聯華電子 (UMC) 2005 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • I would like to welcome everyone to UMC's fourth-quarter 2005 earnings conference call.

    我謹歡迎大家參加聯華電子 2005 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • All lines have been placed on mute to prevent background noise.


  • After the presentation there will be a question-and-answer period; please follow the instructions given at that time if you would like to ask a question.


  • This conference call is also being broadcast live over the Internet.


  • A replay of the call will be available at www.UMC.com under the Investor Relations/Investor Events section.

    電話會議的重播可在 www.UMC.com 的投資者關係/投資者活動部分查看。

  • A telephone replay of the call will be available at 10 AM New York time and will run until midnight February 15, 2006.

    該電話會議的電話重播將於紐約時間上午 10 點提供,並持續到 2006 年 2 月 15 日午夜。

  • To access the replay please call 888-286-8010 or 1-617-801-6888 if you are calling from outside of the U.S.

    若要觀看重播,請致電 888-286-8010 或 1-617-801-6888(如果您從美國境外致電)。

  • The access code will be 563-47764.

    訪問代碼為 563-47764。

  • I would like to introduce Mr. Chitung Liu, CFO of UMC.


  • Mr. Liu, you may begin.


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Welcome, everybody.


  • Thank you for your continuing interest in UMC.


  • This is Chitung.


  • Hopefully you have had a chance to look over the earnings announcement that we put out earlier talking about the Q4 and an overview of 2005 performance.

    希望您有機會閱讀我們先前發布的關於第四季度的收益公告以及對 2005 年業績的概述。

  • In today's call we will discuss the following topics -- operating results for the fourth quarter last year; an update on our business; guidance on Q1 2006; and we will follow with a Q&A session.

    在今天的電話會議中,我們將討論以下主題:去年第四季的經營業績;我們業務的最新情況; 2006 年第一季指引;接下來我們將進行問答環節。

  • Before we conduct the call I need to go over the standard Safe Harbor policy.


  • Certain statements made during the course of our discussion today may constitute forward-looking statements that are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially including risks that may be beyond the Company's control.


  • For this reason please refer to UMC's filings with the SEC in the U.S. and the SFC in the ROC.

    因此,請參閱聯華電子向美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 和中華民國證監會 (SFC) 提交的文件。

  • With that let me turn the call over to UMC's CEO, Dr. Jackson Hu, and then we will give you a chance to ask your questions.

    接下來,讓我將電話轉給 UMC 執行長 Jackson Hu 博士,然後我們將給您一個提問的機會。

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Thank you, Chitung, and thanks to all of you who are joining our call today.

    謝謝 Chitung,也謝謝今天加入我們電話會議的所有人。

  • First of all I would like to start by wishing everyone a happy 2006.


  • Next is the summary of Q4 2005.

    接下來是 2005 年第四季的總結。

  • In our last conference call we noted that we were expecting tremendous strength in the communications segment of the business.


  • Increased demand for wireless communications, PC chipsets and LCD drivers in the computer segments were the key drivers for the sequential growth in the fourth quarter.

    電腦領域對無線通訊、PC 晶片組和 LCD 驅動器的需求增加是第四季度連續成長的主要驅動力。

  • Higher shipments of leading-edge technologies were also a primary reason for the 2% sequential increase in blended ASP.

    領先技術的出貨量增加也是混合平均售價季增 2% 的主要原因。

  • As a result our Q4 revenue grew 16.5% and gross profit increased 68.3% sequentially.

    因此,我們第四季的營收季增 16.5%,毛利較上季成長 68.3%。

  • Revenue increased to 16.5% quarter-to-quarter to NT$27.47 billion from NT$23.58 billion in the third quarter of 2005, a decrease of 2.7% year-to-year from NT$28.23 billion in 4Q 2004.


  • Gross profit was NT$4.97 billion or 18.1% of revenue compared to NT$2.95 billion or 12.5% of 3Q 2005 revenue.

    毛利為新台幣 49.7 億元,佔營收的 18.1%,而 2005 年第三季毛利為新台幣 29.5 億元,佔營收的 12.5%。

  • Operating profit for the quarter was NT$928 million or 3.4% of revenue.

    本季營業利潤為新台幣 9.28 億元,佔營收的 3.4%。

  • Revenue growth was the key driver for the higher profit and the margin during the fourth quarter.


  • Net income in 4Q 2005 was NT$3.04 billion, an increase of 40.6% compared to NT$2.17 billion in 3Q 2005.


  • Earnings per ordinary share, or EPS, for the quarter were NT$0.16.

    該季度每股普通股盈餘 (EPS) 為新台幣 0.16 元。

  • Earnings per ADS were US$0.024.

    每份美國存託股收益為 0.024 美元。

  • This compares with 3Q 2005 earnings per ordinary share of NT$0.12 and earnings per ADS of US$0.018.

    相比之下,2005 年第三季每股普通股收益為新台幣 0.12 元,每股美國存託股收益為 0.018 美元。

  • Due to seasonal adjustments that started in December, our 90 nm shipments accounted for 14% of revenue, from 2 to 3% short of our earlier expectations.


  • Overall speaking, however, we have had some great success in 2005 with customers’ engagements with 90 nm technology.

    但總體而言,2005 年我們在客戶與 90 奈米技術的合作方面取得了一些巨大的成功。

  • In Q1 2006 three additional customers have started small volume production.

    2006 年第一季度,另外三個客戶已開始小批量生產。

  • In fact, in revenue generation and utilization improvements will become more significant in Q2 and Q3 of this year.


  • As we enter 2006 the big areas of focus are better understanding and meeting the needs of our customers in advanced process technology.

    進入 2006 年,我們的重點關注領域是更好地了解和滿足客戶對先進製程技術的需求。

  • In mid-January, jointly with our partner Xilinx, we have achieved the first silicon success for a 65 nm FPGA product.

    一月中旬,我們與合作夥伴 Xilinx 共同實現了 65 nm FPGA 產品的首次流片成功。

  • This product uses 3 gate oxide and 11 layers of copper interconnect.

    本產品採用 3 柵極氧化物和 11 層銅互連。

  • We will continue to focus on improving yield, quality and the customer satisfaction in the 90 nm and the 65 nm business.


  • We believe this will be essential for us to improve the fab utilization.


  • Heading into the first quarter we are expecting wafer shipments to decrease by 7 to 8 percentage points with our ASP in U.S. dollars to decrease by 1 to 2 percentage points.

    進入第一季度,我們預計晶圓出貨量將下降 7 至 8 個百分點,美元平均售價將下降 1 至 2 個百分點。

  • Due to the NT appreciation the impact to revenue is estimated to be 5 percentage points.

    由於新台幣升值,預計對收入的影響為 5 個百分點。

  • Capacity utilization rates will be approximately 75% and we expect to have approximately breakeven into the operating level.

    產能利用率約為 75%,我們預期營運水準將達到損益兩平。

  • Percentage of .18 micron and below revenues is around 55% of the revenue where 90 nm is expected to be in the midteens percentage.

    0.18 微米及以下的收入比例約為收入的 55%,而 90 奈米的收入比例預計在 15%左右。

  • The consumer segment is expected to be the strongest followed by the computer segment and the communication segment.


  • In 2006 CapEx budget is US$1 billion.

    2006 年資本支出預算為 10 億美元。

  • The single biggest factor affecting our performance in the quarter is likely to be the seasonal slowdown in the communication segment of the business.


  • Since this is the first quarterly conference after I took the chairman responsibilities I would also like to provide you my vision and directions of UMC.


  • Moving forward UMC will think and act like a startup company.


  • What are the attributes that characterize a startup company?


  • Just to name a few -- solid execution, low-profile attitude, minimum interest in superficial appearance, a strong focus on customer satisfaction and the ability to quickly deliver the technology and the service that customers require.


  • Startup companies usually have high-pressure and a constraint in financial resources.


  • Fortunately UMC has accumulated a considerable amount of financial strength over the years.


  • We will use this strength wisely for aggressive research and development programs, capacity expansion and the retaining and recruiting of talented people.


  • We will focus on our core operations, making a complete effort to maintain and further strengthen our technology leadership and continue to improve our foundry service model.


  • UMC has an excellent team.


  • Over the last two years we have seen great improvement in many areas including the development of advanced process technologies, the enhancement of production efficiency, the expansion of our customer base and the development of intellectual property.


  • I'm extremely proud of the achievements of UMC's world-class team.


  • And you can expect to see a positive impact on our operating results in the near future.


  • With respect to the regulatory issues mentioned in the press releases lately, we don't anticipate any material impact to the operating or financial performance of the Company arising out of these issues.


  • We believe that we are moving in the right direction and are quite pleased that we were able to keep our focus in customer satisfaction.


  • So I think we are ready for questions.


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Operator, we are ready for Q&A.


  • Operator




  • Andrew Biggs, Susquehanna International Group.


  • Andrew Biggs - Analyst

    Andrew Biggs - Analyst

  • Good evening.


  • Can you tell us how you expect depreciation to trend in 2006 either as a percentage of revs or in absolute terms versus 2005?

    您能否告訴我們,與 2005 年相比,您預計 2006 年折舊趨勢如何,無論是按轉速百分比還是以絕對值計算?

  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • In absolute terms versus 2005 it's going to be about a 7% decline year-over-year based on the current CapEx budget.

    根據目前資本支出預算,與 2005 年相比,絕對值將年減 7% 左右。

  • Andrew Biggs - Analyst

    Andrew Biggs - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then one follow-up.


  • Given your communications exposure can you describe various components of that business in Q1 and maybe tell us what's stronger and what's weaker?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I don't really understand your question.


  • Can you elaborate a little?


  • Andrew Biggs - Analyst

    Andrew Biggs - Analyst

  • Certainly.


  • Just looking for an overall description of your communications business in Q1.


  • How is wireless versus wireline trending, etc.?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We see a seasonal adjustment in both areas.


  • Andrew Biggs - Analyst

    Andrew Biggs - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Sunil Gupta, Morgan Stanley.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • I want to get a better understanding of your revenue from leading-edge processes; if you could help me understand how much was 90 nm and 0.13 micron accounted for in Q1.

    我想更了解您從領先流程中獲得的收入;您能否幫助我了解 90 奈米和 0.13 微米在第一季佔了多少。

  • And what do you anticipate the trend to be as we go into Q2 and beyond?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • As we mentioned earlier, the guidance for 90 nm will be around the midteen percentage points and the 0.13 micron I think will stay the same as Q4.

    正如我們之前提到的,90 奈米的指導將在 15 個百分點左右,我認為 0.13 微米將與第四季度保持相同。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • So on 0.13 and below it will be very similar to Q4 in total?

    那麼在 0.13 及以下,它總共會與 Q4 非常相似嗎?

  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • There should be a couple of percentage decline in 90, but still in the midteens range.

    90 應該會有幾個百分比的下降,但仍在十幾歲的範圍內。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And what would you expect 0.13 micron and below to look like Q2 and Q3?

    您認為 0.13 微米及以下的 Q2 和 Q3 會是什麼樣子?

  • And what kind of trends do you anticipate?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It's our estimate or expectation that by the end of this year the combined 90 nm and 0.13 micron percentage will be 50% plus.

    我們估計或預期,到今年年底,90 奈米和 0.13 微米的總百分比將達到 50% 以上。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • And this is by Q4 of the current year?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Good.


  • And I have a follow-up question on your capacity plan.


  • With the CapEx guidance that you have provided what kind of capacity do you anticipate by Q4 of the current year?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • The guidance that we have is 1 billion and we expect to start -- we stand in Q2 and Q3 to anticipate for the demand in the second half of the year.

    我們的指引是 10 億,我們預計將在第二季和第三季開始預測下半年的需求。

  • I think that's the best situation that I can describe.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • You can tell that 83% will go into improvement for capacity, that's roughly 830 million and that will give us roughly 10K also of 12 inch worth of capacity.

    您可以看出,83% 將用於容量改進,約為 8.3 億,這將為我們提供約 10K 的 12 吋容量。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Robert Maire, Needham.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Can you give us an idea of what you see as inventories that are out there in die bank or in finished devices?


  • And what areas might have higher inventory and what might have lower inventory?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Except a couple of customers we don't see an inventory issue across the board.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the guidance for Q1 being down, is that just customers being conservative, not trying to build inventory or just more conservatism in their build plans going forward?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think it's a seasonal adjustment mainly.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • So you would consider that to be within the normal seasonal range of downtick for Q1?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, I would think so.


  • Robert Maire - Analyst

    Robert Maire - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mr. Jaitly, Nomura Securities.

    Jaitly 先生,野村證券。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • I wanted to understand as to the reason as to why you undershot the CapEx plan -- budgeted CapEx in 2005?

    我想了解你們為何低於 2005 年資本支出預算?

  • What is the reason that you under spent in 4Q as compared to where your plans were?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • As the year went on in 2005 we gauged the customer progress in advanced technology products.

    2005 年,我們評估了客戶在先進技術產品的進展。

  • And some of them started to show a delay and therefore we adjusted our spending accordingly.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Particularly on the 90 nm, do you still have some customers who are upward sizing or across the board it has moved now to (indiscernible)?

    特別是在 90 nm 上,您是否還有一些客戶正在擴大尺寸或現在已全面轉向(難以辨別)?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It would be both.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • So could that be one of the contributory reasons that you're seeing are not yet up there where you (indiscernible) expense?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, that's not the reason.


  • It's just that we have several new customers, high-volume customers, that we engaged a year ago or a year and a half ago.


  • And we have to wait until their products get ready.


  • So as we started to see comfortable signs for that then that triggers our spending.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And in 4Q what was your single largest customer exposure, how big was it in magnitude?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think it's totally -- the single largest customer that contributed 15% of the revenue in Q4.

    我認為這完全是——最大的單一客戶貢獻了第四季度 15% 的收入。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • 15%.


  • And when you guide the decline, once you are just trying to understand the reasons that are compared with all your peers, the guidance has been flat to mid single digit growth.


  • So this decline -- is it largely because of one or two customers or is it customer specific rather than across the board?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • It's hard for us to comment on the individual customers.


  • Basically the area we see weakness is mainly in the communications area led by a few customers who started inventory correction in late Q4.


  • We won't be able to comment on the individual customers related information.


  • But having said that, our legacy capacity utilization rate will stay relatively high nearly fully utilized in the first quarter of 2006.

    但話雖如此,我們的遺留產能利用率仍將保持在較高水平,在 2006 年第一季幾乎完全利用。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And how big were the LCD drivers of the (indiscernible) shipments in 4Q?

    第四季(難以辨識)出貨量的 LCD 驅動器有多大?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • About 15% on the driver IC.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • One final question on your 0.65 micron [gram] as to how you expect and if you could give some guidance as to where you expect to see your 0.65 micron capacity by mid-year.

    關於 0.65 微米[克]的最後一個問題是,您的預期如何,以及您是否可以就您預計到年中看到 0.65 微米產能的情況提供一些指導。

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think that we are in the qualification phase with the first customer and I just reported that our second customer, Xilinx, has been working MOs.

    我認為我們正處於與第一個客戶的資格認證階段,我剛剛報告說我們的第二個客戶 Xilinx 一直在工作 MO。

  • And so far this year we basically will be in the preparation stage for 65 nm ramp.

    今年到目前為止,我們基本上處於 65 奈米坡道的準備階段。

  • So the total revenue contribution in 2006 will not be very significant and we expect the ramp to happen in 2007.

    因此,2006 年的總營收貢獻不會很大,我們預期 2007 年會出現成長。

  • However, the equipment preparation will happen in the second half of this year.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So wouldn't you like to assume that by mid '06 you won't have any volume going into 0.65 micron and it is only by the end of the year that you would have certain capacity move into 0.65?

    那麼,您是否願意假設,到 06 年中期,您將不會有任何進入 0.65 微米的產能,只有到年底,您才會有一定的產能進入 0.65 微米?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is a correct statement.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Bhavin Shah, JPMorgan.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Just a couple of questions.


  • One was, Jackson, you mentioned that 50% of revenues for 90 nm (indiscernible) up '06.

    一是,傑克遜,您提到 06 年 90 納米(音頻不清)的收入佔 50%。

  • Did I head that correctly?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Q4, 15%.


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • 50%.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Oh, by the end of 2006 50% of 0.13 and 90 nm.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, 0.13 and 90 nm.

    好的,0.13 和 90 nm。

  • I have more of a long-term question and it pertains to the Fab 14 or UMCi.

    我有一個更長期的問題,它與 Fab 14 或 UMCi 有關。

  • I'm just wondering if you have considered any other alternatives for Fab 14 given it seems to be one of the key reasons for the drag in profitability.

    我只是想知道您是否考慮過 Fab 14 的任何其他替代方案,因為它似乎是盈利能力下降的關鍵原因之一。

  • In other words, if you exclude Fab 14 you'll have a much better operating model.

    換句話說,如果排除 Fab 14,您將擁有更好的營運模式。

  • So I'm just wondering -- I would like to hear your thoughts on --.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Based on customer demand and based on the number of products in advanced nodes including both 0.13 micron and 90 nm, we expect to fill the capacity by the end of this year.


  • So that -- the concern that you have hopefully will be resolved before the end of this year.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • Great, that's good.


  • I guess is there any strategic -- I would argue that there is probably no strategic advantage to having a separate fab in Singapore.


  • If you have that capacity --?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • On the contrary, the geographic location for a 12i in Singapore is preferred by many American and European customers.


  • They can see there is a neutral place.


  • It has no (indiscernible), no typhoon and they can communicate effectively when they go there and many of them have established operations in Singapore.


  • Bhavin Shah - Analyst

    Bhavin Shah - Analyst

  • I guess I just wonder how profitability would look if that business you were doing out of Taiwan instead of Singapore.


  • Thank you anyway.


  • Thanks.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Hello?


  • Operator


  • Are we ready for the next question?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • If he doesn't have a follow-up question, yes, we are ready for the next one.


  • Operator


  • Mark Bachman, Pacific Crest Securities.

    馬克‧巴赫曼 (Mark Ba​​llman),太平冠證券 (Pacific Crest Securities)。

  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Good evening, gentlemen.


  • Your CapEx numbers for 2005 and 2006 is for your operations in Taiwan and Singapore but excludes your operations in Japan.

    2005 年和 2006 年的資本支出資料適用於您在台灣和新加坡的業務,但不包括您在日本的業務。

  • Is this correct?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Yes, but Japan had very tiny CapEx last year and this year.


  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Can you tell us what they spent in 2005 and what you expect them to spend in 2006?

    您能否告訴我們他們 2005 年的支出以及您預計他們 2006 年的支出是多少?

  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Last year they spent about only US$22 million.


  • This year it should be similar, there probably won't be any major spending in Japan going on in 2006.

    今年應該類似,2006 年日本可能不會有任何重大支出。

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Probably mainly for maintenance purposes.


  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then on your expected utilization rate of 75% for Q1, can you explain how you derived this estimate?

    那麼,您預計第一季的利用率為 75%,您能解釋一下您是如何得出這項估計的嗎?

  • If I'm taking a look at your capacity it looks pretty flat quarter-over-quarter and I'm just wondering how you get to 75%?

    如果我看一下你們的產能,季度環比看起來相當持平,我只是想知道你們是如何達到 75% 的?

  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • This 7 to 8% increase in capacity, 982 in Q1 over 973.

    產能增加了 7% 至 8%,第一季為 982 輛,超過 973 輛。

  • That's probably a few percentage increase.


  • And wafer shipments -- wafer outs has declined by 7 -- wafer shipments were declined by 7 to 8% and there will be a similar range of numbers for wafer outs.

    晶圓出貨量——晶圓出貨量下降了 7%——晶圓出貨量下降了 7% 至 8%,晶圓出貨量也將出現類似的數字範圍。

  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • So wafer outs and wafer shipments aren't the same thing then?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Sometimes you will have 1 to 2 or 3% difference.

    有時會有 1% 到 2% 或 3% 的差異。

  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Excellent.


  • Are there any maintenance adjustments that we need to be aware of for your Q1 capacity?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • That 75% does not factor in the maintenance, but if you want to use maintenance on an adjusted basis, that will take away about 5% of our available capacity.

    這 75% 不包括維護費用,但如果您想在調整後的基礎上使用維護費用,這將佔用我們約 5% 的可用容量。

  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Which will actually raise that utilization number then?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Yes, to roughly 80%.


  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Excellent.


  • And then just finally, on your CapEx how do you see that loading throughout the year?


  • Do you expect it to be more front half loaded versus back half loaded?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Probably it was a start in Q2 and Q3 to [view] the capacity for the second half.


  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Okay, so if you started in Q2 or Q3 do you expect to spend at least 50% of the budget then by Q3?

    好的,如果您從第二季或第三季開始,您預計到第三季至少花費 50% 的預算嗎?

  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • It's possible.


  • Mark Bachman - Analyst

    Mark Bachman - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Sunil Gupta, Morgan Stanley.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I have a follow-up question on your 90 nm mix particularly in Q4.

    我有一個關於你們的 90 nm 組合的後續問題,特別是在第四季。

  • You mentioned earlier that this did come in lower than what you were earlier anticipating.


  • Could you help me understand exactly what happened -- why did it come in lower?


  • And I'm trying to understand what it means going forward?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We know there are customers who started the seasonal adjustment in December and that's probably the best description of what happened.

    我們知道有些客戶在 12 月開始進行季節性調整,這可能是對所發生情況的最佳描述。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • And would you be able to talk about what end application this customer was in?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It includes communications, mainly in communications.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • And based on your understanding of -- or based on your conversations with this customer, is (indiscernible) a correction of inventory dilution of year-on-year (indiscernible)?


  • Is that over or does it have a long way to go?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • We consider the seasonal adjustment in Q1 2006 is normal compared with previous years and therefore we expect in Q2 it will start to increase again -- the demand.

    我們認為 2006 年第一季的季節性調整與往年相比是正常的,因此我們預計第二季需求將再次開始增加。

  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And you also mentioned that you've started production for three new customers at 90 nm.

    您也提到您已經開始為三個新客戶生產 90 奈米製程。

  • Could you help us understand what kind of end market applications are you focusing on?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Communications and the computer.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • These new customers are in communications and computer?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Correct.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • And all three of them will have wafer outs in Q2?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I think so.


  • Sunil Gupta - Analyst

    Sunil Gupta - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mehdi Hosseini, FBR.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • I have a couple of follow-up questions.


  • You mentioned that a couple of your customers have inventory issues; if you could elaborate on which end markets those customers would belong to.


  • And then regarding the capacity mix of 90 nm as a follow-up to the previous question, I want to dig in more and figure out what area of communications you're seeing a slower ramp for 90 nm.

    然後,將 90 nm 的容量組合作為上一個問題的後續問題,我想深入研究並找出哪些通訊領域的 90 nm 速率較慢。

  • If you go back to what Texas Instruments -- I assume one of your largest customers -- had to say they've been constrained in capacity.


  • So would that imply that it's not the wireless that is coming in below prior expectations?


  • And I have some other follow-up questions.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Technically we cannot comment on the exact customer situations.


  • And when we said that there were a couple of our customers we didn't name, we didn't imply that that is the communications or wireless communications.


  • And if you follow the industry report; look at the end user claims you can probably figure that out.


  • And it's not proper for us to mention customers names or end customers names.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • That's fair.


  • You mentioned preparing equipment for a 65 nm ramp in 2007 and you're going to prepay (indiscernible) in the second half of this year.

    您提到在 2007 年為 65 海浬坡道準備設備,並將在今年下半年預付款(音訊不清楚)。

  • I don't see that part of the (indiscernible) included in CapEx.


  • Does that mean that you're going to place orders for 65 nm equipment in the second half and that will be included in 2007 CapEx?

    這是否意味著您將在下半年訂購 65 nm 設備並將其納入 2007 年資本支出?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Those orders could have been earlier and the spending will be in the second half, the CapEx number always refers to the spending that we actually paid.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Right, right.


  • But you could start planning for 65 nm over the next one or two quarters, correct?

    但您可以在接下來的一兩個季度開始規劃 65 nm,對嗎?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is a good guess.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then I joined the conference call a little bit late.


  • Did you mention utilization rates at your Singapore plant?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, we don't describe the individual fabs utilization.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Would be fair to assume that it's well below average?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Currently it is below average.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Timothy Arcuri, Citigroup.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • The question has been answered.


  • Operator


  • Donald Lu, Goldman Sachs.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • One question I have is at the 3Q investor conference I remember you had commented that your 12 inch strategy is to build up scale first and from that then you can talk about price and margins.


  • And in light of your reduced CapEx, and that sounds like a good thing for your P&L, I was wondering whether that philosophy has changed in the last three months?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I remember also in the previous quarterly conference I stated that our strategy moving forward for CapEx budget would be depending on two factors.


  • Number one is our technology readiness and the second one is the customer's product readiness.


  • So we will gauge both factors and the trigger, the timing and the pace for spending.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So this strategy continues to be your focus right now?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is correct.


  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Can you tell us the -- I think in Q3 or Q2 you had talked about the loss from UMCi.

    你能告訴我們嗎——我想你在第三季或第二季談到了 UMCi 的損失。

  • Can you give that figure again to us for Q4 and Q1?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • That's no longer UMCi exists.

    那不再是 UMCi 的存在了。

  • It has been merged into the operation of UMC since April 1st of 2005.


  • So there's no separate financial data for so-called UMCi any more; it's been renamed to 12i, one of the 12 inch wafer fabs UMC has.

    因此,所謂的 UMCi 不再有單獨的財務數據;它已更名為 12i,是聯華電子擁有的 12 吋晶圓廠之一。

  • Donald Lu - Analyst

    Donald Lu - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Pranab Sarmah, Daiwa Securities.

    Pranab Sarmah,大和證券。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • A couple of questions.


  • Firstly, I guess could you give us your focus for the non operating income for the first quarter of '06?

    首先,我想您能否向我們介紹一下您對 06 年第一季營業外收入的關注重點?

  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • First quarter '06, due to that we sold two-thirds of our investment in (indiscernible) company (indiscernible) in January.

    06 年第一季度,由於我們在一月份出售了對(音頻不清晰)公司(音頻不清晰)的三分之二的投資。

  • We booked about NT$15.7 billion profit as non operating income.


  • And that's likely to be roughly the ballpark figure for Q1 for non operating income.


  • The others will offset each other to be around even.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And do you need to pay taxes on this NT$15 billion or is it tax-free?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • It's quite complicated.


  • It will be partially taxed.


  • And to answer your question, due to the minimum tax implementation in Taiwan, for 2006 UMC has decided to pay about 5 to 8% of tax for 2006 including this NT$15.8 billion in operating income.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And now -- secondly, on NT$ appreciation, you have taken off charges of about 5%.


  • So what is your NT$ exemptions?


  • I see your fourth-quarter NT$ is already NT$32.8, I think even if I take 5% off that you are taking NT$31.2?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • The number you quote is the quarter-end number for translation.


  • The weighted average number we used in Q4 last year was around 33.5, and the basic assumption for Q1 on a weighted basis is 32.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Now the next one is on -- are you holding some inventory for your customers as well under your balance sheet now?


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Very little.


  • It's immaterial.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Could you give us a little bit of an idea what the progress on half mode 90 nm, whether you are (indiscernible) any tip out activities out there?

    您能否向我們介紹一下半模 90 nm 的進展情況,您是否(聽不清楚)是否有任何提示活動?

  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Yes, we do and we have customers working on half node of 90 nm or 80 nm.

    是的,我們有,我們有客戶在 90 nm 或 80 nm 的半節點上工作。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • And when do you think that you'll be able to do some productions at 80 nm -- commercial production?

    您認為什麼時候能夠進行一些 80 nm 的生產—商業生產?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • A conservative estimate would be probably Q3 or Q4 this year.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • And could you also give us some idea about when you see non communication related customers will account to your 90 nm technology?

    您能否告訴我們一些關於您何時看到非通訊相關客戶會採用您的 90 奈米技術的資訊?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I mentioned earlier that we have three new customers that have started the RISC production this quarter and that includes communication and the computer applications.

    我之前提到,我們有三個新客戶已在本季度開始 RISC 生產,其中包括通訊和電腦應用程式。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • So that will reflect probably at second quarter '06?

    那麼這可能會在 06 年第二季反映出來?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It will start to show in Q2.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Mr. Jaitly, Nomura Securities.

    Jaitly 先生,野村證券。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • I had a follow-up question on the CapEx.


  • CapEx of 830 million (technical difficulty) I would like to understand to what proportion of that is going to go towards 65 nm versus the 90 nano?

    資本支出為 8.3 億(技術難度) 我想了解 65 奈米與 90 奈米相比,其中的比例是多少?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We don't have the details of breakdown.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • But would it be fair to assume that (multiple speakers)?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Hello, your voice is breaking up.


  • Can you repeat, please?


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Would it be fair to assume that in the second half the majority of CapEx would be towards 65 nano?

    假設下半年大部分資本支出將轉向 65 nm 是否公平?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • In the second half that is a reasonable assumption.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Also one question -- looking at your fabless versus IDM mix, if you look at the past six months, UMC along with the whole industry has grown nicely quarter-over-quarter and your utilization have expanded.

    還有一個問題 - 看看您的無晶圓廠與 IDM 組合,如果您看看過去六個月,UMC 以及整個行業都實現了季度環比的良好增長,並且您的利用率也有所擴大。

  • But fabless growth has been a little bit lackluster.


  • You are 9.9% this quarter versus 33% in IDM.

    本季您的比例為 9.9%,而 IDM 為 33%。

  • Given in the previous quarter you had your IDM jumping by 46%?

    鑑於上一季您的 IDM 成長了 46%?

  • So I am just trying to understand what is happening in the fabless space post the inventory correction.


  • Those orders don’t have to come back (indiscernible) as in the case of IDM so is there any market share shift?

    這些訂單不必像 IDM 那樣返回(難以辨別),那麼市場份額是否會發生變化?

  • Are you seeing any customer losses there?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • No, I wouldn't say so.


  • As a matter-of-fact, in a (indiscernible) study the market share of the major players in the communications segment, you can tell and you cannot reach to a conclusion from the quarterly variation of fabless versus IDM and draw any conclusion there.

    事實上,在對通訊領域主要參與者的市場份額進行(難以辨別的)研究中,您可以看出,但無法從無晶圓廠與 IDM 的季度變化中得出結論並從中得出任何結論。

  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Isn't the fabless segment -- if you could characterize the kind of segment where you're seeing weakness versus strength going forward in 1Q?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Can you please repeat that again?


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • I was wondering if you could help understand -- explain as to within the fabless segment, which sub segment are you seeing related trends as you get into 1Q versus where you're seeing the weakness?

    我想知道您是否可以幫助理解 - 解釋一下在無晶圓廠細分市場中,當您進入第一季時,您看到了哪些子細分市場的相關趨勢,而不是您看到的弱點?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Well, in first quarter the consumer segment is considered the strongest.


  • For example LCD driver and followed by computer and then followed by communications.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • We are talking just about the fabless here, right?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Fabless sector, yes.


  • Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

    Shailesh Jaitly - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • That's all for me.


  • Operator


  • Dan Heyler, Merrill Lynch.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • I had a question on your compute potential customer.


  • There was quite a bit of optimism about the possibility for an advanced customer in the fourth quarter and that has been pushed out.


  • I was wondering what was causing that delay in the ramp of that particular product and what leads you to the confidence now, what's changed that in fact you can ramp 90 nm for a compute-related customer?

    我想知道是什麼導致了該特定產品的升級延遲,是什麼讓您現在充滿信心,實際上發生了什麼變化,您可以為計算相關的客戶升級 90 奈米?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • What I can say is that actually the computer customer's progress was quite normal actually, the result was quite good.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • So that was a question more of their demand or need of the product not necessarily your execution?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • I can't comment on that.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then on the communications space, given your pretty high concentration there with some IDMs, is there an opportunity to expand within that given customer?

    然後在通訊領域,鑑於您對一些 IDM 的關注度相當高,是否有機會在該特定客戶中擴展?

  • Do you think there are market share opportunities?


  • Or do you feel comfortable with your current percentage share of that -- of TI for instance, so do you think there's more opportunity to gain share there?

    或者您對目前在 TI 的份額感到滿意嗎?例如,您認為那裡有更多機會獲得份額嗎?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Again, I cannot comment on any specific customer.


  • But I can tell you it is our goal to expand our customer basis so that we have more high-volume customers in each application area.


  • That way we become less vulnerable due to the market share shift among the customers.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • So as you try to broaden out your customer base at for instance 90 and now 65 nm, what are you guys doing a little bit differently at 65 nm and what types of investments do you think you need to make to ensure that you do have greater diversity at 65 versus 90?

    因此,當您嘗試擴大您的客戶群(例如90 奈米和現在的65 奈米)時,您在65 奈米方面採取了哪些不同的做法,以及您認為需要進行哪些類型的投資才能確保您擁有更大的優勢65 歲與 90 歲的多元性?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is a good question.


  • Actually the investment has been made in the last two years.


  • It is reflected in the people's talent and also in methodology that we have improved in the Company.


  • And all those contributed to the significant enhancement in new process technology development.


  • So time to market is the reason that we must offer the advanced process technology, the quickest in the industry, so that those high-volume customers can embrace them.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • So for instance, do you think that you'll have more IP qualified at 65 than 90 or could you give a few more specifics there?

    例如,您認為 65 級的 IP 資格是否比 90 級的多,或者您能否提供更多細節?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes.


  • As soon as the technology -- advanced technology is available then you can engage with customers, you can develop IP or customers can develop IP.


  • And then that will affect the -- that will help customers to become ready for their new generation products.


  • I think the answer is yes.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So at this stage what you're saying right now is your process is ready and people are developing -- you're in handsets now for instance and you’re in for instance low-power.

    因此,在這個階段,您現在所說的是您的流程已準備就緒,人們正在開發 - 例如,您現在處於手機中,例如處於低功耗狀態。

  • So how much IP -- how ready are you from an IP standpoint to get into three or four applications from your standpoint and how far are you on -- how much more do you have to go?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • It's hard to quantify how much IP.


  • IP includes from standard cell library to memory compilers to IOs and the analog IP.

    IP 包括從標準單元庫到記憶體編譯器,再到 IO 和模擬 IP。

  • And also in the last two years we have significantly improved our capability for developing IP internally and also for working with other IP vendors.

    而且在過去兩年中,我們顯著提高了內部開發 IP 以及與其他 IP 供應商合作的能力。

  • So that has become almost a non issue for us at this stage.


  • Dan Heyler - Analyst

    Dan Heyler - Analyst

  • Okay, that's helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ivan Goh.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • I have one question.


  • It's regarding your business as a new tenant of UMC and you talked about UMC having to reinvent itself in the spirit of a startup company.


  • I just wanted to find out if you have set your employees or your staff any quantitative targets over the next one to three years that the Company would work towards and that would help us to analyze whether the Company is meeting those targets or not.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Very good question and our new direction has been fully communicated internally and each department -- or each project, each program has its significant goal and we are tracking -- or we will be tracking them on a monthly and a quarterly basis.


  • So it's just like a startup company, if you miss a major milestone you will lose your customers and they will impact the existence of the startup company.


  • It's a life-and-death situation and that's the kind of mentality that we are establishing.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Is there any quantitative target that you can share or maybe (multiple speakers)?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • We have internally and it's not proper to mention any numbers.


  • And also there are so many quantitative numbers that it could be reported in different manners.


  • So it's not proper to -- and difficult to answer that.


  • Ivan Goh - Analyst

    Ivan Goh - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Pranab Sarmah.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Hello?


  • I guess this is more of a strategy question.


  • If we see on the 90 nm side you have started ahead of other foundry companies, but if we see today like you are probably slightly behind with the number of customers or even the percentage of revenue coming out from that particular technology.

    如果我們看到在 90 奈米方面,您已經領先其他代工公司,但如果我們今天看到,您可能在客戶數量甚至來自該特定技術的收入百分比方面稍微落後。

  • And going forward in 65 nm, if there is a customer who isn't willing to use your 65 nm, how are you going to convince them that you will be able to deliver a good process yield or capacity support so that they can come to you and use your new process more smoothly?

    展望 65 nm,如果有客戶不願意使用您的 65 nm,您將如何說服他們您將能夠提供良好的工藝良率或產能支持,以便他們能夠來您是否可以更順利地使用新流程?

  • That is I think a big question to customer probably at this point.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • That is a fair question.


  • And in the case of 90 nm, many people didn't notice that we have to do 90 nm twice, first to start at an eight inch fab because at that time our 12 inch fab was not established and we didn't have the equipment to move it in.


  • So we had to do that twice.


  • And it gives the equipment a difference as doing it in 12 inch is like a totally new effort.

    它為設備帶來了不同,因為在 12 英寸上做這件事就像是一次全新的努力。

  • So that was the reason for what you have just described.


  • And in the case of 65 nm, all the R&D or the development effort is in the 12 inch fab where the manufacturing will happen.

    就 65 nm 而言,所有研發或開發工作都在 12 吋晶圓廠進行製造。

  • So therefore it will be a much more smooth transition.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • And the quite probably if you could go for a final design DSM will come into the picture.

    如果您能進行最終設計,DSM 很可能會出現在您的視野中。

  • And if you do not have your own mask shop, do you think that you will have some bottleneck out there?


  • Even if you get the data from customers you are not able to do the mask in-house?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • The mask house is not an issue.


  • We are working with the industry-leading mask house which has full control of their investor mask making and that is not an issue at all.


  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • But at least on that DSM, your mask house, will it also be incorporated to your model?

    但至少在 DSM 上,你的面具屋,它也會被納入你的模型中嗎?

  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Yes, we have been working with the mask house and also EDA tool vendors to address the DSM issues and we have full control of DSM.

    是的,我們一直在與掩膜廠和 EDA 工具供應商合作來解決 DSM 問題,我們完全控制 DSM。

  • Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

    Pranab Sarmah - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • Operator, we have time for one last question.


  • Operator


  • Matt Gable, [George Rice] Associates.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Did you do give any guidance or any outlook on what you see semi demand as in 2006 versus '05?

    您是否對 2006 年與 05 年的半成品需求給出了任何指導或展望?

  • And also could you give some color on the current wafer start environment?


  • Thank you.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Currently we don't see any negative factors that would affect the 2006 demand.

    目前我們沒有看到任何會影響2006 年需求的負面因素。

  • As a matter of fact, many customers are very bullish about the demand in the second half of this year.


  • As far as the total demand, according to some of the market research organizations, they expect to see 10 to 15% growth this year.


  • I think last year it was around 10%.

    我認為去年大約是 10%。

  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And what about the current wafer start environment, were you seeing anything abnormal, anything surprising one way or the other?


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Nothing abnormal.


  • Matt Gable - Analyst

    Matt Gable - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's it.


  • Thank you.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Gentlemen, you have no further questions at this time.


  • I would like to turn the call over to Mr. Liu for closing remarks.


  • Chitung Liu - CFO

    Chitung Liu - CFO

  • That concludes our call today.


  • We thank you for dialing in for this conference and we want to draw your attention to a few more items.


  • The listening of the replay of this call will be available until the end of Tuesday, April 11, 2006 on the Investor Relations section of our website and a dial-in version of the replay can be heard at 888-286-8010 if you are in the U.S., or at 1-617-801-6888 for international callers.

    您可以在 2006 年 4 月 11 日星期二結束前在我們網站的投資者關係部分收聽本次電話會議的重播,如果您願意,也可以撥打 888-286-8010 收聽電話會議的重播版本。美國境內請撥打,國際用戶請撥打1-617-801-6888。

  • The dial-in replay will be available until midnight on February 15, 2006.

    撥入重播將持續到 2006 年 2 月 15 日午夜。

  • The access code will be 563-47764.

    訪問代碼為 563-47764。

  • If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us directly.


  • Thank you again and have a good day.


  • Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

    Dr. Jackson Hu - CEO

  • Thanks to everyone.


  • Operator


  • That concludes our call.


  • We want to draw your attention to a few more items.


  • A link to the replay of this call will be available until the end of Tuesday, April 11, 2006 on the Investor Relations section of our website.

    本次電話會議重播的連結將於 2006 年 4 月 11 日星期二結束前在我們網站的投資者關係部分提供。

  • A dial-in version of the replay can be heard at 888-286-8010 if you are in the U.S., or at 1-617-801-6888 for international callers.

    如果您在美國,可以撥打 888-286-8010 收聽撥入版本的重播;如果您是國際長途用戶,請撥打 1-617-801-6888。

  • The dial-in replay will be available until midnight on February 15, 2006.

    撥入重播將持續到 2006 年 2 月 15 日午夜。

  • The access code will be 563-47764.

    訪問代碼為 563-47764。

  • If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us directly.


  • Thank you again and have a good day.
