艾司摩爾 (ASML) 2004 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ASML Holdings third quarter 2004 conference call on October 13, 2004. [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS].

    女士們、先生們,歡迎參加 2004 年 10 月 13 日召開的 ASML Holdings 2004 年第三季電話會議。[ 操作員說明]。

  • I would like to turn the conference over now to Mr. Craig DeYoung.


  • Please sir, go ahead.


  • Craig DeYoung - VP, IR

    Craig DeYoung - VP, IR

  • Thank you, and welcome to the call.


  • This is Craig DeYoung, Vice President of Investor Relations at ASML.

    我是 Craig DeYoung,ASML 投資人關係副總裁。

  • I'd like to thank you for participating in ASML's third quarter conference call.

    我要感謝您參加 ASML 第三季電話會議。

  • Joining me today is our new CEO, Eric Meurice.

    今天加入我的是我們的新任執行長 Eric Meurice。

  • Also joining me is our retiring CEO, Doug Dunn, and thirdly is Peter Wennink, our CFO.

    與我一起加入的還有我們即將退休的執行長 Doug Dunn,第三位是我們的財務長 Peter Wennink。

  • Just to remind you, this call is scheduled for 1 hour.

    謹提醒您,本次通話預計持續 1 小時。

  • We'd like to start with 1 question only each in the first round, and if we have time, we'd invite you to come back into the call and ask additional questions.


  • Before we start, please allow me to read our Safe Harbor Statement.


  • The matters discussed during this call include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, economic conditions, product and pricing, manufacturing efficiencies, new product development, ability to enforce patents, availability of raw materials and critical manufacturing equipment, trade environment and other risks indicated in filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


  • At this point, I'd like to hand over to Doug Dunn for a brief statement, followed by your questions.

    現在,我想請道格·鄧恩(Doug Dunn)做一個簡短的發言,然後提出大家的問題。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Thanks, Craig, and welcome ladies and gentlemen, followers of ASML.

    謝謝克雷格,歡迎女士們先生們,ASML 的追隨者。

  • Craig, I must say that was the most thrilling and gripping rendering of that that I've ever heard in my life, and I will certainly miss that in the future.


  • And I'm only pleased that you didn't refer to me as the old CEO.


  • That would have really got to my heart.


  • I want to make a few statements, if I may, just to kick this thing off, just so we try and get some color to the no doubt detailed questions that you gentlemen and ladies will have.


  • And the points I'd like to bring out are that in the quarter, we achieved many things.


  • We increased the value of our order backlog, 12-month order book, by around €0.25b.

    我們將積壓訂單(12 個月訂單簿)的價值增加了約 0.25b 歐元。

  • We generated, from operations and investments, cash of around €79m, €80m.

    我們透過營運和投資產生了約 7900 萬歐元、8000 萬歐元的現金。

  • We achieved our gross margin improvement target in the quarter, and shipped the world's first immersion tool to a U.S. customer.


  • All those are notable achievements, but perhaps the most noteworthy of all, and certainly from now on very relevant to subsequent meetings like this, we also recruited, hired and brought on board our new CEO, Eric, who is here with us today and will no doubt make his valued contribution as the time goes on.

    所有這些都是顯著的成就,但也許是最值得注意的,並且從現在開始肯定與類似的後續會議非常相關,我們還招募、聘用並引進了我們的新任首席執行官埃里克(Eric) ,他今天與我們在一起,並將毫無疑問,隨著時間的推移,他將做出寶貴的貢獻。

  • By the way, he is sitting with a squawk button so if I do say too much, and may commit him to too many great feats in the future, he will press the button, either cut me off, or chop my head off, I'm not sure which.


  • I guess you'll find out as the meeting goes on.


  • So with that kind of brief overview from me on the good features that ASML achieved in the past few months, I would like now to throw it open to your questions.

    因此,在我對 ASML 在過去幾個月中所實現的良好功能進行了簡要概述之後,我現在想向您提出問題。

  • Operator


  • Thank you, sir. [OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS].

    謝謝你,先生。 [操作員說明]。

  • The first question comes from Mr. Sheera.


  • Please state your company name, followed by your question, sir.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon guys, it's Nav Sheera from Citigroup.

    大家下午好,我是花旗集團的 Nav Sheera。

  • Doug, I've got to say this, because it is your swansong and you did ask for it, but it was a great quarter, for the 1 just gone.

    道格,我必須這麼說,因為這是你的絕唱,你確實要求它,但這是一個偉大的季度,因為 1 剛剛消失。

  • Could I just ask, with regard to immersion technology, you stated in the press release that you've shipped your first unit/units.


  • Would you be able to give us an idea for rollout of the production machines over the course of the next 12 to 18 months, and what sort of trend would we see in terms of ASP for those tools?

    您能否向我們介紹一下在未來 12 到 18 個月內推出生產機器的想法,以及我們會看到這些工具的 ASP 出現什麼樣的趨勢?

  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Thanks, Nav.


  • Yes, so we've shipped the first 2.

    是的,所以我們已經發貨了前 2 個。

  • As we say in our press release, it is a kind of pre-production tool.


  • The follow-on tools, you ask the next 14, 15-month kind of program.


  • I don't remember the number offhand, Nav, but certainly we're talking a handful or 2 of tools over the next 12 months.

    我不記得具體數字了,Nav,但我們肯定會在接下來的 12 個月內談論一兩個工具。

  • They will be used by customers in pre-production and pilot production mode.


  • I'm not convinced that they will go into supreme high volume production yet.


  • It's the time that our customers will use them to evaluate their processes, the resist, etc.


  • What, of course, it does mean for us is that we get in there first, with a clear 12-month lead to see the ground with many, many important customers, including, by the way, some Japanese accounts, so that our tool is the tool of record, tool of qualification.

    當然,這對我們來說確實意味著我們首先進入那裡,有明確的 12 個月領先時間,可以看到許多重要客戶的情況,順便說一下,其中包括一些日本客戶,因此我們的工具是記錄的工具,資格的工具。

  • So that when the volume production kicks in, in 2006 and beyond, it will be mostly our tools that satisfy those needs.

    因此,當 2006 年及以後開始大量生產時,我們的工具將主要滿足這些需求。

  • I would like to say exclusively, but let's see.


  • So does that answer your question, Nav?


  • On the ASP, I think we've reported before that the early tools were €20m+.

    關於 ASP,我想我們之前曾報導過早期工具的價值超過 2000 萬歐元。

  • I'm sure Eric's not going to want to do any worse than that, and therefore, without putting words in his mouth, it will be a good price.


  • We will learn how to make them at a lower cost, but equally well, we'll add features to them.


  • So I'm confident that we'll have a very good gross margin from those products.


  • As we have now, by the way, as we have today.


  • Nav Sheera - Analyst

    Nav Sheera - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Matthew Gehl.

    下一個問題來自 Matthew Gehl 先生。

  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Matthew Gehl - Analyst

    Matthew Gehl - Analyst

  • Hello, it's Matt Gehl with Goldman Sachs.


  • I know you guys track the utilization rates of your machines in the field, and I was wondering if you could give a bit of commentary on how you saw the utilization rates for the machines move as you went out of Q2 and then through each of the 3 months of Q3, whether that was on a linear rate downward, and whether you've seen any type of an up-tick as we've gone into September and October?

    我知道你們在現場追蹤機器的利用率,我想知道你們是否可以對在第二季度之後以及每個季度中機器的利用率如何變化發表一些評論。第三季度的3 個月,是否呈線性下降,以及進入9 月和10 月時是否看到任何類型的上升?

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Okay, yes we do track it, you're quite right.


  • We're on line to most of our modern tools, and quite a few of the middle-aged ones also, so we can see that quite clearly.


  • I won't talk about customer specifics, that's not appropriate.


  • But in general terms, our tools were heavily utilized, like 95% utilized, if not more, [A10 12 inch] by the way, for certainly the first half of Q3, the first half of Q3, and they were -- as they were in Q2 and Q1 as well, I might add.

    但總的來說,我們的工具被大量使用,例如95%,甚至更多,[A10 12 英寸] 順便說一下,在第三季度的前半段,第三季度的前半段,它們是——因為它們我可能會補充說,也在第二季和第一季。

  • And we have shipped substantial tools so the tool shipments are kept in line only just with the chip demand.


  • It is true also to say that in probably the last half of the last month of Q3, that began to tail off sufficiently that you could see it on the graph.


  • It wasn't just a one-day little aberration.


  • I can't speak for the first week or 2 of October.

    10 月的第一週或 2 日我不能說話。

  • I've not actually looked, but I could expect that that tail-off which we saw beginning, I think in early September, has probably continued.

    我實際上並沒有看過,但我可以預見,我們在 9 月初開始看到的衰退可能會持續下去。

  • By the way, it's not a huge tail-off.


  • Don't over-estimate this.


  • Our tools are always the last ones to be taken out of production or reduced because they're the most productive, so I'm sure any [fab] with a dual set of tools, ourselves plus our competition, would see a much bigger reduction for the competition, because ours are much more productive.


  • They're always the last to be taken out, and it's probably dropped down from 95% - I'm giving some averages here - down to 90%, of that order.

    它們總是最後被取出的,並且可能從 95%(我在這裡給出了一些平均值)下降到了 90%。

  • Now, it's up for all of us to anticipate and guess what might happen in the next 6 to 9 months and that's clearly a big issue, and I'm sure every quarter you'll ask Eric this same question, and he'll have a very suitable answer for it.

    現在,我們所有人都需要預測和猜測未來 6 到 9 個月會發生什麼,這顯然是一個大問題,我確信每個季度你都會問埃里克同樣的問題,他會一個非常合適的答案。

  • Matthew Gehl - Analyst

    Matthew Gehl - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • It's a pleasure.


  • Can I just follow on, by the way - the high-end tools -- I didn't make this clear.

    順便說一下,我可以繼續嗎 - 高端工具 - 我沒有說清楚。

  • The high-end tools, the Super High NA and the leading edge 200mm tools, maintained a slightly higher utilization.

    高階刀具、超高數值孔徑刀具和前緣 200mm 刀具的利用率保持略高。

  • In fact, it barely dropped off at all, just kind of notionally, so it was mostly at the lower end and the 200mm.

    事實上,它幾乎沒有下降,只是概念上的,所以它主要是在低端和 200 毫米處。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Deahna.

    下一個問題是 Deahna 先生提出的。

  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Hi, it's Jay Deahna from JP Morgan.

    大家好,我是摩根大通的 Jay Deahna。

  • Good afternoon, gentlemen.


  • Doug, first of all, congratulations on putting the Company into a fantastic competitive position, and more importantly, the operational cash generation turnaround over the last couple of years.


  • The question is if global semiconductor capital spending is flat next year, what can ASML's top-line do, given the transition to 300mm and I presume, the recognition of the majority of your immersion tools that are shipped because the ones this year will probably be accepted?

    問題是,如果明年全球半導體資本支出持平,考慮到向 300mm 的過渡,ASML 的營收能做什麼,我認為,大多數已發貨的沉浸式工具都得到了認可,因為今年的工具可能會在公認?

  • So some clarity on the ASP one-on-one effect of that would be helpful in that question.

    因此,澄清 ASP 的一對一效果將有助於解決這個問題。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Okay, Jay, thanks for your comments.


  • I'm not sure I deserve them all.


  • My team deserves those, but we take it as a universal comment to all of us, not just to myself.


  • Thanks, anyway.


  • Next year, you know, in my last kind of set-piece presentation here, I'm not going to be so rash as I was maybe ten years ago to forecast what's going to happen a year from now.


  • I've no idea, but I'll try and approach your question and help you with it.


  • So let's take Q4, which is upon us and probably more understandable in Q1, 2 and 3 next year.


  • You will see in Q4, as a function of the units that are shippable and the average selling prices on the books, an increase in revenues in Q4, over Q3.


  • You will see that.


  • You know, we can debate with you, but we won't, how much it will go up by, but it will go up, and the only degree of uncertainty is whether we get any, and if so, how many push-outs and frankly, it's in our expectation that we will.


  • I have to say that to the complete audience.


  • We have a shippable new backlog of around 65 systems.

    我們有大約 65 個系統的可交付新積壓訂單。

  • It is our expectation, and Eric is nodding his head very wisely because he looked into this, that we will see between one and two handfuls, between 5 and 10 of those pushing out of this quarter.

    這是我們的期望,Eric 非常明智地點頭,因為他對此進行了調查,我們將看到一到兩個、5 到 10 個人將在本季度推出。

  • That's a statistical average that we saw in Q3 and why would it change in Q4?


  • But even with that, even with that, there will be revenue growth in Q4.


  • Now you're getting into the realms of next year, and I don't want to give Eric a hill he can't climb here.


  • I know he's a courageous guy.


  • I think taking this opportunity is courageous.


  • I think Q1 is going to be another solid quarter.


  • It's impossible for me to predict how many push-outs I have in Q1, but a good, solid quarter.


  • Beyond that, I think it would be in the realms of speculation, but I assure you of this, Jay, that with our comprehensive and fairly commanding superiority in 300mm, with our clear leadership in immersion, you know, unassailable, probably ever, but certainly the next twelve months, whatever the market allows and requires, you are going to find ASML are shipping more than 50% of it.

    除此之外,我認為這只是猜測,但傑伊,我向你保證,憑藉我們在300 毫米方面全面且相當絕對的優勢,以及我們在沉浸感方面的明顯領先優勢,你知道,可能永遠是無懈可擊的,但當然,在接下來的 12 個月中,無論市場允許和需要什麼,您都會發現 ASML 的出貨量將超過 50%。

  • So that's my way of answering your question.


  • I don't know about saying that for next year.


  • It may soften from our customers' perspective, as you pointed out in your lead-up to the question, but from our point of view, I'm afraid you cannot predict easily, but I can predict very forcefully that there is a commanding position in 300mm, and with our superiority in immersion technology, and more yet to come, by the way, throughout next year, and we will have a lion's share of those sales next year.


  • The rest, I think, is up to all of us to try and deduce.


  • Sorry to kind of bottle out on that one, but I know no better way to answer your question, Jay.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Maybe a slight follow-on to that, if you look at your ASPs for this year, how much do you think your ASPs will change next year, given your mix shift to 300mm and immersion?

    也許是一個小小的後續,如果你看看今年的 ASP,考慮到你的混合轉向 300mm 和沈浸式,你認為明年的 ASP 會有多大變化?

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • You know, Jay, I think about two thirds of our bookings by units in the past four or five months have been 300mm, so we are doing a pretty good job in that respect, you know, and we're still just new in Japan.

    你知道,傑伊,我認為過去四五個月我們的預訂量中大約有三分之二是 300 毫米,所以我們在這方面做得非常好,你知道,而且我們在日本還只是新手。

  • Therefore, we have seen some of that ASP coming through, and you see it in our new tool at reselling price twelve months out, which is, I think around €11m or so as we stand.

    因此,我們已經看到了一些 ASP 的實現,並且您可以在我們的新工具中以 12 個月後的轉售價格看到它,我認為以我們目前的情況,大約為 1100 萬歐元左右。

  • So we've seen some of that ASP, but there's a lot more to come yet.

    我們已經看到了一些 ASP,但還有更多的東西即將出現。

  • First of all, that mix will richen further.


  • Secondly, the 193 output, which has been relatively modest this year, as our customers have got to get used to that process, that technology, and must use it, so 193 will accelerate through next year.


  • If anything is to be cut back, it will be 8 inch and 248 and I-line, not 193.

    如果要削減的話,那就是 8 英寸、248 和 I-line,而不是 193。

  • That will accelerate.


  • We've already explained to a previous question that there will be more immersion tools, significantly more immersion tools next year, a factor of 10 up on this year, 10x, and you've me say the ASPs they will carry, so again, without building too much expectation on things that are unknown here, it's going to be a very pleasant ride in ASPs for ASML, even next year, even if it is a slight softening year for our customers.

    我們已經在前面的問題中解釋過,明年將會有更多的沉浸式工具,明顯更多的沉浸式工具,比今年增加10 倍,10 倍,你已經說過他們將攜帶的ASP,所以再說一次,不要對這裡未知的事情抱有太多期望,即使是明年,即使對我們的客戶來說這是一個稍微疲軟的一年,ASML 的 ASP 也將是一次非常愉快的旅程。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • So I guess you just said you're going to shift 20 or 30 immersion tools next year?

    所以我猜你剛剛說過明年要更換 20 或 30 個沉浸式工具?

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • No, I said 10x on what we've shipped so far, and we've shipped one so far, and it is around 10x.

    不,我說的是我們迄今為止已發貨的 10 倍,到目前為止我們已經發貨了,大約是 10 倍。

  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • We've always, Jay, that there's going to be around a dozen.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Yes, got it, thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Nice try, though, Jay!


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • I figured you'd ship two or three before the end of the year, you know!


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Oh yes, I'm talking about what we shipped so far.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Timothy Arcuri.


  • Please state your company name, sir, and your question.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • It's Smith Barney.


  • I actually had two questions.


  • Number one, could you talk a little bit about, for me, geographical perspectives?


  • Can you talk a little bit about where you see your regions of strength in Q4 and in Q1, versus weakness?


  • Number one, and I'll ask a follow-up.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Okay, so our geographical spread, as you know, has a great opportunity called Japan, and we're making inroads there.


  • We've now got four Japanese customers.


  • We announced the fourth one, I think, at the end of Q2.


  • We haven't yet named that one, but that's going to be imminent, and it's a big name in Japan, and there will be more to follow next.


  • Eric will have the great pleasure of introducing at least one more next year, and who knows, it could be more, but let's at least give it out to the one.


  • So we're making inroads there, so Japan is becoming a populated map as far as we're concerned.


  • You will understand in Japan that you penetrate multiple accounts but in initially a small way.


  • You build up on that reputation and that support, until ultimately we take our fair share of the Japanese market, but to start with, therefore, our penetration in percentage of tools shipped in terms of Japan is probably only 6% this year of the total world Japanese market, going to maybe 10% next year, but it's not so much the number of units in the first year or two, it's the quality of the customers, and how many customers you have, because that gives you the real indication of what the potential is in two and three and four years time, and we're going to be populating many of the big names this year and next, in the next year or so.

    建立在這種聲譽和支持的基礎上,直到最終我們在日本市場上佔據了公平的份額,但首先,因此,今年我們在日本發貨的工具百​​分比中的滲透率可能僅為 6%世界日本市場,明年可能會成長10%,但重要的不是前一兩年的單位數量,而是客戶的質量,以及你有多少客戶,因為這給了你真正的指示兩年、三年、四年後的潛力是什麼,我們將在今年和明年,在明年左右的時間裡引進許多知名人士。

  • So, we're becoming stronger in Japan, and there's all to gain there.


  • We've consolidated our strength in the rest of the regions.


  • The biggest, newest one has been China, and new for everyone, and I think it's no secret that if you look at the big investments in China, ASML takes the biggest share of that.

    最大、最新的一個是中國,對每個人來說都是新的,我認為如果你看看在中國的巨額投資,ASML 佔據了其中最大的份額,這已經不是什麼秘密了。

  • I'm tempted to say the lion's share, but I'm not sure how much lions eat these days.


  • So we're doing well in China which is the new opening up region for everyone to compete in, and we have a good presence in China and it's my belief that Eric will, with his background, by the way, which is a lot of knowledge of China.


  • He's worked in that market with Thomson quite extensively.


  • He will be able to build on the beginnings that I've made and really also accelerate the progress in China.


  • As far as Europe is concerned, we have very high penetration of Europe, and as far as the USA is concerned, an even higher penetration of the USA, and as far as the rest of Asia's concerned, which is largely Korea and Taiwan, and Singapore as well, we have very high penetration of those regions.


  • So it's looking pretty good geographically for us.


  • Regarding weakness from market perspective, not an ASML perspective, a market perspective, I don't really think you can pin it down to any one country showing a weakness right now.


  • We've seen customers, as you saw in our Q3 results, backing away a little bit from some of their early commitments, but they were customers certainly not just of one country or one region, so I would not wish to categorize yet, at this early stage, whether there is a particular weak region.


  • I don't think there is.


  • It's customers who see their over-extension on capacity and decide to do the prudent thing early, and cut back a little bit, which for me, frankly, is great.


  • I'd rather they did that now than to cut back a lot in six months time.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Okay, great, and maybe as a follow-up?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Yes, I respect your question, Tim, but we'd like to get everyone at least round one, so if you can come back again, I would appreciate that.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Okay, guys, thanks.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Robert Mare.


  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • Yes, it's Needham & Company.


  • Can you give us a little more color - and by the way, congratulations on very nice numbers - if you could give us a little more color as to the different sectors of the market and their respective strengths and/or weaknesses, maybe on geographic or per product basis?


  • Some of the impressions that I've had are that there seems to be a little more weakness associated with second and third tier customers as compared to top tier customers, and if you could give us a little more granularity.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • I'll try, but you recognize, and I don't apologize for this, I think you'll appreciate that it's important that we keep customer confidentiality, and therefore, any customer that has -

    我會嘗試,但你認識到,我不會為此道歉,我想你會明白我們為客戶保密是很重要的,因此,任何客戶 -

  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • Without naming names.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Yes, I wouldn't want to do that, and I wouldn't do that, as you know.


  • So regarding the weakness that we saw in Q3, and it's the back-end of Q3, as I explained, and it wasn't dramatic, but it was enough just to cause us to stop and think about one or two things, it wasn't just any one country.


  • It was some in Asia, and it was a bit in Europe, and actually, it was those two regions, to be honest, and so far, not in the USA, but that may just be a matter of time.


  • And I won't go any further.


  • It was not just Foundry, it was Foundry and IDM, and at that point, I'll stop, because that kind of gives the overview.

    這不僅僅是 Foundry,還有 Foundry 和 IDM,到那時,我會停下來,因為這提供了概述。

  • Regarding our strengths, I guess the backlog is a good indicator of where we're strong and where we're not.


  • You know, right now, Korea is 29% of our backlog, up from 20% three months ago.

    您知道,目前韓國占我們積壓訂單的 29%,而三個月前為 20%。

  • The USA is 26%, up from 22% three months ago.

    美國為 26%,高於三個月前的 22%。

  • Singapore is 10%; it's down slightly, by 2 or 3 points.

    新加坡為10%;略有下降,下降了 2 或 3 個百分點。

  • Taiwan is down slightly, by 5 or 6 points, and Europe is about the same.


  • And Japan kind of stays the same at quite a small level so far.


  • And China is about the same also, actually.


  • I would not read too much into the health of those regions from that analysis.


  • Don't forget, if one customer from any region takes a big bulk purchase in the quarter, of orders given, then it can distort those numbers.


  • Will that give you some idea of where we are with our backlog by region?


  • And by end-use, the IDMs, collectively, are 24% of our current backlog.

    以最終用途計算,IDM 總共占我們目前積壓訂單的 24%。

  • They've gone up by 4%, so that analysis says they've strengthened, although I hesitate there because one or two can make a big difference.

    它們上漲了 4%,因此分析表明它們已經走強,儘管我對此猶豫不決,因為一兩個可以產生很大的影響。

  • The Foundries have reduced, from 43% to 32%, and that probably is significant, and they are the first guys who sense the slowdown, because they're kind of collective, and I think, therefore, as everyone predicts, there will be a small slowdown for next year.

    代工廠數量已經減少,從43% 減少到32%,這可能很重要,他們是第一批感受到放緩的人,因為他們是集體的,因此,我認為,正如每個人預測的那樣,將會有明年將出現小幅放緩。

  • The Memory guys are up, in fact, from 36% to 44% of our backlog.

    事實上,記憶體人員占我們積壓訂單的比例從 36% 上升到了 44%。

  • So make of that what you will.


  • It's frankly, too early yet to form any real conclusions, but you can see also, by the way, I'll use this point to boast for the Company, that we've got a really good spread between IDM, Foundry and Memory, and therefore we're not prone to any one of them going sour.


  • Robert Mare - Analyst

    Robert Mare - Analyst

  • Great, thanks for the detail, and congratulations again.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Ali Irani.


  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Yes, good morning.


  • This is Ali Irani with CIBC World Markets.

    我是 CIBC 世界市場部的阿里·伊拉尼 (Ali Irani)。

  • I'm hoping, Doug, that you could share with us a little bit about the linearity of bookings through the quarter and the linearity that you expect for the current quarter?


  • Do you see this as a typically back-end loaded bookings event for you in the fourth quarter?


  • And then, as a follow-up, if you could share with us, it seems there are some share buy-backs this quarter, and whether you are planning to accelerate that, given your improving cash-flows?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • For the last one, Ali, we have done no, zero, share buy-back in the - ever, I think, in the last quarter, so that is a misunderstanding there, somehow.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Did you sell?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • And I guess your question really is do we plan to do so, and the answer is at this point in time, this management team, including the new CEO, has no plans to do so.


  • Now, of course, we reserve the right to change our minds in the future, but right now, that's our position on that.


  • The linearity of bookings is - yes, I don't still debate it but I do know, kind of intuitively, it does tend to be a little bit quarter-end loaded, for all kinds of reasons.

    預訂的線性是 - 是的,我仍然不會爭論它,但我確實知道,直覺上,由於各種原因,它確實傾向於在季末加載。

  • First of all, without picking on us, our sales guys also are a bit quarter-end loaded.


  • That's how they regulate their lifestyles.


  • Also our customers are quarter-end loaded, and for some, it was a year-end, so they like to get their bookings in just before the year closes, otherwise the capital expires and they have to start again.


  • So it was quarter-end loaded, and I think, looking at the analysis I did today, actually, for this quarter, it does seem as though it's a November/December load, but also this quarter as well.

    所以它是季度末加載的,我認為,看看我今天所做的分析,實際上,對於本季度來說,它似乎確實是 11 月/12 月的加載,但也是本季度的加載。

  • I'm frankly not sure what you can read into that, Ali, too much, but they are the facts for you anyway.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • In terms of the customer base and the ones that you feel still have the greatest risks in that November and December picture, do you see some of the push-outs that you've seen among the Foundry and IDMs having any risk of expanding to the D-RAM portion of your customer base, or at this point, that still looks very steady?

    就客戶群以及您認為在 11 月和 12 月的情況中​​仍然面臨最大風險的客戶群而言,您是否看到 Foundry 和 IDM 中出現的一些退出行為有任何擴展到整個市場的風險?您的客戶群中的D-RAM 部分,或者在這一點上,看起來仍然非常穩定?

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • I didn't remember to cut you off, so I'll answer your question briefly, Ali, but the one only, please.


  • Right now, there is no indication that any D-RAM guy is having any second thoughts.

    目前,沒有任何跡象表明任何 D-RAM 專家正在重新考慮。

  • Now, that could change in a day, an hour, a week or a month, but that's the fact today, and they've not indicated by any subtle or blatant comments at all.


  • In fact, quite a few are still pushing quite hard, so if I could just cut you off at that because you did sneak a second question in there, which I respect you for, and I missed it.


  • Next question please.


  • Ali Irani - Analyst

    Ali Irani - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Shaka Bramanic (ph).

    下一個問題是 Shaka Bramanic 先生(博士)提出的。

  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

    Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

  • Yes, Schwartz [Andrew].


  • I have basically one question, Doug, for you.


  • Do you think that bookings in the third quarter declined about 20% sequentially in dollar terms or euro terms?

    您認為第三季的預訂量是按美元計算還是以歐元計算較上一季下降約 20% 左右?

  • Do you think a similar level of decline in the fourth quarter, and the other question I had, I don't know if you'd answer or not, but did you fail to answer to Jay's question, that fourth quarter shipments on net units is most probably between 50 and 55?

    您是否認為第四季度出現類似水平的下降?我提出的另一個問題,我不知道您是否會回答,但您是否沒有回答傑伊的問題,即第四季度淨出貨量最有可能在50到55 之間?

  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Although I don't allow two questions, I can make the second one of your questions very quick.


  • What we said was that the shippable backlog of new units in Q4 is 65, as we stand here making this pitch, actually at the beginning of the quarter, two weeks ago, whenever it was.

    我們所說的是,第四季度可交付的新設備積壓量為 65 台,因為我們站在這裡進行此宣傳,實際上是在本季度初,兩週前,無論何時。

  • And that is the only fact that we can all share between us.


  • What it turns out to be at the end of the quarter looking back, we will know in three months time, and Eric will tell you at that point in time.


  • I did try to help there, because I recognize that's not always too helpful of me, by saying that in Q3, we saw between 5 and 10 pushing out of Q3, and therefore, just on pure statistical analysis, you might argue that you could see the same again in Q4.

    我確實試圖在那裡提供幫助,因為我認識到這並不總是對我有太大幫助,在第三季度,我們看到有5 到10 家公司推出了第三季度,因此,僅根據純粹的統計分析,您可能會認為您可以在第四季度再次看到相同的情況。

  • That is supposition, and not yet fact, and we won't know.


  • So therefore, you could take the 65 down by whichever number you think is appropriate below that, and I give you the range of possibly 5 to 10.

    因此,您可以將 65 減去您認為合適的任何數字,我給您的範圍可能是 5 到 10。

  • I can be wrong on that range, by the way.


  • That's how it was in Q3 and that's the best we can do.


  • I'm sorry, so that's that one.


  • Your first question was on the value of bookings between Q3 and Q2, is that correct?


  • Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

    Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

  • Yes, it seems like the quick math we did was down 20%.

    是的,我們快速算了一下,似乎下降了 20%。

  • Do you think there will be a similar level of decline in Q4 or do you think it's flattened at this point?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Peter Wennink has learnt, has memorized our order book for the past two years by order, by account, by value and is bursting to give you the value of his knowledge here.

    彼得·溫尼克(Peter Wennink)已經學習並記住了我們過去兩年的訂單簿,按訂單、按帳戶、按價值,並且在這裡急切地向您提供他的知識的價值。

  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • So when we look at the Q3 order intake, there was a higher 200mm intake in the third quarter than in the second.

    因此,當我們查看第三季的訂單攝取量時,第三季的 200mm 訂單攝取量高於第二季。

  • So 300mm was more dominant in the second quarter than in the third quarter but I'd like to add to that quickly that you shouldn't read a lot of trend analysis into that, because we are talking about a couple of big customers that buy 300mm and those big customers are a handful, or perhaps one or two more that come in with those orders which are - you could hold up.

    因此,300mm 在第二季度比第三季度更占主導地位,但我想快速補充一點,您不應該閱讀大量趨勢分析,因為我們正在談論一些購買的大客戶300mm 和那些大客戶是少數,或者可能是一兩個以上的訂單- 你可以堅持下去。

  • So really, if you want to look at that trend, you have to take at least two of those quarters, if you combine the second and the third quarter.


  • What you will then see is that of the 163 net bookings that we had, 66% was 300mm and 20% was scanners, and 13% or 14% was [estammers].

    然後您將看到,在我們的 163 個淨預訂中,66% 是 300mm,20% 是掃描儀,13% 或 14% 是 [estammers]。

  • So that is the trend that we have seen over the last couple of quarters.


  • So when we look forward, and we see what the investment plans of our customers are, what the [revenue] plans of 300mm caps are, we have no reason to think that that trend will start to deviate very significantly.

    因此,當我們展望未來,看到客戶的投資計畫是什麼、300mm 蓋的[收入]計畫是什麼時,我們沒有理由認為這種趨勢將開始出現非常顯著的偏差。

  • I think Doug made in his opening statement, or as one of the first questions, I think it was the opening statement - very clear that 300mm is going to be very important to us, is going to drive our top-line sales, and our top-line order intake.

    我認為道格在他的開場白中提出,或者作為第一個問題,我認為這是開場白 - 非常清楚,300mm 對我們來說非常重要,將推動我們的頂線銷售,以及我們的頂線訂單量。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Thanks, Peter, so, you know, if you look at a day's bookings, you may find it's all 300mm, all 200mm.

    謝謝,彼得,所以,你知道,如果你看一下一天的預訂,你可能會發現都是 300 毫米,都是 200 毫米。

  • You've got to be careful with our lumpy kind of business that you don't read too much into a short time.


  • You've got to look at some statistical averages, and two quarters is perhaps the minimum you take to be significant here.


  • Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

    Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

  • Are you suggesting -


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • No, I'm actually - well, actually, clarification, that's okay, go on.

    不,我實際上 - 嗯,實際上,澄清一下,沒關係,繼續。

  • Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

    Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

  • Are you suggesting that industry fundamentals has somewhat softened here, in your customers' fundamental, that there is a possibility orders may not decline in Q4?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • You're asking me to forecast the un-forecastable here.


  • Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

    Shaka Bramanic - Analyst

  • All right, thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • That's it.


  • It's beyond me.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Mark Fitzgerald.


  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Bank of America Securities.


  • Can you give us some input as to what's going on with the R&D expenses, and are you guys still committed to keeping expenses flat going forward?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • So, I think it was four or five quarters ago we gave you a range for SG&A and R&D, and we've a quarter to go yet, I appreciate that, but I think you will give us credit for having been bang on in that range for every quarter for the past three or four quarters and I'm sure the fourth quarter, as we say in our press release, will have no nasty surprises either.


  • If you'll allow us to remove from that the settlement of the cross-license issue, which I think you'll understand is exceptional, so we kept faith and you with us, by the way, thank you, for the past four or five quarters.


  • Regarding next year, we're going to go through our budget process this quarter.


  • Eric will lead that discussion, and he will come forward again with the rights [pend] for ASML, whether it's more or less, I don't know, and that will be based on the programs we have to achieve, and also on the temperature of the market, and I think it would be probably a little bit inappropriate for me to comment on the outcome of that since we haven't had that process in place yet.

    艾瑞克將領導這場討論,他將再次提出對 ASML 的權利[待定],無論是或多或少,我不知道,這將基於我們必須實現的計劃,也基於市場的溫度,我認為我對這一結果發表評論可能有點不合適,因為我們還沒有製定這個流程。

  • Whatever he decides to do will be the right thing, and you will be able to measure him against that, and have the same degree of success, I'm sure, if not more so than I have.


  • But for this quarter coming, the fourth quarter, it's still my commitment, although I am no longer actively CEO, and therefore, we'll still achieve it.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • And just a quick explanation of the cross-licensing payment?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Peter, do you want to do that?


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • The cross-license payment, that was a payment for the cross-license we entered into with Nikon, and that was a payment that we made to Nikon, or we're going to make, likely in the fourth quarter, when we sign the definitive agreement, and that payment is split in, for ease of [mal] in $60m, that's the first tranche, and then $27.5m which will be spread over three years.

    交叉許可付款,這是我們與尼康簽訂的交叉許可的付款,這是我們向尼康支付的款項,或者我們可能會在第四季度簽署協議時支付的款項最終協議,並且為了方便[mal],付款被分成第一部分,即6,000 萬美元,然後是2,750 萬美元,將分三年支付。

  • So it is in fact a payment done for getting the cross-license signed, giving effect to the fact that the present portfolio that we're talking about for the other side was considerably larger, because they are a somewhat older company.


  • So what we have then done, we have looked at the average term of those licenses, of those patents, and we have determined what is basically past, you could say past service on those patents and what still is a potential benefit to the Company, and what we thought was in the past service on the life of those patents was taken into the income statement in the third quarter because it is more likely than not that we will incur that charge.


  • And for the remainder, that will be capitalized and that will be amortized, giving effect to the remaining life of those patents going forward.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Thanks, Peter.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. [inaudible].

    下一個問題是[聽不清楚] 先生提出的。

  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Yes, hi there, Nicholas Gaudois from Deutsche Bank.

    是的,您好,我是德意志銀行的尼可拉斯‧高杜瓦 (Nicholas Gaudois)。

  • Just a clarification, guys, on the gross margin guidance for Q4, you're saying 39% to 40% in the press release.

    請澄清一下,夥計們,關於第四季度的毛利率指導,你們在新聞稿中說是 39% 到 40%。

  • I think two weeks ago you were mentioning 40% but 39% potentially if you're seeing these 5 to 10 push-outs materializing.

    我想兩週前你提到了 40%,但如果你看到這 5 到 10 次淘汰的情況成為現實,那麼潛在的可能性是 39%。

  • Could you just clarify what we see, is that 39% to 40% without push-outs or in fact, the lower band is if you see about 5 to 10 units short in shipments by then?

    您能否澄清一下我們所看到的情況,即 39% 到 40% 沒有推出,或者事實上,如果您看到屆時出貨量短缺約 5 到 10 個單位,則較低的範圍是?

  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Yes, but you recognize our difficulty in forecasting a gross margin, which is subject to the variance of mix, so it depends on what gets pushed out, if anything, and assuming that there will be.


  • That gives us the difficulty of precision that you would like, and I'm afraid we can't help you.


  • The best we can give you is what we have given you, and that range, we believe, as we sit here today, is between 39% and 40%.

    我們能給你們的最好的就是我們已經給你們的,我們今天坐在這裡,相信這個範圍在 39% 到 40% 之間。

  • You know, if you look at either extreme, it could be less or more, and I think that would be inappropriate.


  • Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Let me rephrase the question.


  • If you - all of the 65 tools you've got in backlog, new tools for shipment, assume that you have about 10 push-outs, the maximum of the risk you've just outlined, Doug, would you be able to do 39% gross margin as your best [estimate]?

    如果您 - 您積壓的所有 65 個工具,待發貨的新工具,假設您有大約 10 個推出,您剛剛概述的最大風險,Doug,您能做 39 % 毛利率是您的最佳[估計] ?

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • What tools are going to get pushed out?


  • Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

  • 10 of those 65 in your backlog.

    待辦事項中的 65 個中的 10 個。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Yes, well, the problem is if they were - and I don't want to put my burden on you, because it is my burden, but if they were all 200mm then you'd have one answer.

    是的,好吧,問題是如果它們是 - 我不想把我的負擔加在你身上,因為這是我的負擔,但如果它們都是 200mm 那麼你就會有一個答案。

  • If they are all 300mm, you have another answer, and that's the problem.

    如果它們都是 300mm,你就有另一個答案,這就是問題所在。

  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • Nick, on the reason for making that bandwidth stretch from 40% to 39% to 40%, the reason is basically, when we look at the shippable backlog for the book order, that we have seen some product mix changes in terms of shipment towards the end of the quarter, whereby only a very few, very high value tools, but also relatively high, I would say, margin tools, have just shifted from the last few weeks of the month of December to the first few weeks [of January].

    尼克,關於使頻寬從 40% 延伸到 39% 再到 40% 的原因,基本上是因為,當我們查看圖書訂單的可發貨積壓時,我們看到發貨方面的一些產品組合發生了變化在季度末,只有極少數、非常高價值的工具,但我想說的是,保證金工具也相對較高,剛從12 月的最後幾週轉移到[1 月的前幾週] ]。

  • So that is what actually happened.


  • So it is a product mix issue at the high-end, which we plan to shift towards the end of the year, which are now planned to go a little later than we thought.


  • So that is the main reason.


  • Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • So we really think that that range is the right range.


  • You know, that's our best guess today, and if the mix of push-outs are average, reflecting the mix of the backlog, then the percentage will stay in that range, okay?


  • If the mix push-out is unaverage, like all 200mm or all 300mm, then it may affect that percentage either way.

    如果混合推出不平均,例如全部 200 毫米或全部 300 毫米,那麼它可能會影響該百分比。

  • But we think that's the best statistical guess we can give you.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • And on average, if you could say that indeed, if we're losing between 5 and 10 systems, if we lose 10 systems we have less load in [the factory].

    平均而言,如果你確實可以這麼說,如果我們失去 5 到 10 個系統,如果我們失去 10 個系統,我們[工廠]的負載就會減少。

  • Clearly the impact on the gross margin with 10 systems would be bigger than with 5.

    顯然,10 個系統對毛利率的影響會比 5 個系統更大。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Yes, that's a volume effect.


  • Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicholas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Ulrich Pelzer.

    下一個問題來自 Ulrich Pelzer 先生。

  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • Yes, hello, it's Ulrich Pelzer, Lehmans.


  • Just a quick one, also around the shipment issue.


  • I am a bit lost, frankly, in that I thought, three weeks ago, over the Analyst Day the indication was that there might be sort of five to ten tools pushed, taking the shipment level down to, let's call it 65, which now is your guidance, and on top of that, you're expecting another 5 to 10 units that might be pushed?

    坦白說,我有點迷失,因為我認為,三週前的分析師日,有跡象表明可能會推出五到十種工具,將出貨量水平降至,我們稱之為 65,現在是這是您的指導意見,除此之外,您預計還會推出另外5 到10 個單位嗎?

  • Is that impression correct, and if so, where did things get worse over the last two or three weeks?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • I'm not sure I can complete your circle here, but I just repeat, because I give you the best information we have on the day. 65 shippable backlog right now is subject to a possible reduction by between 5 and 10 if our kind of critical analysis comes to pass.

    我不確定我是否能在這裡完成您的圈子,但我只是重複一遍,因為我為您提供了我們當天掌握的最佳資訊。如果我們的關鍵分析得以通過,目前 65 個可交付的積壓訂單可能會減少 5 到 10 個。

  • I can't relate that to your question, actually, too easily.


  • I know that Peter [Wennink] has had some time to think about it while I've been waffling here.


  • So regardless of what we said in the past, you know, the current view is, as we're saying right now.


  • Clearly our view may have changed in the past three months, three quarters and even three weeks.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • Yes, and perhaps I could shed some light on this.


  • At the Analyst Meeting we said there was a consensus out there that we were shipping around 67.

    在分析師會議上,我們表示大家一致認為我們的出貨量約為 67。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Oh, that's right, yes.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • That's what I said.


  • That was then.


  • Well, we're a couple of weeks later, and indeed, when we look at the shippable backlog that we currently have, it is not 67, but it is 65, and that 5 to 10 range is still, you know, valid.

    好吧,幾週後,事實上,當我們查看當前的可交付積壓訂單時,它不是 67 個,而是 65 個,而且 5 到 10 個範圍仍然有效。

  • So even a few weeks ago, you would have to apply the factor 10 range to 67.

    因此,即使在幾週前,您也必須將因子 10 應用於 67。

  • Now you have to apply it to 65.

    現在你必須將其應用到 65。

  • That is the only explanation.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • That's right.


  • The 65 wasn't the number that we had given out then, because it was still not the reporting time, and the estimates from you guys was 67, and then you did the math on 67.


  • You should have got 57, I guess, so 62, and now the real number is 65, and you must do the math on that.

    我猜你應該得到 57,所以是 62,現在實際數字是 65,你必須對此進行數學計算。

  • Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

    Ulrich Pelzer - Analyst

  • Okay, then, so the math is more clear now.


  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Okay, it's a pleasure.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Danjou.

    下一個問題是 Danjou 先生提出的。

  • Jean Danjou - Analyst

    Jean Danjou - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, gentlemen.


  • I had a simple question on inventories.


  • They are rising significantly, sequentially, Q3/Q2 and I was just wondering what's the reason for that?


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • Okay, I can be quite -


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Very blunt on this one.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • Very quick on this one.


  • We have a shippable backlog for 65 units, which will be highly determinate in terms of shipments by 300mm tools to have a higher average selling price and a higher average cost.

    我們有 65 台可出貨的積壓訂單,這對於 300mm 工具的出貨量具有很大的決定性,以獲得更高的平均售價和更高的平均成本。

  • Those tools that we're going to ship in this quarter are for a very large part in test and in assembly, so they are work in process to support a quarter that we all believe is going to be significantly higher than the third quarter.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • It's work in progress.


  • Jean Danjou - Analyst

    Jean Danjou - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Jan-Willem Berghuis.

    下一個問題是 Jan-Willem Berghuis 先生提出的。

  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

    Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

  • Yes, it's Kempen & Co. I have a question on your [Refurbs] business.

    是的,我是 Kempen & Co。我對你們的 [Refurbs] 業務有疑問。

  • Obviously it's fluctuating on a quarterly basis, as your new tool business is doing.


  • What is your expectation for next year?


  • Do you think it can maintain the current levels we've seen over the past few quarters, or do you see possibly an acceleration or deceleration in the Refurb sales?


  • Thank you.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Yes, again it's, you know, guessing the impossible.


  • You know, Refurbs [depends] on two things, capacity demand for the older technologies, and if there is a slowdown from our customers, then that's likely to be one of the things affected, primarily, and also the availability of second-hand tools to refurb and supply against them.


  • So a lot of imponderables in that.


  • To an approximation, I would say that next year, it would be no more than this year, and could well be less than this year, but that's very much a kind of an off-the-cuff comment, and let's see how next year works out.


  • Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

    Jan-Willem Berghuis - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Mr. Karsten Iltgen.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Karsten Iltgen 先生。

  • Could you please state your company name, sir, followed by your question?


  • Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

    Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

  • Yes, it's Karsten Iltgen from WestLB, hello.

    是的,我是來自 WestLB 的 Karsten Iltgen,大家好。

  • I have a question concerning your Japanese order backlog, which is now showing up.


  • Is that the customer you mentioned at the end of Q2, or is it multiple customers?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • You mean in the backlogs right now?


  • Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

    Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • I think there's probably multiple customers in there, actually.


  • It's not just the one that we mentioned in the Q2 call but I'm not actually - yes, my colleagues are nodding their heads.


  • I think there is more than one customer in that backlog that now shows up, yes.


  • That customer is in there as well, but there's more than just him or her.


  • Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

    Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

  • That's probably two customers, or maybe -


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • It's more than one, okay?


  • It can't be more than four, so you can - I don't have that detail in front of me, but it's more than one and less than four.


  • Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

    Karsten Iltgen - Analyst

  • Right, thank you.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Griffin.


  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Hi, Andrew Griffin of Merrill.


  • Congratulations, Doug, again, on the quarter.


  • You guys have been very emphatic about revenues going up in the fourth quarter.


  • Last quarter you were emphatic about the backlog going up.


  • What's the direction of backlog going to be in the fourth quarter?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • There we have more hesitancy, Andrew, which is a smart question from you, as I expect.


  • No, if the industry and our customers is kind of beginning to slow, then this is the quarter that we may see it coming through in bookings, not in billings.


  • As I have stated several times, and my colleagues all nod vigorously, the revenues and billings in Q4 will be higher than Q3, and not just by a dollar.


  • Bookings is a more difficult one to judge, and I frankly don't want to judge it at this call.


  • I mean, in the past, in the growing market, the past three quarters we've been fairly confident in predicting an increased backlog.


  • Now the fact that I'm not prepared to commit to that means that we have some doubts, okay, about whether it will just grow, or just decline or whatever.


  • What I can say, however, is that the backlog will be still very rich in 300mm and High NA tools, which is where our forte is, and that's going to give us some resilience against a softening of the market and it's because we have these tools available and we're in the lead that we have that resilience.

    然而,我可以說的是,300mm 和高數值孔徑工具的積壓仍然非常豐富,這是我們的強項,這將為我們提供一定的抵禦市場疲軟的能力,因為我們擁有這些我們擁有可用的工具,而且我們在這種彈性方面處於領先地位。

  • So our resilience to a slowdown is higher than any other Litho supplier, but I will not be drawn to comment on the Q4 backlog number because Eric will have great pleasure in telling you that in three months time, with a nice French accent, by the way, as opposed to my broad Yorkshire accent.

    因此,我們對經濟放緩的抵禦能力比任何其他Litho 供應商都要高,但我不會對第四季度的積壓訂單數量發表評論,因為Eric 會很高興地告訴你,在三個月的時間裡,用一口漂亮的法國口音,方式,而不是我濃重的約克郡口音。

  • Andrew Griffin - Analyst

    Andrew Griffin - Analyst

  • Tres bien, thanks a lot, Doug.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Jonathan Dutton.


  • Go ahead, please, sir, and state your company name, please.


  • Joe Dutton - Analyst

    Joe Dutton - Analyst

  • Yes, it's Joe Dutton from UBS.


  • Congratulations on a great quarter, and just a simple question from me.


  • The ASPs during the quarter fell, I think, from around €9m to €8.7m, and there was a 250 basis points improvement in the gross margins, and you've guided to a 20% to 25% increase in ASPs for new systems next quarter but only a 100 to 200 basis points improvements in gross margins.

    我認為,本季的平均售價從約 900 萬歐元下降至 870 萬歐元,毛利率提高了 250 個基點,並且您已指導新系統的平均售價增加 20% 至 25%下個季度毛利率僅提高100 至200 個基點。

  • So I was just wondering if you could outline when you think the cross-over is going to come in terms of the profit margins in 300mm versus 200mm, in terms of the critical shipment volumes, and also the dynamics in that margin expansion compared to the ASP increases which you're forecasting?

    因此,我只是想知道您是否可以概述一下您認為 300 毫米與 200 毫米的利潤率、關鍵出貨量以及與 200 毫米相比利潤率擴張的動態方面何時會出現跨界。您預測ASP 會增加嗎?

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • We'll have to have several crystal balls to get that.


  • I mean, it's a good question, by the way, don't get me wrong, but it's a tough one as well without, you know, massive data mining to go and explore it.


  • So we have increased our gross margins through volume improvements, through the year and through also our costs of those reduction programs, and to our valuable ownership improvements of the product.


  • That is going to continue in Q4.


  • What you're seeing is probably, in Q4, a slight leveling out of that.


  • It's not leveling out, but a reduction in the growth of that gross margin, and that's your question.


  • Intrinsically, you know, as you heard from previous questions I've answered in this last half hour or so, the average selling price is driving mostly upwards.


  • We're talking there about immersion tools, which will sell, you know, in the order of 10 out - and don't quote me on that - but in the order of 10 out next year, at €20-ish million.

    我們在那裡談論的是沉浸式工具,你知道,它的銷量將達到 10 件——不要引用我的話——但明年的銷量將達到 10 件,售價約 2000 萬歐元。

  • And you've also heard me say that as we learn to make them, the costs will go down, and therefore the gross margin is going to be good.


  • So this Company will intrinsically have good gross margins and good ASP growth, and good revenue growth for a long, long, long time to come yet.


  • It's difficult to predict that always on a quarterly basis, and we have explained to you that the problem we face right now is our accuracy diminishes as the uncertainty increases for this next few months, because we don't precisely know what's going to happen from a demand point of view, which will get pushed out, if any, and also, we're just human as well.


  • We make pretty sophisticated tools here, and if at the end of a quarter, when a customer wants in the last week of the quarter, if he changes his mind by a week because his pipelines are not in place, or if we have a hiccup in our tests by a week and it slips into next quarter, that also has an impact, and Peter's explained that you as well.


  • These are real life issues that we face, and therefore, we've tried to give you some guidance by saying it might only increase by 1% to 2% this coming quarter.

    這些是我們面臨的現實生活問題,因此,我們試圖為您提供一些指導,表示下個季度可能只會增加 1% 到 2%。

  • I think that's quite a good achievement, personally, and given the uncertainty, we've tried to bracket the range for you, and I can't go any further than that.


  • The 300mm product, which is part of your question, in Q1 of next year will be at an equivalent percentage gross margin as 200mm, so if you like, the cross-over point comes in the next four or five or six months.


  • And it's not a lot - it's not far away now either.


  • And Eric's just saying, slow down, Doug, you know, maybe he wants a bit of a relief on that one.


  • So let me call it nine months, to give him the chance to verify that, and I recognize I'm making commitments for him now in good faith, by the way.


  • But we think that's the case, in the first quarter of next year we should be at, or close to that cross-over point.


  • Beyond that, it's up to Eric.


  • Joe Dutton - Analyst

    Joe Dutton - Analyst

  • Great, thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. van der Bruggen.


  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

    Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

  • Yes, hello, Gaetan van der Bruggen from Petercam.

    是的,你好,來自 Petercam 的 Gaetan van der Bruggen。

  • I have a quick clarification question concerning the immersion tool, so you shipped two in Q3.


  • Did you say it was to a US customer?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Quickly, the correction is, I said one, I hope, and it is one, not two.


  • I think I said one, but maybe that was just the distortion on the line there, and I did say it was to a US customer, yes.


  • Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

    Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

  • Okay, because there is still that TSMC that has announced it has ordered an immersion tool at ASML.

    好吧,因為還有台積電宣布已向 ASML 訂購沉浸式工具。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • TSMC were the first company to give us an order, but they are -

    台積電是第一家給我們下訂單的公司,但他們 -

  • Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

    Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

  • Yet to receive it?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Correct, yes.


  • You said it.


  • Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

    Gaetan van der Bruggen - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you, Doug, and I suppose I would like to wish you all the best for the future.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Thank you, and you also.


  • Operator


  • Mr. Menon, please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Yes, it's Janardan Menon from Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.

    是的,我是 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein 的 Janardan Menon。

  • When I look at where you got your orders in Q3, it looks like you've got quite a heavy number of orders from D-RAM companies in Korea and some, probably, from large IDMs in the US, etc, which is very similar to the kind of Q3 that you had last year in 2003, where it seemed to be that it was very much these customers who gave you your orders in Q3 last year as well, in the last two weeks of Q3, if I remember right.

    當我看一下你們第三季的訂單來源時,看起來你們有相當多的訂單來自韓國的 D-RAM 公司,還有一些可能來自美國的大型 IDM 等,這非常相似類似於去年2003 年的第三季度,如果我沒記錯的話,去年第三季的最後兩週似乎也是這些客戶給了你訂單。

  • In Q4 last year, you, well, these customers seemed to have dropped off a little bit.


  • You got the Foundries pitching in, and your orders went up quite a bit.


  • Now, in the current environment it seems to be - I might be wrong - but it seems to be unlikely that the Foundries are going to be coming in very strongly in the fourth quarter, and some of the other big customers seem to have placed their orders.

    現在,在當前的環境下,似乎 - 我可能是錯的 - 但代工廠似乎不太可能在第四季度表現強勁,而其他一些大客戶似乎已經將他們的命令。

  • So can you just give us some confidence that you are in negotiations with some, say, non-Foundry kind of customers right now for potential Q4 orders, which will give some semblance of stability or whatever to the order book into Q4, or am I making a sort of wrong call altogether here?

    那麼,您能否給我們一些信心,讓我們相信您現在正在與一些非Foundry 類客戶就潛在的第四季度訂單進行談判,這將為第四季度的訂單帶來一些表面上的穩定性或其他什麼,或者我是這樣嗎?這裡完全打錯電話了嗎?

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • I'm not sure you can make a wrong or right call, but certainly your memory's good, better than mine, actually!


  • But yes, I think looking back, you're probably right on the analysis of last year, but let me give you the reassurance you want here.


  • We are in discussion, and therefore negotiation, or wrestling match, if you like, with serious big players that will provide us with substantial orders this quarter.


  • I've been reticent to say whether the order book this quarter will go up or go down with the backlog, and I still maintain that reticence.


  • But of course, let me narrow the gap a bit.


  • It's not going to - for sure the order book won't double in the next three months, and for sure, it won't halve either.


  • So we're not expecting a desert of orders.


  • We are expecting orders to be reasonable, and there are some big accounts who we are in discussion with right now.


  • But I won't be drawn any further than that, because closing an order is a function of many things, including the customer looking in your eyes and calling you chicken as well.


  • So let's see, but it's going to be an order intake in the quarter which is not going to be disgraceful at all, and it could well be quite good, and let's just see how it works out.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Okay, that's very helpful.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Mr. Dan Bergrey (ph).

    下一個問題是 Dan Bergrey 先生(博士)提出的。

  • Please state your company name, sir, followed by your question.


  • Dan Bergrey - Analyst

    Dan Bergrey - Analyst

  • Hi, yes, UBS O'Connor, the first question actually for Eric and Peter.


  • In the past, Mr. Dunn, as CEO has wanted to keep a lot of cash on the balance sheet.


  • Eric, could you talk about what your philosophy is for what the right amount of cash on the balance sheet is, and then if it is going to change from Mr. Dunn's, what the priority and uses for that cash would be?


  • And then if I could sneak in a second one since the equity questions have outnumbered the debt by 10 to 1, with the inventory response, with the normal seasonality in the fourth quarter, and the Nikon payment, do you see being cash-flow positive in the fourth quarter as well, free cash-flow?

    然後,如果我可以偷偷地講第二個問題,因為股權問題與債務的比例為 10 比 1,加上庫存反應、第四季度的正常季節性以及尼康付款,您認為現金流量是正值嗎?第四季也是如此,自由現金流?

  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - CEO

    Eric Meurice - CEO

  • Well, I would have hoped that you would have given me my 90 days before I could answer that question, but I can try.

    好吧,我本來希望你能給我 90 天的時間,然後我才能回答這個問題,但我可以嘗試一下。

  • Yes, having too much cash is not healthy if you can't find a way to use it, so clearly, here, one of the roles of the management team is to identify the right areas of growth.


  • That doesn't mean merger and acquisitions, which may not be the appropriate tool.


  • That can be organic growth which requires [internal] capital.


  • So clearly at this moment, there is going to be to focus.


  • One is to continue accumulating cash by a superior execution, and I think the team has been extremely successful, that you guys have underlined for the past two to three years, and I intend to hopefully add to this through my experience from the champion in the category, at Dell Computers, as you know.


  • Please do not get free to go to a negative cash cycle as I have been at least in the first 90 days.

    請不要隨意進入負現金週期,就像我至少在前 90 天經歷過的那樣。

  • So clearly we are going to accumulate more cash and in the meantime, we are giving ourselves at least 90 days, 100 days, to come up with potential areas of interest of how to use the cash, and by then I will give the question back to Peter, if we don't use the cash effectively, immediately, we will see what to do with it.

    很明顯,我們將累積更多現金,同時,我們給自己至少 90 天、100 天的時間,來想出如何使用現金的潛在興趣領域,到那時我將回答這個問題對彼得來說,如果我們不能立即有效地使用這些現金,我們將考慮如何處理它。

  • There are obviously some questions with the convertible, etc, etc, but at this moment, the order of business is to try to find areas of growth which may therefore need that cash.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • And perhaps I can add the following.


  • The net cash balance of the Company, that is the gross cash balance subtracted by the convertible loans we have outstanding is around €0.5b.

    公司的淨現金餘額(即總現金餘額減去我們未償還的可轉換貸款)約為 0.5b 歐元。

  • That is a position where this Company has never been, so we do have a liquidity buffer, you can say, a net cash buffer, of €500m.

    這是該公司從未達到的水平,因此我們確實擁有 5 億歐元的流動性緩衝,可以說是淨現金緩衝。

  • Even if you would compare that to, let's say, our peers in the industry, and giving the relatively, let's say, young age that this Company is, we are not at those comparable levels yet, so I think from a financial point of view, from a, let's say, risk management point of view, €500m of net cash is nice, but I think we could safely add some before we come into a situation whereby we need to consider giving it back to shareholders or paying dividends or doing other things with it.


  • So that is from a, I would say, general point of view.


  • With respect to your question in the fourth quarter, we do intend to be cash positive in the fourth quarter, and yes, we'll have a payment to do, that you mentioned, but we'll do that, and still with doing that, it is our intention to be still cash positive, to add cash, like we have done throughout the year.


  • So that's my 5 cents of it.

    這就是我的 5 美分。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • That's more than 5 cents, Peter!

    這已經超過 5 美分了,彼得!

  • Dan Bergrey - Analyst

    Dan Bergrey - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Prido Kodishon (ph).

    下一個問題來自 Prido Kodishon (ph)。

  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Prido Kodishon - Analyst

    Prido Kodishon - Analyst

  • Hi, Prido Kodishon from Cheney Capital.

    你好,來自切尼資本的 Prido Kodishon。

  • Can you hear me?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • We can hear you loud and clear, yes.


  • Prido Kodishon - Analyst

    Prido Kodishon - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Just related to Janardan's question, noting that your lead times have come in, in the last little while, and your order intake, I think you said, was skewed to the back-end of the quarter, and towards Memory as well.

    與 Janardan 的問題相關,注意到您的交貨時間在過去一段時間裡已經到來,我想您說過,您的訂單量偏向於季度末,也偏向於內存。

  • Is it fair to say that that portion translates into the backlog that is shippable in the next six months, i.e. the 80% of the backlog that you'll pull in the next six months, and the portion of the backlog that you kind of put a bit of a warning on, is that those customers, the utilization rate is basically dropped?

    公平地說,這部分轉化為未來六個月內可交付的積壓訂單,即您將在未來六個月內拉出的積壓訂單的 80%,以及您放置的積壓訂單的部分有一點警示,就是那些客戶,使用率基本上下降了?

  • I mean, I guess that would be a safe assumption.


  • I just wanted to double-check that assumption.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • I think you should have applied for my job.


  • But yes, the answer to both questions, you are spot-on.


  • The orders we'll take this quarter, which I suspect will be skewed towards November/December, will be 80%-ish deliverable in the first six months of next year.

    我們本季接受的訂單(我懷疑將偏向 11 月/12 月)將在明年前 6 個月交付 80% 左右。

  • Some will extend into the third quarter, but most of them into the second, I think the second and third quarter, actually, to answer your question precisely there.


  • And on the issue of the cancellations, what was your question there?


  • Prido Kodishon - Analyst

    Prido Kodishon - Analyst

  • Well, just in terms of the 5 or 10 tools, I think you intimated, effectively, that's obviously, your customers' utilization, or the sector's utilization rate is declining.

    嗯,就這 5 或 10 種工具而言,我認為您有效地暗示,這顯然是您的客戶利用率或該行業的利用率正在下降。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • It is indeed a fact of the utilization rate.


  • I mean, I'll say this only once.


  • Customers are being, I think, clearly sensible and prudent and cautious and proper in this time.


  • I mean, the utilization rate is dropping off from 95% to 90%, and I mean, even those levels of utilization, frankly, were unheard of in my time in IC companies not that many years ago. 75% to 80% was normal utilization, so they are running their equipment, they're sweating their assets quite well, and they are responding very quickly to a reduction in the utilization.

    我的意思是,利用率正在從 95% 下降到 90%,坦白說,即使是這樣的利用率水平,在我幾年前在 IC 公司工作的時候也是聞所未聞的。 75% 到 80% 是正常利用率,因此他們正在運行他們的設備,他們很好地利用了他們的資產,並且他們對利用率的降低做出了非常快速的反應。

  • That is prudent, cautious and supremely great management on their part, and the ones who have seen that dip down, you could probably translate - I have not done this - you could probably translate that directly to the ones who have, you know, decided to push out quite properly some products from this year into next year.


  • Prido Kodishon - Analyst

    Prido Kodishon - Analyst

  • Okay, and that would be the longer dated portion of the backlog, potentially?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • You mean, have they pushed out, like, a long time?


  • You mean longer dated?


  • Prido Kodishon - Analyst

    Prido Kodishon - Analyst

  • In terms of the 20% that's not in the next six months, in terms of where you are worried about.

    就未來六個月內不會出現的 20% 而言,就您所擔心的地方而言。

  • I'm just trying to get an idea as to the weakness, the tools that are scheduled for [inaudible].


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • The ones that are pushed out are actually, and I can't speak, but generally are spread across the first three quarters of next year.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • Yes, we could even say the first two quarters, because what's in the third quarter of next year is the 20% that you're talking about, and this is largely the low lead time items, the very leading edge tools where customers are placing their orders, taking into account, let's say, a longer order lead time.

    是的,我們甚至可以說前兩個季度,因為明年第三季度就是你所說的 20%,這主要是交貨時間短的項目,客戶放置的非常前沿的工具他們的訂單,考慮到更長的訂單交貨時間。

  • So it is those tools that you could say are the safest, because those are the really leading edge tools that they need.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Yes.


  • Prido Kodishon - Analyst

    Prido Kodishon - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much, and best wishes for the future, Doug.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Just for the sake of a meeting in the order and so on, it is, by my watch, 1.5 minutes to go.


  • We have time for one more question, please, and then we have to call it short.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, sir.


  • That will be a follow-up question from Mr. Jay Deahna.

    這是 Jay Deahna 先生的後續問題。

  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Thank you, Doug.


  • On the immersion tools, when do you start recognizing those on shipments?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Oh yes, you asked that question, Jay, yes.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • What we will do, as you understand, Jay, that our tools are upgradeable from dry to wet.


  • So that also means that they are downgradeable for wet to dry.


  • So what our customers are effectively buying is a production tool that is dry and the only acceptance risk that they have is the wet, you could say, optional.


  • So what we are doing, we will defer part of the sales price, and part of the margin that has to do with the difference between the dry and wet tool, because no matter what, if a wet tool doesn't work, they have a full fledged dry tool and so there is no issue with any acceptance of the dry tool.


  • There only is about the specific application that has to relate to the wet upgrade.


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Between the two, we call them damp!


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • So it effectively means part of the sales price, and part of the margin will be deferred, and for final acceptance.


  • Is that clear, Jay?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • How much is the immersion portion of the ASP, and after a few of those are proven to work, will the majority of the immersion shipments next year be fully recognized.


  • Peter Wennink - CFO

    Peter Wennink - CFO

  • Yes, in the course of next year, we expect to be on the learning curve so quickly that we can fully recognize it on shipment, and we have said that the difference between the dry and the wet tool is approximately 20%, so you can work from that.


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • Okay, just a quick follow-up on that and then I'm completely done.


  • Are there any resist issues that need to be resolved before people can use these immersion tools for some sort of production like a clear film on top of the resist so the water doesn't soak into it, or something?


  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • That's the reason that they're taking these tools early, and that's why I said they won't go instantly into mass production.


  • They will be used for that purpose.


  • Some resists seem to work quite well without a film, others require a film.


  • But only in the hands of real live operators, in real life fabs with real-live circuits going through, can you find out, Jay, so that's to be resolved yet.


  • I mean, our first work with them shows that some resists work quite well but our customers will have their own view of that one, so some may apply a coating on the resist to make it impervious to the water.


  • Does that answer your question good enough for now?


  • Jay Deahna - Analyst

    Jay Deahna - Analyst

  • I'm right here.


  • That was great.


  • I'm just wondering if that transparent film would be put on with a CVD tool or on a [inaudible].

    我只是想知道透明薄膜是否可以使用 CVD 工具或 [聽不清楚] 來放置。

  • Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

    Doug Dunn - Outgoing CEO

  • Well, I guess it will be probably - I don't know.


  • That is a good question.


  • I don't know.


  • Maybe it's [inaudible].


  • I don't know, actually.


  • You've caught me out there.


  • It's a pity that my last question of my career is one I can't answer, but I guess that's how I started, so that's how I'll finish!


  • Anyway, to you guys and gals who are regular followers of ASML, keep the faith.

    無論如何,對於 ASML 的忠實追隨者,請保持信念。

  • They're in great hands.


  • It's going to be a good ride forward.


  • I do think we're extremely well positioned in the market, you know, you've got to be pretty pessimistic not to see a great future for ASML looking at its product range and the way it's positioned with customers and geography, and the management team, including our most recent member.

    我確實認為我們在市場上處於非常有利的位置,你知道,你必須非常悲觀,看不到 ASML 的美好未來,看看它的產品系列以及它在客戶、地理位置和管理方面的定位方式團隊,包括我們最近的成員。

  • So it's with some pride and a tinge of sadness also that I say goodbye, perhaps, for the last time to you guys, at least on a formal call.


  • I enjoyed the ride.


  • Thanks for your support.


  • Those who criticized me, I'll pay you back one day, and enjoy yourselves.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the ASML third quarter 2004 conference call.

    女士們、先生們,ASML 2004 年第三季電話會議到此結束。

  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
