be more pop out of the woodwork as the time goes by.


  • And we are taking orders for the XT product as we speak.

    我們正在接受 XT 產品的訂單。

  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Great, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. Shekar Pramanick .

    下一個問題來自 Shekar Pramanick 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Shekar Pramanick - Analyst

    Shekar Pramanick - Analyst

  • Yes, this Shekar Pramanick for Shekah.

    是的,Shekah 的 Shekar Pramanick。

  • Maybe you could comment a little bit, with the increasing visibility that you have now?


  • Some of the expectations for shipments?


  • I know that you do not give a specific guidance but maybe some directional indication for shipments.


  • And also if you could comment a little bit about targeted operating margins as we go forward?


  • As you have the cost improvements as we get to the lower break, the 130 unit breakeven level in the second half.

    當我們進入較低的突破點時,您的成本得到了改善,下半年達到了 130 個單位的盈虧平衡水平。

  • But if you could maybe revisit what the target operating margin is?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Okay, well, look we have got to leave you guys and gals some work to do.


  • So we tell you what the backlog is and we tell you how much of the backlog is required in the next six months.


  • And it is 80% of 124, you can do the sums yourself.

    它是 124 的 80%,您可以自己計算總和。

  • It is roughly 100 and three or four systems round figures for the first six months.

    前六個月大約是 100 和三到四個系統整數。

  • That is as far as I am going to go with giving you guidance on what we are going to ship in the next two quarters.


  • Okay, so, I am sure you can get pretty close from that information and knowing the company.


  • The other part of your question was operating margin.


  • And, again, if I tell you all that then arguably we do not need you guys to do the analysis work for us.


  • I say that with a smile on smile on my face.


  • We do need you, obviously.


  • What we will commit to is that we achieved 29% gross margin in Q4.

    我們將承諾的是,我們在第四季度實現了 29% 的毛利率。

  • We are going to commit to increasing that by between 2% and 3% in Q1.

    我們將承諾在第一季度將其提高 2% 到 3%。

  • And we are going to commit to a continual quarter-on-quarter improvement through the whole of next year, and probably through most of 2005, by the way, but not in significant amounts.

    順便說一句,我們將承諾在整個明年,甚至可能在 2005 年的大部分時間裡,持續進行季度環比改進,但幅度不會很大。

  • Then you have got to do your own work on that one to find out where you think we are going to be.


  • We have helped you with the operating margin by telling you a pretty tight range or R&D and SG&A expenditure by quarter.

    我們通過按季度告訴您一個非常小的範圍或研發和 SG&A 支出來幫助您提高營業利潤率。

  • And it is in the press release.


  • So if you cannot get it, please call our investor relations guys.


  • And from that you can construct a good model, I think, which will get you pretty close to the answer without me committing every number that I think I know.


  • Okay?


  • Shekar Pramanick - Analyst

    Shekar Pramanick - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • A pleasure.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. Mike O'Brien.

    下一個問題來自 Mike O'Brien 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Mike O'Brien - Analyst

    Mike O'Brien - Analyst

  • Yes, Mike O'Brien, SoundView Technology.

    是的,SoundView Technology 的 Mike O'Brien。

  • Just a question on backlog.


  • Do you have any significant portion of the backlog that is greater than a year in delivery?


  • And, if not, when do you think you may start to see some backlog you would be putting on the books of a greater than a year out delivery?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • The 99% answer is no.

    99% 的答案是否定的。

  • There is maybe one or two, or maybe three, beyond a year but essentially they are within twelve months. 80% is within six months as we have told you.

    可能有一個或兩個,或者三個,超過一年,但基本上是在十二個月內。正如我們告訴您的那樣,80% 是在六個月內。

  • The other 20% or 19% of those 20% probably is in the next six months.

    這 20% 中的另外 20% 或 19% 可能在未來六個月內。

  • So I do not think there is a big tail-off in aging there.


  • And my colleagues are looking and I think they are saying there is nothing at all.


  • So not even one, so therefore it is less than 12 in backlog...

    所以甚至沒有一個,因此積壓的數量少於 12...

  • So when do we start to see backlogs beyond twelve months, I don’t know.


  • My first requirement, if I can use that word, is to see a backlog that is between 12 and 6 months.

    如果我可以使用這個詞,我的第一個要求是查看 12 到 6 個月的積壓工作。

  • I’d be quite content with that.


  • I think orders beyond 12 months out, given the cycle times of our industry on volatility, are probably irrelevant to me.

    考慮到我們行業波動的周期時間,我認為超過 12 個月的訂單可能與我無關。

  • What is important is my own lead time on orders [inaudible].

    重要的是我自己的訂單交貨時間 [聽不清]。

  • I want to see that backlog filling out between 6 and 9 months.

    我希望看到積壓工作在 6 到 9 個月之間完成。

  • So, I don’t want to see orders beyond 12 months, I do want to see more orders between 6 and 9 months.

    所以,我不想看到超過 12 個月的訂單,我希望看到更多 6 到 9 個月的訂單。

  • Mike O'Brien - Analyst

    Mike O'Brien - Analyst

  • But typically, you do see, do you think the cycle will be different that you won’t see those 12 month orders, it seems like typically there’s a panic?

    但是通常情況下,您確實看到了,您認為周期會有所不同,您不會看到那 12 個月的訂單,似乎通常會出現恐慌嗎?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • In the past, we’ve never actually told you of orders beyond 12 months, I believe, because we treat it with a degree of skepticism.

    我相信,在過去,我們從未真正告訴過您超過 12 個月的訂單,因為我們對此持懷疑態度。

  • So you’ve only ever seen from us a 12 month backlog, even if an order is 18 months out, we’ve not actually, usually disclosed those to you because we think they are misleading to us and therefore, to you.

    因此,您只從我們那裡看到過 12 個月的積壓訂單,即使訂單已經過了 18 個月,我們實際上通常不會向您披露這些,因為我們認為它們誤導了我們,因此也誤導了您。

  • I think we’re going to see orders’ lead times stretching out and that 6-9 months is my interest point.

    我認為我們將看到訂單的交貨時間延長,而 6-9 個月是我的興趣點。

  • Beyond 12 months, I will take them gratefully but I will not talk about them too much because I know that in the next 12 months things can change dramatically.

    超過 12 個月,我會感激地接受它們,但我不會過多地談論它們,因為我知道在接下來的 12 個月內,情況可能會發生巨大變化。

  • They could be cancelled or pushed out.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And I think the rest of your question is there a panic?


  • Well, there is no panic because I think customers are still, 80% of the backlog is for the next six months.

    好吧,沒有恐慌,因為我認為客戶仍然存在,80% 的積壓訂單是未來六個月的。

  • I think there is still caution and that shows.


  • So there is no panic inside I would say.


  • Mike O'Brien - Analyst

    Mike O'Brien - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. Matthew Gale.

    下一個問題來自 Matthew Gale 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • Hello, Goldman Sachs.


  • A question for Peter on the SG&A line.

    在 SG&A 線上向 Peter 提出的問題。

  • I think you mentioned earlier today in the press conference that the variance there in your guidance has a lot to do with the litigation expenses.


  • And I was wondering if you could just give us an update on the various suits that are going on in the different geographies as far as timing?


  • What really is the key trigger for the uptake in expenses?


  • Is it actually when you are seeing significant hearings?


  • Or is there any way you can predict which quarters we are going to see a big uptake in the SG&A line?

    或者有什麼方法可以預測我們將在哪些季度看到 SG&A 線的大幅增長?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, I think it is very much driven by the hearings.


  • So the intensity of the hearings.


  • And that is the result of the legal process, that is driving cost.


  • What we see there, the major case we have in California.


  • We have an appeal case on the IPC which serves in the second part of this year.

    我們有一個關於 IPC 的上訴案件,將於今年下半年開始審理。

  • We have cases in Asia, in Japan.


  • We have in Korea a case.


  • Those are cases that are stretching out over a very long period of time.


  • And in California we are not proceeding very fast either.


  • We have experienced some delays and it is difficult because those delays we did not expect.


  • So it is difficult to actually say we will hit a peak in the third quarter.


  • It might just as well be the fourth, given the fact that the courts might decide to take part of the hearing in Q4 instead of in Q3.


  • And that happens all of the time.


  • So it is bit difficult to say we will hit a peak there and then.


  • I do not expect that the only fixed date which is in the third quarter, which is the appeal to the IPC court ruling, that that will lead to a big increase in cost.

    我不認為唯一的固定日期是第三季度,即對 IPC 法院裁決的上訴,這會導致成本大幅增加。

  • Because that is, in terms of time spent by the lawyers, not a very significant part of the case.


  • The big money spent will be on the California case.


  • And that is a case that basically changes a lot in terms of timing.


  • So it is difficult to say.


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Just two quick follow-ups.


  • So if you had a revenue breakout in Q3, you gave us between 200mm and 300m.

    因此,如果您在第三季度有收入突破,您給了我們 200 毫米到 3 億之間的距離。

  • I was wondering if you could provide that again?


  • And then, finally, a clarification.


  • Earlier today you were saying you were forecasting that the backlog would be up sequentially in Q1.


  • And then I thought I heard in the call Doug say that now bookings would actually be up.


  • Because I know backlog can be up even with bookings down in Q1.


  • So could you clarify that?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Okay, let me take the second one because I guess you quoted me on that one.


  • Let me replay it again so we can clearly understand.


  • So, we have a backlog right now of 124 systems valued at just under €1bn.

    因此,我們現在積壓了 124 個系統,價值略低於 10 億歐元。

  • What I was trying to say, obviously failed to communicate to you, I am sorry for that, when we meet on this telephone call in three months time, I am kind of predicting, and it is out on a limb a bit and I appreciate that but I have got good reasons, that thebacklog at that point, as we have moved on a quarter, will be higher than 124 systems and greater value than €1bn, by a small amount.

    我想說的話,顯然沒能和你溝通,我很抱歉,當我們在三個月後通過這個電話見面時,我有點預測,它有點懸而未決,我很感激但我有充分的理由,那時的積壓訂單將超過 124 個系統,價值將超過 10 億歐元,只是少量。

  • Okay?


  • That is what I was saying.


  • Therefore we have to, in the quarter, book more than we are going to build to achieve that mathematical objective.


  • Understand?


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • Okay, but you are not forecasting your bookings to be up sequentially?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • No, no, no.


  • In fact, looking at the rate we booked in Q4, I would absolutely say that they will not be up sequentially.


  • No way, no.


  • If I gave the impression, then I was dreadfully wrong.


  • No. bookings will not be up, backlog will be up.


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • Okay, and then the shipment breakdown 200/300?

    好的,然後裝運細分 200/300?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • For which period?


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • For Q4.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • We can tell you for the half year.


  • It is on our Web page for the half year, right?


  • The billings for the second half was 39 for the half year 200mm and 70 300mm.

    下半年的賬單是 39 半年 200 毫米和 70 300 毫米。

  • Sorry, 39 200mm, 31 300mm.

    抱歉,39 200 毫米,31 300 毫米。

  • Can we come back to you if we find it.


  • Move on or we will waste time otherwise.


  • Matthew Gale - Analyst

    Matthew Gale - Analyst

  • Sure, thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • If we get it we will come back to you, okay?


  • Operator


  • [Operator instructions] The next question comes from Mr. Peter Testa.

    [操作員說明] 下一個問題來自 Peter Testa 先生。

  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • It is Peter Testa from One Investments.

    是 One Investments 的 Peter Testa。

  • I was wondering if you could help explain what is going on in supplier lead times?


  • And especially the degree to which it is has been affected by quite a different mix than maybe had been expected by the suppliers?


  • And whether this has been an issue at all as to why inside 300mm backlog there is a preponderance of 248 rather than a big shift towards 193?

    以及為什麼在 300 毫米積壓內有 248 的優勢而不是向 193 的大轉變,這是否完全是一個問題?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • No, to answer the second part of your question first.


  • The mix of the backlog, both wafer size and node, is a natural mix as required by customers.


  • Do not forget that the sweet spot for production of integrated circuits these days is still 180nm and that is 248.

    不要忘記,如今生產集成電路的最佳點仍然是 180nm,也就是 248。

  • And the node going into volume production right now is 130nm and that is still accomplished mostly by 248.

    目前進入量產的節點是 130nm,而且大部分仍由 248 完成。

  • So that is why it is 248 rich.


  • It is a natural backlog, not a function of what we can supply and what we cannot supply, if you understand that.


  • The impact on our suppliers.


  • Well, in a way, they have had three easy years, although not pleasant years.


  • Clearly we are now upping the ante with them.


  • We are communicating with them strongly and making sure that they are responding to our needs.


  • I do not think at this point in time that they are in any way, shape or form, a limitation.


  • What we have to do is continue working with them to improve their cycle times.


  • And we have got active programs with all those suppliers to do that.


  • We have internally, by the way, also increased our internal capacity for module development.


  • We had some modules, major modules, the most complex ones we have, sole sourced from external suppliers.


  • We are not performing, quite frankly, on price or lead time or even quality.


  • And we converted part of our Wilton assets into a module manufacturing capability which has done three things in parallel.


  • Improved the quality, reduced the costs to us, and improved the cycle time to us.


  • So we are a little less dependent on some of the people who were difficult to manage previously.


  • And we have also swapped some suppliers.


  • So we have taken action on our supply base to try and make it more flexible.


  • And less dependent on key suppliers who were sole sourced who did not have any leverage on them to improve their performance.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Okay, so effectively your suppliers are not causing you any lead time questions at this point?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • No, the lead time questions are actually from customers.


  • Let us be quite candid here.


  • I really go on record defending my suppliers but they do have real lead times.


  • The issue here is that customers have been used to giving orders with low lead times because we had high inventories, and we had lots of capacity.


  • That is no longer the case.


  • So the issue is not my suppliers.


  • The issue is my customers who are going through the process of having to pick up a bit more courage and give longer lead times orders.


  • Because they are now recognizing I cannot supply a six month lead time product inside six months.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Okay, and as a follow-up.


  • What do you think your supplier lead times are in the different product classes?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Between six and 12 months actually.

    實際上在 6 到 12 個月之間。

  • Total lead time from receipt of order to shipment of product, including our relatively modest assembly time internally.


  • Between six and 12 months, depending on the product type and mix and so on;Lens type, platform, etc.

    6 到 12 個月之間,取決於產品類型和組合等;鏡頭類型、平台等。

  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Right, okay, thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • A pleasure.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • The next question comes from Mr. Pascal Peton.

    下一個問題來自 Pascal Peton 先生。

  • Please state your company followed by your question.


  • Pascal Peton - Analyst

    Pascal Peton - Analyst

  • KPC (kvc??)Financial Products.

    KPC (kvc??) 金融產品。

  • Good afternoon.


  • I wonder whether you could tell me what the company short-term debt, if there is any short-term debt?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • The debt outstanding are two convertibles.


  • One due in 2006 and one in 2010.

    一份在 2006 年到期,一份在 2010 年到期。

  • And the 2006 is $575m and the 2010 is €380m.

    2006 年為 5.75 億美元,2010 年為 3.8 億歐元。

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well you owe me for last week expenses, Peter, as well but we will not count that.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • But when I talk about debt I do not talk about short-term liabilities like accounts payable and accruals.


  • I talk about debt.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Did that answer your question?


  • Craig DeYoung - IR Director

    Craig DeYoung - IR Director

  • How about the next question?


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. Dan Duckery.

    下一個問題來自 Dan Duckery 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Dan Duckery - Analyst

    Dan Duckery - Analyst

  • Similar questions that I may push the limit on too many, so stop me if I do.


  • If we look at sort of the changes.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Stop.


  • Dan Duckery - Analyst

    Dan Duckery - Analyst

  • If we look at the changes since last year, the credit situation has improved a lot.


  • If you hit some of what you forecast to the equity analysts, do you see one burning cash in terms of working capital?


  • Even with your DSO target in 04?

    即使你的 DSO 目標在 04 年?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • What do we see, burning cash?


  • The answer is no.


  • Dan Duckery - Analyst

    Dan Duckery - Analyst

  • Even with the working capital build at the second half of 04 and 05?

    即使在 04 和 05 下半年建立營運資金?

  • We hit this recovery?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Correct.


  • The working capital build, like we also said in the press conference.


  • We still intend to increase our inventory terms which we also did, by the way, in 2003.

    我們仍然打算增加我們的庫存條款,順便說一句,我們在 2003 年也這樣做了。

  • We will continue with that in 2004.

    我們將在 2004 年繼續這樣做。

  • When you look at the profit forecast, as you mentioned the analysts, you have to remember that we do have a quite significant deferred tax asset on the balance sheet which is a source of cash.


  • It basically means that the tax that we use for accounting purposes is not actually paid.


  • And together with the depreciation for next year which we estimate at roughly €130m and about €75m to €80m in CAPEX expense, we will add a lot of cash.

    再加上我們估計約為 1.3 億歐元的明年折舊和大約 7500 萬至 8000 萬歐元的資本支出費用,我們將增加大量現金。

  • But we will also use some cash in working capital.


  • But with the improved inventory terms, we think the overall balance will be a positive.


  • So we will generate cash this year.


  • Dan Duckery - Analyst

    Dan Duckery - Analyst

  • Okay, you answered my second question on CAPEX.

    好的,你回答了我關於 CAPEX 的第二個問題。

  • Last one.


  • If we look at the convertible, the five and three quarters of 06, the $575m.

    如果我們看一下敞篷車,06 年的五季度和三季度,價值 5.75 億美元。

  • That is provisionally callable in October of this year.

    可以在今年 10 月臨時調用。

  • Should we assume that you would wait until that was callable and forcing conversion into stock?


  • Or would you envision calling that even if there was a probability that you might actually pay cash to call it?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • That is too early to say.


  • When we look at the second quarter of this year, 20% of the backlog has to do with the second half of the year.

    回顧今年第二季度,20% 的積壓訂單與下半年有關。

  • We all have great expectations of the year.


  • Let us see how the year develops.


  • We will take it from there.


  • Dan Duckery - Analyst

    Dan Duckery - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I mean could you run the company with only €500m in cash?

    我的意思是你能用 5 億歐元現金經營這家公司嗎?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • Yes but we will not have to.


  • Dan Duckery - Analyst

    Dan Duckery - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • And, Doug, I was sort of rubbing it in on your retirement statement there.


  • Thank you both.


  • Good luck.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Bye.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • The next question comes from Mr. Uche Orji.

    下一個問題來自 Uche Orji 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question sir.


  • Mr. Orji, please state your question sir.

    Orji 先生,請提出您的問題,先生。

  • I am sorry sir.


  • We have a follow-up question from Mr. Mike O'Brien.

    我們有一個來自 Mike O'Brien 先生的後續問題。

  • Please go ahead sir.


  • Mike O'Brien - Analyst

    Mike O'Brien - Analyst

  • Yes, two quick questions.


  • I do not think in answering John Pitzer's question you talked about the ASP increasefor the immersion tool.

    我不認為在回答 John Pitzer 的問題時,您談到了沉浸式工具的 ASP 增加。

  • If you can give us an update on that?


  • And then, can you give us an idea of when you think, or if you think, there will be a unit crossover of more 193nm tools shipped than 248nm in the cycle?

    然後,您能否告訴我們您的想法,或者如果您認為,在周期內出貨的 193nm 工具將比 248nm 更多的單位交叉?

  • Thanks.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I think in the second half of this cycle we will see 193 picking up.

    我認為在這個週期的後半段,我們將看到 193 人回升。

  • As we explained earlier, the sweet part right now is 839nm and that is a 248.

    正如我們之前所解釋的,現在最好的部分是 839nm,也就是 248。

  • And Stuart is just saying to me it all depends on the DRAM guys ,how they perform.

    Stuart 只是對我說,這完全取決於 DRAM 人員,他們的表現如何。

  • I anticipate 192 will start to pick up part way through this cycle and start to show a clean pair of heels, so to speak, in the second half of the cycle.

    我預計 192 將在這個週期的中途開始回升,並開始展示一雙乾淨的高跟鞋,可以這麼說,在周期的後半段。

  • Your first part of the question was regarding ASPs for immersion tools.

    您問題的第一部分是關於沉浸式工具的 ASP。

  • Yes, they are tools that have distinct advantages when they hit production.


  • Right now they are development tools and we are selling them for prices in excess of €20m.

    現在它們是開發工具,我們以超過 2000 萬歐元的價格出售它們。

  • Clearly, I am not going to give away precisely what to whom there but that is, if you like, if I can use the pun, a watershed price for immersion.


  • Mike O’Brien: Good enough, thank you.

    Mike O'Brien:很好,謝謝。

  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • The next question comes from Mr. Uche Orji.

    下一個問題來自 Uche Orji 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Just a question on service revenues.


  • Clearly we have seen a bit of a jump in service revenues in the quarter.


  • Can you give us an idea of how they will trend through the rest of the year?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, the service revenue for the quarter, just to fresh up, is roughly €50m which is contract related.

    是的,本季度的服務收入,剛剛更新,大約是 5000 萬歐元,這與合同相關。

  • So it is basically our spend and some material in there.


  • But the swing factor in the quarter is basically the sale of field options.


  • And field options have the tendency to go up when there is an upturn because we do sell productivity improvement packages then.


  • They are combinations of software and hardware-related options.


  • So for the fourth quarter, we had roughly €50m in service sales and about €25m in option sales.

    因此,在第四季度,我們的服務銷售額約為 5000 萬歐元,期權銷售額約為 2500 萬歐元。

  • The €50m you can extrapolate, with a little increase of about between 5-10% for 2004.

    你可以推斷出 5000 萬歐元,2004 年略有增加,大約在 5-10% 之間。

  • With respect to the option sales, that is relatively bumpy.


  • But I would say that, if you take the fourth quarter sales, I think it is safe to extrapolate that for the first two quarters.


  • And beyond that is not quite certain.


  • That really depends on where customers are.


  • Whether they do need the productivity improvements.


  • But for the first two quarters that seems to be a safe bet that it is going to be in that area.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Can you just tell us what the gross margin was on services now?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • It was in the low 20s and will go in 2004 to the mid 20s.

    它處於 20 年代低點,並將在 2004 年到 20 年代中期。

  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So you mean that the field options tend to drive the gross margins high?


  • Is that correct?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • That is correct.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • We have a follow-up question from Mr. Peter Testa.

    我們有一個來自 Peter Testa 先生的後續問題。

  • Please go ahead sir.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Hi, it is one follow-up and an addition to my previous question.


  • Given the supply lead times, to what extent can orders that you are taking now be delivered in the first half?


  • And then the second question was just on foreign exchange.


  • I mean obviously you price in euros.


  • But with the dollar moving the way it is, customer [inaudible] set in dollars.

    但隨著美元的走勢,客戶 [聽不清] 以美元計價。

  • To what extent do you think this is taking away your potential for pricing power later on or delaying your potential pricing in the cycle?


  • And there is much pricing power assumed in your comments and gross margin during the year?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • So on the first part and Peter will answer the bit on the foreign exchange.


  • The question was do we have room to put in more product into the first half and deliver in the first half for orders we have not yet taken.


  • The answer is limited now.


  • We are quite candid that with five months to go to end this half, there is limited time to take orders and turn around into a finished product in a five month period.


  • Given our lead time, given our supplier lead time.


  • Many customers now begin to realize and it is current to see orders coming in for six or seven month lead times.

    許多客戶現在開始意識到,目前可以看到訂單在 6 或 7 個月的交貨時間內收到。

  • We can turn a few, a handful here and there, but depends on the mix obviously.


  • But, in essence, the answer to the question, and I would say this to all customers listening, is that we are becoming sold out in the first half of the year.


  • And it is time that we closed the first half and focused on the third, fourth quarter.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • With respect to the dollar euro exchange rate.


  • I think you are right.


  • In the minds of customers, and especially that run a dollar related income statement, it is a problem.


  • Because the [inaudible] dollar are getting more expensive.

    因為[聽不清] 美元變得越來越貴。

  • But what we have seen over the last 60 to 90 days is that at least the yen has moved to the same direction as the euro.

    但我們在過去 60 到 90 天看到的是,至少日元已經朝著與歐元相同的方向移動。

  • Ad that is present to all customers.


  • We have to buy in yen or in euro the same, no problem.


  • So it is an issue that our sales people have to deal with.


  • But, in the end, if you have compare our pricing to all our competitors, not the dollar euro but the euro yen is really of no relevance.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • I understand that.


  • I was just more thinking that you have made comments earlier today suggesting that, as lead times stretch out, things tighten up.


  • That you would be able to maybe start to reverse some of the pricing moves that were taken during the down cycle.


  • And I was wondering the extent to which the dollar exchange rate versus all currencies has tended to take that possibility away?


  • Or stretch that possibility out maybe a few quarters?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I understand it but we price in euros.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • I know you do.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • So, I mean, the euro price is the euro price, and the yen price is the yen price.


  • And that is what is being translated effectively by our customers when they make a comparison between our tools and those of the competition.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Sure, but do you think you are going to be increasing your price in euros as the same time as they are already having to deal with the exchange rate within the CAPEX budget?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think it is also a matter of how badly do they need the tool.


  • And many of those customers have quite extensive CAPEX plans which they have hedged.


  • So we are getting into a situation where we are discussing this with customers.


  • But we say, hey, we do not control the FX movements.

    但是我們說,嘿,我們不控制 FX 運動。

  • This is the price.


  • And we are introducing new versions and new gizmos of our tools, so we are able to at least increase our average selling price in euros.


  • We are seeing that and we are still able to do that.


  • So, it is clearly a mental block that our customers have because of the exchange rage, clearly.


  • But, on the other hand, there is also not a lot that they can do about it.


  • Or, for that matter, that we as a company can actually do about it.


  • So it is what it is and some of the orders that we are getting in now, we do not see a negative effect.


  • We are able to increase on prices here.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Okay, and the second part of the question.


  • Are you expecting, say, like for like product price improvements in euros during the year within your gross margin assumptions?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Well, of course, gross margins assumptions are based basically on three pillars.


  • That is, one, the fact that value of ownership of our tools and the improvements therein will drive the ASPs up.

    也就是說,第一,我們工具的所有權價值及其改進將推動 ASP 上升。

  • That is one.


  • Number two is the cost of goods reduction program, on especially the TWINSCAN program, is significant, and we have reached all targets in 2003.

    第二是商品成本降低計劃,尤其是 TWINSCAN 計劃,意義重大,我們在 2003 年已達到所有目標。

  • We will reach all targets in 2004.

    我們將在 2004 年實現所有目標。

  • And number three is the volume.


  • So, volume will also have an effect on the gross margin because we will have a better load.


  • So, it is not only the gross margin.


  • It does not only hinge on the ASP improvement but all the pillars are based on it.

    它不僅取決於 ASP 的改進,而且所有支柱都基於它。

  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • So, if I can summarize.


  • Basically, supply and demand is going to work on time regardless of FX?


  • But you are not pinning gross margin comments upon that?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Correct.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr. Uche Orji.

    下一個問題來自 Uche Orji 先生。

  • Please state your company name followed by your question sir.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Uche from JP Morgan.

    來自摩根大通的 Uche。

  • Just a follow-up question on the margin discussion.


  • Can you characterize for me how the margins work between refabs and new tools?

    您能否為我描述一下 refabs 和新工具之間的利潤率如何運作?

  • I was under the impression that refabs have very high margins.

    我的印像是 refabs 的利潤率非常高。

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Sorry, I missed that Uche.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Can you just characterize for me how the margins of refurbished tools work?


  • I have always been under the impression that refurbished tools tend to have very high margins.


  • But you were talking about having scanners as well as refabs now.


  • Are the margins on those type of tools fairly high?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Well, they sometimes are but they sometimes are not.


  • I mean they really are all over the place.


  • It depends on the moulding time that we can get our hands on the tool.


  • The eagerness with which a customer wants to get rid of the tool and that changes.


  • That changes per customer, per week of the month.


  • So, it changes per product type.


  • So it is basically all over the place.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Very difficult to forecast and I sympathize with you with your models on that one.


  • But on average they tend to trend towards the normal product margins.


  • But, as Peter said, we can get some real excursions around that average.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Now just on the 248 200mm tools.

    現在只使用 248 200mm 工具。

  • Let us just take a typical example of a mature platform.


  • What sort of margins do you think in the cycle could be considered peak margin on those type of tools?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think we have only got the comment on peak margins for the company.


  • I do not want to give out any gross margins on any particular product line of a competitive nature.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Fair enough.


  • Yes.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • What we have said is that, given it is a decent peak as opposed to a small molehill, which will probably occur in 2005 to the industry, if the forecasts currently are correct.

    我們所說的是,鑑於目前的預測是正確的,鑑於它是一個不錯的高峰,而不是一個小山丘,如果目前的預測是正確的,這可能會在 2005 年對該行業發生。

  • We expect to get gross margins back towards levels that we had in the previous peak in 2000.

    我們預計毛利率將回到 2000 年的峰值水平。

  • From memory, they were just over 40%.


  • So of that order for the next peak, providing it is a decent sized peak.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Right.


  • The question now is that, given the fact that you have spent quite a lot of effort for working the operations.


  • Do you have any chance that peak margins this time, taking in all the restructuring, should be higher than it was in the last peak?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • No reason to really think that they can be higher than the last peak actually.


  • It is a kind of interesting question.


  • We have not rehearsed this one.


  • No reason to believe they would be higher than the last one.


  • About the same is all we can say.


  • I do not think that the peak this time is going to be kind of as breathtaking as the peak last time.


  • So everything was in our favor last time around and therefore I do no think we are going to exceed that on average.


  • But let us see.


  • Another year to go yet.


  • Who knows?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, but it is a little early to say that.


  • Let us see how the second half of the year develops.


  • How the order intake goes.


  • How the [inaudible] prices are basically holding or going up.

    [聽不清] 價格如何基本保持或上漲。

  • See how the cost of goods reduction program is going.


  • I think these things are very important I think what we have said is we see no reason why they could not be at that level.


  • I think we need to see some proof in some other areas to be certain to say we think we can exceed it.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Okay, and just one last question on the same topic.


  • At the operating level, given that you have taken a lot of cost out, and you are still taking cost out.


  • Assuming you maintain the same type of margins, will you be assuming that the operating margins will be higher than the last peak?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, I think that could be a fair assumption.


  • But like I said, it is too early.


  • We need to see some more data points in terms of orders, and ASPs, and cost of goods reductions, volumes, that will build our confidence to be able to say that.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • We have kind of helped you with the answer in what we are giving you.


  • It is not our job to do that, I do not think, and we decline that one.


  • But we do know now what we expect in gross margin terms.


  • We have been quite clear with the band of SG&A and R&D.

    我們對 SG&A 和 R&D 的樂隊非常清楚。

  • And therefore I am sure your model is better equipped than me to get down to the operating margin levels.


  • I would like you to probably do that part of the job yourself actually.


  • Uche Orji - Analyst

    Uche Orji - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • We have a follow-up question from Mr. Peter Testa.

    我們有一個來自 Peter Testa 先生的後續問題。

  • Please go ahead sir.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Last one.


  • Just noticing on China that SMIC is shown up in your projected top 10 spenders.

    只是注意到在中國,中芯國際出現在您預計的前 10 名支出者中。

  • China is now 11% of the backlog.


  • Can you give us an idea of what you see?


  • What you are seeing is different?


  • What you see SMIC doing?


  • What do you expect China as a proportion of backlog to continue progressing?


  • Just some comment there please.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • China, anything that is less than kind of 25% has the habit of going up and down.


  • We get an order and then we ship it off, and it goes up again, it goes down again.


  • So China is in there.


  • It was not in there last time we talked, I believe.


  • So, please bear in mind that is a snapshot in time and goes up and down quite a bit.


  • But, fundamentally, I believe, and this is a personal opinion on China having been there a few times and so on.


  • I believe that China will continue to be an ever increasing part of our business lives.


  • They are committed to developing a lot of new factories supplying integrated circuits.


  • It is the next logical step for their development as an economic block.


  • And we see the holes being built in the ground and the cement being poured with Grace and SMIC, and the other investments of SMIC, and others also.


  • It may go down to 8% next time round, who knows?

    下一輪可能會下降到 8%,誰知道呢?

  • But underlying that fluctuation, there is a positive dynamic in China.


  • It never appeared on our slides at all until about a year and a half ago, and now it is never off our slides.


  • And it is increasingly getting more and more significant for us.


  • And will do so for a long time yet.


  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • And China will stay as a bigger proportion than Europe on average over time?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I personally believe China will overtake Europe relatively quickly.


  • Yes, Stuart is just saying, from other things, a lot of the European suppliers are saying their next big investment will be in a low cost region, and often that is China.

    是的,Stuart 只是說,從其他方面來看,很多歐洲供應商都表示他們的下一個大投資將在低成本地區,通常是中國。

  • Peter Testa - Analyst

    Peter Testa - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • We have a follow-up question from Mr. Jay Deahna Please go ahead sir.

    Jay Deahna 先生有一個後續問題請繼續先生。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Doug, what do you think your booking market share is for 300mm in the fourth quarter?

    Doug,您認為您在第四季度 300 毫米的預訂市場份額是多少?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Well, that is a tough one, Jay.


  • It is difficult to have there.


  • I will try and give you an answer but just to explain to the audience who think I should have these answers just bang like that.


  • There are 300mm investments in Japan which we are not always as close to as we would like because we are new in Japan, and it is a tough road to haul, okay.

    在日本有 300 毫米的投資,但我們並不總是像我們希望的那樣接近,因為我們是日本的新手,而且這是一條艱難的道路,好吧。

  • You recognize that.


  • Outside Japan, we have a dominant, leadership position, dominant is a bit strong probably, in market share, both bookings and billings.


  • If you take Japan into account, and the fact that Japan this year, Jay, as you will probably recognize is spending disproportionately well.


  • Because it has been on holiday for a couple of years and there are some fabs being built there.


  • I suspect that the booking number may come down slightly.


  • Is it going to be 50% of world 300mm?

    它將是世界 300 毫米的 50% 嗎?

  • I am kind of struggling here for an answer for you quantitatively.


  • So that is the best I can do actually Jay.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • To give you some information.


  • Of total bookings about close to 70% was 200mm.

    在總預訂量中,約 70% 是 200 毫米。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • 200?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • His question was what is the percentage of the 300mm?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, but as you say, you can say what the 300mm are and then we just have to make an assessment of what you think the market was.

    是的,但正如你所說,你可以說出 300 毫米是什麼,然後我們只需要評估你認為的市場是什麼。

  • But we do not have that data readily available here.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • We are still doing very well, Jay, on 300mm and inside Japan we are trying to do a lot better, obviously.

    傑伊,在 300 毫米鏡頭上,我們仍然做得很好,在日本國內,顯然我們正在努力做得更好。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Yes, so if you combine it all, is your cycle expectation somewhere in the 40% range for new systems, for market share?

    是的,所以如果你把這一切結合起來,你的周期預期是否在新系統的 40% 範圍內,對於市場份額?

  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Yes, I feel pretty comfortable with that.


  • I would like to do better.


  • Yes.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • You think better is more likely or less likely?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • I think better is desirable.


  • How is that?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the other thing is that there was a question earlier.


  • I believe the gentlemen from Goldman Sachs was asking it.


  • He was trying to get a gauge on the fact that you are saying the backlog will be up in the first quarter, but bookings will probably be down.


  • Were you talking in units or dollars?


  • Because if 200mm was 70% of your bookings in the fourth quarter, and you get a mix shift at 300mm in the first or second quarter.

    因為如果 200 毫米是您在第四季度預訂量的 70%,而您在第一季度或第二季度獲得 300 毫米的混合轉變。

  • It seems to me that your dollar value of bookings could potentially be a different picture than the unit picture?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • That is correct, Jay.


  • The question was specifically the first quarter, the previous question, right?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • And the gentleman in Goldman Sachs, if they have such people.


  • They have nothing to do by the way.


  • That was a joke for those who cannot see my face.


  • So, it was Q1 and I do not think the booking mix is going to change substantially in Q1.


  • But also it is true that later year it is going to change to 300mm.

    但它也確實會在晚些時候變為 300 毫米。

  • If it is Q2, or even if it is Q1, it will have an impact, obviously, on the dollar value bookings and ASP as well.

    如果是第 2 季度,或者即使是第 1 季度,顯然也會對美元價值預訂和 ASP 產生影響。

  • I do not know when that transition is going to come actually.


  • So I just hope it will not come in Q1 because Q1 is on top of us right now.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • So we are totally clear.


  • You are saying that orders should be down sequentially in 1Q.


  • Both in terms of the euro or dollar value and units.


  • The backlog should be up both in units and currency, sequentially?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • That may be the case.


  • We will have a bigger backlog but it does not mean to say that our bookings rate will be as high in Q1 as it was in Q4.


  • I have not extended my thinking that far to be that precise actually.


  • But the major question from most people has been, will your backlog be up or down at the end of the first quarter?


  • And I am saying I believe slightly up.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, and I think it is definitely true in units.


  • What you are suggesting, Jay, we said that could very well either in Q1 or in Q2.


  • There will be a value added difference because of a shift to 300mm which will have to occur somewhere in 2004, for us to be able to ship that in the second half or in the first quarter of 05.

    由於必須在 2004 年的某個地方發生向 300 毫米的轉變,因此將產生附加值差異,以便我們能夠在 05 年下半年或第一季度發貨。

  • So that is correct.


  • I mean in terms of value that could be different.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • Good news, though, because we really have a Q1 in which we do not lose order book value.


  • And I am saying this time round we will probably will have a Q1 in which we [..].


  • We used to have a Q1 in which we lose order book value, and I am saying this time we will probably gain order book value in Q1.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Yes, I mean, going intto the margin issue.


  • I just do not see how you could not have higher margins this cycle, given the near-term profile in 200mm.

    考慮到 200 毫米的近期輪廓,我只是不明白這個週期你怎麼不能有更高的利潤率。

  • But the cyclical peak margin is going to be a lot more 300mm intensive.

    但周期性峰值邊際將更加密集 300 毫米。

  • And I can see that is where you would be hedging a little bit because you have go to chop some wood to get there, right?


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • That is correct.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Doug Dunn - President and CEO

    Doug Dunn - President and CEO

  • To the call administrator.


  • It is 5.30pm.

    現在是下午 5.30。

  • We do have a schedule.


  • Therefore, I think we have to call a halt to the questions at this point in time.


  • Thanks for all those who took part and asked your usual difficult and torturous questions.


  • I hope we also gave you difficult and torturous answers, and look forward to seeing you at the end of Q1.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the ASML Annual Results 2003 conference call.

    女士們先生們,ASML 2003 年度業績電話會議到此結束。

  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
