高通 (QCOM) 2018 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Qualcomm Third Quarter Fiscal 2018 Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎參加高通 2018 年第三季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded, July 25, 2018.

    (操作員說明)謹此提醒,本次會議錄音時間為 2018 年 7 月 25 日。

  • The playback number for today's call is (855) 859-2056.

    今天通話的回放號碼是 (855) 859-2056。

  • International callers, please dial (404) 537-3406.

    國際電話請撥 (404) 537-3406。

  • The playback reservation number is 39466129.


  • I would now like to turn the call over to John Sinnott, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我現在想將電話轉給投資者關係副總裁約翰辛諾特 (John Sinnott)。

  • Mr. Sinnott, please go ahead.


  • John Sinnott - VP of IR

    John Sinnott - VP of IR

  • Thank you, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Today's call will include prepared remarks by Steve Mollenkopf and George Davis.


  • In addition, Cristiano Amon, Alex Rogers and Don Rosenberg will join the question-and-answer session.


  • You can access our earnings release and a slide presentation that accompany this call on our Investor Relations website.


  • In addition, this call is being webcast on qualcomm.com, and a replay will be available on our website later today.

    此外,本次電話會議正在 qualcomm.com 上進行網路直播,今天稍後將在我們的網站上提供重播。

  • During the call today, we will use non-GAAP financial measures as defined in Regulation G, and you can find the related reconciliations to GAAP on our website.

    在今天的電話會議中,我們將使用 G 條例中定義的非 GAAP 財務指標,您可以在我們的網站上找到與 GAAP 相關的調整表。

  • We will also make forward-looking statements, including projections and estimates of future events, business or industry trends or business or financial results.


  • Actual events or results could differ materially from those projected in our forward-looking statements.


  • Please refer to our SEC filings, including our most recent 10-Q, which contain important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements.

    請參閱我們向 SEC 提交的文件,包括我們最近的 10-Q,其中包含可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述有重大差異的重要因素。

  • And now to comments from Qualcomm's Chief Executive Officer, Steve Mollenkopf.

    現在請聽聽高通執行長史蒂夫·莫倫科普夫 (Steve Mollenkopf) 的評論。

  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

  • Thank you, John, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • We reported very strong results this quarter, which I will comment on shortly.


  • But first, I want to update you on the status of the NXP transaction.


  • As you've seen from our press release, pending any new material developments, we intend to terminate our agreement to acquire NXP at the end of the day.


  • The decision for us to move forward without NXP was a difficult one.


  • Continued uncertainty overhanging such a large acquisition introduces heightened risk.


  • We weighed that risk against the likelihood of a change in the current geopolitical environment, which we didn't believe was a high probability outcome in the near future.


  • In the end, we determined this was the best path forward for our customers, partners, employees and stockholders.


  • To say the least, the 21 months since we announced the NXP acquisition have been volatile.

    至少可以說,自從我們宣布收購恩智浦以來的 21 個月一直在波動。

  • In spite of all the potential distractions, the Qualcomm and NXP leadership remained focused on laying the foundation for the successful integration of our 2 companies.


  • I want to personally thank Rick Clemmer and his management team for being tremendous partners and compliment them on the excellent company they have built at NXP.

    我想親自感謝 Rick Clemmer 和他的管理團隊,感謝他們成為出色的合作夥伴,並對他們在恩智浦創建的優秀公司表示讚揚。

  • Consistent with our prior commitment to return capital that was previously earmarked for the NXP acquisition, our Board has approved a new $30 billion stock repurchase authorization.

    根據我們先前承諾返還先前指定用於收購恩智浦的資本,我們的董事會已批准一項新的 300 億美元股票回購授權。

  • We intend to execute on a large majority of the authorization by the end of fiscal 2019.

    我們打算在 2019 財年底前執行大部分授權。

  • The rationale for the NXP acquisition was to accelerate our strategy of growing into adjacent opportunities where mobile compute was becoming ubiquitous.


  • This strategy remains unchanged.


  • Over the past 2 years, we continue to leverage the powerful industry dynamics of mobile everywhere.


  • The results of these efforts are strongly evidenced in the growth of our adjacencies and RF front-end opportunities, which we estimate will contribute to our fiscal year ending this September approximately $5 billion in revenue, up more than 70% in the last 2 years.

    這些努力的成果在我們的周邊和射頻前端機會的成長中得到了強有力的證明,我們估計這將為我們截至今年9 月的財政年度帶來約50 億美元的收入,在過去2 年中成長了70% 以上。

  • In key industries, like auto, our pipeline of awarded design wins has expanded dramatically this year to $5 billion, up $2 billion from January as automakers and Tier 1 suppliers leverage the strength of our road map and begin gearing up for our -- for 5G-enabled cars in 2021.

    在汽車等關鍵產業,隨著汽車製造商和一級供應商利用我們路線圖的優勢並開始為我們的5G 做好準備,我們今年獲獎的設計獲獎管道已大幅擴大至50 億美元,比1 月份增加了20 億美元。

  • Our infotainment solutions account for more than half of the $5 billion pipeline, just 4 years after we announced our entry into this category.

    我們的資訊娛樂解決方案佔 50 億美元管道的一半以上,距離我們宣布進入這一類別僅 4 年。

  • We've continued to gain share in WiFi and have now achieved leading positions in several WiFi segments.

    我們持續擴大 WiFi 領域的份額,現已在多個 WiFi 領域取得領先地位。

  • Our Snapdragon franchise has moved well beyond mobile devices, becoming the leading platform in areas like AR and VR and is positioned to be a critical enabler in AI and machine learning at the edge.

    我們的 Snapdragon 系列產品已遠遠超出了行動裝置的範圍,成為 AR 和 VR 等領域的領先平台,並定位為邊緣人工智慧和機器學習的關鍵推動者。

  • We are also transforming the notebook segment to a true smartphone experience and are growing our ecosystem of partners, including recently adding Samsung.


  • Our industrial IoT product revenues are also growing rapidly and are on track to double this fiscal year versus 2 years ago.


  • We anticipate our addressable opportunity in the industrial IoT space to grow at approximately 20% CAGR over the next few years, and we expect to exceed that growth for our industrial IoT revenues.

    我們預計未來幾年我們在工業物聯網領域的潛在機會將以約 20% 的複合年增長率增長,並且我們預計工業物聯網收入的增長將超過這一增長。

  • In the past 2 years, we brought forward 5G R&D spending to ensure Qualcomm's sustained leadership in the next generation of mobile technologies.


  • Today, with every passing week, carriers around the world are announcing an expansion their 5G rollouts, and we are a partner to nearly all of them.

    如今,每一周,世界各地的營運商都宣布擴大其 5G 部署,而我們幾乎是所有營運商的合作夥伴。

  • Our significant investment in 5G leadership will become even more tangible with the early rollouts and device launches in 2019, along with larger deployments in 2020 and beyond.

    隨著 2019 年的早期部署和設備發布,以及 2020 年及以後的更大規模部署,我們對 5G 領導地位的大量投資將變得更加切實。

  • As a complement to our 5G modem leadership, our RF front-end technology will continue to be differentiated in the market as we bring a systems approach to solve many of the technical challenges of delivering a 5G experience.

    作為我們 5G 數據機領導地位的補充,我們的射頻前端技術將繼續在市場上脫穎而出,因為我們將推出系統方法來解決提供 5G 體驗的許多技術挑戰。

  • This transition presents a win-win for us and our customers, enabling us the opportunity to grow our dollar share of content in mobile devices while lowering the total cost for handset OEMs.

    這項轉變對我們和我們的客戶來說是雙贏的,使我們有機會增加行動裝置內容的美元份額,同時降低手機 OEM 的總成本。

  • With continued execution on our growth strategy, combined with systematic cost discipline and capital return, we are very well positioned to drive shareholder return in fiscal 2019 and beyond.

    透過持續執行我們的成長策略,結合系統性的成本控制和資本回報,我們完全有能力在 2019 財年及以後推動股東回報。

  • As you can see from our quarterly results, our business continues to perform well, and the time lines we have previously highlighted to resolve our licensing disputes remains unchanged.


  • Our fiscal third quarter results were very strong, with non-GAAP earnings per share of $0.31 above the midpoint of our prior guidance range.

    我們第三財季的業績非常強勁,非 GAAP 每股收益比我們之前指導範圍的中點高出 0.31 美元。

  • Our results reflect continued strong execution across our businesses and continued focus on expense management.


  • In QTL, our third quarter results reflect a $500 million payment from the other licensee that is in dispute with us.

    在 QTL 中,我們第三季的業績反映了與我們有爭議的另一家被授權人支付的 5 億美元款項。

  • This is a partial payment made while the negotiations continue for past royalties due going back to the third quarter of fiscal 2017.

    這是在繼續就 2017 財年第三季到期的特許權使用費進行談判的同時支付的部分款項。

  • The payment does not reflect the full amount of royalties due under their existing licensing agreement, but we believe it is a positive step as we continue the negotiations in an effort to reach a resolution.


  • Also within QTL, we continue to make progress on signing agreements under our new 5G licensing framework.

    同樣在 QTL 內部,我們在新的 5G 授權框​​架下簽署協議方面繼續取得進展。

  • Recently, we have concluded more than 10 multiyear 5G multimode handset license agreements, including agreements with Xiaomi and Sharp, and we are in active negotiations with many more OEMs.


  • In QCT, we shipped 199 million MSMs in our third fiscal quarter, above the midpoint of our guidance range, reflecting stronger-than-expected demand in China due to the strength of our road map, particularly our 700 and 800 series Snapdragon solutions.


  • Looking ahead, our fiscal fourth quarter guidance reflects continued favorable trends in our businesses.


  • We estimate calendar 2018 global 3G/4G device shipments to be approximately 1.8 billion to 1.9 billion units, consistent with our prior forecast and continue to see handset selling prices trending stronger than expected.

    我們預計 2018 年全球 3G/4G 設備出貨量約為 18 億至 19 億台,與我們先前的預測一致,且手機銷售價格趨勢將持續強於預期。

  • In QCT, demand for our Snapdragon 845 continues to grow, and we now have more than 130 Snapdragon 845 device designs in development.

    在QCT中,對我們的Snapdragon 845的需求持續成長,我們現在有超過130個Snapdragon 845裝置設計正在開發中。

  • Consistent with our prior statements, we continue to see our key Chinese OEM partners leveraging our Snapdragon road map to improve their products in the domestic Chinese region and grow share in new regions, including Europe.

    與我們先前的聲明一致,我們繼續看到我們的主要中國 OEM 合作夥伴利用我們的 Snapdragon 路線圖來改善其在中國國內地區的產品,並增加在包括歐洲在內的新地區的份額。

  • We have also seen very favorable third-party test results with our Snapdragon 845 and X16, X20 modems, significantly outperforming other merchant modem solutions in premium tier devices.

    我們還看到我們的 Snapdragon 845 和 X16、X20 數據機獲得了非常良好的第三方測試結果,在高階設備中的效能明顯優於其他商用調變解調器解決方案。

  • We are also seeing further momentum supporting our RF front-end growth strategy and product differentiation with 4 design wins of our complete modem to antenna solutions.

    我們還看到,透過我們完整的數據機到天線解決方案的 4 項設計勝利,我們的射頻前端成長策略和產品差異化得到了進一步的支持。

  • Our gallium arsenide, MMPA and module solutions have launched in customer premium tier devices, with more key Tier 1 launches coming this calendar year.

    我們的砷化鎵、MMPA 和模組解決方案已在客戶的高階設備中推出,更多關鍵的 1 級設備將於今年推出。

  • We have also made 2 RF product announcements earlier this week, which are extremely important Qualcomm innovations to help solve the challenging, complex antenna requirements for 5G devices.

    本週早些時候,我們還發布了兩項射頻產品,這是高通極其重要的創新,有助於解決 5G 設備具有挑戰性的複雜天線要求。

  • We announced commercial shipment of the world's first commercial 5G New Radio millimeter wave RF solution and also announced a fully integrated sub-6 gigahertz RF solution.

    我們宣布全球首個商用5G New Radio毫米波射頻解決方案實現商業出貨,並宣布推出全整合的sub-6GHz射頻解決方案。

  • These announcements further expand our industry-leading 5G product and technology position, and there are 18 network operators and 20 manufacturers who have selected our X50 5G modem for trials and 5G devices.

    這些公告進一步擴大了我們領先業界的5G產品和技術地位,已有18家網路營運商和20家製造商選擇了我們的X50 5G數據機進行試驗和5G設備。

  • We are leading the industry to 5G commercialization next year and are pleased to see our OEM partners finalizing their 2019 5G smartphone launch plans.

    我們將在明年引領業界實現 5G 商業化,並很高興看到我們的 OEM 合作夥伴最終確定了 2019 年 5G 智慧型手機發布計劃。

  • Qualcomm's chipsets are now the leading 5G development platform of choice for operators, infrastructure suppliers and smartphone OEMs.

    高通晶片組現已成為營運商、基礎設施供應商和智慧型手機原始設備製造商首選的領先 5G 開發平台。

  • In closing, we are pleased to report very strong results this quarter and look forward to continuing to update you on our progress across the key strategic areas we have outlined for shareholders.


  • This is a very exciting time for Qualcomm.


  • With 5G approaching, our core technologies of advanced computing, connectivity and security are continuing to drive growth in disruption in mobile, automotive, IoT and networking.

    隨著 5G 的臨近,我們的先進運算、連接和安全核心技術將繼續推動行動、汽車、物聯網和網路領域的顛覆性成長。

  • I will now turn the call over to George.


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Thank you, Steve, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Before I discuss our quarterly results, I would like to join Steve and thank the NXP team for their partnership and collaboration over the past 21 months.

    在討論我們的季度業績之前,我想和史蒂夫一起感謝恩智浦團隊在過去 21 個月中的合作與協作。

  • Now turning to the quarter.


  • We are pleased to report very strong fiscal third quarter results with revenue of $5.6 billion and non-GAAP EPS of $1.01.

    我們很高興地報告非常強勁的第三財季業績,收入為 56 億美元,非 GAAP 每股收益為 1.01 美元。

  • As Steve mentioned, these results reflect $500 million of revenue in QTL related to an interim payment with the other licensee in dispute.

    正如史蒂夫所提到的,這些結果反映了 QTL 的 5 億美元收入,該收入與與其他有爭議的被許可人的臨時付款有關。

  • This is a partial payment made while the negotiations continue for past royalties due going back to the third quarter of fiscal 2017 and does not reflect the full amount of royalties due from the underlying license agreement or our expectations of royalties that will be due once the dispute is settled.

    這是在2017 財年第三季起應支付的過去特許權使用費進行談判時所支付的部分款項,並不反映基礎授權協議中應支付的全部特許權使用費金額,也不反映我們對爭議發生後應支付的特許權使用費的預期。

  • The interim agreement provides for an additional $200 million, with $100 million paid in each of the next 2 quarters.

    臨時協議規定額外支付 2 億美元,未來 2 季每季支付 1 億美元。

  • Non-GAAP EPS of $1.01 was $0.31 above the $0.70 midpoint of our guidance range.

    非 GAAP 每股收益為 1.01 美元,比我們指導範圍 0.70 美元的中點高出 0.31 美元。

  • The partial payment accounted for $0.26, with the remaining $0.05 above the midpoint driven by favorable interest expense tax rate in QTL OEM mix during the quarter.

    部分付款佔 0.26 美元,其餘 0.05 美元高於中點,這是由於本季度 QTL OEM 組合中有利的利息費用稅率所致。

  • QCT earnings before tax was up 6% year-over-year, representing the ninth consecutive quarter of year-over-year growth in EBT.

    QCT 稅前利潤年增 6%,代表 EBT 連續第九個季度年增。

  • EBT margin was 15%, at the high end of our guidance range on higher volume and favorable product cost initiatives.

    EBT 利潤率為 15%,處於我們基於更高產量和有利的產品成本計劃的指導範圍的高端。

  • In QCT, MSM shipments were 199 million, above our 195 million guidance midpoint on stronger-than-anticipated demand from Chinese OEMs.

    在 QCT 中,MSM 出貨量為 1.99 億台,高於我們 1.95 億台的指引中位數,因為中國 OEM 廠商的需求強於預期。

  • QCT revenue for the quarter was $4.1 billion, flat on a year-over-year basis, reflecting strong demand from Chinese OEMs, offset by lower demand from Apple.

    本季 QCT 營收為 41 億美元,與去年同期持平,反映出中國 OEM 廠商的強勁需求,但被蘋果需求下降所抵銷。

  • In QTL, excluding the $500 million payment from the other licensee in dispute, revenue was modestly above the midpoint of our prior guidance range on mix.

    在 QTL 中,不包括其他有爭議的被授權人支付的 5 億美元款項,其收入略高於我們先前混合指引範圍的中點。

  • QTL EBT margin was 72%, including the partial payment.

    QTL EBT 利潤率為 72%,包括部分付款。

  • Excluding the partial payment, EBT margin was 57%, coming in above our prior guidance range of 50% to 54% on OEM mix as well as lower-than-expected litigation expenses.

    不包括部分付款,EBT 利潤率為 57%,高於我們先前關於 OEM 組合的指導範圍 50% 至 54%,且訴訟費用低於預期。

  • In our fiscal third quarter, non-GAAP combined R&D and SG&A was up approximately 1% sequentially, in line with the midpoint of our guidance range.

    在我們的第三財季,非 GAAP 合併研發和銷售、一般管理費用較上季成長約 1%,與我們指引範圍的中點一致。

  • In the fiscal third quarter, excess litigation expenses were approximately $140 million, and we expect litigation expenses to be similar next quarter as the cases against Apple continue, including hearings in several of our patent infringement cases in the U.S., Germany and China.

    在第三財季,超額訴訟費用約為1.4 億美元,隨著針對蘋果的案件繼續進行,包括我們在美國、德國和中國的幾起專利侵權案件的聽證會,我們預計下季度的訴訟費用將與此類似。

  • We continue to execute on our $1 billion cost plan, and as a result, incurred approximately $110 million in restructuring costs, primarily related to severance and asset impairments.

    我們繼續執行 10 億美元的成本計劃,因此產生了約 1.1 億美元的重組成本,主要與遣散費和資產減損相關。

  • These items were excluded from our non-GAAP results.

    這些項目被排除在我們的非 GAAP 業績之外。

  • For fiscal 2019, we remain on track to reduce total operating expenses by $1 billion from our prior baseline of $7.4 billion.

    2019 財年,我們仍有望將總營運支出從先前 74 億美元的基準減少 10 億美元。

  • Our non-GAAP effective tax rate for the quarter was a 6% benefit, lower than our prior expectations, reflecting the change in our estimates of U.S. earnings principally due to the interim payment in QTL.

    我們本季的非 GAAP 有效稅率為 6%,低於我們先前的預期,反映出我們對美國獲利預期的變化主要是由於 QTL 的中期付款所致。

  • We returned approximately $1.9 billion to stockholders during the quarter, including approximately $900 million in dividends paid and $1 billion in stock repurchases.

    本季我們向股東返還了約 19 億美元,其中包括約 9 億美元的股息支付和 10 億美元的股票回購。

  • Our Q3 cash and marketable securities balance was $36 billion, which excluded $2 billion held to collateralize letters of credit for the NXP acquisition and $2.8 billion restricted for our recent redemption of acquisition-related debt.

    我們第三季的現金和有價證券餘額為 360 億美元,其中不包括為恩智浦收購抵押信用證而持有的 20 億美元,以及我們最近贖回收購相關債務而受到限制的 28 億美元。

  • We ended the quarter with total debt outstanding of $22.5 billion.

    本季末,我們的未償債務總額為 225 億美元。

  • Turning to our fourth -- excuse me, our fiscal fourth quarter guidance.


  • We estimate revenue to be in the range of approximately $5.1 billion to $5.9 billion.

    我們預計營收約為 51 億至 59 億美元。

  • We estimate non-GAAP earnings per share to be approximately $0.75 to $0.85 per share.

    我們預計非 GAAP 每股收益約為每股 0.75 至 0.85 美元。

  • We expect non-GAAP combined R&D and SG&A expenses will be flat sequentially, including the impact of an extra week in our fiscal fourth quarter.

    我們預計非 GAAP 合併研發和銷售、一般管理費用將較上季持平,包括第四財季額外一週的影響。

  • Excluding the extra week of operations, we estimate that non-GAAP combined R&D and SG&A expenses would be down mid-single digits percentage sequentially, in line with the timing of our cost program despite the ramp in 5G development activities.

    排除額外一周的運營,儘管 5G 開發活動有所增加,但我們預計非 GAAP 綜合研發和銷售及行政管理費用將環比下降中個位數百分比,這與我們成本計劃的時間表一致。

  • We expect QTL revenues for the fiscal fourth quarter to be in the range of $1 billion to $1.2 billion.

    我們預計第四財季 QTL 營收將在 10 億美元至 12 億美元之間。

  • This revenue guidance includes the expected $100 million payment from the other licensee in dispute while negotiations are ongoing.

    該收入指引包括在談判正在進行期間,其他有爭議的被許可人預計支付的 1 億美元。

  • We expect QTL's EBT margin to be between 58% and 62%.

    我們預計 QTL 的 EBT 利潤率將在 58% 至 62% 之間。

  • It is worth noting that beginning in our fiscal first quarter of 2019, we will implement the new ASC 606 revenue recognition guidance.

    值得注意的是,從 2019 財年第一季開始,我們將實施新的 ASC 606 收入確認指南。

  • This requires that we estimate QTL royalty revenues each quarter rather than recognizing them 1 quarter in arrears and then make revenue adjustments in the following quarters once actual amounts are reported by our licensees.

    這要求我們每季估算 QTL 特許權使用費收入,而不是確認 1 個季度的欠款,然後在我們的被許可人報告實際金額後在接下來的幾個季度進行收入調整。

  • Accordingly, the September quarter results for our licensing business will not be reported in our fiscal Q1 results but will be recorded on the balance sheet into retained earnings with offsetting entries in accounts receivable.

    因此,我們的授權業務 9 月季度的業績將不會在第一財季業績中報告,但將記錄在資產負債表上的留存收益中,並在應收帳款中抵銷條目。

  • And our first fiscal quarter will now reflect estimated December royalty revenues for our licensing business, consistent with the absence of a 1 quarter lag.

    現在,我們的第一個財季將反映我們授權業務的 12 月估計特許權使用費收入,與沒有季度滯後的情況一致。

  • This change will alter QTL typical seasonality as the busy holiday quarter for our licensees will now be recognized in our fiscal first quarter rather than our fiscal second quarter each year.

    這項變更將改變 QTL 的典型季節性,因為我們的被授權人的繁忙假期季度現在將在我們的第一財季而不是每年的第二財季得到認可。

  • Of course, the impact of our 2 disputes, in particular, Apple, has also impacted seasonality over the past year given the absence of the usual impact of the flagship launches of these large OEMs.


  • Turning to QCT.

    轉向 QCT。

  • We anticipate MSM shipments in the fiscal fourth quarter to be in the range of 205 million to 225 million units, up approximately 8% sequentially at the midpoint on seasonality and strength of our road map with Chinese OEMs.

    我們預計第四財季的 MSM 出貨量將在 2.05 億至 2.25 億台之間,根據季節性和我們與中國 OEM 廠商路線圖的實力,環比增長約 8%。

  • We expect QCT EBT margin to be approximately 16% to 18%, up 200 basis points at the midpoint sequentially on a favorable mix towards Snapdragon 700 and 800 tiers, partially offset by lower shipments to Apple.

    我們預計 QCT EBT 利潤率約為 16% 至 18%,在 Snapdragon 700 和 800 系列的有利組合下,環比中點上升 200 個基點,部分被蘋果出貨量下降所抵消。

  • We believe Apple intends to solely use our competitor's modems rather than our modems in its next iPhone release.

    我們相信 Apple 打算在其下一個 iPhone 版本中僅使用我們競爭對手的數據機,而不是我們的數據機。

  • We will continue to provide modems for Apple legacy devices.

    我們將繼續為 Apple 舊裝置提供調變解調器。

  • We expect that non-GAAP interest expense, net of investment income, will be approximately flat sequentially.


  • We expect our non-GAAP tax rate for the fiscal fourth quarter and the full year to be approximately 2% expense.

    我們預計第四財季和全年的非公認會計準則稅率約為 2%。

  • As Steve mentioned, we expect to terminate the NXP transaction after today's end date, subject only to receipt of evidence of a material change in circumstances related to the deal.


  • Termination will trigger payment of the $2 billion termination fee.

    終止將觸發支付 20 億美元的終止費用。

  • Consistent with our previously announced Plan B alternative, following the termination of the agreement, our Board has authorized the purchase of up to $30 billion of stock, replacing the existing $10 billion authorization.

    與我們先前宣布的 B 計畫替代方案一致,協議終止後,我們的董事會已授權購買最多 300 億美元的股票,取代現有的 100 億美元授權。

  • We intend to execute on a large majority of the authorization by the end of fiscal 2019.

    我們打算在 2019 財年底前執行大部分授權。

  • Our repurchases will be funded almost entirely from balance sheet cash, and we will update you on the specific plans as we come to market.


  • Our fourth quarter guidance does not include any impact of this new stock repurchase program or the impact of the $2 billion termination fee.

    我們的第四季指引不包括這項新股票回購計畫的任何影響或 20 億美元終止費的影響。

  • The termination fee is expected to have approximately a $1.35 impact on GAAP earnings when recorded.

    終止費用預計將對記錄時的 GAAP 收益產生約 1.35 美元的影響。

  • We remain committed to a strong balance sheet, maintaining a strong investment-grade rating and to ongoing growth in our dividend over time.


  • That concludes my comments.


  • I will now turn the call back to John.


  • John Sinnott - VP of IR

    John Sinnott - VP of IR

  • Thank you, George.


  • Operator, we are ready for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Amit Daryanani from RBC Capital Market.

    (操作員指示)來自 RBC 資本市場的 Amit Daryanani。

  • Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Analyst

    Amit Jawaharlaz Daryanani - Analyst

  • I guess, just a question on the NXP dynamic.


  • I guess, Steve, how do you think about M&A to achieve what you really wanted to get out of NXP going forward?


  • And is your sense that Qualcomm can't really do any deals until the global macro territories has improved?


  • Or do you think NXP was perhaps something unique that you couldn't do and you could still go do other deals?


  • Just wanted to understand, how do you go about the diversity that you talked about with NXP?


  • And then on buybacks, how do we think about the pace?


  • And how do you execute such a large buyback in a short time frame?


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

  • Amit, this is Steve.


  • I'll take the first one.


  • George, why don't you take the second half of that?


  • So I'm not sure if there's anything particular about this transaction or engagement around the transaction.


  • I think it's probably more a statement of the overall macro environment that everyone is offering in right now.


  • For us, I don't know if it signals any difference in terms of our ability to do things in the future.


  • We are obviously, from a capital allocation point of view, obviously moving very rapidly into a stock buyback, which is where the focus is right now.


  • But I don't know if I see anything closed down outside of the fact that it's just an unusual window, I think, for everybody involved in the industry right now.


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes, on the pacing of the buybacks, we'll come out with some information on that soon.


  • But obviously, if we're going to get a large majority done within 2019, it'll have to be some form of accelerated buyback as a part of that plan.

    但顯然,如果我們要在 2019 年完成大部分工作,就必須以某種形式的加速回購作為該計畫的一部分。

  • Operator


  • Mike Walkley from Canaccord Genuity.

    來自 Canaccord Genuity 的 Mike Walkley。

  • Thomas Michael Walkley - MD & Senior Equity Analyst

    Thomas Michael Walkley - MD & Senior Equity Analyst

  • George, just following up on the buyback and your guidance.


  • Is there any change as to the $5.25 in 2019 that you expect to generate, assuming that the 2 licensing agreements are not settled?

    假設 2 份授權協議尚未達成,您預計 2019 年產生的 5.25 美元收入是否有任何變動?

  • Can you maybe just walk us through the puts and takes towards -- getting towards that number if that's still the case?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes, so let me just give you an update.


  • So first up, we have not changed our FY '19 guidance.

    首先,我們沒有改變 19 財年的指導方針。

  • And as a reminder, resolution of our licensing disputes will be critical to our $6.75 to $7.50 objective.

    提醒一下,解決我們的許可糾紛對於我們實現 6.75 至 7.50 美元的目標至關重要。

  • And if you think about the legal milestones that we talked about in the past in support of driving these disputes towards resolution, we believe those milestones are on track and fundamentally unchanged.


  • In terms of the timing and impact of the share repurchase accretion relative to NXP, obviously, the share repurchase will depend on the timing of when the shares come in.


  • It will also depend on the timing of the licensing resolution.


  • You can get to actually a higher number than the NXP accretion that we talked about for 2019 of $1.50 with share repurchase.

    實際上,您可以透過股票回購獲得比我們談到的 2019 年 NXP 增值 1.50 美元更高的數字。

  • But of course, that requires the licensing disputes to be completed.


  • So right now, no change in our outlook of $6.75 to $7.50.

    因此,目前我們對 6.75 美元至 7.50 美元的展望沒有改變。

  • And on the $5.25, we'll have to look at really what the timing is on the share repurchase and the implications of that.

    對於 5.25 美元,我們必須真正了解股票回購的時機及其影響。

  • Operator


  • Tim Long from BMO Capital.

    來自 BMO 資本的 Tim Long。

  • Timothy Patrick Long - Senior Equity Analyst

    Timothy Patrick Long - Senior Equity Analyst

  • Just 2, if I could.


  • First, a lot of talk about 5G.


  • Could you just update us on what you think that will mean to the Qualcomm model for both the chip and royalty businesses as far as ASP increases or market share gains you think that would result in?


  • And then, secondly, on the chip business, sounds like with thin modems going down and a pretty favorable mix, I'm assuming you're expecting a pretty good ASP and probably gross margin move the next few quarters.


  • If you could discuss that a little bit.


  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • Tim, this is Cristiano.


  • So I'll start with the 5G chip, and I will shift to Alex for the license, and then we can come back and talk about the modem.

    所以我將從 5G 晶片開始,然後我將轉向 Alex 獲取許可證,然後我們可以回來討論調製解調器。

  • We're very happy what we've seen in 5G right now.

    我們對現在在 5G 中看到的一切感到非常高興。

  • The 5G is accelerating.


  • I think we said there are a large number of operators, and I can say that all of our Snapdragon 800 OEMs today are claiming to launch a 5G device smartphone in 2019.

    我想我們說過有大量的運營商,我可以說我們今天所有的 Snapdragon 800 OEM 都聲稱將在 2019 年推出 5G 設備智慧型手機。

  • I think that position us well.


  • It's early ramp of a technology, but we have seen revenue generations.


  • I think we are in a good leadership position as the market moves.


  • It could be a significant event in later part of '19 and '20.

    這可能是 19 世紀後期和 20 世紀的重大事件。

  • And as you'd expect, we see an opportunity for both revenue and margin expansion on the chip business.


  • Alexander H. Rogers - EVP & President of QTL

    Alexander H. Rogers - EVP & President of QTL

  • So this is Alex.


  • On the QTL side, the 5G transition is very good for the QTL business.


  • We have a strong IP leadership position, including within the standards arena and standard essential patents.


  • We're very well positioned with the licensing framework that we rolled out as evidenced by the -- over 10 license agreements that we've just recently signed.

    我們在推出的授權框架方面處於非常有利的位置,我們最近簽署的 10 多項授權協議就證明了這一點。

  • And so we think that we're in a very good position for long-term stability through the 5G transition.

    因此,我們認為我們在 5G 過渡過程中處於非常有利的長期穩定性位置。

  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Tim, on the gross margin, as you think about Q4, probably the biggest single impact pulling margin down is the absence of the other licensee payment, which came in.


  • Now what we're seeing is despite lower Apple business, both quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year, you're seeing strength in the 700 and 800 tiers in China in the chip business, and that's actually really moderated what otherwise would have been difficult margin story.

    現在我們看到的是,儘管蘋果業務環比和同比下降,但你會看到中國 700 和 800 級晶片業務的實力,這實際上確實緩和了其他方面的影響。

  • Operator


  • Chris Caso from Raymond James.


  • Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

    Christopher Caso - Research Analyst

  • Just a question on the 606 adoption and how that affects fiscal '19 guidance.

    只是關於 606 的採用及其如何影響 19 財年指導的問題。

  • Was that already incorporated in the fiscal '19 guidance that you have provided previously?

    這是否已納入您先前提供的 19 財年指導中?

  • Because I guess, my understanding as I'm thinking it through is there would be a benefit to the fiscal first quarter against prior assumptions because that would capture the strong season.


  • Am I thinking about that correctly?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • It was always in -- 606 was always in our estimates for '19.

    它總是在 - 606 總是在我們對 19 年的估計中。

  • And really, if you think about it, it just affects the shape of the year, not the size of the year.


  • You get all 4 seasonal quarters in.

    您將獲得所有 4 個季節性季度的數據。

  • Operator


  • Stacy Rasgon from Bernstein Research.

    伯恩斯坦研究中心的史黛西‧拉斯貢 (Stacy Rasgon)。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • I have 2. First, on the timing of the buyback.


  • If the buyback was supposed to give $1.50 for the full year, but it's going to take you through the full year to actually execute on it, how does it give you the full $1.50 in 2019?

    如果回購應該為全年帶來 1.50 美元,但它需要你全年才能實際執行,那麼它如何在 2019 年為你帶來 1.50 美元的全額?

  • So my second question, the $100 million in revenue you have built into your guidance for next quarter and the quarter after, is that $100 million representative at all of your expectations for the run rate following settlement?

    所以我的第二個問題,您在下個季度和下個季度的指導中納入的 1 億美元收入,這 1 億美元是否代表了您對結算後運行率的所有預期?

  • And effectively, did you sort of take down your QTL revenue guidance?

    實際上,您是否取消了 QTL 收入指引?

  • We're using $1 billion to $1.1 billion.

    我們使用了 10 億至 11 億美元。

  • Now it's $1 billion to $1.2 billion, but it includes an additional $100 million.


  • So it looks like the -- ex that $100 million, the core business was taken down.


  • Is that the case?


  • Was that just some sort of seasonal or other issues that are going on?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Yes, let me start -- let me maybe just start on the back end of it, on the numbers with respect to the $100 million.

    是的,讓我開始——也許讓我從它的後端開始,關於 1 億美元的數字。

  • And maybe, Alex, after I'm finished with the answer, you can jump in.


  • But the $100 million really does not represent a change or the $1.1 billion -- or the $1 billion to $1.2 billion guide is really not a change.

    但 1 億美元實際上並不代表變化,或者 11 億美元——或者 10 億美元到 12 億美元的指導實際上也不代表變化。

  • We said that depending on seasonal factors, we expect to be roughly between $1 billion and $1.1 billion each quarter.

    我們表示,根據季節性因素,我們預計每季的營收大約在 10 億到 11 億美元之間。

  • And as you know, we're seeing the more seasonally weak quarter.


  • Although quite frankly, a lot of the seasonality has come out as we look at the year because we're missing some of those flagship launches.


  • So the absolute market is generally pretty flat relative to that period.


  • So I think, overall, you're actually seeing a little better mix from QTL along with the $100 million.

    所以我認為,總的來說,你實際上看到了 QTL 與 1 億美元的更好組合。

  • In terms of the buyback, really, you're going to need the -- you would be below $1.50 absent any resolution.

    就回購而言,實際上,如果沒有任何決議,您的股價將低於 1.50 美元。

  • And it could be well above $1.50 with resolution, which is the dynamic between a -- the accretion that would come from a full year of NXP with the synergies in place and the share repurchase program.

    如果有決議的話,它可能會遠高於 1.50 美元,這是恩智浦全年的成長與股票回購計劃之間的動態關係,協同效應到位。

  • No real change in the map.


  • Alexander H. Rogers - EVP & President of QTL

    Alexander H. Rogers - EVP & President of QTL

  • So this is Alex.


  • Really quickly, the $100 million in the quarter does not set an expectation for the licensing revenue should there be a resolution to the negotiation process.

    很快,如果談判過程得到解決,本季的 1 億美元並沒有設定授權收入的預期。

  • That is just a partial payment, but it does not reflect what's sold under the agreement.


  • And as we've said before, we're in active negotiations, and this is just a partial payment, and the negotiations are ongoing.


  • As long as we think the negotiations are heading in a positive direction, we'll keep driving them, and we think this payment is a good faith indication that they are heading in a positive direction.


  • Operator


  • James Faucette with Morgan Stanley.


  • James Eugene Faucette - Executive Director

    James Eugene Faucette - Executive Director

  • Steve, I wanted to ask you kind of a big picture question back on kind of the decision-making process, and hopefully, we can help interpolate a little bit into how you're thinking about the future.


  • But wonder if you could give a little more color as to where you saw the opportunity cost of continuing to wait for China to go through its process, and as you described it, that political window to change maybe back more favorably.


  • What -- how are you thinking about the opportunity cost of continuing to wait?


  • And why make the decision to move on now?


  • And how should we be thinking about that?


  • And how you're thinking about the future opportunities for Qualcomm, particularly in some of these new areas that you're pursuing?


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

  • Sure, James.


  • So I think the situation -- a quick reminder, we signed the agreement about 21 months ago.

    所以我認為情況是——快速提醒一下,我們大約 21 個月前簽署了協議。

  • We also had already extended the agreement once.


  • And I think very good discussions, by the way, with the regulators worldwide and in particular in China.


  • It was very clear to us that the macro environment was a very difficult macro environment to get something of this size through.


  • And it was not clear that, that was going to change in the future dramatically, particularly in the time window that we saw -- that we had to really move.


  • And I'd say move toward 2 things.


  • One is, I think, the company needs to focus on the opportunities that are ahead.


  • I think that's important.


  • The other aspect is we just need to provide certainty, not only to our partners and shareholders, but also to the employees as to where we're going.


  • And we look at that altogether in a big mix and basically decide that the right thing to do was to move on.


  • We obviously have some time left on the clock here today to be exact.


  • But hopefully, that helps you understand where we're headed.


  • I think you should also view it as a statement of what we feel very good about the business, where we're headed and the forward aspects.


  • And we want to move on and really deliver that to shareholders as we said we would.


  • Operator


  • Romit Shah from Nomura Equity (sic) [Nomura Securities].

    野村證券 (Nomura Equity)(原文如此)[野村證券] 的 Romit Shah。

  • Romit Jitendra Shah - Executive Director

    Romit Jitendra Shah - Executive Director

  • George, going from 14 weeks in September to 13 weeks in the calendar fourth quarter, do you anticipate any impact to MSM shipments?

    George,從 9 月的 14 週增加到第四季的 13 週,您預計 MSM 的出貨量會受到什麼影響嗎?

  • Is that something we should contemplate?


  • And then can I just ask you about Apple and your thin modem share?

    那麼我可以問一下有關 Apple 和您的瘦調變解調器份額的情況嗎?

  • Are you -- do you guys believe that you're locked out of that account indefinitely?


  • What will it take for Qualcomm to win back that business?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Really, what we see with an extra week is more the purchasing dynamics and decisions tend to be more indifferent to whether there's an additional week in the quarter or not.


  • It's really around timing of launches.


  • So it's really the -- we're seeing the major effect on the cost side of the extra week really at the run rate.


  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • This is Cristiano.


  • Talking about your question on Apple, look, this is a very dynamic industry.


  • I think we've been very clear, and we don't expect to be in the next product launch.


  • We will continue to support them with the legacy.


  • And I think those are decisions that are made as the industry move and designed by design.


  • I think we continue to be focused on technology.


  • We feel pretty good about our modem leadership.


  • I think we disclosed there are some very interesting, I think, third-party customer reports to show our performance.


  • And we'll continue to be investing on the modem.


  • And if the opportunity present itself, I think we will be a supplier of Apple.


  • Operator


  • Matt Ramsay from Cowen.


  • Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

    Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

  • Steve, I wanted to ask a little bit about the adjacencies.


  • I mean, one of the big thesis points of during the NXP transaction was to give you guys or sort of jump start the scale, particularly in automotive and the microcontroller IoT businesses.


  • And now that the deal seems to be off the table, maybe you can talk a little bit about the scale that you currently have in the adjacent businesses that you're ramping and how you think about that competitively without getting NXP done.


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

  • Matt, I think maybe I'll differentiate, the answer depends on which market you're in.


  • So I think in the automobile segment, we already feel that we're a pretty large player.


  • We've benefited from the fact that we are strong in the technologies that are defining many of the new use cases, in particular telematics and the connected car through telematics as a product line but also in our infotainment business.


  • So we feel, today, we already have significant scale.


  • Obviously, we have a much stronger scale with NXP, and we like the transaction as a result.


  • But our auto business is already a significant business, as I mentioned, the $5 billion backlog and growing.

    但正如我所提到的,我們的汽車業務已經是一項重要業務,積壓了 50 億美元,而且還在持續成長中。

  • So we're pleased with that.


  • And I think we're well positioned in the technologies that will define the key excitement and the future as well.


  • In IoT, again, I think we're in the right place with the core technologies and the technologies that the industry is working toward.


  • We do not have as strong and organic channel as would be brought to us by the NXP transaction.


  • It's growing, and it contributes to the business today, but we're going to have to augment that a bit here in the future.


  • We hope to also move forward on that but also deliver on the stock buyback in the interim as well.


  • So it's sort of a two-pronged capital allocation perspective, I think, from a company.


  • But we feel lucky and pleased to have the -- a strong position in the technologies, which we think are the key technologies to winning in those markets long term.


  • Operator


  • Ross Seymore from Deutsche Bank.


  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Steve, just a follow-on to that as the first part of my question, is how do you reconcile the billion dollars of cost cutting, where there's a number of press reports saying that the adjacencies are exactly where the trimming is occurring with your goal to diversify?


  • And then my second question, which is somewhat unrelated, is, George, it looks like you're MSM guidance is at least seasonal, if not above seasonal, at up 8%.

    然後我的第二個問題,有點不相關,是,喬治,看起來你的 MSM 指導至少是季節性的,如果不是高於季節性的話,上漲 8%。

  • Considering what you said about Apple, is there something else going on there?


  • Does the extra week benefit the revenue outlook for QCT?

    額外一週的時間是否有利於 QCT 的收入前景?

  • Any color on that would be helpful.


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

  • Ross, let me -- this is Steve.


  • Let me answer that first question about where the focus is.


  • Our focus on the cost cutting is really more about focusing the company's resources on these areas as opposed to taking R&D or resources away.


  • As you know the history of the company, we've had a number of other bets that I think are a little bit further outside of the core competency of the company, and we're trying to focus on our R&D in the areas where we think there are growth.


  • Industrial, IoT, automotive, networking are clearly above the line there for us, which we are excited about.


  • We are moving some focused R&D toward those businesses versus away from them in total.


  • We are also looking at how we can spend money to execute on the licensing business with less spend.


  • We hope to move into a more of a peacetime situation with the licensing business.


  • But rest assured, we are very focused on focusing the company toward the areas that we've mentioned.


  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • Ross, on the MSM, I think there are a number of things that we see in our business, and I think that's reflected in the guide.

    Ross,關於 MSM,我認為我們在業務中看到了很多事情,我認為這在指南中得到了反映。

  • I think, number one, is we see an expansion of our key China customer going towards the premium tier.


  • We mentioned, I think we saw high demand on Snapdragon 700 and 800 as they expanded to the segment.

    我們提到,我認為隨著 Snapdragon 700 和 800 擴展到該細分市場,我們看到了對它們的高需求。

  • We also see large-scale Chinese OEM international expansion.

    我們也看到中國 OEM 大規模的國際擴張。

  • That's increasing the MSM sales for us.

    這增加了我們的 MSM 銷量。

  • As an example, some of our key customers now have products in the U.K., Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France, which it is a new geographical region for them.


  • And we expect that to continue as China will bring large-scale 5G deployment in the later part of '19.

    我們預計這種情況將持續下去,因為中國將在 19 年下半年大規模部署 5G。

  • Operator


  • Timothy Arcuri from UBS.


  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • I had 2. First of all, on the payments and QTL, George, with the $100 million that you're going to get in September and the $100 million that you'll get in December, does that fully catch you up by the end of December?

    我有 2. 首先,關於付款和 QTL,喬治,你將在 9 月獲得 1 億美元,在 12 月獲得 1 億美元,這是否能在年底完全趕上你十二月?

  • That's the first question.


  • And then the second question is on the potential to get an injunction in China against Apple.


  • I think there's a practical process around you to validate your IP.


  • So my question is, what is the process?


  • And whether you check all the boxes so that if you did want to pursue that, you could?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • Tim, in terms of the payments, no, the $700 million in total is a portion but does not represent the full amount that we would expect to receive.

    提姆,就付款而言,不,總共 7 億美元只是一部分,但並不代表我們期望收到的全部金額。

  • In fact I would say it's a fraction of the full amount that we expect to receive under the agreement.


  • It's not meant to be a catch-up.


  • It's meant to be a good faith payment while negotiations are going on.


  • Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

    Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

  • Tim, this is Don.


  • So your question was about China and our patent litigation there against Apple.


  • And the answer is, yes, we are seeking injunctive relief there.


  • In some cases, in China, you're not only entitled to permanent injunctions, but you're entitled to preliminary injunctions on occasion.


  • But China is definitely a jurisdiction which is willing to enjoin infringers or patent infringement.


  • Operator


  • Chris Danely from Citigroup.


  • Christopher Brett Danely - MD

    Christopher Brett Danely - MD

  • Just a couple of quick ones.


  • On the dispute with the $700 million in catch-up payments, I think before you've commented that you expect that to end or to close before the end of the year, do you still expect that?


  • And would you expect the royalty rate to decline there?


  • And then could other customers get one of that and have their rates go lower?


  • And any update on when you think the Apple resolution will be settled?


  • Alexander H. Rogers - EVP & President of QTL

    Alexander H. Rogers - EVP & President of QTL

  • Yes.


  • So this is Alex.


  • Again, I would not characterize this $700 million as catch-up payments.

    再次強調,我不會將這 7 億美元視為追加付款。

  • Because as we've said, what these payments are, are partial payment during the context of a negotiation, which we feel has been moving along somewhat slowly but in a positive direction.


  • And the partial payments are kind of an empirical data point that we're making progress in the negotiation.


  • So it's not final by any means.


  • It doesn't represent what is at issue in the agreement and what the values are initially in the agreement and what the end result might be.


  • And so this is not a data point for other licensees to take and say, well, somebody else is getting a different sort of deal.


  • These negotiations are ongoing.


  • We think they're positive.


  • If they don't result in an amendment or resolution, then as we've said in the past, there's an opportunity for dispute resolution.


  • So again, I would just think about this as a good faith partial payment, not indicative of the value of the overall agreement.


  • What was the question again on that?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • What's the timing -- was there any timing?


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

  • Okay.


  • So with respect to Apple, the way you just think about it, it's -- we're on the same schedule we've laid out over the last several quarters.


  • We continue to talk.


  • We also have a number of legal data -- or legal strategies that are in flight.


  • They're further in flight than they were the last time we spoke.


  • And we hope that through the combination of either those pass, we could get to a resolution, and we're confident that we will.


  • No change in the time line from what we've said previously.


  • Operator


  • Srini Pajjuri from Macquarie.

    來自麥格理的 Srini Pajjuri。

  • Srinivas Reddy Pajjuri - Senior Analyst

    Srinivas Reddy Pajjuri - Senior Analyst

  • I have a clarification and a question.


  • George, on the ASC 606, I think you said the September quarter revenue for the devices that are shipped in the September quarter, you said that's going to go on the balance sheet.

    喬治,關於 ASC 606,我想您說過 9 月季度發貨的設備的 9 月季度收入,您說過這將記入資產負債表。

  • I think it's going to be more than $1 billion going onto the balance sheet.

    我認為資產負債表上的金額將超過 10 億美元。

  • Just curious, when do you expect to recognize that?


  • When will that flow through to the income statement?


  • And then my question is on the OpEx.


  • The $1 billion savings, could you give us an update in terms of where you are in terms of achieving that $1 billion?

    節省了 10 億美元,您能否向我們介紹一下您在實現這 10 億美元方面的進展?

  • And once we get to that level, what do you expect the OpEx, on a non-GAAP basis excluding legal, range to be?


  • George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

    George S. Davis - CFO & Executive VP

  • So the -- under 606, the quarter that goes on to the balance sheet goes to basically directly to retained earnings.

    因此,在 606 下,資產負債表上的季度基本上直接計入留存收益。

  • It never flows through the income statement.


  • So we just -- we shipped ahead 1 quarter, which is where we talked about on the call, the change in the seasonality.


  • So our old Q2 is now Q1.

    所以我們原來的 Q2 現在是 Q1。

  • And then the Q4 the following year would be the old Q1 of the year after that.


  • So you're going to get all 4 quarters in a year under 606, but you basically lose 1 quarter onto the balance sheet.

    因此,一年中 4 個季度的收入將全部低於 606,但資產負債表上基本上會損失 1 個季度。

  • Obviously, we get all the cash flow and other elements associated with it.


  • And we'll just report the December quarter instead of the September quarter.

    我們將只報告 12 月季度而不是 9 月季度。

  • On the -- we continue to make progress on the timing of the cost program.


  • We've said the baseline was $7.4 billion for OpEx, and that we believe we'll be able to take out $1 billion in '19, which we'd put it at $6.4 billion.

    我們說過營運支出的基準是 74 億美元,我們相信我們將能夠在 19 年拿出 10 億美元,我們的預測是 64 億美元。

  • We'd be down about 5% quarter-over-quarter in Q4 or mid-single-digits, as we said, 5%-plus quarter-over-quarter, absent the extra week.

    正如我們所說,如果沒有額外的一周,我們第四季度的季度環比下降約 5% 或中等個位數,環比下降 5% 以上。

  • So that gives you an indication directionally.


  • And we would expect another step down in the quarter following that as we make progress into the year.


  • We believe we're on track, and we're still confident we'll take $1 billion out in -- relative to the baseline.

    我們相信我們正在步入正軌,而且我們仍然有信心相對於基準線將投入 10 億美元。

  • Operator


  • Brett Simpson from Arete.


  • Brett William Simpson - Senior Analyst

    Brett William Simpson - Senior Analyst

  • Can you perhaps just talk us through the timing of the core cases you have with Apple?


  • So the timing of the cases, but more importantly, the timing of the judgments and when you expect these to be finalized for Germany, for China, for ITC, for FTC.


  • That'd be very helpful, and I've got a follow-up.


  • Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

    Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

  • This is Don.


  • So that's a tall order.


  • I don't think I can give you all the precise dates.


  • But we've got, as you said, in the ITC, for example, our first case has already had hearings.


  • We're expecting what's called an initial determination in September and a final determination there in January.


  • We've got another ITC case that we'll be going to hearing some time very early in the year, I think in January as well.

    我們還有另一個 ITC 案件,我們將在今年早些時候審理,我想也是在一月。

  • In China, we have multiple patent cases running in at least 3 jurisdictions there.

    在中國,我們有多個專利案件在至少 3 個司法管轄區審理。

  • Each of those is on a different schedule, but they are moving along quite quickly.


  • And so we would expect something either by the end of this year in terms of hearings and trials or early next year.


  • In Germany, we've got a number of patent cases filed there as well in both Munich and Mannheim, and those are moving toward same type of -- later this year, early next year in terms of trial dates.


  • Brett William Simpson - Senior Analyst

    Brett William Simpson - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's great, Don.


  • And then just maybe for Cristiano on the RF business.


  • You're talking a bit of design wins for the first time on 5G RF.

    您談論的是首次在 5G RF 上取得的一些設計勝利。

  • Can you maybe just talk about what type of attach rates you're getting with 5G RF with your 5G modem wins?

    您能否談談 5G 數據機透過 5G RF 獲得的連接速率類型?

  • Could you talk about addressing system solution modem to antenna?


  • And where do you think Qualcomm is really differentiating in 5G RF specifically?

    您認為高通在 5G RF 方面真正的差異化具體在哪裡?

  • And I just wanted to circle back to the revenue targets for fiscal '19 for RF.

    我只想回到 RF 19 財年的營收目標。

  • You talked about $2 billion to $3 billion, I think, of RF revenue in fiscal '19.

    我認為,您談到 19 財年的 RF 收入為 20 億至 30 億美元。

  • What's the revenue opportunity that 5G might give you on top of this over time?

    隨著時間的推移,5G 可能會為您帶來哪些收入機會?

  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • Thank you for the question.


  • So I think maybe I'll start by saying we are expanding RF today.

    所以我想也許我會先說我們今天正在擴展 RF。

  • We have a number of designs that we have been reporting throughout the year.


  • I think those designs, some are getting to market, some will get into market soon.


  • We're able to see the tier downs, and we're happy that not only we're getting the complete end-to-end solutions in the low band but also the mid and the high band, including the pyramids and the filters, and we expect that will continue.


  • With 5G, the reason we're optimistic about the opportunity of increasing attach rates is when you think of millimeter wave, you'll have to design the front end in the antenna, in the transceiver, integrated into a package.

    對於 5G,我們對提高連接速率的機會感到樂觀的原因是,當您想到毫米波時,您必須設計天線、收發器中的前端,並將其整合到封裝中。

  • And also, you have to optimize performance of a new technology and a new environment, where we have a time to market leadership.


  • Those things are great trends for us to expand the RF business, which we're actually pleased with the results we're starting to get right now.


  • Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

    Donald J. Rosenberg - Executive VP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

  • This is Don again.


  • Just wanted to correct something.


  • I believe I said the ITC second case is going to hearing in January.

    我記得我說過 ITC 第二起案件將於一月舉行聽證會。

  • In fact, it's going to hearing in September.


  • Operator


  • Edward Snyder from Charter Equity.

    來自 Charter Equity 的愛德華·斯奈德。

  • Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

    Edward Francis Snyder - MD and Principal Analyst

  • I'd like to hit if I could the QCT results, especially regard to the 700 series.

    如果我能得到 QCT 結果,我想打一下,特別是關於 700 系列的。

  • I'm sure you guys are seeing the uptick in wins for MediaTek P60.

    我確信你們已經看到聯發科技 P60 的獲勝率不斷上升。

  • They've seemed to abandon the high end to you, which is obviously very good (inaudible) series.


  • I know you got -- the 700 series has been kind of positioned to fight back on that platform.

    我知道您已經明白了——700 系列已經做好了在該平台上反擊的準備。

  • But [Checkview] said that it's gotten quite a few dozens of wins on that.

    但 [Checkview] 表示,它已經在這方面取得了數十場勝利。

  • Can you just help us out with the dynamic between your 700 series and their P60 series, especially in the mid-tier 4G market?

    您能否幫我們了解一下您的 700 系列和 P60 系列之間的動態,特別是在中階 4G 市場?

  • And then if I could also, China's lagged in 4G overall.

    如果可以的話,中國在 4G 方面總體上落後了。

  • They've got basic 4G.


  • And I know they've put a flag in the ground about commercial 5G deployments by next year.

    我知道他們已經在明年之前就商用 5G 部署豎起了一面旗幟。

  • That would suggest they're going to have to cover a lot of ground between LTE Advanced and LTE Pro between now and then to make that target.

    這意味著他們必須在 LTE Advanced 和 LTE Pro 之間進行大量工作才能實現這一目標。

  • Do you think there are some risks to their deploying 5G?


  • Or maybe it will be delayed beyond where they've -- where you've targeted while they're trying to catch up?


  • And what impact does LTE Pro or LTE Advanced increasing mix in China is going to have on your modem business especially?

    LTE Pro 或 LTE Advanced 在中國不斷增加的組合將對您的數據機業務產生什麼影響?

  • Cristiano Renno Amon - President

    Cristiano Renno Amon - President

  • Thank you, Ed.


  • So let me just start with the 700.

    那麼就讓我從 700 開始吧。

  • The dynamic we saw in the China market with our tier OEMs, and I'm being consistent what we're having said probably for the past 2 years as the market is moving up.


  • And I'll answer 2 of your questions with the 700 series.

    我將回答您關於 700 系列的 2 個問題。

  • The 700 series, it basically -- it was an opportunity as a lot of -- some of the mid-tier devices, OEMs are more interested in bringing that to more premium feature set.

    700 系列,基本上 - 這是一個機會 - 一些中階設備,原始設備製造商 (OEM) 更有興趣將其引入更高級的功能集。

  • And one of the features that also drove a lot of the 700 is the advanced modem performance on LTE.

    700 的一大特色是先進的 LTE 數據機效能。

  • In some other markets, especially outside China, you see some markets advertising that even as a 4.5G technology.

    在其他一些市場,尤其是中國以外的市場,您會看到一些市場甚至將其作為 4.5G 技術進行廣告宣傳。

  • So there, for example, in Latin America, there was a -- the 700 series got labeled in terms of performance.

    例如,在拉丁美洲,700 系列以性能為標籤。

  • So this is a good sign.


  • But also, the 800 series, we saw a pickup as some of the key customers enter the market.

    而且,隨著一些主要客戶進入市場,800 系列的銷量有所回升。

  • So our view is the market continues to move into the right direction for us, and that bodes well with the expansion of our customers into other markets.


  • Just not to single any one out in particular, but just looking at Xiaomi as an example.


  • They're now in 70 countries, and they are the #4 smartphone in Europe within 1 year.

    它們現已遍布 70 個國家/地區,並在 1 年內成為歐洲排名第四的智慧型手機。

  • That's a good thing, and look at the global feature set of LTE as the design point for our customers in China, not only China domestic.

    這是一件好事,並將 LTE 的全球功能集視為我們中國客戶(而不僅僅是中國國內客戶)的設計點。

  • Going to 5G, that's where things become more interesting.


  • The scale of the user-friendly trial of the largest operator in China, China Mobile, which everyone on the infrastructure side and the OEM side is working towards the second half, is very large.


  • And that gives us an indication that the transition could be as meaningful as we saw with 4G.

    這向我們表明,這種轉變可能會像我們在 4G 中看到的那樣有意義。

  • So that creates an opportunity for basically jump in feature set in China towards the 5G with 5G New Radio stand-alone.

    因此,這為中國的功能集透過獨立的 5G New Radio 向 5G 邁進創造了機會。

  • And we're excited about that as well.


  • Operator


  • That concludes today's question-and-answer session.


  • Mr. Mollenkopf, do you have anything further to add before adjourning the call?


  • Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

    Steven M. Mollenkopf - CEO

  • Yes, thank you.


  • Just an observation that obviously, the company has been through a lot in the last year and -- but I also want to recognize that we've accomplished a lot as well, not only the strong quarter and outlook that we've put in, but also just the breadth and the depth of the product delivery that's occurred, the 845, the products Cristiano mentioned, as well as the leadership position in 5G.

    顯然,公司在去年經歷了很多事情,但我也想認識到我們也取得了很多成就,不僅僅是我們所投入的強勁季度和前景, Cristiano 提到的產品還包括產品交付的廣度和深度,即845,以及5G 領域的領導地位。

  • I think it's a testament to the tenacity and the dedication and the competitive spirit that Qualcomm has been known for, and I just want to thank the employees and our partners and our customers for supporting us through this period and look forward to delivering for them in the future.


  • Thank you, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call.


  • You may now disconnect.
