京東 (JD) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


京東公佈 2024 年第二季獲利強勁,非 GAAP 淨利創歷史新高。成長的主要驅動因素包括用戶參與度、價格競爭力和平台生態系統。儘管電子產品收入下降,但一般商品仍出現強勁成長。該公司專注於提升用戶體驗和獲利能力。透過股份回購,努力回報股東價值。



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  • Operator


  • Hello, and thank you for standing by for JD.com second quarter and interim 2024 earnings conference call.(Operator Instructions) After management's prepared remarks, there will be a question and answer session.

    您好,感謝您出席京東第二季度和 2024 年中期財報電話會議。

  • Today's conference is being recorded. If you have any objections, you may disconnect at this time.


  • I would now like to turn the meeting over to your host for today's conference, Sean Zhang, Director of Investor Relations. Please go ahead.


  • Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

    Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you. Good day, everyone. Welcome to JD.com second quarter and interim 2024 earnings conference Call. For today's call, CEO of JD.com, Ms. Sandy Xu will quick off with her opening remarks; and our CFO, Ms. Ian Shan, will discuss the financial results. Then we'll open the call to questions from analysts.

    謝謝。大家好。歡迎參加京東 2024 年第二季及中期財報電話會議。在今天的電話會議上,京東執行長徐珊迪女士將快速致開幕詞;我們的財務長單女士將討論財務表現。然後我們將開始接受分析師提問。

  • Before turning the call over to Sandy, let me quickly cover the safe harbor. Please be reminded that during this call, our comments and responses to your questions reflect management's view as of today only and will include forward-looking statements. Please refer to our latest safe harbor statement in the earnings press release on IR website, which applies to this call.

    在將電話轉給桑迪之前,讓我快速掩護安全港。請注意,在本次電話會議中,我們的評論和對您問題的答案僅反映管理層截至今天的觀點,並將包括前瞻性陳述。請參閱 IR 網站上收益新聞稿中適用於本次電話會議的最新安全港聲明。

  • We'll discuss certain non-GAAP financial measures. Please also refer to the reconciliation of non-GAAP measures to the comparable GAAP measures in the earnings press release. Also, please note, all figures mentioned in this call are in RMB unless otherwise stated.


  • Now let me turn the call over to our CEO, Sandy. Sandy, please.


  • Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

    Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

  • Thank you, Sean. Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us today to discuss our Q2 2024 results. Facing a very dynamic and competitive market we've delivered a solid set of results, notably achieving the highest single quarter non-GAAP net profit in our history.

    謝謝你,肖恩。大家好。感謝您今天加入我們討論 2024 年第二季的業績。面對一個充滿活力和競爭激烈的市場,我們取得了一系列紮實的業績,特別是實現了我們歷史上最高的單季非公認會計準則淨利潤。

  • Our team did a great job executing our long-term strategy of relentlessly pursuing lower cost, higher efficiency and best-in-class user experience. And we saw a set of key drivers of our business, including user growth, user experience and engagement, price competitiveness and platform ecosystem continued to move in the right direction in the quarter.


  • Our results speak strongly about the quality of our business and our commitment to the healthy long-term growth with financial discipline. Instead of adjusting the shifting market environment, we'd have key subsidiaries for short-term top-line performance.


  • We continue to focus on leveraging our core strength in supply chain capabilities to offer competitive prices and better user experience. And at the same time to grow our business and profits sustainably. This is a proven path to drive sustainable growth and has led us through many market shifts over the past two decades. Despite the seasonal fluctuation of revenue growth in Q2, we are confident that our long-term market position will continue to improve.


  • Now let's discuss our category performance. Revenues of electronics and home appliances were down 4.6% year on year in the quarter. This is primarily due to last year's high base as well as our disciplined strategy during the June 18, promotion as we prioritize the sustainable growth of our business.

    現在讓我們討論一下我們的類別表現。本季電子及家電收入較去年同期下降4.6%。這主要歸功於去年的高基數以及我們在 6 月 18 日促銷期間採取的嚴格策略,因為我們優先考慮業務的可持續成長。

  • Rather than short-term growth fueled by excessive subsidies. We believe with decades of operating experience in this category and a paralleled supply chain capabilities. We will continue to offer the best-in-class user experience and enhance status market position and win over market share in a sustainable way.


  • We see continued strong momentum in our general merchandise category with revenues up 8.7% year on year, further accelerating from the previous quarters. To highlight, supermarket revenue saw double-digit year-on-year growth in the quarter, led by strong order volume growth and improving user mindshare.

    我們看到百貨類別持續保持強勁勢頭,營收年增 8.7%,比前幾季進一步加速。需要強調的是,在訂單量強勁成長和用戶認知度提高的帶動下,本季超市營收年增兩位數成長。

  • This momentum has persisted for two consecutive quarters now, and it's mainly attributable to our stepped up efforts to improve user experience across all aspects of product quality and selection, price competitiveness and service quality.


  • With these massive TAM, we expect supermarket two continue to be a important growth driver for us. Despite mixed top-line performance, we saw broad-based profitability improvement across many categories and segments, which collectively contributed to the record highs in both non-GAAP operating profit of RMB11.6 billion and non-GAAP net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of RMB14.5 billion.

    憑藉這些龐大的 TAM,我們預計二號超市將繼續成為我們重要的成長動力。儘管營收表現參差不齊,但我們看到多個類別和細分市場的獲利能力普遍改善,共同推動非美國通用會計準則營業利潤(116 億元人民幣)和非美國通用會計準則歸屬於普通股股東的淨利創下歷史新高。

  • Non-GAAP net margin in Q2 climbed to 5% for the first time. This was primarily driven by gross margin expansion to a historical level of 15.8% in the quarter with the improvement in almost every category. As we focus on price competitiveness, our gross margin has been a upward trend year on year for each and every quarter over the last two years. This underscores our improving supply chain capabilities that enable us to continually benefit from scale and efficiency.

    第二季非 GAAP 淨利潤率首次攀升至 5%。這主要是由於本季毛利率擴大至 15.8% 的歷史水平,幾乎每個類別都有所改善。由於我們注重價格競爭力,過去兩年每季我們的毛利率都呈現較去年同期上升趨勢。這凸顯了我們不斷提高的供應鏈能力,使我們能夠不斷從規模和效率中受益。

  • Now let me walk you through the progress we made on the key drivers of our business, namely user growth and user engagement, price competitiveness and platform ecosystem. First, our user growth and user engagement.


  • In Q2, we saw robust user momentum in both the higher tier and larger markets. Collectively, the number of our total quarterly active customers continued to grow at a double-digit pace year on year in Q2 for the third consecutive quarter.


  • I want to reiterate that our goal is to serve users across different income, spectrum and demand with the right product, the right price and service offerings. Our user growth in the quarter was broad based across user cohorts of both new users and existing users, particularly those who have stayed with us for over two years as well as plus members.


  • It clearly demonstrates JD's value proposition not only resonates with new users, but continues to gain mind share and wallet share from the loyal users. The addition overall shipping frequency and order volume on our platform, both grew by double digits year on year in Q2.


  • We also saw average order value declined year on year as a result of soft consumer spending as well as our low touch strategy, category mix shift and wide range of three shipping service. Such user momentum is a strong proof of our effective user experience programs.


  • In Q2, we further enhanced our industry-leading trade-in program to provide users with better coordinated services, including delivery and installation of new devices and this assembly of used devices. We also extended our best price guaranteed period to up to 365 days for certain categories, starting with one team.

    第二季度,我們進一步強化了業界領先的以舊換新計劃,為用戶提供更好的協調服務,包括新設備的交付和安裝以及舊設備的組裝。我們還將某些類別的最優惠價格保證期延長至長達 365 天,從一支球隊開始。

  • In addition, we made solid progress on programs, including free shipping free doors that pickup for return, cashback for delayed shipping and expanded their coverage from 1P to more and more 3P offerings. Other initiatives such as our supermarket categories, direct shipment from supplier to customers and 24 hour fresh milk delivery saw increasing user appreciation.

    此外,我們在計劃上取得了紮實的進展,包括免費送貨、取貨退貨、延遲送貨現金返還,並將其覆蓋範圍從 1P 擴大到越來越多的 3P 產品。超市品類、供應商直送、24小時鮮奶配送等其他措施也得到了用戶的認可。

  • As a result, our 3P net promoter score has improved sequentially for the past two quarters. Well, our 1P NPS remains at a very high level going forward. We will continue to invest in user experience as we believe it will translate to stronger user dementia and user engagement, which are the fundamental to drive sustainable growth for JD.

    因此,我們的 3P 淨推薦值在過去兩個季度連續提高。嗯,我們的 1P NPS 未來仍保持在非常高的水平。我們將繼續投資於用戶體驗,因為我們相信這將轉化為更強的用戶認知度和用戶參與度,這是推動京東可持續成長的根本。

  • Second, moving on to the price competitiveness, which we continue to reinforce firmly on the 1P side, we further built up -- built upon our strong supply chain capabilities to provide our users everyday low price in a sustainable way. This is the bedrock of our low price strategy.

    其次,我們繼續在 1P 方面堅定地加強價格競爭力,我們進一步建立了強大的供應鏈能力,以可持續的方式為我們的用戶提供每日低價。這是我們低價策略的基石。

  • Well, on the 3P side, we stepped up effort to supplement the products on our platform with more value for money offerings to address a wider spectrum of user demands. In Q2, our NPS for price competitiveness continued to grow year on year on both the 1P and 3P side.

    那麼,在3P方面,我們加強了力度,為我們平台上的產品提供更多物有所值的產品補充,以滿足更廣泛的用戶需求。第二季度,我們的價格競爭力 NPS 在 1P 和 3P 方面均持續較去年同期成長。

  • We also saw stronger momentum for lower-tier markets on our platform in terms of user base expansion, order volume growth and shipping frequency, among others. Again, 3Ps plus competitiveness is built on our strengths in lower cost, higher efficiency and best-in-class user experience. Low price is a result of our core capabilities instead of driven by subsidies. This will continue to distinguish us in the e-commerce industry.


  • Thirdly, we have also made encouraging progress on our platform ecosystem. On the 3P side, during the quarter, we continue to provide healthy user traffic and effective supporting measures to help 3P merchants grow their businesses.

    第三,我們的平台生態系統也取得了令人鼓舞的進展。 3P方面,本季我們持續提供健康的使用者流量和有效的支援措施,幫助3P商家發展業務。

  • 3P merchants responded well to our efforts, and our active merchant base continued to expand quickly both year on year and sequentially in Q2. In addition, we also saw accelerated year-on-year growth of active buyers who purchase from 3P merchants on our platform.


  • At the same time, such users recorded higher shopping frequency in this quarter. This led to an over 20% year-on-year increase in our 3P order volume in Q2 is the fastest pace in the last two years. In terms of monetization the decline in commission revenues narrowed in the quarter as the impact of our reduced the commission fees gradually lapse.


  • Meanwhile, JD retail's advertising revenues generated from third-party merchants recorded a double digit growth. We still have a lot to do, especially to drive better ROI for our merchants. So we reiterate our goal is to build up a thriving platform ecosystem that propels the development of our 1P business. And incentivizes 3P merchants to provide diverse product and service offerings as we aim to address a wider array of user demand.

    同時,京東零售來自第三方商家的廣告收入錄得兩位數成長。我們還有很多工作要做,特別是為我們的商家帶來更好的投資報酬率。因此,我們重申我們的目標是建立一個繁榮的平台生態系統,推動我們1P業務的發展。並激勵 3P 商家提供多樣化的產品和服務,因為我們的目標是滿足更廣泛的用戶需求。

  • In closing our Q2 results demonstrate our firm commitment to high-quality long-term business growth. We believe this is the best approach to navigate the current market conditions. Our profitability improvement is sustainable as it is driven by our expanding scale efficiency arising from our supply chain advantages and our focus on creating value for our end users.


  • At the same time, our key business drivers, including user base and engagement, price competitiveness and platform ecosystem are all trending in the right direction. We are confident that as we stay focused on executing our long-term strategies to offer lower cost, higher efficiency and better user experience. We will maintain a healthy growth of our business scale, profit and cash flow and solidify our market position in the long term.


  • With that I'll turn to over Ian for our financial highlights. Thank you.


  • Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Sandy, and hello, everyone. In Q2, we stayed committed to our strategy of building core capabilities for sustainable growth despite the short-term headwinds impacting our top line growth, our non-GAAP net profit margin hit an all-time high of 5%, with improvements across many of our categories and segments. This was driven by our expanding scale efficiency arising from our supply chain advantages and our focus on creating value for users.

    謝謝你,桑迪,大家好。第二季度,儘管短期阻力影響了我們的營收成長,但我們仍然致力於建立核心能力以實現可持續成長的策略,我們的非公認會計準則淨利潤率創下了5% 的歷史新高,許多方面都有所改善我們的類別和細分市場。這是由於我們的供應鏈優勢以及我們專注於為用戶創造價值而不斷擴大的規模效率所推動的。

  • On the back of these high quality results, we continue to step up efforts to return value to shareholders. In Q2, we repurchased a total of 137 million Class A ordinary shares equivalent of 68 million ADS, which accounted for 4.5% of our ordinary shares outstanding as of March 31, 2024. The total value of the shares repurchased in Q2 was USD2.1 billion.

    在這些高品質績效的支撐下,我們繼續加強回報股東價值。第二季度,我們總共回購了1.37 億股A 類普通股,相當於6,800 萬股美國存託股,佔截至2024 年3 月31 日已發行普通股的4.5%。總價值為2.1 美元十億。

  • In the first half of this year, we have bought back a total of 7.1% of our ordinary shares outstanding as of the end of 2023, the progress reflects our commitment to creating value for shareholders. With that, let me turn to our road to financial performance.


  • Our net revenue grew by 1% year on year to RMB291 billion in Q2. Breaking down the mix, product revenues was flat in the quarter, primarily due to a 5% year-on-year revenue decline in our electronics and home appliances category for the quarter. This is in line with our expectations as we had a high base for the sales of some appliances last year due to seasonal factors as well as our disciplined promotions in the quarter.

    第二季淨收入年增 1% 至人民幣 2,910 億元。從產品組合來看,本季產品收入持平,主要是因為本季我們的電子和家用電器類別收入年減 5%。這符合我們的預期,因為由於季節性因素以及本季嚴格的促銷活動,我們去年某些電器的銷售基礎較高。

  • Our general merchandise category delivered another robust revenue growth of 9% year on year in Q2, is highest growth rate for the past two years. In particular, our supermarket category has hit double digit year on year revenue growth for two consecutive quarters, and we believe this momentum will continue for the rest of the year.


  • Service revenues grew by 6% year on year in Q2, of which marketplace and marketing revenues were up 4%, and logistics and other service revenues increased by 8%. On the marketplace and marketing commission revenues recorded a narrowed decline this quarter as the impacts of our supporting measures to merchants, including commission cuts gradually lapse.


  • But advertising pricing revenues delivered a healthy growth rate year on year in the quarter with a faster pace than GMV as we further optimize the traffic allocation efficiency. It's worth noticing that JD retail's advertising revenues bounce back to a double digit year-on-year growth in Q2. We see plenty of room to further grow advertising revenue as we continue to boost user growth and improve user efficiency.


  • Now let's turn to our segment performance. JD retail revenues were up 1.5% year on year in Q2, reflecting the mix category performance, as previously mentioned, in terms of profit JD retail achieved a broad-based increase in profitability for the quarter, thanks to its gross margin expansion across many categories and disciplined promotions.

    現在讓我們轉向我們的細分市場表現。京東零售第二季營收年增 1.5%,反映了混合品類的表現,如前所述,就利潤而言,得益於多品類毛利率的擴張,京東零售本季度盈利能力實現了廣泛增長和有紀律的晉升。

  • As our supply chain advantages continue to drive up scale benefits, we are able to get competitive procurement benefits and then pass on to our users while at the same time supporting our gross margin. JD retail's operating profit increased by 24% year on year to RMB10 billion, with operating margin recording a 72 bps expansion to 3.9%.


  • Looking now to JD logistics, JD logistics revenues increased by 7.7% year on year in Q2, with healthy momentum for both internal and external revenue streams. Internal and external revenues increased by 7% and 8%, respectively.


  • As JD Logistics continued to benefit from its increased scale and improved operating efficiency is non-GAAP operating margin also increased by 370 bps year on year in the quarter hitting a new record of 4.9% since its listing.


  • Turning to new business in the quarter, revenue of new business was down 35% year on year, primarily due to the adjustments of the Jingix business and others.


  • Non-GAAP operating loss of new business was RMB695 million in the quarter compared to a gain of RMB23 million a year ago, excluding the impact of the disposal gain of JD properties, long-lived assets, the result was largely due to the increased loss Jingxi business and others.

    本季新業務非 GAAP 營運虧損為 6.95 億元,去年同期為獲利人民幣 2,300 萬元,剔除京東物業、長期資產處置收益的影響,此結果主要是由於虧損增加所致京西商業等。

  • Moving on to our consolidated profit performance in Q2 at the group level, our gross profit grew by 11% year on year and the gross margin increased substantially year on year to an all-time high of 15.8% in Q2. It's worth pointing out that this is a nice quarter in a row that our gross margin improved on a year on year basis, both at the group level and at the JD retail level, which clearly highlights the quality of our business growth.


  • Our non-GAAP operating profit increased by 34% year on year to a new record of RMB11.6 billion, with a strong non-GAAP operating margin of 4%, primarily driven by the improved profitability of JD retail and the JD logistics as our supply chain continue to build up scale benefits.

    我們的非美國通用會計準則營業利潤年增 34%,達到人民幣 116 億元的新紀錄,非美國通用會計準則營業利潤率高達 4%,這主要得益於京東零售和京東物流盈利能力的提高。供應鏈規模效益不斷增強。

  • Non-GAAP net income attributable to ordinary shareholders came in at a new record of RMB14.5 billion in Q2, representing a 69% year-on-year increase. Non-GAAP net margin reached 5%, up nearly 2 percentage points from a year ago.

    第二季非美國通用會計準則歸屬於普通股股東的淨利再創新高,達到人民幣 145 億元,較去年同期成長 69%。非 GAAP 淨利率達 5%,較去年同期上升近 2 個百分點。

  • In addition, non-GAAP diluted net income per ADS grew by 74% year on year in Q2 to RMB9.36 or USD1.29 in the quarter. Our last 12 months free cash flow as of the end of Q2 was RMB56 billion compared to RMB33 billion in the same period last year.

    此外,第二季非美國通用會計準則稀釋後每股美國存託股淨利年增 74% 至 9.36 元或 1.29 美元。截至第二季末,我們過去 12 個月的自由現金流為 560 億元人民幣,而去年同期為 330 億元。

  • The year-over-year increase in free cash flow wasn't primarily driven by seasonality factors, our robust profit as well as moderated CapEx. By the end of Q2, our cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and short-term investments added up to a total of RMB209 billion.


  • As we head into the second half of the year, we will dedicate ourselves to accelerate top line to outpace the growth of the total retail sales of China for the full year. It takes a lot of efforts under the current environment.


  • We will also continue to invest with financial discipline, focusing on areas that contribute to our long-term competitiveness, particularly in user experience and the user growth, low price strategy and platform ecosystem that we are confident to achieve a healthy growth of our full year profit. We believe this is the right approach for the current environment and to ensure sustainable growth for the long run.


  • With that, I will turn it back to Sean. Thank you.


  • Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

    Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Sandy and Ian. For the Q&A session, you are welcome to ask questions in English or Chinese and our management will answer your question in language you ask. We'll provide English translation when necessary for convenience purpose only. In the case of any discrepancy, please refer to our management's statement in original language.


  • Okay. Operator, we can open the call for a Q&A session.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Kenneth Fong, UBS.


  • Kenneth Fong - Analyst

    Kenneth Fong - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Hi, Sandy. Congrats management on a strong quarter to deliver a robust, profitable earnings growth. I have two questions. First is on our low price strategy. These recently, we start to see some news that our competitor fine tuning their strategy from low price to more GMV focus.


  • JD recently also announced our Super 18 discount day recurring at each month. Can you share with us the synergy on price competitiveness and whether they have any changes to our strategy in response to the market change?


  • And second is a platform ecosystem. Over the past year, we have been onboarding volume merchants, expanding SKU, cultivating consumer mindset and built a very vibrant 3P ecosystem. And we have seen encouraging results with competitors also speeding up platform monetization followed service fee and advertising products. Can management share with us how we think about the path and timeline for speeding up our 3P monetization. Thank you.

    其次是平台生態系。在過去的一年裡,我們一直在吸引大量商家,擴大SKU,培養消費者心態,並建立了一個非常活躍的3P生態系統。我們看到了令人鼓舞的結果,競爭對手也加快了平台貨幣化,其次是服務費和廣告產品。管理層能否與我們分享我們如何看待加快 3P 貨幣化的路徑和時間表?謝謝。

  • Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

    Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Thank you, Kenneth, for your question. Let me address your first question about JD's low-price strategy. So for us, our commitment to low price strategy remains steadfast. As you know, for our 20 years of growth, we have always put our focus our lower cost, higher efficiency and a user experience and the price competitiveness is very core aspects for user experience.


  • This is also why we always focus on our product price and the user experience. So user experience has always been a core of JD's mission and enhancing it remains our top priority and the most crucial aspect for JD's business growth.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) For JD.com as a supply chain based retailer for our behind our low price, it's always our ability to control the economies of scale and the tax driven innovations. So we continuously enhance our price competitiveness without compromising the quality of our products and services. And we'd rather achieve it through our stress rather than relying on short-term subsidies that leads to a sustainable price reductions.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So besides our 1P business, we have been working hard to attract increasing numbers of 3P merchants and working with industrial belts and white-label manufacturers to our platform. By partnering with these partners it can help us to diversify our low-priced product offerings cater to the various needs of our users.


  • For example, by sourcing and shipping directly from manufacturers our Jingxi business is able to offer a wide range of lower priced products to our customers. So we want to emphasize here that our pursuit for low prices never come at the expense of user experience were product quality or the interests of our business partners. Instead, we achieve cost reduction to JD's scale effects and tech-driven supply chain innovations, which will effectively eliminate unnecessary costs and it genuinely reduce prices.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So we stepped up our efforts on enhancing our price competitiveness, including reducing our procurement costs on the 1P side and expanding selection of low priced products on our marketplace and launching programs like the [JPY10 billion and discount initiatives and the JPY9.9] items with free shipping. And this year, we'll continue to execute our low-price strategy and further build up our capabilities.

    (解釋)因此,我們加大了提高價格競爭力的力度,包括降低 1P 方面的採購成本、擴大市場上低價產品的選擇以及推出 [100 億日元和折扣計劃以及 9.9 日元] 等計劃。 ] 免運費的商品。今年,我們將繼續執行低價策略,進一步增強我們的能力。

  • And the positive feedback from our users affirms the effectiveness of these efforts. And through the Super 18 initiative, we hope to further strengthen the user mindshare of our JD618 grand promotion and everyday low price to enhance their shopping experience with our low price offerings.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And finally, I want to emphasize that our focus of our core business metrics remain unchanged. We believe that healthy business development requires a comprehensive evaluation of the key indicators. Under all circumstances we strive to maintain a balance between GMV profit and cash flow. We're committed to ensuring the sustainable growth of our business while creating an unparalleled user experience with price competitiveness being a important component.


  • Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And to answer your second question, we aim to build a thriving platform ecosystem that benefits both our 1P and 3P businesses. We believe that combining these two models create a superior shopping experience for our users.


  • Our 1P offers -- offerings attract users while 3P merchants help to address diversified needs of our users. So for us, the core of our platform ecosystem is to deliver our best-in-class user experience and monetization, it will be a natural result of our platform ecosystems growth.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) As we mentioned before, that JD's platform ecosystem it's a long-term strategic initiative, and there's still great potential for us to improve. And as shared before, our development progress for the platform ecosystem have a few steps.


  • So first, we will continue to expand our merchant base, enrich product offerings and foster merchant growth and engagement. Our 3P merchants play a very important role in housing product supply and improving user experience.


  • They are very important and essential component supplements to our platform. And in Q2, the number of active merchants continue to see a strong momentum -- growth momentum.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) At the same time we pay close -- we closely monitor the key metrics of users, including the numbers of users who purchase from our 3P merchants and the order -- 3P order volume and GMV generated from 3P, et cetera. In Q2, both the number of repeat transactions, users and orders experienced accelerated growth with 3P GMV growth outpacing our total GMV growth.

    (解釋)同時我們密切注意用戶的關鍵指標,包括從我們的3P商家購買的用戶數量和訂單量——3P訂單量和3P產生的GMV等等。第二季度,重複交易數、用戶數和訂單數均加速成長,3P GMV 成長超過總 GMV 成長速度。

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And eventually we will see a natural and organic growth of our 3P monetization.

    (解釋)最終我們將看到 3P 貨幣化的自然有機成長。

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) At the current stage, we are observing some positive developments in our marketplace, which includes first of all in Q2, our commission revenue showed steady improvement recovery and the impact of our supportive measures to 3P merchants since last year, including reduced commissions and the removal of platform usage fees is gradually diminishing.


  • So we anticipate that commission revenue will recover and increase in the second half of the year as the 3P GMV continues to grow. And for advertising revenue in Q2, it grew faster than GMV. We believe advertising is merchant response to the platform's performance. So we have been enhancing our advertising products and models and to help our brands and SME merchants to grow their business on our platform. So this in turn, we believe will drive higher advertising revenues to us.

    因此,我們預計隨著 3P GMV 的持續成長,下半年佣金收入將恢復並增加。而就第二季的廣告收入而言,其成長速度快於GMV。我們相信廣告是商家對平台表現的反應。因此,我們一直在增強我們的廣告產品和模式,幫助我們的品牌和中小企業商家在我們的平台上發展業務。因此,我們相信這反過來將為我們帶來更高的廣告收入。

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So we remain committed to executing our strategy and plan to advance our platform ecosystem. So in the long term, our ecosystem will continue to evolve and improve. We expect a proportion of 3P orders and GMV to surpass that of our 1P business. So consequentially revenues from commissions and advertising will grow in a healthy manner. Thank you.

    (解釋)因此,我們仍然致力於執行我們的策略和計劃,以推進我們的平台生態系統。因此從長遠來看,我們的生態系統將不斷發展和完善。我們預計 3P 訂單和 GMV 的比例將超過 1P 業務。因此,佣金和廣告收入將健康成長。謝謝。

  • Operator


  • Ronald Keung, Goldman Sachs.


  • Ronald Keung - Analyst

    Ronald Keung - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Congratulations management on the very strong second quarter profit. And so as we think about the optimal balance between growth and profitability Q2 seem to be more skewed towards profitability that beat most in three KPIs.

    (解釋)恭喜管理層第二季的利潤非常強勁。因此,當我們考慮成長和獲利能力之間的最佳平衡時,第二季度似乎更傾向於在三個 KPI 中擊敗大多數人的獲利能力。

  • So as we look into annual basis into the second half we -- how are we balancing the optimal target of these three KP's for second half? And would this lead to any changes for the full year, given the profit KPI has exceeded expectations for the first six months?

    因此,當我們研究下半年的年度基礎時,我們如何平衡下半年這三個 KP 的最佳目標?鑑於前六個月的利潤KPI已超出預期,這是否會導致全年任何變化?

  • And for the second half, we see more companies focusing on talking about GMV growth. So as we target this GMV growth? How do we see or foresee the second half e-commerce competitive landscape into the second half? Thank you.

    下半年,我們看到更多的公司專注於談論 GMV 成長。那我們的目標是 GMV 成長嗎?我們如何看待或預見下半年電商競爭格局?謝謝。

  • Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And to answer your first question about our growth and profits at JD.com, we believe that sustainable growth is driven by delivering an exceptional user experience. And JD is committed to continuously enhancing users' satisfaction and enhancing our core capabilities in our 1P and logistics services.


  • And our profits are the result of our ongoing optimization in cost and efficiency. So for the evaluation of our business performance, we will always strive to strike a balance among GMV profits and cash flow to ensure healthy growth of our business.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So our performance in Q2 demonstrates the high quality growth we have achieved. And as we previously communicated, our revenue growth in Q2 slowed due to a challenging comparison with last year, particularly in summer categories like air conditioners.


  • However, we observed a strong operational performance with net income reaching a historic high of RMB14.5 billion and net profit margin reaching 5% for the first time. A key driver of this margin improvement was the enhancement of supply chain efficiency, leading to a significant improvement year-on-year increase in gross profit margin, which grew by 137 basis points in Q2.


  • And notably, our gross profit margin has improved consistently for nine consecutive quarters since Q2 2022. These results reflect JD's commitment to high-quality growth. Our business units continue to gain operating experience and are dedicated to investing in long-term sustainable competitive advantages and ROI to balance growth and profitability.

    值得注意的是,自 2022 年第二季以來,我們的毛利率連續九個季度持續提高。我們的業務部門持續獲得營運經驗,並致力於投資長期可持續的競爭優勢和投資報酬率,以平衡成長和獲利能力。

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And secondly, in the second half of the year, we will adopt a more dynamic approach to balancing growth and profitability. We will continue to invest in areas such as enhancing user experience, new user acquisition and expanding market share.


  • So our business -- at the same time, our business units will further strengthen their operational capabilities and efficiency, driving improvements in supply chain efficiency across the board. And these advancements enable us to offer more competitive priced products to our users while enhancing overall operating efficiency and profitability for the company.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Looking ahead to the full year, our goal is to achieve a growth rate that outpaced overall market retail sales of consumer goods. As we continue to invest with a disciplined user experience and market share expansion. We expect the JD group's profits and profit margins to increase year on year.


  • In the long run, we see a positive cycle between our business growth and profitability rather than contradiction. JD's business model is built on a robust supply chain and focus on the user experience. We will make targeted investments in these areas to enhance user satisfaction and strengthen our market position, ultimately achieving long-term sustainable profits. We're confident in our ability to reach the goal of achieving high single digit profit margin over the long term.


  • Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

    Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So let me address our second question about the market competition. In our opinion, China has the world's largest e-commerce market and the most mature infrastructure to support its continued growth. We believe that this market will keep expanding for a long time.


  • At the same time, JD retail's unique and robust 1P supply chain capabilities, combined with our self-operated logistics services from a strong moat for our business success. So these strengths enable us to deliver a superior user experience while excelling -- while being excel in cost and efficiency.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So first, on China's retail market side, particularly the online sector, it offers tremendous opportunities for growth. So while we examine online penetration from the perspective of product categories, user demographics and business innovations, there remains significant room for expansion.


  • So there is substantial potential for online penetration in categories such as supermarket and home goods, where the online sales still have a lot of opportunity to continue to grow. Even in some categories like 3C products or home appliances, which are traditionally we consider our standard products and they already have a high online penetration rate.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So on the demographics for the young generation, they grow up with them online shopping, they are already highly customized accustomed and reliant on e-commerce platforms. And now the older generations are also embracing online shopping, creating new opportunities for growth.


  • At JD, we have observed the strong user growth in both these two user groups with their growth rates surpassing our overall user base growth.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Additionally, the emergence of new online shopping formats continue to drive increased online penetration. So overall, China's online retail of physical goods is outpacing the broader retail market as we observed.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And on this e-commerce market competition landscape, we see on China's e-commerce industry is vast and dynamic with room for various players, employing different models, features and competitive advantages.


  • We believe that the essence of retail will always boil down to two fundamental questions that are how to enhance user experience and how to achieve win-win outcomes with partners. At JD.com, we are committed to these long-term goals by continuously optimizing our cost efficiency and user experience.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So JD's key differentiators that separate us from others on our cost efficiency and user experience, driven by our 1P retail business and our self-operated logistic services. And over the past year, we've seen -- we have intensified our efforts to strengthen our supply chain capabilities and enhance our user experience.

    (解釋)因此,京東的關鍵區別在於我們的成本效率和用戶體驗,這是由我們的 1P 零售業務和自營物流服務推動的。在過去的一年裡,我們看到——我們加大了力度,加強我們的供應鏈能力並增強我們的用戶體驗。

  • And in Q2, we continued to see double digit user growth, led by our record users and long term core users with over two years of engagement with us and users the shopping frequency also maintain that double-digit growth. So overall, we are confident China's e-commerce market growth. Thank you.


  • Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

    Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Ronald. Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Alicia Yap, Citigroup.

    艾莉西亞葉 (Alicia Yap),花旗集團。

  • Alicia Yap - Analyst

    Alicia Yap - Analyst

  • Hello. Thank you. (spoken in foreign language)

    你好。謝謝。 (用外語說)

  • (interpreted) So two questions. First is that given the latest announcement of central government support of the push forward the appliance trade initiative and how and what are JD's plans on cooperating with the local government and also the appliance suppliers understood that JD has been participating and facilitating the trading process during the normal routine demand.


  • How much incremental or what can we expect from the later portion of the central government to translate to the JD's top line growth in the coming quarters. And then second question, in light of the soft consumption sentiment, will JD shift more focus to enhance the FMCG SKU offering, with the innovative pricing promotion to boost the consumption demand for the FMCG product, given that part of that is actually more resilient into the weak economy? Thank you.

    中央政府後期的增量有多少,或者我們可以期待什麼,可以轉化為京東未來幾季的收入成長。第二個問題,鑑於消費情緒疲軟,京東是否會更加重視增強快消品 SKU 的供應,透過創新的定價促銷來刺激快消品的消費需求,因為這部分實際上更具彈性。謝謝。

  • Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

    Sandy Ran Xu - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Thank you, Alicia, for your question. So from our JD's experience has shown that promoting trading is an effective way to boost a big ticket consumption. We have been actively implementing our relevant initiative for some time and building strong partnerships with our brand partners and accumulating valuable experience in this aspect.


  • We are highly support and to welcome the government's support in promoting trading’s and other measures to stimulate consumption.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And on the policy level, as you mentioned that in the end of July, the NDRC has issued a supportive policies under trading services and home appliances is a key area eligible for these supportive measures, and we expect certain policies will be rolled out very soon.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So currently for the implementation, we have been working with the local governments and various brands to carry out the implementation of the supportive policies and subsidies. And since the release of the trading actions in our action plan in March, we have been establishing partnerships with various provinces and city governments.


  • And we have been selected as the designated platform to distribute government subsidies and applying them to a product that meets the policy criteria. And so far, our cooperation models and promotional efforts have yielded some positive results.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And with the central government's recent policy announcement, we will build on our solid collaboration foundation with the government and the partners to further collaborate on the trade in initiatives, helping distribute subsidies to the local consumers both on the system level, on the processes level, we are very ready, for example, with the technical back ends and on every front.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Not only our collaboration online, we are also leveraging our offline presences, including our JD's so home appliances experience stores chain stores for home appliances to provide all kinds of services on the trade in promotions to our consumers across the country.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) At the same time, we have partnered with brands to launch JD home appliance trade in Ireland and introducing trade-in in subsidy activities across 20 provinces and cities. And through this online, we can offer cost saving products and convenient services to our customers in different regions.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And to circle back to your question from our business perspective, this time, the release of the new policies we do expect this will be effective to drive the growth of our home appliance industry. And for JD.com, it will provide certain incremental and we anticipate that the sales share from trade-in on JD platform will increase in the near future.


  • And we will also leverage the trading service, our trade in service capabilities on the systems and the processes to maximize this opportunity to implement relevant measures and working alongside local governments and manufacturers to further stimulate home appliance consumption. Thank you.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And for the second question on supermarket category, we've made some good progress in enhancing our operational capabilities in the supermarket categories, and it has resulted from healthy revenue growth.


  • And despite intense competition and you see this the supermarket categories very decentralized and dispersed across the market. Looking at our operational improvements, we still have very strong confidence in the long-term potential of this category.


  • And by leveraging JD's unique strengths, we believe JD supermarkets will continue to help us to enhance user experience and expand market share. It will serve as a key growth driver for the whole company.


  • Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

    Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

  • Okay. Thank you, Alicia. Let's have the last question, please.


  • Operator


  • Thomas Chong, Jefferies.


  • Thomas Chong - Analyst

    Thomas Chong - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) Thank you, management for taking my question. My first question is about earnings outlook. Can management share your view about the trend in earnings and margins outlook over the next few years? And my second question is about shareholders' return. Can management share your latest thoughts about share repurchase and dividends? Thank you.


  • Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Su Shan - Chief Financial Officer

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And thank you, Thomas. To answer your question, our mid to long term goal to achieve a profit margin in high single digit, and we are optimistic about reaching this target. And our key growth driver includes the growth of our platform ecosystem, category mix optimization and profit margin improvements across various categories.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So for JD group's Q2 net profit hit a historic high of [JPY14.5 billion] with a net profit margin of 5%, driven largely by improved gross profit margins from in-house to supply chain efficiency. And we see significant potential for future -- for further margin expansion in the long term.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And as our business and operational efficiency continue to improve. We our belief that we will achieve a high single digit profit margin in the long term.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) JD's long-term profitability will be anchored by our strong market position and focus on user experience. By continuously investing in our product price and service, we're able to enhance users' experience and satisfaction.


  • So as to drive up our GMV growth to expand market share. And by leveraging our increasing scale and market share, we further improve our supply chain efficiency, which in turn will boost healthy profit growth, allowing us to reinvest and enhance user experience.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) So to summary, JD's profitability has ample room for growth, driven by an improved -- driven by higher 3P contributions and improved category mix and margin potential within each category. So our long-term profit margin target remains set in the high single digits.

    (解讀)綜上所述,京東的獲利能力有充足的成長空間,這是由更高的 3P 貢獻以及每個類別內的品類組合和利潤潛力的改善所推動的。因此,我們的長期利潤率目標仍然設定在較高的個位數。

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) And on the return to shareholders, we remain committed to return to shareholders. And for Q2, we repurchased approximately USD2.1 billion worth of shares across the US and Hong Kong stock markets equivalent to 137 million ordinary shares, or 68.4 million ADS, representing approximately 4.5% of our outstanding shares as of March 31, 2024.

    (解釋)關於股東回報,我們仍然致力於回報股東。第二季度,我們在美國和香港股市回購了價值約21 億美元的股票,相當於1.37 億股普通股,即6,840 萬股美國存託股,約佔截至2024 年3 月31 日我們已發行股票的4.5%。

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) In the first half of the year, we completed share buybacks totaling USD3.3 billion, equivalent to 224 million ordinary shares or 112 million ADS accounting for 7.1% of our total outstanding shares as of the end of 2023.


  • Additionally, we completed our USD1.2 billion annual dividend payment plan in Q2, returning a total of around USD4.5 billion to shareholders through dividend and pay back in the first half of the year.


  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • (interpreted) For future plan for shareholder returns, we will continue our repurchase plan with the goal of gradually reducing the total number of outstanding shares over the long term, we will also maintain dividend payments based on profits, ensuring that shareholders benefit from the company's value creation. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • We are now approaching the end of the conference call. I will turn the call over to JD.com, Sean Zhang for closing remarks.

    我們現在電話會議即將結束。我將把電話轉給京東張肖恩(Sean Zhang)做總結發言。

  • Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

    Sean Zhang - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, everyone, for joining us on the call today and thanks for your questions. If you have further questions, please contact me and our team. We appreciate your interest in JD.com, and we look forward to talking with you again next quarter. Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Thank you for your participation in today's conference call. This concludes the presentation. You may now disconnect. Good day.


  • Editor


  • Portions of this transcript that are marked (interpreted) were spoken by an interpreter present on the live call. The interpreter was provided by the company sponsoring this event.
