艾司摩爾 (ASML) 2009 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to the ASML 2009 second quarter results conference call on July 15, 2009.

    歡迎參加 2009 年 7 月 15 日召開的 ASML 2009 年第二季度業績電話會議。

  • Throughout today's introduction all participants will be in listen-only mode.


  • After ASML's introduction there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

    介紹 ASML 之後,將有機會提問。

  • (Operator Instructions) I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr.


  • Craig DeYoung.


  • Go ahead please, sir.


  • Craig DeYoung - VP of IR and Corporate Communications

    Craig DeYoung - VP of IR and Corporate Communications

  • Thank you, operator, and good morning and good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.


  • This is Craig DeYoung, Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications at ASML, and I'd like to welcome you to our investor call and webcast.

    我是 ASML 投資者關係和企業傳播部副總裁 Craig DeYoung,歡迎您參加我們的投資者電話會議和網絡直播。

  • As the operator mentioned, the subject of today's call is, of course, ASML's 2009 second quarter results.

    正如運營商所說,今天電話會議的主題當然是ASML 2009年第二季度的業績。

  • With me today at the SEMICON West venue in San Francisco, and co-hosting today's call is Mr.

    今天和我一起在舊金山的 SEMICON West 會場,共同主持今天的電話會議的是 Mr.

  • Eric Meurice, ASML's CEO, and joining us from our headquarters in Veldhoven, the Netherlands is our CFO Peter Wennink.

    ASML 的首席執行官 Eric Meurice 和我們的首席財務官 Peter Wennink 從我們位於荷蘭 Veldhoven 的總部加入了我們。

  • At this time, I'd like to draw your attention to the Safe Harbor statement contained in today's press release and fourth quarter results presentation, both of which you can find on our webcast at www.asml.com, and which will apply to this call and all associated presentation materials.

    此時,我想提請您注意今天的新聞稿和第四季度業績演示中包含的安全港聲明,您可以在我們的網絡廣播 www.asml.com 上找到這兩項聲明,它們將適用於此電話和所有相關的演示材料。

  • I would remind you that the length of the call will be 60 minutes.

    我想提醒您,通話時間為 60 分鐘。

  • And now, I'd like to turn the call over to Mr.


  • Meurice for a brief introduction.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Thank you, Craig.


  • Good morning, good afternoon.


  • Thank you, everyone, for attending our second quarter results conference call.


  • Peter and I will, as usual, provide an overview and some commentary on the quarter.


  • Peter will start with a review of the Q2 financial performance, and will add some comment on the short term outlook.

    Peter 將首先回顧第二季度的財務業績,並對短期前景發表一些評論。

  • And I will complete this introduction with some further detail on our current position, strategic, how we head towards the end of 2009.

    我將通過進一步詳細介紹我們當前的位置、戰略以及我們如何走向 2009 年底來完成本介紹。

  • Following this introduction we will open up for questions.


  • So, Peter, please if you will.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Thank you, Eric, and welcome to everyone.


  • As usual I would like to take a small amount of time to review some of our -- some of the events of the last quarter as well as some details on our second quarter results.

    像往常一樣,我想花一點時間來回顧一下我們的一些 - 上個季度的一些事件以及我們第二季度業績的一些細節。

  • We closed the second quarter with higher than expected sales.


  • However, they were weak in comparison to this time last year, and also weak compared to what we consider for the coming quarters.


  • Our second quarter sales were above our guided range at EUR277m.

    我們第二季度的銷售額為 2.77 億歐元,高於我們的指導範圍。

  • We shipped a total of 10 systems, four of which were new.

    我們總共運送了 10 個系統,其中四個是新系統。

  • All new tools shipped were immersion systems, causing a new system ASP of EUR31.1m, which is very high.

    出貨的所有新工具都是浸入式系統,導致新系統平均售價達到 3110 萬歐元,非常高。

  • And the ASP of all systems was around EUR18m, but that was helped by the high ASP of new systems of around EUR10m.

    所有系統的平均售價約為 1800 萬歐元,但這得益於新系統約 1000 萬歐元的高平均售價。

  • That was due to the sale of two used immersion tools in the quarter.


  • Our services revenues re-bounded a bit and we reported EUR94m service and field options sales.

    我們的服務收入有所回升,我們報告了 9400 萬歐元的服務和現場選項銷售額。

  • The Company's second quarter gross margin was 12.5% versus 6.7% in Q1, and this reflects an increase in sales from the low first quarter levels.

    公司第二季度的毛利率為 12.5%,而第一季度為 6.7%,這反映出銷售額較第一季度的低水平有所增長。

  • We maintain our focus on R&D with a spend of EUR118m in the second quarter, which is unchanged from Q1.

    我們繼續專注於研發,第二季度支出為 1.18 億歐元,與第一季度持平。

  • And, as predicted, the very weak first half of the year did not impact our cash balance.


  • As a matter of fact we generated cash, and even including our dividend payment we managed to stay virtually even compared to our cash balance at the beginning of the year.


  • Net cash from operations was EUR71m in the quarter.

    本季度來自運營的淨現金為 7100 萬歐元。

  • We ended the second quarter with around EUR1.1b in cash.

    我們以約 1.1b 歐元的現金結束了第二季度。

  • Like I said, cash flow in the first half was impacted by dividend payments of around EUR86m and capital expenditures of EUR87m (sic - see press release), mainly relating to the new manufacturing facilities, which were finalized in the second quarter.

    正如我所說,上半年的現金流受到約 8600 萬歐元的股息支付和 8700 萬歐元的資本支出(原文如此 - 見新聞稿)的影響,主要與第二季度完成的新製造設施有關。

  • As for the outlook Q2 net bookings of 15 systems were valued at close to EUR400m.

    至於展望,15 個系統的第二季度淨預訂價值接近 4 億歐元。

  • Net immersion bookings were 13 systems, and they demonstrated a focus on technology investments.

    淨沉浸式預訂有 13 個系統,它們表現出對技術投資的關注。

  • This bookings level pushed our backlog again over EUR1.1b as of the end of the quarter.

    截至本季度末,這一預訂水平使我們的積壓訂單再次超過 EUR1.1b。

  • The backlog now contains a total of 43 systems, 32 of which are immersion systems.

    積壓現在包含總共 43 個系統,其中 32 個是浸入式系統。

  • And this includes new and used XT immersion systems as well as our newest product the NXT.

    這包括新的和用過的 XT 浸入式系統以及我們的最新產品 NXT。

  • We believe investments in leading edge technologies has resumed in the second quarter, and is indicative of a pattern of technology spend that will result in a minimum quarterly net average sales level of between EUR400m and EUR500m for the next quarters.

    我們認為,對領先技術的投資已在第二季度恢復,這表明技術支出模式將導致未來幾個季度的最低季度淨平均銷售額水平在 4 億至 5 億歐元之間。

  • This range could certainly increase as a result of a need for capacity, in particular for leading edge technologies, triggered by a potential recovery of semiconductor growth, even if this recovery is limited, as there is currently little to no excess capacity at leading edge.


  • We expect Q3 2009 sales to be around EUR450m with a gross margin of about 30%.

    我們預計 2009 年第三季度銷售額約為 4.5 億歐元,毛利率約為 30%。

  • Expenses are expected to decrease to EUR115m for R&D and EUR39m for SG&A.

    預計研發費用將減少至 1.15 億歐元,SG&A 費用將減少至 3900 萬歐元。

  • As previously indicated we manage the company towards breakeven at a quarterly sales level of around EUR450m by the end of this year.

    如前所述,我們管理公司到今年年底實現盈虧平衡,季度銷售額約為 4.5 億歐元。

  • The targeted cost structure will support all of our strategic R&D programs, and allows appropriate upside for sufficient production capacity.


  • Our cash balance in the second half of 2009 is expected to fall moderately below our EUR1b target as we prepare for shipments of the first NXT systems starting in Q3 of this year, and that will accelerate in 2010.

    我們在 2009 年下半年的現金餘額預計將適度低於我們的 1b 歐元目標,因為我們準備在今年第三季度開始發貨第一批 NXT 系統,並且這將在 2010 年加速。

  • As well as we prepare to build EUV systems planned for delivery in the second half of 2010.

    我們還準備構建計劃於 2010 年下半年交付的 EUV 系統。

  • Now all of these products initially carry longer production lead times, which temporarily require more working capital.


  • And now I'd like to turn back it over to Eric, and, Eric, for you more on our strategy for the coming quarters.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Thank you, Peter.


  • So, as Peter said, we are indeed recovering to quarterly sales level which we consider somewhat safe, as these levels are linked to necessary technology transitions buys by our customers, which have to happen even during a tough recession.


  • The question is when the capacity buys will add up, will add up to the current sales, to bring us back to our secular growth trajectory.


  • At this point there are no sustained indications of the world moving out of recession as you know, or of semiconductor units recovering to at least the level of 2008 historical peak.

    如您所知,目前沒有持續的跡象表明世界正在擺脫衰退,或者半導體部門至少恢復到 2008 年曆史峰值的水平。

  • We will have to wait for further signs before being able to forecast such a recovery, which will translate in lithography sales significantly above the current EUR450m level, quarterly level that we are guiding at this moment.

    在能夠預測這種複甦之前,我們將不得不等待進一步的跡象,這將轉化為光刻銷售額大大高於目前 4.5 億歐元的水平,這是我們目前指導的季度水平。

  • We can, however, note a certain number of positive factors.


  • First, the semiconductor industry has significantly shrunk total wafer out capacity, in particular by shutting down all 200mm lines which will not come back, and by transitioning to new technologies on the 300mm, which are much more capital intensive.

    首先,半導體行業已顯著縮減晶圓總產能,特別是通過關閉所有不會恢復生產的 200 毫米生產線,並過渡到資本密集度更高的 300 毫米新技術。

  • So this reduction of capacity makes a return to unit growth translate quickly to capacity buys, in particular, in the leading edge segments.


  • Second point is that the new technologies I am talking about, which comes from this technology transition buy, are necessary for the DRAM, NAND logic sectors and are clearly lithography hungry in numbers of layers, for instance, when using double patterning.

    第二點是,我正在談論的新技術,來自這種技術轉型購買,對於 DRAM、NAND 邏輯部門是必需的,並且顯然在層數上需要光刻技術,例如,在使用雙圖案化時。

  • And they are also lithographic critical in terms of overlay, lens resolution, CD control.

    而且它們在覆蓋、鏡頭分辨率、CD 控制方面也對光刻至關重要。

  • All this allows us to project a very rich mix, product mix, and for high product ASPs.


  • This is the case for the current push by leading DRAM manufacturers to, for instance, DDR3 memory devices, as they provide higher performance, speed and power consumption at lower cost.

    例如,領先的 DRAM 製造商目前正在推動 DDR3 內存設備,因為它們以更低的成本提供更高的性能、速度和功耗。

  • This -- and the need for the -- and the need to differentiate by driving technology even faster to 40 nanometers will support a very healthy high end immersion market in the DRAM business in 2010.

    這——以及對——的需求,以及通過將技術更快地推向 40 納米來實現差異化的需求,將在 2010 年支持 DRAM 業務中非常健康的高端浸入式市場。

  • The NAND flash memory segment, currently ramping 30 nanometer technology will begin preparation of the 20 or 2x node in 2010 to hit the very important $1 per gig target price, a little bit, target price in order to start significant penetration in the laptop computer market, with solid state drive to replace hard disk drive.

    NAND 閃存部分,目前採用 30 納米技術,將在 2010 年開始準備 20 或 2x 節點,以達到非常重要的每千兆美元 1 美元的目標價格,一點點,目標價格,以便開始在筆記本電腦市場的顯著滲透,用固態硬盤取代硬盤驅動器。

  • In the third segment, logic and foundry, growth will be sustained by the current aggressive chip transition to 40 or 45 nanometer nodes, which now represents a significant share of the total business.

    在第三部分,邏輯和代工,增長將通過當前積極的芯片過渡到 40 或 45 納米節點來維持,這現在佔總業務的很大一部分。

  • ASML's strategy and ability to invest heavily in multiple technologies in parallel, namely the XT platform for cost effective solution.

    ASML 的戰略和能力同時大量投資於多種技術,即 XT 平台以提供具有成本效益的解決方案。

  • The -- number two, the NXT platform for critical application with no equivalent performance on the market today announced.

    第二,今天宣布推出市場上沒有同等性能的用於關鍵應用程序的 NXT 平台。

  • Number three, a suite of litho enablers called holistic lithography.


  • And number four, the next generation EUV technology.

    第四,下一代 EUV 技術。

  • All these -- the four efforts that we are doing in R&D is starting to show its strategic value, as the current technology transition have to rely on the most aggressive technologies and can no longer be compromised.


  • In summary, we believe that this recession is allowing us to focus on our technology execution for significant market credibility gain, and will allow us enough sales to manage around the breakeven level until our semiconductor customers' own unit demand fires up.


  • So with this Peter and I would be pleased to take your questions thank you.


  • Craig DeYoung - VP of IR and Corporate Communications

    Craig DeYoung - VP of IR and Corporate Communications

  • Thanks, Eric.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, the operator will instruct you momentarily on the protocol for the Q&A session.


  • But before hand I'd like to ask that you kindly limit yourself to one question with one short follow-up if necessary.


  • This will allow us to get as many callers in as possible.


  • Now, operator, if we could have your instructions, and then the first question please.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question comes from Mr.


  • Nicolas Gaudois.


  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Proceed please.


  • Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Hi there, it is UBS.


  • First question is on NAND flash.

    第一個問題是關於 NAND 閃存。

  • You sound a little bit more positive there on, I guess, some of the discussions you've had with at least two key customers on that.


  • And if we look, I guess, at substitution rate in NAND flash being pretty much close to saturation as of now, Intel commenting on solid state drive acceptance yesterday also improving, I guess one could construct that beyond shrink investment there may be requirements for capacity as well coming back next year.

    我猜,如果我們看一下,NAND 閃存的替代率目前已接近飽和,英特爾昨天評論固態驅動器的接受度也在提高,我想人們可以認為,除了縮減投資之外,可能還需要容量以及明年回來。

  • So if you could give us your view on that as a starting point it would be great.


  • I would then have a follow-up for Peter on margins.


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Yes, Nick, thank you for the question.


  • Where we -- if we -- we had to prioritize the segments which have more growth potential at this moment, we would still position DRAM first at this moment.

    我們 - 如果我們 - 我們必須優先考慮目前具有更大增長潛力的細分市場,我們此時仍會將 DRAM 放在首位。

  • There is much more activity in the DRAM sector.

    DRAM 領域的活動要多得多。

  • But closely comment in a sense that there has been a significant over-capacity built up in 2008 or so, and you can see that the market demand has been catching up on this overcapacity, and therefore the main customers are at this moment starting to plan for the restart of their business.


  • But I would guess at this moment most of the shipments that we will do in the next six months will be going to DRAM and logic, and that the flash business will start late into the year, and into 2010.

    但我猜現在我們將在未來六個月內完成的大部分出貨量將用於 DRAM 和邏輯,而閃存業務將在今年晚些時候開始,直到 2010 年。

  • Added to this you are starting to see a conversion discussion of NAND from 30 nanometer which is the current new technology to 20 nanometer which again will start mid-2010.

    除此之外,您還開始看到 NAND 從 30 納米(目前的新技術)到 20 納米(2010 年年中將再次開始)的轉換討論。

  • Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And on the cost side your gross margin guidance for Q3 was probably a touch light versus expectations, if you could clarify the reason for that.


  • And how should we think about gross margins going into the back end of the year towards your breakeven target, in particular as far as variable costs are concerned.


  • Thank you.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, with respect to the third quarter there are two reasons why the gross margin is a touch light, and it has to do with the fact that one, we are still shipping tools out of old inventory, inventory we purchased in 2008.

    是的,就第三季度而言,毛利率微乎其微有兩個原因,這與一個事實有關,我們仍在從舊庫存中運送工具,這是我們在 2008 年購買的庫存。

  • We are only going to replenish that in Q3 for shipment in Q4.


  • So cost reduction of modules and parts will only enter the income statements towards the end of the year.


  • That's one.


  • And number two is the cost reduction initiatives that we have started are going to see effect in Q3, but increasingly in Q4.


  • So those are the two reasons.


  • And that brings us to the point where we will reach that EUR450m breakeven point by the end of the year, which is then your driver, what we call the direct material margin, which is currently just a touch over 55%, which should go to 60%.

    這讓我們到了今年年底將達到 4.5 億歐元盈虧平衡點的地步,這就是你的驅動力,我們稱之為直接材料利潤率,目前剛剛超過 55%,應該去60%。

  • And with our current cost structure of, let's say, EUR275m per quarter you can then calculate that will bring us to breakeven point by the end of the year.

    根據我們目前的成本結構,比方說,每季度 2.75 億歐元,然後您可以計算出這將使我們在年底前達到盈虧平衡點。

  • Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

    Nicolas Gaudois - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Mr.


  • Simon Schafer.


  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Simon Schafer - Analyst

    Simon Schafer - Analyst

  • It's Simon Schafer with Goldman Sachs.

    我是高盛的 Simon Schafer。

  • I was just going back to this question about NAND flash, just wondering what the famous ASML model says about under or overcapacity in that segment, because clearly it seems as if the variability towards the end of the year could be coming from that customer base, and as to whether that supply and demand is more in balance.

    我剛剛回到這個關於 NAND 閃存的問題,只是想知道著名的 ASML 模型對那個部分的產能不足或過剩有什麼看法,因為很明顯,年底的變化似乎可能來自該客戶群,以及供需是否更加平衡。

  • Thank you.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Okay.


  • First of all, thank you very much for calling our model the famous model, which I take it as a compliment.


  • And the famous model, let's say, is basically saying that with the current reduction of capacity in the world because of the retirement of 200mm capacity, as well as the transition to 3x and 4x we estimate the total worldwide capacity between 2008 and currently 2009 to have shrunk by about 20% at this moment.

    而著名的模型,比如說,基本上是說,由於 200 毫米產能的退役以及向 3 倍和 4 倍的過渡,目前全球產能正在減少,我們估計 2008 年至 2009 年之間的全球總產能為此刻已經縮小了約20%。

  • So again the numbers of wafers per month that -- the installed capacity that the world allows is 20% less wafer per month.

    因此,每月的晶圓數量——世界允許的裝機容量每月減少 20%。

  • So that 20% down on capacity is now hitting the demand curve, which is -- has always been sustained.

    因此,現在產能下降 20% 正在觸及需求曲線,這一直是持續的。

  • We estimate, I mean, we think that the demand curve of DRAM has been -- sorry, of flash NAND flash has been about stable-ish to minus 3% to 5% 2009 to 2008.

    我們估計,我的意思是,我們認為 DRAM 的需求曲線 - 抱歉,閃存 NAND 閃存在 2009 年至 2008 年一直穩定在負 3% 至 5% 之間。

  • So this demand has not been shrinking as much as the capacity has, which again leads us to believe that the -- more than that -- this is why we start seeing some activity.


  • But this, again, booking activity is clearly, as I said, not for immediate shipment.


  • So there is not a full urgency.


  • The customers are still willing to wait a bit until they see the famous Christmas season.


  • That will confirm that we are back into a growth situation, which again will lead us to resume shipments into the NAND sector.

    這將證實我們已回到增長狀態,這將再次導致我們恢復向 NAND 領域的出貨量。

  • Simon Schafer - Analyst

    Simon Schafer - Analyst

  • Got it, thanks so much.


  • And my second question would be just on this assumption of the EUR450m I think you are saying is -- or I think you are still characterizing as an investment cycle that is really for technology purchases.

    我的第二個問題只是基於我認為你所說的 4.5 億歐元的假設 - 或者我認為你仍然將其描述為真正用於技術購買的投資週期。

  • And so I was wondering whether that means that your mix is still very much skewed towards immersion deliveries, partly because the NXT is kicking off in Q3.

    所以我想知道這是否意味著您的組合仍然非常傾向於沉浸式交付,部分原因是 NXT 將在第三季度開始。

  • But does that mean that your average selling price can be sustainably as high now, just at least over the near term as it was in Q2.


  • I know that will change once capacity comes back into the picture.


  • But does that mean in the next couple of quarters it stays roughly around the same level, thanks?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Yes, that is correct.


  • Our famous EUR450m level is based on about 10 to 12 machines.

    我們著名的 4.5 億歐元水平是基於大約 10 到 12 台機器。

  • And as you can see you need to be around on average EUR25m to EUR30m to get to this level.

    正如您所見,要達到這個水平,平均需要 2500 萬到 3000 萬歐元。

  • So we do expect this to be sustained.


  • We expect even the ASP to start growing up a bit more as we -- our mix increases in NXT's versus XT.

    我們甚至希望 ASP 開始增長更多,因為我們 - 我們的 NXT 與 XT 的組合增加。

  • The XT ASP, as I said, is EUR25m to EUR30m the NXT will be in the EUR35m to EUR40m.

    正如我所說,XT ASP 為 2500 萬歐元至 3000 萬歐元,NXT 將在 3500 萬歐元至 4000 萬歐元之間。

  • So you will start seeing this ASP going up towards a sort of mix between XTs and NXTs into, I would say, Q4 and Q1, Q2 to next year

    所以你會開始看到這個 ASP 朝著 XT 和 NXT 之間的某種混合方向發展,我會說,Q4 和 Q1,Q2 到明年

  • Simon Schafer - Analyst

    Simon Schafer - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thanks much.


  • Operator


  • Next question if from Mr.


  • Philip Scholte.


  • Please state your name, company, followed by your question.


  • Philip Scholte - Analyst

    Philip Scholte - Analyst

  • Yes, gentlemen, a short follow up on the NAND flash market.

    是的,先生們,關於 NAND 閃存市場的簡短跟進。

  • Does your guidance assume actually that you will see some orders kicking in already in the second half of this year from the NAND flash market, or could that be on top of your current sales guidance?

    您的指導是否實際上假設您會在今年下半年看到一些訂單從 NAND 閃存市場開始,或者這是否會超出您當前的銷售指導?

  • And the second question would be maybe a short indication on longer term margins.


  • If I make the right calculation in terms of your cost savings kicking in I would say that your next cycle peak margins would be close to 30%.

    如果我根據您的成本節省做出正確的計算,我會說您的下一個週期峰值利潤率將接近 30%。

  • Is that something you could confirm?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • I will leave the margin question to Peter.


  • Regarding the bookings, yes, there will be bookings of NAND into the second half.

    關於預訂,是的,下半年會有 NAND 的預訂。

  • Those bookings will translate into sales in 2010.

    這些預訂將轉化為 2010 年的銷售額。

  • And yes, there is potential for upside above EUR450m per quarter on the NAND, but then I would call it capacity drive.

    是的,NAND 有可能每季度超過 4.5 億歐元,但我會稱之為容量驅動。

  • So if I am right and the business recover and goes back to a curve of growth of units in flash then it will add up above EUR450m.

    因此,如果我是對的,並且業務恢復並回到閃存單位增長曲線,那麼它加起來將超過 4.5 億歐元。

  • Peter, regarding margin.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • Clearly the -- what I would say the peak operating margin is, of course, very much dependant on what you believe the peak sales will be.


  • But to make things easier for you, you can do your own calculations.


  • We have a direct material margin target of 60% and we will get there.

    我們的直接材料利潤率目標為 60%,我們會實現的。

  • And so if you take the 60% direct material margin on a sales level that you regard the next peak, then you need to subtract per quarter, and I talk about quarterly cost, between EUR290m to EUR295m of cost per quarter.

    因此,如果你將 60% 的直接材料利潤率放在你認為下一個峰值的銷售水平上,那麼你需要每季度減去,我說的是季度成本,每季度的成本在 2.9 億歐元到 2.95 億歐元之間。

  • And that is true up to and including a sales level of around EUR800m.

    直到並包括約 8 億歐元的銷售額水平都是如此。

  • So when we are at EUR800m, 60% direct material margin between EUR290m, EUR295m cost level and you can make your own calculation which is actually quite easy.

    因此,當我們處於 8 億歐元時,60% 的直接材料利潤在 2.9 億歐元和 2.95 億歐元的成本水平之間,你可以自己計算,這實際上很容易。

  • And how much above the EUR800m you want to go is up to you.

    您想要超出 8 億歐元的多少取決於您。

  • That is your own insight.


  • But then you can use those maths whereby cost levels will go up somewhat above that level, but that will be based on variable cost.


  • So we would need some more people but those would be flex.


  • Now, how do we come to EUR290, EUR295m?

    現在,我們如何得出 290 歐元、2.95 億歐元?

  • We are currently at EUR275m which is just over EUR50m lower than where we were in the second half of 2008.

    我們目前的收入為 2.75 億歐元,比 2008 年下半年的水平低了 5000 萬多歐元。

  • We are focusing -- actually the cost reduction program has now confirmed that we will sustained 75% of that EUR50m per quarter going forward, even at EUR800m sales level, which would then bring our cost level down to that EUR290m maximum, EUR295m level.

    我們正在關注——實際上,成本削減計劃現在已經確認,即使在 8 億歐元的銷售額水平下,我們將在未來每季度維持 5000 萬歐元的 75%,這將使我們的成本水平降至 2.9 億歐元的最大值,即 2.95 億歐元的水平。

  • Now -- and if you run your numbers, and you would take, let's say, a peak sales level that's above EUR4b then you could get to the numbers that you just mentioned, that's pure mathematics.

    現在——如果你運行你的數字,假設你的銷售峰值水平高於 4b 歐元,那麼你可以獲得你剛才提到的數字,這就是純數學。

  • Philip Scholte - Analyst

    Philip Scholte - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Right, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mr.


  • Sandeep Deshpande.


  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Go ahead, sir.


  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • Yes, hi, this is Sandeep Deshpande at JP Morgan.

    是的,嗨,我是摩根大通的 Sandeep Deshpande。

  • Hi, Eric, just a question again regarding your famous model, given that semiconductor -- there is some incredubility among investors whether this semiconductor equipment market itself will grow in the next five years versus the past five years.


  • What does your model says in terms of if the NAND flash market is going to penetrate the notebook as well as server markets, what would be the size of the opportunity for you?

    如果 NAND 閃存市場要滲透到筆記本電腦和服務器市場,您的模型怎麼說,您的機會有多大?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Okay, hi Sandeep.


  • Now we can use the term very famous, because your colleague said famous, now we go up.

    現在我們可以用very famous這個詞,因為你的同事說famous,現在我們上去。

  • And the very famous model is clearly confirming our target sales of EUR5b to say EUR6b in the next three to four years.

    非常有名的模型清楚地確認了我們在未來三到四年內達到 5 億歐元到 6 億歐元的目標銷售額。

  • And this is based on an average semiconductor unit growth of about 8% to 9% per year, so we will have to get back to that.

    這是基於平均每年約 8% 至 9% 的半導體單位增長率,因此我們將不得不回到這一點。

  • And in order to get back to about 8% to 9% if I remember by heart, we had a growth of NAND to be in the, I think it was, 25% to 30%.

    如果我記得的話,為了恢復到大約 8% 到 9%,我們的 NAND 增長了 25% 到 30%。

  • And that would correspond to NAND reaching -- sorry to solid state drive to reaching a total market share of 10% of all laptops.

    這將對應於 NAND 達到 - 抱歉固態驅動器達到所有筆記本電腦的總市場份額的 10%。

  • So if you do that and this happens in the next three to four years, then we get towards our EUR5b to EUR6b sales, which is based on a 70% market share, so you can recreate the total market from there.

    因此,如果您這樣做並且這種情況會在未來三到四年內發生,那麼我們的銷售額將達到 EUR5b 至 EUR6b,這是基於 70% 的市場份額,因此您可以從那裡重建整個市場。

  • So we are doing this simulation on a regular basis based on what we learn from the different technology mix, because as you say the simulation -- as you imagine the simulation tool is as good as the assumptions we've put in technology transition multiplied by the price of each of the tools.


  • And so if you -- what we are -- have today in the next three years or so is a significant growth of technology or double patterning of some sort, whether it is spacer double patterning or more sophisticated double patterning with a big usage of the NXT machine, which is this machine that offers double patterning to an overlay level of 3 nanometer, which is like half of what is happening today.

    因此,如果你——我們是——在未來三年左右的今天,技術或某種雙圖案的顯著增長,無論是間隔雙圖案還是更複雜的雙圖案,大量使用NXT 機器,這種機器可以提供 3 納米重疊水平的雙重圖案,這相當於今天發生的事情的一半。

  • We've confirmed from the customer that double patterning will require such aggressive overlay.


  • We are the only one offering this type of overlay.


  • We therefore believe that we enable the market to do this technology -- aggressive technology, and it reinforces our market share.


  • So in conclusion the simulation tool is always telling us about the same results.


  • If sometimes we change the assumptions on technologies we still come up with the same numbers, because at the end of the day it -- the lithographic is blessed by the fact that this technology transition requires an ASP increase.

    如果有時我們改變對技術的假設,我們仍然會得出相同的數字,因為歸根結底,光刻技術因這種技術轉型需要提高 ASP 而受到祝福。

  • So we are supported all the time by either the units or the ASP.

    所以我們一直得到單位或 ASP 的支持。

  • But to multiply -- if you multiply both you get to about the same level.


  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • Thanks, Eric.


  • Just one follow up, Peter, actually following up from the previous question if you look back at previous cycles for ASML, the cycle -- the two cycles in the 90s saw a peak EBIT margin for the Company at only about 20%, whereas in 90 -- 2007 you saw over 20%, 24% in 2006 EBIT margin.

    彼得,如果你回顧之前的 ASML 週期,這個週期——90 年代的兩個週期,公司的息稅前利潤率峰值僅為 20%,而在90 -- 2007 年你看到超過 20%,2006 年 24% 的息稅前利潤率。

  • Clearly a market share gain related thing associated with your revenues.


  • So when you talk about this 30% EBIT margin you didn't give this figure yourself, but is this because of new cost cuts which you are implementing now or are you talking about that your market share -- it is a function of your market share which will be higher in this -- in the upcoming cycle?

    所以當你談論這個 30% 的息稅前利潤率時,你自己並沒有給出這個數字,但這是因為你現在正在實施新的成本削減,還是你在談論你的市場份額——這是你的市場的一個功能在即將到來的周期中,哪個份額會更高?

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, I think that is -- the latter is certainly true.


  • When you talk about 2006/07 we had between 55% and 60%, I think we are now closer to 70%.

    當你談到 2006/07 年時,我們有 55% 到 60%,我認為我們現在接近 70%。

  • So that is sheer volume.


  • And as you know there is always a high leverage in the income statement.


  • Like I said if we are over our breakeven point then we would have 60% direct material margin.

    就像我說的,如果我們超過了盈虧平衡點,那麼我們將有 60% 的直接材料利潤率。

  • Until the -- we hit the EUR800m per quarter ceiling there is an incremental addition to the operating income line of 60% of every EUR100m, which is EUR60m for every EUR100m that you will add.

    在 - 我們達到每季度 8 億歐元的上限之前,每 1 億歐元的 60% 的營業收入線都會增加,即每增加 1 億歐元就增加 6000 萬歐元。

  • So that goes quick.


  • So I think pure sales volume will indeed help, and it will be driven by what Eric said, the growth of the market and our 70% market share as compared to the previous cycle where it was indeed lower.

    所以我認為純銷量確實會有所幫助,這將受到埃里克所說的市場增長和我們 70% 的市場份額的推動,而上一個週期確實較低。

  • That is a big driver.


  • The other driver is the cost structure.


  • I think we are focusing on the 60% direct material margin which we were not at in previous cycles.

    我認為我們關注的是 60% 的直接材料利潤率,這在之前的周期中是沒有的。

  • Also the addition of more software related products driven by solutions we have in the holistic lithography space will also help.


  • And those three things, so basically the new suite of products with more software-like margins, cost reductions that will come through plus the market share are drivers for the higher EBIT and EBIT margin as compared to the previous cycle.


  • Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

    Sandeep Deshpande - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot, Peter.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Mrs.


  • Mehdi Hosseini.


  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • It's actually Mr.


  • I have a question going back to your model, and I apologize if I am repeating the question, I joined in late.


  • With migration to 2x node for flash what kind of dollars of CapEx are we looking at?

    隨著閃存遷移到 2x 節點,我們正在尋找什麼樣的資本支出?

  • And I would also like to ask the same question about DRAM.

    我也想問同樣的關於 DRAM 的問題。

  • I do understand the $5b to $6b revenue opportunity several years from now.

    我確實了解幾年後 $5b 到 $6b 的收入機會。

  • But what happens with the flash and DRAM spending over the next 12 to 18 months?

    但未來 12 到 18 個月閃存和 DRAM 支出會怎樣?

  • Any color would be appreciated.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • You take me a bit aback, because I will have to answer you a bit scientifically, understanding or reminding myself of all those numbers.


  • I guess that in our model we probably have, I think, total conversion to another technology is probably in the order -- in flash is in the order of EUR1b to EUR1.5b.

    我想在我們的模型中,我認為,完全轉換到另一種技術的順序可能是——在閃存中,大約是 EUR1b 到 EUR1.5b。

  • But to be honest I would have to confirm that to you, I don't want to give you wrong numbers.


  • We are very disciplined as to what we call technology transitions which we define a certain way.


  • And then on top of that you have capacity adders.


  • So I have to be cautious that the technology transition is like recession independent, which is why we call with very strong statement that it is for EUR50m.

    所以我必須謹慎,技術轉型就像獨立於經濟衰退一樣,這就是為什麼我們強烈聲明它是 5000 萬歐元。

  • We have seen this 10 times.

    我們已經看過 10 次了。

  • But the additional capacity built up on the nodes depend on the numbers of units that this node is going to go for, and that depends on the recession or the getting out of recession.


  • So I don't want to talk about that at this moment without coming back to my lawyer the (multiple speakers).


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And also I think you need to remember that those transitions don't take place at -- all at the same time.


  • Customers have different investment patterns so that is also spread over a certain period, like it was very clear in the DRAM space where you have leaders and you have the followers, that could be easily 18 -- 12 to 18 months in between.

    客戶有不同的投資模式,因此也分佈在一定時期內,就像在 DRAM 領域非常清楚,你有領導者和追隨者,這很容易在 18 到 12 到 18 個月之間。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Let me rephrase the question.


  • Back in 2006/2007 DRAM spending was between $25b to $30b.

    早在 2006/2007 年,DRAM 支出就在 $25b 到 $30b 之間。

  • Given this technology migration do you think that over the next couple of years we are going to meet or exceed the 2006/2007 DRAM CapEx spending?

    考慮到這種技術遷移,您認為在接下來的幾年中我們是否會達到或超過 2006/2007 年 DRAM 資本支出支出?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • I think we will probably meet it but not for the same reason.


  • In 2006/07 there was a clear overspend, every one of us was surprised if you remember, even our model didn't show that it would go as fast as this.

    2006/07 年有明顯的超支,如果你還記得的話,我們每個人都會感到驚訝,甚至我們的模型也沒有顯示它會像現在這樣快。

  • 2007 at the end was a -- probably 50% of the spend when compared to the, I would say, natural growth.

    與自然增長相比,2007 年底可能佔支出的 50%。

  • But, we are pretty optimistic as to DRAM re-build up of CapEx mainly because they are ramping now major technology difficulties.

    但是,我們對資本支出的 DRAM 重建非常樂觀,主要是因為它們現在正在解決主要的技術難題。

  • Their transition to 50 nanometer is not easy.

    他們向 50 納米的過渡並不容易。

  • This is being done by a current leader, two leaders.


  • Those guys are now running towards 40 nanometer.

    那些傢伙現在正在向 40 納米邁進。

  • And they are discovering how complicated it is to do these new nodes.


  • So they are ready to go for 40 and 30 type nanometer with double patterning until they transition to EUV, which again is an expensive transition.

    因此,他們準備採用雙圖案化的 40 和 30 型納米,直到他們過渡到 EUV,這又是一個昂貴的過渡。

  • So through the ASP, the node through the units we are going to reach the same type level of sales that we had in 2007.

    因此,通過 ASP,通過單元的節點,我們將達到與 2007 年相同的銷售水平。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Mr.


  • Tim Arcuri.


  • Please state your company name followed by your question.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Timothy Arcuri, Citi, thanks.

    Timothy Arcuri,花旗銀行,謝謝。

  • How confident are you that you can sustain order growth through the end of the year if in fact utilization at foundries begins to roll over in Q4 as there are some signs that that will happen?


  • Do you think that the upgrade cycle going on right now in DRAM and later on in NAND is that actually strong enough to sustain bookings growth in the fact of rolling over utilization at the foundries?

    您是否認為現在在 DRAM 中以及後來在 NAND 中進行的升級週期實際上足夠強大以維持代工廠滾動利用率這一事實的預訂增長?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Definitely.


  • The current slight pickup that you saw in bookings have been done based with halfway through one foundry, and halfway through the second tier DRAMs.

    您在預訂中看到的當前輕微回升是基於一個代工廠的中途和第二層 DRAM 的中途完成的。

  • So the next batch of orders in the next six months will be the foundry business competitors catching up a bit, as well as the first tier DRAM and, as we have just discussed, NAND.

    因此,未來六個月的下一批訂單將是晶圓代工業務競爭對手的追趕,以及第一層 DRAM 和我們剛才討論的 NAND。

  • There's now -- there is therefore much more opportunities, more segments, which will pick up in the second half than the current ones that we have seen in May that were current bookings, a bit better.

    現在 - 因此有更多的機會,更多的細分市場,這將在下半年比我們在 5 月份看到的當前預訂更好一些。

  • So I would say the current bookings at EUR390m, EUR400m or something, EUR400m of system is in the low side of the equation as I could project in the second half.

    所以我想說,目前的預訂量為 3.9 億歐元、4 億歐元或 4 億歐元的系統處於等式的低端,正如我在下半年預計的那樣。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • And on top of that, Eric, if I may add, when you talk about foundry utilization, you have to realize that the leading edge utilization on 45 nanometers has been very, very high.

    最重要的是,埃里克,如果我可以補充一點,當你談到代工廠利用率時,你必須意識到 45 納米的前沿利用率非常非常高。

  • And then the introduction of the 40 nanometer to 45 nanometer products is now ramping, which the installed capacity at 45 nanometers is still extremely low as compared to total installed capacity.


  • So you could indeed see that if total installed capacity utilization would go down, doesn't mean at the leading edge, which is basically only, like Eric said, only one foundry, that hat would go down also.


  • We'd be ramping introduction of new 40 nanometer to 45 nanometer products.

    我們將逐步推出新的 40 納米到 45 納米產品。

  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Agreed.


  • I just asked because we've never before seen a cycle where utilization has kind of rolled back over and bookings have not rolled back over.


  • So I'm just kind of wondering why that would be different this time (multiple speakers).


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • But only if you're shipping, Tim, the only thing we are shipping is 45 nanometer technology.

    但前提是你要出貨,蒂姆,我們唯一要出貨的是 45 納米技術。

  • We were not shipping any additional capacity.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Just as a quick follow up, do you think that you're going to grow immersion backlog in both September and December quarters?

    快速跟進一下,您認為您會在 9 月和 12 月這兩個季度增加沉浸式積壓嗎?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Yes.


  • Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

    Timothy Arcuri - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Kai Korschelt.

    下一個問題來自 Kai Korschelt。

  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Kai Korschelt - Analyst

    Kai Korschelt - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • It's Deutsche Bank.


  • My first question is, when you talk about the timing and magnitude, potentially of the 4X migration DRAM with the Korean vendors, what are they telling you, roughly, about those two aspects of it?

    我的第一個問題是,當您與韓國供應商談論 4X 遷移 DRAM 的時間和規模時,他們大致告訴您關於這兩個方面的內容是什麼?

  • And then I have a follow up, please.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • What I think we are getting is a lot of [float].

    我認為我們得到的是很多 [浮動]。

  • I'd say -- realize that it is strategically important for them to run this new node a bit earlier than planned for this obvious strategic reason at this moment, while the DRAM business is somehow consolidating in other terms, where the leaders have to show their colors.

    我會說 - 意識到目前出於這個明顯的戰略原因,他們比計劃早一點運行這個新節點在戰略上很重要,而 DRAM 業務在其他方面正在以某種方式整合,領導者必須展示他們的顏色。

  • So you are getting much more pressure than those guys saying, "Well, let's accelerate those nodes."


  • But as I said, the technology is now extremely complicated and therefore they need the latest technology.


  • So you get much more interest in our machinery, in our high-end machine and with the -- also holistic lithography which enables them to do those designs.


  • So you see that happening.


  • Clearly, there is going to be a second wave of activities with -- by them when they are finishing up the recipes.


  • And depending on the success of the yield, we will have a different rate.


  • So in other terms, I expect a first wave of orders and then followed by another one.


  • And again, the other one, we don't know yet how successful it will be.


  • Kai Korschelt - Analyst

    Kai Korschelt - Analyst

  • That's great, thank you.


  • Then my second question would be when do you expect government bailout-funded DRAM vendors, so to speak, in Japan and Taiwan to come back with orders?

    那麼我的第二個問題是,您預計政府救助資助的 DRAM 供應商,可以說,日本和台灣的供應商什麼時候能帶回訂單?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • That is also a very good question.


  • So I would try to avoid any specifics.


  • Of course this is now customer data, but you have heard from the Japanese side that there is interest to invest the money they receive by the government into also 40 nanometer type technology.

    當然,這是現在的客戶數據,但您從日本方面聽說,他們有興趣將政府收到的資金投資到 40 納米技術中。

  • And that will be very much done very near in parallel with the first tier, so in other words, ramping into Q1 and Q3 of 2010.

    並且這將非常接近於與第一層平行完成,換句話說,進入 2010 年第一季度和第三季度。

  • Regarding the Taiwanese part, there are, of course, as you know, two Taiwanese parts.


  • One is one aligned with the American vendor and the other one aligned with the Japanese vendor.


  • The one aligned with the American vendor is, at this moment, planning a ramp of 50 nanometer, which is, I would say, more of a volume question rather than a technology question.

    目前,與美國供應商結盟的是計劃 50 納米的斜坡,我想說,這更多的是體積問題而不是技術問題。

  • The 4X at this moment is not yet in discussion.


  • Kai Korschelt - Analyst

    Kai Korschelt - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Mr.


  • Francois Meunier.


  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • It's actually Francois from Cazenove.


  • A quick question on the margins.


  • I'm looking at your accounts in IFRS.

    我正在查看您在 IFRS 中的帳戶。

  • And I was wondering when you'd officially move to probably only IFRS reporting, maybe next year.

    我想知道你什麼時候正式轉向可能只有 IFRS 報告,也許是明年。

  • And do we have to model something like EUR25m or EUR30m of incremental EBIT per quarter, which it's probably linked, well a bit of options accounting, but also mostly to amortization of R&D.

    我們是否必須對每季度 2500 萬歐元或 3000 萬歐元的增量息稅前利潤進行建模,這可能與期權會計有關,但也主要與研發攤銷有關。

  • I know it's not cash, but probably on the headline numbers -- your headline numbers in the coming years will be around EUR100m to EUR120m higher at the EBIT line.

    我知道這不是現金,但可能是標題數字——未來幾年的標題數字將在息稅前利潤線高出 1 億至 1.2 億歐元左右。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes.


  • I think clearly we don't run the company on the accounting rules in a sense that we would just pick the most favorable one.


  • I think we are on US GAAP for the simple reason that all our peers are on US GAAP.


  • And as you correctly pointed out, if we would go to IFRS, we would have to capitalize our perhaps a big part of our R&D spend.

    正如您正確指出的那樣,如果我們要採用 IFRS,我們將不得不將我們研發支出的很大一部分資本化。

  • And then amortize that over the expected lifetime, which would mean that our R&D costs in the IFRS income statement would be significantly lower than we currently show in the US GAAP.

    然後在預期生命週期內攤銷,這意味著我們在 IFRS 損益表中的研發成本將大大低於我們目前在美國 GAAP 中顯示的成本。

  • Now my personal view is that I don't think that is the right thing to do.


  • I think that given the uncertainty in this industry and IFRS profile it is good to expense the R&D.

    我認為,考慮到這個行業的不確定性和 IFRS 概況,最好將研發費用化。

  • So for this particular reason, but also for the reason of comparability with our US peers, we stay on US GAAP.


  • We have also a very large contingent of US shareholders.


  • So you are right that the EBIT is indeed higher because of the R&D capitalization and the resulting amortization that hits our R&D is -- will go up going forward to a certain level where the capitalization will be higher than the amortization.

    所以你是對的,EBIT 確實更高,因為研發資本化和由此產生的攤銷會影響我們的研發 - 將上升到資本化高於攤銷的某個水平。

  • Therefore, a certain period of time, we will then have a positive impact on the IFRS results.


  • But that's not what we're focusing on.


  • Like I said, we're focusing on [book variability].

    就像我說的,我們專注於 [書籍可變性]。

  • And I think also from a Company point of view, it's better to get rid of the R&D spend and not take this in as an asset.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Okay, good.


  • So when you're talking about margins, peak margins, you're talking about US GAAP.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • US GAAP, yes.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Now another question about -- you're talking about debooking in the presentation.


  • I guess that's order cancellations.


  • Could you give us a bit more flavor about those EUR71m of orders which have been debooked?

    您能否詳細介紹一下已取消預訂的 7100 萬歐元訂單?

  • Where are they coming from?


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • This is something which is not an official debooking.


  • It's basically a scrubbing of the backlog that we're doing.


  • We're looking at certain orders where we think will the probability of those orders shipping fall outside the 12 month window.

    我們正在查看某些訂單,我們認為這些訂單發貨的可能性會落在 12 個月窗口之外。

  • If it falls out of the 12 month window, we take them out.

    如果它落在 12 個月的窗口之外,我們就會將它們移除。

  • So it's our own choice.


  • And that has to do in fact with some orders that we received out of Taiwan where we said and Eric alluded to that the financing situation has not improved the government funding.

    事實上,這與我們從台灣收到的一些訂單有關,我們說和 Eric 暗示融資情況沒有改善政府資金。

  • We aren't seeing yet the results of that, so that's why we've taken a more conservative approach on backlog.


  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • And that should be cleaned up probably by the end of this quarter.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, or by the end of the year.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • To be clear, these orders still exist and the customers are still there.


  • It's just -- it's a delayed shipment and we want to be conservative as to measure this backlog.

    這只是 - 這是延遲發貨,我們希望保守地衡量這個積壓。

  • Francois Meunier - Analyst

    Francois Meunier - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Mr.


  • Andrew Gardiner.


  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • Barclays Capital.


  • I'd just like a little more detail on the NAND flash business, if you could.

    如果可以的話,我想更詳細地介紹一下 NAND 閃存業務。

  • You've spoken quite confidently about DRAM NXT tools and the interest from the NAND side of the space there and in particular regarding the move to solid-state drives and that $1 per gig target.

    您已經非常自信地談到了 DRAM NXT 工具以及該領域 NAND 方面的興趣,特別是關於轉向固態驅動器和每演出 1 美元的目標。

  • I was just wondering if the lead customers or the lead vendors on that side of things are giving you any indication of when they might like to start shipping at those kinds of levels and therefore what kind of confidence you have in terms of the potential of the ramp.


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • No, unfortunately I will be disappointing you.


  • We're not a specialist of that.


  • So I gave you those pieces of data mainly based on editorial comments from our customers.


  • But they do not share with us a product strategy.


  • That is they just kick us because we're not shipping technology fast enough.


  • And so therefore we know they want the machine and we try to make logic as why they want this and why they drive technology so hard..


  • But I can't really tell you much more than that.


  • The 10% market share target is a well-known target by most of those NAND players, as you have heard.

    如您所知,10% 的市場份額目標是大多數 NAND 廠商眾所周知的目標。

  • And I now understand also that they think they will reach that type of 10% range with a target price of X, I don't remember for a big D drive of 60 gig and 120 gig.

    我現在也明白,他們認為他們會以 X 的目標價格達到 10% 的範圍,我不記得有 60 gig 和 120 gig 的大 D 驅動器。

  • And all this will be based on 20 nanometer type technology.

    而這一切都將基於 20 納米類型的技術。

  • But again, don't look at that especially to the application.


  • I can't read that.


  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Perhaps on a slightly different angle as relates to the customers then.


  • You highlighted in the presentation keeping capacity in your system or in manufacturing side at around the EUR800m revenue level on a quarterly basis.

    您在演示文稿中強調,您的系統或製造方面的產能每季度保持在 8 億歐元左右的收入水平。

  • Clearly we're quite a ways below that.


  • But I presume you wouldn't be keeping it at that kind of level if, say, over the next three, four, five quarters you didn't think you could get somewhere close to that.


  • So what is your thinking around that sort of thing at the moment?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Okay.


  • Well, it is a very important question because we are asking ourselves that question to manage the company, how fast a move back to EUR800m or more can happen.

    嗯,這是一個非常重要的問題,因為我們問自己這個問題來管理公司,回到 8 億歐元或更多的速度有多快。

  • And the message that I gave in the speech at the beginning was as follows.


  • It says, well, we have a base of EUR450m.

    它說,嗯,我們有 4.5 億歐元的基礎。

  • We think that's the base.


  • It carried us for a long time.


  • And on top of it will be a capacity buy.


  • And those capacity buys could happen within a quarter.


  • We can get a surprise set of orders.


  • That is definitely -- we could definitely will be towards EUR800m, so in a flash.

    這絕對是 - 我們肯定會達到 8 億歐元,所以瞬間。

  • So we absolutely need to have this capacity of EUR800m and above in view of that.

    因此,鑑於此,我們絕對需要擁有 8 億歐元及以上的產能。

  • And the reason we think it can be very quick is that first of all, we just had one or two flashes of that already where we have had questions about shipping within a lead time or in fact within six months specifically certain numbers are tools for capacity reasons.


  • And we know why these things happen with a short lead time is there is no excess capacity anymore.


  • It seems that most of our customers have reached a level of utilization, in particular in the areas where it's hot, which is in new technology, which is too high for taking upside.


  • And therefore, if there is anything that happens in the industry in the world where you go back to level of sales of 2008, which would be 150b of units, if you go back to that level, we're at 130b units, then you will go to EUR800m very quick.

    因此,如果您回到 2008 年的銷售水平,即 150b 單位,如果您回到那個水平,我們將達到 130b 單位,那麼如果世界上的行業發生任何事情,那麼您很快就會達到 8 億歐元。

  • Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

    Andrew Gardiner - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Mr.


  • Didier Scemama.


  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Didier Scemama - Analyst

    Didier Scemama - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • It's RBS.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • I just have a couple of question, starting with the provisions that you took again on obsolete inventories in the course.


  • If you could just indicate whether you've booked any of that in the cost of sales in the quarter because if I would add back this EUR43m, your gross margins would be closer to 28% rather than 12.5%.

    如果你能指出你是否已經在本季度的銷售成本中記入了其中的任何一項,因為如果我將這 4300 萬歐元加回去,你的毛利率將接近 28%,而不是 12.5%。

  • So I was just wondering where you booked that in the P&L and whether that has come in already.

    所以我只是想知道你在 P&L 中在哪裡預訂了它,它是否已經進來了。

  • After my first question, I've got a quick follow-up.


  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • Yes, as you have seen, not only looking at this quarter, but at the previous quarters, we always book a certain level of provisioning.


  • So taking it completely out would be great because it means we would have absolutely zero obsolescence waste in this Company, which is not realistic.


  • But you are right.


  • We have a conservative policy.


  • We are taking provisioning on some of the R&D that we are doing.


  • We are taking provisioning also on some of the inventories that we are having against current low level of sales that we are seeing.


  • So we -- yes, we have a conservative policy there.

    所以我們 - 是的,我們在那裡有一個保守的政策。

  • You could say, "Well if you would have been more aggressive, would the gross margin have been higher?" Yes, it would have been higher.


  • How much is difficult to say because we are consistent in the application of this policy.


  • Didier Scemama - Analyst

    Didier Scemama - Analyst

  • That's quite interesting, thanks.


  • And if I basically summarize what we've heard today, are we talking about both halves back on the envelope peak EPS of EUR2 on US GAAP.

    如果我基本上總結一下我們今天聽到的內容,我們是否正在談論美國公認會計原則下 2 歐元的信封峰值 EPS 的兩半。

  • If I add that EUR120m that Francois was talking about on the IFRS, I get another EUR0.20.

    如果我加上 Francois 在 IFRS 上談論的 1.2 億歐元,我又得到 0.20 歐元。

  • And if take into account the provisioning that you have on probably capacity related tools that will come in in the course of 2010, you could easily see another 5% at least or 5 points at least on gross margins once you reverse those provisions.

    如果考慮到 2010 年期間可能會出現的容量相關工具的準備金,一旦撤銷這些準備金,您可以很容易地看到毛利率至少再增加 5% 或至少 5 個百分點。

  • Your EBIT margins could see quite spectacularly above 30%, in fact, in the next peak.

    事實上,在下一個高峰期,您的息稅前利潤率可能會驚人地超過 30%。

  • Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

    Peter Wennink - EVP and CFO

  • I think you just wrote the base for your own report.


  • It's an interesting following line of conclusions, but we cannot comment of course on that.


  • I think you can probably write something quite interesting on that piece.


  • Didier Scemama - Analyst

    Didier Scemama - Analyst

  • Many thanks.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Mr.


  • Jerome Ramel.


  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Jerome Ramel - Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Analyst

  • Yes, good afternoon.


  • Jerome Ramel from BNP Paribas.


  • First question, do you expect more bankruptcy in the DRAM, among DRAM players?

    第一個問題,您是否預計 DRAM 廠商中會有更多破產?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • There is a possibility that in Taiwan that one or two players would go.


  • And the understanding that we have is that if that were the case, the assets may be transferred to one of the four key players that remain at this moment in this industry.


  • And as you know, the four key players are at this moment considered the survivors of the current consolidation.


  • And again, the others are going to be aligned to one of the four players.


  • They can be aligned with a contract of some sort or they can be aligned just because their assets have been transferred after bankruptcy.


  • Either/or doesn't change much in what exactly is happening, which I repeat is four key players, four large companies are now going to go for control of this business.


  • Jerome Ramel - Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just one follow-up concerning the NAND.

    並且只是關於 NAND 的後續行動。

  • How do you see the cost curve of your NAND customers going forward, because in the past, the NAND guys were able to cut the costs by roughly 50% per year?

    您如何看待您的 NAND 客戶未來的成本曲線,因為在過去,NAND 人員能夠每年削減大約 50% 的成本?

  • And it seems that it is slowing down to roughly 30% per year with [dual] exposure too, so requiring more (inaudible) steps for the 32 nanometer node.

    而且它似乎也在[雙重]曝光下放慢到每年大約 30%,因此 32 納米節點需要更多(聽不清)步驟。

  • It seems actually that the cost curve decline for the NAND players will reduce significantly compared to what happened over the last five years.

    實際上,與過去五年發生的情況相比,NAND 廠商的成本曲線下降將顯著減少。

  • So how do you see that going forward?


  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • This is a very complicated question because (inaudible) message.


  • Cost is a factor of volume and excess capacity.


  • So obviously, the NAND guys have been burned significantly by an excess capacity due to the fact that there were too many players and too much expectation.

    很明顯,由於參與者太多和期望太高,NAND 廠商已經被產能過剩嚴重燒毀。

  • So now it seems that the players have agreed to be less aggressive than DRAM guys.

    所以現在看來,玩家們已經同意不如 DRAM 傢伙激進。

  • So they have been more selective as to their buildup of capacity.


  • And I explained that in fact we see a shrinking of capacity more than anything else.


  • And we do not see crazy investment, we only see technology investment.


  • So we therefore expect the installed base to correspond to the demand and therefore, by conclusion, the cost per chip is going to become -- the full cost per chip is going to be under control.

    因此,我們因此預計安裝基礎與需求相對應,因此,總的來說,每個芯片的成本將變得 - 每個芯片的全部成本將受到控制。

  • Further to that, the design of the chips allows a shrink level which on paper has justified the price points of -- that would be allowing new applications like the solid state drive.


  • So those guys seems at this moment to be under control of their cost curve.


  • As you said yourself, technology goes down, help them to go down.


  • But mainly, mainly, mainly, they seem to be investing to demand.


  • They don't invest to market share, if you know what I mean.


  • Jerome Ramel - Analyst

    Jerome Ramel - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Mr.


  • Jonathan Crossfield.


  • Please state your company name, followed by your question.


  • Jonathan Crossfield - Analyst

    Jonathan Crossfield - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Yes, it's Bank of America, Merrill Lynch.


  • I guess my first question would just be on the longer term strategy, which is that as you see some margin expansion going forward and we're hearing increasingly that your competitors are struggling or falling further behind.


  • What do you see as the key challenges for ASML on the five-year view to maintain customer relationships as the competitive environment becomes potentially more beneficial to you?

    隨著競爭環境變得對您更有利,從五年的角度來看,您認為 ASML 在維護客戶關係方面面臨的主要挑戰是什麼?

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • Well, it is a very insightful question.


  • If you haven't guessed it, in fact, the last six months for us has been a reinforcement of what you said, which is that our technology investment or over-investment, I would say, is starting to pay.


  • The technologies requirements are very, very strong, concerning to the customers.


  • And now we're coming up with products which are absolutely ahead of our competition, whether it is in double patterning or it is in EUV.

    現在我們正在開發絕對領先於我們競爭對手的產品,無論是雙圖案還是 EUV。

  • So this creates an aspiration by every customer to have a significant strategic relationship with us.


  • And a strategic relationship is usually a better thing than a commodity-type relationship.


  • So we are thrilled by this way.


  • But it's a beginning and now we have to execute on it.


  • And execute means making sure the machine works and making sure we do not bring any fear to our customers that we will take advantage when the situation is better.


  • So we have to be -- wait on our tools to offer them the technology but also the best cost.

    所以我們必須 - 等待我們的工具為他們提供技術和最佳成本。

  • And you've heard Peter spending time explaining that we want our cost structure to be extremely under control.


  • And you've heard him say we don't want to be going for any inflation above the current recession level cost more than say 10%.

    你聽他說過,我們不想讓任何高於當前衰退水平的通脹成本超過 10%。

  • We can see that we will offer to our customers a cost and which also allows us to improve a little bit our margin.


  • The big negative, the concern I have as usual in (inaudible), we are a euro-based company.


  • And therefore, if the macroeconomic trends make the euro "overvalued" due to financial imbalances in the world, we will be having not such an easy time to enrich our margin.


  • That is our concern obviously.


  • We've been able to live through this in the past five years.


  • I think we've -- as I think you remember, I mentioned the fact that all competitors have been privileged by a depreciation of the yen by about 60% in four years or something.

    我想我們已經 - 正如我想你記得的那樣,我提到了一個事實,即所有競爭對手都因日元在四年內貶值約 60% 而享有特權。

  • We've been able to manage that by still improving our margin and market share.


  • But we would appreciate that it doesn't continue in that sense and that the euro stabilizes or weakens.


  • It would be good if the euro didn't get too strong.


  • Then we'll come back a bit this quarter and consider this a bit of a problem.


  • Jonathan Crossfield - Analyst

    Jonathan Crossfield - Analyst

  • Thanks very much, Eric.


  • And just as a follow-up perhaps, could you talk a little bit about the impact of FlexRay and the baseline or announcements that came out yesterday on the financials, on a one or two-year view or how should we think about that as to margin effect and pricing.

    也許作為後續行動,您能否從一年或兩年的角度談談 FlexRay 的影響以及昨天發布的基線或公告對財務的影響,或者我們應該如何考慮這一點邊際效應和定價。

  • Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

    Eric Meurice - President and CEO, Chairman

  • I will voluntarily remain conceptual because the whole holistic lithography, which comes from our acquisition of Brion, is mixed, meaning two, three things.

    我將自願保持概念性,因為我們收購 Brion 的整個整體光刻是混合的,意味著兩三件事。

  • It's mixed into the price of our machines, which do not -- that we do not discount as we used to.


  • So we strengthen our margins through a stronger pricing where we say, "No, if there is -- if that machine is compatible or ports to the software of Brion, then this customer you cannot get the same discount."

    因此,我們通過更強有力的定價來提高我們的利潤率,我們說,“不,如果有——如果那台機器兼容或移植到 Brion 的軟件,那麼這個客戶你就不能得到同樣的折扣。”

  • The second point is that we are selling, of course, Brion's stuff and our majority stuff, etc., so there's a bit of sales which at this moment is still under EUR100m.

    第二點是,我們當然在銷售 Brion 的產品和我們的多數產品等,所以目前有一些銷售額仍低於 1 億歐元。

  • But it is -- starts to be visible.

    但它是 - 開始可見。

  • And the third aspect is it makes our machines more competitive.


  • These options, like as you said, the new illuminator, which is a completely pixelized illuminator, makes this machine another level of our competition.


  • So these three factors will -- are currently reinforcing the margin.

    所以這三個因素將 - 目前正在加強利潤率。

  • And this is why Peter, was starting to say, "Well, we are really going to try to improve our material margin by 2 to 3 or 4 points." And part of it is included into this value generation thing.

    這就是為什麼彼得開始說,“好吧,我們真的要努力將我們的材料利潤率提高 2 到 3 或 4 個百分點。”其中一部分包含在這個價值生成的東西中。

  • But again, it's hidden in those three aspects.


  • Jonathan Crossfield - Analyst

    Jonathan Crossfield - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Craig DeYoung - VP of IR and Corporate Communications

    Craig DeYoung - VP of IR and Corporate Communications

  • Ladies and gentlemen, I think our time is expired.


  • So if you were unable to get through on this call, we apologize for that.


  • And if you still have questions, feel free to contact ASML's Investor Relations Department with those questions.

    如果您仍有疑問,請隨時聯繫 ASML 的投資者關係部提出這些問題。

  • And now, Operator, I'll ask that you close out the call.


  • And I'd like to thank everybody for joining us today.


  • We look forward to talking to you through the quarter, and look forward to talking to you again at the end of next quarter.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the ASML 2009 second quarter results conference call.

    女士們,先生們,ASML 2009 年第二季度業績電話會議到此結束。

  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may disconnect now.
