西南航空 (LUV) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


西南航空召開 2024 年第二季財報電話會議,討論公司業績、收入、成本和策略措施。他們正在轉向分配座位,以滿足客戶偏好並增加股東價值。




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  • Operator


  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Southwest Airlines second-quarter 2024 conference call. I'm Gary and I'll be moderating today's call, which is being recorded. A replay will be available on southwest.com in the Investor Relations section. (Operator Instructions)

    大家好,歡迎參加西南航空 2024 年第二季電話會議。我是加里,我將主持今天的電話會議,電話會議正在錄音。重播將在 Southwest.com 的投資者關係部分提供。 (操作員說明)

  • Now Julia Landrum, Vice President of Investor Relations, will begin the discussion. Please go ahead, Julia.

    現在,投資者關係副總裁 Julia Landrum 將開始討論。請繼續,朱莉婭。

  • Julia Landrum - Vice President - Investor Relations

    Julia Landrum - Vice President - Investor Relations

  • Thank you so much. Hello, everyone, and welcome to our second-quarter 2024 earnings call. I am joined today by our President and CEO, Bob Jordan; Chief Operating Officer, Andrew Watterson; and Executive Vice President and CFO, Tammy Romo. Bob will get us started with an overview of the company performance and strategy and will also provide color on the strategic initiatives announced this morning. Andrew will provide an update on the revenue, and Tammy will cover our costs and balance sheet. Ryan Green, EVP of Commercial Transformation, is also in the room with us today.

    太感謝了。大家好,歡迎參加我們的 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。今天我們的總裁兼執行長鮑勃喬丹 (Bob Jordan) 也加入了我的行列。營運長安德魯沃特森;執行副總裁兼財務長 Tammy Romo。鮑伯將向我們介紹公司的業績和策略,並為今天早上宣布的策略舉措提供詳細資訊。安德魯將提供最新的收入狀況,塔米將承擔我們的成本和資產負債表。商業轉型執行副總裁 Ryan Green 今天也在場。

  • A quick reminder that we will make forward-looking statements, which are based on our current expectation of future performance, and actual results could differ materially from expectations. Also, we will reference non-GAAP results, which exclude special items that are called out and reconciled to GAAP results on our earnings press release. Our press release was second-quarter 2024 results and a separate press release announcing select strategic initiative for both issued this morning and are available on our Investor Relations website.

    快速提醒您,我們將根據我們目前對未來業績的預期做出前瞻性陳述,實際結果可能與預期有重大差異。此外,我們將參考非 GAAP 業績,其中不包括在我們的收益新聞稿中提及並與 GAAP 業績進行協調的特殊項目。我們的新聞稿包括 2024 年第二季業績,以及今天早上發布的另一份新聞稿,宣布了這兩項計劃的選定策略舉措,可在我們的投資者關係網站上查看。

  • And with that, I'm pleased to turn the call over to Bob.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Thank you, Julie, and thanks, everyone, for joining us this morning. We have a lot to cover today, so let's jump right in. In my comments today, I will touch briefly on our results for the quarter and then provide detail on the plans we announced earlier this morning to implement meaningful changes to our business and better position Southwest Airlines to produce higher returns in a more competitive higher cost environment.


  • As Julie mentioned, Andrew will provide details on our revenue performance, including the work underway to calibrate our revenue management system and processes; and Tammy will discuss our cost, CapEx, and balance sheet.

    正如朱莉所提到的,安德魯將提供有關我們收入績效的詳細信息,包括正在進行的校準我們的收入管理系統和流程的工作; Tammy 將討論我們的成本、資本支出和資產負債表。

  • Starting with our overall results, they are not where we need them to be, and they are not reflective of what we are capable of delivering. We will cover where we fell short, as well as our action plan in detail later on the call.


  • But I'll hit on a few highlights first. Our frontline employees executed very well as we continue to improve in nearly every operating and customer metric. Once again, we ran a high-quality operation with a completion factor of 99.5% despite challenging weather.

    但我首先要強調一些亮點。我們的第一線員工執行得非常好,我們在幾乎每一個營運和客戶指標上都在不斷改進。儘管天氣惡劣,我們再次以 99.5% 的完成率實現了高品質作業。

  • This was further evidenced by our performance following Hurricane Beryl earlier this month. We experienced an 8% cancel rate on July 8 as the storm moved through the Houston area but had only a 0.3% cancel rate the following day as we recovered quickly with almost no operational hangover from the prior day. I am very proud of our team.

    本月早些時候我們在颶風貝裡爾之後的表現進一步證明了這一點。 7 月 8 日,當風暴穿越休士頓地區時,我們的取消率達到了 8%,但第二天我們的取消率僅為 0.3%,因為我們恢復得很快,幾乎沒有前一天的運作後遺症。我為我們的團隊感到非常自豪。

  • And following the global technology outages, we were able to recover very quickly and experienced a near zero cancel rate. Investments made to advance core operations and modernize technology meant that we had redundancy in place for key systems that we're experiencing issues.


  • Time and time again, the purposeful investments we've made to improve our resilience and ability to recover from disruptions are demonstrating their value and that investment will continue. Our exceptional customer service continues to improve as well and was recently recognized by JD Power, where we were awarded the leading Economy Class Customer Satisfaction distinction for the third consecutive year. Reliable operational performance and customer service are and always will be cornerstones of our business model.

    我們為提高恢復能力和從中斷中恢復的能力而進行的有目的的投資一次又一次地證明了它們的價值,並且這種投資將繼續下去。我們卓越的客戶服務也在不斷改善,最近得到了 JD Power 的認可,我們連續第三年被授予領先的經濟艙客戶滿意度榮譽。可靠的營運績效和客戶服務始終是我們業務模式的基石。

  • Moving on to revenue performance. Unit revenue for the quarter declined 3.8% year over year primarily as a result of domestic capacity outpacing demand. The decline was also a result of Southwest specific challenges as we fully mature our usage of a new O&D-based revenue management system.

    接下來是收入表現。該季度的單位收入年減 3.8%,主要是由於國內產能超過需求。這一下降也是西南航空面臨的具體挑戰的結果,因為我們完全成熟了基於 O&D 的新收入管理系統的使用。

  • Andrew will go into more detail later. But bottom line, we sold too many seats for the peak summer travel period too early in the booking curve. It's not unusual to have growing pains with these types of systems.


  • We are working quickly to action opportunities to drive performance improvement. We're also adding additional leadership expertise and support, including our plan to hire a Chief Revenue Officer to focus on revenue management and pricing. We continue to have confidence that the new revenue management system will be a driver of long-term revenue improvement.


  • The management team and I, with the support of our Board, are completely aligned on the imperative to produce results, and ultimately, deliver returns ahead of our cost of capital. Doing so requires an evaluation of all opportunities and a willingness to evolve some long-standing selfless policies while staying true to our values. With that in mind, I'll discuss some of the changes we are making to further evolve Southwest Airlines.


  • These are part of an ongoing strategic transformation of the business, and we will share more details during our Investor Day, where we will outline a comprehensive plan to deliver transformational commercial initiatives, improved operational efficiency, and capital allocation discipline.


  • As I shared back in April, our teams have been hard at work evaluating fundamental changes to our seating, cabin. and boarding procedures. It's clear that the open seating model that served us well for so many years is no longer optimal for today's customer.


  • I want to stress that this decision was not made lightly. We have been very thorough and deliberate in how we approach the question, conducting multiple sophisticated research studies over many months that evaluated customer preference and looked at different types of cabin layouts and seating methods.


  • Our research shows that 80% of our customers prefer an assigned seat, and 86% of our potential customers prefer an assigned seat. Further, when a customer defects from Southwest to one of our competitors, our open seating policy is cited as the number-one reason why.

    我們的研究表明,80% 的客戶更喜歡指定座位,86% 的潛在客戶更喜歡指定座位。此外,當客戶從西南航空轉向我們的競爭對手之一時,我們的開放座位政策被認為是首要原因。

  • The answer is clear: there is more demand for Southwest Airlines with an assigned seating model. And there is a significant ability to monetize the cabin more effectively with a premium seating option.


  • By extension, these changes are expected to drive significant value for our shareholders. We feel confident that the solution we are implementing will retain the positive elements of the Southwest Airlines experience and enable us to evolve in a manner that's consistent with what today's air traveler is seeking.


  • While specific cabin layouts are still being finalized, we expect roughly one-third of seats across the fleet to offer extended legroom. We're also designing a boarding process that retains the organized calm our customers enjoy today, but also complements an assigned seating model. We've been studying this in depth to preserve our operational efficiency and how quickly we turn an aircraft.


  • We've conducted both live boarding tests to understand passenger movement in a real-world environment and also more than 8 million digital simulations to test different boarding options. These digital boarding simulations include data from real flights with real passenger manifest to understand differences in boarding times stemming from passenger mix, things like families traveling together, customers who may need more time to board, experienced versus inexperienced travelers, and more. The data clearly indicates that any operational impacts are neutral or an enhancement to current performance.

    我們進行了即時登機測試,以了解現實環境中的乘客移動情況,並進行了超過 800 萬次數位模擬,以測試不同的登機選項。這些數位登機模擬包括來自真實航班和真實旅客名單的數據,以了解由於旅客組合、家庭一起旅行、可能需要更多時間登機的客戶、經驗豐富的旅客與缺乏經驗的旅客等而導致的登機時間差異。數據清楚地表明任何營運影響都是中性的或對當前績效的增強。

  • We're also approaching this change in a capital-efficient manner. New aircraft will be delivered with our improved RECARO seats beginning early next year. For existing aircraft where we must retrofit to a new configuration, we plan to use existing seats within our fleet to avoid a large capital expenditure.

    我們也以資本效率高的方式來應對這項變化。從明年初開始,新飛機將配備我們改良的 RECARO 座椅。對於必須改裝為新配置的現有飛機,我們計劃使用機隊內的現有座位,以避免大量資本支出。

  • We're working quickly to realize the value of this new model as soon as possible. New seat configurations require FAA certification, which typically takes several months, and only then can we begin the process of retrofitting the fleet. We, therefore, expect to make bookings available beginning next year. The aircraft downtime should be minimal to complete the cabin changes, but keep in mind that we have a fleet of roughly 800 aircraft to retrofit and that will take time.

    我們正在迅速開展工作,以盡快實現這一新模型的價值。新的座椅配置需要美國聯邦航空局 (FAA) 認證,這通常需要幾個月的時間,然後我們才能開始改裝機隊的過程。因此,我們預計從明年開始提供預訂。完成機艙更換所需的飛機停機時間應該最短,但請記住,我們有大約 800 架飛機的機隊需要改造,這需要時間。

  • Changing from an open seating model an assigned seating model will be a complex and transformational change that cuts across almost all aspects of the company and is one of several commercial initiatives currently underway to be detailed at our Investor Day.


  • Given the significance of the changes I've asked our Chief Commercial Officer, Ryan Green, to take on leadership of this initiative on a full-time basis. As EVP of Commercial Transformation, Ryan will lead this effort along with other commercial initiatives already underway. Ryan has led the work to this point and is steeped in knowledge regarding customer trends and previously and successfully led efforts to transform our Rapid Rewards loyalty program and the digital customer experience, and Ryan will report directly to me.

    鑑於這些變化的重要性,我已要求我們的首席商務官瑞安·格林 (Ryan Green) 全職領導這項舉措。作為商業轉型執行副總裁,瑞安將領導這項工作以及其他已經在進行的商業計劃。 Ryan 領導了這項工作,對客戶趨勢有著深入的了解,之前曾成功領導過我們的快速獎勵忠誠度計劃和數位客戶體驗的轉型工作,Ryan 將直接向我匯報。

  • Additionally, today, we are publishing schedule that incorporate red-eye flying, which will phase in rapidly by summer 2025 and combined with ongoing reductions in turn time through new technologies and procedures will enable us to fund nearly all new capacity the next three years through initiatives rather than additional aircraft CapEx. These initiatives are part of a comprehensive strategic transformation and reflect a commitment and my personal commitment to deliver an implementing plan aimed at driving shareholder value and achieving ROIC well in excess of our cost of capital.

    此外,今天,我們發布了包含紅眼飛行的時間表,該計劃將於2025 年夏季迅速實施,再加上透過新技術和程序不斷減少週轉時間,將使我們能夠在未來三年內為幾乎所有新產能提供資金計劃而不是額外的飛機資本支出。這些措施是全面策略轉型的一部分,反映了我的承諾和我個人的承諾,即交付旨在推動股東價值並實現遠遠超出我們資本成本的投資回報率的實施計劃。

  • We will provide more details around the timing and value of these initiatives and other tactical and strategic initiatives when we gather for Investor Day in late September. But we wanted to keep you up to speed on some of the decisions that we've made already and the deliberate plans we have in place to implement them.

    當我們在 9 月底的投資者日聚會時,我們將提供有關這些舉措以及其他戰術和策略舉措的時間和價值的更多詳細資訊。但我們希望讓您隨時了解我們已經做出的一些決定以及我們為實施這些決定而製定的深思熟慮的計劃。

  • And before I close, I want to again recognize all the efforts from our incredible employees. Thank you all for the excellence and the dedication that you bring to work every single day.


  • And with that, I will turn it over to Andrew to provide a full update on our revenue performance and outlook.


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • Thank you, Bob. I'm very excited about the strategic initiatives we have coming. I am also very proud of our people for their continued focus on safety, running a quality operation with the lowest year-to-date cancellation rate in the industry, and our strong customer service performance trends.


  • Moving to revenue performance. We have experienced challenges in managing demand across booking curves as we deployed efforts to address load factor underperformance. As a result, we experienced yields and ultimately, revenue dilution from selling too many seats too early in the booking curve.


  • As you will likely recall, back in the spring of 2023, we transitioned to a new and modernized revenue management system. The system is fundamentally different from and superior to our prior system. The new system manages revenue on an origin of destination basis compared with our prior leg-based system.

    您可能還記得,早在 2023 年春天,我們就過渡到了全新的現代化收益管理系統。該系統與我們以前的系統有根本的不同,並且優於我們以前的系統。與我們先前基於航段的系統相比,新系統以始發地和目的地為基礎管理收入。

  • The decision to implement this new system followed an extensive review of our options, including a comprehensive 18-month long pilot to evaluate and test two new revenue management systems against our prior system. What we directly observed during the testing period was the system we selected, consistently produced superior results.

    實施這個新系統的決定是在對我們的選項進行了廣泛審查之後做出的,其中包括為期 18 個月的全面試點,以根據我們先前的系統評估和測試兩個新的收入管理系統。我們在測試期間直接觀察到的是我們選擇的系統始終產生優異的結果。

  • The goal is to maximize the revenue performance of our flights, especially our best flights. And the new system accomplishes just that by considering what customers are willing to pay at different phases of the booking curve, including taking note of the differentiation between business and leisure customers.


  • However, adapting to a new system is not straightforward. Add to that, changing schedules from Boeing delivery shifts and what we got was a complicated rollout. Regardless, while we estimate about 2 points of year-over-year headwind to the third quarter from bookings already in place, we were taking decisive actions to recalibrate the system.

    然而,適應新系統並不容易。除此之外,由於波音交車班次的變化,我們得到的是複雜的推出。無論如何,雖然我們預計第三季的預訂量將比去年同期下降約 2 個百分點,但我們正在採取果斷行動來重新校準系統。

  • The estimated impact is already built in to our 3Q RASM outlook of flat to down 2% on a year-over-year basis. The outside experts, that Bob mentioned, are supporting our employees and getting the most as the capabilities of this new system. The good news is that we have confidence in the superiority of new system as evidenced by the month-long AB testing that we conducted.

    我們的第三季 RASM 展望中已包含了估計的影響,即同比持平至下降 2%。鮑伯提到的外部專家正在為我們的員工提供支持,並充分利用這個新系統的功能。好消息是,我們對新系統的優越性充滿信心,我們進行的為期一個月的 AB 測試證明了這一點。

  • As we gain expertise in optimizing system, we expect to see a noticeable tailwind to performance, likely starting in September of this year. Adopting a new revenue management system is a once-in-a-generation implementation, and we are committed to executing a successful turnaround in our revenue performance.

    隨著我們在優化系統方面獲得專業知識,我們預計從今年 9 月開始,效能將出現明顯的提升。採用新的收入管理系統是一個千載難逢的實施方案,我們致力於成功扭轉我們的收入績效。

  • In addition to the improvement we expect to see in our revenue management performance, our plan includes continued network optimization and capacity moderation moving to the back half of the year. Our summer, fall, and recently published winter-based schedules all include actions to target supply demand across geographies and calendar periods, as well as scheduled quality actions to facilitate demand capture. By the fourth quarter, we expect less capacity oversupply as well improvements in our revenue management.


  • We are planning for our capacity to decline 4% year over year in fourth quarter, with seats and trips down roughly 8% and therefore, we expect RASM growth to be positive year over year by fourth quarter. We will deliberately and urgently pursue tactical opportunities to improve financial performance, including calibrating our revenue management process, continuing our work to optimize our network. Further, we also have a plan to capitalize on transformational opportunities to generate incremental revenue, some of which Bob shared with you.

    我們計劃在第四季運力年減 4%,座位數和出行量下降約 8%,因此,我們預計 RASM 到第四季同比將實現正成長。我們將刻意且緊急地尋求戰術機會來改善財務業績,包括調整我們的收入管理流程,繼續優化我們的網路。此外,我們還有一個計劃,利用轉型​​機會來產生增量收入,鮑勃與您分享了其中的一些計劃。

  • Before I close, I want to thank our people again for doing such an amazing job driving operational excellence and providing our legendary hospitality. I am so appreciative of their contributions.


  • With that, I'll turn it over to Tammy.


  • Tammy Romo - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Tammy Romo - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Andrew, and hello, everyone. As Bob mentioned, I will provide an update on our cost performance before turning to fleet and balance sheet. Overall, our second-quarter CASM-X increased 6% year over year and we continue to expect CASM-X for full-year 2024 to increase in the range of 7% to 8% on a year-over-year basis.

    謝謝你,安德魯,大家好。正如鮑伯所提到的,在轉向機隊和資產負債表之前,我將提供有關我們成本績效的最新資訊。總體而言,我們第二季的 CASM-X 年成長 6%,我們繼續預期 2024 年全年的 CASM-X 年成長 7% 至 8%。

  • The higher year-over-year CASM-X growth in the second half of this year is driven primarily by a continuation of market-driven labor cost pressure from our new contracts, as well as from the moderation of year-over-year capacity growth. We are urgently and deliberately pursuing opportunities to mitigate cost pressures, including the drag from overstaffing related to previously reported Boeing delivery delays.

    今年下半年 CASM-X 年成長率較高,主要是由於新合約帶來的市場驅動的勞動成本壓力持續存在,以及年比產能成長放緩。我們正在緊急而刻意地尋求機會來減輕成本壓力,包括先前報告的波音交付延誤導致的人員過剩所帶來的影響。

  • As discussed on our first-quarter earnings call, we have expanded our voluntary leave and time off programs to further reduce labor expenses and bring staffing levels in line with our current fleet. We have halted all the critical hiring, and we continue to expect to end this year with head count down roughly 2,000 from year-end 2023. And we continue to plan for headcount to be down again in 2025 as attrition levels exceed our controlled hiring levels.

    正如我們在第一季財報電話會議上所討論的那樣,我們擴大了自願休假和休假計劃,以進一步減少勞動力支出並使員工配備水平與我們現有的機隊保持一致。我們已經停止了所有關鍵招聘,預計到今年年底,員工人數將比 2023 年底減少約 2,000 人。

  • Our second-quarter average fuel price of $2.76 per gallon was in line with our expectations. Our hedge portfolio continues to provide protection against spikes in prices. And we are continuing to opportunistically add protection with no change to our target of a roughly 50% hedge position.

    我們第二季的平均燃油價格為每加侖 2.76 美元,符合我們的預期。我們的對沖投資組合持續提供針對價格飆升的保護。我們將繼續機會性地增加保護,而我們對沖頭寸約 50% 的目標不會改變。

  • Turning to our fleet. We prudently adjusted our 2024 delivery expectations prior to our April earnings report to mitigate Boeing delivery risk to our internal planning functions. We, therefore, continue to plan for 20-8 aircraft deliveries, 31-700 retirements, and 4-800 lease returns for the year.

    轉向我們的艦隊。在 4 月的收益報告發布之前,我們謹慎地調整了 2024 年的交付預期,以減輕波音對我們內部計畫職能部門的交付風險。因此,我們繼續計劃今年交付 20 至 8 架飛機、退役 31 至 700 架飛機以及返回 4 至 800 架租賃飛機。

  • We remain committed to our fleet modernization benefit and our planned reduction in aircraft exceeds our planned delivery. We also remain committed to longer-term capacity discipline and ROIC production. We expect third-quarter capacity to increase approximately 2% and fourth-quarter capacity to decrease approximately 4%. Accordingly, our expectation for full-year 2024 capacity continues to be up approximately 4% year over year.

    我們仍然致力於實現機隊現代化效益,並且計劃減少的飛機數量超出了計劃交付量。我們也持續致力於長期產能紀律和投資報酬率生產。我們預計第三季產能將成長約 2%,第四季產能將下降約 4%。因此,我們對 2024 年全年產能的預期將持續年增約 4%。

  • Looking beyond 2024, we remain committed to earning our right to grow and plan to keep any future growth at or below macroeconomic growth trends until we reach long-term financial goal of returns on invested capital consistently in excess of our cost of capital. Our expected capital spending for 2024 is approximately $2.5 billion, which is in line with our prior guidance and well below our expectations of $3.5 billion to $4 billion at the beginning of the year.

    展望2024年後,我們仍然致力於贏得成長權,並計劃將未來的成長保持在或低於宏觀經濟成長趨勢,直到我們實現投資資本回報率持續超過資本成本的長期財務目標。我們預期 2024 年的資本支出約為 25 億美元,符合我們先前的指引,遠低於我們年初 35 億至 40 億美元的預期。

  • We are in ongoing discussions with Boeing regarding the financial impact of delivery delays. And as with past compensation, we expect any financial damages to be realized as a reduction in the cost basis of certain aircraft.


  • Our balance sheet is obviously a critical competitive strength with an investment-grade rating by all three rating agencies. We continue to be in a net cash position as we ended second quarter with cash and short-term investments of $10 billion versus $8 billion outstanding debt.

    我們的資產負債表顯然是關鍵的競爭優勢,三大評級機構都給予我們投資等級。截至第二季末,我們仍處於淨現金狀況,現金和短期投資為 100 億美元,而未償債務為 80 億美元。

  • We expect a modest $29 million in scheduled debt repayments for the full year. And currently, 2024 interest income is still expected to more than offset 2024 interest expense. Following the pandemic, we have maintained elevated liquidity levels primarily to fund fleet modernization efforts, labor contract ratification bonuses, debt service considerations, and to provide insurance against unforeseen business risk.

    我們預計全年計劃償還債務金額為 2,900 萬美元。目前,2024年的利息收入預計仍將超過2024年的利息支出。疫情發生後,我們保持了較高的流動性水平,主要用於為機隊現代化工作、勞動合約批准獎金、償債考慮以及為不可預見的業務風險提供保險提供資金。

  • With much of the uncertainty largely behind us, we intend to start normalizing our liquidity levels back towards pre-COVID levels targeting minimum total liquidity, including our undrawn revolver. Our long-term financial goals remain unchanged: maintain a strong balance sheet, investment grade credit ratings and ample liquidity, grow earnings, margins and capital returns.


  • As Andrew said, we intend to pay off 2025 debt maturities at least partially in cash and specifically plan to repay or refinance the first tranche of the payroll support program loans as the associated interest rates start to ratchet higher for the industry beginning next year.

    正如安德魯所說,我們打算至少部分以現金償還 2025 年到期的債務,並特別計劃償還或再融資第一筆工資支持計劃貸款,因為從明年開始,該行業的相關利率開始走高。

  • We also remain committed to our legacy of healthy shareholder returns. We are proud of our history of returning capital to our shareholders. We returned more than $13.5 billion through share repurchases and dividends since 2010 and we returned $215 million to shareholders through dividends in the first half of this year.

    我們也持續致力於維護股東健康回報的傳統。我們為我們向股東返還資本的歷史感到自豪。自 2010 年以來,我們透過股票回購和股利返還超過 135 億美元,今年上半年透過股利向股東返還 2.15 億美元。

  • We paid another dividend just a couple of weeks ago here in third quarter. We are actively reviewing our return of capital policies, and ultimately, our goal is to restore shareholder returns to historic levels.


  • As I close, I want to reiterate that our financial performance is not reflective of what we can and must deliver. As shareholders, you expect us to lead the industry in financial performance and we will be satisfied with nothing less. There are areas we need to improve, which we are owning and addressing as a management team. Despite these distractions, our employees remain steadfast in their dedication to the mission of the company and to providing our storied and world-class hospitality to our valued customers.


  • I am both proud and grateful for our employees. I am excited about the plans we have in place to secure a bright future for Southwest and to share more about our tactical and strategic initiatives, as well as our capital allocation plan at investor day in September. We remain fully committed to executing on a plan to restore returns on invested capital in excess of our cost of capital, as this remains our guiding financial principles.

    我對我們的員工感到自豪和感激。我對我們為確保西南航空光明未來而製定的計劃感到興奮,並在 9 月的投資者日分享更多有關我們的戰術和戰略舉措以及我們的資本配置計劃的信息。我們仍然完全致力於執行一項計劃,以恢復超過資本成本的投資資本回報,因為這仍然是我們的指導財務原則。

  • And with that, I will turn it back over to you, Julia.


  • Julia Landrum - Vice President - Investor Relations

    Julia Landrum - Vice President - Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Tammy. This completes our prepared remarks. They will now open the line for analyst questions. We would like to get as many of you as possible. So we ask that you please limit yourself to one question and a brief follow-up if necessary. We will now take the first question.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Brandon Oglenski, Barclays.


  • Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

    Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

  • Hey, good afternoon and thanks for taking my question. Bob, we definitely appreciate the new product changes that you announced today, like extra leg room, red-eye flying. But I think you'd agree, these have been offered for decades at your competitors.


  • So I guess can you give us insight into the timing of this? Why now? And why wasn't this with that maybe even just a few years ago when you did do like a cabin redesign?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yeah, Brandon. I think a lot of things changed. I mean, you have changing demand patterns. We have customer preference that is always changing. It changed to some extent, also coming out of the pandemic. You can always debate when. At end of the day, it's the right thing to do right now, particularly as we over time have flown longer and flights are more full; I think that is a large driver of this.


  • One of the things that's obvious is if you have a longer flight, customers have a preference to know where they are sitting, just like they have a preference to have seat back power. And I was, I'll admit, a bit surprised. We did extensive research here. Tens of thousands of customers, surveyed a lot work, conjoint analysis to understand products, what customers prefer, what they're willing to pay for.


  • And while I wasn't surprised that the preference ended up coming out for assigned seating, and more premium options in the cabin. I was surprised at the level of the preference, 80% in favor of assigned seating among our customers, 86% among those that fly other carriers. And then, of course, we reported, it was the number-one reason that customers when they defect from Southwest Airlines that they leave us.

    雖然我並不感到驚訝,但最終選擇的是指定座位以及機艙內更多高級選項。我對這種偏好程度感到驚訝,80% 的乘客支援指定座位,而搭乘其他航空公司航班的乘客則有 86% 的乘客支援。當然,據我們報道,這是客戶離開西南航空後離開我們的首要原因。

  • So it's very clear that there's strong, strong demand. But you can always pick the time and the place. I'm 100% forward focused. In other words, we've done the work to ensure that this is the right change. The change is right to do now.


  • We are not quite ready to share the timelines other than that we plan on selling the new seating in 2025. And we'll share all of that at our Investor Day in September. But it's clearly the right thing to do for our customers, for our employees, and for our shareholders.

    除了計劃在 2025 年出售新座位之外,我們還沒有準備好分享時間表。但這對我們的客戶、我們的員工和我們的股東來說顯然是正確的事情。

  • Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

    Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

  • Well, I think your investors appreciate the effort here to make changes. But I think some of the public criticism being levied on the company and the Board is that, it's been such an insular culture. These things couldn't even have been discussed years ago. I guess, what are you doing from that aspect? Are you looking to fill some of these executive positions externally?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes. I think you could always -- hindsight is always a lot more perfect. And so you can always look back and criticize the timing of a decision. I'm just telling you that we're 100% focused on transformational change here at Southwest Airlines, driving forward and driving forward with pace.

    是的。我認為你總是可以──事後諸葛亮總是更完美。所以你總是可以回顧並批評決策的時機。我只是告訴您,西南航空 100% 專注於轉型變革,不斷前進,不斷前進。

  • You heard us today announce not just the assigned seating and the cabin changes; you heard us announce red-eye flying, which is not something we are working on. It's something we have worked on. And it's in the schedules published today. We've been working aggressively on operational systems, which we could talk about.


  • And that work on operational systems allowed us during the tech outage last week to have a -- I believe, was a 99.8% completion factor on the day of the tech outage. And we had systems, critical systems to the operation affected.

    在上週的技術中斷期間,作業系統方面的工作使我們能夠在技術中斷當天實現 99.8% 的完成率。我們的系統、關鍵系統都受到了影響。

  • So we are fully focused on transforming the company, driving forward at pace, and having a plan that addresses comprehensively, delivering transformative commercial initiatives, improving our operational efficiency, and addressing capital allocation discipline.


  • Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

    Brandon Oglenski - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jamie Baker, JPMorgan.


  • Jamie Baker - Analyst

    Jamie Baker - Analyst

  • Hey, good afternoon, everybody. On assigned seating, do you envision still being able to board an aircraft with just a single agent?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes, absolutely, that would be the intent. We're still working on product design and some of the specifics. We have a lot of line of sight to the layout of the cabin. We have a lot of line of sight right now to the product design.


  • We're working on the boarding. One of the things that we get a lot of credit for today, Jamie, is the calm and order of our boarding. We board in an ordinal manner in order and our customers that we survey really like that. So there's a lot of focus on maintaining the boarding in the form that our customers love, but doing it in a manner that it pairs with assigned seating.


  • And again, more to share at our Investor Day but that would be the goal. And we want to do this whole thing the Southwest way. And we're known for, obviously, things that make sense, common sense, not adding complexity. So if you look at the cabin, again, we're not ready to share everything. But we'll have a -- again, a third of the seats or so across the fleet in this extended leg room and there will be differentiation.


  • It will be different than the rest of the cabin. But it won't a different seat and a curtain and meals and ovens. And so we'll do this in Southwest way. And the same exact thing applies to boarding.


  • Jamie Baker - Analyst

    Jamie Baker - Analyst

  • Perfect. Thanks. And second, and I don't know if you've ever commented on this in the past. But from a Rapid Rewards perspective, how important is Hawaii? Like, for example, could you disclose what percent of overall redemptions choose Hawaii, something like that? I'm just trying to model how important Hawaii is to getting credit cards into people's wallets and driving brand profits, that kind of stuff? Thanks in advance.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Jamie, it's very important, particularly as you think about the West Coast and the franchise, but I'll let Andrew take a crack at the details here.


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yeah. I can't recall off the top of my head, Jamie, but it is high. It's not as high as Aruba. Aruba is actually our highest redemption and that goes for kind of our East Coast customers who want a kind of aspirational vacation destination. And that allows them to redeem for that.


  • In the West, we have a very business-centric network in the West, with leisure options being Vegas and Phoenix in season. So Hawaii is important to our customer franchise in the Western US who are closer geographically to Hawaiian than, say, Florida for their beach and warm weather destination. So it's important for that customer base who is a repeat purchase customer base.


  • So Rapid Rewards reflects someone who identifies their brand and wants in the credit cards. So we have to have a multipurpose travel network for them and Hawaii is that for our Western US customers. So there -- that's one of the importance there and that why we spend so much time trying to mature, doing so many adjustments to it to make sure it can fit profitably into our network, as well as give that kind of customer adhesion point of aspirational vacation destination.

    因此,Rapid Rewards 反映了某人認同自己的品牌並希望獲得信用卡。因此,我們必須為他們建立一個多功能旅行網絡,而夏威夷就是為我們美國西部客戶提供的。這就是其中的重要性之一,這也是為什麼我們花這麼多時間試圖成熟,對其進行如此多的調整,以確保它能夠有利地融入我們的網絡,並給予這種客戶粘著點嚮往的度假勝地。

  • Jamie Baker - Analyst

    Jamie Baker - Analyst

  • That's good detail. Thanks very much. I would not have guessed the Aruba nugget. That's a good one. Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Savi Syth, Raymond James.


  • Savi Syth - Analyst

    Savi Syth - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning. Just on the O&D revenue management system, you kind of shared a lot of details. It seems like you've had revenue management changes in the past that have kind of come up with some issues as well. But I was curious, I think, Bob, in your comment on CNBC, you mentioned that you just sold too many seats at too low prices.

    嘿,早安。就 O&D 收入管理系統而言,您分享了許多細節。您過去似乎對收入管理進行了更改,但也出現了一些問題。但我很好奇,鮑勃,你在 CNBC 的評論中提到,你只是以太低的價格出售了太多座位。

  • And I don't know, Ryan, if you want to kind of talk about you're seeing a lot of fair sales still out there, and that doesn't seem to jive with realizing that you've sold too many seats at too low prices. I was kind of curious if you could talk about the fair sale activity you're doing today and how we should interpret that?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes. Maybe just talking about revenue management generally. The O&D systems are, by nature, more complex. And it's not unusual that they take time to be tuned and adapted. And also we've had, not making excuses, but we've also had a lot of noise around the demand with scheduled changes, adapting to Boeing delivery issues and that's not help.

    是的。也許只是一般性地談論收入管理。 O&D 系統本質上更加複雜。它們需要時間進行調整和適應並不罕見。而且我們也沒有找藉口,但我們也對預定的需求進行了很多調整,以適應波音的交付問題,但這無濟於事。

  • But clearly, we sold too many seats early for the peak summer travel period, which means you're going to take them in lower booking classes. And it also means when you get to the summer and you have those strong flights, you have fewer seats to sell later in the booking curve, which obviously comes in higher booking classes.


  • So we've had a strong diagnostic to understand what's happening. We've had experts -- third-party experts in to help. We have a strong action plan. And that action plan is being put into place right now. We're also adding more expertise, senior leadership over the area simply because it is more complex.


  • Maybe tearing that apart a little bit from the fare sale, it's also clear -- and the RM system, it's also clear that there's simply more capacity than on the domestic side than demand right now. And so that's got to be a piece of what you're talking about.

    也許將其與票價銷售分開一點,這一點也很清楚——而 RM 系統,也很明顯,目前國內的運力多於需求。所以這一定是你所說的一部分。

  • I mean, for Southwest Airlines, we're taking actions for ourselves here. Capacity was up about 8 point, I think, 6% in the second quarter. We're going to moderate that to 2% in the third. It will actually be down roughly 4% in the fourth and sort of underneath that, trips will actually be down about 8% in the fourth quarter. So we are working down capacity aggressively on our part here.

    我的意思是,對於西南航空來說,我們正在為自己採取行動。我認為第二季的運力成長了約 8 個百分點,即 6%。我們將在第三季將這一比例降低至 2%。第四季實際上會下降約 4%,在此之下,第四季的出行實際上會下降約 8%。因此,我們正在積極降低產能。

  • But yes, Andrew, you want to comment more specifically on RM?

    但是,安德魯,您想對 RM 進行更具體的評論嗎?

  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • I think I would say just in the fair sale, Bob, that can be a red hearing we get often. We distribute directly to consumers, which means you always have to be out there pulling them to your website and promotional activity is the way that you do that. So the frequency of our sales does not hold a special meaning. It's a depth of a sale that would give you indications about any kind of promotional level of discounts we're giving.


  • In that situation, I don't think anything has really changed. If you look at the current sales. So kind of we always expect us to be out there promoting to customers from our website that often has have a number attached to it to get them there. But that's a normal course of business, has been that way through good times and bad over the years.


  • Savi Syth - Analyst

    Savi Syth - Analyst

  • That's helpful clarification. And just if I might on the -- I know there's a lot more information coming at Investor Day, but I was curious on the -- for the changing of the seating on the plane, once the FA approves it, just how long is that process generally to kind of doing a whole -- a large fleet like yours?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes, you've got two -- maybe three sides here. You've got to finish up the design of the LOPO or the layout, which we're very close to here. And then, there's a month-long certification process. And then, of course, we have roughly 800 aircraft that need to be modified.

    是的,這裡有兩個——也許三個方面。您必須完成 LOPO 或佈局的設計,我們已經非常接近了。然後,還有為期一個月的認證過程。當然,我們還有大約 800 架飛機需要改裝。

  • We're going to do this in a capital-efficient way. We're going to utilize, obviously, the new RECARO coming off the line with new aircraft beginning early next year or existing seats. But an 800 aircraft, it still takes a while to move all the way through the fleet even if it's a relatively rapid modification. Obviously, it's a complex change, so you have technology, process, training, other work to be done.

    我們將以資本效率高的方式做到這一點。顯然,我們將利用明年初開始生產的新飛機或現有座位的新 RECARO。但一架800架飛機,即使是相對較快的改裝,仍然需要一段時間才能在機隊中完全移動。顯然,這是一個複雜的變化,所以你有技術、流程、培訓和其他工作要做。

  • It will be a pacing item as well. And again, we'll be revealing the timelines in more detail in September. So the only tidbit we have out there right now is that our plan is to sell in the new form. So in the assigned seating rolled beginning in 2025.

    這也將是一個節奏項目。我們將再次在 9 月公佈更詳細的時間表。因此,我們現在唯一掌握的消息是我們的計劃是以新形式出售。因此,分配的座位將從 2025 年開始滾動。

  • But more to come. And again, the fleet -- the mod is not complex. It just has to be approved. And then, again, we have to move through 800 aircraft in the fleet.

    但還會有更多。再說一次,艦隊——這個模組並不複雜。只需要獲得批准即可。然後,我們必須再次檢查機隊中的 800 架飛機。

  • Savi Syth - Analyst

    Savi Syth - Analyst

  • I'm one of those 80% of passengers who like to see the change. So we'll have to see that. Thanks.

    我是那 80% 喜歡看到變化的乘客之一。所以我們必須看到這一點。謝謝。

  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Oh, you're welcome. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Conor Cunningham, Melius Research.

    康納·坎寧安,Melius 研究中心。

  • Conor Cunningham - Analyst

    Conor Cunningham - Analyst

  • Hi, everyone. Thank you. Maybe just sticking on the premium stuff. So have you secured slots from an MRO perspective? And then, you mentioned doing this on all 800 aircraft. I'm just curious on why you're doing the 700s if we're talking about retiring those over the next 10 years?

    大家好。謝謝。也許只是堅持優質的東西。那麼,您是否從 MRO 角度確保了插槽?然後,您提到在所有 800 架飛機上都這樣做。我只是好奇如果我們正在討論在未來 10 年內讓 700 年代退役,為什麼你還要做 700 年代?

  • And sorry for extra question on top of this. Like when you think about the layout, are you expecting the same amount of seats on each plane, not losing any seats by adding premium? Thank you.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • We're still -- and Ryan can add a lot of detail here. We're still working on specific LOPOs and layouts. We want to do this in a Southwest way and be true to our values here. So in the same manner that our intent is not to change our customer-friendly policies and take anything away from you, we want to have not just in the extra legroom section, but in the remainder of the cabin, we want to have an attractive pitch. So we're still working through that question.

    我們仍然——瑞安可以在這裡添加很多細節。我們仍在研究特定的 LOPO 和佈局。我們希望以西南航空的方式做到這一點,並忠於我們在這裡的價值觀。因此,就像我們的目的不是改變我們的客戶友好政策並剝奪您的任何東西一樣,我們希望不僅在額外的腿部空間部分,而且在機艙的其餘部分,我們希望有一個有吸引力的瀝青。所以我們仍在解決這個問題。

  • The 700s, they're going to be in the fleet, I believe, for a while, for a long while here. And so, again, we're going to be sharing the detail on the math as well, just the financial benefit. But it's clear that a modification to the 7s, you want the extra legroom seats in the 700s as well.

    我相信,700 型飛機將在機隊中存在一段時間、很長一段時間。因此,我們將再次分享數學方面的細節,只是經濟利益。但很明顯,對 7 系列進行改裝後,您還希望 700 系列擁有額外腿部空間的座椅。

  • Sort of roughly the same. About a third, desire to get the center or third of the seats across the entire fleet. And then, just mechanically for our customers, it would make no sense to -- you're just buying a flight.


  • So it make no sense to buy one flight and there are a lot of extra legroom seats and buy another flight and simply because that's a different aircraft type. There are none or very few. So we want to do this in a way that it makes sense to our customers. And that extra legroom section is available on every single flight.


  • Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yes. I think that's the most important part, Conor, is that when you start wrapping seating benefits, premium seating benefits into your overall value proposition, whether you're selling it as an ancillary or a fair, the customer, when they go on to buy their flight from Dallas to Denver, they don't know if we're going to operate it with the 700 or a MAX 8 aircraft. And you want a consistent value proposition across the board to serve the customers' needs. So I think that's the most important piece of that equation to your question there.

    是的。康納,我認為這是最重要的部分,當你開始將座位福利、高級座位福利納入你的整體價值主張時,無論你是將其作為輔助產品還是公平銷售,當客戶繼續購買時他們從達拉斯飛往丹佛的航班,他們不知道我們將使用700 還是MAX 8 飛機來運營該航班。您需要全面一致的價值主張來滿足客戶的需求。所以我認為這是你的問題中最重要的部分。

  • Conor Cunningham - Analyst

    Conor Cunningham - Analyst

  • Okay. And then, on the comment of growing at or below macro trends in 2025, I'm trying to understand why growth is even on the table right now given where returns are?

    好的。然後,關於 2025 年成長等於或低於宏觀趨勢的評論,我試圖理解,考慮到回報在哪裡,為什麼現在成長仍然擺在桌面上?

  • In that same context, like you're talking about unit revenue down today, but then seats down 6% to 8% that inflects unit revenue positive. I just try to understand why we should then ramp back up in line with the economic growth. And then, in the context of all that, can you just frame up how you view the current demand environment in general? Thank you again.

    在同樣的背景下,就像您今天談論的單位收入下降一樣,但隨後席位下降 6% 至 8%,這會使單位收入產生積極影響。我只是試圖理解為什麼我們應該隨著經濟成長而恢復成長。然後,在所有這些背景下,您能否概括一下您如何看待當前的整體需求環境?再次感謝您。

  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes, Conor, you bet. And we are still working on 2025, so I wouldn't take anything as an exact number. That was a commitment, obviously, over the next number of years and obviously, commitment until we are able to earn our cost of capital here. So we've not picked a number necessarily for 2025. But we are going to be managing, obviously, our capital expenditures aggressively.

    是的,康納,你敢打賭。我們仍在努力爭取 2025 年,所以我不會採取任何確切的數字。顯然,這是一個在接下來的幾年裡的承諾,而且顯然是一個承諾,直到我們能夠在這裡賺取我們的資本成本。因此,我們沒有為 2025 年選擇一個數字。

  • Tied to that, and we haven't talked about the red-eye flying, but we're also announcing that today which I'm really proud of. And our customers want it, but what it also does for us is it produces ASMs without having to buy extra aircraft. I mean, the aircraft are available, obviously, overnight. That and the sophisticated technology and processes going into turn management, but that's allowing us to take time out of the turn.

    與此相關的是,我們還沒有談論紅眼飛行,但我們今天也宣布了這一點,我對此感到非常自豪。我們的客戶想要它,但它對我們的好處還在於,它可以生產 ASM,而無需購買額外的飛機。我的意思是,顯然,飛機一夜之間就可以使用。這以及輪流管理中的複雜技術和流程,但這使我們能夠從輪流中抽出時間。

  • The combination of those two things, the red-eye flying, and then the turn compression will allow us to fund nearly all, if not all, capacity, 2025, 2026, 2027 through initiatives and do buying incremental aircraft and spending incremental CapEx.

    紅眼飛行和轉彎壓縮這兩件事的結合將使我們能夠透過舉措為 2025 年、2026 年、2027 年幾乎所有(如果不是全部)產能提供資金,併購買增量飛機並支出增量資本支出。

  • Conor Cunningham - Analyst

    Conor Cunningham - Analyst

  • Okay. That's helpful. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mike Linenberg, Deutsche Bank.


  • Mike Linenberg - Analyst

    Mike Linenberg - Analyst

  • Hey. Bob, I know you had mentioned earlier you talked about sort of capacity domestically running a bit higher than demand and maybe what was driving the price weakness. But how much of it do you think may also be attributable to just that more price-sensitive consumer who may be pushing back? I mean, we are seeing that in other sectors. And I would think that you tend to carry a healthy amount of that type of segment. Are you seeing it?


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • Hey, Mike. It's Andrew. We're not seeing any specific thing in regards to customer segments that are pulling back, so to speak. I think sometimes because we aspire to have low fares, people assume we're going for a lower fluent passenger, which is not the case. And so we want to have low fares and high quality.


  • As I mentioned earlier, we have large parts of our network, which are very high business contribution, which implies a customer that's relatively more affluent. And so we're seeing, I think, business travel actually grow faster than capacity both in Q1 and Q2. So you do see that part of the economy going well. It's just that, I think, there's some choppiness with regards to off-peak times and how much leisure spending is going on there.


  • That was a characteristic of COVID where people would more frequently take off-time trips for leisure reasons. And there's less of that now. And so that does create this kind of period of the year where then there's more capacity than demand.


  • Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • And Mike, just -- this is Ryan. Just to add a little bit of color to what Andrew said there. When you look at our customer base demographically and how that compares to our peers in the industry, it looks a lot more like -- our customer base looks a lot more like our legacy peers than it does LCCs or ULCCs -- the LCC or ULCC, peer set.

    麥克,這是瑞安。只是為了給安德魯所說的話增添一點色彩。當你從人口統計角度觀察我們的客戶群以及與業內同行相比時,我們的客戶群看起來更像是我們的傳統同行,而不是 LCC 或 ULCC——LCC 或 ULCC ,對等集。

  • Specifically, when you talk about households with incomes in the $100,000-plus bracket and $200,000 bracket, that looks much closer to legacy than it does the LCC and ULCC peer set.

    具體來說,當您談論收入在 100,000 美元以上和 200,000 美元範圍內的家庭時,與 LCC 和 ULCC 同等群體相比,這看起來更接近遺產。

  • Mike Linenberg - Analyst

    Mike Linenberg - Analyst

  • Great. Very helpful. And then, just my last question, this may be for Tammy. When I look at your CASM guide for the year, which you were able to maintain, we come off the third quarter and at the midpoint, we're looking at, call it, 12% on a couple of percent of capacity.

    偉大的。非常有幫助。然後,我的最後一個問題可能是問塔米的。當我查看你們今年能夠維持的 CASM 指南時,我們從第三季開始,在中點,我們正在考慮,稱之為 12%,在幾個百分點的產能上。

  • When we get to the fourth quarter, we're up maybe high single digits, but now that's on a capacity reduction of about 4%. So sequentially, there is a healthy improvement there. Is there something in 2023? I know there was a restatement, but is there anything in credits or one-timers that would allow you to see that sort of progression? Or maybe we're just anniversarying some of these various contracts and cost inflationary items? Thanks for taking my question.

    當我們進入第四季時,我們的成長可能會達到高個位數,但現在產能減少了約 4%。因此,接下來,將會有健康的改善。 2023年有事嗎?我知道有重述,但是片尾字幕或一次性節目中是否有任何內容可以讓您看到這種進展?或者也許我們只是在紀念這些不同的合約和成本通膨項目中的一些?感謝您提出我的問題。

  • Tammy Romo - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Tammy Romo - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah. No, absolutely, Mike. And no, you -- there really isn't anything unusual to point out. We are anniversarying some of the contracts. So that is certainly contributing to that.


  • And just to clarify on CASM-X numbers for last year. I know we've had, I think, some questions coming in on that just to make sure you all have the correct numbers. The specific numbers for the third quarter is $0.1067; and 4Q, it's $0.1097, bringing the full year to $0.1109.

    只是為了澄清去年的 CASM-X 數據。我想,我知道我們對此提出了一些問題,只是為了確保你們都掌握了正確的數字。第三季的具體數字是0.1067美元;第四季為 0.1097 美元,全年達到 0.1109 美元。

  • So just to make sure you've got all the right numbers in your model. But yeah, you got it. It's mostly anniversarying the contracts.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • And just to be -- just to break it down, I'm sure you know this -- sort of our normal -- if you look at our midpoint of our Q3 guide, 12, kind of normal would be low 4s. We've got close to 5 points of abnormal labor pressure with the new contracts.

    只是為了 - 只是為了打破它,我相信你知道這一點 - 有點我們的正常 - 如果你看看我們的第三季度指南的中點,12,有點正常將是低 4s。新合約使我們的異常勞動力壓力接近 5 個百分點。

  • So as Tammy said, as you begin to anniversary that is material. And then, between Boeing direct impacts and Boeing overstaffing impacts, you've got about 3 points. So as that tails off and the overstaffing begins to tail off, and we are mitigating a large number of that. We can talk about that later if you want. So as those extraordinary items come off, it's very helpful, or you anniversary them.

    正如塔米所說,當你開始慶祝週年紀念日時,這很重要。然後,在波音公司的直接影響和波音公司人員過剩的影響之間,你得到了大約 3 分。因此,隨著這種情況的減少以及人員過剩的情況開始減少,我們正在大量減少這種情況。如果你願意的話,我們可以稍後再討論。因此,當這些非凡的物品脫落時,這是非常有幫助的,或者你可以紀念它們。

  • Mike Linenberg - Analyst

    Mike Linenberg - Analyst

  • Great. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Duane Pfennigwerth, Evercore ISI.

    杜安‧芬尼格沃斯 (Duane Pfennigwerth),Evercore ISI。

  • Duane Pfennigwerth - Analyst

    Duane Pfennigwerth - Analyst

  • Thanks for the time. I wanted to ask you about network changes versus product changes, things like assigned seats and which area do you think will be the bigger contributor to your lagging margins here. Do you see a path on margin improvement before these product enhancements come on board?


  • The only reason I ask is there are some carriers out there that have all the premium bells and whistles, but still have lagging margins, which suggests that premium in isolation is not a silver bullet. So is there a network issue and a new markets issue that we can address first?


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • Hi, Duane, it's Andrew. I would say there is obviously a lag with the implementation of the initiatives. So between now and then, we absolutely are aiming toward having margin improvement. I would actually put it on the back of three efforts, network changes many of which we've put in, and we will keep putting more in.


  • You saw some big ones in Q1, and there's still some good modest-sized ones throughout the year this year. And then, when the capacity is set then on the shorter duration, we're focused on yield improvements. You saw through the discussion about revenue management system, both the raising the negative that you saw in Q2, but also getting more out of the system is a positive on top of limiting the negative. So that's one factor.


  • And then on the other is some -- we have a load gap and folks in that load gap in particular, you see our efforts on our new advertising campaigns, our entry into Google Flights, and some of our customer acquisition activities help us to kind of broaden our customer base.


  • It's down a little bit because we find that our road warriors don't travel as much per person as they did pre-pandemic. And so those efforts in the short to medium term will give a tailwind to load. So those marketing activities, revenue activities and network changes, they are all three that we intend to work between now and the go-live of the initiatives.


  • Duane Pfennigwerth - Analyst

    Duane Pfennigwerth - Analyst

  • Appreciate that. And we'll be watching for progress on that front. And Bob, in the spirit of your comment about looking at all opportunities, I wanted to ask you about bags and not from the traditional revenue perspective, but just from a Southwest take rate and cost per bag perspective. Do you have a feel for how much higher your bag take rate is versus the rest of the industry? How many more bags per flight you carry and what you estimate your cost per bag to be?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes. I believe, just to get right your question and check bags, I believe we carry about 2x the industry standard. But then also, you've got bags that come out of the cabin that also has an issue in terms of how you manage the operation.


  • Just to be real clear on bags-like-free as a policy, I mean, we're not looking at this point to change that policy. Our industry-leading set of initiatives of customer-friendly policies. And you know the list is a big part of what attracts people to Southwest Airlines. And after fair and schedule, bags fly free is cited as the number-one issue in terms of why customers choose Southwest.


  • So it's not something under consideration right now as we rethink our products related to the seating and the cabin.


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • I would say also, Bob, that as far as the cost, there can be breakpoints at certain volume scales in individual airports. But any given flight having one or less bags or 10 or more or less bags, doesn't necessarily change the cost profile to handle that as the number of people and equipment required to load and unload the aircraft is static in that range. So there's not a variable cost as far as the handling part. Of course, the weight is variable with the fuel burn, but that would be the true if it was in the cabin instead of under the valley.

    鮑勃,我還要說,就成本而言,個別機場在某些規模上可能存在斷點。但任何擁有一件或更少行李或10 件或更多或更少行李的航班,並不一定會改變處理這種情況的成本狀況,因為裝卸飛機所需的人員和設備數量在該範圍內是靜態的。因此,就處理部分而言,不存在變動成本。當然,重量會隨著燃料燃燒而變化,但如果它是在機艙內而不是在山谷下,那就是事實。

  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Well, the thing you have to think about, too, is the bags move around. And so we're working to take -- and we'll share a lot about this at our Investor Day. We are working through technology and processes to take time out of a turn because your free time there and basically free aircraft just fall out because you're able to utilize the aircraft more effectively during the day.


  • And we don't have a large issue today with cabin overhead bags that are then slowing down the operation because the overheads are slowing, they have to be moved down into the check and moved into the haul or to the bins. And so you'll just move the issue around. I mean, I'm sure you've flown on others, and there's a massive last-minute checking of bags from the cabin down into the bin under the aircraft. And that cost you a lot of turn time potentially, which then just burns aircraft time that could be used more effectively. So it's a trade and we do look at the trade.


  • Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • And just to add one other point on that. It's about twice as many check bags. We carry as many check bags legacies, and it gets closer to 3 times more check bags than ULCC. So I think that that just points to the popularity of the policy and goes to indicate one of the reasons why customers choose Southwest Airlines.

    在此基礎上再補充一點。托運行李數量大約是其兩倍。我們承運的托運行李數量與 ULCC 的托運行李數量一樣多,而且數量接近 3 倍。所以我認為這正好說明了這項政策的受歡迎程度,也是客戶選擇西南航空的原因之一。

  • Duane Pfennigwerth - Analyst

    Duane Pfennigwerth - Analyst

  • I appreciate the thoughts. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Scott Group, Wolfe Research.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • Thanks. Good afternoon. So I know you're going to quantify the changes in September, but just directionally, should we be thinking hundreds of millions? Is it more? Any way to help us think about how much CapEx this requires.

    謝謝。午安.所以我知道您將量化 9 月份的變化,但只是方向性的,我們是否應該考慮數億?還多嗎?有什麼方法可以幫助我們思考這需要多少資本支出。

  • And then, just more conceptually, like some of the legacies would say, hey, it's not just extra legroom that you need for it to truly be sort of premium, like -- are there other changes you're contemplating beyond just extra legroom?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes, Scott, you bet. And again, yes, we're going to share a lot more in September. But just maybe just to put a ballpark figure out there, our ancillary products today around boarding, like early bird upgraded boarding, generate just shy of $1 billion for us. And the opportunity in the assigned seating and extra legroom world is substantially north of that. So I'm not going to give you a range, but just maybe give you a little directional.

    是的,斯科特,你敢打賭。再說一次,是的,我們將在九月分享更多內容。但也許只是粗略估計一下,我們今天圍繞著登機的輔助產品,例如早鳥升級登機,為我們帶來了近 10 億美元的收入。分配座位和額外腿部空間的機會遠不止於此。所以我不會給你一個範圍,但也許會給你一點方向。

  • And also, hopefully, giving you the stat that roughly a third of the seats in our fleet will be in the extra legroom configuration can give you kind of a ballpark there as well. There's very little CapEx to invest, because we're not buying a whole different configuration, that kind of thing. So it's mostly about adjusting the cabin more than it is buying a lot of stuff to change the cabin. We already have a new seat coming from RECARO that customers really like. We're already working on some of the other components of the cabin anyway. So there's actually very little incremental CapEx related to this change.

    而且,希望向您提供我們機隊中大約三分之一的座位將採用額外腿部空間配置的統計數據,也可以為您提供大概的信息。可供投資的資本支出非常少,因為我們不會購買完全不同的配置之類的東西。所以主要是對機艙進行調整,而不是購買很多東西來改變機艙。我們已經有了一款來自 RECARO 的新座椅,客戶非常喜歡。無論如何,我們已經在研究機艙的其他一些組件了。因此,與此變化相關的增量資本支出實際上非常少。

  • Then maybe on your last point, we're still defining the products and exactly the detail around what we want to attach extra legroom. But again, just to be clear, we're not looking at first class where you really have a huge differentiation and where you really have a huge differentiation in cost.


  • We really took a revenue per square foot view of a way to solve for this. You have so many fees in the cabin that you can deal with and maximizing that revenue per square foot is how we attack the problem.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • That's helpful. And just to clarify, when you talk about substantially north of $1 billion, do we -- is that a -- I'm trying to -- is that a gross number or net number? Meaning in theory, we'll lose like the early boarding in flight that we have today, I would assume?

    這很有幫助。我想澄清一下,當你談論遠遠超過 10 億美元時,我們——我正在嘗試——這是一個總數還是淨值?這意味著從理論上講,我們會像今天提前登機一樣失敗,我想?

  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • That's an incremental. So incremental, too. In other words, obviously, hurdle one, if those products are generating shy of $1 billion, whatever we do has to clear that as a hurdle. And so anything that we talk about will be the net change.

    這是一個增量。也是增量的。換句話說,顯然,第一個障礙是,如果這些產品的營收低於 10 億美元,那麼無論我們做什麼,都必須清除這個障礙。因此,我們談論的任何事情都將是淨變化。

  • But again, we're just not ready to share that in detail. But no, we wouldn't be making the change if number one, it wasn't what our customers wanted; number two, it wasn't what our employees wanted; and number three, it wasn't significantly beneficial financially for our shareholders.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • Thank you, guys.


  • Operator


  • Sheila Kahyaoglu, Jefferies.


  • Sheila Kahyaoglu - Analyst

    Sheila Kahyaoglu - Analyst

  • Great. Thank you, guys. I want to maybe ask about 2025 growth in a little different way. When you look at the contractual order book, it has 70 aircraft getting delivered plus ASMs from the red-eye aircraft.

    偉大的。謝謝你們,夥計們。我想以不同的方式詢問 2025 年的成長情況。當你查看合約訂單簿時,會發現已交付的飛機有 70 架,還有紅眼飛機的 ASM。

  • So how should we think about that in the context of at or below GDP growth? Are we getting to the point maybe where fleet growth needs to be net neutral? Do you accelerate retirement? How do we think about that?


  • Tammy Romo - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Tammy Romo - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes. Hi, Sheila. Yes, we have a lot of flexibility with our order book from Boeing. We're not ready yet to lay out all of our plans. We'll do that out at Investor Day. But we have ample flexibility to reflow the order book to ultimately meet our needs. And we'll balance all of that clearly, given all of our objectives and including CapEx spend and also our initiative to renew the fleet. So we'll lay out all those details for you at Investor Day.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • And obviously, we're still working with Boeing on settling up against the issues that we've seen here with delayed deliveries and those late deliveries against plan continue into 2025. So again, more to share later on that as well.

    顯然,我們仍在與波音公司合作解決我們在這裡看到的延遲交付問題,這些延遲交付將持續到 2025 年。

  • Sheila Kahyaoglu - Analyst

    Sheila Kahyaoglu - Analyst

  • OK. And then, maybe one on cost to follow by them. With the red-eye buying, how do we think about additional headcount required for that or any cost impact?


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes. So Sheila, it's Andrew. The incrementality is quite low on this. Obviously, this fuel incrementality, but the nature of this is the aircraft apart the West, while it's still the operating day for those airports and then it arrives in the East during their operating days. So you're staffing both in, so it doesn't require ground operations.


  • We have a situation where we have ample pilots right now. And so does not require us to hire additional pilots to be able to operate the red-eye. So it's a way to kind of get more flying out of the current employee base and the current asset base for next year.


  • Sheila Kahyaoglu - Analyst

    Sheila Kahyaoglu - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And Sheila was our final analyst question.


  • Julia Landrum - Vice President - Investor Relations

    Julia Landrum - Vice President - Investor Relations

  • Thank you. That wraps up the analyst portion of today's call. I appreciate everyone joining, and have a great day.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, we now transition to our media portion of today's call. Ms. Whitney Eichinger, Chief Communications Officer, leads us off. Please go ahead, Whitney.

    女士們先生們,我們現在進入今天電話會議的媒體部分。首席通訊官 Whitney Eichinger 女士為我們引路。請繼續,惠特尼。

  • Whitney Eichinger - Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer

    Whitney Eichinger - Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer

  • Thanks, Gary. Welcome to the media on our call today. Before we begin taking your questions, Gary, can you remind everyone and share instructions on how to queue up for a question?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Alexandra Skores, Dallas Morning News.


  • Alexandra Skores - Media

    Alexandra Skores - Media

  • Yeah. This feels like a very historic step for Southwest with regard to the changes in policy today. I wanted to ask, are we entering a new era? Is this a step toward a new era for the company? And how is Southwest going to kind of differentiate itself from other major air carriers? Because that's been the history of Southwest. So I'm wondering if you can kind of speak to that.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • We do it thoughtfully and carefully, but we've always been willing to adapt and change here at Southwest at the time that I've been here. And we always kind of hate about the plastic boarding passes, but we've made a lot of change. I will tell you, I do and think our team does view this as a strategic transformation of the company. We are making -- as we talked about, we've made significant and continuing investments in our operational capabilities.


  • And you see it showing up. I mean, we've taken 16 million pieces of paper a year out of the cockpit. The turn is going completely paperless on iPads. If you fly out of Dallas and Baltimore and other stations, you'll see big ramp information displays up that are managing the turn and much, much more.

    你會看到它出現了。我的意思是,我們每年從駕駛艙中取出 1600 萬張紙。 iPad 上將完全無紙化。如果您從達拉斯和巴爾的摩以及其他車站起飛,您會看到顯示大型坡道訊息,這些資訊正在管理轉彎等。

  • And the investment in core technology there is allowing us to operate really well. I talked about it earlier, but we had an 8% cancel rate when the hurricane came through Houston and almost no cancels the following day, so the ability to recover. And you saw that when the global tech outage hit last week and we ran basically a normal day. So those investments in the operation are more than tactical. They're really transformational investments to change the way we operate our resilience and reliability.

    對核心技術的投資使我們能夠運作得非常好。我之前談過,但當颶風穿過休士頓時,我們的取消率是 8%,第二天幾乎沒有取消,所以有能力恢復。你看到,當上周全球科技中斷時,我們基本上過著正常的一天。因此,這些營運投資不僅僅是戰術性的。它們確實是變革性投資,可以改變我們的彈性和可靠性運作方式。

  • And the same thing is going on in the commercial space. We are announcing the seating and the cabin changes today, but it's been a purposeful build that goes back two years to begin add power and larger bins and Wi-Fi. And we're reworking the cabin and you have upgraded in different more modern uniforms coming to our crews.

    同樣的事情也發生在商業領域。我們今天宣布了座位和客艙的變化,但這是一個有目的的建造,可以追溯到兩年前,開始增加電力和更大的垃圾箱和 Wi-Fi。我們正在改造機艙,您已經為我們的機組人員升級了不同的更現代的製服。

  • Our digital approach is significantly different if you just go back maybe even 18 months. Today, you can track your bags and you can do things that manage your same-day standby and there's much, much more to come on the digital front. So we do see this as a fundamental transformation of Southwest Airlines to meet our customers' needs to be more efficient and to add capabilities.

    如果你回溯到 18 個月前,我們的數位化方法就會大不相同。如今,您可以追蹤您的行李,還可以管理當日待命的事情,而且數位化方面還有很多很多的事情要做。因此,我們確實認為這是西南航空的根本轉型,以滿足客戶提高效率和增加能力的需求。

  • All that said, we're not going to change the core of what we stand for here: true hospitality, the best employees in the industry, customer policies that make sense, being transparent with our customers. So we're going to adhere to the things that make Southwest the Southwest you love, but we're going to make this an even better Southwest Airlines.


  • Alexandra Skores - Media

    Alexandra Skores - Media

  • Thanks for that, Bob. And then, my second question, just for some of the Dallas passengers, too, I've been noticing have been pretty vocal about concerns about how this will be implemented. And I know you're not sharing specifics, but one that they are rather interested in is family boarding. And that's like a prime reason why folks come into love field and have localized that to me. Can you share anything about how family boarding might be implemented with this new policy?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • No. I mean, we're -- and Ryan can talk about this. For still -- there are, as you could I would expect there are 1,000 details to be worked through. But if you just think about that as a family, especially if you're on a long-haul flight and the uncertainty in today's world, the uncertainty of: are we going to be able to sit together, is a huge question and it comes up as a stress point for families that we carry.

    不,我的意思是,我們——瑞安可以談論這個。儘管如此,我預計仍有 1,000 個細節需要解決。但如果你作為一個家庭考慮這一點,特別是當你乘坐長途航班時,以及當今世界的不確定性,那麼不確定性是:我們是否能夠坐在一起,這是一個巨大的問題,它來了成為我們所承載的家庭的壓力點。

  • And so in the new world, in the assigned seating world, you'd have an assurance that you're going to sit together because you have assigned seats that take that stress away. And if you want to sit together in an extra legroom section, even better. And so I think for -- as we've surveyed a lot of what the changes are accomplishing are actually taking stress out of the boarding process and the seating process because most of the stress comes from: where am I going to sit?


  • Not just am I going to get a good seat, but where am I going to sit? Am I going to say close to the folks that I want to, for example. So moving to assigned seating, takes all of that stress out of the process. The goals we talked about earlier is to marry the things that folks love about our boarding with that assigned seating change.


  • But Ryan don't know if you want to add anything?


  • Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Ryan Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • No, yes. I think moving -- there are friction points in the current customer experience that come along with open seating that we've had to adapt to by creating things like our family boarding section today. Just to give a little insight into that, almost 60% of customers are checked in within the first 30 seconds of the 24-hour check-in window opening. And that goes up to about 75% of customers checked in within the first hour.

    不,是的。我認為移動——當前的客戶體驗中存在一些摩擦點,這些摩擦點伴隨著開放式座位,我們必須透過創造像今天的家庭登機區這樣的東西來適應這些摩擦點。舉個例子,近 60% 的顧客在 24 小時報到視窗開放後的前 30 秒內完成了報到。大約 75% 的顧客會在第一個小時內登記入住。

  • So if you're a busy family and you don't hit the check-in window right on the nose, that causes anxiety. And so like Bob mentioned, this is one of those -- this is a way to solve lot of those friction points at the current open seating process has introduced and just causes more anxiety than we want. So I think families at the end of the day are going to love the change.

    因此,如果您是一個忙碌的家庭,並且沒有立即辦理登機手續,就會導致焦慮。正如鮑勃所提到的,這就是其中之一 - 這是解決當前開放座位流程中許多摩擦點的方法,只會引起比我們想要的更多的焦慮。所以我認為家庭最終會喜歡這種改變。

  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • And for employees, I mean, our employees end up on the aircraft, if there is an issue, family boards late, there aren't seats together, the open seats together, our flight attendants end up having to manage that situation or police that situation.


  • And if you are customers that are in the last boarding group and the flight is full, you get on board, and it's tough to see the open seats. So you have what we call spinners. People going up and down the aisle spinning and looking for the open seat because it's hard to see since the aircraft is full. So that's obviously stressful and the assigned seating change basically eliminates all of that.


  • Alexandra Skores - Media

    Alexandra Skores - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rajesh Singh, Reuters.


  • Rajesh Singh - Media

    Rajesh Singh - Media

  • Hi. Bob, can you provide an update on your discussions with ALS management? Do you expect a compromise with them that are threatening a proxy fight?

    你好。鮑勃,您能提供您與 ALS 管理層討論的最新情況嗎?您是否期望與威脅代理權之爭的他們達成妥協?

  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Rajesh, I can't speak for Elliott or speculating on what Elliot may or may not do. But so far, they've not shown any willingness to engage in any meaningful conversations with us. Most of that has been public personal attacks on leadership and the Board. So like any shareholder, we love to engage and hear their feedback.


  • But so far, there's been no willingness on their part to do that. So for our part here as a leadership team, we're focused 100% on moving the company forward on the plans that -- some of which we laid out today and on transforming this company ending our desired financial returns.

    但到目前為止,他們還沒有意願這麼做。因此,作為領導團隊,我們將 100% 專注於推動公司向前推進我們今天制定的一些計劃,並致力於改造這家公司,最終實現我們期望的財務回報。

  • Rajesh Singh - Media

    Rajesh Singh - Media

  • Bob, my second question is that about premium seating. Have you done any calculation that how much of an investment will require? And what kind of boost it will provide to your revenue and earnings next year?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes. I think, Rajesh, we'll have more to share on the overall value opportunity of the premium seating and assigned seating initiative at Investor Day this fall. On the cost side of the equation, we're doing it in a very capital efficient way. We're using existing seats. So there's a very little capital outlay here. And then, on the revenue side, we'll have a value share here later in the fall.

    是的。 Rajesh,我想,我們將在今年秋天的投資者日分享更多有關高級座位和分配座位計劃的整體價值機會的資訊。在成本方面,我們正在以一種非常資本有效的方式來做這件事。我們正在使用現有的座位。所以這裡的資本支出非常少。然後,在收入方面,我們將在秋季晚些時候在這裡獲得價值份額。

  • Rajesh Singh - Media

    Rajesh Singh - Media

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • David Koenig, Associated Press.


  • David Koenig - Media

    David Koenig - Media

  • Yes. Hi. Actually, Alexandra asked some of my questions. But just as a follow-up, I'm curious how much did -- in regard to the open seating demise here, how much did the current gaming of the system factor in your decision?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Hey, Dave. We haven't called it the demise of open seating. It's a shift to assigned seating, but anyway. I would say that it didn't factor in terms of the analysis. So we -- this is all about trying to make right decision and making it not in emotion, but in data.


  • As Ryan can talk about, just extensive surveying of our customers or non-customers to understand their preferences. And then, also to understand things like if you have status on Southwest today, you know your A list preferred, what benefits -- how do you value benefits and what would be attached to your status in the assigned seating and extra legroom world, for example.

    正如瑞安所說,只需對我們的客戶或非客戶進行廣泛調查,以了解他們的偏好。然後,也要了解一些事情,例如如果您今天在西南航空有地位,您知道您的A 名單首選,有哪些好處- 您如何評價好處以及在分配的座位和額外腿部空間世界中您的地位會附加什麼,例如例子。

  • So just a ton of effort there and then a ton of effort to understand the operational impacts, if any. Because we certainly don't want assigned seating to turn the aircraft slower, which everything that worked on proved that it will not. So it was really about the change itself.


  • We do know for our employees, in particular, managing the boarding process, as you described, can be stressful and it can be for some of our customers. So while that wasn't a direct item that we studied, I think it could be that that is an indirect benefit that we see.


  • David Koenig - Media

    David Koenig - Media

  • Okay. And I think you kind of -- I have heard from your earlier remarks, Bob, that you were surprised by the degree to which people wanted to see assigned seating. And I don't know what your history, what baseline polling you had or surveys. Is that something that happened very recently? And is it because of the encouraging more passengers to pay extra to move up in the line? What was timing there?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes. I think customers' preferences shift over time. And I think it's been clear, I think their preferences shift over time and travel patterns and travel behavior shift over time. Customers are just taking fewer short-haul trips today.


  • They are flying longer. And when they fly longer, the importance of an assigned seat goes up. We've talked a lot about our desire and initiatives to grow market share with corporate business travelers in the managed business space and their preference is for an assigned versus an open seat. And so I think that that goes into it.


  • And then when you look at premium, premium, just -- you can see it with -- in the airline industry ourselves, premium product growth has outpaced the growth in main cabin revenue for some time here. And then, in other parts of the economy, consumers are just reducing nonessential retail purchases and spending that on experiences. So it's a combination of travel patterns changing and customer preferences changing over time that we're adapting to here.


  • David Koenig - Media

    David Koenig - Media

  • Okay. Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Lori Aratani, The Washington Post.


  • Lori Aratani - Media

    Lori Aratani - Media

  • Hi. Thank you for pulling me out of the queue. Sort of building on what David asked and what you just said, Bob, customers are fickle, right? And their preferences change. So are you worried that this is what everyone wants now a few years back, the legacies were moving to basic economy, right? Because that was the hot concept.


  • Do you worry that you're going to make this change? And then, a couple of years from now, people are going to want something different.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • No, I don't think I said customers are fickle. Just kidding. But no, we --


  • Lori Aratani - Media

    Lori Aratani - Media

  • OK. Sorry about that. They have been changing, I guess.


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • No, no, I'm kidding with you. I mean, preferences do change over change over time, and they sometimes long periods of time. And just more philosophically, you can have beliefs. We, as a company, can have beliefs and hold on to them.


  • But if you don't understand in data, what is happening with your customers, that they can move away from you. So you've got to be willing to challenge everything that's not fundamental to you as an airline.


  • We have periodically surveyed assigned seating. This is by far the deepest analysis we have ever done. And it has moved toward assigned seating over decades. I think the last time we looked at it, which was years -- many -- actually several years ago, the preference was more 50-50. But the -- you've got a different generation -- you've got -- what we're trying to point out too is, it's very clear that as different generations emerge and spend more on travel, their preferences are potentially very different than the prior generation. I mean, not making a value call at all, but you've got to aim. Because you're always working, you've got to aim at the customer that you're going to see in 5 years and 10 years.

    我們定期調查分配的座位。這是迄今為止我們做過的最深入的分析。幾十年來,它已經轉向指定座位。我想我們上次查看它時,已經是很多年了,實際上是幾年前,偏好是 50-50 左右。但是,我們也想指出的是,很明顯,隨著不同世代的出現並在旅行上花費更多,他們的偏好可能會非常不同比上一代。我的意思是,根本不做任何價值判斷,但你必須瞄準。因為你一直在工作,你必須瞄準 5 年和 10 年後你會見到的客戶。

  • So I don't worry that -- the fact this is what I love about way we're implementing this. We're not doing anything way out on the front. We're moving to assigned seating. We're moving to extra legroom. And we're doing it in a way that is consistent with Southwest Airlines, which is we're doing it in a very efficient way.


  • And we're not putting in seats with -- that have doors and seats that massage you or something like that. We're doing things that make sense for Southwest. So I'm comfortable that we're moving toward the customer and that those customer desires will not shift on us.


  • Lori Aratani - Media

    Lori Aratani - Media

  • Okay. Can I sneak one more in because we have readers that are, of course, very engaged in this. Do you guys -- have you worked out yet what this is going to mean for A list, the folks that have A list status?

    好的。我可以再偷偷地寫一篇嗎,因為我們的讀者當然非常熱衷於此。你們有沒有弄清楚這對 A 名單、那些擁有 A 名單地位的人來說意味著什麼?

  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • That's part of what we are hard at work finalizing. Now, I think it's safe to assume that just like our current A list, A list preferred customers, there is a boarding benefit associated with their status level. I think it's safe to assume that there will be a seating benefit -- seating benefits that are associated with it. But the exact nature of that and the details there are things that we're defining as we speak.

    這是我們正在努力完成的工作的一部分。現在,我認為可以安全地假設,就像我們目前的 A 名單、A 名單優先客戶一樣,他們的身份等級也有相關的登機福利。我認為可以肯定的是,會有座位優勢——與之相關的座位優勢。但其確切性質和細節是我們在發言時正在定義的。

  • Lori Aratani - Media

    Lori Aratani - Media

  • Great. Thank you so much.


  • Operator


  • Alison Sider, The Wall Street Journal.


  • Alison Sider - Media

    Alison Sider - Media

  • Hi. Thanks so much. I just wanted to ask a safety-related question. Obviously, the FAA review is just starting or hasn't yet started. But as you internally look at some of the incidents that you've had recently, are there any common themes that are emerging? Are there any lessons learned or changes that you're thinking about implementing to training or procedures?


  • Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Robert Jordan - President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • Yes. And Ali, I'll let obviously Andrew talk in detail, but I did want to take time before our call in just to -- just reiterate that there is nothing more important than safety, period. We have had recent issues. We take them very seriously.


  • Andrew can talk about it, but we've got a team focused on understanding what happened and how we can improve. I did speak to FAA Administrator Whittaker earlier this week to reinforce our commitment, my personal commitment to safety and our support and really appreciation for the work that the FAA is doing. So I just want to preface anything we say about the issues with the fact that there is nothing more important than safety and we fully support the FAA.


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • Bob, I don't know that the -- it's not just the words we say safety is the priority, it's in our actions as well. So efforts started actually in April. We noticed some things that caught our eye. We merited further involvement from us.


  • So within the construct of our safety management system, we engaged our flights safety personnel within the company with the representatives from our pilots union, their safety committee, as well as the FAA and our certificate management office to set up a joint team to do some joint analysis and investigation of what are root cause drivers and what are actions we can take in the short-term and the medium-term.


  • Some of the short-term actions was about enhanced communication and transparency because aviation safety today is based upon that kind of -- that transparency and collaboration. So that actually led to us communicating proactively to our personnel about what's going on, which then, of course, led to these things getting out in the press and getting more media. So there's a little bit of self-reinforcing there.


  • But we clearly saw issues and we clearly see things that we need to work on. So we have been, since that time, as we've dug into it, increased our focus and tempo on it. And the FAA now has increased theirs as well. So this is a carrier certificate holder evaluation process.


  • It's something that every airline goes roughly every five years, but it can be voted off cycle. The FAA -- that was one other airline this year. Now, they're doing with us. They can either do a kind of broad-based review or kind of audit or focus. They've chosen here as a focused effort for us. And so we expect that to begin here in the coming weeks and finite duration.


  • However, the other work we already started will continue, that process should always be ongoing. And so they can we can -- both sides can flex in additional resources from inside companies, inside organizations, as well as outside.


  • So this is a multilayer approach to safety, and I think it makes us better, but also it gives the FAA the more visibility to bring back into the rest of the aviation system and vice versa because a lot of the topics we see other airlines see and vice versa. So we're super happy to have this kind of great relationship and joint investigations.


  • Alison Sider - Media

    Alison Sider - Media

  • And I know a couple of the incidents seems to have involved less experienced first officers or people new in their seats. Is there anything that you're looking at specifically to address that issue?


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • No. I would say that what we're looking at in new product, internal communications is a human factor. So it's not the experience or airmanship necessarily of an individual; it's what's called kind of generically in the industry cockpit resource management. The how you interact between the pilot flying and the pilot monitoring.


  • There's insights to be gained there. And I think that's what we're focused on. We've brought in external help; the FAA's bringing external help. And they've told us they've seen some other things elsewhere that would be helpful to us. So this is a more about that dynamic than there's about any specific demographic.


  • Alison Sider - Media

    Alison Sider - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mary Schlangenstein, Bloomberg News.


  • Mary Schlangenstein - Media

    Mary Schlangenstein - Media

  • Hi. I just wanted to follow-up on that. Andrew, what did you see back in April that triggered the Southwest review? Was it some of the specific incidents that have been reported? Or was it something else?


  • And then the second question is if this is a focused investigation from the FAA or focus review, is that focused solely on pilot training and just all focus on pilots? Or what is the focus?


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • There is a focus on flight operations and pilot training, but there's a couple of items as well that will be finalized as they start up. So it's not everything. It's a handful of items.


  • And with regards to what caught our eyes, we had two flights in particular in April that had some similarities that caught our eye and let us start this process. So that was one too many, if you will, and that's when we started up ASAP. Really, literally within days of us seeing that, we started the joint exercise with the FAA and our pilots union.


  • Mary Schlangenstein - Media

    Mary Schlangenstein - Media

  • And can you be more specific on what the similarities were? What problem did you see?


  • Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

    Andrew Watterson - Chief Operating Officer

  • Well, I won't go into too much detail. I mentioned aviation safety is based on transparency and collaboration is part of that's voluntary disclosure. So since individual actors in the aviation safety system to self-disclose things that they saw they did in exchange for indemnity from that.


  • And so I'm not at liberty to go into exactly what it is there. But you can see where the programs we've launched, you can see what the FAA has launched and how these things all fit together.


  • Mary Schlangenstein - Media

    Mary Schlangenstein - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session for media. So back to Whitney now for some closing thoughts.


  • Whitney Eichinger - Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer

    Whitney Eichinger - Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer

  • Thanks, everyone. If you have any further questions, our communications group is standing by. Their contact information, along with today's news release, are all available at swamedia.com. Thank you.

    謝謝大家。如果您還有任何疑問,我們的通訊團隊隨時待命。他們的聯絡資訊以及今天的新聞稿都可以在 swamedia.com 上找到。謝謝。

  • Operator


  • The conference has concluded. Thank you all for attending. We'll meet again here next quarter.
