諾基亞 (NOK) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


諾基亞 2024 年第二季業績報告強調了剝離海底網路業務、收購英飛朗 (Infinera) 並專注於網路基礎設施的計畫。儘管銷售額下降,但該公司的利潤率、訂單量和自由現金流有所改善。




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  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Welcome to Nokia's second-quarter 2024 results goal.

    歡迎來到Nokia 2024 年第二季業績目標。

  • I'm David Mulholland, head of Nokia Investor Relations.


  • Today with me is Pekka Lundmark, our President and CEO, along with Marco Wirén, our CFO.

    今天與我在一起的是我們的總裁兼執行長 Pekka Lundmark 以及我們的財務長 Marco Wirén。

  • Before we get started, a quick disclaimer.


  • During this call, we will be making forward-looking statements regarding our future business, proposed transactions and financial performance.


  • And these statements are predictions that involve risks and uncertainties.


  • Actual results may therefore differ materially from the results we currently expect.


  • Factors that could cause such differences can be both external as well as internal operating factors.


  • We have identified such risks in the risk factor section of our annual report on Form 20-F, which is available on our Investor Relations website.

    我們已在 20-F 表格年度報告的風險因素部分中識別出此類風險,該表格可在我們的投資者關係網站上取得。

  • Within today's presentation, references to growth rates will mostly be on a constant currency basis and margins will be based on our comparable reporting.


  • Please note that our Q2 report and the presentation that accompanies this call are published on our website.


  • The report includes both reported and comparable financial results and reconciliation between the two.


  • In terms of today's agenda for today, Pekka will go through some of the key messages from the quarter.


  • Marco will give you a deeper dive on the financial performance, and then Pekka will make a few comments on a couple of particular highlights from Q2, and then we'll move to Q&A.

    Marco 將為您更深入地介紹財務業績,然後 Pekka 將對第二季的幾個特別亮點發表一些評論,然後我們將進入問答環節。

  • With that, let me hand over to Pekka.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Thanks, David, and thank you for all dialing in today.


  • Before we discuss Q2, I'd like to give a quick reminder of some important announcements we made recently.


  • We, of course, announced the planned divestment of our submarine networks business to the French state and also our intention to acquire Infinera, a North American optical networking company.

    當然,我們宣布了計劃將我們的海底網路業務剝離給法國政府,並打算收購北美光網路公司 Infinera。

  • The Infinera acquisition will significantly increase the scale and profitability of our optical networks business.


  • It will enable us to deliver faster innovation for customers and expand our position with web scale and regionally in North America.


  • These transactions will focus and strengthen our network infrastructure business with its future built on three market-leading units, six networks, IP networks, and optical networks.

    這些交易將集中並加強我們的網路基礎設施業務,其未來將建立在三個市場領先的部門、六個網路、IP 網路和光纖網路的基礎上。

  • Moving on to our second-quarter performance, Marco will go into more detail, but the headlines are that the market remained weak during the quarter.

    談到我們第二季的業績,Marco 將詳細介紹,但頭條新聞是本季市場仍然疲軟。

  • We saw an 18% decline in our top line year-on-year, but it should be noted that three quarters of that decline was driven by India, with Q2 last year marking the peak of their 5G deployment.

    我們的營收年減了 18%,但值得注意的是,其中四分之三的下降是由印度推動的,去年第二季標誌著其 5G 部署的頂峰。

  • We were pleased to see order intake trends continuing to improve in Q2, with the book to be level one and orders growing year on year.


  • Again, this strength was most notable in network infrastructure and supports our expectation of a significant improvement in net sales in the second half of 2024.

    同樣,這種優勢在網路基礎設施方面最為顯著,並支持我們對 2024 年下半年淨銷售額大幅改善的預期。

  • We also continue to have good deal traction across the business groups.


  • We won some important deals in NI in the quarter, especially (technical difficulty) for mobile networks, we won some completely new customers such as MEO in Portugal and also expanded our share at many existing customers.


  • In addition, and I'll touch on this later, cloud and network services is also making good progress on winning core network deals and with our network as core platform.


  • Regarding our cost savings program, we've been taking quick action under the program that we announced in October.

    關於我們的成本節約計劃,我們一直在根據 10 月宣布的計劃採取快速行動。

  • We have so far actioned EUR400 million of run rate savings over the targeted EUR800 million to EUR1.2 billion in gross savings by 2026.

    到目前為止,我們已實現了 4 億歐元的運行率節省,目標是到 2026 年實現總節省 8 億歐元至 12 億歐元。

  • We had another strong quarter of free cash flow with approximately EUR400 million in Q2.

    第二季我們的自由現金流又強勁,約 4 億歐元。

  • And finally, our full-year outlook is unchanged, and we are currently tracking towards the midpoint or slightly below the midpoint of our comparable operating profit guidance of EUR2.3 billion to EUR2.9 billion.

    最後,我們的全年展望保持不變,目前我們正朝著 23 億歐元至 29 億歐元的可比營業利潤指引的中點或略低於中點的方向前進。

  • And regarding our free cash flow guidance of 30% to 60% conversion, we are tracking towards the higher end of that range.

    關於我們 30% 至 60% 轉換的自由現金流指導,我們正在朝著該範圍的高端進行追蹤。

  • With that, let me hand over to Marco, who will go into the financials in more detail.

    接下來,讓我把時間交給 Marco,他將更詳細地介紹財務狀況。

  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Thank you, Pekka, and good morning, everyone, and welcome from my side as well.


  • Before I get into numbers, let me make one important comment.


  • Considering the planned sale of Alcatel Submarine Networks, the business is now reported under discontinued operations and is no longer seen in our network infrastructure unit figures.


  • As Pekka mentioned, the environment remained challenging.


  • And in quarter two '24, we saw a sales decline of 18% compared to year ago quarter.

    2024 年第二季度,我們的銷售額與去年同期相比下降了 18%。

  • India was really the main driver here.


  • But pleasingly, we returned to modest growth in North America.


  • Gross margin increased by 450 basis points mainly driven by mobile networks improvement, in part due to the EUR150 million of accelerated revenue recognition related to the AT&T contract resolution.

    毛利率成長 450 個基點,主要得益於行動網路的改善,部分原因是與 AT&T 合約解決相關的 1.5 億歐元加速收入確認。

  • Our operating margin at 9.5% was 190 basis points below the prior year.

    我們的營業利益率為 9.5%,比前一年低 190 個基點。

  • This also benefited from the accelerated revenue recognition.


  • However, the decrease in top line negatively impacted the operating profit.


  • Then, network infrastructure.


  • Sales declined by 11% with declines across all three business lines, but we did see a sequential improvement from quarter one.

    銷售額下降了 11%,所有三條業務線均出現下降,但我們確實看到較第一季有所改善。

  • The net sales decline also impacted our operating margin in the quarter, along with somewhat higher indirect cost of sales.


  • Importantly, as we mentioned before, we saw a continuation of the improving order intake trends which support our view of a significant improvement in net sales growth in the second half.


  • On the basis of our current view of the market and the pace of demand recovery, we have revised our net sales planning assumption down from our prior plus 2% to 8% growth to now minus 2% to plus 3%.


  • Our operating margin assumption is 11.5% to 14.5%.

    我們的營業利潤率假設為 11.5% 至 14.5%。

  • And in full transparency, the removal of ASN from NI would have improved profitability by 100 to 150 basis points and the underlying reduction in our margin assumption is due to the slower market recovery.

    在完全透明的情況下,從 NI 中刪除 ASN 將使獲利能力提高 100 至 150 個基點,而我們利潤率假設的根本減少是由於市場復甦速度較慢。

  • Turning to mobile networks.


  • In mobile networks, net sales decline was mainly driven by the decrease in India, reflecting the fact that quarter two in 2023 represented the peak of the India 5G deployments.


  • Positively, on a sequential basis, all regions increased compared with quarter one.


  • And Nokia also resolved its outstanding negotiation with AT&T in relation to our existing RAN contracts and ensuring we maintain the values originally agreed in the contract.

    諾基亞也解決了與 AT&T 就我們現有 RAN 合約進行的懸而未決的談判,並確保我們維持合約中最初商定的價值。

  • Part of this resolution led to this EUR150 million of accelerated revenue recognition, which benefited both net sales and operating profit in the quarter.

    該決議的一部分導致了 1.5 億歐元的收入加速確認,這有利於本季的淨銷售額和營業利潤。

  • Based on current commitments, we expect mobile networks net sales to AT&T to remain largely stable year on year in 2024 and then approximately half in 2025.

    根據目前的承諾,我們預計 2024 年 AT&T 的行動網路淨銷售額將比去年同期基本保持穩定,然後到 2025 年約為一半。

  • Of course, we will continue to look to win new opportunities with AT&T that can improve this trajectory in mobile networks.

    當然,我們將繼續尋求與 AT&T 合作贏得新的機會,以改善行動網路的發展軌跡。

  • And as you know, AT&T is a very important customer to overall Nokia.

    如您所知,AT&T 對於整個諾基亞來說是一個非常重要的客戶。

  • As a result of the market evolution and what we have seen thus far in the first half, we have changed our net sales planning assumption from a 10% to 15% decline to now a 14% to 19% decline.

    由於市場的演變以及我們在上半年所看到的情況,我們已將淨銷售額計劃假設從下降 10% 至 15% 更改為現在的下降 14% 至 19%。

  • However, we have increased the operating margin assumption from 1% to 4% to now 4% to 7% as we continue to take quick action on cost.

    然而,隨著我們繼續對成本採取快速行動,我們已將營業利潤率假設從 1% 至 4% 提高到現在的 4% 至 7%。

  • And then moving to cloud and network services.


  • The business declined 16% year on year as it continued to be impacted by the challenging environment.


  • Additionally, the disposal of the device management and service management platform business had a 3 percentage point negative impact on the net sales in the quarter.


  • Both gross and operating profits were also impacted by lower net sales.


  • And given the market conditions, we have also adjusted our net sales assumptions for cloud and network services to minus 5% to 0% from previous minus 2% to plus 3%, although we left our operating margin assumption unchanged at 6% to 9%.


  • And Nokia Technologies had a solid quarter, and the run rate remains at EUR1.3 billion after the significant smartphone renewals we had in the first quarter.

    諾基亞科技公司 (Nokia Technologies) 的季度業績表現強勁,在第一季進行了大量智慧型手機更新後,運行率仍保持在 13 億歐元。

  • One thing to highlight in quarter two was that we signed an agreement with a video streaming platform related to our multimedia technology.


  • And this is an early step for us in this area, but it is an area that we think can become a meaningful opportunity for Nokia.


  • Then if we turn briefly to Nokia's net sales by region.


  • You will see here that India drove the majority of the net sales decline in quarter two as the year ago quarter was the absolute peak in the 5G deployment in India, and hence, the minus 69% decline in the quarter.

    您將在這裡看到,第二季淨銷售額下降的主要原因是印度,因為去年同期是印度 5G 部署的絕對峰值,因此該季度下降了-69%。

  • We are pleased to see a return to growth in North America, supported by the one-off AT&T benefit.

    我們很高興看到北美地區在 AT&T 一次性福利的支持下恢復成長。

  • But aside from that, we also saw a return to growth in our Network Infrastructure business in North America.


  • In other regions, there was softness across most markets.


  • In quarter two, we generated solid free cash flow, which led to a net cash balance of EUR5.5 billion.

    第二季度,我們產生了穩定的自由現金流,淨現金餘額達到 55 億歐元。

  • This was driven by operating profit and changes in net working capital as the India receivables, which built up during the deployment normalized.


  • In addition, our cash benefited from EUR315 million of disposals, mainly related to both TD Tech and the sale of our device management and service management platforms.


  • We also returned over EUR300 million to our shareholders through dividends and share buybacks.

    我們也透過股利和股票回購向股東返還超過 3 億歐元。

  • You will also see in the release that we are now sharing the adjusted free cash flow by business group to help understand the differing dynamics of cash flow performance for each business.


  • We are still working to refine the process and by our full-year results, we will provide you with historical data that will allow you to better interpret the performance.


  • And with that, let me hand back to Pekka.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Thanks a lot, Marco.


  • So let's now look at some of the business highlights from the quarter.


  • On June 27, as I'm sure you all recall, we announced the definitive agreement for Nokia to acquire Infinera in a deal we believe has strong strategic and financial rationale.

    6 月 27 日,我相信你們都記得,我們​​宣布了諾基亞收購 Infinera 的最終協議,我們相信這項交易具有強有力的戰略和財務理由。

  • We hosted a call about the transaction a few weeks back, so I won't go again into all the detail on this.


  • But as a quick recap, there are three main reasons for the deal.


  • First, we see a strong strategic and synergistic rationale for the transaction.


  • There is a strong strategic fit with highly complementary customer, geographic and technology profiles between the two companies.


  • The timing is also optimal to build on the strong momentum both businesses have had in recent years and improves our long-term growth opportunities.


  • From a synergy perspective, we target net run rate synergies of EUR200 million by 2027 at the operating profit level.

    從綜效的角度來看,我們的目標是到 2027 年營業利潤水準的淨運作率綜效達到 2 億歐元。

  • Second, we believe this transaction will strongly enhance our network infrastructure business.


  • The transaction will increase our enterprise exposure in NI, particularly when considering Infinera's recent web-scale design wins in systems and pluggables.

    這項交易將增加我們在 NI 的企業知名度,特別是考慮到 Infinera 最近在系統和可插拔設備方面取得的網路規模設計勝利。

  • The combined business will have over EUR600 million of annual webscale sales in optical.

    合併後的業務年光學網路規模銷售額將超過 6 億歐元。

  • Finally, in terms of the financials, we expect the transaction to be accretive to Nokia's comparable operating profit and EPS in year one and to deliver over 10% comparable EPS accretion in 2027, assuming the transaction closes by the first half of '25.

    最後,就財務而言,我們預計該交易將增加諾基亞第一年的可比營業利潤和每股收益,並在2027 年實現超過10% 的可比每股收益增長(假設交易在2025 年上半年完成) 。

  • We also expect the acquisition to deliver a return on invested capital comfortably above Nokia's cost of capital.


  • I would also just like to add now that it has been a few weeks.


  • The customer reaction to the deal has so far been very positive, indeed, even some excitement about what the combined business can do for them.


  • We also announced the agreement to divest submarine networks, which has previously been part of the network infrastructure business group.


  • And going forward, that means that NI will be built on three market-leading pillars.

    展望未來,這意味著 NI 將建立在三個市場領先的支柱之上。

  • Fixed networks continues to be well positioned to benefit from strong demand in the fiber market.


  • This is evident in markets where fiber is not yet highly penetrated and in more mature markets where customers are starting to upgrade to XGS-PON or 25G PON.

    這在光纖尚未高度普及的市場以及客戶開始升級到 XGS-PON 或 25G PON 的更成熟市場中尤其明顯。

  • Elsewhere, government funding projects are expected to start towards the end of this year, and Nokia was the first vendor to announce the availability of Buy America compliant products.

    在其他地方,政府資助計畫預計將於今年底啟動,諾基亞是第一家宣布推出符合「Buy America」標準產品的供應商。

  • Given these dynamics and opportunities, we target mid-single-digit growth for fixed networks.


  • Our IP networks business continues to see the ramp up FP5 and FPcx routing products and the expansion into new markets like data center switching.

    我們的 IP 網路業務繼續見證 FP5 和 FPcx 路由產品的成長,並擴展到資料中心交換等新市場。

  • It has been showing continued momentum in expanding its presence beyond CSPs into the enterprise and web scale markets, and we expect this to continue.

    它在將其業務從 CSP 擴展到企業和網路規模市場方面一直表現出持續的勢頭,我們預計這種情況將繼續下去。

  • In the business -- in this business, we are also targeting mid-single-digit growth.


  • With respect to our newly strengthened position in optical, we believe this now has at least a mid-single-digit growth opportunity and now a compelling path to a mid-teens operating margin.


  • These businesses combined will give us a unique position in network infrastructure.


  • On a pro forma basis for the two transactions in 2023, network infrastructure would be an EUR8.4 billion revenue business that targets mid-single-digit net sales growth with margins that would, pro forma, be around 12%, but we believe can expand over time to mid to high teens.

    根據 2023 年這兩筆交易的預計,網路基礎設施將是一項收入 84 億歐元的業務,目標是實現中個位數的淨銷售額增長,預計利潤率約為 12%,但我們相信可以隨著時間的推移擴展到中高青少年。

  • One other topic I wanted to discuss is our customer momentum in mobile networks.


  • Clearly, as you know, we had a setback in December with AT&T's decision to actually single source their network -- their radio network to a different vendor for commercial reasons.

    顯然,如您所知,我們在 12 月遇到了挫折,因為 AT&T 決定實際上將其網路單一來源——出於商業原因將其無線電網路提供給不同的供應商。

  • Now as Marco mentioned, we have concluded negotiations with AT&T related to our existing rent contracts, which gives us clarity on the path forward.

    現在,正如 Marco 所提到的,我們已經與 AT&T 就現有租賃合約進行了談判,這讓我們對前進的道路有了清晰的認識。

  • But more importantly, if we take a step back and look at the overall development, we continue to make significant progress with customers in our mobile networks business.


  • Since 2019, we have won a total of 55 new RAN customers, and we have increased our share at another 33 customers.


  • This drove the significant increase in market share that we saw between '21 and '23.

    這推動了我們在 21 年至 23 年間看到的市場份額的顯著增長。

  • We have won a significant number of deals this year, including completely new customers such as MEO in Portugal, and maintaining our position at other key operators in Europe as there has been a lot of customer tendering activity.

    今年我們贏得了大量交易,包括葡萄牙的 MEO 等全新客戶,並且由於有大量客戶招標活動,我們保持了在歐洲其他主要營運商中的地位。

  • I continue to firmly see the AT&T decision was a very customer-specific situation.

    我仍然堅信 AT&T 的決定是針對特定客戶的情況而做出的。

  • We have a compelling product offering for customers that is resonating and helping us to build a stronger future for our mobile networks business.


  • We are also making strong progress with our Open RAN and Cloud RAN projects. and we remain the most open vendor in the market, as I highlighted last quarter.

    我們的 Open RAN 和 Cloud RAN 專案也取得了巨大進展。正如我在上季度強調的那樣,我們仍然是市場上最開放的供應商。

  • In Q2, we partnered with Vodafone to introduce Open RAN into their network in Italy.

    在第二季度,我們與沃達豐合作,將 Open RAN 引入他們在義大利的網路中。

  • With FTC, we completed the world's first trial of an ORAN-based private 5G network using Microsoft as your operator Nexus.

    我們與 FTC 合作,使用 Microsoft 作為營運商 Nexus,完成了全球首次基於 ORAN 的專用 5G 網路的試驗。

  • And finally, our solutions have been validated with an ecosystem of leading industry partners across hardware and software.


  • I would note that this continues to be a highly competitive market, and we see intense competition in regions that Chinese vendors are still able to compete in, but we have continued to win deals.


  • We will remain disciplined on pricing, however, as we have done in recent years.


  • And that has helped us to significantly improve our gross margin in mobile networks, particularly on a relative basis.


  • Turning to cloud and network services, where we continue to make great progress on network as code.


  • This is the business we are building organically to help CSPs monetize network APIs and help developers access new network capabilities for their applications.

    這是我們有機建構的業務,旨在幫助 CSP 透過網路 API 貨幣化,並幫助開發人員為其應用程式存取新的網路功能。

  • This is an ecosystem play, and we are proud to now have 16 signed agreements with partners across the ecosystem.

    這是一個生態系統的遊戲,我們很自豪現在與整個生態系統的合作夥伴簽署了 16 份協議。

  • This includes new CSP partners such as Orange, Telefónica, and Turkcell.

    其中包括 Orange、Telefónica 和 Turkcell 等新的 CSP 合作夥伴。

  • Importantly, we signed agreements in Q2 with Infobip and Google.

    重要的是,我們在第二季與 Infobip 和 Google 簽署了協議。

  • Both of those partnerships will enable access to a wider range of developers consequently driving demand and usage of network APIs through our platform.

    這兩種合作夥伴關係將讓更多的開發人員接觸到更廣泛的開發人員,從而透過我們的平台推動網路 API 的需求和使用。

  • On that topic, we continue to make good R&D progress on the platform itself.


  • And in Q2, we launched the network exposure platform to empower CSPs to expose their network capabilities to the ecosystems of their choice.


  • We look forward to sharing more exciting news over the course of the year.


  • Additionally, within cloud and network services, we have been seeing recent traction around core networks, particularly in Europe.


  • This is evidenced by announcements we have made, including with O2, Telefonica in Germany with the deployment of 5G stand-alone core software on Amazon Web Services as well as other deals with Norlys of Denmark and Aire Networks in Spain.

    我們發布的公告證明了這一點,包括與 O2、德國 Telefonica 在 Amazon Web Services 上部署 5G 獨立核心軟體,以及與丹麥 Norlys 和西班牙 Aire Networks 的其他交易。

  • Next, I wanted to highlight some of the results of the FAST action we have taken to reduce our cost base.


  • As a reminder, in October, we announced a target to lower our cost base on a gross basis by between EUR800 million and EUR1.2 billion by the end of '26.

    提醒一下,我們在 10 月宣布了到 26 年底將總成本基礎降低 8 億歐元至 12 億歐元的目標。

  • This represented a 10% to 15% reduction in our personnel expenses.

    這意味著我們的人員開支減少了 10% 到 15%。

  • You can see in the slide, the progress we have made so far on the October program.

    您可以在幻燈片中看到我們迄今為止在 10 月計劃中取得的進展。

  • We have already actioned EUR400 million of savings by Q2 and we will continue to make further progress in the second half to reach the EUR400 million of in-year savings we have committed.

    我們已經在第二季度節省了 4 億歐元,下半年我們將繼續取得進一步進展,以實現我們承諾的年內節省 4 億歐元。

  • The program is expected to lead to a 72,000 to 77,000 employee organization compared to 86,000 employees Nokia had when the program was announced.

    該計劃預計將形成一個擁有 72,000 至 77,000 名員工的組織,而該計劃宣佈時諾基亞的員工數量為 86,000 名。

  • As of the end of June, our headcount was just under 80,000.

    截至 6 月底,我們的員工人數略低於 8 萬人。

  • Please remember that these numbers are on a like-for-like basis and do not reflect the recent announcements regarding ASN and Infinera.

    請記住,這些數字是按同類數據計算的,並不反映最近有關 ASN 和 Infinera 的公告。

  • So we are making good progress on this program, and we'll continue to do so as we navigate the current market environment.


  • Then on to our outlook.


  • We believe the industry is stabilizing and given the order intake seen in recent quarters, we expect a significant acceleration in net sales growth in the second half.


  • However, the net sales recovery is happening somewhat later than we previously expected, impacting our business group net sales assumptions for 2024, which Marco highlighted in his commentary.

    然而,淨銷售額的復甦比我們之前的預期要晚一些,這影響了我們業務集團對 2024 年淨銷售額的假設,Marco 在評論中強調了這一點。

  • Despite this, we remain solidly on track to achieve our outlook for 2024, supported by the quick actions we have taken to reduce our costs.

    儘管如此,在我們為降低成本而採取的快速行動的支持下,我們仍然堅定地走在實現 2024 年前景的軌道上。

  • We are now trending towards the midpoint or slightly below the midpoint of the operating range -- operating profit range of EUR20.3 billion (sic - see slide 17, "EUR2.3 billion") to EUR2.9 billion and towards the higher end of the cash conversion range of 30% to 60%.

    我們現在正趨向於經營範圍的中點或略低於中點——營業利潤範圍為 203 億歐元(原文如此 - 參見幻燈片 17,“23 億歐元”)至 29 億歐元並走向高端現金轉換範圍為30%至60%。

  • So in conclusion, the weak market environment has continued.


  • However, we have seen a third quarter of order intake momentum, and we expect to see net sales growth in H2 weighted towards Q4.


  • We have also seen -- we have also been encouraged by the level of customer engagement and tendering activities across all business groups.


  • We have moved quickly on the cost savings program, which we announced in October of last year, and this continues to support our outlook, which we have reiterated this quarter.

    我們在去年 10 月宣布的成本節約計劃上迅速採取了行動,這繼續支持我們在本季度重申的前景。

  • The quarter saw another period of strong cash flow generation ending the quarter with a net cash balance of EUR5.5 billion.

    本季又出現了強勁的現金流生成期,季末現金淨餘額達到 55 億歐元。

  • The Board intends to accelerate the previously announced buybacks, which will now be executed by the end of '24, a year ahead of the original schedule.

    董事會打算加速先前宣布的回購計劃,該回購計劃將於 2024 年底執行,比原計劃提前一年。

  • Thank you.


  • And with that, I think we can now move on to your questions.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Thank you, Pekka, Marco.


  • Before we move to the Q&A session, please let me give you one date for your dairy.


  • We're planning to hold our next business group progress update on our network infrastructure business on Tuesday, September 3.

    我們計劃於 9 月 3 日星期二舉行下一次業務組關於網路基礎設施業務的進度更新。

  • We plan to hold the event virtually, and we will send out to save the date in the coming days.


  • We hope you'll all be able to join us.


  • (Event Instructions) Alice, could you please give the instructions?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) I will now hand the call back to David Mulholland.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Francois Bouvignies, UBS.


  • Francois Bouvignies - Analyst

    Francois Bouvignies - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • So my question would be on the network infrastructure specifically.


  • So when we look at your fiscal full year EBIT margins for NI and the group EBIT margin, if we assume it's similar Q2 versus Q3 based on what you said on the seasonality.

    因此,當我們查看 NI 的財政年度息稅前利潤率和集團息稅前利潤率時,如果我們根據您所說的季節性假設第二季度與第三季度相似。

  • This would imply NI EBIT margins on the high single-digit 10% range in Q3.

    這意味著第三季的 NI 息稅前利潤率將達到 10% 的個位數高點。

  • And to get to full year, to get to your 11% plus EBIT margin for NI, would need like 20% plus of margins -- EBIT margins in Q4 with a very, very high top-line growth.

    為了達到全年,NI 的息稅前利潤率達到 11% 以上,需要 20% 以上的利潤率——第四季度的息稅前利潤率,以及非常非常高的營收成長。

  • So maybe can you explain us how can we model such steep recovery when in H1, you did 6% NI EBIT margins and we need to put like mid-teens to 20% in the second half of the year.

    那麼,也許您可以向我們解釋一下,在上半年,您的NI 息稅前利潤率為6%,而我們需要在下半年將這一數字從十幾歲左右提高到20%,那麼我們如何才能模擬如此急劇的復甦。

  • That would be my first question.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Thank you, Francois-Xavier.


  • And as we mentioned also in the release, the quarter three margin is balance between a weaker mobile networks margin.


  • And we won't have the benefit of the accelerated revenue recognition due to the AT&T deal resolution that we had in quarter two.

    由於我們在第二季達成的 AT&T 交易決議,我們將無法享受到加速收入確認的好處。

  • And then, of course, good improvement in network infrastructure.


  • So then yes, we expect a very strong quarter four, primarily driven by leverage from the sales volume we expect in the quarter.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Sandeep Deshpande, JPMorgan.


  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • My question is, you're talking about this very strong -- again, back again to the strong revival in the second half better than normal seasonal.


  • Is there a reason for this much better than normal seasonal behavior in the second half?


  • Is it just a revival?


  • Or is it new projects?


  • Or is it anything else which is causing the better than seasonal Q3 and Q4 top line?


  • Thanks.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Well, first of all, you have to remember that the comparables, of course, get significantly easier because last year was a bit of an exception when you look at seasonality.


  • The beginning of the year was strong, and then the end of the year was weak.


  • This year, we're expecting this whole thing to reverse itself.


  • And again, I mean, we have had now three quarters of strong order intake, which has been building order backlog, and that's what we have modeled into the forecast.


  • Of course, this still requires that the good momentum in orders will continue in Q3 because there will be -- especially Network Infrastructure will be orders that will be needed in Q3 and to be delivered in Q4.


  • So it's not yet in order backlog, but it is supported by the existing order backlog, the funnel that we have across the businesses and then the expected delivery times.


  • This is also supported by when you look at kind of the general comments from our competitors and market analysts that are all highlighting that, yes, the market is starting to recover.


  • Most of them are also saying that even though it recovers, the recovery is more slow than we originally thought, which you can see in us taking down the assumptions for this year.


  • And then the assumption is that the market recovery will continue into 2025.

    然後假設市場復甦將持續到 2025 年。

  • So as a summary, the Q4, it's not there yet in terms of order backlog.


  • It requires that the good order momentum continues in Q3, but that is what we are expecting based on the funnel that we have.


  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • And just a quick follow-up to Marco on the costs.

    以及對 Marco 關於成本的快速跟進。

  • You've talked about this EUR400 million of the cost cutting, which is now you have implemented.

    您談到了 4 億歐元的成本削減,現在您已經實施了。

  • Has this been implemented mostly gross margin, operating margin?


  • Where is it being -- so when will we begin to see it in your margin as such really?


  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yes.


  • And remember, the EUR400 million that we mentioned is a run rate basis.

    請記住,我們提到的 4 億歐元是運行率基礎。

  • And as we said originally, that one-third is coming on the sales -- cost of sales and two-thirds is coming from OpEx.


  • So this -- what we are still estimating that that's the way that we are going to go forward as well.


  • We have now, just like Pekka mentioned in his presentation as well, taking down number of employees, more than 6,000 since we started this project and our program, and we have been very fast in taking these actions.

    正如 Pekka 在他的演講中提到的那樣,自從我們開始這個專案和計劃以來,我們已經減少了 6,000 多名員工,而且我們採取這些行動的速度非常快。

  • So we are quite confident that we are on the right track when it comes to the cost saving program.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • And I'll maybe just add one comment on the year-on-year challenge that we obviously had much lower variable pay accruals in Q2 last year that are more normal this year, and that also influences the year-on-year comparison.


  • But thank you, Sandeep.


  • Janardan Menon, Jefferies.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • I have a similar sort of question on your second half, but this time more on the cloud and network services division because as you say, the other divisions had lower seasonality in the -- in last year into the second half of the year, and so they have some benefit on the growth side.


  • But this division did quite well towards the third and fourth quarters of last year.


  • And if I look at your current guidance for cloud and network services at minus 5% to 0%, which is your updated guidance.

    如果我看一下你們目前對雲端和網路服務的指導,即負 5% 到 0%,這是你們的更新指導。

  • You still need, in my calculation, more than 50% growth from Q2 to Q4 to achieve something like that.

    根據我的計算,你仍然需要從第二季到第四季實現 50% 以上的成長才能實現這樣的目標。

  • Just wondering what is driving that?


  • Is it to the core network wins that you talked about in Europe that you alluded in your opening remarks?


  • And similarly, will that increase in sales lead to an improvement in gross margin as well on a year-on-year comparison, given that you had sort of good gross margins in the second half of last year, would it meaningfully improve from that as well?


  • Thanks.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Well, when you look at the seasonality of the CNS business this year will, unlike in NI, in CNS, this year's seasonality will be similar to the previous years.

    嗯,當你看看今年 CNS 業務的季節性時,與 NI 不同,在 CNS 中,今年的季節性將與往年相似。

  • We had pretty much the same situation last year that the full-year result was made during Q4, and that's what we are expecting this year as well.


  • Then we -- if you get into the fine detail, of course, now the effect of the disposal is like 3 percentage points on top line, which needs to be taken into account in the comparison.

    然後我們——如果你深入到細節,當然,現在處置的效果就像是在營收上增加了 3 個百分點,在比較中需要考慮到這一點。

  • But this is supported by the deal momentum that we have had.


  • Core networks is an interesting market at the moment.


  • This is part of the dynamic.


  • So I mentioned traction in core networks in Europe.


  • The core network market is consolidating.


  • You may have seen the Microsoft announcement that they are reconsidering a firm Metaswitch, i.e., their core network approach, core network is a market where also even in those countries that have not restricted specifically Chinese out, they are making moves on the core network in terms of high-risk vendors.


  • So this should be actually driving the core network to a situation where there will be a smaller number of vendors.


  • And clearly, this is one of our strengths, and we are starting to see this deal -- in the recent deal momentum.


  • Now the thing in core networks, when you look at the whole CNS, which makes the comparison always challenging is that we have had a strong position in 3G core network, which has still been there in CNS numbers because it's software revenue.

    現在核心網路中的事情,當你審視整個 CNS 時,這使得比較總是具有挑戰性,因為我們在 3G 核心網路中擁有強大的地位,它仍然存在於 CNS 數據中,因為它是軟體收入。

  • That market is declining quickly and that is being gradually replaced then by the 5G core network market.


  • That is the reason why even though the 5G core network has been increasing rapidly, it has been compensated then by the loss of the 3G market.


  • That is the reason why you have not really seen growth in CNS in the last two to three years.


  • But again, we continue to believe in a very strong Q4 also this year in CNS.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • And just a brief follow-up -- sorry.


  • Sorry, continue?


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Yeah, go ahead.


  • Your next question, Janardan?


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Just on the AT&T contract resolution fee.

    只是 AT&T 合約解決費。

  • You said it's a portion of our contract resolution?


  • So how -- can you give us an idea how much of the total this was and when we can expect any further payments from AT&T?

    那麼,您能否告訴我們這佔總數的多少以及我們何時可以期望 AT&T 進一步付款?

  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yeah.


  • Thank you.


  • We have still the agreement that we signed in '21, which ends by end of '25.

    我們仍保留 21 年簽署的協議,該協議將於 25 年底結束。

  • And what we have now concluded with the AT&T, how will we deliver those services and software upgrades and whatever they need from us during this period.

    我們現在與 AT&T 達成的協議是,我們將如何提供這些服務和軟體升級,以及在此期間他們需要我們提供什麼。

  • And this EUR150 million was more acceleration of the revenue recognition that would otherwise happen later.

    而這 1.5 億歐元更是加速了收入確認,否則將在以後發生。

  • So we continue to deliver as we go until the end of '25.

    因此,我們將繼續交付,直到 25 年底。

  • But just like we guide as well that this year will be approximately at the same level as last year, while next year will be about half of the volume that we have this year.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • And then to follow up on -- continuing building on that, after '25, AT&T mobile networks will definitely not go to zero because there is ongoing indoor base station and microwave radio business in AT&T and then depending on how -- for how long time there will be continued to be operational Nokia-based stations in the network that is not for us to comment what that pace is.

    然後跟進 - 繼續在此基礎上發展,25年後,AT&T移動網絡肯定不會歸零,因為AT&T正在進行室內基地台和微波無線電業務,然後取決於如何 - 持續多長時間網絡中將繼續運營基於諾基亞的電台,我們不方便評論其速度。

  • But assuming that there will be also Nokia-based business in the network after 2026, that will continue to generate some revenue for us.

    但假設 2026 年後網路中還將有基於諾基亞的業務,這將繼續為我們帶來一些收入。

  • So it will drop to about half, as Marco said, in '25.

    因此,正如 Marco 所說,到 25 年,這一數字將下降到一半左右。

  • This year, about the same level as last year, significant drop next year and then another drop in '26, but definitely not to zero.

    今年的水平與去年大致相同,明年將大幅下降,然後在 26 年再次下降,但絕對不會降到零。

  • And still, just to be 100% clear on that acceleration.

    儘管如此,還是要 100% 清楚地了解這種加速。

  • So what that means that we will be able to realize the original full value of the contract until the end of '25, but this acceleration in a way, reduces '25 and increases '24.

    那麼這意味著我們將能夠在 25 年底之前實現合約的原始全部價值,但這種加速在某種程度上減少了 25 並增加了 24。

  • That's what's going to happen there.


  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • And just building also that what comes to '26 and forward, then, of course, there's new opportunities that we definitely are fighting for and secure that we will get a good opportunity to win those as well.

    當然,只要建立 26 年及以後的內容,我們肯定會爭取新的機會,並確保我們也將獲得贏得這些機會的好機會。

  • So it doesn't mean that, that ends there.


  • Janardan Menon - Analyst

    Janardan Menon - Analyst

  • So the EUR150 million is the acceleration fee to compensate for the sharp decline into next year?

    那麼 1.5 億歐元是為了彌補明年急遽下滑的加速費嗎?

  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • No, it's not a fee.


  • It's based on the contract that we have with AT&T, that EUR150 million would have been recognized later.

    根據我們與 AT&T 簽訂的合同,1.5 億歐元將在稍後確認。

  • And we -- because we concluded the negotiations, according to IFRS, we have to take that EUR150 million part already in quarter two instead of later periods.

    而我們——因為我們根據國際財務報告準則完成了談判,所以我們必須在第二季度而不是稍後的時期就拿走這 1.5 億歐元部分。

  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Simon Leopold, Raymond James.


  • Simon Leopold - Analyst

    Simon Leopold - Analyst

  • Thank you very much for taking the question.


  • First one, I wanted to ask you about your interpretation and thoughts of the news out of Germany regarding the government taking some action against Chinese vendors.


  • How do you see that opportunity?


  • And is it your interpretation that it's limited to mobile core?


  • Or does this present an opportunity for accelerating RAN replacement in Germany?

    或者這為德國加速 RAN 更換提供了機會?

  • Thank you.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yes.


  • Thank you.


  • Obviously, we have noted the news in Germany.


  • I mean there are some clear parts in the announcement, and then there is also some acuity, which we are still trying to understand what it means.


  • The mobile core part is pretty clear.


  • On the other hand, the market share of Chinese players in mobile core has been very limited so far.


  • So that is not a huge needle mover as such.


  • But of course, it means that there will be no opportunities for them to enter the mobile core as that market will, of course, be a highly -- very important market when they are moving to 5G standalone core and so on.

    但當然,這意味著他們將沒有機會進入行動核心,因為當他們轉向 5G 獨立核心等時,該市場將是一個非常非常重要的市場。

  • Then the RAN part, that's where the ambiquity is, and we still need more information on what exactly those statements will mean in terms of management software and what it will mean or will not mean to base station hardware and base station software.

    然後是 RAN 部分,這就是模糊性所在,我們仍然需要更多資訊來了解這些陳述對管理軟體的確切含義以及對基地台硬體和基地台軟體意味著什麼或不意味著什麼。

  • We do not yet have enough information to make a definitive assessment.


  • So we need to get back to this one.


  • Simon Leopold - Analyst

    Simon Leopold - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • A follow-up is I'd like to see if you could update us on the progress and efforts to diversify particularly into enterprise and including the hyperscale, thoughts on where that stands and how you're thinking about that prospect.


  • Thank you.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Thank you.


  • That obviously continues to be a key element in our strategy.


  • When you look at the second quarter, non-CSP business was now or enterprise net sales were 11.6% of group net sales.

    當你看第二季時,非 CSP 業務或企業淨銷售額佔集團淨銷售額的 11.6%。

  • So that's been trending continuously up.


  • Of course, now enterprise has not been immune to the general market weakness.


  • But when you look at the kind of the delta between our top line trajectory in enterprise and then CSP, there has been -- continued to be a significant difference in Q2.

    但是,當您查看我們的企業營收軌跡與 CSP 營收軌跡之間的增量時,就會發現第二季仍有顯著差異。

  • I think that was pretty much 20 percentage points, that top line trajectory difference.

    我認為頂線軌跡差異差不多有 20 個百分點。

  • So this continues to be a key part.


  • We are making good progress.


  • And the very important thing, of course, is that the Q4 acquisition of Phoenix is targeted to accelerate the defense business that we have.

    當然,非常重要的是,第四季收購 Phoenix 的目的是加速我們的國防業務。

  • And then the Infinera acquisition is targeted to accelerate our webscale business and especially the data center business, which, of course, unlike the core CSP business, the data center market will be an attractive growth market for many years to come.

    然後,收購 Infinera 的目的是加速我們的網路規模業務,特別是資料中心業務,當然,與核心 CSP 業務不同,資料中心市場在未來許多年將是一個有吸引力的成長市場。

  • And that's what we'll get into much more strongly through the Infinera acquisition.


  • So we are looking forward to these opportunities.


  • And of course, we continue to look for additional opportunities, some of which we are working on organically, including the data center switching opportunities in our IP networks of NI.

    當然,我們會繼續尋找其他機會,其中一些我們正在有機地開展工作,包括 NI IP 網路中的資料中心交換機會。

  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Artem Beletski, SEB.


  • Artem Beletski - Analyst

    Artem Beletski - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • Thank you for taking my question.


  • Actually, I would like to ask on NI and could you maybe provide some further color on pace of recovery, business subsegments, as you, for example, made some comments in accordance with Q1 results.


  • And what comes to lower revenue outlook for the business where probably it is predominantly coming or what is our key puts and takes there.


  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yes, there is no huge difference between the three segments in terms of the revised outlook.


  • We continue to have good orders momentum in all of them.


  • We had good orders actually in fixed broadband in Q2, particularly in North America, which is a promising sign because we received now the first BEAD-related orders in North America some of which will be already supporting Q4 revenue though it will not be a huge needle mover yet in Q4, as we have said earlier, but we will get some already this year.

    實際上,我們在第二季的固定寬頻領域獲得了不錯的訂單,特別是在北美,這是一個有希望的跡象,因為我們現在收到了北美第一批與BEAD 相關的訂單,其中一些訂單將已經支持第四季度的收入,儘管這不會是一個巨大的收入正如我們之前所說,第四季度尚未有針推動器,但今年我們已經得到了一些。

  • I believe that we will be the first one to benefit Hence, we have made already in the previous quarter kind of optimistic comments about the Fixed Networks outlook.


  • And then, of course, the BEAD will be much more a '25, '26 story.

    當然,BEAD 將更像是一個 25 年、26 年的故事。

  • But really to answer the main question that you had, it's fairly balanced between the three units in NI.

    但實際上要回答您的主要問題,NI 中的三個單元之間相當平衡。

  • Artem Beletski - Analyst

    Artem Beletski - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's clear.


  • And maybe just a quick follow-up on the buyback program and acceleration decision being done there or to be done.


  • What is actually driving it?


  • Is it purely a strong cash position, what we have in place?


  • Or is it already a preparation for Infinera deal completion, so to speak, as the amount of shares is likely to increase.


  • And then is out at this stage by the board in terms of discontinuation looking beyond '24?

    那麼現階段董事會是否會考慮在 24 年後停止生產?

  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yes.


  • As you remember, we introduced in the beginning of this year a share buyback program.


  • The ambition was the EUR300 million will be down this year and EUR300 million additional next year.

    我們的目標是今年減少 3 億歐元,明年增加 3 億歐元。

  • What the Board of Directors decided that we will accelerate that program and now do the whole EUR600 million in 2024.

    董事會決定我們將加快該計劃,現在將在 2024 年完成全部 6 億歐元。

  • And this is of course, based on the shareholder distribution policy and the strengthened cash position that we have.


  • And what comes to Infinera remember as well that ambition is that we will finance this totally from our cash on hand.


  • And we have also said when we presented the deal that we will acquire additional shares or buy additional shares to secure that there will not be any dilution because of these deals.


  • And after the shareholder meeting in Infinera, we know exactly what is the amount of shares that we need to buy back as well.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • So that means that whatever the Infinera dilution will be -- that will be executed through buybacks on top of the EUR600 million program.

    因此,這意味著無論英飛朗的稀釋程度如何,都將在 6 億歐元計畫的基礎上透過回購來執行。

  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Joseph Zhou, Barclays.


  • Joseph Zhou - Analyst

    Joseph Zhou - Analyst

  • Hi, morning.


  • Thank you for taking my questions.


  • I have one and then a follow-up.


  • So my question is on AT&T and thanks for the clarification about the impact now.

    我的問題是關於 AT&T 的,感謝您現在對影響的澄清。

  • Now we've got much better visibility.


  • But just to understand, one is, do you actually get any conversation from AT&T at all?

    但要了解的是,一是,您真的收到 AT&T 的任何對話嗎?

  • And number two is the quarterly phasing of the AT&T contribution or run rate?

    第二個問題是 AT&T 貢獻或運行率的季度階段?

  • How do we think about it, i.e., did you recognize a normal revenue from AT&T in Q1?

    我們如何看待這個問題,即您在第一季是否確認了來自 AT&T 的正常收入?

  • And then your overall recognized EUR150 million in Q2?

    那麼您在第二季總共確認了 1.5 億歐元?

  • And how should we think about Q3 and Q4 to [single out the] AT&T revenue run rate?

    我們應該如何考慮第三季和第四季來[選出] AT&T 的營收運作率?

  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yeah.


  • Thank you.


  • Yes, we have -- the underlying contract is stipulating how we -- what we deliver to AT&T.

    是的,我們有——基礎合約規定了我們如何——向 AT&T 交付什麼。

  • And based on that deliveries, what we do, we recognize just like joining at our customer as well and the EUR150 million is acceleration only because of the accounting rules that we have to do in quarter two when we concluded the new amendment to the deal that we have already with AT&T.

    基於這些交付,我們所做的,我們認識到就像加入我們的客戶一樣,1.5 億歐元只是加速,只是因為我們在第二季度完成交易的新修訂時必須執行的會計規則:我們已經與AT&T 合作了。

  • So we go -- as we go, we recognize the revenue based on what they buy and what we delivered to them.


  • Joseph Zhou - Analyst

    Joseph Zhou - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So it's a normal kind of run rate in the second half, Q3 and Q4 based on AT&T?

    那麼根據 AT&T 的數據,下半年第三季和第四季的運行率是正常的嗎?

  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Just like to any other customers, whatever they buy, so we recognize the revenue based on that.


  • Joseph Zhou - Analyst

    Joseph Zhou - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's clear.


  • And my follow-up is really on Vodafone Idea.


  • Obviously, you took a small stake -- exit stake in Vodafone Idea.


  • And I believe partly to help them finance the route which they have yet deployed in India.


  • And just to understand, one is, what's the kind of expected margin of that project compared to the normal kind of India margin that you saw last year and also the timing of it?


  • Are we expecting to see the start of the rollout at the end of the year or next year or second half of the next year, et cetera?


  • Thank you.


  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yes.


  • We never comment specific margins per customer.


  • And just like Pekka mentioned earlier as well, that our ambition is to have good margins on all deals that we do.


  • So this is the ambition we have.


  • And Vodafone Idea or any other customer is a specific contract and margins vary always depending what they buy and different other conditions in the agreements.


  • But our ambition is always to make deals that we believe are supporting the shareholder value creation.


  • And based on that, we make the decisions on each deal.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • I mean the key thing in India, in addition to Bharti and Reliance Jio is really that Vodafone Idea have made progress on their financing.

    我的意思是,在印度,除了 Bharti 和 Reliance Jio 之外,最關鍵的是 Vodafone Idea 在融資方面取得了進展。

  • And the deal to convert some of the debt to shares, which we did in the same way as some others was obviously part of their capital structure development.


  • We do not intend to become an operator in India.


  • That small share that we have in them, there is a lockup period.


  • But after that, we will be free to do whatever we want with that.


  • So that is purely in a way, a tactical move from us.


  • But then the key thing for our future in India will be to understand that how much will Vodafone Idea be investing in their network, especially in their 5G expansion.

    但對於我們在印度的未來來說,關鍵是要了解 Vodafone Idea 將在其網絡、特別是 5G 擴展方面投資多少。

  • And that is clearly an opportunity for us, assuming that they get their funding arranged.


  • And as I said, there is now promising progress on that.


  • Assuming that, that really happens, there is good potential for us for revenue in their 5G going forward.

    假設這種情況真的發生,我們在 5G 方面的收入將有很大的潛力。

  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Sami Sarkamies, Danske Bank.


  • Sami Sarkamies - Analyst

    Sami Sarkamies - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • You have increased the margin guidance for mobile networks by 3 percentage points.

    您已將行動網路的利潤指引提高了 3 個百分點。

  • Is this relation fully explained by the AT&T settlements and do you assume more high-margin revenues in the second half of the year or next year?

    AT&T 和解協議是否充分解釋了這種關係?

  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • No, it's really a combination of that EUR150 million, which you can mathematically, of course, calculate how much that is.

    不,它實際上是 1.5 億歐元的組合,當然,你可以用數學方法計算出具體金額。

  • But it's not only that, it's also good progress on the cost side.


  • It's a combination of this, too.


  • Sami Sarkamies - Analyst

    Sami Sarkamies - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • And then I would ask about your thinking regarding portfolio management, are you interested in making additional bolt-on acquisitions to Infinera?

    然後我想問您對投資組合管理的想法,您是否有興趣對 Infinera 進行額外的補強收購?

  • And why did you think it was a good time to divest ASN now?

    為什麼您認為現在是剝離 ASN 的好時機?

  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Well, if I take ASN now, first, obviously, it's a well-known fact that we've been contemplating that divestment for a long time.

    好吧,如果我現在選擇 ASN,首先,顯然,眾所周知,我們長期以來一直在考慮撤資。

  • And -- fact number one.


  • Fact number two, as part of the original Alcatel-Lucent acquisition deal in 2016, the French state has had a veto right on a number of strategic decisions, which then always limited our freedom to maneuver the business.


  • So we just now were able to finally find a solution with the French states that now is a good time for them to acquire the business.


  • It was more tactical that we were now after quite lengthy discussions we were able to find each other on the terms and conditions.


  • It's -- there's not more than that into that.


  • We are pleased with the acquisition prices, especially when you -- or the divestment price, especially when you look at the when you look at the profit multiple, which is a good multiple.


  • And also keeping in mind that it's a capital-intensive business that requires cash flow to be invested in CapEx.


  • And remembering that if you want to significantly increase the revenue in the future, that, of course, then requires out-going CapEx into capacity build.


  • So we believe that everything considered it was both a good timing for the divestment and also a good price that we received.


  • Then when it comes to additional deals, I mean, we continue to be extremely prudent.


  • There could be bolt-on acquisitions, but any acquisitions would have to follow extremely strong and compelling industrial logic, strong synergies, strong logic.


  • I mean, that will always be a prerequisite for any acquisition as we have now seen in the Infinera case with EUR200 million synergies and exceptionally strong customer and market position complementarity.

    我的意思是,這永遠是任何收購的先決條件,正如我們現在在 Infinera 案例中看到的那樣,它具有 2 億歐元的協同效應以及異常強大的客戶和市場地位互補性。

  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Jakob Bluestone, BNP Paribas Exane.

    雅各布·布魯斯通 (Jakob Bluestone),法國巴黎銀行 Exane。

  • Jakob Bluestone - Analyst

    Jakob Bluestone - Analyst

  • I had a question on your cash flow.


  • You cut your CapEx from EUR600 million to EUR550 million.

    您將資本支出從 6 億歐元削減至 5.5 億歐元。

  • So if you can maybe just talk us through that.


  • And then I also just had a follow-up on the AT&T impact.

    然後我也剛跟進了 AT&T 的影響。

  • Can you maybe just comment on the cash flow as opposed to P&L impact of the EUR150 million accelerated revenue recognition?

    您能否只評論一下現金流,而不是 1.5 億歐元加速收入確認對損益的影響?

  • Is it correct that, that would lead to a negative working capital movement?


  • And if so, if you can maybe just comment around your working capital, which was plus EUR100 million in the quarter.

    如果是這樣,您是否可以評論一下您的營運資金,該季度的營運資金增加了 1 億歐元。

  • So would that have been plus EUR260 million kind of ex-AT&T?

    那麼,這是否會加上 2.6 億歐元(前 AT&T 公司)?

  • Thank you.


  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yes.


  • When it comes to EUR150 million, we remind revenue now and that payment will come accordingly as well when -- according to those payment terms that we have.

    當涉及 1.5 億歐元時,我們提醒您現在的收入,並且根據我們現有的付款條件,相應的付款也會隨之而來。

  • Cash flow has been extremely good in the first half, as you've seen, thanks to the, first of all, normalization of net working capital and also the India payments that we have received but also due to the actions that we have taken internally to secure that we have optimization of the net working capital and improve the processes within the company.


  • So we've seen the rotation days improving in net working capital.


  • And that's resulting all of these different actions and reasons resulted in very good cash generation in the first half year.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Do you have a quick follow-up, Jakob?


  • Jakob Bluestone - Analyst

    Jakob Bluestone - Analyst

  • I guess just to confirm the cash flow impact, so you have a cash -- working capital outflow in -- our had a working capital outflow in Q2, and then we'll have working capital inflows subsequently.


  • Is that correct?


  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • No.


  • We had a very good positive impact of working capital.


  • And what it comes to -- if you look rest of the year, specifically in quarter four when we have a huge sales increase estimated, then of course, that is tidying up accounts receivables and will, of course, impact the cash generation in the fourth quarter.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Daniel Jerberg, Handelsbanken.


  • Daniel Djurberg - Analyst

    Daniel Djurberg - Analyst

  • Thank you, David.


  • Hi, Pekka and Marco.


  • I would like to ask a little bit on the growth.


  • And except for India, that stand for two-thirds of the weakness and those other weak markets.


  • You also have this reduction.


  • I think you said 6,000 so far, planning for 9,000 to 14,000 versus the initial 8,000 to 6,000.

    我想你說到目前為止是 6,000 個,計劃是 9,000 到 14,000 個,而不是最初的 8,000 到 6,000 個。

  • So my question is really this also in the new organizational structure, how much of the impact on the revenue decline comes from list, i.e., rightsizing?


  • Thank you.


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • No, I would not say that there is any negative revenue impact from the organization change or downsizing.


  • This is really -- I mean, this is the market and this is the funnel.


  • I mean, we are fully competitive in terms of our offering, and we are fully resourced when it comes to sales and customer interface.


  • So this is not the reason.


  • And if I may do a small correction, you said that two-thirds of the revenue decline would come from India.


  • It was actually three-quarters came from India.


  • So almost all was India related.


  • But definitely not related to the operational model change.


  • We are pleased with the pace, as I said, on the cost cuts and the over 6,000 reduction in headcount in -- especially when you look on the relative terms, it has been a fast pace, but that is not the reason for the revenue hit.

    正如我所說,我們對成本削減和裁員 6,000 多人的速度感到滿意,特別是當你看相對條件時,速度很快,但這並不是收入的原因打。

  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • In India, just building on that.


  • Last year, India had a huge and very rapid deployment of 5G network, and our peak was in quarter two last year and of course, this year, they have been normalizing their deployment and slow down as well quite heavily and that's why we see this huge difference in quarter two.

    去年,印度大規模且非常快速地部署了5G 網絡,我們的高峰是在去年的第二季度,當然,今年,他們的部署已經正常化,速度也大幅放緩,這就是我們看到這一點的原因第二季差異巨大。

  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • In India, just to confirm the numbers, which are, of course, in the report, but so that you pay attention to them.


  • So we had revenue acceleration in India in Q2 sequentially.


  • We had EUR329 million in India in Q1, and we have EUR600 million year-to-date.

    第一季我們在印度的營收為 3.29 億歐元,今年迄今我們的營收為 6 億歐元。

  • But important is that we continue to expect what we earlier said that have full-year revenue in India between EUR1.5 billion to EUR2 billion.

    但重要的是,我們繼續預期我們之前所說的印度全年收入將在 15 億歐元至 20 億歐元之間。

  • And this is not only a mobile game in India.


  • This is also network infrastructure.


  • And just as one proof point, this a contract that will start delivering significant revenues in Q4 and that is a fixed wireless contract that we have with an operator in India, which we actually announced earlier.


  • We were talking about an APAC fixed wireless contract, but we can now confirm that it is with an Indian operator.


  • Daniel Djurberg - Analyst

    Daniel Djurberg - Analyst

  • May have a short follow-up?


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Sure.


  • Go ahead, Daniel.


  • Daniel Djurberg - Analyst

    Daniel Djurberg - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • And that is a little bit on EMEA and the future RAN opportunities.

    這是關於 EMEA 和未來 RAN 機會的一些內容。

  • You touched upon Vodafone with in Italy, for example.


  • How should we look at the opportunities within, for example, with the spring procurement?


  • I guess they have 100,000 sites in Europe, of which 30% should go with Open RAN or something.

    我猜他們在歐洲有 100,000 個站點,其中 30% 應該使用 Open RAN 之類的站點。

  • Any indication of this being -- happening now or any news?


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Well, regardless whether -- regardless of how much of it would be open or any other RAN and there's a lot of different permutations on the network architecture development, we are ready.

    好吧,無論有多少開放或任何其他 RAN,以及網路架構開發上有很多不同的排列,我們都準備好了。

  • I mean we can do Open RAN.

    我的意思是我們可以做 Open RAN。

  • We can do Cloud RAN, we can do any RAN.

    我們可以做Cloud RAN,我們可以做任何RAN。

  • We have, of course, a high ambition level in terms of Spring 6, but it is an ongoing project at the moment.

    當然,我們對 Spring 6 抱有很高的目標,但目前它是一個正在進行的專案。

  • So I'm not in a position to give any kind of comments as to how it looks or anything like that other than that.


  • Of course, we are participating.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Andrew Gardiner, Citi.


  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • Thank you, David.


  • I was interested in your perspective on the order intake and what that's going to mean in terms of the ultimate sales trajectory.


  • I mean, Pekka, you talked about how you've had all the momentum now for three straight quarters.


  • So things are clearly improving and across the business units.


  • Yet they're not translating into quite as much revenue as you would have hoped in the second half of this year.


  • In terms of what you're hearing from the customers, what they're actually ordering, is that -- because the deals are outright smaller in magnitude than you'd anticipated?


  • Or is it sort of a timing issue?


  • And actually, the ramps are a little bit slower, so far in the second half is a bit weaker than you'd hoped, but ultimately, you're going to win some of that back or not win but it will just take longer to achieve it.


  • You'll see more of it in 2025.

    2025 年你會看到更多。

  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • This is exactly the two sides of the same coin that we are seeing that while we are saying that order intake has been good now for three quarters, but we did say after Q1 that the full year revenue outlook requires really strong order intake in Q2 and also Q3 for that matter.


  • So while Q2 order intake was good, but it was still not good enough so that we would have been able to maintain the full year outlook.


  • And remember, very importantly, part of the order intake that we are now receiving or received in Q2 is already going to be recognized as revenue in '25, not in this year.

    請記住,非常重要的是,我們現在收到或第二季收到的部分訂單已經將在 25 年而不是今年被確認為收入。

  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I suppose related to that, I mean, does it make you rethink the cost saving program, you've got a fairly wide range around that EUR800 million to EUR1.2 billion.

    我想與此相關的是,這是否會讓您重新考慮成本節約計劃,範圍相當廣泛,約為 8 億歐元到 12 億歐元。

  • Does that make you think you actually, slower ramp makes you keen to hit the top end of that range as opposed to the lower or midpoint?


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Well, what we have actually done is that we have accelerated the program.


  • And when you look at -- I mean we were not -- when we started the program, we did not expect to be under 80,000 employees by the end of Q2.

    當你看到——我的意思是我們沒有——當我們啟動該計劃時,我們並沒有預計到第二季末員工人數會低於 80,000 人。

  • So we have executed extremely quickly.


  • Then how it will continue.


  • And we are now -- and just as a reminder, we are targeting 72,000 to 77,000 employees at the end of '26.

    我們現在 - 提醒一下,我們的目標是到 26 年底僱用 72,000 至 77,000 名員工。

  • And where we are going to go from here after this acceleration, we'll be following very carefully now the market pace of the market recovery.


  • And it's clear that if that recovery is fast.


  • And if our market share development is good, then, of course, it's likely that we would end up closer to the upper end of that employee range, but we are very kind of prepared if needed, to go to the lower end of that range also should the market recovery be -- or continue to be very slow.


  • We are targeting -- kind of as a general comment, we are currently still targeting in our planning as a base assumption, somewhere around the midpoint of that, but we are prepared to move either up or down depending on how the market and our share develops.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Richard Kramer, Arete Research.

    理查德·克萊默,Arete 研究中心。

  • Richard Kramer - Analyst

    Richard Kramer - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • A couple of things that maybe haven't been touched on yet.


  • Pekka, my wider question would be on the operating model.


  • Both yourselves and peers have talked a lot about moving to software, more enterprise sales.


  • You have an extensive fabless chip design effort in NI.

    您在 NI 進行了大量的無晶圓廠晶片設計工作。

  • But the gross margin profile of the business that we see, excluding tech is still stopped in the sort of mid-30s.

    但我們看到,不包括科技在內,該業務的毛利率仍停留在 30 多歲左右。

  • What is it about product pricing or your cost structure where Nokia, it can start showing the kind of margins profile, let's say, 50% or 60% gross margin and higher operating margins that the software and fabless chip design would imply your business model should be showing?


  • Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Pekka Lundmark - President, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • So that's a very good question.


  • And we have some examples in our portfolio where we are getting to that type of margins already today.


  • But when it comes to large-scale infrastructure project margins there, that's where the drag has really been.


  • I mean, a key part of the answer is that we need to move more and more value to software.


  • We need to move to cloud.


  • We need to move to software as service models gradually in all our business.


  • Of course, first, in CNS and then gradually also in the other businesses.


  • That's one part of the answer.


  • Then the other part of the answer is that despite the importance of software, we continue to believe that the importance of silicon continues to be extremely important and domain-specific compute, as we are seeing in NI as we are seeing in cloud will be extremely important going forward also in networks.

    那麼答案的另一部分是,儘管軟體很重要,但我們仍然相信晶片的重要性仍然非常重要,並且特定於領域的計算,正如我們在NI 中看到的,就像我們在雲端中看到的那樣,將非常重要。

  • So the stronger we are in silicon, the stronger IPR we have in the main specific compute for things like L1 processing and radio, packet forwarding in routing and so on, the stronger potential we have for margins.

    因此,我們在晶片方面越強大,我們在 L1 處理和無線電、路由中的資料包轉送等主要特定運算方面擁有的 IPR 就越強,我們的利潤潛力就越大。

  • Then another part of the answer is that this has to do with the general kind of reduction of the importance of the dependency of large CSPs.

    答案的另一部分是,這與大型 CSP 依賴性重要性的普遍降低有關。

  • There are other segments where the margin profiles by their very nature are better.


  • There are enterprise segments where that is clearly the case.


  • And then gradually also the defense sector.


  • I mean that is a sector where there is significantly better margin profile potential compared to large-scale system projects with CSPs.

    我的意思是,與採用 CSP 的大型系統專案相比,該行業的利潤率潛力明顯更高。

  • The challenge in the whole margin discussion is really large-scale system projects with CSPs where there is a specification coming from somewhere, and then the CSPs make you and your competitors compete on price.

    整個利潤率討論中的挑戰實際上是具有 CSP 的大型系統項目,其中有來自某個地方的規範,然後 CSP 讓您和您的競爭對手在價格上競爭。

  • We need to reduce our relative dependency on that type of projects alone.


  • Richard Kramer - Analyst

    Richard Kramer - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then a quick -- very quick follow-up on IPR and tech.


  • I mean we've heard Jenny talk about non-smartphone IPR deals and autos and consumer and so forth.


  • But we don't really see the run rate moving up.


  • Maybe, Marco, do you want to answer that?


  • Are these deals simply not yet materializing into real income?


  • Or is there something in the pipeline that we can look for where that super high-margin tech revenue starts to accelerate a little bit?


  • Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

    Marco Wiren - Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Group Leadership Team

  • Yes.


  • Thank you.


  • We were very pleased to sign the first video streaming deal in quarter two.


  • And this is definitely an area that we believe that this could be a good opportunity for Nokia going forward as well.


  • If you look in December, we gave you a run rate as well.

    如果您查看 12 月的情況,我們也會為您提供運行率。

  • We said that on the new growth areas, the run rate was EUR150 million.


  • And of course, there is something we are following quite carefully, and ambition is that we will continue to gain traction in these new areas.


  • David Mulholland - Head of IR

    David Mulholland - Head of IR

  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's call.


  • I would like to remind you that during the call today, we've made a number of forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties.


  • Actual results may therefore differ materially from the results currently expected.


  • Factors that could cause such differences can be both external as well as internal operating factors.


  • We have identified such risks in the Risk Factors section of our annual report on Form 20-F, which is available on our Investor Relations website.

    我們已在 20-F 表格年度報告的風險因素部分中識別出此類風險,該表格可在我們的投資者關係網站上取得。

  • Thank you all for joining us today.


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