祥茂光電 (AAOI) 2018 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon.


  • My name is Jaime, and I will be your conference operator today.

    我叫 Jaime,今天我將擔任你們的會議接線員。

  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to Applied Optoelectronics' First Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call.


  • (Operator Instructions) Please also note that today's event is being recorded.


  • And at this time, I'd like to turn the conference call over to Maria Riley, Investor Relations for AOI.

    此時,我想將電話會議轉交給 AOI 投資者關係部的 Maria Riley。

  • Ms. Riley, you may begin.


  • Maria Riley - Director

    Maria Riley - Director

  • Thank you.


  • I'm Maria Riley, Applied Optoelectronics' Investor Relations, and I'm pleased to welcome you to AOI's First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call.

    我是 Applied Optoelectronics 投資者關係部的 Maria Riley,很高興歡迎您參加 AOI 2018 年第一季度財務業績電話會議。

  • After the market close today, AOI issued a press release announcing its first quarter 2018 results and provided its outlook for the second quarter of 2018.

    今天收盤後,AOI 發布了一份新聞稿,公佈了其 2018 年第一季度的業績,並提供了 2018 年第二季度的展望。

  • The release is also available on the company's website at ao-inc.com.

    該新聞稿也可在公司網站 ao-inc.com 上獲取。

  • This call is being recorded and webcast live.


  • A link to that recording can be found on the Investor Relations page of the AOI website and will be archived for 1 year.

    該錄音的鏈接可在 AOI 網站的投資者關係頁面上找到,並將存檔 1 年。

  • Joining us on today's call is Dr. Thompson Lin, AOI's Founder, Chairman and CEO; and Dr. Stefan Murry, AOI's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer.

    與我們一起參加今天電話會議的還有 AOI 的創始人、董事長兼首席執行官 Thompson Lin 博士;以及 AOI 的首席財務官兼首席戰略官 Stefan Murry 博士。

  • Thompson will give an overview of AOI's Q1 results, and Stefan will provide financial details and the outlook for the second quarter of 2018.

    Thompson 將概述 AOI 第一季度的業績,Stefan 將提供財務細節和 2018 年第二季度的展望。

  • A question-and-answer session will follow our prepared remarks.


  • Before we begin, I would like to remind you to review AOI's safe harbor statement.

    在我們開始之前,我想提醒您閱讀 AOI 的安全港聲明。

  • On today's call, management will make forward-looking statements.


  • These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties as well as assumptions and current expectations which could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements.


  • You can identify forward-looking statements by terminologies such as may, will, should, expects, plans, anticipates, believes or estimates and by other similar expressions.


  • Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this earnings call to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in the company's expectations.


  • More information about other risks that may impact the company's business are set forth in the Risk Factors section of the company's reports on file with the SEC.


  • Also, with the exception of revenue, all financial numbers discussed today are on a non-GAAP basis, unless specifically noted otherwise.

    此外,除收入外,今天討論的所有財務數據均基於非 GAAP 基礎,除非另有特別說明。

  • Non-GAAP financial measures are not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for results prepared in accordance with GAAP.

    非 GAAP 財務措施不應孤立地考慮或替代根據 GAAP 編制的結果。

  • A reconciliation between our GAAP and non-GAAP measures as well as a discussion of why we present non-GAAP financial measures are included in our earnings press release that is available on our website.

    我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 措施之間的協調以及對我們為什麼提出非 GAAP 財務措施的討論包含在我們網站上提供的收益新聞稿中。

  • Before moving to the financial results, I'd like to announce that AOI management will attend the Cowen Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in New York on May 30.

    在談到財務業績之前,我想宣布 AOI 管理層將於 5 月 30 日出席在紐約舉行的 Cowen 技術、媒體和電信會議。

  • We hope to have the opportunity to see many of you there.


  • Additionally, I'd like to note the date of our second quarter 2018 earnings call is currently scheduled for Tuesday, August 7, 2018.

    此外,我想指出我們 2018 年第二季度財報電話會議的日期目前定於 2018 年 8 月 7 日星期二。

  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to Dr. Thompson Lin, Applied Optoelectronics' Founder, Chairman and CEO.

    現在我想把電話轉給 Applied Optoelectronics 的創始人、董事長兼首席執行官 Thompson Lin 博士。

  • Thompson?


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Thank you, Maria.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining us today and reviewing our first quarter results.


  • AOI delivered revenue of $65.2 million and gross margin of 40%, which led to net income of $5.6 million or $0.28 per diluted share.

    AOI 實現了 6520 萬美元的收入和 40% 的毛利率,這導致淨收入為 560 萬美元或每股攤薄收益 0.28 美元。

  • Our revenue came in slightly below our guidance as the delivery of certain order slipped into Q2 due to higher-than-expected employee turnover in our China factory as a result of the Chinese New Year.


  • This order had been shipped in Q2.


  • On a more positive note, market trend were in line with our expectations.


  • We couldn't believe the first quarter we project the pattern of the decline in datacenter demand we have seen over the past few quarters.


  • Datacenter inventory condition has begun to normalize with our expectation being that inventory will return to more normal level later this year.


  • We also currently expect 100G volumes to more than double in the second half of the year over the first half as we deliver on the committed orders we announced last quarter.

    我們目前還預計,隨著我們交付上季度宣布的承諾訂單,今年下半年 100G 的銷量將比上半年增加一倍以上。

  • We also made good progress in diversifying our customer base with 9 design win, including 5 for our 100G products.

    我們還在客戶群多元化方面取得了良好進展,贏得了 9 項設計,其中 5 項是我們的 100G 產品。

  • And some of this design wins were with new customers.


  • In order to meet our customers' needs, AOI will continue to innovate both in new product development as well as in advanced automation in the manufacturing process.

    為了滿足客戶的需求,AOI 將繼續在新產品開發以及製造過程中的先進自動化方面進行創新。

  • Our recently announced 200G PAM4 PIN photodiode array is a great example.

    我們最近發布的 200G PAM4 PIN 光電二極管陣列就是一個很好的例子。

  • With this new technology, AOI now controls production of both the laser and the photodiode array, which are the most critical and expensive component required in the production of 200G and 400G transceiver.

    憑藉這項新技術,AOI 現在控制了激光器和光電二極管陣列的生產,這是生產 200G 和 400G 收發器所需的最關鍵和最昂貴的組件。

  • We believe our continued innovation, vertical integration and our proprietary manufacturing process together set AOI apart from our competitor as a cost and quality leader in this highly competitive industry.

    我們相信,我們的持續創新、垂直整合和專有製造工藝共同使 AOI 在這個競爭激烈的行業中成為成本和質量領先者,從我們的競爭對手中脫穎而出。

  • With that, I will turn the call over to Stefan to give you the details of our Q1 performance and outlook for Q2.

    有了這個,我將把電話轉給 Stefan,向您詳細介紹我們第一季度的業績和第二季度的前景。

  • Stefan?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Thank you, Thompson.


  • Total revenue for the first quarter was $65.2 million compared with $96.2 million reported in Q1 last year.

    第一季度的總收入為 6520 萬美元,而去年第一季度報告的收入為 9620 萬美元。

  • As Thompson mentioned, our revenue came in below our expectations due to slight delays in the completion of some orders as we worked through higher-than-expected employee turnover in our China factory.

    正如 Thompson 提到的,由於我們在中國工廠的員工流動率高於預期,因此一些訂單的完成略有延遲,我們的收入低於預期。

  • As you may know, many of our products are manufactured in our Ningbo, China factory, which experiences a shutdown during the Lunar New Year.


  • After the holiday, it is typical for some employees to fail to return to the factory on time or at all.


  • This can affect our ability to produce sufficient products to meet our demand, which was the case this quarter.


  • We were able to recruit the additional staff required in Ningbo, but because we needed to recruit and train a larger number of employees than usual, the process of bringing these new employees to full productivity took longer than expected, and some orders were delayed as a result.


  • We worked closely with our customers to avoid any impact on them from these delays, which were only a few days in duration.


  • Looking ahead, as Thompson mentioned, we believe that unit sales of our 100G products will more than double in the second half of 2018 compared with the first half.

    展望未來,正如 Thompson 所說,我們相信 2018 年下半年我們 100G 產品的單位銷售額將比上半年增長一倍以上。

  • This estimate is based largely on the committed orders we announced last quarter.


  • While there will be some price reduction as volume increases this year, we believe that the percentage reduction in price over this time period will be less than we saw last year.


  • In Q1, our datacenter revenue came in at $50.6 million compared with $79.6 million in Q1 of last year.

    第一季度,我們的數據中心收入為 5060 萬美元,而去年第一季度為 7960 萬美元。

  • In the quarter, 41% of our datacenter revenue was derived from our 100G transceiver products compared with 35% last quarter, and 53% was from our 40G products.

    本季度,我們數據中心收入的 41% 來自我們的 100G 收發器產品,而上一季度這一比例為 35%,53% 來自我們的 40G 產品。

  • We continue to maintain focus on diversifying our customer base and in the quarter had 9 design wins, including 5 for our 100G products.

    我們繼續專注於使我們的客戶群多樣化,本季度贏得了 9 項設計,其中 5 項是我們的 100G 產品。

  • We believe our cost leadership, scalable production capacity, in-house component supply and track record of innovation will allow us to be successful in these customer engagements.


  • As Thompson mentioned, AOI continues to innovate and expand our product portfolio.

    正如 Thompson 提到的,AOI 不斷創新並擴展我們的產品組合。

  • We recently announced the development of a 200G PAM4 PIN photodiode array that can be leveraged to produce 200G and 400G transceivers based on 50G per lambda technology.

    我們最近宣布開發 200G PAM4 PIN 光電二極管陣列,可用於生產基於 50G/lambda 技術的 200G 和 400G 收發器。

  • With the development of this new technology, AOI now manufactures the 2 most expensive components required to produce 200G and 400G transceivers in-house, enabling us to maintain low cost and reduce our time to market for these products.

    隨著這項新技術的發展,AOI 現在可以製造內部生產 200G 和 400G 收發器所需的 2 個最昂貴的組件,使我們能夠保持低成本並縮短這些產品的上市時間。

  • Regarding cost reduction on our current 100G products, during the first quarter, AOI successfully transitioned a majority of the optical multiplexers used in our CWDM datacenter transceivers to in-house produced parts.

    關於我們當前 100G 產品的成本降低,在第一季度,AOI 成功地將我們 CWDM 數據中心收發器中使用的大部分光多路復用器轉換為內部生產的部件。

  • By the end of Q3, we expect the majority of the demultiplexers to be sourced internally as well.


  • Together, the multiplexer and demultiplexer pair represents the second-highest cost material in our CWDM modules, just behind the active optical components.

    多路復用器和多路分解器對共同代表了我們 CWDM 模塊中成本第二高的材料,僅次於有源光學元件。

  • By transitioning these to in-house produced parts, we are realizing significant cost reduction on these high-value components.


  • This continues our strategy of vertical integration as we have now brought the lasers, the photodiodes and the MUX in-house with the DeMUX to follow in Q3.

    這延續了我們的垂直整合戰略,因為我們現在已經在第三季度將激光器、光電二極管和 MUX 與 DeMUX 一起引入內部。

  • The cost advantage, time to market and flexibility afforded us by bringing these components in-house is a significant factor in our success and one that is a source of competitive advantage with our customers.


  • At OFC, we showcased our full suite of next-generation technology, including our 200 and 400G transceiver products and 100G EML and DML lasers.

    在 OFC,我們展示了我們的全套下一代技術,包括我們的 200 和 400G 收發器產品以及 100G EML 和 DML 激光器。

  • And we are very encouraged by the customer response.


  • We also discussed during our OFC investor session our new 400G high-density light engine assembly, which extends our 40G and 100G platform to 400G.

    我們還在 OFC 投資者會議期間討論了我們新的 400G 高密度光引擎組件,它將我們的 40G 和 100G 平台擴展到 400G。

  • We expect to leverage this mature, high-quality and low-cost platform for years to come.


  • Turning to our cable television market.


  • We generated revenue of $10.6 million compared with the unusually strong $13.1 million that we generated in Q1 of last year.

    與去年第一季度異常強勁的 1310 萬美元相比,我們的收入為 1060 萬美元。

  • Looking ahead, we continue to anticipate growth in this market, especially as demand for Remote-PHY picks up later this year.

    展望未來,我們繼續預計該市場的增長,特別是隨著今年晚些時候對 Remote-PHY 的需求回升。

  • Our telecom products delivered revenue of $3.6 million compared with $3.2 million in Q1 of last year.

    我們的電信產品實現了 360 萬美元的收入,而去年第一季度為 320 萬美元。

  • For the quarter, 78% of our revenue was from datacenter products, 16% from CATV products with the remaining 6% from FTTH, telecom and other.

    本季度,我們 78% 的收入來自數據中心產品,16% 來自 CATV 產品,其餘 6% 來自 FTTH、電信和其他。

  • In the first quarter, we had 3 10%-or-greater customers in the datacenter business that contributed 36%, 26% and 14% of total revenue, respectively.

    第一季度,我們在數據中心業務中擁有 3 個 10% 或更高的客戶,分別貢獻了總收入的 36%、26% 和 14%。

  • Moving beyond revenue.


  • We generated a gross margin of 40%, which represents a decrease of 100 basis points compared with the 41% reported last quarter.

    我們的毛利率為 40%,與上一季度報告的 41% 相比下降了 100 個基點。

  • Our gross margin came in slightly below our expectations due to capacity underutilization during the Chinese New Year and higher-than-anticipated costs for training new employees in Ningbo.


  • Total operating expenses in the quarter were $20.1 million or 30.8% of revenue compared with $18.9 million or 23.7% of revenue in the prior quarter.

    本季度總運營費用為 2010 萬美元,佔收入的 30.8%,上一季度為 1890 萬美元,佔收入的 23.7%。

  • The sequential increase was mostly due to higher R&D expense as we invested in new production technologies that will enable further cost reduction on our transceiver products as well as 200G, 400G and Remote-PHY products.

    環比增長主要是由於研發費用增加,因為我們投資於新的生產技術,這將進一步降低我們的收發器產品以及 200G、400G 和 Remote-PHY 產品的成本。

  • As a reminder, we expect R&D to remain at this level over the next few quarters while we focus our efforts on these initiatives.


  • Operating income in Q1 was $6 million compared with operating income of $13.8 million in Q4 of 2017.

    第一季度的營業收入為 600 萬美元,而 2017 年第四季度的營業收入為 1380 萬美元。

  • Our operating margin in the quarter was 9.2% compared with the 17.3% reported in Q4 of 2017.

    我們本季度的營業利潤率為 9.2%,而 2017 年第四季度報告的營業利潤率為 17.3%。

  • During the quarter, we had a larger-than-expected foreign exchange loss associated with the settlement of intercompany accounts receivable balances.


  • This negatively impacted our non-GAAP income by approximately $1.2 million.

    這對我們的非 GAAP 收入產生了大約 120 萬美元的負面影響。

  • Non-GAAP net income after-tax for the first quarter was $5.6 million or $0.28 per diluted share compared with $21.8 million or $1.10 per diluted share in Q1 of 2017.

    第一季度的非 GAAP 稅後淨收入為 560 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 0.28 美元,而 2017 年第一季度為 2180 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 1.10 美元。

  • GAAP net income for Q1 was $2.1 million or $0.11 per diluted share compared with GAAP net income of $19.8 million or $1 per diluted share in Q1 of last year.

    第一季度的 GAAP 淨收入為 210 萬美元或稀釋後每股收益 0.11 美元,而去年第一季度的 GAAP 淨收入為 1980 萬美元或稀釋後每股收益 1 美元。

  • The Q1 weighted average fully diluted share count was approximately 20 million shares.

    第一季度的加權平均完全稀釋股數約為 2000 萬股。

  • We recognized approximately $0.3 million in tax benefit from employee options that were exercised during the quarter.

    我們從本季度行使的員工期權中確認了大約 30 萬美元的稅收優惠。

  • Turning now to the balance sheet.


  • We ended Q1 with $83.3 million in total cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash compared with $84 million at the end of the previous quarter.

    第一季度末,我們的現金、現金等價物、短期投資和受限制現金總額為 8330 萬美元,而上一季度末為 8400 萬美元。

  • As of March 31, we had $92.6 million in inventory, an increase of $16.9 million from Q4.

    截至 3 月 31 日,我們的庫存為 9260 萬美元,比第四季度增加了 1690 萬美元。

  • The increase in inventory is primarily attributed to higher work in process as we prepare for expected demand in Q2 and the second half of the year.


  • We made a total of $9.7 million in capital investments in the quarter, including $7.5 million in production equipment and machinery and $2.1 million on construction and building improvements.

    本季度我們的資本投資總額為 970 萬美元,其中 750 萬美元用於生產設備和機械,210 萬美元用於建築和建築改造。

  • We continue to expect our capital expenditures in 2018 to approach $109 million, with the construction of our new factory in China accounting for most of the increased spend compared to last year.

    我們繼續預計 2018 年的資本支出將接近 1.09 億美元,與去年相比,我們在中國新工廠的建設佔支出增加的大部分。

  • Moving now to our Q2 outlook.


  • We expect Q2 revenue to be between $75 million and $81 million and non-GAAP gross margin to be in the range of 39.5% to 41%.

    我們預計第二季度收入將在 7500 萬美元至 8100 萬美元之間,非 GAAP 毛利率將在 39.5% 至 41% 之間。

  • Non-GAAP net income is expected to be in the range of $7.8 million to $10.4 million, and non-GAAP EPS between $0.39 per share and $0.52 per share using a weighted average fully diluted share count of approximately 20 million shares.

    非 GAAP 淨收入預計在 780 萬美元至 1,040 萬美元之間,非 GAAP 每股收益預計在每股 0.39 美元至 0.52 美元之間,使用加權平均完全稀釋後的股份數約為 2,000 萬股。

  • We expect our Q2 effective tax rate on our non-GAAP net income to be between 7% and 12%.

    我們預計第二季度非公認會計原則淨收入的有效稅率將在 7% 至 12% 之間。

  • With that, I will turn it back over to the operator for the Q&A session.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And our first question comes from Simon Leopold from Raymond James.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Raymond James 的 Simon Leopold。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • A couple of things I wanted to check on.


  • One was, from a longer-term perspective, I think you've given guidance for gross margin in a range of 41% to 45%.

    一是,從更長期的角度來看,我認為您已經給出了 41% 至 45% 的毛利率指導。

  • You're guiding a little bit below that for the June quarter.

    您對 6 月季度的指導略低於該水平。

  • And I know this is one of the questions we get a lot given the Facebook commitment, worry about gross margin.

    我知道鑑於 Facebook 的承諾,這是我們經常收到的問題之一,擔心毛利率。

  • Could you talk about the longer-term gross margin trend?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes, Simon.


  • I think we still believe that we can, in the longer term, maintain that 41-plus percent gross margin.

    我認為我們仍然相信,從長遠來看,我們可以保持 41% 以上的毛利率。

  • Part of what's affecting us right now is we have some inventory that we had to buy towards the end of the year and into the first quarter that was at a little bit higher cost than what we expected inventory to be at in the longer term.


  • So that's pulling down the gross margin a little bit in this quarter and in Q2.


  • The other thing, as we mentioned in the call, is we have a number of components that we're going to be bringing in-house.


  • For example, we talked about the multiplexer and demultiplexer pair as well as the photodiode.


  • And those components will also help us to reduce costs.


  • So we do think we can get back up to that 41% range, but we have a little bit of work to do to get there.

    所以我們確實認為我們可以回到 41% 的範圍,但我們還有一些工作要做才能到達那裡。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And could you quantify how much or can you quantify how much revenue has slid from the March quarter into June?

    您能否量化從 3 月季度到 6 月的收入下滑了多少或可以量化多少?

  • I'm just wondering why given the timing issues with what happened in March why the June outlook wasn't a little bit better.

    我只是想知道為什麼考慮到 3 月份發生的事情的時間問題,為什麼 6 月份的前景不會好一點。

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, as we noted in the remarks, it's just a couple of days' worth of production.


  • So basically, you could take our sort of average daily production and tack on 2 or 3 days to that.

    所以基本上,你可以採用我們的平均日產量,並在 2 或 3 天內完成。

  • And that was the size of the slip.


  • It was not that much.


  • We had significant orders in the quarter, but we just couldn't ship all of them due to the personnel issues that we talked about around Chinese New Year.


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And one last one.


  • Arista on its earnings call last week and yesterday in its Analyst Meeting indicated that it viewed the 100 gig optical transceiver market as having adequate supply now.

    Arista 在上週的財報電話會議和昨天的分析師會議上表示,它認為 100 gig 光收發器市場現在供應充足。

  • And it wasn't clear what exactly they were alluding to.


  • Given your 100 gig shipments, it doesn't seem as if you've opened up the floodgates.

    考慮到您的 100 gig 出貨量,您似乎並沒有打開閘門。

  • I'm just wondering what you're seeing in terms of the marketplace of new capacity, competitive landscape.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • I mean, we continue to adjust our capacity as needed to make sure that we can meet the current demand and the demand that we expect to see in the future.


  • I think we mentioned earlier that we expect the second half to be a pretty strong second half to the year.


  • So we're certainly preparing to meet that demand.


  • I don't know if that answered your entire question there, Simon, but...


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Well, any commentary on competitive landscape because listening to the supply chain, for example, Fabrinet, it's not clear to us where a significant volume of new supply could be coming from.

    好吧,任何關於競爭格局的評論都是因為聽取了供應鏈的意見,例如 Fabrinet,我們不清楚大量新供應可能來自哪裡。

  • And so I'm not seeing it.


  • I'm just wondering what you're seeing in terms of supply from your competitors.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • I mean, I think there's pretty good evidence that a couple of our competitors have either exited the market or are changing their focus in terms of the way that they attack the market.


  • So from that perspective, I think the biggest change that we've seen is those competitors, most of whom work with the big producers in the first place, but they're basically changing their strategy or getting out altogether.


  • Whereas AOI has been the cost leader in this market.

    而 AOI 一直是該市場的成本領導者。

  • I think we continue to believe that we are the cost leader.


  • And I think in the long term that's what it takes for us to continue to win these customer engagements, as we mentioned in our remarks.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mark Kelleher from D.A. Davidson.

    我們的下一個問題來自 D.A. 的 Mark Kelleher。戴維森。

  • Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Just a follow-up on that last thought there.


  • Let me ask in a different way.


  • Are you seeing any change?


  • A couple have exited, but there are a couple that are still in the market very aggressively pricing.


  • Have you seen any change in that pricing dynamic?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • No, I don't think so.


  • I mean, look, our prices are generally negotiated well in advance.


  • So we think we have a pretty good handle on what the prices are going to be in the future.


  • And we haven't seen anything in the pricing dynamic that's meaningfully changed from what it was before.


  • Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And on those personnel issues that you encountered on the Chinese New Year, is that something that caught you by surprise?


  • Is that something unusual?


  • Is that something we should anticipate each March quarter?

    這是我們應該在每個 3 月季度預期的事情嗎?

  • How odd was that, that you had that problem?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, I think anybody that produces product in China has issues surrounding the Chinese New Year.


  • That is, there's typically factory shutdowns and there's personnel turnover around that time.


  • That's definitely not unique to us.


  • And it's something that we experience every first quarter.


  • What we have to do is take a sort of an estimate on how many employees are going to come back and which employees, how many do we need to hire and that sort of thing.


  • And obviously, this year, we were off by a little more than we expected.


  • But I think it's worth mentioning that we've made so much progress over the last couple of years in terms of adding automation and things.


  • If you go back a few years, we had a much larger problem in the first quarter, again, related to Chinese New Year.


  • This year, while there was some slip, it was relatively minor compared to what we've seen in years past.


  • And the way that we're doing that is by improving the automation so that we can retrain and rehire more workers and get them up to full productivity faster.


  • It's also worth noting that this year, the Chinese New Year was a little later in the year than it sometimes is.


  • And that also makes it a little bit harder for us to get the employees in the door and sort of get them up to full speed and still be able to ship by the end of the quarter.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from James Kisner from Loop Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Loop Capital 的 James Kisner。

  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • So I really appreciate the comments about the second half and should return to a normal level and much more growth, doubling of 100 gig.

    所以我真的很感謝關於下半年的評論,應該會恢復到正常水平並且會有更多的增長,100 演出翻倍。

  • But maybe you'd help us, just the overall revenue level for the year.


  • At this point, is it clear?


  • Do you have visibility that you could actually grow your top line year-over-year versus 2017?

    您是否知道與 2017 年相比,您實際上可以同比增長您的收入?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • So we don't really give guidance that far out.


  • It's still relatively early in the year.


  • As we mentioned, I think we've seen -- we're looking at a pretty good second half.

    正如我們所提到的,我認為我們已經看到 - 我們正在尋找一個非常好的下半年。

  • A lot of that is based on orders that we have committed, which is unusual for us to have that many committed orders this early in the year.


  • But there's still a lot of work to do before we can confidently project what we're going to be for the whole year.


  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • I guess on inventory, again, appreciate the comments on that.


  • I mean, you've previously thought that you'd hope to get it kind of to a normal level in the first half.


  • And some things have changed obviously.


  • But any thoughts on the trajectory of inventory and what that might look like a couple of quarters from now, either from a day standpoint or just an absolute kind of rough level of inventory?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, I think the inventory will come down on a dollar basis.


  • As I mentioned, we had some inventory, both in our vendor-managed inventory warehouse as well as some inventory in work in process and inventory in transit, meaning stuff that we had shipped prior to the end of the quarter, but wasn't received at the customer by the end of the quarter.


  • So those things were the biggest source of the inventory increase over last quarter.


  • And clearly, those things will burn down over the next quarter or 2.


  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • Okay.


  • And just kind of last one here on, just on cable.


  • I guess it looks like maybe there was a bit of an inventory correction at your customer, a minor one.


  • I mean, when your biggest customer reported and talked about strength in access.


  • You obviously didn't see that in Q1, recognizing Q1 is usually kind of seasonally weak for access, that was unusual.


  • But is your guidance contemplating that business would grow sequentially?


  • I got the sense when you said that later this year, in September, December, you'd expect to grow year-over-year kind of looking at it from that as well.

    當你在今年晚些時候,9 月,12 月說的時候,我明白了,你也希望從中看到同比增長。

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • The commentary that we had for later this year relative to cable was specifically about the Remote-PHY product that will start ramping later this year.

    我們今年晚些時候對電纜的評論專門針對將於今年晚些時候開始量產的 Remote-PHY 產品。

  • We do expect sequential growth in cable.


  • And it's worth mentioning, too, that part of the reason why our cable results were a little bit lower than they would have otherwise been is that we did divert some of the personnel in China that were working on cable TV products and put them on producing some of the datacenter products, again, to try to make sure that we had minimal slippage on our datacenter deliveries.


  • So there were some cable TV orders also that we couldn't deliver in the quarter due to the manpower issues that we discussed earlier.


  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • Okay.


  • And I'm sorry, I lied, one last one.


  • Can you give any kind of qualitative sense for the mix of PSM4 versus CWDM4 sequentially?

    您能否按順序對 PSM4 與 CWDM4 的混合給出任何定性意義?

  • I know you don't specifically disclose.


  • I'm just curious about the overall mix.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • I mean, we continue to see a trend towards more CWDM and less PSM.

    我的意思是,我們繼續看到更多 CWDM 和更少 PSM 的趨勢。

  • I think that's been a pretty consistent theme of ours for a number of quarters.


  • I think there's others in the industry that have said similar things.


  • So this isn't unique to AOI.

    所以這不是 AOI 獨有的。

  • But as far as the exact percentages, as you know, we don't disclose that.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Fahad Najam from Cowen and Company.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Cowen and Company 的 Fahad Najam。

  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • But just one question on -- in terms of -- if we delve into 100 gig CWDM4 versus PSM4, can you just help us in terms of understanding, is CWDM4 a bigger portion of the mix?

    但只有一個問題 - 就 - 如果我們深入研究 100 gig CWDM4 與 PSM4,你能否幫助我們理解,CWDM4 是否在混合中佔據更大的份額?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, again, we don't really break out that.


  • What we have said is that over time we expect CWDM to continue to grow and PSM will gradually decline.

    我們所說的是,隨著時間的推移,我們預計 CWDM 將繼續增長,而 PSM 將逐漸下降。

  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • Okay.


  • Appreciate that.


  • Then circling back to a comment that, Thompson, you had made earlier where you said that you expect the 1Q '18 to be the bottom in terms of the demand from datacenters.

    然後回到湯普森的評論,你之前說過你預計 18 年第一季度數據中心的需求將達到最低點。

  • Can you help us understand in terms of the second half outlook, are you expecting growth from all your major cloud customers?


  • And in particular, with this one customer that's been what, 14% of your revenue, they seem to have been declining down.

    特別是,對於這個佔你收入 14% 的客戶,他們似乎一直在下降。

  • Do you expect that particular cloud titan customer to start to ramp in the second half?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes, Fahad, this is Stefan.

    是的,Fahad,這是 Stefan。

  • As you know, I mean, we have nondisclosure agreements with our customers.


  • We really can't talk about customer-specific issues like that.


  • What matters to us, I think, is that in aggregate we're seeing a strong booking ledger for the second half.


  • And as we mentioned, a lot of that is coming on the basis of contracts that we have in place.


  • So we're fairly confident in those numbers.


  • What the other customers are doing obviously remains to be seen.


  • There's still some work to do to get them -- to get their numbers anyway, but it certainly is not something that we're going to break out in the call.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • I want to add on is, you can notice, we have many design win every quarter, and we have still many new customer under qualification.


  • We believe we can still have fair amount, a good-sized customer in this year, we think, going in.


  • And we believe our market share in intra-datacenter will increase compared to last year.


  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • All right.


  • So just so I'm -- I understood, Stefan, your response and Thompson, your response.

    所以我只是 - 我明白了,Stefan,你的回應和 Thompson,你的回應。

  • In terms of the second half outlook, you're expecting a broad-based improvement from all your cloud customers.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • We're expecting a broad-based improvement, yes.


  • You add up all the cloud-based customers together, we're expecting an improvement, yes.


  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • Got it.


  • Got it.


  • Appreciate that.


  • And then one more, if I may.


  • In terms of the new design wins, the 10 new design wins -- I'm sorry, the 9 new design wins, can you tell us a little bit more about these design wins?

    就新設計獲勝而言,10 個新設計獲勝——對不起,9 個新設計獲勝,你能告訴我們更多關於這些設計獲勝的信息嗎?

  • Is it with a Tier 1 NEM supplier?

    是否與一級 NEM 供應商合作?

  • Are they additional cloud suppliers?


  • Just any more qualitative insights on those new design wins.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • It's a mix, Fahad.


  • There's some that are datacenter operators, cloud-type datacenter operators and there's others that are OEMs.

    有一些是數據中心運營商、雲類型數據中心運營商,還有一些是 OEM。

  • It's a good mix, which I think is important to us.


  • I mean, one of the things that we're working very hard to do is to continue to diversify our customer base.


  • So that means different types of products, different types of customers, different types of end markets.


  • And so making inroads into having design wins in some cloud-type customers, but other types of customers as well is important to us.


  • And I think we're making good progress there.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our next question comes from Richard Shannon from Craig-Hallum Capital Group.

    (操作員說明)我們的下一個問題來自 Craig-Hallum Capital Group 的 Richard Shannon。

  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Maybe just one or kind of a two-parter here.


  • You talked about some 9 design wins in the quarter, 5 for 100 gig.

    你談到本季度大約有 9 項設計獲勝,其中 5 項是 100 次演出。

  • Wonder if you could tell us whether any of them are CWDM4 full spec.

    想知道您是否可以告訴我們其中是否有 CWDM4 完整規格。

  • And if so, are any of those wins helping you with your positive outlook for the second half of the year?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • We do have some design wins for CWDM.

    我們確實在 CWDM 方面取得了一些設計勝利。

  • And I actually don't remember off the top of my head if they were full spec or light.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • No, most of them are full spec.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Full spec, I think, is correct.


  • And as far as whether it's contributing to our positive outlook for the year, yes, absolutely.


  • I mean, I think it's worth noting, there are some of these design wins that could be really material to revenue, either in the second half or beyond.


  • And there's some that are certainly smaller.


  • I don't want to oversell that all these design wins are huge ones, but there are certainly some that can be material.


  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And one last question for me.


  • I got to jump off to another earnings call.


  • Wonder if you can discuss the opportunities you're seeing with the large China cloud operators.


  • It's a customer base that hasn't existed with you at least in volume today, but seems like it could be an opportunity.


  • Wonder if you could discuss what you're seeing there.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • We think we're making pretty good inroads into the China operators.


  • I mean, by and large, those China cloud operators are smaller in scale than certainly many of the cloud titans that are sort of our traditional customer base.


  • So we're making good inroads.


  • I think we had a number of design wins and some design win activity that's still ongoing but is looking very good.


  • But again, compared to our large cloud titans, most of those Chinese companies are somewhat smaller in scale.


  • Operator


  • And our next question is a follow-up from James Kisner from Loop Capital.

    我們的下一個問題是來自 Loop Capital 的 James Kisner 的跟進。

  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • So on 40 gig, can you just give us an updated perspective on kind of how fast that rolls off?

    那麼在 40 場演出中,你能給我們一個更新的觀點,說明它的發展速度有多快嗎?

  • Is it just -- should be kind of taking revenue out of that 40 gig bucket and we put it in the 100 gig or is there maybe kind of a longer tailwind?

    只是——應該從 40 場演出中拿出收入,然後我們把它放在 100 場演出中,或者是否有更長的順風?

  • Just any kind of context around how we should model 40 gig would be helpful.

    關於我們應該如何為 40 gig 建模的任何類型的上下文都會有所幫助。

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO & Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, I can't go too much into more detail than what we've already said.


  • We think it will decline.


  • What's going on is that it's a little bit customer-specific.


  • That is, we have some customers that are already transitioned virtually 100% to 100 gig.

    也就是說,我們有一些客戶已經幾乎 100% 過渡到 100 gig。

  • We have other customers that are continuing to use 40 gig.

    我們還有其他客戶繼續使用 40 gig。

  • I think it's probably fair to say that if you look back, say, a year ago or so, that 40 gig is probably hanging in there a little stronger than we would have thought at that time.

    我認為可以公平地說,如果你回顧一下,比如說,大約一年前,那 40 場演出可能比我們當時想像的要強一些。

  • But again, it's kind of customer-specific.


  • It's not across the board.


  • 40 gig is important to some customers and less important to others.

    40 gig 對某些客戶很重要,而對其他客戶則不太重要。

  • Operator


  • And ladies and gentlemen, at this time, this will conclude today's question-and-answer session.


  • I'd like to turn the conference call back over to Dr. Thompson Lin for any closing remarks.

    我想將電話會議轉回給 Thompson Lin 博士,聽取任何結束語。

  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO

  • Again, thank you for joining us today.


  • As always, we thank our investors, customers and employees for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming conference.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, the conference has now concluded.


  • We do thank you for joining today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.
