祥茂光電 (AAOI) 2017 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon.


  • I will be your conference operator.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to Applied Optoelectronics' Fourth Quarter and Year 2017 Earnings Conference Call.


  • (Operator Instructions) Please note that this call is being recorded.


  • I will now turn the call over to Maria Riley, Investor Relations for AOI.

    我現在將把電話轉給 AOI 投資者關係部的 Maria Riley。

  • Ms. Riley, you may begin.


  • Maria Riley - Director

    Maria Riley - Director

  • Thank you.


  • I'm Maria Riley, Applied Optoelectronics' Investor Relations, and I'm pleased to welcome you to AOI's Fourth Quarter and Year 2017 Financial Results Conference Call.

    我是 Applied Optoelectronics 投資者關係部的 Maria Riley,很高興歡迎您參加 AOI 2017 年第四季度和年度財務業績電話會議。

  • After the market closed today, AOI issued a press release announcing its fourth quarter and year 2017 financial results and provided its outlook for the first quarter of 2018.

    今天收市後,AOI 發布了一份新聞稿,公佈了其 2017 年第四季度和全年的財務業績,並提供了 2018 年第一季度的展望。

  • The release is also available on the company's website at ao-inc.com.

    該新聞稿也可在公司網站 ao-inc.com 上獲取。

  • This call is being recorded and webcast live.


  • A link to the recording can be found on the Investor Relations page of the AOI website and will be archived for 1 year.

    錄音鏈接可在 AOI 網站的投資者關係頁面上找到,並將存檔 1 年。

  • Joining us on today's call is Dr. Thompson Lin, AOI's Founder, Chairman and CEO; and Dr. Stefan Murry, AOI's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer.

    與我們一起參加今天電話會議的還有 AOI 的創始人、董事長兼首席執行官 Thompson Lin 博士;以及 AOI 的首席財務官兼首席戰略官 Stefan Murry 博士。

  • Thompson will give an overview of AOI's Q4 results, and Stefan will provide financial details and the outlook for the first quarter of 2018.

    Thompson 將概述 AOI 的第四季度業績,Stefan 將提供財務細節和 2018 年第一季度的展望。

  • A question-and-answer session will follow our prepared remarks.


  • Before we begin, I would like to remind you to review AOI's Safe Harbor statement.

    在我們開始之前,我想提醒您閱讀 AOI 的安全港聲明。

  • On today's call, management will make forward-looking statements.


  • These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties as well as assumptions and current expectations, which could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements.


  • You can identify forward-looking statements by terminologies such as may, will, should, expects, plans, anticipates, believes or estimates and by other similar expressions.


  • Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this earnings call to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in the company's expectations.


  • More information about our risks that may impact the company's business are set forth in the Risk Factors section of the company's reports on file with the SEC.


  • Also, with exception of revenue, all financial numbers discussed today are on a non-GAAP basis, unless specifically noted otherwise.

    此外,除收入外,今天討論的所有財務數據均基於非 GAAP 基礎,除非另有特別說明。

  • Non-GAAP financial measures are not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for results prepared in accordance with GAAP.

    非 GAAP 財務措施不應孤立地考慮或替代根據 GAAP 編制的結果。

  • A reconciliation between our GAAP and non-GAAP measures as well as a discussion of why we present non-GAAP financial measures are included in our earnings press release that is available on our website.

    我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 措施之間的協調以及對我們為什麼提出非 GAAP 財務措施的討論包含在我們網站上提供的收益新聞稿中。

  • Before moving to the financial results, I would like to announce that AOI management will attend the Raymond James Institutional Investors Conference in Orlando on March 5. We will also host an investor session at OFC on March 13 at the San Diego Convention Center.

    在談到財務業績之前,我想宣布 AOI 管理層將於 3 月 5 日出席在奧蘭多舉行的 Raymond James 機構投資者大會。我們還將於 3 月 13 日在聖地亞哥會議中心舉辦 OFC 投資者會議。

  • This discussion will be webcast live, and a link to the webcast will be available on the Investor Relations page of the AOI website.

    該討論將進行網絡直播,網絡直播的鏈接將在 AOI 網站的投資者關係頁面上提供。

  • We hope to have the opportunity to see many of you there.


  • Lastly, I'd like to note the date of our first quarter of 2018 earnings conference call is currently scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2018.

    最後,我想指出我們 2018 年第一季度收益電話會議的日期目前定於 2018 年 5 月 8 日星期二。

  • Now I'd like to turn the call over to Dr. Thompson Lin, Applied Optoelectronics' Founder, Chairman and CEO.

    現在我想把電話轉給 Applied Optoelectronics 的創始人、董事長兼首席執行官 Thompson Lin 博士。

  • Thompson?


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • Thank you, Maria.


  • Thank you, everyone, for joining us today to discuss our fourth quarter and year 2017 results.

    感謝大家今天加入我們討論我們 2017 年第四季度和全年的業績。

  • Our revenue in the quarter came in at $79.9 million, which was slightly below our expectations due to lower demand from our datacenter customers as they continue to evolve their network architectures.

    我們本季度的收入為 7990 萬美元,略低於我們的預期,因為我們的數據中心客戶在繼續發展其網絡架構時需求下降。

  • Even though our revenue came in slightly below expectations, we maintained our strong gross margins, and increased our non-GAAP profit 16% year-over-year, even in a price sensitive datacenter environment.

    儘管我們的收入略低於預期,但我們保持了強勁的毛利率,並且即使在對價格敏感的數據中心環境中,我們的非 GAAP 利潤也同比增長了 16%。

  • Data center revenue was $62 million, which was slightly lower than Q3.

    數據中心收入為 6200 萬美元,略低於第三季度。

  • In the quarter, we were encouraged to see a rebound in revenue from one of our large datacenter customers.


  • Based on conversations with this customer and our other top datacenter customers, we continue to expect inventory conditions to normalize by the end of the second quarter this year.


  • Notably, we also finalized the largest purchase commitment in AOI's history during the quarter, which we believe demonstrates AOI's leading position as an optics supplier for large datacenter projects.

    值得注意的是,我們還在本季度完成了 AOI 歷史上最大的採購承諾,我們認為這證明了 AOI 作為大型數據中心項目的光學供應商的領先地位。

  • We have made good progress in diversifying our customer base.


  • For the year, we had three customers who each represented more than 10% of our total revenue, compared with two customers in 2016.

    與 2016 年的兩個客戶相比,這一年我們有三個客戶,每個客戶占我們總收入的 10% 以上。

  • Since our last update, we have had four design wins, including three for 100G products, all with existing hyperscale customer.

    自我們上次更新以來,我們已經贏得了四項設計,其中包括三項 100G 產品,所有這些都來自現有的超大規模客戶。

  • We also remain focused on building incredible and innovative products, and I'm pleased to announce we were the first to develop an uncooled 100G per lambda PAM4 directly modulated laser, which is key to next-generation 400G transceivers for data center applications.

    我們還繼續專注於構建令人難以置信的創新產品,我很高興地宣布,我們率先開發出非製冷 100G/lambda PAM4 直接調製激光器,這是數據中心應用的下一代 400G 收發器的關鍵。

  • Just today, we announced a 100G EML laser, which will allow longer transmission distance at 100G and 400G, and will cover virtually all the distances needed by datacenter operators and many telecom applications as well.

    就在今天,我們發布了 100G EML 激光器,它可以在 100G 和 400G 傳輸更長的距離,並且幾乎可以覆蓋數據中心運營商和許多電信應用所需的所有距離。

  • Through continued innovation, we have reduced the average cost of our long-wavelength 100G transceiver products by 36% in the first 4 quarters.


  • And we have a solid roadmap for continued cost reduction in 2018.

    我們為 2018 年持續降低成本製定了堅實的路線圖。

  • Demand for our CATV products increased 7% year-over-year to $14.3 million, and we are very encouraged by the customer activity we see in the market, especially our Remote-PHY product.

    對我們的 CATV 產品的需求同比增長 7% 至 1,430 萬美元,我們對市場上的客戶活動感到非常鼓舞,尤其是我們的 Remote-PHY 產品。

  • 2017 was our best year ever for CATV sales, as North American MSOs initiated network upgrade projects.

    2017 年是我們有線電視銷售最好的一年,因為北美 MSO 啟動了網絡升級項目。

  • In 2018, we expect additional Remote-PHY and fiber-deep sales that will allow us to continue to see growth in this segment.

    2018 年,我們預計更多的 Remote-PHY 和光纖深度銷售將使我們能夠繼續看到這一領域的增長。

  • In reviewing our results for the year, AOI delivered record revenue of $382 million, an increase of 47% year-over-year, and generated a strong gross margin of 43.7%, which led to non-GAAP earnings growth of 278% over 2016.

    在回顧我們的年度業績時,AOI 實現了創紀錄的 3.82 億美元收入,同比增長 47%,並產生了 43.7% 的強勁毛利率,這導致非 GAAP 收益比 2016 年增長了 278% .

  • The first quarter is typically a seasonally low quarter for AOI.

    第一季度通常是 AOI 的季節性低谷。

  • Additionally, we still see some inventory headwinds with one of our data center customers.


  • We believe we have a very strong position in both the data center optics and CATV market, and based on customer forecasts, we believe the second half of 2018 will be stronger than the first half.

    我們相信我們在數據中心光學和 CATV 市場都擁有非常強大的地位,並且根據客戶預測,我們相信 2018 年下半年將強於上半年。

  • The technologies we've developed and plan to bring to market this year position us well to continue to build on our strong foundation as a leader in the advanced optical technology and expand our footprint within the market.


  • With that, I will turn the call over to Stefan to review the details of our Q4 performance and outlook for next quarter.

    有了這個,我將把電話轉給 Stefan,審查我們第四季度業績和下一季度展望的細節。

  • Stefan?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Thank you, Thompson.


  • Total revenue for the fourth quarter was $79.9 million compared with $84.9 million in Q4 last year.

    第四季度的總收入為 7990 萬美元,而去年第四季度為 8490 萬美元。

  • As Thompson mentioned, our revenue came in slightly below our expectations due to lower demand from our data center customers, as they continue to evolve their network architectures.

    正如 Thompson 提到的,我們的收入略低於我們的預期,因為我們的數據中心客戶的需求下降,因為他們繼續發展他們的網絡架構。

  • Our data center revenue was $62 million compared with $68.1 million in Q4 of last year.

    我們的數據中心收入為 6200 萬美元,而去年第四季度為 6810 萬美元。

  • In the quarter, 35% of our data center revenue was derived from our 100G data center products and 58% was from our 40G products.

    本季度,我們數據中心收入的 35% 來自我們的 100G 數據中心產品,58% 來自我們的 40G 產品。

  • As Thompson mentioned, in building upon our technology leadership and advanced laser design, we recently announced the development of an uncooled 100G per lambda TAM4 directly modulated laser that is key to next-generation 400G products for the data center.

    正如 Thompson 提到的,基於我們的技術領先地位和先進的激光器設計,我們最近宣布開發非製冷 100G/lambda TAM4 直接調製激光器,這是數據中心下一代 400G 產品的關鍵。

  • We believe that this solution is the best technical approach to extend the cost leadership AOI has engineered at 40G and 100G to 400G and beyond.

    我們相信,該解決方案是將 AOI 在 40G 和 100G 設計的成本領先優勢擴展到 400G 及以上的最佳技術方法。

  • As previously discussed, transceivers built on DML devices are typically less expensive to produce than transceivers that use EML lasers or external modulation.

    如前所述,與使用 EML 激光器或外部調製的收發器相比,構建在 DML 設備上的收發器的生產成本通常更低。

  • And we believe that having strong in-house capabilities for producing both DML and EML devices will allow us to maintain our cost advantage at 400G.

    我們相信,擁有強大的內部生產 DML 和 EML 設備的能力將使我們能夠在 400G 上保持成本優勢。

  • We remain focused on building incredible and innovative products and look forward to showcasing some of these technologies at the upcoming Optical Fiber Communications Conference next month.


  • Turning to our Cable Television market.


  • Revenue from CATV products increased 7% year-over-year to reach $14.3 million compared with $13.4 million in Q4 of last year.

    CATV 產品的收入同比增長 7%,達到 1430 萬美元,而去年第四季度為 1340 萬美元。

  • Demand for our CATV products was in line with expectations and driven primarily by ongoing upgrade projects being undertaken by North American Cable TV MSOs as they began the process of overhauling their networks to enable delivery of 1 gigabit per second or higher data speeds in the future.

    對我們的 CATV 產品的需求符合預期,這主要是由北美有線電視 MSO 正在進行的升級項目推動的,因為他們開始對其網絡進行大修,以便在未來能夠提供每秒 1 吉比特或更高的數據速度。

  • We believe that our Remote-PHY products, along with our other fiber-deep nodes and head-end transmitters will play a significant part in these new deployments and we continue to expect volume shipments of Remote-PHY to start later this year.

    我們相信,我們的 Remote-PHY 產品以及我們的其他光纖深度節點和頭端發射器將在這些新部署中發揮重要作用,我們繼續預計 Remote-PHY 將於今年晚些時候開始批量發貨。

  • Our telecom products delivered revenue of $3.2 million compared with $2.9 million in Q4 of last year.

    我們的電信產品實現了 320 萬美元的收入,而去年第四季度為 290 萬美元。

  • For the quarter, 78% of our revenue was from data center products, 18% from CATV products with the remaining 4% from FTTH, telecom and other.

    本季度,我們 78% 的收入來自數據中心產品,18% 來自 CATV 產品,其餘 4% 來自 FTTH、電信和其他。

  • In the fourth quarter, we had 3 10% or greater customers in the data center business that contributed 33%, 21% and 19% of total revenue, respectively.

    第四季度,我們在數據中心業務中擁有 3 個 10% 或更大的客戶,分別貢獻了總收入的 33%、21% 和 19%。

  • For the year 2017, these same 3 customers represented 29%, 35% and 14%, respectively, of total revenue.

    2017 年,這三個客戶分別佔總收入的 29%、35% 和 14%。

  • Moving down the income statement.


  • In the quarter, we maintained a strong gross margin of 41%, which was within the 41% to 45% range that we view as sustainable and represents an increase of 300 basis points compared with the 38% reported in Q4 of last year.

    本季度,我們保持了 41% 的強勁毛利率,處於我們認為可持續的 41% 至 45% 的範圍內,與去年第四季度報告的 38% 相比增加了 300 個基點。

  • I'm very pleased with our ability to continue to generate strong gross margins even in a price-sensitive market.


  • As Thompson mentioned, our commitment to ongoing cost reduction bore fruit in 2017.

    正如 Thompson 提到的,我們對持續降低成本的承諾在 2017 年取得了成果。

  • Over the last 4 quarters, we continued to improve our manufacturing efficiencies and reduced the cost of our long-wavelength 100G transceiver products, an average of 36% compared to the same period in 2016.

    在過去的 4 個季度中,我們繼續提高製造效率並降低了長波 100G 收發器產品的成本,與 2016 年同期相比平均降低了 36%。

  • Total operating expenses in the quarter were $18.9 million or 23.7% of revenue compared with $18.9 million or 21.2% of revenue in the prior quarter.

    本季度總運營費用為 1890 萬美元,佔收入的 23.7%,上一季度為 1890 萬美元,佔收入的 21.2%。

  • Our total OpEx was nearly flat sequentially, we experienced increased spending on R&D, which was offset by lower sales and marketing and G&A expenses.

    我們的總運營支出環比幾乎持平,我們的研發支出有所增加,但被較低的銷售和營銷以及 G&A 費用所抵消。

  • Looking forward, we expect to see R&D at an elevated level for the next several quarters, as we are investing in developing some new production technologies that will enable continued cost reduction on our core transceiver products as well as continuing to invest in 200G, 400G and Remote-PHY product development.

    展望未來,我們預計未來幾個季度的研發將處於更高水平,因為我們正在投資開發一些新的生產技術,這些技術將使我們的核心收發器產品的成本持續降低,並繼續投資於 200G、400G 和Remote-PHY 產品開發。

  • Operating income in Q4 was $13.8 million compared with operating income of $17 million in Q4 of 2016.

    第四季度的營業收入為 1380 萬美元,而 2016 年第四季度的營業收入為 1700 萬美元。

  • Our operating margin in the quarter was 17.3% compared with the 20% reported in Q4 of 2016.

    我們本季度的營業利潤率為 17.3%,而 2016 年第四季度報告的營業利潤率為 20%。

  • Non-GAAP net income after-tax for the fourth quarter was $17.9 million or $0.89 per diluted share, up 16% from the $15.5 million or $0.84 per diluted share in Q4 of 2016.

    第四季度非美國通用會計準則稅後淨收入為 1790 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 0.89 美元,比 2016 年第四季度的 1550 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 0.84 美元增長 16%。

  • GAAP net income for Q4 was $5.7 million or $0.28 per diluted share compared with GAAP net income of $14.2 million or $0.77 per diluted share in Q4 of last year.

    第四季度的 GAAP 淨收入為 570 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 0.28 美元,而去年第四季度的 GAAP 淨收入為 1420 萬美元或攤薄後每股收益 0.77 美元。

  • The Q4 weighted average fully diluted share count was approximately 20.1 million shares.

    第 4 季度加權平均完全攤薄股數約為 2010 萬股。

  • The reduction in GAAP net income this quarter was primarily driven by effects of the Tax Reform and Jobs Act, which was enacted in the U.S. in December 2017.

    本季度 GAAP 淨收入的減少主要受 2017 年 12 月在美國頒布的稅制改革和就業法案的影響。

  • AOI was significantly affected by several provisions in this new tax law.

    AOI 受到這項新稅法中多項規定的重大影響。

  • First, the new law introduced a onetime gain repatriation transition tax, which is a tax on previously untaxed accumulated and current earnings and profits of our foreign subsidiaries.


  • Our provisional estimate is that this repatriation tax will result in a onetime income tax expense of approximately $9 million, which we recorded in the quarter in accordance with GAAP.

    我們的臨時估計是,這種遣返稅將導致一次性所得稅費用約為 900 萬美元,我們根據 GAAP 在本季度記錄了這一費用。

  • We were able to partially offset this transition tax with foreign tax credits of approximately $4 million, making the net additional U.S. tax due on foreign earnings approximately $5.1 million.

    我們能夠通過大約 400 萬美元的外國稅收抵免部分抵消這一過渡稅,使美國對外國收入應繳納的淨額外稅額約為 510 萬美元。

  • We do not expect this transition tax to result in additional cash tax payable, however.


  • A second significant effect of the new tax law was the need to reduce the value of our deferred tax assets, which mostly consists of prior periods accumulated net operating losses.


  • These tax assets were reduced in value due to the new lower statutory tax rate of 21% in the U.S., which resulted in a onetime charge of approximately $3 million in Q4.

    由於美國 21% 的新法定稅率較低,這些稅收資產的價值有所減少,這導致第四季度的一次性費用約為 300 萬美元。

  • Both of these effects as well as other lesser impacts of the new tax law are expected to be nonrecurring and therefore, we have adjusted our non-GAAP measures to eliminate the effect of these onetime adjustments.

    這些影響以及新稅法的其他較小影響預計不會經常發生,因此,我們調整了我們的非 GAAP 措施以消除這些一次性調整的影響。

  • During the quarter, we also recognized approximately $4.6 million in R&D tax credits and approximately $1.5 million in excess tax benefits from employee options that were exercised during the quarter.

    在本季度,我們還確認了約 460 萬美元的研發稅收抵免和約 150 萬美元的超額稅收優惠來自本季度行使的員工期權。

  • With the new tax law in place, I would like to take a few moments to provide some updates on AOI's income tax expense going forward.

    隨著新稅法的實施,我想花點時間介紹一下 AOI 未來所得稅費用的最新情況。

  • I should emphasize that the changes included in the Tax Act are broad and complex, and there is significant work yet to be done, as we continue to refine our estimates.


  • As such, new guidance on the tax law continues to be issue and I urge you to consult the tax section of our 10-K for more information.

    因此,有關稅法的新指南不斷發布,我敦促您查閱我們 10-K 的稅務部分以獲取更多信息。

  • AOI operates in 3 main taxable jurisdictions: the United States, Taiwan and China.

    AOI 在 3 個主要的納稅管轄區開展業務:美國、台灣和中國。

  • Based upon our income tax in each of these jurisdictions, we estimate our 2018 overall annual effective tax rate on a GAAP basis at approximately 25.7%, excluding the effects of various discrete items we may have.

    根據我們在每個司法管轄區的所得稅,我們估計我們 2018 年的總體年度有效稅率在 GAAP 基礎上約為 25.7%,不包括我們可能擁有的各種離散項目的影響。

  • In any given tax periods, there are various discrete items that cannot be reasonably estimated and can result in a tax rate in that period that may vary significantly from the estimated tax rate previously mentioned.


  • For AOI, the most significant of these items involve R&D tax credits and any tax expense or benefit that may arise from share-based compensation.

    對於 AOI,這些項目中最重要的涉及研發稅收抵免和任何稅收費用或可能因股份補償而產生的收益。

  • Under U.S. GAAP, the income tax effects of share-based compensation are now reported in income tax expense or benefit from continuing operations.


  • As we cannot estimate when an employee might exercise options, or what the stock price might be at that time, we are unable to include estimates of these items in our effective tax rate calculation.


  • As a result, our tax expense in any quarter may vary from our estimates.


  • As most of our employee options were granted in periods, where our stock prices were lower than it has been recently, the difference between the booked expense, which is recognized at the time of print and the tax expense, which is recognized at the time of issuance or exercise has generally resulted in a tax benefit.


  • Turning now to the balance sheet.


  • We ended Q4 with $84 million in total cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash compared with $72 million at the end of the previous quarter.

    第四季度末,我們的現金、現金等價物、短期投資和受限現金總額為 8400 萬美元,而上一季度末為 7200 萬美元。

  • As of December 31, we had $75.8 million in inventory, an increase of $1.2 million from Q3.

    截至 12 月 31 日,我們的庫存為 7580 萬美元,比第三季度增加了 120 萬美元。

  • Our cash generated from operations totaled $84.3 million for the year.

    我們從運營中產生的現金全年總計 8430 萬美元。

  • We made a total of $20.4 million in capital investments in the quarter, including $11.1 million in production equipment and machinery and $8.7 million on construction and building improvements, most of which was spent purchasing land-use rights for our new factory in China.

    本季度我們總共進行了 2040 萬美元的資本投資,其中包括 1110 萬美元的生產設備和機械以及 870 萬美元的建築和建築改造,其中大部分用於為我們在中國的新工廠購買土地使用權。

  • This brings our total capital investments for the year to $67 million.

    這使我們今年的總資本投資達到 6700 萬美元。

  • Looking ahead, we expect capital expenditures in 2018 to increase to approximately $109 million with the construction of our new factory in China, accounting for most of the increase over 2017 CapEx levels.

    展望未來,隨著我們在中國建設新工廠,我們預計 2018 年的資本支出將增加至約 1.09 億美元,佔 2017 年資本支出水平增長的大部分。

  • Construction on this new factory should commence in Q2 of this year and we expect it to be completed in 2020.

    這個新工廠的建設將於今年第二季度開始,我們預計將於 2020 年完工。

  • The location of the new factory is immediately adjacent to our existing facility in Ningbo.


  • The purpose for the new facility is to increase our production capacity by adding approximately 322,000 square feet of production space as well as additional housing for workers that will be needed to staff the new factory.

    新工廠的目的是通過增加大約 322,000 平方英尺的生產空間以及為新工廠配備人員所需的工人提供額外的住房來提高我們的生產能力。

  • This new facility will add to our existing footprint in Ningbo, which consists of approximately 459,000 square feet.

    這個新設施將增加我們在寧波現有的佔地面積約 459,000 平方英尺。

  • Moving now to our Q1 outlook.


  • We expect Q1 revenue to be between $67 million and $71 million.

    我們預計第一季度收入在 6700 萬美元至 7100 萬美元之間。

  • As a reminder, we have fewer production days in Q1 as a result of the Chinese New Year holiday, which results in lower production capacity in Q1 compared to Q4.


  • Demand from our transceiver customers in Q1 is expected to exceed our production capacity this quarter due to the effects of the New Year holiday in China.


  • We expect Q1 non-GAAP gross margin to be in the range of 40.5% to 41.5%.

    我們預計第一季度非美國通用會計準則毛利率在 40.5% 至 41.5% 之間。

  • Net income is expected to be in the range of $5.6 million to $6.8 million and non-GAAP EPS between $0.28 per share and $0.34 per share using a weighted average fully diluted share count of approximately 20.2 million shares.

    淨收入預計在 560 萬美元至 680 萬美元之間,非美國通用會計準則每股收益在 0.28 美元至 0.34 美元之間,使用加權平均完全稀釋後的股票數量約為 2020 萬股。

  • We expect our Q1 effective tax rate on our non-GAAP net income to be between 6% and 10%.

    我們預計第一季度非 GAAP 淨收入的有效稅率將在 6% 至 10% 之間。

  • With that, I will turn it back over to the operator for the Q&A session.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Simon Leopold of Raymond James.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Raymond James 的 Simon Leopold。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Just a quick clarification on the supply agreement you announced with Facebook today.

    快速澄清一下您今天與 Facebook 宣布的供應協議。

  • The agreement references a date in December.

    該協議引用了 12 月的日期。

  • Just want to get a clear understanding of sort of the timing.


  • And it's not really clear to us what's in there.


  • I know, a lot of it has to be redacted, I get that.


  • Is this -- is it 100 gig?

    這是——是 100 場演出嗎?

  • Is there a mix in there?


  • Any insight you can give us in terms of what the details are behind what Facebook is purchasing from you?

    關於 Facebook 從你那裡購買的產品背後的細節,你能給我們提供什麼見解嗎?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, Simon, as you can imagine, we have pretty detailed nondisclosure agreements with our customers.


  • So really, all we can say is what's in the agreement as redacted.


  • What I can say is, as we noted, it represents a 3-year timeframe with a minimum commitment for the first year that represents, at a minimum $125 million for one product family.

    正如我們所指出的,我可以說的是,它代表了一個 3 年的時間框架,第一年的最低承諾是,一個產品系列至少需要 1.25 億美元。

  • Not all the products, but just one product family.


  • But as far as which product that is, or any of the other details, unfortunately, due to the nondisclosure agreements, we really can't say more than that.


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Okay, understood.


  • And in terms of the results this quarter, I appreciate the disclosure between 40 and 100 gig.

    就本季度的結果而言,我很欣賞 40 到 100 gig 之間的披露。

  • But the trends are not what we would've expected with it, looks like your 100 gig revenue was down.

    但趨勢並不是我們預期的那樣,看起來你的 100 演出收入下降了。

  • It's down as a percent, while the 40 gig business seems to be holding up better and grew.

    它下降了一個百分比,而 40 場演出的業務似乎表現得更好並且有所增長。

  • Just completely the opposite of what trend we would expect.


  • Could you help us understand what's going on either in the quarter and then in terms of the longer-term trend between 40 and 100?

    您能否幫助我們了解本季度以及 40 到 100 之間的長期趨勢發生了什麼?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, as we've noted, I think, before, the long-term trend is certainly for more 100 gig and less 40 gig.

    好吧,正如我們已經指出的,我認為,長期趨勢肯定是更多 100 gig 和更少 40 gig。

  • So 100 gig is gradually overtaking 40 gig.

    所以 100 gig 正在逐漸超過 40 gig。

  • Now in any given quarter, as there are customers -- we have multiple different customers who are buying different things for different parts of their networks at different times.


  • So in any given quarter, the interplay between all of those things could result in some deviations from that long-term trend.


  • But long term, we still expect 100 gig to certainly grow and 40 gig to gradually decline.

    但從長遠來看,我們仍然預計 100 gig 肯定會增長,40 gig 會逐漸下降。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • And does something explain what happened in this particular quarter to skew it so much in favor of 40 gig?

    是否有什麼可以解釋這個特定季度發生的事情,使其如此偏向於 40 演出?

  • Is it customer specific?


  • Help me understand that.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • It's largely customer specific.


  • And for that reason, I can't really give you a whole lot of insight into it.


  • But again, the longer trend is what you would expect 100 gig growing and 40 gig declining.

    但同樣,更長期的趨勢是你所期望的 100 gig 增長和 40 gig 下降。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • And one last one, please.


  • Could you just comment on the dynamics you are seeing in the competitive environment.


  • We hear a lot of noise.


  • It's hard to decide for a fact from fiction, any commentary you can offer on how the competitive environment has evolved over the last several months?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Sure.


  • So in terms of competition, I mean, I don't think we've seen any new entrants as far as competitors go.


  • I think the cast of competitors is similar to what we've seen.


  • There have been some recent comments by some of our competitors that they are minimizing or changing their strategy with respect to, particularly to 100 gig that should result in less pricing pressure, perhaps, in 2018 compared to what we saw in 2017, which is what -- which is consistent with what we've said before that we see 2018 -- the rate of decline of pricing in 2018 being less than what we saw in 2017.

    我們的一些競爭對手最近發表了一些評論,他們正在最小化或改變他們的戰略,特別是 100 演出,這應該會導致定價壓力更小,也許,與我們在 2017 年看到的相比,2018 年,這就是- 這與我們之前所說的 2018 年一致 - 2018 年的定價下降速度低於我們在 2017 年看到的。

  • So I think that's sort of what we're seeing.


  • I think the real wild card for us is, as we've mentioned before is -- so you've seen this purchase commitment that we talked about today, and I mentioned earlier and in the 8-K that it is a minimum commitment.

    我認為對我們來說真正的通配符是,正如我們之前提到的那樣——所以你已經看到了我們今天談到的這種購買承諾,我之前在 8-K 中提到過這是最低承諾。

  • This is how we operate with some of our other customers as well, in the sense that AOI, typically gets a share oftentimes a leading share with our customers.

    這也是我們與其他一些客戶合作的方式,從某種意義上說,AOI 通常會在我們的客戶中獲得份額,通常是領先份額。

  • As sort of a minimum commitment, but often times, depending on what competitors can actually produce and ship in a given quarter, we may have opportunities to take additional share.


  • And so the interplay between what we can produce and what our customers can produce this year will ultimately determine the overall market share for the year.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from James Kisner of Loop Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Loop Capital 的 James Kisner。

  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • So I think you mentioned inventories choosing one customer having impact to your, I think.


  • Maybe you could talk about just, sort of, to quantify that to some degree.


  • I mean, just $10 million, $30 million what's the overhang there?

    我的意思是,只有 1000 萬美元,3000 萬美元還有什麼懸念?

  • Sounds like you also, kind of, expect that Q2 -- obviously, you're not going to be growing.


  • But you actually say its the second half is going to be bigger than the first half.


  • I don't know if you'd help us with bandwidth here at all.


  • I mean, could this be a growth year on a full year basis for you, just given 100 gig is ramping, and these issues are going to temporary?

    我的意思是,鑑於 100 演出正在增加,這對您來說可能是全年增長的一年,而這些問題將是暫時的嗎?

  • Just any color on that would be helpful.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Sure.


  • So as far as the inventory goes, I can't really give you a lot of insight into that.


  • Because it's the inventories that the customers have on hand.


  • We've got a pretty good idea from them about what they're forecasts in terms of purchasing look like.


  • And then as far as growth prospects for the year, I think first of all, it's very important to emphasize that we remain very confident in our position as the leading supplier of data center optics to all of our major hyperscale data center customers.


  • I think, as you've seen in the last few press releases that we put out, we have a very strong product roadmap, really leading technology in the industry in terms of laser and receiver technology for not only 100 gig but 400 gig and beyond.

    我認為,正如您在我們發布的最近幾篇新聞稿中看到的那樣,我們有一個非常強大的產品路線圖,在激光和接收器技術方面真正領先於行業,不僅適用於 100 gig,而且適用於 400 gig 甚至更高.

  • So as we talk about growth prospects this year, it's not only about our existing hyperscale customers where we continue to have a very strong position, but also about our prospects for bringing on new customers.


  • And we do have a number of recent design wins and a number of qualifications that are ongoing that we hope to bring in as new customer revenue later on in the year.


  • And so I think, what I would expect to see is, continued strong business from our 3 hyperscale customers and layering on top of that, some new customers in the data center and perhaps, other areas as well.

    所以我認為,我希望看到的是,我們的 3 個超大規模客戶的業務持續強勁,最重要的是數據中心的一些新客戶,也許還有其他領域。

  • And then it's worth mentioning too, our Cable TV segment has been a very strong grower this year, and the prospects for growth in Cable TV remain excellent.


  • We have strong growth coming from upgrade projects in North America from several MSOs as well as some international growth.

    我們在北美的多個 MSO 升級項目以及一些國際增長中實現了強勁增長。

  • And later on in the year, we expect our Remote-PHY products to begin to ship in volume.

    今年晚些時候,我們預計我們的 Remote-PHY 產品將開始批量發貨。

  • And that's the product line that I think will contribute meaningfully to our revenue in the back half of the year, I suspect in all of those market segments this year.


  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • Just to clarify this to you, I mean, it sounds like June should be up sequentially, right?

    只是為了向您澄清這一點,我的意思是,聽起來 6 月應該按順序進行,對嗎?

  • I mean, demand is exceeding supply in March, and you won't have the Chinese New Year in June, and just -- and as you know, the inventory overhang is here, but I just want to make sure that, that assumption is right, that June should be up somewhat meaningfully here versus March?

    我的意思是,3 月份供不應求,而 6 月份不會有農曆新年,正如你所知,庫存過剩就在這裡,但我只是想確保,這個假設是對吧,6 月應該比 3 月有意義地上升?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I mean, the key -- we don't -- we only guide one quarter out, so I can't comment specifically on that.


  • But I do think there's -- well, should be less impactful in a negative sense for us in the next quarter.

    但我確實認為 - 嗯,在下一季度對我們的負面影響應該較小。

  • For example, a lack of Chinese New Year and other things that you mentioned.


  • James Martin Kisner - SVP

    James Martin Kisner - SVP

  • Okay, just one more to sneak in here.


  • I mean, the CapEx spending you're talking about is a pretty big step-up.


  • I'm just wondering -- and the plan is not going to be done here until 2020.

    我只是想知道——這個計劃要到 2020 年才能在這裡完成。

  • So should we think about '18 as being kind of a peak year for CapEx, or what is -- and I guess, also, what's the sort of headwind to gross margin, I think around depreciation expense, as we kind of move through the year, could you help us a little bit on the CapEx plans?

    因此,我們是否應該將 18 年視為資本支出的高峰年,或者是——我想,毛利率的逆風是什麼,我認為圍繞折舊費用,因為我們正在經歷年,你能在資本支出計劃上幫助我們一點嗎?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • So this year, we'll -- it's the heaviest CapEx year that we've had as a company.


  • I think it's worth pointing out, the last time that we had a major step-up in CapEx was when invested in production facilities here in Sugarland.

    我認為值得指出的是,我們上一次在資本支出方面取得重大進展是在 Sugarland 投資生產設施時。

  • And I think that's worked out very well for us.


  • We were able to expand our capacity and take advantage of the increase in data center business in particular that we saw as well as position ourselves well for the next couple of years.


  • This new factory, as you mentioned, will come online in 2020.

    正如你提到的,這個新工廠將於 2020 年上線。

  • It's designed to fuel our growth for the period beginning in 2020 and beyond.

    它旨在推動我們從 2020 年開始及以後的時期的增長。

  • As far as whether this is a peak year in CapEx, we've often said that we look at CapEx on a pretty short-term basis.


  • I mean, obviously, this particular chunk of CapEx related to the building is a longer-term investment, but generally speaking, our annual CapEx budgets are decided, based on what we see our near-term revenue prospects.


  • So I can't really give you a sense of whether we think 2019 or 2020 will be higher or lower.

    所以我無法真正告訴你我們認為 2019 年或 2020 年會更高還是更低。

  • But I can say that step-ups or increases in CapEx, generally are associated with bright outlook for us in terms of future revenue.


  • And this particular step-up in CapEx is no exception.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Fahad Najam of Cowan and Company.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Cowan and Company 的 Fahad Najam。

  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • Stefan and Thompson, just a couple of quick questions.

    Stefan 和 Thompson,只是幾個簡單的問題。

  • One, maybe I misheard, but you addressed that regarding the inventory buildup, is it just one particular customer or is it more than one customer that has the inventory buildup?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • It's just one customer.


  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • It's just one customer.


  • So regarding the weakness that you cited from your data center customers, if -- hopefully, I got my math right, if your customer, which was 19% this quarter and the one that was 33% this quarter, seems to have sequentially come down.

    因此,關於您從數據中心客戶那裡引用的弱點,如果 - 希望我的數學正確,如果您的客戶(本季度為 19%,本季度為 33%)似乎已經連續下降.

  • Is there any particular seasonality that drives this sequential weakness in the fourth quarter?


  • Or you would think that that's something to do with outside of seasonality?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • I can't really comment on, obviously, specific customers and their trends.


  • But I think it's not reasonable to expect that in any given quarter, there can be a lot of things that affect a particular customer's purchasing partners, timing of orders, specific things that they're doing within their data centers, what type of products they're deploying in the mix.


  • So there's a lot of things that can affect that on a short-term basis.


  • But longer term, I think we've seen strong growth from our hyperscale customers, and we would expect to continue to see their volume growth in the future.


  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • Got it.


  • Now switching on to margins.


  • In light of this new production facility that you're building, I just wanted to, kind of, get a sense on how that would impact your overall -- how should we think about the margins going forward?


  • Is there like, a minimum threshold for fixed cost that you need to absorb in.


  • Is that fixed cost is going to be higher as a result of this new incremental facility and how should we think about margins, the minimum volume that you're require to dive your targeted 40 -- 45 -- 41% to 45% margin, if you were to maintain that?

    由於這種新的增量設施,固定成本是否會更高?我們應該如何考慮利潤率,即您需要將目標利潤率降低 40 - 45 - 41% 至 45% 的最低數量,如果你要維護那個?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I'm not quite sure I follow all of your question there.


  • We've said that we expect margins to maintain in that range of 41% to 45%, in general for the foreseeable future.

    我們已經說過,在可預見的未來,我們預計利潤率總體上將保持在 41% 至 45% 的範圍內。

  • So that's where we expect it to be.


  • Obviously, I can't comment at this point.


  • We're talking about a factory that might come online in 2020.

    我們談論的是一家可能在 2020 年上線的工廠。

  • So I can't tell you, specifically, how much product we expect to produce in there at that time, or what our margin on this products is likely to be.


  • It's quite a ways into the future.


  • So not sure that answers your questions, but...


  • Fahad Najam - Associate

    Fahad Najam - Associate

  • Let me rephrase what I was trying to ask.


  • What I was trying to get to was that today you have a minimum fixed cost that you have in -- as a result of this new facility, we would expect the minimum fixed cost to increase and I was just trying to see in terms of your projection, how much minimum volume you would require to offset that incremental fixed cost.


  • And two, I'm just making sure if my assumptions are correct that this would actually increase your overall fixed cost.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, I mean, it will increase our overall fixed cost.


  • We'll have additional depreciation, for example, on the new factory.


  • So that is true.


  • I think that -- I mean, you could probably do the math on the investments that we're making and the depreciation and time period that were talking about.

    我認為 - 我的意思是,你可以對我們正在進行的投資以及正在談論的折舊和時間段進行數學計算。

  • But that's relatively minor compared to the total assets of the company right now and the depreciation of assets we've had.


  • So I'm not sure, I'm -- again, I'm not sure I'm answering your question, but that's about as far as I can go.

    所以我不確定,我 - 再一次,我不確定我是否在回答你的問題,但這就是我所能做的。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Tim Savageaux of Northland Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Northland Capital Markets 的 Tim Savageaux。

  • Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Questions on product mix, I guess, to some degree following on, kind of, the 40 versus the 100 gig discussion.

    關於產品組合的問題,我想,在某種程度上,有點像 40 與 100 演出的討論。

  • I wonder, did you make any comments on PSM4 versus CWDM4 within 100 gig trend there, either in the quarter or maybe more importantly, in the outlook, whether you have any commentary about 40 versus 100 gig?

    我想知道,您是否對 PSM4 與 CWDM4 在 100 gig 趨勢中發表任何評論,無論是在本季度還是更重要的是,在展望中,您是否對 40 gig 與 100 gig 有任何評論?

  • Assuming data center is responsible for most of the sequential decline that you're forecasting there.


  • Do you expect any, sort of, change in that mix 40 versus 100?

    您是否期望 40 對 100 的組合有任何變化?

  • And then within 100, anything notable from a CWDM versus PSM standpoint for either the quarter or the outlook?

    然後在 100 以內,從 CWDM 與 PSM 的角度來看,本季度或前景有什麼值得注意的嗎?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • So as I mentioned earlier, we expect 100 gig to continue to grow and 40 gig to, sort of, decline.

    因此,正如我之前提到的,我們預計 100 場演出將繼續增長,而 40 場演出將有所下降。

  • So that's what we expect in terms of trends between 40 and 100.

    這就是我們對 40 到 100 之間趨勢的預期。

  • Within 100 gig, as you know, we have CWDM and PSM.

    如您所知,在 100 gig 以內,我們有 CWDM 和 PSM。

  • We didn't give any specific numbers.


  • But we have said in the past, and we continue to believe that CWDM is really -- represents -- for most of our customers represents the product of choice, particularly, as the price differential between CWDM and PSM has reduced, customers tend to buy more CWDM than PSM.

    但我們過去說過,我們仍然相信 CWDM 確實代表了我們大多數客戶的首選產品,特別是隨著 CWDM 和 PSM 之間的價格差異縮小,客戶傾向於購買CWDM 多於 PSM。

  • And that's not to say, there's not going to be a mix there.


  • But we do expect CWDM to continue to grow in prominence within that 100 gig segment.

    但我們確實預計 CWDM 將在 100 gig 細分市場中繼續保持突出地位。

  • Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I guess, follow-up with the sort of continue-to-grow comment.


  • I think that's true, kind of, on a year-over-year basis for 100 gig.

    對於 100 場演出,我認為這在某種程度上是真實的。

  • But I think you did have your lowest 100-gig quarter of the year in Q4.

    但我認為你確實在第四季度遇到了今年最低的 100 演出季度。

  • And I think your revenue has gone around 40% sequentially.

    我認為你們的收入環比增長了 40% 左右。

  • So I guess, what I was getting at is, do you expect -- extent you expect to continue growth in 100 gig, kind of, on a year-over-year basis, say, call it, off a base of $120 million, to the extent you just did 22 that would imply a pretty significant step-up, I would assume.

    所以我想,我的意思是,你期望 - 你期望在 100 演出中繼續增長的程度,有點,在同比基礎上,比如說,在 1.2 億美元的基礎上,就你剛剛完成的 22 次而言,我認為這意味著相當大的提升。

  • I don't know whether that would be starting in Q1 or what will be driving that?


  • So given that framework, I guess, my real question was, do you expect 100 gig to grow in Q1 sequentially?

    因此,鑑於該框架,我想,我真正的問題是,您是否預計第一季度將連續增長 100 個演出?

  • And I just have a brief follow-up on pricing after that.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes, we don't give guidance by particular product within the segment.


  • So can't comment on that.


  • Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So final question for me then, what you did comment on was, expecting a more favorable pricing environment in '18 versus '17.

    所以最後一個問題是,你的評論是,預計 18 年的定價環境比 17 年更有利。

  • That again, I guess, counter to a lot of what we've heard in terms of concerns from silicon photonics based competitors and some pretty aggressive pricing.


  • I wonder, did that pricing hit in late '17, and maybe that's why '18 looks better?

    我想知道,這個定價是否在 17 年底出現,也許這就是 18 年看起來更好的原因?

  • Or in general, if you could talk about the dynamics around the pricing environment given that it would appear that some of these aggressive or would be aggressive price leaders are having problems delivering, which you would think would be, constructive for pricing.


  • I wonder, is that's sort of what behind your more favorable outlook?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Sure.


  • Just to be clear, I didn't -- when you say more favorable outlook, were several, that the rate of price decline should decrease in 2018 versus 2017.

    需要明確的是,我沒有——當你說更有利的前景時,有幾個人認為 2018 年的價格下降速度應該低於 2017 年。

  • That's not to say that we expect prices to be more favorable and other words higher for us.


  • Expect a decline, its just we expecting them to decline at a lower rate that as a percentage of decline this year would likely be less than it was last year, just want everybody to understand, make sure that we're on the same page.


  • Why we believe that?


  • Well, first of all, for us, we can look at our purchase contracts and purchase prices that we've negotiated with customers and just look at was those clients are for those customers that we already have agreements with.


  • And so, that gives us a fairly high degree of confidence already.


  • In addition, as you mentioned, there are competitors who several of whom have already said that they intend to minimize their activities in 100 gig, partly because of the pricing environment, perhaps, in 2017.

    此外,正如您提到的,有些競爭對手已經表示,他們打算在 100 gig 中減少活動,部分原因可能是 2017 年的定價環境。

  • And then our platform, as we've said many times, and our -- the way that we've engineered our company and our products to be able to produce these types of high-performance, transceiver products with very attractive cost profiles and our ability to continue to squeeze costs out of those products as we move forward, also gives us some strong degree of confidence that we can maintain our gross margins, even in -- what has been and will likely to remain a fairly competitive price environment.

    然後是我們的平台,正如我們多次說過的,以及我們設計公司和產品的方式,以便能夠生產這些類型的高性能、具有非常有吸引力的成本概況的收發器產品以及我們的在我們前進的過程中繼續從這些產品中擠出成本的能力,也使我們有一定程度的信心,我們可以保持我們的毛利率,即使在 - 已經並且可能會保持相當有競爭力的價格環境中。

  • Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • (technical difficulty)


  • '17 versus '18?

    17 年對 18 年?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • No, I can't give you.


  • I'm sure competitors would love to know that we forward price or products for 2018.

    我敢肯定,競爭對手很想知道我們轉發了 2018 年的價格或產品。

  • So I won't go there.


  • What I can say is that we reduced our cost on our 100 gig products by 36% in the last quarter -- last 4 quarters.

    我能說的是,我們在上個季度(過去 4 個季度)將 100 gig 產品的成本降低了 36%。

  • So I mean, I think we're not done yet.


  • There's more cost reduction that we can do, as we noted in our call, we're spending some money on R&D to bring on some of those efforts.


  • So we're prepared for the price, we're well prepared for the pricing environment that we expect to see this year.


  • And we stand behind our 41% to 45% gross margin target while we do that.

    在我們這樣做的同時,我們支持 41% 至 45% 的毛利率目標。

  • Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Timothy Paul Savageaux - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Really last one.


  • I'm -- I apologize for this, but -- and you wouldn't say that, that pricing environment in '17, or would you contributed to relatively weak 100 gig results in Q4, either as a result of price declines or maybe walking away from business that you felt was unattractive from a pricing standpoint?

    我——對此我深表歉意,但是——你不會這麼說,17 年的定價環境,或者你是否會導致第四季度相對較弱的 100 演出結果,無論是由於價格下跌還是可能放棄您認為從定價角度來看沒有吸引力的業務?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, no.


  • Were not walking away from business that we felt is unattractive.


  • We would do that.


  • I mean, we're prepared to do that, but that has not been a factor for us, because our costs are very attractive and were able to get good gross margins even as the pricing declines.


  • What -- it is a fact, of course that as the price comes down, the revenue will decline unless units go up, but at least the same -- this price is declining.

    什麼 - 這是一個事實,當然,隨著價格下降,除非單位增加,否則收入將下降,但至少保持不變 - 這個價格正在下降。

  • So that is, I mean, is in that sense, it certainly headwind that we have to work against.


  • But again, I think the more important thing is really can we maintain our gross margins in this pricing environment and we've been able to do that.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Richard Shannon from Craig-Hallum.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Craig-Hallum 的 Richard Shannon。

  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Probably just a few for me.


  • First one is, kind of, talking on the 100 gig topic here.

    第一個是,有點,在這裡談論 100 場演出的話題。

  • I'll maybe ask the questions slightly different manner.


  • Stefan if you'll respond to it.


  • But you think about modeling a 40 versus 100 gig, I think in the last quarter, I think, you said 38 versus 56 percentage points of the data center revenues.

    但是你考慮建模 40 和 100 演出,我認為在上個季度,你說數據中心收入的 38 和 56 個百分點。

  • When does that crossover?


  • Do you expect that to crossover this year anyway that you can comment on it in that manner?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, it crossed over in Q3 in the sense that 100 gig was higher than 40 gig for us in Q3.

    好吧,它在第三季度交叉了,因為在第三季度對我們來說 100 演出高於 40 演出。

  • Q4 was a little bit different.


  • Q1, I would -- again, we don't -- were not going to give you forward guidance on that, but I have said that longer-term trend is for CWDM to predominate -- I'm sorry, for -- CWDM to predominate but also for 100 gig to dominate over 40 gig in the future.

    Q1,我會 - 再一次,我們不會 - 不會就此給你前瞻性指導,但我說過長期趨勢是 CWDM 占主導地位 - 對不起,對於 - CWDM占主導地位,但也為 100 場演出在未來主導超過 40 場演出。

  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Fair enough, I'll follow-up offline on that one.


  • But Stefan, may be discussion about the TAM here.

    但是 Stefan,這裡可能會討論 TAM。

  • We've talked a little bit about share and pricing out there, but what about the unit market growth.


  • Can you give us a sense of what that market looks like growing this year.


  • I'm more interested in 100 gig really if you can characterize or quantify that in any way would be great, please.

    我對 100 gig 更感興趣,如果你能以任何方式描述或量化它,那就太好了,拜託了。

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I think, for us, the most important thing is -- as we've talked about earlier, our ability to attract new customers.


  • I mean, at this point, we have commanding a share among the hyperscale customers.


  • Who represent a good portion of the market, but there's certainly a large base of customers out there, besides the hyperscale customers that we already have.


  • And I think that's where we're really focusing our efforts, as we look to, particularly to the second half of 2018.

    我認為這就是我們真正關注的地方,正如我們所期待的那樣,尤其是 2018 年下半年。

  • Of course, we're going to continue to serve and serve well our existing hyperscale data center customers.


  • But the opportunity is to expand our customer base is one that we've been working very, very diligently on, really over the last year.


  • We've talked about the number of design wins and things that we have.


  • And in fact, those will start to generate revenue.


  • And so when you look at the overall market size for us, I think we still got a long way to go before we have to worry about overall market growth, kind of, limiting the rate at which we can grow.


  • Our rate of growth is dependent on how well we can bring on new customers as well as, obviously, continue to serve the existing customers that we have with our existing products and new products, like our 400 gig products (inaudible).

    我們的增長率取決於我們能夠帶來新客戶的能力,以及顯然繼續為我們現有產品和新產品(例如我們的 400 演出產品(聽不清))擁有的現有客戶提供服務。

  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay, fair enough.


  • Last question for me, on the EML laser that you announced, when do we see that in products demoed and announced and then eventually, generating revenues?

    我的最後一個問題,關於您宣布的 EML 激光器,我們什麼時候會在演示和宣布的產品中看到它,然後最終產生收入?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I will have it at OFC for demo purposes, which will be the middle of March, as you know, about 3 weeks from now.

    我將在 OFC 進行演示,時間是 3 月中旬,如你所知,大約 3 週後。

  • As far as when it'll be in products, it's going to be a cornerstone of our 400 gig product line.

    至於何時會出現在產品中,它將成為我們 400 gig 產品線的基石。

  • And we'll expect to start to see that, certainly, in demo, by next year for sure.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our next question comes from Nick Johnson of Piper Jaffray

    (操作員說明)我們的下一個問題來自 Piper Jaffray 的 Nick Johnson

  • Nickolas Bradley Johnson - Research Analyst

    Nickolas Bradley Johnson - Research Analyst

  • Just follow back on CWDM products.

    只需關注 CWDM 產品即可。

  • I guess, what we're hearing from competitors, the customers are turning more towards the CWDM versus traditionally more longer-reach product, as they maybe getting up to the 10 kilometer range.

    我想,我們從競爭對手那裡聽到的情況是,客戶正在更多地轉向 CWDM,而不是傳統上距離更遠的產品,因為他們可能達到 10 公里的範圍。

  • So I'm curious, if you're seeing the same.


  • And if so, when are you expecting a larger customer base here?


  • New customers entering this?


  • Can you just dive into that a little bit deeper?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes.


  • So first of all, I agree with your comments that CWDM is likely to become more important to customers in the future.

    所以首先,我同意你的意見,即 CWDM 可能在未來對客戶變得更加重要。

  • I think, we said just about as much earlier in the call.


  • I think we're very well positioned in this market for CWDM.

    我認為我們在這個 CWDM 市場中處於非常有利的地位。

  • It's worth noting that -- the primary difference between CWDM and PSM is that CWDM uses 4 different lasers, 4 different colors, 4 different lambdas of lasers.

    值得注意的是——CWDM 和 PSM 之間的主要區別在於 CWDM 使用 4 種不同的激光器、4 種不同的顏色、4 種不同的激光器波長。

  • Our ability to manufacture those lasers in-house gives us a significant advantage, both in terms of costs and our ability to manage inventory and lead times for those CWDM devices.

    我們在內部製造這些激光器的能力使我們在成本以及我們管理這些 CWDM 設備的庫存和交貨時間的能力方面都具有顯著優勢。

  • So I think, you're right, CWDM is predominate.

    所以我認為,你是對的,CWDM 占主導地位。

  • And I also think, we're well positioned for this.


  • Unidentified Analyst

    Unidentified Analyst

  • Okay, but the revenues for CWDM were I'm assuming, down in the quarter than if 100G was down?

    好的,但我假設 CWDM 的收入在本季度下降,而不是 100G 下降的情況?

  • Is that correct?


  • I think in the past, you've also broken out, CWDM and PSM4 at least said if they're up or down by a certain percentage, are you guys able to break that out at all?

    我想過去,你們也爆發過,CWDM 和 PSM4 至少說如果它們上漲或下降一定百分比,你們能完全爆發嗎?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • So as I said, at any given quarter, there can be timing of orders, the particular products that are being ordered, where customers are ordering, and for what segment of their data data center.


  • So it makes that difficult to project.


  • But the trend, certainly, is for more CWDM and less PSM.

    但趨勢當然是更多的 CWDM 而更少的 PSM。

  • Operator


  • At this time, we have no further questions.


  • And I would like to turn the call over to Dr. Thompson Lin for any closing remarks.

    我想將電話轉給 Thompson Lin 博士,聽取任何結束語。

  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for joining us today.


  • As always, we thank all the investors, customers and employees for your continued support.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect.
