高通 (QCOM) 2019 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Qualcomm First Quarter Fiscal 2019 Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎參加高通 2019 財年第一季度收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded, January 30, 2019.

    (操作員說明)提醒一下,本次會議正在錄製,2019 年 1 月 30 日。

  • The playback number for today's call is (877) 660-6853.

    今天通話的播放號碼是 (877) 660-6853。

  • International callers, please dial (201) 612-7415.

    國際來電者請撥打 (201) 612-7415。

  • The playback reservation number is 13686071.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我現在想把電話轉給投資者關係副總裁 Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan。

  • Mr. Lopez-Hodoyan, please go ahead.

    Lopez-Hodoyan 先生,請繼續。

  • Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan - VP of IR

    Mauricio Lopez-Hodoyan - VP of IR

  • Thank you, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Today's call will include prepared remarks by Steve Mollenkopf and George Davis.

    今天的電話會議將包括 Steve Mollenkopf 和 George Davis 準備好的發言。

  • In addition, Cristiano Amon, Alex Rogers and Don Rosenberg will join the question-and-answer session.


  • You can access our earnings release and a slide presentation that accompany this call on our Investor Relations website.


  • In addition, this call is being webcast on qualcomm.com and a replay will be available on our website later today.

    此外,該電話會議正在 qualcomm.com 上進行網絡直播,今天晚些時候將在我們的網站上提供重播。

  • During the call, we will use non-GAAP financial measures as defined in Regulation G, and you can find the related reconciliations to GAAP on our website.

    在電話會議期間,我們將使用 G 條例中定義的非 GAAP 財務措施,您可以在我們的網站上找到與 GAAP 相關的調節。

  • We will also make forward-looking statements, including projections and estimates of future events, business or industry trends or business or financial results.


  • Actual events or results could differ materially from those projected in our forward-looking statements.


  • Please refer to our SEC filings, including our most recent 10-Q, which contains important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements.

    請參閱我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件,包括我們最近的 10-Q,其中包含可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的重要因素。

  • And now to comments from Qualcomm's Chief Executive Officer, Steve Mollenkopf.


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Mauricio, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • We are pleased to report a strong quarter, especially in light of the challenging headwinds impacting the entire industry.


  • Our fiscal first quarter results reflect continued execution by our team on the things within our control and influence.


  • Our Q1 non-GAAP earnings of $1.20 per share were $0.10 above the midpoint of our guidance range.

    我們第一季度的非 GAAP 每股收益為 1.20 美元,比我們的指導範圍中點高出 0.10 美元。

  • Revenue of $4.8 billion was in line with our guidance.

    48 億美元的收入符合我們的指引。

  • Several positive trends enabled us to absorb the impact of general market weakness.


  • Notably, number one, QCT's strong road map and financial performance in the high end.

    值得注意的是,第一,QCT 在高端的強大路線圖和財務業績。

  • Number two, QTL's second interim agreement with Huawei.


  • And number three, lower-than-expected operating expenses, which includes the impact of our cost reduction initiatives.


  • Our business prospects remain very healthy as 5G begins to ramp through the balance of this year and beyond.

    隨著 5G 在今年及以後的餘額中開始加速發展,我們的業務前景仍然非常健康。

  • Our Snapdragon platform continues to outperform industry benchmarks and is well positioned to successfully enable the low latency, high reliability and security requirements of 5G.

    我們的 Snapdragon 平台繼續超越行業基準,並有能力成功實現 5G 的低延遲、高可靠性和安全性要求。

  • We continue to extend this expertise with handset OEMs and adjacent industries of compute, IoT and auto.


  • Our WiFi business continues to gain share against longstanding incumbents in enterprise.

    我們的 WiFi 業務繼續在企業中長期佔據市場份額。

  • Reliable, intelligent and secure WiFi will be an important part of future 5G networks, and we've introduced innovative and differentiated solutions as the market transitions to WiFi 6.

    可靠、智能和安全的 WiFi 將成為未來 5G 網絡的重要組成部分,隨著市場向 WiFi 6 的過渡,我們推出了創新和差異化的解決方案。

  • In parallel, we remain focused on resolving our Apple and regulatory disputes.

    與此同時,我們仍然專注於解決我們與 Apple 和監管方面的糾紛。

  • Before I turn the call over to George to cover our results in more detail, I want to provide an update on some important legal milestones and our ongoing efforts to defend the value of our intellectual property and drive shareholder value.


  • As most of you know, we are one of the main architects of the wireless ecosystem and our leading investments in R&D have positioned the company at the forefront of 2G, 3G/4G and now, 5G leadership.

    正如你們大多數人所知,我們是無線生態系統的主要架構師之一,我們在研發方面的領先投資使公司處於 2G、3G/4G 和現在的 5G 領先地位。

  • We have one of the largest patent portfolios in the industry with more than 130,000 patents and pending patent applications worldwide.

    我們擁有業內最大的專利組合之一,在全球擁有超過 130,000 項專利和正在申請的專利。

  • And it is critical that we protect our IP and ensure that we are appropriately compensated for our inventions and investments.


  • Through these various legal cases, we are working to ensure this happens.


  • Courts in China and Germany have found Apple to be infringing our patents consistent with our prior messaging for the potential of multiple patent infringement rulings before the end of 2018.

    中國和德國的法院裁定 Apple 侵犯了我們的專利,這與我們之前就可能在 2018 年底之前做出多項專利侵權裁決的消息一致。

  • We are pursuing enforcement of the injunctions awarded by these courts and believe the decisions will be upheld on appeal.


  • These favorable rulings demonstrate Apple's infringement across a broad range of our patented technologies that are unrelated to modem chips but are widely used in smartphones.

    這些有利的裁決表明 Apple 侵犯了我們廣泛的與調製解調器芯片無關但廣泛用於智能手機的專利技術。

  • We expect additional favorable patent infringement decisions in the coming months in the United States, China and Germany as more of our cases go to trial.


  • In addition to our patent litigation, there are more legal milestones ahead, including the trial involving Apple and its contract manufacturers starting in San Diego in April.

    除了我們的專利訴訟之外,還有更多的法律里程碑,包括 4 月份在聖地亞哥開始的涉及 Apple 及其合同製造商的審判。

  • And a separate case in California State Court, we filed to stop Apple's misuse and misappropriation of Qualcomm's trade secrets.

    在加利福尼亞州法院的另一起案件中,我們提起訴訟以阻止 Apple 濫用和盜用高通的商業機密。

  • We continue to believe that over the course of 2019, we will reach a resolution on the key outstanding issues in our disputes with Apple through settlement or litigation, and we are prepared for both outcomes.

    我們仍然相信,在 2019 年的過程中,我們將通過和解或訴訟就我們與 Apple 糾紛中的關鍵懸而未決問題達成解決方案,我們為這兩種結果做好了準備。

  • Yesterday, we concluded our arguments in the case with the FTC in the Northern District of California.


  • As stated before, we believe that the FTC's case is based on a flawed antitrust theory and that it failed to meet its burden of proof for its claims.

    如前所述,我們認為 FTC 的案件基於有缺陷的反壟斷理論,未能履行其索賠的舉證責任。

  • You can access a transcript of our closing arguments and the related slide presentation on our website at qualcomm.com/news.

    您可以在我們的網站 qualcomm.com/news 上訪問我們的結案陳詞和相關幻燈片演示文稿的副本。

  • Over the course of the trial, we made a strong showing that our licensing practices are consistent with industry norms, have not harmed competition, and in fact, the industry is thriving.


  • We have earned or maintained our leadership in the mobile wireless industry with superior foresight, investment and execution, driving superior technology solutions compared with our competitors.


  • And we have never interrupted commercial shipments of modem chips to any customer in order to obtain unfair licensing rates.


  • Moreover, the evidence presented at trial proved that our agreements with Apple, which expired over 2 years ago, were run-of-the-mill incentive agreements that were actually demanded by Apple in order to win its business.

    此外,庭審中出示的證據證明,我們與 Apple 簽訂的兩年多前到期的協議是普通的激勵協議,是 Apple 為贏得業務而實際要求的。

  • The trial reinforced the important role we play in the mobile industry.


  • This is especially critical now as we enter the early innings of 5G, the first mobile generation that is truly shaping industrial policy.

    當我們進入 5G 的早期階段時,這一點尤其重要,這是真正影響產業政策的第一代移動設備。

  • In summary, we are hopeful that the law and fact-based analysis will prevail in our FTC proceedings.

    總之,我們希望法律和基於事實的分析將在我們的 FTC 程序中佔上風。

  • In parallel, we continue to look for an opportunity to reach a negotiated settlement with the FTC.

    與此同時,我們繼續尋找機會與 FTC 達成協商解決方案。

  • Let me now spend some time providing you an update on how we are driving the transition to 5G.

    現在讓我花一些時間向您介紹我們如何推動向 5G 過渡的最新情況。

  • We are extremely pleased with the growing 5G momentum around the world.

    我們對全球不斷增長的 5G 勢頭感到非常高興。

  • In December, we hosted our annual Snapdragon Tech Summit, and were joined by leading 5G ecosystem partners, infrastructure vendors as well as device manufacturers.

    12 月,我們舉辦了年度 Snapdragon 技術峰會,領先的 5G 生態系統合作夥伴、基礎設施供應商和設備製造商都參加了此次峰會。

  • This level of representation from the mobile ecosystem is a testament to our broad industry commitment to 5G, our solutions and our leadership position.

    這種來自移動生態系統的代表證明了我們對 5G、我們的解決方案和我們的領導地位的廣泛行業承諾。

  • At this summit, we announced our new Snapdragon 855 mobile platform, the world's first commercial platform supporting multi-gigabit 5G and demonstrated end-to-end 5G consumer experiences with real demos over live millimeter wave 5G networks and devices.

    在本次峰會上,我們發布了全新的驍龍 855 移動平台,這是全球首個支持數千兆位 5G 的商用平台,並通過實時毫米波 5G 網絡和設備的真實演示展示了端到端的 5G 消費者體驗。

  • We also announced that the Snapdragon 855 is gaining significant momentum, with over 100 design wins in development.

    我們還宣布,Snapdragon 855 的發展勢頭強勁,有超過 100 項設計正在開發中。

  • Since the summit, 5G service has begun to roll out in Korea and the United States.


  • And as 2019 progresses, we anticipate continued 5G network launches in the United States, Europe, Japan, Australia and China.

    隨著 2019 年的推進,我們預計美國、歐洲、日本、澳大利亞和中國將繼續推出 5G 網絡。

  • We are working with more than 20 operators toward commercial rollout starting this year, and we expect to be the 5G modem supplier of choice for the majority of the first wave of 5G devices.

    我們正在與 20 多家運營商合作,從今年開始進行商業部署,我們預計將成為第一波 5G 設備中的大多數首選 5G 調製解調器供應商。

  • In addition to commercial 5G service, device manufacturers are also ramping production of consumer 5G devices.

    除了商業 5G 服務外,設備製造商也在增加消費類 5G 設備的生產。

  • At CES, we announced 30 plus commercial 5G mobile design wins based on our 5G chipsets.

    在 CES 上,我們宣布了 30 多項基於我們的 5G 芯片組的商用 5G 移動設計。

  • The majority of these designs are smartphones from global OEMs featuring the Snapdragon 855 mobile platform and the Snapdragon X50 5G modem family, which are expected to launch in the first half of 2019.

    這些設計大部分是來自全球 OEM 的智能手機,採用驍龍 855 移動平台和驍龍 X50 5G 調製解調器系列,預計將於 2019 年上半年推出。

  • Notably, nearly all of the devices related to these 5G design wins use our RF front end solutions, and we expect these design wins to have a meaningful positive impact to our RF front end product line.

    值得注意的是,幾乎所有與這些 5G 設計中標相關的設備都使用我們的 RF 前端解決方案,我們預計這些設計中標將對我們的 RF 前端產品線產生有意義的積極影響。

  • Consistent with the past 3G and 4G transitions, as 5G launches in 2019 across multiple geographies, we expect the carriers to play an active role in driving the transition to 5G devices.

    與過去的 3G 和 4G 過渡一致,隨著 5G 於 2019 年在多個地區推出,我們預計運營商將在推動向 5G 設備過渡方面發揮積極作用。

  • Turning to our adjacent opportunities.


  • In automotive, we announced our third generation Snapdragon automotive cockpit platforms, which provide a multitier scalable architecture across tiers to expand the addressable market for our infotainment solutions.

    在汽車領域,我們發布了第三代 Snapdragon 汽車座艙平台,該平台提供跨層的多層可擴展架構,以擴大我們信息娛樂解決方案的潛在市場。

  • Importantly, to an automotive manufacturer, a scalable architecture delivers a consistent experience across budget to mid-tier to premium car lines.


  • We also launched the custom-built Snapdragon 8 CX compute platform, which represents the largest generational performance increase ever for a Snapdragon product.

    我們還推出了定制的驍龍 8 CX 計算平台,這是驍龍產品有史以來最大的一代性能提升。

  • We look forward to growing this category with Microsoft and expect more announcements throughout the year.

    我們期待與 Microsoft 一起發展這一類別,並期待全年發布更多公告。

  • In summary, in a challenging market, QCT is continuing to execute consistent with our expectations at the beginning of the year, and we are looking forward to our upcoming product launches.

    總而言之,在充滿挑戰的市場中,QCT 繼續按照我們年初的預期執行,我們期待即將推出的產品。

  • Finally, I want to thank our employees for their hard work and focused execution.


  • We continue to make great progress on our important strategic objectives.


  • We are driving the transition to 5G, and we are leveraging our core technologies to expand our reach into many exciting new industries.

    我們正在推動向 5G 的過渡,我們正在利用我們的核心技術將我們的影響力擴展到許多令人興奮的新行業。

  • I would like to now turn the call over to George.


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Thank you, Steve, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • We are pleased to report solid results in our fiscal first quarter.


  • Our revenues were $4.8 billion in the first quarter, in line with our prior guidance and non-GAAP EPS of $1.20 was $0.05 above the high end of our guidance range.

    我們第一季度的收入為 48 億美元,符合我們之前的指導,非 GAAP 每股收益 1.20 美元,比我們指導範圍的上限高出 0.05 美元。

  • Importantly, our Q1 results include a new interim agreement with Huawei, which contributed $150 million of revenue in the quarter.

    重要的是,我們第一季度的業績包括與華為達成的一項新的臨時協議,該協議在本季度貢獻了 1.5 億美元的收入。

  • As discussed last quarter, our Q1 guidance had not included any contribution from Huawei because the final payment under the previous interim agreement was recognized in retained earnings pursuant to our adoption of ASC 606 in Q1.

    正如上個季度所討論的那樣,我們的第一季度指引沒有包括華為的任何貢獻,因為根據我們在第一季度採用的 ASC 606,根據之前的臨時協議的最終付款被確認為留存收益。

  • QCT delivered revenues of $3.7 billion and an EBT margin of 16% for the quarter, above our prior guidance range of 13% to 15%.

    QCT 在本季度實現了 37 億美元的收入和 16% 的 EBT 利潤率,高於我們之前 13% 至 15% 的指導範圍。

  • The operating margin reflects improvements in gross margins and lower operating expenses, driven by our continued focus on driving operating efficiencies.


  • MSM chip shipments of 186 million units came in modestly above the midpoint of our guidance range.

    MSM 芯片出貨量為 1.86 億片,略高於我們指導範圍的中點。

  • QTL generated revenues of $1 billion in the quarter, including $150 million from the successful negotiation of the Huawei interim agreement.

    QTL 在本季度創造了 10 億美元的收入,其中 1.5 億美元來自與華為臨時協議的成功談判。

  • This new agreement was signed in our first fiscal quarter and runs through the third fiscal quarter of 2019.

    這份新協議於我們的第一個財政季度簽署,並貫穿 2019 年第三財政季度。

  • Under the agreement, we will receive $150 million for each of those 3 quarters.

    根據協議,我們將為這 3 個季度中的每個季度獲得 1.5 億美元。

  • Relative to our previous expectations, which had excluded any revenue from the interim agreement, licensing revenues were lower by $150 million to $200 million in the quarter.

    相對於我們之前的預期(已排除臨時協議的任何收入),本季度的許可收入減少了 1.5 億美元至 2 億美元。

  • Given the headwinds facing the market broadly, we have reduced our global 3G/4G device forecast for the calendar year '18 to the low end of our previous guidance range consistent with lower royalty units in the December quarter.

    鑑於市場普遍面臨的不利因素,我們已將 18 日曆年的全球 3G/4G 設備預測下調至我們先前指導範圍的低端,這與 12 月季度較低的特許權使用費單位一致。

  • Emerging regions in China were responsible for the largest shortfall in units relative to expectations, although the lower levels of demand appear to be fairly widespread.


  • The weaker global unit market accounted for the majority of the revenue impact in the quarter along with some mix effects.


  • Against this backdrop, we continue to demonstrate disciplined execution on our cost-reduction plan.


  • Non-GAAP combined R&D and SG&A expenses were $1.56 billion, down 15% sequentially and well below the low end of the guidance range.

    非 GAAP 合併研發和 SG&A 費用為 15.6 億美元,環比下降 15%,遠低於指導範圍的低端。

  • Maintaining our focus on OpEx efficiency remains a top priority, and we are on track to deliver against our $1 billion cost-reduction plan excluding excess litigation.

    保持對運營支出效率的關注仍然是重中之重,我們有望實現 10 億美元的成本削減計劃,不包括過多的訴訟。

  • Expenses in the first quarter also benefited from lower-than-expected litigation spend due to timing and the effects of a weaker stock market on revaluation of deferred compensation obligation.


  • As a reminder, there is a corresponding offset on the deferred compensation liabilities in our investment income so there is no net EPS benefit.


  • Our non-GAAP tax rate for the quarter was a benefit of 40%.

    我們本季度的非 GAAP 稅率為 40%。

  • This is in line with the benefit we included in our guidance for the quarter.


  • To date, we have executed on $22.2 billion in share repurchases of the $30 billion authorization we announced last July.

    迄今為止,我們已經執行了我們去年 7 月宣布的 300 億美元授權的 222 億美元股票回購。

  • This includes $5.1 billion through a Dutch auction and $16 billion under our ongoing ASR programs executed in the fall of last year.

    這包括通過荷蘭式拍賣獲得的 51 億美元和我們在去年秋季執行的正在進行的 ASR 計劃下的 160 億美元。

  • As of today, January 30, the ASRs are approaching 40% completion and the average repurchase price to date is approximately $61.

    截至今天,即 1 月 30 日,ASR 已接近完成 40%,迄今為止的平均回購價格約為 61 美元。

  • As a reminder, the ASR settled at the average trading price less a discount over the life of the agreements.

    提醒一下,ASR 在協議有效期內以平均交易價格減去折扣結算。

  • The ASR agreements are scheduled to end in early September 2019.

    ASR 協議計劃於 2019 年 9 月上旬結束。

  • Let's now turn to our financial outlook for the second fiscal quarter of 2019.

    現在讓我們來看看我們對 2019 年第二財季的財務展望。

  • We estimate fiscal second quarter revenues to be in the range of $4.4 billion to $5.2 billion and non-GAAP earnings per share to be approximately $0.65 to $0.75.

    我們估計第二財季收入在 44 億美元至 52 億美元之間,非 GAAP 每股收益約為 0.65 美元至 0.75 美元。

  • We expect QTL revenues to be in the range of $1 billion to $1.1 billion, including the $150 million under the interim agreement.

    我們預計 QTL 的收入將在 10 億至 11 億美元之間,包括臨時協議項下的 1.5 億美元。

  • We expect the market factors that we saw in Q1 to persist with continued softness in the handset market and weaker overall mix of devices.


  • We expect fiscal second quarter QTL EBT margin to be approximately 54% to 58%.

    我們預計第二財季 QTL EBT 利潤率約為 54% 至 58%。

  • In QCT, we estimate approximately $150 million to $170 million MSM chip shipments for the fiscal second quarter, down sequentially as a result of typical volume seasonality; market weakness, particularly in the low and mid-tiers; timing of OEM product launches and overall competitive dynamics.

    在 QCT,我們估計第二財季的 MSM 芯片出貨量約為 1.5 億美元至 1.7 億美元,由於典型的銷量季節性而連續下降;市場疲軟,尤其是中低端市場; OEM 產品發布的時機和整體競爭動態。

  • Lower MSM units at mid and low-tiers is offset by favorable product mix due to seasonality and broader adoption of our newly launched Snapdragon 800 chipset.

    由於季節性和我們新推出的 Snapdragon 800 芯片組的廣泛採用,中低端較低的 MSM 單位被有利的產品組合所抵消。

  • We expect this mix shift to drive significantly higher revenue per MSM in the fiscal second quarter.

    我們預計這種組合轉變將在第二財季推動每個 MSM 的收入顯著增加。

  • We expect QCT EBT margins to be between 13% and 15%.

    我們預計 QCT EBT 利潤率將在 13% 至 15% 之間。

  • We anticipate the fiscal second quarter non-GAAP combined R&D and SG&A expenses to increase by 6% to 8% sequentially due to higher litigation spend and the impact of the calendar reset of normal employee tax costs.

    由於訴訟支出增加以及正常員工稅收成本日曆重置的影響,我們預計第二財季非 GAAP 合併研發和 SG&A 費用將連續增長 6% 至 8%。

  • Non-GAAP combined R&D and SG&A sequential growth is also being impacted by the expected absence of the revaluation adjustment for our deferred compensation liabilities, which benefited OpEx in Q1.

    非 GAAP 聯合研發和 SG&A 連續增長也受到預期沒有對我們的遞延補償負債進行重估調整的影響,這有利於第一季度的運營支出。

  • We remain on track to deliver $1 billion in cost savings from our $7.4 billion baseline.

    我們仍然有望在 74 億美元的基準基礎上節省 10 億美元的成本。

  • At present, we have achieved approximately $850 million of savings toward our $1 billion target.

    目前,我們已經實現了 10 億美元的目標,節省了大約 8.5 億美元。

  • However, due to excess litigation, we are tracking somewhat above the $6.4 billion run rate.

    但是,由於過多的訴訟,我們跟踪的運行率略高於 64 億美元。

  • Nevertheless, we are on track to deliver the $1 billion in operating savings and expect additional savings post licensing resolution as litigation costs come down.

    儘管如此,我們有望實現 10 億美元的運營節省,並預計隨著訴訟成本的下降,在許可解決方案後還會節省更多費用。

  • Non-GAAP interest expense, net of investment and other income in the fiscal second quarter is expected to be approximately $100 million, which is in line with our prior guidance and is a reasonable estimate for each of the remaining quarters in fiscal 2019.

    第二財季的非美國通用會計準則利息支出(扣除投資和其他收入)預計約為 1 億美元,這符合我們之前的指引,並且是對 2019 財年剩餘每個季度的合理估計。

  • Turning to fiscal 2019.

    轉向 2019 財年。

  • We expect our non-GAAP annual effective tax rate in fiscal 2019 to be approximately 0% and reflects both the run rate impacts of tax reform and the fiscal first quarter impacts of our tax restructuring.

    我們預計 2019 財年的非 GAAP 年度有效稅率約為 0%,反映了稅制改革對運行率的影響和我們稅收重組對第一財季的影響。

  • Excluding the first quarter benefit, we estimate a non-GAAP tax rate of approximately 12% for the rest of fiscal '19.

    不包括第一季度的收益,我們估計 19 財年剩餘時間的非 GAAP 稅率約為 12%。

  • We now expect calendar year 2018 3G/4G device estimates to be at the low end of our prior guidance range.

    我們現在預計 2018 日曆年的 3G/4G 設備估計將處於我們先前指導範圍的低端。

  • For calendar year 2019, we were revising the device forecast to be in the range of 1.85 billion to 1.95 billion units, which at the midpoint is a reduction of 50 million units from our prior forecast.

    對於 2019 日曆年,我們將設備預測修改為 18.5 億至 19.5 億台,中點比我們之前的預測減少了 5000 萬台。

  • This reduction is entirely attributable to handset market softness.


  • We expect handset shipments to be up 1% year-over-year with non-handset devices driving overall unit growth up 5% at the midpoint of guidance.

    我們預計手機出貨量將同比增長 1%,非手機設備將推動整體出貨量增長 5%(達到指引中值)。

  • Despite this, we anticipate improving conditions for our chip business in the second half of the year as a result of new product launches, including devices with 5G chipsets and growth in our adjacent businesses.

    儘管如此,我們預計,由於新產品的推出,包括配備 5G 芯片組的設備以及我們相鄰業務的增長,下半年我們的芯片業務狀況將有所改善。

  • That concludes my comments.


  • I will now turn the call back to Mauricio.

    我現在將電話轉回 Mauricio。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you, George.


  • Operator, we are ready for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question is from the line of Chris Caso with Raymond James.


  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • Just with regard to the MSM business and the guidance you provided.

    關於 MSM 業務和您提供的指導。

  • Looked like that had been running down about 20% year-on-year in December.

    看起來 12 月份同比下降了約 20%。

  • I think your guidance reflects down 15% in March.

    我認為你的指導反映了 3 月份下降了 15%。

  • Recognizing that, that includes a rather large design loss, what would you characterize the continuing business, what would that be running on a year-on-year basis is perhaps a better indicator of the underlying business?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • This is George.


  • Hey, Chris, the -- you're correct in citing that the real difference year-over-year in Q1 was driven by the thin modem business share change at Apple.


  • We're actually seeing strong positioning in our products, really everywhere else.


  • And if we're seeing any weakness in the guide, it's really in low tier units, which is partially seasonal and also just, I think, a reflection of the economy in China.


  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • This is Cristiano, if I can add one thing.


  • As George said, we see that on the low end of the units, but we continue to see a favorable product mix towards the higher feature smartphones.

    正如 George 所說,我們在低端設備上看到了這一點,但我們繼續看到對功能更高的智能手機有利的產品組合。

  • And we expect that trend to continue, especially important as we look at the launch of 5G technology in the -- in towards the later part of '19 and 2020.

    我們預計這一趨勢將繼續下去,尤其重要的是我們將在 19 年下半年和 2020 年展望 5G 技術的推出。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is coming from the line of Mike Walkley with Canaccord Genuity.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Mike Walkley 與 Canaccord Genuity 的合作。

  • Thomas Michael Walkley - MD & Senior Equity Analyst

    Thomas Michael Walkley - MD & Senior Equity Analyst

  • I'm going to follow on to Cristiano's comments there at the end.

    我將在最後繼續 Cristiano 的評論。

  • Can you just update us about how we should think about revenue per MSM trends?

    您能否向我們介紹一下我們應該如何考慮每個 MSM 趨勢的收入?

  • Clearly, a stronger mix implied in your guidance.


  • But can you talk maybe about the RF attach rate and what this could do to the calculation of revenue per MSM or maybe just talk about the RF opportunity and how much your RF business could grow as 5G takes off over the next couple of years?

    但是你能談談 RF 附加率以及這對計算每個 MSM 的收入有什麼影響,或者只是談談 RF 機會以及隨著 5G 在未來幾年的騰飛,你的 RF 業務可以增長多少?

  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Mike, it's George.


  • Maybe I'll cover off on the revenue per MSM.

    也許我會掩蓋每個 MSM 的收入。

  • What we're seeing is, even with the softness in the marketplace, our premium tier devices continue to be strong and growing both year-over-year and quarterly, which is really a testament to the new products.


  • We're also seeing continued strength in the high and mid-tier overall.


  • So revenue per MSM in what is normally a seasonally challenging second quarter is going to be quite healthy as you -- your back of the envelope calculation is correct.


  • It should be a very strong revenue per MSM quarter for us.

    對我們來說,每個 MSM 季度的收入應該是非常強勁的。

  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

  • Mike, let me just answer your second part on the RF front end.


  • We see right now, our RF front-end business, excluding the impacts of Apple, outside Apple, continue to see growth, continue to see double-digit growth rates in that business as we head into 2019.

    我們現在看到,我們的 RF 前端業務,不包括 Apple 的影響,在 Apple 之外,繼續看到增長,隨著我們進入 2019 年,該業務繼續保持兩位數的增長率。

  • But most important, this trend of moving towards higher end devices, especially with the transition of 5G as was one data point that we liked, for the absolute majority of the 5G designs we have on the recently announced 855 or the X50 modem, we have RF front-end attached, and we're very pleased with that metric.

    但最重要的是,這種向更高端設備發展的趨勢,尤其是隨著我們喜歡的一個數據點 5G 的過渡,對於我們最近發布的 855 或 X50 調製解調器上的絕大多數 5G 設計,我們有連接了 RF 前端,我們對該指標非常滿意。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is coming from the line of Tim Long with BMO Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題來自 BMO Capital Markets 的 Tim Long。

  • Timothy Patrick Long - Senior Equity Analyst

    Timothy Patrick Long - Senior Equity Analyst

  • If I could just ask a 2-parter on China.

    如果我能問一個關於中國的 2 夥伴。

  • First, on the chip business.


  • I think there was some mention about macro and a challenging end market.


  • I would love your perspective on the market.


  • And also, George, I think you mentioned for the QCT, the MSM sequential down, competitive dynamics is one part of that.

    而且,喬治,我想你提到過 QCT,MSM 連續下降,競爭動態是其中的一部分。

  • So should we take that to read more low-end competition or potential share loss in China?


  • And then on the flip side, if we just get an update on the QTL business in China.

    另一方面,如果我們只是了解中國 QTL 業務的最新情況。

  • Obviously, the Huawei deal is pending.


  • But could you talk a little bit about compliance and just how the licensing deals are going with the rest of the longer tail of Chinese OEMs.

    但是你能否談談合規性以及許可交易與中國 OEM 的其余長尾如何進行。

  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • So just to answer your question on the competitive dynamics, we continue to see pressure at some of the lower tier devices.


  • And so, which we see down in Q2.


  • Some of it is, we believe, based on share loss and some is based on just on the size of the market, which we typically see pull back seasonally on that.


  • I would say China overall has been probably the -- while it's been extremely good for Qualcomm overall, if we look at '18 compared to our expectations going into '18, demand in China has been substantially lower than we would have estimated global -- for total demand in China, not to speak to our share in this case, which has led us -- is one of the factors that led us to put the estimates for calendar year '18 units down to the low end of our guidance range from last quarter.

    我想說中國總體上可能是——雖然這對高通總體來說非常好,但如果我們看看 18 年與我們進入 18 年的預期相比,中國的需求遠低於我們對全球的估計——對於中國的總需求,更不用說我們在這種情況下的份額,這導致我們 - 是導致我們將 18 日曆年單位的估計值降至我們指導範圍的低端的因素之一上個季度。

  • I'll let -- were you going to jump in, Cristiano?


  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • Yes, I'm just going to add one thing.


  • So Tim, on the chip business, I think, there's, as George outlined, there's competitive dynamics on the low end.


  • But the biggest factor, really, seasonality of product launches.


  • So many of our customers probably have product launches in the coming quarter and it's just a typical seasonality we've seen.


  • Overall, China has been a good story for us.


  • And again, the most important thing is the move towards the higher end devices.


  • Alexander H. Rogers - EVP

    Alexander H. Rogers - EVP

  • Tim, this is Alex jumping in on the QTL question.

    蒂姆,我是亞歷克斯,正在討論 QTL 問題。

  • The story with China also is good on the QTL side.

    在 QTL 方面,與中國的故事也很好。

  • Under our new 5G SEP licensing program, we now have over 35 new licensees or licensees signed up to the new agreements and amendments.

    根據我們新的 5G SEP 許可計劃,我們現在有超過 35 個新的被許可人或被許可人簽署了新協議和修正案。

  • And a good significant number of those are Chinese OEMs.


  • So the licensing program is doing well in China, including with respect to compliance.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Stacy Rasgon with Bernstein Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Bernstein Research 的 Stacy Rasgon。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • I wanted to ask about the revisions to your market outlook.


  • So you're taking your global units down, I guess, to the low end of your range of 2 points versus where you were.

    所以我猜你正在把你的全球單位降到你 2 點範圍的低端。

  • But your QTL revenues right now, excluding the Huawei settlement, are running $900 million, give or take.

    但你現在的 QTL 收入,不包括與華為的和解,是 9 億美元,或多或少。

  • So that's more than 10% lower than your prior outlook, which was like $1 billion to $1.1 billion.

    所以這比你之前的預期低 10% 以上,大約是 10 億到 11 億美元。

  • So how do I reconcile that, I guess, with your comments on where you're seeing on the weakness in the market, which sound to me more like a lull and it seems to imply that the ASPs would have to be down a lot given the revenue bookings seems to be down more than the unit revision?

    那麼,我想,我該如何調和你對市場疲軟的評論,這對我來說更像是平靜,這似乎意味著 ASP 必須下降很多收入預訂似乎比單位修訂下降得更多?

  • I guess, how do I think about the trends of units in ASPs playing out and what effect that's having on your QTL revenues right now?

    我想,我如何看待 ASP 的單位趨勢正在發揮作用,以及這對您現在的 QTL 收入有什麼影響?

  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes, really, what you're seeing, Stacy, is the adjustment that comes from the change in reported units, which is consistent with what we're seeing in our -- in the numbers that we're now using to revise our guide.


  • I would also say in -- you get some of the dynamics in our outlook that relate to how much in a given quarter is reflected by OEMs that are not paying on their licenses and reporting and those that are.


  • And so one of the things that you'll see is we're actually, while we're seeing market conditions overall worsen in Q2, when you adjust for the Huawei payment, we're seeing modest improvement in the underlying revenue for QTL.

    因此,您會看到的一件事是,當我們看到第二季度市場狀況整體惡化時,當您針對華為付款進行調整時,我們看到 QTL 的基礎收入略有改善。

  • And that really reflects the fact of the mix of the parties in there.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Are you seeing improvement?


  • I mean, last -- in Q2 of last year, ex the Huawei payment, you did like $965 million and you're guiding ex the Huawei payment this time, $900 million.

    我的意思是,去年第二季度,除了華為支付,你做了 9.65 億美元,而這次你指導華為支付,9 億美元。

  • It's still down pretty decently, isn't it?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • You're talking about Q2, in terms of an apples-to-apples comparison factor?


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Yes, yes.


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes, I think again, I would say the market, if I did an apples-to-apples comparison, I would say the market is down basically modestly compared to that quarter.


  • Remember, we had that very low demand quarter out of China that we talked about.


  • And I think that's the biggest factor.


  • But it's -- we do see it down somewhat, but not as much as you might have expected because of dynamics in the -- which was effectively Q3 last year.

    但它 - 我們確實看到它有所下降,但沒有你預期的那麼多,因為動態 - 這實際上是去年第三季度。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Matt Ramsay with Cowen.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Matt Ramsay 和 Cowen。

  • Matthew D. Ramsay - Former MD

    Matthew D. Ramsay - Former MD

  • I guess, a couple of things.


  • The first, just to follow on to Stacy's question.

    首先,只是為了繼續回答 Stacy 的問題。

  • I guess, a lot of the data that we're seeing, just globally, not related to your QTL revenues, but just globally out of the smartphone market, has been great.

    我想,我們在全球範圍內看到的很多數據都與您的 QTL 收入無關,但在全球範圍內不在智能手機市場,這些數據都很好。

  • And I guess, Cristiano talked about launches in the second quarter potentially that will help that.


  • But an up 5% unit growth for the whole industry seems a bit aggressive, and maybe that embeds growth in auto and some other areas.

    但整個行業 5% 的單位增長率似乎有點激進,也許這嵌入了汽車和其他一些領域的增長。

  • So maybe you could talk a little bit about what you're seeing in the market that leads you to think the smartphone market's going to grow this year.


  • And then secondly, George, any additional thoughts.


  • A lot of investors asking me about additional breakouts in QCT to reflect some of the adjacency businesses in the revenue versus just one line.

    許多投資者問我關於 QCT 的額外突破,以反映收入中的一些相鄰業務,而不僅僅是一條線。

  • Any thoughts there would be helpful.


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes, this is George.


  • I'm going to take the -- I'll take a little bit on the device forecast.

    我將採取 - 我將採取一些設備預測。

  • Just to be clear, the up 5% includes non-handsets as well, and that's where you're getting the growth, the real growth year-over-year.

    需要明確的是,5% 的增長也包括非手機,這就是你獲得增長的地方,實際同比增長。

  • We've said 1% growth in handsets over '18, and '18 was down 1% over '17.

    我們說過 18 年手機增長 1%,18 年比 17 年下降 1%。

  • We're still seeing in our forecast, we see continued softness.


  • We expect the developed handset demand to be down.


  • We think that's replacement rates, as people start to think about 5G devices coming into the marketplace.

    我們認為這是更換率,因為人們開始考慮 5G 設備進入市場。

  • And then you're not seeing as big an impact in '19 from China as you saw in '18, but you're also not seeing quite the growth in some of the other emerging markets in time, including India.

    然後你在 19 年沒有看到中國在 18 年看到的那麼大的影響,但你也沒有及時看到其他一些新興市場的增長,包括印度。

  • So we see more modest growth out of the emerging markets in '19.

    因此,我們看到 19 年新興市場的增長更為溫和。

  • But overall, handsets puts you at about flat to 1%.

    但總的來說,手機使您的比例持平至 1%。

  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • This is Cristiano.


  • Just want to add one important data point.


  • So you have the overall market dynamic, but then you have the chip business.


  • One thing that we see happening, when we think of our China business, and that we see that accelerating is, many of our customers had expanded global outside China domestic, especially now from Southeast Asia, India and Lat Am, going into Europe.


  • We've seen our customers starting business in U.K, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France.


  • And that's an addition, and it's a good trend to the chip business.


  • Thank you.


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • And we'll look to have, I think, a more robust discussion on the adjacents as we get to an analyst meeting, which we think is the right environment to go into that.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of James Faucette with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 James Faucette。

  • James Eugene Faucette - Executive Director

    James Eugene Faucette - Executive Director

  • I wanted to turn back to some of the comments that Steve made around licensing and asserting Qualcomm's IP portfolio.


  • You talked about China and normally, in the cases there.


  • Can you just update us as to what the -- how are you feeling about the need to assert and eventually put in place IP licensing over nonessential IP for the Chinese OEMs?

    您能否向我們介紹一下 - 您如何看待需要為中國 OEM 斷言並最終實施非必要 IP 的 IP 許可?

  • And does the case with Apple have any implications there, is my first question.


  • And I guess, kind of related to that, how are you thinking about or specifically as it relates to Huawei and the interim payments they're making.


  • Can you give us an estimate of what Qualcomm estimates may be due under, really just the previous licensing agreements, and help us understand what that delta might be?


  • Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

    Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

  • James, this is Don Rosenberg.


  • I'll start, Alex may want to chime in.


  • So with respect to your -- good point about the value of our NEPs as well as our SEPs.

    所以關於你的 - 關於我們的 NEP 和我們的 SEP 的價值的好點。

  • They often seem to get lost in the discussion.


  • You probably know that, actually a majority of those 130,000 or so patents that Steve -- and applications that Steve referred to earlier are in fact NEPs.

    您可能知道,事實上,史蒂夫在這 130,000 項左右的專利中,大部分實際上是 NEP。

  • Also, all the lawsuits we brought around the world against Apple involved NEPs, nonessential patents.

    此外,我們在全球範圍內針對蘋果提起的所有訴訟都涉及 NEP,即非必要專利。

  • And as Steve has indicated, we've been very successful so far and we've got a number of cases that are going to be rolling out over the course of this year.


  • Almost every month, there's a significant milestone in terms of either hearings or final rulings, Germany and China and in the U.S. and the ITC and district courts here.


  • So the value of our overall portfolio is extraordinarily high and it's certainly something we constantly think about when we look at our licensing program.


  • And one point that I think people often miss is that we started this licensing program, what, almost 3 decades ago, and there were no standard essential patents in our portfolio at the time because we weren't even in the standard, yet we were licensing that portfolio.

    我認為人們經常忽略的一點是,我們啟動了這個許可計劃,大約 3 年前,當時我們的產品組合中沒有標準必要專利,因為我們甚至不在標準中,但我們是許可該組合。

  • We continued to license that portfolio essentially at the same terms, as our patent portfolio grew with standard essential patents and nonstandard essential patents, into the numbers that Steve was talking about.


  • Alexander H. Rogers - EVP

    Alexander H. Rogers - EVP

  • Let me -- this is Alex, James.


  • Let me just respond to some -- the first part of your question.


  • I think Don's correct, that we've demonstrated significant value in our nonessential patents.

    我認為 Don 是正確的,我們已經在我們的非必要專利中展示了重要的價值。

  • But I think, again, you have to step back and take a look at what we've done over the last 4 years or so.

    但我再次認為,你必須退後一步,看看我們在過去 4 年左右的時間裡所做的事情。

  • We have really done a very good job of establishing an SEP-only portfolio licensing program, both inside of China and now outside of China.

    我們在建立僅 SEP 組合許可計劃方面做得非常好,無論是在中國境內還是現在在中國境外。

  • But despite the fact that we continue to sign up significant numbers of SEP only licensees, we still have a very good number, a very significant number of licensees that choose to keep portfolio-wide agreements.

    但是,儘管我們繼續與大量僅 SEP 被許可人簽約,但我們仍然有很多,非常多的被許可人選擇保留整個投資組合協議。

  • And so, that's a very significant mix in the overall licensing program.


  • So I think that the overall program is heading in the right direction.


  • We've got a few issues to deal with, in terms of the Apple litigation.

    在 Apple 訴訟方面,我們有一些問題需要處理。

  • But right now, I think the focus is on successfully establishing the 5G program, which we have done over the course of the last 12 months.

    但現在,我認為重點是成功建立 5G 計劃,這是我們在過去 12 個月中完成的。

  • In terms of the Huawei interim agreement, that's a kind of -- that's a minimum nonrefundable agreement.

    就華為臨時協議而言,這是一種 - 這是最低限度的不可退還協議。

  • I don't know that I would get into the overall numbers in terms of what's at issue.


  • I think we'll just leave it at that.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from the line of Ross Seymore with Deutsche Bank.

    下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Ross Seymore。

  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • I want to return to the QCT side for kind of a 2-part question.

    我想回到 QCT 方面來回答一個由兩部分組成的問題。

  • First, last quarter, when you guided, you cited not only the obvious issue sequentially with Apple, but also China inventory burns.


  • So I wanted to see what the update was on that.


  • Is the weakness you're pointing to in MSMs in 1Q just demand or is there inventory burn?

    您指出的第一季度 MSM 的弱點只是需求還是存在庫存消耗?

  • And if so, how much longer would that last?


  • And then the revenue per MSM side of the equation.

    然後是等式的每個 MSM 邊的收入。

  • Obviously, a big pop up in your fiscal 2Q guide.

    顯然,您的財政 2Q 指南中有一個很大的彈出窗口。

  • How should we think about that continuing through the rest of the year?


  • Does the 5G side obviously come in as a tailwind?

    5G 方面是否明顯順風順水?

  • And then, how does China, in answer to the first part of that question, potentially weigh against that?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Ross, this is George.


  • Again, I think we've definitely seen sell-through ahead of sell-in continue in China.


  • So inventory continues to come down, whether it reflects the new normal yet, we'll have to see.


  • But that certainly was part of it.


  • But again, the overwhelming year-over-year effect was just the -- related to the one customer.


  • I think on revenue per MSM, as we start to see 5G pick up and additional premium tier devices increase, that's definitely going to be a tailwind for revenue per MSM.

    我認為,就每個 MSM 的收入而言,隨著我們開始看到 5G 的興起和更多高端設備的增加,這肯定會成為每個 MSM 收入的順風。

  • We haven't forecasted it out yet.


  • But we think that'll certainly be a tailwind for us, both not only at the end of this year, but as we go, as we ramp 5G in 2021.

    但我們認為這對我們來說肯定是一個順風,不僅是在今年年底,而且隨著我們在 2021 年推出 5G。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from the line of Timothy Arcuri with UBS.

    下一個問題來自瑞銀集團的蒂莫西·阿庫裡 (Timothy Arcuri)。

  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • Question for Steve or George.


  • There was a lot of testimony in the trial the past couple of weeks that Apple wanted to buy your modem, but you would not sell it to them.


  • That's for the current phones.


  • But now Intel is talking about the XMM 8160, which is going to ship in the back half of this year.

    但現在英特爾正在談論將於今年下半年出貨的 XMM 8160。

  • So obviously, there's going to be a performance difference, but that's a 5G modem.

    很明顯,性能會有差異,但那是 5G 調製解調器。

  • So is that enough to get them to the table?


  • Is the performance difference enough?


  • And then, I guess, as a follow-on to that, what would the deadline be for them to settle and then be able to get your modem in their phone for the fall?


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

  • Tim, this is Steve.


  • I would say, we feel very, very comfortable with where our road map is, relative to the competitors.


  • Doesn't mean there aren't a lot of competitors out there, but we feel like we have a very, very strong position across the board.


  • I mean, you look at feature set, you look at power, size, everything, we feel very strong about it.


  • In terms of when a person would need to make a decision, it's hard for me to say.


  • Typically, you need to make decisions kind of in the first quarter of this year if you're going to impact the products that are going to next year.


  • That will be my typical aside.


  • But I couldn't speak for other folks.


  • Some OEMs, particularly the Asian OEMs, move a little bit more quickly, but that would be my general sense for what the timing is.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Blayne Curtis with Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Blayne Curtis with Barclays。

  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • Actually, maybe just following on that in terms of the 5G landscape.

    實際上,也許只是在 5G 領域緊隨其後。

  • You mentioned you had a majority of the early wins here.


  • Just kind of curious, your visibility into next year, and can you just comment on the landscape, how diverse the 5G landscape would be next year in shipping phone?

    只是有點好奇,你對明年的能見度,你能評論一下前景嗎?明年 5G 手機出貨量會有多多樣化?

  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • Thank you.


  • This is Cristiano.


  • It's one of the things we like about 5G.

    這是我們喜歡 5G 的原因之一。

  • 5G, it's not a static target.


  • It's a moving target.


  • There's multiple variations of 5G capabilities.

    5G 功能有多種變體。

  • And as soon as we launch, we continue to see that increasing from sub 6 to millimeter wave, to new course and carrier aggregation.

    一旦我們推出,我們就會繼續看到從 sub 6 增加到毫米波,再到新課程和載波聚合。

  • And we have now basically line of sight to a number of devices that will be continuously add -- being added to the market as we have most developed economies launching 5G in the second half '19.

    我們現在基本上已經看到許多將不斷添加的設備——隨著我們大多數發達經濟體在 19 年下半年推出 5G 而被添加到市場。

  • So we're very optimistic about how fiscal '20, how significant 5G will be for us.

    因此,我們對 20 財年、5G 對我們的重要性非常樂觀。

  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

  • This is Steve.


  • I might add one other thing to that, which is, don't -- there are a number of different mode changes if you look at how the network will operate and the number of bands that you need to deal with, between now and really, the next 24 months.

    我可能會添加另一件事,那就是,不要——如果你看看網絡將如何運行以及你需要處理的頻段數量,從現在到真正,會有許多不同的模式變化,接下來的 24 個月。

  • So -- and I think if you're not involved in that at the beginning, you're going to have a very difficult time, I think, fielding a solution that is competitive at any given time if you show up too late.

    所以 - 我認為如果你一開始沒有參與其中,我認為你將度過一段非常困難的時期,如果你出現得太晚,那麼在任何給定時間都可以提供具有競爭力的解決方案。

  • That's one of the advantages of being early and one of the reasons why we try to make sure that we're there.


  • The other aspect, I think, that we should also acknowledge is that I think there was a lot of concern early on with 5G is, would the handsets be at the right size or will they be at the size that people would find attractive, particularly given all the RF complication that exists.

    另一方面,我認為,我們還應該承認的是,我認為 5G 早期有很多擔憂,手機的尺寸是否合適,或者它們的尺寸是否會吸引人們,特別是考慮到存在的所有 RF 並發症。

  • And from what we have seen, from early indications, that is not something to be worried about.


  • They're very, very attractive ID.

    他們是非常非常有吸引力的 ID。

  • So I think it's going to be a really, an important part of the industry.


  • The other aspect that I just make sure people remember about 5G is the economics to the operator.

    我要確保人們記住 5G 的另一個方面是運營商的經濟性。

  • They really have an incentive to push this.


  • And I think you're not going to only see that in the handsets, but you're going to see that in the people selling the devices.


  • The channels, the sales people will be incentivized to press 5G.

    渠道、銷售人員將被激勵推動 5G。

  • And so we look forward to having that happen in the next year or so.


  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • And please stay tuned to this year at Mobile World Congress.


  • I think, will be very exciting in this area.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of C.J. Muse with Evercore.

    我們的下一個問題來自 C.J. Muse with Evercore。

  • Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • I guess, if I can squeeze 2 in.

    我想,如果我能擠進 2 個。

  • First one, as you think about non-handset growth driving the up 5%., could you share with us what the implied non-handset unit growth there is and how we should think about the implications to both royalties and MSM ASPs?

    第一個,當你考慮推動 5% 增長的非手機增長時,你能否與我們分享隱含的非手機單位增長是什麼,以及我們應該如何考慮對版稅和 MSM ASP 的影響?

  • And then just as a quick follow-up question to Stacy's question in QTL, I think you're guiding that up 3% at the midpoint.

    然後就像 Stacy 在 QTL 中的問題的快速跟進問題一樣,我認為你在中點引導了 3%。

  • I'm a little surprised it's higher Q-on-Q, given the FX headwinds and unit volumes up.

    考慮到外匯逆風和單位交易量上升,我有點驚訝它的 Q-on-Q 更高。

  • There are -- are there any sort of catch-up payments or things like that we should be considering in there?


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

  • No, no real big anomalies in that respect.


  • So it's really more the mix element that we talked about.


  • In terms of non-handset growth, again, to get to 5% overall growth, you've got to see something like 27% growth in the non-handsets to get to that.

    就非手機增長而言,要達到 5% 的整體增長,你必須看到非手機增長 27% 左右才能達到這一目標。

  • That is largely driven by growth in IoT.


  • Obviously, you still see growth in everything, from automotive to compute.


  • But it's really IoT, and we're certainly seeing strong growth in industrial IoT in our own business there.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Srini Pajjuri with Macquarie.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Srini Pajjuri 與 Macquarie 的合作。

  • Srinivas Reddy Pajjuri - Senior Analyst

    Srinivas Reddy Pajjuri - Senior Analyst

  • Steve, I want to go back to your comment about the FTC litigation.


  • You said you're still negotiating with the FTC.


  • And given that the closing arguments are done, do you think you have enough time to reach a potential settlement?


  • And then how are you feeling about it?


  • And then, hypothetically, if the ruling were to go against you, what are some of the options that you have going forward?


  • And then in the interim, do you think -- do you anticipate any changes to your business model while if you are appealing or any other options that you're exploring?

    然後在此期間,您是否認為 - 如果您有吸引力或您正在探索的任何其他選擇,您是否預計您的商業模式會發生任何變化?

  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

  • Sure, why don't I take the first part of that and then maybe ask Don to jump in on the second part.

    當然,為什麼我不參與其中的第一部分,然後可能請 Don 加入第二部分。

  • With respect to settlement talks with the FTC.

    關於與 FTC 的和解談判。

  • As you might imagine, we have been engaged with them for some time.


  • We continue to be engaged.


  • And if we think that we can find a resolution, we would take that to try to remove this risk off the table.


  • Not a statement on how we feel about our case, but as you might imagine, this is an important element and we continue to work it.


  • I think the judge gave some direction at the end of trial in terms of when she might rule, and I would just point you to that in terms of timing.


  • But we have the ability to continue to work this, and as you would expect, we are.


  • Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

    Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

  • Yes, this is Don, Srini.


  • With respect to the judge's comments at the end, she didn't actually say when she would rule, but she did indicate over the last couple of hearings that this is a complicated case, and she'll probably take more time than she might otherwise.


  • We think we've put on an extraordinarily strong case here.


  • So we're not obviously going to comment or predict outcomes when a case is now before the judge for a ruling.


  • But I can only tell you that we think that the government failed to approve what we thought was an ill-conceived theory.


  • They still had a burden.


  • We don't think they supported it with any convincing evidence at all.


  • Indeed, I think we made the case, as this industry and these people know, you people on the call know for a very competitive industry that we have facilitated over the years through our licensing program.


  • And so we're hoping for, obviously a victory here, and that's what we're focused on.


  • And we're not going to talk about possibilities until we face them.


  • I would say this, the judge, as she's indicated, this is a complicated case.


  • And based on what she's been asked and not asked by the FTC for -- in terms of a ruling, it's going to have to await a particular ruling if she were to go the other way, because there are multiple variations of what that ruling might be.

    根據 FTC 要求和未要求的內容 - 就裁決而言,如果她要走另一條路,它將不得不等待特定的裁決,因為該裁決可能有多種變化是。

  • And so we couldn't comment on the possibilities.


  • Operator


  • This ends our allotted time for questions and answers.


  • Mr. Mollenkopf, do you have anything further to add before adjourning the call?

    Mollenkopf 先生,在暫停通話之前,您還有什麼要補充的嗎?

  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO & Director

  • Yes, thank you.


  • Thanks, everyone, for joining us today.


  • So it'll be, I think, a very important quarter, not only due to legal milestones, but also just continued innovation from the team and continued milestones for 5G.

    因此,我認為這將是一個非常重要的季度,不僅是因為法律上的里程碑,還因為團隊的持續創新和 5G 的持續里程碑。

  • Thanks, everybody, from Qualcomm for working so hard, and we'll talk to you again next quarter.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call, you may now disconnect.
