洛克希德·馬丁 (LMT) 2018 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by and welcome to the Lockheed Martin first-quarter 2018 earnings results conference call.

    女士們、先生們,感謝你們的支持並歡迎參加洛克希德馬丁公司 2018 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions).


  • As a reminder, today's call is being recorded.


  • I'll turn the conference now over to Mr. Greg Gardner, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我現在將會議交給投資者關係副總裁 Greg Gardner 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Greg Gardner - VP of IR

    Greg Gardner - VP of IR

  • Thank you, John, and good morning.


  • I'd like to welcome everyone to our first-quarter 2018 earnings conference call.

    歡迎大家參加我們的 2018 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • Joining me today on the call are Marillyn Hewson, our Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer; and Bruce Tanner, our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天與我一起參加電話會議的還有我們的董事長、總裁兼執行長瑪麗蓮‧休森 (Marillyn Hewson);以及我們的執行副總裁兼財務長 Bruce Tanner。

  • Statements made in today's call that are not historical fact are considered forward-looking statements and are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of federal securities law.


  • Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.


  • Please see today's press release and our SEC filings for a description of some of the factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.

    請參閱今天的新聞稿和我們向 SEC 提交的文件,以了解可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中的結果有重大差異的一些因素的描述。

  • We have posted our charts on our website today that we plan to address during the call to supplement our comments.


  • Please access our website at www.lockheedmartin.com, and click on the (technical difficulty) to view and follow the charts.

    請造訪我們的網站 www.lockheedmartin.com,然後點擊(技術難度)查看並遵循圖表。

  • With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Marillyn.


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Good morning, everyone, and welcome to our call today.


  • We're pleased to have you join us as we review our first-quarter results and some key operational accomplishments from across our Company.


  • I want to take this opportunity to thank our team for their high level of performance, as we continue to focus the organization on long-term growth and value creation.


  • The Corporation continues to deliver critical solutions and products to our customers while also returning value to our stockholders, and I am extraordinarily proud of our Lockheed Martin team.


  • As today's release detailed, we had a very strong quarter, operationally and financially.


  • We will review the results in depth a little later on the call.


  • I am very pleased that our strong year-to-date financial performance across all business areas and our expectations for the remainder of 2018 have enabled us to increase our full-year outlook for sales, operating profit, and earnings per share.

    我很高興我們今年迄今在所有業務領域的強勁財務業績以及我們對 2018 年剩餘時間的預期使我們能夠提高全年銷售、營業利潤和每股收益的預期。

  • Our financial results and increased outlook reflect the outstanding execution across our four business segments, and the strength provided by our broad portfolio of products and services.


  • I will cover some performance highlights from our business areas in just a moment, but first I want to recognize one significant operational milestone that was attained this month.


  • Our F-35 team celebrated the conclusion of the system design and development phase, or SDD, flight test program, fulfilling the final requirements at Naval Air Station Patuxent River.

    我們的 F-35 團隊慶祝系統設計和開發階段(SDD)飛行測試計畫的結束,滿足帕圖森特河海軍航空站的最終要求。

  • Since the inception of this test program over 11 years ago, F-35 aircraft have successfully completed over 9,200 test sorties totaling over 17,000 flight hours; and satisfied over 65,000 test points, marking the conclusion of the most comprehensive, complex, and rigorous developmental flight test program in aviation history.

    自測試計畫啟動11年多以來,F-35飛機已成功完成9,200餘架次測試,總計飛行時間超過17,000小時;並滿足了超過 65,000 個測試點,標誌著航空史上最全面、最複雜、最嚴格的開發飛行測試計劃的結束。

  • I'd like to thank the entire F-35 enterprise, including industry and government teams, for their dedication and diligence as this unrivaled stealth fighter jet progresses on to its next chapter.

    我要感謝整個 F-35 企業,包括產業和政府團隊,感謝他們在這款無與倫比的隱形戰鬥機邁向新篇章時所付出的奉獻和勤奮。

  • Turning to the Department of Defense budgets, we were very pleased to see Congress enact the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018, providing much-needed funding for our nation's military and national security.

    談到國防部預算,我們很高興看到國會頒布了 2018 年綜合撥款法案,為我國的軍事和國家安全提供了急需的資金。

  • Notably, the 2018 Appropriations Act raised DoD base budget funding to $600 billion, over 14% above 2017 levels, representing the largest year-to-year increase in base budget funding for the Department of Defense in 15 years.

    值得注意的是,2018 年撥款法案將國防部基本預算資金提高到 6,000 億美元,比 2017 年水準增加了 14% 以上,這是國防部 15 年來基本預算資金年增幅最大的一次。

  • When coupled with the overseas contingency operations funding, the total amount appropriated for defense activities rose to $665 billion.

    加上海外緊急行動資金,用於國防活動的撥款總額增至 6,650 億美元。

  • Included in this increase was the recognition of the need to significantly recapitalize our nation's forces, with the investment accounts appropriated at levels over 20% greater than the previous fiscal year.

    此次增加包括意識到需要大幅重組我國軍隊,投資帳戶撥款水準比上一財年高出 20% 以上。

  • Lockheed Martin's programs were especially well supported in the budget markup, with the legislation including increased funding for 20 additional F-35 fighter jets, 17 additional C-130 J transport aircraft, 16 additional Black Hawk and Seahawk helicopters, two CH-53K helicopters, and increases in multiple missile production programs as well as our Orion contract.

    洛克希德馬丁的計畫在預算加價方面得到了特別好的支持,立法包括增加資助20 架額外的F-35 戰鬥機、17 架額外的C-130 J 運輸機、16 架額外的黑鷹和海鷹直升機、兩架CH-53K 直升機、並增加多個飛彈生產計劃以及我們的獵戶座合約。

  • All told, key Lockheed Martin programs representing all four of our business areas received over $7 billion of appropriations above the fiscal-year 2018 budget request, a clear sign of a strong support our broad portfolio has garnered from the customer community.

    總而言之,代表我們所有四個業務領域的洛克希德馬丁公司的關鍵項目獲得了超出2018 財年預算要求的超過70 億美元的撥款,這清楚地表明我們廣泛的產品組合獲得了客戶群體的大力支持。

  • I'll close on my budget discussion with a look ahead to fiscal-year 2019.

    我將透過對 2019 財年的展望來結束我的預算討論。

  • In February, Congress passed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, and raised the defense budget caps in both 2018 and 2019.


  • We were very pleased to see appropriations enacted to support the 2018 increase in base budget funding.

    我們很高興看到撥款用於支持 2018 年基本預算資金的增加。

  • We are encouraged by these legislative actions that provide our military with the resources needed to enable them to fulfill their crucial missions, and we are hopeful that the fiscal-year 2019 funding process will follow the same positive path in the coming months.

    我們對這些立法行動感到鼓舞,這些行動為我們的軍隊提供了完成關鍵任務所需的資源,我們希望 2019 財年的籌資流程在未來幾個月將遵循同樣的積極路徑。

  • Before addressing our business area highlights for this quarter, I'd like to provide you a brief update on activities relating to our opportunities in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


  • Just this month, I had the honor of hosting His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at our Sunnyvale, California, location.


  • During his visit, His Royal Highness was able to see firsthand the innovative satellite technology being incorporated into two new satellites which Lockheed Martin is building to provide enhanced telecommunications capabilities in Saudi Arabia.


  • As part of this historic tour, the Crown Prince also saw some of our air and missile defense product line, including key elements of our THAAD system, an important component of the joint global security announcement the US and Saudi Arabia made last May.


  • We remain in discussions on several opportunities with the kingdom.


  • And in March, we were awarded a contract for nearly $500 million to fund long lead activities for construction of four multi-mission service combatant ships, a key element in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia's defensive strategy.

    今年 3 月,我們獲得了一份價值近 5 億美元的合同,為建造四艘多任務軍用戰艦的長期活動提供資金,這是沙烏地阿拉伯王國防禦戰略的關鍵要素。

  • We look forward to continuing our more than 50-year partnership with the kingdom to help them provide for the security of their citizens and support to His Royal Highness's Saudi Vision 2030, his blueprint for transformation of their country.

    我們期待繼續與沙烏地王國建立超過 50 年的夥伴關係,幫助他們保障公民的安全,並支持殿下的“沙烏地阿拉伯 2030 年願景”,即他的國家轉型藍圖。

  • Moving on, I would like to highlight several operational milestones we achieved across the Corporation during the recent few months, beginning with an update on our F-35 program.

    接下來,我想強調我們在最近幾個月整個公司實現的幾個營運里程碑,首先是我們的 F-35 專案的更新。

  • During the first quarter, I was proud to represent our Corporation at the Korea rollout ceremony at our manufacturing facility in Fort Worth, Texas.


  • The Republic of Korea and the US government leaders celebrated the public debut of the first F-35 produced for the Republic of Korea Air Force.

    韓國和美國政府領導人慶祝為韓國空軍生產的第一架 F-35 公開亮相。

  • The ceremony was attended by over 450 guests, and represented a major program milestone as the Korean Air Force took delivery of the first aircraft in its 40-jet plan of record.

    超過 450 名嘉賓出席了該儀式,標誌著韓國空軍接收了其創紀錄的 40 架噴射機計劃中的第一架飛機,這是一個重大的項目里程碑。

  • Five more will follow this year, as our production line continues to ramp up and we progress on our 2018 goal of delivering more than 90 aircraft to our US and international customers.

    隨著我們的生產線不斷擴大,我們將在 2018 年向美國和國際客戶交付 90 多架飛機的目標上取得進展,今年還將再生產 5 架飛機。

  • Keeping with our Aeronautics business area, this quarter our aero team celebrated the delivery of the 400th C-130 J Super Hercules, as the Air Force Special Operations Command received its latest Commando II special ops model of the venerable C-130 J platform.

    與我們的航空業務領域保持一致,本季度我們的航空團隊慶祝了第400 架C-130 J 超級大力士的交付,因為空軍特種作戰司令部收到了久負盛名的C-130 J 平台的最新Commando II 特種作戰模型。

  • A hallmark of the C-130J is its versatility, and this aircraft supports 17 different mission configurations, including this special forces version.

    C-130J 的一個標誌是其多功能性,該飛機支援 17 種不同的任務配置,包括特種部隊版本。

  • The performance of this remarkable plane has drawn global demand with operators in 17 countries, as C-130Js have amassed over 1.7 million flight hours, supporting these varied missions.

    這款卓越飛機的性能吸引了全球 17 個國家營運商的需求,C-130J 已累計飛行超過 170 萬小時,支援這些不同的任務。

  • The C-130J has proven to be the tactical airlift platform of choice, and we look forward to continuing our global leadership in air mobility for decades to come.

    C-130J 已被證明是首選的戰術空運平台,我們期待在未來幾十年繼續保持我們在空中機動領域的全球領先地位。

  • Thirdly, NASA awarded our Aeronautics organization a new contract to design, build, and flight test a low boom flight demonstrator, a new supersonic X plane that, despite flying in excess of the speed of sound, will produce a sonic boom that will not be disruptive to the general public.

    第三,美國太空總署授予我們的航空組織一份新合同,設計、建造和飛行測試低爆飛行演示機,這是一種新型超音速X 飛機,儘管飛行速度超過音速,但仍會產生不會產生音爆的音爆。對大眾造成乾擾。

  • Because of noise restrictions over land, air travel above Mach 1, which creates these sonic booms, is currently not allowed.

    由於陸地上的噪音限制,目前不允許以高於 1 馬赫的速度飛行,從而產生音爆。

  • This program will build on the preliminary design we started several years ago under NASA's Quiet Supersonic Technology effort.


  • The new demonstrator aircraft will be built in our Skunk Works facility, and we look forward to its first flight in just a few years, with the goal of making quiet supersonic passenger air travel a reality.

    新的演示機將在我們的 Skunk Works 工廠建造,我們期待它在短短幾年內的首次飛行,目標是讓安靜的超音速客運航空旅行成為現實。

  • Moving to our Missiles and Fire Control business area, we saw continued demand for our air and missile defense products.


  • Our THAAD team received an award of approximately $460 million for the production and delivery of additional interceptors and engineering support, bringing the contract value of our Lot 10 program to over $1.2 billion.

    我們的 THAAD 團隊獲得了約 4.6 億美元的合同,用於生產和交付額外的攔截器和工程支持,使我們的 Lot 10 項目的合約價值超過 12 億美元。

  • We also received an award of over $500 million as the US and international customers look to upgrade their missile defense capabilities using our PAC-3 and PAC-3 missile segment enhancement, or MSE, interceptors, launch kits, spares, and support equipment.

    我們還獲得了超過5 億美元的獎勵,因為美國和國際客戶希望使用我們的PAC-3 和PAC-3 導彈段增強型(MSE)、攔截器、發射套件、備件和支援設備來升級他們的導彈防禦能力。

  • Also, US and Polish officials signed an agreement for Poland to become the fifth international PAC-3 MSE customer.

    此外,美國和波蘭官員還簽署了一項協議,使波蘭成為第五個國際 PAC-3 MSE 客戶。

  • The advanced capabilities provided by our PAC-3 MSE interceptors will support the WISLA Air and Missile Defense system, intended to protect Poland's armed forces, citizens, and infrastructure.

    我們的 PAC-3 MSE 攔截器提供的先進功能將支援 WISLA 防空和飛彈防禦系統,旨在保護波蘭的武裝部隊、公民和基礎設施。

  • And we are honored to have this opportunity.


  • Before I leave Missiles and Fire Control, I'd like to commend their tactical missile team for the successful operational debut of the joint air-to-surface standoff missile, JASSM, during the recent allied strikes against Syrian chemical weapons research and storage facilities.

    在我離開飛彈和火力控制部門之前,我要讚揚他們的戰術飛彈小組,他們在最近盟軍對敘利亞化學武器研究和儲存設施的打擊中,聯合空對地防區外飛彈 JASSM 成功首次投入使用。

  • A total of 19 JASSM stealth cruise missiles were launched, marking their first use in combat.


  • And these weapons performed their missions with precision, contributing to the success of this multinational operation.


  • In the Rotary and Mission Systems business area, the US Navy awarded us a unique contract to develop, manufacture, and deliver two high-powered laser weapon systems to eventually be fielded aboard surface ships.


  • This program, the HELIOS contract, is initially worth $150 million.

    這個項目,即 HELIOS 合同,最初價值 1.5 億美元。

  • However, with options, it could increase to nearly $950 million.

    然而,如果有選擇權,這個數字可能會增加到近 9.5 億美元。

  • This weapons system is the first of its kind, and combines laser technology, traditional ISR sensors and systems, and counter-unmanned aerial system capabilities designed to help provide layered defense support.


  • This award is the result of our commitment to advancing technology with more than 40 years' experience in this domain, including long-standing internal research and development projects, as well as customer-funded contracts.

    該獎項是我們憑藉在該領域 40 多年經驗(包括長期的內部研發專案以及客戶資助的合約)致力於推進技術的成果。

  • We are honored to be working with the Navy on this program, and we are excited by the opportunity this leading-edge system brings.


  • I'll close with our Space business area, which celebrated the successful launch of two upgraded Trident II D5 missiles, certifying the readiness of the crew and the operational performance of this strategic weapon system.

    最後我將介紹我們的太空業務領域,該領域慶祝了兩枚升級版三叉戟 II D5 飛彈的成功發射,證明了機組人員的準備狀態以及這一戰略武器系統的作戰性能。

  • The two missiles were launched from the Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, USS Nebraska, and marked the 166th and 167th successful test launches since design completion in 1989, the most reliable test record for any ballistic missile of its kind.


  • This modernized Trident missile will be in service with both the U.S. Navy end the United Kingdom Royal Navy for the next two decades, adding to our over 60-year heritage of support to the sea leg of the nuclear triad.

    這款現代化的三叉戟飛彈將在未來二十年裡在美國海軍和英國皇家海軍服役,為我們 60 多年來對核三位一體海上支線的支援增添了色彩。

  • I'd like to congratulate our Space organization on this significant milestone and for their long history of mission success.


  • I'll now turn the call over to Bruce to review our first-quarter financial performance and to discuss our expectations for the remainder of 2018.

    我現在將電話轉給 Bruce,回顧我們第一季的財務業績,並討論我們對 2018 年剩餘時間的預期。

  • We will then open up the line for your questions.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Thanks, Marillyn, and good morning, everyone.


  • As I highlight our key financial accomplishments, please follow along with the Web charts that we included with the earnings release today.


  • Let's begin with chart 3 and an overview of our results for the quarter.

    讓我們從圖 3 開始,概述我們本季的業績。

  • We had a very strong start to the year.


  • Sales and segment operating profit were both higher than our expectations for the quarter, while cash was in line with our expectations, given the planned pension contributions we made this quarter.


  • We returned almost $900 million to our stockholders in the quarter; nearly $600 million through dividends, and about $300 million in share repurchases.

    本季我們向股東返還了近 9 億美元;透過股息支付近 6 億美元,透過股票回購支付約 3 億美元。

  • Based on these results, we have increased our outlook for sales, operating profit, and earnings per share for the year.


  • On chart 4, we compare our sales and segment operating profit in the first quarter of this year with last year's results.


  • Sales were about 4% higher this quarter compared with last year, with three of our four business areas showing growth in the quarter.

    本季銷售額比去年增長約 4%,我們四個業務領域中的三個在本季度增長。

  • Aeronautics and Missiles and Fire Control both experienced high-single-digit growth in the quarter.


  • Aeronautics was driven primarily by F-35 production volume, while Missiles and Fire Control was driven by tactical missile and classified programs volume.

    航空業主要由 F-35 產量推動,而飛彈和火控則由戰術飛彈和機密項目數量推動。

  • Rotary and Mission Systems had double-digit growth in three of its lines of business that was partially offset by lower volume at Sikorsky due to lower quantities on our government helicopter programs.


  • As expected, Space was slightly lower than last year as a result of our continuing cost reduction efforts on follow-on buys of our large government satellite programs.


  • Segment operating profit was up considerably in the quarter compared with last year's results.


  • RMS had the highest operating profit improvement driven by the absence of the charge taken last year for the EADGE-T program; as well as strong performance across the entire portfolio, led by improved performance at Sikorsky.

    由於去年沒有對 EADGE-T 計劃收取費用,RMS 的營業利潤增幅最高;以及在西科斯基業績改善的帶動下,整個產品組合的強勁表現。

  • Aeronautics and Missiles and Fire Control increased due to higher sales volume and improved performance, while Space was lower due to the lower sales volume and risk retirements in the quarter.


  • Turning to chart 5, we'll discuss our earnings per share in the quarter.

    轉向圖 5,我們將討論本季的每股盈餘。

  • Our EPS of $4.02 was 50% higher than our results last year, driven by the higher segment operating profit results that I just discussed as well as a lower tax rate in the quarter as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was enacted in December.

    我們的每股收益為 4.02 美元,比去年的業績高出 50%,這得益於我剛才討論的更高的部門營業利潤業績,以及頒布的《減稅和就業法案》導致本季度稅率較低在十二月。

  • On chart 6, we show the impact of our planned pension contributions will have on our cash from operations profile in 2018.

    在圖 6 中,我們顯示了計畫退休金繳款將對我們 2018 年營運現金狀況產生的影響。

  • Cash in the first quarter was significantly lower than last year as a result of contributing $1.5 billion to our pension trust this year, versus none last year.

    由於今年向我們的退休金信託基金捐款 15 億美元,而去年則沒有捐款,因此第一季的現金顯著低於去年。

  • And with an additional $3.5 billion of contributions planned before the end of the third quarter, we expect cash from operations in the next two quarters to be much lower than our historical results.

    由於計劃在第三季末之前追加 35 億美元的捐款,我們預計未來兩季的營運現金將遠低於我們的歷史業績。

  • In fact, we could see negative cash from operations in the second quarter, given the planned level of contributions in that quarter.


  • Because of these contributions, we expect our cash generation to be heavily weighted to the fourth quarter.


  • All in all, though, we remain comfortable with our outlook of greater than or equal to $3 billion in cash from operations for the year.

    但總而言之,我們對今年營運現金超過或等於 30 億美元的前景仍然感到滿意。

  • Chart 7 provides our updated guidance for the year.

    圖 7 提供了我們今年的最新指導。

  • We're increasing our sales outlook by $350 million based on higher expectations for Aeronautics, MFC, and Space for the rest of this year.

    基於對今年剩餘時間航空、MFC 和航太領域更高的預期,我們將銷售預期上調了 3.5 億美元。

  • We are increasing our segment operating profit outlook by $115 million due to higher sales volume and improved performance in Aeronautics, MFC, and RMS.

    由於航空、MFC 和 RMS 銷量的增加和業績的改善,我們將部門營業利潤預期提高了 1.15 億美元。

  • There's no change to our other unallocated expense or our net FAS/CAS adjustment.

    我們的其他未分配費用或淨 FAS/CAS 調整沒有變更。

  • We are increasing our earnings per share by $0.60.

    我們將每股收益增加 0.60 美元。

  • I'll provide more detail into this increase on the next chart.


  • And we're leaving our cash from operations outlook unchanged, at greater than or equal to $3 billion.

    我們的營運現金前景維持不變,仍為大於或等於 30 億美元。

  • Chart 8 provides a reconciliation of our current and prior earnings-per-share outlook for the year.

    圖 8 提供了我們目前和之前的今年每股盈餘展望的調節表。

  • Our segment operating profit improvement drives a $0.32 increase in our EPS.

    我們部門營業利潤的改善帶動每股收益增加 0.32 美元。

  • Updates to our revised estimated effective tax rate for the year and some other miscellaneous changes drives a $0.28 increase in EPS, resulting in a total increase of $0.60 and a new EPS range of $15.80 to $16.10.

    我們對今年修訂後的估計有效稅率的更新以及其他一些雜項變化推動每股收益增加 0.28 美元,從而導致每股收益總額增加 0.60 美元,新的每股收益範圍為 15.80 美元至 16.10 美元。

  • On chart 9, we show our revised sales outlook by business area.

    在圖 9 中,我們按業務領域顯示了修正後的銷售前景。

  • We increased our sales outlook in three of our business areas: an increase of $150 million in Space, $125 million in Aeronautics, and $75 million in Missiles and Fire Control, for a total increase of $350 million above the guidance we provided last quarter.

    我們上調了三個業務領域的銷售前景:太空業務增加 1.5 億美元,航空業務增加 1.25 億美元,導彈和火控業務增加 7500 萬美元,總共比我們上季度提供的指導增加 3.5 億美元。

  • Chart 10 provides the updated segment operating profit outlook by business area.

    圖 10 提供了以業務領域劃分的最新分部營業利潤前景。

  • We increased our outlook for RMS by $80 million; Missiles and Fire Control by $20 million; and Aeronautics by $15 million; for a total increase of $115 million above last quarter's guidance.

    我們將 RMS 的預期上調了 8,000 萬美元;飛彈和火力控制2000萬美元;航空業1500萬美元;比上一季的指導總額增加了 1.15 億美元。

  • And finally, on chart 11, we have our summary.

    最後,我們在圖 11 中進行了總結。

  • We're off to a very good start to 2018 with strong financial and operating performance across our portfolio.

    我們的 2018 年開局良好,整個投資組合均取得了強勁的財務和營運表現。

  • We continue to see strength in the current level of our backlog as well as our future growth prospects.


  • And based on the results of the quarter, we increased our outlook for sales, operating profit, and earnings per share.


  • With that, we're ready for your questions.


  • John?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Ron Epstein, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.


  • Ron Epstein - Analyst

    Ron Epstein - Analyst

  • Marillyn, there's been some press about Japan and the UK collaborating on an advanced stealth fighter, if you will.


  • I don't know if some kind of -- call it sixth gen.


  • Where did Lockheed stand on that, and how does Lockheed view the market for sixth gen fighters?


  • And if you could elaborate on that.


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Sure.


  • Thanks, Ron.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • Well, first of all, we are excited about Japan looking forward on their next aircraft and their replacement of the F-2.

    嗯,首先,我們對日本期待他們的下一款​​飛機和 F-2 的替代品感到興奮。

  • And we are exploring options that we could bring forward to them in cooperation with both the Japanese and the US government.


  • But at that time that we'll share our relevant details around that at the appropriate time, certainly.


  • We do think that our leadership and experience building these fifth-generation aircraft are critical to provide cost-effective capabilities that will help support Japan's future security threats as they go forward.


  • Ron Epstein - Analyst

    Ron Epstein - Analyst

  • And conceptually, is this like a -- how can I say -- a continuation of F-22?

    從概念上講,這就像——我該怎麼說——F-22 的延續嗎?

  • I mean, how should we think about the requirements that Japan wants, vis-a-vis an F-35?

    我的意思是,對於 F-35,我們應該如何考慮日本想要的要求?

  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Well, at this point, Ron, we are waiting.


  • It's really a government-to-government matter.


  • They will outline what their requirements are, and we have great experience on the F-22 and on the F-35.

    他們將概述他們的要求,我們在 F-22 和 F-35 方面擁有豐富的經驗。

  • And so as they look at the capabilities they need, I think we'll have a very good competitive offering for them.


  • Operator


  • Cai von Rumohr, Cowen and Company.

    蔡馮魯莫爾 (Cai von Rumohr),考恩公司 (Cowen and Company)。

  • Cai von Rumohr - Analyst

    Cai von Rumohr - Analyst

  • Just looking at your change in your EPS guide, how much of the $80 million increase at RMS is from Sikorsky, and why?

    只要看看 EPS 指南中的變化,RMS 增加的 8000 萬美元中有多少來自西科斯基,為什麼?

  • And how much of the benefit is from a lower tax rate, and what is that tax rate?


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, Cai, I'll take both those.


  • So, $80 million at RMS, I'll say that the lion's share of that, actually, is at Sikorsky.

    所以,我想說,RMS 的 8000 萬美元,其中最大的一部分實際上是在西科斯基。

  • I think we were up -- if memory serves me right, we were up about $50 million in the first quarter, and that trend is expected to continue through the next three quarters or so.

    我認為我們已經上漲了——如果我沒記錯的話,第一季我們上漲了約 5000 萬美元,預計這一趨勢將在接下來的三個季度左右持續下去。

  • So that's the bulk of why we're seeing the increase at RMS, is because of Sikorsky.

    這就是我們看到 RMS 成長的主要原因是西科斯基。

  • And I think there we're actually finally seeing -- hopefully getting a little bit of traction with some of the initiatives we put in place, and some of the systems I think that we put in place here recently that I think are giving greater insight hopefully into managing some cost controls than the business has had previously.


  • So we're hoping that trend continues, obviously, as we go out through the rest of the year.


  • Then I think your second question was relative to tax rates and so forth.


  • And I think we're -- I think what I had said at the start of this year was we were looking somewhere between 17% to 18%, probably on the higher side of that.

    我認為我們——我想我在今年年初所說的是,我們的目標是 17% 到 18% 之間,可能更高。

  • And fortunately we've actually had some -- with the benefit of a little more time looking at the Act and some of our planned reductions relative to what we assumed in the Act initially, we think we've got some better opportunities than we assumed in January.


  • As well as we've been really working some of the R&D tax credit items that we always work really hard.


  • And we see some benefit coming there as well.


  • So rather than the 17% to 18%, I think for the year we are looking right around 16% as the effective tax rate, at least in the guidance we're providing today.

    因此,我認為今年我們的有效稅率不是 17% 到 18%,而是 16% 左右,至少在我們今天提供的指導中是如此。

  • Operator


  • Pete Skibitski, Drexel Hamilton.


  • Pete Skibitski - Analyst

    Pete Skibitski - Analyst

  • Just maybe you guys can talk more about the F-35.

    也許你們可以多談談 F-35。

  • The head of the program office I think has made some comments about your strategy in LRIP 11 negotiations.

    我認為專案辦公室負責人已經就你們在 LRIP 11 談判中的策略發表了一些評論。

  • And I'm just wondering if you guys are (technical difficulty) getting LRIP 11 definitized, and when you think that might complete.

    我只是想知道你們是否正在(技術難度)確定 LRIP 11,以及你們認為何時可以完成。

  • And what does the delay mean for the 12 to 14 timeline?

    對於 12 點到 14 點的時間軸來說,延遲意味著什麼?

  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Well, Pete, I would just take that to say that we are in in-depth negotiations, and we know that the timeline is just how those negotiations go.


  • So in terms of the date to complete, I think that's just how the negotiations go forward.


  • It's probably better to ask the PEO from his perspective, Admiral Winter, what his timeline is.

    最好從 PEO 溫特上將的角度詢問他的時間表。

  • But I think the negotiations are progressing as they should.


  • And so we feel pretty good about getting to closure in the next -- in the near term.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • And the other thing I might add, Pete, is I think we've seen some progress here recently in concert with the Joint Program Office, closing on some open items that I think will hopefully foretell some good signs relative to getting the whole program closed in the not-too-distant future.


  • As far as the -- I think the other part of your question was relative to the block buy LRIP 12, 12 through 14.

    至於 - 我認為你問題的另一部分與批量購買 LRIP 12、12 至 14 相關。

  • I don't see that being an issue, at least at this point, Pete.


  • The LRIP 12 to 14 is more of a funding issue at this point in time than a negotiation issue.

    目前,LRIP 12 至 14 更多的是一個資金問題,而不是談判問題。

  • We'd clearly like to get LRIP 11 behind us so we can focus on that.

    我們顯然希望 LRIP 11 能夠得到支持,這樣我們就可以專注於此。

  • And hopefully we're on the right path to get that done in the not-too-distant future.


  • Pete Skibitski - Analyst

    Pete Skibitski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And are you past this issue with the whole -- with the recent delivery halt?

    您是否已經解決了整個問題 - 最近的交付停止?

  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • We are not.


  • We are still in progressing along with the Joint Program Office on that.


  • It's not affecting production at all, because we continue to produce the F-35.

    這根本不影響生產,因為我們繼續生產 F-35。

  • That continues.


  • We are confident we're going to meet our deliveries this year of over 90 aircraft for 2018.

    我們有信心今年在 2018 年交付 90 多架飛機。

  • It's just a temporary suspension that they have on accepting some aircraft until we reach agreement on a contractual issue.


  • So we're working through that contractual issue with them.


  • And as you know, the way our -- we recognize revenues based on costs incurred, so we're full steam ahead on the projection and sustainment of the aircraft.


  • And we'll get resolution of this soon, I'm expecting.


  • Operator


  • Noah Poponak, Goldman Sachs.


  • Noah Poponak - Analyst

    Noah Poponak - Analyst

  • Marillyn, I wanted to ask on the defense budget, bigger picture.


  • Clearly there have been a few reasonably sizable step-ups in investment spending here over the last few years.


  • When you're speaking to those that have been a part of that seemingly bipartisan decision, is that discussion at this point -- now that we have 2018 spending where it is -- is that discussion closer to, hey, we've now had these big step ups.

    當你與那些參與了這個看似兩黨決定的人交談時,現在的討論是不是——既然我們已經有了 2018 年的支出——這個討論是否更接近於,嘿,我們現在已經有了這些重大進步。

  • We're relatively close to where we need to be relative to the capabilities we need and the recapitalization we need, and we're likely to just grow in line with inflation off of this reset level?


  • Or is that conversation closer to, hey, this is great; but we're actually still far short of where we need to be for all of the capabilities and recapitalization we need?


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Well, in my discussions, I think, first off, this increase in defense spending was tremendously welcomed by our customers.


  • As you know, we've been in a situation with the budget caps and others where the spending on recapitalization as well as on readiness was not at the level it needed to be.


  • So I see that as welcomed; and certainly for industry, it is welcomed, in terms of the planning and stability that we can see at least for fiscal years 2018 and 2019.

    所以我認為這是值得歡迎的;當然,對於工業界來說,就我們至少在 2018 和 2019 財年可以看到的規劃和穩定性而言,這是值得歡迎的。

  • Now, we still have looming out there this whole issue of sequestration, which everybody would like to see go away.


  • So I won't ignore the fact that that's sitting out there.


  • But what I would say is that the dialogue I have is about the very difficult situation in global security around the world.


  • It's just unpredictable.


  • There's a need to move with speed and agility to address the threats that are there.


  • And so, is it enough?


  • My -- we don't talk specific numbers of it is enough; but I haven't heard anybody say it's enough.


  • There's not much there in new starts.


  • There's not much there in recapitalization.


  • And we know that we've really got to focus on that.


  • It solves some of the near-term issues on readiness to address that.


  • But the need for what's happening with -- what I think Secretary Mattis has called the great power competitions with Russia and China and other geopolitical rivals out there, that we've got to stay on our game and continue to invest.


  • We're doing that at Lockheed Martin.


  • We're investing in a lot of technologies that we think will be important to our customers in the near-term and in the long-term.


  • But I -- the threats are not going away; they're accelerating.


  • And so, in my view, if you just were to ask my opinion, we need to continue to spend more on defense.


  • Operator


  • Seth Seifman, JPMorgan.


  • Seth Seifman - Analyst

    Seth Seifman - Analyst

  • Marillyn, there was some language in the most recent proxy that suggests maybe you'll stay on longer as CEO than maybe the prior customs of the Corporation would have indicated.


  • Can you talk a little bit about the thinking behind that, and about -- are there one or two specific things that you're looking to accomplish in the remainder of your tenure?


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Thanks for the question.


  • Well, just speaking in terms of my tenure, I serve at the pleasure of the Board, as does every CEO of a public company.


  • And they determine with me on when's the right time for me to step down.


  • So I think it was important for us in our proxy to make that clear, just because people often look at ages and where people are in their long-term career.


  • I happy to report that I celebrated 35 years with Lockheed Martin in January, so I do have a long tenure with the Corporation.

    我很高興地向大家報告,我在一月份慶祝了在洛克希德馬丁公司工作 35 週年,所以我在該公司的任期確實很長。

  • But I intend to stay on longer.


  • And so, in terms of what I want to accomplish, I want to continue to sustain the success of this Company with the 100,000 men and women that are working hard every day to support our customers.

    因此,就我想要實現的目標而言,我希望與每天努力工作以支持我們的客戶的 100,000 名員工一起繼續維持公司的成功。

  • And that's -- my focus is on how we continue to drive innovation, how we continue to drive performance, the things that we're doing to align with the needs of our customers; and make sure that we are performing on the work we're doing today, but we're looking beyond today.


  • And also for our shareholders, to have a disciplined approach to how we manage the Company and make sure that we bring and create shareholder value, and bring value to them in the long term.


  • So, in a nutshell, I serve at the pleasure of the Board.


  • They elect me annually, and I would like to continue to work for some time.


  • Operator


  • Rich Safran, Buckingham Research.


  • Rich Safran - Analyst

    Rich Safran - Analyst

  • So I would like to ask about your cash flow guidance.


  • Bruce, you took up your numbers -- operating profit, sales -- but you left your 2018 cash from operations guide alone.

    布魯斯,你記下了你的數字——營業利潤、銷售額——但你只留下了營運指南中的 2018 年現金。

  • So first part is: I'd like to know if you could just discuss what the thinking was there.


  • And Marillyn, in your opening remarks, you talked a bunch about the increases to the investment account.


  • So as a second part, planned defense spending in 2019, at least it seems to be, was a bit above expectations due to lifting of the spending caps, but there wasn't any update on the long-term cash from operations guide.

    因此,作為第二部分,由於支出上限的取消,2019 年計畫的國防支出至少看起來略高於預期,但長期營運現金指南沒有任何更新。

  • So I thought maybe you could discuss those two items there, and how you're thinking about that.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Yes Rich, so let me take the first part of that on cash flow guidance.


  • And you're right; we did leave 2018 alone, and the thought was a pretty simple thought.

    你是對的;我們確實對 2018 年不聞不問,而且這個想法非常簡單。

  • Nothing more complicated than we basically did what we thought we were going to do in the first quarter, and didn't see upside to what our expectations were in the first quarter.


  • And, therefore, we didn't increase our outlook for the year.


  • We've got another three quarters to go for the year.


  • We'll watch that very closely and we'll see if -- how much of some of the profit improvement actually translates into higher cash improvement throughout the rest of the year, and we'll update you as you go there.


  • We typically had better performance on cash flow than we said at the start of the year.


  • I'm not predicting that here in the first quarter yet, but we'll see as we progress throughout the year.


  • We said at least $3 billion, greater than or equal to that, and that's still what we're seeing as we sit here today.

    我們說至少 30 億美元,大於或等於這個數字,而這仍然是我們今天坐在這裡所看到的。

  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • And just to answer the second part of your question: we remain hopeful for growth, higher growth, based on the plus-ups in the budget and for 2018.

    回答你問題的第二部分:基於 2018 年預算的增加,我們仍然對成長、更高的成長抱有希望。

  • And we hope to see that in 2019 that for Lockheed Martin, our programs will still be well-supported, and we'll see additional opportunities there.

    我們希望看到 2019 年對於洛克希德馬丁公司來說,我們的計畫仍將得到良好的支持,並且我們將在那裡看到更多的機會。

  • We don't know specifically how that will play out because we're a long cycle business, and we are going to wait on the final details and the timing of when these things are enacted and get put on contract.


  • So we'll see where the orders hit; and then, therefore, that will drive the sales and then ultimately the timing of the cash from operations.


  • So I can't really give you a real specific answer to that other than to say, just as we always do, we look at the opportunities that come.


  • In addition to that, I might mention, there are some other discrete proposals that are in process that could also impact our projections if -- as you know, we're pursuing the Advanced Pilot System, the TX is the terminology we typically use for it, but -- as well as MQ-25 and the Huey replacement and some others.

    除此之外,我可能會提到,還有一些其他正在進行中的離散提案也可能會影響我們的預測,如果——正如你所知,我們正在追求先進的試點系統,TX 是我們通常使用的術語它,但是 - 以及 MQ-25 和 Huey 替代品以及其他一些。

  • So those also will have some play into our opportunities looking forward, and then the timing of cash.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Rich, I might just add little bit to what Marillyn said as well.


  • She mentioned during her prepared remarks the fact that we got more than $7 billion worth of business in the omnibus bill that just closed.

    她在準備好的演講中提到,我們在剛結束的綜合法案中獲得了價值超過 70 億美元的業務。

  • You should think of all of that as essentially over and above what we were assuming when we put our guidance out previously.


  • So when we talked in January about having $17 billion over the next three years, roughly $3 billion in 2018 and roughly $7 billion each in 2019 and 2020, that's -- nothing has changed to that.

    因此,當我們在一月談到未來三年的資金規模為170 億美元、2018 年的資金規模約為30 億美元、2019 年和2020 年的資金規模分別約為70 億美元時,一切都沒有改變。

  • As Marillyn said, there are a number of awards that we're waiting on, that whether we -- if we win or lose, could have some impact -- slight impact on the near-term of that.


  • But as we sit here today, we still feel really good about that $17 billion over three year.

    但當我們今天坐在這裡時,我們仍然對三年內 170 億美元的收入感到非常滿意。

  • And again, with the increase in the budget that Marillyn talked about, hopefully there's some prospects that weren't in our plan when we came up with those numbers.


  • Operator


  • Peter Arment, Baird.


  • Peter Arment - Analyst

    Peter Arment - Analyst

  • Marillyn, thanks for the color on Saudi.


  • Have you guys quantified in terms of the opportunity that you're looking at there, and -- if that's possible?


  • And then, Bruce, just quickly on the three deliveries of the C-130 in the first quarter.

    然後,Bruce,快速介紹第一季 C-130 的三架交付情況。

  • Can you give us expectations for the year, or maybe the cadence for the year?


  • Thanks.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Surely.


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • So on the kingdom of Saudi Arabia opportunity, the only quantification that we've done in rolling it up as a potential was what we did last May, when the agreements were signed between the kingdom and the United States government about opportunities.


  • And if you recall, I think it was something like $100 billion worth of opportunities that were outlined in that rolled up agreement.

    如果你還記得的話,我認為這份匯總協議中概述了價值約 1000 億美元的機會。

  • So when we looked at where our opportunities were in that, from THAAD, to the multi-mission surface combatants, to radars, to helicopters, to aerostats, a range of things, we communicated that we saw a potential of $28 billion.

    因此,當我們審視我們的機會所在時,從「薩德」到多任務水面作戰艦艇、雷達、直升機、浮空器等一系列產品,我們表示我們看到了 280 億美元的潛力。

  • Of course, that would roll out over whatever number of years of when those orders were placed, contract signed, and so forth.


  • But that's, in essence, what we have communicated in terms of the size of the opportunity.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Peter, the C-130 deliveries, we were a little light in the first quarter.

    彼得,C-130 交貨量,我們第一季的情況有點清淡。

  • I think that's just the contractual schedule that fell in place in the first quarter.


  • Nothing unusual about that.


  • As we look at the remaining quarters for C-130 delivery, I think they are going to average somewhere seven or eight.

    當我們查看 C-130 的剩餘交付季度時,我認為它們的平均數量將在七到八個左右。

  • We might have one quarter or so where it bounces up to nine aircraft in the particular quarter.


  • So, much higher than what we saw in the first quarter; not a whole lot different than what we saw last year, though.


  • I will remind you, though, this -- and I appreciate the question on the deliveries -- but this is one of the programs obviously that with the new revenue recognition is also being recognized on a cost to cost of -- the timing of deliveries might not have as much impact obviously on the C-130 program as it did in years past, just maybe to state the obvious.

    不過,我要提醒您的是,我很欣賞有關交付的問題,但這顯然是其中一項計劃,隨著新的收入確認,也根據交付時間的成本來確認對C-130 項目的影響可能不會像過去幾年那麼明顯,也許只是為了說出顯而易見的事實。

  • Operator


  • Doug Harned, Bernstein.


  • Doug Harned - Analyst

    Doug Harned - Analyst

  • In looking at your Missiles and Fire Control results, which -- you have talked about higher volume on missiles for the quarter.


  • We also saw a big backlog gain in missiles in Q4.


  • And there's some significant budget increases in this area over the next two years.


  • So, when you look at this space, do you see this surge in missile demand as a short-term trend or something that is likely to persist for a longer period, say five or more years?


  • And what would drive that?


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • I'll take a shot at that, Doug.


  • Look, I think your observations are spot-on.


  • I know when we looked at -- when I looked at the long-range plan, our three-year plan, the thing that sort of jumped off the page to me is Missiles and Fire Control is amongst in our highest growth business areas over that three-year plan period.


  • And that was under the original President's budget, without taking into consideration a number of things that fell out from the omnibus, for instance.


  • So, I think this is a trend that we see increasing.


  • US, I think is -- is this a short-term or is it maybe out there for five years?


  • I think in every single missile opportunity that we have, and that's all the way -- PAC-3s to THAADs to JASSMs to Hellfires, GMLRS -- we are looking at increasing the capacity, increasing our build rates in every single one of those categories in the not-too-distant future.

    我認為,在我們擁有的每一個飛彈機會中,從 PAC-3 到薩德、JASSM、地獄火、GMLRS,我們都在考慮提高容量,提高每個類別的建造率在不遠的將來。

  • So I think what you're seeing is not an aberration.


  • And I would say it is going to, in my judgment, last longer than a short duration.


  • Five years or so, I think that's a possibility, definitely, Doug.


  • Operator


  • Matt McConnell, RBC Capital Markets.


  • Matt McConnell - Analyst

    Matt McConnell - Analyst

  • So, your 10-K this year had some new language about the government taking increasingly aggressive positions around intellectual property rights.

    因此,今年的 10-K 有一些新的措辭,表明政府在智慧財產權方面採取了越來越激進的立場。

  • Could you elaborate on what's changed, or what you were referring to there, and how you are reacting to that change?


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Sure, Matt.


  • I'll just take that.


  • We are seeing -- it's not across the board on opportunities that we are pursuing with the US government.


  • But there have been some cases where there had been sort of an unbounded request for all of the intellectual property rights for us to pursue an opportunity.


  • And while we may be able to commit to that from a Lockheed Martin standpoint, our challenge that we outlined is that it's very difficult for us to commit to that for our supply chain.


  • And so, we've had some recent RFPs where the intellectual property rights request is (technical difficulty) seen, in fact, we did a pre-award protest for the UH-1N replacement, the Huey replacement.

    因此,我們最近收到了一些 RFP,其中看到了智慧財產權請求(技術難度),事實上,我們對 UH-1N 替代品、休伊替代品進行了授標前抗議。

  • Because we could not get to a position with the US government and the dialogue, up to that point, to be comfortable that we could certify that we could provide all of the intellectual property that they requested.


  • Because we couldn't certify that we could bring forth all of that for some of our subcontractors.


  • So that's just one example of that.


  • I don't know if you want to add anything or not, Bruce.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Matt, the only other thing I would add, and this is a piggyback a little bit on what Marillyn said, I think the Huey replacement program is a good example where -- we've had the Black Hawk helicopter being supported through the Army depots for however long we've been flying or they've been flying Black Hawk helicopters, probably 30 years or so.

    馬特,我要補充的唯一一件事,這是對瑪麗蓮所說的一點點的補充,我認為休伊替換計劃是一個很好的例子,我們已經通過陸軍倉庫為黑鷹直升機提供了支援無論我們或他們駕駛黑鷹直升機飛行了多久,大概有 30 年左右。

  • And, yet, the request that came with the Huey replacement program, admittedly an Air Force program, was actually for far more data than, I'll say, the Army is using today to support those aircraft and the fleet.


  • So it's a little puzzling as to why the same helicopter would have two different requirements for intellectual property, when the government is already supporting that aircraft through the Army depots.


  • And that's what we're talking about; it is just a little bit of a head-scratcher sometimes where these are -- and oftentimes, these are existing platforms with a new request for intellectual property that's a little puzzling.


  • And as Marillyn said, a lot of it has to do with not so much Lockheed Martin IP as that our subcontractors -- including, more puzzling than most, a lot of software -- and, in some cases, even some commercial software applications.

    正如Marilyn 所說,其中很大一部分與洛克希德馬丁公司的智慧財產權無關,而是與我們的分包商有關——包括比大多數人更令人費解的大量軟體——在某些情況下甚至包括一些商業軟體應用程式。

  • So that's the reason it's mentioned in the 10-K.

    這就是 10-K 中提到它的原因。

  • That's the reason we filed the pre-award protest that Marillyn said on the Huey replacement program.


  • Operator


  • Joe DeNardi, Stifel.


  • Joe DeNardi - Analyst

    Joe DeNardi - Analyst

  • Bruce, I wonder if you could just provide some sensitivity around the pension relative to performance of equity markets over the next few years.


  • Just assume that we experience a flat [S&P] for the next five years.


  • What would that do to your cash funding requirement?


  • Thank you.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, Joe, that's a good question.


  • We've taken a look at that.


  • And we've mentioned in the past that we actually get to a full freeze in the pension come January 1, 2020.

    我們過去曾提到過,我們實際上會在 2020 年 1 月 1 日完全凍結退休金。

  • So it's sort of disproportionately impactful, if that's the right words to use, up until 2020 and then post-2020.

    因此,如果用詞正確的話,它在 2020 年之前以及 2020 年之後都會產生不成比例的影響。

  • So we are more sensitive, as you just asked the question, to asset returns in the near term than, believe it or not, than we are -- which has historically not been the case.


  • We've typically been more sensitive to discount rate changes.


  • But because the length of time until the plan becomes fully frozen is getting shorter by the day, we are less sensitive to the discount rate changes between now and then.


  • Asset returns, we have greater sensitivity to; but you shouldn't think of them as being -- I'll say we've taken I'll say scenarios where we've assumed, instead of a 7.5%, we've assumed 0% return or 0 return in 2018, for instance, just for sensitivity purposes.


  • And then we've actually gone into some negative scenarios.


  • It's not a huge change.


  • You shouldn't think of it as being something that -- where we would have, I'll say, changes to the $17 billion that we talked about earlier as being a significant change to that in total outlook, is the way I would characterize it.

    你不應該認為它是——我會說,我們之前談到的 170 億美元的變化是總體前景的重大變化,這是我所描述的方式它。

  • Operator


  • Rob Stallard, Vertical Research.


  • Rob Stallard - Analyst

    Rob Stallard - Analyst

  • I thought I would ask you a quick question about GPS III and the Follow On contract there, or the competition there.

    我想我會問你一個關於 GPS III 和那裡的 Follow On 合約或那裡的競爭的簡單問題。

  • It looks like some of your peers may not bid for this.


  • And I was wondering how that changes the dynamic for you -- obviously it increases the chance of you winning.


  • But also, is there anything different in that follow-on contract that makes it less financially attractive than the current situation?


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Well, I can't speak for our competitors but I can just say that we feel very confident about our proposals for the GPS III Follow On.

    好吧,我不能代表我們的競爭對手說話,但我只能說,我們對 GPS III Follow On 的提案非常有信心。

  • We've already submitted, as we put out a release that we have a fully complying proposal that we've submitted.


  • And it's, for us, as we see it as a follow-on.


  • It's an opportunity for another 22 next-generation satellites to be brought in.

    這是引進另外 22 顆下一代衛星的機會。

  • We have invested a lot (technical difficulty) in design with flexible, modular architecture that allows us to bring down costs.


  • But, moreover, that it also is at a low-risk approach to continuing the GPS IIIF solutions.

    但此外,繼續採用 GPS IIIF 解決方案也是低風險的方法。

  • So, that's one thing that I would add is that -- and we think we're performing well on the ones that we are producing today.


  • And this follow-on, I think we are well positioned to compete for the follow-on.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • The only thing that I might add, Rob, is I think the reason for the competition in the first place is we didn't perform as well as we otherwise could have on the first few satellites.


  • We had some payload issues in particular there.


  • And I'll say those we think have been cleaned up.


  • We feel really, really good about the performance of the satellites we're producing now.


  • I think the government is also aware that we are performing satellites very well, as is most of industry.


  • So, not to speak for any of our competitors, but I think the fact that the program is performing extremely well right now serves us well going into this competition.


  • And in your second part of your question was sort of -- is there lower profitability or potential that would cause our peers or competitors not to want to do this?


  • We don't see it that way.


  • We see it as essentially the same opportunity as what we've had in the past, without a change there.


  • So that wouldn't be a driver from my perspective.


  • Operator


  • Rajeev Lalwani, Morgan Stanley.


  • Rajeev Lalwani - Analyst

    Rajeev Lalwani - Analyst

  • Marillyn, Bruce, just given some of the discussion out there around the top-line trajectory on the F-35 program, can you maybe just provide some thoughts on how you see revenue growth looking over the next several years for the program?

    Marilyn、Bruce,剛剛就 F-35 項目的營收軌跡進行了一些討論,您能否就您如何看待該項目未來幾年的收入增長提供一些想法?

  • And then if not, maybe just thoughts on how it compares to the overall growth rate of the Company, into the end of the decade and beyond.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Rajeev, I'll take that one.


  • Marillyn can add some top cover if she wants to.


  • But look, I think in terms of F-35, the F-35 program in general is going to grow at a faster rate than the Corporation is all the way through the end of the decade.

    但看,我認為就 F-35 而言,F-35 專案總體上的成長速度將比公司在本十年末的成長速度還要快。

  • In fact, I would tell you it's going to do that beyond the end of the decade.


  • We don't reach peak production volumes until I think the 2023 or 2024 time frame, somewhere in that time frame.

    我認為要到 2023 年或 2024 年這個時間範圍內的某個時間範圍內,我們才能達到峰值產量。

  • And you should think obviously we spend the dollars; since F-35 is also on the cost to cost, we're recording the sales sooner than we're getting those deliveries.

    你顯然應該想到我們花了美元;由於 F-35 也以成本計算,因此我們記錄銷售的時間早於交貨的時間。

  • So it's a little bit pushed to the left, if you will.


  • But even with that, you should think of that peak as not occurring until past the end of this decade.


  • And then our expectation is that with sustainment for the sheer number of aircraft that are in the field growing significantly between now and then, that sustainment will help position that growth in the future, even when the production starts to slow down a tad.


  • The last thing I would add is there's still -- even though, as Marillyn said in her prepared remarks, we completed the SDD program, there's already in the idea, plans in place, to do follow-on modernization of the F-35; not just for the US government, but for international customers as well.

    我要補充的最後一件事是,儘管正如瑪麗蓮在她準備好的發言中所說,我們完成了 SDD 計劃,但已經有了對 F-35 進行後續現代化改造的想法和計劃;不僅對美國政府,對國際客戶也是如此。

  • So there will be a sustaining level of development, just like there is a sustaining level of development and modification work that we're currently doing on F-22s and F-16s that are decades past their peak production period.

    因此,將會有一個持續水準的開發,就像我們目前正在對 F-22 和 F-16 進行持續水準的開發和改裝工作一樣,這些飛機的生產高峰期已經過去了幾十年。

  • We're going to see that going for a long, long time on the F-35 program.

    我們將看到這種情況在 F-35 專案上持續很長一段時間。

  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • The other thing I would add, Rajeev, is that we currently have, of course, the three US services, the eight international partners, the three foreign military sales partners on the program.


  • But there is a lot of interest beyond that with many countries around the world that want to buy the F-35.

    但除此之外,世界上許多國家都對購買 F-35 表現出濃厚的興趣。

  • So while we have a program of record that we can talk about what we see as the production plan for that, we expect to be selling more F-35s around the world in coming years.

    因此,雖然我們有一個記錄計劃,可以討論我們所認為的生產計劃,但我們預計未來幾年將在全球範圍內銷售更多的 F-35。

  • So that will be another indicator of continued revenue from the F-35 program and sustainment -- production sustainment; and, as Bruce said, continued modernization and upgrade.

    因此,這將是 F-35 項目和維持(生產維持)持續收入的另一個指標;並且,正如布魯斯所說,持續的現代化和升級。

  • Operator


  • George Shapiro, Shapiro Research.


  • George Shapiro - Analyst

    George Shapiro - Analyst

  • Bruce, it looks like you raised the margin rate on the F-35 again based on the numbers that you gave, so I just wanted to validate that.

    Bruce,看來您根據您提供的數字再次提高了 F-35 的保證金率,所以我只是想驗證一下。

  • And then second, could you tell us how many deliveries the Air Force currently hasn't taken, and what kind of impact that might have had on cash flow in the quarter?


  • Thanks.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • Good questions, George.


  • So there was a slight pickup on the total F-35 program.

    因此,F-35 項目總量略有增加。

  • I think the biggest single drivers I recall is we had some increases, once again -- I think it was -- as we did last year on some of our international FACO.

    我認為我記得的最大的單一驅動因素是我們再次增加了一些——我認為是——就像我們去年在一些國際 FACO 上所做的那樣。

  • So this is the final assembly and check out facilities.


  • Those are going extremely well.


  • And this is another example of this quarter where we recognize some of the benefits of the performance we're seeing there taking place, actually greater than it was a year ago this quarter.


  • So that's the primary reason for the upper in the F-35 program.

    這就是 F-35 項目中採用鞋面的主要原因。

  • And then, let's see; the other question was relative to the number of aircraft that are on hold.


  • And I've lost track in the quarter, George.


  • I want to say it was five -- I will say it's mid-single digits to upper single digits.


  • I've lost track of F-35s, so not a huge impact on cash.

    我已經失去了 F-35 的蹤跡,所以對現金影響不大。

  • Obviously it didn't change sales or earnings because of the way we recognize revenue; but a slight impact on cash.


  • Although not much, because most of those -- with those occur later in the quarter where they weren't going to get collected in any event.


  • So, our expectation would be, come second quarter, hopefully we've got this behind us, and there will be no impact to cash in the second quarter.


  • Operator


  • David Strauss, Barclays.


  • David Strauss - Analyst

    David Strauss - Analyst

  • Wanted to try and put a finer point on the budget upside that you saw come through, and what it means for growth, going forward.


  • So you've obviously in the past talked about growth accelerating from 2 to 3 -- I'm talking top-line growth -- accelerating from 2% to 3% this year to, like, 4% to 5% in 2019.

    所以你過去顯然談到了成長從 2% 加速到 3%——我說的是營收成長——今年從 2% 加速到 3%,到 2019 年從 4% 到 5%。

  • Given the extra $7 billion that you saw come through, and in normal spend rates, what do you think that implies for that 4% to 5% number?

    考慮到您看到的額外 70 億美元,在正常支出率下,您認為這對 4% 到 5% 的數字意味著什麼?

  • And then as a follow-up, Bruce, if you could just update us on C-5 and potential resolution there.

    作為後續跟進,Bruce,您能否向我們介紹 C-5 的最新情況以及潛在的解決方案。

  • Thanks.


  • Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

    Bruce Tanner - EVP and CFO

  • David, you got a good memory there; I'll give you credit for that one.


  • The first part of your question is a really good one.


  • I'll say it's at least a $64 million question.

    我想說這至少是一個價值 6400 萬美元的問題。

  • It's a question that's almost unanswerable at this point in time.


  • We've got to see when that $7 billion starts manifesting itself in terms of contract modifications or contract awards, to add those increases to our existing programs.

    我們必須看看這 70 億美元何時開始在合約修改或合約授予方面體現出來,以便將這些增加添加到我們現有的計劃中。

  • And my guess is they are all going to get phased in differently.


  • So in some cases, on some of the missiles and the like, we're actually sort of at capacity this year.


  • So I'd say just in general, I wouldn't expect to see much of any of this hit in 2018.

    所以我想說的是,總的來說,我預計 2018 年不會出現太多這樣的熱門作品。

  • And my guess is it will get spread over the 2019, 2020, and 2021 time frames, and maybe even a little further out than that.

    我的猜測是,它將分佈在 2019 年、2020 年和 2021 年的時間範圍內,甚至可能比這個時間範圍更遠。

  • Let's talk the F-35s, for instance.

    我們以 F-35 為例。

  • Those, I'd like to think we could get them somewhere in the 12, 13, 14 block buy.

    那些,我想我們可以在 12、13、14 塊購買中找到它們。

  • But we're off right now going out to suppliers and getting quantities of aircrafts locked down with our suppliers.


  • So it depends on when that gets authorized; and again, modded to the contracts that we already have.


  • But if I were a betting person, I'd say you should think most of that is going to happen 2019, 2020, 2021.

    但如果我是賭徒,我會說你應該認為大部分會發生在 2019 年、2020 年、2021 年。

  • And obviously, David, I'll give you better insight, because we'll get better insight into it, as the year goes along; but definitely in the October time frame, when we give trend information for 2019, we'll try to talk about what it looks like beyond 2019 at that point in time.

    顯然,大衛,我會給你更好的見解,因為隨著時間的推移,我們會對它有更好的見解;但肯定是在 10 月份的時間範圍內,當我們提供 2019 年的趨勢資訊時,我們會嘗試討論 2019 年之後的情況。

  • I think your last question was on the C-5 equitable adjustment.

    我認為你的最後一個問題是關於 C-5 公平調整的。

  • I literally don't think I have any news on that, David.


  • We're about to -- this year, we finished delivering of the last modernized C-5 aircraft.

    今年,我們即將完成最後一架現代化 C-5 飛機的交付。

  • I want to say that aircraft is in, like, the third quarter of this year.


  • My guess is we'll get a lot more action on that closure once the total program is closed, if that makes sense.


  • So, again, nothing planned from our perspective relative to -- if it doesn't happen this year, it's not like that's a downer, or a hit to this year, because we don't have that planned this year.


  • We haven't talked about that, frankly, in the future years as well, but we still expect we have a very good case there.


  • So, no new news to report is the short answer.


  • Greg Gardner - VP of IR

    Greg Gardner - VP of IR

  • John, I think we have time for one more question.


  • Operator


  • Hunter Keay, Wolfe Research.


  • Hunter Keay - Analyst

    Hunter Keay - Analyst

  • On the supersonic X plane, is this your technology?


  • I'm wondering if there is a remote scenario where Lockheed reenters the commercial aircraft market, if this design proves out.


  • And how your experience moving to the commercial market with the LM-100J might persuade you to do that.

    以及您使用 LM-100J 進入商業市場的經驗如何說服您這樣做。

  • Thank you.


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Well, to your point, Hunter, we do have the LM-100J and we're happy to have that as a commercial offering.

    嗯,就你的觀點而言,Hunter,我們確實擁有 LM-100J,並且我們很高興將其作為商業產品。

  • It's a follow-on to the L-100s that we sold to about 100 customers some years back, and so having an opportunity to refresh that.

    它是幾年前我們向大約 100 名客戶出售的 L-100 的後續產品,因此有機會更新它。

  • We also, as you've probably seen, are supporting another company that is coming out with a supersonic jet, business jet offering, Aerion.

    正如您可能已經看到的,我們也支援另一家推出超音速噴射公務機產品的公司 Aerion。

  • And we are supporting them on their project with some engineering support and other things.


  • But in terms of our foray into the commercial aircraft aviation side, we're not [at that] -- don't read too much into this technology that we're working on with the low boom.


  • What we're bringing is what we can bring out of the Skunk Works, which is the low boom technology and a lot of other technology that we can support.


  • I apologize.


  • I'm fighting a cold here, so my voice is getting a bit scratchy here.


  • But the point being that what companies come to us for -- whether it's NASA or it's commercial companies -- is our deep knowledge and experience and technology that we can bring to support new technology.

    但關鍵是,無論是 NASA 還是商業公司,公司來找我們是為了我們深厚的知識、經驗和技術,我們可以用它們來支援新技術。

  • So, as I mentioned earlier, we're engaged a lot in hypersonics and directed energy.


  • And now this is a follow on to some low boom technology work that we've done with NASA to take it to the next level.

    現在,這是我們與 NASA 合作進行的一些低繁榮技術工作的後續工作,旨在將其提升到一個新的水平。

  • And our Skunk Works operation is working on it; as are a lot of our advanced technology labs across the Corporation, working a lot of fascinating and interesting advanced technology to help both on the commercial and the military side.


  • Greg Gardner - VP of IR

    Greg Gardner - VP of IR

  • Thanks, John.


  • This is Greg.


  • I think we have come up at the top of the hour here, so I'll turn it back over to Marillyn for some final thoughts.


  • Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

    Marillyn Hewson - Chairman, President, and CEO

  • Sure.


  • I'll make them brief since I'm losing my voice here.


  • I would just thank you all for (technical difficulty) and by highlighting that we had an outstanding quarter.


  • And we continue to be well positioned to deliver long-term value to our customers and to our stockholders.


  • So we look forward to you joining us on the next call.


  • And that concludes our call for today, John.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude your conference.


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    感謝您的參與並使用 AT&T 的高階主管電話會議服務。

  • You may now disconnect.
