滙豐控股 (HSBC) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


這位辭去匯豐銀行行長職務的演講者讚揚了繼任者喬治,並回顧了該銀行過去五年的進步,強調了創紀錄的利潤和強勁的業績。該銀行專注於重塑其投資組合、建立替代收入來源以及維持成本控制。主要成就包括有形股本回報率達到中位數,以及大量資本分配給股東。演講者對該銀行的策略和未來成功表示信心,並預計 2025 年有形股本回報率將達到 15 左右。

即將上任的集團首席執行官Georges 討論了該銀行強勁的財務業績和增長平台,概述了第二季度業績並提供了2024 年和2025 年的指導。重要性,討論了關鍵領域策略和未來盈利可持續性。他們解決了有關獲利目標、收入成長和市場環境改善的問題。

講者討論了阿根廷對2025年評估、共識調整以及世銀國際戰略的影響。他們對積極的績效表示感謝,並討論了銀行業國家資訊基礎設施敏感性、傳遞和與績效相關的薪酬。 Georges 在香港 CRE 書中談到了 RWA 的增加和資產質量,預計中長期內客戶的壓力將得到緩解。發言者對利率下降對財富收入和貸款成長的影響表示擔憂,並尋求在這種情況下對銀行 NII 進行建模的澄清。



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  • Operator


  • Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the Analyst and Investor Webinar on the 2024 Interim Results for HSBC Holdings plc.

    女士們、先生們,歡迎參加關於匯豐控股有限公司 2024 年中期業績的分析師和投資者網路研討會。

  • For your information, this webinar is being recorded.


  • We are now ready to start the webinar.


  • So I will hand over to Noel Quinn, Group Chief Executive.

    因此,我將把工作交給集團執行長諾埃爾‧奎恩 (Noel Quinn)。

  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Good morning to everyone in London, and good afternoon to those joining from Hong Kong.


  • Today is my last results announcement before Georges takes over in September.


  • I'm delighted to be handing the stewardship of the bank over to him.


  • Georges is an exceptional leader, who understand what makes HSBC special.


  • I'd like to thank my colleagues around the world for everything they've done over the last five years.


  • And I wish Georges every success for the future.


  • I have always been immensely proud of the heritage of this bank and the strategic role it plays in the world.


  • But when I took this job on five years ago, we didn't have the financial performance to match our standing.


  • My aim was to change that.


  • I believe we've done so and created a strong platform for future growth.


  • This was evidenced by the record profit performance last year, and by the strong first half performance this year.


  • Revenue of $37.3 billion was up 1%.

    營收達 373 億美元,成長 1%。

  • Profit before tax of $21.6 billion was stable on the same period last year.


  • This performance enabled continued strong capital generation.


  • Our return on tangible equity was 17%, excluding notable items.

    不包括顯著項目,我們的有形股本回報率為 17%。

  • We've announced $4.8 billion of further capital distributions today.

    今天我們宣布進一步進行 48 億美元的資本分配。

  • This takes the total capital we have distributed by way of dividends and buybacks in respect of the last 18 months to $34.4 billion.

    這使得我們過去 18 個月透過股利和回購方式分配的總資本達到 344 億美元。

  • Finally, we've updated our guidance to reflect our increased confidence about the future.


  • We're providing new guidance of a mid-teens return on tangible equity in 2025.

    我們提供了 2025 年有形資產報酬率達到 15 左右的新指引。

  • In addition to the 2024 guidance we already had.

    除了我們已有的 2024 年指導之外。

  • We're upgrading our 2024 banking NII guidance from at least $41 billion to around $43 billion.

    我們將 2024 年銀行業 NII 指引從至少 410 億美元上調至約 430 億美元。

  • We're revising our 2024 ECL guidance to be back within our normal medium-term planning range of 30 to 40 basis points.

    我們正在修訂 2024 年 ECL 指引,以使其回到 30 至 40 個基點的正常中期計劃範圍內。

  • And we're reconfirming our 2024 cost guidance of around 5% growth on a target basis.

    我們再次確認 2024 年成本指導目標為成長 5% 左右。

  • That's despite growth of 7% in the first half, which as Georges will explain, is mainly due to timing differences compared to last year.

    儘管上半年增長了 7%,正如喬治將解釋的那樣,這主要是由於與去年相比的時間差異。

  • The benefits of our strategy execution over the last five years are evidence in our performance.


  • Before getting into detail on the further progress made over the last six months, please allow me to share some reflections on our five year journey.


  • When we set out there, were two key strategies to delivering higher returns.


  • The first thing we had to do was to reshape our portfolio.


  • Building on the work of my predecessors who initiated important structural changes, we've continued to exit businesses and client portfolios that were nonstrategic, subscale and unprofitable.


  • First, via organic portfolio reductions, which delivered RWA savings of around $128 billion.

    首先,透過有機投資組合削減,RWA 節省了約 1,280 億美元。

  • And then via inorganic means through disposals.


  • The second and very important strategy which we commenced at the same time was to build alternative sources of revenue growth.


  • Within this, we've invested to grow fee income, particularly in areas where we have significant strengths such as wholesale transaction banking and wealth.


  • We've also continued to invest in our differentiated international propositions.


  • And we've significantly lowered our sensitivity to interest rates.


  • From approximately $7 billion of bank in NII for a 100 basis points down shock in interest rates at 30 June 2022 to around $3.4 billion at the end of 2023, and now down to around $2.7 billion today.

    2022 年 6 月 30 日,利率下降 100 個基點的衝擊下,銀行 NII 的規模約為 70 億美元,到 2023 年底約為 34 億美元,現在又降至今天的約 27 億美元。

  • All of this had to be underpinned by a culture of cost discipline, which we have instilled across the group.


  • These savings enabled us to invest in the areas I've spoken about.


  • And this transformation has helped to improve our financial performance.


  • As you know, we delivered a record profit in 2023, and a mid-teens return on tangible equity in 2023 and in the first half of 2024.

    如您所知,我們在 2023 年實現了創紀錄的利潤,並在 2023 年和 2024 年上半年實現了有形資產回報率。

  • It has been over 15 years since the group was generating returns at current levels.

    該集團已經超過 15 年沒有達到目前的回報水準。

  • And we now expect to sustain it this year and in 2025.

    我們現在預計今年和 2025 年將保持這一勢頭。

  • The other tangible measure of success is capital distributions to our shareholders.


  • I'm really pleased that we delivered around $54 billion by way of dividends and buybacks to our shareholders over the last five years, including the distributions announced today.

    我真的很高興我們在過去五年中透過股息和回購的方式向股東交付了約 540 億美元,包括今天宣布的分配。

  • And I'm especially pleased to have paid a special dividend of $0.21 per share earlier this year following the sale of HSBC Canada.

    我特別高興的是,在今年稍早出售加拿大匯豐銀行後,我支付了每股 0.21 美元的特別股息。

  • I see this payment, not just as a financial return, but as a return for the loyalty that our shareholders have shown us over the recent years.


  • Let me now summarize the further progress evidence in the first half.


  • First, wealth has been a key component of revenue diversification strategy.


  • It delivered two very good quarters, growing revenue by 12% in total.

    它的兩個季度表現非常出色,收入總計成長了 12%。

  • In transaction banking, fee and other income in Global Payments Solutions grew by 4% and in Global Trade Solutions by 1% in a very difficult environment for trade.

    在交易銀行業務方面,在非常困難的貿易環境下,Global Payments Solutions 的費用和其他收入增加了 4%,Global Trade Solutions 的費用和其他收入增加了 1%。

  • Revenue for HSBC Innovation Banking was up 4% quarter-on-quarter as our new global proposition continues to gain traction.

    隨著我們新的全球業務繼續受到關注,匯豐創新銀行業務的收入環比增長 4%。

  • Second, our scale markets in Hong Kong and the UK enabled us to grow profits each year as we captured new opportunities in both the corporate and retail businesses.


  • As you can see, we also have positive growth in other markets, including India, which was up 4% in the first half, and Singapore, which was up 2%.

    正如您所看到的,我們在其他市場也取得了積極的成長,包括印度,上半年成長了 4%,新加坡成長了 2%。

  • Third we continue to grow multi-jurisdictional client revenue in both wholesale and retail.


  • Fourth, we saw good growth in both customer lending and deposits in the second quarter, despite what is still a relatively sluggish environment.


  • Finally, we've continued to grow the size and duration of the structural hedge to reduce our sensitivity to interest rate movements.


  • Georges has new disclosures on the expected benefits in his section.


  • All of this progress underlines why we expect to deliver a mid-teens return on tangible equity this year and in 2025 as well.

    所有這些進展都凸顯了為什麼我們預計今年和 2025 年的有形股本回報率將達到 15% 左右。

  • Let me get into some more detail.


  • The steps we've taken to change our retail business model and our continued investment in people and digitization have made wealth the key driver of revenue growth.


  • Wealth revenue was up 12% in the first half to $4.3 billion.

    上半年財富收入成長 12%,達到 43 億美元。

  • And that growth is broad-based.


  • As you can see in the boxes on the right side of the slide, wealth fee and other income was up 14%.

    正如您在幻燈片右側的方框中看到的那樣,財富費和其他收入增加了 14%。

  • Private Banking revenue was up 16%.

    私人銀行業務收入成長 16%。

  • We attracted $32 billion of net new invested assets.

    我們吸引了 320 億美元的淨新投資資產。

  • Our New Business Insurance CSM was up 77%.

    我們的新商業保險 CSM 上漲了 77%。

  • Moving to the next topic.


  • Transaction Banking revenue was stable in the first half.


  • There was good growth in payments, which was up 3%.

    支付成長良好,成長了 3%。

  • This included growth in fee and other income of 4%.

    其中包括 4% 的費用和其他收入成長。

  • This is a result of the investment we've made to grow and digitize our business, which helped to improve our ranking from a top four bank in 2022 to number two today.

    這是我們為發展和數位化業務而進行投資的結果,這有助於將我們的排名從 2022 年的四大銀行提升到今天的第二名。

  • Foreign exchange was down 8% compared to a strong performance last year when there was very high volatility.

    與去年波動性非常大的強勁表現相比,外匯匯率下跌了 8%。

  • And while trade was slightly down in the half, the pace of decline slowed to the point that it was broadly flat in the second quarter.


  • But we still grew our trade volumes, despite global trade volumes remaining subdued.


  • And we also increased our market share in trade in Hong Kong to more than 26%.


  • On the next topic, our businesses in Hong Kong and the UK both continue to perform well in the first half.


  • Profit before tax in Hong Kong was up 1% on a constant currency basis, while the Hong Kong corporate loan market remains subdued.

    以固定匯率計算,香港稅前利潤成長 1%,而香港企業貸款市場依然低迷。

  • It was resilient in the second quarter.


  • It's too early to call it a trend, but deposits and investment activity increased, which underlines that the rate differential works in both directions.


  • We attracted 345,000 new-to-bank customers in the half as we continue to capitalize on significant inflows into Hong Kong from customers seeking opportunities for investments.

    我們繼續利用尋求投資機會的客戶大量流入香港,上半年吸引了 345,000 名新銀行客戶。

  • Profit before tax in the UK business grew by 11%, excluding the gain on SVB UK last year.

    不包括去年 SVB UK 的收益,英國業務的稅前利潤成長了 11%。

  • Customer lending was also up 2%, but our UK business is differentiated by its connectivity with the rest of the group.

    客戶貸款也成長了 2%,但我們的英國業務因其與集團其他業務的聯繫而與眾不同。

  • In the first half, we grew the number of UK international customers by 8% to 2.7 million customers.

    上半年,我們的英國國際客戶數量增加了 8%,達到 270 萬客戶。

  • We have a strong international franchise.


  • We evidenced this through our multi-jurisdictional revenue disclosures in February.

    我們透過 2 月的多司法管轄區收入揭露證明了這一點。

  • And in the first half, we grew wholesale multi-jurisdictional client revenue by 4% to $9.7 billion.

    上半年,我們的批發跨司法管轄區客戶收入成長了 4%,達到 97 億美元。

  • And as I said earlier, this isn't just a wholesale story.


  • We're doing more with our international retail and wealth customers as well.


  • We now have 7 million international wealth and personal banking customers with revenue from these customers up 6% to $5.4 billion.

    我們現在擁有 700 萬國際財富和個人銀行客戶,來自這些客戶的收入成長了 6%,達到 54 億美元。

  • So these are the levers that have put us on track to deliver a mid-teens return on tangible equity this year and why we expect to deliver a mid-teens return on tangible equity in 2025.

    因此,這些槓桿使我們今年可望實現有形股本回報率達到 10% 左右,也是我們預計 2025 年有形股本回報率達到 10% 左右的原因。

  • With that, I'll hand over to George.


  • Thank you.


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Thank you, Noel, and hello, everyone.


  • Before I get to the Q2 numbers, I'd like to comment briefly on the recent announcement.


  • I'm deeply honored by the trust placed in me to lead this great institution into the future.


  • Many of you may have questions about the future strategy and direction of the group.


  • Although I don't take over as Group Chief Executive until the 2 of September from Noel.

    儘管我要到 9 月 2 日才接替 Noel 擔任集團執行長。

  • I'm ready to share a few high-level thoughts.


  • Under Noel's leadership, we have delivered financial performance and built a strong platform for growth.


  • The strategy of the group is working, and I am committed to building on this.


  • The shape of the group is broadly where we wanted to be with the bulk of our capital and other resources deployed in our four scale activities at Hong Kong, the UK, our international wholesale bank, underpinned by our leading transaction banking capabilities and our wealth proposition, particularly in Asia.


  • This puts us in a very strong position.


  • In each of these activities, we have scale and sustainable competitive advantages, and our strength are aligned to the needs of our customers.


  • They account for the vast majority of the economic profit we generate today and present some of our most exciting opportunities to grow over the next 5 to 10 years.

    它們佔了我們今天產生的絕大多數經濟利潤,並為我們提供了未來 5 到 10 年最令人興奮的成長機會。

  • And together they are capable of delivering above cost of capital returns sustainably through the cycle.


  • We've made good progress and we are now in a position to accelerate the pace of execution of the strategy with focus and intensity.


  • To continue to grow revenue on a sustainable trajectory to improve operating leverage while maintaining strong cost discipline and prudent risk management and to continue to improve client service and experience.


  • You'll also have seen that we have announced this morning that Jon Bingham has been appointed Interim Group CFO from the 2 of September.

    您還會看到,我們今天早上宣布 Jon Bingham 從 9 月 2 日起被任命為臨時集團財務長。

  • Jon is currently our Financial Controller and has outstanding technical accounting and regulatory knowledge and expertise.


  • A process to identify the next permanent group CFO is underway, and I will update you further in due course.


  • Now though, turning to Q2.


  • In summary, profit before tax of $8.9 billion was up $0.4 billion on the second quarter of 2023 on a constant currency basis.

    總之,以固定匯率計算,2023 年第二季稅前利潤為 89 億美元,成長了 4 億美元。

  • In terms of the drivers, the banking NII run rate was stable on the first quarter.


  • There was another strong wealth performance, while wholesale transaction banking was stable on last year's second quarter.


  • Despite cost growth of 7% in the first half on a target basis, we remain on track to meet our 2024 guidance of around 5% cost growth, and there was growth in both loans and deposits in the quarter.

    儘管上半年成本成長目標為 7%,但我們仍有望實現 2024 年成本成長 5% 左右的指導方針,並且本季貸款和存款均出現成長。

  • On the next slide, so HSBC Canada contributed around $0.5 billion of revenue and around $0.2 billion of profit before tax in the quarter before the sale completed in March.

    在下一張投影片中,加拿大匯豐銀行在 3 月出售完成前的季度貢獻了約 5 億加元的收入和約 2 億加元的稅前利潤。

  • To make like-for-like comparisons easier, these contributions and some other impact have been excluded from some of the commentary.


  • So excluding notable items and the impact of strategic transactions, profit before tax was up 7% to $9.1 billion.

    因此,排除重要項目和策略交易的影響,稅前利潤成長 7%,達到 91 億美元。

  • Revenue of $16.5 billion was up $0.3 billion on the second quarter of last year.

    營收為 165 億美元,比去年第二季增加 3 億美元。

  • Excluding notable items and the impact of strategic transactions, revenue was up $0.8 billion or 5% on the second quarter of last year.

    剔除重要項目和策略交易的影響,第二季營收較去年成長 8 億美元,即 5%。

  • Banking NII of $10.9 billion was down $0.4 billion on the first quarter on a reported FX basis, primarily because of a $0.3 billion reduction from the Canada sale.

    以報告的匯率計算,第一季銀行業 NII 為 109 億美元,下降了 4 億美元,主要是因為加拿大出售業務減少了 3 億美元。

  • Excluding this, the banking NII run rate was stable.


  • We're now in a position to upgrade our 2024 banking NII guidance to around $43 billion.

    我們現在可以將 2024 年銀行業 NII 指引上調至 430 億美元左右。

  • This assumes a $1 billion contribution from Argentina, which was it's reported NII in 2023, although we note that it remains volatile and difficult to predict.

    這假設阿根廷貢獻 10 億美元,即 2023 年報告的 NII,儘管我們注意到它仍然不穩定且難以預測。

  • We're also providing new details to help you understand the expected benefits from the structural hedge.


  • Around $55 billion of assets are due to mature in the second half of 2024 with an average yield of 2.8%, and around $105 billion of assets will mature in 2025 with an average yield of 2.8% as well.

    約 550 億美元的資產將於 2024 年下半年到期,平均收益率為 2.8%,約 1,050 億美元的資產將於 2025 年到期,平均收益率也為 2.8%。

  • Turning to fee and other income.


  • Wholesale transaction banking was stable on the second quarter of last year or up 2%, excluding the impact of strategic transactions.

    剔除策略交易的影響,批發交易銀行業務與去年第二季相比保持穩定,成長 2%。

  • Within this, Global Payments Solutions had another good quarter, up 2% as the security services, which was up 3%.

    其中,Global Payments Solutions 季度業績表現出色,成長 2%,而安全服務則成長 3%。

  • Foreign exchange delivered broadly stable revenue compared to a strong quarter last year.


  • And wealth had another very good quarter, underlying that our investment is continuing to drive improved results.


  • Wealth fee and other income was up by 13% compared to last year's second quarter.


  • Private Banking was a standout performer, mainly driven by increased customer activity in brokerage and trading in Asia.


  • But growth in wealth remained broad-based.


  • Customer growth and improved wealth penetration primarily in Asia, helped drive growth in investment distribution.


  • Invested assets were up 2% to $1.3 trillion, including $6 billion of net new invested assets in the quarter.

    投資資產成長 2%,達到 1.3 兆美元,其中本季新增投資資產淨值 60 億美元。

  • And our insurance new business CSM was $0.6 billion, up $0.2 billion on the second quarter. of last year.


  • On credits, expected credit losses were $0.3 billion in the quarter, equivalent to 15 basis points of average loans.

    在信貸方面,本季預期信貸損失為 3 億美元,相當於平均貸款的 15 個基點。

  • This included $0.4 billion of recoveries and other items mentioned on the slide.

    其中包括 4 億美元的追償金額和幻燈片中提到的其他項目。

  • Excluding these, ECLs were broadly in line with our normal medium-term planning range of 30 to 40 basis points.

    排除這些因素,預期信用損失大致符合我們 30 至 40 個基點的正常中期計畫範圍。

  • Stage three balances were 2.4% of customer loans, up $1.4 billion compared to the first quarter.

    第三階段餘額佔客戶貸款的 2.4%,比第一季增加 14 億美元。

  • This was driven by Hong Kong commercial real estate book, but there was a limited impact on ECL charge because of the high level of collateralization.


  • We are revising our 2024 ECL guidance to our normal medium term planning range of 30 to 40 basis points of average loans.

    我們正在將 2024 年 ECL 指引修訂為平均貸款 30 至 40 個基點的正常中期計畫範圍。

  • Next, costs grew by 7% in the first half on a target basis.


  • But we remain on track to meet our guidance of 2024 cost growth of around 5%.2 percentage points of cost growth in the first half came from higher performance-related pay accrual and levies.

    但我們仍有望實現 2024 年成本成長 5% 左右的目標。

  • As we explained at the first quarter, we have phased the accrual of our performance related pay more evenly this year than last year.


  • We do not expect the total amount of performance-related pay for 2024 to be materially different to 2023.

    我們預期 2024 年績效相關薪酬總額不會與 2023 年有重大差異。

  • So the accrual in the second half is expected to be lower year-on-year.


  • In addition, the second half of last year included $0.3 billion of levies that we do not expect to repeat this year.

    此外,去年下半年包括了 3 億美元的稅收,我們預計今年不會重複徵稅。

  • We are therefore reconfirming our guidance of around 5% cost growth for 2024 on a target basis and we remain committed to cost discipline.

    因此,我們再次確認 2024 年成本成長 5% 左右的目標目標,並持續致力於成本控制。

  • On lending and deposits, there was positive loan growth in the quarter in both the UK and Asia, whilst Hong Kong was broadly stable.


  • Overall, they were promising signs in the first half.


  • Deposits were up 2% with the majority of this in Hong Kong.

    存款增加了 2%,其中大部分來自香港。

  • There was also growth in the UK, Europe and the US and the rest of Asia, but it also included the benefits of seasonality in commercial banking and a large one-off in Global Banking and Markets.


  • So I would encourage you not to annualize the 2% figure.

    所以我鼓勵你不要將 2% 的數字年化。

  • Next, our CET1 ratio was 15%, down 20 basis points on the first quarter as strong organic capital generation was offset by distributions in the form of dividends and share buybacks.

    接下來,我們的 CET1 比率為 15%,比第一季下降 20 個基點,因為強勁的有機資本生成被股息和股票回購形式的分配所抵消。

  • We have announced a new share buyback of up to $3 billion, which we expect to complete within three months and to have an impact of around 0.4 percentage points on our CET1 ratio in the third quarter.

    我們已宣布進行高達 30 億美元的新股回購,預計將在三個月內完成,並對第三季的 CET1 比率產生約 0.4 個百分點的影響。

  • Finally, to recap, our strong first half performance and our confidence about the bank's position enable us to provide new guidance of a mid-teens return tangible equity, excluding notable items for 2025 in addition to our existing mid-teens guidance for 2024.

    最後,回顧一下,我們上半年的強勁表現和對銀行地位的信心使我們能夠提供有形股本回報率達到10% 左右的新指導,除了我們現有的2024 年10% 左右指導之外,不包括2025年的值得注意的項目。

  • Upgrade our 2024 banking NII guidance from at least $41 billion to around $43 billion, revise our 2024 ECL guidance to within our normal medium-term planning range of 30 to 40 basis points and reconfirm our guidance for '24 cost growth of around 5% on a target basis and the mid-single digit loan growth over the medium term.

    將我們2024 年銀行業NII 指引從至少410 億美元上調至約430 億美元,將2024 年ECL 指引修改至30 至40 個基點的正常中期規劃範圍內,並重新確認24 年成本成長5% 左右的指導目標基礎和中期內的中位數個位數貸款成長。

  • With that, Louise, can we please go to Q&A.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Andrew Coombs, Citigroup.

    (操作員指示)Andrew Coombs,花旗集團。

  • Andrew Coombs - Analyst

    Andrew Coombs - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thank you both for your comments.


  • A couple of questions from my side.


  • One big picture, one into the numbers.


  • First, a big picture question.


  • Noel, you highlighted all the things you can be out of journal and any, but perhaps with the benefit of hindsight be interested in any thoughts you have or anything you might have done differently?


  • And then linked to that as well, George, I think you're on the tape this morning talking about accelerating the existing execution.


  • So any tangible examples you can provide on that would be helpful as well.


  • And then in terms of the numbers question, thank you for the additional disclosure around structural hedge.


  • I think you talked about $55 billion maturing in second half at a 2.8% yield.

    我想你談到了下半年到期的 550 億美元,收益率為 2.8%。

  • Is it fair to assume the new positions that you're putting on are probably about 1% higher than that, given where the forward curve is?

    考慮到遠期曲線的位置,假設您所持有的新部位可能比該數字高出 1% 左右,這是否公平?

  • So prior to any of debt from adding to the existing structural hedge notional, it's about $0.5 billion of NII uplift.

    因此,在增加現有結構性對沖概念的任何債務之前,NII 會增加約 5 億美元。

  • Is that fair?


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Andrew, thanks for your questions.


  • I'll take the first one.


  • Listen, I've got no regret, Andrew.


  • I think performing this role is an absolute privilege.


  • And look, you never finish with an institution like this, and that's why Georges is right to comment there.


  • You always want to do more yours.


  • There's always things you want to improve.


  • There's always investment you can do to grow more revenue, to improve customer experience, improve systems and processes.


  • So there's never a notion of finishing.


  • There's always -- should always be a notion of continuous improvement and continuous ambition.


  • And I think that's probably the bridge from me to Georges because I have no regrets about the last five years.


  • I think we've done a lot of good things and I thank my colleagues for everything they've done.


  • But equally, you should never be complacent and think the job is finished.


  • The job of running an organization as large as ours and with so much opportunity before us to further improve is never finished, and that's the bridge over to Georges now to take it on to the next level and to continue to execute the strategy.


  • So Georges, hand to you on both of the next two questions, please.


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Thanks, Noel.


  • Yes, Andrew, just echoing Noel and building on that.


  • We've called out some of the key areas of our strategy.


  • I've called out Hong Kong, the UK, the international wholesale bank, which is underpinned by a leading transaction banking capabilities as well as wealth, all of which have demonstrated very strong momentum, certainly over the last few years, but definitely over the first half of this year.


  • We're confident about the momentum.


  • We're confident in our ability to continue investing in them.


  • And we're confident also we have ample capital to support additional growth.


  • So it's just about getting pace -- continued pace in the execution of this strategy that has proved its results.


  • On your question about the structural hedge, Andrew, so $55 billion are expected to mature over the course of the second half at an average yield of 2.8%.

    關於結構性對沖的問題,安德魯,預計下半年將有 550 億美元到期,平均殖利率為 2.8%。

  • If I try to reverse engineer your math and if you assume the reinvestment happens at around 3.8%, with 1% uplift, then you get $500 billion.

    如果我嘗試對你的數學進行逆向工程,假設再投資率約為 3.8%,再加上 1% 的提升,那麼你將獲得 5000 億美元。

  • But remember, this is maturities that are happening over the course of the half.


  • Therefore, I think you have to average the number and therefore you have to assume half the number as in year 2024 benefit from that structure and hedging investment, so say, the half of your $0.5 billion you quoted.

    因此,我認為你必須對這個數字進行平均,因此你必須假設 2024 年受益於該結構和對沖投資的一半數字,也就是說,你引用的 5 億美元的一半。

  • Also bear in mind that we are increasing the structural hedge, subject to market conditions.


  • We've done about $25 billion in the first half.

    上半年我們完成了大約 250 億美元。

  • It's a good estimate of the run rate for the second half.


  • And that is a mild headwind because we're increasing the hedge from higher short-term rates into lower longer-term rates due to the inversion of the curve.


  • So you have to take all of this into consideration when factoring in the impact for 2024 banking NII.

    因此,在考慮 2024 年銀行 NII 的影響時,您必須考慮所有這些因素。

  • Operator


  • Amit Goel, Mediobanca.


  • Amit Goel - Analyst

    Amit Goel - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you for taking my questions.


  • So I have three.


  • Firstly, I was a bit surprised to get the 2025 profitability target, which does seem to be a little bit above consensus.

    首先,我對 2025 年的獲利目標感到有點驚訝,這似乎確實有點高於共識。

  • So I think consensus is about 14%.

    所以我認為共識約 14%。

  • So I guess a bit of variation on mid-teens, but if that's kind of 15%, 16%, 17%.

    所以我猜十幾歲左右的人會有一點變化,但大概是 15%、16%、17%。

  • Just curious where you see a bit more upside.


  • Is that mainly on the revs or can you see a bit more cost control?


  • And then linked to that, Georges, I think in your comments as well, you talked about growing revenues on a sustainable basis.


  • So just curious, again, how you're thinking about that potentially with some NII headwinds?

    所以我再次好奇,在 NII 面臨一些阻力的情況下,您是如何考慮這一點的?

  • And then lastly, Noel, I think you used the term sluggish or subdued a few times when talking about the environment.


  • Just curious when you think that will potentially turn and we can see a more constructive environment to some of those markets?


  • Thank you.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Sounds good.


  • Amit, I'll ask Georges to answer the first one, I think, is probably best on the mid-teens and the definition of mid-teens and then also maybe sustainable revenue.


  • And then I'll cover the third.


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Very good.


  • Thank you, Amit.


  • So consensus, if you adjust consensus for 2025 for the impact of the loss from the sale of Argentina, which, by the way, as we communicated now, we expect by the end of the year.

    因此,如果你根據出售阿根廷造成的損失的影響調整 2025 年的共識,順便說一句,正如我們現在所傳達的,我們預計到今年年底。

  • Therefore, it's more reasonable to assume that that loss -- the recycling of the foreign exchange loss of $5 billion, which has no impact on capital or on distribution.


  • It's fair to assume that impact will happen in '24.

    可以公平地假設影響將在 24 年發生。

  • But if you adjust the consensus in '25, you get to around 14% indeed.

    但如果你調整 25 年的共識,你確實會達到 14% 左右。

  • Our definition of mid-teens is broadly around 14% to 16%.

    我們對青少年的定義大致在 14% 到 16% 左右。

  • So without commenting on the consensus, our mid-teens definition is broadly that 14%, 16% range.

    因此,在不評論共識的情況下,我們對青少年的定義大致是 14%、16% 的範圍。

  • On the growing revenue on a sustainable basis, let me point you to three major indicators, which are going to be important in the way we look at the future.


  • The first one related to banking NII.

    第一個與銀行 NII 相關。

  • Banking NII, number one, has been stabilized partly with the reduction of banking NII sensitivity.


  • If you recall, two years ago, we called out $7 billion to be the impact on banking NII on our revenue for a 100 basis point drop in interest rates.

    如果你還記得,兩年前,我們要求利率下降 100 個基點,對銀行 NII 對我們收入的影響為 70 億美元。

  • That number at the year-end was $3.4 billion.

    截至年底,這一數字為 34 億美元。

  • And that number, as we reported it now is $2.7 billion.

    正如我們現在報導的那樣,這個數字是 27 億美元。

  • So therefore, we have -- through activities of structural hedging, but also through other methodology improvements and balance sheet composition, we have reduced the dependency of our earnings and of our banking NII to the impact of low rates.


  • The second component, again, relating to banking NII is that while for a few quarters we've seen subdued loan growth in particular in the UK and Hong Kong wholesale market, we have now seen stabilization.


  • It's early to call it a trend, but we are encouraged by the stabilization we've observed.


  • And importantly, we will be more encouraged to when we see rates coming off in the support they can have for loan growth, in particular in these two areas that historically have been a little bit more sluggish.


  • Other parts of our activity remained resilient loan growth and in South and Southeast Asia remained very strong loan growth in the mortgage businesses and the UK and Hong Kong remain very strong.


  • So there is a volume component to banking NII, which we supported.

    因此,我們支持銀行 NII 的數量組成部分。

  • And as you can see from our capital, we have ample capacity to support loan growth.


  • And the third component I would call out is the non-banking NII part of our earnings, fees and other income, in particular wholesale transaction banking and wealth.


  • You've seen the momentum in these businesses.


  • You've seen the continued investment we've put in these businesses.


  • We believe these momentums are sustainable.


  • There's an underlying sustainable trend supporting wealth, in particular, in Asia.


  • And there is an additional support through our own investments, both technology and people relationship management related to support growth in this area, and we believe the momentum is sustainable.


  • So those are the big -- broadly three components that we believe will sustain our earnings as we look into the future.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • And Amit, just to come a little bit more elaboration on the sluggish subdued.


  • Listen, I'm not surprised that the corporate loan market is a bit subdued at the moment.


  • I think it's right for that to be the case because in a higher interest rate environment, not many corporates out there want to borrow at today's interest rates and actually they still got a lot of cash sitting on their balance sheet.


  • They don't need to borrow, which is a good, a good position to be in.


  • But as you see interest rates come down, I would expect there to be a pickup in activity.


  • And I suppose what Georges said is we're starting to see very early signs of that, starting to emerge.


  • It's very early.


  • It's too early to call it a trend, but I was pleased in Hong Kong, the rate of decline in the lending book -- corporate lending book in Hong Kong in Q1 reduced dramatically.


  • So we've been declining through 2023, and it actually plateaued in Q2, and that's in Hong Kong.

    因此,我們在 2023 年一直在下降,實際上在第二季度達到了穩定水平,那就是在香港。

  • And then in the rest of Asia, we saw a growth in Q1 and Q2.


  • And in the rest of the world, we saw growth in Q1 and Q2.


  • So the Q1 was the first time we saw net growth in corporate lending.


  • Q2, we saw that growth as well.


  • So I think it's encouraging early signs.


  • As interest rates come off, I see that happening.


  • And then the other thing is you've also got to remember, there's another side to the Hong Kong market.


  • The deposit market in the investment market is very strong as you saw in our wealth businesses.


  • Now the net new invested assets going in to the business, I think, in the first half of this year was about $34 billion.

    我認為,今年上半年進入該業務的淨新投資資產約為 340 億美元。

  • If I remember correctly.


  • And I think as rates come off, cash moves into invested assets.


  • And I think we see -- we're a beneficiary of that, particularly in Hong Kong, where rate differentials are playing strongly into the investment market, whereas the subdue in -- the rate differentials are subdued in the demand for loans in the Hong Kong market, but the rate differential is working in the opposite direction on investments.


  • Operator


  • Joseph Dickerson, Jefferies.


  • Joseph Dickerson - Analyst

    Joseph Dickerson - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you for taking my question.


  • Just a couple of quick things.


  • So on the ROTE guidance, if you look in the first half of the year, you've kind of done an underlying number of 17%, and that was with some -- you've had a few credit headwinds, but generally benign.

    因此,根據 ROTE 指導,如果你看看今年上半年,你的基本數字是 17%,這是有一些的——你遇到了一些信貸逆風,但總體來說是良性的。

  • I guess if you think about things like cash moving into invested assets, which should be higher ROE.


  • Your wealth and personal banking ROE is around 31% at the moment.

    您的財富和個人銀行業務 ROE 目前約為 31%。

  • You're doing about a 22% UK ROE.

    英國的 ROE 約為 22%。

  • I guess, what would hold you back from maintaining that level in '25 and '26, notwithstanding some rate cuts?

    我想,儘管有一些降息,什麼會阻止你在 25 和 26 年保持這一水平?

  • It seems like there's a lot more flex in the model from the -- in your business model.


  • I mean I know you need to be conservative, but I guess is it rates that would hold you back lack of activity?


  • And I guess the follow-on --


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • I think is a fair observation, but I think -- and we're not being conservative for the sake of being conservative.


  • I think it is too early to call a return to volume growth in the corporate loan market in substantial proportions.


  • I think we all expect the rates to come off and cash to move from cash to invested assets.


  • I think we just -- it's still a bit early in the cycle.


  • There's a lot of uncertainty still out there.


  • And I think given our guidance of mid-teens, which is somewhere between the 14% and 16% range, is fair at this point in time.

    我認為考慮到我們對青少年的指導(介於 14% 和 16% 之間),目前來看是公平的。

  • I think the most important thing we've tried to do over the past few years is de-lever each quarter and each quarter be the base for the future.


  • So I think it's better to set reasonable and sensible guidance.


  • And then we continue to evidence progress against that as quarter by quarter goes.


  • So I don't think we're in the mode as an institution of being overly bullish one way or the other, particularly when there's still quite a bit of uncertainty over there.


  • But Georges, is there anything you want to add?


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Yeah.


  • No, nothing, Noel.


  • You covered it.


  • Just one parameter also just to add is just remember to remove the impact of Argentina with the expected sale taking place at the end of this year in your 2025 assessments.

    只需要添加一個參數,記住在 2025 年評估中消除阿根廷的影響,預計銷售將在今年年底進行。

  • Operator


  • Raul Sinha, JPMorgan.


  • Raul Sinha - Analyst

    Raul Sinha - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thank you for taking my questions.


  • I was just trying to dig into some of your commentary around the hedge.


  • I was wondering -- I have about two questions.


  • The first one is just trying to understand how the notional size of the hedge is changing in the UK versus the rest of the world?


  • My understanding was that the structural hedging in the UK was quite a mature book.


  • So I wouldn't have expected that to increase in size going forward.


  • And I would think that most of the low-yielding refinancings are coming from the UK.


  • But as when we think about the rest of the world, it looks like your structural hedging was more recent.


  • So there's probably scope to increase that, but maybe the refinancing yield is a bit higher.


  • Is that kind of right understanding is the first question.


  • The second question is just coming to the Hong Kong CRE book and some of the disclosures we've pulled out there.


  • I think $36 billion of total exposure, 40% of that is unsecured.

    我認為總風險敞口為 360 億美元,其中 40% 是無擔保的。

  • I was just wondering if you could give us a little bit more additional color around the unsecured part of Hong Kong CRE.


  • I think you say it's very good quality, but how you look to manage the risks given the unsecured nature of this CRE book?

    我認為您說它的品質非常好,但是考慮到這本 CRE 書的無擔保性質,您如何管理風險?

  • Thank you.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Thank you.


  • Georges, do you want to pick up both of those?


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Sure, Noel.


  • So Raul, on the hedge size, we haven't given the specific currency split to balance sheet split.


  • But yes, you should assume the sterling component is one of the largest component in terms of the hedge size and the UK.


  • Therefore, the sterling component is one of the most mature by way of size of hedge but there is obviously still previous hedges maturing -- you know, previous hedges struck at lower yields maturing, and we're able to benefit from the reinvestment of maturing hedges at higher yield.


  • That was still a component in the UK banks NIM, which has been broadly stable and we expect to remain broadly stable.


  • And the structural hedge reinvestment is playing a role in that.


  • With regards to the rest of the world, it's a story of two tales indeed.


  • There is a reinvestment of all structural hedges at higher yields and that is a tailwind in our bank NII.


  • And there is also additional hedges we're doing where we can.


  • And these additional hedges are suffering from partial set off -- or it's partial offset as a headwind because they're suffering from the fact that the curves are inverted.


  • But it's still the right thing to do for the management of our banking NII sensitivity.

    但對於我們銀行業 NII 敏感度的管理來說,這仍然是正確的做法。

  • And then obviously, always keep in mind that the Hong Kong dollar exposure we have remains largely under hedged, and that's due to the fact that the structure of the market does not give us enough instruments to be able to invest in the long term to support hedging.


  • So the Hong Kong dollar would remain structurally under hedged in that sense.


  • With regards to the Hong Kong CRE question, so 40% of the book is -- of the $36 billion you mentioned is unsecured.

    關於香港 CRE 問題,在您提到的 360 億美元中,有 40% 是無擔保的。

  • It is typically exposure to large conglomerates with a diversified revenue stream, including revenue streams from activities not related to real estate. 90% of that book today is rated strong and good and literally 0% is in the impaired category.

    它通常接觸具有多元化收入來源的大型企業集團,包括與房地產無關的活動的收入來源。如今,該書 90% 的內容被評為優秀,而實際上 0% 屬於受損類別。

  • We're very comfortable with the exposure we have in that book, and we continue, obviously, supporting our customers through the cycle in this space.


  • Operator


  • Jeremy Hugh, CICC.


  • Jeremy Hugh - Analyst

    Jeremy Hugh - Analyst

  • Good morning, Noel.


  • Good morning, Georges.


  • My first question is on the non-interest income.


  • If my math is correct, my calculation shows that our adjusted non-interest income is $5.8 billion this quarter compared to $5.3 billion a year ago.

    如果我的數學正確的話,我的計算顯示本季調整後的非利息收入為 58 億美元,而一年前為 53 億美元。

  • And we had $200 million gross NOLs, transaction banking is relatively stable, so since GBM contributed a lot this quarter.

    我們的 NOL 總額為 2 億美元,交易銀行業務相對穩定,因此 GBM 本季貢獻很大。

  • So I understand that this business is -- has seasonality and is volatile.


  • But do you expect that momentum to continue going forward?


  • Or do you think in the second half of last year is relatively a weak comparison?


  • The second question is a broader one.


  • Because I realize now you speak less about focusing Asia these days than you used to and emphasizing more on the global network.


  • Yeah, sometimes, in some way, they do intersect, but I'm wondering do you still focus on exploring some bolt-on opportunities in Asia and lost business in the future and do you have a capital distribution hierarchy or preference among dividend, buyback, and growth.


  • Thank you.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • Georges, do you want to take the first one?


  • I'll give a few comments on the second one and you take the third one on capital distribution.


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Very good.


  • Thanks, Noel.


  • Jeremy, so without giving specific comments on the quarter by quarter, you know, specifics in the development of our fees and other income component, the growth that you've observed year on year in Q2 were mainly driven from two areas.


  • The first one is wealth, which is obviously a very strategic area where we continue to invest and exhibited growth.


  • The other one was from market, in particular from some of the equity business in markets.


  • T


  • This is coming on the basis of two components.


  • One is subdued Q2 last year.


  • So there was a base effect which benefited the outlook for Q2 this year.


  • And then the second one is the fact that we've seen more activity and more vigorousness in -- if you on the Asian stock market, in particular, the Hong Kong stock market.


  • And we're encouraged by this.


  • And if the trend continues, this will bode well for additional activity in this space.


  • Let me jump to the third question, and I'll hand over to Noel to conclude on the second one.


  • Capital distribution hierarchy.


  • First, we've committed to 50% dividend payout ratio for this year, which means half our earnings will be earmarked for foreseeable dividend.


  • Part of it will be distributed through our interim dividend.


  • The rest will be netted out at the end of the year.


  • After that, we obviously will use capital to support the organic growth of our business.


  • Loan growth, as we said earlier, started to pick-up in certain areas.


  • We are encouraged, but we have ample capital to support the loan growth, the appetite we have.


  • We will look at bolt-on acquisitions or areas that are dead on strategy, but supportive of acceleration of the strategy.


  • That will be part of utilization of excess capital.


  • And any excess beyond that, we will distribute back to shareholders through a rolling series of share buybacks.


  • If you look at our CET1 ratio today at 15% and you look at our capital accretion that we remain capital generative in the business, based on the guidance we've given for this year and next year.

    如果你看看我們今天 15% 的 CET1 比率,再看看我們的資本增值,就會發現,根據我們今年和明年給出的指導,我們在業務中仍然具有資本生成能力。

  • We're confident we will have capacity to deliver on the three.


  • And I will say the buybacks will continue looking at it on a quarter-by-quarter basis with the ambition to have a rolling series of share buybacks.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Thanks, Jeremy.


  • And on your second question, is it an Asia strategy?


  • Is there an international strategy?


  • I think they're interchange.


  • Well, I don't think they're mutually exclusive because if you look at what we do at the core of what we've done for 158 years or more is we've connected entrepreneurs and businesses who want to trade with the world.

    嗯,我不認為它們是相互排斥的,因為如果你看看我們 158 年或更長時間以來所做的核心工作就是我們將想要與世界進行貿易的企業家和企業聯繫起來。

  • That's what we've done from day one of HSBC being founded.


  • So we're essentially about helping businesses and individuals trade internationally, invest internationally.


  • Now why are they one and the same?


  • Well, a huge amount of the entrepreneurs that we have as clients are based in Asia, they're based in the Middle East, they're based in the East, and they trade with the West.


  • And the West trades with the East.


  • And Asia and the Middle East are the high-growth markets.


  • So I don't think it's an either or.


  • I think, for us, it's very simple that is we're internationally driven.


  • And Asia is a hugely connected international part of the world and will remain so going forward.


  • The nature of trade will change as it has done for 158 years.

    正如 158 年來一樣,貿易的性質將會改變。

  • So I think we use the words Asia and international probably interchangeably, and sometimes it gets people confused.


  • We're investing where there is growth and where we have differentiation.


  • There is growth, there is international connectivity, there is differentiation in Asia.


  • There is in the Middle East.


  • And we have the same here in the UK.


  • Fundamentally at the core, we're an international bank.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Aman Rakkar, Barclays.

    (操作員指示)Aman Rakkar,巴克萊銀行。

  • Aman Rakkar - Analyst

    Aman Rakkar - Analyst

  • Good morning, gents.


  • Noel, I just wanted to start off and congratulate you on your excellent tenure at HSBC.


  • I just wanted to wish you very best going forward with whatever it is you decide to do.


  • And Georges, on a simple thing, just to extend my congratulations on your appointment as CEO.


  • I had two questions, please, both on the interest income.


  • So point of clarification, I guess your banking NII guide this year of circa $43 billion at face value does imply a material step up in net interest income in H2.

    因此需要澄清的是,我猜今年銀行業 NII 指南的面額約為 430 億美元,這確實意味著下半年淨利息收入將出現實質成長。

  • I just wanted to check, I mean, you're guiding for Argentina being $1 billion this year, and I think it was the best part of $900 million in H1.

    我只是想檢查一下,我的意思是,您對阿根廷今年的預算為 10 億美元,我認為這是上半年 9 億美元中最好的部分。

  • So is it literally just Argentina dropping out of net interest income in H2 is driving that?


  • And what would really, really help is the kind of momentum of NII in H2 and the extent to which that carries over into '25?

    真正真正有幫助的是下半年 NII 的勢頭以及這種勢頭在多大程度上延續到 25 年?

  • I'm not necessarily looking for an updated guide here.


  • But if I just take again to your banking NII disclosure at face value, it's implying a kind of $42 billion annualized run rate in H2 ex-Argentina.

    但如果我再次從表面上看你們銀行業 NII 披露,這意味著下半年(阿根廷除外)的年化運作率為 420 億美元。

  • What do you think the puts and takes are on that, if we were to kind of look a bit further afield beyond this year?


  • And then the second question was if I could just get you to update your thoughts around deposit passthroughs.


  • You're obviously noting you've hedged more of the balance sheet now.


  • And what if actually passthroughs were to be say 10% lower than what you're modeling in your updated banking NII sensitivity?

    如果實際傳遞比您在更新的銀行 NII 敏感度中建模的值低 10%,又會怎麼樣呢?

  • That would be really helpful.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Georges, do you want to take that?


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Yeah.


  • Thanks, Noel.


  • Aman, thank you.


  • So on your first question, look, around $43 billion of banking NII for this year is a reasonable expectation.

    因此,關於你的第一個問題,今年銀行業 NII 約為 430 億美元是一個合理的預期。

  • And we're more confident about it because we're already seven month into the year.


  • And somewhat the forward rate outlook has become a bit less volatile than we've experienced in over the last few months.


  • Argentina, we have worked with a planning assumption of $1 billion.

    阿根廷,我們的計畫假設為 10 億美元。

  • So within around $43 billion, we've factored in around $1 billion contribution from Argentina.

    因此,在大約 430 億美元中,我們考慮了來自阿根廷的約 10 億美元的貢獻。

  • It is a very difficult to predict number.


  • It is a very volatile number, and therefore, the best of estimate you can use around $42 billion and add whatever other expectations you may have for Argentina, but we're sticking with this $1 billion estimate on the uncertainty, just for reference, $1 billion was the banking NII contribution of Argentina in 2023, and this is how we're building the assumption for our -- for planning for this year.

    這是一個非常不穩定的數字,因此,您可以使用大約420 億美元的最佳估計,並添加您對阿根廷可能有的任何其他期望,但我們堅持對不確定性進行10 億美元的估計,僅供參考,1 美元10 億美元是阿根廷 2023 年銀行業國家資訊基礎設施的貢獻,這就是我們為今年的規劃建立假設的方式。

  • Now if you look forward for H2, headwinds and tailwinds facing the banking NII, the first one to call out is the rate outlook.


  • We're using the mid-July curves, which comprise broadly between one and two rate cuts across all the major currencies in the second half.

    我們使用的是 7 月中旬的曲線,大致包括下半年所有主要貨幣的一到兩次降息。

  • This is the working assumption.


  • The second one is on the structural hedge.


  • Since we called out earlier, you should expect to benefit from the $55 billion maturing assets in 2H at 2.8% yields, which would be reinvested at higher yields than the prevailing yields in H2, which will be higher, take a five-year rate as a good benchmark for what rates will be reinvested at.

    由於我們先前指出,您應該預期能夠以2.8% 的收益率從下半年550 億美元的到期資產中受益,這些資產將以高於下半年現行收益率的方式進行再投資,而下半年的現行殖利率將會更高,以五年期利率計算再投資利率的良好基準。

  • But this is partly offset by the additional structural hedging we are likely to do on an inverted curve.


  • Again, here, your best guide is what we've done in H1. $25 billion of additional structural hedging is a reasonable run rate to expect for H2, but will depend on market conditions in H2.

    同樣,在這裡,您最好的指南就是我們在上半年所做的事情。預計下半年 250 億美元的額外結構性對沖是合理的,但將取決於下半年的市場狀況。

  • The other components that are playing is headwinds and tailwinds are the balance sheet growth, where we continue to see strong growth in South and Southeast Asia.


  • We continue to see resilience in the mortgage books in the UK and Hong Kong.


  • But we are now encouraged to see stability in the Hong Kong wholesale book, which has been on a decline for a few quarters.


  • It's early to call it a trend, but it is now -- it is definitely green shoots when we look forward, and it will be supported with rate reductions as in the balance sheet growth in this space.


  • And then the last one to call out is deposit migration.


  • That's particularly true in Hong Kong.


  • Again, Q1, Q2, we've seen migration at 0% and 1%, respectively, which is a 1% overall on the half.

    同樣,第一季和第二季度,我們分別看到遷移率為 0% 和 1%,上半年整體遷移率為 1%。

  • Just to put it in perspective, this is after full year '23, where we've seen 12%.

    客觀地說,這是 23 年全年後的情況,我們看到了 12%。

  • So again, the trend here is much more encouraging.


  • We're very unlikely to see anywhere near the trend of last year, but it remains a difficult one to predict.


  • Now as you look forward into the full year 2025, we're not guiding on banking NII, but a few points for you to bear in mind.

    現在,當您展望 2025 年全年時,我們並不是針對銀行 NII 提供指導,而是請您牢記以下幾點。

  • The first one is, please remove Argentina's contribution, again, working assumption, $1 billion.

    第一個是,請再次刪除阿根廷的捐款(工作假設為 10 億美元)。

  • This is following the planned sale of Argentina to take place before the end of the year.


  • Second, remove the one quarter contribution from Canada, $0.3 billion in your NII.

    其次,從您的 NII 中扣除加拿大四分之一的貢獻,即 3 億美元。

  • Then we've shared that there will be $105 billion of existing structural hedge assets which will mature in 2025 with an average yield of 2.8%.

    然後我們分享了現有的結構性對沖資產將有 1050 億美元,這些資產將於 2025 年到期,平均收益率為 2.8%。

  • So those will provide some tailwind as we reinvest them at higher yield.


  • So beyond that, you can apply your own interest rate assumptions on the banking NII sensitivity we provided.

    除此之外,您還可以根據我們提供的銀行 NII 敏感度來應用您自己的利率假設。

  • $2.7 billion is the sensitivity you provided across all currencies for a 100 basis point drop.

    27 億美元是您為所有貨幣下跌 100 個基點提供的敏感度。

  • And you can apply your balance sheet growth assumption.


  • And again, we believe lower rates will be more supportive of growth in balance sheet when you look into 2025.

    同樣,我們相信,展望 2025 年,較低的利率將更有利於資產負債表的成長。

  • But basically, all of that is factored into our guidance for return on tangible equity for 2025 at mid-teens.

    但基本上,所有這些都已納入我們對 2025 年有形股本回報率(15%左右)的指導中。

  • Aman Rakkar - Analyst

    Aman Rakkar - Analyst

  • So thank you very much.


  • Color is excellent.


  • Just around pass throughs, I think earlier this year, you talked about 10%. [Long Beach] is adding something like $600 million.

    就傳遞而言,我想今年早些時候,您談到了 10%。 [長灘] 增加了約 6 億美元。

  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • So the banking NII sensitivity to 10% change in pass through rate is around $600 million, remains around $600 million.

    因此,銀行 NII 對傳遞率變化 10% 的敏感度約為 6 億美元,仍維持在 6 億美元左右。

  • And this is based off an assumption of around $600 billion of IPCAs.

    這是基於 IPCA 價值約 6000 億美元的假設。

  • So we can work out the math, if you want offline.


  • That number is broadly stable.


  • We're still working on an assumption of a 50% pass through in our banking NII sensitivity.

    我們仍在研究銀行 NII 敏感性 50% 傳遞的假設。

  • Second, if you look at the cumulative pass throughs, we're broadly around 50% from the start of the rate hikes trend in late 2022, all the way to now, broadly around 50%.

    其次,如果你看累計傳遞率,從 2022 年底升息趨勢開始到現在,我們大致在 50% 左右。

  • The earlier part was much lower than 50%.


  • The latter part was much higher than 50%.


  • It is difficult to predict how pass throughs will work out on the rate cut scenario.


  • And this is why I think 50% remains a good estimate of what it could look like noting that we don't have recent history of that.

    這就是為什麼我認為 50% 仍然是一個很好的估計,因為我們沒有最近的歷史記錄。

  • I would point you to one thing to be mindful of is in the UK and number of other geographies, we will have to provide customer notice of at least 60 days before we pass through rate cuts.

    我想向您指出需要注意的一件事,即在英國和其他一些地區,我們必須在通過降息之前至少提前 60 天向客戶發出通知。

  • So there will be a delay in pass throughs on the way down, and that's a 60 to 90 day on average, for instance, in the UK.

    因此,在下行過程中會有延遲,例如在英國,平均延遲 60 到 90 天。

  • Operator


  • Ed Firth, KBW.


  • Ed Firth - Analyst

    Ed Firth - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks.


  • And good morning, everybody.


  • Yeah, and just to echo Aman's comments and thank you, particularly to Noel, because it's been a pretty turbulent period for you being CEO.


  • I think there are a number of times when if somebody said you'd be making mid-teens returns, I think I would have thought that was delusional.


  • So thank you very much for that.


  • It benefits us all.


  • My two questions were


  • --


  • The first one was, could you tell me -- you probably disclosed it somewhere and I missed it, but performance-related pay, I see you assume that's going to be flat this year.


  • Is it possible to tell us what the total quantum of that is because I guess there must be some potential that that may have to go up, particularly given the revenue performance.


  • So that would be my first question.


  • And then the second one is, to me, if I look at these results, I guess the standout to me was the performance in Q2 of the wealth and private banking business.


  • If I look in the past, it's generally been quite seasonal in Q2, but it seems that actually it's held up pretty flat.


  • So should we expect that?


  • Is that like a new base level of run rate?


  • Is that something we should continue into the second half now and then sort of grow on from there?


  • Or was there something about Q2, which held it up better than we might have expected.


  • Thank you.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Well, well, firstly, thank you for your comments.


  • And on your second point on wealth, I'll give a very personal comment.


  • You normally expect Q1 to be the seasonal high and then a bit lower in Q2 and a bit low.


  • So actually, Q2 did exceed expectations in terms of seasonality.


  • It was a strong quarter.


  • At the moment, I can't -- we tend to be a bit on the conservative side and say, don't base a trend on a quarter or two.


  • But I think your assessment that actually Q2 was a strong performance is exactly where we are.


  • It was stronger than probably one would have expected through normal seasonality.


  • I think it is -- if I talk to the team, they were confident of a good performance.


  • They seeing good lead indicators.


  • I mean, we've taken in in excess of $250 billion of net new invested assets just over the last two and a bit years, 2.5 years.

    我的意思是,光是在過去兩年多,也就是 2.5 年裡,我們就吸收了超過 2,500 億美元的淨新投資資產。

  • And I think we've all got a probably -- we haven't seen this period where how will cash move from cash to invested assets as interest rates come off, and therefore, I think it is difficult to project a trend.


  • I think we just got to see go quarter-by-quarter.


  • The lead indicators are good.


  • We've invested in the business over the last few years to put us in this position.


  • It was all about getting ready for lower interest rates and being in a position to take advantage of it.


  • We invested heavily in the product lineup for our clients to make sure that if they were going to move into invested assets, they could do so with us rather than another bank.


  • And we invested in distribution.


  • We had good distribution in Hong Kong, but we didn't have as good a distribution in other markets.


  • So we built our distribution in Mainland China, in Singapore, in India, and in the rest of the world.


  • So I think it's put us in a good position to take advantage of it, but it's too early to call it a trend.


  • But your observations are fair observation for Q2.


  • It was good and it's nice to be able to report that.


  • On performance-related pay and cost, I mean, I'll let Georges cover that but we're absolutely committed to the 5%.

    關於與績效相關的薪酬和成本,我的意思是,我會讓喬治承擔這一點,但我們絕對致力於 5%。

  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • So we accrued -- we paid $3.8 billion through full year 2023 on performance-related pay.

    因此,到 2023 年全年,我們累計支付了 38 億美元的績效相關薪酬。

  • This is disclosed in our annual reports and accounts.


  • But if you look at how we accrued for that number through the year in 2023, we actually under accrued in the first quarter 2023.

    但如果你看看我們在 2023 年全年如何累積這一數字,你會發現我們實際上在 2023 年第一季的累積金額不足。

  • And then we topped it up at the fourth quarter to get to that total number.


  • When you look at full year 2024, we are accruing towards a broadly similar number for the full year than for the full year '23.

    當您查看 2024 年全年時,您會發現我們全年的累積數字與 23 年全年的數字大致相似。

  • And any decision on the performance rate pay will take place in January with the Remuneration Committee after the full year has performance has been delivered but we are accruing broadly to the same number.


  • The difference is that we're accruing more evenly.


  • So this is why you'll see a higher accrual on a year-on-year basis in the first half, and you will be seeing a lower accrual in the second half on that trajectory.


  • It is -- all of this is factored in our cost guidance of limiting cost growth to around 5%.

    是的,所有這些都已納入我們將成本成長限制在 5% 左右的成本指引中。

  • We're absolutely committed to our 5% or circa 5% cost growth guidance.

    我們絕對致力於 5% 或大約 5% 的成本成長指引。

  • We're confident we can deliver it, and we are on track to deliver it.


  • Operator


  • Katherine Lei, JPMorgan.


  • Katherine Lei - Analyst

    Katherine Lei - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thanks for answering my questions.


  • I have one question.


  • Actually, two.


  • Both related to capital.


  • On the capital side, we saw there is a $6.4 billion of addition to our RWA.

    在資本方面,我們的 RWA 增加了 64 億美元。

  • May I know like what is that related to?


  • I think is that something related to modeling?


  • So I would like to know like what kind of assumption changes leads to this $6.4 billion and is that one off or should we see this ongoing, I would say, additions to the RWA?

    所以我想知道什麼樣的假設變化會導致這 64 億美元,這是一次性的還是我們應該看到這種持續的,我想說的是,RWA 的增加?

  • So this is number one.


  • Number two, we noticed some deterioration on asset quality on our Hong Kong CRE book.


  • Actually, according to the disclosures, that deterioration seems quite significant as well.


  • Can you explain to us what is the impact on capital because we understand that there is a limited impact on ECL charges but mainly reflected on capital.


  • What is the drag on capital?


  • And then also like going forward, what is your view on Hong Kong CRE, in particular for the loans which are already in stage three categories?


  • Are you expecting that there will be recovery of loans through disposal of the collaterals or you are expecting the borrowers will eventually make up for the long.


  • Thank you.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Katherine.


  • Georges, do you want to pick up those points?


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Sure.


  • Sure, Noel.


  • Thanks.


  • Katherine, so on the capital, so we've indicated the $6.4 billion increase in RWAs due to modeling adjustment.

    凱瑟琳,關於資本,我們指出由於模型調整,RWA 增加了 64 億美元。

  • To be specific, we've adjusted the probability of default models for banks globally.


  • And the reason we adjusted this probability for default model for banks is because we wanted to factor in some of the observations and learnings from the March 2023 crisis in the way governments have supported a bank resolution that specifically to for the US and Switzerland.

    我們調整銀行違約模型的機率的原因是,我們希望將 2023 年 3 月危機的一些觀察和經驗教訓考慮在內,就像政府支持專門針對美國和瑞士的銀行決議的方式一樣。

  • We've taken those learnings.


  • We've baked them in our modeling, and this resulted in this additional RWA, insofar that bank models, probability of default, et cetera, are concerned.

    我們已經將它們納入我們的模型中,這導致了額外的 RWA,就銀行模型、違約機率等而言。

  • We consider this to be done.


  • If you ask me, well, we continuously look at our models and from -- in a general fashion.


  • Look, the next big model update is going to be Basel 3.1 as and when Basel 3.1 becomes live in the various geographies or jurisdictions where we operate.

    看,下一個重大模型更新將是 Basel 3.1,當 Basel 3.1 在我們營運的各個地區或司法管轄區生效時。

  • We have not indicated the impact which we do not expect to be material, but we're waiting to see some of the final rules that are still missing in a number of jurisdictions before we can call out the exact impact to the market.


  • But we don't expect it to be material.


  • In terms of Hong Kong CRE, we've spoken earlier about the 40% that is unsecured with which we remain very comfortable.

    就香港商業房地產而言,我們之前曾談到 40% 的無抵押資產,對此我們仍感到放心。

  • And so your question probably relate to the other 60%, which is the secured portfolio of our $36 billion exposure.

    因此,您的問題可能與另外 60% 相關,即我們 360 億美元風險敞口的擔保投資組合。

  • So of this, about $3.2 billion are credit impaired.

    因此,約 32 億美元出現信用減損。

  • What's happening basically is a number of -- a few of our customers basically are facing some short-term cash flow pressure challenges, and this is partly due to higher rates.


  • But the balance sheet remains strong and our level of collateralization remains strong.


  • Typically for this impaired $3.2 billion portfolio, the level of collateralization on average is 55% loan to value.

    通常,對於這個受損的 32 億美元投資組合,平均抵押貸款水準為貸款價值的 55%。

  • So this is why there is a material, if any ECL impact from de-designation to stage three.

    因此,這就是為什麼從取消指定到第三階段會產生重大(如果有的話)ECL 影響。

  • And in terms of the capital impact, some of -- depending on which models we're using and what form of lending it is, some of the impact may manifest in RWAs, and we've seen a little bit of that in last quarter.

    就資本影響而言,一些影響可能會體現在 RWA 中,具體取決於我們使用的模型和貸款形式,我們在上個季度已經看到了一些影響。

  • Some of it will manifest in EEL, excess expected loss, which will go straight into our CET1.


  • We publish these numbers.


  • But by and large, these are immaterial numbers.


  • And again, it's all supported by the fact that we have a very strong level of collateralization against the exposure.


  • And as we look forward first, these customers that specifically credit impaired customers are current, remain current.


  • We expect some of the pressure they're facing to ease as rates reduce and as economic activity in Hong Kong picks up.


  • In terms of medium- to long-term outlook for the sector, we are actually positive.


  • We're confident first and the Hong Kong economy in general to rebound.


  • But in particular for the sector, we expected the sectors pressure will ease in the medium to long term.


  • And we remain confident and positive about this sector.


  • Operator


  • Gurpreet Singh Sahi, Goldman Sachs.


  • Gurpreet Singh Sahi - Analyst

    Gurpreet Singh Sahi - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Can you guys hear me?


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Yes, very good.


  • Gurpreet Singh Sahi - Analyst

    Gurpreet Singh Sahi - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Good morning, Noel, first of all, George congrats and Noel congratulations for a new path wherever you choose to be.


  • Thank you for the helpful disclosures on the hedge, et cetera.


  • I have a question regarding two questions, which are pretty much linked regarding falling rates and how does the management see it?


  • First of all, the wealth income, it's an odd cycle with wealth income and AUM growth rates being elevated as interest rates are high.


  • So when they do fall, do we have any precedent as to whether there will be an impact on the wealth income from falling rates or we don't get that much benefit from income.


  • We see right now that a lot of Mainland Chinese money is also coming out and parking in Hong Kong.


  • So that's the first part of the question.


  • The second is lending growth.


  • We have targets for mid-single digit.


  • But when we think about modeling banking NII, we have to look at average interest-earning assets.

    但當我們考慮對銀行 NII 進行建模時,我們必須考慮平均生息資產。

  • So I'm wondering we have lots of liquidity on the balance sheet.


  • If rates do fall, and then some of these depositors don't feel incentivized.


  • Do we get overall deposit growth not so strong, which in turn leads to average interest-earning assets not growing and hence, we should not be modeling in average interest earning assets growth at mid-single digits.


  • So help us think of that.


  • Thank you so much.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • I think George will take both of those.


  • Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Georges Elhedery - Group Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Very good.


  • Thanks, Noel.


  • Gurpreet, so first wealth income, the way we reported it essentially is fees and other income.


  • So the slide I have there for wealth, that's particularly the fees part, which is fees and on asset under management or on either for insurance in particular, relate to a new business CSM.

    因此,我在財富方面的幻燈片,特別是費用部分,即管理資產或保險的費用和費用,特別是與新業務 CSM 相關的費用。

  • So the impact if you want on rates is more about transition of customers from deposits into AUMs.


  • So this has been happening.


  • We're seeing some of our deposits move into net new invested assets and transferring if you want to AUMs in our wealth proposition.


  • It is likely on a trend basis that when rates come down and deposit and the earnings you can make on deposits reduce, that customer may shift some of it into AUMs through our, through will be visible now in the net new invested assets proposition, and then we will be able to service them in the fee space.


  • So yes, there is a component where we do expect more wealth activity to take place as we see deposits being less remunerative.


  • But this is more on a broad trend basis, not a direct linkage.


  • And we are also benefiting from the structural growth of wealth in particularly in Asia, where we believe the underlying market is growing at very high single digit, if not double digit percent over the next five years.


  • And on top of that underlying growth, which we're benefiting from, we are taking market share because of our additional investment in the space.


  • So this is a this is definitely a platform that can benefit from number of trends that will support the momentum.


  • On your second point, it's a very good point because we talk about balance sheet growth and loan growth, but we have also strong dependence for our bank NNI to deposit growth, which constitute the underlying for our average interest-earning assets.


  • So we've seen this quarter deposit growing 2%.

    所以我們看到本季存款成長了 2%。

  • I caution you not to annualize the 2% because some of it is seasonal, some of it is one-off, but we have a fantastic deposit franchise.

    我提醒您不要將 2% 的利率年化,因為有些是季節性的,有些是一次性的,但我們擁有出色的存款特許經營權。

  • I mean, you know us everywhere we operate, we have a very strong balance sheet that's very appealing, and we have a very strong proposition in deposits and transaction banking for both wholesale and retail, which mean that we will continuously look to capture deposits.


  • We continue winning Global Payment Solutions mandates in the wholesale space.


  • We continue being attractive for retail customers, and we just shared, Noel shared 345,000 new customers joining our Hong Kong business alone.

    我們繼續對零售客戶有吸引力,我們剛剛分享了,Noel 分享的僅香港業務就有 345,000 名新客戶。

  • This is, in the UK, in 2023, we added 1 million new customers.


  • So therefore, we do continue seeing a good momentum, underlying momentum to grow our deposits with this very attractive deposit franchise of ours.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • I think I'd reinforce that and add another comment.


  • The trick for us in the past, we were very good as a retail bank.


  • We were very good as a corporate bank.


  • But when customers, whether they were retail customers or corporate customers wanting to invest in alternative asset classes, other than cash, they tended to go to other banks because our product range and our distribution wasn't strong enough.


  • We deliberately set out to invest in our products and distribution capability for wealth.


  • So that, that cash, if you did move, it moved within the bank, not outside the bank.


  • One of the byproduct benefits is if you've got a good wealth proposition, you also attract the cash.


  • You keep the cash in the bank as well.


  • They go hand-in-hand.


  • And so I think we're in a very different position today in offering wealth propositions to clients.


  • And what we've done is deliberately tried to diversify the revenue stream.


  • So it's less dependent on purely corporate banking and retail banking.


  • And there is a continuum from retail and corporate banking into bank and the individuals and the entrepreneurs in their personal capacity and doing their wealth management in their personal capacity.


  • And that's, I think the exciting trend for the future.


  • And I think that's where why we believe that we're well positioned to deliver mid-teens ROTE next year because we have that diversity and that continuum of offerings.

    我認為這就是為什麼我們相信明年我們有能力提供青少年 ROTE 課程,因為我們擁有多樣性和連續性的產品。

  • So, I just just want to say that's not a by chance strategy.


  • That was a very deliberate strategy to keep both the cash in the bank and the invested assets in the bank.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • That ends today's Q&A.


  • So I will now hand back to Noel for closing remarks.


  • Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

    Noel Quinn - Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

  • Well, thank you, Louise, and thank you, everyone, for joining us today.


  • Before we close, I'd like to thank you for your questions and for all the discussions we've had over the last five years.


  • I've always enjoyed representing my colleagues when we announce our results.


  • And I'm really pleased that the strong first half numbers announced today demonstrate the improved financial performance that our strategy execution has driven.


  • It's been over 15 years since the group has generated returns at the current levels, and our new guidance underlines that we expect to be able to sustain it through this year and in 2025.

    該集團已經超過 15 年沒有產生目前水準的回報,我們的新指引強調,我們預計能夠在今年和 2025 年維持這一回報。

  • I wish Georges, the team and all of you the very best and enjoy the rest of the day.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, for joining today's webinar.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.
