福特汽車 (F) 2020 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen.


  • My name is Holly, and I'll be your conference operator today.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome you to the Ford Motor Company Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Earnings Conference Call.

    在這個時候,我想歡迎您參加福特汽車公司 2020 年第四季度和全年收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • At this time, I would like to turn the call over to Lynn Antipas Tyson, Executive Director of Investor Relations.

    此時,我想將電話轉給投資者關係執行董事 Lynn Antipas Tyson。

  • Please go ahead.


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • Lynn, you're on mute.


  • If you can unmute.


  • Thanks.


  • Lynn Antipas Tyson - Executive Director of IR

    Lynn Antipas Tyson - Executive Director of IR

  • Thank you.


  • Presenting today are Jim Farley, our President and CEO; and John Lawler, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天的演講嘉賓是我們的總裁兼首席執行官 Jim Farley;和我們的首席財務官 John Lawler。

  • Also joining us for Q&A is Marion Harris, CEO of Ford Credit.

    Ford Credit 首席執行官 Marion Harris 也加入了我們的問答環節。

  • Jim will make opening comments, John will talk about our fourth quarter and full year results and then we'll turn to Q&A.

    Jim 將發表開場白,John 將談論我們的第四季度和全年業績,然後我們將轉向問答環節。

  • Today's discussion will include some non-GAAP references.

    今天的討論將包括一些非 GAAP 參考。

  • These are reconciled to the most comparable U.S. GAAP measures in the appendix of our earnings deck, which can be found along with the rest of our earnings materials at shareholder.ford.com.

    這些與我們收益甲板附錄中最具可比性的美國公認會計原則措施相一致,可在股東.ford.com 上與我們的其他收益材料一起找到。

  • Today's discussion includes forward-looking statements about our expectations.


  • Actual results may differ from those stated.


  • The most significant factors that could cause actual results to differ are included on Slide 30.

    可能導致實際結果不同的最重要因素包含在幻燈片 30 中。

  • Unless otherwise noted, all comparisons are year-over-year.


  • Company EBIT, EPS and free cash flow are on an adjusted basis, and product mix is volume weighted.


  • A quick update on our upcoming IR events.

    我們即將舉行的 IR 活動的快速更新。

  • On Tuesday, February 9, JPMorgan will host our pre -- post-earnings fireside chat featuring Hau Thai-Tang, Chief Product Platform and Operations Officer; and John Lawler.

    2 月 9 日,星期二,摩根大通將主持我們的財報前和財報後爐邊談話,由首席產品平台和運營官 Hau Thai-Tang 主持;和約翰勞勒。

  • On February 24, Jim Farley will keynote at the Wolfe Global Auto Tech and Mobility Conference.

    2 月 24 日,Jim Farley 將在 Wolfe 全球汽車技術和移動會議上發表主題演講。

  • On February 25, Bob Holycross, Vice President of Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering, will speak at RBC's inaugural ESG Conference, highlighting how our achievements in sustainability will benefit our customers, the planet and create a competitive advantage.

    2 月 25 日,可持續發展、環境和安全工程副總裁 Bob Holycross 將在 RBC 的首屆 ESG 會議上發言,強調我們在可持續發展方面的成就將如何造福於我們的客戶、地球並創造競爭優勢。

  • On March 10, Stuart Rowley, President of Ford Europe; and Hans Schep, General Manager, Commercial Vehicles for Ford Europe, will participate in the Jefferies Auto Conference.

    3月10日,福特歐洲總裁Stuart Rowley;福特歐洲商用車總經理 Hans Schep 將參加傑富瑞汽車大會。

  • And on March 23, Bob Holycross will speak about clean technology at JPMorgan's Global ESG Conference.

    3 月 23 日,Bob Holycross 將在摩根大通的全球 ESG 會議上談論清潔技術。

  • Lastly, we continue to target late spring for our Capital Markets Day, and we'll provide more details on that later.


  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to Jim Farley.

    現在我想把電話轉給 Jim Farley。

  • Jim?


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Lynn.


  • And thanks, everyone, for joining us today.


  • Last year was like no other with COVID dramatically and often tragically affecting all of us.

    去年與以往不同的是,COVID 對我們所有人產生了巨大而悲慘的影響。

  • But tough times can bring out the best in people and, boy, was that true at Ford.


  • I'm really proud of how our people mobilized with speed and resolve to respond to this crisis.


  • We harnessed our capabilities, and we developed a lot of new ones.


  • Our team members put others above themselves in both returning to work but also to make life-saving equipment.


  • And I'd like to share just a few highlights of our pandemic response, including our new Finish Strong initiative to help limit the spread of the virus and save as many lives as possible until this pandemic is under control.

    我想分享一下我們應對大流行病的一些亮點,包括我們新的 Finish Strong 倡議,以幫助限制病毒的傳播並儘可能多地挽救生命,直到這場大流行得到控制。

  • To date, Ford has manufactured 55 million medical-grade masks.

    迄今為止,福特已經生產了 5500 萬個醫用級口罩。

  • And by midyear, we will have donated 100 million masks.

    到年中,我們將捐贈 1 億個口罩。

  • In partnership with UAW, we've also produced 20 million face shields, 50,000 patient ventilators, more than 32,000 powered respirators in collaboration with 3M and 1.4 million washable isolation gowns.

    與 UAW 合作,我們還與 3M 合作生產了 2000 萬個面罩、50,000 台患者呼吸機、32,000 多台動力呼吸器和 140 萬件可清洗隔離衣。

  • More to the point of today's call, we relied on the same grit and resourcefulness to deliver a very strong year financially under difficult circumstances.


  • We improved our execution while putting in place a specific and compelling plan, backed by some important early actions that are transforming Ford into a far stronger company, a company that competes and wins on behalf of our customers and other stakeholders in this exciting new landscape, which will be defined by electrification and connected customer experiences.


  • After safely and smoothly restarting our manufacturing production in May, following last year's shutdown, we sharply rebounded in the second half of the year as we rebuilt our inventories to meet strong pent-up demand.

    繼去年的停產後,我們在 5 月份安全、順利地重新啟動了製造生產,在我們重建庫存以滿足被壓抑的強勁需求的同時,我們在下半年大幅反彈。

  • In fact, we more than doubled our second half adjusted EBIT from the year before, yielding a 7.3% adjusted EBIT margin.

    事實上,我們下半年調整後的息稅前利潤比去年增加了一倍多,調整後的息稅前利潤率為 7.3%。

  • In the fourth quarter, we successfully launched 3 incredibly important vehicles that exemplify our new Ford and our direction.

    在第四季度,我們成功推出了 3 款非常重要的車輛,這些車輛體現了我們的新福特和我們的方向。

  • Our first all-electric Mustang Mach-E, which we and, more importantly, others believe is the first credible mass-marketed competitor to Tesla.

    我們的第一款全電動 Mustang Mach-E,我們,更重要的是,其他人認為它是特斯拉第一個可靠的大眾市場競爭對手。

  • And the F-150, the 2021 F-150, America's favorite vehicle, it's now connected.

    F-150,即 2021 年的 F-150,美國最喜歡的車輛,現在已經聯網。

  • You can sleep in it.


  • You can work in it.


  • It's incredibly capable, and it is such a fantastic product.


  • And the Bronco Sport, the first member of our reimagined legendary Bronco brand, which has generated as much excitement as anything to come out of Detroit in my career.

    還有 Bronco Sport,它是我們重新構想的傳奇 Bronco 品牌的第一個成員,在我的職業生涯中,它給底特律帶來了不亞於任何事物的興奮。

  • Now as we recap last year's results and discuss expectations for this year and beyond, I want to underscore that everything we do is in service of our plan.


  • Simply put, we're seeing real improvements in our core automotive business, and we are laser-focused on further progress this year.


  • Now this includes growing the company, generating consistently strong free cash flow for our core automotive business as well as Ford Credit.


  • We will allocate that capital to its best and highest uses for creating sustained value, to achieve that we are competing like a challenger now, earning customers and must-have products and services and rewarding customer experiences.


  • We're moving with urgency to deliver leading quality, reducing our costs and restructuring underperforming businesses.


  • We will start to grow again, but most importantly, in the right areas, allocating more capital, resources and talent to take advantage of our strength in pickups, commercial vehicles and utilities; being a leader in the electric vehicle revolution around the world, where we have strength, but also where we have scale; expanding our leading commercial vehicle business with a suite of software services that earns loyalty and generates reoccurring revenue and incubating, then scaling, then integrating new businesses, some of them enabled by Argo AI's world-class self-driving system.

    我們將再次開始增長,但最重要的是,在正確的領域,分配更多的資金、資源和人才,以利用我們在皮卡、商用車和公用事業方面的優勢;成為全球電動汽車革命的領導者,我們有實力,也有規模;通過一套軟件服務擴展我們領先的商用車業務,這些服務可以贏得忠誠度並產生經常性收入,並孵化、擴展、整合新業務,其中一些由 Argo AI 的世界級自動駕駛系統提供支持。

  • Today, I'll touch on a few of our planned highlights with emphasis on capital allocation, electrification and connectivity.


  • Back in 2017, vehicle lines that accounted for just 60% of our company's revenue generated 150% of our EBIT, and most of the vehicles generating that EBIT earned a multiple of the cost of capital.

    早在 2017 年,僅占我們公司收入 60% 的車輛生產線就產生了 150% 的息稅前利潤,而產生該息稅前利潤的大多數車輛賺取了資本成本的倍數。

  • This imbalance was simply not sustainable, and we immediately began reshaping and rebalancing our business.


  • We allocated capital to our strengths.


  • We jettisoned underperforming assets.


  • We created a more focused portfolio and built the financial flexibility to unleash significant untapped value at Ford.


  • We've already made a tremendous progress.


  • Through last year, we've invested $7.1 billion in EBIT and $1.6 billion in cash in our global redesign, reshaping our portfolio, our geographic footprint and our industry footprint.

    去年,我們在 EBIT 上投資了 71 億美元,在全球重新設計中投資了 16 億美元,重塑了我們的投資組合、地理足跡和行業足跡。

  • In the first phase of redesign in Europe, for example, we prioritized profitable growth in commercial vehicles, where Ford is the #1 vehicle brand in the region, but also a smaller, more targeted portfolio of passenger cars in the strongest segments and exciting imports like Mustang and Edge that build our brand and make a solid return.

    例如,在歐洲重新設計的第一階段,我們優先考慮商用車的盈利增長,其中福特是該地區排名第一的汽車品牌,但在最強勁的細分市場和令人興奮的進口中,我們也有更小、更有針對性的乘用車組合像 Mustang 和 Edge,它們建立了我們的品牌並獲得了豐厚的回報。

  • We shrunk our manufacturing footprint in Europe.


  • We've reduced regional headcount by 20%.

    我們已將區域員工人數減少了 20%。

  • We lowered our annual structure cost by $1.1 billion through last year.

    到去年為止,我們將年度結構成本降低了 11 億美元。

  • And in the fourth quarter, Europe delivered its strongest quarterly profit in more than 4 years, achieving an EBIT margin of 5.8%.

    在第四季度,歐洲實現了 4 年多來最強勁的季度利潤,息稅前利潤率達到 5.8%。

  • Let's turn to South America.


  • We've lost more than $4.5 billion over the last decade in South America, not acceptable.

    過去十年,我們在南美損失了超過 45 億美元,這是不可接受的。

  • In 2020, we exited our non-core heavy truck business in the region.

    2020 年,我們退出了該地區的非核心重卡業務。

  • We discontinued focus on Fiesta.


  • And we further reduced headcount, in fact, by more than 40% through the end of last year.

    事實上,到去年年底,我們進一步減少了 40% 以上的員工人數。

  • And with these actions, last year, we posted the smallest loss in South America since 2013.

    通過這些行動,去年我們在南美髮布了自 2013 年以來的最小虧損。

  • And then in early January, we went further.


  • As Ford Brazil announced, it would end production and close 3 facilities, that decision will derisk our business by concentrating it on a more profitable asset-light model on our industry-leading Ranger pickup trucks, our Transit commercial vehicles and key imports.

    正如福特巴西公司宣布的那樣,它將停止生產並關閉 3 家工廠,該決定將通過專注於我們行業領先的 Ranger 皮卡車、我們的 Transit 商用車和主要進口產品的更有利可圖的輕資產模型來降低我們的業務風險。

  • We remain committed to serving our customers in Brazil and South America, but now with the portfolio of exciting, connected and increasingly electrified SUVs, pickups, including this amazing new Ranger and commercial vehicles, sourced in Argentina and Uruguay and other markets.

    我們仍然致力於為巴西和南美的客戶提供服務,但現在擁有令人興奮、互聯且日益電氣化的 SUV、皮卡產品組合,包括這款令人驚嘆的新型 Ranger 和商用車,採購於阿根廷、烏拉圭和其他市場。

  • Now we didn't take these actions lightly.


  • And Ford is working with all of our stakeholders in Brazil to mitigate the impacts of these decisions.


  • At the same time, we know they were right and necessary.


  • And we're optimistic about our new business model for South America.


  • Now before John walks through the last year's results and how we see 2021, I want to update you on Ford's connectivity and electrification plans.

    現在,在約翰介紹去年的結果以及我們如何看待 2021 年之前,我想向您介紹福特的連通性和電氣化計劃。

  • 2021 is a strategic inflection point for Ford.


  • We have hundreds of thousands of fully network vehicles now in the field.


  • And now we're seeing the evolving institutional capability inside Ford to leverage that data, streaming off those vehicles and also use our over-the-air updates to improve quality and revolutionize the Ford customer experience and, importantly, that means commercial vehicles too and customers.


  • We have more than 100,000 subscribers to our telematics and commercial vehicle software business, we call Ford Commercial Services, and we are just starting.

    我們的遠程信息處理和商用車軟件業務擁有超過 100,000 名訂戶,我們稱之為福特商業服務,而我們才剛剛起步。

  • Ford's development and delivery of connected vehicles will be enhanced by a new 6-year partnership with Google that we announced earlier this week.

    我們本週早些時候宣布與 Google 建立新的 6 年合作夥伴關係,這將加強福特的聯網汽車開發和交付。

  • The 2 companies are establishing a collaborative group that we call Team Upshift to not only unlock personal consumer experiences but to create and make the most of data-driven opportunities in our industrial system.

    這兩家公司正在建立一個我們稱之為 Team Upshift 的協作小組,不僅要解鎖個人消費者體驗,還要在我們的工業系統中創造和充分利用數據驅動的機會。

  • The partnership will greatly enhance the Ford team's ability to innovate and deliver a consistent world-class consumer experience and as well provide Ford with a powerful technology and tools to modernize our manufacturing, our supply chain management and speed of our implementation of the data-driven business models and innovation across our whole company.


  • Now as I said a few minutes ago and many times before, Ford will be a leader in electric vehicle revolution around the world.


  • We will do this in areas where we have strength and great scale.


  • It's early in the transition, but the trend is clear.


  • We watched 1 out of 10 vehicles sold in Europe in December be pure electric.

    我們觀察到 12 月在歐洲銷售的 10 輛汽車中就有 1 輛是純電動汽車。

  • EV sales in China continue to grow, and the reality is that customers, including in the U.S., are increasingly giving e-mobility greater consideration.


  • We have no intention to cede ground to others in vehicle segments where Ford is the established leader.


  • We are rapidly building on our electric vehicle plans and building out our manufacturing and our R&D capabilities.


  • We're also increasing financial flexibility so we can accelerate and flex to keep pace with the evolving EV needs of our customers.


  • Now the Mustang Mach-E, our first dedicated BEV platform, which last month was named North America Utility of the Year, embodies how we lead in electric vehicles.

    現在,我們的第一個專用 BEV 平台 Mustang Mach-E 上個月被評為北美年度公用事業,體現了我們在電動汽車領域的領先地位。

  • It's on sale now.


  • It has stunning design.


  • It is a fully connected and ready for the over-the-air updates with a tremendous technology experience.


  • It's delivering high-quality, exceptional performance at a price in the mid-30s.

    它以 30 年代中期的價格提供高質量、卓越的性能。

  • It's a fantastic vehicle, which also happens to be a full battery electric.


  • And there are many more dedicated BEVs like this one that are coming in.

    還有更多像這樣的專用 BEV 即將問世。

  • As you know, Ford is a global leader in commercial vehicles, and we're on the leading edge of the electric revolution there, too.


  • We are the first company to announce plans for an all-electric van and an all-electric pickup truck.


  • With the E-Transit coming later this year, it has 3 different lengths, 3 different heights.

    隨著今年晚些時候推出的 E-Transit,它有 3 種不同的長度、3 種不同的高度。

  • We have a van, a stripped chassis and a cutaway, and there's more coming on E-Transit.

    我們有一輛麵包車,一個剝離的底盤和一個剖面圖,還有更多的 E-Transit 即將推出。

  • And then we're going to launch the BEV F-150 in the middle part of next year.

    然後我們將在明年年中推出 BEV F-150。

  • In a recent study by Cox Automotive, they showed that the all-electric F-150 was the highest consideration rate and is the most appealing among major EV pickups that are coming to the market.

    在 Cox Automotive 最近的一項研究中,他們表明全電動 F-150 是考慮率最高的車型,也是即將上市的主要 EV 皮卡中最具吸引力的車型。

  • Our successful Ford Transit franchise is a critical pillar of our electrification plan.


  • We understand the needs of these customers.


  • We're going to offer a wide variety of configurations that I mentioned.


  • And we are developing not just the vehicles, but a whole suite of connected vehicles to serve them -- connect to services.


  • For instance, we know from our leadership position that the average daily route driven in a Transit is 74 miles.

    例如,根據我們的領導地位,我們知道乘坐 Transit 的平均每日路線為 74 英里。

  • And they do not overbuy batteries.


  • We validated that with over 30 million miles of telemetry data from our Ford customers.

    我們通過來自福特客戶的超過 3000 萬英里的遙測數據驗證了這一點。

  • Now with that data, we can forecast and optimize the battery life and provide over-the-air alerts, so when the vehicle needs service before anything fails for 100% uptime, we can do that, that van stays on the road, working, where it belongs.

    現在有了這些數據,我們可以預測和優化電池壽命並提供無線警報,因此當車輛需要維修以確保 100% 正常運行時間之前,我們可以做到這一點,讓貨車保持在路上,工作,它所屬的地方。

  • Those are just 2 of dozens of examples of how we're employing and using data to help our commercial customers be safe and more efficient and to make more money, while at the same time creating an incredibly competitive advantage for Ford.


  • The value proposition for our customers extends to customizing vehicle's interiors, digital experiences, ease service networks, to maximize uptime and lower their operating cost.


  • These are very sticky, annuity-like capabilities that remove pain points and create opportunities for our customers.


  • No commercial vehicle provider is better positioned than Ford to innovate and introduce services like these at scale.


  • We are accelerating our plans right now, breaking constraints, increasing battery capacity, improving our costs and getting more battery electrics into our cycle plan.


  • We are now planned to invest at least $22 billion in electrification in the next few years through 2025, and that's just electrification.

    我們現在計劃在未來幾年到 2025 年至少投資 220 億美元用於電氣化,而這只是電氣化。

  • When you include the spending on autonomous driving, our total commitment is at least $29 billion.

    如果包括自動駕駛方面的支出,我們的總承諾至少為 290 億美元。

  • The majority of our investment in electrification supports a widening portfolio of BEVs on platforms from both Ford and alliance partners.

    我們在電氣化方面的大部分投資支持福特和聯盟合作夥伴平台上不斷擴大的 BEV 產品組合。

  • This electrification number does not even include the potential, of course, for vertical integration of battery production, whether alone or in a JV.


  • As the size of our ICE manufacturing footprint decreases, the scope of our dedicated global BEV manufacturing capacity is now growing.

    隨著我們 ICE 製造規模的縮小,我們專門的全球 BEV 製造能力的範圍正在擴大。

  • So far, we're busy, and we're included a whole new facility in Dearborn at the Rouge to make the electric F-150.

    到目前為止,我們很忙,我們在迪爾伯恩的胭脂區建立了一個全新的工廠來生產電動 F-150。

  • We're building the Kansas City facility for the E-Transit; Oakville, Canada for several battery electric SUVs; and in China and Cuautitlan, Mexico for the Mach-E.

    我們正在為 E-Transit 建造堪薩斯城設施;加拿大奧克維爾的幾款電池電動 SUV; Mach-E 在中國和墨西哥的 Cuautitlan。

  • And there's a lot more to come.


  • Our team is busy.


  • Thanks for your time and attention.


  • And as you can hear, I'm very excited about our future.


  • John will now talk about our results in more detail and outlook for the year.


  • Over to you, John.


  • John T. Lawler - CFO

    John T. Lawler - CFO

  • Thanks, Jim.


  • So when you analyze our fourth quarter results or even our second half performance last year, it's important to key in on the durable changes we've made to our underlying earnings power, including an automotive business increasingly positioned to sustainably generate strong free cash flow.


  • Right now, our year-end liquidity of nearly $47 billion provides the financial flexibility to opportunistically invest in growth and even accelerate investments, if we choose to, in key areas like electrification and connected services.

    目前,我們近 470 億美元的年終流動性提供了財務靈活性,可以在電氣化和互聯服務等關鍵領域進行機會性投資,甚至加速投資(如果我們選擇的話)。

  • And at our 8% company adjusted EBIT margin, the target that we're aiming for, we believe we can generate healthy annual free cash flow to fuel our growth.

    在我們 8% 的公司調整後息稅前利潤率,我們的目標是,我們相信我們可以產生健康的年度自由現金流來推動我們的增長。

  • And when we initially set our 8% target, the secular forces accelerating today were still in their infancy.

    當我們最初設定 8% 的目標時,今天加速增長的世俗力量仍處於起步階段。

  • EV penetration at scale was years out.


  • Connectivity and digital services were still nascent.


  • And autonomous vehicles will -- they were still largely in labs.


  • So you fast forward to 2021 and the landscape is vastly different and so are the calls on our capital.

    所以你快進到 2021 年,情況大不相同,對我們首都的呼喚也是如此。

  • Our goal remains to hit the 8% margin and, in doing so, to reallocate profit and capital from a far healthier core business to exciting growth opportunities that will unlock long-term value.

    我們的目標仍然是達到 8% 的利潤率,並在此過程中將利潤和資本從更健康的核心業務重新分配到令人興奮的增長機會,從而釋放長期價值。

  • So let's take a look at the fourth quarter performance.


  • In automotive, both wholesale and revenue declined by 9%.

    在汽車領域,批發和收入均下降了 9%。

  • While a lower industry influenced both of these metrics, so did the plan changeover in North America to launch our all-new 2021 F-150.

    雖然較低的行業影響了這兩個指標,但北美的計劃轉換也影響了我們全新的 2021 F-150。

  • Our initial estimate was for a decline of 100,000 units, and we came in right on that number.

    我們最初的估計是減少 100,000 台,而我們得到了正確的數字。

  • Fourth quarter revenue benefited from broad-based gains in net pricing and product and series mix, especially in North America and Europe.


  • Let's take a look at our individual regions in a bit more detail, starting with North America.


  • The North American business offset some of its decline in top line metrics with continued growth and an increase in mix of commercial vehicles.


  • Together, volume and revenue of Transit and Super Duty vehicles were up 14% and 24%, respectively.

    Transit 和 Super Duty 車輛的銷量和收入分別增長 14% 和 24%。

  • With the launch of the new F-150 now complete, we're building every vehicle we can.

    隨著新型 F-150 的推出現已完成,我們正在製造我們所能製造的每一輛車。

  • EBIT was $1.1 billion, up 53% with a margin of 4.9%.

    息稅前利潤為 11 億美元,增長 53%,利潤率為 4.9%。

  • This growth was driven by excellent yield management and the non-reoccurrence of the UAW contract cost in the fourth quarter of last year, all of which was partially offset by the lower F-150 volume I mentioned.

    這種增長是由出色的產量管理和去年第四季度的 UAW 合同成本不再發生推動的,所有這些都被我提到的較低 F-150 數量所部分抵消。

  • In South America, wholesale and revenue declined 15% and 10%, respectively, reflecting industry softness and forward share losses as we refocused our portfolio on strengths in Ranger pickups, Transit van and key imports.

    在南美,批發和收入分別下降 15% 和 10%,反映了行業疲軟和遠期份額損失,因為我們將投資組合重新集中在 Ranger 皮卡、Transit van 和主要進口產品的優勢上。

  • On a full year basis, Ranger gained 1.8 points of share to 15.6%.

    全年來看,Ranger 的份額增加了 1.8 個百分點,達到 15.6%。

  • Revenue performance in South America was better than wholesale, as we took aggressive price actions to offset inflation and currency pressures.


  • As Jim mentioned, in 2020, we exited our non-core heavy truck business in the region, discontinued the focus in Fiesta and further reduced headcount, in total, by more than 40% through the end of 2020.

    正如 Jim 所說,2020 年,我們退出了我們在該地區的非核心重型卡車業務,不再專注於嘉年華,到 2020 年底,員工總數進一步減少了 40% 以上。

  • These actions and other actions that we've been taking contributed to the fifth consecutive quarter of year-over-year improvement in regional EBIT.


  • And we posted the smallest loss in South America since 2013.

    我們公佈了自 2013 年以來南美地區的最小虧損。

  • With our recent announcement to exit manufacturing in Brazil, we have fundamentally derisked this portion of our business and delivered another significant milestone in our global redesign.


  • Shifting to Europe.


  • Europe wholesales and revenues were both negatively affected by lower industry volumes.


  • However, Ford's revenue in the region was up modestly, aided by higher net pricing and improved mix.


  • Our commercial business in Europe strengthened its #1 position to a 14.3% share, which is a gain of 70 basis points.

    我們在歐洲的商業業務鞏固了其第一名的地位,達到 14.3% 的份額,增長了 70 個基點。

  • Ford has the broadest network of commercial vehicle dealers in Europe, including close to 800 dedicated Transit centers.

    福特擁有歐洲最廣泛的商用車經銷商網絡,包括近 800 個專門的運輸中心。

  • And during the quarter, the commercial, passenger and Imports vehicle businesses were all profitable.


  • And the reduced manufacturing footprint that Jim had referenced, along with the $1 billion decline in structural costs over the last 2 years, allowed Europe to deliver its strongest quarterly profit in 4 years with an EBIT of $400 million and achieving an EBIT margin of 5.8%.

    Jim 提到的製造足跡減少,加上過去 2 年結構成本下降 10 億美元,使歐洲實現了 4 年來最強勁的季度利潤,息稅前利潤為 4 億美元,息稅前利潤率達到 5.8% .

  • Now turning to China.


  • China delivered a 27% increase in wholesale.

    中國的批發量增長了 27%。

  • Retail sales grew 30%, outpacing the overall industry sales growth of 12%.

    零售額增長 30%,超過了整個行業 12% 的銷售額增長。

  • Ford share in China grew by 40 basis points to 2.4%, with a 12-point increase in the mix of utilities to 36%.

    福特在中國的份額增長 40 個基點至 2.4%,公用事業組合增長 12 個基點至 36%。

  • The mix of commercial vehicles reached 45% in the quarter, supported by strength in light trucks, pickups and other vehicles.

    在輕型卡車、皮卡和其他車輛的強勢支持下,本季度商用車的佔比達到 45%。

  • Importantly, our dealer network return on sales remains positive.


  • Now while it's still a modest EBIT loss, this was China's third consecutive quarter of year-over-year profit improvement, aided by an enhanced mix of vehicles, including locally built Lincoln products.


  • The China-specific Lincoln models accounted for 76% of the brand's in-country retail sales.

    林肯中國專用車型占該品牌國內零售額的 76%。

  • That's up from just 2% last year.

    這比去年僅 2% 有所上升。

  • Wholesales and revenue results for the International Market Group varied, but its retail sales increase of 1.8% countered an industry decline of 3%.

    國際市場集團的批發和收入結果各不相同,但其零售額增長 1.8%,抵消了行業下降 3% 的影響。

  • IMG continues to capitalize on its strength in Ranger pickups and Everest SUVs, and Ranger was the best-selling 4x4 pickup in Australia.

    IMG 繼續利用其在 Ranger 皮卡和 Everest SUV 方面的實力,Ranger 是澳大利亞最暢銷的 4x4 皮卡。

  • Now just this week, we announced a $1 billion investment to modernize and upgrade our Ranger pickup plant in South Africa, an important low-cost export hub that supplies 100 markets, including Europe.

    就在本週,我們宣布投資 10 億美元,對我們在南非的 Ranger 皮卡工廠進行現代化改造和升級,這是一個重要的低成本出口樞紐,為包括歐洲在內的 100 個市場提供產品。

  • This paves the way to significantly expand production for the next-generation Ranger starting in 2022 and profitably grow this important business for us.

    這為從 2022 年開始顯著擴大下一代 Ranger 的生產鋪平了道路,並為我們實現這一重要業務的盈利增長。

  • Excluding the impact of India, IMG was profitable in the quarter, led by Australia and Vietnam.

    剔除印度的影響,IMG 在本季度實現了盈利,其中澳大利亞和越南領先。

  • In December, Ford and Mahindra jointly decided not to complete a previously announced joint venture.

    去年 12 月,福特和馬恆達共同決定不完成此前宣布的合資企業。

  • This outcome was driven by the fundamental changes in global economic and business conditions caused in part by the global pandemic.


  • While we continue our independent operations in India, we are actively evaluating alternatives and reassessing capital allocation for India.


  • Turning to Mobility.


  • We now plan to invest at least $7 billion in autonomous vehicles through 2025, including the $2 billion we spent through 2020.

    我們現在計劃到 2025 年在自動駕駛汽車上至少投資 70 億美元,其中包括到 2020 年的 20 億美元。

  • Our plans include standing up a commercial AV business by 2022 to move both people and goods.

    我們的計劃包括到 2022 年建立商業 AV 業務,以運送人員和貨物。

  • And we also believe that Argo AI self-driving system remains on a short list of leaders in the autonomous technology.

    而且我們還認為,Argo AI 自動駕駛系統仍然是自動駕駛技術的領導者之一。

  • With improving unit economics, we continue to grow our Spin scooter network, which has become more relevant in a COVID world as people explore alternative modes of transportation.

    隨著單位經濟效益的提高,我們繼續發展我們的 Spin scooter 網絡,隨著人們探索替代交通方式,該網絡在 COVID 世界中變得更加重要。

  • In fact, indicative of the strength of our city relationships, Spin won the overwhelming majority of all scooter permits that applied for in the U.S. in municipalities last year.

    事實上,Spin 去年在美國市政當局申請的所有踏板車許可證中獲得了絕大多數,這表明了我們城市關係的實力。

  • Now let's turn to Ford Credit.


  • Ford Credit delivered another strong quarter, with EBIT up almost $300 million to $900 million, a record fourth quarter.

    福特信貸實現了又一個強勁的季度,息稅前利潤增長近 3 億美元至 9 億美元,創第四季度的紀錄。

  • Improved auction values drove the performance, and we continue to experience strong credit performance with a low loss-to-receivables ratio.


  • All told, we delivered $1.7 billion in adjusted EBIT in the quarter, up $1.2 billion with an adjusted EBIT margin of 4.8%, which was up 3.6 points.

    總而言之,我們在本季度實現了 17 億美元的調整後息稅前利潤,增長了 12 億美元,調整後的息稅前利潤率為 4.8%,增長了 3.6 個百分點。

  • Considering how the first half of 2020 unfolded, I'm incredibly proud of how the Ford team came together to finish the year with such strength, setting a firm foundation for this year.

    考慮到 2020 年上半年的發展,我為福特團隊如何以如此強大的實力完成這一年感到無比自豪,為今年奠定了堅實的基礎。

  • So let's turn to 2021.


  • The global semiconductor shortage situation is fluid, and we're evaluating and updating the potential effects on our business in real time.


  • We want to be transparent and also prudent.


  • Therefore, we think it's premature to size what the ultimate impact will be on our full year results.


  • That said, we ended 2020 having achieved positive lasting change and the underlying trajectory of our earnings power, including the ability of our automotive business to generate consistent levels of strong free cash flow over time.

    也就是說,我們在 2020 年底實現了積極的持久變化和我們盈利能力的基本軌跡,包括我們的汽車業務隨著時間的推移產生穩定水平的強勁自由現金流的能力。

  • For 2021, we were on a course to earn between $8 billion and $9 billion in adjusted EBIT, including a $900 million noncash gain on our investment in Rivian.

    2021 年,我們的調整後息稅前利潤將在 80 億美元至 90 億美元之間,其中包括我們對 Rivian 的投資獲得的 9 億美元非現金收益。

  • That scenario anticipated continued EBIT improvement in each of our regional businesses, except for South America, which we expect to be flat through their transition this year.


  • We anticipate ability to be flat and Ford Credit EBT to improve.

    我們預計能力持平,福特信貸 EBT 將有所改善。

  • We also expect to generate between $3.5 billion and $4.5 billion in adjusted free cash flow.

    我們還預計將產生 35 億至 45 億美元的調整後自由現金流。

  • However, the global semiconductor shortage is creating uncertainty across multiple industries and will influence our operating results this year.


  • The situation is changing constantly.


  • So it's premature to size what the shortage will mean for our full year results.


  • However, right now, our current estimates from suppliers support a scenario where we could lose 10% to 20% of our planned first quarter production.

    然而,就目前而言,我們目前對供應商的估計支持我們可能會損失 10% 到 20% 的第一季度計劃產量的情況。

  • If that scenario is extended through the first half, this could adversely impact our full year adjusted EBIT by between $1 billion and $2.5 billion, net of reasonable cost recoveries and some production makeup in the second half of the year.

    如果這種情況延續到上半年,這可能會對我們全年調整後的息稅前利潤產生 10 億至 25 億美元的不利影響,扣除合理的成本回收和下半年的一些生產構成。

  • So we should expect full year cash and EBIT effects to be about equal with quarterly cash implications more volatile, given the mechanics of the company's working capital.


  • So our team is working with our suppliers around the clock to optimize the constrained supply, minimize the profit impact while also prioritizing customer orders, new vehicle launches and compliance with our CO2 emissions regulations.


  • For example, similar to other actions we've already taken, we are adjusting shifts next week at our Dearborn Truck Plant and Kansas City Assembly Plant.


  • These actions are contemplated in the 10% to 20% scenario for the first quarter volume that I just mentioned.

    這些行動是在我剛才提到的第一季度銷量的 10% 到 20% 情景中考慮的。

  • We will provide you with an update on the semiconductor issue when we report our first quarter 2021 financial results and that's on April 28.

    我們將在 4 月 28 日報告 2021 年第一季度財務業績時向您提供有關半導體問題的最新信息。

  • So before we open the call for Q&A, I will end where Jim began.

    因此,在我們打開問答電話之前,我將從 Jim 開始的地方結束。

  • It cannot be overstated that 2020 was a year like no other, no other in our lifetime.

    毫不誇張地說,2020 年是我們一生中獨一無二的一年。

  • The Ford team responded exceptionally, both personally and professionally.


  • We're exceedingly proud of all of our colleagues around the world.


  • We made tough, strategically sound decisions in 2020 that have created durable beneficial changes to our underlying earnings power, including an automotive business that is increasingly positioned to sustainably generate strong free cash flows.

    我們在 2020 年做出了艱難、戰略上合理的決定,為我們的潛在盈利能力帶來了持久的有益變化,包括汽車業務越來越定位於可持續地產生強勁的自由現金流。

  • And that financial flexibility will allow us to make right investments for long-term profitable growth and value creation.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And our first question is going to come from the line of Ryan Brinkman with JPMorgan.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題將來自摩根大通的 Ryan Brinkman。

  • Ryan J. Brinkman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Ryan J. Brinkman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • It looks like even after adjusting for the Rivian gain, you're guiding to 2021 profits well above consensus, presumably helped by the volume, pricing and mix benefits of a number of highly anticipated new products, including the new F-150, the Bronco, Bronco Sport and Mustang Mach-E.

    看起來即使在調整了 Rivian 的收益之後,你的 2021 年利潤也遠高於共識,這可能是由於一些備受期待的新產品的數量、定價和混合優勢的幫助,包括新的 F-150、Bronco ,野馬運動和野馬馬赫-E。

  • I know you have a lot of confidence in these vehicles, but are there any objective measures that you can share with investors as to why they should also be confident in the profit contribution of these models?


  • So I know it's early days.


  • But do you have any anecdotes about how quickly the vehicles are turning on dealer lots, how the pricing has been trending for the new F-150, what the earlier customer reaction has been to the Mach-E, are you doing a lot of test drives?

    但是你有沒有關於車輛在經銷商批次上的速度有多快的軼事,新 F-150 的定價趨勢如何,早期客戶對 Mach-E 的反應是什麼,你做了很多測試嗎?驅動器?

  • And I realize the Bronco still has yet to even launch.


  • So maybe there are fewer metrics there, but maybe you could tell us a bit more about the weight list, for example, whether it continues to grow or how trim levels or options have been tracking relative to expectation or what the general community response has been.


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • Thanks for your question.


  • Just really quick on the F-150, some of the metrics -- objective metrics we see that give us encouragement is, obviously, we're starting the year at a day supply level that we haven't seen for a long time.

    在 F-150 上真的很快,一些指標——我們看到給我們鼓勵的客觀指標是,顯然,我們以我們很長時間沒有看到的日供應水平開始了這一年。

  • That's one thing.


  • So a lot of opportunity to build wholesale and dealer inventory into the year.


  • We're starting the year with 53-day supply.

    我們以 53 天的供應量開始新的一年。

  • The mix of high series, which is always a big indicator of demand for the vehicle, is about 20 points higher than we normally see in the outgoing model.

    高系列的混合,一直是車輛需求的重要指標,比我們通常在即將推出的車型中看到的高出約 20 個點。

  • So Lariat Plus mix is extremely strong.

    因此,Lariat Plus 混合非常強大。

  • You also look at the Super Duty demand.

    您還可以查看 Super Duty 需求。

  • Super Duty was up 14%.

    Super Duty 上漲了 14%。

  • It had a great improved vehicle, but I think the F-150 improvement is even bigger.

    它有一個很大的改進車輛,但我認為 F-150 的改進更大。

  • And even during the sell-down and the start-up of the new truck, that demand is -- we're turning vehicles in 6 days, the F-150.

    即使在新卡車的銷售和啟動期間,這種需求也是——我們將在 6 天內轉動車輛,即 F-150。

  • If you turn to the Mach-E, really good demand so far.

    如果你轉向 Mach-E,到目前為止需求真的很好。

  • We have -- about 70% of the customers are new to Ford.

    我們有——大約 70% 的客戶是福特的新手。

  • So we have -- new to Ford being they haven't owned a Ford for 15 years.

    所以我們有 - 福特的新手,因為他們已經 15 年沒有擁有福特了。

  • The cross-shop vehicles are Porsche Boxster, Porsche 911, Mercedes E-Class.

    跨店車輛為保時捷 Boxster、保時捷 911、奔馳 E 級。

  • We're also seeing in the reservations as we turn them into orders high all-wheel drive mix more than we thought.


  • The extended battery is much more popular than we expected.


  • And don't forget, we have 127,000 federal tax credits that each were $7,500 each, and that is a big advantage on the pricing side.

    別忘了,我們有 127,000 個聯邦稅收抵免,每個抵免額為 7,500 美元,這在定價方面是一個很大的優勢。

  • So really strong demand, early orders for Mach-E.

    如此強勁的需求,Mach-E 的早期訂單。

  • On Bronco, obviously, the Bronco Sport is turning, I think, in like 6 days.

    顯然,在 Bronco 上,Bronco Sport 正在轉向,我認為,在 6 天內。

  • We sold everyone wholesale through dealers in the fourth quarter.


  • I think we sold over 5,000.


  • It's just like the F-Series turning incredibly fast, Ryan.

    這就像 F 系列轉得非常快,瑞恩。

  • And I would say, the Bronco, we're now just shy of 200,000 reservations, and we're now starting -- in a little bit, we'll turn those into orders.

    我想說的是,Bronco,我們現在還不到 200,000 份預訂,我們現在開始了——過一會兒,我們會把這些變成訂單。

  • The encouraging thing about Bronco is just the interest.

    Bronco 令人鼓舞的地方就是興趣。

  • Not only do we have a lot of orders and confident in reservation, but the mix is stronger than we thought.


  • It's encouraging to see the 2-door (inaudible), but the 4-door is very, very strong mix.

    看到 2 門(聽不清)令人鼓舞,但 4 門是非常非常強大的組合。

  • And the demand is at the dealership levels or even our reservation system are really, really strong.


  • And I think we could pass some Bronco Sport in January.

    我認為我們可以在一月份通過一些 Bronco Sport。

  • I think we passed 8,000 units.

    我想我們通過了 8,000 個單位。

  • So I mean -- and that's the brand-new model to our lineup.


  • So that gives you a picture for the demand side.


  • And maybe, John, any comments about the rest of the performance?


  • John T. Lawler - CFO

    John T. Lawler - CFO

  • Yes.


  • I'd just say, Ryan, that when you look at it, Jim went through the portfolio transformation, but the global redesign is really starting to take hold and derisking the business.


  • We're starting to see some strength in China.


  • The localization of key project -- of products there, Lincoln, for sure; improving our cost structure there by localizing.


  • We're leveraging capacity at the JVs to build Lincolns and commercial vehicles.


  • Our partnering to share investments and improve scale.


  • You saw that with the South Africa announcement we had, building the Ranger and a VW pickup now in that facility.

    你已經看到我們在南非發布的公告,現在在該工廠建造 Ranger 和大眾皮卡。

  • So I think we're starting to see strength across all the areas we've been talking about.


  • We're also focusing on the basics of the business, right?


  • We've renewed our focus on our quality improvement.


  • We're leveraging all of our connected vehicles to identify issues faster, improve our warranty expense, improve our ownership experience.


  • We're also leaning into electrification now, as Jim said, with Mach-E being on the road, the E-Transit coming, the F-150 BEV next year.

    正如吉姆所說,我們現在也傾向於電氣化,Mach-E 正在上路,E-Transit 即將推出,F-150 BEV 明年推出。

  • And we're really transforming the team as well.


  • We're bringing in new talent.


  • We're organizing ourselves to grow our core businesses and expand that through connectivity and digital services.


  • And so when you look at all of that across the business and you start to see some of the strength take hold, it gives us confidence in the year, and it allows us to move forward with the confidence we're projecting.


  • So I think there's a lot of good things going on here.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is going to come from the line of John Murphy with Bank of America.


  • John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

    John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

  • I just wanted to ask a question, Jim, just around the transition to EVs and maybe using F-150 as an example, you can maybe talk around.

    我只是想問一個問題,Jim,關於向電動汽車的過渡,也許以 F-150 為例,你可以談談。

  • I mean, when do you think sort of the tipping point is for the consumers, where they see enough EVs on the road that your ICE vehicles become somewhat obsolete and it depresses resids.

    我的意思是,你認為什麼時候是消費者的臨界點,他們在路上看到足夠多的電動汽車,以至於你的 ICE 車輛變得有些過時並且它抑制了殘渣。

  • And how do you kind of work through that transition?


  • And specifically also around the F-150, I mean, can you position this as a performance enhancement, particularly around torque for trucks that you can actually get paid a tremendous amount of money for kind of like you did with Ecoboost.

    特別是在 F-150 周圍,我的意思是,您能否將其定位為性能增強,尤其是在卡車扭矩方面,您實際上可以獲得巨額資金,就像您使用 Ecoboost 所做的那樣。

  • I mean I think if you choke around Ecoboost, it wasn't really fuel economy that people loved with the low-end torque, right?

    我的意思是我認為,如果您對 Ecoboost 感到窒息,那麼人們對低端扭矩的喜愛並不是真正的燃油經濟性,對吧?

  • I mean -- so I mean, just what's the tipping point where you kind of get hit a little bit on your resids, on your outgoing ICE vehicles?

    我的意思是——所以我的意思是,在你即將離任的 ICE 車輛上,你的殘渣受到一點打擊的臨界點是什麼?

  • How do you manage that transition?


  • And how do you think about how you position in EVs?


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you for your question.


  • It's stunning how fast the industry is changing.


  • I watched the market really carefully in Europe, and 10% in December pure battery electric is amazing.


  • Our time is now at Ford.


  • We're not talking about aspirations.


  • We committed to California and Paris Accord and carbon neutrality a long time ago when it wasn't easy, and I'm very proud of that.


  • This year, as you mentioned, we're launching Mach-E.

    正如您所提到的,今年我們將推出 Mach-E。

  • It's in the market now.


  • We think it's a real competitor to Tesla in their stronghold part of their price market.


  • The F-150 electric is a lot of inbound interest from our loyal customers.

    F-150 電動車引起了我們忠實客戶的極大興趣。

  • We sold 780,000 F-150s last year.

    去年我們售出了 780,000 架 F-150。

  • We are going to find, and we are finding within that a duty cycle that matches electric for some of those customers.


  • It's such a large scale.


  • In Transit electric, the inbounds on that vehicle are really high.

    在 Transit Electric 中,該車輛的入站量非常高。

  • This is our turf.


  • And we're not just going to have 1 delivery vehicle.


  • We're going to have 3 lengths, 2-wheel bases, 3 roof heights, a cut through, a cabin chassis and a van, and we're not done.

    我們將有 3 個長度、2 個軸距、3 個車頂高度、一個切口、一個機艙底盤和一個貨車,我們還沒有完成。

  • So we are the leader in the Transit business.

    因此,我們是 Transit 業務的領導者。

  • We have the body builder connections.


  • 100% of our Transits get updated.

    我們 100% 的 Transit 得到更新。

  • And we know every one of those of updaters.


  • So -- and we are getting more inbound for that.

    所以 - 我們正在為此獲得更多的入站服務。

  • So how do we manage the move?


  • I think it's a really good question.


  • I don't know if any of us have the answer.


  • The costs are coming down quickly.


  • But for me and the team, the move to electric is not about batteries and motors, it's about a digital vehicle and a new customer experience.


  • And that is universal, whether it's F-150, ICE or a battery electric, that digital experience that we're talking about.

    這是通用的,無論是 F-150、ICE 還是電動電池,我們正在談論的數字體驗。

  • We have 130,000 Commercial Solution customers now.

    我們現在擁有 130,000 個商業解決方案客戶。

  • We have 9 million Ford Pass customers.

    我們有 900 萬福特 Pass 客戶。

  • That is universal.


  • So that's goodness that we'll get back in all of our business.


  • We just have to be very flexible, which we have those large commercial vehicle manufacturing facilities that are very flexible.


  • And we'll invest in both.


  • And we'll flex with the customers.


  • So I think we're ready.


  • This is our year.


  • We're going to have great offers.


  • And I think it's really on us.


  • The real proof point to me is not going to be how many we sell in the first year.


  • It will be how much better the vehicle is a year or 2 after we launch it with the same customer.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is going to come from the line of Rod Lache with Wolfe Research.

    我們的下一個問題將來自 Wolfe Research 的 Rod Lache。

  • Rod Avraham Lache - MD & Senior Analyst

    Rod Avraham Lache - MD & Senior Analyst

  • So $22 billion is a pretty huge commitment to EVs.

    因此,220 億美元是對電動汽車的巨大承諾。

  • I was hoping you can talk about the level of volumes you're aspiring towards.


  • It sounds kind of like a similar commitment to another company that's targeting about 1 million units.

    這聽起來有點像對另一家目標約 100 萬台的公司的類似承諾。

  • Can you talk about your Ford's cost competitiveness and the trajectory of costs for EVs?


  • Do you agree with these expectations of cost per kilowatt hour declining to the $55 to $80 range in 5 years?

    您是否同意每千瓦時成本在 5 年內下降到 55 至 80 美元的預期?

  • And then lastly, in the context of what you said earlier, Jim, about allocating capital towards businesses that have strong returns, do you think that by 2025, you can achieve similar profitability and returns in EVs that you achieve in ICE?

    最後,在您之前所說的背景下,吉姆,關於將資本分配給具有高回報的企業,您是否認為到 2025 年,您可以在電動汽車中實現與在 ICE 中實現的相似的盈利能力和回報?

  • John T. Lawler - CFO

    John T. Lawler - CFO

  • Well, clearly, we need to see improvements in cost structure similar to what you've been talking about in that 55 to 80 kilowatt hour for the pack.

    嗯,很明顯,我們需要看到成本結構的改進,類似於你在 55 到 80 千瓦時的電池組中所說的那樣。

  • And that's going to happen over time, and we definitely are pushing in that direction.


  • And that's going to be required.


  • We're going to see the ICE and the BEV converge as they transition.

    我們將看到 ICE 和 BEV 在過渡時會聚。

  • And yes, we do see them being profitable.


  • In fact, Mustang is profitable today, the Mach-E.

    事實上,Mustang 今天是盈利的,Mach-E。

  • So it's going to transition over time.


  • We're deeply focused on driving that cost structure down on our BEV vehicles.

    我們非常專注於降低 BEV 車輛的成本結構。

  • We're leaning into our strengths where we see some synergies and taking advantage of that.


  • So it's definitely a focus we have from a standpoint of the $22 billion commitment to EVs.

    因此,從 220 億美元的電動汽車承諾的角度來看,這絕對是我們關注的焦點。

  • And as Jim said, as we lean into our strengths, we're focused on BEV.

    正如吉姆所說,當我們發揮自己的優勢時,我們專注於 BEV。

  • We're focused on expanding that growth.


  • We're focused on the digital experience and the customer experience with those vehicles.


  • And as that transition takes hold, over time, we're going after the larger segments, right?


  • These are segments that we lead in.


  • There's a strong customer base.


  • And with that, as Jim said, there's duty cycles, there's specific needs for these customers with these vehicles, and we're going to continue to work with them to give them the solutions they need from a battery electric standpoint.


  • But at this point, we're not going to guide on a number of volume and by when at this point.


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • And Rod, I think just to complement John, expect us to be a lot more specific in spring as we move on.


  • It's just -- this is not the right venue to go over specifics, but please rest assured, we are really excited to share all the specifics of our BEV plan.

    只是 - 這不是討論細節的正確場所,但請放心,我們真的很高興能分享我們 BEV 計劃的所有細節。

  • We just want to give you an idea of how we're allocating the capital.


  • Operator


  • And our next question will come from the line of Joseph Spak with RBC Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題將來自 RBC Capital Markets 的 Joseph Spak。

  • Joseph Robert Spak - Autos and Leisure Analyst

    Joseph Robert Spak - Autos and Leisure Analyst

  • Just one question.


  • You mentioned a couple of time the landscape is quite different now than when you first laid out that timeline for 8% EBIT margins.

    您有幾次提到現在的情況與您第一次為 8% 的息稅前利潤率制定時間表時完全不同。

  • And now you're significantly stepping up the investment, which is objectively a good thing.


  • So I know you're still targeting that level.


  • But is the timeline shifting?


  • John T. Lawler - CFO

    John T. Lawler - CFO

  • Yes.


  • What I can say is that we are continuously putting pressure on ourselves to pull that timeline ahead as quickly as possible.


  • And so it is shifting.


  • We're focused on it.


  • We're focused on improving the business as quickly as we can and continuing to invest in our growth areas.


  • We see a stepped-up improvement in 2021.

    我們看到 2021 年的情況會有所改善。

  • You saw that in the guidance and outside of the chip issue.


  • And we're going to continue to work that.


  • And as we do move closer to that 8% and we achieve those targets, we're generating good healthy free cash flows that we're going to invest in the business.

    隨著我們確實接近 8% 並實現了這些目標,我們正在產生良好的健康自由現金流,我們將投資於業務。

  • So yes, we are putting tremendous pressure on the team to move that forward and achieve that as quickly as we can.


  • Operator


  • And our next question will come from the line of Dan Levy with Crédit Suisse.

    我們的下一個問題將來自瑞士信貸的 Dan Levy。

  • Dan Meir Levy - Director & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Dan Meir Levy - Director & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Jim, I'd like to ask a question on partnership because if we think about the tenure of Jim Hackett, it seems like one of the core focuses is really on building out partnerships, and I think we saw with VW, Mahindra, Zotye, Rivian.


  • But when we look at how things have played out in recent months, I know we've seen you terminate plans with Mahindra and Zotye.

    但是,當我們查看最近幾個月的情況時,我知道我們已經看到您終止了與 Mahindra 和眾泰的計劃。

  • It seems like vehicle with Rivian has sort of been deemphasized.

    似乎帶有 Rivian 的車輛已經被淡化了。

  • But on the flip side, we also see you forming this partnership with Google.

    但另一方面,我們也看到您與 Google 建立了這種合作關係。

  • So wondering how you expect to use partnership as you're setting your agenda?


  • And specifically, I'd be curious for that view as it relates to EV?


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you so much for your question.


  • This is a fundamental approach that we all committed to and continue to be committed to.


  • We love what RJ is doing at Rivian.

    我們喜歡 RJ 在 Rivian 所做的事情。

  • It's a strategic investment.


  • It's not a transactional investment for this or that.


  • And so we'll keep you updated.


  • But that's a very fundamental bet, and it looks like the market is liking what he's doing, too, which is good for Ford.


  • The partnership with Google is very fundamental.

    與 Google 的合作關係非常重要。

  • It goes far beyond.


  • We want our team working on things that will differentiate us.


  • Google has got a great platform for navigation and content delivery, and we can co-create on top of that.


  • And their -- the system is great, but we're going to use Amazon Voice, and we're going to work hard with Apple on Power PLAY.

    他們的系統很棒,但我們將使用 Amazon Voice,我們將在 Power PLAY 上與 Apple 一起努力。

  • And we're going to have a great relationship with Microsoft on commercial vehicles, which will tell you about some other day.


  • But our partnerships in the technology area, including the Chinese technology firms, is just going to get deeper and deeper and deeper.


  • And as far as our relationships, our partnerships, they will change with electrification.


  • And you should expect more work in that regard.


  • Anyways, I don't think you're going to have to wait too long to hear more about that actually.


  • So it's a fundamental approach.


  • The technology partners are becoming more and more important for us to deliver that digital experience, but also to build the capability inside the company for large-scale AI/ML deployment to our industrial system, the customer experience, using the data off the vehicles for quality improvement.

    技術合作夥伴對我們提供數字體驗變得越來越重要,同時也在公司內部建立能力,將大規模 AI/ML 部署到我們的工業系統,客戶體驗,使用來自車輛的數據質量改進。

  • And we don't have all the answers.


  • And these companies can really help us, and we can help them.


  • I hope that makes sense to you.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is going to come from the line of Emmanuel Rosner with Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題將來自德意志銀行的 Emmanuel Rosner。

  • Emmanuel Rosner - Director & Research Analyst

    Emmanuel Rosner - Director & Research Analyst

  • So one follow-up question on the increased spending in -- towards electrification.


  • I understand you're not prepared to give specifics, but directionally speaking, I'm curious if you can give us color on what you were trying to achieve with it.


  • I guess how will this be spent?


  • And what is the goal here?


  • Are you developing a dedicated, flexible architecture for all your electric vehicles?


  • Are you accelerating the rollout of electric vehicles?


  • I guess I'm just curious how this will be used.


  • And a point of clarification on this as well.


  • So your slides seemed to -- and your presentation implies that you will focus on the areas that -- where you lead all these pickups, do you feel these commercial vehicles seem to have some sort of commercial angle to it?

    所以你的幻燈片似乎 - 你的演示文稿暗示你將專注於 - 你領導所有這些皮卡的領域,你覺得這些商用車似乎有某種商業角度嗎?

  • Will your electrification strategy be mostly aimed at commercial customers?


  • Or will you have also high-volume passenger vehicles?


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • So thank you for your question.


  • The answer is absolutely, this accelerated spending is on products and industrializing those products.


  • And we recognize in the guidance for explaining that, that there's more spending to come on our battery vertical integration decisions.


  • We just don't have anything announced today.


  • We have -- I'm not going to get into it, but we have 2 battery electric dedicated platforms.

    我們有 - 我不打算進入它,但我們有 2 個電池電動專用平台。

  • They will include high-volume passenger cars.


  • But as we've always said, we're going to invest in the segments where we're the strongest.


  • And you can imagine what those nameplates are and what those segments are.


  • And we will have a great lineup of commercial battery electric vehicles and as well, importantly for me, is the investment in the digital experiences and the physical services to make that work.


  • We've learned over all these years that Ford's strength in commercial is far beyond the product.


  • In fact, the product is often regulated to be defined as it is.


  • Our strength is our distribution network.


  • Our ability to keep vehicles on the road, our upfitters, our bailment policies and all of those strengths will come to bear as we electrify those lineup.


  • And we have more ambitions as you can see with the FCS software business.

    正如您在 FCS 軟件業務中看到的那樣,我們有更多的雄心壯志。

  • That business is growing very fast.


  • It's a telematics and commercial services business.


  • And that's a good example of the kind of investments we're making beyond the 4 walls of the product.

    這是我們在產品的 4 面牆之外進行的投資的一個很好的例子。

  • So as we electrify, we're not just going to bring more products, we're going to get more digital, and we're going to get into physical services and digital services as well.


  • But they'll be in the nameplates in the segments that we have a great reputation.


  • As John said, we have a good owner base.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is going to come from the line of Adam Jonas with Morgan Stanley.


  • Adam Michael Jonas - MD

    Adam Michael Jonas - MD

  • Jim, so first off, I just have to say the Mach-E kicks a**.

    吉姆,所以首先,我不得不說馬赫-E 踢了一個**。

  • I've rolled up, and Lynn can tell you, she [shamed] me.


  • I rolled up in my Y. I spent a half hour in the thing, I got back in the Y and I have to admit I have some regrets.


  • I miss it.


  • This thing is going to sell super-fast, so bravo to the team.


  • My question is on cell supply.


  • What's your latest thinking on making your own cells or JV'ing with someone or pure outsourcing?


  • And I ask this, Jim, because as you can understand, many of us on this call, right, can see a situation where we have a potentially dramatic misalignment between -- basically where demand massively exceeds supply of cells, and this really could threaten the commercial targets of an OEM's EV volumes unless you get this sorted out.

    我問這個,吉姆,因為正如你所理解的,我們中的許多人在這次電話會議上,對,可以看到我們之間存在潛在的戲劇性錯位 - 基本上是需求大大超過電池供應,這真的可能威脅到除非您對此進行了整理,否則 OEM 電動汽車數量的商業目標。

  • Please tell me.


  • We don't have to wait until late spring for that.


  • But let me know where your head is.


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • Appreciate the feedback on the product.


  • And to me, the real test for our fitness on Mach-E will be, as I said, how that product performs, its range, its capability, its quality a year or 2 for that same customer.

    對我來說,正如我所說,對我們在 Mach-E 上的適應性的真正考驗將是該產品在一兩年內對同一客戶的性能、範圍、能力和質量。

  • Adam Michael Jonas - MD

    Adam Michael Jonas - MD

  • It's got a lot of character.


  • It was a riot.


  • And I wasn't even driving the GT.


  • It was a lot of fun.


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, that's the key.


  • I was just going to say where do you see the GT.


  • Look, our first inning -- if this is a 9-inning ball game, our first inning, I think we played it about right, which is to buy the best technology at the lowest price out there during what you could argue in this first inning was an excess supply of batteries.

    看,我們的第一局——如果這是一場 9 局的球賽,我們的第一局,我認為我們的打法是正確的,那就是在你可以爭論的第一局中以最低的價格購買最好的技術局是電池供應過剩。

  • But now the game is changing.


  • And the next step is going to be a much more aggressive electrification plan and the subsequent impact on our battery strategy.


  • And we cannot afford to be in the situation we are with semiconductors right now, which is a good metaphor for what you're bringing up.


  • So you can expect from Ford follow on this battery electric commitment, more news on our vertical integration plans.


  • And there are options.


  • We could do it ourselves.


  • We can go to a JV.


  • And as well out there not too far away is a solid-state technology moving very quickly.


  • There's a lot of BEVs bets to be made.

    有很多 BEV 賭注。

  • This company -- this team is in the midst of making those.


  • And we'll let you know as soon as we can.


  • But we get it.


  • We want to lock it up.


  • We want to make sure it's not a constraint.


  • And we also want to pick the right technologies and the right partners at the right time and have the flexibility as well as the technology changes, like solid state.


  • I don't know, we can't give you a date right now whether that will be the spring or tomorrow, but please understand, we totally get to the issue and the opportunity.


  • Operator


  • Our last question for the day will come from the line of Philippe Houchois with Jefferies.

    我們今天的最後一個問題將來自 Philippe Houchois 與 Jefferies 的對話。

  • Philippe Jean Houchois - MD & Senior Automotive Analyst

    Philippe Jean Houchois - MD & Senior Automotive Analyst

  • I've got 2 questions, one for Jim and one for John.

    我有 2 個問題,一個給 Jim,一個給 John。

  • Jim, on this alliance with -- relationship with Google is interesting, and we had Renault do a similar arrangement 2 weeks ago in Europe.


  • If I step back a few years ago, I remember Google being seen as the enemy and the company that car makers had to stay away from and avoid seeing Google getting to the car.


  • What has changed?


  • Is it just simply that you looked at the cost of developing software and you feel like it's too complicated, too costly and then Google is a better solution to bring the connectivity to your customers?

    您是否只是簡單地查看了開發軟件的成本,您覺得它太複雜、太昂貴,然後 Google 是一個更好的解決方案,可以為您的客戶帶來連接?

  • Or has the willingness to find commercial arrangements with Google improved in terms of revenue sharing, for example, that made working with Google maybe less threatening than it might have been a few years ago?


  • And then for John, I was just wondering, if -- you're the first OEM to give us some guidance on the impact of semiconductor shortage on earnings and I thank you for that.

    然後對於約翰,我只是想知道,如果您是第一個就半導體短缺對收益的影響向我們提供一些指導的 OEM,我對此表示感謝。

  • I'm just trying to understand, you guide for the impact -- what the impact could be in the first half.

    我只是想了解,你指導影響 - 上半年的影響可能是什麼。

  • Let's assume things normalize from the third quarter, how much of that negative impact in the first half would you be able to make up in the second half?


  • Or should we think that there's a net loss that we should take into account into our earnings forecast based on what you've given in terms of guidance?


  • James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

    James D. Farley - President, CEO & Director

  • So to be really direct about your question, probably 3 things really changed our mind -- or not changed our mind but got us to where we were.

    所以要真正直接地回答你的問題,可能有 3 件事真的改變了我們的想法——或者沒有改變我們的想法,但讓我們走到了現在的位置。

  • First of all, it's not an exclusive relationship.


  • So we want CarPlay to work great in all of the vehicles.

    所以我們希望 CarPlay 在所有車輛中都能正常工作。

  • We want Amazon voice products to work great in our vehicles.


  • But the Google, 3 things really changed, to answer to your question, or evolved.

    但是 Google,3 件事真的改變了,回答你的問題,或者進化了。

  • The first one was we just -- the money we were spending to keep competitive on a generic experience in the vehicle versus what they could offer in a stable, robust platform, the economics just work better.


  • And we could take our team and instead of doing generic capabilities, we could put them on really differentiation.


  • And we found that in Mach-E.

    我們在 Mach-E 中發現了這一點。

  • If you use the Mach-E, we call, the Menlo Systems, we really started to understand that if we had a stable digital platform inside the vehicle, we could really out co-create and create better, deeper experiences for a Bronco customer or Mach-E or a commercial customer.

    如果您使用我們稱之為 Menlo 系統的 Mach-E,我們真正開始明白,如果我們在車內擁有一個穩定的數字平台,我們就可以真正為 Bronco 客戶或Mach-E 或商業客戶。

  • So basically, it was their commitment to build and to dedicate resources to a really good digital ecosystem in the vehicle.


  • The second one is that we really started to feel a lot more comfortable with our customers' data and how that would be protected.


  • And that's really important.


  • Ford is a very trusted brand.


  • All the data will be held and managed by Ford.


  • Google won't have access to the Ford customer data in the cloud.


  • The third thing was they're cloud.


  • We're trying to move our enterprise and a lot of our compute into the cloud very quickly for cost and capability.


  • And we think their cloud is really competitive, so is Amazon, so is Microsoft.


  • But we also saw that they were willing to make a commitment on AI and ML.

    但我們也看到他們願意在 AI 和 ML 上做出承諾。

  • We are already using AI and ML throughout our company, but we need to really accelerate that.

    我們已經在整個公司中使用 AI 和 ML,但我們需要真正加快這一進程。

  • And they have real resources, and we're willing to make the commitment.


  • So those are kind of the things that really swayed us.


  • I hope that makes sense.


  • But it's not necessarily exclusive, and we really are excited about the subscription business and digital experience that could come off of this and all the other bets we're making with the technology companies.


  • John?


  • John T. Lawler - CFO

    John T. Lawler - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So the scenario we laid out is based on the discussions we've been having with the supply base over the last couple of weeks, and it's very fluid.


  • And we know that it's an industry impact.


  • And what we see is that we could lose between 10% and 20% of the planned first half production.

    我們看到的是,我們可能會損失計劃的上半年產量的 10% 到 20%。

  • And so when you take that on an annual basis, the impact of that full year could be between $1 billion and $2.5 billion.

    因此,如果按年計算,全年的影響可能在 10 億美元到 25 億美元之間。

  • And like we do and we did -- like we do and like we did with COVID, we've assumed in there some reasonable cost recoveries and our ability to recover some of the production in the second half.

    就像我們所做的那樣 - 就像我們所做的那樣,就像我們對 COVID 所做的那樣,我們已經假設了一些合理的成本回收以及我們在下半年恢復部分生產的能力。

  • And so the net impact on the year would be between $1 billion and $2.5 billion, depending on where this falls out relative to the production disruption in the first half.

    因此,對今年的淨影響將在 10 億美元至 25 億美元之間,具體取決於相對於上半年的生產中斷而言,這將落在哪裡。

  • And that's why we tried to frame it up to give a scenario around what it could be because it's very fluid right now.


  • And as we get through this quarter, in April, we'll be able to share more details.


  • We think we'll have a lot more understanding of exactly how this is going to fall out.


  • Operator


  • At this time, we would like to thank you for dialing in for today's Ford Motor Company Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Earnings Conference Call.

    在這個時候,我們要感謝您撥入今天的福特汽車公司第四季度和 2020 年全年收益電話會議。

  • We appreciate your participation and ask that you please disconnect.
