Upstart Holdings Inc (UPST) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


Upstart 召開電話會議,討論 2024 年第二季財務業績,強調恢復成長和獲利能力方面取得的進展。執行長 Dave Girouard 強調了人工智慧模型、融資合作夥伴關係和營運效率的改進。該公司看到了貸款需求和信貸表現的正面趨勢,並專注於小額減免貸款作為收購管道。

他們對未來的成長、轉換率的提高以及獲得更多的資本交易持樂觀態度。 Upstart 專注於準確定價貸款報價,保持資金供應與成長之間的平衡,並透過創新的金融結構提高貸款績效。他們在技術和商業模式上經歷了重大轉變,對未來的成功充滿信心。


使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to the Upstart second-quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    大家好,歡迎參加 Upstart 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • Today's conference is being recorded.


  • At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Cynthia Moon, Lead Corporate and Securities Counsel.

    這次,我想將會議交給首席企業和證券法律顧問辛西婭·穆恩 (Cynthia Moon)。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Cynthia Moon - Lead Corporate and Securities Counsel

    Cynthia Moon - Lead Corporate and Securities Counsel

  • Good afternoon, and thank you for joining us on today's conference call to discuss Upstart's second-quarter 2024 financial results.

    下午好,感謝您參加今天的電話會議,討論 Upstart 的 2024 年第二季財務業績。

  • With us on today's call are Dave Girouard, Upstart's Chief Executive Officer; and Sanjay Datta, our Chief Financial Officer.

    參加今天電話會議的有 Upstart 執行長 Dave Girouard;以及我們的財務長 Sanjay Datta。

  • Before we begin, I want to remind you that shortly after the market closed today, Upstart issued a press release announcing its second-quarter 2024 financial results and published an Investor Relations presentation.

    在開始之前,我想提醒您,今天收盤後不久,Upstart 發布了一份新聞稿,宣布其 2024 年第二季度財務業績,並發布了投資者關係簡報。

  • Both are available on our Investor Relations website,

    兩者均可在我們的投資者關係網站 上找到。

  • During the call, we will make forward-looking statements, such as guidance for the third quarter of 2024 and the second half of 2024 related to our business and our plans to expand our platform in the future.

    在電話會議期間,我們將做出前瞻性陳述,例如與我們的業務相關的 2024 年第三季和 2024 年下半年的指引以及我們未來擴展平台的計劃。

  • These statements are based on our current expectations and information available as of today and are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions.


  • Actual results may differ materially as a result of various risk factors that have been described in our filings with the SEC.

    由於我們向 SEC 提交的文件中所述的各種風險因素,實際結果可能會存在重大差異。

  • As a result, we caution you against placing undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.


  • We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information or future events, except as required by law.


  • In addition, during today's call, unless otherwise stated, references to our results are provided as non-GAAP financial measures and are reconciled to our GAAP results, which can be found in the earnings release and supplemental tables.


  • (Event Instructions) Next week, on August 15, Upstart will be participating in the Needham Fintech and Digital Transformation Conference.


  • On September 12, Upstart will participate in B. Riley Securities Consumer and TMT Conference.

    9月12日,Upstart將參加B.Riley Securities消費者與TMT大會。

  • Now we'd like to turn it over to Dave Girouard, CEO of Upstart.

    現在我們想把它交給 Upstart 執行長 Dave Girouard。

  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • I'm Dave Girouard, Co-Founder and CEO of Upstart.

    我是戴夫·吉魯亞德 (Dave Girouard),Upstart 的共同創辦人兼執行長。

  • Thanks for joining us on our earnings call covering our second-quarter 2024 results.

    感謝您參加我們的財報電話會議,介紹我們 2024 年第二季的業績。

  • I've said many times over the last couple of years that I've never lost an ounce of faith or optimism in the future of Upstart, and today you can begin to see why.

    在過去的幾年裡,我曾多次說過,我對 Upstart 的未來從未失去過一絲信心或樂觀態度,今天你就可以開始明白其中的原因了。

  • I'm proud and thankful for the incredible work done by Upstarters in the last two years to build a stronger and better company on so many dimensions.

    我對 Upstarters 在過去兩年中為在多個方面打造更強大、更好的公司所做的令人難以置信的工作感到自豪和感激。

  • The numbers and guidance we released today demonstrate that we're turning a corner.


  • We've made real progress toward returning to sequential growth and EBITDA profitability, and, I believe, toward resuming our role once again as the fintech known for high growth and healthy margins.

    我們在恢復環比增長和 EBITDA 盈利能力方面取得了真正的進展,我相信,我們在再次恢復以高增長和健康利潤率聞名的金融科技角色方面取得了真正的進展。

  • We've also rebuilt our funding supply by locking in important long-term funding partnerships and significantly reducing the use of our balance sheet to fund loans.


  • We expect this trend of reduced loan funding from our balance sheet will continue through the remainder of 2024.

    我們預計資產負債表中貸款資金減少的趨勢將持續到 2024 年剩餘時間。

  • But this progress is not due to any dramatic improvements in macroeconomic factors or risk.


  • Any such macro wins remain in our future.


  • Rather, our progress is the result of the dedicated efforts of more than 1,200 Upstarters.


  • The improvements that are evident in our business today are coming from inside the house: first, significant and even dramatic AI model wins; second, a revamped and revitalized funding supply; and third, increased operating efficiency.


  • These wins and more are providing the foundation for the Upstart comeback story that I expect we'll share with you in the quarters and years to come.


  • Today, I'll provide some insights to these major initiatives and how they're building on the progress we've made in recent months.


  • We continue to focus the majority of our efforts on our core personal loan product, where the opportunity for leadership in a fast-growing category is clear.


  • Our product today is far superior to what we offered two years ago in all the dimensions that matter.


  • Model accuracy, fraud detection, automation, funding resiliency, acquisition costs, and revenue optimization are leaps and bounds better than they were in 2022.

    模型準確性、詐欺偵測、自動化、融資彈性、收購成本和收入優化比 2022 年有了飛躍的進步。

  • Most importantly, I'm thrilled to share that we very recently launched one of the largest and most impactful improvements to our core credit pricing model in our history.


  • In fact, with this launch, 18% of all accuracy gains in this model since our inception have been delivered by our ML team in the last 12 months.

    事實上,隨著此次發布,自我們成立以來該模型的所有準確率提升的 18% 都是由我們的 ML 團隊在過去 12 個月內實現的。

  • To dive a bit further, Model 18, or M18 as we call it internally, is the first to incorporate APR as a feature or as an input to the model.

    更進一步來說,Model 18(我們內部稱為 M18)是第一個將 APR 納入模型特徵或輸入的模型。

  • It's of course common to think of APR as an output of a risk model, at least indirectly.


  • But we know empirically that the APR also affects the repayment risk of a loan.


  • All else being equal, a higher APR will select for a riskier borrower, a notion known as adverse selection.


  • Conversely, a lower APR will select for a less risky borrower.


  • If you have a background in computer science or math, you quickly realize that having APR as both an input and output to the same model presents some challenges.

    如果您具有電腦科學或數學背景,您很快就會意識到將 APR 作為相同模型的輸入和輸出會帶來一些挑戰。

  • Solving this problem requires running our risk models many times in parallel to arrive at the appropriate answer.


  • In fact, M18 generates approximately 1 million predictions for each applicant in order to converge to the correct APR, which is six times the number of predictions of the prior model, and we believe the improvement in accuracy is well worth it.

    事實上,M18 為每個申請人產生大約 100 萬個預測,以便收斂到正確的 APR,這是先前模型預測數量的六倍,我們相信準確性的提高是非常值得的。

  • Additionally, I'm very happy to report that we expect M18 to substantially improve our funnel conversion rate.

    此外,我很高興地向大家報告,我們預計 M18 將大幅提高我們的通路轉換率。

  • From a competitive standpoint, I believe that significant technical obstacles, such as the one I've described here, are themselves a clear sign of progress.


  • We're pushing the boundaries of computing and AI to build more accurate models, and we've seen few signs that peers in the lending space are far enough along the path of AI-based modeling to even encounter these technical challenges.


  • We also reached another all-time high on automation of our core unsecured loan product, with 91% of loans in Q2 fully automated.

    我們的核心無擔保貸款產品的自動化程度也再創歷史新高,第二季 91% 的貸款完全自動化。

  • As a reminder, this means no documents, no phone calls, no waiting, and no human involvement whatsoever.


  • Two years ago, this number was 73%, and we weren't sure reaching 90% was even possible.

    兩年前,這個數字是 73%,我們甚至不確定是否有可能達到 90%。

  • Driving automated approvals up while keeping fraud to minimal levels is an obvious fit for AI, so we would expect Upstart to continue to lead on this front.

    推動自動化審批,同時​​將詐欺行為控制在最低水平,這顯然適合人工智慧,因此我們預計 Upstart 將繼續在這方面處於領先地位。

  • And automation isn't just a win for cost and efficiency, it also provides the foundation of a fundamentally better product for the consumer.


  • Ultimately our strategy is to offer the best rates and the best process to all, for every credit product that matters.


  • This means continuing to expand our platform to auto loans, small-dollar relief loans, and home equity lines of credit.


  • And we're making great strides in each of these products.


  • In Q2, our auto team released new underwriting models for both our auto retail and refinance products as well as a new fraud model for auto retail.


  • We've now seen multiple months of calibrated loan performance and are growing confident that our loans are performant and increasingly competitive in the market.


  • In the interest of continuing to move our auto business to profitability, we increased the monthly fee we charge each dealership for the use of our software.


  • Despite this, we believe we're still quite inexpensive relative to competitive offerings.


  • We're also investing heavily in servicing and recovery for auto and saw a 33% improvement in roll rates and a 44% increase in recovery rates in the second quarter alone.

    我們也大力投資汽車維修和回收,光是第二季度,翻滾率就提高了 33%,回收率提高了 44%。

  • And our small-dollar relief product continues to grow rapidly, with 57% sequential growth in the number of loans in the second quarter.

    我們的小額救助產品持續快速成長,第二季貸款數量較上季增加 57%。

  • Our intention with this product is to expand access to bank quality credit rather than to generate enormous profits.


  • Nonetheless, I'm thrilled to say that in Q2, SDL became our second product to reach break-even economics.

    儘管如此,我很高興地說,在第二季度,SDL 成為我們第二個實現盈虧平衡的產品。

  • We also signed our first warehouse for SDL this past quarter.

    上個季度我們也為 SDL 簽署了第一個倉庫協議。

  • For the current quarter, we've identified opportunities to reduce the variable cost of these loans by more than 40%, which would represent another incredible win and an opportunity to increase approval rates further.

    在本季度,我們發現了將這些貸款的可變成本降低 40% 以上的機會,這將代表著另一個令人難以置信的勝利,也是進一步提高批准率的機會。

  • Overall, this team continues to execute like pros and is helping Upstart expand its impact on the American consumer rapidly and responsibly.

    總體而言,該團隊繼續像專業人士一樣執行任務,並正在幫助 Upstart 快速、負責任地擴大對美國消費者的影響力。

  • As of today, our home equity line of credit is available in 30 states, covering 51% of the US population.

    截至目前,我們的房屋淨值信貸額度已覆蓋 30 個州,覆蓋美國 51% 的人口。

  • We exited Q2 with an instant approval rate for HELOC applicants of 42%, up from 36% in Q1.

    第二季結束時,HELOC 申請人的即時核准率為 42%,高於第一季的 36%。

  • This means we're able to instantly verify applicants' income and identity without the need for tedious document uploads.


  • Consistent with our experience in personal loans, instantly approved applicants convert almost twice as often as other applicants.


  • With respect to credit performance of our HELOCs, things couldn't be better.

    就我們 HELOC 的信用表現而言,情況再好不過了。

  • With more than 300 HELOCs originated, we have zero defaults to date.

    我們發起了 300 多個 HELOC,迄今為止違約是零。

  • Finally, we've seen significant interest from Upstart's bank and credit union partners in our HELOC product and hope to launch our first lending partnership before the end of the year.

    最後,我們看到 Upstart 的銀行和信用合作社合作夥伴對我們的 HELOC 產品表現出濃厚的興趣,並希望在今年年底之前啟動我們的第一個貸款合作夥伴關係。

  • We continue to invest enormously in servicing and collections.


  • To give you a sense of this, in the last two years we've tripled the number of Upstarters on our servicing product and engineering teams.


  • And this investment is paying off.


  • We've made it radically easier for borrowers to make payments in whatever way works for them.


  • We've implemented new channels for reaching borrowers who are delinquent.


  • These efforts and more have helped drive delinquency rates down by 16% year over year and have helped reduce support costs per current loan by 30%.

    這些努力以及其他措施幫助拖欠率年減了 16%,並將每筆當前貸款的支持成本降低了 30%。

  • We've also now increased the number of borrowers enrolled in autopay for 36 consecutive weeks.

    我們現在也連續 36 週增加了登記自動轉帳的借款人數量。

  • Much of our team's efforts to date have prepared our servicing infrastructure for the deployment of AI models that we believe will enable us to build a significantly differentiated loan-servicing capability.


  • Two years ago, we told you that we would upgrade the funding supply on the Upstart platform.


  • We aimed to move a significant portion of our funding from at-will monthly agreements to longer term committed partnerships.


  • Given the importance and complexity of these relationships, we cautioned that this would take some time.


  • I'm pleased to share that we've now accomplished this goal.


  • We ended Q2 with well over half of the institutional funding on our platform coming from committed capital and other co-investment partnerships.


  • We began with the announcement of our first partnership with Castlelake 15 months ago.

    15 個月前,我們宣布與 Castlelake 建立首次合作夥伴關係。

  • This partnership has since been renewed.


  • We've since added significant partnerships with Ares and Centerbridge.

    此後,我們與 Ares 和 Centerbridge 建立了重要的合作夥伴關係。

  • Other institutional investors that have been with us for much longer have also returned to the platform.


  • We continue to pursue additional opportunities to broaden and deepen our funding supply as Upstart returns to growth mode.

    隨著 Upstart 回歸成長模式,我們將繼續尋求更多機會來擴大和深化我們的融資供應。

  • We also said back then that we'd use our own balance sheet as a transitional bridge to this better state.


  • You can see from the numbers we released today that we've begun to reduce the use of our balance sheet to fund loans.


  • We're hopeful this will continue through the rest of the year, though I'd like to always reserve the option to use our balance sheet to do the right thing for our business.


  • I'm also pleased to report that banks and credit unions continue to return to the Upstart platform.

    我還很高興地報告,銀行和信用合作社繼續回歸 Upstart 平台。

  • We've signed eight new lenders since Q1.


  • Performance and lender demand on the platform are creating a competitive environment which is beginning to reduce prices for Upstart borrowers.


  • In fact, lenders representing about half of the monthly available funding on Upstart from lenders have reduced their target returns recently as their liquidity has improved and their demand for loans has increased.

    事實上,由於流動性改善和貸款需求增加,佔 Upstart 每月可用資金約一半的貸方最近降低了目標回報。

  • This is the first time in two years that we've seen loan prices drop on Upstart.

    這是兩年來我們首次看到 Upstart 的貸款價格下降。

  • For many reasons, transforming credit with AI is complex and challenging.


  • Tackling the world's most entrenched problems with AI is difficult and it doesn't happen overnight.


  • But to those who ultimately solve these problems, there comes a tremendous reward.


  • Today we're tackling problems that we weren't even aware of a couple years ago.


  • My perspective is that, top to bottom, we've gone through a significant reinvention of the company, both from a technology and business model perspective.


  • We're confident we're on the right track and making rapid progress.


  • And this is just beginning to show in our financials.


  • Despite the fact that many trillions of dollars in credit are originated each year, our competition in AI is scarce.


  • In generative AI, you have a significant number of well-funded and talented competitors, such as OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, and Meta at the cutting edge of model building.

    在生成人工智慧領域,有大量資金雄厚、才華橫溢的競爭對手,例如處於模型構建前沿的 OpenAI、Google、Anthropic 和 Meta。

  • In AI for lending, you have Upstart.


  • Thanks.


  • And now I'd like to turn it over to Sanjay, our Chief Financial Officer, to walk through our Q2 2024 financial results and guidance.

    現在我想將其交給我們的財務長 Sanjay,讓他詳細介紹我們的 2024 年第二季財務表現和指導。

  • Sanjay?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Dave.


  • Good afternoon to all, and thank you for joining us.


  • A notable topic for us over the past few quarters has been the macro climate and its impact on both consumer spend and credit loss.


  • The stimuli of 2020 and early 2021 left consumers flush with cash, and, in retrospect, unleashed a two-year-plus surge of consumption as consumers plunge to new elevated spending habits well beyond the duration of the stimulus and in our view, also beyond our collective means.

    2020 年和2021 年初的刺激措施讓消費者手頭充裕,回想起來,隨著​​消費者在刺激措施持續時間之外、在我們看來,也超出了刺激措施的持續時間,消費者開始養成新的高消費習慣,因而引發了兩年多的消費激增。

  • These trends were, of course, exacerbated by punishing price inflation.


  • This inflation, which also had its roots in the post-COVID monetary expansion, appears to have mostly run its course as we had anticipated for much of the past year.


  • We now also see signs that the venerable American consumer is reluctantly waving the white flag, acting to moderate outlays and rebalance budgets.


  • Consumption of goods, both durable and nondurable, has actually been falling in real terms over the course of this year.


  • Spending on services has continued to rise, but half this increase over the past year is attributable to skyrocketing healthcare expenditures.


  • Many other subcategories of services consumption growth in our economy have also started to abate.


  • To be unambiguous, we believe this is a welcome development for the American economy, which has been on an unsustainable tear over this broader period of time.


  • One product of improving fiscal health is that we are seeing credit default trends finally turn a corner, having peaked in aggregate sometime earlier this year and now inflecting back down towards prior lower levels.


  • This dynamic is reflected in our declining Upstart Macro Index, which has now unambiguously fallen for three consecutive months and has reached its lowest level since January of 2023.

    這種動態反映在我們不斷下降的新貴宏觀指數中,該指數現已連續三個月大幅下降,並已達到 2023 年 1 月以來的最低水準。

  • This downward traveling UMI is now a consistent pattern across all borrower segments that we can observe.

    這種向下移動的 UMI 現在是我們可以觀察到的所有借款人群體的一致模式。

  • While the mobile US borrower continues their rehabilitation, we also note ongoing improvement in the funding markets, both on the institutional side as well as in the banking and credit union sectors.


  • For the second consecutive quarter, we've increased the number of lenders who are active on our platform and have observed reductions in required rates of return.


  • On the institutional side, we have now renewed all of our committed capital deals from last year and are currently in the process of adding new partners to the program in anticipation of future borrower growth.


  • One such recent example is the new agreement we've completed with Centerbridge, a leading global alternative investment firm, by which they acquired $400 million of our personal loans.

    最近的一個例子是我們與全球領先的另類投資公司 Centerbridge 達成的新協議,他們透過該協議收購了我們 4 億美元的個人貸款。

  • We are seeing early signs of funding progress in some of our newer products as well.


  • We have secured financing to continue scaling up our auto and small-dollar loan offerings and expect to complete our first forward flow sale of HELOC loans in the coming days.

    我們已獲得融資以繼續擴大我們的汽車和小額貸款業務,並預計在未來幾天內完成我們的首次 HELOC 貸款遠期流動銷售。

  • These collective funding efforts have allowed us to reduce the overall size of our balance sheet and store up some dry powder in support of any future growth and new product development needs.


  • With this macro environment as backdrop, here are some financial highlights from the second quarter of 2024.

    在此宏觀環境的背景下,以下是 2024 年第二季的一些財務亮點。

  • Revenue from fees was $131 million in Q2, down 9% from the prior year, as higher pricing for prime loans created downward pressure on origination volumes.

    第二季的收費收入為 1.31 億美元,比上年下降 9%,原因是優質貸款定價上漲給發放量帶來了下行壓力。

  • Net interest income was negative $3 million, an improvement both year on year and sequentially as the larger-than-typical core loan balance sheet we were carrying until late in the quarter produced income, which helped to offset excess loss in our R&D portfolio.

    淨利息收入為負300 萬美元,同比和環比均有所改善,因為我們直到本季度末為止所持有的大於典型的核心貸款資產負債表產生了收入,這有助於抵消我們研發投資組合的超額損失。

  • Taken together, net revenue for Q2 came in at $128 million, $3 million above our guidance, but down 6% year on year.

    總的來說,第二季的淨收入為 1.28 億美元,比我們的指引高出 300 萬美元,但年減 6%。

  • The volume of loan transactions across our platform in Q2 was approximately 144,000 loans, up 31% from the prior year and up 21% sequentially and representing over 89,000 new borrowers.

    第二季度我們平台上的貸款交易量約為 144,000 筆貸款,比上年增長 31%,比上一季增長 21%,代表超過 89,000 名新借款人。

  • Average loan size of $7,700 was down from $9,500 in the prior quarter, driven lower by continuing robust growth in small-dollar loans as well as by pressure from higher pricing on prime loans, which tend to run larger than average.

    平均貸款規模為 7,700 美元,低於上一季的 9,500 美元,原因是小美元貸款持續強勁增長以及優質貸款定價上漲帶來的壓力(優質貸款往往高於平均水平)。

  • Our contribution margin, a non-GAAP metric, which we define as revenue from fees, minus variable costs for borrower acquisition, verification, and servicing as a percentage of revenue from fees, came in at 58% in Q2, flat sequentially and 2 percentage points above our guidance for the quarter.

    我們的貢獻利潤率是一項非GAAP 指標,我們將其定義為費用收入減去借款人獲取、驗證和服務的可變成本佔費用收入的百分比,第二季度為58%,與上一季度持平,下降了2%點高於我們本季的指引。

  • We continue to benefit from very high levels of loan processing automation, with our eighth consecutive quarterly improvement in percentage of loans fully automated, resulting in a new high of 91%.

    我們繼續受益於極高水準的貸款處理自動化,完全自動化的貸款百分比連續第八個季度提高,達到 91% 的新高。

  • Operating expenses were $183 million in Q2, down 6% sequentially from Q1 as the workforce restructuring we underwent yielded lower payroll costs across all of our functions.

    第二季的營運費用為 1.83 億美元,比第一季下降 6%,因為我們進行的勞動力重組降低了所有職能部門的工資成本。

  • These savings were somewhat offset by the impact that higher loan volumes and smaller loan sizes are having on our loan processing costs.


  • Altogether, Q2 GAAP net loss was $54 million and adjusted EBITDA was negative $9 million, both comfortably ahead of guidance and encouraging proof points on our path back to profitability.

    總體而言,第二季 GAAP 淨虧損為 5,400 萬美元,調整後 EBITDA 為負 900 萬美元,兩者都明顯領先於指引,並為我們恢復盈利之路提供了令人鼓舞的證據。

  • Adjusted earnings per share was negative $0.17 based on a diluted weighted average share count of 88 million.

    根據 8,800 萬股稀釋加權平均股數計算,調整後每股盈餘為負 0.17 美元。

  • We ended the second quarter with loans on our balance sheet of $686 million before the consolidation of securitized loans, down from $924 million in the prior quarter.

    截至第二季末,在證券化貸款合併之前,我們資產負債表上的貸款為 6.86 億美元,低於上一季的 9.24 億美元。

  • Of that balance, loans made for the purposes of R&D, principally auto loans, stood at $396 million.

    其中,用於研發的貸款(主要是汽車貸款)為 3.96 億美元。

  • In addition to loans held directly, we have consolidated $135 million of loans from an ABS transaction completed in 2023 from which we retained a total net equity exposure of $21 million.

    除了直接持有的貸款外,我們還合併了 2023 年完成的 ABS 交易中的 1.35 億美元貸款,其中我們保留了 2,100 萬美元的淨股權曝險總額。

  • We ended the quarter with $375 million of unrestricted cash on the balance sheet and approximately $449 million in net loan equity at fair value.

    截至本季末,我們的資產負債表上有 3.75 億美元的不受限制的現金,以公允價值計算的淨貸款權益約為 4.49 億美元。

  • We have long maintained that once the macro environment ceases to be a headwind, we'll have the opportunity to generate conversion growth through improvements to our models and acquisition campaigns.


  • With loss rates that have now collectively appeared to plateau, this is precisely what we are expecting for the duration of this year.


  • Last quarter, this nascent trend gave us the foundation to provide guidance for the back half of the year, which was based on an assumption that our model gains would deliver their historical pace of growth.


  • Our model launches since that time have in fact produced enough uplift to put us ahead of schedule.


  • Note that despite our relative optimism on the macro climate as it relates to credit performance, our guidance for the rest of the year in no way relies on either further improvement to the macro environment nor on falling interest rates.


  • Either of those eventualities, should they occur, would likely show up as tailwinds to our forecast.


  • With that in mind, for Q3 of 2024, we are currently expecting total revenues of approximately $150 million, consisting of revenue from fees of $155 million and net interest income of approximately negative $5 million, contribution margin of approximately 57%, net income of approximately negative $49 million, adjusted net income of approximately negative $14 million, adjusted EBITDA of approximately negative $5 million, and a diluted weighted average share count of approximately 90 million shares.

    考慮到這一點,我們目前預計2024 年第三季的總收入約為1.5 億美元,其中費用收入為1.55 億美元,淨利息收入約為負500 萬美元,貢獻率約為57%,淨利潤約為負4900萬美元,調整後淨利潤約為負1400萬美元,調整後EBITDA約為負500萬美元,攤薄加權平均股數約9000萬股。

  • For the second half of 2024, we expect revenue from fees of approximately $320 million and positive adjusted EBITDA in Q4.

    2024 年下半年,我們預期第四季的收費收入約為 3.2 億美元,調整後的 EBITDA 為正值。

  • Overall, we would like to say that we feel good about how we've managed financially through this challenging period.


  • We emerged with expanded margins and a reduced cost base, underpinning the tangible progress we've made on the road back to profitability, and successfully reimagining our funding model has created a more resilient capital base and a shrinking balance sheet.


  • More importantly, we are optimistic about the strength and direction of the business as we look ahead.


  • While we are wary of prematurely sounding the all clear, the macro no longer appears to be a direct impediment to our business.


  • An improving macro climate is not contemplated in our forward numbers and it's not something we need in order to thrive.


  • But if and when that does materialize, it should be wind in our sales.


  • I would like to conclude by acknowledging the entire Upstart team for persevering together through this long metaphorical winter and also to all of our departed teammates who have been a part of the cause, even if they are no longer able to.

    最後,我要感謝整個 Upstart 團隊在這個漫長的隱喻性冬天中堅持不懈,並感謝我們所有已故的隊友,他們一直是這項事業的一部分,即使他們不再能夠這樣做。

  • I'm looking forward to a time in the near future when we all will have to refasten our seatbelts.


  • With that, Dave and I are happy to open the call up to any questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Mihir Bhatia, Bank of America.

    (操作員指示)Mihir Bhatia,美國銀行。

  • Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

    Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

  • I wanted to start by just asking if you could comment a little bit more about just the intra-quarter trend than what you saw in July.

    首先我想問一下您是否可以對季度內的趨勢發表比您在 7 月看到的情況更多的評論。

  • It sounds like you're quite positive on the back half of the year.


  • And maybe if you could just comment a little bit on what you saw both in terms of loan demand and also just credit performance as you went through the months in the quarter and to the extent you're willing to about July.

    也許您可以就您在本季的幾個月中所看到的貸款需求和信貸表現以及您願意的 7 月份的情況發表一些評論。

  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Great to hear from you.


  • So you're asking about credit trends and loan trends in July?

    那麼您是在詢問 7 月的信貸趨勢和貸款趨勢嗎?

  • Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

    Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

  • And through the quarter, month by month in the quarter.


  • Like, did loan demand accelerate?


  • Did you see more demand in June than April?

    您是否發現 6 月的需求比 4 月更多?

  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • I see.


  • I mean, at a high level, I guess, to the extent you can hear optimism both in our guide and in our comments, it's probably reflective of a quarter that obviously is leading into Q3 on a good footing and a positive trajectory.


  • And to the extent that we are guiding Q3 on an upward trajectory, I would say that July is representative of that as well.


  • Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

    Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then maybe just switching a little bit to the expense structure a little bit more.


  • What I'm really trying to understand is the fixed versus variable cost of the model.


  • So as top line expands, what kind of impact will that have on profitability?


  • And how much should we expect to drop to the bottom line versus maybe you reinvest in growth or product expansion or additional growth.


  • How should we be thinking about that equation?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • In rough terms, as the business expands, I would expect our contribution margins, which really capture our variable cost base, to shrink somewhat, mainly due to reductions in take rates.


  • As the business becomes more profitable, we will probably invest more in volume and in lifetime value.


  • I think the cost components of our contribution margin should be fairly consistent because we essentially attempt to originate up to the point of marginal cost breakeven, and I don't think those points will dramatically change as we scale.


  • As for the fixed cost base, well, the intention is that it will grow slower than the top line of this business, meaning we should achieve operating leverage as the business scales.


  • And so between those two, I think that scale should drop pretty efficiently to the bottom line as we rescale.


  • Operator


  • Ramsey El-Assal, Barclays.


  • Ramsey El-Assal - Analyst

    Ramsey El-Assal - Analyst

  • The conversion rate increased quarter over quarter and obviously a lot more year over year.


  • I know you mentioned some pretty exciting model improvements.


  • I guess, what should we expect on conversion rate for the next couple of quarters?


  • Are your model improvements driving maybe further conversion rate improvements?


  • Or should it plateau at a certain point?


  • What should we be looking for?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Ramsey, great to hear from you.


  • I would say that, to the extent our guidance is indicating upward trajectory, almost all of that is coming from conversion gain, and the underlying model accuracy driving funnel improvement over time.


  • And I would say for the foreseeable future, that will be the growth model.


  • There is potentially a rate at which those conversion rates plateau, but I don't think we're close to those rates at this time.


  • So there's still a lot of runway to improve those conversion rates and drive the growth of the top line.


  • Ramsey El-Assal - Analyst

    Ramsey El-Assal - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • A follow-up for me.


  • On the smaller dollar relief loans, can you talk about these loans in the context of being, like, an acquisition channel for larger, longer-duration borrowers or loans?


  • In other words, are you seeing any of these small dollar customers come back and apply for larger loans that you can now kind of underwrite sort of like a training wheels type of a scenario in terms of being a channel into your core business?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Ramsey, this is Dave.


  • I think that's a pretty good description of how that product works and why we have it.


  • It's really to push deeper with small amounts of dollars at risk to be able to approve somebody on a shorter-term loan.


  • It's just an opportunity for the models to learn faster and go faster and to acquire customers that are then eligible for other Upstart products later.

    這只是一個機會,讓模型能夠更快地學習和發展,並獲得稍後有資格使用其他 Upstart 產品的客戶。

  • So it is doing a super nice job of pushing the boundaries of our models, both in terms of the automation as well as in the selection and pricing, so that's gone extremely well.


  • We have seen quite a bit of return for other loans.


  • So that's also improving well.


  • And as we said on the call, it's become economically strong for us.


  • It's not a drain on us in any way.


  • So it's been just, frankly, all around a great win for us, and we would expect it to continue to be.


  • Operator


  • Kyle Peterson, Needham.


  • Kyle Peterson - Analyst

    Kyle Peterson - Analyst

  • I wanted to start off on the size of the balance sheet here.


  • It was going to see some nice runoffs just in the core personal side.


  • I guess, how should we think about the pace of runoff over the next few quarters, especially now that you guys seem to continue to bolster your funding?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Kyle, great to hear from you.


  • The answer to that question is a bit about the outcome of how fast the borrower side of the platform is scaling up due to model improvements and how quickly we're signing up new capital agreements.


  • Obviously, intention continues to be delivering those borrowers and that yields to our lending partners and to the institutional markets.


  • But there's always going to be a bit of mismatch in timing.


  • We may get a model win and not have the capital available or we may sign the capital up and the model win may come afterwards.


  • And so I think in the give and take between those two sides of our platform, that's where we've historically used our balance sheet to step in.


  • And so all that to say, I do believe that the medium-term direction here will continue to be a reduction in our balance sheet, at least as far as core loans are concerned.


  • But there may be some timing mismatch along the way, such that there may be some sort of swings up and down as we do that.


  • So it's a bit hard to really calculate a very accurate pacing, if you will, given the volatility of those two sides of the business.


  • Kyle Peterson - Analyst

    Kyle Peterson - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then I guess just a follow-up on expenses, particularly with the fixed cost base, I think you guys have said kind of in the past that the fixed cost base you guys have today can support a lot more volume than you guys have been doing, call it, over the past four to six quarters here.


  • If we do get a better environment for originations, I guess how much more volume can you guys support with the fixed cost structure that you guys have today?


  • I know the contribution margin you guys gave was helpful earlier.


  • Just trying to think about the fixed cost leverage.


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Well, I guess I'll say that through the end of this year and with the growth plans we have, we feel pretty good at where our cost base is.


  • If the business were to start to really take off beyond that, I think there are some areas on the margin that we would like to reinforce.


  • But nothing on the level of what we anticipate the growth of the business itself could be.


  • So I guess the main takeaway is there will be improving operating leverage as the top line grows.


  • Operator


  • Peter Christiansen, Citigroup.


  • Peter Christiansen - Analyst

    Peter Christiansen - Analyst

  • I want to dig into your comment about some of the at-will supplies of funding coming back.


  • Just wondering if you could give us a barometer where we are perhaps compared to maybe, I don't know, '21, part of 2022 in terms of some of those levels or at least indication of funding level that we saw back then.

    只是想知道您是否能給我們一個晴雨表,我們可能會與我不知道的 21 年 2022 年的一部分進行比較,其中一些水平或至少表明我們當時看到的資金水平。

  • And then, I guess, well, back then, we also had 40% of your funding volume was through the ABS market.

    然後,我想,當時,我們也有 40% 的資金量是透過 ABS 市場進行的。

  • Would you expect to be returning to the ABS market for issuance in the near future?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • I would say that the recovery of what we think of as the at-will funding markets, real large, that's the world of credit funds and hedge funds that predominantly depend on ABS as a liquidity channel.

    我想說的是,我們所認為的真正大規模的隨意融資市場的復甦,是主要依賴 ABS 作為流動性管道的信貸基金和對沖基金的世界。

  • It's early days for the recovery.


  • I don't think we're near the scale that we were at a couple of years ago.


  • And that's, of course, reflective of the fact that the ABS markets are certainly not at the level of volume and liquidity that they were back then.

    當然,這反映出這樣一個事實,即 ABS 市場的交易量和流動性肯定達不到當時的水平。

  • But I do think that those markets are rapidly improving, and we have plans to be back in the ABS market certainly before the end of the year.

    但我確實認為這些市場正在迅速改善,我們計劃在今年年底前重返 ABS 市場。

  • So I think those things continue to be on a good trajectory.


  • Peter Christiansen - Analyst

    Peter Christiansen - Analyst

  • That's good to hear.


  • I recognize that period is not a fair comparison.


  • It was a unique era.


  • But secondly, in terms of the co-investment, how should we think about that level progressing over the next, I don't know, one or two quarters.


  • Is that still, do you think, going to be a portion or tied to your front-end principle?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Hey, Pete, this is Dave.


  • I think the co-investment partnerships are definitely key to our future.


  • I mean, that was what we've been working on for some time to go from almost entirely at-will funding a couple of years ago to having longer term committed partnership.


  • So that is very important to us.


  • The at-will funding can be useful in a lot of ways, but overdependence on ABS, particularly when those markets can ebb and flow quite a bit, isn't healthy for us.

    隨意融資在許多方面都很有用,但過度依賴 ABS,特別是當這些市場可能大幅波動時,對我們來說並不健康。

  • So as we said, we have well over half of our funding at the end of Q2 in these longer-term partnerships.


  • And we think we would like to maintain that percentage.


  • So I think where we're we want to be with more long-term committed capital, less reliance on ABS, and that sort of structure.

    因此,我認為我們希望擁有更多的長期承諾資本,減少對 ABS 和此類結構的依賴。

  • As we grow back, we would like to sort of keep things as they are now.


  • Operator


  • James Faucette, Morgan Stanley.


  • James Faucette - Analyst

    James Faucette - Analyst

  • I wanted to follow up there on the committed capital.


  • How should we be thinking about what that looks like in terms of unit economics or accounting treatment in those partnerships versus kind of at-will generally?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • James, in terms of unit economics, the loans that are being funded through that channel look very similar to the broader institutional loans.


  • They differ from the lending partner channel in that the risk aperture is a little broader, and the returns are a little commensurately higher.


  • But in terms of our unit economics, there's really very little difference between that channel and maybe what you might think of as more of the at-will institutional channel.


  • In terms of the accounting, look, these deals, I would say, are still becoming more and more standardized or templatized as we do more of them.


  • I think historically, they've shown up in a couple of different places on our balance sheet.


  • But increasingly, we're going to look to sort of standardize the structure of the deals that we do.


  • And we do pull the holistic view of it together on our investor earnings deck, which gives you a glimpse of the total exposure.


  • James Faucette - Analyst

    James Faucette - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then quickly, last quarter, you alluded to the fact that you had indexed more to prime than you've historically had, and given some of the prior actions you took.

    然後很快,上個季度,您提到了這樣一個事實,即您對 Prime 的索引比歷史上的還要多,並考慮到您之前採取的一些行動。

  • Just wondering if you can give us an update in terms of what you're seeing in prime versus subprime this quarter and what you anticipate getting back to more normalized mix?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Hey, James, this is Dave.


  • Our mix has swung towards prime.


  • And I think generally that we would see, as we regrow, we would like to be very balanced across the credit spectrum.


  • And we think that's best for our brand.


  • It's best for stability of the business, et cetera.


  • So one thing we would anticipate in the coming quarters is a stronger position at the primary end of the credit spectrum than we've had traditionally where we really have not had funding appropriate to compete in that part of the market, but we think that's changing.


  • So I think you'll see us be more balanced in the future than we've been in the past with regard to the credit spectrum.


  • Operator


  • Dan Dolev, Mizuho.


  • Dan Dolev - Analyst

    Dan Dolev - Analyst

  • Great quarter, great results.


  • Very happy to see that.


  • I want to know what's going to happen.


  • Assuming interest rate cuts, how much torque do you think there is in the business that you can actually expand growth, expand loans as the environment gets more easier for you to do that?


  • That's pretty much my only question is like how much upside can we dream to dream at this point?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Look, reducing rates, benchmark rates and market rates, are unambiguously good for the business.


  • They haven't obviously been the main headwind to our business.


  • Default rates have been much more punitive in how they've evolved over the last two years or so.


  • But definitely having the benchmark rates go up from zero to 5%-ish has been a headwind as well.

    但基準利率從零升至 5% 左右肯定也是阻力。

  • And as that reverses, it would presumably be a tailwind.


  • It's a bit hard to quantify the exact nature of the tailwind as rates reduce.


  • And it obviously depends on how far back down they go.


  • But each quarter point will result in lower financing costs for the institutional investors.


  • And as that creates lower hurdle rates, those will result in lower rates to our borrowers.


  • And I guess I'll just say that I think each cut would be a noticeable benefit in terms of its impact on our conversion rates.


  • Dan Dolev - Analyst

    Dan Dolev - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Well, it definitely looks like you're upstarting a new cycle.


  • So congrats again.


  • Operator


  • Giuliano Bologna, Compass Point.


  • Giuliano Anderes-Bologna - Analyst

    Giuliano Anderes-Bologna - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Congrats on the results and some of the new funding announcements.


  • One thing I'd be curious about digging into a little bit is your marketing expenses because you had some improvement in your marketing efficiencies this quarter.


  • And in the past, what you've kind of said is that there were some challenges with some loans being priced about 36% that you couldn't necessarily convert.

    過去,您曾說過,有些貸款定價約為 36%,但您不一定能轉換,因此存在一些挑戰。

  • And I'm curious, when you think about that improvement in your marketing efficiency this quarter, how much of it was driven by being able to approve or underwrite more loans under 36%?

    我很好奇,當您考慮本季行銷效率的提高時,其中有多少是由於能夠批准或承銷更多低於 36% 的貸款而推動的?

  • And I'm curious kind of how that could evolve over the next few quarters and how that's kind of factored into your outlook at this point?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Sure.


  • So the marketing efficiency is a function of our funnel conversion.


  • Most generally so when the funnel converts better, our marketing tends to get more efficient, et cetera.


  • So that's a dynamic that's always in play.


  • The 36% kind of rate cap on Upstart means that as base rates go up and as risk goes up, fewer and fewer people are approved, and we've seen that in spades in the last couple of years.

    Upstart 的 36% 的利率上限意味著,隨著基本利率的上升和風險的上升,獲得批准的人越來越少,我們在過去幾年中已經看到了這一點。

  • We went through a two-year period where rates almost constantly were going in an upward trajectory.


  • And every time that happened, a bunch more people would not be approved, because, effectively, the system requires of them goes over 36%.

    每次發生這種情況,就會有更多的人無法獲得批准,因為實際上系統對他們的要求超過了 36%。

  • So that's a little bit unwinding going the other way now, which is a good thing.


  • Partially -- or most of it actually is due to model accuracy and the newest versions of the models.


  • We're able to sort of identify more people who fit under that envelope of 36%.

    我們能夠找出更多符合 36% 範圍的人。

  • And the result of that is that you see marketing efficiency improving.


  • So that's a dynamic we would expect to continue in the coming months and quarters.


  • Giuliano Anderes-Bologna - Analyst

    Giuliano Anderes-Bologna - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And maybe picking away at that point.


  • I'm curious in a sense of where things are, in the sense of when we think about funnel conversions and kind of the improvement, where do you think we are kind of improved 10%, 20% of normalization?

    我很好奇事情在哪裡,當我們考慮漏斗轉換和改進時,您認為我們在規範化方面改進了 10%、20%?

  • And is there a lot more to go with 100 basis point or 200 basis point decrease in interest rates?

    利率下降 100 個基點或 200 個基點還會帶來更多影響嗎?

  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • I would think of this as an ongoing journey.


  • I think the model accuracy has systematically improved since the beginning of our company, and each improvement has a commensurate improvement on our conversion rates.


  • Those can obviously be temporary setback on the macro, but as the macro normalizes, so all our conversion rates.


  • And the question to how much better they can get is sort of the same answer to the question of how much more accurate can your models get at approving good borrowers and avoiding bad ones.


  • And we've talked about the fact that we think we've really just kind of scratched the surface in terms of our model's ability to improve explainability in credit default.


  • And so we believe that the longer-term road map of this company continues to be improving models and improving conversion rates over the years.


  • So we don't think of it as sort of normalizing right now.


  • We think we're back on the journey of improving models and improving conversion rates now that the macro is no longer a direct headwind.


  • Giuliano Anderes-Bologna - Analyst

    Giuliano Anderes-Bologna - Analyst

  • Maybe one very quick question.


  • You're obviously going around 50% or rolled off 50% forward committed capital.

    顯然,您將投入 50% 左右或滾滾 50% 的遠期承諾資本。

  • That's kind of a percentage of your funding.


  • I think in the past you referred to that as where you'd wanted it to be, close to the higher end of the range.


  • I'm curious, would you look to overshoot that and then grow kind of the spot or uncommitted business to catch up with that?


  • Is there any structural limitation in the near term to what percentage of volume or funding you'd want to have come from forward committed capital sources at this point?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yes.


  • I think that given that we are feeling increasingly optimistic about the road map of model improvements and the lack of macro headwinds, I think it's in our interest to put some more capital deals in place now and in your words to try and overshoot a little bit in anticipation of that growth materializing over the coming quarters, just given that these deals are relatively heavily negotiated and they take some time to put in place.


  • So I think we want to err on the side of having those partnerships in place in anticipation of where we see the borrower side of the platform growing.


  • Operator


  • Rob Wildhack, Autonomous Research.

    Rob Wildhack,自主研究。

  • Robert Wildhack - Analyst

    Robert Wildhack - Analyst

  • Question on the outlook.


  • Updated guidance suggests better trend on originations.


  • You guys sound pretty positive overall.


  • Could you maybe break down how much of the improved outlook is coming from -- maybe mechanically from lower interest rates versus a better model versus maybe better funding?


  • How would you quantify each of those or any additional drivers into the better outlook?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Hey, Rob, this is Dave.


  • I think that there is no assumption of improving interest rates or reduction in kind of macro risk built into that.


  • So the guidance is based on really what we're seeing, based on improvements we've made internally.


  • And maybe the way to think of that is better model means better conversion rate.


  • The other important input is we have to, of course, have sufficient funding supply to keep up with that growth.


  • But the gating item in terms of, like, what's really gating where our guidance sits today, it really is just about economic funnel conversion.


  • And it's improved a lot really through model improvements primarily.


  • And at this point, we feel comfortable that we, on the funding side, can make things match well.


  • So that's a long-winded way of saying it's really through things we've done ourselves.


  • It is not based on any assumptions about improvement in rates or risk in the environment.


  • Robert Wildhack - Analyst

    Robert Wildhack - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then a question on the small-dollar loans. could you give us some color on how much the growth in small-dollar loans may or may not have impacted the conversion rate quarter over quarter?


  • And the same question going forward.


  • As you grow in small-dollar loans, does that drive the conversion rate a lot higher?


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • The SDL product is having an impact on overall conversion rates.

    SDL 產品正在對整體轉換率產生影響。

  • I think it's on the order of maybe a 2% or 3% impact at the scale that it's at.

    我認為就目前的規模而言,影響可能約為 2% 或 3%。

  • So it's not insignificant, but it's also relatively minor.


  • Operator


  • Simon Clinch, Redburn Atlantic.


  • Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

    Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could talk about what it takes or what levers you can pull and what macro tailwinds you might need to see the sort of gross inquiries that come into the Upstart network before conversion.

    我想知道您是否可以談談需要什麼,或者您可以拉動什麼槓桿,以及您可能需要什麼宏觀推動力才能看到​​轉換之前進入 Upstart 網路的總查詢量。

  • How do you drive that higher over time because that is down quite materially from where it's been in the past.


  • And I'm just wondering if that was just overstated previously and whether there's actually quite a lot of upstarts in this coming cycle for that?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Just about the top of the funnel inquiries, that sort of the


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

    Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

  • Before conversion, yes.


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • We've not published sort of traffic to the site, so that's not something that we've discussed publicly or try to track in that means.


  • Is there something different you mean by that?


  • Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

    Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

  • So I'll just take your volumes and then kind of back out from the conversion rate sort of what it was before you've converted, just use that as a mean sort of track approximately what volumes would be...


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes, it's not exactly the same thing, but it's directionally correct.


  • Generally speaking, a lot of times, we are controlling that by how much we're spending in various marketing channels and also just generally how competitive our rates are.


  • So that's part of whether we're doing direct mail or some sort of digital acquisition or whether we're kind of remarketing to our own customer base or through partner channels that are responsive and can vary how much traffic they send us based on the quality of our rates, et cetera.


  • So those are things that are a function of the market in some sense or how strong our product is or how much we're actively marketing.


  • So I hope that fills in some of the blanks for you.


  • Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

    Simon Alistair Clinch - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And maybe you could talk a bit more about the Model 18, M18.

    也許您可以多談談 Model 18、M18。

  • And can you give us a sense, for those of us who aren't educated in machine learning and stuff like that, but just really how unique something like that is, and ultimately, how quickly a model like that really starts to have an impact on your business?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Well, we're in a sort of never-ending quest to accurately price each and every loan offer that's made on our system.


  • And one of the things we've known, and I think most lenders of some sort know, is that the quality of the offer you make to the market, meaning the level of the APR, has an impact on who accepts it and therefore, how that loan performs.


  • So the APR, which is most people would think about the output of the model, actually affects the performance of the loan.


  • So this is something, again, most people would tell you they have an intuitive sense of.


  • But mechanically answering it and having models that are sophisticated enough to handle that is very important, particularly in the modern world where consumers have lots of choices, they compare rates all over the place.


  • This is something that even 10, 15 years ago, hardly existed.

    即使在 10、15 年前,這也是幾乎不存在的。

  • But today, consumers have a lot of ways they can compare and find the best rates.


  • So having a lot of savvy around that notion of adverse selection in positive selection is really important.


  • And solving it from a technical perspective really comes down to trying to converge to the appropriate APR.

    從技術角度解決這個問題實際上可以歸結為嘗試收斂到適當的 APR。

  • And what that amounts to technically for us is running our risk models many, many times in parallel in order to converge to the right number.


  • And it's a significant challenge that we've gotten over.


  • And I think we're just beginning to reap the benefits of it.


  • The guidance that you're seeing for the second half of the year, a significant fraction of what you're seeing in terms of our optimism for the second half of the year comes directly through the improvements in that model.


  • And also, we see a lot of continued opportunity in that domain in that area to improve the models.


  • And again, that's what we're in business to do.


  • It's generally where all the advantages of Upstart is, when we can build better risk models, and we're having some really good success in that area right now.

    一般來說,當我們可以建立更好的風險模型時,Upstart 的所有優勢都體現在這一點上,而我們現在在這個領域取得了一些非常好的成功。

  • Operator


  • Vincent Caintic, BTIG.


  • Vincent Caintic - Analyst

    Vincent Caintic - Analyst

  • First, I just wanted to follow up on the funding partnership discussion.


  • It's good to see that the credit investor demand is increasing.


  • Just if you could maybe talk about some of the discussions you're having, what are those credit investors focus on?


  • What's changed where you're now getting more sign-ups?


  • If you can give a sense of how pricing has changed or improved, and maybe how much of your annual origination volume is now covered by all these new sign-ups.


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Hey, Vincent, welcome back.


  • On the funding partnerships that we are engaging in, I mean, there's sort of two general vectors: one is increasing comfort or confidence with credit trends in general and maybe sort of macro risk; and then second, we're sort of being innovative in some of the financial structures that we're coming up with and discussing with some of these partners and prospective partners.


  • And it's sort of, I would say, a learning curve for all of us in terms of how to get these partnerships implemented and put in place and managed.


  • And so a lot of the journey with the prospective partner is just about understanding the model and the structure and how it all works, and then the recognition that there's definitely ways of creating win-win partnerships here for us as the issuer and for these counterparties who are interested in the yield.


  • And so I wouldn't say beyond that, there's been dramatic changes in preferences over rates, and sort of supply and demand dynamics.


  • It's mostly been just an ongoing education for all of us around how these structures work.


  • And I think it's going in a very good direction.


  • In terms of capacity, as Dave said, we're sort of a bit north of 50% of all the institutional money that's going to fund the loans on our platform in the past quarter came from these types of arrangements, and we'll aim to maintain that kind of coverage or that kind of capacity over the long term.

    就容量而言,正如戴夫所說,上個季度為我們平台上的貸款提供資金的所有機構資金中有 50% 來自此類安排,我們的目標是長期保持這種覆蓋範圍或這種能力。

  • In the medium term, we'll maybe overbuild a little bit in anticipation of some growth that may happen in the coming quarters.


  • Vincent Caintic - Analyst

    Vincent Caintic - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's great color.


  • And my second question, just if you could talk about the competitive environment for consumer financing.


  • It seems like others in this environment might be pulling back when you hear about some of the traditional banks on their earnings calls were talking about seeing stress in the low end in the middle consumer.


  • So it seems like a lot of competition is pulling back.


  • But I just wanted to get that sense from you what you're seeing with that competitive environment.


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Well, I think our position on the consumer, I like to think we've been ahead of the crowd a bit in the sense that it was clear there was deterioration of credit at the sort of less affluent part last year and then later last year into the more affluent part.


  • But as Sanjay said in his remarks earlier, we're seeing sort of uniform improvement now across the board.


  • So we sort of feel like, and we've been kind of signaling this for some time that we're nearing the end of the cycle.


  • And I think we just have clear indications that credit is actually in a normalization period, not in a deterioration period.


  • Now what others are seeing or saying and where their data is coming from, I obviously can't speak to.


  • But I think we feel pretty good about that.


  • With regard to -- banks and lenders can either be a partner of ours or they can be a competitor of ours.


  • But I know the ones that are partners of ours are tending to see increasing liquidity, and that sort of swung to the place where they're needing more assets, they're needing more loans.


  • And we talked a bit about that.


  • So they are coming in a little bit more competitively, lowering their return targets and really wanting to sort of swing the dial a little bit.


  • So I don't think there's any sort of caution to the wind like environment, but I do think the sort of lack of liquidity that was really serious a year ago and it's probably carried on through the end of 2023 has really improved a lot.

    因此,我不認為對風這樣的環境有任何謹慎,但我確實認為一年前非常嚴重的流動性缺乏,並且可能持續到 2023 年底,這種情況確實已經改善了很多。

  • And for us, that means the lending partners and banks and the credit unions have definitely returned, and that's been very helpful for us.


  • Operator


  • Reggie Smith, JPMorgan.


  • Reginald Smith - Analyst

    Reginald Smith - Analyst

  • I've got two quick ones.


  • I guess you guys called out model improvement and a better UMI, which is great to hear and see.

    我想你們都在呼籲模型改進和更好的 UMI,這很高興聽到和看到。

  • My question is, how should we think about those two things in the context of the deterrence in the co-investment portfolio?


  • And I guess, specifically, I'm trying to figure out, I mean, should that manifest in better performance there?


  • If not, like, where do these gains and model efficiency accrue?


  • Obviously, consumers are getting approved more loans.


  • But how do you think about how that flows through to your business?


  • And I have a follow-up.


  • Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

    Sanjay Datta - Chief Financial Officer

  • Hey, Reggie, it's a great question.


  • In general, model gains or model accuracy improvements, such as the one that we highlighted, generally improve our ability to accurately separate risk, and that generally shows up mainly in our improved conversion funnel.


  • So it would create business expansion.


  • It wouldn't necessarily improve the calibration of the model in how it assesses an average pool of loans.


  • So it wouldn't necessarily be expected to have a huge impact on the performance of the co-investment positions we have.


  • The UMI to the extent it continues to fall would have a direct impact on the performance of loan pools, such as the ones that our co-investment partnerships have invested in, because it essentially means that credit trends are improving in real time.

    UMI 繼續下降將對貸款池的績效產生直接影響,例如我們的聯合投資夥伴關係投資的貸款池,因為這本質上意味著信貸趨勢正在即時改善。

  • And as they do, the performance of those loans, any loans that are outstanding would be expected to improve and potentially overperform, and that would result in higher returns to our investment positions.


  • So I think that would have a pretty direct impact.


  • Reginald Smith - Analyst

    Reginald Smith - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Understood.


  • And then I guess a follow-up on the unit economics.


  • I'm not sure how much you guys can share here.


  • But curious with somebody's committed structures, I assume you're selling these loans, maybe at a slight discount to par, or maybe -- where are you in that?


  • Where are you in terms of that?


  • And is the thinking that over time you could get to a place where you do some of at a premium to par or is kind of par the aspirational goal there?


  • Or am I completely off and maybe you selling them at a gain right now?


  • I'm not sure.


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yes.


  • The committed partnerships we are in as with all of the at-will capital, the traffic in the institutional markets, all of those loans are trafficked at par.


  • And I think that's our goal.


  • We're not necessarily looking to create a business model from gain from sale.


  • I think our goal is to traffic loans at par that are correctly priced to the borrowers.


  • And to the extent we're co-invested we'll participate in the yield.


  • Reginald Smith - Analyst

    Reginald Smith - Analyst

  • One last one.


  • Okay.


  • I just have one other question.


  • And I want to give you guys just flowers for return to EBITDA positivity in the fourth quarter.

    我想向你們獻上鮮花,祝你們第四季 EBITDA 恢復正值。

  • Just curious how you're thinking about stock compensation expense longer term.


  • I noticed that it's been up well above where it was when you guys were much more profitable.


  • So just curious, like, what's the [pain] in there?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Well, we're happy to take our flowers for the return to profitability.


  • I appreciate that.


  • How we're thinking about stock compensation, I don't think it's dramatically different than how we thought of it in the past.


  • As a tech company that's set forth in the valley, it's important to us, for our employees, to have a stake in the mission and the outcomes of the business.


  • And I think we're at a pretty comfortable balance between cash compensation and equity compensation depending on roll and level.


  • So I don't necessarily see a dramatic departure from how we've managed it to date.


  • Operator


  • Arvind Ramnani, Piper Sandler.


  • Arvind Ramnani - Analyst

    Arvind Ramnani - Analyst

  • I wanted to ask on this call and in the prior calls, you all have talked about some of the big investments you have made in kind of improving your model and sort of like capabilities.


  • And as we get into a better kind of operating environment or lending environment, now that you have kind of a better model, I mean, how do you expect the business to perform in a more conducive environment just given the backdrop of better model, better offering?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Well, I think as I kind of said in my remarks, I think we've gone through a pretty significant transformation of the business over the last couple of years, both from a technology perspective and from a business model perspective.


  • On the technology side, we feel much, much better at the quality of the models, how quickly they can react to changes in the environment, the amount of separation we're getting.


  • So it's just the normal trajectory of an AI model, where it's getting more and more data, more and more variables.


  • We're putting more sophisticated software, and, as we talked about, Model 18.

    我們正在安裝更複雜的軟體,正如我們所說的,Model 18。

  • So higher degrees of automation as we talked, we have a record high on that front.


  • So the technology side has just really improved a lot and just made us more efficient.


  • And I think on the business model side, one of the things we clearly identified is we needed to have a funding structure that had permanence to it, so that when we grow, and even if there's bumps in the road along the way, which there inevitably will be, we can grow through them.


  • And that's kind of what we've done on the business model side, is really changed the nature of funding from completely at-will to dedicated partnerships, and we have some skin in the game in these partnerships as co-investors, which we think, given our role and our aims in the market, is a structure that makes sense.


  • So of course, in the good times when rates are dropping and the consumer is getting financially healthier, that's all very easy, and we're hopeful that's what we're headed into.


  • But of course, the test is when the market is not so easy, but that's what we're designing for.


  • We're designing for a future with less volatility and more ability to thrive through whatever economic climate we find ourselves in.


  • Arvind Ramnani - Analyst

    Arvind Ramnani - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • That's really helpful.


  • And willing to give you the benefit of doubt that you're like, our models are better.


  • But I wanted to ask, have they been validated by some client feedback, some banking partner feedback?


  • Or what is your sort of comfort level in saying that, hey, we have a better model?


  • I mean, are you looking at internal data and coming to a conclusion?


  • Or are you getting that from external validation?


  • What really gives you sort of comfort that you have proof that you have a better model?


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yes.


  • I mean, there's very, very well-understood statistical techniques to actually describe and quantify accuracy of a model, and there are several different ones, and we use generally all of them.


  • So it's not hard for us to assess ourselves whether our model is getting more accurate or not relative to prior versions of our model.


  • So it's not hypothetical in any sense.


  • It's something very straightforward in terms of building more accuracy into a model.


  • Certainly, every lending partner and credit investor on our platform sees all the data that is coming out in terms of month-by-month performance data, et cetera.


  • They have their own means of evaluating whether they think the credit is performing well or not what have you.


  • But they're not looking at the software, if you will, trying to assess our model, but they care about the results, of course.


  • But I don't think there's any reason to question that we can accurately identify the level of improvement in accuracy that we see in each subsequent version of our model, it's kind of the nature of the system to do so.


  • Operator


  • There are no further questions at this time.


  • And Mr. Girouard, I will turn the conference back to you for any additional or closing remarks, sir.


  • Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Dave Girouard - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • All right.


  • Thanks, everybody, for joining us today.


  • As we discussed, the actions we've taken over the last few years are beginning to pay off, and we believe we're well set up for the remainder of 2024 and into next year.

    正如我們所討論的,我們過去幾年採取的行動已開始取得成效,我們相信我們已為 2024 年剩餘時間和明年做好了充分準備。

  • So I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer.


  • We look forward to speaking with you all in the fall.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's call.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
