洛克希德·馬丁 (LMT) 2021 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome, everyone, to the Lockheed Martin First Quarter 2021 Earnings Results Conference Call.

    美好的一天,歡迎大家參加洛克希德馬丁公司 2021 年第一季度收益結果電話會議。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time, for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call over to Mr. Greg Gardner, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    在這個時候,關於開場白和介紹,我想把電話轉給投資者關係副總裁 Greg Gardner 先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Greg Gardner - VP of IR

    Greg Gardner - VP of IR

  • Thank you, Jon, and good morning.


  • I'd like to welcome everyone to our first quarter 2021 earnings conference call.

    我想歡迎大家參加我們的 2021 年第一季度收益電話會議。

  • Joining me today on the call are Jim Taiclet, our Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Ken Possenriede, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天和我一起參加電話會議的是我們的董事長、總裁兼首席執行官 Jim Taiclet;和我們的首席財務官 Ken Possenriede。

  • Statements made in today's call that are not historical facts are considered forward-looking statements and are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of federal securities law.


  • Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.


  • Please see today's press release and our SEC filings for a description of some of the factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.

    請參閱今天的新聞稿和我們的 SEC 文件,了解可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述中的結果大不相同的一些因素的描述。

  • We have posted charts on our website today that we plan to address during the call to supplement our comments.


  • These charts also include information regarding non-GAAP measures that may be used in today's call.


  • Please access our website at www.lockheedmartin.com, and click on the Investor Relations link to view and follow the charts.

    請訪問我們的網站 www.lockheedmartin.com,然後單擊投資者關係鏈接以查看和跟踪圖表。

  • With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Jim.


  • James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

    James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us today on our first quarter 2021 earnings call.

    大家早上好,感謝您今天加入我們的 2021 年第一季度財報電話會議。

  • As today's release illustrates, we had a strong financial result this quarter, and continue to perform at a high level strategically and operationally.


  • Our achievements reflect the quality of our workforce, the breadth of our products and services and the focus we all have on delivering value to our customers and stockholders.


  • We continue to deliver these results in spite of the ongoing difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    儘管 COVID-19 大流行帶來了持續的困難,我們仍將繼續提供這些結果。

  • And my thanks go to the men and women of Lockheed Martin for their outstanding contributions during these challenging times.


  • I'll begin today with a quick update on the strategic acquisition of Aerojet Rocketdyne that we announced in December, a transaction we believe will enhance Lockheed Martin's ability to develop and supply advanced products and support of national security and our civil space objectives.

    今天,我將簡要介紹我們在 12 月宣布的對 Aerojet Rocketdyne 的戰略收購,我們相信這項交易將增強洛克希德·馬丁公司開發和供應先進產品以及支持國家安全和我們的民用太空目標的能力。

  • We also plan to strengthen Aerojet Rocketdyne's capabilities as a merchant supplier with improved offerings for all of its industry and government customers, which is a critical component of closing our acquisition business case.

    我們還計劃加強 Aerojet Rocketdyne 作為商業供應商的能力,為其所有行業和政府客戶提供改進的產品,這是完成我們的收購業務案例的關鍵組成部分。

  • Last month, Aerojet stockholders approved the merger agreement with over 99% of votes cast being in favor of the transaction.

    上個月,Aerojet 股東以超過 99% 的投票贊成該交易批准了合併協議。

  • Also this quarter, as expected, both companies received a request for additional information or a second request from the Federal Trade Commission as part of the regulatory review process.


  • The second request extends the waiting period pursuant to the Hart--Scott--Rodino Act, we're working cooperatively with the FTC and continue to expect resolution of the regulatory review process by the latter part of 2021.

    根據《哈特-斯科特-羅迪諾法案》,第二個請求延長了等待期,我們正在與 FTC 合作,並繼續期待在 2021 年下半年之前解決監管審查程序。

  • Moving to our financial and operational results.


  • Lockheed Martin got off to a strong start for the year.


  • Ken will discuss our financial results in more detail and provide an update to our 2021 financial outlook, which increases key financial metrics across the board.

    Ken 將更詳細地討論我們的財務業績,並提供我們 2021 年財務展望的更新,這將全面提高關鍵財務指標。

  • But I'd like to continue by providing a few highlights right up front.


  • First quarter sales increased 4% over the year-earlier period, with Rotary and Mission Systems growing 10% due to the delivery of an international pilot training system and ramping production of Sikorsky aircraft.

    由於國際飛行員培訓系統的交付和西科斯基飛機的產量增加,第一季度銷售額同比增長 4%,其中 Rotary and Mission Systems 增長 10%。

  • Segment operating profit increased as a result of our sales performance, and earnings per share also saw strong growth.


  • Our EPS benefited from gains in our Lockheed Martin Ventures fund.


  • LM Ventures make strategic investments in early-stage companies developing disruptive cutting-edge technologies, and it supports our technology road maps and growth strategies.

    LM Ventures 對開發顛覆性尖端技術的早期公司進行戰略投資,並支持我們的技術路線圖和增長戰略。

  • Ken will give a little more color on this in a few moments.

    稍後,Ken 將對此進行更多說明。

  • Our cash generation remains outstanding, driving over $1.7 billion of cash from operations this quarter, which includes the nearly $1.4 billion downward impact of accelerating payments to our suppliers including thousands of small and vulnerable companies that are especially stressed due to COVID-19 impacts.

    我們的現金產生仍然突出,本季度從運營中獲得了超過 17 億美元的現金,其中包括加速向我們的供應商付款所產生的近 14 億美元的下行影響,其中包括因 COVID-19 影響而特別受壓的數千家小型和脆弱公司。

  • Altogether, these results reflect the high level of execution being achieved across the company.


  • Our outstanding cash generation and strong balance sheet also provide us the flexibility to complete a $1 billion accelerated share repurchase agreement this quarter to opportunistically buy back stock.

    我們出色的現金產生和強大的資產負債表也為我們提供了在本季度完成 10 億美元加速股票回購協議的靈活性,以機會性地回購股票。

  • We expect our cash generation to remain strong, and we can't -- plan to continue our balanced cash deployment actions by investing in innovative technologies, executing our 21st century warfare strategy, providing our customers with enhanced capabilities and returning cash to stockholders.

    我們預計我們的現金生成將保持強勁,我們不能計劃通過投資創新技術、執行我們的 21 世紀戰爭戰略、為我們的客戶提供增強的能力並向股東返還現金來繼續我們的平衡現金部署行動。

  • Turning to federal budgets.


  • As a reminder, the fiscal year 2021 budget cycle marked the final year of the Budget Control Act that was originally enacted in 2011.

    提醒一下,2021 財年預算週期標誌著最初於 2011 年頒布的《預算控制法》的最後一年。

  • The Department of Defense appropriations approved as part of the FY 2021 omnibus funding bill resulted in a fully funded national defense budget of approximately $740 billion.

    作為 2021 財年綜合資金法案的一部分,國防部批准的撥款產生了大約 7400 億美元的全額國防預算。

  • The White House recently released their preliminary budget proposal for fiscal 2022, targeting approximate $11 billion top line increase for the Department of Defense, an indication of the desire for continued stability in national security funding, and in line with our expectations.

    白宮最近發布了他們的 2022 財年初步預算提案,目標是為國防部增加約 110 億美元的收入,這表明希望國家安全資金持續穩定,並且符合我們的預期。

  • Similarly, the President issued an interim national security strategic guidance document, which incorporates key elements such as diplomacy, economic development, innovation, and modernizing our military capabilities into a broad framework for addressing accelerating global challenges.


  • This guidance document places emphasis on deterrence, investments in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, and secure next-gen 5G infrastructure as well as the need for having strong defense and intelligence capabilities.

    該指導文件強調威懾、對新興技術(如人工智能)的投資、安全的下一代 5G 基礎設施以及對強大防禦和情報能力的需求。

  • We believe this vision is well aligned with our 21st century warfare strategy and plays to the strength of our broad portfolio and our culture of innovation at Lockheed Martin.

    我們相信,這一願景與我們 21 世紀的戰爭戰略非常吻合,並發揮了我們廣泛的產品組合的優勢和洛克希德馬丁公司的創新文化。

  • Also in the quarter, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 stimulus package was enacted into legislation.

    同樣在本季度,《2021 年美國救助計劃法案》刺激方案被頒佈為立法。

  • This bill extended the CARES Act Section 3610 provision until September 30, 2021, enabling federal agencies to continue to reimburse contractors for the cost of keeping employees and subcontractors in a ready state as a result of the global pandemic.

    該法案將 CARES 法案第 3610 條的規定延長至 2021 年 9 月 30 日,使聯邦機構能夠繼續補償承包商因全球大流行而使員工和分包商處於準備狀態的費用。

  • Importantly, this legislation also contained cash funding relief provisions affecting single employer pension plans, the primary reason for our increase in our cash outlook.


  • Ken will discuss this further during his remarks.


  • Turning to our business areas.


  • I'd like to touch on several notable achievements demonstrating our focus on operational performance, strategic growth initiatives, and the strength of our portfolio.


  • I'll begin with Aeronautics, where our team participated in this year's Orange Flag exercise.

    我將從 Aeronautics 開始,我們的團隊參加了今年的 Orange Flag 演習。

  • That's the U.S. Air Force's annual event to assess integration maturity of their war fighting platform.


  • This year's Orange Flag featured a broad network-centric demonstration, showcasing the integration of the F-35 and other legacy air class, including the F-22 and U2, with long -- land-based long-range flyers, naval flyers and space-based sensors.

    今年的橙色旗幟以廣泛的以網絡為中心的演示為特色,展示了 F-35 和其他傳統航空類(包括 F-22 和 U2)與遠程陸基遠程飛行器、海軍飛行器和太空的集成基於傳感器。

  • This exercise demonstrated a fully functional Internet of Things or IoT architecture, integrating a number of our nation's most advanced weapon systems.


  • Our team was on the vanguard of the effort, enabling F-35s and F-22s to pass data to a U2, all Lockheed Martin aircraft, with the U2 then relaying the information to a ground-based control center.

    我們的團隊是這項工作的先鋒,使 F-35 和 F-22 能夠將數據傳遞給 U2,所有都是洛克希德馬丁飛機,然後 U2 將信息傳遞到地面控制中心。

  • Targeting data was then transferred using machine-to-machine data sharing with an army engagement operations center as well as to navy ships.


  • By providing data via fifth-generation aircraft to multiple command and control nodes, that information could be used for real-time targeting.


  • This exercise demonstrated Lockheed Martin's readiness to provide unmatched situational awareness into a rapidly field capabilities today in support of our customers' joint all-domain operations concept.


  • In Rotary and Mission Systems, The CH-53K King Stallion was selected by the Israeli Ministry of Defense as the winner in their heavy lift helicopter competition.

    在旋轉和任務系統中,CH-53K King Stallion 被以色列國防部選為重型直升機競賽的獲勝者。

  • Upon contract award, our Sikorsky line of business will provide new CH-53K to replace the Israeli Air Force's current fleet of legacy Sikorsky 53-D aircraft.

    簽訂合同後,我們的西科斯基業務線將提供新的 CH-53K,以取代以色列空軍現有的傳統西科斯基 53-D 飛機機隊。

  • Israel will become the first international customer for our new 53-K variant, and we look forward to working with the Israeli Defense Force and the U.S. government to finalize the agreement.

    以色列將成為我們新的 53-K 型號的第一個國際客戶,我們期待與以色列國防軍和美國政府合作以敲定協議。

  • In our Missiles and Fire Control business area, the U.S. Army awarded our Precision fires team a $2.8 billion contract for additional guided multiple launch rocket systems, or GMLRS, products and services that continue our relationships that has lasted for over 40 years.

    在我們的導彈和火控業務領域,美國陸軍向我們的精密火力團隊授予了價值 28 億美元的額外制導多發火箭系統或 GMLRS 產品和服務,這些產品和服務延續了我們已經持續了 40 多年的關係。

  • This quarter, MFC also delivered the 50,000 GMLRS systems, another sign of the enduring demand of our signature programs.

    本季度,MFC 還交付了 50,000 個 GMLRS 系統,這是對我們的標誌性項目的持久需求的又一跡象。

  • Moving to our space business area.


  • The Missile Defense Agency down selected our space team for the next-generation interceptor program, awarding a $3.7 billion, 5-year contract for technology development and risk reduction activities.

    導彈防禦局選擇了我們的太空團隊進行下一代攔截器計劃,授予了一份價值 37 億美元、為期 5 年的技術開發和降低風險活動合同。

  • This award leverages our internal investments and experience from our THAAD and other programs to deliver the capability to respond to multiple threats with a single interceptor.

    該獎項利用我們在 THAAD 和其他項目中的內部投資和經驗,提供使用單個攔截器應對多種威脅的能力。

  • NGI will be a key element of homeland defense of our country against ballistic nuclear missiles, and we're extremely proud to be selected to pursue this opportunity.

    NGI 將成為我國抵禦彈道核導彈的國土防禦的關鍵要素,我們為被選中抓住這個機會感到非常自豪。

  • Our space team also announced a strategic interest agreement with telecommunications firm Omnispace space to explore collaborating on a hybrid communications network using both satellites and ground-based wireless technology.

    我們的太空團隊還宣布與電信公司 Omnispace space 達成戰略利益協議,以探索在使用衛星和地面無線技術的混合通信網絡上進行合作。

  • Tying together space and terrestrial systems into a seamless 5G network, has the potential to greatly enhance military applications and help manage complex information-centric warfare and all the operational domains.

    將空間和地面系統連接到一個無縫的 5G 網絡中,有可能極大地增強軍事應用並幫助管理複雜的以信息為中心的戰爭和所有作戰領域。

  • We continue to explore opportunities like this one with the goal of accelerating the benefits of commercial telecommunications technology into our 5G.MIL initiative to rapidly increase the capabilities of our soldiers, sailors and airmen in the 21st century.

    我們將繼續探索這樣的機會,目標是加速將商業電信技術的優勢融入我們的 5G.MIL 計劃,從而在 21 世紀迅速提高我們士兵、水手和飛行員的能力。

  • I'll close by again highlighting our space team and their contribution to the recent successful Mars Perseverance landing.


  • Lockheed Martin Space designed and built the Mars 2020 aeroshell, which encapsulated both the Perseverance Rover and the innovative Ingenuity drone helicopter, protecting them during entry and decent through the Martian atmosphere.

    Lockheed Martin Space 設計並製造了 Mars 2020 航空外殼,它封裝了 Perseverance Rover 和創新的 Ingenuity 無人機直升機,在進入火星大氣層時保護它們並體面地穿過火星大氣層。

  • Lockheed Martin also designed and built the Mars helicopter delivery system, which transported Ingenuity on the Rover and successfully deployed the helicopter for its historic first flights on Mars.

    洛克希德·馬丁公司還設計和建造了火星直升機運輸系統,該系統將 Ingenuity 運送到了火星車上,並成功地將直升機部署在火星上進行歷史性的首次飛行。

  • We've built aeroshell systems for every one of NASA's Mars Rovers and Landers, and we've been part of every NASA Mars mission, beginning with the Viking program in the 1970s.

    我們已經為美國宇航局的每一輛火星探測器和著陸器建造了航空殼系統,並且我們參與了美國宇航局的每一次火星任務,從 1970 年代的維京計劃開始。

  • We continue to incorporate innovative technologies and decades of experience into each new spacecraft, and we're excited to continue our Mars heritage with a Perseverance program.


  • These many achievements highlight the breadth of our portfolio, our focus on innovation and next-gen technologies.


  • And our commitment to providing the United States and its allies with 21st century capabilities to support crucial national security missions.

    我們承諾為美國及其盟國提供 21 世紀的能力,以支持重要的國家安全任務。

  • And with that, I'll turn the call over to Ken.


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • Thanks, Jim, and good morning, everyone.


  • As I highlight our accomplishments, please follow along with the web charts that we've included with our earnings release today.


  • Let's begin with Chart 3 and an overview of our results for the quarter.

    讓我們從圖 3 開始,概述我們本季度的業績。

  • We saw strong results in sales, segment operating profit, cash from operations and earnings per share this quarter while maintaining our backlog of $147 billion.

    我們在本季度的銷售、部門營業利潤、運營現金和每股收益方面取得了強勁的業績,同時保持了 1470 億美元的積壓。

  • We generated $1.7 billion of cash from operations, and we continued our balanced cash deployment actions, including the execution of our $1 billion accelerated share repurchase program this quarter, returning a total of $1.7 billion to our stockholders, including our quarterly dividend payments.

    我們從運營中產生了 17 億美元的現金,我們繼續採取平衡的現金部署行動,包括在本季度執行 10 億美元的加速股票回購計劃,向我們的股東返還總計 17 億美元,包括我們的季度股息支付。

  • With these results and strong performance from our Rotary and Mission Systems segment, we are able to increase our outlook for the year for all key financial metrics.


  • And turning to Chart 4, we compare our sales and segment operating profit this year with last year's results.

    轉向圖 4,我們將今年的銷售和部門營業利潤與去年的結果進行了比較。

  • Sales grew 4% compared with last year to $16.3 billion, continuing our expected growth of the business, while segment operating profit was $1.7 billion.

    銷售額與去年相比增長 4% 至 163 億美元,延續了我們對業務的預期增長,而分部營業利潤為 17 億美元。

  • We had the segment operating margin of 10.8%, consistent with our expectations as we did not record any equity earnings this quarter due to no-launch events in our ULA joint venture at Space.

    我們的部門營業利潤率為 10.8%,與我們的預期一致,因為由於我們在 Space 的 ULA 合資企業沒有發布事件,我們本季度沒有記錄任何股權收益。

  • Chart 5 shows our earnings per share for first quarter 2021.

    圖 5 顯示了我們 2021 年第一季度的每股收益。

  • Our earnings per share of $6.56 was $0.48 above our results last year driven by volume, and as Jim mentioned, includes $0.18 of a gain from investments in our ventures fund.

    我們的每股收益為 6.56 美元,比去年受交易量驅動的結果高 0.48 美元,正如吉姆所說,其中包括投資於我們的風險基金的 0.18 美元收益。

  • And I'll discuss this a little more in a subsequent slide.


  • This was partially offset by $0.10 in severance charges from previously announced actions taken to improve efficiency and lower total cost for our business.

    這部分被先前宣布的為提高效率和降低我們業務的總成本而採取的行動所支付的 0.10 美元的遣散費所抵消。

  • On Chart 6, we'll discuss in more detail the cash return to our stockholders this quarter.

    在圖 6 中,我們將更詳細地討論本季度對股東的現金回報。

  • Subtracting our capital expenditures from approximately $1.7 billion of cash from operations, our free cash flow was nearly $1.5 billion.

    從大約 17 億美元的運營現金中減去我們的資本支出,我們的自由現金流接近 15 億美元。

  • By executing our planned share repurchases of $1 billion in the first quarter as well as providing our dividend of $2.60 per share, we were able to return 119% of free cash flow to our stockholders this quarter.

    通過在第一季度執行我們計劃的 10 億美元的股票回購以及提供每股 2.60 美元的股息,我們能夠在本季度向股東返還 119% 的自由現金流。

  • And moving on to Chart 7. As we noted, we are increasing our outlook for this current year for sales, segment operating profit, earnings per share and cash from operations.

    轉到圖 7。正如我們所指出的,我們正在提高對本年度銷售額、部門營業利潤、每股收益和運營現金的展望。

  • On our -- on Chart 8, we showed the increase to our sales guidance range of $200 million, and reflected in our estimated sales range for Rotary and Mission Systems.

    在我們的 - 在圖 8 中,我們顯示我們的銷售指導範圍增加了 2 億美元,並反映在我們對 Rotary 和 Mission Systems 的估計銷售範圍中。

  • This increase reaffirms our growth for 2021 and projected to increase year-over-year by 4%.

    這一增長再次證實了我們在 2021 年的增長,預計將同比增長 4%。

  • On Chart 9, we show our outlook for segment operating profit by business area.

    在圖 9 中,我們按業務領域顯示了我們對分部營業利潤的展望。

  • And consistent with sales, we have increased our RMS and our outlook by $25 million.

    與銷售額一致,我們將 RMS 和展望增加了 2500 萬美元。

  • On Chart 10, we take a closer look at our increased guidance for 2021 earnings per share.

    在圖 10 中,我們仔細研究了我們對 2021 年每股收益的更高指引。

  • As I noted a moment ago, we recorded a $68 million gain on strategic investments we hold in our Lockheed Martin Ventures fund, which translates to approximately $0.18 in earnings per share.

    正如我剛才提到的,我們在洛克希德馬丁風險投資基金中持有的戰略投資獲得了 6800 萬美元的收益,這相當於每股收益約為 0.18 美元。

  • As Jim noted previously, these investments are part of our growth strategy, focused on innovative technology in early-stage companies and their valuations may fluctuate over time.

    正如 Jim 之前指出的,這些投資是我們增長戰略的一部分,專注於早期公司的創新技術,它們的估值可能會隨著時間的推移而波動。

  • Moving on, reduced tax expense as a result of the American Rescue Plan Act and the timing and execution of our share repurchases have also favorably impacted our outlook for EPS.


  • As has the increased earnings we noted from Rotary and Mission Systems.

    正如我們從 Rotary 和 Mission Systems 注意到的收入增加一樣。

  • There is an offset to incorporate the nonrecurring severance charge we discussed earlier.


  • In total, our full year earnings per share outlook has increased by $0.40 at the midpoint of the range.

    總的來說,我們的全年每股收益展望在該範圍的中點增加了 0.40 美元。

  • On Chart 11, we will look at our increased cash flow forecast for 2021, and with increases also estimated for 2022 and 2023.

    在圖 11 中,我們將查看我們對 2021 年增加的現金流量的預測,並且預計 2022 年和 2023 年的現金流量也會增加。

  • With the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act, we are no longer planning to make a $1 billion discretionary pension contribution in 2021.

    隨著美國救援計劃法案的通過,我們不再計劃在 2021 年提供 10 億美元的可自由支配養老金供款。

  • This benefit is partially offset by reduced pension tax deductions with the net increase to cash estimated to be about $600 million.

    這一福利被減少的養老金稅收減免部分抵消,現金淨增加額估計約為 6 億美元。

  • The net impact also improves our anticipated cash flow in '22 and '23.

    淨影響還改善了我們在 22 年和 23 年的預期現金流。

  • This change allows us to recover the entire $8.3 billion of existing CAS prefunding credits by 2026.

    這一變化使我們能夠在 2026 年之前收回全部 83 億美元的現有 CAS 預融資信貸。

  • And based upon this change in law and our current estimates and assumptions for future pension asset performance, we do not believe there will be a required pension cash contribution before the year 2026 and minimal contributions thereafter.

    根據法律的這一變化以及我們目前對未來養老金資產表現的估計和假設,我們認為在 2026 年之前不會有必要的養老金現金供款,此後的供款也很少。

  • In total, this change in legislation increases our 3-year cash flow estimate by $1 billion, and combined with reduced future CAS expenses, will improve our cost competitiveness and our affordability to customers going forward.

    總的來說,這項立法變更使我們對 3 年現金流量的估計增加了 10 億美元,再加上未來 CAS 費用的減少,將提高我們的成本競爭力和未來客戶的承受能力。

  • I should note, as I did on our last call that this outlook and trends are prior to an R&D tax deduction impact from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that's effective in 2022.

    我應該注意到,正如我在上次電話會議上所做的那樣,這種前景和趨勢是在 2022 年生效的 2017 年減稅和就業法案對研發稅收減免影響之前。

  • And to conclude, on Chart 12, we have our summary.

    最後,在圖 12 中,我們有了總結。

  • We believe that the first quarter of 2021 has laid the foundation for a strong year.

    我們認為,2021 年第一季度為強勁的一年奠定了基礎。

  • Our backlog remains robust, and our key programs continue to deliver growth and sustained performance.


  • We have increased our full year outlook for sales, operating profit, earnings per share and cash from operations.


  • And as a result of a change in legislation, our 3-year cash flow expectations have grown by $1 billion.

    由於立法的改變,我們的 3 年現金流預期增加了 10 億美元。

  • And with that, Jon, we're ready to begin the Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • And first with the line of Rob Spingarn with Crédit Suisse.

    首先是瑞士信貸的 Rob Spingarn 系列。

  • Robert Michael Spingarn - Aerospace and Defense Analyst

    Robert Michael Spingarn - Aerospace and Defense Analyst

  • I wanted to dig into Space a little bit, two-part question, one for each of you.

    我想深入探討一下 Space,由兩部分組成的問題,每個人一個。

  • And I thought I'd start with Ken, and just wondering how we think about top line growth for the 3 space subsegments, so satellite, strategic and defensive missiles in Space Transport over the next few years [XP AWE] [fade], particularly now that we have some budget details from NASA.

    我想我會從肯開始,只是想知道我們如何看待未來幾年太空運輸中的衛星、戰略和防禦導彈這 3 個空間子段的頂線增長 [XP AWE] [fade],尤其是現在我們已經從 NASA 獲得了一些預算細節。

  • And then, Jim, while we're on the topic of space in NASA and with the Artemis HLS award to SpaceX last week, and all of the other start-ups we're seeing.

    然後,吉姆,當我們談論 NASA 的太空主題時,上週 SpaceX 獲得了 Artemis HLS 獎,以及我們看到的所有其他初創企業。

  • The new space crowd is coming on strong.


  • And I wanted to ask you how you think about that from Lockheed's perspective.


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Rob, it's Ken.


  • I'll start off with your long-term question regarding top line growth.


  • So everyone is aware, if you look at the last couple of years, we've had a very strong order book in our Space business.


  • Some of it planned and frankly, some of it's nice surprises.


  • So if you go around the horn -- if you look at our national security space segment, I'd say probably the biggest growth opportunity we have there is, is in our classified space area.


  • We are seeing an enormous amount of opportunities out there.


  • A lot of them planned, and frankly, a lot of them that we are helping shape.


  • And so I'd say, long term, there's a lot of opportunities there in national security space.


  • From a strategic and missile defense standpoint, I would start out with what Jim described as a very nice win for us, which was the NGI contract.

    從戰略和導彈防禦的角度來看,我會從吉姆所說的對我們來說非常好的勝利開始,那就是 NGI 合同。

  • I think over the next couple of years, we're going to see some nice opportunity from a growth standpoint there.


  • That program will be developing and demonstrating JADO-enabling systems, and they'll be ready for operational use as early as today.

    該計劃將開發和演示支持 JADO 的系統,它們最早將在今天準備好投入使用。

  • So some opportunities there.


  • I'd say the second area of large top line growth opportunity is our hypersonics business.


  • So if you think about hypersonics today, we're going to do about $1.5 billion, rough numbers, of sales in our hypersonics area.

    因此,如果您考慮今天的高超音速,我們將在我們的高超音速領域實現大約 15 億美元(粗略的數字)的銷售額。

  • And roughly about 2/3 of that is in our Space business.

    其中大約 2/3 來自我們的太空業務。

  • Think of that as CPS.

    將其視為 CPS。

  • So I think some strong opportunities there.


  • And then commercial space, probably not as robust growth as the other 2 business segments, but we do see some opportunities there, and that's in light of Homeland Security.


  • I'm also going to mention the one initiative with Omnispace that Jim brought up.

    我還要提到 Jim 提出的 Omnispace 的一項倡議。

  • I think there's some exciting opportunities there, not just in the government arena, but also in the commercial arena that will help shape with them.


  • And then I think the last piece I'll talk about is our LM-100 initiative.

    然後我想我要談的最後一點是我們的 LM-100 計劃。

  • This is a midsized satellite bus that can support missions to both LEO and GEO.

    這是一款中型衛星巴士,可以同時支持前往 LEO 和 GEO 的任務。

  • And that will be joining our fleet of the LM-50 and the LM-2100 series.

    這將加入我們的 LM-50 和 LM-2100 系列機隊。

  • And some of those investments in advanced payload technologies and demonstrations, we'll be using that bus that can yield some future growth.


  • So I think there are a lot of exciting opportunities there for us this space.


  • It really is an opportunity-rich environment.


  • James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

    James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

  • And Rob, when it comes to space from a strategic standpoint, I think the important framework to start with here is that 80% or more of our space operations revenue comes in national security space and strategic missile defense.

    Rob,從戰略角度談太空,我認為從這裡開始的重要框架是,我們太空運營收入的 80% 或更多來自國家安全太空和戰略導彈防禦。

  • So the remaining 20% is where sort of the action is on exploration.

    所以剩下的 20% 是探索的行動。

  • And we're playing right in the middle of that.


  • So we're on the -- largely commercial team, led by Blue Origin and the national team on the moon lander.

    所以我們在 - 主要是商業團隊,由藍色起源和月球著陸器國家隊領導。

  • that our team did not particularly be successful in this, didn't mean we weren't participating.


  • We were part and parcel of the new order, if you will, in civil space and teamed up with Blue Origin.


  • On the other hand, we've got we've got a franchise position on Orion.

    另一方面,我們已經在 Orion 獲得了特許經營權。

  • And Orion is the actual crew compartment spacecraft that will be used for the Artemis missions going forward.


  • So we've got a great position there.


  • We'll continue to work with whether it's Omnispace or others, Blue Origin, SpaceX, whatever makes sense for us from a partnership /competition perspective, we're going to play, and we're going to be there.

    我們將繼續與 Omnispace 或其他公司、Blue Origin、SpaceX 合作,無論從合作/競爭的角度來看對我們有意義的事情,我們都會參加比賽,我們會在那裡。

  • But again, 80% of our system -- Space Systems net revenue is going to be coming from, again, franchise situations and strategic missile and missile defense and national security space, where I'm not seeing those newer firms play at the level where they can compete with us.

    但是,我們系統的 80% 的淨收入將再次來自特許經營情況以及戰略導彈和導彈防禦以及國家安全空間,我沒有看到那些新公司在這些領域發揮作用他們可以與我們競爭。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Seth Seifman with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Seth Seifman。

  • Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Your sort of vision for the company that you talked about would seem to require maybe some changes in the way that the department interacts with contractors, I guess after being in the role for a year, what would you say are the top 1 or 2 changes that you need from the department to kind of really drive the 21st century warfare strategy?

    您談到的公司願景似乎需要對部門與承包商互動的方式進行一些改變,我想在擔任該職位一年後,您會說最重要的 1 或 2 個變化您需要從該部門真正推動 21 世紀的戰爭戰略嗎?

  • And what's the plan for getting those?


  • James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

    James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Sure.


  • Let me just frame up the strategy quickly for everyone on the call.


  • And then for each of the sort of 4 or 5 main areas, I'll make a point as to what we hope to encourage and work with our government customer to do on their side.

    然後對於 4 或 5 個主要領域中的每一個,我將說明我們希望鼓勵並與我們的政府客戶合作,為他們做的事情。

  • So overall, our objective is to lead our National Defense enterprise, which is industry and government and the military services toward a higher and faster trajectory of development.


  • This is essential to meet the challenges, I think, in an area of resurgent great power competition.


  • So this isn't just a business strategy.


  • I think it's a national strategy that's an imperative.


  • And at Lockheed Martin, we're in a great position to try to lead that with our customer base.


  • And there's really 4 or 5 elements.

    實際上有 4 或 5 個元素。

  • And so I'll hit each element and say, well, what do we hope to get along with our behavior from our government customer and the military services to work with us on this.


  • First of all, I think we -- it's imperative.


  • again, we established what we call a 5G.

    再次,我們建立了我們所說的 5G。

  • MIL network architecture.

    MIL 網絡架構。

  • So something that is a standards-based architecture with interfaces, frequencies we're going to use, bands, we're going to employ, ways to do hierarchies and use intellectual property from numerous companies inside and outside the defense enterprise to actually create an architecture just like you see being done in, say, 5G in the telecommunications world.

    所以這是一個基於標準的架構,具有接口、我們將使用的頻率、我們將使用的頻段、建立層次結構的方法,並使用國防企業內外眾多公司的知識產權來實際創建一個就像您在電信世界中看到的 5G 架構一樣。

  • I think we can lead that for a number of reasons, but we're going to absolutely have to have our government customer involved with us.


  • And when you look at exercises like Orange Flag, that demonstrates that they see the need as well.


  • And ultimately, we're going to have to have an ability to work with our customer base to have new acquisition and appropriations processes so that we can speed things up and get things done faster than the kind of world we're talking about.


  • One of the things that, frankly, is core competency of Lockheed Martin is dealing with the federal acquisition regulation, and I do feel we can be a bridge during the sort of changeover period, if you will, to commercial tech.


  • We can license with them on one hand the way they're used to working, and we'll deal with the federal government as far as the contracting goes on that side.


  • I think we can be a great bridge for that.


  • So the -- but the first thing we need to do is establish that architecture and have cooperation with our government customers to do it, and we are.

    所以 - 但我們需要做的第一件事是建立該架構並與我們的政府客戶合作來做到這一點,我們就是。

  • The second thing is we really intend to partner with these leading companies in the telecom and technology space because we need as a defense enterprise to accelerate our adoption of those 21st century technologies and capabilities.

    第二件事是我們真的打算與電信和技術領域的這些領先公司合作,因為作為一家國防企業,我們需要加速採用這些 21 世紀的技術和能力。

  • So again, we'll try to be the pivot point for that, linking the 2 industries with our customer.


  • But we're going to have to again have an interest in adapting procurement processes and speed to the kind of speed that the commercial companies are used to.


  • There's an interesting model for this, the intelligence community.


  • There are some budgets that are handled at the DNI level, which have a lot more flexibility than a standard DoD budget line would have.

    有一些預算是在 DNI 級別處理的,它們比標準的國防部預算線具有更大的靈活性。

  • And so that's just 1 idea, but we need to start working with our customer more closely on some of those fast-track kind of initiatives.


  • The next piece of what we're going to do at Lockheed Martin is, we're going to enable eventually all of our major platform programs in aerospace, maritime and land domains to seamlessly connect into this architecture.


  • And then on the customer side, we're going to have to work with them to make sure that they're comfortable using the standards that we come up with and some of the software-defined network protocols that we intend to use.


  • We're going to have to work with them on that.


  • Now why that's important is because currently, the sequential design test paradigm that the Department of Defense uses to develop weapon systems is too perfectionist and too slow to actually do this.


  • And so we want to work with our government customers to use a more rapid development process.


  • So for example, on hypersonics, we're already using it.


  • We look for 80%, 20% kind of splits on success on all the test points and metrics, and we move on to the next test.

    我們在所有測試點和指標上尋找 80% 和 20% 的成功率,然後我們繼續下一個測試。

  • We don't strive for 99% to 100% because that will be too slow to get this done.

    我們不會爭取 99% 到 100%,因為那樣做起來太慢了。

  • So there's a sequential design test paradigm change, frankly, Seth, that we have to work with our customers to achieve there, too.


  • And at the end of all this, why are we doing that?


  • I think at the end of it all, our customers are going to achieve greater returns capability and operational abilities by moving towards this direction.


  • And our shareholders are going to benefit too because we're going to be a stronger and more resilient growth machine and engine for our business.


  • So there's benefits to shareholders, there's benefits to government, and we hope to lead the charge on this.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is from Rob Stallard with Vertical Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Vertical Research 的 Rob Stallard。

  • Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

    Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

  • Jim, there's been some commentary out of Congress over the last month or so about the F-35 and the operating cost of the aircraft.

    吉姆,過去一個月左右,國會對 F-35 和飛機的運營成本發表了一些評論。

  • I was wondering if you can give us your perspectives on this issues?


  • And what the obstacles could be to getting this operating cost down to an agreeable level?


  • James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

    James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Sure.


  • So what I'll start with as and ex Air Force pilot and having spoken to Israeli pilots, and our own test pilots here at Lockheed Martin, and also those in serving in the military today in the United States.


  • This aircraft is the most capable fighter plane ever developed in history.


  • It's got a lot of leading-edge technology with it.


  • Just the propulsion system alone integrated with the stealth technology is pretty groundbreaking.


  • It enables this airplane to do things that no other one can do and survive in the process of that.


  • The other piece of it is Lockheed Martin was the ahead of even my thinking in making sure that the F-35 would be ultimately a hybrid base station or a mobile compute node for the battlefield.

    另一部分是洛克希德·馬丁公司在確保 F-35 最終成為戰場上的混合基站或移動計算節點方面甚至領先於我的想法。

  • And so we've got the sensor capability, the computer processing power and the communication linkages from that airplane to the network.


  • Again, that makes the airplane much more than just a single-purpose fighter.


  • So having said all that, it's an expensive machine.


  • And it's expensive to maintain in large part because of the stealth technology that's more advanced than anyone else.


  • Having said all that, we are working on all 3 dimensions of affordability with the customer very closely, myself included.

    說了這麼多,我們正在與客戶(包括我自己)密切合作,研究可負擔性的所有 3 個方面。

  • And that is on production, where we've already achieved -- the company has already achieved the goal of $80 million F-35A, and we're $1million or $2 million below that these days.

    那是在生產上,我們已經實現了——公司已經實現了 8000 萬美元 F-35A 的目標,而現在我們比這個目標低 100 萬美元或 200 萬美元。

  • So production is in good shape.


  • We're going to keep working on it.


  • For modernization, this airplane, because of this evolving threat and the speed of which that's happening, is going to have to continually modernize.


  • And if we can employ some of these commercial technology practices into our own modernization program, we'll be able to get some efficiencies out of that.


  • And then sustainment is also a key.


  • And what we need to do is have a joint strategy and develop it with our joint program office and our services through the end customers that have to actually fix this aircraft and maintain it in the field.


  • To get the optimal sustainment strategy, the right level of funding for spare parts, et cetera, and really clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the depot system, for frontline maintenance and for the OEM and our supply chain.


  • I think that's a very doable thing, and we're embarking on that led by the joint program office and the service team.


  • So I think we're going to address all 3 dimensions.


  • And that the goals that the government has put in place for us at $25,000 a flight hour, if we work with them in tandem is achievable.

    如果我們與他們合作,政府為我們制定的每小時飛行 25,000 美元的目標是可以實現的。

  • Operator


  • And next, we'll go to Peter Arment with Baird.


  • Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

    Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

  • Ken, maybe just a high level one on the backlog, your target, I think, of $150 billion in 2021.

    肯,也許只是積壓的高級別人員,我認為你的目標是 2021 年 1500 億美元。

  • Maybe if you could just walk us through some of the key moving pieces that you think that are going to allow you to get there?


  • And anything to call out on the international front?


  • And just, Jim, related to that, if you could also just comment if you're seeing any kind of changes in the new administration on the international award front?


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • So yes, from an order standpoint, you're right, Peter.


  • We think if you look book-to-bill, it will be by the end of the year, it will be above 1, and we should be close to about $150 billion.

    我們認為,如果您按賬面計算,到今年年底,將超過 1,我們應該接近 1500 億美元。

  • A couple of the key awards that will get us going forward.


  • There's a variety of F-35 orders.

    有各種各樣的 F-35 訂單。

  • I'd say probably the one worth highlighting or the 2 worth highlighting is, if you recall, Lot 15 for F-35, we deferred the booking of that last year, and we moved that into this year.

    如果您還記得的話,我想說的是,如果您還記得,F-35 的 Lot 15 可能是值得強調的一個或 2 個值得強調的地方,我們去年推遲了它的預訂,我們把它移到了今年。

  • That's a big order.


  • And in there, There is -- just sticking with the international theme, there is a good size of not just U.S. airplanes, but also partner countries and FMS countries.

    在那裡,有 - 只是堅持國際主題,不僅有美國飛機,還有夥伴國家和 FMS 國家。

  • The other big F-35 order, which is in the fourth quarter, would be Lot 16 production.

    第四季度的另一大 F-35 訂單將是第 16 批生產。

  • And think of that as just ballpark $9 billion.

    並認為這只是大約 90 億美元。

  • And similar to Lot 15, it's got U.S. airplanes, it's got partner airplanes and FMS airplanes.

    與 Lot 15 類似,它有美國飛機、合作夥伴飛機和 FMS 飛機。

  • In fact, when you start getting out into that time period, the partner in FMS percentage of aircraft that starts getting close to roughly 50%.

    事實上,當你開始進入那個時間段時,FMS 中的合作夥伴開始接近大約 50% 的飛機百分比。

  • And we - so we still see continued demand there.

    而且我們 - 所以我們仍然看到那裡的持續需求。

  • We have a handful of other international aeronautics orders out there.


  • There's a few F-16 orders.

    有一些 F-16 訂單。

  • There's a few C-130 orders.

    有一些 C-130 訂單。

  • Another key one will be the next tranche of CH-53K, that's Lot 5, we're expecting that order this year.

    另一個關鍵將是下一批 CH-53K,即第 5 批,我們預計今年會收到該訂單。

  • There's a bunch of PAC-3, fiscal year buys that we're expecting this year.

    我們預計今年會有一堆 PAC-3,財政年度的購買。

  • There is a reasonable size span order for the Space business, which is Australia.


  • There's a few special programs out of space.


  • So I would say we are extremely comfortable with our orders profile.


  • I would say the only one that possibly could move out to the right would be the Lot 16 production order.

    我想說唯一可能向右移動的是第 16 批生產訂單。

  • And again, that will just be timing, the joint program office, and us get alignment on pricing.


  • And in fact, just -- I'll just bring up the point.

    事實上,只是 - 我會提出這一點。

  • I'm sure someone's going to want to talk about the pension change.


  • But one of the rationale for us to quickly declare why we're going to implement the CAS adoption to 2022 was for us to get that into our forward-pricing rates into 2022 and beyond.

    但是,我們迅速宣佈為什麼要在 2022 年實施 CAS 的理由之一是讓我們將其納入到 2022 年及以後的遠期定價中。

  • Because in fairness to our customers, they're not going to conclude negotiations with us until we push that down to the -- that benefit down to the business areas and into their forward pricing rate.

    因為為了對我們的客戶公平起見,他們不會與我們結束談判,直到我們將其推到 - 這對業務領域有利並進入他們的遠期定價率。

  • So that was one of the key reasons we made that declaration now, and started in 2022 because that will help with the Lot 15 negotiations that are going on now and many other large negotiations we have going on now.

    因此,這是我們現在做出該聲明並於 2022 年開始的關鍵原因之一,因為這將有助於目前正在進行的 Lot 15 談判以及我們正在進行的許多其他大型談判。

  • James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

    James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

  • And Peter, it's Jim.


  • When it comes to the current administration's approach to international defense.


  • I think there's really 4 important points to make.

    我認為有 4 點很重要。

  • One is The Biden administration it clearly recognizes that we're all in the era of this resurgent great power competition and regional disruptive powers that are out there as well like Iran and North Korea.


  • That's a world that's not going to get any more peaceful anytime soon, most likely.


  • And so strong national defense is a priority of the administration, I believe, based on their own statements.


  • Secondly, the Biden administration is reinforced and elevated the criticality of alliances to actually meet this kind of situation.


  • And that again is a positive for international defense cooperation.


  • The third item that I note is that there's a very experienced and capable foreign policy national security cadre of leaders, lifetime professionals, many of them in this space, and they know exactly what they're dealing with and how to make it work.


  • And then fourth, yes, there's going to be some process alignment between the White House, the Department of the State, Department of Defense and Congress on how to actually conduct all of this.


  • But I do see strong opportunities going forward under this administration for international defense cooperation, and that would benefit Lockheed Martin I expect.


  • Operator


  • And next, we'll go to George Shapiro with Shapiro Research.

    接下來,我們將與 Shapiro Research 一起前往 George Shapiro。

  • George D. Shapiro - CEO and Managing Partner

    George D. Shapiro - CEO and Managing Partner

  • Ken, I wanted to pursue Aeronautics a little bit?


  • I mean sales were flat in the quarter.


  • How much of that was due to having 1 less week in the quarter?

    其中有多少是由於本季度少了 1 週?

  • Deliveries were like 17 versus 22 for the F-35, and you lost some revenues from taking the development contract down.

    F-35 的交付量是 17 比 22,並且您因取消開發合同而損失了一些收入。

  • So do we make up the shortage of revenues in the fourth quarter when we pick up the week?


  • And if you could just get into a little bit more of the detail like I was just asking.


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • Sure, George.


  • Yes.


  • The main driver of why Aeronautics was flat, frankly, was -- and this is non-COVID related.

    坦率地說,Aeronautics 持平的主要原因是——這與 COVID 無關。

  • We had a sizable couple of hundred million dollar vendor invoice that we anticipated to hit in the first quarter.


  • George, that actually hit -- it hit already, so it hit in the month of April.


  • So it was just -- that was a timing event.

    所以這只是 - 那是一個時間事件。

  • So I'm not so certain 12 weeks versus 14 weeks is going to have that much of an impact.

    所以我不太確定 12 週與 14 周是否會產生如此大的影響。

  • That was really more of a delay in the invoice from the first quarter to the second quarter.


  • But just to give you a little color, in the first quarter.


  • Basically, F-35 was generally down and that's mainly due to development being down.

    基本上,F-35 普遍下降,這主要是由於發展下降。

  • I'd say production on the whole was relatively flat, and sustainment was up modestly.


  • And then to your point, we're going to continue to see momentum in the quarter -- in the upcoming quarters.

    然後就您的觀點而言,我們將在本季度繼續看到勢頭 - 在即將到來的幾個季度。

  • And new fact, to your point, the largest quarter for Aeronautics is the fourth quarter.


  • So yes, you will see some of that continue going into the fourth quarter.


  • So I think it's fair just to say it was the the vendor payment slip into the second quarter.


  • Second quarter is a little less than the third and the fourth, but there -- all 3 of them are, I would say, somewhat considerably higher than than our first quarter.

    第二季度略低於第三和第四季度,但在那裡 - 我想說,它們中的所有三個都比我們的第一季度要高得多。

  • So thanks for the question.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from David Strauss with Barclays.


  • David Egon Strauss - Research Analyst

    David Egon Strauss - Research Analyst

  • So in the quarter, Ken, you talked about 10.8% segment margins.

    因此,在本季度,Ken,您談到了 10.8% 的細分市場利潤率。

  • I think a couple of years back, the corporation was doing 12%, north of 12%.

    我認為幾年前,該公司的業績為 12%,超過 12%。

  • So I wanted to ask about how you view the potential opportunity for mix and productivity to improve segment margins in a more difficult budget environment from here?


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • You want to talk about beyond 2021, I assume?

    你想談談 2021 年以後,我猜?

  • David Egon Strauss - Research Analyst

    David Egon Strauss - Research Analyst

  • Exactly.


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • Okay.


  • So Yes, I think it's probably best we go around each of the 4 business areas.

    所以,是的,我認為我們最好繞過 4 個業務領域中的每一個。

  • So if you look at the mix at Aeronautics, F-35 is still going to be a dominant piece of Aeronautics regardless of how quickly the rest of the segments of that business area growing, and I'll get into that in detail.

    因此,如果您看一下航空業的組合,無論該業務領域的其他部分增長多快,F-35 仍將是航空業的主導部分,我將詳細介紹這一點。

  • But so if you just peel the onion on F-35.

    但是,如果您只是在 F-35 上剝洋蔥。

  • Jim mentioned when he answered the sustainability question, if you look at the 3 elements, a nice pleasant surprise for us, which is a good news story is, there is a demand still for added capability, added technology on the airplane that we -- and our partner companies are working on.


  • So we still see development being a decent size, relatively speaking, decent-sized piece of the portfolio.


  • It's going to be cost plus, so dilutive, but we'll take it.


  • which then takes us to production, which is still going to be the lion's share of our -- of that piece of the portfolio.


  • And I've said this before, if we perform on our current contracts as we believe we should be able to -- and we're able to get acceptable deals on our future LRIP.

    我之前說過,如果我們按照我們認為應該能夠的方式履行當前的合同,並且我們能夠就未來的 LRIP 達成可接受的交易。

  • There should be some margin opportunity there.


  • The only thing I'd caution is we're looking at our performance on Lot 12 through 14 now.

    我唯一要提醒的是,我們現在正在查看第 12 到第 14 批的表現。

  • And whether we do a risk retirement later this year, we want to see some more improvement there before we do that.


  • So I think the point I just made is valid that the opportunity is there.


  • We have to perform, and we're just keeping a close eye on that.


  • And then sustainment is going to be the fastest-growing piece of this part of the portfolio, and it'll continue to grow.


  • I mean we're going to continue to stand up bases.


  • We're going to continue need sparing.


  • We will back on the follow-on modernization work we're doing in development.


  • We'll have to retrofit some of those aircraft that are already in the field.


  • But today, they're cost plus and our customers buying on an annual basis, which is the argument Jim made, is inefficient.

    但是今天,它們是成本加成的,我們的客戶按年購買,這是 Jim 提出的論點,效率低下。

  • There's going to have to be -- we believe there's a better way to procure, and that's why we offered that performance-based logistics concept.


  • And we'll see where that goes, if that morphs into something.


  • And if industry is prepared as we are to take on the investment and take on the risk and sign up to a service-level agreement, and we perform, there should be some profit opportunities there.


  • F-16, we've got 128 aircraft in backlog.

    F-16,我們有 128 架飛機積壓。

  • 5 customers.


  • We have -- we see a lot of interest out there internationally from many, many countries.

    我們有 - 我們看到來自許多國家的國際興趣。

  • We're going to deliver 8 aircraft next year.

    明年我們將交付 8 架飛機。

  • And we will, basically, by the middle of this decade, ramp up to about 3, 3.5 airplane deliveries per month.

    基本上,到本十年中期,我們將每月交付大約 3、3.5 架飛機。

  • There should be -- and they're all FMS contracts.

    應該有——而且它們都是 FMS 合同。

  • That's the way the customer is procuring them today.


  • There should be some margin opportunity there for us.


  • And then the last piece of Aeronautics is our Skunk Works.

    最後一件 Aeronautics 是我們的 Skunk Works。

  • And it is our fastest-growing piece of Aeronautics, likely will be in the foreseeable future.


  • But a lot of those contracts are classified, a lot of them are cost plus.


  • Again, maybe margin erosion, but I'll take the top line growth with the added profit any day.


  • So that's Aeronautics.


  • Missiles and Fire Control.


  • I think we have the opportunity to keep the margins where they are today.


  • We do have a little bit of a mix issue.


  • We should continue to see strong demand for PAC-3s into the foreseeable future.

    在可預見的未來,我們應該會繼續看到對 PAC-3 的強勁需求。

  • We're continuing to build out real estate to continue with the needed demand out there.


  • And then the other piece that is going to continue to be quite large and continue to grow is in the classified area, which today is cost plus, will be in the foreseeable future, which will have a dilutive effect on margins, but we'll take that any day.


  • And ultimately, that should morph into production and fixed price and allow us to grow margins there.


  • At RMS, I think it's probably best to talk about Sikorsky.

    在 RMS,我認為最好談談西科斯基。

  • We're starting to see the CH-53K go into production.

    我們開始看到 CH-53K 投入生產。

  • Jim in his prepared comments talked about some of the international opportunities, specifically Israel we have there, which will be a great opportunity for us.


  • A lot of these other helicopter programs are now into production.


  • And then ultimately, we'll have the down-select on FLRAA and FARA and we're bullish on those.

    然後最終,我們將選擇 FLRAA 和 FARA,我們看好這些。

  • And by the end of this decade, it will start -- they'll start out as development programs.


  • By the end of this decade, they'll be in production as well and hopefully see some margin improvements there.


  • And then lastly, space.


  • Space, if it wasn't for AWE, they would be our fastest-growing business area this year at 7%.

    空間,如果不是 AWE,它們將成為我們今年增長最快的業務領域,增長率為 7%。

  • And we should see, with our core Space business, we should continue to see growth there.


  • It will be a mix between cost plus and fixed price.


  • United Launch Alliance is alive and well, and will continue to be, and will give us a nice equity earnings stream.


  • But I see some -- based on where we are today, I see some margin upside there as well based on where they are today.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Rich Safran with Seaport Global Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Seaport Global Securities 的 Rich Safran。

  • Richard Tobie Safran - Research Analyst

    Richard Tobie Safran - Research Analyst

  • So given the accelerated share repurchases, I wanted to ask you again about capital deployment and just how you're thinking about it.


  • Does the accelerated share repurchase incur any change in how you're thinking about the balance between dividends, buybacks and M&A?


  • And on that topic, is there any intent to continue to or make larger investments in businesses and technologies like ABL?

    在這個話題上,是否有繼續或加大對 ABL 等業務和技術的投資的意圖?

  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • Okay.


  • Rich, it's Ken.


  • Hopefully, this will resonate with you, but I think it's a consistent story.


  • First and foremost, we're going to generate as much cash as we can, and that was one of the rationale of why we decided to start deferring our ERISA funding in 2021 from an economic standpoint.

    首先,我們將盡可能多地產生現金,這也是我們決定從經濟角度在 2021 年開始推遲 ERISA 資金的原因之一。

  • That made the most sense.


  • But first and foremost, we're going to invest in our business, whether that's organic or inorganically.


  • We have still some decent-sized capital outlays this year of, rough numbers, about $1.8 billion.

    今年我們仍有一些可觀的資本支出,粗略的數字約為 18 億美元。

  • We're at record levels of IRAD spends this year, and we'll continue to do that.

    今年我們的 IRAD 支出處於創紀錄水平,我們將繼續這樣做。

  • And we'll -- this is -- again, we'll focus on organic.

    我們將 - 這是 - 再次,我們將專注於有機。

  • And then inorganically, in Jim's prepared statements, we talked about Aerojet Rocketdyne.

    然後無機地,在吉姆準備好的陳述中,我們談到了 Aerojet Rocketdyne。

  • That's on track.


  • We just got our second request from the FTC, which is no surprise, nothing has changed.

    我們剛剛收到了 FTC 的第二個請求,這並不奇怪,沒有任何改變。

  • We're still very bullish about that -- for that to come to resolution in the fourth quarter of this year.


  • And then it comes down to the excess cash, what do we do with it?


  • We are focused on our dividend strategy that would be the next in the batting order.


  • We're going to -- in the third quarter, Jim and I will go see the Board with our Treasurer, John Mollard, to make a recommendation on what's the appropriate increase in our dividends.


  • And it should be deemed favorable to our shareholders.


  • And then lastly, it's share buybacks.


  • And frankly, Rich, what we saw in the first quarter where our stock was trading, we thought it was grossly undervalued, and we went into this accelerated share buyback plan and deemed to be very successful.


  • And we will opportunistically, in the next 3 quarters, buy back stock where it makes sense.

    我們將在接下來的 3 個季度中,在有意義的地方回購股票。

  • And think of that as anywhere from $500 million to $1 billion in the next 3 months.

    並將其想像為未來 3 個月從 5 億美元到 10 億美元不等。

  • We have the balance sheet to do everything I just described, and we'll continue evaluating that.


  • And I'll hand it over to Jim to talk about if there's any other investments in -- I think you mentioned ABL and other type opportunities out there.

    我會把它交給吉姆討論是否還有其他投資——我想你提到了 ABL 和其他類型的機會。

  • James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

    James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Yes, Rich.


  • And going back to that overall strategic framework that I outlined earlier.


  • You hear a lot in there about partnering with leading technology companies, leveraging commercial industry research and development investments.


  • They've already made make -- made or are making to reduce our costs that we then transmit to our customer.


  • So we want to use the full range of transactional options with inclusive of our defense industrial-based colleagues that we're used to dealing with, but well beyond that, right?


  • So ABL is more of a kind of a bulk-buy-option type commercial agreement, for example, which is maybe the lowest on the spectrum of what you might do all the way up through partnerships, which are like-for-like contributions, the joint ventures, which are actual equity agreements with different companies like we have with ULA, for example.

    因此,ABL 更像是一種批量購買期權類型的商業協議,例如,這可能是您通過夥伴關係一直以來所做的事情中最低的,這是類似的貢獻,例如,合資企業是與不同公司的實際股權協議,例如我們與 ULA 之間的協議。

  • And then full on acquisitions like Aerojet Rocketdyne or i3, which is a smaller tech company that we bought last year.

    然後全力收購 Aerojet Rocketdyne 或 i3,這是我們去年收購的一家規模較小的科技公司。

  • So we're going to use that full range of transactional options to pursue the strategy that I talked about.


  • So you'll see us be, I think, a little more creative at times a more open aperture.


  • But it will be thoughtful, it will all fit within the batting order that Ken just described.


  • But we're going to make sure that we're being widely viewing the options so that we can take advantage of cost reduction, of R&D that's already been made in other sectors or of other business models.


  • So just one last point on this.


  • Someone that's already going to invest in low-earth orbit at scale production for commercial uses, well, maybe we could tap into some of that -- their production for military and defense uses.


  • And again, let them do the CapEx investment, and we'll just commercially buy off what we need from them, which is similar to ABLs agreement.

    再一次,讓他們進行資本支出投資,我們將在商業上從他們那裡購買我們需要的東西,這類似於 ABL 協議。

  • Operator


  • And our next question is from Kristine Liwag with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Kristine Liwag。

  • Kristine Tan Liwag - Equity Analyst

    Kristine Tan Liwag - Equity Analyst

  • How has the relationship with ABL evolved initially investing in the company?

    最初投資該公司時,與 ABL 的關係如何發展?

  • And also, what does an exit of an investment look like at LM Ventures?

    此外,LM Ventures 的投資退出是什麼樣的?

  • Will you eventually acquire them, sell your stake or IPO?


  • How do you look at that?


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • Kristine, it's Ken.


  • We really didn't make an investment in ABL.

    我們真的沒有對 ABL 進行投資。

  • What we basically agreed to is to commit to a range of launch vehicles.


  • And think of this for lower-level satellites that don't require the horsepower of, say, our United Launch Alliance.


  • The only investment we do have is it's in our Ventures group.


  • And think of that as this is more for the technology that they bring to make our products better.


  • And it's a relatively modest -- that's a relatively modest investment.


  • So I'm not sure I would look at it as something that -- from an acquisition standpoint.


  • And the question you asked for when do we look at getting out of those type investments?


  • So we did -- as you heard, we did have some investments that actually went public, that allowed us to make a gain.


  • Some of those are SPACs, which we're going to be required to hold, and then we'll make a determination whether it makes sense for Lockheed Martin to get out of those ventures, but then to continue to utilize that technology.


  • And just as an example, ABL, we would do something very similar.


  • And again, I'm not suggesting that whether they're public or not.


  • We would just make a determination when it makes sense for that modest investment in them that we have, whether it makes sense for us to get out or not and just continue to utilize their technologies.


  • Greg Gardner - VP of IR

    Greg Gardner - VP of IR

  • Jon, this is Greg.


  • I think we have time for 1 more.

    我想我們還有時間再做 1 個。

  • Operator


  • And that will be from Ron Epstein with Bank of America.


  • Ronald Jay Epstein - Industry Analyst

    Ronald Jay Epstein - Industry Analyst

  • So help me think about this.


  • In the quarter, right, F-35 volume was down, and F-22 volume was down.

    在本季度,右側,F-35 的銷量下降,F-22 的銷量下降。

  • And I think about those as kind of the underlying foundation of the company.


  • How can we get comfortable that, that's not going to be a trend that -- I mean that growth engine is still healthy in there.


  • Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

    Kenneth R. Possenriede - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Sure.


  • I'll take that, Ron.


  • I think a little bit goes back to what George was asking me in terms of the first quarter versus the rest of it.


  • So I would say on production, we're down -- it's -- I'm going to call it flat, Ron, just because it's down year-over-year, $25 million.

    所以我會說,在生產方面,我們下降了 - 這是 - 我將稱之為持平,羅恩,只是因為它同比下降了 2500 萬美元。

  • But what we're basically looking at on development on the whole -- and this goes back to the earlier conversation, this in some ways is -- for Lockheed Martin is a good problem to have.


  • We continue to have that demand out there for increasing technology, but I don't see development growing.


  • So let's, for year-over-year, call it, flat.


  • Production just based on -- if you think about production revenues.

    生產僅基於 - 如果您考慮生產收入。

  • It's really not for the -- for the most part, it's really not for the deliveries we're making this year, which are Lot 12 and Lot 13.

    這真的不是為了——在大多數情況下,這真的不是為了我們今年的交付,即 Lot 12 和 Lot 13。

  • It's really for the deliveries we're making next year.


  • We're building those aircraft out now for next year.


  • And then we're doing the buy ahead, if you will, for the following year.


  • That's generally where the sales are coming for, for this year.


  • And we're fairly confident -- we're very confident, I should say, in the stream, in the flow of what's going on.


  • So think of production is going to grow this year low single digits.


  • And I've been relaying that, that sales are going to continue to grow at a relatively slow pace for production.


  • The growth is in sustainment.


  • And in the quarter, we did see growth in sustainment, and we will see growth for the year in the -- close to the almost 10% range.

    在本季度,我們確實看到了可持續性的增長,我們將看到今年的增長 - 接近近 10% 的範圍。

  • So I don't think that's a concern.


  • I think F-22 -- I'm not sure you called that the linchpin or the bedrock of the business area.

    我認為 F-22——我不確定你是否稱其為關鍵或業務領域的基石。

  • I'd say, Ron, relatively speaking, F-16 is almost double the size of F-22.

    我想說,羅恩,相對而言,F-16 的體積幾乎是 F-22 的兩倍。

  • I think that's more of the parameter where the rest of Aeronautics is going, including the Skunk Works.


  • I would say F-22 is going to continue to be flat and declining as well C-130, and the pleasant surprise on C-130 is, it's not declining as quickly as we thought it was because the team has done a nice job of getting congressional adds from the United States government and international customers for that great workhorse.

    我會說 F-22 將繼續持平,C-130 也將繼續下降,而 C-130 令人驚喜的是,它並沒有像我們想像的那樣迅速下降,因為團隊做得很好從美國政府和國際客戶那裡獲得國會對這台偉大的主力的補充。

  • And that's going to be flat over time.


  • So I'd say your big drivers going forward for growth at Aeronautics will be sustainment on F-35, F-16 and then the Skunk Works and then the bedrock, if you will, will be the modest growth that we're going to have going forward on production.

    所以我想說你在航空業發展的主要驅動力將是維持 F-35、F-16 和臭鼬工廠,然後是基石,如果你願意的話,將是我們將要實現的適度增長生產上有進展。

  • Greg Gardner - VP of IR

    Greg Gardner - VP of IR

  • Jon, this is Greg.


  • I think we've come up on the top of the hour here, so I will turn it back over to Jim for some final thoughts.

    我想我們已經趕上時間了,所以我會把它交給 Jim 來做最後的思考。

  • James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

    James D. Taiclet - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Lockheed Martin had a strong first quarter, delivering outstanding performance operationally for our customers, providing continued growth and value for you, the stockholders, too.


  • And I want to just close by reiterating my thanks to the Lockheed Martin team for their dedication and commitment to excellence during a difficult time for everyone.


  • And thank you again for joining us on the call today.


  • We look forward to speaking with you on our next earnings call in July.

    我們期待在 7 月的下一次財報電話會議上與您交談。

  • And that concludes the call for today.


  • Thanks again, everybody.
