星巴克 (SBUX) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


星巴克召開電話會議討論 2024 財年第三季業績,報告總營收成長 1%。該公司專注於提高營運執行力、推出新產品和增強客戶體驗。儘管國際市場面臨挑戰,星巴克仍致力於長期成長和創新。




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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon. My name is Diego, and I will be your conference operator today. I would like to welcome everyone to the Starbucks' third-quarter fiscal year 2024 conference call. (Operator Instructions)

    午安.我叫迭戈,今天我將擔任你們的會議操作員。歡迎大家參加星巴克 2024 財年第三季電話會議。 (操作員說明)

  • I will now turn the conference call over to Tiffany Willis, Senior Vice President of Investor Relations. Ms. Willis, you may now begin your conference.

    我現在將電話會議轉交給投資者關係高級副總裁 Tiffany Willis。威利斯女士,您現在可以開始會議了。

  • Tiffany Willis - Vice President of Investor Relations

    Tiffany Willis - Vice President of Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Diego. Good afternoon, and thank you, everyone, for joining us today to discuss Starbucks' third-quarter fiscal year 2024 results. Today's discussion will be led by Laxman Narasimhan, Chief Executive Officer; and Rachel Ruggeri, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    謝謝你,迭戈。下午好,謝謝大家今天加入我們討論星巴克 2024 財年第三季業績。今天的討論將由執行長 Laxman Narasimhan 主持;雷切爾·魯傑裡 (Rachel Ruggeri),執行副總裁兼財務長。

  • This conference call will include forward-looking statements which are subject to various risks and uncertainties that can cause our actual results to differ materially from these statements. Any such statements should be considered in conjunction with cautionary statements in our earnings release and risk factors discussed in our filings with the SEC, including our latest annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly report on Form 10-Q.

    本次電話會議將包括前瞻性陳述,這些陳述受到各種風險和不確定性的影響,可能導致我們的實際結果與這些陳述有重大差異。任何此類聲明應與我們的收益發布中的警告聲明以及我們向 SEC 提交的文件中討論的風險因素結合考慮,包括我們最新的 10-K 表年度報告和 10-Q 表季度報告。

  • Starbucks assumes no obligation to update any of these forward-looking statements or information. GAAP results in third-quarter fiscal year 2024 as comparative period include several items related to strategic actions, including restructuring and impairment charges and other items. These items are excluded from our non-GAAP results.

    星巴克不承擔更新任何這些前瞻性聲明或資訊的義務。作為比較期間的 2024 財年第三季的 GAAP 業績包括與策略行動相關的多項項目,包括重組和減損費用以及其他項目。這些項目不包括在我們的非 GAAP 業績中。

  • All numbers referenced on today's call are on a non-GAAP basis, unless otherwise noted or there is no non-GAAP adjustment related to the metric.

    除非另有說明或沒有與該指標相關的非 GAAP 調整,否則今天電話會議中引用的所有數字均基於非 GAAP 基礎。

  • As part of our non-GAAP results, revenue, operating margin, and EPS growth metrics on today's call are measured in constant currency, whereby current period results are converted into United States dollars using the average monthly exchange rates from the comparative period rather than the actual exchange rates for the current period, excluding related hedging activities.


  • For non-GAAP financial measures mentioned in today's call, please refer to the earnings release and our website at investor.starbucks.com to find reconciliations of those non-GAAP measures to their corresponding GAAP measures.

    對於今天電話會議中提到的非 GAAP 財務指標,請參閱收益報告和我們的網站 Investor.starbucks.com,以尋找這些非 GAAP 指標與其對應 GAAP 指標的調整表。

  • This conference call is being webcast, and an archive of the webcast will be available on our website through Friday, September 13, 2024.

    本次電話會議正在進行網路直播,截至 2024 年 9 月 13 日星期五,我們的網站上將提供網路直播的存檔。

  • And lastly, for your planning purposes, please note that our fourth-quarter and full fiscal year 2024 earnings conference call has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 30, 2024.

    最後,出於您的規劃目的,請注意,我們的 2024 年第四季和整個財年財報電話會議暫定於 2024 年 10 月 30 日星期三舉行。

  • And with that, I'll now turn the call over to Laxman.


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Tiffany, and thank you for joining us this afternoon. Let me start by laying out our results for this quarter. Our Q3 total company revenue was $9.1 billion, up 1% year over year and 6% over Q2. Our global comparable store sales declined 3% year over year, driven by a negative 2% comp growth in North America; and a negative 14% comp growth in China and partially offset by strong performance in Japan.

    謝謝你,蒂芙尼,也謝謝你今天下午加入我們。首先讓我列出本季的業績。第三季公司總營收為 91 億美元,年增 1%,比第二季成長 6%。我們的全球可比商店銷售額年減 3%,原因是北美地區的同店銷售額負成長 2%;中國的複合成長率為 14%,但部分被日本的強勁表現所抵銷。

  • Our global operating margins contracted by 70 basis points to 16.7% and overall earnings per share for the quarter was $0.93. Our total company results were in line with guidance, but international performance, particularly in China, was challenged. We are not satisfied with the results, but our actions are making an impact. Leading business and operational indicators are trending in the right direction ahead of our financial results, and our runway for improvement is long.

    我們的全球營業利潤率下降了 70 個基點,降至 16.7%,本季每股整體收益為 0.93 美元。我們的公司整體業績符合指導方針,但國際業績,尤其是中國的業績受到挑戰。我們對結果並不滿意,但我們的行動正在產生影響。在我們的財務表現之前,領先的業務和營運指標正朝著正確的方向發展,我們的改善之路還很長。

  • We see greenshoots in our US business driven by the three-part action plan outlined last quarter. First, meet and unlock capacity for new demand through a relentless focus and improvements to our US store operations and on elevating the experience we create for our partners and customers; second, attract new customers and drive transaction growth by launching and integrating more exciting new products with relevant marketing, while maintaining our focus on core coffee-forward offerings; and third, reach new customers and demonstrate our value by making sure customers believe that Starbucks Experience is worth it every time.


  • First, our largest opportunity, meet and unlock capacity for new demand. A relentless focus on improving operational execution across our nearly 10,000 US company-operated stores is the cornerstone of our near-term plan. While it is early days of progress, our plan is working. If you walk away from today's call with one thought, let it be the significant changes and long-term upside potential taking place within our US stores and across our end-to-end supply chain to unlock growth, enhance the customer experience, and drive cost efficiencies.

    首先,我們最大的機會是滿足和釋放新需求的能力。不懈地致力於提高我們近 10,000 家美國公司自營商店的營運執行力,這是我們近期計劃的基石。雖然進展還處於初期階段,但我們的計劃正在發揮作用。如果您在結束今天的電話會議時有一個想法,那就讓它成為我們美國商店和整個端到端供應鏈中正在發生的重大變化和長期上升潛力,以釋放成長、增強客戶體驗並推動成本效率。

  • Within our stores, we've seen material positive momentum across core store health and performance metrics with notable improvements in partner scheduling and turnover, critical store issues, and inventory management. Stores ranked in our top two operational performance quartiles reached a new high during the quarter, a 28% upwards shift from Q2, but we have more opportunity.

    在我們的商店內,我們看到核心商店健康狀況和績效指標出現了實質性的積極勢頭,在合作夥伴調度和營業額、關鍵商店問題和庫存管理方面有了顯著改善。排名前兩位營運績效四分之一的商店在本季創下新高,較第二季上升 28%,但我們還有更多機會。

  • Our focus on operational excellence, driven by our reinvention plan has led to a multi-second year-over-year improvement in out of the window times. The nearly 50% reduction in calls received by a customer contact center for my order took too long and mobile order & pay and delivery uptime rates of 99%. These are key indicators of our work to drive growth by addressing customer wait times, product availability, and the customer experience.

    在重塑計畫的推動下,我們對卓越營運的關注使得窗口外時間實現了數秒的年比改善。客戶聯絡中心收到的訂單電話數量減少了近 50%,但花費的時間太長,行動訂單、付款和送貨的正常運作時間高達 99%。這些是我們透過解決客戶等待時間、產品可用性和客戶體驗來推動成長的工作的關鍵指標。

  • This quarter, we also introduced phase one of our Siren Craft Systems, which includes several process and partner-driven enhancements to our US store operations. Changes include a new peak time play collar role, strategic investments in partner hours, training, new routines, simple enhancements to technology, and an evolved beverage build process.

    本季度,我們也推出了 Siren Craft Systems 的第一階段,其中包括對我們美國商店營運的多項流程和合作夥伴驅動的增強功能。變化包括新的高峰時間領隊角色、對合作夥伴時間的策略性投資、培訓、新慣例、技術的簡單增強以及改進的飲料製作流程。

  • Early deployment across 1,200 stores demonstrated a material incremental improvement across key performance, throughput, efficiency, and reliability metrics. Encouraged by this, we fully deployed Siren Craft System's process improvements across our entire portfolio of US company-operated stores this week.

    1,200 家商店的早期部署證明了關鍵效能、吞吐量、效率和可靠性指標的實質增量改進。受此鼓舞,我們本週在美國公司自營商店的整個組合中全面部署了 Siren Craft System 的流程改進。

  • Later this quarter, we will begin rolling out a simple refit to our espresso machines, which we expect to improve espresso throughput by up to 15% without compromising quality. And with a minor software change in our store production systems, we have a similar ability to improve food throughput.

    本季晚些時候,我們將開始對我們的濃縮咖啡機進行簡單改造,我們預計這將在不影響品質的情況下將濃縮咖啡產量提高 15%。透過對我們的商店生產系統進行較小的軟體更改,我們具有類似的提高食品吞吐量的能力。

  • When paired with Siren System equipment announced as part of our reinvention plan, these new processes become a force multiplier that we expect to drive a true step change improvement. Early assessments demonstrate the capability to drive a 10 to 20 second wait time reduction and a resulting comp opportunity range of 1% to 1.5%.

    當與作為我們重塑計劃一部分宣布的 Siren System 設備配合使用時,這些新流程將成為力量倍增器,我們希望推動真正的階躍變革改進。早期評估表明,其能夠將等待時間縮短 10 至 20 秒,從而使補償機會範圍達到 1% 至 1.5%。

  • Leveraging our Deep Brew analytics platform, we have identified customer experience outlier stores, approximately 10% of our network and have developed targeted plans to address and improve them, including accelerated Siren System deployment.

    利用我們的 Deep Brew 分析平台,我們確定了客戶體驗異常的商店(約占我們網路的 10%),並制定了有針對性的計劃來解決和改進這些問題,包括加速 Siren 系統部署。

  • Similarly, we are accelerating the pace of our new store builds and renovations with 580 net new bills and more than 800 renovations planned in North America for FY 2024.

    同樣,我們正在加快新店建設和翻新的步伐,計劃在 2024 財年在北美淨開 580 個新店並進行 800 多次翻新。

  • Store development efforts are focused on Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, where we see population growth and forecast both underserved demand and high incrementality.


  • Increasingly, these new store builds and renovations also include Siren System equipment. In line with prior guidance, we remain on track to deploy equipment in less than 10% of company-operated stores by the end of FY 2024 and about 40% by the end of FY 2026.

    這些新商店的建設和翻新也越來越多地包括 Siren 系統設備。根據先前的指導,我們仍有望在 2024 財年年底之前在不到 10% 的公司自營商店中部署設備,到 2026 財年年底之前在約 40% 的公司自營商店中部署設備。

  • Building on our pilot, Starbucks and Gopuff have agreed to terms for an expanded relationship to open 100 delivery-only kitchens across the US. We're also accelerating the rollout of digital story boards with target deployment across most US stores in the next two years, a year earlier than originally anticipated. Lastly, we're working on other ways to enhance the cafe experience. This includes new and expanded seating options that elevate many stores while upholding a safe and inviting place for partners and customers.

    在我們試點的基礎上,星巴克和 Gopuff 已就擴大合作關係達成一致,將在美國各地開設 100 家外帶廚房。我們還加快了數位故事板的推出,目標是在未來兩年內在大多數美國商店部署,比最初預期提前了一年。最後,我們正在研究其他方法來增強咖啡館體驗。這包括新的和擴展的座位選項,可以提升許多商店的檔次,同時為合作夥伴和顧客提供一個安全、有吸引力的場所。

  • A key outcome of our operational efforts has been material and sustained improvements to the partner experience. Driven by precision partner-centric staffing and scheduling efforts, we ended the quarter with a new post-pandemic low partner turnover rate; the best shift completion rate in two years and a 13% improvement in average hours per partner, now the highest on record. These initiatives create more stability in our stores, provide more predictability for our partners and sustain our experience flywheel.

    我們營運努力的一個關鍵成果是對合作夥伴體驗的實質和持續改善。在以合作夥伴為中心的精準人員配置和調度工作的推動下,我們在本季結束時實現了疫情後新的低合作夥伴流失率;兩年來最好的輪班完成率,每個合作夥伴的平均工作時間提高了 13%,目前是有史以來的最高水準。這些舉措為我們的商店帶來了更多的穩定性,為我們的合作夥伴提供了更多的可預測性,並維持了我們的飛輪體驗。

  • Looking beyond our stores, we continue to realize new efficiencies, cost savings, and performance improvements across our end-to-end supply chain, thanks to strong support from our suppliers, and we see even more headroom. We have a structured process to realize significant continued improvements across our end-to-end supply chain.


  • We are ahead of plan on productivity. We expect our productivity to drive efficiency and unlock capital from areas that don't touch the customer.


  • In turn, these savings will enable us to target investments that drive value for our customers beginning later in Q4, reigniting our North America flywheel for growth. We're early days on this journey, building both our strategic sourcing and revenue management capabilities.


  • Our second priority is to drive demand through relevant product innovation of coffee at our core. We've seen meaningful improvement here as well. This quarter, we drove traffic into our stores through an engaging and innovative pipeline of products, supported by integrated marketing campaigns. Core share was up 1% year over year, representing 76% of our beverage mix through the quarter.

    我們的第二要務是透過以咖啡為核心的相關產品創新來拉動需求。我們在這裡也看到了有意義的改進。本季度,在整合行銷活動的支持下,我們透過引人入勝且創新的產品管道吸引了商店的客流量。核心份額年增 1%,佔本季飲料組合的 76%。

  • Our newly formulated iced coffee received positive feedback.


  • Our strength in cold espresso innovation continued to drive the platform's growth, up 4% year over year. And we launched Starbucks Milano Duetto whole bean coffee in Milan ahead of a global launch this October.

    我們在冷濃縮咖啡創新方面的實力持續推動該平台的成長,年增 4%。我們在今年 10 月全球推出之前,在米蘭推出了星巴克 Milano Duetto 全豆咖啡。

  • Beyond coffee, our new Summer-Berry Starbucks Refreshers Beverages with pearls drove the highest week one product launch in our history. Their success buoyed the entire Starbucks Refreshers beverage platform to an all-time high during the quarter.

    除了咖啡之外,我們新推出的 Summer-Berry 星巴克珍珠清涼飲料推動了我們歷史上第一周產品發布的最高紀錄。他們的成功將整個星巴克清爽飲料平台推向了本季的歷史新高。

  • As mentioned in Q2, we continue to build out our 24-month product pipeline while accelerating our pace of innovation. For example, recognized the growing appeal and opportunity created by the energy category, we launched a new handcrafted Iced Energy beverages across our US stores in just three months compared to a normal 12 to 18.

    正如第二季所提到的,我們繼續建立 24 個月的產品線,同時加快創新步伐。例如,認識到能量類別日益增長的吸引力和創造的機會,我們在短短三個月內在美國商店推出了一種新的手工製作的冰能量飲料,而正常情況下需要 12 到 18 個月。

  • Looking forward, we believe our Q4 product offerings, including the return of Pumpkin Spice, combined with supporting marketing activities and offers, provides the right formula to drive customer interest, demand, and deeper engagement with both new and existing customers.


  • Our third and final near-term priority is to reach new customers and demonstrate the value we offer by ensuring the Starbucks Experience as worth it every time, recognizing the premium position of our brand we've been measured in our use of offers.


  • During this quarter, only 14% of our transactions were driven by offers compared to a competitive average of 29%. And of offer-driven transactions, 10% was Star-based offers targeted to Starbucks Rewards members. Only 4% were driven by price-based offers.

    本季度,我們的交易中只有 14% 是由報價驅動的,而競爭性的平均交易量為 29%。在優惠驅動的交易中,10% 是針對星巴克獎勵會員的基於星級的優惠。只有 4% 是由基於價格的優惠所驅動的。

  • Our best offers are in the app. Together, offers and other integrated marketing activities, when paired with exciting product innovation, successfully grew Starbucks Rewards membership, reactivated many lapse towards members and drove customer traffic on promotional days and product launch weeks.


  • Active US Starbucks Rewards members grew to 33.8 million during the quarter. Members across every decile increased the frequency of their visits. We're focused on the continued growth of the program because the average active member spends materially more annually and drives a higher lifetime value for the business than a nonmember.

    本季度,美國星巴克獎勵計畫活躍會員人數增至 3,380 萬人。每十分之一的成員都增加了訪問頻率。我們專注於該計劃的持續發展,因為與非會員相比,活躍會員平均每年花費更多,並為企業帶來更高的終身價值。

  • Research also tells us that the most inactive Starbucks Rewards members don't realize they've lapsed. This demonstrates a continued opportunity to drive return visits, active member growth, and deeper customer loyalty. Looking forward, we will continue to use more targeted offers, coupled with select pricing actions, funded by efficiency initiatives to drive traffic and conversion.


  • We plan to leverage a mix of paid media, acquisition, and retention offers to stop to signage and partner education to drive transactions and increase the frequency of visits with a focus on product launches and continued Starbucks Rewards member growth.


  • It's worth remembering the ubiquity of the Starbucks brand and our ability to intercept customers. For instance, our business is up 13% in airports and up 9% in hotels, pointing to these trends, leveraging our brand and our ability to intersect customers while demonstrating value, not just in price, but with the premium experience, remains a sizable opportunity across our entire store portfolio.


  • Moving on to digital. As part of our action plan, we made continued improvements to our Starbucks app, including wait time algorithm enhancements that have improved order ready accuracy by nearly 50 percentage points. This, combined with in-app offers, helped drive a 10% year-over-year growth in mobile order and pay revenue, and a 7% year-over-year increase in MOP transactions.

    轉向數位化。作為我們行動計劃的一部分,我們對星巴克應用程式進行了持續改進,包括等待時間演算法增強,將訂單就緒準確性提高了近 50 個百分點。這與應用程式內優惠相結合,推動行動訂單和支付收入年增 10%,MOP 交易年增 7%。

  • Looking deeper, our data shows that 1 in 4 non-Starbucks Rewards members want the ability to use mobile order pay. Nearly 80% of those customers don't want to join a Rewards program or create an account to do it.

    更深入觀察,我們的數據顯示,四分之一的非星巴克獎勵會員希望能夠使用行動訂單支付。近 80% 的客戶不想加入獎勵計劃或建立帳戶來執行此操作。

  • In response, we opened MOP for all to provide those customers the convenience they see while removing perceived barriers to entry.

    作為回應,我們向所有人開放了 MOP,為這些客戶提供他們所看到的便利,同時消除感知的進入障礙。

  • We believe these enhancements to the digital experience, coupled with more effortless ordering, will continue to drive Starbucks Rewards membership over time with customers increasing frequency and spend. Once customers are in our digital ecosystem, they're more likely to remain engaged across channels and drive greater lifetime value.


  • In summary, our plans are beginning to work. We're recovering our brand from its perceptions. We're rebuilding the operational foundation of our stores and supply chain. We're reducing costs to support investments, we're sustaining partner experience improvements, and we're working to make the Starbucks Experience worth it every time.


  • While it's early days, I'm confident in the trajectory of our US


  • business and the operational improvements we're making. And I'm reassured by the impact our work is expected to deliver in FY 2025 and beyond.

    業務和我們正在進行的營運改善。我們的工作預計將在 2025 財年及以後產生影響,這讓我感到放心。

  • Looking outside the US, we continue to see weakness in parts of our international business and strength in others. Headwinds persist in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, parts of Europe, driven by widely discussed misperceptions about our brand. In some European markets, consumers are stretched. At the same time, we see significant strength in markets like Japan and parts of Latin America.


  • China is one of our most notable international challenges and an area I'd like to talk about in more detail. The competitive market dynamics in China are reflected in our recent results. We've continued to face a more cautious consumer spending and intensified competition.


  • In the past year, unprecedented store expansion and a mass segment price war at the expense of comp and profitability have also caused significant disruptions to the operating environment.


  • Still, we have made progress in important areas. Through Q3, metrics like average daily transactions, weekly sales, and operating margin improved sequentially quarter over quarter. Starbucks Rewards members grew by 1.6 million to a record-high 22 million active members. And customer connection scores reached a new high, while partner turnover reached a new low.

    儘管如此,我們還是在重要領域取得了進展。在第三季度,平均每日交易量、每週銷售額和營業利潤率等指標較上季有所改善。星享俱樂部會員人數增加 160 萬,活躍會員數達到創紀錄的 2,200 萬。客戶聯繫分數再創新高,而合作夥伴流失率再創新低。

  • We've built an amazing business in China over the past 25 years, a business for China built by an outstanding local team. We've pioneered the growth of the premium coffee industry in market with our Starbucks and Starbucks Reserve brands and brand equity remains distinctive.

    過去 25 年來,我們在中國建立了令人驚嘆的業務,這是一個由優秀的本地團隊為中國打造的業務。我們以星巴克和星巴克臻選品牌引領了市場上優質咖啡產業的發展,並且品牌資產仍然保持獨特。

  • We are incredibly committed and expert partners with an unmatched depth in coffee and craft. Our stores are distinctive and industry-leading, and our supply chain is world class. New stores have expanded our presence to more than 900 county cities and continue to drive exceptional cash-on-cash returns and a payback of less than two years.

    我們是非常忠誠和專業的合作夥伴,在咖啡和工藝方面擁有無與倫比的深度。我們的門市特色鮮明、業界領先,我們的供應鏈是世界一流的。新店已將我們的業務擴展到 900 多個縣城,並繼續帶來卓越的現金回報和不到兩年的投資回報。

  • We're looking beyond near-term challenges and towards long-term opportunities in the market.


  • We built Starbucks in China around three principles. A great customer experience is grounded in a great partner experience. Our coffee will always be distinctive and high quality, with low penetration relative to other markets, which provides continued headroom.


  • Our beautiful stores will celebrate the culture and traditions of China and their local communities.


  • Even in a challenging market, we have stayed true to these principles and our relative premium positioning. This is reflective in the competitive margins we have sustained in the face of price competition.


  • Over the past 25 years, we've gone through different phases of growth in China and have relied on different strategic partnerships to grow our business and capabilities, like joint ventures and strategic partnerships in technology, real estate, and supply chain. As we look forward, we see higher growth and margin opportunities in China. We're building the next generation of Starbucks, grounded in our premium brands and with a business that is even more digital innovative and locally relevant.


  • To do so, as our strategy evolves, we are in the early stages of exploring strategic partnerships to further enhance our competitive position to accelerate growth and innovate to win in the long term in China. We remain completely committed to our business and our partners in China, for the next 25 years and beyond. The long-term opportunity for us is significant.

    為此,隨著我們策略的發展,我們正處於探索戰略合作夥伴關係的早期階段,以進一步增強我們的競爭地位,加速成長和創新,從而在中國取得長期勝利。在未來 25 年及以後的時間裡,我們仍然完全致力於我們在中國的業務和合作夥伴。對我們來說,長期機會是重大的。

  • Before I close, I would like to confirm that Elliott Management is a shareholder in our company, and our conversations to date have been constructive. On the business, my continued confidence is rooted in the focus, energy, and effort of our partners across the business and around the globe.

    在結束之前,我想確認 Elliott Management 是我們公司的股東,迄今為止我們的對話是建設性的。在業務方面,我持續的信心植根於我們整個業務和全球合作夥伴的專注、精力和努力。

  • Our growing culture focused innovation and relentless execution continues to enhance our capabilities, operational muscle and executional discipline, driving forward our action plan and our long-term Triple Shot strategy while helping return the business to sustainable algorithmic growth.

    我們不斷發展的以文化為中心的創新和不懈的執行力不斷增強我們的能力、營運能力和執行紀律,推動我們的行動計劃和長期 Triple Shot 策略,同時幫助業務恢復可持續的演算法成長。

  • And with that, I'll turn this over to Rachel.


  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Laxman, and good afternoon, everyone. As Laxman shared, we're seeing progress against our three-part action plans. Additionally, our efficiency efforts, which are tracking ahead of expectations, partially offset investments associated with the cautious consumer environment. With continued focus on our action plans, efficiency efforts, and disciplined operational execution, we expect progress as we close out the year. With that, let me turn to our results.


  • Our Q3 consolidated revenue was $9.1 billion, up 1% from the prior year, demonstrating sequential revenue growth quarter over quarter, consistent with what we guided. Revenue growth over the prior year was driven by 8% net new company-operated store growth, partially offset by a 3% decline in comparable store sales from a 5% decrease in transactions and a 2% increase in average ticket as we continue to navigate through a value-driven consumer environment.

    我們第三季的綜合收入為 91 億美元,比上年增長 1%,顯示出環比收入環比增長,與我們的指導一致。上一年的收入成長是由公司自營新店淨成長8% 推動的,但隨著我們繼續前進,可比商店銷售額下降3%(交易量下降5%)和平均門票增加2% 部分抵消了這一下降。

  • US led the average ticket increase of 4%, driven by pricing and multi-beverage orders. The increase in average ticket in the US reflects how our innovative products and thoughtful promotions resonated with customers in our quest to offer enhanced value, indicating that our action plans are starting to take hold.

    在定價和多種飲料訂單的推動下,美國的平均票價上漲了 4%。美國平均票價的成長反映了我們的創新產品和周到的促銷活動在我們尋求提供更高價值的過程中如何與客戶產生共鳴,這表明我們的行動計劃已開始生效。

  • Shifting to transactions. US posted a comparable transaction decline of 6%, primarily driven by non-SR members. Across SR customers, as Laxman shared, we saw improved frequency across all deciles. Mobile order and pay in the US

    轉向交易。美國的可比交易量下降了 6%,這主要是由非 SR 會員推動的。正如 Laxman 所分享的,在 SR 客戶中,我們看到所有十分位數的頻率都有所提高。在美國行動下單和支付

  • remained strong in the quarter with positive year-over-year total transaction growth of 7%, as customers continue to value both the experience and convenience of the mobile order and pay channel.

    由於客戶持續重視行動訂單和支付管道的體驗和便利性,本季交易總額仍然強勁,較去年同期成長 7%。

  • As we open our app for all with MOP guest checkout, which launched earlier this month, we expect to create and deliver value across a broader population, expanding our universe of known customers to deepen engagement, driving increased frequency and spend.

    當我們透過本月稍早推出的MOP guest checkout 向所有人開放我們的應用程式時,我們希望為更廣泛的人群創造和提供價值,擴大我們的已知客戶範圍以加深參與度,推動頻率和支出的增加。

  • In addition to strong SR program growth in the US, we saw strong SR program growth in China. SR members grew to a record 22 million 90-day active members in China, and in June, we also enhanced the program through extending rewards and introducing new diamond tier, which provides exclusive benefits to our most loyal SR members. We're pleased with the SR member growth across both the US and China and expect to see the benefit from this growth in future quarters as new members provide a longer-term benefit.

    除了美國的 SR 項目強勁成長之外,我們還看到中國的 SR 項目也強勁成長。 SR 會員在中國的 90 天活躍會員數量增至創紀錄的 2200 萬,6 月份,我們還通過擴大獎勵範圍和引入新的鑽石等級來增強該計劃,為我們最忠實的 SR 會員提供專屬福利。我們對美國和中國 SR 會員的成長感到滿意,並期望在未來幾季看到這種成長帶來的好處,因為新會員提供了長期利益。

  • Shifting to margin. Our Q3 consolidated operating margin contracted 70 basis points from the prior year to 16.7%, primarily driven by increased promotional activities, investments in store partner wages, and benefits as well as deleverage. The contraction was partially offset by pricing and our continued execution against reinvention-related in-store operational efficiencies as well as out-of-store efficiencies, which primarily center around our supply chain.

    轉向邊緣。我們第三季的綜合營業利潤率較上年下降 70 個基點至 16.7%,這主要是由於促銷活動增加、對商店合作夥伴工資和福利的投資以及去槓桿化的推動。這種收縮被定價和我們對與重塑相關的店內營運效率以及店外效率(主要圍繞我們的供應鏈)的持續執行所部分抵消。

  • As you've heard Laxman discuss, we're focused on improving operational execution and efficiencies, which is now more important than ever as we build resiliency in our business. Our efficiency efforts are built on creating sustainable improvements in our operations and end-to-end supply chain, allowing us to both reinvest in our business and drive margin expansion.

    正如您所聽到的 Laxman 所討論的那樣,我們專注於提高營運執行力和效率,隨著我們增強業務彈性,這一點現在比以往任何時候都更加重要。我們的效率工作建立在營運和端到端供應鏈的可持續改進之上,使我們能夠對業務進行再投資並推動利潤率擴張。

  • A testament to these efforts includes the achievement in excess of 200 basis points in year-over-year efficiency gains as of Q3 and across both in-store and out-of-store areas, manifesting through our business and reduced store operating expenses and product and distribution costs, respectively. Collectively, these line items represent approximately 85% of our annual spend.

    這些努力的證明包括截至第三季度店內和店外區域的同比效率提升超過 200 個基點,這透過我們的業務以及商店營運費用和產品的減少得到體現和分銷成本。總的來說,這些訂單項目約占我們年度支出的 85%。

  • Our in-store focus, a combination of efficiencies and staffing and scheduling as well as enhancements in our store equipment and new store format design, has fueled a reduction in partner turnover, creating greater stability in our stores. We believe that stability not only creates opportunity to nurture stronger connections with customers, but also increases productivity, which translated to roughly 110 basis point improvement in store operating expense in the quarter.

    我們對店內的關注,結合了效率、人員配備和日程安排,以及商店設備的增強和新的商店格式設計,推動了合作夥伴營業額的減少,為我們的商店創造了更大的穩定性。我們相信,穩定性不僅創造了與客戶建立更牢固聯繫的機會,而且還提高了生產力,這意味著本季商店營運費用提高了約 110 個基點。

  • Our efficiency focus also extends outside of the store, as we've been taking a hard look across our supply chain and other areas, including G&A. As Laxman shared, we're working collaboratively with suppliers to identify opportunities to leverage our scale for cost reductions without compromising product quality or distribution timeliness, which led to meaningful savings in the quarter of approximately 100 basis points between rebates and rate savings.

    我們的效率重點也延伸到了商店之外,因為我們一直在認真審視我們的供應鏈和其他領域,包括 G&A。正如Laxman 所說,我們正在與供應商合作,尋找機會利用我們的規模來降低成本,同時又不影響產品品質或分銷及時性,這使得本季度在回扣和費率節省之間節省了大約100 個基點。

  • In addition, we believe our end-to-end supply chain focus gives us the opportunity to increase inventory availability with the right products at the right time, enhancing the customer experience while reducing waste.


  • As we've shared G&A was elevated at more than 7% of revenue through Q2, as we have deliberately invested in resources to continue to grow our technology capability.

    正如我們所分享的,第二季的一般管理費用佔收入的比例提高了 7% 以上,因為我們刻意投資資源以繼續增強我們的技術能力。

  • We have, however, reduced G&A in Q3 and expect it to remain closer to 6% of revenue in the second half of this fiscal year as we balance investments for our long-term growth.

    然而,我們在第三季減少了一般管理費用,並預計在本財年下半年,隨著我們平衡投資以實現長期成長,其占營收的比重將保持在接近 6% 左右。

  • When considering our progress this fiscal year, our in-store and out-of-store year-to-date efficiency efforts collectively amounted to nearly 300 basis points of margin improvement.

    考慮到我們本財年的進展,我們年初至今在店內和店外的效率工作總共使利潤率提高了近 300 個基點。

  • Our significant efficiency runway coupled with sales growth, gives us confidence to drive margin expansion over time. Given this, we have ample opportunities to deliver above our initial goal of $3 billion, driving to $4 billion in efficiencies over the next four years.

    我們顯著的效率跑道加上銷售成長,使我們有信心隨著時間的推移推動利潤率的擴張。有鑑於此,我們有充足的機會實現 30 億美元的初始目標,並在未來四年內將效率提高到 40 億美元。

  • Q3 EPS was $0.93, down 6% from the prior year. The decline was driven largely by the cautious consumer environment, which in response drove increased promotions and marketing in the quarter, partially offset by our efficiency efforts. Additionally, our higher effective tax rate had a $0.03 unfavorable impact driven by fewer discrete items relative to the prior year.

    第三季每股收益為 0.93 美元,比去年同期下降 6%。這一下降主要是由於謹慎的消費者環境造成的,這相應地推動了本季促銷和行銷的增加,但部分被我們的效率努力所抵消。此外,由於離散項目相對於前一年減少,我們較高的有效稅率產生了 0.03 美元的不利影響。

  • With segment results being discussed in detail in today's Q3 earnings release, I'll now touch on our capital allocation and financial resilience and then move into guidance. As a reminder, our disciplined approach to capital allocation continues to drive financial flexibility, allowing us to continue to make the necessary investments in our business to drive long-term growth.


  • Our new stores continue to be a meaningful part of our growth equation with approximately 85% of our CapEx allocated to our stores, both new stores and renovations. These high-return growth-oriented investments have superior economics while adding incrementally to our business.

    我們的新店仍然是我們成長方程式的重要組成部分,大約 85% 的資本支出分配給我們的商店,包括新店和翻新店。這些以高回報成長為導向的投資具有卓越的經濟效益,同時逐步增加我們的業務。

  • Even with over 16,700 stores across the US and another 7,300 in China, we have abundant white space ahead, particularly as populations continue to move to more suburban and rural areas.

    儘管我們在美國擁有超過 16,700 家商店,在中國還有 7,300 家商店,但我們仍然擁有充足的空白空間,特別是隨著人口繼續向郊區和農村地區遷移。

  • Take a Tier 3 market in US, for example, a place like Joplin, Missouri. A drive-thru in that market boasts a year one ROI in excess of 65%, with cash margins approaching 30% and a payback period of less than two years.

    以美國的三級市場為例,例如密蘇裡州喬普林這樣的地方。該市場的得來速汽車餐廳一年的投資報酬率超過 65%,現金利潤率接近 30%,投資回收期不到兩年。

  • Year one AUVs reach approximately 2 million with opportunity ahead as we build out the trade area. Importantly, our new store revenue is highly incremental, adding an average of nearly 90% to the trade area attained by our world-class store development partners and the rigorous work that leverages AI-assisted strategic site selection process.

    第一年,AUV 數量達到約 200 萬,隨著我們擴建貿易區,未來充滿機會。重要的是,我們的新店收入是高度增量的,平均增加了近 90% 的貿易面積,這是我們世界一流的商店開發合作夥伴以及利用人工智慧輔助戰略選址流程的嚴格工作所實現的。

  • We see that in China as well. Take a New County City, for example. We're in only about 900 of the nearly 3,000 across the market. Today, we see year one ROI as high as 70% with cash margins averaging over 30% as we've successfully managed both store development and operating costs even in the current macroeconomic backdrop. We believe this is a great investment and accretive to shareholder value, building out the long-term opportunity.

    我們在中國也看到了這一點。以新縣城為例。市場上近 3,000 家公司中,我們只佔其中的約 900 家。如今,我們看到第一年​​的投資回報率高達 70%,現金利潤率平均超過 30%,因為即使在當前的宏觀經濟背景下,我們也成功地管理了商店開發和營運成本。我們相信這是一項巨大的投資,可以增加股東價值,創造長期機會。

  • With our disciplined approach to capital allocation, underpinned by our strengthening store portfolio, we are reinforcing our financial resilience, while remaining committed to our compelling dividend. We continue to target an earnings payout ratio of approximately 50%, near the top end of growth companies of our size and scale, resulting in a significant portion of our earnings going directly back to our shareholders.

    憑藉我們嚴格的資本配置方法,並以不斷加強的門市組合為基礎,我們正在增強我們的財務彈性,同時繼續致力於提供令人矚目的股息。我們繼續將獲利支付率目標定為約 50%,接近我們規模和規模的成長型公司的最高水平,從而使我們的大部分利潤直接返還給股東。

  • And currently, we have maintained a leverage target below 3x lease adjusted EBITDA, ensuring a strong financial foundation and consistent with our investment-grade credit rating of BBB+, which allows us to continue to access capital efficiently. Collectively, our disciplined approach enables us to preserve both balance sheet strength and flexibility, positioning us to successfully navigate through the current macroeconomic environment.

    目前,我們將槓桿目標維持在低於租賃調整後 EBITDA 3 倍的水平,確保了強大的財務基礎,並符合我們 BBB+ 的投資級信用評級,這使我們能夠繼續有效率地獲取資本。總的來說,我們嚴格的方法使我們能夠保持資產負債表的實力和靈活性,使我們能夠成功應對當前的宏觀經濟環境。

  • Moving to our fiscal year 2024 guidance. We are encouraged with our progress this quarter, and we're pleased to reaffirm all metrics of our full year 2024 guidance. Our confidence is underpinned by the result of our action plans, coupled with the continued efficiency unlock both in and out of store.

    轉向我們的 2024 財年指導。我們對本季的進展感到鼓舞,並且很高興重申 2024 年全年指引的所有指標。我們的行動計畫的結果以及店內店外的持續效率提升支撐著我們的信心。

  • In summary, here are key takeaways from my discussion today. First, we are seeing progress against our action plans. Second, our efficiency efforts partially offset investments associated with the cautious consumer environment. Third, we believe our financial fortitude and disciplined capital allocation strategy positions us well for the long term. And last, our full-year 2024 guidance remains intact.

    總而言之,以下是我今天要討論的要點。首先,我們看到我們的行動計劃取得了進展。其次,我們的效率努力部分抵銷了與謹慎的消費環境相關的投資。第三,我們相信我們的財務實力和嚴格的資本配置策略使我們長期處於有利地位。最後,我們的 2024 年全年指引保持不變。

  • Before I close, I want to acknowledge all of our partners across the globe, working tirelessly each and every day to elevate the Starbucks Experience in our stores, at our roasting plants, and in our support centers, you are and always have been our superpower. Thank you, partners.


  • And with that, we'll open the call for questions. Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Brian Harbour, Morgan Stanley.


  • Brian Harbour - Analyst

    Brian Harbour - Analyst

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Brian Harbour, Morgan Stanley.


  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Sure. Thanks, Brian. Let me start with the G&A actions. So in the quarter, our G&A actually declined year over year by about 5%. And the drivers of that include performance-based compensation, so lower performance-based compensation, coupled with lapping over some foundation investments from the prior year.

    當然。謝謝,布萊恩。讓我從一般及行政措施開始。因此,在本季度,我們的 G&A 實際上同比下降了約 5%。其驅動因素包括基於績效的薪酬,因此基於績效的薪酬較低,再加上前一年的一些基礎投資被重疊。

  • In addition to that, given the environment, we made some deliberate decisions to focus on cost efficiencies, which helped us offset some of the investments we've made in wages and benefits as well as the investments we've made in technology. We'll expect that to further into Q4. As we look to the out years, we will continue to drive leverage in our G&A as part of our overall efficiency focus and efforts.


  • Now on the store side, you asked about reinvesting, where does that go? And as far as our in-store and out-of-store efficiencies, those investments largely this year have helped to support the promotional activities as well as the investments we've made in our partner wages and benefits.


  • Now as we look towards next year, we'll continue on our path of efficiency efforts. Those efforts will help us to be able to unlock the capacity to be able to reinvest back into our business in a sundry of different areas, but it will also allow us to drive margin expansion. So I think that answered all of your questions. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Sara Senatore, Bank of America.


  • Sara Senatore - Analyst

    Sara Senatore - Analyst

  • Great. I wanted to ask about the composition. So think, Rachel, you mentioned average check benefited from multi-beverage orders, which I guess suggests that perhaps you're not seeing premiumization or customization anymore, but rather just increased group sizes.


  • And then you also mentioned pricing. How much price do you have year over year? If you could give any color on that.


  • And then the final piece, you talked about much lower promotional intensity or mix than what we see from some of your competitors that I'm trying to understand how does that 14% compare perhaps to what Starbucks might have seen in the past?

    然後最後一篇文章,您談到了比我們從一些競爭對手那裡看到的要低得多的促銷強度或組合,我試圖了解這 14% 與星巴克過去可能看到的相比如何?

  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Sure, Sara. Thank you for the question. I'll start with the 4% check. So in the US business, our ticket comp increased by 4%. And as I shared in my prepared remarks, that does include -- about 25% of it was related to beverage attach or multi-beverage orders in response to our promotional offers. So it showed that our customers responded well to our offers, so that's really the driver of it.

    當然,薩拉。感謝你的提問。我將從 4% 的支票開始。因此,在美國業務中,我們的機票補償增加了 4%。正如我在準備好的演講中所分享的那樣,其中確實包括大約 25% 與飲料附加或多飲料訂單有關,以響應我們的促銷優惠。這表明我們的客戶對我們的優惠反應良好,這才是真正的驅動力。

  • We aren't seeing the customization and the personalization in the same way because our offers were much more targeted and driven around specific beverages as well as overall beverage attach. And so as a result of that, that drove the ticket in the quarter. But we were pleased with that because it shows that customers responded well to those offers.


  • Now when we think about price year over year in that 4% ticket, I would say the remainder of the ticket, about 75% is really net price. That includes everything from pricing moves, including the increases that we took in California, coupled with the promotional offers. So I'd say that's a net pricing impact on that 4%.

    現在,當我們逐年考慮 4% 門票的價格時,我會說門票的其餘部分,大約 75% 是真正的淨價格。這包括定價變動的所有內容,包括我們在加州採取的價格上漲以及促銷優惠。所以我想說這是對那 4% 的淨定價影響。

  • And in terms of the promotional intensity, I'll turn it over to Laxman in a minute, but what I can say about the promotional environment is we've been very measured from a promotional standpoint given the fact that we have a premium positioning as our brand. And so the majority of our promotional efforts we're focused on driving growth in our Starbucks Rewards membership, because we know that those members tend to increase their value for us over the lifetime. It's a more efficient way for us to promote.


  • And in the quarter, we were pleased with the fact that between the offers and the marketing activities, we were able to grow our Starbucks Rewards membership in the US as a result of that. We also saw traffic increase on days where we had offers as well as days where we had new product launches. So that also gave us some encouragement just in terms of the effectiveness of our offers.


  • And with that, I'll turn it over to Laxman.


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Sara, just to build on the question that you asked and Rachel's response. The Starbucks brand is grounded in the idea that if you exceed the partner expectations, you will exceed the customer expectations. And it is in this experience that we deliver the premiumness of the brand.


  • And when you look at the words worth it for the Starbucks Experience, what we measure in our work and brand equities, not just about price, it is about the quality, the distinctive quality, the product customization that you mentioned, the consistency of the experience that we create bolt-on stores and digitally, delivered at a price that customers believe is worth it when they come into the store to transact with us or when they transact with us across channels.


  • Now one of the things that we have been very careful about is that given the premiumness of the brand, we've been very careful about the offers. And as Rachel said, it is at a lower intensity than it is for some of the other brands.


  • What we've tried to do is focus on the Starbucks Rewards members. For our business, 60% of our revenue comes from the SR program, and 40% comes from the non-SR program. And what we've found is that some of these offers that we have done, particularly for Starbucks Rewards members has helped drive engagement and incremental visits. We talked a bit about the fact that we've seen engagement go up in every decile of the Starbucks Rewards members.

    我們試圖做的就是專注於星巴克獎勵會員。對於我們的業務來說,我們 60% 的收入來自 SR 計劃,40% 來自非 SR 計劃。我們發現,我們提供的一些優惠,特別是針對星巴克獎勵會員的優惠,有助於提高參與度和增加訪問量。我們討論了這樣一個事實,即我們看到星巴克獎勵會員的參與度每十分之一都有所提高。

  • If I look at a non-SR customers, which is about 40% of it, what we've been working on is ensuring that we give them offers to come in and become part of the SR program. Additionally, they have told us, about a fourth of them tell us that they want the digital convenience, but they don't necessarily want to be part of the program. So we've done things around how we open up the app for them to order and get the digital convenience.

    如果我看一下非 SR 客戶(約佔 40%),我們一直在努力確保為他們提供加入並成為 SR 計劃一部分的機會。此外,他們告訴我們,大約四分之一的人告訴我們他們想要數位便利,但他們不一定想成為該計劃的一部分。因此,我們圍繞如何打開應用程式讓他們訂購並獲得數位便利做了一些事情。

  • What we see over time is for the non-SR customers, we still have the opportunity to target price investments funded by the progress we are making in our efficiency program. And all the way brings it back to our three-part action plan in terms of what we're doing to continue to deliver the kind of premium experience Starbucks is about.

    隨著時間的推移,我們看到的是,對於非 SR 客戶,我們仍然有機會透過我們在效率計劃中取得的進展來資助目標價投資。一切都讓我們回到了我們的三部分行動計劃,即我們正在做什麼,以繼續提供星巴克的優質體驗。

  • Operator


  • Jeffrey Bernstein, Barclays.


  • Jeffrey Bernstein - Analyst

    Jeffrey Bernstein - Analyst

  • Great. Thank you very much. My question was on China. The headwinds, Laxman, as I mentioned, are seemingly large. The comps down 14%. I think you mentioned we just highlighted the ramp in competition and the macro challenges and the price wars.

    偉大的。非常感謝。我的問題是關於中國的。正如我所提到的,拉克斯曼的逆風似乎很大。綜合指數下跌 14%。我想你提到我們剛剛強調了競爭的加劇、宏觀挑戰和價格戰。

  • But with that said, I know you mentioned exploring strategic partnerships and you've had partnerships in the past. Just curious if you could provide some more color. I know in the past, the Board has evaluated alternatives such as the licensing of China, similar to other multinational QSRs, which would kind of allow to participate in the growth, but mitigate the volatility and reduce your capital needs.


  • So I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on that, whether that was kind of the reference you made earlier, maybe some of the pros and cons as you contemplate the potential for those strategic alternatives such as licensing? Any color would be great. Thank you.


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Jeff, thanks so much. We built a distinctive business in China with both the Starbucks and Starbucks Reserve brands that are relatively more premium relative to what we have in the market. And we've got 60,000 partners; 19,000 of them wore black aprons and coffee. And so the depth of coffee expertise we have is tremendous.

    傑夫,非常感謝。我們在中國建立了獨特的業務,擁有星巴克和星巴克臻選品牌,這些品牌相對於我們在市場上的品牌來說相對更優質。我們有 60,000 名合作夥伴;其中 19,000 人穿著黑色圍裙,喝著咖啡。因此,我們擁有深厚的咖啡專業知識。

  • Additionally, as we look at the really long term, the potential in this business is amazing. I mean we've essentially very early days, given the per-caps we see and the headroom that it provides. So the stores, the brand, the partners, the supply chain, the digital presence we have, all are distinctive advantages.


  • But as you rightfully said, there's been quite a change in the competitive environment. And we've been very entrepreneurial. I mean, 25 years ago when [Howe] went to China, we've created a specialty coffee industry from pretty much nowhere. And we have been very entrepreneurial and we've looked at various ways of making that happen, including joint ventures, and partnerships -- strategic partnerships and technology, real estate, and supply chain.

    但正如你所說,競爭環境發生了很大變化。我們一直都非常有創業精神。我的意思是,25 年前,當 [Howe] 來到中國時,我們幾乎憑空創造了一個精品咖啡產業。我們一直非常具有創業精神,我們研究了實現這一目標的各種方式,包括合資企業和合作夥伴關係——策略合作夥伴關係和技術、房地產和供應鏈。

  • We're frankly at the very early stages of this. And so I don't want to necessarily comment specifically on any one option versus another. But we're in the early stages. And we recognize that what we want to be sure of is that we are further strengthening our advantage in this market because the long-term opportunity for us is significant. And we will update you as we make progress on this effort in terms of exploring these strategic partnerships.


  • Operator


  • Peter Saleh, BTIG.


  • Peter Saleh - Managing Director

    Peter Saleh - Managing Director

  • Great. I think you guys mentioned that traffic was down 6% in the US and the majority of that was due to the non-Rewards customers, which makes up, call it, 40% of your business. That's a pretty substantial decline in that customer base by a double-digit decline in that customer base.

    偉大的。我想你們提到美國的流量下降了 6%,其中大部分是由於非獎勵客戶造成的,這些客戶佔你們業務的 40%。該客戶群的下降幅度相當大,下降幅度達到兩位數。

  • So can you just talk a little bit about where you think these customers are going? And why is it that there is such a steep decline in this customer account and just this segment? Thank you very much.


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • So first of all, I think we are operating in a challenging consumer environment. You see the impact of that in away-from-home consumption. If you look at our business at home, the grocery stores with our brands, you're seeing volume increase, you're seeing share increase in a category that's in decline, but we see volume increase at home.


  • In our ready-to-drink business, we're seeing clearly that they had some challenges. But with the work that our joint venture team is doing, we're seeing progress there. But away-from-home consumption, you see the impact of the challenging consumer environment.


  • What we're focused on is what is it that we can do to control what we have. And so the Starbucks Rewards members, you see greater engagement; that is 60% of our revenue.

    我們關注的是我們可以做什麼來控制我們所擁有的東西。因此,星巴克獎勵會員會看到更高的參與度;這是我們收入的 60%。

  • Clearly, if you look at the sort of lower deciles of the Starbucks Rewards program, we see opportunity even there for them to increase their visitations. But if I look at what we're seeing with our non-SR customers, we still maintain the number-one position in terms of coffee shops visited from the research that we do internally and for the equity work we've done.

    顯然,如果你看看星巴克獎勵計劃的較低十分位數,我們甚至看到他們有機會增加訪問量。但如果我看看我們在非 SR 客戶中看到的情況,根據我們內部所做的研究和我們所做的股權工作,我們在訪問的咖啡店方面仍然保持第一的位置。

  • So I think that this is a statement around the overall environment. We know that there are things that we can do in order to communicate value better to our non-SR customers, which is why we've opened up the app for all starting this quarter. And once they come in and once they see what's happening inside the convenience of the mobile order to pay channel, they will get exposed to what we have inside the app.

    所以我覺得這是一個圍繞著整體環境的說法。我們知道,我們可以採取一些措施,以便更好地向非 SR 客戶傳達價值,這就是我們從本季開始向所有人開放該應用程式的原因。一旦他們進來並看到行動訂單支付管道的便利性內發生的事情,他們就會接觸到我們應用程式內的內容。

  • And we know that we have an opportunity as we look at the end-to-end efficiencies that we can get in our supply chain, that we can target price investments in those areas that will help them realize the price proposition that we have overall.


  • If you really step back and look at us, we've been very disciplined over the last many years. We've taken less pricing than many, but we also recognize the environment we're operating in is challenged. And so I think what you'll see us do is being measured in the way we do this and do it through the app and target price investments where appropriate, leveraging off the efficiency work that Rachel spoke about.


  • Operator


  • Jon Tower, Citi.


  • Jon Tower - Analyst

    Jon Tower - Analyst

  • Great. I guess maybe first, a clarification on the question. Rachel, you mentioned the $4 billion in savings. Just want to ensure that's a gross or a net number.

    偉大的。我想也許首先要澄清這個問題。 Rachel,你提到了 40 億美元的節省。只是想確保這是總數還是淨值。

  • And then I guess maybe going to the Siren stations that you've talked about, I know you're still on track to get 40% or less than 40% done in North America by the end of fiscal '26. Can you talk about what you're seeing with respect to returns? And what's the impediment to accelerating that type of remodel schedule, picking it up, say, instead of less than 40% by the end of '26 picking that up to 50%, 60% or pulling forward more to current fiscal '25, say?

    然後我想也許會去你談到的 Siren 站,我知道你仍然預計在 26 財年末在北美完成 40% 或不到 40% 的工作。能談談您對回報的看法嗎?加速此類改造計畫的障礙是什麼? 比方說,到 26 年底將其提高到 40%,而不是提高到 50%、60%,或將其提前到目前的 25 財年?

  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Jon, I'll start with -- on the $4 billion of savings over the next 4 years, that is a net number. So we have obviously a larger gross number to ensure that we can deliver on that. So that's the way I think about the savings.

    喬恩,我首先要說的是,未來 4 年將節省 40 億美元,這是一個淨數字。因此,我們顯然有更大的總人數來確保我們能夠實現這一目標。這就是我對節省的看法。

  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • On your second question on the Siren Craft -- on the Siren Systems and the equipment deployment, well, firstly, we've deployed the process improvements across all our stores in the US this week. This has been very well received, the inclusive of the new routines, the training, the beverage bills, the partner investments. We will see transaction impact with that.


  • Now we have matched our Siren System equipment rollouts with the renovations of store bills because of the returns that that gives us. But it's not stopping us from actually using those Siren System equipment in order for us to debottleneck these outlier stores.


  • And as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, with the work we've done with Deep Brew and the analytics that we have, there were 10% of our stores that have the highest customer service outages. For these 10% stores, that's less than 1,000, right? There's work going on store-by-store.

    正如我在準備好的演講中提到的,根據我們對 Deep Brew 所做的工作和我們所擁有的分析,我們有 10% 的商店的客戶服務中斷率最高。對於這 10% 的商店來說,這還不到 1,000 家,對吧?各家商店都在進行工作。

  • And what we're doing store by store is to look to see is a combination of process improvements, how we run the stores, as well as looking at our renovation cycle to potentially resequence them in order for us to bring the Siren systems in an accelerated fashion to help us debottleneck these stores.

    我們正在逐家商店做的是結合流程改進、我們如何經營商店以及查看我們的翻新週期來重新排序它們,以便我們將 Siren 系統引入加速時尚來幫助我們消除這些商店的瓶頸。

  • Now later this quarter, we're going to start rolling out a couple of things that will help us attack some of the bottleneck areas we see. For example, this retrofit to our espresso machines, same quality, higher throughput. We're going to see the rollout start to over 6,000 espresso constrained stores starting next quarter.

    本季晚些時候,我們將開始推出一些措施,幫助我們解決我們看到的一些瓶頸領域。例如,對我們的濃縮咖啡機進行改造,相同的質量,更高的產量。從下個季度開始,我們將在超過 6,000 家濃縮咖啡店開始推出。

  • We're doing the same thing with some of the software changes we're making around food and how we drive throughput there. So these are targeted sequenced efforts that will have high impact on those stores with the greatest constraints.


  • You will see Clover Vertica being all stores by the end of financial year 2025. So we're going at this, not just waiting for the whole system, but looking at portions of it that we can bring in a more accelerated fashion in order for us to drive throughput in the stores.

    到 2025 財年結束時,您將看到 Clover Vertica 遍布所有商店。提高商店的吞吐量。

  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • If I would just add one more point to that is I think it's important to note that the Siren System of the equipment is a major overhaul to our overall stores, our engine. It requires quite a bit of CapEx as well as quite a bit of change management. So we intentionally leverage the renovation and new store process because it allows us to optimize the costs while take advantage of downtime. So that's also an important note in terms of how we've been thoughtful about how we roll these systems out more broadly.


  • Operator


  • Sharon Zackfia, William Blair.


  • Right, we'll move on to the next question. David Tarantino, Baird.


  • David Tarantino - Analyst

    David Tarantino - Analyst

  • Hi. Good afternoon. I just wanted to follow up on the US business. A lot of encouraging commentary about some of the internal metrics you're seeing in the business there. But I was hoping maybe you could talk about how that's translating to sales performance and whether you're already starting to see sales responding to some of the progress you're making?


  • And maybe more specifically, if you expect the fourth quarter comp growth or transaction growth in the US or North America to be better than what you saw in the third quarter.


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Let me start with the three-part action plan that we had in place. The first one is fixing our stores. And I think that we're making strong progress here. And so if you just look at examples of MOP, the growth rate we had quarter over quarter, which was a -- sorry, year-over-year which was a 10% growth, the uptime that we have in MOP, obviously, big improvements.

    讓我從我們制定的由三部分組成的行動計劃開始。第一個是修復我們的商店。我認為我們正在這方面取得巨大進展。因此,如果你只看 MOP 的例子,我們的季度環比增長率,對不起,同比增長 10%,我們 MOP 的正常運行時間顯然很大改進。

  • So that's an example of the kind of improvements that we're seeing. Our drive-thrus are more efficient. And with the multi-second improvements we've seen clearly translate as well into our ability to meet the demand that we have.


  • The product innovations, we touched on some of those that we have and the impact of those, the Summer-Berry Refreshers, the high sales we've ever had in the launch week, leading to the Refresher platform, reaching 18% of sales. So examples over there.

    產品創新,我們談到了我們擁有的一些產品以及它們的影響,Summer-Berry Refreshers,我們在發布週內獲得的高銷量,導致 Refresher 平台達到了銷售額的 18%。那裡有例子。

  • And also the work we're doing with our SR program and increase in number and increasing the engagement of these. So those are all the metrics that we have in terms of the kind of improvements that we're seeing against the three-part action plan.

    還有我們正在進行的 SR 計劃工作,增加了這些計劃的數量並提高了這些計劃的參與度。這些是我們在三部分行動計劃中看到的改進方面的所有指標。

  • As we look ahead into this quarter and we look at, for example, July, what you see in July is the fact that we are seeing shifts in routines in July. We normally see that from a seasonality perspective. But I think we've seen more pronounced changes in the routines in July, in addition to some of the tech outages that have impacted people across industries.

    當我們展望本季時,例如,我們會看到 7 月,您在 7 月看到的是我們看到 7 月例行公事發生變化的事實。我們通常從季節性角度來看這一點。但我認為,除了一些影響各行業人員的技術中斷之外,我們還看到 7 月的日常生活發生了更明顯的變化。

  • And so we see the disruptions, for example, of the airport stores that I mentioned or the hospitality stores where we're seeing strong growth. And so what I would say to you is that our guidance to us at the end of the day, reflect the challenging consumer environment and while we expect the comps to be flat to low single digit for the year. But what I expect is that these actions that we're putting in place will position us stronger to see growth in FY 2025.

    因此,我們看到了中斷,例如我提到的機場商店或我們看到強勁成長的飯店商店。因此,我要對你們說的是,我們最終給我們的指導反映了充滿挑戰的消費者環境,同時我們預計今年的比較將持平至低個位數。但我預計,我們正在採取的這些行動將使我們變得更強大,從而在 2025 財年實現成長。

  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • And just to remind that comp guidance range is a low single-digit decline to flat.


  • Operator


  • Sharon Zackfia, William Blair.


  • Sharon Zackfia - Analyst

    Sharon Zackfia - Analyst

  • Hi. Can you hear me now?


  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, we can.


  • Sharon Zackfia - Analyst

    Sharon Zackfia - Analyst

  • Okay. Perfect. That's all like a Verizon commercial. I wanted to ask -- I know you gave the -- the kind of returns you're seeing in US new stores as well as in China. But I think with the weakness you're seeing in comps, it kind of begs the question of how committed you are to this kind of global rate of expansion in the 7% to 8% range for company-owned stores.

    好的。完美的。這就像 Verizon 的廣告。我想問——我知道你給了——你在美國新店和中國看到的回報。但我認為,鑑於您在比較中看到的弱點,這就引出了一個問題,即您對公司自營商店 7% 至 8% 範圍內的全球擴張率的承諾程度如何。

  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Well, I'll just make a comment and then hand it to Rachel specifically. So first of all, we're not chasing a number. We look at every project that we have, every site, and we look at the incremental returns, the incrementality of the business that it brings and we're entirely driven by ROI. And we see the strong cash-on-cash returns in the US.

    好吧,我就發表評論,然後專門交給 Rachel。首先,我們不追求數字。我們專注於我們擁有的每個專案、每個站點,我們專注於增量回報、它帶來的業務增量,我們完全由投資報酬率驅動。我們看到美國的現金回報率強勁。

  • Rachel spoke to the kind of cash-on-cash returns we're seeing in the Tier 2 and Tier 3 markets, where the headroom is large for us. I mean we're underpenetrated in those markets. And so if you look at the pipeline of real estate investments in the US, they're really targeted at the Tier 2, Tier 3 mostly.


  • And the work we've done with Deep Brew to identify the sites to ensure that we build, there's clearly work that's going into how we ensure that the returns we get in these sites are strong.

    我們與 Deep Brew 一起完成了確定網站以確保我們建造的工作,顯然我們正在努力確保我們在這些網站上獲得強勁的回報。

  • In a very similar way in China, if you look at the cash-on-cash returns that we're getting in the lower tier cities that we're expanding in, the cash returns are strong. So we're not really chasing a number; we're chasing a return. And where we see incrementality, where we see returns, we will invest.


  • Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    Rachel Ruggeri - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • The only thing I would add to that is just given the fact that we do see these strong returns and the incremental nature to our overall business, we see the vast opportunity. We have a very rigorous site selection process. We also have an ability to be able to monitor overall performance. And the combination of all of that allows us to strengthen our portfolio through the growth of new stores.


  • So we see it as an important part of our overall long-term growth algorithm. But I think what's important in what Laxman said is it really comes down to ensuring that we keep monitoring the overall economics. And as long as we see the kind of returns we see today, then it supports our long-term growth ambitions.


  • Operator


  • John Ivankoe, JPMorgan.


  • John Ivankoe - Analyst

    John Ivankoe - Analyst

  • Hi. Thank you. We generally have the perception that the US is the leading market for Starbucks around the world. And certainly, it is in terms of total sales.


  • But my question was, as you look around the world in Latin America and Europe and Asia, and a lot of markets really are competitive and have challenging consumer environments, what have you, is there anything that you can point to that are being done particularly well in any of these markets from a food, from a service, from a beverage perspective, that maybe can be some tangible leading indicators that we can start to get excited about as we think about fiscal '25 and '26 innovation past what you've already done?

    但我的問題是,當你環顧拉丁美洲、歐洲和亞洲時,你會發現許多市場確實競爭激烈,並且消費者環境充滿挑戰,你有什麼,有什麼可以指出正在特別做的事情嗎?在這些市場中,從食品、服務、飲料的角度來看,這也許是一些切實的領先指標,當我們思考「25 財年」和「26 財年的創新超越」時,我們可以開始對此感到興奮。

  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • I'll just point to our business in Japan. It's been growing double digits, terrific round of innovation, great execution in stores, strengthened digital presence, and a brand that really celebrates the coffee house in Japan.


  • I think if you look around the world, we have pockets of these pretty much everywhere. It may not necessarily be uniformly the case. But pretty much everywhere, we have examples of our brand, the experience that we deliver, the products that we bring to bear, the speed of innovation that we have. And by the way, even in pockets in China, we have amazing stories of these. The US, too.


  • So I think that there is a broad set of examples that we constantly look at to learn from and find ways of scaling around the world. And that's what we mean at the heart of truly going global, which is our third imperative in our Triple Shot strategy. It is a way for us to share best practices across the world.

    因此,我認為我們不斷地研究大量的例子,從中學習並找到在世界範圍內擴展的方法。這就是我們真正走向全球的核心意義,也是我們 Triple Shot 策略中的第三個要務。這是我們在世界各地分享最佳實踐的一種方式。

  • Operator


  • Christine Cho, Goldman Sachs.


  • Christine Cho - Analyst

    Christine Cho - Analyst

  • Yes. Thank you. So you've made some significant investments into staffing, scheduling, and partner wage and benefits over the years. And it does seem like it's making very good progress so far. But I was wondering if there are any major areas you see incremental opportunities?


  • And just adding on to that, on one hand, you have the goals to improve the cost efficiencies and productivity. But on the other, you will continue to focus on partner and customer experience. So just curious to your thoughts as to how you strike a balance here. Thank you.


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • I feel very good about the progress we are making on delivering a more stable partner experience in our stores in the US. I think if I just look at the average hours partner, where we are, it's reached a real high, a historic high. So I feel good about that.


  • I think part of what we are looking to continue to do is how we ensure we simplify in the stores, how we simplify our menus, how we simplify our beverage bills, how we simplify in our supply chain, what happens upstream versus downstream and how we focus on training how we ensure more consistency in the experiences that we deliver.


  • And the Siren Craft System is a great example of this. Some of the stories we've heard as we've rolled this out over the course of over the last several weeks, including this week across all our network. It's just what it's doing in terms of the part of reception and the positivity we hear from partners, including what they say about their ability to connect with customers and also deliver a more personal experience in stores.


  • So it's clearly this is the sort of thing that we have to do and just continue to make the right investments to deliver the right partner experience in order to exceed the customer expectations that I know a premium brand like ours is all about.


  • Operator


  • I feel very good about the progress we are making on delivering a more stable partner experience in our stores in the US. I think if I just look at the average hours partner, where we are, it's reached a real high, a historic high. So I feel good about that.


  • I think part of what we are looking to continue to do is how we ensure we simplify in the stores, how we simplify our menus, how we simplify our beverage bills, how we simplify in our supply chain, what happens upstream versus downstream and how we focus on training how we ensure more consistency in the experiences that we deliver.


  • And the Siren Craft System is a great example of this. Some of the stories we've heard as we've rolled this out over the course of over the last several weeks, including this week across all our network. It's just what it's doing in terms of the part of reception and the positivity we hear from partners, including what they say about their ability to connect with customers and also deliver a more personal experience in stores.


  • So it's clearly this is the sort of thing that we have to do and just continue to make the right investments to deliver the right partner experience in order to exceed the customer expectations that I know a premium brand like ours is all about.


  • David Palmer - Analyst

    David Palmer - Analyst

  • Thank you. I wanted to go back and look at some of the products and the value strategies from April through July. There's -- you were very active with some of the new products, and they would be something beyond the coffee core. They would be things that you would think would drive not just the strong trial that you say, but incremental traffic to your business.


  • And I know you were going to dial up some value marketing, maybe you confirm if you did -- you felt like you did that. But I'm wondering, what do you think worked particularly well, not just in the first trial week or two, but on a more sustaining basis from that in these initiatives, including the value and the new products?


  • And in light of the traffic decline of 6%, I'm wondering what do you think were really the offsets? Has there been some decline in the coffee core? Or is there a daypart?

    鑑於流量下降了 6%,我想知道您認為真正的抵消是什麼?咖啡核心是否有下降?或者說有白天的時間嗎?

  • Or how should we think about offsets to these things that you're doing?


  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, David. Let me just first start with coffee, right? I think as I said in my prepared remarks, we've gone to one additional point on cold, so it's now 76%. Obviously, that's seasonal, but it's 76%. If you look at our espresso business, that's growing 4%. So espresso drinks are up 4%. So coffee has grown.

    謝謝你,大衛。讓我先從咖啡開始吧?我想正如我在準備好的演講中所說的那樣,我們已經在寒冷問題上增加了一點,所以現在是 76%。顯然,這是季節性的,但它是 76%。如果你看看我們的濃縮咖啡業務,你會發現成長了 4%。因此濃縮咖啡飲料上漲了 4%。於是咖啡就長大了。

  • And our distinctiveness in coffee. And I think you'll see that in the kind of innovations and new products would bring in, including the launch of Milano Duetto towards the end of this quarter. So coffee is core to who we are, distinctive in terms of breadth of what we bring, and the products will obviously have that.

    以及我們在咖啡方面的獨特性。我認為您會在各種創新和新產品中看到這一點,包括本季末推出的 Milano Duetto。因此,咖啡是我們的核心,在我們帶來的產品廣度方面與眾不同,而我們的產品顯然也具備這一點。

  • I think one of the things we did talk about was the fact that afternoons are an opportunity for us. And as we look at these new platforms of what we have launched, if I look at pearls, for example, it was significantly ahead of what we thought it would be to the point where we ran out of supply.


  • And I think that it wasn't a supply issue necessarily, but it was more the demand was ahead of what we thought it would be.


  • We had to pull back marketing. And my sense is that as you look at what we now have in our stores, they're back in stores with new products, and it's a platform that we will continue to build over time. So we're not just launching a product; we're launching platform.


  • The energy platform. We've been in the energy business since 2007 with the launch of Double Shot and Triple Shot Espresso. What we now have is we have a zero calorie energy platform that we are scaling, and it's building steadily and will be something that we've committed to over time.

    能源平台。自 2007 年推出 Double Shot 和 Triple Shot Espresso 以來,我們一直致力於能源業務。我們現在擁有的是我們正在擴展的零卡路里能源平台,它正在穩步建設,並且隨著時間的推移將成為我們承諾的事情。

  • If you look at some of our food innovations like the egg mozzarella pesto sandwich as an example, it's a terrific sandwich. And again, it's one that's going to join our core, but it's building systematically over time.


  • We still have work to do on supply around how we ensure stability and reliability of supply, particularly in food in order to get the kind of service that we're going to need across our 10,000 stores with the products that we launch.

    我們在供應方面仍有工作要做,如何確保供應的穩定性和可靠性,特別是在食品方面,以便透過我們推出的產品在 10,000 家商店中獲得所需的服務。

  • So that's an opportunity, David, that I think we still have, and the team is working very hard along with our suppliers in order to make that happen.


  • Operator


  • That was our last question. I will now turn the call over to Laxman Narasimhan for closing remarks. Thank you.

    這是我們最後一個問題。現在我將把電話轉交給拉克斯曼·納拉西姆漢 (Laxman Narasimhan) 致閉幕詞。謝謝。

  • Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

    Laxman Narasimhan - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you all for the time today. If you take away one thing, let it be this: we are making real progress on our three-part plan. We are focused on what we can control in a consumer environment that can be best be described as complex.


  • Our teams are moving to the urgency. I thank them for their efforts and for staying focused on what we can control.


  • I have full confidence in the long-term potential of Starbucks worldwide. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you all for the time today. If you take away one thing, let it be this: we are making real progress on our three-part plan. We are focused on what we can control in a consumer environment that can be best be described as complex.


  • Our teams are moving to the urgency. I thank them for their efforts and for staying focused on what we can control.


  • I have full confidence in the long-term potential of Starbucks worldwide. Thank you.
