日月光投資控股 (ASX) 2021 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • Hello.


  • I am Ken Hsiang, the Head of Investor Relations for ASE Technology Holdings.

    我是 ASE Technology Holdings 投資者關係主管 Ken Hsiang。

  • Welcome to our first quarter 2021 earnings release.

    歡迎來到我們的 2021 年第一季度收益發布。

  • Thank you for attending our earnings presentation today.


  • Please refer to our safe harbor notice on Page 2. All participants consent to having their voices and questions broadcast via participation of this event.

    請參閱我們在第 2 頁上的安全港通知。所有參與者都同意通過參與本次活動來廣播他們的聲音和問題。

  • If participants do not consent, please disconnect at this time.


  • I would like to remind everyone that the presentation that follows may contain forward-looking statements.


  • These forward-looking statements are subject to a high degree of risk, and our actual results may differ materially.


  • For the purposes of this presentation, our dollar figures are generally stated in new Taiwan dollars, unless otherwise indicated.


  • As a Taiwan-based company, our financials are presented in accordance with Taiwan IFRS.


  • The results presented using Taiwan IFRS may differ materially from results using other accounting standards, including those presented by our subsidiary using Chinese GAAP.


  • I'm joined today by Dr. Tien Wu, Our COO; and Joseph Tung, our CFO.

    今天,我們的首席運營官 Tien Wu 博士加入了我的行列;和我們的首席財務官 Joseph Tung。

  • For today's call, I will first be going over our financial results.


  • Joseph and Tien will then be available to answer questions during the Q&A.

    Joseph 和 Tien 將在問答期間回答問題。

  • During our last earnings release, we talked about seeing an increasingly tight semiconductor supply chain.


  • At the time, we indicated that we saw tight supplies of wafers, components, substrates and capital equipment.


  • The tight supply environment continues to be true today.


  • During the quarter, headlines citing semiconductor shortages have spread into daily newspapers.


  • Semiconductor companies, our customers, have started to plan further out with orders being placed now for products to be delivered in 2022.

    我們的客戶半導體公司已經開始進一步計劃,現在正在下訂單,以便在 2022 年交付產品。

  • Longer-term loading agreements which seemed like an unusual request in the back half of 2020 now are being regarded as a requisite by not only us but by our customers as well.

    更長期的裝載協議在 2020 年下半年似乎是一個不尋常的要求,現在不僅我們而且我們的客戶都認為這是必要的。

  • Last quarter, we expressed that we expected the logic semiconductor industry to grow between 5% to 10% during 2021.

    上個季度,我們表示預計邏輯半導體行業在 2021 年將增長 5% 至 10%。

  • We also stated that our ATM business generally targets to grow 2x that number.

    我們還表示,我們的 ATM 業務總體目標是增長該數字的 2 倍。

  • Since that time, we certainly have seen an overall step-up in our business.


  • However, we also see some constraints becoming more of an obstacle for further growth.


  • Nevertheless, even with these constraints considered, we still see an improved growth environment, with our growth outlook to be on the very high end of the original range.


  • All signs continue to point towards 2021 being a banner year for our ATM business.

    所有跡像都表明,2021 年是我們 ATM 業務的標誌性年份。

  • Meanwhile, our EMS business went through its seasonally soft quarter.

    與此同時,我們的 EMS 業務經歷了季節性疲軟的季度。

  • The first quarter is usually when companies gauge their inventories and zero in on when to ramp down manufacturing while getting ready for the next product cycle.


  • As a result, for us, volatility tends to be the norm during the first quarter.


  • This year is no different with business coming in a little behind our expectations during such order fine-tuning.


  • This year's target manufacturing was made even more complex by bill of material constraints.


  • Looking forward, we do see various product ramps coming including new SIP and traditional EMS projects in the next few quarters.

    展望未來,我們確實看到未來幾個季度會出現各種產品增長,包括新的 SIP 和傳統 EMS 項目。

  • Please turn to Page 3, where you will find our first quarter consolidated results.

    請轉到第 3 頁,您將在其中找到我們第一季度的綜合業績。

  • Intercompany transactions between our ATM and EMS business have been eliminated during consolidation.

    我們的 ATM 和 EMS 業務之間的公司間交易已在合併期間消除。

  • For the first quarter, we recorded fully diluted EPS of $1.94 and basic EPS of $1.99.

    第一季度,我們的完全攤薄每股收益為 1.94 美元,基本每股收益為 1.99 美元。

  • Consolidated net revenue decreased 20% quarter-over-quarter but increased 23% year-over-year.

    綜合淨收入環比下降 20%,但同比增長 23%。

  • This sequential decline was primarily driven by seasonality of our EMS business.

    這種連續下降主要是由我們的 EMS 業務的季節性驅動的。

  • We had a gross profit of $22 billion with a gross margin of 18.4%.

    我們的毛利潤為 220 億美元,毛利率為 18.4%。

  • Our gross margin improved by 2.7 percentage points sequentially and 1.8 percentage points year-over-year.

    我們的毛利率環比增長 2.7 個百分點,同比增長 1.8 個百分點。

  • Both margin improvements are principally the result of higher ATM business mix.

    這兩項利潤率的提高主要是由於更高的 ATM 業務組合。

  • Our operating expenses decreased by $1.1 billion to $11 billion, mainly as a result of lower bonus expenses during the quarter.

    我們的運營費用減少了 11 億美元至 110 億美元,主要是由於本季度獎金支出減少。

  • Our operating expense percentage increased 1.1 percentage points sequentially and declined 1.2 percentage points year-over-year to 9.2%.

    我們的營業費用百分比環比增長 1.1 個百分點,同比下降 1.2 個百分點至 9.2%。

  • The operating expense percentage increase is mainly the result of seasonality.


  • On a full year perspective, we should see improvement from last year's 9% level.

    從全年來看,我們應該會看到比去年的 9% 水平有所改善。

  • Operating profit was $11.1 billion, down $0.1 billion sequentially and up $5 billion year-over-year.

    營業利潤為 111 億美元,環比下降 1 億美元,同比增長 50 億美元。

  • Sequentially, operating margin increased 1.7 percentage points to 9.3% and increased 3.1 percentage points year-over-year.

    隨後,營業利潤率增長 1.7 個百分點至 9.3%,同比增長 3.1 個百分點。

  • From a total year perspective, we previously expected to be able to achieve 1.5 percentage point to 2 percentage point improvement.

    從全年來看,我們此前預計能夠實現 1.5 個百分點至 2 個百分點的提升。

  • We now expect to be able to improve our full year consolidated operating margin by 2.5 percentage points to 3 percentage points, driven by increased scale, a friendly ATM pricing environment and SPIL synergies.

    在規模擴大、友好的 ATM 定價環境和 SPIL 協同效應的推動下,我們現在預計能夠將全年綜合營業利潤率提高 2.5 個百分點至 3 個百分點。

  • During the quarter, we had a net nonoperating gain of $0.3 billion.

    本季度,我們的非經營性淨收益為 3 億美元。

  • This amount primarily consists of gains related to our foreign exchange hedging activities, investments and asset sales offset in part by net interest expense of $0.6 billion.

    該金額主要包括與我們的外匯對沖活動、投資和資產出售相關的收益,部分被 6 億美元的淨利息支出所抵消。

  • Tax expense for the quarter was $2.5 billion.

    本季度的稅收支出為 25 億美元。

  • The effective tax rate for the first quarter was 22%.

    第一季度的有效稅率為 22%。

  • We expect to have an effective tax rate for the year of between 20% to 21% during the full year.

    我們預計全年的有效稅率在 20% 至 21% 之間。

  • Net income for the quarter was $8.6 billion, representing a decline of $1.5 billion sequentially and an improvement of $4.7 billion year-over-year.

    本季度淨收入為 86 億美元,環比下降 15 億美元,同比增長 47 億美元。

  • On the bottom of the page, we provide key P&L line items without the inclusion of PPA-related expenses.

    在頁面底部,我們提供了關鍵的損益表項目,但不包括與 PPA 相關的費用。

  • Consolidated gross profit, excluding PPA expenses, would be $22.9 billion with a 19.2% gross margin.

    不包括 PPA 費用的合併毛利潤為 229 億美元,毛利率為 19.2%。

  • Operating profit would be $12.2 billion with an operating margin of 10.2%.

    營業利潤為 122 億美元,營業利潤率為 10.2%。

  • Net profit would be $9.7 billion with a net margin of 8.2%.

    淨利潤為 97 億美元,淨利潤率為 8.2%。

  • Basic EPS, excluding PPA expenses, would be $2.26.

    不包括 PPA 費用的基本每股收益為 2.26 美元。

  • On Page 4 is our ATM P&L.

    第 4 頁是我們的 ATM 損益表。

  • It is worth noting here that the ATM revenue reported here contains revenue eliminated at the holding company level related to intercompany transactions between our ATM and EMS businesses.

    值得注意的是,此處報告的 ATM 收入包含在控股公司層面消除的與我們的 ATM 和 EMS 業務之間的公司間交易相關的收入。

  • During the first quarter, our ATM factories not only held fourth quarter production run rates as per our original expectations, our factories were able to surpass them.

    在第一季度,我們的 ATM 工廠不僅按照我們最初的預期保持了第四季度的生產運行率,而且我們的工廠能夠超越它們。

  • As you will see, we were also able to achieve higher-than-expected profitability as a result of these stronger revenues and on higher test revenue mix.


  • For the most part, the majority of our ATM product lines were running at full or near full capacity.

    在大多數情況下,我們的大多數 ATM 產品線都在滿負荷或接近滿負荷運行。

  • Our wirebond business continues to be capacity constrained, driven not by just increased unit demand, but also by unit bonding complexity.


  • During this time, our ATM factories have remained diligent to our customers trying to supply as much capacity as possible.

    在此期間,我們的 ATM 工廠一直努力為客戶提供盡可能多的容量。

  • To cope with the current environment, our preference has been, in no particular order, to pass-through raw material price increases correct for underperforming engagements, enter into long-term loading contracts and secure key customer relationships.


  • We continue to work with our customers who are trying to work through an extremely challenging production environment.


  • For the first quarter of 2021, revenues for our ATM business were $73.8 billion, up $1 billion from the previous quarter and up $7.6 billion from the same period last year.

    2021 年第一季度,我們 ATM 業務的收入為 738 億美元,比上一季度增加 10 億美元,比去年同期增加 76 億美元。

  • This represents a 1% increase sequentially and a 11% increase year-over-year.

    這意味著環比增長 1%,同比增長 11%。

  • Our ATM revenues came in slightly ahead of our expectations.

    我們的 ATM 收入略高於我們的預期。

  • On a U.S. dollar basis, our ATM revenues grew by 3% sequentially.

    按美元計算,我們的 ATM 收入環比增長 3%。

  • This marks the first time in near-term history in which ASE's first quarter had sequential revenue growth.

    這標誌著 ASE 第一季度的收入在近期歷史上首次出現連續增長。

  • Gross profit for our ATM business was $18 billion, up $1.5 billion sequentially and $4.7 billion year-over-year.

    我們 ATM 業務的毛利潤為 180 億美元,環比增長 15 億美元,同比增長 47 億美元。

  • Gross profits improved both sequentially and annually, primarily as a result of higher manufacturing efficiency and significantly higher off-season loading.


  • Gross profit margin for our ATM business was 24.4%, up 1.8 percentage points sequentially and 4.3 percentage points year-over-year.


  • Our gross margin improvement was due to improved loading and a high percentage of low raw material product.


  • ATM gross margin improvement was accomplished despite NT dollar appreciation, having a negative 0.8 percentage point impact quarter-over-quarter and a 2.7 percentage point impact year-over-year.

    儘管新台幣升值,ATM 毛利率仍有所改善,環比下降 0.8 個百分點,同比下降 2.7 個百分點。

  • Looking forward, we do expect this beneficial product mix to reverse itself in the second quarter and even switching to a high raw material product mix in the third and fourth quarters.


  • However, even with this product mix shift looming, we expect to be able to deliver gradually improving gross margins throughout 2021.

    然而,即使這種產品組合轉變迫在眉睫,我們仍預計能夠在 2021 年實現逐步提高的毛利率。

  • We are well on our way to achieving full year gross margin in the mid-20s.

    我們正在朝著 20 年代中期實現全年毛利率的目標邁進。

  • During the first quarter, operating expenses were $8.1 billion, down $0.4 billion sequentially and up $0.3 billion year-over-year.

    第一季度,運營費用為 81 億美元,環比下降 4 億美元,同比增長 3 億美元。

  • The sequential operating expense decline was primarily driven by a decline in employee bonuses.


  • Meanwhile, the year-over-year operating expense increase was the result of higher employee salaries due to higher headcount and higher bonus accrual.


  • Our operating expense percentage was 11%, down 0.6 percentage points sequentially and down 0.7 percentage points year-over-year.

    我們的營業費用百分比為 11%,環比下降 0.6 個百分點,同比下降 0.7 個百分點。

  • During the first quarter, operating profit was $9.9 billion, representing an improvement of $1.9 billion quarter-over-quarter and an improvement of $4.3 billion year-over-year.

    第一季度,營業利潤為 99 億美元,環比增長 19 億美元,同比增長 43 億美元。

  • Operating margin was 13.4%, improving 2.4 percentage points sequentially and 5 percentage points year-over-year.

    營業利潤率為 13.4%,環比提高 2.4 個百分點,同比提高 5 個百分點。

  • Without the impact of PPA-related depreciation and amortization, ATM gross profit margin would be 25.6% and operating profit margin would be 15%.

    如果沒有與 PPA 相關的折舊和攤銷的影響,ATM 毛利率為 25.6%,營業利潤率為 15%。

  • On Page 5, you'll find a graphical representation of our ATM P&L.

    在第 5 頁,您會發現我們的 ATM 損益表的圖形表示。

  • On Page 6 is our ATM revenue by market segment.

    第 6 頁是我們按細分市場劃分的 ATM 收入。

  • You can see here the typical seasonal decline in the communications market segment.


  • However, our automotive, consumer and other products picked up to fill the typical seasonal decline gap.


  • On Page 7, you will find our ATM revenue by service type.

    在第 7 頁,您會發現我們按服務類型劃分的 ATM 收入。

  • The quarterly movements tend be too small, but the chart taken as a whole tells a more complete story.


  • You can see here the gradual improvement and underlying strength of our wirebond-related business.


  • Meanwhile, our advanced and testing service types have seen a decline, much of which having to do with the impact of the U.S. EAR.

    與此同時,我們的高級和測試服務類型出現了下降,這在很大程度上與美國 EAR 的影響有關。

  • On Page 8, you can see the results of our EMS business and a graphical representation of our EMS revenue by application.

    在第 8 頁,您可以看到我們 EMS 業務的結果以及按應用劃分的 EMS 收入的圖形表示。

  • The information we provide in regards to our EMS business may differ materially from the information directly provided by our subsidiary as they report independently using Chinese GAAP.

    我們提供的有關我們的 EMS 業務的信息可能與我們的子公司直接提供的信息存在重大差異,因為它們使用中國公認會計原則獨立報告。

  • During the quarter, our China-based factories were subject to a special government policy for lowering the risk of COVID-19 by means of reducing travel across China during the Lunar New Year holiday.

    在本季度,我們在中國的工廠受到政府特殊政策的約束,該政策通過減少農曆新年假期期間在中國的旅行來降低 COVID-19 的風險。

  • China highly encouraged factories such as ours to maintain staffing levels throughout the Lunar New Year holiday.


  • This resulted in extra unexpected labor expense.


  • This, along with softer-than-expected business, contributed to the lower-than-expected profitability.


  • During the first quarter, EMS revenues declined 40% sequentially, primarily due to product seasonality.

    第一季度,EMS 收入環比下降 40%,主要是由於產品的季節性。

  • EMS revenues increased 46% year-over-year as a result of having an expanded revenue base of products.

    由於產品收入基礎的擴大,EMS 收入同比增長 46%。

  • Our EMS gross profit was $4.2 billion, declining $2.8 billion sequentially and increasing $1.1 billion year-over-year.

    我們的 EMS 毛利潤為 42 億美元,環比下降 28 億美元,同比增長 11 億美元。

  • The lower sequential EMS gross profit was the result of lower loading due to seasonality and the higher year-over-year gross profit was the result of higher sales from a wider product base.

    EMS 環比毛利較低是由於季節性因素導致裝載量減少,而同比毛利較高是由於產品基礎更廣的銷售額增加所致。

  • Gross profit margin for the EMS business came in at 8.7%, which is a decline of 0.1 percentage points sequentially and 0.6 percentage points year-over-year.


  • In addition to the aforementioned level staffing role, the gross margin sequential decline was primarily the result of lower scale during the seasonally down quarter.


  • Year-over-year, this decline is principally the result of the level staffing role and product mix.


  • Our EMS business unit's first quarter operating expenses were $2.8 billion, declining $0.7 billion sequentially, while increasing $0.5 billion year-over-year.

    我們的 EMS 業務部門第一季度運營費用為 28 億美元,環比下降 7 億美元,但同比增長 5 億美元。

  • The operating expense sequential decline is the result of lower bonus expense, while the annual increase is the result of China's level staffing role.


  • Our operating expense percentage increased 1.4 percentage points sequentially to 5.9%, while declining 1.1 percentage points year-over-year.

    我們的營業費用百分比環比增長 1.4 個百分點至 5.9%,但同比下降 1.1 個百分點。

  • The operating expense percentage movements are driven by lower bonuses in the first quarter and sales seasonality.


  • Our EMS operating profit declined $2.2 billion sequentially, while improving $0.6 billion year-over-year.

    我們的 EMS 營業利潤環比下降 22 億美元,但同比增長 6 億美元。

  • Our EMS operating margin was 2.8%, declining 1.6 percentage points sequentially and up 0.4 percentage points year-over-year.

    我們的 EMS 營業利潤率為 2.8%,環比下降 1.6 個百分點,同比上升 0.4 個百分點。

  • From a full year perspective, we continue to target a 4% operating margin for our EMS business.

    從全年的角度來看,我們繼續將 EMS 業務的營業利潤率定為 4%。

  • On the bottom half of the page, you will find a graphical representation of our EMS revenue by application.

    在頁面的下半部分,您會發現我們的 EMS 收入(按應用程序)的圖形表示。

  • You can see here that seasonally driven products in consumer and communication segments each declined by 6 percentage points.

    您可以在此處看到,消費者和通信領域的季節性產品均下降了 6 個百分點。

  • Other segments were generally seasonally soft but were not as strongly pronounced.


  • On Page 9, you will find key line items from our balance sheet.

    在第 9 頁,您將找到我們資產負債表中的關鍵項目。

  • The only things that we would like to add here are that total unused credit lines amounted to $255.2 billion and our net debt-to-equity ratio dropped to 61%, the lower end of our targeted range.

    我們唯一想在這裡補充的是,未使用的信貸額度總額為 2552 億美元,我們的淨債務權益比率降至 61%,這是我們目標範圍的下限。

  • Page 10, you will find our equipment capital expenditures.

    第 10 頁,您會發現我們的設備資本支出。

  • Amounts on this are denoted in U.S. dollars.


  • Machinery and equipment capital expenditures for the first quarter totaled $471 million, of which $337 million were used in packaging, $118 million in testing, $11 million in EMS operations and $5 million in interconnect materials and others.

    第一季度機械設備資本支出總計 4.71 億美元,其中 3.37 億美元用於封裝,1.18 億美元用於測試,1100 萬美元用於 EMS 運營,500 萬美元用於互連材料和其他。

  • From the full year perspective, we currently expect to increase our wirebond capacity by about 10% to 15% during the year.

    從全年來看,我們目前預計今年我們的引線鍵合產能將增加約 10% 至 15%。

  • We ended 2020 with slightly more than 26,000 wirebonders.

    到 2020 年底,我們的銲線機數量略多於 26,000 台。

  • We also currently expect our 2021 equipment capital expenditures to increase 10% to 15% as compared to last year.

    我們目前還預計我們 2021 年的設備資本支出將比去年增加 10% 至 15%。

  • We expect to invest roughly 65% of our CapEx on packaging equipment and 20% on testing equipment.

    我們預計將大約 65% 的資本支出用於包裝設備,20% 用於測試設備。

  • The current environment is a challenging one.


  • It is incredibly difficult to manage capacity allocations.


  • We continue to see tight wafer, substrate, component and capital equipment deliveries throughout the remainder of this year.


  • It's even coming full circle for us.


  • Some of our capital equipment vendors are telling us that their equipment delivery schedules are slipping because of lack of semiconductors.


  • We are well aware that perceived capacity scarcity potentially perpetuates a snowball effect with customers scrambling for even more incremental supply chain security.


  • There are rumblings that capacity has been systemically underbuilt for years, but we have only been capacity constrained outside of typical seasonality for just this quarter.


  • At the very most, underordering in early times of COVID created an artificial lull in demand and capacity build.


  • We don't believe the current situation is simply explained away by saying the semiconductor industry had underinvested, specifically to us, in back end capacity.


  • The worldwide capacity was in balance 2 quarters ago.


  • For us and others, there is a resurgence of the trailing edge underway.


  • We see longer-term shifts and product complexity, the expanded use of trailing edge technologies and geopolitical disruption as having a hand in this supply and demand in balance.


  • Regardless of the cause, we believe we stand to extend our competitive advantage during the coming year.


  • Not only do you look at who has the largest capacity at this time.


  • What you have to ask is who gets the allocation of capital equipment in these times?


  • Who has the advantage in getting allocation of components and substrates at this time?


  • Who invested during the last 3 years, while everyone else held back?

    誰在過去 3 年進行了投資,而其他人卻持保留態度?

  • Who can supply chain managers trust with their jobs to deliver on long-term loading agreements?


  • Industry leaders like us, stretch their leads in times like these.


  • With that, we would like to provide our second quarter business outlook as follows: for our ATM business, our ATM second quarter sequential business growth rate should be similar with our second quarter 2020 sequential business growth rate.

    鑑於此,我們希望提供我們第二季度的業務展望如下:對於我們的 ATM 業務,我們的 ATM 第二季度業務連續增長率應該與我們 2020 年第二季度的連續業務增長率相似。

  • Our ATM second quarter 2021 gross margin should slightly improve from the first quarter.

    我們的 ATM 2021 年第二季度毛利率應該會比第一季度略有改善。

  • For our EMS business in U.S. dollar terms, EMS second quarter business should be similar with third quarter 2020 business levels.

    對於我們以美元計算的 EMS 業務,EMS 第二季度的業務應該與 2020 年第三季度的業務水平相似。

  • Our EMS operating profit margin should be slightly below full year 2020 levels.

    我們的 EMS 營業利潤率應略低於 2020 年全年水平。

  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Now we open the floor for Q&A.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • (Operator Instructions) First question is coming from Randy Abrams, Crédit Suisse.

    (操作員說明)第一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 Randy Abrams。

  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • Yes, actually, if I could ask the first question, I tried to get down the guidance real quick, but I want to just make sure I have the right understanding.


  • For IC ATM, so we should imply 5% sequential -- about 5% if I look back to last year in U.S. dollar terms with slightly up gross margin.

    對於 IC ATM,我們應該暗示 5% 的連續增長——如果我回顧去年以美元計算,毛利率略有上升,約為 5%。

  • And then for EMS, I think I saw compared to the third quarter '20 growth rate.

    然後對於 EMS,我想我看到了與 20 年第三季度相比的增長率。

  • Is that a sequential or a year-on-year for that growth?


  • And then for operating margin, I assume it's slightly below.


  • So it's a good sequential improvement.


  • But if you could just recap it just so we have the right assumption on those guidance metrics?


  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • Okay here.


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • I didn't write it down.


  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • The guidance that we provided for ATM, you're correct.

    我們為 ATM 提供的指導是正確的。

  • In terms of ATM on the top line, we're expecting the same level of growth that we saw in previous second quarter.

    就頂線的 ATM 而言,我們預計與上一季度相同的增長水平。

  • In terms of the gross profit margin, we're looking at a slight improvement in the quarter.


  • For EMS, we are looking at EMS second quarter.

    對於 EMS,我們正在關注第二季度的 EMS。

  • The top line will be similar to third quarter 2020 level.

    收入將與 2020 年第三季度的水平相似。

  • And the operating margin should be slightly below full year 2020 level.

    營業利潤率應略低於 2020 年全年水平。

  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • If I could follow up, the -- 2 things on the constraints.


  • Is there a way to think about the -- how much it is limiting you or how much behind you are on IC ATM?

    有沒有辦法考慮——它在多大程度上限制了你,或者你在 IC ATM 上落後了多少?

  • And is it strictly a wirebond that's still the bottleneck?


  • Or do you now have constraint on your -- like more advanced packaging, the flip chip and wafer Level packaging as well?

    或者您現在是否對您的 - 比如更先進的封裝、倒裝芯片和晶圓級封裝也有限制?

  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • The constraint we were referring to applies to capital equipment, including wirebonder, also related to substrates, lead frames and other components that are required to do the final assembly.


  • So every product is different.


  • I mean, I cannot tell you but definitely it's not just a wirebonder thing.


  • In terms of the -- how do we manage the line balance, I think that's the operations job.


  • Whenever we're missing some components or materials or try to do the line conversion, we switch back to the other assembly where we have materials in reserve.


  • In terms of how much that limits our potential growth, it's very difficult to quantify that because the process right now is very dynamic.


  • I won't be able to give you a quantitative number.


  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • And the second part of the guidance outlook, the EMS actually picking up in second quarter.


  • Last year did, but some years, it's still down.


  • If you could talk about the drivers for the pickup, if there's some SIP projects or just existing EMS business recovering a bit earlier?

    如果你能談談提貨的驅動因素,如果有一些 SIP 項目或只是現有的 EMS 業務恢復得更早一點?

  • And if you could give an update on the overall SIP outlook how that's now looking whether on a year-over-year or if any change versus the incremental growth you're expecting?

    如果您可以提供有關 SIP 整體前景的最新信息,那麼現在的情況是同比增長還是與您預期的增量增長相比有什麼變化?

  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • Okay.


  • I think from second quarter as well as for the full year, in terms of EMS, we will continue to see growth.

    我認為從第二季度以及全年來看,在 EMS 方面,我們將繼續看到增長。

  • And for this year, I think EMS will go through a typical kind of first and second half distribution of revenue.


  • It will be similar to roughly 44-56 or 43-47 type of allocation distribution.

    它將大致類似於 44-56 或 43-47 類型的分配分佈。

  • And I think the overall growth comes both from traditional EMS as well as SIP.

    我認為整體增長來自傳統的 EMS 和 SIP。

  • In terms of SIP, I think last year, we went through a phenomenal growth in terms of SIP revenue.

    在 SIP 方面,我認為去年,我們在 SIP 收入方面經歷了驚人的增長。

  • We have been entertaining many more projects and many more customers as well.


  • And some of the new -- in terms of the new project revenues, we had hit.


  • We had about close to $400 million revenue coming from new projects, and we are seeing the same kind of momentum this year.

    我們從新項目中獲得了近 4 億美元的收入,今年我們也看到了同樣的勢頭。

  • And overall, I think the -- in terms of the composition of the SIP revenue, there are some mature products going through some -- gradually tapering off because of feature transition.

    總的來說,我認為 - 就 SIP 收入的構成而言,有一些成熟的產品正在經歷一些 - 由於功能轉換而逐漸減少。

  • And there is some projects that we are seeing second sourcing coming in.


  • But on the other front, there are new projects and the -- or the newer projects that we entertain -- or we're starting to entertain from last year, we're seeing them starting to also kind of expand for this year.


  • So we're going to see decent growth in SIP overall, and particularly in terms of new projects, so we're seeing still very strong momentum going forward.

    因此,我們將看到整體 SIP 的可觀增長,特別是在新項目方面,因此我們看到未來的勢頭仍然非常強勁。

  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • And I could try to do the math.


  • I think on the 47-53, is it the implication IC ATM you had mentioned high end of the 2x, which seems to imply U.S. dollar up kind of high -- mid- to high teens.

    我認為在 47-53 上,是不是您提到的 2x 的高端 IC ATM,這似乎暗示美元上漲了一種高 - 中高青少年。

  • Is EMS a similar type of growth profile factoring you consolidate?

    EMS 是否是您整合的類似類型的增長概況?

  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • I think the overall annual growth in the EMS business will be slightly better than the ATM overall growth for the year.

    我認為 EMS 業務的整體年度增長將略好於今年 ATM 的整體增長。

  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Okay.


  • And if I could ask a follow-up just on the -- actually, 2 questions on the CapEx.


  • One is the upgrade.


  • I think if I have it right, it was originally maintained at the high level you invested last year, but now increasing.


  • That's one, I guess, the area that relative to the prior year you're increasing?


  • And then the second one on the wirebond at 10% to 15% year-over-year.

    然後是引線鍵合上的第二個,同比增長 10% 到 15%。

  • Is that more what you see as kind of the need, like based on real demand?


  • Or is it a constraint number that you would add even more if the capacity?


  • And if I could fit a third, I'm curious the foundries -- usually, they'll talk it takes a couple of years to bring up fab, so we might have a shortage for 2 years.

    如果我能裝下第三個,我很好奇代工廠——通常,他們會說需要幾年才能建立晶圓廠,所以我們可能會短缺 2 年。

  • Do you have kind of a view on sustainability of the tightness?


  • Where traditionally lead times, they're stretched, but a bit shorter than building a fab.


  • How long it looks like -- like if this looks like it may extend into next year at this stage?


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • The wirebonder delivery right now is 1 year, is anywhere between 40 weeks to 52 weeks.

    目前的銲線機交貨期為 1 年,介於 40 周到 52 週之間。

  • And that's the wirebonder delivery.


  • In other words, whatever wirebonders that I've ordered now it won't be delivered until next year.


  • So the wirebonder lead time as well as the other equipment that go with the wirebonding line also got elongated.


  • The wirebonder demand right now is clearly above the efficiency improvement as well as the new capital equipment that we can receive this year.


  • So right now, the wirebonder is under allocation highly constrained.


  • Previously, I made a comment that for the whole year of 2021, we will see wirebond constraint.

    之前,我曾評論說,在 2021 年全年,我們將看到引線鍵合約束。

  • My view remains the same, except that the wirebonder constraint might last a little bit longer.


  • The back-end equipment has a shorter lead time comparing to the fab, so I will not draw comparison between one to the other.


  • But right now, the supply/demand imbalance is obvious for the whole industry, which is why many of our customers who already signed long-term agreement, and we are talking about how do we collectively through the design optimization, material standardization, we can collectively improve the efficiency to support them for 2021 as well as 2022.

    但是現在,整個行業的供需失衡是很明顯的,這就是為什麼我們很多已經簽訂了長期協議的客戶,我們正在討論如何通過設計優化,材料標準化,我們可以共同提高效率,以支持他們在 2021 年和 2022 年。

  • Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

    Randy Abrams - MD and Head of Taiwan Research in the Equity Research Department

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • That's helpful.


  • And I guess just a follow-up.


  • If you could clarify, like the increase in CapEx, it sounds like that might be an area you could place order to get additional tools.


  • So was there kind of a -- versus the prior framework where the new spend is directed?


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • The CapEx right now is literally across the board.


  • We're seeing the test equipment.


  • We're seeing the fan-out equipment.


  • We're seeing the bumping equipment.


  • We're seeing the wirebond equipment.


  • The -- almost all kinds of equipment where we're issuing CapEx.


  • Right now, we are working with our suppliers, trying to prioritize delivery schedules.


  • In terms of the total equipment that we plan to order, we will stay at the up level -- the high level, if not exceeding last year.


  • In terms of the actual delivery, that is what we need to do from an operational perspective.


  • Now why are we placing order, knowing that we have such a low lead time because our customers' development and product cycle as well as the long-term service agreement dictates that.


  • We're working closely with our customer to understand the demand profile long term.


  • And all of the capital equipment expansion, we'll take that into consideration.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The next caller we have is Gokul from JPMorgan.

    下一位來電者是摩根大通的 Gokul。

  • Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

    Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

  • My first question -- yes, can you hear me?


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Yes.


  • We, can hear you.


  • Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

    Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

  • All right.


  • My first question, could you talk a little bit more in detail about what are you seeing?


  • What are the nature of these longer-term commitment partners?


  • Are you talking about 2- to 3-year fixed price, fixed contact -- fixed volume kind of orders?

    您是在談論 2 到 3 年的固定價格、固定聯繫方式——固定數量的訂單嗎?

  • What does that mean for ATM pricing, margins, et cetera?

    這對 ATM 定價、利潤等意味著什麼?

  • And are these primarily for wirebond?


  • Or are we also seeing this spread to other areas in advanced packaging as well?


  • Could we talk in a little bit more detail about what are the nature news of these kind of longer-term committed orders that you're getting?


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • The long-term service agreement depends on customer.


  • Each one is different.


  • I will not comment in detail on that.


  • The comment that I can make is the service agreement right now covers more than just the wirebonder.


  • It was wirebonder the second half of 2020, and now we're spreading into flip chip and the other areas because we do see a general constraint of the assembly capacity.

    那是 2020 年下半年的引線鍵合機,現在我們正在擴展到倒裝芯片和其他領域,因為我們確實看到了組裝能力的普遍限制。

  • In terms of the pricing environment, the pricing environment remains friendly.


  • But as you know, we do not do tactical pricing.


  • What we're doing right now is we're working closely with our customer to reflect the raw material and the other component pricing increase, we took that into account.


  • And we're also working closely with customers on long-term service agreement in terms of total demand, the capacity we need to build on behalf of their demand.


  • The only area that I would like to comment is there are specific sectors where we have a super hot run as well as the expedited product requirement.


  • And normally, we will have the expedite fee to apply for those particular cases.


  • But in general, the price environment remains friendly.


  • And I believe that condition will at least applies to the whole year of 2021, if not longer.

    我相信這種情況至少適用於 2021 年全年,如果不是更長的話。

  • Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

    Gokul Hariharan - Head of Taiwan Equity Research and Senior Tech Analyst

  • If I may also ask about chiplets and the 2.5D, 3D packaging, clearly, a lot of your compute customers especially seem to be talking about this in a very aggressive fashion.

    如果我還可以詢問有關小芯片和 2.5D、3D 封裝的問題,很明顯,您的許多計算客戶似乎都在以非常激進的方式談論這個問題。

  • Could we refresh what is ASE's view on this area.

    我們能否刷新一下 ASE 對該領域的看法。

  • When we think about the CapEx increase, are we allocating some of that CapEx to your fan-out as well as 2.5D packaging efforts as well?

    當我們考慮增加資本支出時,我們是否將部分資本支出分配給您的扇出以及 2.5D 封裝工作?

  • Or most of it is still going to come a little bit later?


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • Well, I think you can see from the general -- the mega trend you understand that for the 2.5D, the 3D or the chiplet, whichever architecture you're referring to, there has been growing acceptance as well as growing demand from all regions on all application sectors.

    好吧,我想你可以從總體上看到——你理解的大趨勢,對於 2.5D、3D 或小芯片,無論你指的是哪種架構,所有地區的接受度和需求都在增長在所有應用領域。

  • So ASE has been developing with our key customer for those architecture.

    因此,ASE 一直在與我們的主要客戶一起開發這些架構。

  • So the -- that has been in place for quite some time.

    所以 - 這已經存在了很長一段時間。

  • Now the 2020 and the 2021 scenario as we're in right now has modified the situation a little bit in the sense that because we have long-term service agreements with all of our key customers, the chiplet, the 2.5D, the fan-out also becomes a strategic development requirement as part of that overall long-term service agreement.

    現在,我們現在所處的 2020 年和 2021 年情景已經稍微改變了這種情況,因為我們與所有主要客戶、小芯片、2.5D、風扇-都有長期服務協議。作為整體長期服務協議的一部分,out 也成為一項戰略發展要求。

  • So in other words, as we're going through better delivery cycle with our key customers, we are expected to do more development with them trying to further improve the efficiency and the performance from an architectural standpoint as well as from a process point.


  • I'm not sure the exact question that you're asking, but I believe those are the answers that I can offer you today.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The next question will be coming from Bruce Lu, Goldman Sachs.

    下一個問題將來自高盛的 Bruce Lu。

  • Bruce are you on the line?


  • Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

    Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • A very great result.


  • Can you give us a little bit more color in terms of 2021 ATM overall?

    就 2021 年 ATM 的整體而言,你能給我們更多的色彩嗎?

  • I look at like the first quarter revenue was very strong.


  • Do you expect the same year-on-year performance for the whole year?


  • And also for the profitability, the gross margin seems to improve more than 2.5 percentage points already, but the company was guiding only that 2.5 percentage operating margin improvement.

    而且就盈利能力而言,毛利率似乎已經提高了 2.5 個百分點以上,但該公司僅指導營業利潤率提高 2.5 個百分點。

  • I would be greedy to ask for a little bit more because of the operating level.


  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • I think the overall growth momentum in terms of ATM remains to be strong.

    我認為 ATM 的整體增長勢頭仍然強勁。

  • And in the previous earnings call, we were saying that we will be our overall growth will be 2x of the logic market growth.

    在之前的財報電話會議中,我們說我們的整體增長將是邏輯市場增長的 2 倍。

  • And that -- I think that principle remains, and although we're seeing the overall industry is kind of -- growth is kind of stepping up, but we're -- because of the -- some of the capacity constraint, we're now saying that our overall growth should be growth the high end, which we actually said in the last call, we're saying the -- we're expecting the growth to be anywhere from 10% to 20%.

    而且 - 我認為這個原則仍然存在,雖然我們看到整個行業有點 - 增長正在加快,但我們 - 因為 - 一些產能限制,我們'現在說我們的整體增長應該是高端增長,我們在上次電話會議中實際上說過,我們說的是——我們預計增長將在 10% 到 20% 之間。

  • And we are seeing that the growth likely to be reaching the high end of the range.


  • In terms of profitability, I think for the growth level, we'll continue to see sequential growth in our gross margin as we continue to enlarge our overall operation, also improving the efficiency that we have.


  • And for the whole year, we are very confident that we will be reaching the mid-20% level.

    對於全年,我們非常有信心達到 20% 的水平。

  • The operating margin improvement that you mentioned is really on the consolidated basis on holdco level that we're projecting 2.5% to 3% improvement now.

    您提到的營業利潤率改善實際上是在控股公司水平的綜合基礎上,我們現在預計改善 2.5% 至 3%。

  • So when it translates to ATM, of course, the improvement will be higher because we're setting the -- we're only setting the EMS operating margin target to be 4% for the year.

    因此,當它轉化為 ATM 時,當然,改進會更高,因為我們正在設定 - 我們只是將 EMS 營業利潤率目標設定為今年的 4%。

  • Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

    Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

  • Can I track down a little bit for the ATM gross margin improvement in the first quarter?

    我可以追踪一下第一季度 ATM 毛利率的改善情況嗎?

  • The gross margin was improved by 180 bps compared to the previous quarter, but the earlier guidance for the first quarter of GPM for ATM is flat.

    與上一季度相比,毛利率提高了 180 個基點,但早先對 ATM 第一季度 GPM 的指引持平。

  • So where are the positive surprise coming from?


  • And can you also give us a rank in terms of the gross margin amount like different business in ATM, such as wirebonder, testing, flip chip, SIP, what was the rank for the gross margin now?

    也可以給我們一個毛利率的排名,比如ATM中不同的業務,比如wirebonder,testing,flip chip,SIP,現在毛利率是多少?

  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • We don't give separate gross margins in our different business.


  • But as a whole, I think the improvement that we see -- that we saw in the gross profit margin in this quarter, largely coming from -- first of all, the higher-than-expected revenue that we can generate in the quarter.


  • The other is really -- we have a higher test revenue as well.

    另一個是真的 - 我們也有更高的測試收入。

  • In terms of the percentage of our overall revenue, test percentage is higher than expected.


  • So that leads to a better-than-expected gross margin performance in the quarter.


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • Just one additional comment.


  • The -- when we offered the guidance last year, we were planning for the seasonality.

    - 當我們去年提供指導時,我們正在計劃季節性。

  • In other words, the communications sector will go through the typical Q1 and Q2 seasonality.

    換言之,通信行業將經歷典型的 Q1 和 Q2 季節性。

  • At the time, we were planning on some of the equipment dealing with the communications sector might not be fully utilized as well as the test equipment as well as the assembly or the SIP equipment.


  • What has transpired in the first quarter was because of the loading situation and strong demand, we were able to collectively cooperate with our customers, trying to utilize some of the idle equipment that would have been underutilized otherwise.


  • And that, as a result improved the revenue stream as well as the gross profit.


  • That is just another comment.


  • We believe the similar thing will permeate into Q2.


  • In other words, what is unique about 2021 years, we sort of removed from the typical communication sector seasonality in Q1 and Q2.

    換句話說,2021 年的獨特之處在於,我們在第一季度和第二季度擺脫了典型的通信行業季節性。

  • Now having said that, in Q3 and Q4, we will go through the reverse part of the seasonality.


  • So right now, from the operation execution wise, we have to work very hard to secure all the supply, all the equipment and all the necessary resources to make sure that after clear Q1 execution, we exit Q2 well, and we can deal with the second half, including the ATM as well as SIP as well as the traditional seasonality of the communication sector.

    所以現在,從運營執行的角度來看,我們必須非常努力地確保所有的供應、所有的設備和所有必要的資源,以確保在明確 Q1 執行之後,我們能夠很好地退出 Q2,並且我們可以應對下半年,包括ATM以及SIP以及通信行業的傳統季節性。

  • So overall, I think 2021 will be a very exciting year.

    所以總的來說,我認為 2021 年將是非常激動人心的一年。

  • Now in terms of the supply situation, the cover (inaudible), covers lead frame, ABF substrate, capital equipment that you're all very familiar with, we will try to give you a quarter-to-quarter update.

    現在就供貨情況而言,封面(聽不清),涵蓋了大家非常熟悉的引線框架、ABF 基板、資本設備,我們將努力為您提供季度更新。

  • As of today, we have done a decent Q1 because all of the factor that Ken, Joseph and I have just outlined, we are optimistic about Q2, and we're quite excited about the second half of 2021.

    截至今天,我們已經完成了不錯的第一季度,因為肯、約瑟夫和我剛剛概述的所有因素,我們對第二季度持樂觀態度,我們對 2021 年下半年感到非常興奮。

  • I mean there is some headwind, the NT dollar that we have not discussed much about it, the other type of constraints, and of course, the general global political situation as well as the pandemic.


  • But with all of this considered, we have given you the best guidance that we believe is pertinent to the current -- the uncertainty in scenario.


  • I hope that clarifies a lot of the questions about Q1 and also the outlook for Q2 and the second half.


  • Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

    Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

  • Can I ask a question about the EMS?

    我可以問一個關於 EMS 的問題嗎?

  • I mean the guidance for the second quarter for EMS grew about like 10% despite the typical low seasonality.

    我的意思是,儘管典型的季節性低迷,EMS 第二季度的指引增長了大約 10%。

  • How much is due to the Asteelflash acquisition?

    收購 Asteelflash 有多少?

  • And also the consumer segment in EMS in first quarter seems to go down -- went down a lot.

    此外,第一季度 EMS 的消費部分似乎下降了——下降了很多。

  • Do you see a rebound in the second quarter as well for the consumer segment in EMS?

    您是否認為第二季度 EMS 消費領域也會出現反彈?

  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • Second quarter compared to first quarter, we're seeing that both the -- I think the -- really, it's the organic growth that we're going to see largely because of the sequential growth is mainly from the supply chain security continuity.


  • I think a lot of the customers are -- because in the whole value chain, there's constraints in terms of component and some of the material supply.


  • And I think some of the customers are really bumping up their inventory, hoping to get the -- get their safety stock go up.

    而且我認為一些客戶真的在增加他們的庫存,希望得到 - 讓他們的安全庫存上升。

  • So we're seeing an uptick in second quarter, which is not a very -- not a typical second quarter performance, but that's what we're seeing now for our EMS business in second quarter.

    所以我們在第二季度看到了上升,這不是一個非常 - 不是典型的第二季度表現,但這就是我們現在在第二季度看到我們的 EMS 業務的情況。

  • Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

    Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

  • So the whole year -- how do we see the whole year revenue growth for the EMS because nowadays seasonality doesn't really seem to be a good reference anymore?

    那麼全年——我們如何看待 EMS 的全年收入增長,因為現在季節性似乎不再是一個好的參考?

  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • Like I said, the -- in terms of the overall EMS business, we're expecting kind of a 44-56 kind of split between the first and second half.

    就像我說的那樣,就整體 EMS 業務而言,我們預計上半年和下半年之間會有 44-56 的比例。

  • So I think the -- going into the second half, we will see new products coming on screen, and we're seeing more product launching, and then we'll go back to the typical seasonality, seeing a stronger -- much stronger uptick in the second half.

    所以我認為 - 進入下半年,我們將看到新產品出現在屏幕上,我們看到更多產品推出,然後我們將回到典型的季節性,看到更強勁 - 更強勁的上升在下半場。

  • Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

    Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Let me try to squeeze one more question.


  • I mean, we do see a somehow different production iteration rate, especially the wirebonder between AC and a lot of Chinese OSAT makers.

    我的意思是,我們確實看到了某種不同的生產迭代率,尤其是 AC 和許多中國 OSAT 製造商之間的引線鍵合機。

  • I mean most of the companies in OSAT are having like extremely high iteration rate.

    我的意思是 OSAT 中的大多數公司都具有極高的迭代率。

  • But China is high, but not -- it's like a step down comparing to most of the Taiwanese guys.


  • Can you let us know what happened and why is that?


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • Well, I think the supply security applies somehow into that scenario.


  • In other words, if a supplier that has a longer working relationship, who can cooperate, not only the assembly complexity for you, the quality, who can also secure better component molding compound as well as the lead frame and substrate supply, I believe that plays into the fact why people tend to place more order, even though it's on the allocation mode just to prefer to work with the ASC or our peers in Taiwan.

    換句話說,如果一個供應商有更長的工作關係,誰可以合作,不僅為您提供組裝複雜性,質量,誰還可以確保更好的組件模塑料以及引線框架和基板供應,我相信解釋了為什麼人們傾向於下更多訂單的事實,即使它處於分配模式只是為了更喜歡與 ASC 或我們在台灣的同行合作。

  • I can't really comment on the China OSAT because I'm sure you know their scenario better than I do.

    我不能對中國 OSAT 發表評論,因為我相信你比我更了解他們的情況。

  • But I think the product complexity, the product security and the geopolitical sentiment might play might not play into their decision.


  • That you have to talk to the customers.


  • Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

    Zheng Lu - Research Analyst

  • But Ken, don't get me wrong.


  • I'm fully agreed that ASE should be -- should have a much stronger customer demand.

    我完全同意 ASE 應該——應該有更強烈的客戶需求。

  • But your customers are actually buying or like are in serious shortage.


  • I mean they need to grab like the dying people, they grab whatever they have, right?


  • So the gap seems to be a bit larger than I expected.


  • So that's why I tried to get some color.


  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • That's precisely the point.


  • I think when things are tight, I think most of the customer will look for the safest bands.


  • And given our scale and given the leverage that we have in terms of sourcing, capital equipment as well as materials.


  • I think we are much safer bet to our customers.


  • That's one front.


  • And the -- I think the other one is that given the geopolitical situation, I think there is a growing concern on the longer-term or mid- to longer-term sustainability of some of the Chinese players.

    而且 - 我認為另一個是考慮到地緣政治局勢,我認為人們越來越擔心一些中國參與者的長期或中長期可持續性。

  • I think it does play into the current situation a bit.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Next question is coming from Roland Shu of Citi.

    下一個問題來自花旗的 Roland Shu。

  • Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Just one quick question on the CapEx.


  • So I think for today, I don't hear you update your total CapEx spending plan this year.


  • So how is the CapEx spend being planned this year?


  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • I think Ken briefly mentioned that this year, we are expecting to spend roughly 10%, 15% more than we spent last year in terms of equipment CapEx.

    我認為 Ken 簡要提到,今年我們預計在設備資本支出方面的支出比去年多 10%,比去年多 15%。

  • And this is really to support the surge in demand that we're seeing now.


  • And although we are -- we kind of brought up the overall CapEx spending amount this year, but in terms of actual spending, it really depends on the delivery that we will have.

    雖然我們 - 我們今年提高了整體資本支出支出金額,但就實際支出而言,這真的取決於我們將擁有的交付。

  • But nonetheless, I think that's the current situation.


  • We are upping our CapEx.


  • And in terms of distribution, I think out of the total spending, roughly 65% would be for assembly, we're up 21% for tests, 12% for EMS and the rest for our material.

    在分銷方面,我認為在總支出中,大約 65% 用於組裝,21% 用於測試,12% 用於 EMS,其餘用於我們的材料。

  • I think that will be the distribution for this year.


  • Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Understood.


  • So it sounds like I think that the total number should be somewhere around $1.9 billion to $2 billion, you are planning, right?

    所以聽起來我認為總數應該在 19 億到 20 億美元左右,你正在計劃,對吧?

  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Last year, we spent close to $1.7 billion.

    去年,我們花費了近 17 億美元。

  • And this year...


  • Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Yes, and 10% to 15% higher.

    是的,而且高出 10% 到 15%。

  • Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

    Joseph Tung - CFO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Correct.


  • Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Yes.


  • Okay.


  • Cool.


  • And then probably 80%, 85% for assembly and testing.

    然後大概 80%、85% 用於組裝和測試。

  • So our question is when you look at TSMC's CapEx spending on advanced back-end and their mark making is going to be around $3 billion this year.

    因此,我們的問題是,當您查看台積電在高級後端的資本支出時,他們今年的創紀錄將達到 30 億美元左右。

  • So this actually is much higher than your total spending, about $2 billion this year.

    所以這實際上遠高於你今年的總支出,大約 20 億美元。

  • But does it mean that you have to raise CapEx spending significantly going forward, if you are going -- also doing -- trying to do more advanced packaging business?


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • Well, the comment about the TSMC CapEx for the back-end.


  • And I think the first clarification I would like to make is, you really cannot make a -- it's not a direct comparison.


  • The CapEx that they're referring to for their back-end versus the CapEx we are referring to for the assembly equipment are very, very different in nature.


  • If you really go back to the CapEx, the equipment list, and you understand that.


  • So there is no direct comparison that I can draw between that levels.


  • Now the second comment is the -- if our customers demand us to engage in the type of configuration or the architectural design where our customer are designing with foundry suppliers, then we are obligated to work with our customer to come up with our proposal.


  • Our proposal could be in the form of what the foundry is using, but it might not be in the form, and it's up to the customers how to design their packaging, the architecture with us.


  • The -- so that is a hypothetical question.

    - 所以這是一個假設性問題。

  • Right now, we are engaging with several customer trying to explore our end of the proposal.


  • Now in some form, there will be overlap.


  • But in the majority of the form, it will be quite different, right?


  • So I don't believe our CapEx will be at the foundry level because in nature, it is extremely different.


  • Also, in terms of -- the variety is also quite different because we're not dealing with the large high-volume capacity for a few customers.

    此外,就 - 品種也有很大不同,因為我們沒有為少數客戶處理大容量容量。

  • The process and the architectural design we need to come up with has to be able to fit into the application segment for a basket or a number of customer interchangeably, and that is the key difference between the business model versus the CapEx.


  • Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Okay.


  • So, Ken, correct me if I'm wrong.


  • So you are pretty much meaning TSMC is building its technology and proprietary technology for their customers.


  • And this technology probably is different from the platform technology, you are doing for customers product across the board.


  • Am I reading you right on that?


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • Yes, that, I believe -- well, again, it's not what the ASE wants, it's what ASE customers want.

    是的,我相信——好吧,再說一遍,這不是 ASE 想要的,而是 ASE 客戶想要的。

  • Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Understood.


  • Okay.


  • And I think a follow-up question is for -- in the past, you said for every $1 CapEx you invest on assembly, it probably will generate about $1 new revenue in the first year and more than $1 new revenue generation for testing for the first year.

    我認為一個後續問題是——在過去,你說你在組裝上每投資 1 美元的資本支出,它可能會在第一年產生大約 1 美元的新收入,並為測試產生超過 1 美元的新收入。第一年。

  • So for the CapEx you are spending now and because of this capacity tightening, are you still going to generate a similar return for the CapEx or investment you invest in your new capacity now?


  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • Well, I think as a rule of thumb, $1 of investment in packaging, we can generate about $1.20 of revenue on any (inaudible) and for tests, $1 of investment can generate about $0.50 of revenue.

    嗯,我認為根據經驗,1 美元的包裝投資,我們可以在任何(聽不清)上產生大約 1.20 美元的收入,對於測試,1 美元的投資可以產生大約 0.50 美元的收入。

  • So from a blended point perspective, I think $1 of -- what we're seeing is in terms of assembly and test, $1 of investment should generate $1 of revenue for us, a blended revenue for us to make it an economically viable investment.

    因此,從混合的角度來看,我認為 1 美元——我們所看到的是在組裝和測試方面,1 美元的投資應該為我們帶來 1 美元的收入,我們的混合收入使其成為經濟上可行的投資。

  • I think the -- from a different angle to look at TSMC's investment into back-end, that's totally different scenario.


  • Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

    Roland Shu - Director & Head of Regional Semiconductor Research

  • Yes.


  • I know it's very different.


  • so in general, you said for the back-end, you probably will have -- for every $1 investment, you probably will generate $1 return.

    所以一般來說,你說後端,你可能會——每 1 美元的投資,你可能會產生 1 美元的回報。

  • So this is still the thumb rule still valid, right?


  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • That's still the rule, yes.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • The next caller we have is Szeho Ng.

    下一位來電者是 Szeho Ng。

  • Szeho, you're working 9-6?


  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • I'm in Hong Kong.


  • Yes.


  • I have 2 questions for you guys.


  • Anyway, a good result.


  • First one regarding the wirebond delivery, I recall that in Q1, you got roughly a thousand hundred wirebonders, right?

    第一個關於引線鍵合的交付,我記得在第一季度,您大約有 1000 根引線鍵合機,對吧?

  • So I basically want to note the wirebonder delivery schedule for the rest of this year.


  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • I think currently, we're looking at 3,500 to 4,000 bonders for this year addition.

    我認為目前,我們正在考慮今年增加 3,500 至 4,000 名保稅人。

  • And we're expecting full delivery by maybe October, November time frame.

    我們預計可能在 10 月、11 月的時間框架內全部交付。

  • It will be delivered progressively.


  • And I think full delivery were expected by October, November time frame.

    我認為在 10 月、11 月的時間框架內預計會全部交付。

  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • Okay.


  • Got you.


  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • And then the other one is on the housekeeping.


  • What is the utilization for your wirebonder business and testing back in Q1?

    Q1 中您的銲線機業務和測試的利用率如何?

  • Where rough number would be fine?


  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • I think in terms of packaging, we're around 85% and for tests around 80%.

    我認為在包裝方面,我們大約是 85%,測試大約是 80%。

  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • That's go at peak utilization, right, I believe?


  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • Yes, that's pretty much -- we're pretty much maxed out.

    是的,這差不多 - 我們幾乎已經用盡了。

  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • Okay.


  • Good.


  • And last one, on the dividend policy, any update compared with 3 months ago?

    最後一個,關於股息政策,與 3 個月前相比有什麼更新嗎?

  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • No.


  • I think we've announced it already.


  • It's going to be $4.2 this year, and the payout ratio is roughly 65%.

    今年將是 4.2 美元,派息率約為 65%。

  • Szeho Ng - MD

    Szeho Ng - MD

  • Okay.


  • And that will be the rule of thumb for the future -- at least for the near future, right?


  • Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

    Kenneth Hsiang - Head of IR & VP

  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • We don't have any additional hand raisers in the queue.


  • (Operator Instructions) Okay.


  • Thank you for attending our first quarter earnings release.


  • See you next time.


  • Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

    Tien Yu Wu - Group COO & Representative Director

  • Thank you.


  • Unidentified Company Representative

    Unidentified Company Representative

  • Thank you.
