聯華電子 (UMC) 2004 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to UMC's third quarter 2004 earnings results conference call.

    歡迎參加聯電 2004 年第三季財報電話會議。

  • Please be aware that each of your lines are in a listen-only mode.


  • At the conclusion of the presentation, there will be time for a question-and-answer session.


  • At that time, instructions will be given about how to proceed with your questions.


  • For your information, this call is being broadcast live over the Internet.


  • A replay of the call will be available at www.umc.com under the Investor Relations Investor Events section until Tuesday, December 28, 2004.

    電話會議的重播將於 2004 年 12 月 28 日星期二之前在 www.umc.com 的投資者關係投資者活動部分提供。

  • Also, a telephone replay of the call will be available from 11:00 a.m.

    此外,將從上午 11 點開始提供電話重播。

  • Eastern Standard Time today, until midnight on the 28th of October, Eastern Standard Time.

    東部標準時間今天,直至東部標準時間 10 月 28 日午夜。

  • To access the replay, please call 888-203-1112 or 719-457-0820 if you're calling from outside the United States.

    若要觀看重播,請致電 888-203-1112 或 719-457-0820(如果您從美國境外致電)。

  • The access code will be 851125 any time during this period.

    在此期間的任何時間,訪問代碼均為 851125。

  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Chitung Liu.


  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

    Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Welcome, and thank you very much for attending our third quarter earnings conference call.


  • We are hosting this conference call from Taipei, and here to help report our results are Mr. Jackson Hu, CEO, and Mr. Stan Hung, CFO.

    我們在台北主持這次電話會議,執行長 Jackson Hu 先生和財務長 Stan Hung 先生將協助報告我們的表現。

  • Before beginning this presentation, I would like to remind everyone of our Safe Harbor policy.


  • Certain statements made during the course of the discussion today may constitute forward-looking statements which are based on Management's current expectations and beliefs, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including risks that may be beyond the Company's control.


  • For this brief (ph), please refer to UMC's filing with the SEC in the U.S. and the ROC Security authorities.

    有關此摘要 (ph),請參閱 UMC 向美國 SEC 和中華民國安全機構提交的文件。

  • I would now like to turn the conference over to today's speaker, Mr. Jackson Hu, CEO of UMC.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Chitung.


  • Hello, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining us today, and we appreciate your interest in UMC.


  • As usual, I will start with a brief summary of our operating results for the third quarter of 2004.

    像往常一樣,我首先簡要總結我們 2004 年第三季的經營業績。

  • I assume that you have all seen our press release by now and therefore, I will keep my remarks short.


  • Following this summary, I will review the outlook and guidance for the fourth quarter of 2004.

    在此總結之後,我將回顧 2004 年第四季的前景和指導。

  • And following this we will leave the rest of the time for your questions.


  • Now, for Q3 summary.


  • In the third quarter of 2004, our quarter-over-quarter revenue increased 18.5 percent to $34.6 billion NT, or $1.02 billion U.S.

    2004 年第三季度,我們的營收季增了 18.5%,達到 346 億新台幣,即 10.2 億美元。

  • This was a quarterly record for UMC and it reflects strong demand at the macrolevel.


  • For our business, it also demonstrates successful execution of expanding capacity, increasing wafer shipments, and improving wafer price through better product mix.


  • Quarter-over-quarter operating income increased 15.1 percent to $8.7 billion NT or $257 million U.S.

    營業收入較上季成長 15.1%,達到 87 億新台幣(即 2.57 億美元)。

  • Quarter-over-quarter net income decreased by 14.1 percent to $10.9 billion NT or $321 million U.S.

    淨收入季減 14.1%,至 109 億新台幣(約 3.21 億美元)。

  • This decrease is slightly misleading.


  • It seems we have a large number of investment disposals that were recorded as non-operating income gains in the second quarter.


  • Our operations were very strong, as I mentioned earlier.


  • And, additionally, year-over-year net income increased 159 percent which shows substantial -- which shows how substantial our growth has been this year.

    此外,淨利潤年增了 159%,成長幅度相當大——這表明我們今年的成長有多麼可觀。

  • The blended average selling price rose 5 percent compared to the previous quarter, which was slightly higher than previously provided guidance.

    混合平均售價較上一季上漲 5%,略高於先前提供的指引。

  • And quarter-over-quarter shipments of 8-inch equivalent wafers increased by 11.4 percent to 791,000 wafers.


  • The percentage of revenues from .1-micron and the below technologies have increased to 60 percent this quarter, including 18 percent from .13-micron, and 2 percent from 90-nanometer.

    本季來自 0.1 微米及以下技術的收入百分比已增至 60%,其中 18% 來自 0.13 微米,2% 來自 90 奈米。

  • In summary, we had another very strong quarter, despite the fact that some customers started the inventory correction in late Q3.


  • Now, let's turn to guidance for the fourth quarter of 2004.

    現在,讓我們來看看 2004 年第四季的指導。

  • We are expecting total wafer shipments to decrease by approximately 15 to 17 percent.

    我們預計晶圓總出貨量將減少約 15% 至 17%。

  • The average selling price, or ASP, of our wafers is expected to stay flat.


  • Capacity utilization is expected to be approximately 70 percent.

    產能利用率預計約 70%。

  • Please note that this includes the new capacity that is coming onstream in the fourth quarter.


  • As a matter of fact, to remind everyone, in the third quarter, we had 18.5 percent capacity increase over Q2.


  • And again from Q3 to Q4, we will have another 9 percent capacity expansion.

    從第三季到第四季度,我們將再次擴大 9% 的產能。

  • So, the mix, the utilization looks lower.


  • Gross margin in the fourth quarter is expected to decline by 10 percent due to lower loading in the wafer shipments.

    由於晶圓出貨量下降,預計第四季毛利率將下降 10%。

  • In operation of a fab, loading is one of the most important factors for cost, and in Q4 we're affected by loading due to inventory correction.


  • The percentage of revenue from .18-micron and the below technology is expected to be in the mid 60 percentage-- percent range.

    0.18 微米及以下技術的收入百分比預計將在 60% 左右。

  • The percentage of revenue from 90-nanometer is expected to exceed 5 percent.


  • From application standpoint, we are expecting that that the PC market to show relatively -- relative strengths due to seasonal demand, followed by communication, and then the consumer sector.


  • So, basically in the fourth quarter, almost all of our customers including broadband, cell phone, DVD, CFC (ph), PC and et cetera, are correcting inventories.


  • Our information indicates that the inventory level this time is much lower than that in 2001.


  • Therefore, many customers think the correction is short term, ranging from 1 to three-quarters.


  • I would also like to use this opportunity to state our views about the future of semiconductor industry, and especially the foundry industry, because it seems that it causes a lot of concern recently.


  • First of all, from applications point of view, our world is moving quickly toward digital wireless, mobile, and personal.


  • Every day we see evolving new products in world of communications, digital entertainment, or the mobile electronics, and so on and so forth.


  • This trend will demand an increasing amount of semiconductor.


  • According to Semico Research that even due to inventory correction, worldwide wafer demand next year will still grow, but it will reduce to 5.5 percent.

    Semico Research表示,即使由於庫存調整,明年全球晶圓需求仍將成長,但將減少至5.5%。

  • And the end demand will recover from 2006 to 2008.


  • The IBM business model carries both inventory risk and excess capacity risk, and it takes a tremendous amount of capital investment for building advanced 12-inch fab.


  • Therefore, more and more IDMS are outsourcing to foundry.


  • It is expected that foundry will have a higher gross rate relative to the semiconductor average.


  • According to Data Quest, foundry will grow at 18 percent, compound annual growth rate between 2003 and 2010.

    根據 Data Quest 預測,2003 年至 2010 年間,晶圓代工廠將以 18% 的複合年增長率成長。

  • Also, barriers to entry for advanced process technology and IP development are high.


  • Therefore, it requires continuous and large investment in R&D.


  • For example, this year, UMC will invest more than 7 billion NT, or more than $206 million in U.S. in R&D.


  • Because foundry business has higher gross rate, it attracts new players.


  • And in order to get business, many new players adopted a low pricing strategy.


  • It is a fact that this has caused pricing pressure in the industry.


  • However, in our opinion, such an approach can only last for a short period of time.


  • If a company cannot make good profit and provide good return to investors, how could it attract additional funding for expansion?


  • On the contrary, UMC has more than $3 billion U.S. in liquidable asset.

    相反,聯華電子擁有超過 30 億美元的流動資產。

  • We can expand capacity without borrowing money or raising capital.


  • Many newcomers do not invest in R&D.


  • They chose to copy others' technology.


  • Such companies can never become a leader because they cannot start the copy work unless other companies are ready.


  • And they run into the risk of infringing others intellectual property.


  • So, only those who lead in advanced process technology and IP development can be winners.


  • So, after one year's intense efforts, UMC has made significant progress in yield enhancement, process technology development, understanding of system and architecture for SOC designs, IT development, EDA and design support.


  • Our major customers include the leaders in every application category.


  • Our 90-nanometer has been in production in both 8-inch and 12-inch fabs.

    我們的 90 奈米已在 8 吋和 12 吋晶圓廠投入生產。

  • It will contribute to about 5 percent of our revenue in Q4 and will gross (indiscernible) next year.

    它將占我們第四季度收入的 5% 左右,並將在明年實現總收入(難以辨認)。

  • So, we are very optimistic about the foundry industry future, and we're very confident about our own overall competitiveness.


  • So, I will conclude my remarks here, and operator, now let's open the discussion for questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Today's question-and-answer session will be conducted electronically.


  • If you would like to ask a question, you may do so by simply pressing the star key, followed by the digit 1, on your touchtone telephone.

    如果您想提問,只需按按鍵式電話上的星號鍵,然後按數字 1 即可。

  • Do keep in mind that if you're using a speaker phone, please ensure your mute function has been turned off to allow your signal to reach our equipment.


  • Once again, that's star, 1, to ask a question.


  • We'll pause for just a moment to assemble our roster.


  • Once again, we're pausing to assemble our roster.


  • Our first question will come from Robert Mayer with Needham.


  • Robert Mayer, your line is open.


  • Robert Mayer - Analyst

    Robert Mayer - Analyst

  • Yeah, if we could get a little bit more detail , you mentioned in your comments that the weakness or the reduction in inventory was broad-based.


  • We've heard from others that it was more specific to consumer.


  • So could you give us a little more granularity on that, perhaps by application or geography, or is it truly flat across the board?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Our observation is pretty much across the board.


  • As I stated earlier, that consumer products will be weak, and we did see inventory correction significantly.


  • And the second group is communication.


  • I believe that there is some (indiscernible) inventory on the cell phone side, especially the second tier.


  • And broadband was affected as well, you know, followed by PC.


  • And in terms of technology breakdown, .18-micron and .25-micron were affected the most.


  • Robert Mayer - Analyst

    Robert Mayer - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • And one quick question on utilization.


  • You're guiding to 70 percent utilization and you had mentioned your capacity had increased by roughly 20 percent and also by 10 percent.

    您正在指導 70% 的利用率,並且您提到您的容量增加了大約 20% 和 10%。

  • So, does that suggest that the utilization or loading will be similar to what it was sort of around the end of the June quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • It will be similar.


  • Robert Mayer - Analyst

    Robert Mayer - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Now, we'll move to Dan Heyler with Merrill Lynch.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I wanted to talk quickly on your commentary with regard to the decline in the fourth quarter by end market.


  • You listed the order of decline there.


  • Did you mean that the -- each one of those segments would be declining significantly?


  • It's just that PCs is declining to greater magnitude or are you seeing any area where there is growth?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Actually, I was saying the consumer declined the most, followed by communications and the PC actually was stronger.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • With regard to the fourth quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • In the fourth quarter.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • And as you talk to your customers, when they talk about inventories, what area do they say or do you sense would start to come to the end of the correction process first?


  • Obviously, consumer was highest and-- earlier in the year.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, actually, it varies.


  • For example, one large customer indicated that their inventory -- they may need three-quarters to deplete.


  • Another consumer customer, large consumer customer, says that they have -- they have a product portfolio, and the high end actually has some inventory and will take longer to deplete.


  • So it varies.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • So it is hard to generalize which area you would start to see normalize first, then, by end market?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • That's correct.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • What about in the wireless space, though?


  • The inventory issues there were well reported fairly early.


  • And you guys still get a lot of the outsource business there.


  • Any signs that that may start to come back, say, in the first quarter, any sense of that?


  • Do you think that will be more second quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • I mentioned earlier that what we saw as the second-tier guys, for example, have more inventory than the leading companies.


  • But the correction is across the board, and it is too early to predict Q1.


  • We will need more time.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • So, you don't have a sense of the timetable for the wireless correction?


  • Your customers don't have a sense of when that would normalize either, yet?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We don't have very clear signal from them yet.


  • Operator


  • Now moving on to Matt Gabelle from Calypso Capital.

    現在轉向來自 Calypso Capital 的 Matt Gabelle。

  • Matt Gabelle - Analyst

    Matt Gabelle - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could describe what you're seeing in terms of orders, wafers starts.


  • Are they still declining slightly?


  • Are they stable now?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Q4 is pretty much stabilized.


  • Matt Gabelle - Analyst

    Matt Gabelle - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And you said -- consumer.


  • You said relatively that would be the weakest segment in Q4, relatively.


  • How would you describe the inventory in consumer relative to the inventory in the other 2 segments?


  • Thank you.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • It is hard to quantify it, and it is a very complex picture.


  • As I mentioned earlier, that even among the leaders, they have a product portfolio and the inventory level is not uniform among their own products.


  • So, I'm sorry, I cannot give you very quantified data.


  • Matt Gabelle - Analyst

    Matt Gabelle - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • One question -- one more question.


  • Was there any gross margin guidance for Q4?


  • I know there was operating margin guidance.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, it will be similar.


  • We're looking for around 10 percentage point decline for both the gross margin level as well as the operating profit margin level.

    我們預期毛利率水準和營業利潤率水準都會下降 10 個百分點左右。

  • Operator


  • Now moving on to Mehdi Hosseini with FDR Investment Bank.

    現在轉向羅斯福投資銀行的邁赫迪·侯賽尼 (Mehdi Hosseini)。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I just wanted to get a clarification on utilization rate.


  • You made some comments here that business could recover by Q1.


  • Did you earlier mention that by then, you would see the utilization recovering?


  • And then, on the gross margin declining by 10 percent, to what extent is it (indiscernible) trading and could you elaborate on what's causing gross margin dropping by 10 points?


  • Thank you.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • As I said, the major factor for cost is in foundry loading.


  • So, when the loading reduces, the cost tends to be up and therefore, it affects the profitability.


  • So, that's, in general, the principle for foundry business.


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • If we guide, those ASPs tend to be flat, so the profit decline -- margin declines are all coming from the lower loading and lower shipments.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • And then on the utilization rate, if you could just clarify.


  • There was some reference that June level, which is -- I believe 100 percent, what was it in terms of timing -- what were you referring to?

    有一些關於 6 月水準的參考,我相信 100%,就時間而言,您指的是什麼?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • In terms of timing?


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • I just want to get clarification.


  • Were you saying that by Q1, you would see the utilization rate improving again from 70 percent?

    您是說到第一季度,您會看到利用率從 70% 再次提高嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • No, we didn't say that.


  • We didn't say that.


  • What I said is that many customers believe the correction -- the inventory correction is a short-term.


  • It may take 1 to 2 quarters, and at most, 3 quarters.


  • That's exactly what I said.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • So, based on your current capacity coming online, how would you see utilization rate as you exit 2004?

    那麼,根據您目前的上線容量,您認為 2004 年退出時的使用率如何?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We will provide that data in the next quarterly meeting.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We need more time.


  • Operator


  • Now moving on to to Shashili Jatili with Nomura Securities.

    現在轉向野村證券的 Shashili Jatili。

  • Shashili Jatili - Analyst

    Shashili Jatili - Analyst

  • Yeah, hi.


  • The roster, and this time a bit more on the broad range of CapEx guidance provided of 1 to 2 billion.

    名單,這次提供了 1 至 20 億美元的廣泛資本支出指引。

  • How should we read into this?


  • Does that assume that your CapEx spending in the first half of the year would be relatively minimal?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Okay.


  • Actually, we have already placed the orders this year for the equipment for next year.


  • And our capacity expansion plan for this year was 20K for 12 8 in Tainan, and the 10K for UMCI in Singapore.

    我們今年的產能擴張計畫是台南12 8 2萬產能,新加坡UMCI 1萬產能。

  • Basically, we will meet those targets.


  • But in the order that we place, equipment order we place, will have 23K for 12A in Tainan and the 14K for UMCI.

    但在我們下的訂單中,我們下的設備訂單中,台南的 12A 為 23K,UMCI 為 14K。

  • So, totally basically, you can say that we have -- we will spend up to those numbers that I just described.


  • And that sort of sets the baseline spending for next year.


  • And then beyond that, how quickly we will expand, as you can understand, depends a lot on the demand.


  • We will watch that on the monthly basis and make our decisions.


  • Shashili Jatili - Analyst

    Shashili Jatili - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • Can you just run those numbers again? (indiscernible) and UMCI.

    你能再運行一次這些數字嗎? (音訊不清楚)和 UMCI。

  • By when do you expect to add the 23K and 14K?

    您預計什麼時候添加 23K 和 14K?

  • What is the time frame for that?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We have already placed orders up to 23K for Tainan fab, and then up to 14K for the UMCI fab.

    我們已經為台南晶圓廠下了高達 23K 的訂單,然後為 UMCI 晶圓廠下了高達 14K 的訂單。

  • And those will incur in Q1 next year.


  • Shashili Jatili - Analyst

    Shashili Jatili - Analyst

  • When would the capacity increase?


  • When would this equipment be installed and be running?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • As I said, they will occur in -- incur in Q1 next year.


  • Shashili Jatili - Analyst

    Shashili Jatili - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Also, what is your assumption for investment in UMCI next year?

    另外,您對明年 UMCI 的投資有何假設?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Our investment?


  • Oh, okay.


  • Actually, we are in a process of merging back, floating back UMCI in UMC.


  • And that process is expected to finish before the end of this year, or in Q1 2005.

    該過程預計將在今年年底或 2005 年第一季完成。

  • I'm sorry.


  • Shashili Jatili - Analyst

    Shashili Jatili - Analyst

  • Does that mean that 1 to 2 million guidance you have given, it includes the funding required for UMCI?

    這是否意味著您給予的 100 到 200 萬的指導,包括 UMCI 所需的資金?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • That's correct.


  • Shashili Jatili - Analyst

    Shashili Jatili - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Finally, on wireless segment you mentioned that some of the second tier customers have more (indiscernible) to the end handset customers.


  • Are you referring to your direct customers?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • I was referring to the end customers.


  • Shashili Jatili - Analyst

    Shashili Jatili - Analyst

  • And the decline in the wireless segment, is this largely coming from the IDM segment or fabless?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Actually, I think it is from the second or -- not from the first tier IDM or fabless.

    事實上,我認為它來自第二層或——而不是來自第一層 IDM 或無晶圓廠。

  • Operator


  • Now we'll take a question from Chang Klee (phonetic) with FormTechnologies (phonetic).

    現在我們將回答來自 FormTechnologies(音標)的 Chang Klee(音標)的問題。

  • Chang Klee - Analyst

    Chang Klee - Analyst

  • Looks like demand for your high end .01 (indiscernible) and below are still quite strong for your guidance.

    看起來對您的高端 0.01(聽不清楚)及以下的需求對於您的指導來說仍然相當強勁。

  • And maybe you can give us some color also on the lower end of technology, you know.


  • Is the decrease in demand or is some other, lower end fab take away -- or foundry take away your market share?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • First of all, I explained earlier that the-- our revenue contribution from our advanced process technology on the high end, such as .13-micron and 90-nanometer will continue to grow.

    首先,我之前解釋過,0.13 微米和 90 奈米等高端先進製程技術對我們的收入貢獻將持續成長。

  • And I think that contributes the most of the increase for the .18-micron and the below technology category.

    我認為這對 0.18 微米及以下技術類別的成長貢獻最大。

  • Technically, we don't see the second-tier or third-tier companies taking away our market share, even for the mature technologies.


  • And we simply don't see that.


  • Chang Klee - Analyst

    Chang Klee - Analyst

  • Basically this demand weakened.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • And, as you know, for the foundry business, usually it is not easy, or you can say it's difficult, to switch from one foundry to another.


  • Operator


  • Now moving on to B. Shaw with J.P. Morgan.

    現在轉向摩根大通 (J.P. Morgan) 的 B. Shaw。

  • B. Shaw - Analyst

    B. Shaw - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you.


  • If I may seek a clarification on the information you gave out on the orders you already placed.


  • So, up to 23 K means additional 3,000, right, for factory, and the--

    因此,對於工廠來說,最多 23 K 意味著額外 3,000 個,對吧,而且——

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • B. Shaw - Analyst

    B. Shaw - Analyst

  • Right.


  • And so the additional 3,000 for 12A and additional 4,000 for UMCI, that would not require 1 billion, I suppose.

    因此,我認為 12A 需要額外 3,000 個,UMCI 需要額外 4,000 個,這不需要 10 億。

  • So, the minimum 1 billion CapEx, if you, let's say, spend 1 billion next year, where does it take your capacity to in those 2 fabs?

    那麼,最低 10 億美元的資本支出,如果你明年花費 10 億美元,那麼這 2 座晶圓廠的產能會用到哪裡呢?

  • And if you spend 2 billion, where will the capacity go?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Okay.


  • A quick way to-- for estimation is that it may take 3 to $3.6 billion U.S., or 40,000 wafer capacity.

    一個快速的估計是,這可能需要 300 至 36 億美元,或 40,000 片晶圓產能。

  • So, you can take average and calculate it that way for 1 billion.

    所以,你可以取平均值並這樣計算 10 億。

  • B. Shaw - Analyst

    B. Shaw - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • Thank you.


  • The second question I have is on this impairment for consolidating UMCI.

    我的第二個問題是關於合併 UMCI 的這種損害。

  • Can you explain why that's occurring?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • We're going to acquire 100 percent of the UMCI by end of Q1 next year, and as a result, UMCI will be liquidated sometime in the following few months.

    我們將在明年第一季末收購 UMCI 100% 的股份,因此,UMCI 將在接下來幾個月的某個時候進行清算。

  • Once the company's liquidating, we're going to take a one-time charge, take the loss from the price we are paying versus the book value.


  • So 3.5 billion is the premium we pay to the Singapore government as well as the remaining 5 percent shareholders in total.


  • We're going to take this in one quarter.


  • B. Shaw - Analyst

    B. Shaw - Analyst

  • All right.


  • The remaining 5 percent would be employees?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Mostly employee of UMCI.

    大部分是 UMCI 的員工。

  • B. Shaw - Analyst

    B. Shaw - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • And on the 90-nanometer is progressing quite nicely in the fourth quarter.

    第四季 90 奈米進展相當順利。

  • Can you -- using that, or just in general, I think you had also mentioned some industrial forecasts for next year in terms of year for demand growth.


  • Will you, you know, care to provide some sort of estimate for the area of growth you can expect for UMC?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • No, we don't do any forecast.


  • We can only provide a quarterly forecast.


  • B. Shaw - Analyst

    B. Shaw - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Do you see any other products [inaudible] your 90-nanometer business in '05?

    您在 05 年的 90 奈米業務中還看到其他產品嗎?[聽不清楚]?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • We see obligations including FPGA, graphics, cell phone, 3G base bands. and some high-end consumer products embracing 90-nanometer.

    我們看到的義務包括 FPGA、圖形、手機、3G 基頻。以及一些擁抱90奈米的高端消費產品。

  • B. Shaw - Analyst

    B. Shaw - Analyst

  • Right.


  • You also mentioned the strong cash balance and so on.


  • So, I guess the question is if you have any plans for cash dividend?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • That's something that we will consider.


  • And you know, by the time we do that, we'll let you know.


  • Operator


  • And now we'll hear from Ashish Kamar with Credit Suisse First Boston.

    現在我們將聽取瑞士信貸第一波士頓公司 Ashish Kamar 的演講。

  • Ashish Kamar - Analyst

    Ashish Kamar - Analyst

  • Starting with the 90-nanometer where you're doing exceptionally well.

    從 90 奈米開始,您做得非常好。

  • But could you throw some light on planned concentration, that is, the number one, number two, minimum of 3 clients (indiscernible) of your 90-nanometer.

    但您能否透露一下計劃的集中度,即您的 90 奈米的第一、第二、最少 3 個客戶端(難以辨認)。

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We cannot provide that.


  • We cannot provide customer information unless they're willing to disclose it.


  • Ashish Kamar - Analyst

    Ashish Kamar - Analyst

  • And would it be fair to say that the planned concentration for 90-nanometer for shipment is quite high.

    公平地說,90 奈米出貨計畫的集中度相當高。

  • That is, few clients, maybe to account for most of the 90-nanometer revenue?

    也就是說,很少有客戶,也許佔據了 90 奈米收入的大部分?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • They were 2 clients that announced that they are in production at UMC.

    他們是宣佈在 UMC 投入生產的 2 位客戶。

  • And those are Xilinx and TI.

    這些是 Xilinx 和 TI。

  • Beyond that, we cannot say for other customers.


  • Ashish Kamar - Analyst

    Ashish Kamar - Analyst

  • Yes, I was sort of wondering whether these 2 account for the bulk of your 90-nanometer wafer shipment?

    是的,我有點想知道這兩個是否佔你們 90 奈米晶圓出貨量的大部分?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • It's a significant part.


  • Ashish Kamar - Analyst

    Ashish Kamar - Analyst

  • And Chitung, if you could explain this perhaps very basic question.


  • It seems from what I could understand, UMCI operation comes under your non-operating, and you showed certain losses.


  • But at the same time, your gross margin, one of the reasons for gross margin decline is sourcing (indiscernible) from UMCI.

    但同時,你的毛利率,毛利率下降的原因之一是從 UMCI 採購(音訊不清晰)。

  • So, the question is how do you account for UMCI financial performance in your quarterly update.

    因此,問題是如何在季度更新中說明 UMCI 的財務表現。

  • Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

    Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

  • It's an outsourcing basis to UMCI.

    它是 UMCI 的外包基礎。

  • We only charge a very small minimum premium on the commission.


  • So, that's why about 5 percent of our quarterly revenue is actually coming from outsourcing to UMCI.

    因此,這就是為什麼我們大約 5% 的季度收入實際上來自外包給 UMCI。

  • It's extremely low margin.


  • So, that dilute our overall profit margin.


  • Ashish Kamar - Analyst

    Ashish Kamar - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And you know, UMCI clearly, the expanded capacity in the previous quarter, and I think -- I was a bit surprised that should say that net operating -- net loss at UMCI is really low.

    你知道,UMCI 顯然在上一季擴大了產能,而且我認為——我有點驚訝,應該說 UMCI 的淨營運——淨虧損確實很低。

  • It is a huge -- I was wondering if you could give us some sense for either because of the depreciation or the operating margin.


  • For a fab of that size with such little no net income or net loss.


  • Can you throw some light on the performance of UMCI.

    您能否介紹一下 UMCI 的效能?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • It's highly sensitive to the capacity.


  • In the third quarter, it was almost 100 percent utilized, so the performance was better then with the smaller loss.


  • But Q4 was the overall UMC capacity utilization rate to come down which includes UMCI as well.


  • The performance actually is going to be poor for UMCI in the fourth quarter, and now we're looking for something around 1 billion investment loss from UMCI in the fourth quarter.

    UMCI 第四季的業績實際上會很差,現在我們預計 UMCI 第四季的投資損失約為 10 億美元。

  • Ashish Kamar - Analyst

    Ashish Kamar - Analyst

  • 1 billion in fourth quarter, you say.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, $1 billion NT in the fourth quarter from investment loss on UMCI.

    是的,第四季 UMCI 的投資損失為新台幣 10 億美元。

  • Ashish Kamar - Analyst

    Ashish Kamar - Analyst

  • And earlier, my understanding was that (indiscernible) fabs run by UMC, the break even is about 10,000 wafers per month.

    早些時候,我的理解是,聯電運營的(難以辨認的)晶圓廠,盈虧平衡點約為每月 10,000 片晶圓。

  • Is that still valid?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Actually, we disclosed earlier today that it can become break even around the 7,000 wafers.

    事實上,我們今天稍早透露,大約 7,000 片晶圓可以實現損益平衡。

  • Operator


  • Now we'll move to Pranab Sarmah with Daiwa Securities.

    現在我們將與大和證券一起搬到 Pranab Sarmah。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • I'd like to clarify one of your guidance.


  • You say that seasonal strength in PC segment on fourth quarter.


  • Does it mean like you see sequential revenue growth from the PC segment in fourth quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • That is relatively speaking, in the fourth quarter PC sector appeared to be stronger than communication, than consumer.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • But overall, you still see probably the decline from the PC revenue on sequential basis, right?

    但總體而言,您仍然可能看到 PC 收入環比下降,對吧?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Overall, yes.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then, if I go to your -- this guidance like your operating margin guidance and probably the net investment loss coming out at 2.5 billion from UMCI, it looks like probably you're just going to break even on the fourth quarter '04.

    然後,如果我看一下你們的——這個指導,例如你們的營業利潤率指導,以及可能來自 UMCI 的 25 億美元的淨投資損失,看起來你們可能會在 04 年第四季實現收支平衡。

  • Am I right in my calculations or am I missing out something out there?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We're not allowed to comment on the net income level, and we're trying every possible way to give you detailed guidance.


  • So, the margin, we actually -- is almost giving you -- is that number already.


  • And guidance on the net number of operating loss.


  • This quarter including the one-time charge of 3.5 billion loss is going to be around a loss of $3 billion NT.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Then on -- you have also said you are going to put 65-nanometer probably on first quarter '06.

    然後 - 您還說過您可能會在 06 年第一季採用 65 奈米。

  • Could you give us some color on what are the customers involved at this point, or (indiscernible) at this point the 65-nanometer?

    您能否給我們一些關於目前涉及哪些客戶的信息,或者(聽不清楚)目前 65 奈米的客戶?

  • And what type of technology are you going to use it, as SOI or strain silicon.

    您將使用哪種類型的技術,例如 SOI 或應變矽。

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Of course, we cannot share with you which customers we are working with.


  • And similar to the 90-nanometer, the applications that can embrace at 65-nanometer technology will have to have high ASP, high product margin, and large die size and high volume as well to justify.

    與 90 奈米類似,能夠採用 65 奈米技術的應用必須具有高 ASP、高產品利潤、大晶片尺寸和高產量才能證明其合理性。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • And to elaborate on the price increase, you made some comment like because of the competitive environment, pricing has been coming down.


  • And how since the utilization rate on the industry wide is going coming down, foundry industry.


  • How do you see that pricing environment on the fourth quarter, on a technological basis, and going forward maybe early part of 2005.

    從技術面來看,您如何看待第四季以及 2005 年初的定價環境?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • In Q4, we have provided a guidance that ASP will be flat.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • I'm talking about the pricing environment like same product.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Same product.


  • As I also mentioned earlier that in Q4, that the high end of technology, such as 13-micron and the 90-nanometer will continue to grow.


  • And I'm thinking therefore the pressure probably comes more on the -- comes from the more mature, the process technology.


  • And for Q1, it is too early.


  • We cannot provide any information.


  • Operator


  • Now, We'll Take a Question From Mark Fitzgerald With Banc of America.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • I'm a little curious given the kind of boom-bust cycles we've gone through with inventories here in the last 4 or 5 years, why the foundry industry, UMC specifically, can't share some of the risk with some of its customers, given that you're so reliant on their forecasts for building capacity and you're taking so much of the risk at this point because of the capital intensity.

    我有點好奇,考慮到過去 4 到 5 年我們經歷的庫存繁榮-蕭條週期,為什麼代工行業,特別是聯華電子,不能與它的一些製造商分擔一些風險。考慮到您非常依賴客戶對產能建設的預測,並且由於資本密集度,您此時要承擔很大的風險。

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Any suggestion, ideas that you have?


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Well, you know, a lot of other industries use pay (inaudible) contracts and stuff.


  • It just seems a little bizarre how high the capital intensity of the business is and how these customers can come in and out of the marketplace so quickly, and leave you guys holding so much excess capacity.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, as a matter of fact, we do have business agreements with some large customers.


  • However, when the market has major adjustment, no one can have control of the situation.


  • That maybe the best way of describing the situation that we are in now, and also where the difficulty comes in for sharing those risks with customers.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • And just another detailed question here.


  • On the flat CapEx that you're holding, the CapEx actually, this budget year for 2004, is it going to change.

    在你持有的固定資本支出上,實際上,2004 年這個預算年度的資本支出會改變嗎?

  • How can we correlate that with data points we're getting from capital equipment companies.


  • Foundry companies, including UMC are pushing out deliveries first that were scheduled for this year.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • What we can provide is the order -- some of the order information that we already placed.


  • And so those portions you can probably correlate as the equipment to vendor side.


  • Regarding the full [inaudible] provide equipment vendors with a certain forecast, but that's not the actual order.


  • The actual order, the new orders will be issued depending on the demand of situation.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Right.


  • But what we're hearing from the equipment industry is stuff that was scheduled to ship in the third quarter, got pushed out several quarters.


  • So, that would seem to suggest to me that your CapEx budget for this year would change.


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • You actually can see the actual following amount we have spent year-to-date for the first 3 quarters.


  • And you will find it is actually tracking to our budget very well.


  • Almost by 85 to 90 percent already.

    幾乎已經提高了 85% 到 90%。

  • So, in fact, we may even spend a little bit more than this $2.15 billion US we have budgeted so far.

    因此,事實上,我們的支出甚至可能比迄今為止的 21.5 億美元預算還要多一點。

  • So, I'm not sure if that has to do with UMC.


  • We going to achieve the 20K and 10K for 12A and UMCI, respectively, for sure by the end of this year.

    到今年年底,我們肯定會分別實現 12A 和 UMCI 的 20K 和 10K。

  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Is there any shift in the emphasis from equipment to facilities at this point?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • No.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Nothing has changed in terms of your plans, huh?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • No.


  • For your information, actually for the first 3 quarters, right, we have spent 17.95 billion -- 1.8 -- $1.795 billion US, which accounted for 83 percent of our total CapEx budget this year.

    供您參考,實際上前三個季度,我們花費了 179.5 億美元(1.8 美元),即 17.95 億美元,占我們今年資本支出預算總額的 83%。

  • And the rest will happen in Q4.


  • Operator


  • Now we'll take a question from Nicola -- I do apologize about the pronunciation, Pashnishra from Credit Suisse First Boston.

    現在我們將回答 Nicola 的問題——我對發音表示歉意,來自瑞士信貸第一波士頓的 Pashnishra。

  • Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

    Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

  • Following on from the previous question, how much time does it take from CapEx to (indiscernible) turning into capacity.


  • For example, the 4Q CapEx will it result in capacitization in 1Q or will it result in capacitization in 4Q itself?

    例如,第 4 季的資本支出會導致第 1 季的產能增加還是會導致第 4 季本身的產能增加?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • It depends on which type of equipment.


  • For the longer lead time equipment, such as the scanner, they are talking about 9 months of lead time.

    對於交貨時間較長的設備,例如掃描儀,他們談論的交貨時間約為 9 個月。

  • Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

    Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

  • Sorry, sorry.


  • My question was, after you buy the equipment, like you pay for the equipment, does it immediately show up in your capacity figures, or does it take 3 or 4 months of qualification before it can be added at capacity?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Well, it varies according to different type of equipment.


  • Some equipment has bigger portion of down payment in cash.


  • Such as the (indiscernible) equipment.


  • The others we actually can cut their lead time short -- to as short as 2,3 months.

    對於其他產品,我們實際上可以縮短他們的交貨時間,縮短至 2.3 個月。

  • Once we assess that, certify that , available for production, it will come to capacity.


  • Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

    Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • Thank you.


  • One basic question.


  • The wafer shipment guidance you've given, is that for UMC and UMCI combined, or is it only UMC?

    您給出的晶圓出貨量指引是針對聯電和UMCI 的綜合,還是僅針對聯電?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • It is combined.


  • Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

    Nick Pashnishra - Analyst

  • Combined.


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Now, we'll move to Amit Shamar with Deutsche Banc.

    現在,我們將轉向德意志銀行的 Amit Shamar。

  • Amit Shamar - Analyst

    Amit Shamar - Analyst

  • One quick question was regarding your numbers you provided.


  • You said 3 to 3.6 billion for CapEx is needed for how much of capacity?

    您說多少產能需要 3 至 36 億的資本支出?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • 40,000 wafers.

    40,000 片晶圓。

  • Amit Shamar - Analyst

    Amit Shamar - Analyst

  • 40,000 wafers.

    40,000 片晶圓。

  • Okay.


  • And a follow-up is, could you give us a split of the CapEx in terms of how much will it be capacity, maintenance, (indiscernible) and R&D?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • This is a range for '05.

    這是 05 年的範圍。

  • We're trying our best to provide a range here.


  • So that's why it's 1 billion to 2 billion.


  • We really have a lot of uncertainties in planning our capacity for '05.

    我們在規劃 05 年的產能時確實存在著許多不確定性。

  • So, up until now, we cannot provide our detailed breakdown.


  • Next spendings call, we'll be able to provide more narrow range figures with more details.


  • Amit Shamar - Analyst

    Amit Shamar - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • If I can ask another question.


  • It was about your 65-nanometer plans.

    這是關於你們的 65 奈米計劃。

  • When do you think the pilot starts?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We mentioned that we will have a production in Q1, 2006.

    我們提到我們將在 2006 年第一季投入生產。

  • Operator


  • And with DRKW, Ivan Goe.

    還有 Ivan Goe 和 DRKW。

  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • Couple of questions on the kpax (ph).

    關於 kpax (ph) 的幾個問題。

  • Other than 1 billion baseline that you have , the minimum you have set, what percentage of that is actually going into maintenance, and what percentage of that is going into the additional 7,000 12-inch capacity that you have already placed orders for?

    除了您擁有的 10 億個基準之外,您設定的最小值之外,其中實際用於維護的百分比是多少,以及您已下訂單的額外 7,000 個 12 英寸產能的百分比是多少?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Those are for the equipment.


  • For purchasing the new equipment.


  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • But all that 1 billion is going into the 7,000, 12 inch --

    但這 10 億美元全部投入 7,000 塊 12 吋——

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • No.


  • As I mentioned earlier, if you wanted to estimate, you can use 3.3 billion to 3.6 billion as the investment for 12-inch fab, which offers 40,000 wafers per month capacity.


  • You can calculate that way.


  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • Let me put the question another way.


  • What percentage of your (indiscernible) in that 1 to 2 billion next year is for 12-inch and what percent of that is for 8-inch.

    明年的 1 到 20 億美元中,12 英吋的比例是多少(聽不清楚),8 英吋的比例是多少。

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • It will all be for 12-inch.


  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • All be for 12-inch.


  • Okay.


  • One clarification question.


  • Earlier, I think you mentioned that total net non-operating number for the fourth quarter is 3 billion.


  • And that includes the 3.5 billion for the liquidation of UMCI.

    其中包括用於清算 UMCI 的 35 億美元。

  • Does it also include the 1 billion investment loss at UMCI for the fourth quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And back to the CapEx number, is that 1 to 2 billion includes UMCJ as well?

    回到資本支出數字,1 到 20 億是否也包含 UMCJ?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • But we don't expect as much in the UMCJ.

    但我們對 UMCJ 的期望並不高。

  • UMCJ has all 18 [inaudible] equipment.

    UMCJ 擁有全部 18 台 [聽不清楚] 設備。

  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • One question regarding the -- the utilization.


  • In the third quarter obviously, you had to consolidate fab 8 X, and I understand that that fab was running at perhaps, below optimal utilization.

    顯然,在第三季度,您必須整合 8 個晶圓廠,據我所知,該晶圓廠的運行速度可能低於最佳利用率。

  • If you were to take fab 8 X out of the picture for the third quarter, how would your utilization look?

    如果您將 fab 8 X 從第三季的方案中剔除,您的使用率會如何?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • For the third quarter?


  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • Yes, for the third quarter.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Could be between 97 to 98 percent.

    可能在 97% 到 98% 之間。

  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • My last question, if you look at the number that you have for CapEx, it is a very wide range.


  • Baseline is at 1 billion.

    基線為 10 億。

  • At what point in 2005 -- at what point in 2005 can we expect some clarity as to whether your number is going to -- your eventual number would be closer to 1 billion or it would be closer to 2 billion, or at what point will we have some visibility on your CapEx?

    在 2005 年的什麼時候——在 2005 年的什麼時候我們可以預期你的數字是否會變得清晰——你的最終數字會接近 10 億,或者會接近 20 億,或者什麼時候會我們對你的資本支出有一定的了解嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • We evaluate the situation on a monthly basis.


  • Ivan Goe - Analyst

    Ivan Goe - Analyst

  • But would that not be restricted by some lead time on equipment?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, well, for longer lead time items, as I said, we have to factor in the lead time.


  • Do what we think is the best.


  • Operator


  • Now, moving on to Kevin Vassily with Susquehanna Financial Group.

    現在,我們來談談薩斯奎哈納金融集團 (Susquehanna Financial Group) 的凱文‧瓦西里 (Kevin Vassily)。

  • Ken Vassily - Analyst

    Ken Vassily - Analyst

  • Wondering if you could comment on manufacturing cycle times.


  • As you entered this December quarter, where were average cycle times and how different are they now than they were as you entered the third quarter?

    當您進入這個 12 月季度時,平均週期時間在哪裡?現在與您進入第三季度時相比有何不同?

  • Thanks.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • And usually when the fab loading is reducing, it improves the cycle time.


  • And currently on the average, we have around 1.4 days per layer cycle time.

    目前,平均每層週期時間約為 1.4 天。

  • It's an overall average.


  • Ken Vassily - Analyst

    Ken Vassily - Analyst

  • Ok.


  • Is that much different now than it was in the beginning of Q3?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • When it was busier, the number was around 1.6.


  • Operator


  • Now we'll take a question from Ben Lynch with Deutsche Banc.


  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • Question is a bit related to the last one.


  • I was just coming at it another way.


  • Lead times, you know, currently what you're quoting today to customers versus what you were quoting 3 and 6 months ago respectively.

    您知道,目前您今天向客戶報價的交貨時間與您分別在 3 個月和 6 個月前報價的交貨時間。

  • And also what did it trough at in the last downturn?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Again, earlier, we said that the -- several times in Q4 will be actually improving, due to the loading effect.


  • Another thing we're proud to point out is that is our 12-inch fab in Tainan continuously improving its overall efficiency, and therefore, the lead time, even for advanced process technology, is looking very good.

    我們自豪地指出的另一件事是,我們台南的 12 吋晶圓廠不斷提高其整體效率,因此,即使對於先進的製程技術,交貨時間看起來也非常好。

  • It's around like 1.58.


  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • If I were thinking on it, you know, let's take a blended device and accounting for the average number of layers, et cetera.


  • Customer comes to you and says hey, I want parts.


  • What's the latest I need to order them to get them.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Usually, we ask them what technology that you're going to use and how many layers of [inaudible] that they have.


  • We can figure that out very quickly.


  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So, you haven't done that math already?


  • Taking into account average mass counts?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Definitely we've done the math.


  • That's a very important part of our business.


  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • Exactly.


  • That's what I was trying to understand what you're quoting people today.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, so, you know, that's just to give an example.


  • If you use 1.4 days per layer and you have 20 [inaudible] so, you multiply that to 28 day.

    如果每層使用 1.4 天,並且有 20 天[聽不清楚],那麼您可以將其乘以 28 天。

  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • And just the last part of that question just to wrap up.


  • So, let's assume -- I don't know if you are telling me indirectly that the average lead time is 28 days.

    那麼,讓我們假設 - 我不知道您是否間接告訴我平均交貨時間是 28 天。

  • I'm going to assume you are.


  • How low did it go in the last downturn?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • For your information, the number of [inaudible] ranges from -- can be from 20 layers to 50 layers, depending on technology notes.

    供您參考,[聽不清楚] 的數量範圍為 20 層到 50 層,視技術說明而定。

  • I was simply giving you an example.


  • Ben Lynch - Analyst

    Ben Lynch - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So, we're not going to compare it at all, to the last downturn basically.


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Mix of revenue is very different.


  • We're having more than 20 percent of revenue for .13-micron and below.

    我們超過 20% 的收入來自 0.13 微米及以下。

  • It wasn't there during the last [inaudible].


  • Operator


  • And now a question from Dan Heyler with Merrill Lynch.

    現在丹·海勒 (Dan Heyler) 與美林證券 (Merrill Lynch) 提出了一個問題。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Thanks, I have a follow-up on 90-nanometer.


  • It sounds like momentum is clearly strong there.


  • What kind of competition are you seeing there, as you look at 90-nanometers, say relative to 130-nanometer, including not only other foundries, but IDMs.

    當你觀察 90 奈米(例如相對於 130 奈米)時,你會看到什麼樣的競爭,不僅包括其他代工廠,還包括 IDM。

  • Do you think the field looks roughly about the same or is there less competition?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Dan, you are an analyst.


  • You probably have more information.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I want to know your view.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • What I can say is that if everyone knew for .13-micron technology, we were behind in the competition for more than a year.


  • And this time for 90- nanometer, we felt that we are neck to neck with the industry leaders.

    這次對於 90 奈米,我們感覺我們已經與行業領導者並駕齊驅了。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then clearly, you're moving to 130-nanometer opens you up to new opportunities to take share from IBM and others, especially in the wireless handset area.

    顯然,轉向 130 奈米將為您提供從 IBM 和其他公司奪取份額的新機會,特別是在無線手機領域。

  • Is there an area that you think 90-nanometer opens you up to say new available markets?

    您認為 90 奈米是否有一個領域可以為您打開新的可用市場?

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • You mean new applications?


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Yeah, new applications.


  • You've covered most of the big, major end markets already with the 130-nanometer now.

    現在,您已經使用 130 奈米技術覆蓋了大部分大型主要終端市場。

  • Is there anything out there that you know, that we haven't seen yet that could provide you new growth opportunities?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, one thing I am glad to see is that some high-end consumer product start to embrace 90-nanometer.

    是的,我很高興看到的一件事是一些高端消費產品開始採用 90 奈米。

  • That actually is sooner than what I expected, because usually consumer product can be 1 or 2 generations behind than the leading applications in embracing the state-of-the-art.


  • But due to the complexity of those consumer applications, they are -- they start to use it.


  • That's as much as I can say.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And then looking at -- in terms of operating margin question, around the fourth quarter of '02 and first quarter of '03, you came pretty close, you were about 65 to 70 percent utilization of margins roughly about the same as where you're guiding for the fourth quarter, around 15.

    然後看看- 就營業利潤率問題而言,大約在02 年第四季度和03 年第一季度,您已經非常接近了,您的利潤率利用率約為65% 至70%,與您的情況大致相同。重新指導第四季度,15 左右。

  • But as you said, you're ramping a big 300-millimeter fab and you have a short-term correction.

    但正如您所說,您正在擴建一座大型 300 毫米晶圓廠,並且會進行短期調整。

  • When you get through the correction, let's say you get back to where you were in the third quarter at UMCI, where do you think your normalized utilization -- I should say normalized margins would be say at 75 percent utilization.

    當你完成修正後,假設你回到了 UMCI 第三季度的水平,你認為你的標準化利用率是多少——我應該說標準化利潤率為 75%。

  • Assuming that UMCI gets back to normal level.

    假設 UMCI 恢復到正常水準。

  • Obviously that's offsetting your margins a little bit to the downside.


  • So, I'm trying to get a light for light comparison at say 75 percent utilization, where would you expect your operating margins to average?

    因此,我試圖以 75% 的利用率進行光比較,您預計您的平均營業利潤率是多少?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • This also seem revenue to UMCI accounts for roughly 5 percent of our total revenue in the third and fourth quarter.

    這也顯示 UMCI 的收入約占我們第三和第四季總收入的 5%。

  • And that has a negative impact on our gross margin by about 1 to 2 percentage points.

    這對我們的毛利率產生了大約 1 到 2 個百分點的負面影響。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Revenue take down 1 to 2 percent points.

    收入下降 1 至 2 個百分點。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So, it sounds like your operating margin then levels are not significantly better yet relative to say pre 300-millimeter.

    因此,聽起來您的營運利潤率相對於 300 毫米之前的水平並沒有明顯提高。

  • It sounds like you're at 70, 75 percent utilization.

    聽起來您的利用率是 70%、75%。

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • (inaudible) is about 15 to 20 percent of total revenue.

    (聽不清楚)約佔總收入的 15% 至 20%。

  • We're still looking for 3 to 5 percent points better than the last cycle.

    我們仍然希望比上一個週期好 3 到 5 個百分點。

  • So, with 15 percent, 20 percent,12-inch capacity, I would say that's quite a good improvement.

    因此,對於 15%、20% 的 12 英寸容量,我認為這是一個相當不錯的改進。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I see.


  • So then as you get to say, half of your installed base, 300-millimeter, let's say 40 percent, you would expect that to be -- continue to be a linear relationship?

    那麼當你說,你的安裝基數的一半,300 毫米,比方說 40%,你會期望它繼續是線性關係嗎?

  • Did you continue to see that ratio say go up by 3 to 5 percentage points as you add utilization up?

    隨著利用率的提高,您是否繼續看到該比率上升 3 到 5 個百分點?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • There are too many variables including ASPs and the percentage of 12-inch as a total capacity.


  • So, I guess we probably will read your reports to find out.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then with regard to the China outlook, clearly, there is -- there are opportunities in China to be had in the foundry business, either defensive ones against competition there, and you've got now TSMC setting up shop there.


  • Do you need to do anything more than you're currently doing to develop for the long term in accessing the China long-term growth?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • I think I have stated this multiple times in the quarterly meeting and also in the investment banker meeting or technology conferences.


  • That 90 percent or more of the order received by the China fabs were actually from outside China.

    中國晶圓廠收到的訂單中 90% 或以上實際上來自中國境外。

  • The immense -- the demand is still very low.


  • All of the production, all of the products made, actually shipped abroad.


  • So, potentially in China, sometimes we feel it is exaggerated.


  • There is no magic in foundry business.


  • It will take time to develop the capabilities in that area.


  • And so far, there is still a big gap in capabilities.


  • In terms of technology, IP, and services.


  • So, we'll continue to watch that area and see what we need to do.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's fine.


  • My question was different.


  • I'm relating to opportunities within China -- there are some potential long-term opportunities, not necessarily to compete globally, but just to access long-term growth.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I think you used keyword, is potential long-term opportunities.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Near term is still limited.


  • Operator


  • Now, moving on to Darrel Lu, Goldman Sachs.

    現在,我們來談談高盛的 Darrel Lu。

  • Darrell Lu - Analyst

    Darrell Lu - Analyst

  • Just have a question.


  • Trying to figure out the inventory correction impact.


  • Can you comment on like what percentage of customers have a cut wafer orders in the fourth quarter, especially if you can comment on back in different end market like a PC, communications versus consumer?


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, we stated earlier that the inventory correction was pretty much across the board.


  • And across -- that means geographic area as well as applications.


  • And of course, there are certain sectors better than others.


  • Again, as we indicated, the PC sector seems to be stronger than communication.


  • And then consumer.


  • Yeah, I think it is hard to provide -- quantify the number percentage-wise.


  • Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

    Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

  • I think that we probably have time for one final question.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our final question from Gavin Duffy with A.G. Edwards.

    我們將回答 Gavin Duffy 和 A.G. Edwards 提出的最後一個問題。

  • Gavin Duffy - Analyst

    Gavin Duffy - Analyst

  • I was just kind of wondering where we are on the 90-nanometer yield curve, and how long you think it will take to get similar yields at .13 and .18, for 90-nanometers to get to that level.

    我只是想知道我們在 90 奈米良率曲線上處於什麼位置,以及您認為需要多長時間才能在 0.13 和 0.18 處獲得類似的良率,90 奈米才能達到該水準。

  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • I think this time we have been very encouraged by the continuous breakthrough in yield intensement, and I think we're very close to passing the knee of the curve.


  • I'm referring to the learning curve.


  • And so for probably in 1 year, we'll have very efficient manufacturing yields.


  • Operator


  • And now at this time, I will turn the call back over to Mr. Liu for closing remarks.


  • Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

    Chitung Liu - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you again, for your interest in UMC.


  • Please feel free to contact us directly if you have additional questions.


  • Good day, everyone.


  • Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

    Jackson Hu - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks to everyone.


  • See you next quarter.


  • Operator


  • That will conclude today's program.


  • We do thank you for your participation.


  • You may disconnect at this time.
