Nike Inc (NKE) 2025 Q1 法說會逐字稿


耐吉公司召開電話會議,討論 2025 財年第一季業績,由執行副總裁兼財務長 Matt Friend 主持。該公司報告稱,本季達到了預期,單位銷售的下降被平均售價的上升所抵消。

儘管各地區的收入下降以及數位銷售面臨挑戰,耐吉仍然對新任執行長艾利奧特希爾(Elliott Hill)領導下的長期機會持樂觀態度。該公司專注於重新平衡其產品組合、投資新產品和品牌故事,並加強與批發合作夥伴的合作夥伴關係以推動成長。



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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to NIKE Inc's fiscal 2025 first quarter conference call. For those who want to reference today's press release, you'll find it at Leading today's call is Paul Trussell, Vice President of Corporate Finance and Treasurer.

    大家下午好。歡迎參加耐吉公司 2025 財年第一季電話會議。對於想要參考今天的新聞稿的人,您可以在 上找到它。今天的電話會議由公司財務副總裁兼財務主管 Paul Trussel 主持。

  • Now, I would like to turn the call over to Paul Trussell.


  • Paul Trussell - Vice President of Corporate Finance and Treasurer

    Paul Trussell - Vice President of Corporate Finance and Treasurer

  • Thank you, operator. Hello, everyone and thank you for joining us today to discuss NIKE Inc's fiscal 2025 first quarter results. Before we begin, let me remind you that participants on this call will make forward-looking statements based on current expectations and those statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ material. These risks and uncertainties are detailed in NIKE's reports filed with the SEC.

    謝謝你,接線生。大家好,感謝您今天加入我們討論耐吉公司 2025 財年第一季的業績。在我們開始之前,請允許我提醒您,本次電話會議的參與者將根據當前的預期做出前瞻性聲明,這些聲明受到某些風險和不確定性的影響,可能導致實際結果與實際結果存在重大差異。這些風險和不確定性在耐吉向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告中有詳細說明。

  • In addition, participants may discuss non-GAAP financial measures and non-public financial and statistical information. Please refer to NIKE's earnings press release or NIKE's website for comparable GAAP measures and quantitative reconciliations.

    此外,參與者還可以討論非公認會計準則財務指標以及非公開財務和統計資訊。請參閱耐吉的收益新聞稿或耐吉的網站,以了解可比較的 GAAP 衡量標準和定量調節表。

  • All growth comparisons on the call today are presented on a year-over-year basis and are currency neutral unless otherwise noted. Joining us on today's call is one speaker, NIKE Inc's Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Matt Friend. We will start with prepared remarks and then open up for questions.

    除非另有說明,今天電話會議上的所有成長比較都是按年計算的,並且是貨幣中性的。參加今天電話會議的發言者是耐吉公司執行副總裁兼財務長馬特‧弗蘭德 (Matt Friend)。我們將從準備好的發言開始,然後開始提問。

  • Today's call will be abbreviated as compared to past earnings calls. In order to allow as many of you to ask questions as possible in our allotted time, we would appreciate you limiting yourself to one question.


  • I'll now turn the call over to Matt.


  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thanks, Paul, and hello to everyone on the call. Before we get into a review of the first quarter, let me acknowledge that we are reporting our results in a transitional moment as John retires as President and CEO and Elliott Hill joins us as our new president and CEO on October 14.

    謝謝保羅,並向通話中的每個人問好。在我們回顧第一季之前,請允許我承認,我們正在一個過渡時期報告我們的業績,約翰將擔任總裁兼首席執行官,埃利奧特·希爾將於10 月14 日加入我們,擔任新任總裁兼執行長。

  • First, we deeply appreciate John's contributions to NIKE. He has served on our board, led our company through a global pandemic and meaningful supply chain disruption, accelerated our digital transformation and initiated new NIKE community investments around the world. We thank him for all he has done to move NIKE forward.


  • As we look ahead, we're excited to welcome Elliott back to NIKE. Elliott is a beloved NIKE veteran who brings a powerful connection to our employees and culture, a deep love for our brands and a passion for sport. Over his 32 years with the company, he built a proven track record of leading our global teams, brands and businesses with significant expertise in delivering growth by bringing product and storytelling with impact into an integrated marketplace.

    展望未來,我們很高興歡迎艾利歐特重返耐吉。艾略特 (Elliott) 是一位深受喜愛的耐吉資深人士,他為我們的員工和文化帶來了強大的聯繫、對我們品牌的熱愛以及對運動的熱情。在為公司工作的32 年裡,他在領導我們的全球團隊、品牌和業務方面取得了良好的業績記錄,在通過將具有影響力的產品和故事帶入一體化市場來實現增長方面擁有豐富的專業知識。

  • Our board believes that Elliott is the right leader to drive NIKE's next stage of growth. Having had the opportunity to work closely with Elliott for many years, he leads with a passion that inspires the best from the team. Our employee's response to this announcement has been tremendous.

    我們的董事會相信艾利奧特是推動耐吉下一階段成長的正確領導者。多年來他有機會與 Elliott 密切合作,他的領導熱情激發了團隊的最佳表現。我們的員工對此公告的反應非常熱烈。

  • You can feel the energy and the enthusiasm walking around campus and we've heard nothing but excitement from our teammates around the world, including our alumni network, as well as our partners. We all look forward to working with Elliott as he leads NIKE's next chapter.


  • Given our CEO transition and with three quarters left in the fiscal year, we are withdrawing our full year guidance. We intend to provide quarterly guidance for the balance of the fiscal year. This provides Elliott with the flexibility to reconnect with our employees and teams, evaluate the current strategies and business trends and develop our plans to best position the business for fiscal '26 and beyond. To that end, we have also decided to postpone our investor day.

    鑑於我們的執行長換屆以及本財年還剩三個季度,我們將撤回全年指引。我們打算為本財年的剩餘時間提供季度指引。這使 Elliott 能夠靈活地與我們的員工和團隊重新建立聯繫、評估當前策略和業務趨勢並製定計劃,以便在 26 財年及以後為業務提供最佳定位。為此,我們也決定延後投資者日。

  • Now, let me turn the discussion towards our current business. NIKE's first quarter results largely met our expectations set last quarter. We are moving aggressively to shift our product portfolio, create better balance in our business and reenergize brand momentum through sport.


  • That said, a comeback at this scale takes time and while there are some early wins, we have yet to turn the corner. Today, I want to provide a deeper insight into the trends we saw in our first quarter. Then I will speak to the portfolio shifts that we're driving and the implications for our near-term performance.


  • I will also touch on some of those early wins including indicators to track our progress. And last, I will review our financial performance and Q2 outlook.


  • Let's start with a deeper look into the first quarter. While Q1 revenue was largely in line with our plan 90 days ago. We delivered lower unit sales than we expected, partially offset by a higher ASP. Traffic declines across NIKE Direct were more significant than we anticipated. We saw particular softness in traffic on NIKE Digital as well as in our partnered stores in greater China.

    讓我們先深入了解第一季。而第一季的營收基本上符合我們 90 天前的計畫。我們的銷售量低於預期,但被較高的平均售價部分抵銷。 NIKE Direct 的流量下降幅度比我們預期的還要嚴重。我們發現 NIKE Digital 以及我們在大中華區的合作商店的流量特別疲軟。

  • As a result, retail sales underperformed our plan including our wholesale partners with slightly elevating marketplace inventories requiring higher levels of promotional activity in Q1 to drive conversion. This included the back-to-school period as our results underperformed the market.


  • We saw store traffic improved in August and growth in factory stores in Q1, but the overall period fell short of our expectations. However, Q1 showed that we took an important step forward as we shift our portfolio to create better balance in our business.

    我們看到 8 月商店客流量有所改善,第一季工廠店有所成長,但整體情況未達到我們的預期。然而,第一季表明,我們在轉變投資組合以在業務中創造更好的平衡方面向前邁出了重要的一步。

  • We have been intentionally reducing the proportion of our business driven by our classic footwear franchises, Air Force 1, Air Jordan 1 and Dunk. And as expected NIKE revenue in Q1 from these franchises decelerated, declining more than the total business as we tighten marketplace supply.

    我們一直在有意減少經典鞋履系列 Air Force 1、Air Jordan 1 和 Dunk 驅動的業務比例。正如預期的那樣,隨著我們收緊市場供應,耐吉第一季來自這些特許經營權的收入減速,下降幅度超過了總業務。

  • We expect this trend to continue tempering our reported revenue over the coming seasons. Our timelines differ across each franchise, each geography and each channel. Overall, we have taken the most aggressive actions in NIKE Direct and especially digital.

    我們預計這一趨勢將在未來幾季繼續影響我們報告的收入。我們的時間表因每個特許經營權、每個地區和每個管道而異。總體而言,我們在 NIKE Direct 尤其是數位領域採取了最積極的行動。

  • In Q1, these franchises were down nearly 50% versus the prior year on NIKE Digital. While we saw much better sales trends in wholesale. So we are actively rebalancing product allocations through our highest traffic channel in order to maximize franchise health and full price realization.

    第一季度,NIKE Digital 上的這些特許經營權與前一年相比下降了近 50%。雖然我們看到批發銷售趨勢要好得多。因此,我們正在透過最高流量的管道積極重新平衡產品分配,以最大限度地提高特許經營健康度和全價實現。

  • In the near-term, this will have implications for certain dimensions of our business. Our men's and women's lifestyle business was planned down double-digits in Q1 and we expect these declines to continue through the year.


  • The Jordan brand was planned down double-digits this quarter and we expect Jordan to be down at the same rate for fiscal '25. And we expect NIKE Digital to decline double-digits in fiscal '25 versus the prior year. All taken together, these trends drove a mid-single-digit headwind on Q1 revenue.

    Jordan 品牌計畫本季實現兩位數的降價,我們預期 Jordan 25 財年的降價幅度也將相同。我們預計 NIKE Digital 在 25 財年將比前一年下降兩位數。總而言之,這些趨勢為第一季的收入帶來了中個位數的逆風。

  • As we look ahead, we are working to position new products in the path of the consumer, create scale for new ideas and drive more balanced marketplace growth. Partner feedback on our future product pipeline has been very positive. I had the chance to meet with many of them at our partner summit in Paris during the summer Olympics and directly hear their response to the products and stories that we have coming in our second half.


  • We also gave them a sneak peek to what is coming in fall '25, deepening confidence in our accelerated pace of innovation to build a more compelling future product pipeline. Progress with partners will be accelerated through new brand momentum and new energy with consumers.

    我們也讓他們先睹為快,了解了 25 年秋季即將推出的產品,加深了我們對加快創新步伐以打造更具吸引力的未來產品線的信心。透過新的品牌動力和與消費者的新能量,將加速與合作夥伴的進步。

  • But the multi brand environment is very competitive today, and it will take time to expand market share. This was reflected in our spring '25 order books which came in roughly flat versus the prior year, a little lighter than we had planned. Our teams are now hustling to close out the upcoming summer season, closely engaging our partners as we finalize bookings.

    但如今多品牌環境競爭非常激烈,擴大市佔率需要時間。這反映在我們 25 年春季的訂單簿中,訂單簿與去年基本持平,比我們計劃的要少一些。我們的團隊現在正忙著結束即將到來的夏季,在完成預訂時與我們的合作夥伴密切合作。

  • Now let's turn to some of the early wins that we are seeing especially as our teams get back on the offense in sport with consumers. This quarter, we saw growth in multiple sport dimensions, an indicator that we are gaining traction.


  • This was led by men's fitness, men's global football and men's and women's running footwear. In addition, two of our largest performance franchises, Mercurial and Global Football and the GT Series in basketball delivered double-digit growth across all channels.

    其中以男子健身、男子全球足球、男女跑鞋領銜。此外,我們最大的兩個性能專營權 Mercurial 和 Global Football 以及籃球 GT 系列在所有頻道上都實現了兩位數的成長。

  • We are especially encouraged by the momentum building in our running offence. This has been one of our toughest fights over the past few years and it is one of our biggest opportunities. Our team's focused here first in driving our comeback and more recently, men's and women's running footwear delivered positive growth in Q1, a meaningful improvement versus the prior quarter.


  • The order book looking forward is strong with spring '25 footwear units set to grow double-digits versus the prior year. In North America, we were up double digits this quarter with running specialty partners and our holiday and spring order books will build on that strength.

    預計 25 年春季鞋類訂單量將比去年增長兩位數,預計訂單量將強勁。在北美,本季我們與營運專業合作夥伴的業務成長了兩位數,我們的假期和春季訂單量將在此基礎上再接再厲。

  • We also just launched a new campaign, one of our biggest running brand investments in years which will carry into fall and holiday. So far, consumer engagement has been very strong. Meanwhile, our ground game activations are creating energy and running communities around the world.


  • In addition, our Pegasus 41 launch showed the impact that we create when we launch new ideas at scale, delivering [mid-teens] growth above last year's Pegasus model. And this is just the start. As we scale the franchise through multiple dimensions, Peg Trail, Peg Plus and coming in spring Peg Premium which introduces visible full length NIKE Air with more energy return than ever.

    此外,我們的 Pegasus 41 的發布展示了我們在大規模推出新想法時所產生的影響,實現了比去年 Pegasus 模型更高的 [中位數] 增長。而這只是開始。隨著我們透過多個維度擴展特許經營權,Peg Trail、Peg Plus 以及春季推出的 Peg Premium 引入了可見的全長 NIKE Air,具有比以往更多的能量回報。

  • Most importantly, we are most optimistic regarding the full product pipeline and running across footwear and apparel that we will bring over the coming seasons. This includes a new maximum cushioning system in an iconic line, blending comfort and style for our softest, smoothest ride yet, a premium model that combines high stack ZoomX foam and Zoom Air for a new sensation that's had test runners raving, a refreshed line up of performance running apparel including new women's lead designs.

    最重要的是,我們對未來幾季將推出的完整產品線以及鞋類和服裝的運作持最樂觀的態度。其中包括標誌性系列中全新的最大緩衝系統,融合了舒適性和風格,為我們提供迄今為止最柔軟、最平穩的騎行體驗;高級型號,結合了高疊層ZoomX 泡沫和Zoom Air,帶來了讓測試跑者讚歎不已的新感覺;全新的系列高性能跑步服裝,包括新的女性主導設計。

  • The latest NIKE Trail models updated for even better traction and durability and new franchises below $100 that scale innovation to more accessible price points. Looking more broadly across our product portfolio, particularly in footwear, we see clear indications of progress in accelerating newness and innovation.

    最新的 NIKE Trail 型號經過更新,具有更好的牽引力和耐用性,而 100 美元以下的新特許經營產品將創新擴展到更容易接受的價格點。更廣泛地審視我們的產品組合,特別是鞋類產品,我們看到了在加速新穎性和創新方面取得進展的明顯跡象。

  • Q1 revenue from new footwear products was up strong double digits versus the prior year. This includes multiple franchises that have scaled quickly based on unit growth over the past 12 months. For example, in performance footwear, Sabrina has grown roughly 5 times, Kobe has nearly quadrupled and Alphafly has almost tripled.

    第一季新鞋類產品的營收比去年同期成長了兩位數。這包括在過去 12 個月內根據單位增長迅速擴大規模的多個特許經營店。例如,在高性能鞋類領域,Sabrina 成長了大約 5 倍,Kobe 成長了近四倍,Alphafly 成長了近三倍。

  • Meanwhile, in lifestyle, what we call our look of running business led by Vomero 5, V2K and P-6000 has grown more than 4 times over the past year. Well, this is not yet large enough to offset the declines elsewhere in our portfolio, we are gaining ground.

    同時,在生活方式方面,我們所說的以Vomero 5、V2K和P-6000為主導的跑步業務在過去一年中成長了4倍多。好吧,這還不足以抵消我們投資組合中其他地方的下降,我們正在取得進展。

  • As we look to the spring season, contribution from newness and innovation will take a significant step forward with growth and footwear units of mid to high single-digits versus the prior year. And over the coming seasons, we expect to see sequential gains in the percentage of newness and innovation as a mix of our total footwear business.


  • As we move forward, we are continuing to invest to grow while staying disciplined on costs. For our teams, this means tightly managing operating overhead and reallocating resources to maximize consumer impact and growth. You saw that this summer with our Paris Olympics campaign winning isn't for everyone.


  • We led with the voice of the athlete on sports biggest stage backed by one of our biggest brand investments in years. As NIKE athletes dominated the metal count. NIKE owned over 60% of total share of voice during the games, resonating especially deeply with our athletes and Gen Z consumers.

    在我們多年來最大的品牌投資之一的支持下,我們在體育最大的舞台上以運動員的聲音為主導。由於耐吉運動員在金屬數量上佔據主導地位。耐吉在比賽期間擁有超過 60% 的總話語權,與我們的運動員和 Z 世代消費者產生了特別深刻的共鳴。

  • Most importantly, this summer was just the start with the investment lined up behind a steady cadence of bigger, bolder brand storytelling to come. In addition, we are investing with our partners to elevate and differentiate our brand and retail.


  • For example, last year, we partnered with DICK'S Sporting Goods to introduce an elevated women's fitness concept, which is generating impressive year-over-year comparisons in pilot doors. We also teamed up with Foot Locker to introduce a new concept, HomeCourt in their doors with a shared vision to deliver a fresh new multi brand basketball experience.

    例如,去年,我們與 DICK'S Sporting Goods 合作推出了提升女性健身概念的產品,在飛行員門中產生了令人印象深刻的逐年比較。我們也與 Foot Locker 合作推出了一個新概念:HomeCourt in 他們的家,我們的共同願景是提供全新的多品牌籃球體驗。

  • By bringing the best of NIKE, we create sport inspired distinction for consumers and deliver attractive returns for both NIKE and our partners. Together, we shape the kind of retail environments that drive competitive separation and segment the marketplace for growth, enabling us to serve consumers through strong assortments with full expression across each dimension of our portfolio.


  • All told, we expect that the return to strong growth will take time, but we believe that we have all the right building blocks, especially with Elliott now leading us forward.


  • Now let me turn to our first quarter financial results in Q1. NIKE Inc revenue declined 10% on a reported basis and 9% on a currency neutral basis. NIKE Direct was down 12% with NIKE stores up 1% and NIKE Digital is down 20%, wholesale was down 7%.

    現在讓我談談我們第一季的財務表現。耐吉公司 (NIKE Inc) 的收入按報告計算下降 10%,以貨幣中性計算下降 9%。 NIKE Direct 下降 12%,NIKE 商店上升 1%,NIKE Digital 下降 20%,批發下降 7%。

  • Gross margins expanded 120 basis points to 45.4% on a reported basis, primarily due to lower NIKE brand product costs, lower warehousing and logistics costs and benefits from strategic pricing actions in the prior year.

    根據報告,毛利率增加了 120 個基點,達到 45.4%,這主要是由於耐吉品牌產品成本下降、倉儲和物流成本下降以及上一年策略定價行動帶來的好處。

  • SG&A declined 2% on a reported basis with accelerated investment in demand creation more than offset by a reduction in overhead expenses, primarily driven by wage related savings. Our effective tax rate was 19.6% compared to 12% for the same period. Last year, diluted earnings per share was $0.70.

    據報告,SG&A 下降了 2%,需求創造投資的加速被主要由薪資相關儲蓄推動的管理費用減少所抵消。我們的有效稅率為 19.6%,而同期為 12%。去年,稀釋後每股收益為 0.70 美元。

  • Next, let me turn to our operating segments. Given similar themes across many of our geographies, I will keep my comments here briefer than usual. In North America, Q1 revenue was down 11%. NIKE Direct declined 11% with NIKE Digital down 15% and NIKE stores down 1%.

    接下來,讓我談談我們的營運部門。鑑於我們許多地區都有類似的主題,我將在這裡比平常更簡短地發表評論。在北美,第一季營收下降了 11%。 NIKE Direct 下降 11%,NIKE Digital 下降 15%,NIKE store 下降 1%。

  • Wholesale declined 11%, reflecting unfavorable shipping timing. EBIT declined 15% on a reported basis with gross margin expansion offset by higher investment in demand creation. This quarter's highlights included brand activations around a full summer of hoops. We engage players and fans with our New York versus New York series. Our WNBA All Star celebration, [Jordan grassroots basketball] in Chicago and LA and our Mamba League invitational.

    批發量下降 11%,反映出運輸時機不利。據報告,息稅前利潤下降了 15%,毛利率的成長被需求創造投資的增加所抵消。本季度的亮點包括圍繞整個夏天的籃球活動進行的品牌活動。我們透過紐約對紐約系列賽吸引球員和球迷。我們的 WNBA 全明星慶祝活動、在芝加哥和洛杉磯舉行的[喬丹草根籃球] 以及我們的曼巴聯賽邀請賽。

  • In EMEA, Q1 revenue is down 12%. NIKE Direct declined 12% with NIKE Digital down 24% and NIKE stores up 3%. Wholesale declined 11%. EBIT declined 15% on a reported basis. This summer in Paris, both NIKE and Jordan were unmissable with our Olympics campaign just about everywhere you could look, on billboards, big screens, on the side of buildings and most importantly across all of our retail touch points.

    在 EMEA,第一季營收下降 12%。 NIKE Direct 下降 12%,NIKE Digital 下降 24%,NIKE store 成長 3%。批發下降 11%。據報道,息稅前利潤下降了 15%。今年夏天,在巴黎,耐吉和喬丹的奧運宣傳活動幾乎無所不在,廣告看板、大螢幕、建築物側面,最重要的是我們所有的零售接觸點,都是不容錯過的。

  • In addition, Jordan introduced its new campaign with a six-week District 23 takeover in the city, a global one on one basketball tournament and the brand's first ever Twitch live stream which drove over 10 million views, the biggest ever activation for any brand on the platform.

    此外,Jordan 還推出了新的行銷活動,包括在該市進行為期六週的第23 區接管活動、全球一對一籃球錦標賽以及該品牌有史以來首次Twitch 直播,觀看次數超過1000 萬次,這是有史以來品牌在該網站上最大的一次活動。

  • In APLA, Q1 revenue was down 2%. NIKE Direct declined 4% with NIKE Digital down 15% and NIKE stores up [9%]. Wholesale declined 1%. EBIT declined 3% on a reported basis. This quarter, we celebrated the opening of our new NIKE and Jordan World of Flight in Mexico City, our largest retail space in Latin America and first dual brand shopping experience.

    APLA 第一季營收下降 2%。 NIKE Direct 下跌 4%,NIKE Digital 下跌 15%,NIKE store 上漲 [9%]。批發下降1%。據報道,息稅前利潤下降了 3%。本季度,我們慶祝了在墨西哥城開設的全新 NIKE 和 Jordan World of Flight 店的開業,這是我們在拉丁美洲最大的零售空間,也是首個雙品牌購物體驗。

  • Q1 traffic and sales for this concept far exceeded our plan with consumers seeking out exclusive products, member only experiences and our latest women's and Jordan assortments. For Greater China, let me go a little deeper into this quarter's performance.


  • Q1 revenue was down 3%. NIKE Direct declined 16% with NIKE Digital down 34% and NIKE stores down 4%. Wholesale grew 10%. EBIT declined 4% on a reported basis. This summer retail sales moderated across the industry and NIKE was not immune as traffic decelerated in our channels with lower sell through rates.

    第一季營收下降 3%。 NIKE Direct 下降 16%,NIKE Digital 下降 34%,NIKE store 下降 4%。批發增長10%。據報道,息稅前利潤下降了 4%。今年夏季,整個產業的零售銷售放緩,耐吉也未能倖免,因為我們的通路流量減少,銷售率較低。

  • This has resulted in elevated inventory in the marketplace in an already promotional environment. That being said, NIKE continues to be the number one sports brand in China. And we continue to create brand distinction when we bring our best stories and products to local consumers.


  • Over the summer, we drove incredible social buzz with storytelling around NIKE athlete, Zheng Qinwen, who took home gold as China's first Olympic tennis champion. Jordan's first athlete tour in China since the pandemic was also a big success as Luca, Tatum, Paulo and Zion connected with young fans in Shanghai and Beijing.


  • Top innovation and sport performance continues to resonate. This quarter standouts included Peg 41, Alphafly and Sabrina 2. In addition, consumer response to our latest pro release proved that Kobe remains one of the most beloved athletes in China. While our outlook for the near term has moderated, we remain optimistic about the long-term opportunities for sport and for NIKE in China.

    頂尖創新與運動表現持續產生共鳴。本季的佼佼者包括 Peg 41、Alphafly 和 Sabrina 2。儘管我們對近期前景的看法有所緩和,但我們對體育運動和耐吉在中國的長期機會仍然持樂觀態度。

  • Now, let me provide specific guidance for the second quarter. We expect Q2 revenues to be down in the 8% to 10% range. We expect Q2 gross margins to be down approximately 150 basis points with higher promotions, channel mix headwinds and supply chain deleverage more than offsetting lower product costs and a decreasing benefit from strategic pricing actions.

    現在,讓我為第二季度提供具體指導。我們預計第二季營收將下降 8% 至 10%。我們預計第二季毛利率將下降約 150 個基點,促銷活動增加、通路組合逆風和供應鏈去槓桿化足以抵消產品成本下降和策略定價行動帶來的收益下降。

  • We expect SG&A to be roughly flat versus the prior year with increased demand creation investment largely offset by tighter operating overhead. We expect other income and expense including that interest income to be $30 million to $40 million, reflecting lower interest rates and we expect our effective tax rate to be in the high-teens range.

    我們預計 SG&A 與上年基本持平,需求創造投資的增加在很大程度上被營運管理費用收緊所抵消。我們預計包括利息收入在內的其他收入和支出將為 3000 萬至 4000 萬美元,反映出較低的利率,我們預計我們的有效稅率將在高雙位數範圍內。

  • Although, we will not be providing full year guidance for the remainder of this fiscal year, we do want to provide additional color to help you understand our latest read of NIKE's business trajectory as we see it today prior to our leadership transition.


  • Looking forward, our revenue expectations have moderated since the start of the year. Given traffic trends on NIKE Digital, retail sales trends across the marketplace and final order books for spring. Franchise management actions will continue throughout the year, and we expect a similar impact in scale to what we experienced in Q1.

    展望未來,我們的收入預期自年初以來有所放緩。鑑於 NIKE Digital 的流量趨勢、整個市場的零售銷售趨勢以及春季的最終訂單。特許經營管理行動將持續一整年,我們預計其影響規模將與第一季類似。

  • However, we continue to see indications of slight second half improvement in revenue trends versus our first half as we plan to introduce and scale newness and innovation across the marketplace. We now expect gross margins to decline versus the prior year due to incremental headwinds based on the previously mentioned factors. We intend to remain disciplined on cost, especially operating overhead while we invest the fuel brand momentum.


  • Before I wrap, I'd like to finish with this. Throughout our history, NIKE has always faced pressure. NIKE was born through adversity. Every obstacle, every setback was an opportunity to learn, to adjust and to improve.


  • This is the foundational mindset at NIKE inspired by athletes and competition and today is no different. Adversity creates sharper focus leading to innovation and new growth. We will continue to address the challenges head on and we look forward to doing so with Elliott's leadership.


  • With that, let's open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Bob Drbul.


  • Bob Drbul - Analyst

    Bob Drbul - Analyst

  • Hey, Matt. Good afternoon.


  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Hey, Bob.


  • Bob Drbul - Analyst

    Bob Drbul - Analyst

  • I was just wondering if on the inventory situation, I think you talked about specifically China being elevated. Can you sort of break down some more regional, your perspective on where we are with inventories regionally with some of the -- I don't know if I'd use the word dislocation with some of the classics, North America specifically?

    我只是想知道關於庫存情況,我認為您具體談到了中國的庫存狀況是否有所提高。您能否分解一些更多的區域性問題,您對我們在區域性庫存方面的看法 - 我不知道我是否會在一些經典作品中使用“錯位”這個詞,特別是北美?

  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sure, Bob. I'd start by saying that as we look at the performance of our business over the last couple of seasons, retail sales have underperformed plan. And that's a statement about the overall portfolio. It doesn't specifically relate to just the classics.


  • While we saw growth in retail sales in North America and China in Q1, we are seeing slightly elevated inventory as a result of the retail sales plans falling behind. And so, as we've looked at our outlook for the remainder of the year and the commentary around trends moderating, we've taken into consideration a more muted point of view on retail sales trends and also the gross margin implications of needing to not only be more promotional to work through some of this elevated inventory but also acknowledging the fact that the outlook for the balance of the year is going to require us to be more promotional as we're scaling new ideas and concepts while working through the rest of the product portfolio.


  • Operator


  • Alex Stratton, Morgan Stanley.


  • Alex Straton - Analyst

    Alex Straton - Analyst

  • Perfect. Thanks a lot. Matt, I just wanted to drill down on this kind of unit disappointment in the quarter. Have you guys identified what exactly like the biggest challenges or, I guess, problem areas are that you didn't expect a few months ago?


  • And then just zooming out, as you look forward, have you guys identified the key metrics that you're monitoring just to gauge comeback progress throughout the year?


  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah, Alex. I mean, overall, when we look at the business in its total, we are encouraged by the performance that we've seen on the new products that we brought to market. And I mentioned, we delivered double-digit growth in our new products. And it continues to give us encouraging signs as we see the team's focus on sport and performance and the way that those products are landing in the marketplace and the growth that we're driving.


  • As it relates to our performance in the quarter and the unit misses, I would start by saying that in Greater China, we did see performance in the quarter underperform our plan. And so, that was one factor that impacted our unit decline. What I would say more broadly than that is just general macro across the different geographies. We just saw more softness for another season.


  • And so, our teams are on it. They are focused on moving through these slightly elevated inventories. They're not in a place that cause us significant concern at this point in time, but they do require us to be proactive and to take action. And that's what we're focused on doing while we bring newness and innovation at a greater scale with greater impact in the second half of this year.


  • On Digital, we did see -- we were down 20% in the quarter in digital. And that was largely driven by the three classic franchises being down nearly 50% versus the prior year. And the sales trends for those franchises in our -- in the wholesale channel was substantially better. And so, that also had an impact on our Q1 results.

    在數字方面,我們確實看到——本季數位業務下降了 20%。這主要是由於三部經典系列的銷量較前一年下降了近 50%。我們的批發管道中這些特許經營店的銷售趨勢要好得多。因此,這也對我們第一季的業績產生了影響。

  • But as I said, we planned for the declines on those big three franchises, and we're continuing to manage the inventory of those franchises carefully, beginning with NIKE Digital so that we can put the product where the traffic is, and we can drive high full price realization on that product in the right channels in the marketplace in order to continue to manage the long-term health of those franchises.

    但正如我所說,我們計劃應對三大特許經營權的下降,並且我們將繼續仔細管理這些特許經營權的庫存,從NIKE Digital 開始,以便我們可以將產品放在流量所在的地方,並且我們可以推動在市場上的正確管道中對該產品實現高全價,以便繼續管理這些特許經營權的長期健康發展。

  • Operator


  • Michael Binetti, Evercore ISI.

    邁克爾·比內蒂,Evercore ISI。

  • Michael Binetti - Analyst

    Michael Binetti - Analyst

  • Hey, guys, thanks for all the help here. Matt, I guess just one thing in the near term. You said that the spring order books actualized a little lower than you were expecting. But you did mention some elements of the second-half revenue outlook that are maybe a few bright spots versus what you thought 90 days ago. Could you just help me reconcile those two comments, I guess?

    嘿,夥計們,謝謝你們在這裡的所有幫助。馬特,我想近期只會發生一件事。您說春季訂單實際情況比您的預期要低一些。但您確實提到了下半年收入前景的一些因素,與您 90 天前的想法相比,這些因素可能是一些亮點。我想你能幫我協調這兩個評論嗎?

  • And then thinking a little bit more long term, I think the plan previously was sort of direct-to-consumer to rise in mix and pull the margins of the company up as the margins in the DTC segment rise above wholesale after some pretty heavy investing you guys did to stage the DTC business for scale. Are those investments in place and do they become leverageable over time? Or are there elements of the -- in the DTC business that need to keep growing as you do look ahead to getting back to growth of that business?

    然後從更長遠的角度考慮,我認為之前的計劃是一種直接面向消費者的計劃,目的是增加產品組合併提高公司的利潤率,因為在進行了一些相當大的投資之後,DTC 領域的利潤率上升到批發水平之上。這些投資是否到位?或者,當您確實希望恢復該業務的成長時,DTC 業務中是否有一些要素需要保持成長?

  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Sure, Michael. Well, starting with the spring order books, what I mentioned is that our order books came in on -- with our partners at flat versus the prior year. And it was a little light relative to what we expected. What we're seeing in there that we're encouraged by, very excited by is the fact that we're seeing newness and innovation scaling in the second half.


  • And so, I mentioned that footwear units related to newness and innovation, and we define that as products that have been introduced. They're either new or have been introduced within the last eight seasons, are growing mid- to high single digits in the second half and, in particular, in that spring season.


  • Underneath that, where we look with the most optimism and where we've been focused first is Running. I talked about the momentum that is building in Running. And this is where our team started focusing first more than a year ago. This quarter, men's and women's Running footwear was up and it was the first time we've got positive growth in several quarters.


  • When we look at the order book for spring footwear, men's and women's Running footwear is growing double digits. Our North America Running specialty partners were up double digits in Q1, and the order books for holiday and for spring are giving us indications that we're going to sustain that momentum.


  • And when you look at the way we're investing behind the brand, the ground game that we're operating, if you visited any Running events around the world, I recently ran a half marathon and saw NIKE quite present, but I know they were -- we were very present over the Berlin Marathon and multiple activations around the world.


  • We're focused on being present with runners in their communities in order to truly land the impact of our product portfolio. And then I talked about the pipeline of what's coming. And we're really excited about a number of things that are coming in our product pipeline, including new cushioning innovation, new premium models that are blending foams and Zoom Air for a new Running sensation.

    我們專注於與社群中的跑步者互動,以真正發揮我們產品組合的影響力。然後我談到了即將發生的事情。我們對產品線中即將推出的許多產品感到非常興奮,包括新的緩衝創新、混合泡棉和 Zoom Air 的新高級型號,帶來新的跑步感。

  • We've completely refreshed the lineup of our performance Running apparel, which has always been a strength for NIKE, and so we're excited about the product that we're bringing there. The Trail models that we've got are continuing to perform well in the marketplace. And we're excited about the growth that we see in the running segment around Trail.

    我們徹底更新了高性能跑步服裝的陣容,這一直是耐吉的優勢,因此我們對我們帶來的產品感到興奮。我們擁有的 Trail 型號在市場上繼續表現良好。我們對 Trail 跑步領域的成長感到興奮。

  • And then lastly, we've talked about the core opportunity, which we define as below $100. And our teams have been focused leveraging our speed lane to be able to get product to market faster at below $100. And this represents several billion dollars' worth of revenue that we walked away from over the last couple of years. And our partners are very excited about the new product that's coming in this dimension.

    最後,我們討論了核心機會,我們將其定義為低於 100 美元。我們的團隊一直致力於利用我們的快速通道,以低於 100 美元的價格更快地將產品推向市場。這意味著我們在過去幾年中失去了價值數十億美元的收入。我們的合作夥伴對這個維度的新產品感到非常興奮。

  • So, Running and core are the two areas where we're most optimistic that we see momentum building from an innovation and a newness perspective.


  • As far as your question about DTC and the investments that we've made in DTC, we continue to see opportunities to more profitably run our direct business. We talked about the investments that we were making against expectations for further growth, and we were largely meeting the demand that the consumer was driving toward those channels.

    至於您關於 DTC 以及我們在 DTC 中進行的投資的問題,我們繼續看到經營我們的直接業務更有利可圖的機會。我們討論了我們針對進一步成長的預期而進行的投資,我們在很大程度上滿足了消費者對這些管道的需求。

  • We continue to see opportunities to drive efficiencies in the profitability of our direct business. And that includes a higher mix of full-price product in our direct channels but also leveraging supply chain capabilities against the capacity that we've, in effect, built to serve our DTC business.

    我們繼續看到提高直接業務獲利效率的機會。這包括在我們的直接管道中提供更多的全價產品組合,而且還利用供應鏈能力來對抗我們實際上為服務 DTC 業務而建立的能力。

  • As we've talked about for the last couple of quarters, our focus is on driving growth across the entire marketplace, balanced growth across the entire marketplace. And that is where our teams have been focused, and that's where you'll continue to see us trying to drive growth and improve profitability across both dimensions of the marketplace.


  • Operator


  • Simeon Siegel, BMO.


  • Simeon Siegel - Analyst

    Simeon Siegel - Analyst

  • Thanks. Hey, good afternoon, guys. Matt, thank you for all this. Any color you'd be willing to provide or just order of magnitude on how large each of the core franchises that you are resetting are at this point and just maybe where you'd like to take them?


  • And then just revenues were down double digits, but the gross margin still grew nicely this quarter. So, any context on the margins of those franchises that are being reset versus the rest of the product? Thank you.


  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Well, Simeon, what we've been talking about for a couple of quarters is trying to create better balance in our business. And over the last couple of years, one of the things that we've talked about but especially this last year, is that we've -- our portfolio has gotten too concentrated, particularly against these classic -- the classic dimensions. Our teams have tried to bring new dimension to these classics. And as a result of that, we've created an incredibly large amount of consumer demand.


  • But at the same time, the portfolio was largely too concentrated against these styles. Classics footwear is an important dimension of our overall portfolio. Internally at NIKE, we refer to these products as icons. They're incredibly culturally relevant and they will continue to be an important part of our portfolio overall.


  • But this quarter, in particular, we took a big step forward in the reduction of these products, causing them to decline more than the typical overall business so that we could start to shift the portfolio back in order. And we're going to continue to take those steps over the coming quarters.


  • And what I can tell you is that the continued actions results in us expecting to see a headwind similar to what we experienced in the first quarter. In other words, a mid-single-digit headwind on revenue for the balance of this year as a result of more proactively managing these franchises back into a proper place within the overall portfolio.


  • They are long-tenured products. They do drive attractive margins for the company, especially when we sell them through digital. And so, part of the pressure on margins and the additional color that we provided on the balance of the year is that by driving the dimensionality more particularly in the NIKE direct channels and particularly in the digital channels, it does create a transitory headwind on margin as we rightsize the portfolio largely focused on the digital side or the direct side of the business.


  • But looking forward, like I said, these products will continue to remain an important part of the portfolio. We just are focused on trying to accelerate newness and innovation in order to create more momentum with consumers and more energy with consumers.


  • Operator


  • Lorraine Hutchinson, Bank of America.


  • Lorraine Hutchinson - Analyst

    Lorraine Hutchinson - Analyst

  • Thank you. Good afternoon. How would you characterize the receptivity of your wholesale partners to get behind some of the new launches? And how are your partners feeling about the level of inventory in the wholesale channel now and for the spring season?


  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah. It's a great question, Lorraine. We've been working -- our teams have been closely engaging with our partners since we acknowledged some of the missteps related to over-centering on direct. And I think the momentum that we're building with our partners is very encouraging.


  • I referenced specifically the interactions that we had that I was personally a part of in Paris during the Summer Olympics. But our geography teams, Tom Petty, our partners are leaning in, in order to be able to reignite growth and momentum for NIKE on the wholesale side.

    我特別提到了夏季奧運期間我個人在巴黎參與的互動。但我們的地理團隊、湯姆佩蒂(Tom Petty)和我們的合作夥伴正在全力以赴,以便能夠重新點燃耐吉在批發方面的成長和動力。

  • And I wouldn't drive past the fact that what's most important in wholesale is we've got to have a breadth of distribution segmented to create and demonstrate the full dimension of the NIKE portfolio across men's, women's, and kids, across sport dimensions, and the Jordan brand. And one of the ways that we do that is we invest with our partners to elevate and differentiate our brand at retail.


  • That isn't a new playbook for NIKE but it's one that enables us to play to our strengths. And we've got a couple of proof points that we're already working on with partners on the sporting goods side. We're excited about the women's pad and concept, the women's fitness concept that we've been testing with DICK'S in their House of Sport.

    這對耐吉來說並不是一本新的策略,但它使我們能夠發揮我們的優勢。我們已經與體育用品方面的合作夥伴合作,並獲得了一些證據。我們對女性護墊和概念感到興奮,我們一直在 DICK'S 的 House of Sport 中測試女性健身概念。

  • It's set to be ready to pilot, given the returns that it's driving for both us and for DICK'S. We're excited about bringing new energy to basketball with Foot Locker and you remember the House and Hoops concept, coming forward now with this new HomeCourt concept.

    考慮到它為我們和 DICK'S 帶來的回報,它已準備好進行試點。我們很高興能夠透過 Foot Locker 為籃球帶來新的活力,您還記得 House and Hoops 的概念,現在帶著這個新的 HomeCourt 概念向前邁進。

  • And to be honest with you, maybe I'll take an opportunity to tie this a little bit back to Elliott because this is a similar approach that we took when we ignited growth in North America back in 2010. When we say things like we need to sharpen our focus on sport, it doesn't just mean that we need to sell more performance products. What it means is that we have to create deeper connections with consumers through sport.

    說實話,也許我會藉此機會將這一點與埃利奧特聯繫起來,因為這與我們在 2010 年推動北美增長時所採取的方法類似。的關注,這不僅意味著我們需要銷售更多高性能產品。這意味著我們必須透過體育與消費者建立更深層的連結。

  • And that's where our relationship starts. And when we create deep connections with consumers through sport, that enables us to extend into sportswear and lifestyle. And one of the things that we did in North America back in 2010 when our business was stagnating from a growth perspective, and Elliott was a new general manager at that time, was we reprofiled the marketplace around sport to ignite growth in the marketplace. And the net result of that was double-digit growth over the next four years and really set the foundation for NIKE to grow throughout the decades of 2010.

    這就是我們關係的開始。當我們透過運動與消費者建立深厚的聯繫時,這使我們能夠擴展到運動服裝和生活方式。 2010 年,我們在北美所做的一件事是,當時我們的業務從增長的角度來看停滯不前,埃利奧特當時是新任總經理,我們圍繞體育重新定位了市場,以激發市場的增長。最終的結果是在接下來的四年裡實現了兩位數的成長,並真正為耐吉在 2010 年幾十年的成長奠定了基礎。

  • And so, that is where our focus and our attention has been. Digital is still and direct is still an important part of our overall marketplace strategy. Having direct connections with consumers is strategically important. But our consumers want to connect directly with NIKE, whether it's in our own channel or with a partner.


  • And so, we're going to continue to focus to elevate and to raise the marketplace and bring the best of NIKE to the market.


  • Operator


  • Paul Lejuez, Citi.


  • Paul Lejuez - Analyst

    Paul Lejuez - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks, guys. You mentioned Running up double digits in North America, and your Running specialty partners. Can you talk about how far that business has fallen from peak to trough? How much do you think you have to regain in that channel within North America?


  • And also, the second quarter gross margin decline that you mentioned, can you just dimensionalize that by region, where your bigger pressure points are? Is it across the board? Where are the larger declines versus smaller declines? Thanks.


  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Well, on your first question, Paul, what I would say is that we've acknowledged that we've lost market share in the Running specialty channel. More than four years ago, we pulled back on our engagement with that channel. And as a result of that, we saw market share losses.


  • But what I would also say is that the importance of investing and connecting in the Running specialty channel extends way beyond the business impact of driving revenue there. It's about the community of Running. It's about connecting directly with runners. And while we've seen tremendous success at the top of the pyramid with innovation with marathons and on the track, we haven't made as much progress with everyday runners. And that's where our team's focus and attention has been over the last year.


  • And what I can tell you is that some of the statistics that I highlighted are there as indicators for us and for you to see the momentum that's building for us in that dimension of the business. And it is incredibly important to NIKE. NIKE's a Running company. NIKE is a Running brand, and it's incredibly important for NIKE to win with runners.


  • And so, our commitment to reinvesting in those channels with those partners on the ground every day is how we're going to change the trajectory of this business. And the proof points and the indicators that I provided are our early signals of confidence that this momentum is building. And then the pipeline of product that we've got coming behind it, we're incredibly excited about.


  • And you'll see it extend from Running specialty into sporting goods. You'll see some of these innovations cross the line into lifestyle based on the ways that we bring the product to market. And so, we're deeply encouraged by that momentum that's coming in Running.


  • As it relates to the second quarter margin question, I guess what I would tell you is this. There are a number of puts and takes between Q1 and Q2 on margin. And the higher promotions that we referenced, some of the channel mix headwinds, the supply chain deleverage as well as the actions to manage the marketplace, they're largely across the portfolio.

    由於它涉及第二季的利潤率問題,我想我要告訴你的是這個。 Q1 和 Q2 之間存在大量保證金看跌期權和賣出期權。我們提到的更高的促銷活動、一些通路組合的逆風、供應鏈去槓桿化以及管理市場的行動,它們很大程度上涉及整個投資組合。

  • There's not -- it's -- I wouldn't point out one particular geography more so than the other in terms of where a particular challenge lies. We are seeing a lessening benefit from product costs in Q2 and from strategic pricing actions in the prior year, which we still saw in Q1 of this year. And so, that's also playing an impact on the year-over-year comparisons.


  • And then I guess what I would also highlight is we're watching the East Coast port strike really closely. We haven't baked anything in for a timeline on the East Coast port strike, but that's a possibility of a risk related to what we're talking about right now.


  • Operator


  • We have time for one more question.


  • Brooke Roach, Goldman Sachs.


  • Brooke Roach - Analyst

    Brooke Roach - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, and thank you for taking our question. I was hoping we could dig in a little bit more on the China business, and what you're seeing between the read on the macro and what's specific to NIKE? How should we be thinking about your inventory levels by channel in China? And what types of engagement are you seeing on some of your franchise product versus your new innovation with the Chinese consumer today? Thank you.


  • Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Matthew Friend - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Well, as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, our traffic was soft across all channels in the quarter. And when we look at the performance in our business, we look at our industry and we look across industry, from what we can see, NIKE is not immune to the challenges with the consumer in Greater China today.


  • The marketplace has been promotional, and we've actually been seeing improvements in full-price realization over the past few seasons as we've managed our inventory very, very carefully. But this quarter, we did -- we were more aggressive in promotional activity, given the traffic trends and given what we were more broadly seeing across the industry.


  • I think that you can probably most notably see where we're focused on inventory on the wholesale side, where our revenue was up 10% in Q1. This was partly impacted by shipping timing, but retail sales grew in the quarter, but they didn't grow at that rate. And so, we're focused on proactively managing forward-looking order books with our partners but also margin assistance in order to move through excess inventory so that we can ensure that we stay healthy and that our partners are getting behind the newness and the innovation that's coming in the second half of the year.

    我認為您可能最明顯地看到我們專注於批發方面的庫存,第一季我們的收入成長了 10%。這在一定程度上受到了發貨時間的影響,但零售額在本季度有所增長,但並未以這一速度增長。因此,我們專注於與合作夥伴一起主動管理前瞻性訂單,同時也提供保證金援助,以消除過剩庫存,從而確保我們保持健康,並確保我們的合作夥伴支持新鮮事物和創新這將在今年下半年實現。

  • In the first quarter, our top innovations for performance stories actually resonated quite well. Peg 41, Pegasus 41 performed really strongly. Alphafly 3 and Running is growing in China. Sabrina 2, KD resonated with consumers, and I mentioned Kobe. Kobe's a beloved athlete in China, and it was one of the biggest opportunities we saw to bring Kobe back into the product family, and we're incredibly excited about the energy that's building in China for Kobe.

    在第一季度,我們針對績效故事的頂級創新實際上引起了很好的共鳴。 Peg 41、Pegasus 41 表現非常強勁。 Alphafly 3 和 Running 在中國不斷發展。 Sabrina 2、KD引起了消費者的共鳴,我提到了Kobe。科比是中國深受喜愛的運動員,這是我們看到的將科比帶回產品家族的最大機會之一,我們對科比在中國建立的能量感到非常興奮。

  • And so, we believe that when we create distinction in the marketplace, whether it's against our global competitors or local competitors when we bring our best stories and our best products to the marketplace. And I think we continue to see that. As it relates to the largest -- the classics franchises, there was definitely strong demand for the classic franchises in China.


  • Jordan is a big business in Greater China, and we're watching and managing that business carefully. But our focus and attention is really on performance and innovation. And you heard me say before that innovation has the highest mix of business in China relative to some of our other geographies.


  • Now, as we look long term, even though we've moderated our near-term expectations for China for the remainder of this year, sport is a growth industry in China. Sport participation is on the rise, and we believe that we're optimistic about the long-term possibilities for NIKE in Greater China.


  • We're going to keep playing our strengths around innovation and newness. We think that the investments that we have in the marketplace from a retail point of view and the way that we present our products to consumers through our partner stores gives us an opportunity to present our brand in a way that we can't do anywhere else in the world.


  • And we're focused on capabilities that we've been building, specifically China for China, around product, around our Digital platforms and supply chain in order to be able to continue to serve the local consumer at the speed that that marketplace is moving. So, we're optimistic about the long-term opportunity for NIKE in China and the long-term opportunity for sport in China.


  • Operator


  • And ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude today's conference call. Thank you for your participation and you may now disconnect.
