開拓重工 (CAT) 2023 Q1 法說會逐字稿


卡特彼勒報告 2023 年第一季度表現強勁,營收實現兩位數增長,營業利潤率更高,調整後每股利潤創歷史新高,ME&T 自由現金流強勁。

該公司預計 2023 年的收入和利潤都將比之前預期的更好,大多數終端市場的客戶對其產品和服務的需求都將保持健康。

Caterpillar 正在投資新產品、技術和服務,以幫助其客戶實現與氣候相關的目標。




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  • Operator


  • Welcome to the First Quarter 2023 Caterpillar Earnings Conference Call. Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded. I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker today, Ryan Fiedler. Thank you. Please go ahead.

    歡迎參加 Caterpillar 2023 年第一季度收益電話會議。請注意,今天的會議正在錄製中。我現在想把會議交給今天的演講者 Ryan Fiedler。謝謝。請繼續。

  • Ryan Fiedler

    Ryan Fiedler

  • Thanks, Emma. Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Caterpillar's First Quarter of 2023 Earnings Call. I'm Ryan Fiedler, Vice President of Investor Relations. Joining me today are Jim Umpleby, Chairman and CEO; Andrew Bonfield, Chief Financial Officer; Kyle Epley, Senior Vice President of the Global Finance Services Division; and Rob Rengel, Senior IR Manager. During our call today, we'll be discussing the first quarter earnings release that we issued earlier today. You can find our slides, the news release and a webcast recap at investors.caterpillar.com under Events and Presentations. The content of this call is protected by U.S. and international copyright law. Any rebroadcast, retransmission, reproduction or distribution of all or part of the content without Caterpillar's prior written permission is prohibited. Moving to Slide 2. During our call today, we'll make forward-looking statements, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. We'll also make assumptions that could cause our actual results to be different from the information we're sharing with you on this call. Please refer to our recent SEC filings and the forward-looking statements reminder in the news release for details on factors that individually or in aggregate could cause our actual results to vary materially from our forecast. A detailed discussion of the many factors that we believe may have a material effect on our business On an ongoing basis is contained in our SEC filings. On today's call, we'll also refer to non-GAAP numbers. For reconciliation of any non-GAAP numbers to the appropriate U.S. GAAP numbers, please see the appendix of the earnings call slides.

    謝謝,艾瑪。各位早上好,歡迎來到卡特彼勒 2023 年第一季度財報電話會議。我是投資者關係副總裁 Ryan Fiedler。今天加入我的是董事長兼首席執行官 Jim Umpleby;安德魯·邦菲爾德,首席財務官;全球金融服務部高級副總裁 Kyle Epley;高級投資者關係經理 Rob Rengel。在我們今天的電話會議中,我們將討論我們今天早些時候發布的第一季度收益報告。您可以在 investors.caterpillar.com 的活動和演示下找到我們的幻燈片、新聞稿和網絡廣播回顧。本次通話的內容受美國和國際版權法保護。未經 Caterpillar 事先書面許可,禁止轉播、轉播、複製或分發全部或部分內容。轉到幻燈片 2。在我們今天的電話會議中,我們將做出前瞻性陳述,這些陳述受風險和不確定性的影響。我們還會做出可能導致我們的實際結果與我們在本次電話會議上與您分享的信息不同的假設。請參閱我們最近提交給美國證券交易委員會的文件和新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明提醒,以詳細了解可能導致我們的實際結果與我們的預測存在重大差異的單獨或總體因素。我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中包含對我們認為可能對我們的業務持續產生重大影響的許多因素的詳細討論。在今天的電話會議上,我們還將參考非 GAAP 數字。如需將任何非 GAAP 數據與相應的美國 GAAP 數據進行核對,請參閱財報電話會議幻燈片的附錄。

  • Now let's turn to Slide 3 and turn the call over to our Chairman and CEO, Jim Umpleby.

    現在讓我們轉到幻燈片 3,將電話轉給我們的董事長兼首席執行官 Jim Umpleby。

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Thanks, Ryan. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us. I'd like to start by thanking our global team for a strong first quarter, including double-digit top line growth, higher operating profit margins, record adjusted profit per share and strong ME&T free cash flow.

    謝謝,瑞安。大家,早安。感謝您加入我們。首先,我要感謝我們的全球團隊在第一季度的強勁表現,包括兩位數的營收增長、更高的營業利潤率、創紀錄的調整後每股利潤以及強勁的 ME&T 自由現金流。

  • Our results reflect healthy customer demand across most end markets for our products and services. We remain focused on executing our strategy and continue to invest for long-term profitable growth.


  • In today's call, I'll begin with my perspectives on our performance in the quarter. I'll then provide some insights on our end markets. Lastly, I'll provide an update on our sustainability journey.


  • It was a very strong quarter. Sales and revenues were better than we expected, with price realization, dealer inventory and sales to users each slightly better than we anticipated. Sales to users were higher than expected in Energy & Transportation and Resource Industries. Overall, sales and revenues rose by 17% versus the first quarter of 2022.

    這是一個非常強勁的季度。銷售和收入好於我們的預期,價格實現、經銷商庫存和對用戶的銷售均略好於我們的預期。能源與運輸和資源行業的用戶銷售額高於預期。總體而言,與 2022 年第一季度相比,銷售額和收入增長了 17%。

  • The year-over-year increase was due to strong price realization and volume growth, which was driven by higher sales of equipment to end users. We achieved double-digit top line increases in each of our 3 primary segments.

    同比增長是由於強勁的價格實現和銷量增長,這是由向終端用戶銷售更高的設備所推動的。我們在 3 個主要部門中的每一個都實現了兩位數的收入增長。

  • Adjusted operating profit margins increased to 21.1% in the first quarter, as we saw margins improve, both on a sequential and year-over-year basis. The adjusted operating profit margins were significantly better than we had anticipated primarily due to better-than-expected manufacturing costs, including efficiencies and absorption, stronger price realization and volume growth. Andrew will discuss in detail later.

    第一季度調整後的營業利潤率增至 21.1%,因為我們看到利潤率環比和同比都有所提高。調整後的營業利潤率明顯好於我們的預期,這主要是由於製造成本好於預期,包括效率和吸收、更強勁的價格實現和銷量增長。安德魯稍後會詳細討論。

  • Backlog ended the quarter at $30.4 billion, flat relative to the fourth quarter of 2022. Equipment availability increased during the quarter due to improving supply chain conditions. While dealer order rates are lower, they remain at healthy levels. As you know, as availability improves, order rates typically normalize, as dealers can wait longer to place orders for long lead time items.

    本季度末積壓訂單為 304 億美元,與 2022 年第四季度持平。由於供應鏈狀況改善,本季度設備可用性有所增加。雖然經銷商訂單率較低,但仍處於健康水平。如您所知,隨著可用性的提高,訂單率通常會正常化,因為經銷商可以等待更長的時間來為交貨期長的商品下訂單。

  • Our healthy backlog continues to underpin our constructive views about our end markets. Despite the improvement in supply chain, pockets of challenge remain as we increase production, particularly for large engines, which impacts energy and transportation and some of our larger machines.


  • We delivered a strong first quarter, which positions us well for an even better year in 2023 than we previously anticipated. While we continue to closely monitor global macroeconomic conditions, overall demand remains healthy across our products and services.

    我們交付了強勁的第一季度,這使我們在 2023 年取得了比我們之前預期更好的一年。在我們繼續密切關注全球宏觀經濟狀況的同時,我們的產品和服務的總體需求依然健康。

  • Turning to Slide 4. In the first quarter of 2023, sales and revenues increased 17% versus last year at $15.9 billion. This was primarily due to favorable price and volume growth. Compared with the first quarter of 2022, overall sales to users increased 13%.

    轉到幻燈片 4。2023 年第一季度,銷售額和收入比去年同期增長 17%,達到 159 億美元。這主要是由於有利的價格和銷量增長。與 2022 年第一季度相比,對用戶的整體銷售額增長了 13%。

  • For Construction Industries and Resource Industries, sales to users rose by 5%, while Energy & Transportation was up 39%. Sales to users in Construction Industries were flat, in line with our expectations.

    對於建築行業和資源行業,對用戶的銷售額增長了 5%,而能源和運輸行業增長了 39%。建築行業用戶的銷售額持平,符合我們的預期。

  • North American sales to users increased, as demand remained healthy for both nonresidential and residential, despite some moderation of the growth rate in residential. Overall, our North American sales to users were better than we expected.


  • EAME also saw higher sales to users, led by strength in the Middle East. In Latin America and Asia Pacific, sales to users declined in the quarter. The decline in Asia Pacific included further weakening in China.

    EAME 的用戶銷售額也有所增加,其中中東地區的實力最為強勁。在拉丁美洲和亞太地區,本季度用戶銷售額有所下降。亞太地區的下滑包括中國的進一步疲軟。

  • In Resource Industries, sales to users increased 18%, which was our third consecutive quarter of accelerating sales to users.

    在資源行業,對用戶的銷售額增長了 18%,這是我們連續第三個季度加速對用戶的銷售。

  • In Mining, sales to users benefited from a higher level of commissioning in the quarter. Within heavy construction and quarry and aggregates, sales to users also increased, supported by growth for infrastructure-related projects.


  • In Energy & Transportation, sales to users increased by 39%. In the first quarter, oil and gas sales to users benefited from continued strength in new engine sales to customers, including repowering active fleets, upgrading technology to Tier 4 dynamic gas blending and adding incremental gas compression units.

    在能源與交通領域,面向用戶的銷售額增長了 39%。第一季度,面向用戶的石油和天然氣銷售受益於面向客戶的新發動機銷售持續強勁,包括為現役車隊提供動力、將技術升級至 Tier 4 動態氣體混合以及增加氣體壓縮裝置。

  • We also saw strong sales of turbines and turbine-related services. Power generation and industrial sales to users continue to remain positive due to favorable market conditions. Transportation declined from a relatively low base primarily due to timing in marine deliveries, which was partially offset by deliveries of international locomotives.


  • Dealer inventory increased by about $1.4 billion in the first quarter, which was slightly above our expectations compared to a $1.3 billion increase in the same quarter last year.

    第一季度經銷商庫存增加約 14 億美元,略高於我們的預期,而去年同期增加了 13 億美元。

  • In Construction Industries, the increase in dealer inventory was primarily due to stronger North American shipments, which remains our most constrained region.


  • As we mentioned last quarter, over 70% of the combined dealer inventory in Resource Industries and Energy & Transportation is supported by customer orders.

    正如我們在上個季度提到的那樣,資源行業和能源與運輸行業超過 70% 的經銷商庫存由客戶訂單支持。

  • Moving to Slide 5. We generated strong ME&T free cash flow of $1.4 billion in the first quarter. We returned $1 billion to shareholders, which included about $600 million in dividends and $400 million in repurchase stock. We remain proud of our dividend aristocrat status and continue to expect to return substantially all ME&T free cash flow to shareholders over time through dividends and share repurchases.

    轉到幻燈片 5。我們在第一季度產生了 14 億美元的強勁 ME&T 自由現金流。我們向股東返還了 10 億美元,其中包括約 6 億美元的股息和 4 億美元的回購股票。我們仍然為我們的股息貴族地位感到自豪,並繼續期望隨著時間的推移通過股息和股票回購將所有 ME&T 的自由現金流基本上返還給股東。

  • Now on Slide 6, I'll share some commentary on our expectations moving forward. While we continue to closely monitor global macroeconomic conditions, our first quarter results lead us to expect that 2023 will be even better than we had previously anticipated on both the top and bottom line.

    現在在幻燈片 6 上,我將分享一些關於我們對未來的期望的評論。在我們繼續密切關注全球宏觀經濟狀況的同時,我們第一季度的業績使我們預計 2023 年的收入和利潤將比我們之前預期的還要好。

  • For 2023, we currently expect to be in the top half of the targeted range for both adjusted operating profit margin and ME&T free cash flow. Andrew will provide additional color.

    對於 2023 年,我們目前預計調整後的營業利潤率和 ME&T 自由現金流都將處於目標範圍的上半部分。安德魯將提供額外的顏色。

  • Before I discuss our outlook for key end markets, I'll provide some color on how we expect our top line to progress through this year. As I mentioned, we expect a strong top line for 2023, supported by price and higher sales to users, with healthy underlying end markets.

    在我討論我們對主要終端市場的展望之前,我將提供一些關於我們預計我們的收入將如何在今年取得進展的顏色。正如我所提到的,我們預計 2023 年的營收將強勁,這得益於價格和用戶銷量的增加,以及健康的基礎終端市場。

  • We expect higher sales in the second quarter compared to the first, as is the typical seasonal pattern. Looking to the second half of 2023, it is important to highlight the second half of last year included the dealer inventory build of $1.4 billion, as dealers began to restock their inventories.

    我們預計第二季度的銷售額將高於第一季度,這是典型的季節性模式。展望 2023 年下半年,重要的是要強調去年下半年包括經銷商庫存增加 14 億美元,因為經銷商開始補充庫存。

  • We are not planning for this trend to repeat. Instead, we expect to see dealers decrease inventories compared to the first quarter levels and end 2023 about flat relative to the end of 2022. Although we expect sales to users to remain positive for our primary segments in each quarter, our planning assumption is that Caterpillar second half sales will have a dealer inventory impact.

    我們不打算重複這種趨勢。相反,我們預計經銷商的庫存與第一季度水平和 2023 年底相比與 2022 年底基本持平。儘管我們預計每個季度對用戶的銷售對我們的主要業務部門來說仍將保持正增長,但我們的計劃假設是 Caterpillar下半年銷量將對經銷商庫存產生影響。

  • Let me explain. First, although dealer inventory and some products and regions have normalized, others remain constrained. For example, in North America, dealer inventory remains below the typical range for many products. However, there is greater excavator inventory in a few regions, as supply dynamics improved in 2022, which, coupled with the slowing in China, has resulted in improved excavation product availability.

    讓我解釋。首先,雖然經銷商庫存和一些產品和地區已經恢復正常,但其他地區仍然受到限制。例如,在北美,經銷商庫存仍然低於許多產品的典型範圍。然而,隨著 2022 年供應動態的改善,加上中國經濟放緩,挖掘機產品的可用性有所改善,一些地區的挖掘機庫存有所增加。

  • Given the improved availability of excavators, we expect that dealers will scale back their levels of excavator inventory in the second half of the year, even though demand remains healthy.


  • As a reminder, [Dealers our] independent businesses and control their own inventory.


  • Second, in late 2023, we have scheduled a couple of new product changeovers in construction industry factories that will also impact the second half.

    其次,在 2023 年底,我們計劃在建築行業工廠進行幾次新產品轉換,這也將影響下半年。

  • Now I'll discuss our outlook for key end markets this year, starting with Construction Industries. In North America, overall, we continue to see positive momentum in 2023. We expect growth in nonresidential construction in North America due to the positive impact of government-related infrastructure investments and a healthy pipeline of construction projects.

    現在,我將從建築行業開始討論我們對今年主要終端市場的展望。總體而言,在北美,我們繼續看到 2023 年的積極勢頭。由於政府相關基礎設施投資的積極影響和健康的建設項目管道,我們預計北美非住宅建築將增長。

  • Although residential construction housing starts have softened, the growth rate of our residential construction equipment remains positive as the supply chain pressures alleviate.


  • In Asia Pacific, excluding China, we expect growth in Construction Industries due to public infrastructure spending and supportive commodity prices. As we mentioned during our previous earnings calls, we expect Chinese above 10-ton excavator industry to remain below 2022 levels due to low construction activity.

    在亞太地區(不包括中國),我們預計建築業將因公共基礎設施支出和支持性商品價格而增長。正如我們在之前的財報電話會議上提到的那樣,由於建築活動低迷,我們預計中國 10 噸以上的挖掘機行業將保持在 2022 年的水平以下。

  • In 2023, sales in China are expected to be below the typical range of 5% to 10% of total Caterpillar sales.

    到 2023 年,中國的銷售額預計將低於卡特彼勒總銷售額的 5% 至 10% 這一典型範圍。

  • In the EAME, business activity is now expected to increase versus last year based on healthy construction project activity, particularly strong construction demand in the Middle East. Although uncertain economic conditions remain, European construction is proving to be more resilient than we previously anticipated.

    在 EAME,基於健康的建築項目活動,尤其是中東強勁的建築需求,現在預計商業活動將比去年有所增加。儘管不確定的經濟狀況依然存在,但事實證明歐洲建築業比我們之前預期的更具彈性。

  • Construction activity in Latin America is expected to be down in 2023 versus the strong 2022 performance.

    與 2022 年的強勁表現相比,拉丁美洲的建築活動預計將在 2023 年下降。

  • There is some concern about the potential impact of a commercial real estate slowdown. We estimate that North American commercial real estate accounts for about 1% of total construction industry sales. Any slowdown related to this sector should not have a significant impact on Construction Industries.

    人們擔心商業房地產放緩的潛在影響。我們估計北美商業地產約佔建築業總銷售額的 1%。與該行業相關的任何放緩都不應對建築業產生重大影響。

  • In Resource Industries, we expect healthy mining demand to continue, as commodity prices remain above investment thresholds. As I've mentioned during the last few years, customers remain capital disciplined, which supports a gradual increase in mining over time.


  • We anticipate production utilization levels will remain elevated. We also expect the aging of the fleet and a lower level of park trucks to support future demand for our equipment and services.


  • We continue to lead the energy transition will support increased commodity demand, expanding our total addressable market and providing further opportunities for profitable growth.


  • In heavy construction and quarry and aggregates, we anticipate continued growth due to major infrastructure and nonresidential construction projects.


  • In Energy & Transportation, we expect to follow our normal seasonal pattern, with higher sales in the second half of the year versus the first half.


  • In oil and gas, reciprocating engines, although customers remain disciplined, we are encouraged by continued strength and demand for both well servicing and gas compression.


  • Power generation reciprocating engine demand is expected to remain healthy, including strong data center growth.


  • New equipment orders and services for solar turbines in both oil and gas and power generation are robust. Industrial remains healthy.


  • In transportation, we anticipate strength in high-speed Marine as customers continue to upgrade aging fleets.


  • Moving to Slide 7. We are contributing to a reduced carbon future and continue to invest in new products, technologies and services to help our customers achieve their climate-related objectives. We recently completed and upgraded more than 15 models across our entire next-generation hydraulic excavator line.

    轉到幻燈片 7。我們正在為減少碳排放的未來做出貢獻,並繼續投資於新產品、技術和服務,以幫助我們的客戶實現其與氣候相關的目標。我們最近完成併升級了整個下一代液壓挖掘機產品線的 15 多個型號。

  • The new models reduced fuel consumption by up to 25% compared to previous models and provide another option for customers to lower emissions, while improving operational efficiency. A customer can realize meaningful emissions reductions by simply moving to the newest next-gen model.

    與以前的型號相比,新型號最多可減少 25% 的油耗,並為客戶提供了另一種降低排放的選擇,同時提高了運營效率。客戶可以通過簡單地轉向最新的下一代模型來實現有意義的減排。

  • This example reinforces our ongoing sustainability leadership and how we help our customers build a better, more sustainable world. In addition, we look forward to issuing our 18th annual sustainability report in May.

    這個例子強化了我們持續的可持續發展領導地位,以及我們如何幫助我們的客戶建設一個更美好、更可持續的世界。此外,我們期待在 5 月發布第 18 份年度可持續發展報告。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Andrew.


  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Thanks, Jim, and good morning, everyone. I'll begin by providing further color on the first quarter results, including the performance of our segments. Then I'll cover the balance sheet and ME&T free cash flow before concluding with a few comments on the full year and our assumptions for the second quarter.

    謝謝,吉姆,大家早上好。我將首先提供有關第一季度業績的更多信息,包括我們細分市場的業績。然後我將介紹資產負債表和 ME&T 自由現金流,然後對全年和我們對第二季度的假設進行一些評論。

  • Beginning on Slide 8. Sales and revenues for the first quarter increased by 17% or $2.3 billion to $15.9 billion. The sales increase versus the prior year was due to strong price realization and higher volume, partially offset by currency impacts.

    從幻燈片 8 開始。第一季度的銷售額和收入增長了 17% 或 23 億美元,達到 159 億美元。與上一年相比銷售額的增長是由於強勁的價格實現和更高的銷量,部分被貨幣影響所抵消。

  • Sales were higher than we had expected in January, with price realization, dealer inventory and end user demand each slightly better than we had anticipated.

    1 月份的銷售額高於我們的預期,價格實現、經銷商庫存和最終用戶需求均略好於我們的預期。

  • Operating profit increased by 47% by $876 million to $2.7 billion, which includes the impact of the divestiture of the company's longwall business.

    營業利潤增長 47%,增加 8.76 億美元,達到 27 億美元,其中包括剝離公司長壁業務的影響。

  • Adjusted operating profit increased by 79% or $1.5 billion to $3.3 billion. Favorable price realization and higher sales volume was partially offset by higher manufacturing costs. The adjusted operating profit margin was 21.1%, an increase of 740 basis points versus the prior year.

    調整後營業利潤增長 79% 或 15 億美元,達到 33 億美元。較高的製造成本部分抵消了有利的價格實現和更高的銷量。調整後的營業利潤率為 21.1%,比上年增長 740 個基點。

  • As Jim mentioned, the adjusted operating margin was much better than we had anticipated. Lower-than-expected manufacturing costs, including efficiencies and absorption, with the largest variable, while price realization and volume were also stronger than we had envisaged. I'll provide additional color in a moment.


  • Adjusted profit per share increased by 70% to $4.91 in the first quarter compared to $2.88 in the first quarter of last year. Adjusted profit per share in the first quarter of 2023 excluded pretax restructuring costs of $611 million, most of this related to the noncash charge from the divestiture of the company's longwall business.

    第一季度調整後每股收益增長 70% 至 4.91 美元,而去年第一季度為 2.88 美元。 2023 年第一季度的調整後每股收益不包括 6.11 億美元的稅前重組成本,其中大部分與剝離公司長壁業務的非現金費用有關。

  • This compares to pretax restructuring costs of $13 million in the first quarter of 2022.

    相比之下,2022 年第一季度的稅前重組成本為 1300 萬美元。

  • Other income of $32 million in the quarter was lower than the first quarter of 2022 by $221 million. The year-over-year decline included about $100 million unfavorable currency impact related to ME&T balance sheet translation and an adverse impact of $80 million for pension expense.

    本季度的其他收入為 3200 萬美元,比 2022 年第一季度低 2.21 億美元。同比下降包括與 ME&T 資產負債表換算相關的約 1 億美元的不利貨幣影響以及 8000 萬美元的養老金支出不利影響。

  • The dollar strengthened marginally since our last earnings call, so the currency impact within the first quarter of 2023 was about $30 million better than we had anticipated than when we spoke to you in January.

    自我們上次財報電話會議以來,美元略有走強,因此 2023 年第一季度的貨幣影響比我們在 1 月份與您交談時的預期高出約 3000 萬美元。

  • Finally, the provision for income tax in the first quarter, excluding discrete items, reflected a global annual effective tax rate of 23%.

    最後,第一季度的所得稅撥備(不包括離散項目)反映了 23% 的全球年度有效稅率。

  • Moving on to Slide 9, the nine. The 17% increase in the top line versus the prior year was driven by favorable price realization and higher sales volume, while currency remained a headwind to sales. Volume improved in part due to a 13% increase in sales to users.

    轉到幻燈片 9,九。收入較上年增長 17% 的原因是有利的價格實現和更高的銷量,而匯率仍然是銷售的不利因素。銷量增加的部分原因是對用戶的銷售額增長了 13%。

  • The impact from changes in dealer inventory was minimal, as the $1.4 billion build in the first quarter was similar to that seen in the first quarter of 2022. Services sales volume was slightly down, mainly due to dealer ordering patterns or services to their customers remain positive.

    經銷商庫存變化的影響很小,因為第一季度的 14 億美元構建與 2022 年第一季度相似。服務銷量略有下降,這主要是由於經銷商訂購模式或對客戶的服務仍然存在積極的。

  • Compared to our expectations a quarter ago, sales were higher than we anticipated, largely due to slightly stronger volume and better-than-expected price realization.


  • On volume, sales to users outpaced our expectations due to strong demand. In addition, the improving supply chain supported higher levels of production across our primary segments. This enabled dealers to increase their inventory levels ahead of the selling season by slightly more than we had expected.


  • Moving to Slide 10. First quarter operating profit increased by 47% to $2.7 billion. Adjusted operating profit increased by 79% versus the prior year quarter as favorable price realization outpaced higher manufacturing costs. Sales volume was also a benefit.

    轉到幻燈片 10。第一季度營業利潤增長 47%,達到 27 億美元。調整後的營業利潤比去年同期增長了 79%,這是因為有利的價格實現超過了製造成本的上漲。銷量也是一個好處。

  • Our first quarter adjusted operating profit margin of 21.1% was a 740 basis point increase versus the prior year.

    我們第一季度調整後的營業利潤率為 21.1%,比上年增長 740 個基點。

  • Now let me explain why our adjusted operating profit margin was so much better than we had expected. While manufacturing costs did increase year-over-year, the increase was less than we had than anticipated and was the most important factor in the quarter. As we have mentioned, volumes were better than expected due to favorable demand and improvements in the supply chain.


  • This help manufacturing cost was both factory efficiency and cost absorption were better than expected. Freight costs were also lower than we had anticipated due to lower premium freight utilization and rate reductions. Material costs were in line with our expectations and did not impact the margin outperformance.


  • In addition to lower manufacturing costs, price realization was also stronger than we had anticipated a quarter ago. Stronger-than-anticipated volume had a smaller beneficial impact on margins. Spend on strategic investments was also lower than expected, as project spend ramps up slower than we had planned.


  • Moving to Slide 11, I'll review segment performance. Starting with Construction Industries, sales increased by 10% in the first quarter to $6.7 billion due to favorable price realization, partially offset by lower sales volume and unfavorable currency impacts.

    轉到幻燈片 11,我將回顧細分市場的表現。從建築行業開始,由於有利的價格實現,第一季度銷售額增長 10% 至 67 億美元,部分被較低的銷量和不利的貨幣影響所抵消。

  • The decrease in sales volume was driven by the impact from changes in dealer inventories, which increased by less in the first quarter of 2023 than compared to the prior year. Compared to our expectations, sales were higher due to stronger volumes.

    銷量下降的原因是經銷商庫存變化的影響,經銷商庫存在 2023 年第一季度的增幅低於上年同期。與我們的預期相比,由於銷量增加,銷售額更高。

  • While sales to end users were as we'd anticipated, the dealer inventory increase was slightly above our expectations.


  • By region, sales in North America rose by 33% due to favorable price realization and higher sales volume. Supply chain improvements enabled stronger-than-expected shipments in North America, supporting delivery structuring in the region. This is a positive, as North America continues to be our most constrained region from a dealer inventory perspective.

    按地區劃分,由於有利的價格實現和更高的銷量,北美的銷售額增長了 33%。供應鏈的改善使北美的出貨量強於預期,支持該地區的交付結構。這是一個積極因素,因為從經銷商庫存的角度來看,北美仍然是我們最受限制的地區。

  • Sales in Latin America decreased by 4% primarily due to lower sales volume, partially offset by favorable price realization.

    拉丁美洲的銷售額下降了 4%,這主要是由於銷量下降,部分被有利的價格實現所抵消。

  • In EAME, sales increased by 5% on favorable price realization, partially offset by favorable currency impacts.

    在 EAME,由於有利的價格實現,銷售額增長了 5%,部分被有利的貨幣影響所抵消。

  • Sales in Asia Pacific decreased by 21% primarily due to lower sales volume and unfavorable currency impact, partially offset by favorable price realization.

    亞太地區的銷售額下降了 21%,這主要是由於銷量下降和不利的貨幣影響,部分被有利的價格實現所抵消。

  • First quarter profit for Construction Industries increased by 69% versus the prior year to $1.8 billion. Price realization mainly drove the increase. This was partially offset by lower sales volume, including an unfavorable product mix and higher manufacturing costs.

    建築業第一季度利潤比上年增長 69%,達到 18 億美元。價格變現主要推動了增長。這部分被較低的銷量所抵消,包括不利的產品組合和較高的製造成本。

  • The segment's operating margin of 26.5% was an increase of 920 basis points versus last year. The segment margin for the quarter exceeded our expectations on moderating manufacturing costs and better-than-expected price and volume.

    該部門的營業利潤率為 26.5%,比去年增加了 920 個基點。本季度的分部利潤率超出了我們對緩和製造成本以及好於預期的價格和數量的預期。

  • Manufacturing costs were lower than we had expected on favorable freight, manufacturing efficiencies and absorption. Production volume was more favorable than we had anticipated, which closed the usual favorable benefits margins from the fourth quarter to the first. You will recall that in January, we said we did not expect that to happen.


  • Turning to Slide 12. Resource Industries sales grew by 21% in the first quarter to $3.4 billion. The increase was primarily due to favorable price realization and higher sales volume. Although aftermarket sales volumes were lower in resource industries due to dealer buying patterns, dealer services to customers remain positive.

    轉到幻燈片 12。資源行業的銷售額在第一季度增長了 21%,達到 34 億美元。增長主要是由於有利的價格實現和更高的銷量。儘管由於經銷商購買模式,資源行業的售後市場銷量較低,但經銷商對客戶的服務仍然積極。

  • First quarter profit for Resource Industries increased by 112% versus the prior year to $764 million mainly due to favorable price realization and higher sales volume. This was partially offset by unfavorable manufacturing costs.

    Resource Industries 的第一季度利潤較上年同期增長 112% 至 7.64 億美元,這主要是由於有利的價格實現和更高的銷量。這部分被不利的製造成本所抵消。

  • The segment's operating margin of 22.3% was an increase of 950 basis points versus last year. Segment margin was better than we expected due to lower manufacturing costs, including favorable absorption, efficiencies and freight. Price realization and volume benefits also exceeded our expectations.

    該部門的營業利潤率為 22.3%,比去年增加了 950 個基點。由於較低的製造成本,包括有利的吸收、效率和運費,部門利潤率好於我們的預期。價格實現和數量效益也超出了我們的預期。

  • Now on Slide 13. Energy & Transportation sales increased by 24% in the first quarter to $6.3 billion, with sales up double digits across all applications. Oil and gas sales increased by 39%, power generation sales by 27%, industrial sales rose by 23%. And finally, transportation sales increased by 14%.

    現在在幻燈片 13 上。第一季度能源和運輸銷售額增長 24%,達到 63 億美元,所有應用的銷售額都增長了兩位數。石油和天然氣銷售額增長 39%,發電銷售額增長 27%,工業銷售額增長 23%。最後,運輸銷售額增長了 14%。

  • First quarter profit for Energy & Transportation increased by 96% versus the prior year to $1.1 billion. The increase was mainly due to favorable price realization and higher sales volume. Unfavorable manufacturing costs and higher SG&A and R&D expenses acted as a partial offset.

    能源與運輸業務的第一季度利潤比上年增長 96%,達到 11 億美元。增長主要是由於有利的價格實現和更高的銷量。不利的製造成本和較高的 SG&A 和研發費用起到了部分抵消作用。

  • SG&A and R&D expenses increased primarily due to investments aligned with our strategic initiatives, including electrification and services growth.

    SG&A 和研發費用的增加主要是由於與我們的戰略計劃相一致的投資,包括電氣化和服務增長。

  • The segment's operating margin of 16.9% was an increase of 620 basis points versus last year, but lower than the fourth quarter as is typical from a seasonality perspective. Compared to our expectations last quarter, margin was better than anticipated on lower manufacturing costs due in part to favorable absorption. Volume was also modestly stronger than we had expected.

    該部門的營業利潤率為 16.9%,比去年增加了 620 個基點,但低於第四季度,從季節性角度來看是典型的。與我們上個季度的預期相比,由於吸收良好,製造成本降低,利潤率好於預期。成交量也略高於我們的預期。

  • Moving to Slide 14. Financial Products revenue increased by 15% to $902 million primarily due to higher average financing rates across all regions. Segment profit decreased by 3% to $232 million.

    轉到幻燈片 14。金融產品收入增長 15% 至 9.02 億美元,這主要是由於所有地區的平均融資利率較高。分部利潤下降 3% 至 2.32 億美元。

  • The slight profit decrease was mainly due to unfavorable impacts from equity securities, currency exchange losses and mark-to-market adjustments on derivative contracts. However, higher net yield on average earning assets and lower provision for credit losses acted as a partial offset.


  • Business activity remains strong, and our portfolio continues to perform well. Past dues in the quarter were 2.00%, a 5 basis point improvement compared to the first quarter of 2022. This is the lowest first quarter past dues percentage since 2006. And whilst retail new business volume declined compared to the first quarter of 2022, this was expected as high interest rates drove more cash deals and increased competition from banks.

    業務活動依然強勁,我們的投資組合繼續表現良好。本季度的逾期未付率為 2.00%,與 2022 年第一季度相比提高了 5 個基點。這是自 2006 年以來最低的第一季度逾期未付百分比。雖然零售新業務量與 2022 年第一季度相比有所下降,但這由於高利率推動了更多的現金交易並加劇了來自銀行的競爭,這在意料之中。

  • Finally, we continue to see strong demand for used equipment, as prices remain elevated while used equipment inventory is at historic lows.


  • Before I move on, I want to point out that CAT Financial has strong liquidity and broad access to funding. We are funded through the wholesale debt markets rather than from customer deposits, and we match assets and liabilities based on duration, currency and interest rate profile.

    在我繼續之前,我想指出 CAT Financial 具有強大的流動性和廣泛的融資渠道。我們通過批發債務市場而不是客戶存款獲得資金,我們根據期限、貨幣和利率狀況來匹配資產和負債。

  • As we have mentioned previously, in a rising interest rate environment, banks are able to provide more competitive interest rates than Cat Financial, and we tend to lose some share of the machines financed.

    正如我們之前提到的,在利率上升的環境下,銀行能夠提供比 Cat Financial 更具競爭力的利率,我們往往會失去部分融資機器的份額。

  • In the event of a slowdown in lending from regional banks, we are well positioned to step in and fund creditworthy customers, so they can purchase their machines.


  • Now on Slide 15. We continue to generate strong ME&T free cash flows. ME&T free cash flow of $1.4 billion in the quarter was about a $1.8 billion increase compared to an outflow in the prior year.

    現在在幻燈片 15 上。我們繼續產生強勁的 ME&T 自由現金流。本季度 ME&T 自由現金流為 14 億美元,與去年同期的流出相比增加了約 18 億美元。

  • The increase was primarily driven by higher profit. This increase is notable in the quarter that included our annual short-term incentive payout and a rise in working capital impacted by an increase in Caterpillar inventory.

    增長主要是由更高的利潤推動的。這一增長在本季度非常顯著,其中包括我們的年度短期激勵支出以及受 Caterpillar 庫存增加影響的營運資金增加。

  • As Jim mentioned, following the strong half -- first -- strong first quarter, we expect to end the year in the top half of our ME&T free cash flow range of $4 billion to $8 billion.

    正如 Jim 提到的那樣,在強勁的第一季度 - 第一 - 強勁的第一季度之後,我們預計今年將在 40 億美元至 80 億美元的 ME&T 自由現金流範圍的上半部分結束。

  • CapEx was around $400 million in the quarter, and we still expect to spend around $1.5 billion for the year. As Jim mentioned, capital deployment was about $1 billion in the quarter for dividends and share repurchases.

    本季度資本支出約為 4 億美元,我們仍預計全年支出約為 15 億美元。正如吉姆所提到的,本季度用於股息和股票回購的資本配置約為 10 億美元。

  • Our balance sheet remains strong, and we have ample liquidity with an enterprise cash balance of $6.8 billion.

    我們的資產負債表依然強勁,我們擁有充足的流動性,企業現金餘額為 68 億美元。

  • Now on Slide 16, I will share some high-level assumptions for the full year, followed by the second quarter. Looking at the full year, we expect a strong top line supported by price and higher sales to users, with healthy underlying end markets.

    現在在幻燈片 16 上,我將分享全年的一些高級假設,然後是第二季度。展望全年,我們預計強勁的收入將受到價格和更高的用戶銷售額的支撐,以及健康的基礎終端市場。

  • As Jim mentioned, we expect full year reported sales for Construction Industries to be impacted by dealer inventory movements, particularly in the second half of the year. Underlying demand remains strong and as we do expect Construction Industries sales to users to show positive growth in the next 3 quarters.

    正如吉姆所提到的,我們預計建築行業的全年報告銷售額將受到經銷商庫存變動的影響,尤其是在下半年。潛在需求依然強勁,正如我們所預計的那樣,建築業對用戶的銷售在未來 3 個季度將呈現正增長。

  • We anticipate continued strength in Resource Industries end markets and stronger end user sales in 2023. In addition, as typical seasonality would suggest, we expect to see some sales ramp in the second half in Energy & Transportation given strong demand for large engines and turbines.

    我們預計 2023 年資源行業終端市場和終端用戶銷售將持續走強。此外,正如典型的季節性所表明的那樣,鑑於對大型發動機和渦輪機的強勁需求,我們預計下半年能源和交通領域的銷售將有所增長。

  • Moving on to margins. Based on our current planning assumptions, we anticipate full year adjusted operating profit margins to be in the top half of our target range. Given the favorable impact of cost absorption in the first quarter, which we do not expect to recur, we anticipate margins in the remaining quarters of the year will be lower than the first quarter level, while underlying demand and end markets remain strong.


  • Also despite the slower-than-expected start, we anticipate the spend related to strategic investments within SG&A and R&D will ramp through the year. We expect price to continue to be favorable, although the absolute dollar value of the year-over-year price increases will moderate as we lap through the increases put through in 2022.

    此外,儘管開局速度慢於預期,但我們預計與 SG&A 和 R&D 內的戰略投資相關的支出將在今年增加。我們預計價格將繼續有利,儘管隨著我們逐步完成 2022 年的漲幅,同比價格漲幅的絕對美元價值將會放緩。

  • We also expect the relationship between price and manufacturing costs for machines to normalize as the year progresses, as we've now caught up to the manufacturing cost increases, which have outpaced price in late 2021 and early 2022. This means that the benefit to margins of price outpacing manufacturing cost inflation will moderate tempering the possibility of further margin expansion.

    我們還預計機器的價格和製造成本之間的關係會隨著時間的推移而正常化,因為我們現在已經趕上了製造成本的增長,而製造成本的增長在 2021 年底和 2022 年初已經超過了價格。這意味著利潤率的提高價格漲幅超過製造成本通脹將適度緩和利潤率進一步擴大的可能性。

  • Keep in mind, similar to the first quarter, we still anticipate a headwind of about $80 million per quarter at the corporate level related to pension expense. We also continue to anticipate restructuring expenses of around $700 million this year, with around $100 million remaining following the first quarter. And the global effective tax rate should be around 23%, excluding discrete items.

    請記住,與第一季度類似,我們仍然預計在企業層面與養老金支出相關的逆風每季度約為 8000 萬美元。我們還繼續預計今年的重組費用約為 7 億美元,第一季度後剩餘約 1 億美元。全球有效稅率應該在23%左右,不包括離散項目。

  • Now on to our assumptions for the second quarter. We expect higher sales in the second quarter compared to the prior year on strong sales to users and price. Following the typical seasonal pattern, we expect higher sales in the second quarter as compared to the first.


  • We expect Energy & Transportation sales will accelerate given strong sales to users, which are supported by healthy demand. We expect to report flattish sales levels compared to the first quarter in Construction Industries and Resource Industries. Both segments are expected to report positive sales to users.


  • In the second quarter of 2022, we saw a decrease in deal inventory of $400 million. We expect a smaller decrease in the second quarter of 2023. Specific to second quarter margins versus the prior year, adjusted operating margins at the enterprise and segment level should be substantially stronger than the prior year on favorable price and volume. However, we do expect to see a return to the typical seasonal pattern of lower second quarter margins compared to the first quarter, despite higher sales.

    2022 年第二季度,我們看到交易庫存減少了 4 億美元。我們預計 2023 年第二季度的降幅較小。具體到第二季度與上一年相比的利潤率,在有利的價格和數量下,企業和細分市場層面調整後的營業利潤率應大大高於上一年。然而,我們確實預計會看到第二季度利潤率低於第一季度的典型季節性模式,儘管銷售額有所增加。

  • We expect the year-over-year benefit of price realization in the second quarter to moderate compared to the benefit we saw in the first quarter, as we lapped prior year increases.


  • In addition, SG&A and R&D investment spend should increase, as we continue to accelerate our strategic investments in areas like autonomy, alternative fuels, connectivity, digital and electrification.

    此外,隨著我們繼續加快在自治、替代燃料、連通性、數字和電氣化等領域的戰略投資,SG&A 和研發投資支出應該會增加。

  • Finally, we do not anticipate that the favorable absorption impact that we saw in the first quarter will be repeated. At the segment level, in Construction Industries, we expect lower second quarter margins compared to the first quarter largely due to the lack of a favorable impact from absorption and a ramp-up in strategic investment spend.


  • Likewise, second quarter margins in Resource Industries were likely to be lower than the first quarter as is the typical seasonal pattern. Conversely, Energy & Transportation should see a slight margin improvement compared to the first quarter levels, supported by stronger sales volume as demand remains healthy.


  • Now turning to Slide 17, let me summarize. Sales grew by 17% led by strong price realization and volume gains. The adjusted operating profit margin increased by 740 basis points to 21.1%.

    現在轉到幻燈片 17,讓我總結一下。在強勁的價格實現和銷量增長的帶動下,銷售額增長了 17%。調整後的營業利潤率增加了 740 個基點,達到 21.1%。

  • ME&T free cash flow was strong at $1.4 billion, and we expect to be at the top half of our ME&T free cash flow range of $4 billion to $8 billion for the full year.

    ME&T 自由現金流量強勁,達到 14 億美元,我們預計全年 ME&T 自由現金流量將達到 40 億至 80 億美元的上半部分。

  • After a strong first quarter, we currently expect our 2023 adjusted operating profit margins will be in the top half of our target range.

    在第一季度表現強勁之後,我們目前預計 2023 年調整後的營業利潤率將處於目標範圍的上半部分。

  • The environment remains positive with improving supply chain dynamics, a strong backlog and healthy underlying end markets. We will continue to execute our strategy for long-term profitable growth. And with that, we'll take your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question comes from the line of Rob Wertheimer with Melius Research.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自 Rob Wertheimer 與 Melius Research 的合作。

  • Robert Cameron Wertheimer - Founding Partner, Director of Research & Research Analyst

    Robert Cameron Wertheimer - Founding Partner, Director of Research & Research Analyst

  • My question is really on North American construction, where -- I'm curious whether your end users have seen infrastructure dollars starting to flow have started to make orders based on that, whether your dealers make orders in anticipation of that or whether a lot of that is still ahead. So I'll stop there.


  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. Rob, we have seen some positive impact of those infrastructure dollars start to flow. The projects that don't require a lot of permitting, things like of reservicing roads, that kind of activity has already started, and we're seeing a positive benefit of that.

    是的。 Rob,我們已經看到這些基礎設施資金開始流動的一些積極影響。不需要大量許可的項目,比如道路預留,這類活動已經開始,我們看到了積極的好處。

  • And one of the things, of course, when customers believe there's a pipeline of projects coming, they're more likely typically to make that capital investment to make a purchase of a piece of new equipment. But yes, it has started, and we expect it to continue for some time.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Tami Zakaria with JPMorgan.

    你的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Tami Zakaria。

  • Tami Zakaria - Analyst

    Tami Zakaria - Analyst

  • Just to clarify the operating margin expectation for the year, I think you said you're expecting it to be at the top half of the target range.


  • So can you remind us what that range exactly is? Are we talking about the 18% to 21% that we saw in the prior quarter's presentation? What exactly is that range you're talking about?

    那麼你能提醒我們這個範圍到底是多少嗎?我們是在談論我們在上一季度的演示中看到的 18% 到 21% 嗎?你說的那個範圍到底是多少?

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. So Tami, to be clear, and I realized as we were saying it, they could be interpreted in 2 ways. One, which is could it be the 10% to 21% range. No, that is not what we're referring to.

    是的。所以塔米,要清楚,當我們說的時候我意識到,它們可以用兩種方式來解釋。一,它可以是 10% 到 21% 的範圍嗎?不,那不是我們指的。

  • If you remember, we have a range of a 3% range based on different levels of sales revenues -- and revenues. That is where we're talking about. So for example, if you're assuming a certain level of revenues, if you remember the graph we produced, we've given you that will show a margin range. We expect to be in the top half of that 3% range at that level of sales revenues for the year.

    如果你還記得的話,我們根據不同的銷售收入水平和收入有一個 3% 的範圍。這就是我們正在談論的地方。因此,例如,如果您假設一定的收入水平,如果您還記得我們製作的圖表,我們已經為您提供了一個顯示利潤率範圍的圖表。我們預計今年的銷售收入水平將處於 3% 範圍的上半部分。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Michael Feniger with Bank of America.

    你的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Michael Feniger。

  • Michael J. Feniger - Director

    Michael J. Feniger - Director

  • The market is worried about dealer destocking and the impact to construction margins. In prior cycles, margins came under heavy pressure when there was a big destocking event.


  • Is there anything different in terms of how CAT is managing its production, your strong pricing dynamic, inventory management with you and your dealers that we should be thinking about this cycle compared to prior cycles?

    在 CAT 如何管理其生產、您強大的定價動態、您和您的經銷商的庫存管理方面,與之前的周期相比,我們應該考慮這個週期有什麼不同嗎?

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. So certainly, one of the things we've done is worked hard on our S&OP process over the last few years to really minimize the impact of that kind of an issue. .

    是的。因此,當然,我們所做的其中一件事就是在過去幾年中努力改進我們的 S&OP 流程,以真正最大限度地減少此類問題的影響。 .

  • Firstly, to keep in mind, the way we are -- the market is positioned now, we have strong sales to users, and we feel good about the underlying demand in our end markets. So I'll start with that. During a period of supply constraints, which really has occurred because of all the issues you're aware of during the last few years, it's not unusual for us to have dealers ordering a bit more, and they couldn't really get the kind of dealer inventory that they would like to have.


  • They've been able with some easing in supply chain, although we still have periods -- areas of real constraint. They have been able to start to increase do their inventory. Having said that, we have talked about the fact that we expect dealer inventory to end the year about flat as to where it ended in 2022 and expect a slight decrease during the year.

    他們已經能夠在供應鏈方面有所放鬆,儘管我們仍然有一段時間——真正受限的領域。他們已經能夠開始增加庫存。話雖如此,我們已經談到了這樣一個事實,即我們預計經銷商庫存將在年底與 2022 年結束時持平,並預計年內會略有下降。

  • But again, with our S&OP process, the way we look at that now, the way we work with our dealers, we're comfortable in that process that we've really improved it.

    但同樣,通過我們的 S&OP 流程,我們現在看待它的方式,我們與經銷商合作的方式,我們對這個流程感到滿意,因為我們確實改進了它。

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. And let me just add, because, obviously, one of the concerns -- we talk about dealer inventory in terms of the global dealer inventory number where we talk about the 3 to 4 months. There are some areas with some products, which are actually below the bottom end of that range.

    是的。讓我補充一下,因為很明顯,其中一個擔憂——我們根據全球經銷商庫存數量來談論經銷商庫存,我們談論的是 3 到 4 個月。有些地區有一些產品,實際上低於該範圍的底端。

  • And so we do not see at this stage anywhere apart from potentially with excavation where there is actually any level of stocking, which even gets close to the top end of that range. So it's really -- you have to look at it product by product.

    因此,在這個階段,除了潛在的挖掘之外,我們看不到任何地方實際上有任何庫存水平,甚至接近該範圍的頂端。所以它真的 - 你必須逐個產品地看它。

  • And again, just to remind you that last year's build in dealer inventory, 60% of that related to RI and to Energy & Transportation, of which 70% of that -- more than 70% of that is covered by firm customer orders.

    再次提醒您,去年經銷商庫存的增加,其中 60% 與 RI 和能源與運輸相關,其中 70% - 其中超過 70% 由確定的客戶訂單覆蓋。

  • This is -- I think, with respect a little bit misunderstood by the market. We are not in a situation where we are allowing or expecting dealer inventory to become a headwind for us at any time in the next few quarters.

    這是 - 我認為,尊重市場有點誤解。在未來幾個季度的任何時候,我們都不會允許或期望經銷商庫存成為我們的逆風。

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • And dealer inventory is within a typical range of 3 to 4 months. And again, we have strong market conditions.

    經銷商庫存在 3 到 4 個月的典型範圍內。再一次,我們有強大的市場條件。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jamie Cook with Credit Suisse.

    你的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 Jamie Cook。

  • Jamie Lyn Cook - MD, Sector Head of United States Capital Goods Research and Analyst

    Jamie Lyn Cook - MD, Sector Head of United States Capital Goods Research and Analyst

  • Congratulations on a nice quarter. I guess, my question, Jim, just the market, I think, is going to be worried at the performance this quarter is backward-looking. So can you like speak to how you're thinking about backlog or book-to-bill in the back half of the year?


  • Can that continue to be positive? Do you think backlog will be higher at the end of this year versus where we were this quarter?


  • And then just my second question, Andrew, on the margins, can you talk to margins in the back half of the second half versus first half? Just trying to understand how much lower the margins would be in the second half and what's being weighed down by strategic investment.


  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. Certainly, Jamie. First to answer your first question on backlog, we are encouraged by the very strong backlog that we had. It's flat compared to last quarter, but it's at a very healthy level. Again, we have a healthy level of demand as well.


  • As I mentioned earlier, our -- some supply chain constraints have started to ease. And when, in fact, availability improves, dealers often wait a bit longer to place orders for new equipment, and that is part of what happens.


  • But again, oil and gas is strong. We have -- I mentioned earlier that our solar turbines business is strong, Cat Oil and gas is strong. But again, we feel good about the market conditions, and the backlog reflects that.


  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. And again, just to add to that before talking about margins, just a reminder, backlog is one of the metrics we look at -- to look at where we think about demand is a demand signal. It really does often reflect availability from -- and therefore, often there's one part of that equation. Other things we look at is [SUS] Order rates and also our conversations with dealers, which give us optimism rather than just purely focusing on the backlog per se.

    是的。再一次,在談論利潤率之前補充一點,只是提醒一下,積壓是我們關注的指標之一——看看我們認為需求在哪裡是一個需求信號。它確實經常反映可用性——因此,通常只有一個等式的一部分。我們關注的其他事情是 [SUS] 訂單率以及我們與經銷商的對話,這讓我們感到樂觀,而不是僅僅專注於積壓本身。

  • With regards to margins, as we said, in the second half, you would normally see we're probably returning more to a more typical pattern within construction. We didn't expect that. If you remember last in January, we didn't expect to see the normal increase from the fourth quarter to the first.

    關於利潤率,正如我們所說,在下半年,您通常會看到我們可能更多地回歸到建築業中更典型的模式。我們沒想到。如果你還記得去年 1 月,我們沒想到會看到從第四季度到第一季度的正常增長。

  • We did. We would not expect to see the normal pattern of margins being declining as we go through the year. That's a function of production. Obviously, as the year progresses, we produce less, which impacts on absorption, in particular, and also factory efficiencies.


  • Within RI, that tends to bounce around a little bit more and obviously is impacted by the level of sales and revenues. And in E&T, we expect margins actually will progress as we go through the year as per the normal pattern.

    在 RI 中,這往往會稍微反彈一點,並且顯然受到銷售和收入水平的影響。在 E&T 中,我們預計利潤率實際上會隨著我們按照正常模式度過這一年而進步。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of David Raso with Evercore.

    你的下一個問題來自 Evercore 的 David Raso。

  • David Michael Raso - Senior MD & Head of Industrial Research Team

    David Michael Raso - Senior MD & Head of Industrial Research Team

  • First, just a clarification. When you speak to the second half of dealer inventory destocking, I know it moves around a bit year-to-year, but isn't the historical pattern that the dealers do take inventory down in the second half of the year, roughly about $1 billion?

    首先,澄清一下。當你談到下半年經銷商庫存去庫存時,我知道它每年都在移動,但這不是經銷商在今年下半年減少庫存的歷史模式,大約在 1 美元左右十億?

  • Just making sure I understand the commentary that it's a destock versus there's some normal seasonality to it. I know you hinted excavators, if that really might be a destock. I know it's really hard to get dozers right now to Brazil. So I'm just trying to understand. Is it a destock? Or is it sort of normal seasonality first? But then I have a different question. It's a clarification on that.


  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. So just to clarify, David, obviously, versus last year where we saw an increase. So remind you, there's a $700 million increase in both the third and the fourth quarter. We would expect to decrease this year.

    是的。所以,為了澄清,大衛,顯然,與去年我們看到的增長相比。所以提醒你,第三季度和第四季度都增加了 7 億美元。我們預計今年會減少。

  • Yes, it's not unseasonable, but it is a decrease versus the year-over-year. So just that does create a gap between overall. So that's part of the reason we're just highlighting it now just to remind everybody.


  • Seth Robert Weber - Former Equity Analyst

    Seth Robert Weber - Former Equity Analyst

  • Yes, there's a normal spring selling season. Sorry, David, you exactly right.


  • David Michael Raso - Senior MD & Head of Industrial Research Team

    David Michael Raso - Senior MD & Head of Industrial Research Team

  • Yes. Okay. That sort of wasn't something unique the behavioral pattern is to take it down in the second half, but...


  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes, correct. Correct.


  • David Michael Raso - Senior MD & Head of Industrial Research Team

    David Michael Raso - Senior MD & Head of Industrial Research Team

  • Real simple question, '24, I know lead times in some areas are getting better, some are still challenged. But it does appear the dealers are willing to order a little earlier for next year than a normal at this time of the year ordering for next year. Just any early signs you have on order books for '24, I think would be very helpful.

    真正簡單的問題,'24,我知道某些領域的交貨時間越來越好,有些仍然面臨挑戰。但看起來經銷商確實願意為明年訂購比每年這個時候訂購明年的正常訂購時間早一點。只要你在 24 年的訂單簿上有任何早期跡象,我認為都會非常有幫助。

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. It is still too early to certainly predict 2024. As I mentioned, because availability is improving, that gives dealers the opportunity for some products to wait a bit longer when they place their orders. And that's not the case for every product. But it is really make a call on 2024. .

    是的。現在肯定預測 2024 年還為時過早。正如我所提到的,由於可用性正在提高,這使經銷商有機會在下訂單時等待更長時間的某些產品。並非每種產品都是如此。但它真的是在2024年打電話。。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jerry Revich with Goldman Sachs.

    你的下一個問題來自 Jerry Revich 與高盛的合作。

  • Jerry David Revich - VP

    Jerry David Revich - VP

  • I'm wondering if you could just talk about the margins for you folks are now at the high end of your framework range and supply chain performance. Looks like it's improving from here and for the rest of the industry. The margins are at the very high end of their ranges as well.


  • How do you think about the risk of pricing concessions for the industry from here, as supply improves further? Obviously, we haven't seen discounting from you folks in the past, but I'm wondering if you can talk about it if this cycle is different at all given just the more complexity.


  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. Of course, as you know, we serve a variety of industries, and there's -- it's not a one size fits all. So we look very carefully at the market conditions and the competitive situation for each product that we sell into the various markets that we have.

    是的。當然,如您所知,我們服務於各種行業,而且 - 它不是一個適合所有人的尺寸。因此,我們非常仔細地研究我們銷售到我們擁有的各個市場的每種產品的市場狀況和競爭情況。

  • Certainly, in some areas, product is still constrained, and it's still quite challenging to get product. And in others, as we mentioned, like an excavation, there is more availability. So that has an impact as well.


  • But really, what we do is, as you can imagine, look at -- we always take into account our cost inputs, and then we look at the competitive situation for each product in each market, and we make a decision based on that.

    但實際上,正如您可以想像的那樣,我們所做的是 - 我們始終考慮我們的成本投入,然後我們查看每個市場中每種產品的競爭情況,並據此做出決定。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Steve Volkmann with Jefferies.

    你的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Steve Volkmann。

  • Stephen Edward Volkmann - Equity Analyst

    Stephen Edward Volkmann - Equity Analyst

  • I wanted to go back, Jim, I think I heard you say that you thought North American commercial construction was like 1% of CI. Correct me if I got that wrong, but it made me wonder what you think really the key drivers are of that business, so that we can sort of monitor those going forward?

    我想回去,吉姆,我想我聽到你說你認為北美商業建築就像 CI 的 1%。如果我說錯了,請糾正我,但這讓我想知道您認為該業務的真正關鍵驅動因素是什麼,以便我們可以對未來的發展進行某種程度的監控?

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • What are the key drivers of commercial construction?


  • Stephen Edward Volkmann - Equity Analyst

    Stephen Edward Volkmann - Equity Analyst

  • No, I'm sorry, I understand -- if commercial is only 1% of CI, what's the other 99%?

    不,對不起,我明白——如果商業廣告只佔 CI 的 1%,那麼其他 99% 是什麼?

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. So we talk a lot about nonresidential, and we've talked about the fact that we are quite encouraged by legislation that has passed, whether it's IIJA, the chips act , the IRA.

    是的。所以我們談論了很多關於非住宅的話題,我們談到了這樣一個事實,即我們對已經通過的立法感到非常鼓舞,無論是 IIJA、籌碼法案還是 IRA。

  • So again, looking at that activity that's being supported by that legislation, we feel good about residential in North America. One of the things we wanted to do was because there had been a lot of commentary, frankly, about commercial real estate, we wanted to just clarify that it's a very small portion of CI because it seems to be getting a lot more play than it deserved, quite frankly.

    因此,再次看看該立法支持的活動,我們對北美的住宅感覺良好。我們想做的一件事是因為有很多關於商業地產的評論,坦率地說,我們只想澄清它只是 CI 的一小部分,因為它似乎比它得到了更多的發揮坦率地說,當之無愧。

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. And sorry, just I want to clarify one point that I responded to in question that dealer, yes there will be dealer inventory destocking occurring in the second half of the year, but it will not impact us.


  • We will still see positive sales momentum in those quarters. So it does not have an impact where it takes us down year-over-year at any point in time in the next few quarters. Just to clarify that.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Chad Dillard with Bernstein.

    你的下一個問題來自 Chad Dillard 與 Bernstein 的對話。

  • Charles Albert Edward Dillard - Research Analyst

    Charles Albert Edward Dillard - Research Analyst

  • A couple of questions. So first, can you comment on your lead times in construction today versus 6 months ago? And then can you just clarify your comments about the second half?

    幾個問題。那麼首先,您能否評論一下您今天與 6 個月前相比的施工交貨時間?然後你能澄清一下你對下半場的評論嗎?

  • You talked about destocking and factory maintenance. Does that mean that 3Q and 4Q will be least only weaker than normal on a sequential basis?

    你談到了去庫存和工廠維護。這是否意味著第 3 季度和第 4 季度將至少僅比正常情況更弱?

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. So lead times -- so because of easing supply chain constraints in some areas, lead times have improved. We still really have challenges in certain areas. Earth moving is a great example.

    是的。所以交貨時間 - 由於某些地區供應鏈限制的放鬆,交貨時間有所改善。我們在某些領域仍然面臨挑戰。地球移動就是一個很好的例子。

  • We have challenges around availability and lead times around some BCP products as well. Excavation, as I mentioned earlier, has in fact eased. But we are making some changes in factory changes in the second half.

    我們在某些 BCP 產品的可用性和交貨時間方面也面臨挑戰。正如我之前提到的,挖掘實際上已經有所緩解。但是我們在下半年在工廠的變化上做一些改變。

  • Actually, we're going from a third-party engine to a Caterpillar engine and some products. So as we make that change over, that will, in fact, have a bit of an impact on production. And it's obviously temporary, and it's a positive thing for us long term to get our own engines in those products. So we'll be making that change later in the year.

    實際上,我們正在從第三方引擎轉向 Caterpillar 引擎和一些產品。因此,當我們進行更改時,實際上會對生產產生一些影響。這顯然是暫時的,從長遠來看,在這些產品中使用我們自己的引擎對我們來說是一件好事。所以我們將在今年晚些時候做出改變。

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. I mean -- and obviously. Sorry, carry on.

    是的。我的意思是 - 顯然。對不起,繼續。

  • Charles Albert Edward Dillard - Research Analyst

    Charles Albert Edward Dillard - Research Analyst

  • Yes, I was going to -- can you just clarify your comment about the second half you talked about destocking some maintenance in the second half? So I just want to know, does that mean that 3Q and 4Q will be seasonally weaker than the normal on a sequential basis?.

    是的,我打算 - 你能澄清一下你對下半年你談到在下半年減少一些維護庫存的評論嗎?所以我只想知道,這是否意味著第 3 季度和第 4 季度的季節性會比正常情況更弱?

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes, back to the comment of this I said to David earlier, we did have inventory builds in the third and fourth quarters of last year. So you're running against a comparative, which has a build versus a decrease. So year-over-year, that does impact what would be the normal seasonal pattern.


  • Obviously, While other factors coming to that price and also what underlying volume demand is, but that will have an impact on our reported sales in those quarters. So we're just highlighting that, so that as you think about your models, you don't build the normal seasonable pattern into those models as you look out for the next several quarters.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of John Joyner with BMO Capital Markets.

    你的下一個問題來自 BMO Capital Markets 的 John Joyner。

  • John Phillip Joyner - Machinery Analyst

    John Phillip Joyner - Machinery Analyst

  • And sorry to ask another question about the dealer stocks. But I guess, if demand and sales to end users have stayed strong, and inventories are not elevated, why would there be dealer destocking and not some restocking? I mean does it possibly imply a bit of hesitation among dealers when looking ahead?


  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • I don't believe that's the case. And again, as I mentioned, as availability improves and lead times decrease due to easing supply chain challenges, it's not unusual. And we looked in the past, it's not unusual for dealers took to -- they can wait longer to place orders, and they need a bit less in inventory because we can respond more quickly. So it's not surprising to have that happen.


  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • And also, if you recall, we've talked about the new sales and operations planning process and one of the things we're trying to avoid through that process is dealers holding more inventory than is really necessary.


  • They are independent businesses. They make their own decisions of our inventory, but we try to work with them to avoid any overstocking, which then has an impact when we later on where you have to destock. So we're trying just to be more proactive in that regard than we have been historically.


  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • And again, when we can respond more quickly to do their orders. The newish feel comfortable holding a bit less inventory.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Matt Elkott with TD Cowen.

    你的下一個問題來自 Matt Elkott 和 TD Cowen。

  • Matthew Youssef Elkott - Director and Transportation, OEMs & Technology Analyst

    Matthew Youssef Elkott - Director and Transportation, OEMs & Technology Analyst

  • So I know the backlog was unchanged. But how has the timing of the backlog changed? I mean, does it go out further? Did any orders get pushed out because of all the macro uncertainty? And did you have -- you guys have any major cancellations that were offset by new orders?


  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • No, we have not seen any major cancellations, and we feel quite good about the quality of the backlog that we have. Of course, much of it is for solar turbines, for oil and gas, for mining.


  • So again, we feel quite good about the quality of that backlog, and we haven't seen major cancellations.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Kristen Owen with Oppenheimer.

    你的下一個問題來自 Kristen Owen 和 Oppenheimer 的對話。

  • Kristen E. Owen - Associate

    Kristen E. Owen - Associate

  • I'm going to switch it up here a little bit and ask you to talk about the NMG announcement that you recently made for the 0 emission fleet. Looks like that includes some related infrastructure. So just a couple of pointed questions there.

    我要在這裡稍微改變一下,請你談談你最近為零排放艦隊所做的 NMG 公告。看起來這包括一些相關的基礎設施。所以這裡只有幾個尖銳的問題。

  • First, how do you see the rollout progression of a product -- a project like this? And then second, how should we think about this in terms of a blueprint for future mine site decarbonization opportunities? Like how do you price for that? How do you think about packaging that sort of deal?


  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Yes. So certainly, we've had a number of requests from many of our mining customers, and NMG is one of them to help them decarbonize their operations. And so we are working with NMG specifically to help to provide battery powered machines to allow them to execute that project.

    是的。因此,當然,我們已經收到了許多采礦客戶的許多請求,而 NMG 就是其中之一,希望幫助他們實現脫碳運營。因此,我們正在與 NMG 合作,專門幫助提供電池供電的機器,讓他們能夠執行該項目。

  • So again, it's a collaborative process. We're working closely with them. We're working through commercial issues with them. But again, we feel quite good about where we are. We demonstrated in November to a number of our customers a fully loaded battery-powered -- large mining truck operating in diesel power performance in terms of speed, fully loaded -- on the flat going up the hill. So again, we feel good about where we are. But it is a process. So it's a multiyear process that working with our customers.

    同樣,這是一個協作過程。我們正在與他們密切合作。我們正在與他們一起解決商業問題。但同樣,我們對自己所處的位置感到非常滿意。我們在 11 月向我們的許多客戶展示了一輛滿載電池供電的大型礦用卡車,在速度、滿載的情況下以柴油動力運行,在平坦的山坡上行駛。因此,我們再次對自己所處的位置感覺良好。但這是一個過程。因此,與我們的客戶合作是一個多年的過程。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Tim Thein with Citi.

    你的下一個問題來自花旗銀行的 Tim Thein。

  • Timothy W. Thein - Director & U.S. Machinery Analyst

    Timothy W. Thein - Director & U.S. Machinery Analyst

  • The other question just on this -- the improvement, whatever improvement you are seeing in the supply chain and a little bit better visibility and thus your ability to react faster, how does that -- Andrew, how do we think about that, the interplay with that as we go through the year and Cat's own inventory?

    關於這個的另一個問題——改進,你在供應鏈中看到的任何改進,以及更好的可見性,因此你的反應速度更快的能力,這是怎麼回事——安德魯,我們如何看待這一點,相互作用隨著我們經歷這一年和 Cat 自己的庫存?

  • And I know there's some -- there's been flattered somewhat probably by inflation and other factors. But -- and just thinking of that impact as you go through the year and, ultimately, the impact from an absorption standpoint, if, in fact, we start working that down.

    而且我知道有一些 - 可能受到通貨膨脹和其他因素的影響。但是 - 想想你經歷這一年的影響,最終,從吸收的角度來看影響,如果我們開始努力的話。

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. So obviously, some of our assumptions are that we do not expect the absorption impact to continue. And obviously, yes, some of that will reverse as we move our product out of the plant into the dealer channel, and that's forecasted within our expectations for margins as we go through the remainder of the year.


  • The other factor, obviously, to take into account is the potential benefit to cash flow. As we've said, we did see a very strong free cash flow in the first quarter, despite an increase in Caterpillar inventory.


  • Obviously, over time, we expect, as the supply chain improves, to start working that inventory down and start to see a full benefit of that from a cash perspective and converting that back into cash. So that is part of the reason why we're expecting obviously strong cash flow as we go through the remainder of the year.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Mig Dobre with Baird.

    您的下一個問題來自 Mig Dobre 與 Baird 的合作。

  • Mircea Dobre - Senior Research Analyst

    Mircea Dobre - Senior Research Analyst

  • Jim, I appreciate your comment earlier about taking a proactive approach to sort of managing this dealer inventory dynamic. But I'm sort of curious here, as you look at the last, call it, 18 months to 2 years, do you get a sense that there's been some ordering on a part of dealers that was just a reaction to elongated lead times, and that those sort of patterns are subject. Do you see some pretty meaningful shifts now that your lead times in the supply chain are getting better?

    吉姆,我感謝您早些時候關於採取積極主動的方法來管理經銷商庫存動態的評論。但我在這裡有點好奇,當你看最後一個,稱之為 18 個月到 2 年時,你是否感覺到部分經銷商的一些訂單只是對延長交貨時間的反應,並且這些模式是主題。既然您在供應鏈中的交貨時間越來越好,您是否看到一些非常有意義的轉變?

  • And as you -- as the year progresses, if It's the destock that you're expecting sort of fails to materialize at the pace that you're anticipating, are we to understand here that you're going to take a proactive approach to adjusting production in the back half of this year?

    隨著你 - 隨著時間的推移,如果你所期望的去庫存未能以你預期的速度實現,我們是否在這裡理解你將採取積極主動的方法進行調整今年下半年投產?

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. So Mig, it's Andrew. Let me just try and reiterate again what we do within our sales and operations planning process is we work closely with the dealers to understand what the level of orders.


  • We use machine learning to try and understand what we think the actual real order rate is based on customer demand versus speculative demand. So one of the things that does do is we obviously don't accept orders for what we would call speculative demand.


  • That helps us try to manage production. Obviously, the focus for us is to manage production as smoothly as possible over time because that's the most efficient and effective way of doing it. Obviously, as we think about the remainder of the year, and we're looking at inventory and we're looking at the outlook for the year, just to remind you, we still expect end-user demand to be positive for the remainder of the year.


  • So that will impact us to actually make -- that we will continue to actually probably still be ramping production for the remainder of the year, even though we do take you may see a small reduction -- relatively small reduction in dealer inventory over the next couple of quarters.

    因此,這將影響我們實際製造 - 我們將在今年剩餘時間繼續實際可能仍在提高產量,即使我們確實認為你可能會看到小幅減少 - 明年經銷商庫存減少相對較小幾個季度。

  • We're just trying to highlight that to you as a result of the fact that it will impact reported results for some of the individual segments. Basically, overall, as we also said, we are not necessarily at the bottom end of the range for all products and all categories.


  • So there still will be areas where we are still trying to ramp up production. For example, large engines is an area where we're still constrained. That obviously is an area where we will still be ramping up production, rather than adjusting production in any other way.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Steven Fisher with UBS.

    你的下一個問題來自瑞銀集團的 Steven Fisher。

  • Steven Fisher - Executive Director and Senior Analyst

    Steven Fisher - Executive Director and Senior Analyst

  • Question about a couple of elements within E&T. I thought it was interesting that your industrial retail sales within E&T accelerated, but your own construction sales were relatively steady.

    關於 E&T 中幾個元素的問題。我覺得有趣的是,您在 E&T 的工業零售銷售加速,但您自己的建築銷售卻相對穩定。

  • So I'm curious what markets drove that industrial acceleration. And then on the POWERGEN side, to what extent are there other elements besides data centers that are driving the strength in that segment?

    所以我很好奇是什麼市場推動了工業加速發展。然後在 POWERGEN 方面,除了數據中心之外,還有其他因素在多大程度上推動了該領域的實力?

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Well, we sell industrial engines for a whole variety of applications, not just the other construction equipment. So part of it is POWERGEN , and we sell industrial engines to drive everything from cement mixers. It's a whole variety of applications.

    好吧,我們銷售用於各種應用的工業發動機,而不僅僅是其他建築設備。所以它的一部分是 POWERGEN ,我們銷售工業發動機來驅動從水泥攪拌機到一切。這是各種各樣的應用程序。

  • So again, a lot of strength there. The business is doing quite well. There's a lot of momentum.


  • In terms of power generation, we provide generator sets for a whole variety of applications. Data centers is one of them, and we've highlighted data centers because it has been quite strong over the last few years. And if we look forward, we feel good about that continuing.


  • Just thinking about AI, thinking about the cloud, thinking about all of the data center users, we feel good about that. But we provide gen sets for a whole variety of applications. But the one that is really driving a lot of the growth at the moment is data centers, which is why we highlighted it.


  • Ryan Fiedler

    Ryan Fiedler

  • Emma, we have time for one more question.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Dillon Cumming with Morgan Stanley.

    你的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Dillon Cumming。

  • Dillon Gerard Cumming - Research Associate

    Dillon Gerard Cumming - Research Associate

  • Just wanted to ask one on the kind of financing environment. I think you guys called out the opportunity for Cat Financial maybe having some more flexibility to finance customers that might have more difficult to getting this kind of financing from smaller banks. .

    只是想問一個關於融資環境的問題。我認為你們呼籲 Cat Financial 的機會可能有更多的靈活性來為客戶提供融資,這些客戶可能更難以從小型銀行獲得這種融資。 .

  • Just curious, first, you can kind of with some numbers around that and what the kind of share opportunity there is. And secondarily, if you're actually seeing evidence on the ground with regards to customers not being able to get financing at the moment over the last 3 months or so.

    只是好奇,首先,你可以用一些數字來了解它,以及那裡有什麼樣的分享機會。其次,如果您確實在過去 3 個月左右的時間裡看到有關客戶目前無法獲得融資的實地證據。

  • Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

    Andrew R. J. Bonfield - CFO

  • Yes. Obviously, it's way too early to see any impact yet from any tightening credit conditions within the regional banks. But obviously, our expectation is that, that may have an impact.


  • We tend to vary. It can probably be between 5% and 10% of machines financed that we could add in times where we are more competitive from a financing perspective with regional banks. So that's probably -- we're probably at the lower end of our normal range at the moment.

    我們傾向於變化。從融資的角度來看,我們與區域銀行相比更具競爭力的時候,我們可以添加 5% 到 10% 的融資機器。所以這可能 - 我們目前可能處於正常範圍的低端。

  • So we could add 5% to 10% of machines without any problem whatsoever from a capacity perspective, which would be very strong for us and very positive at Cat Financial.

    因此,從容量的角度來看,我們可以毫無問題地增加 5% 到 10% 的機器,這對我們來說非常強大,對 Cat Financial 也非常有利。

  • D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

    D. James Umpleby - Chairman of the Board & CEO

  • Okay. Well, thank you all for joining us. We appreciate your questions. We are proud of our team's performance in the first quarter. And as we mentioned earlier, we believe that 2023 will be even better than we had previously anticipated on both the top and bottom line due to the healthy demand across our end markets, and we remain focused on executing our strategy and continuing to invest for longer term. Again, thank you for joining us.

    好的。好吧,謝謝大家加入我們。感謝您提出問題。我們為我們團隊在第一季度的表現感到自豪。正如我們之前提到的,由於我們終端市場的健康需求,我們相信 2023 年的收入和利潤將比我們之前預期的還要好,我們仍然專注於執行我們的戰略並繼續投資更長時間學期。再次感謝您加入我們。

  • Ryan Fiedler

    Ryan Fiedler

  • Thanks, Jim. Andrew, Yes, thanks, Jim, Andrew and everyone who joined us today. A replay of our call will be available online later this morning. We'll also post a transcript on our Investor Relations website as soon as it is available.


  • You'll also find a first quarter results video with our CFO and an SEC filing with our sales to users data. Click on investors.caterpillar.com and then click on Financials to view those materials.

    您還可以找到我們的首席財務官的第一季度業績視頻和美國證券交易委員會提交的包含我們對用戶的銷售數據的文件。單擊 investors.caterpillar.com,然後單擊 Financials 查看這些材料。

  • If you have any questions, please reach out to Rob or me. The Investor Relations general number is (309) 675-4549.

    如果您有任何疑問,請聯繫 Rob 或我。投資者關係的總電話是 (309) 675-4549。

  • Now we'll turn the call back to Emma to conclude the call.

    現在我們將把電話轉回給 Emma 以結束通話。

  • Operator


  • Thank you for attending today's conference call. You may now disconnect.
