聯華電子 (UMC) 2004 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Chitung Liu of UMC.

    (操作員說明)我現在想將會議轉交給聯華電子的 Chitung Liu 先生。

  • Chitung Liu - IR

    Chitung Liu - IR

  • Welcome and thank you very much for attending our first-quarter earnings conference call.


  • We are hosting this conference call from Taipei, and here to help report our results are Mr. Jackson Hu, CEO, and Mr. Stan Hung, CFO.

    我們在台北主持這次電話會議,執行長 Jackson Hu 先生和財務長 Stan Hung 先生將協助報告我們的表現。

  • Before beginning this presentation, I would like to remind everyone of our Safe Harbor policy.


  • That is, certain statements made during the course of our discussion today may constitute forward-looking statements which are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including risks that may be beyond the Company's control.


  • For these risks, please refer to UMC's filing with the SEC in the U.S. and SFC in ROC.

    對於這些風險,請參閱聯華電子向美國 SEC 和中華民國 SFC 提交的文件。

  • I would like now to turn the call to today's speaker, Mr. Jackson Hu, CEO of UMC.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Thank you, Chitung.


  • Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining us today.


  • We appreciate your interest in UMC.


  • As usual, I'm going to start with a brief summary of our operating results for the first quarter of 2004.

    像往常一樣,我將首先簡要總結 2004 年第一季的經營業績。

  • I assume that you all have seen our press release by now, so I will keep my remarks short.


  • Following the summary, I will review the outlook and provide the guidance for the second quarter of 2004.

    在總結之後,我將回顧 2004 年第二季的前景並提供指導。

  • Then we will leave the rest of the time open for your questions.


  • Overall speaking, Q1 was a very strong quarter for UMC.


  • The strong customer demand that we had seen in Q4 last year continued to increase every month across all market segments, particularly from communications and consumer products such as handsets, LCD, and digital-style camera.


  • Almost all the performance indicators are better than our forecasts, and the overall performance beats the seasonal pattern that we have traditionally experienced in the past.


  • Quarter-over-quarter revenue increased by 6.8 percent to 25.3 billion NT, or 767 million US$.

    營收季增 6.8%,達到 253 億新台幣,即 7.67 億美元。

  • Quarter-over-quarter, operating income increased by 27 percent to 5.29 billion NT or 160 million US$.

    營業收入較上季成長 27%,達到 52.9 億新台幣(1.6 億美元)。

  • Quarter-over-quarter, net income increased by 2.5 percent to 6.89 billion NT or 209 million US$.


  • The blended average selling price rose by 5 percent, as compared to the previous quarter.

    與上一季相比,綜合平均售價上漲了 5%。

  • And the quarter-over-quarter shipments of 8-inch equipment wafers increased by 0.5 percent to 647,000 wafers.


  • Please be reminded that this quarter, we have scheduled (indiscernible).


  • The percentage of revenue from 0.18 microns and the smaller geometry technologies was 50 percent.

    來自 0.18 微米和較小幾何形狀技術的收入百分比為 50%。

  • In response to continued strong demand, we are expanding our capacity.


  • You all have heard that we are going to acquire the SiS (ph) Fab.

    大家都聽說我們要收購SiS (ph) Fab。

  • So by the end of 2004, we are expecting our total capacity, including UNCi and the SiS Fab to increase by 20 percent year-over-year to 317 million 8-inch equivalent -- 3.17 million -- excuse me -- 3.17 million 8-inch equivalent wafers.

    因此,到 2004 年底,我們預計包括 UNCi 和 SiS 晶圓廠在內的總產能將同比增長 20%,達到 3.17 億個 8 英寸當量 -- 317 萬個 -- 對不起 -- 317 萬個 8英寸等效晶圓。

  • Commercial productization at our 90-nanometer 8-inch fab started in the first quarter, and we have a (indiscernible) product that already passed a quality and reliability.

    我們的 90 奈米 8 吋晶圓廠的商業產品化已於第一季開始,我們的(聽不清楚)產品已經通過了品質和可靠性測試。

  • And we will bring cutting edge capacity into commercial productization from our 12-inch 90-nanometer production source in the second quarter.

    我們將在第二季將 12 吋 90 奈米生產源的尖端產能引入商業生產。

  • So that was a brief summary for the Q1 results.


  • Now let me turn to the guidance for the second quarter of 2004.

    現在讓我談談 2004 年第二季的指引。

  • We are expecting total wafer shipments to increase by approximately 10 percent.

    我們預計晶圓總出貨量將成長約 10%。

  • The average selling price, or ASP, of our wafers is expected to increase by 5 percent in U.S. dollar terms.

    以美元計算,我們晶圓的平均售價 (ASP) 預計將上漲 5%。

  • I would like to remind everyone that if NT dollars continue to appreciate against the US dollars, it might adversely impact our revenue by 1 to 2 percent.


  • Capacity utilization is expected to remain at about 100 percent.


  • Gross margin in the second quarter is expected to continue to improve due to higher ASP and increased wafer shipment.


  • The percentage of revenues from 0.18 micron and smaller geometry technologies is expected to be in the mid-50 percent range.

    0.18 微米及較小幾何形狀技術的收入百分比預計將在 50% 左右。

  • The percentage of revenue from 0.13 microns and smaller geometry technology are expected to reach the mid-teens.


  • We are expecting that the communication market segment will remain the largest revenue pool, followed by the consumer and computer segments.


  • I would also like to provide a quick recap of several key points or questions and answers that we went through during the local investor conference this afternoon in Taipei, Taiwan.


  • First one, there were frequent questions regarding our ASP increase in Q2 -- which factors contributed to the increase of ASP.

    首先,關於第二季 ASP 成長的常見問題——哪些因素導致了 ASP 的成長。

  • Mainly there were two factors -- first through the price increase and secondly higher percentage of high-end technology.


  • The second question was regarding the long leadtime equipment delivery.


  • But in the industry, due to the high demand situation, some of the equipment vendors have stretched the delivery of some critical equipment.


  • And it will have a slight impact to UMCi in Q2 and early Q3, and then it will be made up after that.


  • So the overall impact to UMC capacity is very little this year.


  • The third question was whether UMC is seeing a recession coming in year 2005.

    第三個問題是聯華電子是否會在 2005 年看到經濟衰退。

  • And our answer is, no one knows for sure.


  • However, if the equipment delivery is on the critical path and it does not allow the whole industry to expand quickly, and therefore customers cannot ramp up quickly; therefore, the chance for another inventory buildup situation in the near-term is slim.


  • And therefore, we hope that another recession in 2005 won't happen.

    因此,我們希望 2005 年不會再次出現經濟衰退。

  • So those are the answers for three common questions asked this afternoon.


  • So that pretty much concludes my presentation.


  • Operator, we can accept the questions now.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, gentlemen. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Michael McConnell of Pacific Crest Securities.

    謝謝你們,先生們。 (操作員說明)Pacific Crest Securities 的 Michael McConnell。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Great results.


  • Looking at the comments regarding the equipment, can you be a little bit more specific as to which equipment right now is strained?


  • My understanding is mostly lithography tools.


  • Can you expand on that a little bit please?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • You are right.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • (multiple speakers) scanners.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And looking at the customer base, thanks for the insight on the product strength.


  • Can you expand a little bit into the consumer side, where you are starting to see some strength in Q2?


  • It sounds like that is also going to be somewhat of a leadership segment for you.


  • Any particular products that look strong there as well?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I mentioned briefly that digital still camera, (indiscernible) DVD players, LCD drivers, all of those will remain to be very strong.

    我簡單地提到了數位相機、(聽不清楚)DVD 播放器、LCD 驅動器,所有這些都將保持非常強勁的勢頭。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay, and on the communications side, it sounds like it's mostly DSPs.

    好的,在通訊方面,聽起來主要是 DSP。

  • Would PLDs also be looking pretty strong for Q2?

    第二季 PLD 看起來也會相當強勁嗎?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, those will be very strong.


  • The cell phone baseband.


  • We have the PDA for communication applications.

    我們有用於通訊應用的 PDA。

  • Those are very strong.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Finally, it looks like on the guidance that you had given for Q1 for the net nonoperating income, I think you guided to basically zero, and it looks like we actually did see about 1.6 billion NT.


  • Can you give us a feel for Q2?

    可以跟我們介紹一下 Q2 嗎?

  • I know it's tough to always quantify this, but Q2, what you are expecting in terms of any potential stock sales or where that should track sequentially -- that line item?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Okay, I think we expect to see higher nonoperating income through selling of the stocks.


  • And the current estimate is it will be probably double the amount that we originally forecast.


  • And so therefore, it will be approaching 5 billion NT.


  • Chitung Liu - IR

    Chitung Liu - IR

  • Michael, just to add a comment regarding the guidance for Q1 nonoperating, we did not sell any of the holdings in a big way in the first quarter.


  • The total gain (ph) is really from the convergence of the exchangeable bonds held by both bondholders.


  • It is really beyond our control.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Great, okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Ashis Kumar of CS First Boston.

    CS First 波士頓的 Ashis Kumar。

  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Good evening and congratulations on the good results.


  • My first question is that clearly on the back of volume and ASP increase, you are expecting gross margin expansion in 2Q.


  • What is your expectation for 3Q, as a lot of your capacity addition is back-ended?


  • Do you expect further margin expansion into 3Q and 4Q?


  • That's the first question.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I think it is fair to make that assumption, that Q2 will be better than Q1 and the second half of this year will be better than first half of this year.


  • As the volume continues to increase due to the availability of new capacity, we expect to see better margins as well.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And with the semi environment quite strong, a number of companies including UMC have reported an increase in inventory and an increase in (indiscernible) days.


  • Could you throw some light on this (multiple speakers) perspective?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • You mention about UMC?


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • That your DSOs and inventory there have already (indiscernible) or has it reduced?

    您的 DSO 和庫存已經(難以辨認)還是減少了?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It's only a two-day difference.


  • It is mostly coming along with our enlarging revenue base.


  • Also, the net for the revenue base is even larger, so I believe two days should be (indiscernible).


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • And Chitung, one last question.


  • Your earlier expectation was the our R&D expense should run between 7 to 9 percent of revenue for 2004 -- we saw this (ph) on the back of the previous earnings call. 1Q was quite low.

    你們之前的預期是我們的研發費用應佔 2004 年營收的 7% 到 9%——我們在上次財報電話會議上看到了這一點。一季相當低。

  • What shall we model for the remaining quarters?


  • Chitung Liu - IR

    Chitung Liu - IR

  • The current budget plan -- I remember there was a second question last time.


  • The current plan is about 6 percent.


  • And in Q1, it was a little bit lower and also partly contributed by a higher revenue, so it was slightly higher than 5 percent.

    在第一季度,這一數字略低一些,部分原因是收入增加,因此略高於 5%。

  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Thank you so much.


  • Operator


  • Dan Heyler of Merrill Lynch.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I have a follow-up today on the capacity expansion again.


  • What is interesting is if you were to take your year-end/year-end capacity number that you have highlighted here of 933,000 wafers quarter versus the 672 number, I looked -- it was a 37 percent increase.

    有趣的是,如果你看一下你在這裡強調的年終產能數字,季度產能為 933,000 片晶圓,而我看到季度產能為 672 片,增長了 37%。

  • But if we were to take out the SiS (indiscernible), it looks like about a 26 percent year-end/year-end basis, right, which doesn't seem as though it's a lot of capacity.

    但如果我們去掉 SiS(聽不清楚),年末/年末基礎上看起來大約是 26%,對吧,這看起來容量並不大。

  • How do you -- at this point are seeing see the shortages and how are you going to address that growth rate?


  • That is, does 26 percent seem as though you can meet the broader market, or can you get demands, say, on advanced technology that you think can rationalize a higher number than that?

    也就是說,26% 看起來您是否可以滿足更廣泛的市場,或者您可以滿足您認為可以合理化更高數字的先進技術的需求?

  • That is, if you ramp capacity faster, can we see that capacity number go up?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Okay.


  • I think it is fair to say that we are investing in the advanced technology capacity, okay?


  • And most of those are in 12-inch, for 0.13 (ph) Microns, 90 nanometers, and smaller geometries in the future.

    其中大多數為 12 英寸、0.13 (ph) 微米、90 奈米以及未來更小的幾何尺寸。

  • And there will be some incremental expansion for 8-inch, but the majority will be 12-inch advanced process technology, which will be needed sooner or later.


  • And normally when we do our expansion plan, we do receive the forecast from our customers, especially the high-volume market leaders, and then we also do our own assessment by citing (ph) the market and then come up with our final decision.


  • So hopefully that answers your question.


  • We do have reasonably high confidence level that the capacity that we have planned for will all be utilized.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Right.


  • And if you see demand on the advanced technologies being in fact even stronger than you think, are there any opportunities to -- equipment is quite tight and you said that you didn't think you could up your ramp plans at all.


  • Are you pretty much capped out at the current levels on advanced technology, from your numbers here at 922?

    從您這裡的數字 922 來看,您目前的先進技術水準是否已經達到上限?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That's a good question.


  • We are evaluating the demand on a monthly basis.


  • However, honestly speaking, to further extend the capacity expansion this year, it would big difficult due to the long leadtime of the scanners.


  • So any additional (indiscernible) investments will help in 2005.

    因此,任何額外的(難以辨別的)投資都會對 2005 年有所幫助。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And on your design activity on 90 nanometer, could you give us an update there, outside of your key strategic partner there on 90 nanometer, where we could see additional products or application?

    關於您在 90 奈米上的設計活動,您能否給我們一些最新信息,除了您在 90 奈米上的主要戰略合作夥伴之外,我們還可以在哪裡看到其他產品或應用?

  • A little color there and where you see 90 nanometer outside of your key client there.

    那裡有一點顏色,你可以在你的關鍵客戶之外看到 90 奈米。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, we have actually more than 10 customer products being designed in with 90 nanometer, and moving forward we will have more.

    是的,我們實際上有 10 多個客戶產品採用 90 奈米設計,未來我們還會有更多。

  • Again, as I mentioned in this afternoon's meeting, there were customers that will adopt the 90 nanometers -- included FPGAs, the high-end, base-end customers, the graphics customers, and so on and so forth.

    正如我在今天下午的會議上提到的,有些客戶將採用 90 奈米——包括 FPGA、高端、基礎端客戶、圖形客戶等等。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • This year?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • They will (indiscernible) the design, yes.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • So more of the same and more design strength.


  • Could you talk a little bit about consumer.


  • Do you see 90 nanometer products in the consumer segment?

    您在消費領域看到 90 奈米產品嗎?

  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Not yet.


  • Operator


  • Matt Gabel (ph) of Calypso Capital.

    Calypso Capital 的 Matte·加貝爾(博士)。

  • Matt Gabel - Analyst

    Matt Gabel - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could talk about the segment performance in more detail on a sequential basis for Q2 -- what you think each segment will do sequentially.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Okay.


  • The communications segment will remain to be the largest revenue contributor and followed by consumer.


  • And this quarter -- I mean Q1, we're seeing a 42 percent contribution from communications, 30 percent from consumers, and 24 percent from computers.

    本季——我的意思是第一季度,我們看到通訊貢獻了 42%,消費者貢獻了 30%,電腦貢獻了 24%。

  • And that profile probably will remain to be the case, and the communications segment may even increase.


  • Matt Gabel - Analyst

    Matt Gabel - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Also, could you speak about your plans for end-of-year monthly wafer capacity for fab 12A and for UMCi?

    另外,您能否談談 fab 12A 和 UMCi 年末每月晶圓產能計劃?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • What are you interested to know?


  • Matt Gabel - Analyst

    Matt Gabel - Analyst

  • What the monthly --


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We have announced that the total capacity plan for 12A is 20K -- 20,000 wafers, and then 10,000 for UMCi.

    我們已經宣布12A的總產能計劃是20K——20,000片晶圓,然後是UMCi 10,000片。

  • Matt Gabel - Analyst

    Matt Gabel - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Shailesh Jaitly of Nomura.

    野村證券的 Shailesh Jaitly。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Just wanted to touch base on the pricing issues.


  • If you were to recall back last year, literally all the foundries are finding volume customers on a longer-term pricing basis.


  • So I was wondering when any such pricing contract expires, means when does your last contract with any customer which is based on the longer-term pricing agreements expire?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It will be difficult to answer that question, especially we have multiple customers.


  • But it's fair to say that due to demand and supply, we were able to stop the price erosion.


  • And basically in Q1, that has been done.


  • And then we started to see the impact of a price increase and that (technical difficulty).


  • It's not proper for me to get into how many customers will have their contracts expired.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Do you still have some customers who are tied into the longer-term pricing agreement?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We do.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Would it be fair to assume that some of these customers, when their prices are renegotiated, that the market value could have been the key driver for these ASPs?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It is hard to estimate.


  • Some of them, yes, but not everyone.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • If I were to look at the 0.13 Micron, are there customers still who are being charged on the die-based (ph) pricing at the 0.13 Micron node?

    如果我查看 0.13 微米,是否還有客戶在 0.13 微米節點以基於晶片 (ph) 的定價收費?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We probably have a few.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And would it be possible for you to characterize roughly what proportion of your customers would be on the die-based pricing at 0.13 Microns?

    您能否大致描述一下您的客戶中採用 0.13 微米晶片定價的客戶比例是多少?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Maybe around 5 to 10 percent.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • 5 to 10 percent.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Mark FitzGerald of Banc of America.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could give us any idea if there is capacity increases available to better yields at some of the leading-edge technology?


  • Where are you with yields with 300 millimeter and 130 nanometer technologies?

    300 毫米和 130 奈米技術的良率如何?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Sorry, I don't understand your question.


  • Could you repeat again?


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Is there opportunities to improve your capacity by improving the yields on the leading-edge technology, or do you have the yields up --?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We are constantly doing that, and we are showing you the enhancement on the some of the advanced technology.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And can you give us an idea where the yields are for 300 millimeter at this point?

    您能否告訴我們此時 300 毫米的產量是多少?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That is a very difficult question to answer because it gets into the contracting of each customer's product.


  • It would be difficult to give an answer.


  • But put it this way.


  • On the 0.13 Micron technology, we have the best (indiscernible) in the industry or the (indiscernible), and this is according to our high volume customers.

    在 0.13 微米技術上,我們擁有業界最好的(聽不清楚)或(聽不清楚),這是根據我們的大量客戶的說法。

  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • So basically, there is probably not a lot of capacity to be gained by improving yields then?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • There will some.


  • And you can always continue to improve the yield.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And one other question.


  • Do you sense that any of your customers have responded to the potential price increases that are happening by building inventory at the lower ASPs?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Right now, it is very difficult for any customer to build inventory.


  • We don't believe that is the case.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Deutsche Bank's Nicholas DeGoy (ph).


  • Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

    Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

  • Since looking at your plans, you still are basically targeting the Fab 12 (indiscernible) by the end of the year, which is pretty much full capacity, UMCi at half capacity.

    考慮到您的計劃,您基本上仍然以今年年底前的 Fab 12(聽不清楚)為目標,該工廠幾乎已滿負荷,UMCi 的產能則為一半。

  • Do you need to make plans for breaking ground for a new fab in Taiwan for 12-inch for equipping Lexia (ph), is my first question.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I mentioned earlier that we are evaluating the demand on a monthly basis to see if we need to invest further.


  • And each site, 12A and UMCi has the capability of expanding to 40,000 wafers before we do the additional facility, so we have plenty of room.

    在我們建造額外設施之前,12A 和 UMCi 的每個站點都有能力擴展到 40,000 片晶圓,因此我們有足夠的空間。

  • Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

    Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

  • Okay, so it would be within existing floor space, basically?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, within the existing facility.


  • Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

    Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And concerning your earlier comments on lead times for (indiscernible), if you were basically to continue ramping capacity into '05, does this imply you need to basically place orders for those as soon as Q2?

    關於您之前對(難以辨認)交貨時間的評論,如果您基本上要在 05 年繼續提高產能,這是否意味著您基本上需要在第二季立即下訂單?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, that is a fair assumption.


  • Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

    Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And very last question on this segment, you had great growth in communications in Q1 plus 18 percent sequentially in terms of revenues.

    關於該細分市場的最後一個問題是,第一季通訊業務取得了巨大成長,營收比上一季成長了 18%。

  • You have just said that the percentage of revenues from comps could increase again in Q2, implying again a robust sequential growth.


  • If we compare this with what some of your customers have reported, you seem to have done better on average.


  • Is this coming from you getting more (indiscernible) market share ODMs (ph), new customers coming in, or how do you explain why this segment has been growing so fast for you?

    這是因為您獲得了更多(難以辨別的)市場份額 ODM (ph)、新客戶的進來,或者您如何解釋為什麼這個細分市場對您來說增長如此之快?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I think first of all, we have a good product for the volume (ph) on communication.


  • We have pretty much all the leaders making products here.


  • And as the market segment grows, we benefit from it.


  • That is probably the best way of putting it.


  • Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

    Nicholas DeGoy - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Donald Lu of Goldman Sachs.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • I have a couple of questions.


  • First, can you give us the guidance on what percentage of Asia customers' revenues will (ph) you see in the second quarter?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Say that again, please.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • In the first quarter, your revenue by geography -- the North American part of the revenue has increased significantly, to 43 percent from 39 percent in Q4 (ph).

    在第一季度,您按地理位置劃分的收入——北美部分的收入顯著增加,從第四季度的 39% 增加到 43%(ph)。

  • And Asia customer is now at just 7 percent in Q1.

    而亞洲客戶在第一季的佔比僅為 7%。

  • My question is how much will that percentage be in Q2?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Okay.


  • I would be surprised if North American continues to increase, because as you know, many market leaders reside in that area and they are also the movers and have the capability to drive the new applications.


  • So I think -- this a gut feeling, by the way -- I think if there is a change, it is possible that North America may increase further.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Can you give a guidance on the percentage of Asia customers, since those customers probably have a lower --?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I cannot.


  • Sorry.


  • I cannot.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • My second question is your process (ph) 0.13 revenue is going to increase according to the guidance by about 44 percent sequentially in the second quarter.

    我的第二個問題是,根據指導,您的流程 (ph) 0.13 收入將在第二季連續成長約 44%。

  • Why the ASP improvement in the second quarter (indiscernible) similar to the first quarter (indiscernible) 5 percent (ph) improvement?

    為什麼第二季的 ASP 改善(音訊不清晰)與第一季(音訊不清晰)5%(ph)的改善相似?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I think the 0.13 Micron increase is from maybe 12 percent to mid-teens.

    我認為 0.13 微米的增幅可能是從 12% 到十幾歲左右。

  • And we have also a large technology product portfolio.


  • So the weighted average assumption is the increase is 5 percent.

    因此,加權平均假設增幅為 5%。

  • I don't see where the problem is.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The answer is really you should (indiscernible) that our 0.25 or 0.35 might increase in absolute terms as well, which will dilute our weighted average selling price.

    答案是,您確實應該(難以辨別)我們的 0.25 或 0.35 的絕對值也可能會增加,這將稀釋我們的加權平均售價。

  • So it's probably not really a good way to only look at the absolute growth for 0.13.

    因此,僅查看 0.13 的絕對增長可能並不是一個好方法。

  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Yes, but if you compare the first quarter results versus the Q4 results, it seems like most of the increase in terms of percentage of revenues, most of the increases are from the 0.18 Micron technology build.

    是的,但如果你將第一季的結果與第四季的結果進行比較,似乎大部分成長都來自於收入百分比,大部分成長來自 0.18 微米技術建構。

  • But it seems like according to the guidance that in the second quarter, there will be more increase in the 0.13 Micron node, so I would think that by that, we should get more ASP from the product mix part.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I don't know how to verify your assumption.


  • The pricing is a very complex function, because we have so many different products and different technologies.


  • So I really don't know how to answer that question.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • (indiscernible) of Morgan Stanley.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • I have two questions for you.


  • First, in terms of the manufacturing cost, despite your wafer shipments growing by just about a half-point (ph) in Q1, I noticed that your other manufacturing costs -- that's excluding depreciation -- increased by 5.3 percent, and just wanted to understand why the large discrepancy in Q1.

    首先,就製造成本而言,儘管第一季你們的晶圓出貨量僅增加了半個百分點,但我注意到你們的其他製造成本(不包括折舊)增加了 5.3%,我只是想了解為什麼Q1 存在如此大的差異。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Just a second, please.


  • You are referring to which part again, please?


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Other manufacturing costs in Q1 versus Q4 of last year.


  • This is excluding depreciation.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • 0.13 wafers will have higher costs as well, so the mix improvement also will bring some higher costs.


  • So if you compare to revenue we grow by 6.8 percent, you mentioned the cost is only growing by about 5 percent.

    因此,如果與我們成長 6.8% 的收入進行比較,您提到成本僅成長了 5% 左右。

  • That is really due to the higher mix of the shipments.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • And should we expect a similar pattern next quarter or is there room for some cost management here, maybe partially due to (indiscernible) improvements?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It's a difficult one to answer because the mix of technology and products.


  • Usually on volume increases, you benefit from the volume.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Okay.


  • And my second question is on your long-term investments.


  • In your (indiscernible) announcement you mentioned that the book value of the long-term investments is about 72.8 billion NT dollars and the estimated fair value is $129.7 billion NT.


  • And I presume this includes your other foundry business, such as UMCi and UMCJ and also some of the so-called noncore investments.

    我認為這包括你們的其他代工業務,例如 UMCi 和 UMCJ 以及一些所謂的非核心投資。

  • Could you help me split this up in terms of how much is other foundry investments and what does nonfoundry do (ph) in the market value?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • This includes UMCi and UMCJ.

    這包括 UMCi 和 UMCJ。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Okay.


  • And would you have a number on what is it excluding UMCi and UMCJ?

    您能提供一下不包含 UMCi 和 UMCJ 的數字嗎?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The majority of the foundry industry related is UMCi and UMCJ.

    與代工產業相關的大部分是UMCi 和UMCJ。

  • And some, like our holding Faraday, is also in the foundry industry.


  • Also the Hsin-Chu (ph) photomask joint venture is also under the foundry industry.


  • But that's relatively small compared to our holdings to UMCi and UMCJ.

    但與我們所持有的 UMCi 和 UMCJ 相比,這個數字相對較小。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Pranab Sarmah of Daiwa.

    大和的普拉納布‧薩爾瑪 (Pranab Sarmah)。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • I have a follow-up on the nonoperating profit guidance for the second quarter.


  • Did you say it was 5 billion that is in this net disposable investment gain on the second quarter of '04?

    您是否說過 04 年第二季的可支配淨投資收益中有 50 億美元?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And on the capacity utilization side, probably you have reached 104 percent sometime in the second quarter.

    在產能利用率方面,可能在第二季的某個時候達到了 104%。

  • You were (indiscernible) that was historical high capacity (indiscernible) rate.


  • What type of confidence do you have this time and how much probably can you really boast that capacity utilization?


  • Would you go above 140 if necessary?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Right now, we are estimating it to reach 100 percent.

    現在,我們估計它會達到 100%。

  • As you remember, our capacity is expanding, right?


  • So 12A and UMCi in third quarter the SiS, they are all expanding, so we will have more capacity.

    所以第三季的12A和UMCi SiS,他們都在擴張,所以我們會有更多的產能。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The way we calculate our capacity utilization rate is really based upon the maximum available capacity at the base, so it will be rather difficult to see UMC has way above 100 percent utilization rate.

    我們計算產能利用率的方式實際上是基於基地的最大可用產能,因此很難看到聯華電子的利用率遠高於 100%。

  • Sometimes, the new equipment delivers earlier than scheduled, then we may be able to achieve slightly over 100 percent, but that chance under the current circumstance, given the long leadtime of the current (ph) delivery, is going to quite difficult.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • All right.


  • And one question on the first quarter '04 revenue.

    還有一個關於 04 年第一季營收的問題。

  • Could you give us how much of -- do you have any contribution from the non-wafer (indiscernible) revenue in the first quarter '04?

    您能否告訴我們 04 年第一季的非晶圓(難以辨認)收入有多少貢獻?

  • If it is, how many percentages it is?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • About (ph) 5 percent.

    約 (ph) 5%。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • And that is mainly from what area?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Tech (ph) service and some also IP and also the photomask.


  • Mostly all the quarters are similar.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Any contribution from the fees, like when you are referring a customer to the fees and probably aren't getting any benefit out of that?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • No.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • No, okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Ivan Goh of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.

    Ivan Goh 的 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Good evening.


  • A couple of questions.


  • First of all, it seems as if the delay in equipment installation at Fab 12 and UMCi, the notification itself was pretty short before the equipment was actually supposed to be installed.

    首先,Fab 12 和 UMCi 的設備安裝似乎有延遲,在設備實際安裝之前通知本身就很短。

  • Can you just perhaps talk about what kind of assurance you have received that the equipment will be installed when you want it to be installed, according to your capacity projections?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • This is -- the common practice in the industry is to pay a large percentage of a deposit to secure the priority for equipment in the delivery, and we have done that.


  • So the vendor -- (indiscernible) expected a problem; otherwise, we should have the equipment installed.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Was it that you didn't put any deposit before, that's why the delivery was delayed, and was that the reason?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • No, we have paid most of our -- we have placed our orders in Q3 last year and we have paid our deposit.


  • The vendor -- some of the vendors had components of issues early this year, and the situation was improved in the later half of the year.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • I see, so it was a component issue.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That's correct.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • The other question is how will this delay actually impact the UMCi startup losses into the second and third quarter?

    另一個問題是,這種延遲實際上將如何影響第二季和第三季的 UMCi 新創公司虧損?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • As I mentioned earlier, the industry is seeing in the second quarter and early third quarter, but it will catch up in later third quarter and then first quarter.


  • So at the end of the year, we will have the (indiscernible) wafer -- (indiscernible) capacity.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • So product losses will continue to be very high until the fourth quarter?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Actually in Q3, you will start to catch up.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And two other questions.


  • First of all, can you perhaps give an idea of what is the (indiscernible) leadtimes today that you are seeing today at your leading-edge 0.13 versus, say, 0.25?

    首先,您能否大致了解一下您今天看到的領先優勢 0.13 與 0.25 的(難以辨別的)提前期是多少?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Again, it depends on the complexity of a customer's product.


  • If it was on 0.25 micron product, they may have a high number of mask (indiscernible).

    如果是 0.25 微米的產品,他們可能有大量的光罩(難以辨別)。

  • So we have not seen major changes in our delivery times.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Would you be able to give a general reference?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It is around 12 to 14 weeks.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • For 0.13 (ph)?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Right.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And last question I have is in regards to 90 nanometer, you were saying that you're going to move 90 nanometer to 12 inch production soon.

    我的最後一個問題是關於 90 奈米的,您說您很快就會將 90 奈米轉移到 12 英寸生產。

  • Can you perhaps talk a bit about what kind of contribution 90 nanometer you will see in the fourth quarter of this year.

    您能否談談今年第四季 90 奈米將帶來什麼樣的貢獻?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It will be a few percentage.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Can we assume that if your 12 inch capacity is delayed by equipment installation, it will have a direct impact on the amount of 90 nanometer you can do this year?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • No, that is not true.


  • The demand for 90 nanometer production is still small this year.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you so much.


  • Operator


  • Mehdi Hosseini of FBR.

    FBR 的 Mehdi Hosseini。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • A couple of questions.


  • Starting with demand-side, you were talking about second half expected to be better than the first half.


  • And considering the fact that the leadtimes are (indiscernible) a little bit above on quarter, could you elaborate on which end market you see strength, and to that extent, how do think different end markets are going to perform in the second half?


  • And I have some follow-up questions.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes.


  • Well, as far as we can see right now, the communication market is very strong, followed by consumer and then computer.


  • But other additional information that you would like to know?


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • I am more interested about the second half of the year.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Second half of the year, we don't have the visibility that far out yet.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Because early on you said that you expected the second half to be better than the first half.


  • So just wondering what is driving that thinking?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It is based on the capacity that will be available -- the new capacity that will be added to our overall supply.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • In terms of capacity, you were talking about it's going to the bottom in terms of a common leadtime.


  • Do you foresee a scenario where by midyear you would pull in CAPEX dollars from '05 into '04 so you can step up your orders so that you would have equipment in place by early '05 -- you would ensure that you would get deliveries on time?

    您是否預見到一種情況,到年中,您將從 05 年開始將資本支出投入到 04 年,這樣您就可以增加訂單,以便您在 05 年初之前擁有設備 - 您將確保您能在時間?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • For long lead time, I tend to (indiscernible) to scanners.


  • You cannot do much for the rest of the year.


  • And as I mentioned earlier, pretty much all orders have been placed last year.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • But to ensure equipment delivery or on-time equipment delivery, would you foresee a scenario where you would step up your ordering by mid this year so you would have the equipment delivered on time early next year?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That is possible.


  • As I mentioned earlier, again, we are looking at the demand on a monthly basis and we can increase our CAPEX if it was needed.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • One final question.


  • Generally speaking, (technical difficulty) political issue, what is your number one concern?


  • What is the downside to the scenario or to the picture that you have painted here?


  • You seem to be cautiously optimistic.


  • What could go wrong here?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Well, equipment delivery I think is probably the only item.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • And would it be fair to say that you're pretty confident with your incoming orders?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Nitin Bambani of J.P. Morgan.

    摩根大通的尼廷班巴尼 (Nitin Bambani)。

  • Nitin Bambani - Analyst

    Nitin Bambani - Analyst

  • Could you talk about what you obtained with limiting (ph) utilization was in the first quarter and what do you expect for the next two quarters?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Utilization was 100 percent in Q1 and we expect it to be the same in Q2.

    第一季的利用率為 100%,我們預期第二季的利用率也將相同。

  • Nitin Bambani - Analyst

    Nitin Bambani - Analyst

  • For 300 (technical difficulty)


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, it will be fully utilized.


  • Nitin Bambani - Analyst

    Nitin Bambani - Analyst

  • Okay, how would you say revenues are coming from 300 millimeter right now?

    好吧,你怎麼說現在的收入來自 300 毫米呢?

  • And if you could also provide some sort of mix in terms of how you are doing more 0.13 or more 0.15, that would be helpful.

    如果您還可以提供某種關於如何做到更多 0.13 或更多 0.15 的組合,那將會很有幫助。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Right now I think is about maybe 8 percent from 12 inch.

    現在我認為 12 英寸的價格大約是 8%。

  • And your second question is regarding 0.13 micron contribution, overall it's about 12 percent.


  • Nitin Bambani - Analyst

    Nitin Bambani - Analyst

  • Within 300 millimeter are you doing more 0.15 or 0.13?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We're doing both actually.


  • We have aluminum capacity in our 12-inch as well as copper, so we are providing both.

    我們的 12 吋產品有鋁產能,也有銅產能,因此我們兩者都提供。

  • Nitin Bambani - Analyst

    Nitin Bambani - Analyst

  • Great, and in the second quarter what do you expect to be revenue for 300 millimeter?

    太好了,您預計 300 毫米第二季的收入是多少?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It will probably be 10 percent plus.


  • Nitin Bambani - Analyst

    Nitin Bambani - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mark FitzGerald of Banc of America.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Just a quick question on the tax rate.


  • How should we think about your tax rate going forward and what is a normalized tax rate?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I think this year we do need to pay any income tax.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay, but if you didn't have these tax loss carryforwards, what would be a more normalized tax rate if we were to model that in the outer years?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • This is one of the most complicated issues in Taiwan for the tax charges (ph) versus tax expenses.


  • Corporate tax, for us we have to pay 25 percent.


  • In (technical difficulty) used to be 20 percent for a cap.

    In(技術難度)過去的上限是 20%。

  • However we invest, a portion of that can be used as tax credit to again the future tax expenses.


  • A Company has the leeway to pull in the tax credit if you want, to a certain degree.


  • So there is really no simple answer for that.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • But a maximum 25 percent, is that fair?

    但最多 25%,公平嗎?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, maximum is 25 percent.

    是的,最多為 25%。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Theoretical maximum.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Bhavin Shah of J.P. Morgan.

    摩根大通 (J.P. Morgan) 的巴文‧沙阿 (Bhavin Shah)。

  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Could you tell us what the depreciation included in cost of goods sold will be in the second quarter and the fact (ph) it was down in third quarter once you're starting to (indiscernible) sales.


  • So maybe if you have some sense of what it could be in third quarter.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Overall, depreciation will be slightly lower compared to that in Q1, but the full year we can give you a rough guidance which is about 10 percent more than that of last year, including the depreciation from (indiscernible).


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, and apart from depreciation, do you see anything abnormal happening in second quarter?


  • In other words, can we expect pretty strong operating leverage in second quarter, given 15 percent revenue increase, or more?

    換句話說,考慮到營收成長 15% 或更多,我們能否預期第二季的營運槓桿相當強勁?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The typical semiconductor high-leverage nature of profitability should factor in to second quarter.


  • However, we probably will have about 2 percent of the revenue coming from outsource to assist in UMCi, which has much lower profit margin compared to our own business.


  • So there will be some minor impact on there.


  • NT dollar appreciation will be another factor which is beyond our control.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Kevin Vassily of Susquehanna Financial Group.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • A couple questions.


  • First one would be just a clarification on how you are calculating quarterly capacity.


  • Is the number that you give what you have in place to start the quarter, or is that a weighted average of the wafer capacity through the quarter, or is it quarter-ending number?


  • How do you calculate that?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That is the wafer output.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • Wafer output at the start of the quarter?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • For the whole quarter.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • For the whole quarter.


  • So finishing the quarter, that is what you would expect to be able to output?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That is correct, and since we have fabs (ph) extending.

    這是正確的,因為我們有晶圓廠 (ph) 正在擴展。

  • Therefore, you can consider that it's kind of a ramp-up situation.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • Okay, that's helpful.


  • Second question, back to some earlier questions and comments about second half of the year.


  • When I kind of look at your revenue numbers for Q1 and the forecast for Q2, it appears that business for you is better than what would be typical or normal on a seasonal basis, particularly if you look at it compared with the overall semiconductor industry.


  • What gives you the confidence that the second half of the year at this point will be better than the first half of the year if you buy into the premise that the first half looks seasonally better?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Again, this is based on the capacity that is available.


  • If the market stays strong today, then we will be able to fully utilize the capacity that will be available.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • So it is based on a continuation of what you are seeing in terms of demand trends now, and being able to respond to that demand capacity?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, that is correct.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Lehman Brothers, C.J. Muse.


  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • Good evening.


  • Given the leadtimes extending for scanners and the limited 300 millimeter expansion for you in '04, what are your initial thoughts for CAPEX plans in '05, including what your thoughts are for incremental 300 millimeter adds in that timeframe?

    鑑於掃描器的交貨時間延長以及 04 年您的 300 毫米擴展有限,您對 05 年資本支出計劃的初步想法是什麼,包括您對在該時間範圍內增量增加 300 毫米的想法是什麼?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • As I mentioned earlier, we are guiding the demand situation on a monthly basis, and any CAPEX decision that we make now will not help this year and will help next year.


  • So it is somewhat difficult to give you a CAPEX forecast for 2005.

    因此,給您 2005 年的資本支出預測有些困難。

  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • Are you participating in some of these option programs so you could reduce the leadtimes for scanners?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, we would like to, yes.


  • We will evaluate those plans.


  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • So if you're participating in that, when is this drop-dead deadline for you to place equipment orders for scanners for your '05 plans?

    那麼,如果您參與其中,那麼您為 '05 計劃訂購掃描器設備的截止日期是什麼時候?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • There is no drop-dead date, as far as I understand.


  • C.J. Muse - Analyst

    C.J. Muse - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • A follow-up from Dan Heyler of Merrill Lynch.

    美林證券的丹海勒 (Dan Heyler) 的後續行動。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • I remembered you guys previously had talked about allocating capacity and some of the criteria that you went through in deciding who you want to allocate capacity to, and pricing was one of the most important.


  • Is that still the case, that highest pricing basically tends to be the preferred customer?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Actually, there is more than one criteria.


  • I would say that we look at the applications.


  • We like to work with the market leaders, so volume and products competitiveness are important, and the strategic relationship obviously important, and how about price.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • The diversification of the (indiscernible) products and customers?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That is correct.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • What I was wondering is, do you had any formal programs in place to essentially motivate customers to migrate forward on their geometry nodes?


  • For instance, potentially higher prices at some of the more mainstream technologies that would make obviously migration more economically advisable?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I think the migration to more advanced deposit technology in itself usually offers the incentive for customers.


  • And so when customers fail to (indiscernible) the complexity of their design has reached to a critical point for them to migrate to higher in the technology, then they would normally do that.


  • There is one strong incentive on UMC side.


  • That is our investment in advanced deposit technology capacity, and there will be more available moving forward.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • So it is fair to say that availability of capacity on the leading-edge, is that driving people to migrate a little bit faster then they would have otherwise?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • If their product is suitable for migration.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Shailesh Jaitly of Nomura.

    野村證券的 Shailesh Jaitly。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Can you repeat the (indiscernible) revenue from 300 mm for this quarter?

    您能否重複本季 300 mm 的(聽不清楚)營收?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • About 8 percent for Q1.

    第一季約為 8%。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • And for Q2, you are looking at 10 percent?

    對於第二季度,您的目標是 10%?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • More than 10 percent, yes.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Given that your 300 mm capacity you're going to have a significant ramp in the second half, what kind of moderating factors are there for the customers to migrate to this?

    鑑於您的 300 毫米產能將在下半年大幅成長,有哪些調節因素可以讓客戶遷移到此?

  • In other words, what kind of cost advantages customers derive?


  • I know theoretically that 30 percent, but based on what you are seeing currently, what is the cost differential for the similar product with similar nodes?

    我知道理論上是 30%,但是根據您目前所看到的情況,具有相似節點的相似產品的成本差異是多少?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, I think we talked about this in the past, that there is an increasing advantage of 12-inch over 8-inch, and that has also been clearly understood in the industry.


  • There is -- the 12-inch over 8-inch area ratio is about 2.25, both consider the yield, and the die cost ratio could be between 2.3 to 2.7 in favor of a larger die.

    12 吋與 8 吋的面積比約為 2.25,兩者都考慮良率,且晶片成本比可能在 2.3 至 2.7 之間,有利於更大的晶片。

  • So customers can do a calculation very quickly, consider the same technology node and design.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • But that is a theoretical advantage once you hit the optimum yield.


  • Given that you're still in very early stages, what are the kind of cost advantages you're able to offer now (technical difficulty) migrate?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Actually for 0.13 micron that we are moving toward to the high end, to the optimum yield very quickly.

    實際上,對於 0.13 微米,我們正在快速向高端邁進,以達到最佳良率。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • In your communications segment, the (indiscernible) version, what proportion is handset-related chips?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • About two-thirds are from wireless.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Two-thirds.


  • And is any of your handset-related customers more than 10 percent of your business right now?

    目前您的手機相關客戶是否佔您業務的 10% 以上?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • No.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay, and from within the handset space, what kind of order visibility are you seeing right now?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Order visibility, I think three months the typical (indiscernible).


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Chitung Liu - IR

    Chitung Liu - IR

  • Operator, we probably have time for one last question.


  • Operator


  • Mehdi Hosseini FBR.

    邁赫迪·侯賽尼 FBR。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Just a quick follow-up.


  • Regarding your wafer supply, are you seeing any shortages, or if you could just elaborate on that front?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Wafer supply shortage?


  • No, we haven't seen any.


  • You are referring to the raw wafers, right?


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We have secured the supply.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • For both 200 and 300 millimeter?

    200 毫米和 300 毫米都適用嗎?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Gentlemen, we'll turn the conference back over to you for any additional or closing remarks.


  • Chitung Liu - IR

    Chitung Liu - IR

  • Thanks, everyone, for attending again.


  • It looks like we will have a good quarter in Q2 and a pretty good year overall, and we will meet with you next quarter.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, gentlemen.


  • That does conclude today's conference.


  • We do thank you for your participation.
