聯華電子 (UMC) 2004 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to the UMC second-quarter 2004 earnings results conference call.

    大家好,歡迎參加 UMC 2004 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • Please be aware that all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • At the conclusion of the presentation, there will be a time for questions and answers.


  • At that time, instructions will be given about the procedure to follow if you would like to ask a question.


  • For your information, today's conference is being broadcast live over the Internet.


  • A replay for the call will be available at www.UMC.com under Investor Relations/Investor Events selection through Thursday, September 28, 2004.

    電話會議的重播將於 2004 年 9 月 28 日星期四之前在 www.UMC.com 的“投資者關係/投資者活動”部分提供。

  • This call is being recorded and a telephone replay of the call will be available from 11 AM Eastern standard time on July 28 until midnight Eastern standard time July 29.

    正在對此次通話進行錄音,並且從東部標準時間 7 月 28 日上午 11 點到東部標準時間 7 月 29 日午夜,可以進行電話重播。

  • To access the replay, please call 888-203-1112 or 719-457-0820 if you are unable to contact from outside the U.S.

    若要觀看重播,如果您無法從美國境外聯繫,請致電 888-203-1112 或 719-457-0820。

  • The access code will be UMC any time during this period.

    在此期間的任何時間,存取代碼均為 UMC。

  • At this time, for opening remarks, I'd like to turn the conference over to the Finance Director of UMC, Mr. Chitung Liu.


  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Welcome, everyone.


  • Thank you, everyone, for attending our second-quarter earnings conference call.


  • We are hosting this conference call from Taipei and here to help report our results are Mr. Jackson Hu, CEO and Mr. Bowen Huang, Senior IR Manager.

    我們在台北主持本次電話會議,執行長 Jackson Hu 先生和高級 IR 經理 Bowen Huang 先生在這裡幫助報告我們的結果。

  • Before beginning this presentation, I would like to remind everyone of our Safe Harbor policy.


  • That is that certain statements made during the course of our discussion today may constitute forward-looking statements which are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including risks that may be beyond the Company's control.


  • For this reason, please refer to UMC's filings with the SEC in the U.S. and ROC Security authorities.

    因此,請參閱 UMC 向美國 SEC 和中華民國安全機構提交的文件。

  • I would now like to turn the conference over to today's speaker, Mr. Jackson Hu, CEO of UMC.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Hello, everyone.


  • We thank you for joining us today and as usual, we appreciate your interest in UMC.

    我們感謝您今天加入我們,並且像往常一樣,我們感謝您對 UMC 的興趣。

  • Our format will be the same as before.


  • I will begin with a brief summary of our operating results for the second quarter of 2004, and I assume that you have already have a copy of our press release, so I will try to be very brief.

    我將首先簡要概述 2004 年第二季的經營業績,我假設您已經收到了我們的新聞稿,所以我會盡量簡短。

  • Following the summary, I will provide an outlook and a guidance for the third quarter of 2004 and after that, we will open the time for your questions.

    在總結之後,我將對 2004 年第三季進行展望和指導,之後我們將開放提問時間。

  • Overall speaking, we accomplished our Q2 objectives relatively smoothly and our quarter-over-quarter revenue increased by 15.2 percent to NT$29.2 billion or US$864 million.


  • Our quarter-over-quarter operating income increased by 43.6 percent to NT$7.6 billion or US$225 million.

    營業收入較上季成長 43.6%,達到新台幣 76 億元(2.25 億美元)。

  • Our quarter-over-quarter net income increased by 84.2 percent to NT$12.7 billion or US$379 million.

    淨利潤季增 84.2%,達到新台幣 127 億元,即 3.79 億美元。

  • The blended average selling price per wafer rose by 6 percent, compared with Q1, and the quarter-over-quarter shipment of wafers, in terms of 8-inch equivalent, increased by 9.7 percent totaling 710,000 wafers.

    與第一季相比,每片晶圓的綜合平均售價上漲了 6%,而以 8 吋換算的晶圓出貨量較上季成長了 9.7%,總計 71 萬片。

  • So as I mentioned earlier, in summary we had a very strong second quarter with increasing ASP, so all of the major indexes (ph) as we have forecasted have been met.

    正如我之前提到的,總而言之,我們的第二季度表現非常強勁,平均售價不斷上升,因此我們預測的所有主要指數 (ph) 都已達到。

  • On the technology front, UMC continues to provide the best semiconductor foundry services to our customers, and we remain committed in bringing them the latest technology and remaining at the forefront of the cutting-edge geometry.


  • Several of our customers, including major suppliers of programmable logic devices and wireless handsets (indiscernible) are already utilizing our world-class 90 nm process facility to fabricate some of the world's most advanced commercially available chips.

    我們的一些客戶,包括可程式邏輯裝置和無線手機(聽不清楚)的主要供應商,已經在利用我們世界一流的 90 奈米製程設施來製造一些世界上最先進的商用晶片。

  • You may have (indiscernible) their press release -- (technical difficulty).


  • We are currently working with several of our leading customers and suppliers -- (technical difficulty) -- and at the proper time, we will disclose more.


  • To meet the rising demand for outsourced semiconductor fabrication, we are also on target to bring more manufacturing capacity online in the third quarter of 2004.

    為了滿足外包半導體製造不斷增長的需求,我們也計劃在 2004 年第三季投產更多製造能力。

  • In the third quarter, our capacity will increase to 853,000 8-inch equivalents; that includes the two new 12-inch fabs, 12A UMCi and also the newly acquired (indiscernible) semiconductor fab now we call 8S.

    第三季度,我們的產能將增加至8吋當量85.3萬片;其中包括兩個新的 12 吋晶圓廠、12A UMCi 以及新收購的(難以辨識的)半導體晶圓廠(現在我們稱為 8S)。

  • So UMC is committed to the (indiscernible) foundry model and we intend to remain to be a key leader, bringing the latest in manufacturing technology in the IP and the complete solutions to our customers.

    因此,聯華電子致力於(難以辨別的)代工模式,我們打算繼續成為主要領導者,為我們的客戶帶來最新的 IP 製造技術和完整的解決方案。

  • So let me now turn to the guidance for the third quarter.


  • Because of the increased capacity I just mentioned, expect the total wafer shipments to increase by approximately 15 to 16 percent in Q3.


  • The average selling price for ASP is expected to increase by another 3 to 4 percent in U.S. dollar terms.

    以美元計算,平均售價預計將再上漲 3% 至 4%。

  • The capacity utilization is expected to be close to 100 percent.


  • Please notice that this includes the capacity -- the new capacity that I have just mentioned.


  • The gross margin in the third quarter is expected to improve due to higher ASP and increased wafer shipments.


  • The percentage of revenue from 0.18 micron and the smaller geometry technologies is expected to be in the high 50 percent range, and as a percentage of revenue from 0.13 micron and the DeLowe (ph) technology are expected to reach the high teens.

    0.18 微米和較小幾何形狀技術的收入百分比預計將達到 50% 以上,而 0.13 微米和 DeLowe (ph) 技術的收入百分比預計將達到 11%。

  • So overall speaking, we expect that for the Q3 will be another strong quarter for us.


  • As a matter of fact, the monthly revenue and the quarterly revenue may be a record high for UMC.


  • We are expecting that the communication market segment will remain to be the largest, followed by consumer and then the computer segments.


  • So I think that's a summary of the guidance, the financial guidance.


  • I also would like to use this opportunity to talk about the inventory issue.


  • There has been a lot of rumor in the industry, and I would like the use this opportunity to share with you what we have observed.


  • If everyone would recall, at the end of last year or early this year, when the economy just recovered (indiscernible) semiconductor industry just recovered, every customer that approached us believed that, in regards to capacity, they would increase their market share.


  • Well, after about six months, the situation indicated that that's not the case.


  • Each individual's product placed in (indiscernible) in the market share, so we have seen market share shift in certain application areas such as cellphones and DVD.


  • So those that have stronger product gain market share, and those that have weaker product lose market share, and they are adjusting inventory accordingly.


  • This is the first category of customer that we are seeing.


  • The second category are customers that had low inventories in Q1, so they purposely tried to establish a higher inventory level.


  • We have also seen a third customer category that is taking on very low inventory or 0 inventory and they are still asking for increasing wafer allocation, so the signal is mixed.


  • I think what I just described today is probably a fair, very fair picture of what is happening in the industry regarding the inventory.


  • So, I will just stop my presentation here and start to take your questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • Thank you, sir. (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS).

    謝謝你,先生。 (操作員說明)。

  • Mark Fitzgerald at Banc of America.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Just to follow up on your response to the inventor issues out there, are you adjusting at all your own wafer starts?


  • Because we've heard some of the fabless companies are pulling wafer starts back, so will you slow any CapEx spending or delay any investments?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We've done our wafers based on what the orders that we see, so for Q3, I think I indicated that we have still strong orders coming in.


  • We have, at this point, not modified or adjusted our CapEx spending.


  • The main purpose is that CapEx spending -- a majority of the spending is for advanced (indiscernible) technology which is highly needed or will be highly demanded next year.


  • So, we are still spending based on our plan that was disclosed earlier this year.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • Does that include UMCi?

    這包括 UMCi 嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That's correct.


  • Operator


  • Matt Gabelle (ph) at (indiscernible) Capital.

    馬特·加貝爾 (Matt Gabelle)(博士)在(音頻不清)資本公司。

  • Matt Gabelle - Analyst

    Matt Gabelle - Analyst

  • As far as your expansion plans for 12A and UMCi still unchanged, fab 12A will be 20,000 wafers per month?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is correct and the 10,000 for UMCi before the end of the year.

    這是正確的,UMCi 年底前將達到 10,000 個。

  • Matt Gabelle - Analyst

    Matt Gabelle - Analyst

  • In India, in the communication sector, specifically in handsets, what are you seeing in terms of order patterns?


  • Are they currently constant with what they were in the second quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In the second quarter?


  • Definitely we saw high growth in the second quarter.


  • Matt Gabelle - Analyst

    Matt Gabelle - Analyst

  • What are those order patterns like right now in the third quarter?


  • Are they consistent with what you saw in the second quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Fairly similar.


  • Operator


  • Michael McConnell at Crest Securities.

    克萊斯特證券 (Crest Securities) 的 Michael McConnell。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Looking at the product strength in consumer, could you get a little more specific?


  • You had kind of detailed that communications was driven by PLDs and that they span customers.

    您已經詳細說明了通訊是由 PLD 驅動的並且跨越客戶。

  • But looking forward into Q3, the consumer is also going to be another driver.


  • What are some of the products that are driving the strength?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The consumer products?


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Correct.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In Q3, we don't see major changes on the consumer products, so you know, the consumer product is a broad category.


  • It includes the DVDs, the DSCs and other products, and the LCDs -- LCD drivers, all those products.

    它包括 DVD、DSC 和其他產品,以及 LCD——LCD 驅動器,所有這些產品。

  • So, I think, in Q3, we don't see any significant change.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Are digital cameras still giving you some pretty good demands -- (Multiple Speakers) -- those customers?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, that's the case from the customers that we have in this category.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • I know it's a little bit looking forward but I've got to ask the question.


  • Any comments on forecast for Q4 at this point?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Honestly, this is a little bit early to talk about Q4, and we have limited visibility from order standpoint.


  • So, as time goes by, I think we will have more information but so far Q4, it is mixed pretty much similar to the situation of the inventory I talked about.


  • So there are ups, downs and holds.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • When do you think you would probably have the best read on Q4?


  • Would it take another month do you think, or what's kind of the timeframe, do you think, for visibility on your end?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Honestly, in this dynamically changing marketplace, I think we need to continue watching until we see the whole Q4.


  • Operator


  • Pranab Sarmah at Daiwa.

    大和的普拉納布‧薩爾瑪 (Pranab Sarmah)。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Are you on target with UMCi breaking even by fourth quarter '04 at (indiscernible) capacity?

    您是否已實現 UMCi 在 04 年第四季以(難以辨認的)產能實現收支平衡的目標?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • That is our target.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • To reach the sale or operating margin on that particular fab sale, your group level operating margin (indiscernible) 25 percent -- what should be the capacity to ramp up that fab?

    為了達到該特定晶圓廠銷售的銷售或營運利潤率,您的集團層面的營運利潤率(難以辨別)為 25%——提高該晶圓廠的產能應該是多少?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Sorry, can you elaborate a little bit?


  • I don't fully understand your question.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • I said currently your group level operating margin is about 25 percent but if we assume -- like UMCi has to reach similar type of operating margins, what should be the minimum capacity you should have in that particular fab?

    我說過,目前你們集團層面的營業利潤率約為25%,但如果我們假設——例如UMCi 必須達到類似的營業利潤率,那麼您在該特定晶圓廠中應擁有的最低產能應該是多少?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • For this quarter actually, our gross margin is 34.5 percent.

    實際上,本季我們的毛利率為 34.5%。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • I'm talking operating margin is about 26 percent I guess, so -- (multiple speakers) -- if we assume like UMCi has to reach that type of operating margin maybe in 1 year time or 1.5 year time, what is the (indiscernible) on that fab?

    我說的是,我猜營業利潤率約為26%,所以——(多個發言者)——如果我們假設UMCi 必須在1 年或1.5 年時間內達到這種類型的營業利潤率,那麼(難以辨別的) )在那個工廠?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • There are many variables.


  • To give you an example, today it's around 15, 16,000 wafers at Taipei.

    舉個例子,今天台北有大約 15、16,000 片晶圓。

  • It's actually already above the UMC average operating profit margin.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • That's fair enough.


  • Could you give us the guidance about R&D expenses on the second half of '04?


  • I think your first (indiscernible) of R&D expenses has been quite small compared to last year.


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • It's not going to be too different from the first half.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay, about 1.4 billion per quarter sort of range?

    好吧,大約每季 14 億美元的範圍?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Yes.


  • Operator


  • Neil Pashnishra (ph) at Credit Suisse First Boston.

    瑞士信貸第一波士頓公司的尼爾·帕什尼什拉(Neil Pashnishra)(博士)。

  • Neil Pashnishra - Analyst

    Neil Pashnishra - Analyst

  • Yes, a bookkeeping question -- what should we model as the depreciation when (indiscernible) comes online?


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • When this (ph) comes online, there be about 10 percent more on a quarterly basis, so to give you numbers for the third quarter, it's close to NT10 billion as total depreciation for the whole quarter.


  • Neil Pashnishra - Analyst

    Neil Pashnishra - Analyst

  • So around 1 billion per quarter is a safe estimate?

    那麼每季 10 億左右是一個安全的估計嗎?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Yes.


  • Neil Pashnishra - Analyst

    Neil Pashnishra - Analyst

  • A second question on the share count -- the share count that we -- I mean, after the stock dividend, the share count that you used is different from what we get after applying the stock dividend.


  • Could you give some explanation of that, please?


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • The share count actually (indiscernible) in very details on our press release.


  • So, also including the fact of treasury stock repurchase, those (indiscernible) in the calculation of EPS.


  • Operator


  • Shekhar Pramanick at Schwab Soundview.

    Schwab Soundview 的 Shekhar Pramanick。

  • Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

    Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

  • Just a quick question -- you know, thank you very much for explaining the inventory situation, but what do you see in the last four or five weeks in terms of wafer starts from your customers?

    只是一個簡單的問題 - 您知道,非常感謝您解釋庫存情況,但是您在過去四五週內從客戶的晶圓開始方面看到了什麼?

  • Has that changed significantly, or is that also following very much your view of the inventory situation?


  • Thank you.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think your second part of the question answered -- yes, that is the case.


  • Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

    Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

  • Maybe one more -- what is the cycle time currently you have in terms of manufacturing cycle time?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is always a difficult question because we have so many different process technologies and different products have very different number of (indiscernible).


  • If we take lump sum of the average maybe it is around 1.6 days (ph). (multiple speakers).

    如果我們一次計算平均值,可能約為 1.6 天(ph)。 (多個發言者)。

  • Yes, per mask layer.


  • Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

    Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

  • Is that -- (technical difficulty) -- today on average, or is it 2.5 months?

    平均而言,(技術難度)是今天,還是 2.5 個月?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Again, that is hard because it varies.


  • I don't have the average number of (indiscernible) but -- (multiple speakers) -- the average cycle time is a good measure.


  • Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

    Shekhar Pramanick - Analyst

  • Maybe lastly, you know, once again, do you feel that in the last few weeks, you have seen a significant change in wafer starts (indiscernible) your customer viewpoint, given some of the inventory issues been talked about in the marketplace?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No significant change.


  • Operator


  • Peti Holstieni (ph) at FBR Investment Banking.

    Peti Holstiini(博士),FBR 投資銀行部。

  • Peti Holstieni - Analyst

    Peti Holstieni - Analyst

  • I want to basically follow-up to Shekhar's question.


  • As you look into Q4, wafer stock (indiscernible), would you expect the utilization rate to remain above 95 percent?

    當您查看第四季度的晶圓庫存(聽不清楚)時,您預計利用率會保持在 95% 以上嗎?

  • My second question is, when you look into 2005, you talked about the spending for (indiscernible).

    我的第二個問題是,當您回顧 2005 年時,您談到了(音訊不清楚)的支出。

  • What are some of the factors that go into determining CapEx for next year?


  • How do you anticipate demand?


  • To that extent, I just want to have you to add some color the things that help you making decisions in terms of intensity of CapEx and making sure that not too much CapEx is coming online before demand is there.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • To answer the first part of your questions, right now, we have limited visibility into Q4, okay?


  • As I mentioned earlier, based on the limited information, we see ups, downs and holds.


  • For the CapEx ending next year for advanced process technology, and we basically make decisions based on customers' input.


  • Those customers need advanced process technology, otherwise they will lose competitiveness in the industry, so they must have for example 90 nm technology-based products into production.


  • Of course, we also make our own assessments based on the market and application.


  • Peti Holstieni - Analyst

    Peti Holstieni - Analyst

  • So would it be fair to say that, in this kind of uncertain demand environment, you can't really put too much faith into customers' forecasts; you have more reliance on your own assessment?


  • So can you explore your own assessment -- what are the things that you are looking at?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • There are certain high-volume applications that you know will be there, right?


  • Such as the programmable logic (ph) devices, the graphics publications, 3G baseband chips, and even consumer products, right?


  • So all those are, I think, well-known in the industry that, in order to maintain competitiveness, customers, or leading customers must embrace advanced process technology.


  • Peti Holstieni - Analyst

    Peti Holstieni - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • So would it be fair to say that, when you look at all these moving variables, you would be more cautious with adding too much capacity until we have better visibility?


  • Is that fair?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • You know, in the foundry business, we have to make sure that we have enough capacity to prepare there for customers.


  • It's a sell-down; it's not a common practice that we wait until the market is clear.


  • Operator


  • Ashis Kumar at Credit Suisse First Boston.

    瑞士信貸第一波士頓公司的阿希斯‧庫馬爾 (Ashis Kumar)。

  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Thank you, I had two questions.


  • One, just to follow-up to this earlier question.


  • Hearing what you said, it makes me wonder if (indiscernible) semiconductor industry downturn whenever it comes will be severe again because, you know, if you continue to wait for signals -- I don't understand how well this time you will be much more careful in adding capacity and (indiscernible) not only you but other semiconductor companies.

    聽到你所說的,這讓我想知道(難以辨別的)半導體行業低迷何時到來是否會再次嚴重,因為,你知道,如果你繼續等待信號 - 我不明白這一次你會表現得如何在增加產能方面更加小心,(音頻不清)不僅是您,還有其他半導體公司。

  • On the presumption that most analysts who have become quite negative on semis have something right, how will you this time around differently add CapEx compared to previous downturns?


  • How do you ensure that the boom/bust cycle is not severe in semis as it has always been?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That's always a $1 billion question.

    這始終是一個價值 10 億美元的問題。

  • Every company can answer that very accurately and precisely, then you can expect that it will be the winner in the whole world.


  • So again, I think I wanted to emphasize the investment in CapEx for UMC for the advanced process technology, which will be needed sooner or later.


  • We're not investing in .25 micron, for example, or mature the process technology.

    例如,我們不會投資 0.25 微米,也不會成熟製程技術。

  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • Secondly, you earlier said that R&D can be maintained at 1.4 billion.


  • Previously, you (indiscernible) 6 percent of the revenue.

    以前,你(聽不清楚)收入的 6%。

  • Is this a sustainable level or you might have to eventually increase R&D maybe into next year?


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • I guess it will be the absolute number I just quoted, as a reference.


  • Ashis Kumar - Analyst

    Ashis Kumar - Analyst

  • We can maintain the same level into next year?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Probably slightly increase but as a percentage probably will continue to go down.


  • Operator


  • Shalish Jaysee (ph) at Nomura.

    野村證券的 Shalish Jaysee(博士)。

  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Hello.


  • Firstly, IDMs (ph) as a proportion and IDMs as a business has increased quite nicely in the second quarter.


  • I was wondering this segment (indiscernible).


  • Is this because of new customers or because of the increased outsourcing?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think the increase in percentage is only like 2 or 3 percent -- 2 percent -- so I would say it's within the tolerance level, and most of the demand comes from the existing customers.

    我認為百分比的增幅只有 2% 或 3%——2%——所以我想說這在容忍水平之內,而且大部分需求來自現有客戶。

  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Is that in the wireless space?


  • Can you identify which subsegment it is?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In wireless and also in other categories.


  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Can you help me understand the reasons for the ASP increase?

    您能幫我了解一下 ASP 上漲的原因嗎?

  • Obviously there could be various variables like product mix improvement, perhaps improvement in yields and pricing power.


  • It would be helpful if you can help rank this what is more important for you in this quarter and going forward?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Mainly from product mix shift, maybe more than 80 percent of that is from the mix shift.


  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Have you been able to increase the pricing of certain products with certain customers on the like products?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, we tried and have some achievement, so that's at 80 percent from mix.

    是的,我們嘗試過並取得了一些成就,因此 80% 是來自混合。

  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Also, could you help me understand linearity in this quarter?


  • Do you expect this quarter to be more back-end loaded?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, it will be pretty even.


  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Across the board?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Also, I would want to further ask about the inventories, because what we are hearing from you compared to several of your customers who have already come and talked about the increase in buffer inventories is quite different.


  • You mentioned 0 inventories and low inventories.


  • Which segments is this happening where you see almost -- because CDMA is one segment where we have heard that inventories are pretty much in control, but besides that, we have not heard (indiscernible) segment.

    您幾乎可以看到哪些細分市場正在發生這種情況- 因為CDMA 是我們聽說庫存幾乎受到控制的細分市場,但除此之外,我們還沒有聽說過(聽不清楚)細分市場。

  • In fact, more of your customers have come and openly said they are seeing inventory builds.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • You know, instead of seeing which market segment, I think I should point out it has a lot to do with individual companies' competitiveness.


  • You know, you just mentioned about CDMA; that's, for example, an example, right?

    你知道,你剛剛提到了 CDMA;舉個例子,對吧?

  • There could be, in the other market segments, that if a customer has a strong product, needing product, then they are less affected or they don't have much inventory.


  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • Looking at your capacity build, because you have pretty much committed for the capacity increases in the second half, which is likely to go up by 27 percent, based on your targets, are you at all concerned that the increasing inventories and in what level it change the way you are looking at capacity expansion in the first half of next year?

    看看你的產能建設,因為你幾乎已經承諾下半年產能增加,根據你的目標,可能會增加 27%,你是否擔心庫存增加以及庫存增加到什麼程度?您對明年上半年產能擴張的看法會改變嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The first half of next year is a little bit too early to say and of course, we will watch the market developments very closely and we will make decisions on a monthly basis.


  • But again, I want to emphasize our CapEx spending or capacity expansion is focused on high-end, advanced process technologies which will be needed or highly demanded next year.


  • Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

    Shalish Jaysee - Analyst

  • One last question -- you mentioned that you would be doing it on a monthly basis.


  • Given the leadtimes and the equipment, when do you think you would need to make up your mind of the capacity increase?


  • Possibly in the first quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Well, yes, as we said, we will watch that on a monthly basis.


  • You know, there are only a few equipments that have long leadtimes, right, and others have relatively shorter leadtimes.


  • So once you make decisions for those longer lead-time items, then we would be under control.


  • Operator


  • Donald Lu at Goldman Sachs.

    高盛 (Goldman Sachs) 的唐納德·盧 (Donald Lu)。

  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • I have a question.


  • You just said your revenues by a month-over-month basis will be pretty flattish this quarter.


  • Is that correct?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, as a matter of fact, I said that our monthly and quarterly revenue in Q3 will be a record high in UMC history.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Okay, so the monthly revenues in Q3 will not be flat.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It will trend up on a monthly basis.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Second question, can you just remind us again what is the depreciation for the SIS acquisition on a quarterly basis?

    第二個問題,您能否再次提醒我們,SIS 收購的每季折舊是多少?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • I just mentioned it's probably going to be 10 percent more, so totally, in the third quarter, including SIS, it's going to be about NT$10 billion of depreciation for the whole quarter.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • So that would be the same in Q4 and therefore for the next let's say 20 quarters?

    那麼第四季也是如此,接下來的 20 季也是如此嗎?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Twenty quarters -- (LAUGHTER) -- I don't know about that.


  • Next quarter, yes, likely.


  • Operator


  • Dan Heyler at Merrill Lynch.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I wanted to ask you a follow-up on first -- could you tell me what the utilization at SIS was at the end of the second quarter? (multiple speakers).

    我想先問您一個後續問題——您能告訴我第二季末 SIS 的利用率是多少嗎? (多個發言者)。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • (Multiple Speakers) -- (technical difficulty) -- only single customer and we cannot disclose the -- (technical difficulty) -- customers or their related information, so we won't be able to disclose that.

    (多位發言者) -- (技術難度) -- 只有單一客戶,我們無法透露 -- (技術難度) -- 客戶或其相關信息,因此我們無法透露。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I got you.


  • In terms of your capacity plan here, it looks like you've got -- if you include the third quarter, it would be about a 19 percent increase, and if you exclude it, it looks like about 11 percent, so let's assume capacity growth is somewhere between those numbers I guess.

    就您的容量計劃而言,如果您將第三季度包括在內,則增幅約為 19%,如果排除第三季度,則增幅約為 11%,所以讓我們假設容量我猜增長介於這些數字之間。

  • So based on that, what I'm wondering is it's close to what you've guided in terms of unit growth.


  • However, looking at the fourth quarter, it looks as though you have another 8 percent increase in capacity.

    然而,從第四季來看,產能似乎又增加了 8%。

  • So, to what extent if in fact your customers decided that they didn't need wafers in the fourth quarter and perhaps even declined, how much of that capacity growth in the fourth quarter at this point could you, say, push out or is that pretty much set in cement?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, those capacities will be available.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • So that 8 percent number for both quarters is pretty a done deal?

    那麼兩季 8% 的數字就已經板上釘釘了嗎?

  • You can't really move that too much one way or the other?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It will become available.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • That will become available in the fourth quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I got you.


  • Looking out I guess a little bit further on UMC, UMCi and UMC 12A, are you, at this point, seeing a more rapid cost progression at UMCi relative to 12A?

    展望未來,我想進一步了解 UMC、UMCi 和 UMC 12A,此時您是否看到 UMCi 相對於 12A 的成本增長更快?

  • Obviously, you've had a pretty steep learning curve.


  • So, how do the economics -- how would you think about the margins there?


  • Are you going to see kind of a higher margin at a lower run-rate?


  • If so, where should we start to see kind of accretive margin growth relative to 300 mm over 200 mm?

    如果是這樣,我們應該從哪裡開始看到相對於 300 毫米超過 200 毫米的利潤成長?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Definitely, this UMCi is our second 12-inch fab.

    當然,這台 UMCi 是我們的第二座 12 吋晶圓廠。

  • We have learned a lot from 12A, the fab in Tainan, so the learning curve is shorter and we expect that it will become, say, breakeven maybe around 7,000 wafers per month.

    我們從台南晶圓廠 12A 學到了很多東西,因此學習曲線較短,我們預計每月產量可能會達到 7,000 片晶圓左右,達到盈虧平衡。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Relative to 12A, is that sooner or is that about in line with (multiple speakers) --?

    相對於 12A,是更快還是與(多個揚聲器)一致?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think better than 12A. 12A, if I remember correctly, used to be like around 8000 wafers.

    我覺得比12A好。 12A,沒記錯的話,過去大約有 8000 個晶圓。

  • Operator


  • Sunil Gupta, Morgan Stanley.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • I had a question on your fall-throughs in Q1 and Q2.


  • Excluding depreciation in the first quarter, you had a fall-through of 64.4 percent and in Q2, you had 64.6 percent, so more or less flat despite a 6 percent ASP increase.

    排除第一季的折舊,下降了 64.4%,第二季下降了 64.6%,因此儘管平均售價成長了 6%,但基本上持平。

  • I am just wondering why the fall-through didn't increase.


  • Is it because all the ASP increase came from technology mix?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, we mentioned earlier the ASP increased due to 80 percent from the product mix and maybe 20 percent because of the price adjustment.

    是的,我們之前提到平均售價上漲了 80%,因為產品組合,可能還有 20% 由於價格調整。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • So even this 40 percent that came through price adjustment since the ASP increase was 6 percent for some reason didn't come through and fall through.

    因此,即使由於某種原因平均售價上漲了 6%,透過價格調整實現的 40% 也沒有實現並落空。

  • Is that just (indiscernible) something particular for Q2 or should we be expecting something similar in Q3 with your 3 to 4 percent ASP increase?

    這只是(難以辨別的)第二季度的特殊情況嗎?或者我們應該期待第三季度出現類似的情況,即 ASP 增長 3% 到 4%?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I don't have that data in front of me.


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • That's not the way we look at it but we believe, because other sales components, this should be within the tolerance range.


  • Operator


  • Roxy Wong at Bear Stearns.

    貝爾斯登的羅克西·黃 (Roxy Wong)。

  • Roxy Wong - Analyst

    Roxy Wong - Analyst

  • My question is, based on your customers' six-month rolling forecast, do you see the order pattern in the last month or so going up or coming off?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • As I mentioned earlier, I don’t know when you joined this conference that we've seen all kinds.


  • In other words, the signals are mixed.


  • Roxy Wong - Analyst

    Roxy Wong - Analyst

  • What about the overall -- I mean, overall orders?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • For Q3, as you can see, the order is very strong and for Q4 right now, we have limited visibility and we need more time to tell.


  • Operator


  • Bhavin Shah, JP Morgan.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Yes, I want to talk about capacity expansion plans.


  • Earlier, you mentioned that fab 12A will be 20k and UMCi will be 10k before the end of the year and then you probably have some orders for additional equipment, probably under 5000 wafers for UMCi.

    早些時候,您提到年底前 fab 12A 將達到 20k,UMCi 將達到 10k,然後您可能有一些額外設備的訂單,UMCi 的晶圓數量可能低於 5000 片。

  • Does that meet your need for advanced technology, assuming that end demand is -- (indiscernible) require to expand capacity purely from a market-growth perspective but you are expanding capacity purely to meet advanced technology demand?


  • What is -- (multiple speakers)?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • As a foundry, we have to make sure that we have enough capacity and before even -- while we talk to our customers or invite more customers in, we cannot wait until the market is absolutely clear and then we take orders.


  • So to answer your question, so we have to build enough capacity to anticipate for customer needs.


  • I think there was similar questions earlier.


  • We've talked to our strategical customers and we also collect the market information, and we will make our best judgment.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • So how much additional capacity, based on those discussions, do you think you need to build in the first half of '05 above and beyond 20,000 for 12A and 10,000 for UMCi?

    那麼,根據這些討論,您認為您需要在 05 年上半年為 12A 建設 20,000 座、為 UMCi 建設 10,000 座以上的額外產能嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • At this moment, I think it's too early to talk about and I'm hoping, the late part of this year, we will discuss more information for you.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Obviously, some of your capital spending this year is for capacity next year, so at least from that, you can tell us how much more capacity you already have planned for next year?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • As I said, it's too early to talk about it.


  • Sorry.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • So it's too early to talk about capacity earlier next year based on a CapEx this year?


  • Sorry, I'm confused.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, we have already informed the industry that our target capacity before the end of year is 20K for 12A and the 10k for UMCi.

    是的,我們已經告知業界,我們年底前的目標產能是12A 20K,UMCi 10K。

  • So, that's what we are -- (Multiple Speakers) -- to.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Right but -- is any of the capital spending (indiscernible) about $2.1 billion in capital spending this year.

    是的,但是──今年的資本支出(聽不清楚)約為 21 億美元。

  • Is any of that capital spending manned for new capacity in 2005?

    2005 年這些資本支出是否用於新產能?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • As I've said, for the capacity, there are only a few equipment that have long leadtimes, so once we plan for the long leadtime items, the majority of other equipment, we don't have to place an order too early. (multiple speakers) -- situation (indiscernible).

    正如我所說,就產能而言,只有少數設備的交貨期較長,所以一旦我們計劃好交貨期較長的項目,大多數其他設備,我們就不必過早下訂單。 (多位發言者)-情境(聽不清楚)。

  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Right, so for equipment that has long leadtime, how much incremental capacity have you already planned for in this year's CapEx for this equipment that has long leadtimes?


  • I'm sorry to be dragging this but I think the question is quite important, in my view.


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • To answer your question, the minimum, of course, is you multiply Q4 capacity by 4, so that's going to be the capacity for 2005.

    要回答您的問題,最低限度當然是將第四季的產能乘以 4,這就是 2005 年的產能。

  • Secondly, as Jackson mentioned, it's only a very small portion of this year's CapEx is used for deposits for the increment (ph) delivery in early next year, so it's actually you have a very small part.


  • Operator


  • Kevin Vassily at Susquehanna Financial.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • Good evening.


  • Can you comment on your current wafer cancellation policies for customers, and have they changed at all recently?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We didn't internally talk about this recently.


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • There is no way you can cancel that.


  • We basically try to build to order, so the customer has to put in either deposit or they have a credit line with us.


  • Once the wafer starts, there is no cancel.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • What's the level of deposit a typical customer would have to put down to start a wafer?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It varies; it depends on the credibility of different customers.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • On average, say, 30 percent, 40 percent?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Sometimes more than that.


  • Kevin Vassily - Analyst

    Kevin Vassily - Analyst

  • Sometimes more, okay.


  • There's been no change recently into the amount of deposit or what you're expecting from them?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, as I mentioned earlier.


  • Operator


  • John Odon (ph) (indiscernible) at Dresdner Bank.

    德累斯頓銀行的約翰·奧登(John Odon,ph)(音頻不清)。

  • John Odon - Analyst

    John Odon - Analyst

  • Are you on allocation for any technology nodes at this point in time?


  • Were you on allocation in the second quarter and do see yourself being on allocation into the third quarter on any technology node?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, on certain technology nodes (indiscernible) especially more-advanced technology nodes that we were -- we are still on allocation.


  • John Odon - Analyst

    John Odon - Analyst

  • Roughly what would be the percentage of demand of those nodes that you are able to meet right now?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We would have to look at it by technology, so I don't really have that data.


  • We don't have the data on hand.


  • John Odon - Analyst

    John Odon - Analyst

  • But given the kind of additional capacity you're bringing on board in the next few months, do you see that level of allocation decreasing in the next three to six months?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The allocation situation definitely would improve with the SIS capacity addition and also more 12-inch capacity available.

    隨著 SIS 容量的增加以及更多 12 吋容量的可用,分配情況肯定會得到改善。

  • John Odon - Analyst

    John Odon - Analyst

  • Normally when you -- you are forecasting an 8 percent growth in capacity into the fourth quarter and claiming that you're going to be close to 100 percent in the third quarter.

    通常情況下,當您預測第四季產能將成長 8% 時,並聲稱第三季將接近 100%。

  • If I check your historical trends, normally you've got a 10-plus percent growth in wafer shipments into the fourth quarter, quarter-on-quarter, barring certain exceptional years.

    如果我檢查你們的歷史趨勢,通常情況下,第四季度晶圓出貨量環比增長 10% 以上,除非某些特殊年份。

  • Given that you are adding only 8 percent of capacity, do you think there's a chance that you could be more on allocation in the fourth quarter?

    鑑於您只增加了 8% 的產能,您認為第四季有可能增加更多的配置嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Again, as I mentioned earlier, right now, we have a limited visibility on the order, so I cannot answer that question.


  • Again, with more capacity available, our allocation situation should be better.


  • John Odon - Analyst

    John Odon - Analyst

  • Do you have any idea what will be the percentage increase in wafer capacity into Q1 (indiscernible) from Q4?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I don't have that number at this point.


  • Operator


  • Warren Lau (ph) at ING Securities.

    ING 證券的 Warren Lau(博士)。

  • Warren Lau - Analyst

    Warren Lau - Analyst

  • Yes, I was just wondering if you, for your third quarter's unit shipments, if you stripped out the contribution from UMCi and the fabs that you acquired from SIS, what will be the sequential unit shipment growth look like?

    是的,我只是想知道,對於第三季的單位出貨量,如果剔除 UMCi 和從 SIS 收購的晶圓廠的貢獻,單位出貨量的連續成長會是什麼樣子?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • We now see UMCi as one of our fabs, so all of the test marketing has been centralized.

    我們現在將 UMCi 視為我們的晶圓廠之一,因此所有測試行銷都已集中。

  • So it's very difficult to separate UMCi from our total.

    因此,很難將 UMCi 從我們的總數中分離出來。

  • The acquisition of SIS will add about 8 percent of our total capacity, and the organic growth coming from all the UMC fabs, including UMCi, is about 11 percent.

    收購 SIS 將增加我們總產能約 8%,而包括 UMCi 在內的所有 UMC 晶圓廠的有機成長約為 11%。

  • That 11 percent, of course customer can easily adopt that without requalification issue, but that 8 percent of SIS capacity other than its captive needs, when we deploy our customers to that fab, it will take time for our customer to requalify the production line to reach a full utilization rate.

    當然,客戶可以輕鬆採用這11%,而無需重新鑑定問題,但除了其專屬需求之外,SIS 產能的8%,當我們將客戶部署到該晶圓廠時,我們的客戶需要時間來重新鑑定生產線,以便達到充分利用率。

  • Warren Lau - Analyst

    Warren Lau - Analyst

  • Okay, so you mentioned about 11 percent from the -- exclude the fabs from 8X (ph), so if we take out -- if we adjust that 11 percent from -- against UMCi capacity, so we're talking somewhere between about 7 percent sequential growth.

    好的,所以你提到了大約11% 的產能,將晶圓廠排除在8X (ph) 之外,所以如果我們從UMCi 產能中剔除——如果我們調整這11%,那麼我們談論的大約是7之間的產能連續成長百分比。

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • According to our capacity table, yes, that should be your case.


  • Operator


  • David Wu at Wedbush Morgan Securities.

    韋德布希摩根證券公司的 David Wu。

  • David Wu - Analyst

    David Wu - Analyst

  • I'm sorry, I was late getting on.


  • Can you -- have you talked anything about the early indication for calendar '05 capital spending, one.

    您能否談談 05 年資本支出的早期跡象?

  • Number two is that a number of fabless semiconductor companies in the communications area have too much inventory at the end of the June quarter.


  • I was wondering what is the outlook for wafer starts for the COM sector in the third quarter or if you can have visibility at this point, talk about Q4 as well.

    我想知道第三季 COM 領域的晶圓開工前景如何,或者如果您現在可以了解這一點,您也可以談談第四季。

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • On the 2005 capacity question, you didn't miss anything.

    關於 2005 年容量問題,您沒有遺漏任何內容。

  • It's too early for us to tell anything.


  • Regarding the Q4 visibility, you know, we have a very limited visibility into the quarter, so I mentioned earlier that we have seen ups and downs and holds, so it's also too early to give you the entire picture.


  • David Wu - Analyst

    David Wu - Analyst

  • What about the third quarter in the COM sector?

    COM 領域第三季情況如何?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The COM sector, you mean for fourth quarter or third quarter?

    COM 部門,你是指第四季還是第三季?

  • David Wu - Analyst

    David Wu - Analyst

  • Third quarter.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • third quarter, we see ups and downs.


  • Some customers are doing better than others.


  • David Wu - Analyst

    David Wu - Analyst

  • Would you say it would be flat for you for Q3?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Q3 relative to Q2 is another strong growth quarter across the board.


  • Operator


  • Ivan Goh, Dresdner Kleinwort.

    Ivan Goh,德累佳華。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • I've got a couple of questions.


  • First of all, in the second quarter, you had quite a substantial net nonoperating income.


  • I was just wondering what kind of level you would have in the third quarter.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The third quarter, given today's share price, I would say -- (technical difficulty) -- the second quarter but it is more likely to be (indiscernible) first quarter.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • At first quarter's level?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • In the afternoon session today, you mentioned that some scanners for first quarter next year you have already placed orders.


  • So my question is, have you also placed orders for the second quarter of next year?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • For the second quarter?


  • I don't think so.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • My final question is, I think earlier on the call, you mentioned that you can see one month into the fourth quarter and that you've seen ups and downs and holds, but can you just perhaps help me out?


  • Is October -- how does October compare with September, given that you can see October already?


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Basically, we will have more capacity coming on stream in October, that's for sure.


  • We also have a certain indication of other (indiscernible).


  • Of course, there's also a downside risk that customers may cancel orders at the last minute.


  • So we do not have really firm (ph) visibility, especially on the monthly intervals.


  • It's actually quite difficult to comment on that.


  • So that's why we give a positive guidance instead of -- (multiple speakers) -- guidance.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think, as think you can understand, this is a dynamically changing marketplace, so giving you a monthly number could be misleading.


  • So I think we need more time to see the bigger picture for the whole quarter.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • If I just make some assumptions that there are no order cancellations and your capacity continues to increase in October, can we say -- safely say that the orders are up into October versus September?

    如果我只是做一些假設,即沒有訂單取消,並且你們的產能在 10 月份繼續增加,我們可以說——有把握地說訂單是在 10 月份與 9 月份之間進行的嗎?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • The risk of order cancellations, according to the financial markets and all the analysts, seems (indiscernible) I don’t want to make that kind of commitment right now.


  • Operator


  • Johnny Chen, Deutsche Bank.


  • Johnny Chen - Analyst

    Johnny Chen - Analyst

  • One quick question -- I was looking at some of the guidance from your customers for the most recent quarter.

    一個簡單的問題 - 我正在查看您的客戶最近一個季度的一些指導。

  • TI was biting about 5 to 6 percent revenue increase for the current quarter and Xilinx about 2 percent to 4 percent.

    TI 本季營收成長約 5% 至 6%,Xilinx 成長約 2% 至 4%。

  • Your guidance is about 18 to 20 percent, so I'm trying to reconcile the difference.

    您的指導大約是 18% 到 20%,所以我正在努力協調差異。

  • I was thinking whether this is going to lead to more inventory build by some of your key customers or if this could be because of some structural ITM (ph) outsourcing from any one of your big customers.

    我在想這是否會導致您的一些關鍵客戶增加庫存,或者這是否可能是因為您的任何一位大客戶進行了一些結構性 ITM (ph) 外包。

  • I don't know if you can help me understand this a little bit more.


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • We have a large -- we have a customer portfolio that consists of many customers, right?


  • So basically, we are telling you what we are seeing and so the Q3 shows the 15 to 16 percent wafer shipment increase.

    基本上,我們正​​在告訴您我們所看到的情況,因此第三季晶圓出貨量增加了 15% 至 16%。

  • It's not possible for us to comment on any of our customers' forecasts as you described, because they may have multiple suppliers and we don't see their overall picture.


  • Johnny Chen - Analyst

    Johnny Chen - Analyst

  • Is it possible that one or two IBMs (ph) all of a sudden increase the portion of their production to the foundries, outsource to the foundries?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In Q3?


  • Johnny Chen - Analyst

    Johnny Chen - Analyst

  • Yes, in Q3.


  • Is that a possible scenario?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It's not a sudden increase.


  • Operator


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • at JP Morgan Fleming.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • My question was, on your capacity ramp (indiscernible), are you still planning to ramp Fab 14 and UMCi together?

    我的問題是,在產能提升方面(聽不清楚),你們是否仍計劃同時提升 Fab 14 和 UMCi 產能?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think you are referring to Fab 12.

    我想你指的是Fab 12。

  • We don't have a Fab 14.

    我們沒有 Fab 14。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • 12B.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • 12A -- we have planned to ramp 12A and UMCi together.

    12A—我們計劃一起提升 12A 和 UMCi。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • I was talking about more the next stage.


  • Your full (indiscernible) for UMCi is 20,000 and then your next fab was, I think, 12B?

    你的UMCi 的全部(難以辨認)是20,000,然後你的下一個晶圓廠是,我想,12B?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Which data are you referring to?


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • The full capacity for both 12A and UMCi are 40,000 wafers per month, so we are still a bit away from that. 12B is still under evaluation right now.

    12A 和 UMCi 的全部產能均為每月 40,000 片晶圓,所以我們距離這個目標還有一點距離。 12B目前仍在評估中。

  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • Excuse me for the confusion.


  • My question was, are you basically still thinking of ramping UMCi and 12A beyond 20,000 together, or will you (indiscernible) before you increase capacity in 12A further?

    我的問題是,您基本上仍在考慮將 UMCi 和 12A 一起提升到 20,000 以上,還是會(音訊不清晰),然後再進一步增加 12A 的容量?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We are looking at the overall supply and the demand situation, of course, but our current plan is to ramp 12A and UMCi together and 12A definitely had an earlier start and had more experience and the UMCI is following it.

    當然,我們正在關注整體供應和需求情況,但我們目前的計劃是同時提升 12A 和 UMCi,12A 肯定起步更早,經驗更豐富,UMCI 正在跟進。

  • So there will be a capacity difference between those two.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • The second question was on equipment.


  • Are you seeing easier equipment availability (ph) across the board?

    您是否發現設備可用性 (ph) 全面提升?

  • Have you pushed out or cancelled any (indiscernible) for the next 12 months?

    您是否已推遲或取消了未來 12 個月的任何計劃(無法辨認)?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, we have not.


  • Unidentified Speaker

    Unidentified Speaker

  • But are you seeing easier (indiscernible) for the second half of this year?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • According to the equipment suppliers, the availability is better in the second half of this year than first half.


  • Operator


  • Christina Osmena (ph) at Jeffries Investments.


  • Christina Osmena - Analyst

    Christina Osmena - Analyst

  • Good evening to you over there.


  • Just a few questions -- could you please let us know the number of customers that you expect to serve in Q3 versus Q2 and Q1?

    只是幾個問題 - 您能否告訴我們您預計在第三季度與第二季度和第一季度服務的客戶數量?

  • I wanted to see if there was a broadening of the customer base.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Over time next year, we expect to have maybe more -- to have an increasing number of customers, and between Q2 and Q3, I think it stayed pretty much the same.


  • Christina Osmena - Analyst

    Christina Osmena - Analyst

  • Could you remind us about your strategy to partner with your customers and where that strategy stands now?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The strategy is to partner with the industry leaders -- what that means is both market-share leaders and the technology leaders.


  • I think it is fair to say that we're making good progress towards that direction.


  • Christina Osmena - Analyst

    Christina Osmena - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Also, when you look back at last year, this time last year when you reported your second-quarter results, what kind of visibility do you recall having into Q4?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • (indiscernible) I would say.


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • It's very short.


  • It's almost come down to the like average cycle time of less than two months.


  • Christina Osmena - Analyst

    Christina Osmena - Analyst

  • Okay, so is your visibility into Q4 better now or worse than it was last year?


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Compared to the same time last year, it's better.


  • Christina Osmena - Analyst

    Christina Osmena - Analyst

  • Finally, what are your yields on the 12-inch capacity.


  • If you're not comfortable telling us exactly what your yields are, maybe you could tell us how they compare to 8-inch and what the schedule is to be able to ramp that to comparable eight-inch yields?

    如果您不願意告訴我們您的產量到底是多少,也許您可以告訴我們它們與 8 英寸產量相比如何,以及如何將其提高到可比較的 8 英寸產量?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We have disclosed this in the previous meetings -- conferences -- that our 12-inch efficiency is better than the 80-inch (ph), and as far as the yield is concerned, we are using 12-inch to manufacture some advanced process technology products such as 0.13 micron.


  • Based on customers' feedback, our yield is among the best in the industry.


  • Operator


  • Fayad Abbasi, Prudential.


  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • I had a quick question on Fab 8S (ph).

    我有一個關於 Fab 8S (ph) 的簡短問題。

  • I was wondering, in terms of requalifying existing customers for 8F is that something that was happening in Q2 and going into Q3 or is that all going to happen in Q3, and kind of what sort of time frame you guys take to requalify -- to qualify a customer at 8F?

    我想知道,就重新獲得8F 現有客戶資格而言,是第二季度發生並進入第三季度的事情,還是所有這些都將在第三季度發生,以及你們需要什麼樣的時間範圍來重新獲得資格 - 8樓的顧客有資格嗎?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • There will be a few customers' products being ported to 8F (ph) and being qualified in this coming quarter, in Q3.

    將會有一些客戶的產品移植到 8F (ph) 並在下個季度(即第三季)獲得資格。

  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Will those be wafer starts or wafer outs in Q3?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • They will be wafer outs.


  • Operator


  • We do have follow-up questions in the queue.


  • Our first follow-up will come from Mark Fitzgerald, Banc of America.


  • Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

    Mark Fitzgerald - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could help us with some tax rate guidance for the balance of this year and into next year.


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • For the balance of this year, there shouldn't be any major tax expenses for the third and fourth quarter.


  • For 2005, it's actually largely dependent on the possibilities.


  • So far, it's beyond our visibility.


  • Operator




  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Operator, we can take one last question.


  • Operator


  • Michael McConnell at Crest Securities.

    克萊斯特證券 (Crest Securities) 的 Michael McConnell。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Looking at the guidance on the customer level, you had said that the communications customers were going to be the largest in terms of percentage of revenues.


  • Should we also assume that they're going to be growing the fastest as well in terms of percentage basis, quarter-over-quarter?


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In this quarter, the growth rate will probably remain the same as previous quarters, so in other words, you would see a similar percentage profile.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • For all three COM consumer (indiscernible)?

    對於所有三個 COM 消費者(音訊不清晰)?

  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay, super.


  • Should we expect a spike for modeling purposes in R&D, considering the SIS acquisition in Q3 as well?

    考慮到第三季 SIS 的收購,我們是否應該預期研發建模目的會激增?

  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Not for R&D but for depreciation, as I mentioned, for the third quarter, it's going to be 10 percent more.

    不是研發,而是折舊,正如我所提到的,第三季的折舊將增加 10%。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Right, so with R&D just kind of grow it gradually at the same growth rate that you've had, Q2 over Q1?


  • Bowen Huang - IR Contact

    Bowen Huang - IR Contact

  • Yes.


  • Operator


  • That will conclude the question-and-answer session.


  • I will turn the call back to Mr. Liu for any additional and closing comments.


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Thank you very much for your interest in UMC.


  • Please feel free to contact us at the IR department if you have any additional questions.

    如果您有任何其他問題,請隨時聯絡我們的 IR 部門。

  • We will see you next quarter and good day, everyone.


  • Jackson Hu - CEO

    Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, thanks to everyone.


  • Operator


  • That will conclude today's conference.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • You may now disconnect.
