麥當勞 (MCD) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


麥當勞最近召開了一次電話會議,討論 QSR 領域的挑戰、成長策略以及對價值和客戶滿意度的關注。儘管面臨行業壓力,他們仍在利用技術、菜單創新和數位平台來推動市場份額和成長。該公司對其長期策略仍充滿信心,並致力於為客戶提供價值產品。




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  • Operator


  • Hello, and welcome to MacDonald second quarter 2024 investor conference call. At the request of McDonald's Corporation, this conference is being recorded. (Operator Instructions) I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Mike Cieplak, Investor Relations Officer for McDonald's Corporation. Mr. Cieplak, you may begin.

    您好,歡迎參加麥克唐納 2024 年第二季投資者電話會議。應麥當勞公司的要求,本次會議正在錄製。 (操作員指示) 我現在想將會議轉交給麥當勞公司投資者關係官 Mike Cieplak 先生。 Cieplak 先生,您可以開始了。

  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us. With me on the call today are Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chris Kempczinski; Chief Financial Officer, Ian Borden; and President of McDonald's USA, Joe Erlinger.

    大家早安,感謝您加入我們。今天與我一起參加電話會議的是董事長兼執行長 Chris Kempczinski;財務長伊恩‧博登;以及麥當勞美國公司總裁 Joe Erlinger。

  • As a reminder, the forward-looking statements in our earnings release and 8-K filing also apply to our comments on the call today. Both of those documents are available on our website as our reconciliations of any non-GAAP financial measures mentioned on today's call, along with their corresponding GAAP measures.

    提醒一下,我們的收益發布和 8-K 文件中的前瞻性陳述也適用於我們今天在電話會議上的評論。這兩份文件均可在我們的網站上取得,作為我們對今天電話會議中提到的任何非公認會計原則財務指標及其相應的公認會計原則指標的調節表。

  • Following prepared remarks this morning, we will take your questions. Please limit yourself to one question and then reenter the queue for any additional questions. Today's conference call is being webcast and is also being recorded for replay via our website.


  • And now I'll turn it over to Chris.


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Mike, and good morning, everyone. Beginning last year we warned of a more discriminating consumer, particularly among lower-income households. And as this year progressed, those pressures have deepened and broadened. The QSR sector has meaningfully slowed in the majority of our markets and industry traffic has declined in major markets like the US, Australia, Canada, and Germany.


  • In several markets, we also continue to be negatively impacted by the war in the Middle East. These external pressures certainly weighed on our performance for the quarter with declines in comparable sales globally and across each of our segments. But there were also factors within our control that contributed to our underperformance, most notably our value execution.


  • For 70 years, McDonald’s has defined value in our industry, and we are taking meaningful actions across the world to assert our leadership. The hallmark of a great company is its ability to perform in good times and bad, and we are resolved to reignite share growth in all our major markets, regardless of the prevailing market conditions. This won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

    70 年來,麥當勞定義了我們產業的價值,我們正在世界各地採取有意義的行動來維護我們的領導地位。偉大公司的標誌是其在順境和逆境中都能表現出色的能力,無論當前的市場狀況如何,我們都決心在所有主要市場重新實現份額增長。這不會在一夜之間發生,但它將會發生。

  • The unique competitive advantages of McDonald's afford us many levers to pull, and we have the financial wherewithal to sustain our investments as needed. One area of strength, is our restaurant teams who continue to execute with excellence to serve our customers in local communities, creating a better customer experience has delivered operational improvements, improved service times and increased customer satisfaction across most of our major markets.


  • And it's this relentless focus on execution that will give customers more reasons to visit our restaurants more frequently. Leaning into the power of our core menu also leads to outstanding execution in our kitchens. Our deployment of best burger is a great example of this. Now deployed in over 80% of markets, the training and focus on the basics ensures we deliver the gold-standard product, our customers expect, which is driving elevated taste and quality perceptions.

    正是這種對執行力的不懈關注,讓顧客有更多理由更頻繁地光顧我們的餐廳。充分利用我們核心菜單的力量還可以讓我們的廚房實現出色的執行力。我們部署的最佳漢堡就是一個很好的例子。現在已部署在超過 80% 的市場中,培訓和對基礎知識的關注確保我們提供客戶期望的黃金標準產品,從而推動品味和品質認知的提升。

  • We remain on track to have best burger deployed in nearly all markets by the end of 2026. And as we announced late last year, we continue to innovate across our core menu to address unmet customer need with a more satiating burger that will provide great value for money.

    我們仍有望在2026 年底前在幾乎所有市場推出最好的漢堡。滿足的客戶需求。

  • This new burger, which we're piloting across three international markets this year includes two beef patties perfectly layered with melted cheese, crispy toppings and a tangy McDonald sause. It's a quintessential McDonald's burger with a twist on our iconic familiar flavors named the big arch, we plan to test and learn through the end of the year to gather learnings before scaling more broadly internationally.


  • We continue to have a significant opportunity for growth in chicken, a category that's twice the size of beef globally and growing at a faster rate. By featuring our beloved icons like McNuggets, McChicken while driving growth in emerging favorites like the McCrispy and McSpicy, our chicken sales are now on par with beef sales.


  • The McCrispy chicken sandwich is now offered in more than 55 of our markets around the globe and through our plans to further expand our McCrispy equity, we will continue to capture chicken market share.

    McCrispy 雞肉三明治現已在全球超過 55 個市場提供,透過我們進一步擴大 McCrispy 股權的計劃,我們將繼續佔領雞肉市場份額。

  • As we continue to build on our $17 billion brands across our core menu, our digital penetration also continues to grow. Loyalty membership has now reached 166 million members, pacing ahead of expectations as we work towards our ambition of 250 million members and identified users now represent 25% of system-wide sales.

    隨著我們繼續在核心菜單上打造價值 170 億美元的品牌,我們的數位滲透率也在不斷增長。忠誠會員人數現已達到 1.66 億,超出了我們的預期,因為我們正在努力實現 2.5 億會員的目標,並且已確定的用戶目前佔全系統銷售額的 25%。

  • We know that engaged loyalty customers spend more and visit more often. And as a result, we're driving digital market share gains and continuing to build on our understanding of customer preference, personalization, and behaviors.


  • But as I said in my opening, we recognize that in several large markets, including the US, we have an opportunity to improve our value execution. Consumers still recognize us as the value leader versus our key competitors, but it's clear that our value leadership gap has recently shrunk. We are working to fix that with pace.


  • For the last several years, our system has sustained significant inflationary cost increases ranging from 20% to 40%, depending on the market. As we absorb these cost increases in partnership with our franchisees, we look for ways to protect restaurant profitability via productivity efforts and selective price increases. These price increases disrupted long-running value programs and led consumers to reconsider their buying habits.

    在過去的幾年裡,我們的系統的通膨成本持續大幅成長,幅度從 20% 到 40% 不等,具體取決於市場狀況。當我們與特許經營商合作吸收這些成本增加時,我們尋找透過提高生產力和選擇性漲價來保護餐廳獲利能力的方法。這些價格上漲擾亂了長期運作的價值計劃,並導致消費者重新考慮他們的購買習慣。

  • In some markets like Germany, Spain and Poland, the flexibility of their value programs like McSpart have allowed them to quickly make adjustments that were embraced by consumers and drove market share gains. In other markets like the US with their $1, $2, $3 value program, a more comprehensive rethink has been required. Our US President, Joe Erlinger is on the call and we'll share more about our plans in just a minute.

    在德國、西班牙和波蘭等一些市場,McSpart 等價值計劃的靈活性使他們能夠快速做出調整,受到消費者的歡迎並推動市場份額的成長。在其他市場,例如美國,其價值計劃為 1 美元、2 美元、3 美元,因此需要更全面的重新思考。我們的美國總統喬·埃林格正在接聽電話,我們將在一分鐘內分享更多有關我們計劃的資訊。

  • The point is we know how to do this. We wrote the playbook on value, and we are working with our franchisees to make the necessary adjustments. McDonald's competitive strengths are formidable and growing. Our brand is as strong as ever. Yet again, Cantor recognized McDonald's as the world's fifth most valuable brand and the number one most valuable non-tech brand.


  • We're executing with excellence and our restaurant operations are an area of strength. Our digital footprint within the industry is unmatched and growing as we build one of the world's largest loyalty programs. And we're flexing our investment muscle to accelerate new restaurant openings as we also build consumer restaurant and company technology platforms that will drive cost efficiencies and accelerate innovation.


  • We do not take these advantages for granted, however, and we are committed to delivering for our customers and shareholders every day. Where our customers tell us, we have value opportunities, we will address them.


  • Listening to customers and staying agile, led to the development of our accelerating the arches strategy, and I'm confident that it remains the right playbook for our business. Continued focus on gold-standard execution and our growth pillars are the right actions to grow market share and return to restaurant traffic growth.


  • To share more on the US segment, I'll now hand it over to Joe.


  • Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

    Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

  • Thanks, Chris, and good morning. It's been a few years since I've participated in a McDonald's earnings call. And I want to start by reflecting a bit about the progress McDonald's USA has achieved since that call back in 2021.

    謝謝克里斯,早安。我已經好幾年沒有參加麥當勞的財報電話會議了。首先,我想回顧一下美國麥當勞自 2021 年電話會議以來的進展。

  • Over the past three years, we've significantly moved the needle in several areas like loyalty, which has grown to over 20% of our US system-wide sales and over 37 million 90 day active users.

    在過去的三年裡,我們在忠誠度等多個領域取得了顯著進展,忠誠度已增長到我們美國全系統銷售額的 20% 以上,90 天活躍用戶超過 3700 萬。

  • We've also improved our chicken market share with the launch of McCrispy. As I said, then it was the accumulation of our decisions, grounded in our values that continued to keep the McDonald's brand relevant for our customers and meaningful for our people, providing a strong foundation for future growth.

    隨著 McCrispy 的推出,我們也提高了雞肉市場份額。正如我所說,正是我們基於價值觀的決策的積累,才繼續保持麥當勞品牌與我們的客戶的相關性和對我們的員工的意義,為未來的成長提供了堅實的基礎。

  • That continues to be our approach as we're now focused on raising the bar on our customer experience considering our customers' current reality. Since the very beginning and Chris touched on this earlier, we've earned our success through excellent QSC and V, quality, service, cleanliness, and value.

    這仍然是我們的做法,因為考慮到客戶目前的現實,我們現在專注於提高客戶體驗的標準。從一開始,克里斯早些時候就談到了這一點,我們透過卓越的 QSC 和 V、品質、服務、清潔度和價值贏得了成功。

  • And as we've evolved our approach time and again over the years to match the changing expectations of our customers, we continue to deliver an exceptional customer experience today. In this last quarter, McDonald's USA delivered its highest ever year to date customer satisfaction scores.


  • While I'll share more about the $5 meal deal in a moment, both the Bacon Cajun Ranch McCrispy and Grandma's McFlurry promotions drove sales along with cultural buzz and brand relevance. All said, our business performance reflects industry-wide challenges in the current context, one, where customers are making thoughtful choices about when and where they eat?

    雖然我稍後會分享更多有關 5 美元套餐的信息,但 Bacon Cajun Ranch McCrispy 和 Grandma's McFlurry 的促銷活動以及文化熱度和品牌相關性都推動了銷售。總而言之,我們的業務表現反映了當前背景下全行業面臨的挑戰,一是客戶在何時何地就餐時做出深思熟慮的選擇?

  • And while we always work hard to provide value to our customers, they're telling us that they want to see and experience even more value from McDonald's. And we're listening as we remain laser focused on providing great value to our fans this summer and beyond.


  • So we tapped into ideas that already exist within our system. Our restaurants in upstate New York have been running a local $5 meal deal that was highly successful, performing well with lower income customers and driving overall incremental sales. By leveraging learnings from within our own system, we brought this to life for customers across the US.

    因此,我們利用了我們系統中已有的想法。我們在紐約州北部的餐廳一直在當地開展 5 美元餐飲優惠活動,該優惠非常成功,在低收入顧客中表現良好,並推動了整體增量銷售。透過利用我們自己系統內的經驗教訓,我們為美國各地的客戶實現了這一點。

  • We've seen a lot of enthusiasm and the number of $5 meal deals sold are above expectations. Trial rates of the deal are highest amongst lower income consumers and sentiment towards the brand around value and affordability has begun to shift positively.

    我們看到了大家的熱情,5 美元套餐的銷售數量超出了預期。該交易的試用率在低收入消費者中最高,並且圍繞價值和可負擔性的品牌情緒已開始積極轉變。

  • To date 93% of our restaurants in the US have committed to extending the offer even further into the summer. And there are other ways customers can experience great value at McDonald's.

    迄今為止,我們在美國 93% 的餐廳已承諾將優惠延長至夏季。顧客還可以透過其他方式在麥當勞體驗巨大的價值。

  • We continue to provide a steady stream of offers on the mobile app, including nationwide free fry Fridays, where you can get a free medium fry every Friday with any $1 purchase on the app.

    我們繼續在行動應用程式上提供源源不絕的優惠,包括全國各地的免費油炸週五,您可以在每週五在應用程式上購買任意1 美元即可獲得一份免費的中度油炸食品。

  • And as we work through the important details of a future US value platform, we will continue to make decisions grounded in insights with the customer at the center. At the end of the day, we expect customers will continue to feel the pinch of the economy and a higher cost of living for at least the next several quarters in this very competitive landscape. So we believe it's critical for us to consider these factors in order to grow market share and return to sustainable guest count led growth for the brand.


  • McDonald's is uniquely positioned to succeed in this environment, given our size, scale and competitive advantages. We have a fully modernized restaurant estate. We have a simplified menu that focuses on our core while never shying away from bringing back fan favorites at the right times or pursuing the right new product innovations.


  • We have built one of the largest loyalty programs in the industry. And we're continuing to lead with a long-term mindset, making decisions that meet our customers where they are and where they need us right now, while also putting a path for sustained success. And now I'll turn it over to Ian.


  • Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Joe, and good morning, everyone. As Chris mentioned on top of the call, despite the very real near term, challenges facing the sector. We remain confident that our long term strategy, rooted in customer insights and built on our inherent competitive advantages is right for our business. When we combine deep insights with the power of our brand, we tap into what our customers love most about McDonald's, connecting with them on an emotional level through celebrating the rituals and memories that make our brand so special.


  • At the heart of our brand are our local communities and the customers we serve each and every day. Strong restaurant-level execution against our MCD growth drivers, coupled with compelling value will be critical to giving customers more reasons to visit McDonald's more often.

    我們品牌的核心是我們的當地社區和我們每天服務的客戶。針對我們的 MCD 成長驅動力的強大餐廳級執行力,加上令人信服的價值,對於讓顧客有更多理由更頻繁地光顧麥當勞至關重要。

  • And as you heard from Chris and Joe, we're delivering higher customer satisfaction and improved service times across most of our major markets. Our MC&D's are deeply interconnected, and it's at the intersection of our growth drivers that we continue to deepen our relationships with customers and create a consistent and enjoyable restaurant experience while offering the delicious and affordable food they love.

    正如您從克里斯和喬那裡聽到的那樣,我們在大多數主要市場上提供了更高的客戶滿意度和更好的服務時間。我們的 MC&D 緊密相連,正是在我們成長動力的交匯處,我們不斷加深與客戶的關係,創造一致且愉快的餐廳體驗,同時提供他們喜愛的美味且價格實惠的食物。

  • As Chris mentioned, we still have an opportunity to strengthen our holistic value proposition across markets, and we recently met with each of our largest markets, we're ensuring that we have a winning value offering was front and center in every discussion.


  • We're taking a forensic approach to evaluating our offerings and acting with urgency and agility to implement solutions to deliver against customer expectations. Germany has continued their holistic approach to value with a 360 degree affordability strategy, including McSmart at the center and are consistently driving elevated levels of customer awareness.

    我們採用取證方法來評估我們的產品,並緊急且敏捷地實施解決方案,以滿足客戶的期望。德國繼續實施以 McSmart 為中心的 360 度可負擔性策略的整體價值方法,並不斷提高客戶意識。

  • This is a best-in-class example of listening to the customer, designing a program that meets them where they are and ultimately delivering incremental sales, customer satisfaction and market share gains.


  • As we scale best practices across the system markets like France and Australia have adopted their own version of the McSmart platform and early results have been encouraging.

    隨著我們在整個系統市場中擴展最佳實踐,法國和澳洲等市場已經採用了自己版本的 McSmart 平台,早期結果令人鼓舞。

  • And in May, the UK offered smaller, more affordable bundles of their own, with their three for GBP3 mix-and-match menu that resonated with customers looking for more affordable options.

    5 月份,英國推出了自己的更小、更實惠的套餐,其中 3 英鎊的混合搭配菜單引起了尋求更實惠選擇的顧客的共鳴。

  • And to address an opportunity to offer more compelling value at breakfast, which remains the fastest-growing daypart in the market, the Canadian market recently launched a new price point at beverage value offering our customers, the coffee they love every day, starting at just a $1.

    為了抓住機會提供更具吸引力的早餐價值(早餐仍然是市場上成長最快的時段),加拿大市場最近推出了飲料價值的新價格點,為我們的客戶提供他們每天喜愛的咖啡,起價僅為1 美元。

  • McDonald's has long been an affordable destination for communities to come together and share a meal. But it's always been about more than just price. This quarter, we continued to elevate the experience, combining our delicious food with unique mobile app and in-restaurant experiences, ultimately delivering value however, and whenever customers decided to order and enjoy their McDonald's favorites.


  • Germany leaned into the Easter Holiday with a fun and interactive calendar promotion where customers enjoyed a daily deal available exclusively in the mobile app from discounts on our most iconic menu items like the Big Mac or Chicken McNuggets to unique meal deals, that promotion drove remarkable engagement and significant growth in loyalty sales.


  • In Italy drove traffic to our restaurants with summer days, a similar seasonal calendar campaign featuring a variety of exciting meal bundles. And a local favorite the frequent flyer program returned to the Canadian market this quarter to engage loyalty members with a new approach to gamification, the market launched a nationwide scavenger hunt for fry icons, which could then be entered on the mobile app for free loyalty points or free fries, nearly 3.5 million codes were entered throughout the promotion, driving meaningful lifts to the fry category.

    在義大利,夏季我們開展了類似的季節性日曆活動,推出各種令人興奮的套餐,為我們的餐廳帶來了客流量。當地人喜愛的飛行常客計劃本季重返加拿大市場,以新的遊戲化方式吸引忠誠會員,該市場在全國範圍內發起了一場尋找油炸圖標的尋寶遊戲,然後可以在移動應用程序上輸入這些圖標以獲得免費的忠誠積分或免費薯條,整個促銷過程中輸入了近 350 萬個代碼,顯著提升了薯條類別的銷售。

  • Even with strong execution against our accelerating the arches growth drivers, performance this quarter reflects a pressured industry landscape in the US as well as across many of our largest international markets.


  • Our international operated market comps were negative. Reflective of this broad-based pressure where customers continue to be more intentional with the dollars they spend. And performance in France. In our IDL segment, positive comp sales in Latin America and Japan were offset by the impact from the ongoing war in the Middle East and a less confident consumer in China.

    我們的國際營運市場比較為負。反映了這種廣泛的壓力,即客戶繼續更加謹慎地花錢。並在法國演出。在我們的 IDL 部門,拉丁美洲和日本的銷售業績被中東持續戰爭和中國消費者信心不足的影響所抵消。

  • Despite the pressured top line growth we've discussed this morning, we drove adjusted earnings per share of $2.97 for the quarter, a decrease compared to the prior year of about 5% in constant currencies. This was primarily due to a higher effective tax rate of nearly 21% for the quarter. Elevated interest expense as expected and less other nonoperating income due partially to lower interest income.

    儘管我們今天早上討論了營收成長面臨的壓力,但本季調整後每股收益為 2.97 美元,按固定匯率計算,與上年相比下降了約 5%。這主要是由於本季有效稅率較高,接近 21%。利息支出如預期增加,並減去其他非營業收入,部分原因是利息收入減少。

  • Top line results generated over $3.5 billion of restaurant margins for the quarter and a year to date adjusted operating margin of over 46%, highlighting the durability of our business model. This was offset by higher G&A due to continued investments in digital and technology as well as enterprise transformation efforts and costs associated with our biennial worldwide convention.

    本季餐廳獲利超過 35 億美元,年初至今調整後營業利潤超過 46%,凸顯了我們業務模式的持久性。由於對數位和技術的持續投資以及與兩年一次的全球大會相關的企業轉型努力和成本,這被較高的一般管理費用所抵消。

  • As we've talked about before, driving long-term growth requires making the right strategic and forward-looking investments, and we are committed to continuing to invest in our platforms and growth drivers while relentlessly prioritizing current year run the business spend.


  • While we expect industry challenges to persist, we believe we are well positioned with the unique size and scale that only the McDonald's system can provide. They remains significant power in focusing on what's within our control, offering our customers delicious food at unparalleled value and convenience that will drive future market share gains and guest count growth. With this is our North Star, we believe we're poised to deliver long-term growth for our system and our shareholders.


  • Now, as most of you know, this is Mike's last earning call with McDonald's. So before I close I'd like to take a moment to personally thank Mike for his significant contributions to our brand. He served as a trusted adviser to our senior leadership team by playing a key role in developing and communicating our strategy.


  • Mike has been at McDonald's almost as long as I have and his deep knowledge of our business and ability to foster relationships with stakeholders has been invaluable to me, especially as I've taken on the role as CFO. On behalf of everyone at McDonald's Mike, thank you. We wish you all the best for the future.


  • And with that, I'll turn it back over to Chris.


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Ian. Earlier this month, we brought leaders together to discuss our goals and objectives as we further establish McDonald's as a leading global consumer brand. As a team, we are committed to act with urgency, cementing our value leadership, growing share in areas like chicken and bolstering loyalty through digital customer acquisition, adoption, and retention on a global scale.


  • And we are continuing to lean into our three pillars, MC and D, as our blueprint and engine for growth while leveraging technology to transform how we operate across all platforms. Even as the world around us continues to change, we know the power of the McDonald's brand will prevail.

    我們將繼續依靠我們的三大支柱:MC 和 D,作為我們的藍圖和成長引擎,同時利用科技改變我們在所有平台上的運作方式。即使我們周圍的世界不斷變化,我們也知道麥當勞品牌的力量將佔上風。

  • We're digital forward, values-driven, and culture led and will continue to reinvent ourselves to meet our customers and restaurant teams where they are today and where they're going tomorrow. With more than 40,000 locations across the globe, we have hold a presence that we believe few in our industry could ever hope to match.

    我們以數位化為導向,以價值為導向,以文化為主導,並將繼續重塑自我,以滿足我們的客戶和餐廳團隊的今天和明天的需求。我們在全球擁有 40,000 多個分支機構,相信在我們的行業中很少有人能夠與之匹敵。

  • We offer the best franchising opportunity in the world, offering a familiar beacon of support for the over 40,000 communities where we live, work, and serve. And we're just getting started. We're making progress towards our ambition of 50,000 restaurants by the end of 2027. And when we combine our strategy with great value and high-level execution, we are confident we will further our leadership position.

    我們提供世界上最好的特許經營機會,為我們生活、工作和服務的 40,000 多個社區提供熟悉的支援燈塔。我們才剛開始。我們正在朝著 2027 年底前開設 50,000 家餐廳的目標邁進 當我們將我們的策略與巨大價值和高水準執行力相結合時,我們有信心進一步鞏固我們的領導地位。

  • As I close, I want to extend a sincere thank you to our franchisees, suppliers and employees around the world for their continued resilience and unwavering commitment to serving our customers and local communities.


  • And with that, we'll begin Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • John Ivankoe, JPMorgan.


  • John Ivankoe - Analyst

    John Ivankoe - Analyst

  • Hi. Thank you very much. Certainly, McDonald's has access to consumer, data consumer information that almost no corporation in the world does. And when I consider 6 months ago, 12 months ago, it was fairly well known -- the restaurant industry would see a fairly wide pricing gap versus grocery, and many consumers would have drawn down their excess savings from COVID that we would be in an environment where value, quite frankly would be more necessary.

    你好。非常感謝。當然,麥當勞可以獲得消費者的數據消費者訊息,而世界上幾乎沒有任何一家公司可以做到這一點。當我考慮 6 個月前、12 個月前時,這是眾所周知的——餐飲業與雜貨業的價格差距相當大,許多消費者會從新冠疫情中提取多餘的儲蓄,而我們將陷入困境。坦白說,更需要價值的環境。

  • So I just wanted to get a sense of really what changed so significantly from the consumer's perspective relative to your expectations in the last 6 to 12 months and if I can, how McDonald's kind of pivots itself from being reactionary from a value perspective, from a consumer trend perspective to more anticipating changing needs before they happen as opposed to after. Thank you so much.

    所以我只是想了解過去 6 到 12 個月裡,從消費者的角度來看,相對於你的期望,到底發生了什麼顯著的變化,如果可以的話,麥當勞如何從價值角度、從消費者趨勢的觀點是在需求改變之前而不是在需求發生之後進行預測。太感謝了。

  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hi, John, thanks for the question. You're right in that last year you may remember we were talking about there being pressure on the consumer and particularly that low-income consumer that was notable in a few of our major markets. And what has happened in the intervening period of time is that we've seen more market have this same sort of slowed down, and it is certainly most pronounced with that low-income consumer. But we're also seeing an impact with larger groups, particularly around families in Europe that we're seeing this as people are just looking to economize.


  • You're also right that we're looking at a continued gap between food at home and food away from home inflation the gap is about 3% right now or 300 basis points gap between the two. So you are seeing consumers being much more discretionary as they treat restaurants. You're seeing that the consumer is eating at home more often, you're seeing more deals seeking from the consumer and you're just seeing, I think, a trade down even within units per transaction or within mix.

    你說得也對,我們正在考慮國內食品和國外食品通膨之間的持續差距,目前差距約為 3%,即兩者之間的差距約為 300 個基點。所以你會看到消費者在對待餐廳時更加謹慎。你會看到消費者更頻繁地在家吃飯,你會看到消費者尋求更多的交易,我認為你只是看到,即使在每筆交易的單位或組合內,交易也有所下降。

  • All of those things for us are indicators that the consumer across a number of these markets is being very discriminating and I would point out consumer sentiment in most of our major markets remains low. And so your point around how do we make sure that we're anticipating where these customers are going and what the value is a required? I think is a fair question and what we've done is in a number of places, you've seen us and heard us talk about what we're doing with McSmart, what we're doing with McSaver, some of the things that we put in place in the US.

    對我們來說,所有這些都表明許多市場的消費者非常具有歧視性,我想指出的是,我們大多數主要市場的消費者信心仍然很低。那麼您的觀點是,我們如何確保我們預測這些客戶的去向以及所需的價值是什麼?我認為這是一個公平的問題,我們在很多地方所做的事情,您已經看到我們並聽到我們談論我們正在使用McSmart 所做的事情,我們正在使用McSaver 所做的事情,以及我們正在做的一些事情我們在美國實施了。

  • But I think it's also clear to us that in several markets, in a number of markets that you need to have a broader value platform and that trying to move the consumer with narrow offerings that our one item or a few items is just not sufficient for the context that we're in.


  • And so what's going on in markets around the world is looking at how do we further broaden, what some of the value platform offerings could be as we also perhaps look for other places that we can dial down. And that conversation, as you know, with our franchisees takes a moment. It's not something that happens immediately. But I would say that there's good recognition across our franchisee base that we need to be providing value, we need to be providing a broader level of value.


  • And at the same time, we've got a lot of other levers. So this is not all about value, we've got levers around what we can do from a menu standpoint. We've got some great equities that we need to be driving there. And there's more we need to be doing from a marketing standpoint and stepping up on marketing.


  • So I'd say the changes that we're working on and talking about with our markets, just it's around value, it's making sure that as we're facing, certainly a more difficult environment than even what we anticipated last year, that we've got that value offering but we're also using the other things that are at our disposal to get this business back to where we know it should be performance.


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • David Palmer, Evercore.


  • David Palmer - Analyst

    David Palmer - Analyst

  • Thanks, and congratulations, Mike. Thank you for your help through the years. As far as the my question, I guess I'd like to focus on the IOM countries. How does the challenges in your key markets differ from the US in terms of market share versus the informal eating out sales trends? In the US it feels like McDonald's is still in a safe state of searching and perhaps negotiating to find the right value message ahead of menu news that might happen later.


  • Are you at a similar stage of searching and perhaps negotiating with franchisees about value overseas. Where are you in terms of how satisfied you are, where you are in terms of the value message? Thanks so much.


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, thanks, David. I'll have Ian start and then if there's anything I need to add. I'll do that. But Ian I'll let you start.


  • Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Sure. Morning, David, thanks for the question. Look, I mean, I'll just start, I think with a bit of context, which is as you heard Chris in his opening remarks, talk about I mean, I think the pressures on the industry and consumers that we're seeing are broad based in nature.


  • And I think if you look across our IOM markets, which you will know, historically, I think we've had a have been a real strength to our system. I think that external pressure has heightened and I think certainly gotten more significant in several of those markets through the second quarter. And so I think it's still -- what I'll call an evolving situation.

    我認為,如果你縱觀我們的 IOM 市場,你就會知道,從歷史上看,我認為我們的系統一直具有真正的優勢。我認為外部壓力已經加劇,而且我認為第二季度其中幾個市場的壓力肯定變得更大。所以我認為這仍然是一種不斷變化的情況。

  • We've talked a lot about value and affordability over the last couple of quarters, as you know, we've kind of highlighted McSmart, which is an entry-level meal, affordable meal option that we put in place in Germany at the beginning of 2023 and Germany has been consistently one of our most strongly performing markets even in a much more difficult context over the last couple of quarters in the marketplace.

    在過去的幾個季度裡,我們談論了很多關於價值和承受能力的問題,如你所知,我們有點強調了McSmart,這是我們一開始在德國推出的一種入門級餐食,價格實惠的餐點選擇2023 年,德國一直是我們表現最強勁的市場之一,即使在過去幾季的市場環境更加困難的情況下也是如此。

  • So I think it's part of it is just the evolutional, what's happening with the consumer, what's happening with the industry, I think we have strong alignment engagement with our franchisees across our international markets. I think we're working very collaboratively and constructively to get the right programs and platforms in place from a value and affordability standpoint, they part of it's just been -- that the landscape and the consumer is evolving and those platforms and offers have needed to be sharpened. And I think, better positioned to be delivering in the current context.


  • And so I think we're moving with speed and pace as you've heard us talk about before, but the environment, I think has been changing and context has been evolving. And I think we're just trying to get ahead of that as we've talked about in kind of our opening remarks.


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, what I would just add is if you look at our IOM markets, the good news is, if you think about Germany with McSmart, you've got Canada with McPicks, you've got UK with savers menu. Australia has McSmart and also loose change menu, France has McSmart. We have the value platform by establishing those markets. And there's good consumer awareness of those value platforms.

    是的,我要補充的是,如果你看看我們的 IOM 市場,好消息是,如果你想到德國有 McSmart,加拿大有 McPicks,英國有儲蓄菜單。澳洲有 McSmart,菜單也很寬鬆,法國有 McSmart。透過建立這些市場,我們擁有了價值平台。消費者對這些價值平台有很好的認知。

  • The work that's underway and Ian alluded to, this is making sure that underneath those value platforms that we have the right items at the right price points to reflect where the market's at today. And so there are markets like the UK, for example, where they're making changes to the menu in France as well. They're adding a EUR4 happy meal, so there's changes that are happening underneath those value menus to make sure that we are appropriately positioned for what we see now as the market context.

    伊恩提到,正在進行的工作是確保在這些價值平台下,我們以正確的價格提供正確的產品,以反映當今的市場狀況。例如,在英國等市場,他們也在改變法國的菜單。他們正在添加 4 歐元的快樂大餐,因此這些超值菜單下正在發生一些變化,以確保我們針對我們現在所看到的市場環境做出適當的定位。

  • But the fact that we have those menu platforms established that there's good awareness on those I feel like that is a positive versus in the US. We're obviously there starting to do a little bit more work about what the long-term value platforms could look like.


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Brian Harbor, Morgan Stanley.


  • Brian Harbor - Analyst

    Brian Harbor - Analyst

  • Yeah, thank you. Good morning, I had a question on digital, right, because obviously it's continuing to grow. You've continued to add members, there's actually a lot of really good value available on that platform. But it hasn't really offset some of the sales challenges that you're seeing right now. So I guess what gives you kind of the confidence that, that could change or what do you think needs to be done differently there? Do you think it's kind of resonating? And is that a place to continue to drive value going forward?


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, it's a great question. We feel really good about our digital business, and we're seeing strong performance on the digital business as I alluded to in the opening. I think the challenge on digital right now is basically only about 25% of our customers are on digital in terms of identified customers.

    是的,這是一個很好的問題。我們對我們的數位業務感覺非常好,正如我在開頭提到的,我們看到數位業務的強勁表現。我認為目前數位化面臨的挑戰基本上是,就已識別的客戶而言,我們的客戶中只有約 25% 使用數位化。

  • And so as you think about what you need to do, to drive the overall business we just don't have digital yet at the size and with the penetration that needed to move the entire business. And I think some of what has happened as you sort of look at things is, we probably were a little over rotated on digital versus broad everyday value that we're offering available to all consumers, those who maybe aren't yet on our digital platform.


  • So that's the work that's underway. I think in time, certainly, as you know, digital is going to continue to grow for us. We're going to get more and more customers on our digital platform. And I think in a couple of years' time, particularly as you get to 250 million users, that's a different conversation about how digital can drive value. But today, we just don't have the penetration where we needed to be to move 75% of the business that's not on digital. And so that's the value work that we just have been talking about.

    這就是正在進行的工作。我認為,正如你所知,隨著時間的推移,數位技術將繼續為我們發展。我們將在我們的數位平台上吸引越來越多的客戶。我認為幾年後,特別是當你擁有 2.5 億用戶時,關於數位化如何驅動價值的討論將會有所不同。但如今,我們還沒有達到將 75% 的非數位化業務轉移所需的滲透率。這就是我們剛才討論的價值工作。

  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • David Tarantino, Baird.


  • David Tarantino - Analyst

    David Tarantino - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. I had a couple of questions on the US value initiatives. First, I was hoping you could elaborate on the effectiveness of the $5 meal deal that you're running and whether you're seeing the sales or traffic inflection you had anticipated from that program.

    早安.我對美國的價值倡議有幾個問題。首先,我希望您能詳細說明您正在運行的 5 美元餐點交易的有效性,以及您是否看到了該計劃所預期的銷售或流量變化。

  • And then secondly, I think, Chris, you mentioned it's necessary to have more of a platform idea in all of your key markets. And I'm just wondering in the US how those conversations are going with franchisees and whether franchisees are supportive of a broader national value platform and when that might happen? Thanks.


  • Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

    Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

  • Thanks, David. Appreciate the questions. Come relative to the $5 meal deal, it's really performed and done exactly what we wanted it to do. First, we wanted to see a change and improved brand perceptions around value and affordability and it's done that.

    謝謝,大衛。感謝您提出的問題。相對於 5 美元的餐點交易來說,它的執行效果確實符合我們的要求。首先,我們希望看到圍繞價值和可負擔性的品牌認知發生變化並得到改善,而我們已經做到了。

  • We wanted to make sure that it connected with the single user, especially the lower income consumer. And we've seen that through increasing trial rates by that consumer base. Our two lowest income cohorts, the other $45,000 cohort, and the $45,000 to $75,000 cohort we saw an increasing trial and participation around the $5 meal deal throughout the life of the promotion, which was incredibly encouraging.

    我們希望確保它與單一用戶,尤其是低收入消費者建立聯繫。我們透過消費者群不斷提高的試用率看到了這一點。我們的兩個收入最低的群體,另一個是45,000 美元的群體,以及45,000 美元至75,000 美元的群體,在整個促銷活動期間,我們看到圍繞5 美元餐食交易的嘗試和參與不斷增加,這是非常令人鼓舞的。

  • And then lastly, obviously, we wanted to see a shift in guest counts to drive both the short and long-term health of the business. And ultimately, I believe in guest count led growth and it was begun to do that, it hasn't yet translated into sales. The average check though has been over $10 for the $5 meal deals. So we do feel comfortable about the add-on that's happening as part of that program.

    最後,顯然,我們希望看到客人數量的變化,以推動業務的短期和長期健康發展。最終,我相信客人數量帶動了成長,並且已經開始這樣做,但尚未轉化為銷售。不過,5 美元的餐費平均花費超過 10 美元。因此,我們確實對該計劃中出現的附加組件感到滿意。

  • To relative to the longer-term platform, obviously, this is a big investment for us and our franchisees. When you think about the dollar menu which existed for over 10 years and when you think about dollar menu, $1, $2, $3, that's been in place now for over six years. We just need to be very thoughtful and considered as we work through what our national everyday value and affordability platform will be.

    顯然,相對於長期平台,這對我們和我們的加盟商來說是一筆巨大的投資。當你想到已經存在了 10 多年的一美元菜單時,當你想到一美元菜單、1 美元、2 美元、3 美元時,它已經存在了六年多了。當我們研究我們的國家日常價值和負擔能力平台時,我們只需要非常深思熟慮和深思熟慮。

  • That work is happening in good partnership with our franchisees. And so we're comfortable that we'll get to the right answer. There's no question that the franchisees see the impact and the importance of a valued national everyday value and affordability platform. And so we're working through that at pace with them.


  • In the meantime, obviously, we're continuing to offer consumers great value with the $5 meal deal extending in 93% of our restaurants into August, and we're working with our franchisees to extend that even longer. We continue to offer great value via the app, which Chris just talked about a bit. And we also continue to have a lot of local deals at what we call our business unit level. So we'll continue to squarely offer consumers value throughout the summer and into the fall.

    同時,顯然,我們將繼續為消費者提供超值優惠,將93% 的餐廳的5 美元套餐優惠延長至8 月份,並且我們正在與特許經營商合作,將優惠期限延長到更長的時間。我們繼續透過該應用程式提供巨大的價值,克里斯剛剛談到了這一點。我們也繼續在我們所謂的業務部門層級進行大量本地交易。因此,我們將在整個夏季和秋季繼續為消費者提供價值。

  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Sara Senatore with Bank of America.


  • Sara Senatore - Analyst

    Sara Senatore - Analyst

  • Great, thank you. I wanted to ask about the sort of margin implications and in particular, maybe talk about whether you'll need additional franchisee support for either US or IOM and specifically, we seem to be seeing actually some deflation and in some beef -- trimmings and other cuts, which is very different from what we have been seeing.


  • So to the extent that you are offering more value, you'll have a permanent value platform. Is some of that funded by lower input costs such that maybe there's less margin pressure and or is that something that you'll have to address with franchisees I know in IOM markets you had given some franchisee support. I'm not sure where that stands now, but is there any contemplation of again investing either the own franchisee or perhaps contributing to marketing funds and anything from McDonald's corporate to help I guess the lessen the burden. Thanks.

    因此,只要您提供更多價值,您就會擁有一個永久的價值平台。其中一些是由較低的投入成本資助的,這可能會減少利潤壓力,或者是你必須與特許經營商解決的問題,我知道在 IOM 市場上你已經給予了一些特許經營商支持。我不確定現在情況如何,但是否考慮再次投資自己的特許經營商,或者可能向行銷資金以及麥當勞公司提供的任何資金捐款,以幫助減輕負擔。謝謝。

  • Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Morning Saratore, and I'll start and then I think maybe Chris or Joe make might jump in at the end. Look, I mean, I think as you said from a margin pressure standpoint, I mean, obviously, the top line performance has been more muted. So that obviously creates a level of pressure. But I think if you use kind of our [McCap Co] margins as a bit of a proxy, you would have seen that they've held up pretty well through the quarter simply because as you noted, we are certainly seeing much lower levels of inflation in areas like food and paper, which are down at the kind of low single digit level.

    早安,薩拉托雷,我會開始,然後我想克里斯或喬可能會在最後加入。看,我的意思是,我認為正如您從利潤壓力的角度所說的那樣,我的意思是,顯然,營收表現更加平淡。這顯然會造成一定程度的壓力。但我認為,如果您使用我們的 [McCap Co] 利潤率作為代理,您會發現它們在本季度保持得很好,因為正如您所指出的,我們肯定會看到較低的水平食品和紙張等領域的通貨膨脹率降至較低的個位數水準。

  • I mean, obviously, labor inflation, particularly in the US is a little higher still, especially with some of the minimum wage changes in places like California. I think in terms of -- just kind of maybe kind of trying to answer your broader part of your question. I mean, value and affordability is kind of a fundamental part of our business model and I think our owner operators understand that and obviously understand that, that's something strategically that we always need to have in place, as you would have heard us talk previously about, I mean we don't subsidize pricing.


  • So we want to get to the right outcomes and do that on a way -- in a way that it's going to be sustainable and profitable for both our operators and for MacDonald and I think over time, we know that strong affordability and value is what drives volume-led growth as you heard Joe touch on and volume obviously is ultimately what drives sustainable profit and cash flow for the business and for the system.


  • I think as we get some of these ideas in place, obviously what we want to bring them to life in creative and effective ways. And we're going to put all of the resources of our system against making sure that we execute this and put ourselves in a position to win in a difficult environment. But I may just kind of let Joe or Chris weigh in.


  • Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

    Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

  • Yeah, I would just add, I mean our franchisees in the US are in a very strong financial position. So they have the financial firepower, both in terms of cash flows as well as equity to make investments and they can make those investments across their P&L. You actually look at gross margin in the 20 years pre-COVID, we're actually at a high right now versus those 20 years.

    是的,我想補充一點,我的意思是我們在美國的特許經營商的財務狀況非常強勁。因此,他們擁有進行投資的現金流量和股權方面的財務實力,並且可以在損益表中進行這些投資。事實上,你看看新冠疫情爆發前 20 年的毛利率,與過去 20 年相比,我們現在實際上處於高位。

  • So we feel very good about the ability of our franchisees to invest be at their P&L or otherwise, and we are working through with them right now, look at the overall profitability of the $5 meal deal, but we think they've got the ability to invest. And so we're comfortable with the position in the US.

    因此,我們對特許經營商在損益表或其他方面進行投資的能力感到非常滿意,我們現在正在與他們合作,看看 5 美元餐食交易的整體盈利能力,但我們認為他們有能力投資。因此,我們對美國的現狀感到滿意。

  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, my only add is I just would underline the word Ian use, which is sustainable. We're only interested in doing things that are sustainable strategies that we can continue. And so that's going to be our guide as we think about where we need to go on these things. And there is a lot of, I think, strength within our system -- financial strength within our system to implement the necessary changes, but they have to be sustainable for us.


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Dennis Geiger, UBS.


  • Dennis Geiger - Analyst

    Dennis Geiger - Analyst

  • Thank you, and thanks, Mike, for all your help, best of luck. Wanted to focus again on the meal deal. Appreciate all the insights there. Specifically as it relates to customer awareness in the US of the meal deal and sort of thinking about the marketing message or the marketing intensity.


  • Is that something you could help frame up for us where it is right now? Is it something that ramps and kind of related, just thinking about the time line, generally from a new marketing -- a new value platform or a new bigger of value offer to count -- contribution. Is there a way historically in environments like this to kind of think about how that time line looks? Thank you.


  • Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

    Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

  • Yeah, I think what we're learning from this is the power of our national voice, McDonald's as we exited 2023, we looked at the value that we had at a local level and felt very comfortable that, that value was compelling but what we lacked was obviously a strong national voice. It took us some time to work with our franchisees to achieve that national voice.

    是的,我認為我們從中學到的是我們全國聲音的力量,麥當勞,當我們退出2023 年時,我們看到了我們在地方層面所擁有的價值,並感到非常放心,這種價值是引人注目的,但我們顯然缺乏的是強有力的國家聲音。我們花了一些時間與我們的特許經營商合作,以實現全國性的聲音。

  • And as we talked about the $5 meal deal is something that already existed in upstate New York. And when you look at, when we applied that national voice of what happened in upstate New York, which had already had the deal. Trial and participation rates actually doubled in upstate New York.

    正如我們所討論的,5 美元餐點優惠在紐約州北部已經存在。當你看,當我們用全國性的聲音來報導紐約州北部發生的事情時,那裡已經達成協議了。紐約州北部的審判率和參與率實際上翻了一番。

  • And so you also see them the power of the actual message, the importance of a message actually being price pointed, as you know, we have a BOGO buy one get one promotion that we've run in January, and we saw trial and participation rates for the $5 meal deal, 70% greater than that January buy one get one window.

    所以你也看到了實際訊息的力量,訊息實際定價的重要性,如你所知,我們在一月份舉辦了「BOGO」買一送一促銷活動,我們看到了試用和參與5 美元餐費的價格比1 月買一送一的價格高出70%。

  • So that is the power of national marketing. The awareness that brings. I won't get into specific numbers around awareness. But certainly when we launch our new national every day, value, and affordability platform, building awareness of that platform will be absolutely critical. Just like we've done obviously in the past with dollar menu $1, $2, $3 in the dollar menu.

    這就是全國行銷的力量。帶來的意識。我不會談論有關意識的具體數字。但當然,當我們推出新的全國日常、價值和負擔能力平台時,建立對該平台的認識絕對至關重要。就像我們過去在美元菜單中對美元菜單 $1、$2、$3 所做的那樣。

  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • My only add on the pace question is that ultimately is on us. There's nothing externally that drives the pace. It's all an internal thing. And so we've seen in some markets like France, for example, where there's strong alignment, we can move very quickly in other places. It requires more conversations because of the breadth of the changes.


  • But at the end of the day, we've shown the capacity to move quickly and my hope would be certainly that in a market like the US, I think Joe and the team are having great discussions with franchisees about the importance of getting to that value platform that we've talked about.


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Jeff Bernstein, Barclays.


  • Jeff Bernstein - Analyst

    Jeff Bernstein - Analyst

  • Great, thank you very much. Just looking outside the US perhaps I was hoping to touch on France and China. France, I'm just wondering if you think it's more of a McDonald's specific issue, which I think is what maybe you referred to in the past versus a macro issue and how you view the competition there. And then in China, I know you mentioned that consumers less confident.


  • I'm just wondering if you're seeing anything to give you pause on an otherwise aggressive unit growth outlook or maybe a change in strategy? What are you seeing in the US brand pushback or anything along those lines would be helpful. Thank you.


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. Thanks for the question, Jeff. Well, starting with France. Certainly what we've seen in France has been a slowdown, but I think you're also accurate in reflecting that, the fact is we're losing share in France and that suggests to me that there is still an opportunity for us to improve our performance.


  • A couple of things for us. One that we've talked about in the past has been -- it is a very competitive market right now. We're seeing a competitor there who's being aggressive on pricing. Certainly, that's one element. I've talked about some of the things we're doing to enhance our McSmart menu to make sure that we're competitive on pricing.

    對我們來說有幾件事。我們過去討論過的一個問題是──現在是一個競爭非常激烈的市場。我們看到那裡的競爭對手在定價上非常激進。當然,這是一個因素。我已經談到了我們正在做的一些事情,以增強我們的 McSmart 菜單,以確保我們在價格上具有競爭力。

  • Second, because France has such a meaningful business with families, families is that key consumer for us over there. That's where they're coming back with the EUR4 happy meal. So that's addressing the family issue. And then we are also looking at what can we be doing to make sure that we're engaging with customers around where our brand is positioned.

    其次,由於法國與家庭的業務如此有意義,因此家庭是我們在那裡的主要消費者。他們就是在那裡帶著 4 歐元的快樂大餐回來的。所以這就是解決家庭問題。然後我們也在研究我們可以做些什麼來確保我們圍繞我們的品牌定位與客戶互動。

  • France is one of the markets, it has a higher Muslim population. And so when you think about the Middle East, the impact that we're seeing in France, has been more than maybe in other markets because of that population. So there's a lot, that the team is looking at doing on how do we make sure we're telling our story from a marketing standpoint at the local level.


  • But I think it's fair to say that we have an opportunity to get back to share growth in France, the market has slowed down, but the market is still delivering a modest, very small growth, and we want to participate more in that.


  • In the case of China. China is a very competitive environment right now. And as you've seen from another a number of other consumer companies, it is highly promotional. Consumer sentiment in China is quite weak and you're seeing both in our industry and across a broad range of consumer industries, the consumer being very, very much deals seeking.


  • In fact, we're seeing a lot of switching behavior in terms of just consumers, whatever is the best deal, that's where they end up going. Positively in that environment, one, we're holding share. So our business in China is holding share.


  • And the second thing that I would say is that we are still seeing good returns on our new unit openings. So there's -- from our vantage point a lot of runway around growth on new units. And we are laser focused on the returns that we get from new units. If those were to ever dip below what we would consider to be an acceptable return threshold, we would certainly relook at our opening pace in China.


  • But right now, what we're seeing is the returns on new openings are holding up. And so from our vantage point, the 1,000 restaurants per year pace that we've been on, we're still working toward that number in 2024.

    但現在,我們看到新開張的報酬率保持不變。因此,從我們的角度來看,我們一直以每年 1,000 家餐廳的速度前進,我們仍在努力在 2024 年實現這一數字。

  • Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Jeff, I might just hook on to Chris, because I just want to -- I know you were asking about France, but I think it is important just to kind of reinforce a little bit of what we touched on earlier, which is I mean, I think the external trends and pressures that we're seeing on the industry on the consumer, I think are broad based across IOM.

    傑夫,我可能只是想聯繫克里斯,因為我只是想——我知道你問的是法國,但我認為加強我們之前提到的一點很重要,這就是我的意思,我認為我們看到的產業對消費者的外部趨勢和壓力,我認為在整個IOM 都有廣泛的基礎。

  • I think consumers are being, as you've heard us say earlier, more discerning about where, when and what they eat. And I would say we don't expect significant changes in that environment for the next few quarters. So obviously, as you've heard us talk a lot about we're kind of laser focused on this forensic review of kind of our value and affordability positioning in each of our key markets.


  • We're going to position ourselves to win, and we're moving, I think with a sense of urgency, but obviously at the pace to get that right. And as you've heard us talk a lot about we've got the system strength and know how to put us in that winning position.


  • I would just say, I think the third quarter has certainly started similarly to how the second quarter ended. And we're seeing, I think negative comps trends occur across IOM and frankly, across each of our three operating segments.

    我只想說,我認為第三季的開始肯定與第二季的結束方式類似。我們看到,我認為整個 IOM 以及坦白說,我們的三個營運部門都出現了負面的競爭趨勢。

  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Eric Gonzalez, KeyBanc.

    艾瑞克‧岡薩雷斯 (Eric Gonzalez),KeyBanc。

  • Eric Gonzalez - Analyst

    Eric Gonzalez - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning and thanks for the question. I'm just curious that trade down, on the past McDonald's was thought of as a defensive action because in economic downturns will pull share from more expensive category. So I'm just curious why you think you might not be getting the trade down that you dependent on the past and whether that's assumption value perception or something that could be addressable in the value construct. Thanks.


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, thanks, Eric. Well, I think we are seeing trade down, but what we're seeing is that the loss of the low income consumers greater than the trade-down benefit until you're seeing with that low income consumer. In many cases, they're dropping out of the market eating at home and finding other ways to economize cutting down on trips. So we are seeing the benefit of trade down, but it's just not enough to offset the pressure that we're seeing on that low-income consumer.


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Lauren Silverman, Deutsche Bank.


  • Lauren Silberman - Analyst

    Lauren Silberman - Analyst

  • Hey, thank you, guys. I wanted to follow up on how you're thinking about comps in the back half of the year. So quarter to date, so running negative. Should we -- are you expecting that to I guess, continue through the third quarter. When can we start to talk about positive comps in the back half of the year that fourth quarter as a base case, right, now. Any commentary there would be helpful. Thank you.


  • Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Hi, Lauren. It's Ian. So just maybe just to reiterate a few things. I mean, I think as I said, the pressures are broad-based, and we're seeing those pressures, I think, on the industry and on the consumer across almost every one of our large owned markets globally.


  • And as I said, I don't think we, -- I don't -- we certainly don't profess to have a, I think, a crystal ball on how the future will look like. But we don't expect that we're going to see a change in that environment over the next few quarters.


  • I mean, I think that's why we're laser focused on getting value and affordability, right, as you heard, Chris just say I think it's not even so much about consumers moving from us to others. It's about consumers in that low income category and I think families, which are obviously two big cohorts of our consumer base across most of our markets just eating out less frequently than they have been previously.


  • I think we're confident that if we get our value and affordability propositions, right. If we get them into that winning position in each marketplace, that will encourage consumers to come back when they can.


  • I think if you take examples of what some of our markets done. I'll use the UK as a bit of an example that ran a campaign in the end of May, beginning of June, a three for GBP3 mix-and-match campaign, they also have done a GBP1.99 happy meal offer in the app.

    我想如果你舉一些我們的一些市場所做的例子。 I'll use the UK as a bit of an example that ran a campaign in the end of May, beginning of June, a three for GBP3 mix-and-match campaign, they also have done a GBP1.99 happy meal offer in the應用程式.

  • When we run compelling affordable options like that, we know we're able to draw consumers back and we know we are best positioned to be able to do that. So that's certainly what we're focused on. As I said, certainly don't claim that we can predict I think when the environment will turn or when the consumer will turn, I think what we're focused on is making sure that we're winning in the current context in each and every one of our markets and that we're positioned to accelerate our momentum as this challenging environment begins to turn in each one of our markets as we look forward.


  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, the only thing I'd add is McDonald at its essence. This is a growth business, and so we're not accepting negative comps is just sort of the way it is because of the consumer headwinds. We absolutely are committed to getting this business back to growth.


  • Foundation of that is the value platforms that we've talked about, but we need to do more on menu innovation. We've got more levers that we can do on digital and certainly getting our marketing to be more of a contributor as it was last year. I think all of those things need to work in combination to get the business back to where we know its rightful places.


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Brian Bittner, Oppenheimer.


  • Brian Bittner - Analyst

    Brian Bittner - Analyst

  • Thanks. Good morning. Chris, you said in your prepared remarks that your value leadership gap versus the competition has shrunk. I'm just curious, how are you measuring this gap? What informs you that it has shrunk.


  • And just secondly, what gives you the confidence you can reignite this gap with value at a time when everyone seems to be getting much more aggressive on value? Is it the success you're seeing with the $5 deal? Or what else is fueling the confidence that this gap can reignite?

    其次,當每個人似乎都在價值方面變得更加積極時,是什麼讓您有信心重新點燃這種價值差距?這是您所看到的 5 美元優惠的成功嗎?或者還有什麼因素可以增強人們對這差距能夠重新點燃的信心?

  • Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Christopher Kempczinski - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure. Thanks for the question. So there's two ways that we measure value. They're both consumer-based surveys, but one is we get to just the overall brand impression and we serving consumers around the world for their brand impression of how McDonald's does on both value and affordability.


  • Affordability being a more specific thing around, typically price points value being a broader metric that speaks to a number of different things. So it all survey based. Like I said, there's part of it, which is looking at brand image and then we also have a second survey that we do around most recent experience. And that gives us a little bit more of a current snapshot of where we are seeing other consumer.


  • And it's been particularly on the most recent visit that we're seeing our leadership gap is shrinking, our brand image scores around value and affordability. We still are very strong there and we're seeing those gaps hold up. But on the more recent visit, that we are seeing some of the pressure, some of the decrease, still leading, but that margin may be shrinking, couple of points in a market, for example.


  • In terms of what gives us confidence about our ability to continue to lead on value, it starts with the fact that for 70 years we bled out value. And for 70 years, we've led on value because it's what the brand stands for. And frankly, we can buy food and paper at a better price than anybody else. So we have an underlying competitive advantage that we can buy at a lower price than anybody else in our industry.

    就讓我們對繼續引領價值的能力充滿信心而言,首先是 70 年來我們不斷流失價值。 70 年來,我們一直在價值方面處於領先地位,因為這是品牌所代表的意義。坦白說,我們可以以比其他人更好的價格購買食品和紙張。因此,我們擁有潛在的競爭優勢,我們可以比業內其他任何人以更低的價格購買。

  • The other thing is the way that the consumer defines value. Yes, there's a price point component to it. But the other thing that we see in all of our value work is that there are intangibles that consumers think about around how they define good value or not.


  • Things like, for example, how convenient is the restaurant. Things like, for example, how clean the restaurant is. Things like how tasty is the food. Those typically are representing maybe 25% to 30% of consumers value perception. So it's not just about hitting low price points. It's also the overall experience you can deliver.

    例如,餐廳有多方便。例如,餐廳的乾淨程度等。例如食物有多好吃。這些通常代表了大約 25% 到 30% 的消費者價值觀念。因此,這不僅僅是為了達到低價點。這也是您可以提供的整體體驗。

  • And as you've heard us talk about in the past, our restaurant estate is in great shape. Our restaurants are running of strong execution. Service times are improving around the world. The CSAT scores are high. So I think we've got a lot of things from the intangibles that are working in our favor. And as you've heard us talk about on this call, there's other things that we're doing to make sure from a value standpoint, particularly around value platforms and products and price points that we're where the consumer exact expects us to be.

    正如您過去聽到我們談論的那樣,我們的餐廳莊園狀況良好。我們的餐廳執行力很強。世界各地的服務時間都在改善。 CSAT 分數很高。所以我認為我們從無形資產中得到了很多對我們有利的東西。正如您在這次電話會議上聽到的那樣,我們正在做其他事情,以確保從價值的角度來看,特別是在價值平台、產品和價格點方面,我們符合消費者的確切期望。

  • Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Brian, I might just do two little hooks on Chris's just on that second bit about why we can win. I mean, I just, I wouldn't underestimate the power of the equity we have in some of our menu items that when we get those items priced at the right price point in the current context for consumers, I think that's unique to us to scale and level of marketing dollars we have available as a system that we can direct to support these platforms that we get this as we get them in place is unmatched.


  • And then I'll just double click on one. Chris touched on the experience. I mean, we've talked the last couple of quarters. I think Joe would talk to the fact that our customer satisfaction scores in the US are at kind of an all-time high for this point in the year. We're seeing that pretty consistently around the world.


  • We're getting faster. We're delivering a better experience and when you put all that together, that's what kind of defines value for the consumer. And we certainly are adamant and relentless that we're going to get that out right in each and every market to be in a winning position.


  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Jake Bartlett, Truist.


  • Jake Bartlett - Analyst

    Jake Bartlett - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks from taking the question. Mine was just really a clarification on your commentary about recent trends, and that's the US. I think overall, you said that the third quarter starting as the second quarter ended, I just want to make sure that, that's true for the US.


  • And I guess if that's true, and it would -- I think, implies below what was reported for the second quarter, if that's true in the commentary that the $5 meal is doing, what you hoped, how does that mesh? It seems like the $5 meal you're happy with, but it doesn't seem to have really driven an improvement. Just wanted to make sure I understand the commentary there on recent trends and what's driving it.

    我想如果這是真的,我想,這意味著下面第二季度報告的內容,如果評論中說 5 美元的餐食是真的,那麼你希望什麼,這如何吻合?看起來 5 美元的一餐你很滿意,但它似乎並沒有真正帶來改善。只是想確保我理解那裡對最近趨勢及其驅動因素的評論。

  • Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

    Joseph Erlinger - President - McDonald’s USA

  • That's right, Jake. So we obviously exited the second quarter as we lapped the agreements per day meal and shake with negative comps. And then we have experienced negative comps here in July. The success obviously we've seen is the shift in traffic that we're experiencing.


  • And in my 22 years of experience at McDonald's, traffic and guest counts usually comes before sales. And so we've got some exciting, some promotions upcoming here in the second half of the year. And we think that if we can get the traffic moving, you will see customers obviously willing to spend more.

    根據我在麥當勞 22 年的經驗,客流量和客人數量通常會先於銷售額。因此,我們將在今年下半年推出一些令人興奮的促銷活動。我們認為,如果我們能讓流量流動,你會看到客戶顯然願意花更多錢。

  • Remember that the customer that's coming in for the $5 meal deal, they are buying more than just a $5 meal deal because we see that average check at around little over $10. So that's why we feel strongly about how the $5 meal deals connecting in the marketplace and specifically with that and consumer, which has been our opportunity.

    請記住,來購買 5 美元餐點優惠的顧客,他們購買的不僅僅是 5 美元餐點優惠,因為我們發現平均支票價格約為 10 美元多一點。這就是為什麼我們對 5 美元餐點如何在市場上建立聯繫,特別是與市場和消費者建立聯繫有強烈的感覺,這一直是我們的機會。

  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Jon Tower, Citi.


  • Jon Tower - Analyst

    Jon Tower - Analyst

  • Great. Thanks for taking the question. Maybe just a similar line of thinking in terms of your expectations for store margins for the balance of the year? Obviously, you've got some good guys with respect to inflation coming off, but I think pricing is also rolling off a little bit and now it seems like promotional activity is going to be ramping. So how should we anticipate the impact on store margins both in the US business and the IOM segment for the balance of '24 perhaps into early '25?

    偉大的。感謝您提出問題。也許您對今年剩餘時間商店利潤的預期也有類似的想法?顯然,在通貨膨脹方面有一些好人,但我認為價格也有所下降,現在看來促銷活動將會增加。那麼,我們該如何預測 24 年剩餘時間(或許到 25 年初)對美國業務和 IOM 部門的商店利潤率的影響?

  • Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Borden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

  • Hi, John, it's Ian. Let me try and get that one. We'll look, I think, as you would have seen through the first half, even with more muted at top line growth. Restaurant margins have held up pretty well. Obviously, as you noted, we will take -- or certainly expect to take less pricing through the year, just obviously managing through the current context, wherein we still got a fair bit of carryover pricing from 2023.

    嗨,約翰,我是伊恩。讓我試著去拿那個。我想,我們會像你在上半年看到的那樣,即使營收成長更加疲弱。餐廳的利潤保持得相當不錯。顯然,正如您所指出的,我們將採取——或者肯定期望全年採取更少的定價,顯然是在當前環境下進行管理,其中我們仍然從 2023 年開始獲得相當多的結轉定價。

  • So that's certainly helps a little bit. And as I talked about earlier, certainly inflation on food and paper and other cost items outside of wages, has come down substantially from where it's been over the last couple of years. So that's helpful.


  • The US, obviously, as I talked about, we've got the wage pressures, particularly from California. So that's certainly a headwind that we're working through. But -- and I think overall, if you think about the year, I think we certainly expect if I use company operated margins as a proxy for those to be down a little bit from where we ended in 2023. But I think pretty good in terms of where you, when you consider the overall context of what we're working through this year.

    顯然,正如我所說,美國面臨著薪資壓力,特別是來自加州。所以這肯定是我們正在努力克服的阻力。但是,我認為總體而言,如果你考慮這一年,我認為如果我使用公司營運利潤率作為代表,我們肯定預計這些利潤率會比 2023 年結束時略有下降。當你考慮我們今年工作的整體背景時,你會發現你所處的位置。

  • Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

    Mike Cieplak - Investor Relation Officer

  • Okay, that concludes our call. Thank you, Chris. Thank you, Ian. Thank you, Joe. Thanks, everyone, for joining. Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • This concludes McDonald's Corporation investor call. You may now disconnect and have a great day.
