富國銀行 (WFC) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿



該公司公佈了穩健的業績,淨利潤為 51 億美元,並討論了影響淨利息收入、支出和信貸品質的因素。他們專注於提高效率、遵守監管要求以及解決與反洗錢和 KYC 揭露相關的問題。



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  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Please note that today's call is being recorded. I would now like to turn the call over to John Campbell, Director of Investor Relations. Sir, you may begin the conference.

    (操作員說明)請注意,今天的通話正在錄音。我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係總監約翰坎貝爾 (John Campbell)。主席先生,您可以開始會議了。

  • John Campbell - Investor Relations

    John Campbell - Investor Relations

  • Thank you. Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining. Our call today are CEO, Charlie Sharp, and our CFO, lengthening of the CMO, will discuss third quarter results and answer your questions. This call is being recorded.

    謝謝。大家早安,感謝您的加入。我們今天與執行長查理夏普 (Charlie Sharp) 和我們的財務長 (CMO) 通話,將討論第三季業績並回答您的問題。此通話正在錄音。

  • Before we get started, I would like to remind you that our third quarter earnings materials, including the release, financial supplement and presentation deck, are available on our website at wellsfargo.com. I'd also like to caution you that we may make forward-looking statements during today's call that are subject to risks and uncertainties.

    在我們開始之前,我想提醒您,我們的第三季收益資料,包括新聞稿、財務補充和簡報,可在我們的網站 wellsfargo.com 上取得。我還想提醒您,我們可能在今天的電話會議中做出前瞻性聲明,這些聲明有風險和不確定性。

  • Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations detailed in our SEC filings, including the Form 8-K filed today containing our earnings materials. Information about any non-GAAP financial measures referenced, including a reconciliation of those measures to GAAP measures can be found in our SEC filings and the earnings materials available on our website.

    可能導致實際結果與我們向 SEC 文件(包括今天提交的包含我們收益資料的 8-K 表格)中詳述的預期產生重大差異的因素。有關所引用的任何非 GAAP 財務指標的信息,包括這些指標與 GAAP 指標的調節,可以在我們向 SEC 提交的文件和我們網站上提供的收益資料中找到。

  • I will now turn the call over to Charlie.


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, John. I'll make some brief comments about our third quarter results and update you on our priorities. I'll then turn the call over to Mike to review our results in more detail before we take your questions. Let me start with the third quarter highlights. Our results were solid with $5.1 billion net income, diluted earnings per share of $1.42 and the ROE of 11.7% and an ROTCE of 13.9%, all were up from the second quarter.

    謝謝,約翰。我將對我們第三季的業績發表一些簡短的評論,並向您介紹我們的優先事項的最新情況。然後,在回答您的問題之前,我會將電話轉給麥克,以便更詳細地查看我們的結果。讓我從第三季的亮點開始。我們的業績穩健,淨利潤為 51 億美元,稀釋後每股收益為 1.42 美元,ROE 為 11.7%,ROTCE 為 13.9%,均較第二季度上升。

  • Our earnings profile is very different than it was five years ago as we've been making strategic investments in many of our businesses and deemphasizing or selling others. Our revenue sources are more diverse and are fee based. Revenue has grown 16% during the first nine months of the year, largely offsetting the net interest income headwinds we faced over the last year.

    我們的獲利狀況與五年前有很大不同,因為我們一直在對許多業務進行策略性投資,並淡化或出售其他業務。我們的收入來源更加多樣化並且是收費的。今年前 9 個月收入成長了 16%,很大程度上抵消了我們去年面臨的淨利息收入阻力。

  • We have maintained strong credit discipline and driven significant operating efficiencies in the company while investing heavily to build a risk and control infrastructure appropriate for a bank of o ur size and complexity. Headcount has declined every quarter for four years is that our expense quarter were down from both the second quarter and the year ago.


  • Average loans declined from the second quarter as we have maintained strong credit standards and our focus on returns over volume. We've continued to grow our credit card portfolio with balances growing for 13 consecutive quarters, and commercial loan demand remains weak, reflecting economic uncertainty and the expectation that rates will be lower in the future.

    由於我們保持了嚴格的信貸標準以及對回報而非數量的關注,平均貸款較第二季有所下降。我們繼續擴大信用卡組合,餘額連續 13 個季度成長,商業貸款需求依然疲軟,反映了經濟的不確定性和未來利率走低的預期。

  • Overall, deposits declined slightly from the second quarter, but deposit balances are customer facing businesses continue to grow, which has enabled us to reduce higher-cost treasury corporate treasury deposits. We've started to reduce deposit pricing in response to the recent Fed rate cuts and were closely matched monitoring market conditions and will continue to make adjustments.


  • Both our consumer and commercial customers have remained resilient in our wholesale businesses. Credit performance improved from the second quarter with lower losses in both our commercial real estate and commercial and industrial loan portfolios. The office market remains weak and we continue to expect additional charge-offs in our commercial real estate office portfolio and have accordingly maintained strong allowance coverage.


  • Overall customers in our consumer businesses continue to hold up relatively well, benefiting from a strong labor market and waste growth. Consumer charge-offs declined from the second quarter, driven by lower losses in our credit card portfolio. While our other consumer portfolios continued to perform well, reflecting the benefit of prior credit tightening actions.


  • We continue to look for changes in consumer health, but we have now not seeing any meaningful changes in trends when looking at delinquency statistics across our consumer credit portfolios, both credit card and debit card spend were up in the third quarter from a year ago. And although the pace of growth has slowed, it is still healthy.


  • We continue to see more pronounced stress in certain customer segments with lower deposit and asset levels where inflation has partially offset strong employment and wage growth. The benefits of inflation slowing and interest rates starting to ease should be helpful to all customers, but especially those on the lower end of the income scale.


  • Our capital position remains strong with our CET1 ratio of 11.3%, up from 11% last quarter. And we continued to return significant amounts of excess capital to shareholders. We repurchased $3.5 billion of common stock in the quarter and [15.6 billion] of common stock during the first three quarters of this year, up over 60% from a year ago. And we've increased our common stock dividend in the third quarter by 14%.

    我們的資本狀況依然強勁,CET1 比率為 11.3%,高於上季的 11%。我們繼續向股東返還大量超額資本。我們在本季回購了 35 億美元的普通股,在今年前三個季度回購了 [156 億] 普通股,比去年同期成長了 60% 以上。我們將第三季的普通股股息增加了 14%。

  • Shareholders have meaningfully benefited from our capital management actions as our earnings per share are up over 50% since the third quarter of 2019, benefiting from the 22% decline in diluted average common shares over the same period.

    股東從我們的資本管理行動中獲益匪淺,自 2019 年第三季以來,我們的每股盈餘成長了 50% 以上,受益於同期稀釋平均普通股下降 22%。

  • Now let me update you on our strategic priorities. Starting with our risk and control work, which remains our top priority. We continue to move forward with confidence and believe we have the right culture, team, discipline and sense of urgency to complete the work that's required. That includes what is required under the recent formal agreement we entered with the office of the control of the currency.


  • We were also continued to execute our other strategic priorities. We continue to build our credit card business. And this past quarter, we launched two new co-branded credit cards with Expedia, which provide our customers a unique travel rewards program with instant discounts, enhanced Kirk's and accelerated rewards.

    我們也繼續執行其他戰略重點。我們繼續發展信用卡業務。上個季度,我們與 Expedia 推出了兩張新的聯名信用卡,為我們的客戶提供獨特的旅遊獎勵計劃,包括即時折扣、增強型 Kirk's 和加速獎勵。

  • Our broadest broader set of credit card products continued to be well received by both existing customers and customers new to Wells Fargo w ith nearly 2 billion of new credit cards accounts this year. Last month, we announced a multi-year co-branded agreement with Volkswagen Financial Services.

    我們最廣泛的信用卡產品系列繼續受到富國銀行現有客戶和新客戶的好評,今年新增信用卡帳戶近 20 億個。上個月,我們宣布與大眾汽車金融服務公司達成多年聯合品牌協議。

  • Starting in the first half of next year, we will be the preferred purchase financing provider for Volkswagen and Audi brands in the United States. The investments we've been making in our consumer small business banking segment are starting to generate growth.


  • A fter several years of no growth, n et checking accounts have now grown for three consecutive quarters, and we believe our debit card share has started to increase as well. Mobile active users increased by 1.6 million or 5% from last year. We are also investing in our branches and have refurbished over 460 branches during the first three quarters of this year.

    經過幾年的停滯之後,淨支票帳戶現已連續三個季度增長,我們相信我們的借記卡份額也開始增加。行動活躍用戶較去年增加 160 萬,即 5%。我們也對分公司進行投資,今年前第三季已翻新了 460 多家分店。

  • We continue to hire proven leaders and our corporate investment bank. In Investment Banking, we made several important hires focused on key coverage and product groups to help us build on our momentum and grow the business. We also hired a new Vice Chair of corporate banking, was focused on helping us continue to expand and grow that franchise.


  • We also continued to attract experienced leaders in other areas. And in the third quarter, Bridget angle joined Wells Fargo as Head of Technology reporting t o me. I have worked with Bridget in the past and know first hand how for deep experience leading large scale technology transformations of large global financial institutions will benefit Wells Fargo.

    我們也持續吸引其他領域經驗豐富的領導者。第三季度,Bridget Angle 加入富國銀行,擔任技術主管,向我報告。我過去曾與布里奇特共事,親身了解領導大型全球金融機構大規模技術轉型的豐富經驗將如何使富國銀行受益。

  • Our strategic priorities also include focusing on businesses that are core to our consumer and corporate clients and when they aren't shrinking or selling them. As part of this effort, during the third quarter, we announced we entered into definitive agreements to sell the non-agency third-party servicing segment of our commercial mortgage servicing business.


  • We will continue servicing agency loans and loans held on our balance sheet. Looking ahead, overall, the US economy remains strong, with inflation slowing and a resilient labor market, boosting income and supporting consumer spending.


  • Company balance sheets are strong contributors contributing to both consumption and investment in economy slowing demand for commercial lending. We continue to we prepared for a variety of economic environments, and we'll balance our desire to increase returns and growth while protecting the downside.


  • We have one of the most enviable franchises of the industry and a top management team capable of delivering strong results. I want to thank everyone who I've worked with at Wells Fargo for everything they've done to transform this great company.


  • I'll now turn the call over to Mike.


  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Charlie, and good morning, everyone. We are pleased with the results in the third quarter. We again saw good growth in non-interest income across most businesses and expenses were well controlled. Net income for the third quarter was $5.1 billion, or $1.42 per diluted common share.

    謝謝你,查理,大家早安。我們對第三季的結果感到滿意。我們再次看到大多數業務的非利息收入成長良好,費用也得到了很好的控制。第三季淨利為 51 億美元,即每股稀釋普通股 1.42 美元。

  • During the quarter, we took the opportunity to reposition a portion of the investment securities portfolio. Our results included $447 million, or $0.10 per share of net losses on the sale of debt s ecurities. This included the sale of approximately $16 billion of securities reinvestment of the proceeds into securities with yields approximately 130 basis points higher than the securities we sold.

    本季度,我們藉此機會重新配置了部分投資證券組合。我們的業績包括 4.47 億美元,即每股 0.10 美元的債務證券出售淨虧損。這包括出售約 160 億美元的證券,並將收益再投資於收益率比我們出售的證券高出約 130 個基點的證券。

  • The estimated earn back period for this repositioning is a little over two years. Without the impact of the investment securities portfolio repositioning earnings per share would have been $1.52. When looking at our results compared with year ago, I'd remind you that our third quarter results last year included $349 million or $0.09 per share of discrete tax benefits.

    此次重新定位的預計獲利回收期為兩年多一點。如果沒有投資證券組合重新定位的影響,每股盈餘將為 1.52 美元。在查看我們與去年同期相比的業績時,我想提醒您,我們去年第三季的業績包括 3.49 億美元或每股 0.09 美元的離散稅收優惠。

  • Turning to slide 4. Net interest income declined $233 million or 2% from the second quarter, a $ 128 billion of this decline was due to the increased pricing on sweep deposits in advisory brokerage accounts in wealth and investment management that we highlighted on last quarter's call.


  • This was the lowest linked quarter decline in net interest income since third quarter 2023, as customer migration to higher yielding deposit products continued to slow the pace of deposit pricing increases also decelerated. Deposit costs were up 7 basis points in the third quarter with approximately half of this increase, driven by the pricing increase on sweep deposits in advisory brokerage accounts.

    這是自 2023 年第三季以來淨利息收入的最低相關季度降幅,因為客戶轉向收益率更高的存款產品的步伐繼續放緩,存款定價上漲的步伐也有所放緩。第三季存款成本上升了 7 個基點,其中約一半是由諮詢經紀帳戶中的掃款存款定價上漲所推動的。

  • The third quarter increase in deposit cost is lower than the 10 basis point increase in the second quarter and 16 basis point rise the first quarter. In response to the Federal Reserve rate cuts on September, we have reduced rates on commercial deposit offers in our consumer businesses.

    第三季存款成本增幅低於第二季10個基點的增幅和第一季16個基點的增幅。為了回應聯準會 9 月降息,我們降低了消費業務的商業存款利率。

  • Pricing and sweep deposits and advisory brokerage accounts, which are aligned to money market funds will continue due to move in line with Fed rate cuts. Commercial deposit pricing is responding quickly to Federal Reserve rate reductions, just as I did when rates were risen. We are continuously monitoring competitive conditions and deposit trends, and we'll adjust pricing tenor new Balance requirements b ased on our observations.


  • We highlight loans and deposits on slide 5. Average loans were down from both the second quarter and a year ago with continued growth in credit card loan balances more than offset by declines in most other categories. I'll highlight specific drivers when discussing our operating segment results.

    我們在投影片 5 中重點介紹了貸款和存款。 平均貸款較第二季和去年同期均有所下降,信用卡貸款餘額的持續成長被大多數其他類別的下降所抵消。在討論我們的營運部門績效時,我將重點放在具體的驅動因素。

  • Average deposits increased $1.4 billion from a year ago, and growth in our customer deposits enables us to reduce higher cost c orporate treasury deposits. Average deposits were down $4.8 billion in the second quarter. This decline was driven by $18.5 billion reduction, higher costs, corporate treasury deposits, while customer deposits grew $13.7 billion from the second quarter.

    平均存款比一年前增加了 14 億美元,客戶存款的成長使我們能夠減少成本較高的企業財務存款。第二季平均存款減少 48 億美元。這一下降的原因是減少了 185 億美元、成本上升、企業財務存款,而客戶存款則較第二季度增加了 137 億美元。

  • All else equal, a reduction in corporate treasury deposits is a positive or net interest income in the current environment. Turning to non-interest income on slide 6, we had strong growth in non-interest income, up 12% from a year ago.

    在其他條件相同的情況下,企業庫存存款的減少在當前環境下是正利息收入或淨利息收入。轉向幻燈片 6 上的非利息收入,我們的非利息收入成長強勁,比一年前成長 12%。

  • As Charlie highlighted, t his growth reflects the benefits of the investments we've been making in our businesses as well as market conditions. We grew non-interest income across most categories, including double-digit increases year over year in many of our largest fee-generating activities, including investment advisory, net gains from trading activities, deposit-related fees and investment banking.


  • We also benefited from improved results in our venture capital investments. I will highlight the specific drivers and non-interest income growth w hen discussing our operating segment results.


  • Turning to expenses on slide 7. Non-interest expense declined from the second quarter a year ago. The impact of our efficiency initiatives helps reduce salaries and professional and outside services expense compared with a year ago. These declines were partially offset by higher revenue-related compensation, predominantly in wealth and investment management as well as higher technology and equipment expense.

    轉向幻燈片 7 中的支出。與一年前相比,我們的效率措施的影響有助於減少薪資以及專業和外部服務費用。這些下降被收入相關薪酬的增加(主要是財富和投資管理方面)以及更高的技術和設備費用部分抵消。

  • Operating losses declined from a year ago and from the higher levels we had in first half of this year.


  • Turning to credit quality on slide 8. Net loan charge-offs decreased 8 basis points from the second quarter to 49 basis points of average loans. The decline was driven by lower commercial net loan charge-offs, which were down $145 million from the second quarter to 24 basis points of average loans with lower losses in both our commercial real estate and commercial and industrial portfolios.

    轉向幻燈片 8 上的信貸品質。下降的原因是商業淨貸款沖銷減少,與第二季度相比減少了 1.45 億美元,平均貸款減少了 24 個基點,商業房地產以及商業和工業投資組合的損失也有所減少。

  • W hile losses in the commercial real estate office portfolio declined in the third quarter, market fundamentals remain weak and we still expect commercial real estate office losses to be lumpy as we continue to actively work with our clients.


  • Consumer net loan charge-offs declined $45 million from the second quarter, 83 basis points of average loans, driven by lower losses in the credit card portfolio. Non-performing assets decreased 3% in the second quarter, driven by lower commercial real estate non-accrual loans.

    由於信用卡投資組合損失減少,消費者淨貸款沖銷額比第二季減少了 4,500 萬美元,相當於平均貸款的 83 個基點。在商業房地產非應計貸款減少的推動下,第二季不良資產下降了 3%。

  • Commercial real estate office nonaccruals declined $164 million, which included paydowns and net loan charge-offs.

    商業房地產辦公室非應計費用減少了 1.64 億美元,其中包括付款和淨貸款沖銷。

  • Moving to Slide 9. Our allowance for credit losses for loans was down $50 million in the second quarter, with modest declines across most asset classes, largely offset by an increase in allowance for credit card loans driven by higher balances. Our allowance coverage for loans has been relatively stable over the past year as credit trends remain within our expectations.

    轉到幻燈片 9。過去一年,我們的貸款準備金覆蓋率相對穩定,因為信貸趨勢仍在我們的預期之內。

  • Our allowance coverage for our corporate investment banking, commercial real estate office portfolio has also been relatively stable at approximately 11% since third quarter of 2023.

    自 2023 年第三季以來,我們的企業投資銀行、商業房地產辦公室投資組合的撥備覆蓋率也相對穩定,約 11%。

  • Turning to capital liquidity on slide 10. Our capital position remains strong and o ur CET1 ratio of 11.3% continued to be well above our new CET1 regulatory minimum plus buffers of 9.8%, which became effective in the fourth quarter. The increase in our CET1 ratio from the second quarter included a benefit of 28 basis points higher accumulated other comprehensive income due to lower interest rates and tighter mortgage backed securities spreads.

    轉向投影片 10 上的資本流動性。與第二季度相比,我們的 CET1 比率有所提高,其中包括由於利率降低和抵押貸款支持證券利差收緊而導致的累積其他綜合收益提高了 28 個基點。

  • With the 3.5 billion of common stock we repurchased in the third quarter. Our share repurchases during the first three quarters of this year were 6 billion higher than in the same period a year ago, and diluted average shares outstanding declined 7% from year ago.


  • Turning to our operating segment results, starting with consumer banking and lending on slide 11. Consumer small business banking revenue declined 5% from year ago, driven by lower deposit balances and the impact of customers migrating to higher yielding deposit products.

    轉向我們的營運部門業績,從投影片11 上的消費者銀行業務和貸款開始。了5%。

  • However, the pace of migration continued slow. The slight increase in home lending revenue from a year ago, driven by higher mortgage banking fees. Credit card revenue declined 2% from year ago as lower fee revenue more than offset higher net interest income. Auto revenue decreased 24% from a year ago, driven by lower loan balances and continued loan spread compression.

    然而,移民的步伐仍然緩慢。由於抵押貸款銀行費用上漲,房屋貸款收入較一年前略有增加。信用卡收入較去年同期下降 2%,原因是手續費收入下降足以抵銷淨利息收入的上升。由於貸款餘額下降和貸款利差持續壓縮,汽車收入年減 24%。

  • The decline in personal lending revenue from a year ago was also driven by lower loan balances in loan spread compression.


  • Turning to some key business drivers on Slide 12. Retail mortgage originations declined 14% from year ago, reflecting the progress we've made on simplifying the home lending business, but grew 4% from the second quarter. We also continued to make progress on reducing the size of our servicing business. The amount of third-party mortgage loan service was down 16% from a year ago.

    轉向投影片 12 上的一些關鍵業務驅動因素。我們也持續在縮小服務業務規模方面取得進展。第三方抵押貸款服務金額較去年同期下降16%。

  • Since we announced our new strategy early last year, we reduced headcount in home lending by 46%. The size of our own portfolio continued to decline with period end loan balances down 14% from a year ago, driven by previous credit tightening actions.

    自從我們去年初宣布新策略以來,我們將房屋貸款部門的員工人數減少了 46%。在先前的信貸緊縮行動的推動下,我們自己的投資組合規模持續下降,期末貸款餘額比一年前下降了 14%。

  • Origination volume in the third quarter was stable year over year and grew 11% from second quarter. Debit card spending increased $2.3 billion or 2% from year ago. And credit card spending was up 10% from year ago, with growth in all categories except fuel. Payment rates were modestly lower than a year ago, but remain above pre-pandemic levels.

    第三季的發行量較去年同期穩定,較第二季成長 11%。金融卡支出比去年同期增加 23 億美元,成長 2%。信用卡支出比去年同期成長了 10%,除燃料外的所有類別都有成長。付款率略低於一年前,但仍高於疫情前的水平。

  • Turning to Commercial Banking results on slide 13. Middle Market Banking revenue down 1% from a year ago, driven by lower net interest income, reflecting higher deposit costs, partially offset by growth in treasury management fees. Asset-based lending and leasing revenue decreased 4% from a year ago, driven by lower net interest income and lease income, partially offset by improved results from equity investments.

    轉向幻燈片 13 上的商業銀行業務業績。由於淨利息收入和租賃收入下降,資產抵押貸款和租賃收入較去年同期下降 4%,但部分被股權投資績效改善所抵銷。

  • Average loan balances in the third quarter were down 1% compared with the year ago. Loan demand remained weak as many clients remain cautious about investing in inventory buildup and capital expenditures due to economic uncertainty, h igh borrowing costs.


  • Turning to Corporate Investment Banking on slide 14. Banking revenue was down 5% from year ago, driven by higher deposit costs and lower loan balances. Commercial real estate revenue decreased 1% from a year ago, reflecting the CAC of lower loan balances, partially offset by higher capital markets.

    轉向投影片 14 上的企業投資銀行業務。商業房地產收入較上年同期下降 1%,反映貸款餘額較低的 CAC,但部分被較高的資本市場所抵銷。

  • Revenue markets revenue increased 6% from a year ago, driven by strong performance in rate structured products and municipals, partially offset by lower revenue in equities. Average loans declined 6% from year ago, driven by continued reductions in our commercial real estate portfolio and lower loan balances and banking as clients continue to access capital markets funding.

    受利率結構性產品和市政債券強勁表現的推動,收入市場收入較上年同期增長 6%,但部分被股票收入下降所抵消。由於我們的商業房地產投資組合持續減少,以及客戶繼續獲得資本市場融資,貸款餘額和銀行業務減少,平均貸款比去年同期下降了 6%。

  • On slide 15. Wealth and Investment Management revenue increased 5% compared with a year ago due to higher asset-based fees driven by increased market valuations as well as higher brokerage transaction activity, partially offset by lower net interest income, driven by the increased pricing and sweep deposits in advisory brokerage accounts.

    第 15 張投影片。並將存款存入諮詢經紀帳戶。

  • As a reminder, the majority of women advisory assets are priced at the beginning of the quarter support quarter results will reflect market valuations as of October 1, which were up for multi year ago and from July 1.

    提醒一下,大多數女性諮詢資產在季度初定價,支持季度業績將反映截至 10 月 1 日的市場估值,該估值較多年前和 7 月 1 日有所上升。

  • Slide 16 highlights our corporate results. Revenue declined a year ago, driven by net losses on debt securities related to the repositioning of the investment securities portfolio, p artially offset by improved results from our venture capital investments.

    幻燈片 16 重點介紹了我們的公司業績。一年前的收入下降,是由於與投資證券投資組合重新定位相關的債務證券淨虧損所致,但部分被我們風險資本投資績效的改善所抵消。

  • Turning to our 2024 outlook for net interest income and non-interest expense on slide 17. We currently expect fourth quarter 2024 net interest income to be roughly in line with the third quarter of 2024, which would imply an approximately 9% decline in full year 2024 net interest income compared with 2023.

    轉向我們對幻燈片17 上的2024 年淨利息收入和非利息支出的展望。 % 2024 年淨利息收入與 2023 年相比。

  • Based on this expectation, we believe we are close to the trough, however, exactly when the securities will be influenced by a variety of factors, including the pace of rate changes, deposit mix and pricing and day count.


  • Turning to expenses, we still expect full year 2024 non-interest expense to be approximately $54 billion, which has not changed from our guidance last quarter. As a reminder, with outstanding litigation, regulatory and customer remediation matters that could impact operating losses during the remainder of the year.

    談到費用,我們仍然預計 2024 年全年非利息費用約為 540 億美元,這與我們上季度的指引沒有變化。提醒一下,由於未決訴訟、監管和客戶補救問題可能會影響今年剩餘時間的營運損失。

  • In summary, we had solid results in Q3 has demonstrated the progress we're making to transform Wells Fargo and improve our returns. We grew non-interest income by 12% from a year ago with growth across most businesses.

    總之,我們在第三季取得了堅實的成果,證明了我們在改造富國銀行和提高回報方面所取得的進展。隨著大多數業務的成長,我們的非利息收入比一年前成長了 12%。

  • We achieved this double digit growth even with the $447 million loss we took to reposition the investment securities portfolio, which will start to benefit our results in the fourth quarter. While this growth in non-interest income was more than offset that the expected decline in net interest income, the investments we have made in our businesses drive better fee income and diversify o ur revenue were evident.

    儘管我們因重新定位投資證券投資組合而損失了 4.47 億美元,但我們仍實現了兩位數的成長,這將開始有利於我們第四季的業績。雖然非利息收入的成長足以抵消淨利息收入的預期下降,但我們對業務的投資明顯帶來了更好的費用收入並使我們的收入多元化。

  • We continue to make progress on our efficiency initiatives with expenses down from a year ago, and hence came down for 17 consecutive quarters. Our results also reflected our credit discipline and strong capital position, which has enabled us to return more than $23 billion to shareholders over the past year through common stock dividends and share repurchases.

    我們在效率措施方面繼續取得進展,費用較上年同期有所下降,因此已連續 17 個季度下降。我們的業績也反映了我們的信用紀律和強大的資本狀況,這使我們在過去一年中透過普通股股息和股票回購向股東返還超過 230 億美元。

  • And while we are pleased with the progress we've made, we're even more excited about the additional opportunity we have throughout all the businesses to continue to improve our results.


  • We will now take your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Scott Siefers, Piper Sandler.

    (操作說明)Scott Siefers、Piper Sandler。

  • Scott Siefers - Analyst

    Scott Siefers - Analyst

  • Thank you for taking the question. Mike what's happening to start with NII. So y our Q4 number should be flattish with the third quarter level that I believe you mentioned towards the end of your prepared remarks that you believe wells, it's sort of close to the trough was hoping you could just unpack a bit more. What you see is the swing was the main swing factors either way as well as kind of what it might take from here for it to begin to inflect back up toward. Pardon me back upward more visibly.

    感謝您提出問題。麥克,從 NII 開始發生了什麼事。因此,我們第四季度的數字應該與第三季度的水平持平,我相信您在準備好的發言結束時提到過,您相信情況很好,它有點接近低谷,希望您能再多一點。您所看到的是,無論哪種方式,波動都是主要的波動因素,以及從這裡開始反彈所需的條件。請原諒我更明顯地向上返回。

  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Yes, Scott, and I appreciate I appreciate the question. Yes, I mean, it's the same drivers we've been talking about now for the last number of quarters. So obviously, deposits in the mix of those deposits is going to be a big factor in the near term. I think as you can see at our trend that and I see it out, deposits were behaving pretty well.


  • But I will note though, in the trend that there is a product switch conversion that we did that sort of impacted at NIB and NIB. So if you take that out, are the percentage of non-interest bearing deposits is effectively flat to the third quarter. And so, that's the first time now in a while where we've seen that be the case. And so that's one of the factors that will have to see sort of play out for a little bit longer time period.

    但我要指出的是,在趨勢中,我們在 NIB 和 NIB 上所做的產品轉換轉換受到了影響。因此,如果去掉這一點,無息存款的百分比實際上與第三季持平。所以,這是我們一段時間以來第一次看到這種情況。因此,這是必須在更長一段時間內發揮作用的因素之一。

  • But but so far, so good in terms of that trend that participating in the way we thought are behaving the way we thought. Obviously deposit pricing as rates come back down or is going to be a big factor. If you look at, as I said in my remarks on the consumer side, we've already adjusted the promotion to promote -- promo rates as well as CDs also continued to adjust as rates move up.

    但到目前為止,這種趨勢非常好,按照我們的想法參與,就是按照我們的想法行事。顯然,隨著利率回落,存款定價或將成為一個重要因素。如果你看一下,正如我在消費者方面的演講中所說的那樣,我們已經調整了促銷活動——促銷價格以及 CD 也隨著價格的上升而繼續調整。

  • You know, we're seeing exactly what we thought we would see on the most interest rate-sensitive deposits on the commercial side, as rates started to come down, the betas are exactly what we thought and are pretty high for those for those deposits. So that's that's working.


  • And obviously, we haven't seen any loan growth, but we weren't expecting that. But that will be a factor as you sort of looked a little bit lower overall a little bit longer time period. And then this is a little bit in the weeds. But as you sort of look at the first quarter, you do have day counts and things to kind of adjust for. So you could bounce around a little bit depending on the quarter based on factors like that as well.


  • Scott Siefers - Analyst

    Scott Siefers - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect. And then you touched I appreciate that. Maybe you touched on loan demand and the factors while you all have been pretty reserved regarding that backdrop throughout the year, which has been borne out to be correct. I guess hopefully, we're beginning to get some clarity of some of the unresolved issues like cost to borrow Americas. We're getting closer to the election. Maybe just some additional thoughts on the overall outlook there, if possible, please.


  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Yes. I think I mean, you hit it hit out a few a couple of things that people are thinking about. But again, based on the conversations Our teams are having with clients, see, I think people are still being very prudent about borrowing. I think the 50 basis point reduction helpful, but not by itself will factor that will drive people to borrow or not.

    是的。我想我的意思是,你擊中了人們正在思考的一些事情。但同樣,根據我們團隊與客戶的對話,我認為人們對於借貸仍然非常謹慎。我認為降息 50 個基點是有幫助的,但本身並不會成為推動人們借貸或不借貸的因素。

  • I think you will need to see that come down more meaningfully if that's like the driving force, the uncertainty around the election of the uncertainty around j ust macro backdrop, I think as people get more confidence that the baseline case of a soft landing will materialize, you get past the election is see rates come down. It will come together and help give clients more confidence about either building inventories or making further capital expenditures that they're just stuff they're holding off on now.


  • So I think I think you got to see a few of those things come together. And as you say, as we get closer to the end of the year, you'll start to get a little bit more visibility there. I will say as it goes.


  • Operator


  • Ebrahim Poonawala, Bank of America.


  • Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

    Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

  • Sir. Good morning . I guess the first question, I think Charlie advanced decision made in his opening remarks and on expenses, and I appreciate you're not talking about 2025 today, but big picture looking at this slide 7, personnel expenses flat 8.6% year-over-year, non-comp flat 4.2$ year-over-year. It from a shareholder perspective.

    先生。早安 .我想第一個問題,我認為查理在開場白和費用方面做出了提前決定,我很高興你今天不是在談論2025 年,而是從這張幻燈片7 的總體情況來看,人員費用同比持平8.6% -年,非補償持平 4.2 美元。從股東的角度來看。

  • And given what you've said, is it fair to assume we continue to see some of this flatlining 10 where did and enough savings to reinvest into place from grow fee revenues into all the stuff that you're doing, but without seeing a meaningful change in these two categories and we look forward?

    考慮到你所說的,可以公平地假設我們繼續看到這10 個地方的收入持平,並且有足夠的儲蓄可以透過增加費用收入再投資到你正在做的所有事情上,但沒有看到有意義的結果這兩個品類的改變值得我們期待嗎?

  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • This is Charlie. I'm I guess I repeat what we've said in the past, which is on. We think that there continue to be meaningful efficiencies around the company. But we also are investing come in both sending whatever we need to spend in the risk and regulatory space as well as investing for the future.


  • And when we get to next quarter, we'll talk about 2025. And we just don't want to get ahead of ourselves because that's a that's something that we think we've done a good job of balancing historically and will continue to balance that going forward in our thinking. And but we've got specifics to share, we'll share it.

    當我們到達下個季度時,我們將討論 2025 年。但我們有具體細節要分享,會分享的。

  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Anybody that is going to be put out. one other thing. If you look at things like personnel expense, obviously there's lots going on underneath that. So we are seeing the efficiency come through on salaries and other items, and that's offset by revenue related expense, mostly in the wealth and investment management business.


  • And so that's a good thing, right? So do you may see that bounce around, but yet but underneath that is the efficiency really coming through as headcount continues to come down, I think we both public it out that head count came down and it came down again in the quarter. So we're continuing to execute on that part of the efficiency agenda as well as all the other non personnel expenses.


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • But again, I just I don't think our thinking has changed about com efficiency opportunities, but also opportunities to invest. And so we just need to go to our own internal processes as w e think about 2012, 2025. And when we finish up share.

    但我再說一遍,我認為我們對提高效率的機會以及投資機會的看法沒有改變。因此,當我們考慮 2012 年、2025 年時,我們只需要進入我們自己的內部流程。

  • Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

    Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

  • That's helpful. And just maybe one quick, Mike, I'm sorry if I missed it on NII, asset-sensitive balance sheet. We go to September, 50 basis points cut would have assumed fourth quarter and I would have declined and maybe did about $50 million of bond book these capturing help.

    這很有幫助。麥克,如果我錯過了 NII(資產敏感資產負債表),我很抱歉。到了 9 月份,假設第四季度降息 50 個基點,我可能會拒絕,也許會記入約 5000 萬美元的債券,以獲得幫助。

  • Why NII is not going down despite the 50 basis points cut, and is there more room for additional restructuring as we look forward? Thank you.


  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Yes. I mean, look, it's just a confluence of all the factors that come together right around sort of what's happening with the mix of deposits. Our mix is a little bit different, obviously than others. I think the pricing actions we took across the deposit base help as you look into the fourth quarter as well.


  • And then obviously, we've got assets continue to have kind of reprice up. We've got the repositioning, but also just normal reinvestment as we've seen maturities role, I think on repositioning and we've been sort of repositioning the portfolio for a while. We'll continue to look at it. Yes, nothing on the horizon right now, but we'll continue to look at it as we always do. And I will let you know if we decide to do more.


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And the only other thing I'd add is when you think about just rate movement, you need to look at the different points along the curve.


  • Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

    Ebrahim Poonawala - Analyst

  • Got it. And the steeper, the better I assume.


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • As things get better over a period of time.


  • Operator


  • Erika Najarian, UBS.


  • Erika Najarian - Analyst

    Erika Najarian - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. My first question is could you remind us based on your understanding what happens month after you submit your third-party review to define that as it relates to the asset cap on stream?


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • So just on the way consent orders work, I'll answer very generally because we don't talk about anything specific relative to where we are. What the timing is. We havent and we won't do is you get a consent order. We need to do the work to develop a very detailed plan regulators, then look at that plan and give us feedback on the plan.


  • We execute on that plan and whatever is required in that submission when we're done with the work we submitted to them, and then they have done some work along the way, but they generally do a review after the submission. And then they've got a series of formal processes that they need to go through them to make the decision on whether the work has been done to their satisfaction. And when that's done, we find out about it and you find out about it.


  • Erika Najarian - Analyst

    Erika Najarian - Analyst

  • Okay, just as a follow-up, you bought back 3.5 billion of shares in the third quarter at Amicus. It's about this in the event piece that we should expect until you get your and your next SCB in June. Just trying to think about on frame and the buyback opportunity over next two quarters?

    好的,作為後續行動,您在第三季回購了 Amicus 35 億股股票。在您於 6 月獲得下一個 SCB 之前,我們應該期待在活動文章中介紹這一點。只是想考慮未來兩季的框架和回購機會嗎?

  • John Campbell - Investor Relations

    John Campbell - Investor Relations

  • Yes, Erika, and we don't really talk about quarter to quarter pace. But I think here, if you look at where where we stand from a capital perspective were 150 basis points over the new regs, minimum plus buffers of 9.8%. So we go into this environment with plenty of excess capital. We're going to generate more capital, obviously through through earnings as we go.

    是的,埃里卡,我們並不是真正談論季度與季度的速度。但我認為,如果你從資本角度來看我們的立場,我們的立場比新規高出 150 個基點,最低加上 9.8% 的緩衝。因此,我們進入這種環境時擁有大量過剩資本。我們將產生更多的資本,顯然是透過我們的獲利來產生的。

  • And then we go through the normal process that we go through every quarter to look at sort of the opportunities we have to help support clients. We look at the risks that are out there, and then we'll decide on exact pacing sort of as as we go. But we're happy that we were able to buy back in at $15.5 billion so far year to date and continuing to give excess capital back to shareholders, you know, is off the top of mind for us.

    然後我們會經歷每個季度都會經歷的正常流程,以尋找我們必須幫助支持客戶的機會。我們會研究存在的風險,然後我們會根據實際情況決定確切的節奏。但我們很高興今年迄今為止我們能夠以 155 億美元的價格回購股票,並且繼續向股東返還多餘的資本,你知道,這對我們來說並不是首要考慮的事情。

  • Operator


  • Betsy Graseck, Morgan Stanley.


  • Betsy Graseck - Analyst

    Betsy Graseck - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. So first question, just want to understand if the asset cap or to be very well, I should say when the asset cap is removed, right on what are there opportunities for you to Lehman anywhere in terms of asset growth? Because I heard you in the past several times, I understand that saying today that the asset cap is not keeping you from doing anything that you wanted to know, and maybe that's wrong, but I just want to understand where you were doing in asset when it does government.


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure, Mike, I'll start. And then you can either amplifier change if you disagree with anything. I say, I think what we see and what we have talked a little bit about is the places where we have been most careful about that about the assets or liabilities today is around on the wholesale deposit side.


  • There's certainly been places where we've had to be very careful about not bringing on significant deposits because we want to make sure that we've got the room to serve customers elsewhere both relative to their their borrowing needs as well as consumer deposits. And obviously, when commercial deposits come into brings cash with this.


  • T he other places I've been in our in our markets business where we actually have since the asset cap is has been in existence. We've not just limited but reduce somewhat the financing of buildings that we have for our customers. So those are the two places where we would probably we probably see the impact immediately, not incredibly significant changes by any stretch the imagination, but we've been had to be very, very careful in those two places.


  • And then beyond that, it just normal growth opportunities that we would see across all the different parts of the Company.


  • Betsy Graseck - Analyst

    Betsy Graseck - Analyst

  • And on the expense side, you've talked in the past about the $2.2 billion that has been invested too address the issues in the consent order and to deal with them. When the consent order goes away, as there is there an opportunity to pull back on that at all?

    在費用方面,您過去曾談到已投資 22 億美元來解決同意令中的問題並處理這些問題。當同意令消失時,是否還有機會取消同意令?

  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • We're not even honestly work and we literally aren't even thinking about that. We still have more work to do some. We've said that that is the most important thing at some point, can we become more efficient and some of the things? Absolutely.


  • But what's most important is from our standpoint to make sure that the things we've built become part of the culture of the company. So it's just not that it's just when we think about efficiencies, we think about there plenty of other places for us to drive efficiencies and not focus on those activities at this point.


  • Operator


  • Matt O'Connor, Deutsche Bank.


  • Matt O'Connor - Analyst

    Matt O'Connor - Analyst

  • Good morning. I was hoping you guys could talk about the anti money laundering KYC disclosure will tend to buy investigation and one more White Star from regulatory outcome on that. And given medical was in your 10-Q and our public, I'm wondering if you could just add some color around that. And then also just what it might mean to expenses and anything else we should be mindful of Gulf of Mexico?

    早安.我希望你們能談談反洗錢 KYC 披露將傾向於購買調查,並從監管結果中再獲得一顆白星。鑑於醫療問題屬於您的 10-Q 和我們的公眾,我想知道您是否可以在其中添加一些顏色。那麼這對墨西哥灣的開支和其他我們應該注意的事情可能意味著什麼?

  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes. I mean, we put out something when we entered into the formal agreement with the OCC and some like other things that we find and they find some we take extremely seriously. We're going to get the work done. As I've said in my prepared remarks, I think as we identify issues and we see that there are things that have to get built. We've got confidence that we've got the ability to do it.

    是的。我的意思是,當我們與 OCC 簽訂正式協議時,我們發布了一些內容,以及我們發現的其他內容,他們發現有些內容我們非常重視。我們會完成工作。正如我在準備好的演講中所說,我認為當我們發現問題時,我們發現有些東西必須建立。我們有信心我們有能力做到這一點。

  • I would say, relative to the cost around it, I'd say the two different pieces, which is just like all of the control related work. We're going to spend whatever necessary. A t this point, as we as we sit and look at the $54 billion expense base, don't see it having or anything meaningfully that we need to talk about some beyond our ability to spend, as we've discussed.

    我想說,相對於它周圍的成本,我想說的是兩個不同的部分,就像所有與控制相關的工作一樣。我們將花一切必要的錢。此時此刻,當我們坐下來審視 540 億美元的支出基礎時,我們並不認為它有任何有意義的事情,我們需要談論一些超出我們支出能力的事情,正如我們所討論的那樣。

  • And I would also mention that and I think we've said something about this, which is a significant amount of the work that is required in the consent order we've been working on. And so we think about what we're spending, we're spending a significant amount of money relative to what's necessary in that order already.


  • Matt O'Connor - Analyst

    Matt O'Connor - Analyst

  • Okay. And then are you able to comment, is this kind of a well specific phone or an industry wide kind of area of focus because banks are responsible not just for please select customers, but really keeping track of all the mine will be moving around. So it seems like it could be a --


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • We're not going to speak to speak for ourselves and the and what we know beyond that is not right or appropriate .


  • Operator


  • David Long, Raymond James.


  • David Long - Analyst

    David Long - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to follow up with the regulatory side and on, can you remind us of the mechanics of the asset cap without providing any insights as to what do you think it may come off, but is it can be asset cap fee removed in your opinion without the consent order being removed completely?


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Because I would I'm happy for anyone who's if you have questions on the 2018 Fed consent order, it's very readable. It's something like I don't remember exactly, but it's like 5 pages -- 7 pages, Mike is telling me of which there are like there's a page in there, which is really the page that lays out what we have to accomplish and how the Fed is going to look at things.

    因為如果您對 2018 年聯準會同意令有疑問,我會為任何人感到高興,它非常可讀。我記不太清楚了,但大概有 5 頁——7 頁,麥克告訴我其中有一頁,這實際上是列出我們必須完成的任務以及如何完成的頁面美聯儲將會考慮一些事情。

  • So it really he is very digestible, um, so I'll give you a brief summary, but I again, please, I'd point you back to it. If you want to go through it, we're required to -- t he Board needs to be more effective. We need to build out operational risk and compliance. And the Company there is to lift the asset cap that work needs to be adopted and implemented and to lift the entire consent order needs to be effective and sustainable.


  • And so, that's what's laid out of the way the Fed will interpret those things. And relative to things going on in the Company is certainly in their daily work, as I've said, we're very focused on getting the work done and feel good about our ability to get it done, given what we've shown that we can do here.


  • David Long - Analyst

    David Long - Analyst

  • Got it. Thank you, Charlie, appreciate it. And then the other question I had was related to the trading gains line and you've been putting up over $1 billion there on per quarter in trading gains. What are some of the puts and takes in that line that can create some volatility on a quarter-to-quarter basis?

    知道了。謝謝你,查理,很感激。我的另一個問題與交易收益線有關,您已經在每季的交易收益上投入了超過 10 億美元。該行中有哪些看跌期權和買入期權可能會造成季度間的波動?

  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Yes, I'll ask Michael. I'll take that. Obviously, volatility in the market is a big factor. So it's kind of the market conditions that we operate, as you generally have some seasonality to that line item as well. But in the third and fourth quarter as you get through the holiday season. And then I think we've, though, than focus there is really just continuing to methodically, improve the capabilities, make sure we got the right people, the right seats.


  • We know we continue to improve our all of our technology and e-trading capabilities, and we're seeing good good results of that. But it's something that can move around based on market conditions quite a bit. But our focus is just to make sure that we continue to have the right capabilities to serve clients. And we've been pleased now that we've strung together probably seven quarters of pretty good performance there. And though or look forward to them to happens going forward.


  • Operator


  • John Pancari, Evercore.


  • John Pancari - Analyst

    John Pancari - Analyst

  • Good morning. J ust around the little bit more on the securities repositioning. How much of a benefit to net interest income did these securities repositioning have on this quarter? And how much of it would be a full quarter impact that you would expect for the fourth quarter?


  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Very little in the third quarter. It's all done on. So it's in the run rate for the fourth quarter.


  • John Pancari - Analyst

    John Pancari - Analyst

  • Okay. And then you have you sized up that impact what it would mean for NII for the fourth quarter?

    好的。然後您是否評估過這種影響對第四季度的 NII 意味著什麼?

  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • It's in my remark just on that. Obviously going to take to get day count at other things to adjust, but it's pretty easy to model.


  • John Pancari - Analyst

    John Pancari - Analyst

  • Right. Okay. All right. Thanks. And then suddenly just around the fee income commentary, I appreciate the color you provided around the trading outlook. Can you perhaps unpack the rest of the out your expectation there? Just on the fee side, how we should think about the trajectory of wealth management and possibly beyond the card side and IB as well, just what you're seeing here in terms of underlying drivers?

    正確的。好的。好的。謝謝。然後突然間,圍繞著費用收入評論,我很欣賞您在交易前景方面提供的色彩。您能否解開您的期望的其餘部分?就費用方面而言,我們應該如何考慮財富管理的軌跡,以及可能超越卡片方面和 IB 的軌跡,正如您在這裡看到的潛在驅動因素?

  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Well, first of all, it's hard -- there like 15 underlying drivers, Phil Wright. And so you should look at each of the specifics and do your own modeling based upon what you think, right. We've got credit card revenues. We've got trading we've done with all these different pieces. It's just not one monolithic number.

    嗯,首先,這很難——大約有 15 個潛在的驅動因素,Phil Wright。因此,您應該查看每個細節,並根據您的想法進行自己的建模,對吧。我們有信用卡收入。我們已經用所有這些不同的部分進行了交易。這不是一個單一的數字。

  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Maybe I could just give you a couple pieces of color underneath. That's obviously the investment management line market levels matter a lot. As we pointed out, about two-thirds of that line is equities and the rest is fixed income. Most of that gets priced in advance based on the prior -- the first day of the quarter, the last day of the quarter prior quarter.


  • So that's a pretty good way to sort of think about that line going forward. And if you look at card fees, as Charlie talked about, we've got a debit card credit card business. We sort of see growth across the economy and our and were successful in growing our business that will drive that line. Investment banking is somewhat market dependent, but we've been investing there quite a bit.


  • And so the goal is to increase market share in a methodical over time. And so those are those are kind of the biggest pieces of the puzzle there. But I'm hopeful that the hopefully that's helpful.


  • Operator


  • Gerard Cassidy of RBC Capital Markets.


  • Gerard Cassidy - Analyst

    Gerard Cassidy - Analyst

  • Hi, Mike. Hi, Charlie. Can you can share with us maybe a little color on the commercial real estate office portfolio? Looks like this stabilization may be sitting in on the credit quality. Any indicators of is it getting less worse or deal? And when you go in too mark property down, the marks maybe aren't as severe as they were six months ago or 12 months ago any further details here?

    嗨,麥克。嗨,查理。您能否與我們分享一下商業房地產辦公室投資組合的一些色彩?看來這種穩定可能會影響信貸品質。有任何跡象表明情況是否變得更糟或有所改善嗎?當您對財產進行過度標記時,標記可能不像六個月前或 12 個月前那麼嚴重,這裡有更多詳細資訊嗎?

  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Pay a throughout? I'll take it. It's quite it's and it's an interesting question because, um, it depends on I think it depends on who you talk to and how you actually answered how you actually asked the question, meaning, when we look at what's actually happening, things aren't getting better, and it is it is kind of more of the same, but it's impacting more properties.


  • Maybe to some extent, there's a little bit of contagion to properties that, you know, are fairly well leased, but people looking for better deals because they think there's weakness out there. So you see a little bit of that. But what you I see is just more of the significant revaluation because of supply and demand that's going on as these properties kind of move through the cycle.


  • So as we look at, as you know, are kind of big picture is based upon what we expected. There aren't material changes at all. We're actually seeing that play out, but things are getting worse because they are more properties being impacted. So it depends on whether it's versus your expectations for what you've seen in the prior period.


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Indra, maybe just one other piece, though, is the same. We're seeing the same kind of a trend where you kind of newbuildings, though, renovated buildings in good locations are doing five older office buildings pretty consistent across the US, but it But as Charlie said, it's within the expectations we've had, which are we have been pretty we were pretty down on the space now for a while. And so it's playing out largely within that range of what we thought.


  • But it's going to and as I have said, over and over like it's going to take a while to play out. This is not something that will take a quarter to be over. It'll it'll it'll play out over a longer period of time. And but we feel really good about our allowance for coverage ratio. We feel like that's more than appropriate for kind of what we expect to see here and are going to continue to work with clients as best we can through.


  • Gerard Cassidy - Analyst

    Gerard Cassidy - Analyst

  • Very good. And then I know it's gosh, has continually been less than a month since the Fed cuts the Fed funds rate. And obviously the forward curve is calling for more. And you guys, as you have addressed in your prepared remarks, Mike, about deposit costs behavior. I know again, it's early, but any comments on or are you seeing the consumers and the corporate customers behaving as expected in terms of what they're doing with their deposits with lower rates?


  • And as the second part of that question, with your loan to deposit ratio not being very high, of course, is there more room for you to lower deposit costs and not have to be as concerned as being a over-levered?


  • Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

    Michael Santomassimo - Chief Financial Officer, Senior Executive Vice President

  • Yes, I'd say, look, the short answer on the behavior side is not much has changed since in the last three weeks. The trend, though, that we have seen now for the better part of a year-ish is that we've seen less migration to higher-yielding alternatives. We've seen good stabilization deposits across the businesses that those trends are all still still true and we're not we're not seeing that shifted any significant way in any of the businesses at this point.


  • I think as you look at both deposit pricing and the other side of the equation that you sort of brought up on the loan side, we feel it's really important to have very consistent approach to underwriting credit over a long period of time. And that's kind of where what we've been doing that. I think that's clear that served us well. And I think that's going to continue to be the approach.


  • On that deposit side. I think we'll do. We'll make the decisions we think are the right decisions to product by product and client by client based on the relationships we have. And I think in so far, again, that's worked out well for us. So if the approach, we're going to continue to take.


  • Gerard Cassidy - Analyst

    Gerard Cassidy - Analyst

  • Great. I appreciate the color and candor. Thank you.


  • Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Charles Scharf - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Okay. We thank everyone for joining us, and we'll talk to you next time.


  • Operator


  • Thank you all for your participation on today's conference call. At this time, all parties may disconnect.
