科林研發 (LRCX) 2019 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the June 2019 quarter financial call for Lam Research.

    美好的一天,歡迎來到 Lam Research 的 2019 年 6 月季度財務電話會議。

  • Today's conference is being recorded.


  • At this time, I'd like to turn the conference over to Ms. Tina Correia, Corporate Vice President of Investor Relations.

    此時,我想將會議轉交給投資者關係公司副總裁 Tina Correia 女士。

  • Please go ahead, ma'am.


  • Tina Correia - Corporate VP of IR & Corporate Communications

    Tina Correia - Corporate VP of IR & Corporate Communications

  • Great.


  • Thank you, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Welcome to the Lam Research quarterly earnings conference call.

    歡迎參加 Lam Research 季度收益電話會議。

  • With me today are Tim Archer, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Doug Bettinger, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天和我在一起的是總裁兼首席執行官 Tim Archer;以及執行副總裁兼首席財務官 Doug Bettinger。

  • During today's call, we will share our overview on the business environment and review our financial results for the June 2019 quarter and our outlook for the September 2019 quarter.

    在今天的電話會議中,我們將分享我們對商業環境的概述,並回顧我們 2019 年 6 月季度的財務業績和 2019 年 9 月季度的展望。

  • The press release detailing our financial results was distributed a little after 1:00 p.m.

    詳細說明我們財務業績的新聞稿在下午 1:00 後發布。

  • Pacific Time this afternoon.


  • The release can also be found on the Investor Relations section of the company's website, along with the presentation slides that accompany today's call.


  • Today's presentation and Q&A includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties reflected in the risk factors disclosures of our SEC public filings.

    今天的演示和問答包括前瞻性陳述,這些陳述受到我們 SEC 公開文件的風險因素披露中反映的風險和不確定性的影響。

  • Please see accompanying slides in the presentation for additional information.


  • Today's discussion of our financial results will be presented on a non-GAAP financial basis unless otherwise specified.


  • A detailed reconciliation between GAAP and non-GAAP results can be found in today's earnings press release.

    可以在今天的收益新聞稿中找到 GAAP 和非 GAAP 結果之間的詳細核對。

  • This call is scheduled to last until 3:00 p.m.

    本次電話會議計劃持續到下午 3:00。

  • Pacific Time.


  • A replay of this call will be available later this afternoon on our website.


  • With that, let me hand the call over to Tim.


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Thanks, Tina, and good afternoon to everyone on the call.


  • In the June quarter, Lam delivered strong results.

    在六月季度,Lam 取得了強勁的業績。

  • Revenues, gross margin and operating margin exceeded the midpoint of the guidance we've provided on our last earnings call, while EPS exceeded the high end of the guidance.


  • Our ability to deliver these results was made possible by the support of our customers, our employees and our partners, and I would like to thank them for their ongoing commitment to Lam's success.

    客戶、員工和合作夥伴的支持使我們能夠取得這些成果,我要感謝他們對 Lam 成功的持續承諾。

  • I would like to start by offering some perspective on Lam given the uncertainties surrounding trade and other influences on the market environment.


  • Through the first half of calendar 2019, we have executed at a high level by focusing on what is in our control.

    在 2019 年上半年,我們通過專注於我們可以控制的事情來實現高水平的執行。

  • And despite a difficult memory market, we have delivered on or exceeded our commitments.


  • As you will hear from Doug later, we generated another $880 million in cash from operations in the most recent quarter.

    正如您稍後將聽到的 Doug 所說,我們在最近一個季度從運營中又產生了 8.8 億美元的現金。

  • At the same time, we have continued to prioritize investment in innovation and product differentiation, shifting a higher percentage of our total OpEx to R&D than in any prior quarter in our history.


  • We remain committed to our long-term growth vectors, observed available market expansion, market share gains and increased revenue from our installed base.


  • Specific proof points are emerging that validate our progress in each of these areas, and I will touch on them later in my remarks.


  • But first, let me update our industry outlook.


  • Our view on total WFE remains directionally unchanged, with calendar year 2019 down mid- to high teens percent from 2018.

    我們對 WFE 總量的看法保持不變,2019 日曆年比 2018 年下降了中高百分比。

  • However, since our last earnings call, Memory spending is incrementally lower, while Foundry spending is tracking higher, we believe, due in part, to acceleration in 5G development, leading to strong demand for 7-nanometer and 5-nanometer products.

    然而,自我們上次召開財報電話會議以來,內存支出逐漸降低,而代工支出卻在走高,我們認為部分原因是 5G 發展加速,導致對 7 納米和 5 納米產品的強勁需求。

  • We now view Foundry, Logic WFE to be second half-weighted versus our prior baseline of first half-weighted for calendar 2019.

    我們現在將 Foundry、Logic WFE 視為下半年加權,而我們之前的 2019 日曆上半年加權基準。

  • Within Memory, customers have continued to take meaningful actions to restore supply and demand balance, reducing investment and lowering utilization levels for both NAND and DRAM as we progressed through the June quarter.

    在內存方面,隨著我們在 6 月季度的進展,客戶繼續採取有意義的行動來恢復供需平衡,減少投資並降低 NAND 和 DRAM 的利用率水平。

  • As a result, we see year-over-year bit supply growth for both NAND and DRAM continuing to decline with bit supply growth rates exiting the year well below the long-term demand trend lines.

    因此,我們看到 NAND 和 DRAM 的比特供應量同比增長繼續下降,今年的比特供應增長率遠低於長期需求趨勢線。

  • On the demand side, we are encouraged by early signs that NAND price declines are leading to an acceleration of content growth in devices.

    在需求方面,我們對 NAND 價格下跌導致設備內容增長加速的早期跡象感到鼓舞。

  • For example, SSD penetration in PCs is expected to reach nearly 60% by the end of 2019.

    例如,到 2019 年底,SSD 在 PC 中的滲透率預計將達到近 60%。

  • But more importantly, the average density per drive is also growing.


  • The predominant SSD configurations in the PC market are now 256 gigabyte and 512 gigabyte versus 128 and 256 a year ago.

    PC 市場上主要的 SSD 配置現在是 256 GB 和 512 GB,而一年前是 128 和 256。

  • The demand impact is amplified as both units and content per unit grow together.


  • Similarly, we have seen acceleration in bit content growth for NAND and mobile devices.

    同樣,我們看到 NAND 和移動設備的比特內容增長加速。

  • This is evident not only in the premium phone segment, but also in the mid-tier and lower-end phones, where 128 gigabytes offerings are seeing the fastest growth versus 64 gigabyte models a year ago.

    這不僅在高端手機領域很明顯,在中低端手機中也很明顯,與一年前的 64 GB 機型相比,128 GB 的產品增長最快。

  • We believe the combination of factors influencing supply and demand creates a favorable setup for Memory as we enter 2020.

    我們認為,隨著我們進入 2020 年,影響供需的因素的結合為內存創造了有利的環境。

  • Our actions are focused on ensuring Lam is in the best possible position to benefit from the anticipated recovery in Memory spending.

    我們的行動重點是確保 Lam 處於最佳位置,以從內存支出的預期復蘇中受益。

  • This focus is contributing to gains in both served market and market share, as evidenced by wins this quarter across various applications as well as in road maps for emerging 3D architectures.

    這一重點有助於提高服務市場和市場份額,本季度在各種應用程序以及新興 3D 架構路線圖中的勝利證明了這一點。

  • In NAND, we are working closely with customers to develop differentiated solutions for potential limiters to 3D scaling.

    在 NAND 方面,我們正與客戶密切合作,為 3D 縮放的潛在限制因素開發差異化解決方案。

  • An excellent example is the wafer processing challenge created by stress-induced wafer bow as the number of 3D NAND layer scales to 100 and beyond.

    一個很好的例子是由於 3D NAND 層的數量擴展到 100 層甚至更多,應力引起的晶圓彎曲所帶來的晶圓加工挑戰。

  • Given Lam's leadership position in critical 3D NAND etch and deposition applications, we are best positioned to address this problem.

    鑑於 Lam 在關鍵 3D NAND 蝕刻和沈積應用中的領導地位,我們最有能力解決這個問題。

  • The new Lam tool, which deposits a counter-stress film on the backside of the 3D NAND wafer, using an innovative single-step process, has been introduced to leading-edge customers with multiple repeat orders received.

    新的 Lam 工具使用創新的單步工藝在 3D NAND 晶圓的背面沉積抗應力膜,已向領先的客戶推出,並收到了多個重複訂單。

  • Importantly, the learning we gain through our investments to scale 3D NAND will be broadly applicable as new 3D architectures emerge in other segments.

    重要的是,隨著新的 3D 架構出現在其他領域,我們通過投資擴展 3D NAND 獲得的學習將廣泛適用。

  • For example, we believe Lam's leadership in enabling 3D scaling will become increasingly valuable as logic devices migrate to a 3D gate all around structure in 3-nanometer, as new Memory such as PC RAM scale vertically through a cost and bit density improvement and as 3D heterogeneous integration is adopted as a preferred packaging option for high-performance system solutions.

    例如,我們相信 Lam 在實現 3D 縮放方面的領導地位將變得越來越有價值,因為邏輯器件遷移到 3 納米結構的 3D 門,因為新的內存(例如 PC RAM)通過成本和位密度的提高垂直擴展,以及 3D異構集成被用作高性能係統解決方案的首選封裝選項。

  • For 3D heterogeneous integration, several leading companies across Foundry and Logic have announced architectures to connect different IP blocks using high-density interconnects with through-silicon vias.

    對於 3D 異構集成,Foundry 和 Logic 的幾家領先公司已經宣布了使用高密度互連和矽通孔連接不同 IP 塊的架構。

  • Lam's SABRE 3D electroplating and Syndion etch tools offer best-in-class technology, backed by years of high-volume production leadership in the TSV market.

    Lam 的 SABER 3D 電鍍和 Syndion 蝕刻工具提供一流的技術,並以 TSV 市場多年的大批量生產領先地位為後盾。

  • During the quarter, we secured an important win at a leading logic customer for our SABRE 3D electroplating system for 3D chip stacking applications.

    在本季度,我們為 3D 芯片堆疊應用的 SABRE 3D 電鍍系統贏得了領先邏輯客戶的重要勝利。

  • This is a significant validation of Lam's ability to leverage its industry-leading position in 3D scaling to new and emerging manufacturing inflections.

    這是對 Lam 能夠利用其在 3D 縮放方面的行業領先地位來應對新興製造業拐點的能力的重要驗證。

  • We are also seeing successes from our customer-focused investments in DRAM.

    我們還從以客戶為中心的 DRAM 投資中看到了成功。

  • We are collaborating with customers on critical new technologies required to scale to the 1Z and 1A nodes.

    我們正在與客戶合作開發擴展到 1Z 和 1A 節點所需的關鍵新技術。

  • For instance, as DRAM shrinks, devices shrink to 1Z and beyond, the performance impact of resistance capacity delays becomes a challenge that must be addressed.

    例如,隨著 DRAM 縮小,設備縮小到 1Z 甚至更高,電阻容量延遲對性能的影響成為必須解決的挑戰。

  • This quarter, we won critical spacer applications at multiple leading DRAM manufacturers for the 1Z node due to our ability to deposit highly conformal low-k films that help reduce RC delay.

    本季度,由於我們能夠沉積有助於減少 RC 延遲的高度共形低 k 薄膜,我們贏得了多家領先 DRAM 製造商的 1Z 節點關鍵墊片應用。

  • In addition to our progress on critical applications, you might recall that I have spoken previously about the NAND semi-critical process space and is an area of increased focus for Lam as we drive to gain market share.

    除了我們在關鍵應用方面的進展之外,您可能還記得我之前曾談到過 NAND 半關鍵工藝空間,這是 Lam 在我們努力爭取市場份額時更加關注的領域。

  • In the most recent quarter, we began to deliver on this opportunity with significant conductor etch wins at multiple NAND customers for mask open applications.

    在最近一個季度,我們開始利用這個機會,在多個 NAND 客戶中為掩模開放應用贏得了顯著的導體蝕刻勝利。

  • Specifically, Lam's ability to create a highly productive single-step etch process to replace our competitor's multiple step approach allowed us to differentiate on system throughput, a key decision factor in the semi-critical space.

    具體來說,Lam 能夠創建高效的單步蝕刻工藝來取代我們競爭對手的多步方法,這使我們能夠在系統吞吐量上脫穎而出,這是半關鍵領域的關鍵決策因素。

  • Another example is seen in dielectric etch, where we recorded a key win for a semi-critical metal contact application at a leading memory maker.


  • As 3D NAND scales, the peripheral context becomes deeper, and aspect ratios increase.

    隨著 3D NAND 的擴展,外圍環境變得更深,縱橫比也增加。

  • Our dielectric etch system demonstrated faster etch rates and superior profile control, leading to greater capital productivity and less frequent maintenance.


  • For our Customer Support Business Group, we continue to see 2019 as another year of solid revenue growth despite lower WFE spending.

    對於我們的客戶支持業務部門,儘管 WFE 支出減少,我們仍將 2019 年視為收入增長的又一年。

  • In the June quarter, we achieved a second consecutive quarterly record for revenue from our Reliant Systems business as customers invest to address robust nonleading edge demand from end markets such as IoT, automotive and powered devices.

    在 6 月季度,我們的 Reliant Systems 業務收入連續第二個季度創下紀錄,因為客戶投資於解決物聯網、汽車和動力設備等終端市場強勁的非前沿需求。

  • The combination of our focus on leading edge technologies and installed base performance is being recognized by our customers.


  • In the most recent quarter, a top customer completed their annual supplier evaluation process, ranking us as their #1 supplier, as measured by a broad set of installed base performance, cost reduction and R&D engagement metrics.


  • With this newest rating, we are now in the #1 position in more than half of our top customers.


  • To wrap up, the near-term environment remains challenging.


  • But the long-term growth opportunity for both our industry and for Lam is compelling.

    但對於我們的行業和 Lam 來說,長期增長的機會是令人信服的。

  • We are focused on executing to our commitments and extending the differentiation of our product and services portfolio.


  • I believe that our continued prioritization of customer-focused investment would yield lasting benefits.


  • And as Memory spending returns to normalized levels and non-Memory technologies increasingly rely on 3D scaling for performance and cost improvement, Lam will be in an excellent position to outperform.

    隨著內存支出恢復到正常水平,並且非內存技術越來越依賴 3D 縮放來提高性能和成本,Lam 將處於領先地位。

  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to Doug.

    現在我想把電話轉給 Doug。

  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Excellent.


  • Thank you, Tim.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining us today, during what I know is a busy earnings season.


  • Lam executed well in the June quarter with our results exceeding the midpoint of guidance for all financial metrics.

    Lam 在 6 月季度表現良好,我們的業績超過了所有財務指標的指導中點。

  • Earnings per share exceeded the high end of the guidance range we provided due to stronger gross margin as well as proactive management of operating expenses.


  • Our EPS performance is, I believe, are testament to our continual focus on delivering on our ongoing commitments.


  • As Tim noted, our expectation is that 2019 WFE will be down from calendar year 2018 in the mid-to high teens percentage level.

    正如蒂姆所指出的,我們預計 2019 年的 WFE 將比 2018 年的中高青少年百分比水平下降。

  • Since our last call, we're seeing some upside strength in Foundry, which was partially offset by a reduction in Memory spending.

    自上次電話會議以來,我們看到 Foundry 有一些上行力量,這部分被內存支出的減少所抵消。

  • From a segment perspective, our systems revenue for the combined Memory segment increased slightly to 64% of total system revenue from 61% in the March quarter.

    從細分市場的角度來看,我們的合併內存細分市場的系統收入從 3 月季度的 61% 略微增加到系統總收入的 64%。

  • We had an increase from the March quarter in the nonvolatile memory segment from 40% to 46%, while DRAM decreased to 18% from 21%.

    我們在非易失性內存領域從 3 月季度的 40% 增長到 46%,而 DRAM 從 21% 下降到 18%。

  • Memory revenue continues to be mainly targeted towards conversion-related investments.


  • In DRAM spending, it's targeted towards 1Y, and some initial 1Z investment.

    在 DRAM 支出方面,它的目標是 1Y 和一些初始 1Z 投資。

  • In NAND, it's primarily convergence to 9x layer devices.

    在 NAND 中,它主要融合到 9x 層設備。

  • Additionally, we are seeing initial investment on 128-layer structures.

    此外,我們看到對 128 層結構的初始投資。

  • We're continuing to see healthy spending in the Foundry segment which came in at 23% of our system revenue for the [June quarter] (added by company after the call).

    我們繼續看到 Foundry 部門的健康支出,占我們 [6 月季度] 系統收入的 23%(在電話會議後由公司添加)。

  • And as Tim mentioned, this is heavily focused on the 5- and 7-nanometer nodes.

    正如蒂姆所提到的,這主要集中在 5 納米和 7 納米節點上。

  • This was slightly down from 27% last quarter, although still quite strong.

    這比上一季度的 27% 略有下降,但仍然相當強勁。

  • The Logic and Other segment was flat with the prior quarter level, contributing 13% of system revenue.

    邏輯和其他部門與上一季度持平,貢獻了 13% 的系統收入。

  • We expect to see continued strength in the Foundry and Logic space throughout the remainder of the calendar year.

    我們預計在本日曆年剩餘時間內,Foundry 和 Logic 領域將繼續保持強勁勢頭。

  • It's worth noting that from a geographic perspective, 33% of our revenue was generated in the China region.

    值得注意的是,從地理角度來看,我們 33% 的收入來自中國地區。

  • The majority of this came from indigenous Chinese customers.


  • We expect to see higher than our average concentration level of revenue in the China region for the September quarter as well.

    我們預計 9 月季度中國地區的收入集中度也將高於我們的平均水平。

  • We executed well on income statement performance for the June quarter.

    我們在 6 月季度的損益表表現上表現良好。

  • Revenues came in at $2.361 billion, which was above the midpoint of the June guidance.

    收入為 23.61 億美元,高於 6 月指引的中點。

  • Gross margin for the quarter was 45.9%, which was better than expected, primarily due to customer mix and improved field resource utilization.

    本季度毛利率為 45.9%,好於預期,主要是由於客戶組合和現場資源利用率的提高。

  • Also, as we've stated in previous quarters, our actual gross margins are a function of several factors such as our raw business volumes, product mix and customer concentration, and you should expect to see some variability quarter-to-quarter.


  • Operating expenses in the June quarter declined to $450 million from the prior quarter.

    六月季度的運營費用較上一季度下降至 4.5 億美元。

  • We are proactively managing expenses with our lower revenue levels.


  • We continue to invest in our strategic R&D programs, however, and remain focused on our commitment to technology and productivity leadership.


  • The percentage of R&D spend increased to approximately 66% in the June quarter, which was a high watermark.

    研發支出的百分比在 6 月季度增加到約 66%,這是一個高水位線。

  • Operating income in the June quarter was $635 million and operating margin was 26.9%, at the high-end of our guidance range.

    六月季度的營業收入為 6.35 億美元,營業利潤率為 26.9%,處於我們指導範圍的高端。

  • The non-GAAP tax rate for the June quarter was approximately 11%, which is slightly lower than our long-term rate.

    六月季度的非公認會計原則稅率約為 11%,略低於我們的長期稅率。

  • For the remainder of the 2019 calendar year, we expect a tax rate in the low to mid-teens.

    對於 2019 日曆年的剩餘時間,我們預計稅率將在 10 至 10 歲左右。

  • And I'll just remind you, you should expect to see fluctuations in the rate from quarter-to-quarter.


  • For June, other income and expense was a total of approximately $6 million of expense.

    6 月份,其他收入和支出總計約為 600 萬美元。

  • This total includes interest expense for a full quarter related to the issuance of a $2.5 billion senior notes that we completed in the March quarter.

    這一總額包括與我們在 3 月季度完成的 25 億美元優先票據發行相關的整個季度的利息支出。

  • The quarterly interest expense is partially offset by the interest income earned on higher cash balances for the company.


  • I'll just remind you that total interest expense on all tranches of our debt is approximately $45 million per quarter.

    我只想提醒您,我們所有債務的總利息支出約為每季度 4500 萬美元。

  • We continued to execute on our capital return program during the June quarter.


  • For the quarter, we allocated $1.3 billion to capital return with $1.1 billion coming in share repurchases and $165 million in dividend payments.

    本季度,我們為資本回報分配了 13 億美元,其中 11 億美元用於股票回購和 1.65 億美元的股息支付。

  • Our share repurchase activities were from a combination of open market as well as structured repurchases.


  • The structured repurchase program that we entered into is intended to continue to execute throughout our December quarter.

    我們進入的結構化回購計劃旨在在整個 12 月季度繼續執行。

  • We've completed approximately $2 billion of the $5 billion authorization that we announced in the March quarter.

    我們已經完成了我們在第三季度宣布的 50 億美元授權中的大約 20 億美元。

  • Over the past 1.5 years, we've utilized approximately $6 billion in buybacks and lowered diluted share count by roughly 15%.

    在過去的 1.5 年中,我們利用了大約 60 億美元的回購資金,並將稀釋後的股票數量減少了大約 15%。

  • I believe this demonstrates our continued commitment to return meaningful cash to our shareholders.


  • Earnings per share was $3.62, which was over our guidance range for the June quarter.

    每股收益為 3.62 美元,超出了我們對 6 月季度的指導範圍。

  • This upside was driven primarily by better gross margin and lower-than-expected operating expenses.


  • Diluted shares per EPS were approximately 154 million shares, which reflects a 5% decrease in quarterly diluted share count since the beginning of the calendar year.

    每股每股收益稀釋後的股票約為 1.54 億股,這反映了自日曆年初以來季度稀釋後的股票數量減少了 5%。

  • The share count includes a dilutive impact of approximately 5 million shares from the 2041 convertible notes.

    股票數量包括來自 2041 年可轉換票據的約 500 萬股的攤薄影響。

  • The dilution schedules for the remaining 2041 converts is available on our Investor Relations website for your reference.

    剩餘 2041 次轉換的稀釋時間表可在我們的投資者關係網站上獲取,供您參考。

  • Let me now move to the balance sheet.


  • Our cash and short-term investments, including restricted cash, decreased in the June quarter to $5.7 billion from $6.4 billion in the March quarter.

    我們的現金和短期投資(包括受限現金)在 6 月季度從 3 月季度的 64 億美元減少至 57 億美元。

  • The decrease is mainly due to the capital return activities within the quarter, offset by strong cash generation from operations of $880 million.

    減少的主要原因是本季度的資本回報活動,但被 8.8 億美元的運營現金產生的強勁所抵消。

  • This is the second consecutive quarter where we had cash from operations in the $900 million range.

    這是我們連續第二個季度從運營中獲得 9 億美元的現金。

  • DSO decreased by 5 days to 56 days.

    DSO 減少 5 天至 56 天。

  • Our inventory balance decreased by $82 million.

    我們的庫存餘額減少了 8200 萬美元。

  • Inventory turns remained at industry-leading levels, coming in at 3.3x.

    庫存周轉率保持在行業領先水平,達到 3.3 倍。

  • Company noncash expenses included approximately $45 million for equity comp, $47 million for depreciation and $18 million for amortization.

    公司非現金支出包括大約 4500 萬美元的股權補償、4700 萬美元的折舊和 1800 萬美元的攤銷。

  • Amortization was down from last quarter by 50% as a portion of the intangibles from the Novellus acquisition have now fully amortized.

    由於收購 Novellus 的部分無形資產現已完全攤銷,攤銷比上一季度下降了 50%。

  • Capital expenditures were $66 million in the quarter, which was a slight decrease from the $76 million that we saw in March.

    本季度的資本支出為 6600 萬美元,與 3 月份的 7600 萬美元相比略有下降。

  • The June quarter ended with approximately 10,700 regular full-time employees, which is down somewhat from the prior quarter.

    六月季度結束時約有 10,700 名正式全職員工,與上一季度相比有所下降。

  • Additionally, I'd like to remind you that we used temporary labor as part of our operating model.


  • We have reduced this temporary labor by almost 40%, or [700] (added by company after the call) head count in the last year.

    去年,我們已將這種臨時勞動力減少了近 40%,即 [700](由公司在電話會議後添加)人數。

  • This flexibility is a critical part of our operating model, enabling us to deliver sustainable operating profits during a time of reduced revenue levels.


  • So now looking ahead, I'd like to provide our non-GAAP guidance for the September 2019 quarter.

    所以現在展望未來,我想提供我們對 2019 年 9 月季度的非 GAAP 指導。

  • We are expecting revenue of $2.150 billion, plus or minus $150 million; gross margin of 45%, plus or minus 1 percentage point; operating margin of 24.5%, plus or minus 1 percentage point; and finally, earnings per share of $3, plus or minus $0.20, based on a share count of approximately 150 million shares.

    我們預計收入為 21.5 億美元,上下浮動 1.5 億美元;毛利率45%,上下1個百分點;營業利潤率為 24.5%,上下浮動 1 個百分點;最後,每股收益為 3 美元,正負 0.20 美元,基於大約 1.5 億股的股票數量。

  • Before closing my scripted remarks, I'd like to reiterate some of the tone that Tim shared in his script.


  • We continue to not see a recovery in Memory spending, which is our strongest market for 2019.

    我們仍然看不到內存支出的複蘇,這是我們 2019 年最強勁的市場。

  • We do observe dynamics in those markets, however, that are positive signs.


  • Some examples of these signs are demand elasticity, pricing trends and management of factory utilization to bring inventory down.


  • We are tracking a double-digit number of new fabs ready to receive equipment shipments during this year and we see plans for that to happen again next year.


  • We continue to believe, as a result, that 2020 sets up as a better year than 2019.

    因此,我們仍然相信,2020 年將比 2019 年更好。

  • Operator, that concludes my prepared remarks.


  • Tim and I would now like to open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • .


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll take are our first question from Harlan Sur with JPMorgan.

    (操作員說明)我們將回答來自摩根大通的 Harlan Sur 的第一個問題。

  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • A quarter ago, the supply side situation in Memory was one of disciplined spending and sort of reining in supply.


  • It was really the demand side that was still uncertain but just even over the past few weeks it seems that the demand side is starting to materialize here in the second half of this year, PC market looking seasonally stronger, cloud spending set to accelerate this quarter and you even have several big sort of AI in deep learning programs that are starting to fire.


  • Your customers are also talking about inventory starting to come down.


  • So is the Lam team feeling more confident, and more importantly, are your customers feeling more confident about the prospects for a healthier market environment exiting this year, relative to 3 months or 6 months ago?

    那麼,相對於 3 個月或 6 個月前,Lam 團隊是否更有信心,更重要的是,您的客戶是否對今年退出的更健康市場環境的前景更有信心?

  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • Harlan, I'll take that and then Doug can add what he would like to.

    Harlan,我會接受,然後 Doug 可以添加他想要添加的內容。

  • Clearly, I maybe -- I walk you back since you kind of sets us as a baseline 3 or 6 months ago.

    顯然,我可能會 - 我會帶你回去,因為你在 3 或 6 個月前將我們設定為基線。

  • The very first call of this year, we laid out a view that Memory spending really wouldn't recover for this entire year.


  • You just heard Doug kind of reiterate that again.


  • But that didn't mean that through the year, we wouldn't see progress.


  • Progress in sentiment, progress in both the supply side and maybe the demand side.


  • And so I guess what I would say is, incrementally, you are hearing commentary about the demand side.


  • I talked about elasticity.


  • You've heard that also from some others even closer to those markets than us.


  • So I think that you're starting to see some sentiment in NAND that is -- are positive signs.

    所以我認為你開始在 NAND 中看到一些情緒,這是積極的跡象。

  • Back 6 months ago, we also said that given the timing in which NAND corrected versus DRAM, but NAND corrected earlier, and therefore would be likely the first market where we would see end demand increases as well as pricing and market improvements.

    回到 6 個月前,我們還說過,鑑於 NAND 與 DRAM 相比修正的時機,但 NAND 更早修正,因此很可能是我們看到最終需求增加以及定價和市場改善的第一個市場。

  • What we've tried not to do, and it's just challenging given the uncertainty in the market is, pin down exactly when that happened.


  • So we have put an end year supply growth rate number out there which was, we said on the last call and we reiterate now, in the range of about 30% supply growth for NAND as we exit the year.

    因此,我們已經公佈了年底供應增長率數字,我們在上次電話會議上說過,我們現在重申,隨著我們今年退出,NAND 供應增長率約為 30%。

  • And that's about 10 points below what Lam sees as long-term demand growth.

    這比 Lam 認為的長期需求增長低了約 10 個百分點。

  • And so, again, what we said is, at that point, it feels like the market will have tightened and investment could return.


  • But obviously, pinning that exact timing is challenging.


  • I feel like the year, in terms of supply improvement, demand improvement discipline is playing out very close to what we thought it would, with a whole lot of moving parts, but in general, and as I said directionally, very much likely we thought at the beginning of the year.


  • I don't know if Doug has anything to add.


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • No.


  • Perfect, Tim.


  • I don't really have anything to add.


  • You're starting to see, Harlan, you alluded to it, some of the early indications that the market is getting healthier, is turning.


  • And inevitably, I think we all know it's a question of when, not an if, that Memory spending will recover and that continues to be how we see it.


  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then on the heavier China domestic mix, just given the continued trade tensions, U.S. and China, which is actually motivating a number of the China-based companies to bring in more chip design domestically, especially given some of the recent component bans and the delist additions.


  • Have you guys seen an increase in dialogue or programs that suggest a step up on China domestic activities to accelerate their semiconductor manufacturing capabilities?


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • I think it's hard to say, to tie one directly to the other.


  • What we said as we came into this year is that China domestic spending would be stronger this year than last year.


  • And I would say that, at this point in the year, we feel maybe it's even somewhat stronger than that.


  • And so demand from domestic China or indigenous Chinese customers is strong, as Doug pointed out.

    正如 Doug 指出的那樣,中國國內或中國本土客戶的需求強勁。

  • I think to this point of exactly what's driving that, I think there is obviously long-term demand and a long-term desire to build more domestic capability.


  • When I think about China, it's -- the biggest challenge for us really is the uncertainty that a lot of the trade discussions, probably put not only the investment plans of indigenous Chinese customers, but also in the global players who are a little less certain about how those issues might play into the demand environment.


  • So we're just trying -- we're managing through this.


  • We've said our position in China is strong from a market share perspective and I think as you start to see some of the indigenous Chinese customers move into Memory, I would assume that our market share position should get even stronger.


  • So it's an important region for us, but we track what's going on there closely and manage it as we see best.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Toshiya Hari with Goldman Sachs.

    我們將與高盛一起前往 Toshiya Hari。

  • Toshiya Hari - MD

    Toshiya Hari - MD

  • Tim, you talked a little bit about your focus on addressing semi-critical applications in your prepared remarks.


  • And I think you threw out an example in conductor etch where you managed to have some wins in the quarter.


  • Just curious, to semi-critical applications in general, how meaningful is that part of the market as a percentage of etch and deposition?


  • Where is your market share today?


  • And how do you see that evolving over the next couple of years?


  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • That's a great question.


  • In fact, we said last time that as we move through the year and perhaps our Investor Day when we hold it next, we might break out a little bit more detail on the size of semi-critical as a percentage of our total, so we're not prepared to do that today.


  • But it is -- the semi-critical is a meaningful part of the etch market.


  • In terms of -- but I think it's also important and I really want to make sure that the message doesn't get lost.

    就-- 但我認為這也很重要,我真的想確保信息不會丟失。

  • Our core strength, our core business is the critical market, but if you have ambitions to grow and outperform the industry in the long-term, you have to also be competitive in semi-critical.


  • And so I think that we look at our performance in the last quarter, I didn't talk about it, but we successfully defended critical positions in all markets in the last quarter.


  • And so that was a statement, and that's kind of how we go every quarter, thinking we have to get done, is defend our critical positions.


  • Where we have the opportunity to grow is by taking semi-critical positions away from the competition.


  • There, the defining factor is much more about productivity.


  • As I think I mentioned in the last call, or at least in one of our conferences, productivity is something that the company knows how to do by learning from what has been done for a long time on the deposition side, where I would say a larger fraction of the market exists within the semi-critical space.


  • And so what we tried to highlight in the prepared remarks today is refocusing some of our efforts to ensuring that our productivity, that we're delivering to customers is best-in-class, can yield wins for Lam in the semi-critical etch space.

    因此,我們今天在準備好的評論中試圖強調的是,我們將重新集中精力,以確保我們為客戶提供的生產力是一流的,能夠在半臨界蝕刻領域為 Lam 帶來勝利.

  • We gave you examples both in the conductor etch space as well as the dielectric etch space.


  • And so obviously that's -- can be interpreted as against 2 different competitors.

    很明顯,這 - 可以解釋為針對 2 個不同的競爭對手。

  • So I think we're making progress there.


  • I think just stay tuned and we'll continue to report how we're doing against those efforts.


  • Toshiya Hari - MD

    Toshiya Hari - MD

  • Got it.


  • And then as a follow-up, I was hoping to get an update on how you guys view EUV.

    然後作為後續行動,我希望能獲得關於你們如何看待 EUV 的最新信息。

  • How fast -- or how slow, rather, the technology is progressing on the Foundry and Logic side?

    Foundry 和 Logic 方面的技術進步有多快——或者說有多慢?

  • How you see that impacting your business into 2020?

    您如何看待這對您的業務到 2020 年的影響?

  • And then more specifically, I guess one of your customers recently sort of talked about potentially inserting EUV on the DRAM side of their business at the 1Z nanometer node.

    然後更具體地說,我猜您的一位客戶最近談到了可能在 1Z 納米節點的業務的 DRAM 端插入 EUV。

  • How do you see that evolving over the next 12 to 18 months?

    您如何看待未來 12 到 18 個月的發展?

  • And how that could impact your business?


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure.


  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • It's funny, it's maybe I'll just come out with a very clear statement at the beginning because we get asked, when the EUV question gets asked, it's often, at least I interpret it as kind of like, is this going to have a negative impact on Lam's business.

    很有趣,也許我會在一開始就提出一個非常明確的聲明,因為我們被問到,當 EUV 問題被問到時,通常,至少我將其解釋為,這是否會有一個對林的業務造成負面影響。

  • And so I guess what I'd like to start just by saying is, at this point, we view Lam -- EUV as being good for Lam.

    所以我想我首先想說的是,在這一點上,我們認為 Lam - EUV 對 Lam 有好處。

  • And maybe I'll just run you through a couple of reasons for that.


  • I mean, we're aligned with this idea which is I think is held be many of our customers, that EUV is part of the answer to cost-effective scaling.

    我的意思是,我們與這個想法保持一致,我認為這是我們的許多客戶所持有的,即 EUV 是成本效益擴展的答案的一部分。

  • And cost-effective scaling is what's needed for new technology nodes.


  • New nodes are important to Lam, as you can guess.

    正如您可以猜到的,新節點對 Lam 很重要。

  • I just said our critical application business is the core of our business.


  • Critical applications, kind of new ones get created when technology advances from node to node, and so that's part of our growth strategy, is to continue to win the next critical applications are being developed.


  • New nodes also create SAM expansion opportunities for Lam.

    新節點也為 Lam 創造了 SAM 擴展機會。

  • When there's a new node, I mean there's new materials and new architectures where Lam can use etch and deposition more effectively.

    當有一個新節點時,我的意思是有新材料和新架構,Lam 可以更有效地使用蝕刻和沈積。

  • We win new positions.


  • And in terms of a negative impact, I mean multiple patterning, we've said also very clearly, continues to grow with more EUV.

    就負面影響而言,我的意思是多重圖案化,我們也非常清楚地說過,隨著更多的 EUV 繼續增長。

  • We've said obviously, it doesn't grow, multiple pattern, it doesn't grow as fast as if EUV doesn't exist.

    很明顯,我們已經說過,它不會增長,多重模式,它不會像 EUV 不存在一樣快速增長。

  • But again, our view is that's one of those hypothetical futures that it's hard to say exactly how many wafers will get produced in the future, if future nodes' without EV.

    但同樣,我們的觀點是,如果未來的節點沒有 EV,那麼很難確切地說未來會生產多少晶圓,這是假設的未來之一。

  • So it's a long way of saying I think EUV, in total, is good for Lam.

    所以說我認為 EUV 總體上對 Lam 有好處是很長的一段路要走。

  • Now I also said, I think on our last call, that EUV is a big technology transition and you kind of pointed out the speed with which it gets introduced has a lot to do with productivity.

    現在我還說,我認為在我們上次的電話會議上,EUV 是一項重大的技術轉型,你有點指出它的引入速度與生產力有很大關係。

  • And we think that Lam has a significant role that we can play in helping improve by using etching deposition, we can improve the productivity over the patterning module as a whole.

    而且我們認為 Lam 在通過使用蝕刻沉積幫助改進方面發揮了重要作用,我們可以提高整個圖案化模塊的生產力。

  • And if we can do that, then it creates new opportunities for etch and deposition and we're partnering with ASML on those opportunities and I think we -- it's a big area of focus for us.

    如果我們能做到這一點,那麼它就會為蝕刻和沈積創造新的機會,我們正在與 ASML 合作開發這些機會,我認為我們 - 這是我們關注的一個重要領域。

  • Specifically to your question like or introduction in Logic and Foundry, I think our view is consistent with industry consensus.

    具體到你在 Logic and Foundry 之類的問題或介紹,我認為我們的觀點與行業共識是一致的。

  • So I don't have a lot to say there.


  • Around the question of 1Z insertion, again, I think you know probably what has been said.

    關於 1Z 插入的問題,我想你大概知道已經說了些什麼。

  • It's clearly not the general consensus that DRAM and D1Z will commonly use EUV.

    DRAM 和 D1Z 會普遍使用 EUV 顯然不是普遍共識。

  • I mean, it's a node where people are talk -- at least 1 customer, as you said, is talking about putting it in kind of as maybe the learning node.


  • But I think that I don't have anything else to add to it than that.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to John Pitzer with Crédit Suisse.

    我們將與 Crédit Suisse 一起前往 John Pitzer。

  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • Tim, at least by our math, if you kind of look at kind of your June shipments into the Memory market, they're down about 50% plus or minus from sort of peak, but they're still up if you look at -- you're almost 50% from sort of the 2014 to 2016 average, and there's been a lot that's going on with capital intensity, your SAM expansion, market share gains.

    蒂姆,至少根據我們的數學,如果你看看你 6 月份進入內存市場的出貨量,它們比峰值下降了大約 50% 上下,但如果你看一下,它們仍然會上漲 - - 與 2014 年至 2016 年的平均水平相比,您幾乎是 50%,而且資本密集度、您的 SAM 擴張、市場份額增加等方面發生了很多變化。

  • You guys have been very clear about not calling a recovery in Memory, but I'm kind of curious, how do you think about the current level of spending relative to prior troughs in Memory spending when you adjust for capital intensity going up, SAM growth, market share, do you feel like we're bouncing along a bottom here in Memory?

    你們一直很清楚不稱內存復甦,但我有點好奇,當您調整資本密集度上升、SAM 增長時,您如何看待當前的支出水平與之前的內存支出低谷相比,市場份額,你覺得我們在記憶中的底部反彈了嗎?

  • Or how should we think about that?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • I mean the one thing I would suggest, I would say, and we've been saying this all year is, when I look at the spending in Memory this year, it is almost entirely allocated to conversion-related investments, right?


  • Which is always a cost-effective thing for the customer base to do, it lowers cost per bit.


  • I don't know that I would say, it's a maintenance level or it's a bottom level, John.


  • But it's always something that economically is it makes sense for the customer to do it.


  • And that's pretty much what we're seeing happening this year.


  • And your observation about SAM intensity, capital intensity going up and all of that is absolutely valid.

    您對 SAM 強度、資本強度上升以及所有這些的觀察是絕對有效的。

  • It's gotten more expensive to put wafers in place because complexity of architectures have grown.


  • Obviously, that's part of the calculus as well.


  • I don't know, anything to add, Tim?


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes, no.


  • I think in terms of, especially etch and depth intensity has changed in a pretty dramatic way since, what's the time?


  • I agree with everything that Doug said.


  • Our comments are, have been, we're clearly at a point where we believe that supply growth spending is insufficient to meet long-term demand growth.


  • So however you want to call that, Doug, bottom or trough, as Doug said, we don't really want to do that but it's, this feels like the majority of investment is really around technology at this point.


  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • That's helpful.


  • And then as my follow-up, I was wondering if you can just give us update on kind of your view of the service business for this year, especially in lieu of sort of the some of the utilization cuts we've seen from your customers.


  • I know the installed base is growing, which will give a tailwind to service, but is that still expected to grow?


  • And as you answer the question, one of your customers, with the power outage this quarter, what kind of impact might that have had either on the services or quite frankly, in the shipment business?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes, John, it's Doug again.


  • Yes, I still expect our installed base business to grow this year.


  • And again, your observation is absolutely right.


  • This business will ebb and flow somewhat with industry overall utilization.


  • And I think it's pretty well understood that some of the Memory -- some of our Memory customers are reducing utilization to a certain extent, including from a power outage.


  • And so as a result of that, things like spares consumption will decrease for a period of time, but this business will still grow this year.


  • And it grows along with growth and chamber count.


  • And as we've been saying, even though WFE is down so much, chamber count will still grow this year.

    正如我們一直在說的那樣,即使 WFE 下降了這麼多,今年的會議室數量仍然會增長。

  • So the tailwind of the business over the next several years continues to be pretty good.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Timothy Arcuri with UBS.

    我們將回答瑞銀的蒂莫西·阿庫裡(Timothy Arcuri)的下一個問題。

  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • Doug, I guess both of my questions are for you.


  • The first one is, I'm wondering if you can update us on the comments you gave I think on second half versus first half loading?


  • Obviously, your full year WFE has not changed, but the mix has changed a little bit.

    顯然,您的全年 WFE 沒有改變,但組合發生了一些變化。

  • It seems like maybe a little bit less in your favor.


  • So can you update us on the second half versus first half of this year?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes.


  • Tim, you're right, the puts and takes.


  • We're still suggesting WFE this year is down mid- to high teens.

    我們仍然建議今年的 WFE 處於中高水平。

  • And within that, there are puts and takes.


  • Memory is somewhat softer than we were describing a quarter ago, and Foundry is a little bit stronger.

    內存比我們四分之一前描述的要軟一些,而 Foundry 則要強一些。

  • Maybe a decent amount stronger.


  • And when I look at the profile of that investment, the spending in Memory is somewhat first half weighted.


  • The spending in Foundry and Logic is somewhat second half weighted.

    Foundry 和 Logic 的支出在下半年有所加權。

  • And when you put it all together, I think WFE this year will be a little bit weighted to the second half.

    當你把這一切放在一起時,我認為今年的 WFE 將有點偏重於下半年。

  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • I guess Doug, I was more talking about your shipments but I think you had previously guided your shipments or your revenue second half versus first half, so I'm wondering if you can update that?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • No.


  • We've never guided revenue half on half.


  • We've always, and maybe I was misinterpreted talking about WFE.

    我們一直,也許我在談論 WFE 時被誤解了。

  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • Okay.


  • Awesome.


  • Okay.


  • And then I guess my second question, Doug is, you're doing $12 annualized in a pretty nasty Memory cycle, systems for Memory are cut in half and total system shipments are down somewhere in the range of 40% from the peak.

    然後我想我的第二個問題,Doug 是,在一個非常糟糕的內存週期中,你每年的收入是 12 美元,內存系統減少了一半,系統總出貨量比峰值下降了 40% 左右。

  • Obviously, it's much down than really anything in the past.


  • So I guess the question is, how do you think about how to optimize the capital structure in the balance sheet as you come out of this?


  • You have bought back a ton of stock, but I'm wondering how you think about the right balance sheet leverage targets as you look out over the next few years?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes, Tim, I mean, I haven't communicated a numeric target for leverage or total cash or anything like that.


  • But if you look at what we've done over the last several years, I think we've had an inclination to provide meaningful cash back to shareholders.


  • The cash generation capability of the business continues to be amazingly strong, right?


  • We're coming off 2 quarters now of nearly 900 -- or approximately $900 million from operational cash flow, so our confidence in the ability to sustain cash generation is obviously much higher.

    我們現在已經從近 900 個季度中減少了兩個季度——或大約 9 億美元的運營現金流,因此我們對維持現金產生能力的信心顯然要高得多。

  • And if you look at a metric like net cash, it's also why we've been comfortable bringing that down.


  • And we've done that through raising a little bit of debt and consuming the cash, by both dividends and more towards share buyback.


  • At some point we'll probably have an investor event again and talk a little bit more about it, but I'm not ready to change what we've described in the past which has been, we're going to return at least 50% of free cash flow to shareholders.

    在某個時候,我們可能會再次舉辦投資者活動並多談一點,但我還沒有準備好改變我們過去所描述的,我們將至少返回 50股東自由現金流的百分比。

  • And what you've seen us do is a whole lot more than that over the last several years.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to CJ Muse with Evercore ISI.

    我們將與 Evercore ISI 一起去 CJ Muse 旁邊。

  • Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • I guess first question, can you speak to, on both Foundry, Logic side, your revenue intensity at the 16, 14, 10 nodes, and how we think about share gains and/or greater opportunities for you as we migrate down to 7 and 5?

    我想第一個問題,您能否談談在 Foundry、Logic 方面,您在 16、14、10 節點上的收入強度,以及我們如何考慮共享收益和/或在我們遷移到 7 和5?

  • And if there's any way to kind of quantify what the incremental revenues per wafer start or any sort of math like that, that will be very helpful.


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • CJ, I'm going to let Tim actually talk about the direction.


  • We haven't quantified it.


  • And we're not ready to do that on the call, but Tim is pretty well versed in the trajectory.


  • So if you can cover that.


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Good, they took the numbers off the table for me, but I think, maybe the first thing we we've said and we feel quite confident is, in kind of the Logic, Foundry world, our share gains for a variety of reasons, both through wins but also new applications that we've gained our share gains, are gains between 10, 7 and 5. And so we feel quite confident that part of that is intensity in etching deposition, part of that is new applications that created, get created, it's new processes.

    很好,他們為我取消了數字,但我認為,也許我們所說的第一件事,我們感到非常有信心的是,在邏輯,鑄造世界,我們的份額因各種原因而增加,無論是通過勝利還是我們獲得份額收益的新應用,收益在 10、7 和 5 之間。因此我們非常有信心,其中一部分是蝕刻沉積的強度,一部分是創造的新應用,被創造出來,它是新的過程。

  • And so while we haven't quantified it, I would say that, as I said in my EUV commentary, every technology transition is an opportunity for us to gain new applications and gain share.

    因此,雖然我們沒有對其進行量化,但我想說,正如我在 EUV 評論中所說,每一次技術轉型都是我們獲得新應用和獲得份額的機會。

  • We feel really good about the progress we've made.


  • It sometimes get lost in the -- in this overlying story about memory and memory spending and how much impact it has on our business, but we're feeling quite good about our momentum in Logic and Foundry, both.

    它有時會迷失在這個關於內存和內存支出以及它對我們業務有多大影響的重疊故事中,但我們對我們在 Logic 和 Foundry 的發展勢頭感到非常滿意。

  • Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • And as my follow-up, any update on your self-cleaning etch offering?


  • I'd love to hear about the Kiyo module coupled with Corvus.

    我很想听聽 Kiyo 模塊與 Corvus 的結合。

  • Anything you can share with us would be great.


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Well, I'm not sure I can share with you other than it continues to progress in the marketplace.


  • It's, again, when I talked about semi-critical applications where customers are really focused on trying to optimize the productivity of existing fabs.


  • And 1 element to productivity of fab is how often you have to actually have technicians or people going and doing maintenance on tools.


  • And the Kiyo product with the Corvus R, the self-maintaining tool, is part of that answer.

    帶有自我維護工具 Corvus R 的 Kiyo 產品就是答案的一部分。

  • Now, obviously, there's not a lot of spending going on in some of those segments but we feel this is another example of where we've introduced the right product, that one spending recovers in the Memory market, they should be perfectly targeted to the types of tools that customers want to put in to all those new fabs they're building right now.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Krish Sankar with Cowen and Company.

    我們將與 Cowen and Company 一起前往 Krish Sankar。

  • Krish Sankar - Former Director

    Krish Sankar - Former Director

  • I have 2 of them.

    我有 2 個。

  • First one for Tim, one of the things I've been hearing is that actually go to higher and higher layers in 3D NAND, the process time for etch keeps going up.

    第一個是 Tim,我一直聽到的一件事是,實際上 3D NAND 的層數越來越高,蝕刻的工藝時間不斷增加。

  • Is there a way to quantify in either absolute minutes or relative to prior nodes, what kind of increase in process times are we talking about and what does it mean for Lam?

    有沒有辦法以絕對分鐘或相對於先前節點進行量化,我們正在談論什麼樣的處理時間增加,這對 Lam 意味著什麼?

  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Well, I don't think that we're going to quantify that because it's kind of a competitive piece of information that we wouldn't want to divulge here, but it does, I mean to your point, it takes a longer time to etch higher aspect ratio features and I think that it's relatively well known that, that increase is nonlinear with the number of layers, meaning the etch becomes longer nonlinearly with the number of layers that are being created.


  • And that's simply due to the etch process physics themselves, physics and chemistry.


  • And so more layers has a positive impact on -- for Lam on the number of etch tools that are required to accomplish that etch.

    因此,對於 Lam 來說,更多的層對完成蝕刻所需的蝕刻工具的數量產生了積極的影響。

  • Now what I would say is that there's a constant battle, I mean, to keep the cost of ownership reasonable for customers, we're continuously working on productivity of every etch we deliver to the customer, including critical etches like the whole -- the 3D whole etch.

    現在我要說的是,我的意思是,為了保持對客戶合理的擁有成本,我們一直在努力提高我們交付給客戶的每一次蝕刻的生產力,包括像整體這樣的關鍵蝕刻—— 3D 整體蝕刻。

  • So not prepared to quantify today, but it is a positive grower for us.


  • Krish Sankar - Former Director

    Krish Sankar - Former Director

  • Got it.


  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • And then as a follow-up, Tim.


  • When you start gaining more share, refocus more on the semi-critical etch applications, how should we think about the margin structure, because it seems like productivity is key in this segment.


  • Is productivity a euphemism for lower price?


  • Or just trying to figure out how to think about margins and you get more share in semi-critical etch?


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • No.


  • Definitely in my mind, it's not a euphemism for lower price.


  • Productivity is, in many ways, is much of a technology challenge as any other.


  • And so we're attacking productivity, we are attacking it fundamentally from equipment and hardware and process design in a way that we deliver increased productivity with the cost structure of the tool that allows us to deliver corporate average gross margins for those applications.


  • That's our expectation.


  • And so that sometimes takes time and will require us, in many cases, to think long and hard about how our tools are designed, but that is the expectation that I have for winning in that space.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Weston Twigg with KeyBanc Capital markets.

    我們將在 KeyBanc 資本市場上回答 Weston Twigg 的下一個問題。

  • Weston David Twigg - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Weston David Twigg - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • First, I just wanted to probe a little bit about your comments on 2020.

    首先,我只是想探討一下您對 2020 年的評論。

  • You said you think it's shaping up to be an up year, but I was wondering if you could just walk us a little bit through the puts and takes, maybe both in Memory and Foundry, what it would take be an up year?


  • And sort of what your expectations are regarding those?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes, West.


  • Too soon for us to get into specifics on this.


  • Really the commentary around setting up for a better year next year, it's all about Memory recovering in terms of investment levels.


  • We'll give you more color on it when we get a little closer to next year, and I'm sure a lot's going to move around in there.


  • But as we sit here today and look at the level of investment occurring in Memory and the growth rates of bits exiting the year and whatnot, we believe the level of investment there needs to go up next year, and that's the nature of the comments.


  • Weston David Twigg - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Weston David Twigg - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • That makes sense.


  • I guess related to, you talked about some new wins and focusing on market share gains and SAM expansion, some of the stuff you outlined today, can you help us maybe put some numbers around what -- how much that could expand the opportunity in 2020?

    我想你談到了一些新的勝利,並專注於市場份額的增長和 SAM 的擴張,你今天概述的一些內容,你能幫我們提供一些數字嗎?這可以在 2020 年擴大多少機會?

  • The revenue opportunity deal for you?


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Well I think maybe, kind of no, but you should come back to the -- but you, we're getting closer and closer to our market share targets that we put out for 2021.

    好吧,我想也許,有點不,但你應該回到 - 但是你,我們越來越接近我們為 2021 年制定的市場份額目標。

  • So I guess you can think of these as we've come out and we have said that we would gain 4 to 8 points of share within etch and 4 to 8 points within deposition by 2021.

    所以我想你可以想到這些,因為我們已經出來了,我們已經說過,到 2021 年,我們將在蝕刻中獲得 4 到 8 個份額,在沉積中獲得 4 到 8 個份額。

  • That was our last stated set of objectives.


  • And when you think about progress we already made in our share positioning critical, that's where you move to semi-critical and you say a fair bit of that share gain, 4 to 8 points is going to come from those types of wins.

    當你考慮到我們在關鍵份額定位方面已經取得的進展時,這就是你進入半關鍵的地方,你說份額增長的相當一部分,4 到 8 分將來自這些類型的勝利。

  • That's why what we wanted to highlight today that we feel we're just at the start of making some of the progress towards that type of share gain.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Joe Moore with Morgan Stanley.


  • Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

    Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

  • I wonder if you could talk a little bit more about the strength in the indigenous China spending.


  • How does that break down between Foundry, DRAM, NAND and just generally, your view on the sustainability of that spending into next year?

    在 Foundry、DRAM、NAND 和一般情況下,您對明年這些支出的可持續性的看法是如何分解的?

  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Joe, we described in the past view that plus or minus, there's investment levels of $5 billion from indigenous China relative to WFE this year.

    喬,我們在過去的觀點中描述過,今年相對於 WFE,中國本土的投資水平為 50 億美元。

  • As we look at it now, a little bit stronger than that, quite honestly.


  • The strength is coming from Memory, primarily.


  • And I think you know what's going on.


  • There's several Foundry customers there, the big one is SMIC.

    那裡有幾家 Foundry 客戶,最大的是中芯國際。

  • They continue to be a very important customer for us.


  • You got YMTC investing in NAND and then emerging DRAM investments.

    你讓 YMTC 投資 NAND,然後投資新興 DRAM。

  • The uptick relative to prior communication, I think it's been primarily related to Memory, both a little bit of NAND, a little bit of DRAM.

    相對於之前的通信,我認為這主要與內存有關,包括一點點 NAND,一點點 DRAM。

  • Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

    Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

  • And the majority of the output that they're getting from that spending, I mean, is that something where you could see more kind of a larger capacity as we move forward?


  • Or is it more pilots and kind of getting things figured out?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes.


  • I mean, Joe, I think they're going to continue to keep innovating on the technology, they're going to keep getting better and better at what they do and it wouldn't surprise me if they can continue to invest at higher levels as we go forward.


  • I'm not ready going to quantify it for you, but they're working very, very diligently on innovating the technology.


  • Operator


  • We'll take our next question from Vivek Arya with Bank of America.

    我們將向美國銀行的 Vivek Arya 提出我們的下一個問題。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • I had 2 as well.


  • I wanted to also ask about China.


  • So sales were up 20% in the last fiscal year, non-China was down about that number.

    因此,上一財年的銷售額增長了 20%,而中國以外地區的銷售額則下降了大約這個數字。

  • How do you measure utilization at your customers?


  • Because their purchasing has gone up right around the time when trade tensions have increased.


  • So is there a risk that there have been pull-ins and this becomes an issue later on?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes, Vivek, when I look at it, I don't think there's significant pull-ins occurring in what we're seeing happening.


  • And I say because we sort of knew our customers' plans as the year began.


  • And when I look at it for the most part, they're executing to those plans.


  • It's also important I think to understand that a lot of the investment in China is not indigenous Chinese customers, right?


  • You've got the Koreans building fabs, Taiwanese, U.S. companies.


  • So understand that a broad swathe of the spending in China isn't necessarily the indigenous Chinese customers.


  • That's generally how I see that.


  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Okay.


  • And then for my follow-up, Doug, on gross margins, you are guiding to 45%.

    然後對於我的後續行動,道格,你的毛利率是 45%。

  • And I know you mentioned a few times that mix changes from quarter-to-quarter.


  • What in the mix is driving gross margins lower?


  • Because when I look at the revenue level, it's kind of back to where it was in March 2017.

    因為當我查看收入水平時,它有點回到 2017 年 3 月的水平。

  • But at that time, gross margins were higher.


  • But I recall at that time, Foundry, Logic was a lower part of the mix.

    但我記得當時,Foundry 和 Logic 是組合中的較低部分。

  • So is it Foundry, Logic that has an impact on gross margin?

    那麼是 Foundry、Logic 對毛利率有影響嗎?

  • And I think you also alluded to the fact that you do expect to continue to grow in Foundry, Logic.

    而且我認為您還提到了您確實希望在 Foundry 和 Logic 中繼續增長的事實。

  • So just how should we think about the trajectory of gross margins over the next several quarters?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes, Vivek, I wouldn't assume or you shouldn't assume there's differential gross margin by end of market necessarily, meaning Foundry to Logic to Memory.

    是的,Vivek,我不會假設或者你不應該假設市場結束時毛利率必然存在差異,這意味著從 Foundry 到 Logic 到 Memory。

  • That's not the way it works.


  • Generally, there are, it's what I always say, that the larger customers, because they're buying more, may tend to get a little bit better pricing, simply because they're buying more from us, relative to discounts, sometimes.


  • Not always, but obviously, when you look at revenue down the way it is, that's probably one of the bigger contributors right now.


  • And Tim, would you want to...


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes, no.


  • I think there's a -- you referenced back to a point in 2017.

    我認為有一個——你提到了 2017 年的一個點。

  • We look at those all the time to think about what's different in our business.


  • And what you have to look at is that as we transition through '17, it was a massive growth cycle for us.

    你必須看到的是,當我們過渡到 17 年時,這對我們來說是一個巨大的增長周期。

  • And while we have a very flexible operating model, some of the physical infrastructure that we have to put in place to meet a $3 billion quarterly revenue run rate, some of that physical capacity has not been taken offline and it does affect gross margin to some degree.

    雖然我們有一個非常靈活的運營模式,我們必須建立一些物理基礎設施來滿足 30 億美元的季度收入運行率,但其中一些物理容量還沒有下線,它確實影響了一些人的毛利率程度。

  • Yes, we are confident that, that kind of physical capacity is what's needed to be able to respond when customers do ramp as Memory spending recovers.


  • So flexible operating model, Doug talked about temporary workforce, but in some cases, there were costs put in which are still with us.

    如此靈活的運營模式,Doug 談到了臨時勞動力,但在某些情況下,我們仍然會投入一些成本。

  • Doug, I don't know if you have...


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes.


  • No, perfect.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Patrick Ho with Stifel.

    我們將和 Stifel 一起前往 Patrick Ho。

  • J. Ho - MD of Technology Sector

    J. Ho - MD of Technology Sector

  • Tim, maybe to follow up on your prepared remarks you talked about some of the new emerging technologies such as gate-all-around and the industry transition in DRAM to 1Z and 1A.

    蒂姆,也許是為了跟進你準備好的評論,你談到了一些新興技術,例如環門和 DRAM 到 1Z 和 1A 的行業過渡。

  • On the gate-all-around, given that it's a similar format to FinFET, are there any capital intensity increases for etch and deposition that would benefit you guys when the industry makes (inaudible) because you guys clearly benefit from the transition of FinFET?

    考慮到它與 FinFET 的格式相似,在全柵極方面,蝕刻和沈積是否有任何資本密集度增加,當行業製造(聽不清)時會使你們受益,因為你們明顯受益於 FinFET 的過渡?

  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • I think that, I mean what I was trying to message is that, at almost every node, our customers, the industry has realized that 3D scaling is a key part of the answer, both to device performance as well as cost scaling.

    我認為,我的意思是我試圖傳達的信息是,在幾乎每個節點,我們的客戶,業界已經意識到 3D 縮放是解決方案的關鍵部分,無論是設備性能還是成本縮放。

  • And for us, 3D scaling really means etching deposition intensity tends to increase.

    對我們來說,3D 縮放確實意味著蝕刻沉積強度趨於增加。

  • Obviously, we're still a little ways away, I mean we're highly engaged with 3-nanometer, but final decisions ultimately get made relative to structures and architectures in the future.

    顯然,我們還有一段路要走,我的意思是我們高度參與 3 納米,但最終決定最終會在未來做出與結構和架構相關的決定。

  • But it's really a message around etch and depth intensity to create 3D architectures.

    但這確實是關於創建 3D 架構的蝕刻和深度強度的信息。

  • It's also why I pointed out, in case it was missed, the 3D architecture that's emerging in the heterogeneous integration, or advanced packaging space, which again, is 3D chip stacking and how Lam's etching deposition will play a role in that.

    這也是為什麼我指出,萬一錯過了,異構集成或先進封裝空間中出現的 3D 架構,這又是 3D 芯片堆疊,以及 Lam 的蝕刻沉積將如何在其中發揮作用。

  • So what I was trying to just translate it, I believe that 3D and etching depth intensity kind of is, is fanning out across all device types in the future.

    所以我試圖翻譯它,我相信 3D 和蝕刻深度強度在未來會在所有設備類型中展開。

  • J. Ho - MD of Technology Sector

    J. Ho - MD of Technology Sector

  • Great.


  • And my follow-up question for Doug in terms of the installed base business, that's probably providing you a lot of support this year given the pressures on the systems business.

    就安裝基礎業務而言,我對 Doug 提出了後續問題,鑑於系統業務面臨的壓力,這可能會在今年為您提供很多支持。

  • Can you give a little color if you're seeing a lot of upgrade business for, I guess the trailing edge, the fabs that are trying to upgrade, improve their productivity, is that a key driver to the installed base business?


  • And the strength that you're likely seeing this year?


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • That's certainly a piece of it.


  • In fact, last quarter, record level for our Reliant business, which is our refurbished equipment.

    事實上,上個季度,我們的 Reliant 業務創下了歷史新高,這是我們翻新的設備。

  • So the answer, Patrick, is yes.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Sidney Ho with Deutsche Bank.

    我們將和德意志銀行一起去 Sidney Ho 旁邊。

  • Shek Ming Ho - Director & Senior Analyst

    Shek Ming Ho - Director & Senior Analyst

  • I've got 2 questions on the Memory side.

    我在內存方面有 2 個問題。

  • You talk about NAND to supply growth rate exiting this year at about 30%.

    你談到今年 NAND 的供應增長率約為 30%。

  • Can you give us a sense how you think the CapEx or the equipment spend needed to support say, every 1 percentage point of this supply growth from the current "conversion-only" trough?

    你能告訴我們你認為資本支出或設備支出需要如何支持,比如說,從當前的“僅轉換”低谷開始,這種供應增長的每 1 個百分點?

  • And can you do the same for DRAM?

    你能對 DRAM 做同樣的事情嗎?

  • I guess we have -- you have given us the estimated cost for greenfield fabs before, but just trying to put those pieces of information together.

    我想我們已經 - 您之前已經給了我們新建工廠的估計成本,但只是試圖將這些信息放在一起。

  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • Yes, Sidney.


  • No I don't think we've quantified this in the past.


  • And I don't think we're ready to on the call right now.


  • So I'm going to decline to answer the question.


  • Shek Ming Ho - Director & Senior Analyst

    Shek Ming Ho - Director & Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I'll move on the next one.


  • If I take your reported revenue by end market and compare to what we think the WFE dollars for the various segments, I can see that your share has been moving up steadily across all the different segments in recent years.

    如果我將您報告的最終市場收入與我們認為的各個細分市場的 WFE 美元進行比較,我可以看到您的份額近年來在所有不同細分市場中一直在穩步上升。

  • But the one that stood out to me is NAND, which gets to be pretty high, just take your revenue number, that's probably including services, and divide it by WFE, you get to somewhere around 40% from call it 20%, 25% a few years ago.

    但對我來說最突出的是 NAND,它變得相當高,只需將您的收入數字(可能包括服務)除以 WFE,您可以從 20%、25% 得到大約 40%幾年前。

  • Do you think that number could go higher as the market transitions to higher layer count?


  • I guess this question is whether it's sustainable.


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • Well I guess, as what we've said is that etch and deposition are really key to continued scaling in 3D NAND, and so etch and deposition intensity scales with number of layers.

    好吧,我想,正如我們所說,蝕刻和沈積是 3D NAND 持續縮放的關鍵,因此蝕刻和沈積強度與層數成比例。

  • So from that perspective, measuring share of the customer's total spend on 3D NAND, it will, we do believe it can and will go higher.

    因此,從這個角度來看,衡量客戶在 3D NAND 總支出中的份額,我們相信它可以而且會更高。

  • Operator


  • We'll take our final question from Mitch Steves with RBC Capital Markets.

    我們將回答 RBC Capital Markets 的 Mitch Steves 提出的最後一個問題。

  • Mitchell Toshiro Steves - Analyst

    Mitchell Toshiro Steves - Analyst

  • I just have 1 extra one on kind of focusing on the share gain potential here.


  • So I don't expect you guys to know what exactly what happened to Japan and Korea, but if you look at the etch and deposition tools you guys sell, where do you guys think you have the most opportunity to gain share against Tokyo Electron?


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • I'm not going to get specific, but okay.


  • Well, this is -- look, and this is also why I talk about the importance of performing really well in the semi-critical space.


  • Critical applications, that's the reason we like them, is they're hard to win and it takes often a generation or 2 to sort of prove yourself out.


  • Those are less likely to switch due to some short-term event.


  • Semi-critical or less critical applications are much more driven by can you accomplish that task at a certain targeted productivity point?


  • So I think that there are a number of applications that we would be targeting, where we're highly capable of doing those.


  • And if the customer is motivated to give Lam a try, we're motivated to jump in there and show what we can do.

    如果客戶有動力嘗試 Lam,我們就有動力跳進去展示我們的能力。

  • Mitchell Toshiro Steves - Analyst

    Mitchell Toshiro Steves - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And just one real quick high level one.


  • I don't know the exact math off the top of my head, but roughly speaking, from the last downturn you guys have seen, do you guys see anything irregular in terms of buying patterns?


  • Suggest that people are buying ahead?


  • Or buying additional equipment than normal down cycle?


  • Or do you think this is essentially a normal semi cap cycle that you see in the past?


  • Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

    Timothy M. Archer - President, CEO & Director

  • No.


  • Nothing from my perspective that's out of the ordinary.


  • In fact, that was why I kind of started my comments with.


  • For the most part, given some different puts and takes, the year's playing out not that differently than we had originally thought, from the standpoint of moving through a downcycle in Memory.


  • Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

    Douglas R. Bettinger - Executive VP, CFO & CAO

  • So operator, I think that's the end of the call.


  • If you want to sign us off.


  • Tina Correia - Corporate VP of IR & Corporate Communications

    Tina Correia - Corporate VP of IR & Corporate Communications

  • Thank you, everyone, for joining.


  • Operator


  • Yes, certainly.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
