拼多多 (PDD) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿






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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to PDD Holdings Inc., second-quarter 2024 earnings conference call. (Operator Instructions) Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded.

    女士們、先生們,感謝大家的支持,歡迎參加 PDD Holdings Inc. 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。 (操作員指示)請注意,今天的會議正在錄製中。

  • I would now like to hand the conference over to your host today. Sir, please go ahead.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you, operator. Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining us today. PDD Holdings' earnings release was distributed earlier and is available on our website at investors.pddholdings.com, as well as through the GlobeNewswire services.

    謝謝你,接線生。大家好,感謝您今天加入我們。 PDD Holdings 的收益報告已於早些時候發布,可在我們的網站 Investors.pddholdings.com 以及 GlobeNewswire 服務上取得。

  • Before we begin, I would like to refer you to our Safe Harbor statement in earnings press release, which applies to this call, as we will make certain forward-looking statements. Also, this call includes discussions of certain non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to our earnings release which contains a reconciliation of non-GAAP measures to GAAP measures.


  • Joining us today on the call are Mr. Chen Lei, our Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer; Mr. Zhao Jiazhen, our Executive Director and Co-Chief Executive Officer; as well as Ms. Liu Jun, our VP of Finance. Lei and Jiazhen will make some general remarks on our performance for the past quarter and our strategic focus. Jun will then walk us through our financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

    今天加入我們電話會議的還有我們的董事長兼聯合執行長陳雷先生;趙家楨先生,我們的執行董事兼聯合執行長;以及我們的財務副總裁劉軍女士。雷和家震將對我們上一季的業績以及我們的策略重點進行一些總體評價。接下來,Jun 將向我們介紹截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的第二季財務表現。

  • During the Q&A session, Lei and Jiazhen will answer questions in Chinese that will help translate. Please kindly note that the English translation is for reference only. And in case of any discrepancy, statements in the original language should prevail.


  • Now it's my pleasure to introduce our Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Chen Lei. Lei, please go ahead.


  • Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

    Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you. Hello, everyone. Thank you, all, for joining our earnings call for the second quarter of 2024. In the first half of 2024, we have remained committed to our high-quality development strategy and consistently invested in our platform ecosystem.

    謝謝。大家好。感謝大家參加我們的 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • We received positive feedback for these efforts. Consumer experience and our services have continued to improve. A number of new merchants and products have grown significantly. This further meets the diverse needs of our consumers. This quarter, we benefited from the improving macro environment and achieved robust financial results.


  • Our total revenues reach R&B $97 billion, which represents a year-on-year increase of 86%. However, we are seeing many new challenges ahead, from changing consumer demand, intensifying competition, and uncertainties in global environment. As a result, we will enter a new phase of high-quality development that calls for increased investments, and our profitability will affect it as a result.

    我們的 R&B 總營收達到 970 億美元,年增 86%。然而,我們也看到了許多新的挑戰,包括消費者需求的變化、競爭的加劇以及全球環境的不確定性。因此,我們將進入高品質發展的新階段,需要加大投入,獲利能力也會受到影響。

  • Since the beginning of this year, we are seeing that consumer preferences have become more diverse. On one hand, consumers are increasingly choosing experience-based consumption over material purchases. On the other hand, there is a growing emphasis on rational consumption. Consumers are making more thoughtful decisions to balance quality and value.


  • In response, we have collaborated with high-quality brands and manufacturers to create customized products that cater to these diverse demands. This approach has not only propelled many new brands to success, but also revived the popularity of many established brands. So this is just one example of how digital technology and manufacturing can come together to create new opportunities.


  • At this moment, the competition among e-commerce platforms is quickly escalating. And therefore, it's even more important that we go back to the basics of supply chain improvement and invest firmly in supply chain efficiencies. This will be the key focus for our high-quality development going forward. For example, in the second quarter, our team continued to bring our agriculture crowd initiative to major production regions, helping local growers to bring seasonal foods directly to people's homes.


  • And in this process, promoting local agriculture brands, In addition, to further improve the agricultural supply chain, nurture research talents, and promote technology inclusion, we continue to support the Smart Agriculture Competition and the Pinduoduo Academy Growing Competition.


  • The Agricultural Research Fund we established in cooperation with China Agricultural University has also started to bear fruit. On the manufacturing side, we are pleased to find that many small and medium-sized businesses have been using the digital capabilities from our platform to support product iteration and innovation.


  • Through this process, they have not only emerged stronger from the competition, but also led the local industries towards high-quality development. These results have strengthened our commitment to further investing in high-quality development. We have communicated on a number of occasions that the profit growth in the past few quarters should not be used as a long-term guidance, and it is a result of mismatch between the business investment and the financial reporting cycles.


  • As we enter a new investment phase, I would like to make it clear to our investors that our process will gradually trend down starting in Q3, and there will be fluctuations or rebounds in the short term. In the long run, the decline in profitability is inevitable.


  • Certainly, our platform has reached a considerable scale, and we will remain committed to high-quality development and a focus on creating a healthy and sustainable platform ecosystem. And to this end, we adopt the necessary policies to vigorously support high-quality merchants and tackle low-quality ones.


  • On the supply side, we will invest substantial resources to support high-quality merchants who are willing to innovate and improve quality. And we will offer a significant transaction fee reduction to these merchants, with an initial target of $10 billion in the first year. By doing so, our goals provide clear initial incentives for the merchants to join high-quality developments.

    在供給側,我們將投入大量資源支持願意創新、提升品質的優質商家。我們將為這些商家大幅降低交易費用,第一年的初始目標是 100 億美元。透過這樣做,我們的目標為商家參與高品質發展提供了明確的初始激勵。

  • On the other hand, we will further deepen our trust and safety capabilities to improve our merchant ecosystem and strengthen our supply chain. We are actively identifying and removing unknowable bad actors from our platforms, and we will continue to strengthen these efforts. At the moment, we have already started a new round of investments in operations and R&D to streamline the merchant onboarding and product listing process.


  • Leveraging technology, we will gradually improve the quality of the products sold on our platforms and create a fair and transparent business environment for our merchants. In this process, we believe that sacrificing short-term profits is necessary. A clear downward trend in profits is expected. We are prepared to invest firmly and patiently in the platform's long-term health.


  • This is a decision that has received unanimous support from all our management team. And now, moving on to the global business. In the past few quarters, we have noticed the rapid shift in external environments, which brought significantly greater uncertainty. Our operations have also become increasingly affected by non-business factors.


  • And meanwhile, the competition we face is growing stronger. Competition is here to stay and is expected to intensify in our industry. Our global business is facing significant uncertainty from intense competition and evolving external environment. These factors combined will inevitably cause frustrations to our business. As shown in this quarter's results, high revenue growth is not sustainable, and a downward trend in profitability is inevitable.


  • And finally, as the environment evolves and our company continues to grow, the IR management team and I often discuss how we can better fulfill our corporate social responsibilities. We believe there are still many things that can be done, for example, Through enhancing our governance structure and adjusting resources, we can better adapt to changing times.


  • We can also do more to give back to society, to support agriculture and other industry sectors, and offer greater support to the people who need it most. We fully recognize that simply measuring our company's performance by shortened capital returns no longer aligns with where we are today. As a global company in this era, we are committed to driving innovation, adapting to change, and taking on greater social responsibilities in the regions across the globe.


  • Now, I will hand it over to our Co-CEO, Zhao Jiazhen, to talk more about our operations in the second quarter.


  • Jiazhen Zhao - Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jiazhen Zhao - Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • (interpreted) Thank you, Lei. Hello, everyone. This is Zhao Jiazhen. Thank you all for joining our earnings call for the second quarter of 2024. In the first half of this year, online retail in China continues to perform well, bringing fresh energy to the overall consumption market. Over the past quarter, we continue to advance our high-quality development strategy, making steady long-term investments to support both supply and demand side of our platforms.


  • Looking ahead to the second quarter of this year and beyond, we're very confident in the future of the Chinese consumer market. This quarter, we continued to focus on consumer demand, further enhanced our more savings and better services capabilities and upgraded our after-sales services to provide consumers with more value and more enjoyable shopping experiences.


  • During the agents promotion, we continue to provide consumers with straightforward savings and introduced new promotions to meet the increasingly diverse consumer preferences. We also brought product categories like fresh produce, daily necessities and high-end into third and full tier cities, and made our contribution to consumption upgrades across the regions.


  • On the supply side, we stepped up our support for quality merchants and brands, directing more traffic to high-quality products through 10 Billion Program and fresh sales. We have also focused on enhancing the quality and efficiency of the supply chain, bringing more value to the agricultural areas and industry regions, and benefiting more producers quality, agricultural and domestic group.


  • To support the countryside home appliance program and the consumer group in, we invested RMB1 billion during the first week of June 18. This boost led to remarkable growth for many local brands in categories such as electronics, home appliances, kitchenware and household products.

    為了支持家電下鄉和消費群體,我們在6月18日第一週就投入了10億元人民幣。 。

  • For example, utilizing our digital technology, we helped a local brand with 36 years of history to understand the latest market demand and return to growth with a blockbuster product. It achieved RMB100 million in sales after joining the platform for just 2 months.


  • In addition, the number of new merchants and new products support our platforms saw meaningful growth. In the first week of June 18, the number of merchants participating in the 10 Billion Program grew by over 90% year-on-year, and the number of agricultural merchants increased by 83% year-on-year. Our platform also attracted a great number of new merchants in categories such as electronics, home appliances and cosmetics.

    此外,支援我們平台的新商家和新產品數量也出現了顯著成長。 6月18日首周,參與百億計畫的商家數量較去年同期成長超90%,農產品商家數量較去年同期成長83%。我們的平台也吸引了大量電子、家電、化妝品等品類的新商家進駐。

  • To create a better business environment for high-quality merchants, we have a new round investments in operations and R&D. Our goal is to build industry-leading compliance capabilities and foster a healthy platform ecosystem. For example, we continue to streamline our merchant onboarding and product listing processes to better control product quality and offer consumers a safe and reliable shopping experience.


  • We integrate automatic technology for product screening with manual reviews by our trust and safety chain. This approach ensures regrowth oversight on product compliance while avoiding unintended penalties for quality products and merchants. At the same time, we have invested heavily in developing comprehensive user-friendly training materials for merchants to boost their compliance capabilities.


  • This effort aims to enhance our supply chain quality, while helping merchants lower compliance costs and expand their market reach. We also deeply recognize that building a healthy platform ecosystem and achieving high core development is a gradual process, especially given the consumer scale of our platforms. So we are committed to a dual approach.


  • One side, providing strong support to high-quality merchants while addressing issues with old ones. This way, we aim to create a healthy and sustainable ecosystem. In this process, we will inevitably face short-term cost, as Lei has mentioned. Our managing team is fully committed to investing heavily for the long-term health of our platforms.


  • While profits might vary or even rebound in the next few quarters, it is unavoidable that profitability will turn lower over the long term. As the largest platform for agricultural products in China, this quarter, we further advanced our agricultural strategy. We launched the Science and Technology Courtyard project in Valley and (inaudible) and also kicked off the fourth smart agricultural competition in collaboration with top research team from around the world. We will continue to increase investments in agricultural research to promote the commercial application of research funding and accelerate the market adoption of high-quality agricultural products.


  • Meanwhile, we also leverage our strength as a platform, working with ecosystem partners to proactively take on more social responsibilities. We invested tens of millions in (inaudible) and subsidies to launch a (inaudible) total mount. This initiative provides direct discounts on thousands of products, making knowledge more accessible to more people.


  • 2024 is a critical year on our path towards high-quality development. We will focus on creating healthy and sustainable platform ecosystem and empowering our ecosystem partners with more platform resources and technical support. Together, we will lay a solid foundation towards the high-quality of our platform.


  • Next, I will hand over to Jun. She will provide an update on our financial performance for the second quarter.

    接下來,我將把工作交給 Jun。

  • Jun Liu - Vice President - Finance

    Jun Liu - Vice President - Finance

  • Thank you, Jiazhen. Hello, everyone. Let me walk you through our financial performance for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024. In terms of income statements in the second quarter, Our total revenues increased 86% year-over-year to RMB97.1 billion. This was mainly driven by an increase in revenues from online marketing services and transaction services.


  • Revenues from online marketing services and others were RMB49.1 billion this quarter, up 29% from the same quarter of 2023. Revenues from transaction services for R&B 47.9 billion, up 234% from the same quarter last year. In Q2, uptick time frame slowed down significantly versus the last few quarters. Further slowdown is inevitable as a result of competition and global uncertainties.


  • Moving on to cost and expenses, our total cost of revenues increased 80% from RMB18.7 billion in Q2 2023 to RMB33.7 billion this quarter, mainly due to increasing fulfillment fees and payment processing fees. On a gap basis, total operating expenses this quarter increased 48%, to R&B 30.8 billion, from R&B 20.9 billion in the same quarter of 2023.

    說到成本和費用,我們的總收入成本從 2023 年第二季的 187 億元人民幣增加到本季的 337 億元,成長了 80%,這主要是由於履行費用和支付處理費用的增加。以缺口計算,本季總營運支出成長 48%,從 2023 年同一季度的 209 億 R&B 增至 308 億 R&B。

  • On a long GAAP basis, total operating expenses increased to R&B 28.4 billion this quarter, from R&B 19 billion in Q2 2023. In Q2, one continued to invest thoroughly to support high-quality development of our platforms. Our total non-GAAP operating expenses as a percentage of total revenue this quarter was 29%, compared to 36% in the second quarter last year.

    以長期公認會計原則(GAAP)計算,本季總營運支出從 2023 年第二季的 190 億 R&B 增至 284 億 R&B。本季我們的非 GAAP 總營運費用佔總收入的百分比為 29%,去年第二季為 36%。

  • Looking into specific expense items, Our non-GAAP sales and marketing expenses this quarter will earn $25.4 billion, up 54% versus the same quarter last year. Throughout Q2, we stepped up our promotion efforts to give back to consumers and invest in marketing to promote our platforms. On a non-GAAP basis, Our sales and marketing expenses as a percentage of our revenue this quarter was 26%, versus 32% for the same quarter last year.

    從具體費用項目來看,本季我們的非 GAAP 銷售和行銷費用將達到 254 億美元,比去年同期成長 54%。在整個第二季度,我們加大了促銷力度,回饋消費者,並投資行銷來推廣我們的平台。以非公認會計原則計算,本季我們的銷售和行銷費用佔收入的百分比為 26%,而去年同期為 32%。

  • Our non-GAAP general and administrative expenses were RMB594 million versus RMB370 million in the same quarter of 2023. Our research and development expenses were RMB2.4 billion on a non-GAAP basis, up 15% year-over-year, and RMB2.9 billion on a GAAP basis. It is critical that we maintain our long-term focus and continue to invest in R&D to drive supply chain efficiency and customer experience.

    我們的非公認會計準則一般及管理費用為人民幣5.94 億元,而2023 年同季為人民幣3.70 億元。 2.7 億元。至關重要的是,我們必須保持長期關注並繼續投資於研發,以提高供應鏈效率和客戶體驗。

  • On a GAAP basis, operating profit for the quarter was RMB32.6 billion versus RMB12.7 billion in the same quarter last year. Non-GAAP operating profit was RMB35 billion versus RMB14.6 billion in the same quarter last year. Non-GAAP operating profit margin was 36% this quarter, compared with 28% for the same quarter last year. Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders was RMB$32 billion for the quarter, compared to RMB$13.1 billion in the same quarter last year.

    以公認會計原則計算,本季營業利潤為人民幣 326 億元,而去年同期為 127 億元。非 GAAP 營業利潤為 350 億元,去年同期為 146 億元。本季非 GAAP 營業利益率為 36%,去年同期為 28%。本季歸屬於普通股股東的淨利為人民幣 320 億元,去年同期為 131 億元人民幣。

  • Basic earnings per ADS was RMB$23.14 and diluted earnings per ADS was RMB$21.61 versus basic earnings per ADS of RMB$9.64 and diluted earnings per ADS of R&B 9 in the same quarter of 2023. Long gap net income attributable to ordinary shareholders was R&B 34.4 billion versus R&B 15.3 billion in the same quarter last year. Long gap diluted earnings per ADS was R&B 23.24 versus R&B 10.47 in the same quarter of 2023.

    每份美國存託憑證基本獲利為人民幣23.14 元,稀釋後每份美國存託憑證獲利為人民幣21.61 元,而2023 年同季每份美國存託憑證基本獲利為人民幣9.64 元,稀釋後每份美國存託憑證獲利為R&B 9。每 ADS 的長差距攤薄收益為 R&B 23.24,而 2023 年同一季度為 R&B 10.47。

  • As noted last quarter, our business does not follow a linear path, and profitability in the last few quarters does not represent future. Looking ahead, we will invest firmly to support a healthy ecosystem that encourages high-quality merchants. Our profitability may fluctuate in the short term, but will gradually trend lower in the long run.


  • This is inevitable as we focus on the long-term, high-quality development of our platforms. That concludes income statements. Now let me move on to cash flow. Our net cash generated from operating activities was RMB43.8 billion, compared with RMB23.4 billion in the same quarter last year. As of June 30, 2024, We have RMB284.9 billion in cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments.

    這是我們著眼於平台長期高品質發展的必然結果。損益表到此結束。現在讓我繼續討論現金流。經營活動產生的現金淨額為 438 億元,去年同期為 234 億元。截至2024年6月30日,我們擁有現金、現金等價物及短期投資人民幣2,849億元。

  • Thank you. This concludes my prepared remarks.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you, Jun. Next, we will move on to the Q&A session. In today's Q&A session, Lei, Jiazhen, and Jun will take questions from analysts on the line. We will take a maximum of two questions from each analyst. Lei and Jiazhen will answer questions in Chinese and will help translate for convenience purpose.


  • Operator, we are open for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Joyce Ju, Bank of America.

    (操作員指示)Joyce Ju,美國銀行。

  • Joyce Ju - Analyst

    Joyce Ju - Analyst

  • (interpreted) I will translate for myself. I have two questions. My first question is we have seen total profit growth remained robust this quarter. But in the prepared remarks, management mentioned there will be increased investment and profitability fluctuations caused by the competition. Could management share how you assess the profit plan in the future?


  • In addition, in terms of shareholder returns, does management have any plan for share buyback or dividend payout? My second question is, in the prepared remarks, we noted that management emphasized a lot on the merchant ecosystem and the merchant supporting policies. Could you please elaborate a bit on your understanding on the how you see merchant ecosystem, how to review it, how to understand it and why this will become the focus of the platform in the next stage?


  • Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

    Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) This is Chen Lei. Let me take your first question. We have communicated on a number of locations that profit growth in the past few quarters should not be used as long-term guidance. And it was a result of the mismatch between the business investment and financial reporting cycle.


  • In addition, our business is currently facing intense competition and shifting external factors, which will inevitably bring fluctuations to our business and also slow down our top line growth. We are now entering a new phase of a steady transformation towards high-quality development.


  • And we need to invest patiently in the platform's long-term health. And to support a sustainable development of our platform ecosystem, we will invest substantial resources over the next 12 months to support high-quality merchants. And looking ahead, our profitability may fluctuate in the short run, but directionally, it will gradually enter a downward trend.


  • And empowering and supporting merchants is crucial to building our high-quality supply chain and also creating a robust platform ecosystem. Over the long run, this will start off a virtuous cycle for the platform. And therefore, we will remain committed to patient investments even though short-term profits will be affected.


  • In terms of shareholder returns, the company is still in the investment phase, and we are facing intense competition on different fronts and also uncertainties from external factors. And therefore, our management team and I unanimously believe that it is not an appropriate time for share purchase -- for share repurchases or dividends. And in the foreseeable years ahead, we also do not see such a need


  • Jiazhen Zhao - Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jiazhen Zhao - Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • (interpreted) This is Zhao Jiazhen. Let me take your question on merchant ecosystem. Our platform is a mutually dependent community as merchants, consumers and our operations teams. Merchants are our key partners in our joint efforts to serve consumer. The increased competition in our industry brings new demands on our community.


  • In this process, we feel a strong sense of responsibility as a platform. On one side, we must ensure strict oversight of product quality to prevent substandard goods and protect consumer rights. On the other side, we must ensure fairness so that dedicated high-quality merchants can earn meaningful rewards, which is essential for the healthy development of ecosystem.


  • To achieve balance in the ecosystem, we have no choice but to firmly transition towards high-quality development. Therefore, we will adopt the necessary policies to provide strong support to high-quality merchants while addressing issues with low-quality ones.


  • On the supply side, we will strongly support merchants with product and technology innovation capabilities. We will significantly reduce transaction fees for these high-quality merchants with an expected amount of RMB10 billion in the following years. We will continue to enhance incentives for the merchants to drive our high-quality development of ecosystem.


  • On the other side, we will further enforce strong governance of our platform and merchants. This includes identifying and removing unlawful merchants from our platform to strengthen our supply chain. As of now, we have already started a new round of investment in operations and technology to optimize the merchant onboarding and product listing processes, use advanced technology to ensure strict product quality control and create a better environment for our high-quality merchants.


  • We grow together with our high-quality merchant partners working together to offer consumers high-quality products and services. The consumers can in turn bring new growth opportunities to the ecosystem, creating a virtuous cycle, which is the key to the long-term healthy development of our community. To achieve the goal of high-quality development of the merchant ecosystem, our management has reached the consensus to firmly commit to long-term investments and create a healthy, sustainable platform ecosystem. Thank you, all.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Operator, let's move on to the next analyst on the line.


  • Operator


  • Yang Bai, CICC.


  • Yang Bai - Analyst

    Yang Bai - Analyst

  • (interpreted) I have two questions. The first one, we have observed that the growth of your global business remains strong. Some external data suggests that the growth rates and the investment in certain markets are slowing down.


  • In your prepared remarks, we also noticed that the company takes a relatively cautious approach towards the future development of your global business. Is the company trying to manage some risks proactively? Could the management please elaborate on your thinking in this regard?


  • The second one is we saw that the overall competitive environment is quite intense. Has it caused any impact on the company's growth? In such a competitive environment, how will the company adjust to your investment priorities? And how does the management think about your positioning?


  • Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

    Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

  • (interpreted) This is Lei. Let me take your question on the global business. Our global business is still evolving, and we are actively exploring new opportunities. Currently, our global business has entered over 70 markets. And during this call, we have always prioritized compliance and see it as the foundation for our development.


  • And over the past few quarters, we have invested significant resources in building a safe shopping environment. As our business develops, we have noticed that the changes in the external environment are accelerating. And our operations are increasingly affected by some nonbusiness factors, and we are seeing a significant increase in uncertainty.


  • And meanwhile, competition is a constant theme in the e-commerce industry and is expected to intensify. At this moment, such intense competition combined with the impact of external factors will inevitably lead to disruptions on our global business.


  • But nevertheless, we remain committed to our vision of allowing more consumers worldwide to enjoy the benefits of the digital economy, and this has not changed. And in response to the complex environment, we will focus on our core strength, and continuously improve our capabilities in supply chain, customer services and compliance to better meet the expectations of consumers around the world and also achieve high-quality development in our global business.


  • Jiazhen Zhao - Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jiazhen Zhao - Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • (interpreted) This is Zhao Jiazhen. Let me take your question on competition. Over the past few quarters, the competition has been intensifying, which is natural to the e-commerce sector. In such a competitive environment, our revenue growth mix was down.


  • For instance, in the second quarter, our revenue growth declined indicating that high revenue growth is not sustainable. Currently, consumer demand is becoming more diversified and e-commerce platforms are actively adjusting their strategies to meet these evolving needs.


  • Each platform has its own strength and competitive edge and commit substantial resources to cater to consumer demand. At this moment, we need to focus on our core strength and continue on our task to high-quality environment.


  • For e-commerce platform, a robust supply chain is essential to providing good services to consumers. To meet the diversified needs of consumers, we remain focused on the fundamentals and strive for innovation in the supply chain.


  • In the second quarter, our teams continue to bring agricultural core initiatives to major production regions, helping local agricultural products to their brands and empowering small and medium-sized agricultural merchants through collective marketing efforts.


  • Apart from agricultural products, we have expanded our support to the manufacturer through digitalization. By collaborating with high-quality national brands and manufacturers, we have successfully launched tailored products for niche categories. This brand and merchants have achieved higher quality developments through continuous technological updates and product innovation.


  • Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

    Lei Chen - Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Jiazhen, and thank you all for joining us today. We look forward to speaking with you again next quarter. And thank you. Have a nice day.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our conference for today. Thank you for participating. You may all now disconnect.
