美國運通 (AXP) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


美國運通公佈第二季業績強勁,營收創歷史新高,獲利年增 44%。他們上調了全年 EPS 指引,並計劃投資約 60 億美元用於行銷。該公司將其成功歸功於忠誠的優質客戶群、不斷擴大的業務規模、良好控制的費用基礎、策略性投資和才華橫溢的同事。他們對實現今年的期望和對業務的長期願望充滿信心。

在折扣收入和網卡費用收入成長的推動下,總收入年增 9%。由於出售 Accertify 獲得收益,營運費用下降了 13%。該公司預計將實現本季的營收成長目標,重點是透過對不同業務領域的投資來吸引更多持卡人。他們大幅增加了行銷支出,預計明年的每股收益將實現十幾歲左右的成長。


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the American Express Q2 2024 earnings call.

    歡迎參加美國運通 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, today's call is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to our host, Head of Investor Relations, Mr. Kartik Ramachandran.

    現在我想將會議轉交給我們的東道主投資者關係主管卡蒂克·拉馬錢德蘭 (Kartik Ramachandran) 先生。

  • Thank you, please go ahead.


  • Kartik Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

    Kartik Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Donna, and thank you all for joining today's call.


  • As a reminder, before we begin, today's discussion contains forward-looking statements about the company's future business and financial performance.


  • These are based on management's current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties.


  • Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these statements are included in today's presentation slides and in our reports on file with the SEC.

    可能導致實際結果與這些陳述有重大差異的因素包含在今天的簡報投影片和我們向 SEC 提交的報告中。

  • The discussion today also contains non-GAAP financial measures.


  • The comparable GAAP financial measures are included in this quarter's earnings materials as well as the earnings materials for the prior periods we discuss.


  • Policies are posted on our website at ir.americanexpress.com. We will begin today with Steve Squeri, Chairman and CEO, who will start with some remarks about the company's progress and results.

    政策發佈在我們的網站 ir.americanexpress.com 上。今天我們將由董事長兼執行長 Steve Squeri 開始,他將首先對公司的進展和成果發表一些評論。

  • And then Christophe Caillec, Chief Financial Officer, will provide a more detailed review of our financial performance.

    然後財務長 Christophe Caillec 將對我們的財務表現進行更詳細的審查。

  • After that, we'll move to a Q&A session at the results with both Steve and Christophe.

    之後,我們將與 Steve 和 Christophe 就結果進行問答環節。

  • With that, let me turn it over to Steve.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Good morning, and thanks for joining us.


  • As you saw in our earnings release issued a short time ago.


  • We reported strong second quarter results and raised our EPS guidance for the full year.


  • Based on the continued momentum we're seeing in our core business.


  • Revenue in the quarter reached an all-time high and earnings grew 44% year over year or 21% after excluding the gain of $0.66 we realized from the sale of a Accertify.

    本季營收達到歷史最高水平,獲利年增 44%,扣除我們透過銷售 Accertify 實現的 0.66 美元收益後,獲利成長 21%。

  • The strong performance of our core business year to date, and our expectations for the balance of the year will enable us to increase our investments in marketing and other strategic areas that drive our growth without using any of the proceeds from the Accertify sale while still delivering exceptional earnings results.

    我們核心業務今年迄今為止的強勁表現以及我們對今年餘下時間的預期將使我們能夠增加對行銷和其他策略領域的投資,從而推動我們的成長,而無需使用 Accertify 銷售的任何收益,同時仍交付卓越的獲利成果。

  • In fact, we now expect to invest around $6 billion in marketing this year of about $800 million versus last year, all of it funded from the results of our core business.

    事實上,我們現在預計今年的行銷投資約為 60 億美元,與去年相比,投資額約為 8 億美元,所有資金均來自我們核心業務的業績。

  • As a result, we are raising our EPS guidance range for the full year to $13.30 to $13.80, up from $12.65 to $13.15 previously, and we continue to expect revenue growth in line with our 9% to 11% range for the year.

    因此,我們將全年 EPS 指導範圍從之前的 12.65 美元至 13.15 美元上調至 13.30 美元至 13.80 美元,並且我們繼續預計今年的收入增長與 9% 至 11% 的範圍一致。

  • As we've seen through the first half of the year, our core business continues to generate strong momentum even against the backdrop of a slower growth environment.


  • The continued momentum we're generating reflects the earnings power of our business model, which is driven by several interrelated factors, including first and foremost, the quality of our loyal premium customer base, plus the increasing scale of our business, a well-controlled expense base, the success of the strategic investments we're making to enhance Amex membership and our talented colleagues around the world.


  • Our continued strong performance starts with our premium customers, who are high spending, long tenured and have excellent credit profiles.


  • And we continue to attract large numbers of high quality premium customers with our superior products as seen in the consistently strong new account acquisitions and 24 consecutive quarters of double digit growth in card fee revenue we've delivered.

    我們繼續以卓越的產品吸引大量高品質的優質客戶,這從我們持續強勁的新帳戶獲取和連續 24 個季度的卡費收入成長中可以看出。

  • Next to scale.


  • Over the past few years, the scale of our business has grown significantly.


  • Compared to year end 2021 revenues have grown by nearly 50%, Card Member spending has increased by almost 40%.

    與 2021 年底相比,營收成長了近 50%,卡片會員支出成長了近 40%。

  • Cards in force globally have risen by around 23 million or about 20%, and the number of merchant locations on our network has grown by over 30 million or nearly 50%.

    全球有效卡片數量增加了約 2,300 萬張,約 20%,我們網路上的商家網點數量增加了超過 3,000 萬個,即近 50%。

  • This increased scale drives growth and gives us significant flexibility in running our business for the long term.


  • At the same time, our operating expenses are growing well below revenues as we drive efficiencies across the business.


  • The combination of our increasing scale and a well-controlled expense base produces significant operating leverage that generates more investment dollars we can inject into our business.


  • Another key factor driving our momentum is the success of the strategic investments we've been making in critical areas like marketing, value propositions, technology, control management capabilities and talent to sustain our growth.


  • And to keep the momentum going, we're continuing to invest in enhancing our unique membership model through ongoing product innovations and new capabilities and benefits.


  • For example, as we execute our strategy of regularly refreshing our products, we focused on embedding additional value in our premium cards to make them highly attractive to customers across generations and geographies.


  • This enables us to add large numbers of new premium cardmembers to our customer base, drive greater engagement with existing customers and price for the value we add.


  • We are on track to refresh approximately 40 products globally by the end of the year.

    我們預計到今年年底將在全球更新約 40 種產品。

  • As part of that number, we look forward to announcing our refreshed US consumer gold card in the coming weeks, heading through the nearly two dozen refreshed and updated products we've announced through the first half of the year.


  • We also continue to add new capabilities and benefits through both internal innovation and bolt-on acquisitions.


  • For example, our [Resy] dining reservation platform has seen significant growth since its acquisition in 2019 and our planned acquisitions of Tock and Rooam will further expand our dining portfolio, giving our customers access to more great restaurants and increasing the digital offerings we provide to restaurants and merchants in the food and beverage industry.

    例如,我們的[Resy] 餐飲預訂平台自2019 年收購以來取得了顯著增長,我們計劃收購Tock 和Rooam 將進一步擴大我們的餐飲組合,讓我們的客戶能夠訪問更多優質餐廳,並增加我們向客戶提供的數位產品食品和飲料行業的餐廳和商家。

  • Finally, our talented colleagues across the company are the engine that drives our growth.


  • Their creativity, determination and deep commitment to providing the best customer experience every day is what has made American Express what it is today and will continue to make us successful in the future.


  • The combination of all these factors is what drives our premium business at a scale that can deliver superior earnings on a sustainable basis.


  • The power of our unique business model and the ongoing momentum we're seeing in the business, driven by our loyal customers and dedicated colleagues gives us confidence in our ability to achieve our expectations for the year and our long-term aspiration for the business.


  • With that, I'll now turn it over to Christophe.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Steve, and good morning, everyone.


  • It's good to be here to talk about our second quarter results, which reflect another quarter of strong performance.


  • Starting with our summary financials, on slide 2.

    從投影片 2 上的財務摘要開始。

  • Second quarter revenues were $16.3 billion and grew 9% year over year on an FX-adjusted basis.

    第二季營收為 163 億美元,經匯率調整後較去年同期成長 9%。

  • Net income was $3 billion in the quarter, generating earnings per share of $4.15.

    該季度淨利潤為 30 億美元,每股收益為 4.15 美元。

  • Our second quarter results also reflect the sale of our Accertify business, which closed during the quarter.

    我們第二季的業績也反映了我們在本季關閉的 Accertify 業務的出售。

  • We recognized an after-tax gain on the sale of $479 million, equating to $0.66 of EPS impact.

    我們確認了 4.79 億美元的銷售稅後收益,相當於 0.66 美元的 EPS 影響。

  • Excluding this gain, EPS grew 21%, reflecting the power of the business to generate stronger earnings growth even in a slower growth environment as Steve noted.

    排除這一收益,每股收益增長了 21%,這反映出即使在增長放緩的環境下,該業務也有能力實現更強勁的盈利增長,正如史蒂夫指出的那樣。

  • On slide 3, billed business grew 6% versus last year on an FX-adjusted basis, reflecting stable growth and in line with the softer spend environment we've seen in the past few quarters.

    在投影片 3 上,按匯率調整後的計費業務比去年增長了 6%,反映了穩定的成長,並且符合我們在過去幾季看到的疲軟的支出環境。

  • The stability in spend growth was also visible by category where we saw 6% growth in goods and services, 7% growth in travel and entertainment spending.

    按類別來看,支出成長的穩定性也很明顯,其中商品和服務支出增加了 6%,旅行和娛樂支出增加了 7%。

  • We did see some slower growth in certain T&E categories versus the prior quarter, such as in airline and lodging.


  • At the same time, growth in our largest T&E category restaurants remained strong, and goods and services strengthened a bit versus the prior quarter when excluding the impact of leap year.


  • Stepping back, while spend growth in certain categories was slightly higher or lower versus the prior quarter.


  • Overall spend growth was stable and we continued to see strong growth in the number of transactions from our Card Members, which grew 9% this quarter.

    整體支出成長穩定,持卡會員的交易數量持續強勁成長,本季成長了 9%。

  • There are a few other key points to take away as we then break down our spending trends across our businesses.


  • Starting with our largest segment on slide 4.

    從幻燈片 4 上最大的部分開始。

  • US Consumer grew billings at 6% this quarter with balanced growth across both goods and services and T&E.

    本季美國消費者的帳單成長了 6%,商品和服務以及差旅娛樂的成長均衡。

  • Our premium customer base continues to demonstrate steady growth.


  • We also saw growth across all generations, Millennial and Gen-Z customers grew their spending 13% and continued to drive our highest build business within this segment.

    我們也看到了各世代的成長,千禧世代和 Z 世代客戶的支出成長了 13%,並繼續推動我們在該細分市場中最高水準的業務發展。

  • These younger Card Members continue to demonstrate strong engagement and we see that they transact over 25% more on average than our older customers.

    這些年輕的持卡會員繼續表現出強烈的參與度,我們發現他們的平均交易量比我們的年長客戶高出 25% 以上。

  • And in some categories like dining, they transact almost twice as much.


  • Turning to Commercial Services on Slide 5.

    轉向投影片 5 上的商業服務。

  • Overall growth came in at 2% this quarter.

    本季整體成長率為 2%。

  • Spending growth from our US small and medium enterprise customers increased a bit sequentially versus last quarter, but remain modest.


  • Lastly, on slide 6, we see our highest growth again this quarter in International Card Services up 13%.

    最後,在投影片 6 中,我們看到國際卡服務領域再次實現本季的最高成長,成長 13%。

  • We continue to see double-digit growth in spending from international consumers and from international SME and large corporate customers.


  • And we are also seeing double digit growth across all regions.


  • Stepping back, we continue to see stable spend growth across customer segments, spend categories and our US and international geographies, and why we are not in a high-growth spend environment, particularly in the US.


  • Our spending volumes are tracking in line with our expectations and support our revenue expectations for the year.


  • Moving on to Loans and Card Member Receivables on slide 7, we saw year-over-year growth of 11%, demonstrating strong growth but continuing to moderate as expected.

    接下來是幻燈片 7 上的貸款和卡會員應收帳款,我們看到同比增長 11%,顯示出強勁的增長,但仍如預期那樣放緩。

  • As we progress through 2024, we expect loan growth in particular to continue to moderate by a few percentage points but still grow in double digits as we exit the year.

    隨著 2024 年的進展,我們預計貸款成長將繼續放緩幾個百分點,但在 2024 年結束時仍將實現兩位數成長。

  • Turning next to Credit and Provision on slide 8 to 10.

    前往投影片 8 至 10 上的信貸和撥備。

  • Our credit performance remains very strong and it's a direct result of our disciplined growth strategy, which has been focused on growing our high credit quality premium customer base, including through the younger customers we attract to the franchise.


  • This strategy coupled with our robust risk management practices are an important aspect of our business models.


  • Going forward, we expect our write-off rates to remain generally stable for the remainder of 2024.

    展望未來,我們預計 2024 年剩餘時間內我們的沖銷率將保持整體穩定。

  • Turning now to the accounting of this credit performance on slide 9.

    現在轉向投影片 9 中信用績效的會計。

  • The quarter over quarter reserve build up $101 million is mostly driven by growth in our loan balances, largely offset by lower delinquencies.

    季度準備金增加 1.01 億美元,主要是由貸款餘額增長推動的,但拖欠率下降在很大程度上抵消了這一增長。

  • This reserve build, combined with net write-offs drove $1.3 billion of provision expense in the second quarter.

    這筆儲備金的增加,加上淨沖銷,導致第二季撥備支出達到 13 億美元。

  • As you see on slide 10, we ended the second quarter with $5.6 billion of reserves, representing 2.8% of our loans and cardmember receivables, a slight decrease compared to Q1.

    正如您在投影片 10 中看到的,我們第二季末的準備金為 56 億美元,占我們貸款和持卡會員應收帳款的 2.8%,與第一季相比略有下降。

  • It's worth noting that there is a seasonality component to reserves, although we are also encouraged by the strength of the performance we see in the portfolio.


  • Moving next to revenue on slide 11.

    接下來轉到投影片 11 上的收入。

  • Total revenues were up 9% year over year, benefiting from the diversification across revenue streams, customer segments and geographies.

    得益於收入來源、客戶群和地理區域的多元化,總收入較去年同期成長 9%。

  • Looking at the components of our revenue, our largest revenue line discount revenue grew 5% year over year on an FX-adjusted basis, as you can see on slide 12.

    從我們收入的組成部分來看,我們最大的收入線折扣收入在匯率調整後比去年同期成長了 5%,如投影片 12 所示。

  • This growth is mostly driven by the spending trends we discussed earlier.


  • Net card fee revenues were up 16% year over year on an FX-adjusted basis, as you can see on slide 13.

    如投影片 13 所示,經匯率調整後,網卡費用收入較去年同期成長 16%。

  • We're now generating over $2 billion in quarterly card fee revenue as the differentiated value and experiences we offer on our products continues to resonate with our card members globally.

    我們的產品提供的差異化價值和體驗繼續引起全球持卡會員的共鳴,目前我們的季度卡費收入已超過 20 億美元。

  • This is an important metric for us, because it also reflects the choice that our costs -- that our customers make each year to renew their membership.


  • We're pleased with the growth and expect to exit the year with further momentum.


  • In the quarter, we acquired 3.3 million new cards, demonstrating the demand we're seeing for our products and the investment we've made.

    本季度,我們購買了 330 萬張新卡,證明了我們對產品的需求以及我們所做的投資。

  • Acquisition of our premium fee-based products continue to account for around 70% of new accounts.

    購買我們優質收費產品的人繼續佔新帳戶的 70% 左右。

  • And importantly, as we have increased the total number of cards acquired, we have maintained disciplined underwriting standards.


  • Moving on to slide 14.

    繼續看投影片 14。

  • Net interest income was up 20% year over year.


  • This growth is driven by the increase in our revolving loan balances, which also contributes to the continued net yield expansion versus the prior year.


  • As we've shared before we continue to expect this growth further moderate as we progress through the year.


  • To sum up revenues on slide 15, the power of our diversified model continues to drive strong revenue momentum even in a slower growth environment as our results in this quarter were fueled by growth in all our major revenue lines across each of our different business segments and across geographies.

    總結投影片15 上的收入,即使在成長放緩的環境中,我們多元化模式的力量仍將繼續推動強勁的收入勢頭,因為我們本季的業績是由我們每個不同業務部門的所有主要收入線的成長推動的,跨地域。

  • Moving to expenses on slide 16, starting at the top of the page.

    前往投影片 16 上的費用,從頁面頂部開始。

  • Variable customer engagement expenses came in at 42% of the total revenues for the second quarters.

    可變客戶參與費用佔第二季總收入的 42%。

  • Looking forward, I expect variable customer engagement expenses as a ratio of revenues to be in line with this level for the balance of the year.


  • On the marketing line, we continue to invest at an elevated level at $1.5 billion in the second quarter.

    在行銷方面,我們第二季繼續以 15 億美元的高水準投資。

  • Given the strong performance in the core business, we now anticipate our full year marketing spend to be around $6 billion or 15% higher versus last year as we plan to invest at high levels to sustain our growth momentum.

    鑑於核心業務的強勁表現,我們現在預計全年行銷支出將比去年增加 60 億美元左右,即增加 15%,因為我們計劃進行高水準投資以維持成長勢頭。

  • To put this in perspective, this is an incremental $800 million above what we spent in 2023.

    從長遠來看,這比我們 2023 年的支出增加了 8 億美元。

  • At the same time, we intend to deploy those investments in a disciplined way.


  • As I discussed at Investor Day, our investment optimization engine is engineer to make profitability based decisions at the margin.


  • And there is a high bar for returns on the substantial incremental investments.


  • Moving to the bottom of slide 16 brings us to operating expenses.

    轉到幻燈片 16 的底部,我們看到了營運費用。

  • Operating expenses were $3 billion in the second quarter, down 13% versus last year due to the [$531 million] pretax gain we recognized from the sale of our Accertify business.

    第二季營運費用為 30 億美元,比去年下降 13%,這是由於我們從出售 Accertify 業務中獲得了 [5.31 億美元] 稅前收益。

  • Excluding the gain, operating expenses were up 3% in the quarter.

    剔除收益後,本季營運費用增加了 3%。

  • Well below the pace of revenue growth even as we continue to invest in technology and our control management capabilities.


  • Excluding the impact of Accertify gain, we continue to expect operating expenses for the year to be fairly flat as 2023.

    排除 Accertify 收益的影響,我們繼續預期 2023 年的營運支出將相當穩定。

  • This quarter's results demonstrate how the scale of the business and strong expense discipline enable us to generate significant efficiencies, and those efficiencies are enabling us to invest at elevated levels while still generating significant levers to drive strong earnings growth.


  • Turning next to capital on slide 17.

    轉向投影片 17 上的資本。

  • Our CET1 ratio was 10.8% at the end of the second quarter within our target range of 10% to 11%.

    截至第二季末,我們的 CET1 比率為 10.8%,處於我們 10% 至 11% 的目標範圍內。

  • We also returned $2.3 billion of capital to our shareholders, including $1.8 billion of share repurchase.

    我們也向股東返還了 23 億美元的資本,其中包括 18 億美元的股票回購。

  • This is the highest level in over two years.


  • And the recent [CCAR] results further demonstrate the strength of our portfolio and the resilience of our business model.

    最近的 [CCAR] 結果進一步證明了我們投資組合的實力和我們業務模式的彈性。

  • The stress test results show that under a severely adverse scenario, our portfolio remains profitable.


  • In fact, we are the most profitable financial institution as a percentage of asset growth across all the banks subject to CCAR and has the lowest credit card loss rate under stress as well.

    事實上,在所有受 CCAR 約束的銀行中,以資產成長百分比計算,我們是獲利最高的金融機構,在壓力下信用卡損失率也最低。

  • This result in our stress capital buffer remaining at 2.5% the lowest prescribed level.

    這導致我們的壓力資本緩衝保持在 2.5% 的最低規定水準。

  • We plan to continue to return to shareholders the excess capital we generate whilst supporting our balance sheet growth.


  • We do not expect any material near-term changes to our capital management approach.


  • This brings me to our 2024 guidance on slide 18.

    這讓我想起幻燈片 18 上的 2024 年指引。

  • Let me step back and make a few observations about the growth in the business and the way we see the balance of the year unfolding.


  • First, we have a core business that is comfortably generating mid-teens EPS growth, even in a slower growth environment.


  • And before the gain from the Accertify sale.

    在 Accertify 銷售收益之前。

  • Second, the pace of earnings generation in the core business, combined with the strong demand we are seeing in the market for our products is enabling us to invest around 15% more in marketing compared to last year.

    其次,核心業務創造收入的步伐,加上市場對我們產品的強勁需求,使我們能夠比去年增加約 15% 的行銷投資。

  • As a result, we are able to fund significantly more investments from our core business than our expectation at the start of the year without relying on the one-off gain from Accertify.

    因此,我們能夠從核心業務中獲得比年初預期更多的投資,而無需依賴 Accertify 的一次性收益。

  • With that as Steve mentioned, we are raising our guidance for EPS for the year to a range of $13.30, $13.80, and within that range we now expect to drop or $0.66 of the Accertify gain to the bottom line.

    正如史蒂夫所提到的那樣,我們將今年的每股盈餘指引提高到 13.30 美元至 13.80 美元的範圍,在這個範圍內,我們現在預計 Accertify 收益的底線將下降 0.66 美元。

  • This is a departure from our usual practice of reinvesting a significant portion of one-off gains in growth initiatives.


  • But we are confident in the ability of our business to support the year-over-year growth of around $800 million in marketing while delivering mid-teens EPS growth.

    但我們對我們的業務有能力支持約 8 億美元的行銷同比成長,同時實現十幾歲左右的每股收益成長充滿信心。

  • Finally, we still expect to deliver revenue growth in the year in line with our initial 9% to 11% range.

    最後,我們仍然預期今年的營收成長將符合我們最初設定的 9% 至 11% 的範圍。

  • With that, I turn the call back over to Kartik, to open up the call for your questions.


  • Kartik Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

    Kartik Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Christophe.


  • (Event Instructions) Thank you for your cooperation.


  • And with that, the operator will now open up the line for questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Ryan Nash, Goldman Sachs.


  • Ryan Nash - Analyst

    Ryan Nash - Analyst

  • Good morning, Steve.


  • Good morning, Christophe.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Good morning.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • Good morning.


  • Ryan Nash - Analyst

    Ryan Nash - Analyst

  • Steve, can you maybe expand on what you're seeing in the US consumer and SMEs?


  • US consumer, we saw a little bit of a slowdown from eight to six.


  • Are you seeing a broader slowdown in the consumer?


  • Maybe just talk about what you're seeing on a same-store sales basis and then on the SME side, you obviously saw a slight uptick.


  • So maybe if you could just expand on this both.


  • Thank you.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yeah.


  • So I think look, in US consumer, you saw a little bit of a sequential decline.


  • But also remember last quarter we had the extra day, so it's not really apples to apples, but within the US consumer was 6% up for the quarter continued to be strongly influenced by Millennial and Gen-Z growth.

    但也要記住,上個季度我們多了一天,所以這並不是真正的同類競爭,但美國消費者本季成長了 6%,繼續受到千禧世代和 Z 世代成長的強烈影響。

  • It's now up to 33% of our total billings and they're up 13%.

    現在它占我們總帳單的 33%,並且成長了 13%。

  • And so we feel good where the US consumer is obviously organic spending.


  • We'd like to see a little bit higher, but it is a slower growth economic environment.


  • But one thing I will point out before touching on some SME, when our consumer a lot of their spending is discretionary.


  • And for our consumer, if they decide they're going to pull back, they'll pull back a little bit on a discretionary, but they'll continue to pay their bills, which is why our credit numbers continue to be so strong and we continue to widen the gap between us and our competitors.


  • So we feel like the US consumer has been pretty consistent, and we think it's going to be pretty consistent throughout the year.


  • From a small business perspective, while there still is inorganic, decline year over year, that organic decline is less than it was last quarter and the quarter before that.


  • So we're seeing slight improvement.


  • In both the US consumer and in small business, retention is still strong and acquisition is still strong, and so what I like about where we're sitting is as the economy rebounds, whenever that may be organic, we'll pick up driving future growth.


  • And then just the last comment on international, you didn't ask about it.


  • Because probably it is so strong it's up 13% in the quarter and even small business and commercial within international is up 14%.

    因為它可能非常強勁,本季成長了 13%,甚至國際範圍內的小型企業和商業也成長了 14%。

  • So we feel good about where we are right now.


  • Operator


  • Don Fandetti, Wells Fargo.


  • Donald Fandetti - Analyst

    Donald Fandetti - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Can you talk a little bit, I know you're reiterating your revenue guide for '24 of 9% to 11%.


  • But just given results, do you think you're sort of more leaning towards the mid to lower end?


  • And then can you talk about where you're investing in marketing in terms of US consumer, commercial and international?


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • So I think look, quarter to date we're at about 10%, both reported and FX, and for the quarter we were at 8% and 9%.

    所以我認為,到目前為止,我們的報告利率和外匯利率約為 10%,本季我們的利率為 8% 和 9%。

  • So I think we're going to wind up within that range.


  • And I think depending upon how organic either rebound or stays where it is, we'll determine where we wind up within that range.


  • But we're very comfortable with sort of the the 9% to 11%.

    但我們對 9% 到 11% 的比例感到非常滿意。

  • As far as investment, we do is, we will look at the myriad of opportunities that we have to acquire more card holders.


  • And depending upon at any given point in time because our acquisition engine is a very dynamic engine and things change all the time.


  • We will allocate those investments either US consumer small business or international.


  • Traditionally the US consumer business would get more of that investment followed either by international and small business.


  • But as I sit here today, it's hard to say exactly what percentages will be, but it will be focused on acquiring more cardholders.


  • And the key about that is, is that when we acquire cardholders in the second half of the year, it's really not going to drive spending for us this year.


  • It will -- what we're doing here is we're investing for the medium and the longer term, and it will acquire cardholders that will spend for us for us next year.


  • So I think the takeaway from the point that Christophe made, the point that I made is the businesses -- we feel the business is strong, right now that we're able to and we invest more and we have line of sight into those opportunities without compromising on credit.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • The only thing I will add to that, Don is that, the revenue growth was exactly as we were expecting it to be.


  • And as we talked about it on the Q1 call, we talked about stable billings, which is exactly what we got.


  • We talked about card fee remaining in terms of growth where it was in Q1 before picking up a bit of momentum in the balance of the year.


  • We still think that is the right and way to think about card fees.


  • And we talked about NII growth rate moderating a little bit.

    我們談到NII 成長率略有放緩。

  • So that revenue growth is where we thought it would be.


  • Operator


  • Sanjay Sakhrani, KBW.

    桑傑·薩赫拉尼 (Sanjay Sakhrani),KBW。

  • Sanjay Sakhrani - Analyst

    Sanjay Sakhrani - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • And Steve, I think you I heard you say a Gold Card refresh will probably be announced shortly I guess.


  • Just can we contextualize what that means?


  • I assume it helps card fees next year.


  • And then just the spend trends intra-quarter were those pretty stable?


  • Sounds like they were, but just clarify.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yeah.


  • So not going to get into the details of the card.


  • But what I would say is, what are the big advantages of the refreshes, is it makes the marketing dollars work a lot harder.


  • So what happens is when you do a product refresh, whether it's gold, whether it's delta, whether it's Hilton or whether it's another gold or platinum card that we do internationally.


  • What happens is you're able to provide more value to those cardholders that already have the product, you may be able to upgrade a green to gold and obviously you're able to acquire even new cardholders with that.


  • And what happens is as you go out and acquire new cardholders.


  • You will have buzz around the fact that we have a new card and it has obviously a different value proposition and you'll have the marketing that goes with it.


  • So when you do a refresh and you have your marketing spend your marketing dollars work a little bit, the overall value proposition is a lot stronger and it works a little bit harder for you.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • And when it comes to the intra-quarter billings, we typically don't talk about those and there's nothing much to say here.


  • So there's nothing noticeable in terms of monthly billing growth.


  • Operator


  • Craig Maurer, FT partners.


  • Craig Maurer - Analyst

    Craig Maurer - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • I wanted to ask about the marketing spend and it seems like you're putting the pedal down.


  • So typically, when American Express does this, it's because -- or at least in the past, you've seen this happened because Amex is either anticipating or already seeing a slowdown from competitors in terms of their market activity and you see a significant opportunity to gain share.


  • Is that -- is any of that thought process going into this year?


  • And second, business development costs were lower than what was being forecast.


  • So I'm curious if that's due to some slower partner growth that might have [meant] less incentives or what went into that?


  • Thanks.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yeah.


  • So a couple of points, I think $6 billion for the year in total marketing is not an area we've ever been in before and an $800 million year over year increase is a pretty significant increase.

    所以有幾點,我認為今年 60 億美元的營銷總額不是我們以前涉足過的領域,而同比增長 8 億美元是一個相當顯著的增長。

  • I think that when we make a decision, Craig, to put more marketing dollars in, is because we see the opportunity.


  • And if you look at where we have been from a marketing spend for the first two quarters, that would show a trajectory of $6 billion.

    如果你看看我們前兩季的行銷支出狀況,你會發現支出軌跡為 60 億美元。

  • So we're really keeping all of our marketing spending consistent quarter to quarter because we do see the opportunity.


  • And we see the opportunity within the credit box and within the dimensions of who we're looking for our cardholders.


  • It's not due to a -- we're not making this investment because of a slowdown in billings, this was something that we had planned to do with the beginning of the year where billings were where they weren't going to be.


  • And as far as competitors pulling back, I don't see competitors pulling back at all.


  • I think competitors right now -- the environment is just as competitive as it's ever been.


  • Obviously you make these investments because you obviously want to gain more traction with your cardholders and you want again more share.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • Craig let me add a few things that and I will also answer your question about business development expenses so the other element here to factor into the decision to invest more is the visibility we have in the balance of your performance.


  • There the business is generating a lot of earnings we have more visibility in terms of the credit performance in the balance of the year in terms of the OpEx as well.


  • And that gives us confidence in our ability to actually deploy more marketing dollars.


  • And to get to your question about business developments, it's expenses -- there's nothing here significant.


  • There was in the quarter, some efficiencies.


  • I'll use that word in terms of the commercial spend and the incentives that we have with some card members and partners here.


  • And it give us a bit of efficiency, but there was nothing related specifically to co-brand partners or anything of the nature.


  • Operator


  • Rick Shane of JPMorgan.


  • Richard Shane - Analyst

    Richard Shane - Analyst

  • Thanks, everybody, for taking my question.


  • And I apologize I can't see my computer this morning.


  • So it's a little hard to get context on the marketing spend.


  • But what I'm trying to understand is the following, what I've heard is that given the strength of the underlying business, the incremental marketing spend is going to be funded organically as opposed to from the Accertify gain.

    但我想了解的是,我所聽到的是,鑑於基礎業務的實力,增量行銷支出將由有機資金資助,而不是從 Accertify 收益中獲得資金。

  • What I'm wondering is that $800 million year over year, has that changed materially from your prior guidance?

    我想知道的是,年比 8 億美元,這與您之前的指導相比是否有重大變化?

  • Have you in fact increased your expectations and funded it organically or is it roughly the same and it's just a matter of how you're going to pay for it.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Let me take that question and I hope you fix your computer problems soon.


  • The way to think about this is we always -- so we entered the year thinking we want to invest and we want to invest more because we see the opportunities and they are compelling investments with attractive returns.


  • The fact of the matter is that their core business, which I would define as like the business, excluding the Accertify gain, is generating more earnings than we had anticipated.

    事實上,他們的核心業務(我將其定義為不包括 Accertify 收益的業務)正在產生比我們預期更多的收益。

  • So you're right, we can afford to spend more, to fund it through the core business.


  • But on top of that, we also raised a little bit our marketing dollars.


  • Now it's not a significant amount either, as we've said in the past in a given week, we spent $120 million on average of marketing dollars so [$100 million or $200 million] a bit more a bit less, it's actually not that material.

    現在這也不是一個大數目,正如我們過去所說的,在某一周內,我們平均花費了1.2 億美元的營銷費用,所以[1 億美元或2 億美元] 多一點或少一點,實際上並不是那麼重要。

  • But the key thing here is that in terms of the funding, it's going to be funded all from the core business and because it's generating more earnings than we had anticipated at the beginning of the year.


  • Operator


  • Jeff Edelson, Morgan Stanley.


  • Jeffrey Adelson - Analyst

    Jeffrey Adelson - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning.


  • Stephen and Christophe.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Good morning.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • Good morning.


  • Jeffrey Adelson - Analyst

    Jeffrey Adelson - Analyst

  • Just wanted to revisit the credit quality a little bit.


  • I know last quarter, Christophe, you were talking about your expectation for write offs to kind of continue ticking up from here and seems like your view is has now shifted to a more stable outlook over the rest of the year.


  • Can you just maybe talk about what you're seeing from your core customers help.


  • Maybe what's driving some more confidence in the outlook there?


  • And then should we also be thinking about a stable reserve rate from here versus I think you were talking about more of an uptick over the rest of the year as well previously.


  • Thank you.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • Hey, good morning, Jeff.


  • So you're right.


  • We have changed a little bit the way we think about credit write offs for the balance of the year end.


  • We are at the beginning of Q3 now we had good visibility in terms of what's going to write off in Q3 and Q4.


  • So we can be more confident in terms of providing a direction here.


  • And to your point, the direction we're providing now is that it's going to be like stable at about the level you saw in Q2 at around 2.1%.

    就您而言,我們現在提供的方向是,它將穩定在第二季 2.1% 左右的水平。

  • Now I need to say this specifically to address your question on the reserve and how to think about it for the balance of you.


  • A big driver of the reserve is going to be the delinquency levels.


  • Those card members that are showing signs of signal as I've stressed early on.


  • The delinquency improvement in the quarter, there is seasonality in that in that improvement.


  • And so we expect either that delinquency rate is going to probably tick up a bit in the balance of year and that will drive a bit of incremental reserves together with the volume growth that we expect to see.


  • But from a reserve rate standpoint, we are 2.8% it's a good reference point for what to expect for the balance of the year,. it might increase a little bit.

    但從準備金率的角度來看,我們的利率是 2.8%,這是對今年剩餘時間的預期的一個很好的參考點。它可能會增加一點。

  • We'll see it's hard to predict where [see bullish the Skinner] land exactly at the end of Q4, but it's a good guide in terms of what to expect for the balance of the year.


  • I would expect 2.8, maybe 2.9%, but we're going to be in that range.

    我預計是 2.8%,也許是 2.9%,但我們會在這個範圍內。

  • And to your point on credit losses, we expect stability from where we are now for the balance of the year.


  • Operator


  • Mark DeVries, Deutsche Bank.


  • Mark DeVries - Analyst

    Mark DeVries - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks.


  • I think you pointed out it is pretty unusual for you to let again like you sort of I can fall to the bottom line.


  • And I realize you don't give 2025 guidance that, Steve, just kind of wondering if you're still expect to target that mid-teens EPS growth office, this higher 2024 EPS level?

    我知道你並沒有給出 2025 年的指導,史蒂夫,只是想知道你是否仍然希望以十幾歲左右的每股收益增長為目標,即更高的 2024 年每股收益水平?

  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Well, I'm actually glad you asked that question because it is a one-time gain.


  • And so as we do give guidance for next year.


  • We certainly do expect some to be in that mid-teens EPS range.


  • However, we will be -- and we'd expect that people would adjust for that one-time gain.


  • I think by calling out that one-time gain the way that we have and not using it within the business, I think it makes your job a little bit easier to just sort of remove that and then build from there.


  • Because when you look at it, it's a one-time gain, that's what I call it, a one-time gain.


  • But the thing that I would also point out is that because we have elevated our marketing spending to where it is using the core business and not use the one-time gain, that gives us the opportunity to actually reset our marketing at a much higher level for next year, which will allow us to drive even more growth as we as we go forward.


  • So that's the that's the big advantage that we look at this by not using a one-time gain and saying, hey, look, that's what we didn't have in our core by adjusting up our marketing by using core earnings.


  • Our anticipation is we'll be able to keep that marketing there and grow from there going forward versus going back to the $5.2 billion.

    我們的預期是,我們能夠將行銷保持在該水平,並在此基礎上繼續成長,而不是回到 52 億美元。

  • Operator


  • Chris Kennedy, William Blair.


  • Chris Kennedy Kennedy - Analyst

    Chris Kennedy Kennedy - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • At the Investor Day, digital banking was one of the key areas of investment over the next couple of years.


  • Can you just talk about those investments and what the goal is there?


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yeah.


  • Look, the overall goal is to be more engaged with both our small businesses and to be more engaged with our consumers.


  • And I think digital banking is a bit of a journey for us.


  • We now have multiple accounts, and we're just going to continue to invest not only in capabilities, but continue to invest in making sure that our customers are using that.


  • So there'll be more to come on that.


  • But we're at the beginning of this journey, it is still a long way for us to go.


  • Operator


  • Terry Ma, Barclays.


  • Terry Ma Ma - Analyst

    Terry Ma Ma - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks, good morning.


  • I just want to get some more color on how your announced product refreshes are going in terms of just acquisitions, retentions and just overall receptiveness and whether or not you still feel pretty good about having that card fees exit the year higher than last year.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • In terms of acquisition for the product refreshes or in terms product refreshes.


  • Terry Ma Ma - Analyst

    Terry Ma Ma - Analyst

  • In terms of just overall how product refreshes are going and whether or not you still feel pretty good about having net card fee growth exiting your


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • So we feel very good about either adding a bit more momentum, as we said, in terms of the card fee growth we are at like 16% FX-adjusted.

    因此,我們對增加一點動力感到非常滿意,正如我們所說,就卡費成長而言,我們的匯率調整後約為 16%。

  • And we are definitely expecting this to tick up a bit in the balance of year.


  • It's on the back of their product refreshes, but not only on the back of product refreshes and under the single most important, as I said in my prepared remark here, single most important element of that is their renewed commitment that cardmembers tenured cardmembers into portfolio make every year to actually renew their membership.


  • That's a super important element of the mix here.


  • But card refreshes, we are on track, we talked about 40 products and we are tracking well against that.

    但是卡片刷新後,我們已經步入正軌,我們討論了 40 種產品,並且我們正在很好地追蹤這些產品。

  • And as Steve said, you know, goal is next to come.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes.


  • I mean, we're about halfway through on those on those product refreshes.


  • Gold is the next big one to come, and it's really a little bit too early to tell how each one individually has done.


  • But when you look at is, 3.4 million cards, 3.3 million cards acquired and retention rates are still strong.

    但如果你看一下,340 萬張卡、330 萬張卡的取得和保留率仍然很高。

  • And those are the things that you look at, but we'll be able to have more color as the year goes on.


  • Operator


  • Saul Martinez of HSBC.


  • Saul Martinez - Analyst

    Saul Martinez - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning, guys.


  • So the question (technical difficulty) the midpoint of your guidance range implies an EPS in the second half that, at the midpoint of the range suggests around 2.6% growth, I think at the higher end, but it's roughly a little under seven.

    因此,問題(技術難度)指導範圍的中點意味著下半年的每股收益,在該範圍的中點表明增長約為 2.6%,我認為處於較高端,但大約略低於 7。

  • Now.


  • Obviously, the higher marketing explains the bulk of it, if not all of it.


  • But just wanted to ask, was there anything else there that is relevant that we should be thinking about driving that deceleration and maybe different than what you had anticipated?


  • Because obviously on a core basis, your numbers stripping out a certified have been better than expected in the first half, yet coordination kept the EPS side unchanged.

    因為顯然在核心基礎上,上半年扣除認證的數據好於預期,但協調性使 EPS 方面保持不變。

  • On that second half outlook, I think you have said in the past, but if I'm wrong, but quite deceleration in the year closer to 20%.


  • I think don't think you've given a specific number on this call, other than to say you see some acceleration business, 20% still the

    我想你在這次電話會議上並沒有給出具體的數字,只是說你看到了一些加速業務,20% 仍然是

  • (inaudible).


  • Thanks.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • So we haven't given a number.


  • So and I going to stick to that.


  • But your math is -- either we've done the math as well, and we're looking at those numbers and you need to fill factor as well into account the fact that last quarter we had the (technical difficulty) like about $200 million of one-off gain as well, you may remember linked to the lower our model.

    但你的數學是——要么我們也做了數學計算,我們正在研究這些數字,你還需要考慮到上個季度我們遇到了大約 2 億美元的(技術困難)這一事實一次性增益也是如此,您可能還記得與我們模型的較低部分相關聯。

  • But when as think about the balance of your there, couple of additional items to bake into your forecast.


  • The first thing is that, as I say it does on a previous question, I think it was from Jeff, we expect to build some balances in the balance of year for credit reserve, [Cecil] balance -- Cecil reserve, sorry.

    第一件事是,正如我在上一個問題中所說的那樣,我認為這是來自傑夫的,我們希望在信貸準備金的年度餘額中建立一些餘額,[塞西爾]餘額- 塞西爾準備金,抱歉。

  • And so that will put a bit of pressure on the EPS.


  • The second thing is that OpEx, we're investing in technology, as I said in my remarks as well, we're investing in our control management capabilities and typically as well as the seasonal factor at American Express, we've seen operating expenses pickup a little bit towards the end of the year.


  • So when you bake all of this into account, including a bit more marketing that we are projecting this at this point in time in the balance of year, you actually get back on your feet and you'll see that there the EPS cadence or run rate is actually not moving that much and remains like very high.

    因此,當您將所有這些因素考慮在內,包括我們在今年餘下的時間點預計的更多營銷活動時,您實際上會重新站起來,您會看到 EPS 節奏或運行情況實際上,利率並沒有太大變化,仍然非常高。

  • Operator


  • Moshe Orenbush, TD Cowen.


  • Moshe Orenbuch - Analyst

    Moshe Orenbuch - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • Is there -- [Accertify], as you look at the net interest income, that did decelerate about 6 points in the quarter from the first quarter level, but still the growth rate of NII is still well above the growth rate in loans.

    [Accertify],當你觀察淨利息收入時,本季確實比第一季的水準下降了約 6 個百分點,但 NII 的成長率仍然遠高於貸款的成長率。

  • As you kind of approach the end of the year, do you think that those two kind of converge or will there be margin pressure?


  • And could that and net interest income growth be lower than the growth in balances by them?


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you for your question, Moshe.


  • There are a couple of things to keep in mind here are the first one is that as I've said, we should expect the volume, the balances, the loans to growth rate to moderate a bit further in the balance of year, although it will remain in double digit.


  • From a yield standpoint, we have a slide that shows the yields, we had a bit of a yield improvement on the back of better.


  • I would see a few things year over year yield improvement on the back of either there are revolve rates are a bit higher and they keep ticking up a little bit.


  • And the second thing is and was recovered during the investor day on the funding side, we still have this dynamic around a bigger share of our funding mix going to a high-yield savings account, which for us as an effective funding channel.


  • And so that dynamic is still going to play out in the balance of year.


  • And so you should expect to see the NII growth rate kind of like moderate a bit in the balance of year.

    因此,您應該預計到今年剩餘的時間裡,NII 成長率會有所放緩。

  • Operator


  • Mihir Bhatia, Bank of America.


  • Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

    Mihir Bhatia - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you for taking my question.


  • Wanted to go back just staying on spending and revenue.


  • Is it fair to say that you're planning for the softer spending environment to continue for the next couple of quarters?


  • So discount revenue growth will be like current quarter levels, probably a fair way to think about it or are you taking any change in that trajectory?


  • And then just relatedly on spending, if I could just -- if you could just discuss what happened in large and global spend.


  • It looked like it decelerated a fair amount.


  • So is there anything to call the mean, I know it's a smaller business, but so fairly meaningful deceleration.


  • Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

    Christophe Le Caillec - Chief Financial Officer

  • So let me take the first one around how we're thinking about billings.


  • So we are -- as I said, either we see a lot of stability across the last two, three quarters and even a bit further when you look at this in detail.


  • So either from a guidance standpoint, when we develop the guidance and the revenue guidance that's what we bake in.


  • If there is upside to that spend level, then all it's going to be a good thing for us.


  • But from a guidance standpoint, that's what we are assuming on the revenue side.


  • when it comes to global and large, last quarter you remember there was like a tick up, it was up 5% this quarter there was are we back to that 0%?

    當談到全球和大型企業時,你記得上個季度出現了小幅上漲,本季上漲了 5%,但我們又回到了 0% 嗎?

  • There are a few things here like there isn't really nothing meaningful outside of likely notice in like one specific client like or a significant drop in terms of their card member usage.


  • But but there was nothing really material there, not big change, not an inflection point in terms of what we see in terms of corporate card spend.


  • Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

    Stephen Squeri - Chairman & CEO

  • Donna, back to you.


  • Kartik Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

    Kartik Ramachandran - Senior Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

  • Well, with that, we will bring the call to an end.


  • Thank you again for joining today's call and for your continued interest in American Express.


  • The IR team will be available for any follow-up questions.

    IR 團隊將隨時解答任何後續問題。

  • Thank you.


  • Donna?


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, the webcast replay will be available on our Investor Relations website at ir.americanexpress.com, shortly after the call.

    女士們、先生們,電話會議後不久,我們的投資者關係網站 ir.americanexpress.com 上將提供網路廣播重播。

  • You can also access the digital replay of the call at 8776606853 or 2016127415, access code 13747456.

    您也可以撥打 8776606853 或 2016127415,存取代碼 13747456 存取通話的數位重播。

  • After 1:00 PM, Eastern time on July 19, through July 26.

    東部時間 7 月 19 日下午 1:00 至 7 月 26 日。

  • That will conclude our conference call.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
