科林研發 (LRCX) 2014 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Lam Research Corporation September 2013 quarterly results conference call.

    歡迎參加 Lam Research Corporation 2013 年 9 月季度業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to our host, Shanye Hudson, Senior Director of Investor Relations.

    在這個時候,我想把會議交給我們的主持人,投資者關係高級總監 Shanye Hudson。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Great.


  • Thank you, Douglas.


  • Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to our quarterly conference call.


  • With me today are Martin Anstice, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Doug Bettinger, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天和我在一起的是總裁兼首席執行官 Martin Anstice 和執行副總裁兼首席財務官 Doug Bettinger。

  • During today's call, we'll share our outlook on the business environment and review our financial results for the September 2013 quarter and our outlook for the December 2013 quarter.

    在今天的電話會議中,我們將分享我們對商業環境的展望,並回顧我們 2013 年 9 月季度的財務業績和 2013 年 12 月季度的展望。

  • Following today's Q&A, Martin will share a few concluding remarks prior to closing the call.


  • The press release detailing our financial results was distributed over the wire services shortly after 1.00 PM this afternoon, and can also be found on the Investor Relations section of the Company's web site, along with the presentation slides accompanying today's call.

    詳細介紹我們財務業績的新聞稿於今天下午 1:00 後不久通過有線服務分發,也可以在公司網站的投資者關係部分找到,以及今天電話會議隨附的演示幻燈片。

  • Today's presentation and Q&A will include statements about our expectations and beliefs regarding certain future outcomes including our guidance.


  • A more thorough list of forward-looking topics that we expect to cover is shown on the slide deck accompanying my remarks.


  • All statements made that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on current information and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially.


  • We encourage you to review the risk factor disclosure in our public filings including our 10-K and our 10-Qs.

    我們鼓勵您查看我們的公開文件中披露的風險因素,包括我們的 10-K 和 10-Q。

  • The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.


  • Today's discussion of our financial results will be presented on a non-GAAP financial basis, unless otherwise specified.


  • Detailed reconciliation between GAAP and non-GAAP results can be found in today's earnings press release.

    可以在今天的收益新聞稿中找到 GAAP 和非 GAAP 結果之間的詳細調節。

  • The call is scheduled to last until 3.00 PM Pacific time.

    電話會議計劃持續到太平洋時間下午 3 點。

  • (Caller Instructions)


  • As a reminder, a webcast replay of this call will be available later this afternoon on our web site.


  • With that, I'll turn the call over to you, Martin.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Shanye.


  • Good afternoon everyone, and thank you for joining today's call.


  • As you may have read in our press release today, September 2013 marked the highest revenue quarter in the Company's history, surpassing the $1 billion mark for the first time.

    正如您今天在我們的新聞稿中所讀到的,2013 年 9 月是公司歷史上收入最高的季度,首次超過 10 億美元大關。

  • We grew operating margins by nearly 200 basis points sequentially, demonstrating strong execution throughout the Company.

    我們的營業利潤率連續增長近 200 個基點,表明整個公司的執行力很強。

  • Additionally, we made progress towards our strategic growth objectives, winning key production tool decisions across various technology inflections and shipping new products, including our next generation clean system and latest 3D NAND etch capability into leading-edge customer engagements.

    此外,我們在實現戰略增長目標方面取得了進展,在各種技術變化中贏得了關鍵生產工具決策,並交付了新產品,包括我們的下一代清潔系統和最新的 3D NAND 蝕刻能力,以吸引領先的客戶參與。

  • Overall the quarter was more than satisfactory and reinforced the substance of our vision objectives, our strategies, and capabilities to execute.


  • The September quarter marked the close of an important transition period for the Company as we successfully concluded our major integration activities.


  • Singularly focused, we now present one face to our customers for all products and services, and we enjoy the full complements of a well-aligned employee population, aligned not just to our business objectives and plans, but to our stated culture and values.


  • Related, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every employee for their contribution to these outstanding accomplishments, which would not have been possible without their hard work and dedication.


  • As stated previously, I regard acquisition integration capabilities at Lam as a competitive differentiator within our industry.

    如前所述,我認為 Lam 的收購整合能力是我們行業內的競爭優勢。

  • The aspiration to be the most collaborative semiconductor equipment company grows in our consciousness as we look forward to planning our actions in calendar 2014.

    當我們期待在 2014 年計劃我們的行動時,成為最具協作性的半導體設備公司的願望在我們的意識中不斷增強。

  • Turning now to the industry environments, as we enter the final months of the calendar year, we are able to narrow our 2013 wafer fabrication equipment spend forecast to $29 billion, plus or minus $1 billion.

    現在轉向行業環境,隨著我們進入日曆年的最後幾個月,我們能夠將 2013 年晶圓製造設備支出預測縮小至 290 億美元,上下浮動 10 億美元。

  • This outlook is largely consistent with our views throughout 2013, though there are some well-publicized moving pieces that I'll highlight for you now.

    這一展望與我們整個 2013 年的觀點基本一致,儘管我現在將為您重點介紹一些廣為人知的動人作品。

  • Starting with the logic segments, we now project WFE spends closer to $6 billion for the year, slightly lower than our prior view as certain customers have been able to reuse more of their existing equipment to support their leading-edge production needs.

    從邏輯部分開始,我們現在預計 WFE 今年的支出接近 60 億美元,略低於我們之前的預期,因為某些客戶能夠重複使用更多現有設備來支持其領先的生產需求。

  • In foundry, at least one customer has started to ramp 20-nanometer capacity, and the pace of those investments has accelerated in the second half of this year.

    在代工方面,至少有一個客戶已經開始增加 20 納米產能,而且這些投資的步伐在今年下半年有所加快。

  • We still expect overall foundry spending around $12 billion, albeit with slightly less trailing edge investments than previously expected.

    我們仍預計整體代工支出約為 120 億美元,儘管後緣投資略低於此前預期。

  • We see healthy demand and a positive profits-and-spending trajectory from memory customers and maintain our WFE forecast of approximately $11 billion for that segment for the calendar year.

    我們看到內存客戶的健康需求和積極的利潤和支出軌跡,並維持我們對這一日曆年該細分市場的 WFE 預測約為 110 億美元。

  • NANDs manufacturers are making the transition to the 20-nanometer technology nodes and below for planar devices, and consistent with our expectations, tool shipments for the first phase of 3D NANDs production are beginning as we speak and extend into the first half of 2014.

    NAND 製造商正在向平面設備的 20 納米及以下技術節點過渡,與我們的預期一致,第一階段 3D NAND 生產的工具出貨量正在我們所說的開始並延續到 2014 年上半年。

  • Depending on qualification and time to yield, this capacity we assume would likely begin contributing to NANDs bit supply in the mid-2014 time frame.

    根據資質和生產時間,我們假設這種容量可能會在 2014 年中期開始為 NAND 位供應做出貢獻。

  • Overall, we project bit growth in the mid-40% range for 2013, with relatively stable supply and demand balance headed into 2014.

    總體而言,我們預計 2013 年的比特增長率將在 40% 左右,2014 年供需平衡相對穩定。

  • In DRAM, contract ASPs have surged by 10% to 20% over the past month driven by tight supply conditions.

    在 DRAM 方面,受供應緊張的推動,過去一個月的合約平均售價飆升 10% 至 20%。

  • Due to the well-known short-term supply chain disruption, we've lowered our estimates for 2013 bit supply growth by a couple of points to the mid-20% range and expect the balance between supply and demands to remain extremely tight and disciplined through 2014.

    由於眾所周知的短期供應鏈中斷,我們將 2013 年比特供應增長的預測下調了幾個點至 20% 的中間區間,並預計供需之間的平衡將保持極度緊張和自律到 2014 年。

  • Over the past couple of years, WFE spend has been driven primarily by mobile electronics.

    在過去幾年中,WFE 支出主要由移動電子產品推動。

  • Media tablets have grown at a compound annual rate of greater than 130% since 2010, and we expect smartphones will represent about half of total cell phone units this year versus around 20% in 2010.

    自 2010 年以來,平板電腦的複合年增長率超過 130%,我們預計今年智能手機將佔手機總銷量的一半左右,而 2010 年這一比例約為 20%。

  • While annual units growth rates for tablets and smartphones are intuitively starting to decelerate off the much lighter base, continued demands and density expansion for mobile products supports our preliminary view for 2014 wafer fabrication equipment spending to be in the range of $32 billion, plus or minus $2 billion, assuming a flattish GDP.

    雖然平板電腦和智能手機的年單位增長率從較輕的基礎上直觀地開始減速,但移動產品的持續需求和密度擴張支持我們初步認為 2014 年晶圓製造設備支出在 320 億美元左右的範圍內20 億美元,假設 GDP 持平。

  • Actual spending levels are likely to vary, of course, around customers' investments supporting technology inflections, and in the coming months, we expect customers will continue fine-tuning their plans and outlook.


  • We will share more information as it becomes available.


  • It has been nearly one year since we introduced our growth strategy for the broadened and newly formed Lam Research.

    自從我們為擴大和新成立的 Lam Research 引入我們的增長戰略以來,已經將近一年了。

  • This strategy is founded on market expansion and share gain opportunities derived in large part from technology inflections, such as multiple patenting, 3D device transitions, and advanced packaging.

    這一戰略建立在市場擴張和份額獲取機會的基礎上,這在很大程度上來自技術變化,例如多項專利、3D 設備轉換和先進封裝。

  • Having completed our merger integration slightly ahead of schedule, we are now singularly focused on executing against those strategic growth objectives.


  • We shared with you previously our view of success relative to the transition from planar to 3D NANDs.

    我們之前與您分享了我們對從平面 NAND 過渡到 3D NAND 的成功的看法。

  • While we continue to work hard strengthening competitive differentiation and protecting positions established, we can report today that we are pleased by the initial production tool decisions.


  • In etch, we sustained strong and above our overall average market share, securing critical dielectric high aspect ratio applications.


  • We expect our new capacity addition served available market, or SAM, to expand by 30% to 40% over the planar baseline.

    我們預計我們新增的服務於可用市場或 SAM 的產能將在平面基線的基礎上擴大 30% 至 40%。

  • In the deposition segments in which we compete, we believe our new capacity addition SAM grows by 60% or 70% compared to the planar baseline.

    在我們競爭的沉積領域,我們相信我們的新增產能 SAM 與平面基線相比增長了 60% 或 70%。

  • Further, we believe we've made sizable share gains, winning critical applications in both PECVD and tungsten CVD.

    此外,我們相信我們已經取得了可觀的份額收益,贏得了 PECVD 和鎢 CVD 的關鍵應用。

  • Our focus over the next 12 to 24 months is on achieving a similar outcome with each of the remaining NAND manufacturers as and when they transition to 3D device structures in high-volume manufacturing.

    在接下來的 12 到 24 個月,我們的重點是在其餘 NAND 製造商過渡到大批量製造中的 3D 設備結構時與他們取得類似的結果。

  • Overall, we estimate it will cost more to add new 3D NAND capacity versus the same amount spent on equivalent wafer starts in the final planar generation.

    總體而言,我們估計增加新的 3D NAND 容量的成本將高於在最終平面一代中用於同等晶圓啟動的相同數量。

  • Based on our market size and market share expectations for high-volume manufacturing when 3D NANDs becomes mainstream, we believe that Lam stands to realize more than one third of the transition opportunity, representing incremental revenues in etch and deposition combined of approximately $25 million per 10,000 wafer starts of capacity added, or more than 60% market share on the incremental SAM.

    當 3D NAND 成為主流時,根據我們對大批量製造的市場規模和市場份額預期,我們認為 Lam 將實現超過三分之一的過渡機會,這意味著蝕刻和沈積的增量收入總計約為每 10,000 美元 2500 萬美元晶圓開始增加產能,或在增量 SAM 上超過 60% 的市場份額。

  • Equally important are the production tool decisions for the foundry 16-, 14-nanometer technology node.

    同樣重要的是代工廠 16、14 納米技術節點的生產工具決策。

  • Compared with the 20-nanometer node, this initial finFET transition represents a SAM growth opportunity of 5% to 10% for Lam's markets, and conductor etch is a key beneficiary of this transition.

    與 20 納米節點相比,這種最初的 finFET 過渡代表了 Lam 市場 5% 到 10% 的 SAM 增長機會,而導體蝕刻是這一過渡的主要受益者。

  • The complexity of the transistor increases exponentially with finFET structures, and the need for precise control of etch processes has grown accordingly.

    晶體管的複雜性隨著 finFET 結構呈指數增長,對蝕刻工藝的精確控制的需求也相應增加。

  • This plays well into Lam's strengths as a leader in conductor etch with the ability to control CD uniformity to within a few atoms.

    這充分體現了 Lam 作為導體蝕刻領域領導者的優勢,能夠將 CD 均勻性控制在幾個原子以內。

  • We believe that we are well positioned here to maintain our critical share positions and benefit from market expansion.


  • This finFET transition also creates opportunities for our deposition markets over the next couple of technology nodes.

    這種 finFET 過渡也為我們的沉積市場在接下來的幾個技術節點上創造了機會。

  • Process steps requiring highly conforming dielectric films are growing.


  • These processes have historically been very slow in nature, requiring a single layer to be deposited at a time.


  • We are partnering with customers to develop high-productivity solutions targeting these applications.


  • With the need for thinner barriers and low resistivity film stacks, we are leveraging our production experience and technology leadership in tungsten deposition to further penetrate metal applications.


  • We have strong engagements with the leading foundry and logic customers in each of these areas and are encouraged by our progress.


  • In terms of shipped market share, based on our current outlook for 2013 WFE spends and the associated customer mix, we stand to gain a couple of points in etch this year.

    在出貨市場份額方面,根據我們對 2013 年 WFE 支出和相關客戶組合的當前展望,我們今年在 etch 中將獲得幾個點。

  • We successfully won application decisions in logic and DRAM and expect to benefit from additional patenting steps in both foundry and DRAM.

    我們成功贏得了邏輯和 DRAM 的應用決策,並期望從代工廠和 DRAM 的額外專利步驟中受益。

  • We've also defended above average in the initial 3D NANDs transition.

    我們還在最初的 3D NAND 過渡中捍衛高於平均水平。

  • In deposition, higher than expected equipment reuse has been a headwind for shipped market share this year; however, we still expect to gain a point or so supported by application wins in 3D NANDs and through silicon via copper fill.

    總的來說,高於預期的設備重複使用率一直是今年出貨市場份額的不利因素。然而,我們仍然希望通過 3D NAND 的應用勝利和通過銅填充的矽獲得一分左右的支持。

  • Looking ahead, we anticipate that our application wins combined with the message around SAM expansion is a great story for Lam deposition.

    展望未來,我們預計我們的應用程序獲勝結合有關 SAM 擴展的信息對於 Lam 沉積來說是一個很好的故事。

  • In single wafer clean, we anticipate shift market share in the upper teens this year.


  • We've successfully defended most all our positions in the back end of line this year and continue to focus on growth opportunities in front-end applications.


  • We have started to ship our next generation clean tool for evaluation with leading customer and are focused on making these customer engagements successful.


  • As we've shared in the past, we would expect to have a better understanding of the tool's performance in the first half of 2014 with the potential for early revenue towards the end of next calendar year.

    正如我們過去所分享的,我們希望能夠更好地了解該工具在 2014 年上半年的表現,並有可能在下一個日曆年末獲得早期收入。

  • While it is still too soon to specifically quantify share growth projections for 2014, I'm encouraged by the solid progress we're making across each of our product segments and the level of customer engagements across a broader set of applications.

    雖然具體量化 2014 年的份額增長預測還為時過早,但我對我們在每個產品領域取得的穩固進展以及在更廣泛的應用程序中的客戶參與水平感到鼓舞。

  • We remain fully committed to our stated long-term share goals, our resolve against competitive threats never stronger.


  • As we have said on a number of occasions, this is a period of significant change for our customers and significant challenge within the wafer fabrication equipment industry.


  • That fact is further illustrated by the recently announced plans to merge our two largest competitors.


  • We believe that consolidation can be an opportunity to create value for our customers to the extent that it allows for the sustainable competition necessary to fuel innovation throughout the industry.


  • As an example, our acquisitions of SEZ and the Novellus Systems allowed us to leverage process adjacencies but to stay committed to our mantra that the customer deserves the best-in-class technology and productivity solutions.

    例如,我們對 SEZ 和 Novellus Systems 的收購使我們能夠利用流程相鄰性,但仍堅持我們的口號,即客戶應該得到一流的技術和生產力解決方案。

  • That's the basis of competition today.


  • We do have the opinion that it is possible for consolidation to reach a size and scope that goes beyond those value-creating fundamentals, and that conversation is active with our customers real time.


  • We continue to believe customers remain invested in Lam's success, and we will only strengthen our collaboration with them.

    我們仍然相信客戶會繼續投資於 Lam 的成功,我們只會加強與他們的合作。

  • It is very clear that our vision of being number one in customer trust has never been more important or valued than in this environment.


  • Prior to turning the call over to Doug for a review of the September quarter's financials, I'd like to share with you a celebratory event that occurred earlier this month.

    在將電話轉給 Doug 以審查 9 月季度的財務狀況之前,我想與您分享本月早些時候發生的一個慶祝活動。

  • We renamed our Fremont campus the James W. Bagley campus in honor of Jim's many contributions to Lam Research across his 16-year tenure with the Company.

    我們將弗里蒙特校區更名為 James W. Bagley 校區,以紀念 Jim 在公司 16 年任職期間對 Lam Research 的諸多貢獻。

  • Among his many accomplishments, Jim established Lam's mission, vision, and core values, which reshaped our culture and continue to serve as the guiding principles for how all of our employees engage in business today.

    在他的眾多成就中,Jim 確立了 Lam 的使命、願景和核心價值觀,這些都重塑了我們的文化,並繼續作為我們所有員工今天從事業務的指導原則。

  • He also provided the inspiration and leadership to our decade-long etch segment leadership journey.


  • I had the pleasure of working under Jim's leadership for many years and strongly believe the principals he established are the genesis of Lam's value-based culture and innovation spirit, which both differentiate the Company competitively, I believe, and enable a rich and ongoing tradition of customer trust and collaboration going forward.

    我有幸在 Jim 的領導下工作了多年,並堅信他建立的校長是 Lam 以價值為基礎的文化和創新精神的起源,我相信這既使公司在競爭中脫穎而出,又使公司擁有豐富而持續的傳統客戶信任和協作向前發展。

  • With that, I would like to hand the call over to Doug for his prepared remarks.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Martin.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Thanks for joining our call today.


  • In the September quarter, as Martin has already told you, we delivered record revenue for the second consecutive quarter, topping the $1 billion mark, which was a first for Lam Research.

    正如 Martin 已經告訴您的那樣,在 9 月季度,我們連續第二個季度實現了創紀錄的收入,超過了 10 億美元,這是 Lam Research 的第一次。

  • We achieved gross margin performance at the high end of our guidance range, with both operating margins and earnings per share exceeding our expectations.


  • These results demonstrate what I believe are solid execution against our cost synergy objectives as well as our discipline in managing expenses.


  • Shipments for the September quarter came in at $987 million, slightly below the midpoint of our guidance range, and down a little bit sequentially.

    9 月季度的出貨量為 9.87 億美元,略低於我們指導範圍的中點,並且環比略有下降。

  • Our results were impacted somewhat by delays in shipments to certain memory customers, as well as a slight decline in spares levels driven by lower overall utilization in the industry.


  • Partially offsetting these declines were stronger than expected shipment to foundry customers.


  • Specific to our systems business, excluding spares and services, the combined memory segment accounted for 48% of our system shipments versus 46% in June.

    具體到我們的系統業務,不包括備件和服務,合併內存部分占我們系統出貨量的 48%,而 6 月份為 46%。

  • NAND represented 28% of system shipments compared with 18% in June.

    NAND 佔系統出貨量的 28%,而 6 月份為 18%。

  • DRAM was 19% of system shipments, with approximately 1% attributed to other memory shipments.

    DRAM 佔系統出貨量的 19%,其中約 1% 來自其他內存出貨量。

  • On an absolute basis, memory shipments were slightly down for the June quarter.

    在絕對基礎上,6 月季度的內存出貨量略有下降。

  • Foundry represented 36% of total system shipments, and that compares with 43% in June.

    代工佔系統總出貨量的 36%,而 6 月份這一比例為 43%。

  • And the remaining 16% was comprised of logic and other shipments.

    剩下的 16% 由邏輯和其他出貨量組成。

  • And as I noted earlier, we recorded more than $1 billion in revenue, which was in line with our expectations and was up 3% sequentially.

    正如我之前提到的,我們錄得超過 10 億美元的收入,這符合我們的預期,環比增長 3%。

  • September gross margin was 45% and at the high end of our guidance range.

    9 月份的毛利率為 45%,處於我們指導範圍的高端。

  • This represents a 50 basis point improvement from the June quarter, as we delivered margin performance in line with our published models a bit earlier than expected, reflecting a richer mix as well as an acceleration of our factory and manufacturing efficiency plans.

    這比 6 月季度提高了 50 個基點,因為我們的利潤率表現與我們發布的模型比預期的要早一些,這反映了更豐富的組合以及我們工廠和製造效率計劃的加速。

  • We were obviously pleased to see the benefits from the supply chain cost synergies that I've spoken about before.


  • And as we've shared in the past, our margin performance is a function of business volumes as well as overall mix, and we would expect to see fluctuations from quarter to quarter depending on those factors.


  • Operating expenses declined to $292 million, or approximately 29% of revenues, and this compares with $297 million in the June quarter.

    運營費用降至 2.92 億美元,約佔收入的 29%,而 6 月季度為 2.97 億美元。

  • The decline reflects the timing of certain R&D program activities which can be lumpy at times.


  • Importantly I think, the activities necessary to complete our targeted annualized cost savings of $100 million are now largely complete, and we expect to realize the remaining savings as we exit the December quarter.

    重要的是,我認為,完成我們 1 億美元的目標年度成本節約所需的活動現已基本完成,我們希望在結束 12 月季度時實現剩餘的節約。

  • Looking ahead, we will continue to seek operating efficiencies while investing in new technologies and capabilities that are necessary to fuel our future growth.


  • Let me now turn to operating income.


  • The combination of higher gross margin and lower operating expenses resulted in operating income of $165 million and operating margin of 16.2%, exceeding the high end of our guidance range.

    較高的毛利率和較低的運營費用相結合,帶來了 1.65 億美元的營業收入和 16.2% 的營業利潤率,超過了我們指導範圍的高端。

  • Taxes for the quarter were approximately 12%, a little bit lower than we expected.

    本季度的稅收約為 12%,略低於我們的預期。

  • For the fiscal year 2014, I'm now expecting a tax rate in the low teens for the year.

    對於 2014 財年,我現在預計該年度的稅率將處於低水平。

  • Our expectation for the December quarter was for a tax rate in the high single to low double digits.

    我們對 12 月季度的預期是高個位數到低兩位數的稅率。

  • And I'd just point out to you, if the federal R&D tax credit were extended prior to our fiscal year end, which is in June, the annual rate would be reduced by a couple of percentage points.

    我只想向你指出,如果聯邦研發稅收抵免在我們的財政年度結束之前延長,也就是 6 月份,年稅率將降低幾個百分點。

  • Based on a share count of approximately 171 million shares, earnings per share for the September quarter totaled $0.81.

    根據大約 1.71 億股的股票數量,9 月份季度的每股收益總計 0.81 美元。

  • And that was up $0.01 from the June quarter and it exceeded our guided range.

    這比 6 月季度增加了 0.01 美元,超出了我們的指導範圍。

  • And I'd just point out to you, the dilutive impact from our 2041 convertible notes was 5.6 million shares based on an average quarterly share price of $48.83.

    我只想向您指出,我們 2041 年可轉換票據的攤薄影響是 560 萬股,基於平均季度股價 48.83 美元。

  • And as planned, we began executing against our $250 million share repurchase authorization during the September quarter.

    按照計劃,我們在 9 月季度開始執行 2.5 億美元的股票回購授權。

  • We spent $96 million and took delivery of approximately 1.9 million shares of common stock.

    我們花費了 9600 萬美元並接收了大約 190 萬股普通股。

  • We plan to complete this authorization by the end of calendar year 2014.

    我們計劃在 2014 年年底前完成這項授權。

  • We ended the quarter with gross cash, short-term investments including our restricted cash, of $2.6 billion, and that compares with $2.7 billion in the June quarter.

    我們在本季度末的總現金、短期投資(包括我們的受限現金)為 26 億美元,而 6 月季度為 27 億美元。

  • Of this cash, roughly 25% was onshore, and the remaining 75% was offshore.

    在這些現金中,大約 25% 在境內,其餘 75% 在境外。

  • We had deferred revenue of $334 million, and this excludes approximately $84 million in shipments to Japanese customers that will revenue in future quarters.

    我們的遞延收入為 3.34 億美元,其中不包括將在未來幾個季度獲得收入的向日本客戶的約 8400 萬美元的出貨量。

  • Those Japanese shipments remained as inventory on our balance sheet.


  • DSO increased to 64 days, as shipments for the quarter were more back-end loaded than last quarter, something we expect to see recur in the December quarter.

    DSO 增加到 64 天,因為本季度的發貨量比上一季度更多,我們預計 12 月季度會再次出現這種情況。

  • And I'd point out to you that many receivables are paid on the last day of the calendar month, which last quarter was one day after our September 29 fiscal quarter end.

    我要向您指出,許多應收賬款是在日曆月的最後一天支付的,上一季度是我們 9 月 29 日財政季度結束後的一天。

  • Had those end-of-month payments been received in the quarter, our DSO performance would have improved by several days.

    如果在本季度收到這些月末付款,我們的 DSO 績效將提高幾天。

  • Inventory turns were 3.8, and that's down from 4.1 in the June quarter as we increased on-hand inventory to support our growing December quarter outlook.

    庫存周轉率為 3.8,低於 6 月季度的 4.1,因為我們增加了現有庫存以支持我們不斷增長的 12 月季度前景。

  • Cash from operations was $52 million, and that's down from $175 million in the June quarter.

    運營現金為 5200 萬美元,低於 6 月季度的 1.75 億美元。

  • Operational cash was depressed this quarter, primarily due to the receivable growth and inventory build activities that I just mentioned.


  • Calendar year to date, cumulative cash flows from operations are comparable to operating income as a percentage of revenue, and this would be a valid planning assumption for the December quarter as well.

    迄今為止的日曆年,來自運營的累計現金流量與營業收入佔收入的百分比相當,這也是 12 月季度的有效計劃假設。

  • Company non-cash expenses include, among other items, $23 million for equity comp, $42 million for amortization, and $32 million for depreciation.

    公司的非現金支出包括權益補償 2300 萬美元、攤銷 4200 萬美元和折舊 3200 萬美元。

  • We incurred $24 million for capital expenditures in the quarter, and finally, we exited the quarter with approximately 6500 regular full-time employees.

    我們在本季度發生了 2400 萬美元的資本支出,最後,我們以大約 6500 名正式全職員工退出了本季度。

  • So let me now turn to our guidance for the December 2013 quarter.

    因此,現在讓我談談我們對 2013 年 12 月季度的指導。

  • On a non-GAAP basis, we expect shipments to be $1.125 billion, plus or minus $30 million.

    在非公認會計原則的基礎上,我們預計出貨量為 11.25 億美元,上下浮動 3000 萬美元。

  • Revenue of $1.1 billion, plus or minus $30 million.

    收入為 11 億美元,上下浮動 3000 萬美元。

  • Gross margin at 46%, plus or minus 1 percentage point.

    毛利率為 46%,上下浮動 1 個百分點。

  • Operating margin of 18.5%, plus or minus 1 percentage point.


  • And earnings per share of $1.02, plus or minus $0.05, based on a share count of approximately 174 million shares.

    根據大約 1.74 億股的股票數量,每股收益為 1.02 美元,上下浮動 0.05 美元。

  • So let me just briefly summarize.


  • Overall we were very pleased with our solid execution in the September quarter.

    總體而言,我們對 9 月季度的穩健執行感到非常滿意。

  • Our September performance, as well as our December quarter outlook, reflect what I believe reflect achievement against our near-term financial models and demonstrate our focus on delivering against our long-term business objectives.

    我們 9 月份的業績以及 12 月份的季度展望反映了我認為反映了我們近期財務模型的成就,並表明我們專注於實現我們的長期業務目標。

  • As we've shared many times, there are always puts and takes within any given quarter.


  • Looking into 2014, we remain focused on achieving our published models, and still view them as the best proxy for modeling our financial performance.

    展望 2014 年,我們仍然專注於實現我們已發布的模型,並將它們視為模擬我們財務業績的最佳代理。

  • That concludes my prepared remarks.


  • Operator, please open up the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Our first question is from the line of Krish Sankar with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    我們的第一個問題來自美銀美林的 Krish Sankar。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I had a quick one.


  • Martin, have you seen any impact in the December quarter from the recent (inaudible), and if so, how much of that is added to your shipment forecast for December?

    馬丁,您是否看到最近(聽不清)對 12 月季度的任何影響,如果有,您對 12 月的出貨量預測增加了多少?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Krish, I think that it's fair to say that, as a Company, to the extent there's an impact it's reflected in our guidance, and indeed there are some systems that are included in our shipments forecast, but we're not going to specifically disclose that number with due respect to our customer.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right.


  • I just have a quick follow-up.


  • Martin, you highlighted how 3D NAND is going to be much more expensive.

    Martin,您強調了 3D NAND 將如何變得更加昂貴。

  • Is there any way you can quantify from an industry standpoint going from planar to 3D how much more it would cost for 10,000 wafers for the industry?

    有沒有什麼方法可以從行業的角度量化從平面到 3D 的行業 10,000 片晶圓的成本是多少?

  • If the planer was around $400 million or something, how much it would be for 3D NAND?

    如果刨床大概4億美元左右,3D NAND要多少錢?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I've come to appreciate, and maybe I'm getting old, maybe I'm getting wise, that the best person to answer that question is the customer.


  • Inevitably, Krish, we've got a very comprehensive understanding of the segments that we participate in, which is why the disclosure in my prepared comments biased etch and deposition segments.


  • Whatever happens in clean is the by-products of the yield experience through pilot lines and early phase production.


  • We consider the opportunity in etch and deposition to be significant.


  • We've ranged that historically in the 30% to 50% range incremental compared to planer baseline, and we've provided more commentary here today.

    與刨床基線相比,我們在歷史上將其範圍在 30% 到 50% 的增量範圍內,我們今天在這裡提供了更多評論。

  • I think the $25 million reference point per 10,000 wafer starts we believe is a significant components of the cost increase.

    我認為,我們認為每 10,000 片晶圓啟動 2500 萬美元的參考點是成本增加的重要組成部分。

  • And I think I read in the ASML transcript that they stated litho intensity in 3D equivalent to planer, So I think you can probably connect some dots and figure that one out yourself.

    而且我想我在 ASML 成績單中讀到,他們在 3D 中表示光刻強度相當於刨床,所以我認為您可能可以連接一些點並自己弄清楚。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thanks, Martin.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Krish.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from the line of Mahesh Sanganeria with RBC Capital Markets.

    您的下一個問題來自 RBC Capital Markets 的 Mahesh Sanganeria。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you very much.


  • Martin, the question have there, you touched upon the consolidation happening in the industry, and you talked about that it can reach a point where it's not really productive.


  • If you can elaborate on that, and also if you can include if you have seen a reaction from your customers on how they're viewing the consolidation in the industry, and will that change your view in going after the next acquisitions?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I think the, just to kind of state the obvious, there is inevitably a review process associated with every deal and so there is a limit to the disclosure that I can make, and certainly I don't intend to encroach on the disclosure that our customers might make, but the headline that I conveyed in my prepared comments I think is an important one.


  • We do believe that size and scope can risk value creation, and frankly our voice in this process is a very small one, and it's not the important one.


  • The voice that's the important one is the voice from the customer and the voice from the regulator.


  • Relative to our approach to acquisitions and collaboration, I would say nothing has changed.


  • We believe that we have a very clear vision today to be a leader in the etch and deposition and clean markets, and to the extent that we execute any deals or collaborations or partnerships or licenses, according to the definition of today's strategy, they're framed around accelerating our growth in those markets against stated plans.


  • And the primary definition of success that I always hold us accountable to is the value creation for the customer, and if you can articulate that, not just as a company but as an industry.


  • And I think the values of our Company calls us to do that really well, because we all think and process and make decisions, or [into] to customer, company, and then individual, then I think you make the right decision in the end, So I think you have to talk directly with customers at this point to get a sense of what their opinion is.

    我認為我們公司的價值觀要求我們做得很好,因為我們都會思考、處理和做出決定,或者[進入]客戶、公司,然後是個人,那麼我認為你最終會做出正確的決定, 所以我認為此時您必須直接與客戶交談,以了解他們的意見。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, Martin.


  • Just a quick question on operating margin, Doug.


  • Can you describe, you have a significant upside in gross margin and operating margin for the September, as well as December quarter.

    您能否描述一下,您在 9 月和 12 月季度的毛利率和營業利潤率都有顯著上升。

  • Are these permanent impact, or do you have some moving parts, lumpiness, which goes away in the March quarter?

    這些是永久性的影響,還是您有一些移動部件,塊狀,在 3 月季度消失?

  • So just if you can separate the permanent effect and some timing-related item on the gross margin, operating margin, that will be helpful.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Sure, Mahesh.


  • Happy to do it.


  • I think, and I tried to actually stick in my prepared remarks a couple of different times that those financial models that we put out are still the best planning or working assumptions in terms of managing our, and modeling our financial performance.


  • So we're thinking about those things when we make decisions here, and you should think about those models when you put your numbers together.


  • So that's my first guidance.


  • Within gross margin, there's always puts and takes, ups and downs, mix of different tool types, matters.


  • How hard we're running the factory matters, the types of things going on in the factory can impact utilization and things like that.


  • So that's important to understand.


  • There's puts and takes always.


  • As I explained with our spending in this quarter, oftentimes you can get spending profiles that can be lumpy.


  • There can be big programs that happen in one quarter or push from one quarter to the next.


  • The total spending across multiple quarters probably doesn't change, but within any given quarter there can be ups and downs, and you saw that a little bit sequentially in September.

    多個季度的總支出可能不會改變,但在任何給定的季度內都可能有起有落,你在 9 月份看到了這種情況。

  • And when you go do the math on the December quarter, you see we get back to a spending level that is kind of more in line with the previous quarter.

    當您在 12 月季度進行數學計算時,您會看到我們回到了與上一季度更加一致的支出水平。

  • So there's always ups and downs.


  • To run your models, please think about those financial models that we've put out in the past.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you that's very helpful.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Mahesh.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from the line of Timothy Arcuri with Cowen and Company.

    下一個問題來自 Cowen and Company 的 Timothy Arcuri。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • A couple of question.


  • I guess first, Martin, just to follow up on the questions around the Applied/TEL deal, it sounds like at least one big customer is definitely not very happy about it, and I'm wondering if you've seen any near-term changes in the share dynamic, i.e., have you seen any share come your way as customers try to maybe plan around this if it actually happens?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • The best way I can answer that question, Tim, is somewhat similar to my prepared comments.


  • I believe that our customers are invested in our success, and I believe they understand and appreciate the value of the stated objectives for the Company.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Maybe let me ask a question, then, on earnings guidance.


  • And I think I asked you this same question last quarter, but you've beaten -- the last six quarters you've beaten by about an average of $0.10 on the earnings line.

    我想我上個季度問過你同樣的問題,但你已經打敗了——過去六個季度你在收益線上平均打敗了大約 0.10 美元。

  • So I'm wondering, have you sort of changed the way you guide, or are you still guiding to what, at least the last six quarters has been a fairly conservative view?


  • And I'm just sort of wondering how to handicap that because now you've pretty consistently begun to beat by $0.10 per quarter.

    我只是想知道如何限制這一點,因為現在你已經開始相當穩定地開始每季度超過 0.10 美元。

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Thank you for asking the question, Tim.


  • I'm glad you did, and I'll repeat somewhat the answer I gave you last time we talked about this.


  • One of the things I hope everybody appreciates is the complexity associated with bringing two companies together.


  • I mean at a high level, there are integration challenges.


  • There are product portfolio challenges.


  • There are business process integration, SAP systems, and there is getting to know the financial performance of the Company.

    有業務流程集成、SAP 系統,還有了解公司的財務業績。

  • In every respect, we've gone through a tremendous learning curve in the last 12 to 18 months, and that includes relative to financial performance.

    在過去的 12 到 18 個月裡,我們在各個方面都經歷了巨大的學習曲線,其中包括相對於財務業績的學習曲線。

  • Our guidance for the last 15, 18 months and our guidance today is defined in exactly the same way it has been in every year of the 13 years that I've been in Lam Research.

    我們過去 15、18 個月的指導以及我們今天的指導的定義方式與我在 Lam Research 的 13 年中的每一年完全相同。

  • It's our best view of our performance, and the fact that we've beaten it is sometimes a byproduct of we're kind of getting to know the Company and learning how ebbs and flows influenced in the short term.


  • Some part of it is we've had changes of behavior from customers, and we've had positive surprises that we've been able to exploit competitively.


  • And the headline that Doug conveyed right at the end, I think, is a very important one.


  • There is a reason why we have the long-term models of the Company.


  • They're intended to be the best commentary we can give you on financial statements, and what I would not want to happen is for everybody to go, oh, every time they've beaten for the last six therefore we're going to add that $0.10 to every forward-looking guidance because that would be inconsistent with the message that we're trying to communicate.

    它們旨在成為我們可以為您提供的關於財務報表的最佳評論,而我不希望每個人都去,哦,每次他們在過去六場比賽中都被擊敗,因此我們要添加每個前瞻性指導的 0.10 美元,因為這與我們試圖傳達的信息不一致。

  • We're doing our very best to communicate through the eyes of management.


  • Sometimes we get positive surprises.


  • Sometimes we're more effective managing the Company than we originally anticipated, but the guidance and the framework of long-term models is the very best commentary we can give you.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Awesome, Martin.


  • Thank you very much.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Thank you.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Tim.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Jim Covello with Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Jim Covello。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, guys.


  • Thanks so much for taking the question.


  • Martin, if I can ask you to kind of characterize the dynamics around memory spending.


  • First, I guess there was the comment that some memory spending slipped out a little bit but then based on -- there's memory shipments slipped out a little bit, but based on the guidance I'm assuming that just slipped into the forty quarter.

    首先,我猜有評論說一些內存支出下滑了一點,但基於 - 內存出貨量下滑了一點,但根據我假設剛剛滑入四十個季度的指導。

  • First if you could confirm that.


  • Secondly, is this a dynamic where they're adding capacity exactly as they need it?


  • Is it a dynamic that they're adding capacity based on the technology transitions?


  • Or is it a situation where one customer is kind of looking around and seeing another competitor of theirs is adding capacity in a tight environment, and then wants to add their own capacity so they don't lose share?


  • Thanks.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • First question is easier than the last one.


  • I do think that in general it was a very slight push from September quarter to December quarter.

    我確實認為,總的來說,從 9 月季度到 12 月季度的推動非常輕微。

  • So your hypothesis was correct there.


  • I think there are a couple of things that DRAM and NANDs have in common, and there are some things that are slightly different.

    我認為 DRAM 和 NAND 有一些共同點,也有一些略有不同的地方。

  • So in common I think is the discipline of our customers relative to spending.


  • I'm not seeing any evidence of extravagant spending behavior.


  • Almost anytime a customer talks to me or asks about market share, they're incorporating the word profitable market share into the conversation.


  • I think the awareness and sensitivity to the value of discipline is now well established in the industry, and I have no expectation of that changing anytime soon.


  • The DRAM story, obviously there was some short-term disruption in supply chain that caused some pluses and minuses in the short term, and the principal spending outlook is oriented to upgrading capacity to the most leading edge device, and I think the pace of a customer's willingness to do that is defined around their profitability levels and their outlook for the industry.

    DRAM 的故事,顯然供應鏈出現了一些短期中斷,造成了一些短期的利弊,主要支出前景是面向最前沿設備的產能升級,我認為客戶這樣做的意願取決於他們的盈利水平和行業前景。

  • And as you know, in 3D NAND it's a little bit more complex because you have a very fundamental device transition, and you have four customers that will talk about it, but their timelines of adoption by public disclosure today are significantly varied.

    如您所知,在 3D NAND 中它有點複雜,因為您有一個非常基本的設備轉換,並且您有四個客戶會談論它,但他們今天公開披露採用的時間表有很大差異。

  • And I frankly don't know any better than you do whether the second, third, and fourth customers accelerate plans or keep plans as currently stated based on the performance of the guy that's going first.


  • So I think we are going to have a big learning experience in the first half of next year, not least for the customer that is going first.


  • They're going to learn and impact in the marketplace, they're going to learn yield in a production environment, and that will contribute to answering your question.


  • It's a really big question and one that is tough to answer right now.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • If I'm allowed one on top of that, it would just be the bear case on Wall Street around companies -- around the 3D NAND transition, people say 3D NAND doesn't work.

    如果我被允許在此之上,那將是華爾街圍繞公司的熊市案例——圍繞 3D NAND 過渡,人們說 3D NAND 行不通。

  • It's not going to work.


  • We're not going to see all the memory spending that you, Jim, or some of the other companies think we're going to see.

    我們不會看到您、Jim 或其他一些公司認為我們會看到的所有內存支出。

  • What do you say when people say that to you?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Not so many people say this to me.


  • If they did say it to me, I would say our customers that are articulating transitions are pretty smart people.


  • They're convicted, and when they have established plans previously and in other transitions in the industry, they've kind of executed in the way they said they would.


  • So as I said in the last call, until I have evidence to the contrary, I'm going to believe the statements from our customers.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Jim.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of John Pitzer with Credit Suisse.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 John Pitzer。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks for letting me ask the question.


  • Congratulations on the strong results.


  • Martin, always appreciative of your willingness to give us some macro numbers.


  • I'm kind of curious.


  • When you look to the $32 billion in WFE next year, can you give us some broad ranges of how you think that plays out between memory, logic, and foundry?

    當你展望明年 320 億美元的 WFE 時,你能否給我們一些關於你認為內存、邏輯和代工之間如何發揮作用的廣泛範圍?

  • Just a sense of how you're thinking about those three buckets relative to that $32 billion WFE number?

    只是想知道相對於 320 億美元的 WFE 數字,您是如何看待這三個桶的?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Yes, I'm happy to do that, John.


  • I would kind of just ask that you allow me the flexibility of kind of slightly broader percentage ranges on these numbers, because it is really early to be having a segment-based conversation.


  • But based on our understanding today, we would tend to presume that the single largest investment segment next year is foundry, and a $13 billion to $14 billion range is probably a reasonable place holder.

    但根據我們今天的理解,我們傾向於假設明年最大的單一投資領域是代工,而 130 億至 140 億美元的範圍可能是一個合理的佔位符。

  • The next biggest is memory, and we would see memory in the $12 billion to $13 billion range.

    其次是內存,我們會看到內存在 120 億到 130 億美元之間。

  • And I think DRAM and flash are probably as close to 50/50 as they've been for a while in terms of dollars of invested capital.

    而且我認為 DRAM 和閃存在投資資本方面可能接近 50/50,因為它們已經有一段時間了。

  • And the balance is microprocessor logic and other for us.


  • So about $6 billion or so there.


  • But there's a $4 billion range on the overall number I gave you.

    但我給你的總數字有 40 億美元的範圍。

  • So please remember that as you think through the answer I've just given you.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • That's very helpful.


  • And then I'm curious, just to drill down in the foundry section a little bit.


  • I think you've talked a little bit this year about 20-nanometer and you've kind of given ranges between 30,000 and 50,000 wafer starts of investment, and I think last quarter you said the low end of that.

    我認為你今年已經談到了 20 納米,並且你已經給出了 30,000 到 50,000 片晶圓開始投資的範圍,我認為上個季度你說的是低端。

  • One, has that changed?


  • And as you think about foundry growth next year, how important is the 20-nanometer build-out, and does your number need finFET build-out next year to get hit?

    當您考慮明年的晶圓代工增長時,20 納米的構建有多重要,您的數字是否需要明年構建 finFET 才能獲得成功?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I certainly think there's traction on the finFET 1416 node.

    我當然認為 finFET 1416 節點具有吸引力。

  • I believe every customer is publicly articulating some plans, and I believe in the most recent PF&C earnings release there was a specific statement on their timing.

    我相信每個客戶都在公開闡述一些計劃,並且我相信在最近的 PF&C 收益發布中,有關於他們的時間安排的具體聲明。

  • We have two-thirds and one-third is the relationship we're seaming right now in terms of 20-nanometer capacity expansion next year versus the 14, 16 kind of pilots and early phase production investments.

    我們有三分之二,三分之一是我們目前正在建立的關係,即明年的 20 納米產能擴張與 14、16 種試點和早期生產投資。

  • And again, we got plenty of time to learn whether that's reasonable or not, and adjust it.


  • I would say, as I said previously, for an equipment company, there's not a huge difference between the 20-nanometer spend and a 14, 16 spend.

    我想說,正如我之前所說,對於一家設備公司來說,20 納米的花費和 14、16 納米的花費並沒有太大的區別。

  • In fact, I think I saw a communication from a customer in the last month that said they have about a 95% equipment overlap between the final planer and first finFET, and we've never been quite so precise in our quantification, but when the customer is articulating that, and when as I've said previously, when they visit with us, they almost don't distinguish between the 20-nanometer ramp and the 14, 16.

    事實上,我想我在上個月看到一個客戶的來信,說他們在最終刨床和第一個 finFET 之間有大約 95% 的設備重疊,我們的量化從未如此精確,但是當客戶正在闡明這一點,正如我之前所說,當他們訪問我們時,他們幾乎不區分 20 納米坡道和 14、16 納米坡道。

  • Hopefully that is a helpful perspective as well.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • It is.


  • Thank you very much, guys.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks John.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from the line of Stephen Chin with UBS.

    下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Stephen Chin。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, Mark and Doug.


  • Congrats on the quarterly results.


  • Just a follow-up on the WFE view in 2014, Martin.

    只是 2014 年 WFE 觀點的後續,Martin。

  • Just wanted to see if you could share any early thoughts on how you're planning to manage the Company, and perhaps the first half of calendar 2014?

    只是想看看您是否可以分享有關您計劃如何管理公司的任何早期想法,也許還有 2014 年上半年?

  • Are you kind of managing maybe for first half shipments to stay at similar levels that we saw here in the second half of calendar 2013, or maybe something different?

    您是否正在管理上半年的出貨量以保持我們在 2013 年下半年看到的相似水平,或者可能是不同的東西?

  • Thanks.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I'm presuming you're not prepared to accept the answer, I plan to manage the Company well.


  • (Laughter), but I think relative to shipments, for example, our job and the philosophy of running this Company is, we're going to ship to customers when they need it.


  • We're going to take orders off the street when they're available to take off the street.


  • So as I think about running the Company, there is a very clear commentary of discipline today, and I think that's probably an industry statement but it's for sure a Company statement.


  • We take a lot of responsibility for the investment choices we're making.


  • We are invested in the long-term success of the Company, but we recognize that being responsible, supplementing the investing profile of the Company is really critical.


  • And the best we can articulate at a high level is the financial model that Doug presented some time back for 2013, 2014 year, and 2015, 2016 period.

    我們可以從高層次上闡述的最好的就是道格在 2013 年、2014 年和 2015 年、2016 年期間提出的財務模型。

  • So that's really the framework for answering the question.


  • We're not planning to go crazy spending more money next year.


  • I suspect our customers are going to put lots of pressure on us relative to the price of what we sell, and I suspect the competitive dynamic will be as intense as ever.


  • And I hope that the performance of the Company in the last 12 to 15 months gives you some level of confidence that we are able to manage that, and certainly that's the basis of our forecasts ongoing.

    我希望公司在過去 12 到 15 個月的表現能給您一定程度的信心,相信我們能夠應對這一點,當然這也是我們正在進行的預測的基礎。

  • But I don't sit here and try to plan linearizing the calendar year.


  • I would like us to take orders when they're available, ship when customers need it, get it revenued and qualified as production capacity as fast as possible and collect cash.


  • And then start all over.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks for that.


  • And maybe just a quick follow-up question on the December shipment guide.

    也許只是關於 12 月裝運指南的一個快速跟進問題。

  • Could you share any color on how you think that will split across, I guess, memory, foundry, logic?


  • Thank you.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • I mean, Stephen, we talked about $1.125 billion.

    我的意思是,斯蒂芬,我們談到了 11.25 億美元。

  • Within that, I think memory's probably up a little bit.


  • I think we're seeing reuse in the logic space, so it's likely that that's down a bit.


  • Foundry maybe a push to slightly up.


  • I think you're going to see some spending in 20, and maybe some of the legacy stuff nodes behind that down slightly.

    我認為您將在 20 年看到一些支出,並且可能在其背後的一些遺留物節點略有下降。

  • And then spares, we do ship spares, which we sometimes don't talk that much about.


  • That is driven by utilization at times, and I think you probably know utilization in the industry is down a little bit.


  • So we'll probably shipping fewer spares next quarter.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, Doug.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thank you, Stephen.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from the line of Harlan Sur with JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Harlan Sur。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon, and good job on the quarterly execution.


  • On the last call you mentioned pushouts by some foundry suppliers to make the move to 20-nanometers.

    在上次電話會議中,您提到了一些代工供應商推出的向 20 納米邁進的計劃。

  • What are you seeing in your pipeline from those customers?


  • Are they potentially pulling the trigger this quarter or are they stepping up the transition to 20-nanometers in maybe more like first half 2014?

    他們是否可能在本季度扣動扳機,或者他們是否會在 2014 年上半年加快向 20 納米的過渡?

  • Do you have any more visibility into when these customers are going to transition?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Actually, Harlan, I don't think that the story is much different today than it was three months ago.


  • I mean, at least qualitatively I described the fact last call that, having a recently anticipated two customers investing at 20 in a significant way, we were seeing evidence that it might be one, and in fact the quantified resets of WFE is made on that basis today with our narrowed range, And there's a big debate, and I don't know the answer to the debate at this point.

    我的意思是,至少在定性上我描述了最後一個電話的事實,即最近預計有兩個客戶在 20 處以顯著方式投資,我們看到證據表明它可能是一個,實際上 WFE 的量化重置是基於那個今天以我們縮小的範圍為基礎,並且有一場大辯論,目前我不知道辯論的答案。

  • Again, it is not so impactful to us.


  • Is it a 20 or are they skipping to go to 16, 14?

    是 20 歲還是他們跳到 16 歲、14 歲?

  • I will tell you that the finFET transition is a very tough one.

    我會告訴你,finFET 過渡是一個非常艱難的過渡。

  • It has a lot of complexity to it in terms of technology transition, and has a lot of complexity in terms of yielding, and it isn't going to be easy.


  • But we are very capable customers around the world, and I believe that they believe there are performance benefits in the end device and cost benefits in terms of their business.


  • And so my presumption is, if the fabless community is on the same page, everybody's going to want to get there as fast as possible.


  • For an equipment company, we may be last to know because it isn't so important.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yep, makes a lot of sense.


  • When we think about the complexities of next generation manufacturing technologies, we typically tend to think of things like higher selectivity, film thickness, [uniformity], et cetera.


  • But we were just talking with a large memory supplier the other day and they were pretty frustrated about the significant increase in manufacturing and cycle times for some of these next generation technology migrations, especially NAND and DRAM.

    但是前幾天我們剛剛與一家大型內存供應商交談,他們對其中一些下一代技術遷移(尤其是 NAND 和 DRAM)的製造和周期時間的顯著增加感到非常沮喪。

  • I think they were talking about something like a 40% increase in process steps and 30% increase on average cycle times to the fab.

    我認為他們在談論諸如工藝步驟增加 40% 和工廠平均週期時間增加 30% 之類的事情。

  • So as Lam competes for PTOR on some of these new process modules, how much of the decision centers more around productivity, i.e.

    因此,當 Lam 在其中一些新流程模塊上競爭 PTOR 時,有多少決策中心更多地圍繞生產力,即

  • cycle time?


  • and is this a major differentiator for you on some of your next generation tools in etch, step, and clean?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • That is a really good question.


  • I would say as a general theme, and it is one of the reasons that the mission statement of the Company doesn't just say we want to be an innovator of technology.


  • It says we want to be an innovator of technology and productivity solutions.


  • The economics for everybody are such that we got to deliver more to the customer around the productivity for many reasons, including the ones that you cited.


  • That would be my general answer.


  • At a specific level, particularly when you get very significant changes in the definition of SAM, and the most obviously example is deposition in 3D NANDs, productivity is a huge play.

    在特定的層面上,特別是當您對 SAM 的定義發生非常重大的變化時,最明顯的例子是 3D NAND 中的沉積,生產力是一個巨大的影響。

  • It isn't the only play, because there's a lot of complexity to the deposition process, high aspect ratio, reentering profiles.


  • I mean, a lot of complexity there in metals and in dielectric.


  • But one of the themes of the deposition business of Lam Research is a multi-sequential station deposition architecture.

    但是Lam Research的沉積業務的主題之一是多序列站沉積架構。

  • And so I believe we have the most competitive offering in terms of productivity throughput solution sets and also clean room density, which is hugely relevant to the costs and the issue that you're describing.


  • So I believe you're right, and I believe that the product and technology road map of Lam Research is structured to contribute the most value to the customer and to reinforce the legitimacy of the share gains we're pursuing.

    所以我相信你是對的,我相信 Lam Research 的產品和技術路線圖的結構是為了為客戶貢獻最大的價值,並加強我們所追求的份額收益的合法性。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Harlan.


  • Operator


  • Next question is from the line of Patrick Ho with Stifel Nicolaus.

    下一個問題來自 Patrick Ho 和 Stifel Nicolaus 的觀點。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much, and also a nice quarter.


  • Martin, first, in terms of the discussions you had about 3D NAND and the increasing SAM related to both etch and deposition, specifically on the etch side, given your current positions in both silicon and dielectric, where do you see the biggest incremental opportunities as this industry transition is being made?

    Martin,首先,就您對 3D NAND 的討論以及與蝕刻和沈積相關的 SAM 增加,特別是在蝕刻方面,鑑於您目前在矽和電介質方面的位置,您認為最大的增量機會在哪裡這種產業轉型正在發生嗎?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Where do I see the biggest opportunity in etch?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • In etch, yes, between silicon and dielectric.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I would say the bigger opportunity is in dielectric.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then maybe --


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I mean but they're both, obviously they're both very important, not just in terms of growth, but they're both very important in terms of defense.


  • So they're getting a lot of our attention, but the biggest opportunity gain is, I would say is in dielectric, and the success, frankly that I would describe, the planer NANDs share for the Company is significantly above our average kind of going into this transition.

    所以他們得到了我們的很多關注,但最大的機會收益是,我想說的是在電介質領域,坦率地說,我要描述的是,公司的平面 NAND 份額大大高於我們的平均水平進入這個過渡。

  • So it's a really fabulous result for the Company if it's exactly the same, and if it's better, that takes very good to very, very good, I guess.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • No, that is helpful.


  • Maybe for Doug on the OpEx side of things, you guys did a really good job this quarter.

    也許對於運營支出方面的 Doug 來說,你們本季度做得非常好。

  • And you did mention there's some R&D timing issues related to when projects are.


  • Just on a going-forward basis, now that you've completed the integrations with Novellus, what are some of the other levels that you can play around with in terms of the OpEx line as you go forward?

    只是在前進的基礎上,既然您已經完成了與 Novellus 的集成,那麼在您前進的過程中,您可以在 OpEx 線方面使用哪些其他級別?

  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Patrick, there's always tons of opportunities to do things more efficiently and better, and in the technology industry you have to do that every year, and we will be doing that as we get into the next calendar year.


  • In terms of thinking about it, Patrick, I'd encourage you to go back to those financial models that I've referred to.


  • We've kind of got a certain level of spending baked into those models.


  • That really is how we're thinking about running and managing the Company is making sure we achieve and attain those models that we've commit to you guys.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks a lot, guys.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Thank you.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks Patrick.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from the line of Vishal Shah with Deutsche Bank.

    您的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Vishal Shah。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • On the foundry segment, when you talk about 2014 expectations, do you see any kind of seasonality in foundry spending next year, or do you think next year's going to be different, given that only one customer's [adding] 20-nanometer and you're going to see some technology spending?

    在晶圓代工領域,當您談到 2014 年的預期時,您是否看到明年晶圓代工支出的任何季節性變化,或者您認為明年會有所不同,因為只有一個客戶 [添加] 20 納米,而您會看到一些技術支出嗎?

  • I have a follow up.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I think I gave my best shot at answering that already.


  • Clearly there is one customer that at least today is leading the investments and the public commentary from them supports that, and clearly there are a number of companies invested in creating an opportunity for competitive advantage with the finFET transition.

    顯然,至少今天有一個客戶在領導投資,他們的公眾評論支持這一點,而且顯然有許多公司投資於通過 finFET 過渡創造競爭優勢的機會。

  • So maybe that's a slightly different story, but all things being equal, we would say at this point that the 20-nanometer is reasonably concentrated but broadening a little, and the 14 and the 16 finFET node is very early, obviously, and I think the foundry community wants to be -- every one of them wants to be there first for fairly intuitive reasons.

    所以也許這是一個稍微不同的故事,但在所有條件相同的情況下,我們現在會說 20 納米相當集中但稍微擴大了一點,而 14 和 16 finFET 節點顯然很早,我認為鑄造社區想要成為——出於相當直觀的原因,他們每個人都想首先到達那裡。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And just on the foundry shipment, what percentage of your shipments would be to the 28, or, excluding the 20-nanometers, what percent of your shipments would be to some of the other customers?

    就代工出貨量而言,你的出貨量佔 28 納米的百分比,或者,不包括 20 納米,你的出貨量佔其他客戶的百分比是多少?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • For next year?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • For the fourth quarter.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I'm not sure.


  • I don't have that on hand, unfortunately.


  • I can't give you that right now.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • We don't break it up, that level of detail.


  • Vishal.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thank you.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Operator, we have time for two more questions, I think.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Edwin Mok with Needham & Company.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Needham & Company 的 Edwin Mok。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for squeezing me in.


  • First question on foundry shipment, did you guys see any pull-in on -- you mentioned that shipment was a little higher in the September quarter.


  • It sounds like (inaudible) really strong.


  • Any risk that business is being pulled in from the first half of 2014 into the second half of this year?

    從 2014 年上半年到今年下半年,業務被拉入的風險是否存在?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I guess the only honest answer to that question is there's always risk, but we don't see it today.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I see.


  • Okay, that's fair.


  • And then maybe on 3D NAND.

    然後可能在 3D NAND 上。

  • You mentioned beyond the one large customer there's obviously if you are a NAND customer who's working towards that and you're targeting customer [optioning] those customer.

    您提到除了一個大客戶之外,顯然您是一個正在努力實現這一目標的 NAND 客戶,並且您的目標客戶是 [optioning] 這些客戶。

  • But when we listen to those customers, they talk about 3D NAND, frankly, some of them talk about three years out, right?

    但是當我們聽那些客戶的時候,他們談論的是 3D NAND,坦率地說,他們中的一些人談論的是三年後,對吧?

  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • Yep.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • How realistic are those opportunity being 2014 opportunity, or a lot of that still quite far out?

    這些機會是 2014 年的機會,或者其中很多還很遙遠嗎?

  • And in terms of position and customer position, are they getting close to making position, because typically they have to make position ahead of time, right?


  • Are they close to position for increment choice, or are they still pretty far along?


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I think it varies enormously by customer, and it's kind of one of those things we talked about in the analyst meeting and again in the last call.


  • There are timelines of DTOR decisions, and they range by probably a year from first customer to last customer.

    DTOR 決策有時間表,從第一個客戶到最後一個客戶的時間範圍可能是一年。

  • And there are PTOR decisions for customers that range, I think, two years probably.

    我認為可能需要兩年時間才能為客戶做出 PTOR 決定。

  • And so whether it's resting on our laurels or not, we've got to manage the risk that, when we think we've won, that we can protect that win all the way through the adoption.


  • And when we haven't won, that we can turn it around for a production bite.


  • So I would say generally the 3D NAND environment is still significantly in flux, certainly when it comes to high volume manufacturing, and that will probably be true for a reasonable period of time in calendar 2014.

    所以我會說一般來說 3D NAND 環境仍然在顯著變化,尤其是在大批量製造方面,這可能會在 2014 年的一段合理時間內保持不變。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks Edwin.


  • Operator


  • Our final question is from the line of Terrance Wayland with Citi.

    我們的最後一個問題來自花旗的 Terrance Wayland。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks for fitting me in.


  • Just a very quick single question.


  • Obviously asked and commented on EUV push-outs.

    顯然對 EUV 推出提出了詢問和評論。

  • I want to understand your perspective of what's going on there and whether you're seeing any feedback from customers specifically with regard to road maps of use of EUV versus traditional multi-fabricing.

    我想了解您對那裡正在發生的事情的看法,以及您是否從客戶那裡看到任何反饋,特別是關於 EUV 與傳統複合材料的使用路線圖。

  • Thanks.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • It's a question I always the customer, and I have a sense that the answer that they give me is very similar to the answer that they probably give you.


  • So I don't know that I have too much to add.


  • Obviously it shows up for us in a tangible way around patenting opportunities.


  • And I would say today the recent disclosures we would only see as a positive relative to an opportunity for Lam Research principally in etch, but also to some extent in deposition.

    我今天要說的是,我們只會將最近的披露視為對 Lam Research 主要在蝕刻方面的機會而言是積極的,但在一定程度上在沉積方面也是如此。

  • And I don't see downsides to the SAM as know it today or the increased patent steps that we've shared with you in our recent two analysts meetings.

    而且我沒有看到今天已知的 SAM 的缺點,或者我們在最近的兩次分析師會議上與您分享的增加的專利步驟。

  • So for me, our job is to support the needs of the customer, and when they don't have an EUV alternative to patenting, they're going to look to us.

    所以對我來說,我們的工作是支持客戶的需求,當他們沒有專利的 EUV 替代方案時,他們會向我們尋求幫助。

  • And our job is to do that as economically as we can.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Martin, you said you don't see downside to multi-patterning.


  • Do you see an upside, though, based on recent developments?


  • Thanks.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I guess it's -- I can always be hopeful of that, and the reason I'm -- perhaps I'm hesitant is because if I do, there are upsides that would show up a couple of years from now, right?


  • When you've kind of gone beyond double and you're into quadruple, and I even saw a presentation with octuple the other day.


  • Now, whether that ever plays out, that's a number of years away and a lot can change on an EUV road map or a customer's device architecture between now and then.

    現在,無論這是否會發生,都需要數年的時間,從現在到那時,EUV 路線圖或客戶的設備架構可能會發生很多變化。

  • We'll cross that bridge when we get there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, best of luck.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Terrance.


  • Operator


  • That is all the time that we have for Q&A.


  • I'd like to turn the call back over to management for closing remarks.


  • - President & CEO

    - President & CEO

  • I'd like to say that you think all again for your continued interest in the Company.


  • As you likely can extract from our discussion today, we're very pleased at the continued progress against our mission and vision objectives.


  • We remain excited about our future opportunities and customer partnerships.


  • Based on our current understanding, we expect an expanding WFE market through 2014, and believe that Lam is nicely positioned in the areas of technology transition.

    根據我們目前的了解,我們預計到 2014 年 WFE 市場將擴大,並相信 Lam 在技術轉型領域處於有利地位。

  • The legacy strengths of the Company bodes well for the generally anticipated memory investments expansion.


  • The new products across each of our businesses continue to strengthen our competitiveness, and the culture and values of our new Company are firmly established.


  • We believe that actions speak louder than words, and hope the demonstration of financial performance reported today, that is consistent with our model, is recognized generally as validating our vision, our strategies, and execution capability broadly.


  • Thank you again.


  • We look forward to meeting with key shareholders in the coming quarter to discuss these themes more.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our conference for today.


  • We'd like to thank you for your participation, and you may now disconnect.
