聯華電子 (UMC) 2005 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Hello.


  • My name is Shawn and I will be facilitating the conference call today.


  • I would like to welcome everyone to UMC's second-quarter 2005 earnings conference call.

    我歡迎大家參加聯華電子 2005 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • All lines have been placed on mute to prevent background noise.


  • After the presentation there will be a question-and-answer period.


  • Please follow the instructions given at that time if you would like to ask a question.


  • The conference call is also being broadcast live over the Internet.


  • A replay of the call will be available at www.UMC.com under the Investor Relations/Investor Events section.

    電話會議的重播可在 www.UMC.com 的投資者關係/投資者活動部分查看。

  • This will be available until Tuesday, September 27, 2005.

    該服務有效期至 2005 年 9 月 27 日星期二。

  • A telephone replay of the call will be available from 10:00 AM on July 27, 2005 until midnight on July 28, 2005 Eastern daylight time.

    電話重播將於東部夏令時間 2005 年 7 月 27 日上午 10:00 至 2005 年 7 月 28 日午夜期間提供。

  • To access the replay please call 888-286-8010 or 617-801-6888 if you are calling from outside the U.S.

    若要觀看重播,請致電 888-286-8010 或 617-801-6888(如果您從美國境外致電)。

  • The access code will be 82545812.

    訪問代碼為 82545812。

  • I would now like to introduce Mr. Chitung Liu, Finance Director of UMC.


  • Mr. Liu, you may begin.


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Thank you.


  • Hello, everyone.


  • Thank you for joining us today.


  • I am Chitung and I am the Finance Director here at UMC.

    我是 Chitung,是 UMC 的財務總監。

  • Before we start our second-quarter 2005 conference call I need to take a few seconds to go over our Safe Harbor policy.

    在我們開始 2005 年第二季電話會議之前,我需要花幾秒鐘回顧我們的安全港政策。

  • Certain statements made during the course of our discussion today may constitute forward-looking statements that are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including risks that may be beyond Company's control.


  • For these risks please refer to UMC's filings with the securities authorities in the U.S. and the ROC.


  • Joining me today is the CEO of UMC, Dr. Jackson Hu, and CFO, Mr. Stan Hung.

    今天與我一起出席的是聯華電子執行長 Jackson Hu 博士和財務長 Stan Hung 先生。

  • Now I would like to turn the call over to Jackson.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Thank you, Chitung.


  • I would like to welcome everyone to our second-quarter conference call.


  • We appreciate your participation on this call and your interest in UMC.

    我們感謝您參與本次電話會議以及您對 UMC 的興趣。

  • As usual I will start with a quick overview of the past quarter.


  • Before we move into the Q&A session, which we always like to devote the most amount of time to, I will give you a few of my thoughts on how we are performing in relation to our strategy and then conclude by providing some insight on where we think we are heading in the third quarter.


  • First of all I am pleased to inform you that Q2 was indeed the end of inventory correction and Q3 will be the beginning of another growth period.


  • At the end of Q2 we have noticed that the demand of wireless and wireline communications have both increased.


  • According to our customers, demand for cell phones will be much higher in the second half than the first half.


  • ADSL and FPTA products also have healthy demand recovery.


  • In the computer category, chipset demand has been strong.


  • Finally in the consumer sector, LCD drivers DVD and MP3 products all have strong demand.


  • Overall thinking our Q2 performance has exceeded our original guidance slightly.


  • We will give you the details later.


  • In Q2, we have successfully merged UMCi, our Singapore subsidiary.


  • It will be named Fab 12i from now on.

    從現在起它將被命名為 Fab 12i。

  • This consolidation allows us to further enhance our ability to serve our customers.


  • From a product and technology trend point of view, we have noticed some important developments.


  • That is 90 nanometer allowed more and more SoC product to become reality.


  • For example, at least two companies have announced that they will have single chip GSM products that integrate the baseband and RF transceiver.


  • This is a development that the design community has been long awaiting for many years actually.


  • Due to small size, low-power, and cost-effectiveness offered by 90 nanometer, it will further extend to sell through market especially the low-end market.


  • As another example, we have also seen wireless LAN 802.11 A/B/G and Bluetooth product that integrates the baseband and RF.

    再例如,我們也看到了無線LAN 802.11 A/B/G以及整合基頻和射頻的藍牙產品。

  • Two years ago UMC started to transform itself from a traditional foundry that focused on process development and manufacturing only into a foundry that offers SoC solutions to customers.


  • This transformation has accomplished its initial goals and we've started to benefit from it.


  • Today we have multiple 90 nanometer customers and a product that are at a different stage of the product lifecycle including designs, prototype verification, and prototype manufacturing.

    如今,我們擁有多個 90 奈米客戶和處於產品生命週期不同階段(包括設計、原型驗證和原型製造)的產品。

  • Besides those that have been in production.


  • We expect to see the revenue impact once these products are ready for production ramp.


  • It is also worthwhile to mention that we have successfully delivered working 65 nanometer product samples to our customer and we are working on 45 nanometer technology development.

    另外值得一提的是,我們已經成功向客戶交付了 65 奈米產品樣品,我們正在致力於 45 奈米技術開發。

  • Now let me get started with the summary of our Q2 results.


  • After a challenging first quarter, the second quarter proved to be quite tough as well.


  • But we are convinced that we are emerging from the bottom of the cycle.


  • In the second quarter, revenue declined 4.2% sequentially to NT19.44 billion or US$650 (ph) million.

    第二季營收季減 4.2%,至 194.4 億新台幣,即 6.50 億美元。

  • The drop was mainly due to a 9% sequential decrease in our blended average selling price.

    下降的主要原因是我們的混合平均售價季減了 9%。

  • While this was primarily a result of a fairly large increase in shipments of lightning technology nodes, it is also a reflection of softer demand towards the leading-edge as customers continue the clean up of their inventories.


  • Net income decreased to NT$299 million or US$9 million.

    淨利潤減少至新台幣 2.99 億元或 900 萬美元。

  • Expenses related to the UMCi merger and our typically high fixed costs were the main reasons for the decline.

    與 UMCi 合併相關的費用和我們通常較高的固定成本是下降的主要原因。

  • EPS was NT$0.02 and EPADS was US$0.003.


  • Two particular bright spots for the quarter which also happened to factor into our reasons for believing that we are entering an upturn are that wafer shipments increased 12% to 630,000 8-inch equivalent wafers and the percentage of revenue from 90 nanometer technology increased to 9% from 7%.

    本季度的兩個特別亮點也恰好成為我們相信我們正在進入好轉的原因之一:晶圓出貨量增長12%,達到63 萬片8 英寸等效晶圓,90 奈米技術的收入百分比增長到9 % 7%起。

  • Heading into the third quarter, our business is heating up.


  • We are anticipating a pickup in revenue as we expect a mid-teen percentage increase in wafer shipments and a low single digit improvement in ASP.


  • Also we might still see a small operating loss in the third quarter since our fixed costs remain quite high.


  • We do believe that we have touched the bottom.


  • We plan to push hard at the leading-edge by continually increasing the use and performance of our 90 nanometer node and we are also placing a great amount of effort into diversifying and broadening our customer base to both the PC and consumer markets.

    我們計劃透過不斷提高 90 奈米節點的使用和性能來努力保持領先地位,我們還投入大量精力使我們的客戶群多樣化並擴大到 PC 和消費市場。

  • Now onto our Q3 guidance.


  • Quarter-over-quarter comparison, wafer shipments to increase by mid-teen percentage points; wafer ASP in U.S. dollars to increase by low single digits percentage points.

    與上一季相比,晶圓出貨量增加了 10 個百分點左右;以美元計的晶圓平均售價將成長低個位數百分點。

  • Capacity utilization rates approximately 75%.


  • Profitability operating profit margins to be 0% to -3%.


  • Percentage of 0.18 micron and below revenues to reach 60% (ph), while 90 nanometer is expected to be approximately 15%.


  • From application point of view the communications segment is expected to be the strongest, followed by the consumer and the computer segments. 2005 CapEx budget now is as -- will be around US$1 billion dollars U.S.

    從應用的角度來看,通訊領域預計將是最強的,其次是消費者和電腦領域。 2005 年資本支出預算目前約 10 億美元

  • So finally I needed to mention that within the visibility that we have, Q4 should be a better quarter then Q3.


  • So that concludes my comments.


  • Thank you again for attending today's teleconference and we certainly appreciate your continued interest in and support of UMC.


  • We will now take your questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator



    (操作員說明)Mehdi Hosseini,FBR。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • I have two questions.


  • First regarding your commentary regarding the Q4 being better then Q3, are you implying that wafer shipments will be better or that wafer shipments growth rate?


  • And a follow-up question has to do with the wafer starts so far in Q3, if you could please elaborate on how the trend looks like so far in the month of July?

    後續問題與第三季迄今為止的晶圓開工有關,您能否詳細說明一下 7 月迄今為止的趨勢如何?

  • Thank you.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • I was referring to the demand, that we have the visibility that the Q4 demand will be stronger than Q3 and without getting into the nitty-gritty details, that wafer starts is increasing on a weekly basis.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Sure, and maybe just a follow-up question.


  • Your utilization rates improved 35% Q3 and based on improving demand in Q4 it probably will go higher.

    第三季的利用率提高了 35%,根據第四季度需求的改善,利用率可能會更高。

  • What is going to be the trigger point to accelerate capacity addition?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Actually we have just finished the capacity expansion plan recently that will cover up until the middle of next year and so that is why pretty much they decided that the spending for the rest of the year totally basically the CapEx in cash basis will be around US$1 billion.

    實際上,我們最近剛完成了產能擴張計劃,該計劃將涵蓋到明年年中,因此他們幾乎決定今年剩餘時間的支出基本上以現金為基礎的資本支出將在 1 美元左右十億。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Shailesh Jaitly, Nomura Securities.

    Shailesh Jaitly,野村證券。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Firstly one clarification.


  • UMCi, what are the process geometries being made at UMCi?

    UMCi,UMCi 的製程幾何形狀是怎樣的?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • 0.13 micron, 90 nanometer, and the smaller geometries.

    0.13 微米、90 奈米以及更小的幾何形狀。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay and what is a possible reason as to why UMCi's utilizations are significantly lower than the profit average?

    好的,UMCi 的利用率明顯低於利潤平均值的可能原因是什麼?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Because we extended capacity significantly last year and then customers 90 nanometer products take longer especially due to the inventory correction -- it caused us some delay.

    因為我們去年大幅擴大了產能,然後客戶的 90 奈米產品需要更長的時間,特別是由於庫存調整——這給我們帶來了一些延遲。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Particularly your 0.13 micron decline, what you have seen in the current quarter that is about 33% decline.

    特別是 0.13 微米的下降,本季下降了約 33%。

  • What are the product segments where you are seeing the declines and what are the chances of this reversing in the next quarter?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The 0.13 micron percentage decline was contributed by two reasons.

    0.13 微米百分比下降有兩個原因。

  • One is inventory correction for cell phone products.


  • Another one was contributed by the competitiveness of some customers and especially in the cell phone industries that you probably already know who is not doing well and therefore their suppliers got affected.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • So it was largely related to the wireless communication segments?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I would say so because in the consumer segments, DVD and MP3 actually we start to see increasing demand.

    我之所以這麼說,是因為在消費領域,DVD 和 MP3 其實我們開始看到需求不斷成長。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Finally, if you could just share with us the capacity what you have located to the LCD driver in the current quarter -- that is the previous quarter in terms of wafers per month if it is possible?

    最後,您能否與我們分享本季 LCD 驅動器的產能——如果可能的話,即上一季每月晶圓數量?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Can you repeat your question again?


  • The LCD driver allocation on --?


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Yes, capacity, what goes towards the LCD driver in Q2?

    是的,產能,第二季 LCD 驅動器的走向如何?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It is between 15 to 20%

    介於 15% 到 20% 之間

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • And what proportion of revenue does LCD driver account for right now?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Low teens.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Low teens, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Robert Maire, Needham Company.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • You mentioned in your comments that there were issues of high-end inventory which made you have substantially more orders for low-end trailing edge product.


  • Is that high-end inventory gone now?


  • Was that gone in the quarter or do you expect that higher end inventory to continue into the current quarter?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • As far as we understand, the inventory correction has ended and therefore some of the high-end products demand will resume.


  • Of course except those ones that failed in the industry and it will take them longer to recover, probably longer than a few quarters.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Okay and of the decline in ASP, about what amount or what percentage would you say was due to this sort of product mix issue versus competitive pricing issues?


  • In other words was most of the ASP issue related to product mix or was most of the ASP pricing due to a highly competitive market for these products?

    換句話說,大部分 ASP 問題與產品組合有關,還是大部分 ASP 定價是因為這些產品的市場競爭激烈所致?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think the majority is due to product mix.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Pranab Sarmah, Daiwa Securities.

    Pranab Sarmah,大和證券。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • I have a couple of follow-up questions from today's evening conference.


  • Number one is you have stressed on the SoC development and could you elaborate a little bit how many percentage of your second quarter '05 revenue at 90 nanometer was at SoC and how that segment is going to increase over the next two or three quarters?

    第一,您強調 SoC 開發,您能否詳細說明一下 05 年第二季 90 奈米收入中有多少百分比來自 SoC,以及該細分市場在未來兩到三個季度將如何成長?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The percentage in the current quarter is very, very small and therefore we expect good growth over the next few quarters.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • And could you explain or make us understand what is the profitability difference between SoC, 90 nanometer versus normal 90 nanometer wafer? (multiple speakers)

    您能否解釋或讓我們了解 SoC、90 奈米與普通 90 奈米晶圓之間的獲利能力差異是什麼? (多個發言者)

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, over there it does not necessarily have a direct correlation.


  • SoC usually stands for or implies a higher level of integration and also implies for a higher degree of difficulty.


  • And because of the higher degree of integration the die size tends to be large and it tends to use more wafers.


  • SoC usually refers to logic plus mix mode or logic plus RF integration versus the purely 90 nanometer logic.

    SoC 通常指邏輯加混合模式或邏輯加 RF 集成,而不是純 90 奈米邏輯。

  • That is mainly the difference.


  • And as far as the process technology is concerned, capable event companies can utilize our regular logic process and implement the mix mode and RF.


  • So from a cost structure standpoint, it is pretty much the same.


  • It all depends on the die size.


  • I hope I am clear.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • That is clear very much.


  • You mentioned about you have seen the bottom of the current cycle and see the recovery will continue.


  • When do you think this cycle is going to peak in your opinion?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is a tough question.


  • According to the market analysts such as ITI report, they expect that 2006, '07, and '08 are all strong growth years.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • The last one is on your graphics strategy.


  • Where your graphic products are at this point and how do you think that you will be able to get more customers on that area?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The strategy is to offer competitive product technology and good manufacturing yield so that they can become competitive and I think we are on the way along those directions.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Could we expect any contribution from the graphics on the advanced technology node in -- this year, 2005?

    我們能否期待 2005 年先進技術節點上的圖形能做出任何貢獻?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • This year may be minimal, but definitely next year.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Mark FitzGerald, Banc of America.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • I was curious if you could give us given your capital spending what has been finalized here, how you are thinking about bringing on capacity over the next couple of quarters and into 2006 if you have that visibility?

    我很好奇您能否向我們介紹一下您的資本支出情況,以及您是否考慮在接下來的幾個季度以及 2006 年提高產能(如果您有這樣的了解)?

  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • As I mentioned earlier I believe we have recently finished our capacity expansion plan and based on customers forecasts and also customers product readiness.


  • And we decide how much additional capacity that we should use.


  • And as a matter of fact we do that exercise on a monthly basis but we do not necessarily shake our (ph) additional plan on a monthly basis.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • And can you give us any visibility on what your 2006 spending plans might be at this point?

    您能否向我們透露一下您 2006 年目前的支出計畫?

  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • We do not have that figure at this moment.


  • Hopefully close to the end of the year that is another time that we may trigger the next level of decisions.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay and just on the UMCi here as you've rolled this into your own estimates here, has that had any impact on your ASPs?

    好的,就 UMCi 而言,您已將其納入您自己的估計中,這對您的 ASP 有任何影響嗎?

  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • On the ASP, no.

    在 ASP 上,沒有。

  • What do you mean?


  • For each given technology node, the 0.13 or 90 nanometer should have some of our ASP as our 12-inch fab in Tainan.

    對於每個給定的技術節點,0.13 或 90 奈米應該有我們的一些 ASP 作為我們在台南的 12 吋晶圓廠。

  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay, but the UMCi in Singapore was that included in ASP calculations in prior quarters?

    好的,但是新加坡的 UMCi 是否已包含在前幾季的 ASP 計算中?

  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Oh yes.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Bhavin Shah, JP Morgan.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Can I ask a question on the share count, because the treasury stock is a pretty large position?


  • Can I assume that your shares outstanding is basically in that capital stock, minus treasury stock?


  • And what do you also plan to do with the treasury stock because it has a pretty large position?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The share number we reported in our quarterly report did take out the treasury stock already.


  • It did not count the treasury stocks.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Right.


  • So then the treasury stock is about -- almost 20% of the capital stock.

    那麼庫存股大約佔股本的 20%。

  • That's a pretty large position.


  • Any thoughts on what you plan to do with that?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The reason treasury stock buyback we plan to use for reissuings through a euro convertible.


  • That is about 500 million shares.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Right.


  • The reason I asked the question -- sorry to be -- but if I go back to first quarter, your statement, if I subtract the treasury stock from capital stock, I end up with about 150 billion shares I guess.

    我問這個問題的原因——抱歉——但如果我回到第一季度,你的陳述,如果我從股本中減去庫存股,我猜我最終會得到大約 1500 億股。

  • But you have used -- I'm sorry, 15 billion shares -- but you have used 16.6 so I am trying to figure out where the difference is coming from.

    但你已經使用了——對不起,150 億股——但你已經使用了 16.6,所以我試著找出差異來自哪裡。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We can provide you with more a detailed calculation after the call if you like.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Fayad Abbasi, Prudential Equity Group.

    Fayad Abbasi,保德信股票集團。

  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Good evening.


  • I wanted to ask a couple of questions.


  • One was on the 90 nanometer.

    其中之一是 90 奈米。

  • You're looking for about 15% in Q3 and yet we're still only seeing like a very small overall improvement in ASP.

    您預計第三季將成長約 15%,但我們仍然只看到 ASP 的整體改善非常小。

  • So I was just wondering, at what point do you expect UMC to start contributing positively to your blended average ASPs?

    所以我只是想知道,您預計 UMC 在什麼時候開始為您的混合平均 ASP 做出積極貢獻?

  • The second question is in terms of sort of the end markets that you are targeting to help fill up UMCi, what sort of products or end markets are you focused on?

    第二個問題是,您的目標是幫助填補 UMCi 的終端市場類型,您關注的是哪種產品或終端市場?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Okay, to answer your first question I think we expect to have a significant contribution of 90 nanometer to the ASP probably in Q1 of 2006.

    好的,回答你的第一個問題,我認為我們預計 90 奈米技術可能會在 2006 年第一季對 ASP 做出重大貢獻。

  • And UMCi, actually the 12i I should say from on, actually covers all kinds of applications.


  • So it is not a specific one for any application.


  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Are there particular applications that you are most focused on though over the next four or six quarters that you expect to come on board that would help get those utilization ups?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It pretty much covers all of them.


  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Across the board?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The Fab 12i for your information has become one of the more attractive for many customers as they consider this a very neutral plate.

    僅供參考的 Fab 12i 已成為對許多客戶更具吸引力的板材之一,因為他們認為這是一種非常中性的板材。

  • It has no natural disaster and that is one thing we noticed that more and more customers would like to go there or may have their products manufactured there.


  • Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

    Fayad Abbasi - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Shailesh Jaitly, Nomura Securities.

    Shailesh Jaitly,野村證券。

  • And they have disconnected.


  • Your next question comes from the line of Chong How Ong with S.G.

    你的下一個問題來自 Chong How Ong 和 S.G.

  • Asset Management.


  • Chong How Ong - Analyst

    Chong How Ong - Analyst

  • Good evening.


  • I have just got two questions here.


  • There's about 600 million CapEx that you will spend in the second half but your capacity doesn't change in 3Q and 4Q.


  • When will it achieve the capacity?


  • Will it be in 2Q '06?

    會在 06 年第二季嗎?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It will show between Q1 and Q2 of '06.

    它將在 06 年第一季和第二季之間顯示。

  • Chong How Ong - Analyst

    Chong How Ong - Analyst

  • Q1 and Q2 '06, right.

    06 年第一季和第二季度,對。

  • The other thing I need to check with you is the ECB.


  • What is the proposal of ECB since you have got 2 billion in cash?


  • So far the share prices have done very well in stock buyback but if you do the ECB well, you have 2 billion cash.


  • I don't know how that can affect the sentiment on your share price.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I think they did the ECB because it is so far out -- (indiscernible) only a certain percent of all UMCi outstanding shares.

    我認為他們選擇歐洲央行是因為它還很遙遠——(難以辨認)只佔所有 UMCi 流通股的一定比例。

  • So we want to return to enlarge now our APR (indiscernible).


  • So we use this trigger stock reissue to enlarge our APR liquidity in that pool.


  • Chong How Ong - Analyst

    Chong How Ong - Analyst

  • Right, so you're doing the ECB instead of selling your treasuries by AD pool (ph)?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes.


  • Chong How Ong - Analyst

    Chong How Ong - Analyst

  • And the logic being if your process is to enlarge the AD pool?

    邏輯是,如果您的流程是擴大 AD 池?

  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • The treasury stock we bought back, the original purpose was issue for employee as options and as you may understand that whenever an employee receives the option and the options is in the money, they will quickly exercise those options.


  • And we are potentially providing more selling pressure in the local markets and as our CFO just mentioned, the UMCi program is only 7% of the total share outstanding.

    我們可能會在當地市場提供更大的銷售壓力,正如我們的財務長剛才提到的,UMCi 計劃僅佔已發行股份總數的 7%。

  • We have decided if we reissue the treasury stocks through their convertible bond, eventually when they get converted, we only allow the bondholder to convert into ADS.


  • So the selling pressure will be moving from local market to the ADS market and in a more gradual manner over the period of next 2.5 years.

    因此,在未來 2.5 年內,拋售壓力將從本地市場轉移至 ADS 市場,並以更漸進的方式轉移。

  • So we do feel it really helps to stabilize the liquidity point of view for the local market and at the same time enlarge our ADR pools.

    因此,我們確實認為這確實有助於穩定當地市場的流動性,同時擴大我們的 ADR 池。

  • Chong How Ong - Analyst

    Chong How Ong - Analyst

  • Right, okay.


  • So it is just a gradual release of ADR into shares to enlarge the pool?


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Right.


  • At the end of the convertible bond lifecycle, if the bondholder did not convert, by laws we would definitely have to cancel those treasury stocks.


  • Chong How Ong - Analyst

    Chong How Ong - Analyst

  • Right, okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • (OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS) Dan Heyler, Merrill Lynch.

    (操作員說明) Dan Heyler,美林證券。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Based on your capital spending estimates on a cash basis, roughly 300 million over the next -- per quarter, 600 million in the second half.

    根據您對現金基礎上的資本支出估計,接下來每季約 3 億,下半年為 6 億。

  • I have noticed that your actual capacity is not going up too much.


  • Is that because what you're spending there is for technology upgrades or what is going on there?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is actually for extending the capacity for higher end technologies such as 90 nanometer and 65 nanometer and for Q1 and Q2 2006 needs.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Also, the payments may not necessarily be in line with the equipment delivery schedule.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I was wondering as you upgrade fabs and add more levels of metallization I wonder if your throughputs are also going down a bit which is pretty normal when you upgrade to advanced technologies, if that was part of the dynamic there?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • That should be part of the consideration as well.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay, so would the 600 million or so be weighted towards more the latter half of the fourth quarter and if so, then what would the capacity growth be in the first quarter?

    好吧,那麼這 6 億左右是否會更多地分配到第四季度後半段,如果是這樣,那麼第一季的產能成長會是多少?

  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • We don't have that numbers of the top of our heads.


  • We hope we can provide you that information next time but the payment will be probably close to Q4.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And is most of that 600 million going to Fab 12i or expansion of 12?

    這 6 億美元中的大部分將用於 Fab 12i 或 Fab 12 的擴建?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Both. 12i probably more.

    兩個都。 12i 可能更多。

  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • 12i probably more.

    12i 可能更多。

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mark FitzGerald, Banc of America.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • I'm just curious -- did you guide gross margins to flat to down 3% for the next quarter?

    我只是好奇——你們是否將下個季度的毛利率控制在持平甚至下降 3% 的水平?

  • Is that what I heard?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Pricing profit margin.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Operating profits?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Operating profit margins likely to be 0% or -3%

    營業利益率可能為 0% 或 -3%

  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Okay and would we expect the expenses to be flattish into the fourth quarter as well?


  • Stan Hung - CFO

    Stan Hung - CFO

  • Operating expenses, yes.


  • Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

    Mark FitzGerald - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Michael McConnell, Pacific Crest Securities.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I don't know if this was already asked.


  • I got on the call late, so I apologize.


  • What is the utilization right now at UMCi?

    UMCi 目前的使用率如何?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Below average.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Significantly below average or could you give a little --?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Less than 50%


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • So this will be a drag for how long do you think on the operating profit margins?


  • When do you expect to get that above average timeframe in terms of a quarter maybe?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Probably one quarter, at most, two.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay so, earliest by Q4 then, latest by Q1 or -- ?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • I'm showing no further questions at this time -- I apologize.


  • I do have more questions.


  • Bhavin Shah, JP Morgan.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Could you comment on price and wireless pricing?


  • Are you seeing on your new contracts -- what are you seeing on pricing on different nodes?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • On different nodes -- on the legacy (ph) nodes, it is pretty much has stabilized.


  • As a matter-of-fact on the high end there is not much room for negotiation either.


  • So at this moment I would say it is pretty stable and our ASP will increase mainly due to product mix improvement.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Right.


  • There is always some lag effect between price change and also on the ASP because some of the prices that have been negotiated are still negotiable for subsequent quarters.


  • So the effect of this sort of stable pricing that you are beginning to see, when do you first benefit from that?


  • Is it in third quarter itself or do you think it is Q4 or Q1?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • I think it is starting from Q3, we will see the benefits on a quarterly to quarterly basis.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ivan Goh, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.

    Ivan Goh,德累佳華。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • I have two questions.


  • Firstly can you give an idea of how I should model depreciation going into 2006?

    首先,您能否介紹一下我應該如何對 2006 年的折舊進行建模?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It largely depends on how much money we're going to spend from this point onward.


  • With our firm CapEx number for '06, it is a bit difficult to comment.

    鑑於我們確定的 06 年資本支出數字,很難發表評論。

  • But for the third quarter and fourth quarter each month we are talking about approximately NT$$4 billion of depreciation expenses and without no more CapEx spending patterns, the number should stay flat for first half of 2006.

    但對於每個月的第三季和第四季度,我們討論的折舊費用約為新台幣 40 億元,如果沒有更多的資本支出支出模式,這個數字在 2006 年上半年應該會保持不變。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay and one question also on tax.


  • Can you perhaps give an idea of how the tax situation would go in the second half of this year?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We do not expect to pay any tax given the tax credit we have on hand.


  • There might be upcoming tax scheme change coming from the Taiwan Government, but there is no detail at the current stage.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Okay and I have a last question and that regards 90 nanometer utilization.

    好的,我還有最後一個問題,與 90 奈米的利用率有關。

  • Can you perhaps give an idea of what is your utilization at your 90 nanometer capacity in the Q3 and Q4?

    能否介紹一下 Q3 和 Q4 中 90 奈米產能的利用率是多少?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • You mean the utilization of the available 90 nanometer capacity?

    您是指可用的 90 奈米容量的利用率嗎?

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Yes, specifically yes.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • It is pretty much fully utilized.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • I am trying to reconcile that with also the statement that UMCi's utilization is less than 50%.

    我試圖將這一點與 UMCi 的利用率低於 50% 的說法相一致。

  • How should I make the two things work together?


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • 90 nanometer production first starts in 12A, in the Tainan fab so 12i at this moment is not equipped to do much of the 90 nanometer yet.

    90 奈米生產首先在台南工廠的 12A 開始,因此 12i 目前還沒有能力完成 90 奈米的大部分工作。

  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • I see.


  • So all the installations at UMCi right now is 0.13?

    那麼現在 UMCi 的所有安裝都是 0.13 嗎?

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, most of them.


  • Right.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Thank you for explaining that.


  • Operator


  • Shailesh Jaitly, Nomura securities.

    Shailesh Jaitly,野村證券。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • I apologize in advance in case you have already answered.


  • I lost the connection for some time.


  • The consumer segment has seen quite a good growth in Q2, so firstly if you could explain what were the key drivers driving this number up in Q2?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • LCD demand continues to be very, very strong and we also see strong demand for DVD and digital stereo camera and MP3 products.

    LCD 的需求仍然非常非常強勁,我們也看到對 DVD、數位立體相機和 MP3 產品的強勁需求。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • And which of these applications do you see the momentum continuing in 3Q?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • In probably DVD, MP3, and LCD (indiscernible) display.

    可能在 DVD、MP3 和 LCD(聽不清楚)顯示器中。

  • I'm talking about the consumer sector.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Finally if you could break down the communication part of your revenue between wireless and wireline for Q2?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes, ratio is about 2-to-3.


  • Two-thirds for wireless -- I'm sorry -- and one-third from wireline.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And how are you seeing the momentum between the two of these going forward?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Going forward I think wireless will still be very strong if not stronger than the current ratio.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • And wireline?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Wireline -- demand is recovering, but I don't know whether it will be as strong as the cellphone.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mike McConnell, Pacific Crest Securities.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Just a quick follow-up.


  • Chitung, what should we model for nonoperating income for Q3?


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • The Q3 nonop income is around NT$2 billion.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • And share count?


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Share count is on page three of our quarterly report.


  • It is roughly 15 billion also.


  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • I mean modeling for Q3, don't you do the dividend?


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • We do not have that number but the dividend ratio is 10%.

    我們沒有這個數字,但股息率為 10%。

  • Michael McConnell - Analyst

    Michael McConnell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • I am showing no further questions at this time.


  • I would like to turn it back for any closing remarks.


  • Chitung Liu - Finance Director

    Chitung Liu - Finance Director

  • Thank you very much.


  • With no further questions we will conclude the call today.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly.


  • A link to the replay of this call will be available until the end of September on the Investor Relations section on the UMC website.

    本次電話會議重播的連結將於 9 月底前在聯華電子網站的投資者關係部分提供。

  • A Taiwan version of the replay can be found by dialing 888-286-8010 or for international calls, please use the number 617-801-6888.

    撥打 888-286-8010 即可觀看台灣版重播,國際電話請撥打 617-801-6888。

  • Thank you again and good day.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect all lines.


  • Have a great day.
