聯華電子 (UMC) 2019 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome, everyone, to UMC's 2019 Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎大家參加聯電 2019 年第二季獲利電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) For your information, this conference call is now being broadcasted live over the Internet.


  • A webcast replay will be available within 1 hour after the conference is finished.


  • Please visit our website, www.umc.com, under the Investor Relations, Investors, Events section.

    請造訪我們的網站 www.umc.com,位於「投資者關係」、「投資者」、「活動」部分。

  • And now I would like to introduce Mr. Michael Lin, Head of Investor Relations, UMC.

    現在我想介紹一下聯華電子投資人關係主管Michael Lin先生。

  • Mr. Lin, please begin.


  • Michael Lin - Division Director of Finance

    Michael Lin - Division Director of Finance

  • Thank you, and welcome to the UMC's conference call for the second quarter of 2019.

    謝謝,歡迎參加聯華電子 2019 年第二季電話會議。

  • I'm joined by Mr. Jason Wang, the President of UMC; and Mr. Chi-Tung Liu, the CFO of UMC.

    與我一同出席的還有聯華電子總裁 Jason Wang 先生;以及聯電財務長劉志東先生。

  • In a moment, we will hear our CFO present the second quarter financial results, followed by our President's key message to address UMC's forecasts and the third quarter 2019 guidance.

    稍後,我們將聽到我們的財務長介紹第二季的財務業績,然後是我們的總裁針對 UMC 的預測和 2019 年第三季指導的關鍵訊息。

  • Once our President and the CFO complete their remarks, there will be a Q&A session.


  • UMC's quarterly financial reports are available at our website, www.umc.com, under the Investors Financials section.

    UMC 的季度財務報告可在我們的網站 www.umc.com 的「投資者財務」部分取得。

  • During this conference, we will make forward-looking statements based on the management's current expectation and beliefs.


  • These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual result to differ materially, including the risks that may be beyond company's control.


  • For these risks, please refer to UMC's filings with the SEC in the U.S. and the ROC security authorities.

    對於這些風險,請參閱聯華電子向美國 SEC 和中華民國安全機構提交的文件。

  • Now I would like to introduce UMC's CFO, Mr. Chi-Tung Liu, to discuss our second quarter 2019 financial results.


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Thank you, Michael.


  • I would like to go through the 2Q '19 investor conference presentation material, which can be downloaded from our website.

    我想瀏覽一下 19 年第二季度投資者會議演示材料,該材料可以從我們的網站下載。

  • Starting on Page 3. I think the key message for second quarter of 2019 is we see a good rebound from the previous quarter.

    從第 3 頁開始。我認為 2019 年第二季的關鍵訊息是我們看到較上一季出現良好反彈。

  • However, due to the current geopolitical uncertainties, we still see some kind of decline from the same period of last year.


  • So on Page 3, consolidated revenue was TWD 36.03 billion and gross margin pretty much doubled to 15.3% from the previous quarter.

    因此,第三頁的綜合收入為新台幣 360.3 億,毛利率較上一季幾乎翻倍至 15.3%。

  • And the net income attributable to the stockholder of the parent was TWD 1.74 billion.


  • And earnings per ordinary shares was TWD 0.15.


  • On the Page 3, you can also see the trend of the utilization rate.


  • Again, 88% in second quarter, a good recovery of 5% from 83% in first quarter, but significantly lower than the 97% of the same quarter in 2018.

    同樣,第二季為 88%,比第一季的 83% 恢復了 5%,但明顯低於 2018 年同季的 97%。

  • So on Page 4, revenue growth 10.6% Q-o-Q to TWD 36 billion.

    第四頁的營收季增 10.6%,達到 360 億新台幣。

  • Roughly 7% come from the shipment increase; another 3% coming from the ASP increase, which is mainly due to the product mix enhancement.


  • Gross margin, as I mentioned, has more than doubled to TWD 5.65 billion or 15.7% gross margin.

    正如我所提到的,毛利率增長了一倍多,達到 56.5 億新台幣,即 15.7% 的毛利率。

  • And operating expenses also slightly increased to TWD 5.5 billion.


  • And as a result, the operating income is around TWD 1.76 billion or 4.9% operating profit margin.

    因此,營業收入約為新台幣 17.6 億元,營業利益率為 4.9%。

  • Net operating income didn't really see the similar revaluation gains in our stock holdings in the first quarter, so it's more reflect of our routine interest expenses and some of the ForEx losses due to the weakness in renminbi.


  • So net nonoperating income is around -- net operating expenses is around TWD 617 million losses in the second quarter.

    因此,第二季的淨非營業收入約為 - 淨營業費用約為新台幣 6.17 億虧損。

  • And as a result, the net income attributable to stockholder of the parent in quarter 2 is TWD 1.74 billion or 4.8% -- percentage point, which is 44.9% better than that of first quarter 2019.


  • EPS was TWD 0.15 per shares.


  • So on Page 5 is the year-to-date or first 6 months' comparison to the same period of last year.

    第 5 頁是年初至今或前 6 個月與去年同期的比較。

  • Revenue, as I mentioned, declined about 10.1% from TWD 76.3 billion to TWD 68.6 billion in 2019 first 6 months.

    正如我所提到的,2019 年前 6 個月的收入從 763 億新台幣下降到 686 億新台幣,下降了約 10.1%。

  • Gross margin as a result declined by 30% to TWD 7.9 billion from TWD 11.3 billion in 2018.

    毛利率因此下降 30%,從 2018 年的 113 億新台幣降至 79 億新台幣。

  • And nonoperating income showed a gain of TWD 630 million versus a negative of TWD 8 million in the 2018.

    營業外收入則由 2018 年的負 800 萬新台幣增至 6.3 億新台幣。

  • So net income attributable to stockholder of the parent declined 58% year-over-year to TWD 2.94 billion and EPS is TWD 0.25 in the first 6 months of the year.

    因此,今年前 6 個月歸屬於母公司股東的淨利潤為新台幣 29.4 億元,年減 58%,每股收益為新台幣 0.25。

  • On Page 6, our cash position continued to increase.

    在第 6 頁,我們的現金狀況持續增加。

  • At the end of the quarter 2, it's now reached about TWD 90 billion, while our total equity is still around TWD 202 billion.

    截至第二季末,目前已達到約 900 億新台幣,而我們的總股本仍約為 2,020 億新台幣。

  • And EPS -- as our ASP dropped -- jumped around 3% in the second quarter of 2019, mainly due to our recovery utilization rate in 12-inch operations.

    隨著平均售價下降,每股盈餘在 2019 年第二季成長了 3% 左右,這主要是由於我們 12 吋業務的利用率恢復。

  • In terms of sales revenue breakdown on Page 8, Asia continues to grow.

    從第 8 頁的銷售收入細分來看,亞洲持續成長。

  • Now it's around 59% of our total revenue.

    現在它約占我們總收入的 59%。

  • And North America is about 31%.


  • And IDM and Fabless breakdown didn't really change much in the second quarter, but the communication has been the key drivers for the recovery in the second quarter and now stand for 58% -- 52% of our total revenue on Page 10.

    IDM 和 Fabless 細分在第二季並沒有太大變化,但通訊一直是第二季復甦的關鍵驅動力,現在佔第 10 頁總收入的 58% 至 52%。

  • And we still haven't really received very strong cryptocurrency-related order, and that's reflected in our 14-nanometer revenues compared to the same -- compared to 2018.

    我們仍然沒有真正收到非常強勁的加密貨幣相關訂單,這反映在我們的 14 奈米收入與 2018 年相比。

  • And 28 nanometers show some kind of rebound to 13% of our total revenue and 40 nanometer also grow to 24% in second quarter compared to the first quarter of 2019.

    與 2019 年第一季相比,第二季 28 奈米技術出現某種程度的反彈,占我們總收入的 13%,40 奈米技術也成長至 24%。

  • And on Page 12, our capacity will continue to debottleneck.

    在第 12 頁,我們的產能將繼續消除瓶頸。

  • And you can see that our Singapore fab, Fab12i, will continue to show some kind of mild capacity growth.

    您可以看到我們的新加坡工廠 Fab12i 將繼續呈現某種程度的溫和產能成長。

  • And there will be also some debottlenecking in our Taiwan 8-inch wafer fab.


  • So total capacity available on quarterly basis is around 2 million in third quarter.

    因此,第三季可用總產能約為 200 萬個。

  • And so far, our CapEx budget remain unchanged, around TWD 1 billion, and 12-inch represents 75% of the total CapEx budget.

    到目前為止,我們的資本支出預算保持不變,約為 10 億新台幣,其中 12 英寸佔總資本支出預算的 75%。

  • The above is the summary of UMC's result for quarter 2 2019.

    以上是聯華電子 2019 年第 2 季業績摘要。

  • More details are available in the report which has been posted on our website.


  • I would now turn our call to President of UMC, Mr. Wang


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Thank you, Chi-Tung.


  • Good evening, everyone.


  • Here, I would like to update the second quarter operating result of UMC.


  • In the second quarter, foundry revenue grew 10.6% quarter-over-quarter to TWD 36 billion, leading to a foundry operating margin of 5.3%.


  • Utilization rate increased to 88%, bringing wafer shipments to 1.73 million 8-inch equivalent wafers.


  • Second quarter '19 results reflected higher contribution from 12-inch technology node, which experienced strength on the wireless communication segment, including chips found in entry-level to mid-end smartphones, switch and routers.

    19 年第二季的業績反映出 12 吋技術節點的貢獻較高,該技術節點在無線通訊領域表現強勁,包括入門級到中階智慧型手機、交換器和路由器中的晶片。

  • During the quarter, we generated a free cash flow of TWD 8.17 billion.

    本季度,我們產生了 81.7 億新台幣的自由現金流。

  • We remain committed to strengthening our financial metrics.


  • And on June 19, 2019, UMC's Board of Directors approved the cancellation of 400 million ordinary treasury shares, which will reduce UMC ordinary shares by 3.3%.


  • Despite U.S. and China trade tensions creating market uncertainty, we anticipate that specific area within the wireless communication centers will have a shorter upward adjustment in the supply chain, which should lead to a slight increase in wafer demand.


  • However, we have observed that customers are continuing to managing their inventory carefully amid a weakened global economic environment, which may contribute to a lower visibility in business forecast during the second half of 2019.

    然而,我們觀察到,在全球經濟環境疲軟的情況下,客戶繼續謹慎管理庫存,這可能導致 2019 年下半年業務預測的可見度較低。

  • In the meantime, we will continue to actively implement measures intended to enhance our foundry competitiveness, such as focusing resources to capitalize on our existing strength in mainstream logic and specialty processes, while offering more diversified technology platform to customers.


  • Now let's move on to the third quarter 2019 guidance.

    現在讓我們繼續討論 2019 年第三季的指導。

  • Our wafer shipment will show an increase of 2% to 4%.


  • ASP in the U.S. dollar is expected to increase by 1%.

    以美元計算的平均售價預計將上漲 1%。

  • Gross profit margin will be in the mid-teens percentage range and capacity utilization rate will be in the high 80% range.

    毛利率將在百分之十幾左右,產能利用率將在 80% 以上。

  • For foundry CapEx budget of 2019, it will be USD 1 billion.


  • That concludes my comments.


  • Thank you all for your attention.


  • Now we are ready for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And the first question is coming from Randy Abrams, Crédit Suisse.


  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • I wanted to ask the first question just on the recent news on the China -- the plan for the China listing.


  • And if you could go through maybe a bit more on the rationale to withdraw the listing.


  • And if you could also now discuss for that China operation, any -- like what your plan or strategy is now for both the 8-inch and 12-inch?

    如果您現在也可以討論中國業務,例如您現在針對 8 英寸和 12 英寸的計劃或策略是什麼?

  • If it changes any of your plans on the ramp up.


  • So if you could just give an update on how your plans to ramp up Shaman and also the 8-inch, but yes, would appreciate if you could also address the pull of the listing.

    因此,如果您能提供有關如何提升 Shaman 和 8 英寸的計劃的最新信息,但是是的,如果您也能解決列表的吸引力,我將不勝感激。

  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • I think the pull of the listing's really coming from that our underwriter or the guarantee Chang Jiang Securities after a few rounds of negotiation with the regulators, it doesn't seems we can reach a consensus about several key areas.


  • And we've been -- we haven't been really told officially about what areas they can now reach the consensus.


  • However, it's unlikely the regulator will change their current thinking.


  • And instead of being rejected, we will be recommended by our underwriters to pull the application, which we did.


  • And as for the implication, we think it's rather limited.


  • Of course, we would love to catch the high P/E multiples in the new [style board] in China.


  • However, from a longer transmitting UMC's listing, both from Taiwan and China, we do have ample experience for international financing.


  • So we don't really think this termination or suspension of our application for listing will have any impact for our UMC in Taiwan or our operation in China in terms of financing for the growth in the future.


  • So the impact is very limited and we don't expect to see any change for our China strategy regarding our 8-inch or 12-inch operations, both in Suzhou and Xiamen.

    因此,影響非常有限,我們預計我們在蘇州和廈門的 8 吋或 12 吋業務的中國戰略不會發生任何變化。

  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • And maybe since we're on the China facility, if you go through Xiamen, the capacity now relative to -- I think the first phase you can eventually get to 25,000.

    也許因為我們在中國的工廠,如果你經過廈門,現在的產能相對於——我認為第一階段最終可以達到 25,000 人。

  • But if you could talk about where you're at now, how the fab utilization is?


  • And if you have plans to kind of expand that closer to the 25,000.

    如果您計劃將數量擴大到接近 25,000 個。

  • And then also for the 8-inch chip, where you're seeing for the utilization, if you're seeing more activity from the supply chain that you also need to add capacity on the 8-inch in China?

    然後對於 8 吋晶片,您會看到利用率,如果您看到供應鏈有更多活動,那麼您還需要增加中國 8 吋晶片的產能嗎?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • So 17,000 to 18,000 is roughly the current status.


  • Yes, the goal is to reach to 25,000.

    是的,目標是達到 25,000 人。

  • However, this Xiamen strategy is very 28-nanometer high K-centric.


  • So it's more tied to our high K momentum more than anything else.

    所以它與我們的高 K 動量的關係比其他任何東西都更重要。

  • So we do see a recovery in our 28-nanometer activity in the second quarter as well as third quarter.

    因此,我們確實看到第二季和第三季 28 奈米活動有所復甦。

  • But in order to further expand the Xiamen facility, especially 28,000 high K, we do need a stronger momentum than current status.


  • So it will flow with the market demand.


  • And in the near term, we will do only very mild expansion for our Xiamen capacity.


  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Yes.


  • And if I could ask actually it's more related to the mix.


  • It rebounded well with the pickup, like the 28 and 40 started to come back.

    皮卡的反彈很好,就像 28 和 40 開始反彈一樣。

  • If you could talk -- because you're putting a little bit of conservatism on second half.


  • Maybe talk a little more.


  • You mentioned 28 is still picking up.


  • So if you could give an outlook how you see the 28 and 40 nodes continuing and maybe carrying that further, like over the next year with 5G?

    那麼,您能否展望一下 28 和 40 個節點的持續發展,並可能進一步發展,例如明年的 5G?

  • I guess TSMC kicked off with a lot of optimism on that.


  • But if you could talk about how you see that coming through, if you're seeing kind of that similar early trend.


  • And how you see that affecting it, whether it's a 28, 40 or more specialty that might be looking up the mature nodes?

    您如何看待這對它的影響,無論是 28 個、40 個或更多個可能正在尋找成熟節點的專業?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, for the near term, the Q2, we actually see some of the rebound from a wireless communication sector.


  • As we've seen though, it's more related to inventory replenishment than some selected customer in the communication markets.


  • And we anticipate this wireless communication replenishment will probably continue and showing into Q3 '19.

    我們預計這種無線通訊補充可能會持續到 19 年第三季。

  • From the -- by no basis going forward, the 28, we see a improvement quarter-over-quarter from Q1 to Q2.


  • And I will expect the 28 loading in the near term in the Q3 will be probably remain flat.

    我預計第三季近期的 28 輛裝載量可能會保持穩定。

  • Okay.


  • However, the -- from the longer-term standpoint of the 28, we do believe that 2019 is the fastest of the 28 as we start seeing some of the opportunity will improve our utilization going forward, mainly driving from a combination of the current 28 fragment product as well some of the projects that were currently under early engagement.

    然而,從28 個國家的長期角度來看,我們確實相信2019 年是28 個國家中最快的,因為我們開始看到一些機會將提高我們未來的利用率,這主要是由當前28 個國家的組合推動的碎片產品以及目前正在早期參與的一些項目。

  • So we do believe the 28 going forward will improve from 2019.

    因此,我們確實相信未來 28 個數字將比 2019 年有所改善。

  • If you break it down to the 40's nodes, I mean the 40 nodes in the -- in both Q2 and Q3, we see some good sign on that as well because the inventory reasons I mentioned earlier.

    如果你將其分解為 40 個節點,我的意思是在第二季和第三季中的 40 個節點,我們也看到了一些好的跡象,因為我之前提到的庫存原因。

  • But on a longer-term, and we do see that from the communication side and the consumer segment will continue driving some of the demand going forward.


  • And so we are comfortable with how our business is progressing on 40 as well.

    因此,我們對 40 週年的業務進展也感到滿意。

  • And about the technology together, we expect our business along with technology development and the capacity point will be very much aligned with the market trend.


  • Then now you also asked about other nodes.


  • For the mature 12-inch, the 60 by 50 by 90, I mean, yes, we do see a strong demand coming from the many different segments.

    對於成熟的 12 英寸(60 x 50 x 90),我的意思是,是的,我們確實看到來自許多不同細分市場的強勁需求。

  • And we believe that mature 12-inch will sustain the high utilization rate driven by those growth area in the specialty area.


  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • And the last question, probably two clarifications for it to go through.


  • The CapEx first half was underspent a bit and it sounds like you're having a bit of a conservative view at least into second half further pick-up on utilization.


  • So I'm curious if you see potential you could underspend the CapEx budget again.


  • And a second clarification, on the margins.


  • In the second quarter, it was a nice improvement, and I think some of that is mix of advanced nodes.


  • It looks like though on higher sales, you brought down the nondepreciation costs.


  • So if you could go through a bit more what drove the improvement.


  • But then into second half, it looks like it's flattening out a bit even though sales is still picking up.


  • So I'd be interested if you can give a little more color on what the drivers are in the margins.


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • For CapEx first, its current budget is TWD 1 billion, which is a small number.

    首先就資本支出而言,目前的預算是 10 億新台幣,這是一個很小的數字。

  • And the push out of payment or pulling of the payment could have some kind of impact for our cash-based budget in 2019.

    延遲付款或取消付款可能會對我們 2019 年的現金預算產生某種影響。

  • But for the time being, ballpark issue hasn't really changed much, and that's why we still keep our TWD 1 billion budget impact here.

    但就目前而言,大致問題並沒有真正改變太多,這就是為什麼我們仍然保留 10 億新台幣的預算影響。

  • And this is a dynamic process.


  • So we will update you if there's any change in terms of the real spending regards for 2019.

    因此,如果 2019 年實際支出方面有任何變化,我們將及時通知您。

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • And for your question on the margin.


  • Q2 margin, the Q2 margin was better than guidance as a result of the, one, the NT dollars' depreciation.


  • We see some improvement on that and as well as our ongoing staff cost reduction efforts in which that will continue.


  • For Q3, we projected in the mid-teens range of -- even our overall utilization is expected to stay in the high 80% range.

    對於第三季度,我們預計在 10% 左右——甚至我們的整體利用率預計將保持在 80% 的高點範圍。

  • But we usually expense the higher utility costs during the fixed summer season.


  • So at this point, we guide it as a mid-teens range.


  • Operator


  • And the next question is coming from Gokul Hariharan of JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Gokul Hariharan。

  • Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

    Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I have a couple of questions.


  • Could you talk a little bit about your outlook for the 8-inch demand in second half for this year, given that you mentioned that some of the segments are still seeing inventory correction?


  • Also, last year, I think 8-inch we did see some ASP increases for -- at least for certain segments and mix also was getting better.

    另外,去年,我認為 8 吋我們確實看到了 ASP 的一些成長——至少對於某些細分市場來說,而且組合也變得更好。

  • Could you comment a little bit on what is the pricing trend in 8-inch right now, given some of your competitors have also talked about lower utilization since Q2, potentially extending into second half of the year?

    鑑於您的一些競爭對手也談到自第二季度以來利用率較低,並可能持續到今年下半年,您能否對目前 8 英寸的定價趨勢發表一些評論?

  • Lastly, any comment from management on how the settlement process with Micron is progressing?


  • And what does the management expect or kind of project in terms of any financial payments or anything like that, that just could be required for Micron in the capital plan?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Okay.


  • As far as the 8-inch outlook, our Q2 was guided with a lower utilization in last quarter.

    就 8 吋前景而言,我們第二季的預期是上季利用率較低。

  • And as we start seeing our 8-inches show a softened demand across from larger mix more discrete drivers, and -- but as a result, our Q2 8-inch utilization was actually higher than expected and reaching to a high 80% range.

    當我們開始看到我們的8 英寸顯示出需求疲軟,因為更大的混合更多離散驅動器,並且- 但結果是,我們第二季度的8 英寸利用率實際上高於預期,達到了80% 的高範圍。

  • And we expect the 8-inch utilization will be in a high 80% range as well for the Q3 '19.

    我們預計 19 年第三季 8 吋的使用率也將高達 80%。

  • Going forward, longer-term, the 8-inch business all of it in a way, we still believe there's going to be many drivers that drives that demand, particularly from 5G and AKTV.

    展望未來,從長遠來看,8 吋業務在某種程度上仍然相信,將會有許多驅動因素來推動這一需求,特別是來自 5G 和 AKTV 的驅動力。

  • For example, the -- we seen some promising opportunity in the Fit Me for the 5G and diverse applications.

    例如,我們在 Fit Me 中看到了 5G 和各種應用的一些有前途的機會。

  • And we're also seeing a solid growth trend in LDDI as we see a higher resolution on TV such as AK4K or 4K2K start penetrating to the market.

    隨著 AK4K 或 4K2K 等更高解析度的電視開始滲透到市場,我們也看到 LDDI 的穩健成長趨勢。

  • So we remain confident about the 8-inch in the longer term.

    因此,從長遠來看,我們對 8 英寸仍然充滿信心。

  • But in the short term, we're probably going through some short-term volatility.


  • Yes.


  • The -- from an ASP standpoint, we see the ASP mainly driven by product mix as well the erosion.


  • And we see a -- the product mix may change as -- when we're seeing a different mix of a product coming into an 8-inch mature technology.

    當我們看到不同的產品組合進入 8 吋成熟技術時,我們看到產品組合可能會改變。

  • So on that front, I say our goal is try to maintain as flat as possible, but it may change due to the product mix changes going forward.


  • And we have to look how fast those new application were migrating into the 8-inch mature technology.

    我們必須看看這些新應用程式遷移到 8 吋成熟技術的速度有多快。

  • Example like the most fabs and the IGBT area which represent a different level of ASP, but we'll continue monitoring the trend of that.

    例如,大多數晶圓廠和 IGBT 區域代表了不同的 ASP 水平,但我們將繼續監控其趨勢。

  • But if we resolve the mix change, we'll maintaining the ASP as flat as we can.


  • The final question for the Micron case, the litigation at this point is still ongoing.


  • And we stated before and we will vigorously defend any of the false charges amid some steep allegations.


  • But since this is under the judicial process now, we do not have any updated information at this point.


  • If there is any new development, we will disclose it in a timely measure.


  • So I think that's probably as far as I can update you for that topic.


  • Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

    Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Just one quick follow-up on 8-inch fab.

    只是 8 英寸晶圓廠的一個快速跟進。

  • The -- Fujitsu is something that deal seems to be delayed and potentially, could you give an official update on what is happening there?


  • And is there further need to actually seek out some 8-inch capacity given you're running at close to 90% utilization?

    鑑於您的利用率接近 90%,是否還需要實際尋找一些 8 吋容量?

  • And I think previously, the expectation was to kind of bring some capacity in.


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, first of all, the Fujitsu Mia acquisition is a 12-inch.


  • Yes.


  • That's right.


  • So for the -- for that transaction, we've currently been working with the relevant government agency to provide whatever material they need, and we're still in that stage in order to reach an informed decision.


  • And we can't actually -- we are not in that position to speculate on any anticipated time line right now.


  • But we are working with them closely to hopefully we can get to that.


  • We are aiming for the next contractual date is October 1, 2019.

    我們的目標是下一個合約日期是 2019 年 10 月 1 日。

  • So that's the current status.


  • For the 8-inch capacity, we have a really relatively limited space for significant capacity increase.


  • And the area that we focus on -- those capacity increase will primarily be in our China 8-inch fab, called HeJian fab, and the capacity increase right now, the plan is from 60 -- a range of 65,000 per month to 70,000.


  • Yes.


  • So overall, 3% increase.

    總體而言,增加了 3%。

  • Yes.


  • Operator


  • And the next question is coming from Szeho Ng of China Renaissance.


  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • I have two questions.


  • The first one, regarding UMCi.

    第一個是關於 UMCi 的。

  • You're adding more capacity in that sector.


  • What are the reasons behind the move for the capacity expansion there?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • UMCi is our mature 12-inch wafer fab.


  • And they are also carry more of our specialty technology development.


  • So the capacity expansion is mainly aiming to have more variety in specialty technology out of our Singapore facilities.


  • So specialty is the main area of our expansion.


  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • I see.


  • All right.


  • Okay.


  • The second one, going back to the Fujitsu question.


  • Let's say after October this year, you are not able to close the deal, would you walk away from the deal or you will ask for extension?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • It's hard to speculate, and we are not really reaching the point of deadline yet.


  • I think both party are really hoping to close the deal, and we do expect to see a positive outcome.


  • And if a extension is really necessary, then we'll, of course, we'll do our best to negotiate for such a revision for purchase agreement.


  • However, for the time being, we are focusing on providing information for all the regulators.


  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • So the next milestone, what should we be monitoring for that transaction?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • So once we receive relevant approval, and we will, of course, make an announcement.


  • And the closing day is aiming -- the next one available I mean at October 1.

    截止日期是——我指的是 10 月 1 日。

  • Operator


  • And the next question is coming from Roland Shu of Citigroup.

    下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Roland Shu。

  • Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • So first question.


  • Can you update your status for your 22-nanometer HPC+ qualification status?

    您能否更新您的 22 奈米 HPC+ 資格狀態?

  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • For the 22-millimeter, there is a couple of phases, uLL and uLP.

    對於 22 毫米,有幾個階段:uLL 和 uLP。

  • And the -- we will start taping out 22-nanometer products in second half '19 and followed by more 22 tapeout in 2020 as well.

    我們將在 19 年下半年開始流片 22 奈米產品,並在 2020 年流片更多 22 奈米產品。

  • And for the 22, we expect those product will enter volume production sometime in 2020.

    對於 22,我們預計這些產品將在 2020 年的某個時候進入批量生產。

  • Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Okay.


  • Yes.


  • So what kind of alternate applications are picking up on this 22-nanometer technology?

    那麼這種 22 奈米技術正在出現哪些替代應用呢?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • For the initial products are more related to the consumer area.


  • Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Consumer?


  • Yes.


  • And probably that will be established but as you go -- next year 2020?

    也許這會被確定,但隨著你的腳步——明年 2020 年?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Yes.


  • Sometime in 2020.

    2020 年的某個時候。

  • Yes.


  • Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Okay.


  • So I know probably are still at the early stage, but what are your outlook for this 22-nanometer gross margin?

    所以我知道可能仍處於早期階段,但您對 22 納米毛利率的前景如何?

  • Do you expect a steeper gross margin earning curve compared to 28-nanometer or you think it will be the same?

    與 28 奈米相比,您預計毛利率收益曲線會更陡峭還是您認為會相同?

  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • For the gross margin, I mean we look at this from a blended level, not in a position to guidance, but specific nodes.


  • But in our projection today, we do think once the 22 start ramping, we're actually helping in our blended gross margin I believe.

    但在我們今天的預測中,我們確實認為,一旦 22 開始增加,我相信我們實際上正在幫助提高我們的混合毛利率。

  • Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Okay.


  • So it will be a gross margin accretive once your next production is for 22-nanometer?

    那麼,一旦您的下一次生產採用 22 奈米工藝,毛利率將會增加嗎?

  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Yes.


  • Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Okay.


  • Good.


  • My second question is on stock prices now, you increased President's and the Vice Presidents' total compensation from 2% on the total net income in 2017 to 8% of the total net income in 2018.


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • We just try to tie the company's stock performance to the senior management's performance.


  • So last year -- sorry, this year -- last year, we did the equity program to our senior management.


  • And so all the senior management actually pay for the treasury shares at a cost of around TWD 11.5 at the market, price of TWD 15.5.

    因此,所有高階主管實際支付的庫存股成本約為新台幣 11.5 元,市場價格為新台幣 15.5 元。

  • And as a result, we also have to be pay tax based upon TWD 15.5.

    因此,我們也必須以 TWD 15.5 為基礎繳稅。

  • And that's the main reason.


  • So it's a more like a one-time equity-linked performance compensation for senior management.


  • Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director and Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Okay.


  • Understood.


  • So for 2019, I think the total compensation won't be as high as 8% this year or it still depends?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • It will definitely decline.


  • Operator


  • And the next one is from Charlie Chan of JP -- Morgan Stanley, sorry.

    下一篇是摩根士丹利 JP 的查理陳 (Charlie Chan) 發來的,抱歉。

  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • So I have several questions.


  • So first of all, on specialty semiconductors, can you give us more details of tempo for those high-voltage power semis?


  • Can you supply your product to automotive and industrial or even telecom equipments?


  • And you tend to mention that IGBT, do have a IGBT process currently?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, I mean, okay.


  • The -- from specialty technology, we are focused on a few areas.


  • One, we are still bringing out some of the new larger process technology, mainly for the outdoor low powers.


  • And those will be currently focused on 22 and 40 for the ultra-low power, and so serving the low-power requirements.

    這些目前將集中在超低功耗的 22 和 40 上,滿足低功耗要求。

  • The -- and for the other specialty, we also focus on the high-voltage for the display driver application.


  • And across on 80-nanometer, 55, 40 and 28, we have embedded flash that go into 55 nanometers and for the IoT MCU applications.

    在 80 奈米、55 奈米、40 奈米和 28 奈米製程上,我們已經嵌入了 55 奈米製程和物聯網 MCU 應用的快閃記憶體。

  • And we have the RF SOI applications coming into 12-inch, and the -- and that's mainly on the 12-inch side.

    我們將 RF SOI 應用引入 12 英寸,並且主要集中在 12 英寸方面。

  • And the 48-inch, there's the BCDs, the -- and for the PMIC.

    48 吋有 BCD、PMIC。

  • And so those are more on the advanced 8-inch.

    所以這些更多是在先進的 8 英寸上。

  • I mentioned earlier for the IGBT and MOSFET is mainly for preparation of the migration to 8-inch mature technology.


  • And for those, we are still in the planning stage.


  • And since those are more coming from the IDM sort of customer, and we need to closely working with IDM customer for those product specifications, so at this point, and we have a plan, and -- but no specific on the IGBT yet.

    由於這些更多來自 IDM 類客戶,我們需要與 IDM 客戶就這些產品規格密切合作,所以在這一點上,我們有一個計劃,而且 - 但還沒有具體的 IGBT。

  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Yes.


  • So do you have a rough number how much is specialty semi account for your total revenue?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • See, right now is the specialty representing about 50%.


  • Right now, we're about logic and specialty split is about 50-50.

    現在,我們的邏輯和專業劃分約為 50-50。

  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So around the 50% of total revenue coming from that.

    所以大約 50% 的總收入來自於此。

  • Okay.


  • And I would also like to consult your thoughts because you mentioned in your opening remarks that customers are still carefully managing their inventory.


  • So can you give us some sense about end-market demand?


  • Which segments do you see a stronger recovery and which segment you still see that, that remains still weak?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • So we see the -- in Q3, we continue expecting communication will be the strongest segment, but we see some inventory replenishment there.


  • For the consumer and computer, actually it's weaker than the communications segment.


  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • And next would be a quick question about your cellphone, the 5G demand on major infrastructure or 5G smartphone.

    接下來是一個關於您的手機、主要基礎設施或 5G 智慧型手機的 5G 需求的快速問題。

  • I'm not sure.


  • Do you have any exposure to 5G relative semiconductors?


  • But recently, it seems like several semiconductor companies are saying 5G demand is accelerating.

    但最近,似乎有幾家半導體公司表示 5G 需求正在加速。

  • So can you share with your observation on the 5G demand?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • We certainly have the similar expectation for 5G and we do also believe that 5G will come early than originally expected.


  • And then 5G will address many different -- the spectrum of the technology nodes, all the range from very advanced to even the 8-inch.

    然後 5G 將解決許多不同的問題——技術節點的範圍,從非常先進到甚至 8 英寸的所有範圍。

  • So no, I -- we definitely -- we're certainly engaging with many customers.


  • Hopefully, we can penetrate those 5G growth.

    希望我們能夠滲透 5G 的成長。

  • And we have a very similar expectation on 5G like others.

    我們和其他人一樣對 5G 有著非常相似的期望。

  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Yes.


  • So that's actually the question I want to clarify a little bit, right?


  • So I mean, year to date, we haven't seen operators revise outlook about their CapEx.


  • And also, after the trade war, I think outside of China, I think those countries are really concerned about whether 5G infrastructure development will get delayed.


  • So how do we reconcile from the headlines, I mean those trade war issue and also operators' CapEx versus what you and your industry peers are seeing, that demand is happening earlier than expected?


  • So what we missed from this dynamic?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, as a foundry company, we're engaging our customer as a product company.


  • So they penetrate to the market.


  • So the way we measure that is based on their product introduction.


  • So when we're engaging with their product, they're accelerating their tapeout plans and the product coverage.


  • Then to us, that's a good sign.


  • Now whether the infrastructure of the 5G is existing or coming was subject to the bottom ramp.


  • So on the ramp perspective, we still have to -- we have to still -- monitoring that.


  • But from the product development standpoint, we start seeing quite a bit of activities there.


  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So can we get some more color about what kind of 5G ready semiconductors you are working on?

    那麼我們能否進一步了解你們正在研發哪一種 5G 半導體?

  • And we know a customer base -- are those -- are customers more from the Asia-based or U.S., Europe-based?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, actually, it's across the board.


  • From the events in our addressable other than -- 28, 22.

    從我們可尋址的事件中,除 -- 28、22 之外。

  • And in those area, you see the millimeter wave coming in.


  • And all the way to the 8-inch mature or the PMIC.


  • And so in between, you have a display driver that's serving for the 8-K panels.

    因此,在兩者之間,您有一個為 8-K 面板服務的顯示驅動程式。

  • So it is across the board variety different applications.


  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And lastly is a kind of a industry crosscheck, right?


  • So I think 2 quarters ago, you mentioned that you want to try to negotiate the raw wafer price.


  • So what's your expectation about the raw wafer OTA or so-called the counterparty in second half?


  • And what's your expectation about OTA price in 2020?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Well, we've been talking about this for a couple of quarters now.


  • We mentioned that we have a long-term contract a couple of quarters ago.


  • And although we have those long-term contracts, the outgoing process we're working with the suppliers becomes a new norm now.


  • So our process now is to continue working with supplier to achieving a cost competitiveness.


  • And this is only defining of an ongoing process.


  • In the same time, and we are also seeking alternative supplier that will help us improve our wafer cost as well.


  • So it is our plan to bring on additional supplier and -- to the existing long-term contract.


  • So those activities are also ongoing at this point.


  • Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

    Charlie Chan - Technology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So how -- okay.


  • Okay.


  • Can you give us some guess about a raw wafer price next year?


  • Do you think it will go down?


  • And by how much?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, it's -- since it's an ongoing effort, and I mean we do believe it will go down, but no -- it's probably better not to quote percentage.


  • Yes.


  • Operator


  • And next, we'll have Sebastian Ho of CLSA for questions.

    接下來,我們將請里昂證券的 Sebastian Ho 提問。

  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • My first question, just a follow-up on the -- you mentioned the communication strength, the inventory replenishment continue into third quarter.


  • Can you be more specific about what exactly in this communication is more smartphone related or like other networking products?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • It is in the smartphone space and...


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So it is more on the mid to low-end smartphone area?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • That's right.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Do you think it is more driven by inventory replenishment by certain customers or driven by your customers getting share?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • I think it's more -- I mean in our view, it's more of a inventory replenishment on those customers because we haven't really seen that across the board, but on some selected customer.


  • And we do believe that's more inventory adjustments.


  • It's hard to judge whether that's the market share gain or not of those customers, but (multiple speakers) for inventory.


  • Yes.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • So you do see just only specific certain customers rather than across the board all the smartphone customers are doing that?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Yes.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • And in terms of the -- a second question is that you talked about 65 nanometers and 90 nanometers, these mature 12-inch node, you are -- you expect it to continue to stay high.

    就第二個問題而言,您談到了 65 奈米和 90 奈米,這些成熟的 12 吋節點,您預計它將繼續保持高位。

  • I'm just curious about what the specific applications here and why do you think that is sustainable?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, in the near term, we see a very -- a steady volume on the 80-nanometer TDDI.

    嗯,在短期內,我們看到 80 奈米 TDDI 的銷售量非常穩定。

  • So that's for the spree driver side, and it remains stable.


  • And we also see some of the 55 embedded flash from the consumer segment are very stable in that particular nodes.

    我們也看到來自消費領域的 55 個嵌入式快閃記憶體中的一些在特定節點中非常穩定。

  • And that's the near term.


  • And we'll see -- and we do see the -- those high utilization because of the growth of the follow-on technology.


  • The -- on the display that we're migrating from 80 to 55, so they will stay as a mature.

    顯示器上顯示我們正在從 80 歲遷移到 55 歲,因此他們將保持成熟。

  • The consumer MCU will stay at 55.


  • And while the -- our SSOI will probably coming into the 130, 90 and 55 in -- starting about 2020.

    而從 2020 年左右開始,我們的 SSOI 可能會進入 130、90 和 55。

  • So we have certain expectation on this that those application will drive the sustainability of the utilization -- high utilizations.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • And in terms of the -- the third question is on 28-nanometer.

    就第三個問題而言,是關於 28 奈米的。

  • I think earlier, you mentioned that you are pretty confident that this year should be the bottom and -- because based on the products and visibility you have.


  • My question is that I'm curious about what type of applications would this be?


  • And then will it be mainly driven by 22-nanometer consumer application earlier, can you elaborate or also includes something else?

    那麼早期主要是由 22 奈米消費應用驅動嗎?您能詳細說明一下還是還包括其他內容嗎?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Well, the -- both communicating and consumer segment will actually help to drive that, the potential growth in our 28.

    嗯,通訊和消費領域實際上都將有助於推動我們 28 世紀的潛在成長。

  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And in terms of communication, we -- it is reasonable for us to assume that's like non-smartphone-type of a network in such as WiFi?

    就通訊而言,我們假設這就像 WiFi 等非智慧型手機類型的網路是合理的嗎?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Yes.


  • In the smartphone area, WiFi, some of the RF device, yes.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • When you say RF devices, what are you referring to specifically?


  • Is it like RF transceiver?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Yes.


  • RF transceiver, yes, right.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay, got it.


  • Also, you expect those RF transceiver will -- are you gaining share from other foundries or you see there is a customer migrating from 40 to 28?

    此外,您預計這些 RF 收發器會——您是否從其他代工廠獲得了份額,或者您看到有客戶從 40 家遷移到 28 家?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • We can see actually a couple migrating to 28, yes.

    是的,我們實際上可以看到有一對夫婦正在遷移到 28 歲。

  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • And what could happen to your 40-nanometer if those turn -- migrated to 28?

    如果 40 奈米遷移到 28 奈米,會發生什麼事?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Those are not our current 40s customer.

    這些不是我們目前的 40 多歲客戶。

  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So basically, you are taking share from other -- your competitors' 40 nanometers, but they are migrating to 28, and you capture that?

    所以基本上,你正在從其他人那裡奪取份額——你的競爭對手的 40 奈米,但他們正在遷移到 28 奈米,你抓住了這一點嗎?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Yes.


  • We are currently engaged in those, yes.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • Sounds good.


  • Last one, just want to get some update on depreciation.


  • And can you update -- can you just update us on the depreciation outlook for this year and next year again?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Well, this year, again, it's about 5%-plus decline compared to that of last year.

    嗯,今年又比去年下降了 5% 以上。

  • And next year, not so much difference.


  • Maybe we are talking about low single-digit decline.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Next year's only low single-digit decline?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Yes.


  • The main decline probably will have to wait until 2021.


  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • But if I -- I'm not sure if I remember this correctly or incorrectly, but I thought that the next year depreciation was guided to decline more than this year.


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • No.


  • I think from the current status, we are talking about a little bit more than 5% decline in 2019 and only low single-digit decline next year, but a lot more decline, maybe close to a 10% decline or more, in 2021.

    我認為從目前的狀況來看,我們談論的是2019 年的下降幅度略高於5%,明年的下降幅度僅為個位數,但2021 年的下降幅度會更大,可能接近10% 或更多。

  • Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

    Sebastian Hou - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And this is based on the assumption that this year, you spent TWD 1 billion CapEx and next year probably flat?

    這是基於這樣的假設:今年您花了 10 億新台幣的資本支出,明年可能持平?

  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Yes.


  • That's right.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And the next one is coming from Kirsten Li of Goldman Sachs

    (操作說明)下一篇來自高盛的 Kirsten Li

  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • This is Bruce from Goldman.


  • So I just want to go back to the R&D expenses.


  • Okay?


  • We start to see some R&D expenses decline to probably like TWD 2.7 billion, TWD 2.8 billion.


  • I think is that a new norm of modern purpose?


  • Or for a longer-term perspective, what is the ideal R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue in the future?


  • Because we -- I still have difficulty to understand that, after we're showing all the R&D -- our investment for 14-nanometer and above, we still do not see a meaningful R&D expenses decline.

    因為我們——我仍然很難理解,在我們展示了所有研發——我們對 14 奈米及以上技術的投資之後,我們仍然沒有看到研發費用有意義的下降。

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • We see some R&D expense decline, but at the same time, we are reprioritize our R&D team for the -- allocate those resource to specialty technology, I also mentioned earlier.


  • And those specialty technology will cut across on 8 and 12-inch technologies.

    這些專業技術將跨越 8 吋和 12 吋技術。

  • And meanwhile, we also try to -- we're still bringing up some new and larger process technologies I reported earlier for the ultra-low power in 28 and 40 as well.

    同時,我們也嘗試 - 我們仍在推出一些我之前報導過的新的、更大的工藝技術,以實現 28 和 40 的超低功耗。

  • So there's still quite a bit of engineering activities ongoing.


  • But for the longer term, idea is -- if the absolute dollar will stay flat in our revenue growth and the ratio will reduce.


  • So we'll continue tracking that progress and we'll adjust accordingly.


  • At this point, there is no -- we project those will probably stay (technical difficulty)


  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • I'm sorry.


  • I'll try to dig a bit further.


  • The reason is that -- we understand you are trying to prioritize or try to move the R&D spend to someone else -- to do something else.


  • But at the end of the day, the R&D expenses as a percentage of sales should be very different when you do the advanced geometry, versus like a negative product or various different products.


  • So the metrics should be very different, right?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • I didn't quite -- what do you mean by the metrics should be quite different?


  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • So the index is, for example, TSMC is doing a lot of like advanced geometry development.


  • At the end of the day, their R&D expenses as a percentage for their sales is still at 8%, which is similar to UMC at this moment.


  • And if the company is guiding for like a similar R&D percentage -- R&D expenses as a percentage of sales.


  • But in terms of the costs for doing the R&D versus costs of a legacy product, I think it should be -- we should feel that we'll see some differences, right?


  • Or that's why I'm asking for the longer-term perspective.


  • Do we expect a very different R&D expenses?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Well, as I said, for the longer term, it will change, but not for the near term.


  • In the longer.


  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • Let's say in 3 years, what is the ideal R&D expenses though as a percentage of sales?

    假設 3 年後,理想的研發費用佔銷售額的百分比是多少?

  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Well, it depends the -- our R&D project and the focus of the market.


  • And it's too early to project that right now.


  • But you are right.


  • From a metric standpoint, in the longer term will change, but giving what our foreseeable projects today, and we don't see that change in the near term.


  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • Near term means about 1 to 2 years?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Yes.


  • Within the 2 years.


  • Yes.


  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • I see.


  • I understand that.


  • The second thing is that I try to dig a bit more about medium-term outlook.


  • The management just mentioned that the longer term is still positive, but you do expect some short-term volatility.


  • However, you are guiding for flat utilization in third quarter.


  • The industry or for TSMC or they are guiding for some recovery from 8-inch in the fourth quarter.


  • So what kind of volatility are UMC seeing in fourth quarter or early next year?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Well, first of all, we don't guide anything beyond Q3.


  • Our view is -- as we start experiencing some improvement, demand from communication and computer segment, however, the visibility on automotive and industrial segment still remains low.


  • So since the -- those will still be -- remains low, we won't rule out the near-term volatility at this point.


  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • I see.


  • I see.


  • Understand.


  • So that -- there is nothing that you see that fourth quarter or like anything in fourth quarter is below then the expectation or anything like that, right?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Well, when the visibility is low, it's hard to -- so it becomes higher uncertainties.


  • Right now, the biggest concern we have is the recovery of our automotive and industrial.


  • We haven't really seen that coming.


  • And if the near term, the communication is really a short-term -- the upward -- uptick of the inventory adjustment or replenishment, and we don't know how sustainable that is.


  • So the question is really about the visibility and that cause some of the uncertainty from our point, yes.


  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I see.


  • Can you remind us that what is the revenue exposure to automotive and industrial in 8-inch?

    您能否提醒我們,8 吋汽車和工業領域的收入敞口是多少?

  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Of automotive in 8-inch?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Total is about 5% to 6% of our total revenue PAT, so...

    總計約為我們總收入 PAT 的 5% 至 6%,所以...

  • Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

    Bruce Lu - Research Analyst

  • I see.


  • That's for automotive.


  • How about -- that's for automotive or automotive plus industrial?


  • Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

    Jason S. Wang - Co-President & Director

  • Automotive plus industrial, right?


  • Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

    Qi Dong Liu - CFO, VP & Company Secretary

  • Yes.


  • It's about 10%, close to 10%, right.


  • Operator


  • We thank you for your questions.


  • That concludes today's Q&A session.


  • I'll turn things over to UMC Head of IR for closing remarks.

    我會將事情轉交給 UMC IR 主管進行總結發言。

  • Michael Lin - Division Director of Finance

    Michael Lin - Division Director of Finance

  • Thank you for attending this conference today.


  • We appreciate your questions.


  • As always, if you have any additional follow-up questions, please feel free to contact UMC at ir@umc.com.

    與往常一樣,如果您有任何其他後續問題,請隨時透過 ir@umc.com 聯絡 UMC。

  • Have a good day.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • And ladies and gentlemen, that concludes our conference for second quarter 2019.

    女士們、先生們,我們 2019 年第二季的會議到此結束。

  • Thank you for your participation in UMC's conference.


  • There will be a webcast replay within 1 hour.


  • Please visit www.umc.com under the Investors Events section.

    請造訪 www.umc.com 的「投資者活動」部分。

  • You may now disconnect.


  • Goodbye.
