聯華電子 (UMC) 2004 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the United Microelectronics Corporation fourth quarter 2004 earnings conference call.


  • My name is Rachel and I will be your coordinator for today.


  • At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • We will be facilitating a question-and-answer session towards the end of today's conference. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS).

    我們將在今天會議結束時安排問答環節。 (操作員說明)。

  • As a reminder this conference is being recorded for replay purposes.


  • I would now like to turn the presentation over to your host for today's conference, Mr. Chitung Liu, Finance Director.


  • Please proceed sir.


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Thank you.


  • Welcome everyone for attending our fourth quarter earnings conference call.


  • We are hosting this conference call from Taipei.


  • Here to help report our results are Mr. Jackson Hu, CEO, and Mr. Stan Hung, CFO.

    執行長 Jackson Hu 先生和財務長 Stan Hung 先生在此幫助報告我們的業績。

  • Before beginning this presentation, I would like to remind everyone of our Safe Harbor policy.


  • That is certain statements made during the course of the discussion today may constitute forward-looking statements which are based on management's current expectations and beliefs.


  • They are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially including risks that may be beyond the Company's control.


  • For this risk please refer to UMC's filings with the SEC in the U.S. and the ROC securities authorities.

    對於此風險,請參閱聯華電子向美國 SEC 和中華民國證券監管機構提交的文件。

  • Now I would like to turn the call to today's speakers Dr. Jackson Hu, CEO of UMC.

    現在我想請今天的演講者,聯華電子執行長胡博士 (Jackson Hu) 博士發言。

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Thank you Chitung.


  • First of all, I would like to say Happy New Year to everyone who is attending this conference.


  • This applies to both the Western calendar and the Chinese lunar calendar.


  • I wish everyone a prosperous and healthy 2005.


  • As always, I'm going to start with a brief summary of our operating results for the first quarter of 2004, and for the whole year.

    與往常一樣,我將首先簡要總結 2004 年第一季和全年的經營業績。

  • I believe you all have seen our press release by now, so I will try to keep my remarks short.


  • Following this summary, I will review the outlook and the guidelines for the first quarter of 2005.

    在此總結之後,我將回顧 2005 年第一季的前景和指導方針。

  • We will then leave the rest of the time for questions and answers.


  • Now for the summary.


  • For year 2004, UMC has executed well and fully grabbed the market opportunities presented to us in the first three-quarters.


  • Also revenue and the wafer shipments have reached historical highs.


  • Revenue reached NT$117.3 billion which is a 32.8 percent increase over 2003.


  • Please notice that I am not reporting the revenue in U.S. dollars.


  • The New Taiwan Dollar has appreciated significantly over the year.


  • In U.S. dollars, then the growth rate over 2003 would be artificially inflated.

    如果以美元計算,2003 年的成長率將被人為誇大。

  • Wafer shipments for 2004 was totaling 2.8 million wafers, a 28.3 percent increase over 2003.


  • During 2004, in new process technology development, such as 90nm and 65nm, IP core development (indiscernible) support, manufacturing yield-enhancement, patent portfolio establishment, etc., we have made good progress.


  • Due to the strong position of our advanced process technology such as 90nm and 65nm, we have invested aggressively on 12-inch capacity.


  • Our year end capacity of 12A and UMCi have exceeded the planned 20-K and 10-K respectively.


  • Total CapEx actual spending for 2004 was $2.56 billion versus the previously planned 2.18 billion.

    2004 年實際資本支出總額為 25.6 億美元,而先前計畫為 21.8 億美元。

  • Basically in the last year, UMC's fundamental competitiveness has improved and we are seeing the initial positive results of our strategy as a pure play foundry focusing on providing solutions for today's SOC design.

    基本上在去年,聯華電子的基本競爭力有所提高,我們作為一家專注於為當今的 SOC 設計提供解決方案的純晶圓代工廠戰略已初見成效。

  • Now let's turn to the fourth quarter results.


  • Due to across the board inventory correction on the customer sites, revenue, gross margin, shipping, quantity, etc. for 4Q 2004 dropped.


  • However, the operating results were in line with our early forecast.


  • We shipped 657,000 8-inch equivalent wafers which was a 17 percent decrease over the third quarter.

    我們出貨了 657,000 片 8 吋等效晶圓,比第三季下降了 17%。

  • Quarter-over-quarter revenue decreased by 18.4 percent to NT$28.2 billion.


  • Note this was a 19 percent increase over the equivalent period in 2003.

    請注意,這比 2003 年同期成長了 19%。

  • Quarter-over-quarter operating income decreased by 37.5 -- 67.5 percent to NT$2.5 billion.


  • Net income decreased 87.8 percent to NT$1.3 billion.


  • The blended average selling price pretty much remained flat.


  • The challenges seen in the fourth quarter were primarily driven by the weakening in the semiconductor market.


  • This had a significant impact on the decrease in UMC's capacity utilization rate, and as a result the revenues.


  • However, our results also reflect increasing operating expenses.


  • This was because we acquired some IP and we significantly increased our R&D expenditure for 90nm and 65nm technology development at Fab 12A.

    這是因為我們獲得了一些IP,並大幅增加了Fab 12A的90nm和65nm技術開發的研發支出。

  • We believe that the timing for this was right and the investments will help position us well for the second half of 2005 and into 2006.

    我們相信,這樣做的時機是正確的,這些投資將有助於我們在 2005 年下半年和 2006 年保持良好的地位。

  • Most significantly in the fourth quarter, the percentage of total revenue from 90nm technology jumped from 2 percent to 8 percent.

    最顯著的是第四季度,90nm 技術佔總收入的百分比從 2% 躍升至 8%。

  • It was well ahead of our guidance of an increase to 5 percent.

    這遠遠超出了我們 5% 的成長預期。

  • It demonstrates our commitment and the successful ramp up to the most leading-edge technologies.


  • Now let me turn to the guidance for the first quarter of 2005.

    現在讓我談談 2005 年第一季的指引。

  • Year 2004 was again demonstrated by the dynamic nature of our business.

    2004 年我們的業務再次展現出活力。

  • The demand sharply dropped in Q4 as we discussed due to inventory correction.


  • Fortunately, the inventory level was not very high.


  • Over the last three-months, we have noticed that OEM inventory has depleted as well and even though inventory levels for different applications and the customers vary.

    在過去三個月中,我們注意到 OEM 庫存也已耗盡,儘管不同應用程式和客戶的庫存水準有所不同。

  • We started to see demand increase in March and, therefore, we are cautiously optimistic that Q1 revenue could be the bottom.


  • The capacity investments we made in 2004 may cause near-term pressure on operating results, however, we strongly believe that as soon as market demand picks up these capacities will allow us to satisfy the market demand quickly.


  • Quarter-over-quarter, itemized the targets.


  • Wafer ASPs, a decrease of approximately 10 percent in U.S. dollar terms is expected.

    以美元計算,晶圓平均售價預計將下降約 10%。

  • We clearly feel the price pressure as the mature technology nodes such as 0.35 micron and the 0.25 micron.


  • Wafer shipments expected a decrease of 17 percent.

    晶圓出貨量預計將下降 17%。

  • Capacity utilization rates, approximately 60 percent and profitability approaching operating breakeven point.

    產能利用率約 60%,獲利能力接近營運損益平衡點。

  • Percentage of 0.18 micron and below revenues stay unchanged quarter-over-quarter with revenue from 90nm expected to reach approximately 10 percent. 2005 CapEx expected to be within the range of U.S. 1 billion to U.S. $1.5 billion.

    0.18微米及以下的收入比例上季不變,90奈米的收入預計將達到10%左右。 2005 年資本支出預計在 10 億美元至 15 億美元之間。

  • So that pretty much wraps up my outlook guidelines.


  • We thank you for your continued support and appreciate your attendance to the meeting again.


  • Now we can take your questions.


  • Operator



    謝謝。 (操作員說明)。

  • Robert Maire of Needham & Company.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Congratulations on the good results.


  • Two questions.


  • One, if you could give us a breakdown of where you saw our strength from customers, what product applications, consumer versus PC communications and such, and your prognosis or your projections for that going forward into the first quarter?

    第一,您能否向我們詳細說明您從客戶那裡看到的優勢、哪些產品應用、消費者與 PC 通訊等,以及您對第一季的預測或預測?

  • Second question on CapEx, you said between 1 and 1.5 billion.

    關於資本支出的第二個問題,您說在 1 到 15 億之間。

  • Does that include UMCi because you had broken it out in your press releases, CapEx last year being 1.53 billion and 0.91 billion for UMCi?

    這是否包括 UMCi,因為您在新聞稿中已經透露過,去年 UMCi 的資本支出為 15.3 億美元,UMCi 為 9.1 億美元?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • To answer your first question, you probably have noticed in our earlier press release, that we have sales breakdown by applications.


  • So in 2004, Q4 we are seeing 49 percent in communications, 24 percent in computer and 23 percent in consumer.

    因此,在 2004 年第四季度,我們看到通訊領域佔 49%,電腦領域佔 24%,消費者領域佔 23%。

  • That profile will pretty much stay the same moving forward in Q1.


  • That is our best estimate at this time.


  • To be more specific, we do see strong demand in display panel related IC.


  • And for broadband we still see weakness.


  • To answer your questions, yes, the new spending number has included the expending for UMCi.

    回答你的問題,是的,新的支出數字已經包括了 UMCi 的支出。

  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Michael McConnell of Pacific Crest Securities.

    Pacific Crest 證券公司的 Michael McConnell。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Could you kind of give us an indication where for 2005 you feel your capacity will be going?

    您能否告訴我們 2005 年您認為您的產能將走向何方?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • You mean overall?


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Off of the 3.16?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Okay.


  • If we included the $1.5 billion, we expect the total probably a 25 percent increase at the end of 2005 versus the end of 2004.

    如果將這 15 億美元納入,我們預計 2005 年底的總額可能會比 2004 年底增加 25%。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Looking at --.

    看著 - 。

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Year-over-year.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Right, year-over-year.


  • Could you also talk about what went on with the net nonoperating income line?


  • I think you had guided that line to primarily flat in Q4 and definitely that did not come through.


  • Was that just something to do with some shares sales that got pushed out, or just a little explanation there would be helpful.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Are you referring to the Q4 operating expense?


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • The net nonoperating income, correct.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Net nonoperating income.


  • Okay.


  • So please restate your question again.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Just curious, your previous guidance I believe if I heard it correctly on the last conference call, was that it was going to be flat and it looked like we actually saw a decline in that line item.


  • I was just curious what was going on?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • The downturn which hit the semiconductor, overall, also has negative impact on UMCi as well.

    總體而言,半導體產業的低迷也對 UMCi 產生了負面影響。

  • So the loss coming from UMCi is also greater than expected.


  • Actually, if you recall in the last Q3 conference call, we did mention we tried to recognize the $3.5 billion loss associated with UMCi acquisition at one time in the single quarter.

    事實上,如果您還記得在上一次第三季電話會議中,我們確實提到我們試圖在一個季度內一次性確認與 UMCi 收購相關的 35 億美元損失。

  • But it turned out that we will have to amortize over 5 year period.


  • So we didn't actually give a flat guidance for the nonoperating item.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Just looking at Q1, where do you think that line item will go?

    看看 Q1,您認為該訂單項目會去哪裡?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • It will be around breakeven for the nonoperating item as a whole.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Dan Heyler of Merrill Lynch.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I just had a few follow-ups for you guys.


  • On the tax credit in previous downturns, you could exercise some pretty hefty tax credits to kind of help through the difficult times.


  • Do you expect to do that, given your 300 mm spending and credits that you have accrued there, or should we assume that it's 0 as it has been last year?

    考慮到您在 300 毫米的支出和累積的積分,您是否希望這樣做,還是我們應該假設它像去年一樣為 0?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • You should expect 0.

    你應該期望 0。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Why is that number not going up given the amount of the advanced spending that you have been taking?


  • My understanding is you can offset your taxes based on higher CapEx?


  • How come that number isn't going up now?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • We need to depend on the forward-looking position.


  • We base it on a very conservative estimate of the tax credit.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • How much do you have accrued that is still on the books that is accrued and usable?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Actually highly discretionary.


  • We have some used credit per se for as much as a couple billion of NT dollars.


  • But as our CFO just mentioned the run rate is actually associated with the revenue and also the profit line.


  • So we cannot be too aggressive, otherwise we will have to return the tax credit in the future.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Got you.


  • Okay.


  • From your investment disposals, that is also a vehicle that is available to you.


  • You have been the pretty steady about it.


  • But again in previous downturns those numbers tend to go up.


  • Would you be willing to use that to also kind of help through this correction?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We understand the value of the stock should be the main business but in order to further strengthen or streamline our balance sheet, to dispose of non-core assets is always our strategy.


  • We may speed up or slowdown depends on the market condition.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • So you remain flexible there?


  • From the standpoint, I guess as you are looking your -- you talked about some pricing pressure being a little more severe on 0.35 and 0.25.

    從角度來看,我想當您正在尋找您的東西時,您談到了 0.35 和 0.25 的一些定價壓力稍微嚴重一些。

  • Where do you see the pricing on the 1.8 and 1.3 nodes going over the next 6 months or so?

    您認為未來 6 個月左右 1.8 和 1.3 節點的定價如何?

  • Do you anticipate pricing there starting to get a little more severe than it has been so far?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, we started to see some price pressure for 0.18 and 0.15 micron technology as well.

    是的,我們也開始看到 0.18 和 0.15 微米技術面臨一些價格壓力。

  • Whether the pressure will become higher we need to watch, again, depending on the demand.


  • If the demand starts to come back then the situation may ease up.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Right.


  • You're offsetting some of that with 90nm.

    你用 90nm 抵消了其中的某些東西。

  • Do you have -- (indiscernible) 8 percent of revenues.

    你有-(聽不清楚)8% 的收入嗎?

  • I know you don't have a whole lot of visibility but do you think that can hit say 15 percent by midyear in terms of revenue and mix?

    我知道您沒有太多的知名度,但您認為到年中收入和組合方面可以達到 15% 嗎?

  • Or is it hard to say at this point?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It is hard to say at this point.


  • I think I mentioned this afternoon in Taipei's meeting that we do have customers' products in the early phase of ramp up.


  • It depends how smoothly that goes.


  • We don't control everything.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Design wins that you've gotten prototyping, can you give us a rough number in terms of parts that are in the fabs and being worked on?


  • Is it in the high 50 to 100 or under 50?

    是在 50 到 100 之間還是在 50 以下?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think around maybe -- it's under 50, yes.

    我想大概是——是的,不到 50 歲。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Timothy Arcuri of Smith Barney.

    史密斯·巴尼 (Smith Barney) 的蒂莫西·阿庫裡 (Timothy Arcuri)。

  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • A actually I had two questions.

    A 其實我有兩個問題。

  • Number one, can you give us kind of an idea of how linear your spending at both core UMC and at UMCi will be through 2005, i.e., is it front half loaded, is it back half loaded?

    第一,您能否向我們介紹一下您在核心 UMC 和 UMCi 的支出到 2005 年的線性程度如何,即是前半負載還是後半負載?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The spending, I wouldn't say it was linear, a lot of the new spending was definitely depending on the market demand as you can understand, right?


  • So it's hard to predict the linearity at this point.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Okay, okay.


  • I guess this is a second question.


  • I assume that 90nm, your employing some kind of Low-k dielectric.

    我假設 90nm,您使用某種低 k 電介質。

  • Is that right?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • What kind of success have you had with that technology?


  • Have you had any yield ramp issues on that process thus far?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think we have around 14 products being ramped up in production.

    我認為我們大約有 14 種產品正在投入生產。

  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • But would you say that relative to prior processes, are yields coming up at a similar level?


  • Are they coming up faster?


  • Are they coming up slower?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Seeing a similar level.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • So you are generally not seeing any problems with that process right now?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No.


  • We are still improving the process as we speak.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Bhavin Shah of J.P. Morgan.

    摩根大通 (J.P. Morgan) 的巴文‧沙阿 (Bhavin Shah)。

  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • I have a couple of questions.


  • I believe -- well let me just start, UMCi investment loss -- will that be booked at a nonoperating level in the first quarter '05?

    我相信——好吧,讓我開始吧,UMCi 投資損失——會在 05 年第一季按非營運水平記入嗎?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • In order to have a nonoperating breakeven, I presume you have some additional disposal gains?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • You need to speak a little bit louder.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Impacted of Article 35, you have (indiscernible) could you just update us on the goodwill amount for different entities and if or when you may have to take impairment charge?

    受第 35 條的影響,您(音訊不清晰)能否向我們更新不同實體的商譽金額以及您是否或何時可能需要承擔減損費用?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • I think we are according to test, book value processes fair value.


  • Since we already test, but right now because already commercial (indiscernible) for this company and also right now beginning to turn positive (indiscernible) lot of money.


  • So we will put it to a very careful test.


  • Right now based on our content test it's not any impact in the number 35 in this case.

    目前,根據我們的內容測試,在本例中,數字 35 沒有任何影響。

  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Now you will consolidate UMCi in second quarter.

    現在您將在第二季整合 UMCi。

  • So does that mean in order to have an operating breakeven in second quarter you need to have significantly higher utilization in the second quarter, let's say maybe at least 5 to 6 percent higher because the cost of goods sold will go up by maybe 1.5 billion plus in second quarter because of UMCi being consolidated?

    那麼,這是否意味著,為了在第二季度實現營運盈虧平衡,您需要在第二季度大幅提高利用率,比如說至少提高 5% 到 6%,因為銷售商品的成本可能會增加 15 億美元以上第二季是因為UMCi 被整合?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, you are correct.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • When we talk about drop in first quarter are you referring to volume drop or operating profit drop?


  • Can you elaborate?


  • I think you mentioned that business would drop in first quarter at the local conference.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is pretty much shown in the guideline from the wafer shipment ASP standpoint.


  • It has already (indiscernible) close to there.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • So from wafer shipment standpoint, you feel that the (indiscernible) business has dropped in first quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, we mentioned about a 17 percent decrease in wafer shipment and 10 percent decrease in the ASP.

    是的,我們提到晶圓出貨量下降了 17%,平均售價下降了 10%。

  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Matt Gable of Calypso (ph) Capital.

    Calypso (ph) Capital 的 Matt Gable。

  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I was wondering if there is any guidance for Q1 gross margin and 0.18 as a percent of revenue?

    我想知道第一季毛利率和 0.18 佔收入的百分比是否有任何指導?

  • Then I have a follow-up.


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • As usual we do not provide guideline for the margin and bottom-line at this point.


  • For breakeven point, is what we just disclosed.


  • What was your second question?


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • What do you think 0.18 will be as a percent of revenue in Q1?

    您認為 0.18 佔第一季營收的百分比是多少?

  • What will be the incremental change?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • 0.18 micron is below revenue.

    0.18 微米低於收入。

  • It is the (indiscernible) quarter-to-quarter unchanged.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Follow-up question.


  • What is happening with wafer starts loading right now?


  • Is it downtrending still?


  • Has it stabilized, is it starting to inflect upwards?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We see if it goes down in January and February as a slow month due to annual maintenance and as I mentioned earlier, we start to see the demand to increase in March.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Lastly, any input on what you think 2005 wafer demand will be or semi demand in total, globally, will be?

    最後,您對 2005 年全球晶圓需求或半成品需求總量有何看法?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Global for the whole world?


  • For the whole semiconductor industry?


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It is hard for us to predict, but based on the market research that we watched there are all kinds of predictions ranging from flat to negative 5 percent.

    我們很難預測,但根據我們觀察到的市場研究,有各種各樣的預測,從持平到負 5%。

  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Good enough.


  • I appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Sunil Gupta of Morgan Stanley.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I had a couple of follow-up questions to some of the things you said earlier, particularly on capacity.


  • When you said your capacity would increase by 25 percent year-on-year, is that the year end capacity or is it for the full year capacity?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Full year.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • So this is full year versus 2005 versus full year 2004, not end of '05 versus end of '04.

    因此,這是全年與 2005 年與 2004 年全年的比較,而不是 05 年末與 04 年末的比較。

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • That is correct.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • My second question is in terms of your nonwafer revenue in Q4, how much was your nonwafer revenue?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • The general guideline is always around 5 percent.

    一般指導方針始終在 5% 左右。

  • It's no different for 4Q.

    4Q 也不例外。

  • It might be up or down by 1 percent.

    它可能會上升或下降 1%。

  • I don't have the exact number with me, but it should be around 5 percent.

    我沒有具體數字,但應該在 5% 左右。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And you mentioned your capacity utilization in Q1 is likely to be 60 percent.

    您提到第一季的產能利用率可能為 60%。

  • I think in your earlier call this afternoon you mentioned about 7 percent of the capacity may not be available in Q1 because of maintenance and fewer number of days.

    我想您在今天下午早些時候的電話中提到,由於維護和天數減少,第一季大約 7% 的產能可能無法使用。

  • So this 60 percent utilization, is it based on your installed capacity or available capacity?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Available.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • 60 percent of what’s available?

    60% 的內容可用嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • My final question is, what percent of revenue comes from (indiscernible) drivers?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We don't have that number on top of our head.


  • Probably, wild guess, is between 10 to 15 percent.

    大膽猜測,可能在 10% 到 15% 之間。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Pranab Sarmah of Daiwa Securities.

    大和證券的普拉納布·薩爾瑪 (Pranab Sarmah)。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • This is Pranab from Daiwa.


  • I have a couple questions.


  • The first one is basically on your fourth quarter operating performance.


  • If I see your earlier guidance you have virtually guided that operating margins will be down about 10 percentage point from third quarter, but it looks like it was down about 15 percentage points from the third quarter, whereas your ASP and shipment guidances were on line.

    如果我看到你們之前的指導,你們實際上已經指導營業利潤率將比第三季度下降約10 個百分點,但看起來比第三季度下降了約15 個百分點,而你們的平均售價和出貨量指導是在線的。

  • Could you just explain why 5 percent deviations came from quarter – the perameters?

    您能否解釋一下為什麼 5% 的偏差來自季度(參數)?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Mostly because of the higher-than-expected operating expenses, mostly in the 65nm and some 90nm R&D.


  • Since the wafer loading is lower, the R&D department has become more aggressive in running test wafers.


  • The second part is more related to the onetime IP acquisition of the sales and marketing expenses.


  • And if you go back to the guidance, it's actually -- on the gross margin level, it is about 10 percent, 10 percentage points down.

    如果你回到指導,實際上,毛利率水準下降了大約 10%、10 個百分點。

  • So that is no difference there.


  • The only difference is the higher-than-expected operating expenses.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Given your G&A expenses has gone up, any particular reason on that?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Mostly related to the performance bonus we paid in Q4 of last year, as well increasing headcount.


  • So in related to that, for the Q1 operating expenses which were back to a normal level similar to that in the quarter 3 of 2004.

    與此相關的是,第一季的營運費用回到了與 2004 年第三季類似的正常水準。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Could you let us know your strategy to fill up your 0.18 and 0.25-micron capacity?

    您能否告訴我們您填補 0.18 和 0.25 微米產能的策略?

  • Second part is your performance at UMCi seems to be not very good at this point and what are the strategies you are taking to fill up the capacity at UMCi as well?

    第二部分是您在 UMCi 的表現目前似乎不太好,您正在採取什麼策略來填補 UMCi 的容量?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We see pressure 0.18 -- 0.25 micron and 0.18 micron process technology, so by lowering the price, hopefully that can stimulate the demand.


  • You asked about a strategy.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • But would you lower the price to your competition level, the competitor in China, whatever the prices they are offering?


  • Are you in the position to operate similar type of prices or you will try to, if you can let us know the pricing strategy?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It is actually depending on the applications.


  • So our product portfolio or custom portfolio may not be exactly the same as our competitor.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • How about the UMCi because that is advanced process technology?

    UMCi 怎麼樣,因為它是先進的製程技術?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • UMCi advanced process technology, because we expanded aggressively last year, so the utilization rate may not be as great as we expected.


  • But also mentioned, this is an investment and it will be needed for advanced process technology for 0.13, 90nm or even 65nm moving forward.

    但也要提到,這是一項投資,未來 0.13、90nm 甚至 65nm 的先進製程技術都需要它。

  • So as the demand picks up then we will be able to utilize those capacities and that is our strategy.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Now when you expand that capacity in 2005 would you put more capacity at 12A or UMCi (indiscernible)?

    現在,當您在 2005 年擴大容量時,您會增加 12A 容量還是 UMCi 容量(聽不清楚)?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We will look at both of them together to see -- to achieve the maximum efficiency and the benefits.


  • Also as an issue of product mix at each fab?


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Your guidance of R&D expenses in 2005?


  • Should it increase?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In terms of amount, it probably stays the same as 2004.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • And any thought on cash dividend?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We are not going to comment on this issue until our upcoming Board meeting in June.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Shailesh Jaitly of Nomura Securities.

    野村證券的 Shailesh Jaitly。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Firstly, on the capacity you mentioned it will be about 25 percent increase for the CapEx of about 1.5 billion.


  • What would be a capacity increase at the lower end for 1 billion?

    10 億的低端容量增加是多少?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • At the lower end?


  • Are you referring to mature process technology?


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • You mentioned that if you were to spend about 1.5 billion your year end capacity could be reaching something like – it will amount about 25 percent year-on-year increase.

    您提到,如果您花費約 15 億,您的年終產能可能會達到這樣的水平:年增約 25%。

  • Is that right or did I miss something there?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, overall.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Your CapEx guidance is 1 to 1.5 billion, so I was wondering if you were to spend 1 billion instead of 1.5, what would be the capacity increase?

    你們的資本支出指引是 1 到 15 億,所以我想知道如果你們花費 10 億而不是 1.5,容量會增加多少?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The total amount of capacity increase?


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We were asked that question and a good -- because the different equipment cost differently, right?


  • A good way of estimating is use $3.6 billion for 40,000 wafers in advanced 12-inch fab, as a reference and you can divide that up and come up with an estimated capacity number.

    一個好的估算方法是使用先進 12 吋晶圓廠 40,000 片晶圓的 36 億美元作為參考,您可以將其除以得出估算的產能數字。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • What would be the capacity say by maybe that is end of second quarter, installed capacity?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Quarter 2, we may have another 3 to 5 percent more capacity compared to Q1 and that is pretty much it, based upon the current order we have placed out.

    第二季度,與第一季相比,我們的產能可能會再增加 3% 到 5%,根據我們目前發出的訂單,基本上就是這樣了。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • So the total available capacity would increase by about 12 percent?

    那麼總可用容量會增加約 12% 嗎?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • 3 to 5 percent in Q2, yes.

    第二季成長 3% 到 5%,是的。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • 3 to 5 plus 7 percent which will come back because of the maintenance going away, right?

    3 到 5 加上 7%,由於維護工作取消,這會回來,對嗎?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Right.


  • The capacity table did not take out the maintenance capacity.


  • That is on the installed base.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • You mentioned revenue bottom in first quarter, would it be correct to assume that your utilization -- you're factoring that utilization will bottom sometime in the second quarter?

    您提到第一季的收入觸底,假設您的利用率是否正確 - 您考慮到利用率將在第二季的某個時候觸底?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We hope it would be higher.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • You expect your utilization also will bottom out in the first quarter (indiscernible)?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We hope that is the case.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Finally, the capacity at UMCi, what would be the fully installed capacity say by the end of 2005 there?

    最後,UMCi 的容量,到 2005 年底,那裡的全部裝置容量是多少?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • It would be around 15,000 by end of Q2, and that is a current plan.

    到第二季末,數量將達到 15,000 左右,這是目前的計劃。

  • It really depends on how we see the second half to determine the year end capacity.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Again, as I mentioned earlier that we have to look at the combined capacity at the 12A and UMCi together depending on customer demand due to a product mix issue there.

    再次,正如我之前提到的,由於產品組合問題,我們必須根據客戶需求一起考慮 12A 和 UMCi 的綜合容量。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Based in your equipment ordering pattern, is it possible that you'll maintain at 15K itself in the second half?


  • Do you have that flexibility?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Yes, we do have the flexibility.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Within the communication segment, if you could provide the breakdown between wireless and wireline and also as to how you see the outlook going forward in the second quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Typically we have a mix of about one-third from wireline and two-thirds from wireless.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • How are the two sectors panning out for you?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Looks quite reasonable.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Are you seeing more growth in one sector as compared to the others?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Right now, the wireline is a little slower.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Just one final clarification.


  • You earlier mentioned some number about LCD driver as a percentage of total.

    您之前提到過有關 LCD 驅動器的一些數字佔總數的百分比。

  • If you could repeat that;


  • I missed that.


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • We guess it would be around 10 to 15 percent, and that is the number that we have in our mind at this point.

    我們猜測大約是 10% 到 15%,這就是我們目前想到的數字。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Finally, what are the ASP pressures you're seeing just in that segment, that is 0.25, 0.35 micron which is going for the display products?

    最後,您在該細分市場(即用於顯示產品的 0.25、0.35 微米)中看到的平均售價壓力為何?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It's high and it contributes a lot to the 10 percent wafer price drop for this quarter.

    它很高,對本季度晶圓價格下降 10% 做出了很大貢獻。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Would it be in excess of 20 percent?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I would not comment on that because it may be different from different customers.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ivan Goh of DRKW.

    DRKW 的 Ivan Goh。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Good evening.


  • A couple of questions.


  • Firstly on the ASP decline in the first quarter, it seems as if your product mix is fairly stable sequentially.


  • Is the 10 percent ASP decline in the first quarter all attributable to just pricing declines in each and every individual node?

    第一季 ASP 下降 10% 是否全部歸因於每個單獨節點的定價下降?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Mainly from pricing a decrease.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • You did mention that is focusing mainly on the 0.18 to 2.25 micron area?

    您確實提到主要關注 0.18 至 2.25 微米區域?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Actually we see more pressure on 0.35 micron and 0.25 micron which is typically the case.

    實際上,我們在 0.35 微米和 0.25 微米上看到了更大的壓力,這是典型的情況。

  • You start to see more pressure at lower end.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I want to ask a bit about the CapEx, some questions on CapEx.


  • Firstly, what is the CapEx we can expect in Q1 and Q2 of this year?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We mentioned earlier, I think there is 3.5 percent of the increase from Q4 to Q1 and there's 3.5 percent from Q2 to Q1.

    我們之前提到,我認為從第四季到第一季成長了 3.5%,從第二季到第一季成長了 3.5%。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • What is the dollar amount I should put in my spreadsheet for CapEx in Q1 and Q2?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • The payment schedule may not be totally 100 percent aligned with capacity or equipment install schedule.

    付款時間表可能不完全與產能或設備安裝時間表 100% 一致。

  • So for example, we did some advanced payment in Q4 of last year.


  • Most of the equipment delivery is going to be happening Q1 and Q2 for 2005 so far for the equipment we have ordered, but the payment will have to wait until we have certified those equipment.

    到目前為止,我們訂購的設備的大部分設備交付將在 2005 年第一季和第二季進行,但付款必須等到我們對這些設備進行認證之後。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • You mentioned earlier that you are seeing some signs of recovery in March; demand is picking up.


  • Can you perhaps talk a bit about that increase that you're seeing in March.


  • In which particular segment are you seeing increases, whether it be communications, consumer, PC area?


  • Perhaps maybe you could also talk about whether that increase is in 90nm, 130 nm, 0.25 micron, or any kind of -- some kind of details would be most helpful.

    也許您也可以討論這種增加是在 90 奈米、130 奈米、0.25 微米還是任何類型——某種細節會最有幫助。

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In terms of technology nodes, we see the pickup at the two ends of the technology spectrum.


  • At the low end for 0.35 micron, 0.25 micron and at the high end of the technology nodes, such as 90nm.


  • In terms of application, the profile is pretty much the same as Q4 of 2004.

    在應用方面,概況與 2004 年第四季幾乎相同。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So the pickup is across all applications, in other words?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I would not say so.


  • As I mentioned, the wireline is a little slower, and IC's for display panel is strong.

    正如我所提到的,有線傳輸速度稍慢,而顯示面板的 IC 功能強大。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay, that's very helpful.


  • One question on the capacity of Fab 12A.

    關於Fab 12A產能的一個問題。

  • You mentioned earlier that UMCi would probably be about 15,000 wafers per month by the second quarter.

    您之前提到,到第二季度,UMCi 的月產量可能約為 15,000 片晶圓。

  • What will it be for Fab 12A?

    Fab 12A 會怎麼樣?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • 12A will probably be at 25,000 or -- yes, around 25,000.

    12A 可能會是 25,000 或——是的,大約 25,000。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I have a last question.


  • I have two more questions.


  • Firstly on UMCi, what is the kind of estimated losses you would book for UMCi in the first quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In the first quarter?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Very high demand, Q4 last year.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Last question is regarding your FX.


  • You booked quite a substantial ForEx item in your non-operating item -- non-operating line item in Q4.


  • I just want to find out if there has been any substantial change in the way that you hedge your currencies in the fourth quarter?


  • Or is there any intention to change the way you hedge your currencies going forward?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • I think because in the last year of Q4, NT$ appreciated very sharply because we have a lot of U.S. exposure (indiscernible).


  • I think next year I think the other (indiscernible) maybe is quite stable compared to last year, fourth quarter.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • In other words there will be no change in the way you hedge your currencies?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • I want to thank you very much for your time.


  • Operator


  • Ashis Kumar of Credit Suisse First Boston.

    瑞士信貸第一波士頓公司的阿希斯‧庫馬爾 (Ashis Kumar)。

  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Would it be fair to say that particularly when utilization rates sort of trend down as it has for the industry, that is the time when customers obviously come and ask for price discount.


  • So the quarter when utilization rates starts to pickup, a lot of discounted wafers start to go in.


  • Would it then be fair to conclude that second quarter might see increasing wafer shipments, but on a like-to-like basis on bottom line basis that is, we'll see ASP decline quarter-over-quarter compared to 1Q?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Well since we have a mix of low end mature technology as well as high-end advanced process technology.


  • It depends on which size ramps up more quickly, so the overall effect could be different.


  • It is hard for me to give you a straight answer, honestly.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Yes, but however if I were to just look at each (indiscernible) you said that mix could change.


  • But on an each-and-or basis the second quarter wafers would perhaps be at a lower price than the 1Q wafer?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Look at it this way.


  • For example, for each selected node we choose to lower the price and it may stimulate the overall demand.


  • Then that effect could be much higher revenue and also it improves the cost structure as well.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • In terms of – you know, in replying to one of the earlier questions, you said that clearly you hope that the utilization rate picks up in second quarter.


  • But when you said that you assumed first quarter utilization rate to be 60 percent or 53 percent, that is on full capacity or available capacity?

    但是,當您說假設第一季利用率為 60% 或 53% 時,這是指滿載還是可用產能?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • 60 percent on the available capacity.

    可用容量的 60%。

  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • And even when you said you expect utilization rate to improve you meant you think it could be higher than 60 percent?

    即使您說預計利用率會提高,您的意思是您認為利用率可能會高於 60%?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Well, we certainly hope so.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • This is on top of the capacity addition of over 3 to 4 percent?

    這是在產能增加超過 3% 到 4% 的基礎上?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We hope so, yes.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • How is it the utilization rate at the 12-inch fabs compared to the Company average?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • At 12A is above average and 12-I is below average.

    12A 高於平均水平,12-I 低於平均水平。

  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • 12A is above average you say?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • And UMCi would be?

    那麼UMCi 會是什麼呢?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It's below average.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Donald Lu of Goldman Sachs.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Just want to ask your comment for the recent settlement between TSMC and SMIC on their cross-license agreement.


  • Do you think that will have any long-term or near-term impact to your business?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We cannot comment on other company's lawsuits, and we have always been a believer of fair competition and we always protect our own intellectual property fiercely.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • In that case I will ask another question.


  • In terms of depreciation, what is the trend on the quarterly basis in '05?


  • Will that increase gradually or will that be flat?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • After UMCi becomes fully consolidated in Q2, it will be a higher increase.


  • After that, it slowly increases in Q3 and Q4.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mark FitzGerald of Bank of America.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I'm curious if there is any plans to shut down capacity in 2005?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We don't have that plan at all.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Second question is, on your CapEx budget here, what are you looking for in terms of road markers if you were to adjust this?


  • Is this based on customers moving to 90nm or is it based on your own utilization rates' recovery?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It is pretty much based on the customers' demand on that advanced process technology.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Is there any risk that some of the customers won't move ahead as aggressively as they are planning at this point?


  • Is that your concern?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • There is always concern there and that is why the new CapEx, 1 billion to 1.5 billion, will be made based on the customers' demand.

    人們總是擔心這一點,這就是為什麼新的資本支出(10 億至 15 億)將根據客戶的需求進行。

  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Bhavin Shah of J.P. Morgan.

    摩根大通 (J.P. Morgan) 的巴文‧沙阿 (Bhavin Shah)。

  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Just a follow-up.


  • You mentioned R&D will be flat year-on-year.


  • What about SG&A please?

    請問SG&A 怎麼樣?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Probably also flat.


  • Flat means in terms of dollar amount.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Understood.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Gavin Duffy of A.G. Edwards.


  • Gavin Duffy - Analyst

    Gavin Duffy - Analyst

  • I just had a couple of quick questions.


  • First of all, it looks like -- am I correct in this?


  • ASPs actually increased in Q4 over Q3?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Q4 over Q3, the ASP was essentially flat in dollar terms.


  • Gavin Duffy - Analyst

    Gavin Duffy - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Second question I had, everyone knows there is an inventory issue across the board here.


  • Do you think that when you're looking at your customers that the majority will be cleared by the end of Q1 or do you think it will probably take into some of Q2, as well?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It just depends.


  • As I reported earlier, the inventory level for different applications and for each individual customer varies.


  • It is hard to just use one sentence to describe every application's inventory level.


  • Gavin Duffy - Analyst

    Gavin Duffy - Analyst

  • That is a good point.


  • Can you do any generalities.


  • Obviously there is probably more inventory in wireline than wireless.


  • Would it also be fair to say there was more inventory in some of the consumer electronics applications?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, I think wireline has more inventory.


  • Consumer products, it depends which product that you're talking about and also depending on the customer.


  • Sometimes even for one type of product, the different customer has better -- has different inventory level.


  • Gavin Duffy - Analyst

    Gavin Duffy - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Okay.


  • Earlier when you were talking about the equipment purchases this year, what is a typical time frame from when you actually receive the equipment initially until certification?


  • Is that usually like a 3, 4 month type of a process?

    這通常是一個為期 3、4 個月的過程嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is a reasonable estimate.


  • Gavin Duffy - Analyst

    Gavin Duffy - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Pranab Sarmah of Daiwa Securities.

    大和證券的普拉納布·薩爾瑪 (Pranab Sarmah)。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • A quick follow-up.


  • What percentage of your capacity will be able to handle 90nm by middle of the year and 130nm by middle of the year?

    到今年年中,你們的產能將能夠處理 90 奈米和 130 奈米的產能比例是多少?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think overall speaking, the capacity that can handle 0.13 micron and 90nm and the smaller geometries, is around one-third of our overall capacity by year end.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • By year end of 2005?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • 2005, right.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • What is available now with you currently in the first quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • About 22 percent.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • 22 percent.


  • All this capacity can be used for 90nm as well?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is not the case actually.


  • For 90nm — 90nm requires some special equipment.

    對於 90nm——90nm 需要一些特殊的設備。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Assume that 50 percent should be on 90nm?

    假設 50% 應該在 90nm 上?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Slightly less than 50 percent for 90nm.

    90nm 略低於 50%。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • What is your view on the foundry industry in 2005?


  • Do you see a growth in the foundry industry in 2005?


  • And if so, do you think you will be able to maintain your marketshare?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Regarding the overall market, it's a billion dollar question.


  • First of all, people ask how much is the growth for the entire semiconductor industry this year, right.


  • Nobody knows for sure what will be the number.


  • But we believe the core foundries -- definitely foundry will grow faster and our marketshare will definitely continue to increase.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Michael McConnell of Pacific Crest Securities.

    Pacific Crest 證券公司的 Michael McConnell。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Just a quick follow-up.


  • I just wanted to make sure I got my notes down right here.


  • Capacity you're expecting, you've already given that for Q1.


  • It's going to be up about 3 to 4 percent.

    它將上漲約 3% 至 4%。

  • You said in Q2 it should be up another 3 to 4 percent.

    你說第二季應該會再成長 3% 到 4%。

  • And then Q3, did you give any indication there what the ramp is going to be there?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, we didn't.


  • We said that further expansion will depend on the market demand.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • So we're pretty much locked for Q1 and Q2, and then the back half of the year is going to depend on your forecast.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That's correct.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Looking at March, the month of March, you had commented that demand at least has picked up from various customers.


  • So your cycle times right now are still roughly 6 to 8 weeks?

    那麼您現在的周期時間仍然大約是 6 到 8 週?

  • And that is, again, the fab cycle times, not Q times?

    這又是晶圓廠週期時間,而不是 Q 時間?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • For your information, usually when the utilization of a fab decreases, the cycle time also decreases, cycle times improves.


  • It is not proper to quotes 5 or 6 weeks depending -- because different products have different number of mask steps.

    根據情況引用 5 或 6 週是不合適的,因為不同的產品有不同數量的面膜步驟。

  • But right now the cycle time is better and that is across all the fabs.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • I guess the question I'm trying to get to though for the month of March, from what to see in the forecast, how much of that is already locked in versus how much can be cancelled or pushed out from your customers?

    我想我想在 3 月回答這個問題,從預測中看到的內容來看,其中有多少已經鎖定,有多少可以從客戶那裡取消或推出?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think a significant portion of that order has been locked in.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • But not 100 percent yet.

    但還沒達到 100%。

  • Operator


  • Fayad Abbasi at Prudential.

    保誠集團的法耶德‧阿巴西 (Fayad Abbasi)。

  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • I had a couple of questions.


  • One, I don't know if you gave a depreciation amortization guidance for the year, but if you could provide that.


  • Also, as you had mentioned just under 50 designs that you are doing at 90nm, could you perhaps give a split on how those are allocated to Fab 12A versus UMCi?

    另外,正如您所提到的,您正在 90nm 上進行的設計不到 50 種,您能否將這些設計分別分配給 Fab 12A 和 UMCi?

  • I just want to get a sense of, as we ramp up your 90nm capacity over the first half of this year, where is the production predominately going to becoming from?

    我只是想了解一下,當我們在今年上半年提高你們的 90 奈米產能時,生產主要來自哪裡?

  • Will there be 12A or UMCi?

    會有 12A 或 UMCi 嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • As you can notice, 12A has more capacity than 12I, therefore the number of products that will be picked out at 12A definitely will be higher than that in 12I.


  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Could you give like an approximate split?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • It's about 2 to 1, right?


  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Also D&A guidance for the year?

    還有今年的 D&A 指導嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It's flat.


  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Operator, we are ready to take the last question.


  • Operator


  • Timothy Arcuri of Smith Barney.

    史密斯·巴尼 (Smith Barney) 的蒂莫西·阿庫裡 (Timothy Arcuri)。

  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • You're talking about ramping capacity in 2005 by about 25 percent year-over-year and you're talking about taking capacity up 2 to 4 percent in both Q1 and Q2.

    您談論的是 2005 年產能年增約 25%,您談論的是第一季和第二季的產能成長 2% 至 4%。

  • I guess my question is, what is the threshold of pain sitting at 60 percent utilization here today.

    我想我的問題是,今天使用率達到 60% 時,疼痛閾值是多少。

  • What is the threshold of pain for you to spend at the low end of the budget versus at the high-end of the budget?


  • So in other words, is it literally -- does it come down to capacity utilization that if it improves in the back half of '05 you'll spend at the high-end or what is your decision-tree there?

    換句話說,這是否真的取決於容量利用率,如果它在 05 年下半年有所改善,您將在高端進行支出,或者您的決策樹是什麼?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The decision-tree actually is fairly easy.


  • The new budget for the 1 billion to 1.5 billion is very flexible for us.


  • We review the demand situation on a monthly basis and make our equipment offer decisions, order decisions.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • I guess maybe to ask a different way, how much -- this is probably tough to answer, but how much of the spending is technology-related versus capacity-related?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It is customer readiness related.


  • Customer design new products and when they are ready to go into production, we have to look at that status.


  • And of course we look at the process readiness for production as well and since we already have customer products in production that gives us a good reference information.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • So you could say that it is all kind of technology-related and it is kind of things that you have to do to support your customers versus going out and just slightly adding capacity?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is correct and fair to say.


  • But when you say it’s technology-related is not only UMC technology-related, it is also related to customers readiness.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude the question-and-answer portion of your call today.


  • I would like to turn it back to the management team for any closing remarks.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We thank everyone to come to this conference, and again Happy New Year, Happy Chinese New Year to you.


  • See you next time.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you your participation in today's conference.


  • This does conclude your presentation and you may now disconnect.


  • Have a wonderful day.
