祥茂光電 (AAOI) 2017 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to the Applied Optoelectronics Second Quarter 2017 Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎參加應用光電 2017 年第二季度收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please note today's event is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Maria Riley, Investor Relations for Applied Optoelectronics.

    我現在想將會議轉交給應用光電子公司投資者關係部的瑪麗亞·賴利 (Maria Riley)。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Maria Riley - Director

    Maria Riley - Director

  • Thank you.


  • I'm Maria Riley, Applied Optoelectronics, Investor Relations and I am pleased to welcome you to AOI's Second Quarter 2017 financial results conference call.

    我是應用光電部門投資者關係部的 Maria Riley,我很高興歡迎您參加 AOI 2017 年第二季度財務業績電話會議。

  • After the market closed today, AOI issued a press release announcing its second quarter 2017 financial results and provided its outlook for the third quarter of 2017.

    今天收盤後,AOI 發布新聞稿,公佈了 2017 年第二季度財務業績,並提供了 2017 年第三季度的展望。

  • The release is also available on the company's website at ao-inc.com.

    該版本還可在該公司網站 ao-inc.com 上獲取。

  • This call is being recorded and webcast live.


  • A link to that recording can be found on Investor Relations page of the AOI website and will be archived for one year.

    該錄音的鏈接可以在 AOI 網站的投資者關係頁面上找到,並將存檔一年。

  • Joining us on today's call is Dr. Thompson Lin, AOI's Founder, Chairman and CEO; and Dr. Stefan Murry, AOI's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer.

    參加今天電話會議的還有 AOI 創始人、董事長兼首席執行官 Thompson Lin 博士;以及 AOI 首席財務官兼首席戰略官 Stefan Murry 博士。

  • Thompson will give an overview of AOI's Q2 results and Stefan will provide financial details and the outlook for the third quarter.

    Thompson 將概述 AOI 第二季度業績,Stefan 將提供財務細節和第三季度前景。

  • A question-and-answer session will follow our prepared remarks.


  • Before we begin, I would like to remind you to review AOI's safe harbor statement.

    在我們開始之前,我想提醒您查看 AOI 的安全港聲明。

  • On today's call, management will make forward-looking statements.


  • These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties as well as assumptions and current expectations which could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements.


  • You can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as may, will, should, expects, plans, anticipates, believes or estimates and by other similar expressions.


  • Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this earnings call to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in the company's expectations.


  • More information about other risks that may impact the company's business are set forth in the Risk Factors section of the company's reports on file with the SEC.

    有關可能影響公司業務的其他風險的更多信息,請參閱公司向 SEC 歸檔的報告的風險因素部分。

  • Also, with the exception of revenue, all financial numbers discussed today are on a non-GAAP basis unless specifically noted otherwise.


  • Non-GAAP financial measures are not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for results prepared in accordance with GAAP.


  • A reconciliation between our GAAP and non-GAAP measures as well as a discussion of why we present non-GAAP financial measures are included in our earnings press release that is available on our website.

    我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 指標之間的調節以及我們為何提出非 GAAP 財務指標的討論都包含在我們網站上的收益新聞稿中。

  • Now, I would like to turn the call over to Dr. Thompson Lin, Applied Optoelectronics' Founder, Chairman and CEO.


  • Thompson?


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • Thank you, Maria.


  • Thank you for joining us today.


  • The second quarter was another great quarter for AOI.

    第二季度對 AOI 來說又是一個偉大的季度。

  • Our results were driven by strong demand for our datacenter products and continued improvement in our manufacturing costs and capacity expansion, which lead to another quarter of record revenue and record gross margin.


  • Our ability to leverage our vertical integration and proprietary manufacturing processes to drive greater efficiencies and shorten our production cycle times sets AOI apart from others in the industry.

    我們能夠利用垂直整合和專有製造流程來提高效率並縮短生產週期,這使 AOI 在業內脫穎而出。

  • We are proud of our record results and continued solid execution in the quarter, and I would like to thank the AOI team for all of their hard work and dedication.

    我們對本季度創紀錄的業績和持續穩健的執行感到自豪,我要感謝 AOI 團隊的辛勤工作和奉獻精神。

  • Total revenue grew 112% over Q2 of last year to reach $117.4 million.

    總收入比去年第二季度增長 112%,達到 1.174 億美元。

  • This represents our fourth consecutive quarter of achieving record revenue.


  • Our datacenter solutions continued to fuel our growth.


  • Datacenter revenue more than doubled year-over-year and we delivered our ninth consecutive quarter of record datacenter revenue.


  • Our CATV solutions also delivered strong growth in the quarter.


  • Cable TV revenue grew 51% over Q2 of last year.

    有線電視收入比去年第二季度增長 51%。

  • Beyond revenue, we achieved record gross margin of 45.5% and record operating margin of 31.5%.

    除了收入之外,我們還實現了創紀錄的 45.5% 的毛利率和創紀錄的 31.5% 的營業利潤率。

  • We have increased our operating profit by 963% over last year, demonstrating the strong leverage in our model.

    我們的營業利潤比去年增長了 963%,證明了我們模型中強大的槓桿作用。

  • This has led to record net income of $31.3 million or $1.54 per diluted share.

    這使得淨利潤達到創紀錄的 3130 萬美元,即稀釋後每股收益 1.54 美元。

  • As we announced in June, we are well on track with our goal to expand capacity to approximately 1 million fully-qualified lasers per month.

    正如我們在 6 月份宣布的那樣,我們正在順利實現將產能擴大到每月約 100 萬台完全合格的激光器的目標。

  • In the month of June, we produced over 680,000 lasers which represents 67% growth year-to-date.

    6 月份,我們生產了超過 680,000 台激光器,較年初至今增長了 67%。

  • We believe our strong performance is a testament to the strength of our business model, deep manufacturing know-how and leadership position in advanced optics.


  • We will continue to invest in areas that will drive further capacity expansion and position AOI for continued success.

    我們將繼續投資於能夠進一步擴大產能並幫助 AOI 取得持續成功的領域。

  • With that, I will turn the call over to Stefan to review the details of our Q2 performance and outlook for Q3.

    接下來,我將把電話轉給 Stefan,以審查我們第二季度業績的詳細信息和第三季度的前景。

  • Stefan?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Thank you, Thompson.


  • Total revenue for the second quarter grew 112% year-over-year to reach another record $117.4 million, which was above our initial guidance of $106 million to $112 million.

    第二季度總收入同比增長 112%,達到創紀錄的 1.174 億美元,高於我們最初的 1.06 億美元至 1.12 億美元指導值。

  • The upside in the quarter was driven by our team's ability to improve manufacturing efficiencies and ship ahead of our plan for the quarter.


  • In the month of June, we produced over 680,000 lasers, which are used across our product portfolio.

    6 月份,我們生產了超過 680,000 台激光器,用於我們的產品組合。

  • We remain on track to achieve our production goal of approximately 1 million, fully-qualified lasers per month which will continue to be leveraged across our product portfolio.

    我們仍有望實現每月約 100 萬台完全合格的激光器的生產目標,該目標將繼續在我們的產品組合中得到利用。

  • I would like to remind you that today it takes approximately 6 weeks from the point a laser is manufactured to produce a transceiver for our datacenter customers.

    我想提醒您,今天從製造激光器到為我們的數據中心客戶生產收發器大約需要 6 週的時間。

  • Looking at our top line performance in more detail.


  • We continued to see strong demand for our datacenter products, and achieved our ninth consecutive quarter of record datacenter revenue.


  • Datacenter revenue in the second quarter grew 141% year-over-year to reach $99.3 million or 85% of Q2 revenue.

    第二季度數據中心收入同比增長 141%,達到 9930 萬美元,佔第二季度收入的 85%。

  • In this quarter, 57% of our datacenter revenue was derived from our 40G datacenter products and 39% was from our 100G products, which represents an increase of 62% in 100G sales from the prior quarter.


  • As with last quarter, we saw particular strength in our 100G CWDM product line.

    與上季度一樣,我們看到了 100G CWDM 產品線的特別優勢。

  • Revenue from 100G CWDM products in Q2 increased by 72% compared to Q1, while 100G PSM products increased by 41% sequentially.

    第二季度100G CWDM產品收入環比增長72%,100G PSM產品環比增長41%。

  • In general, we expect to continue to see CWDM outperform PSM in terms of growth rate, and we expect growth on a dollar basis across both product categories.

    總體而言,我們預計 CWDM 在增長率方面將繼續優於 PSM,並且我們預計這兩個產品類別的美元增長率都會有所增長。

  • The cost leadership that we have in CWDM is due in part to AOI's ability to utilize uncooled directly modulated laser diodes to meet both full performance and light specifications for our 100G CWDM QSFP 28 transceivers.

    我們在 CWDM 領域的成本領先地位部分歸功於 AOI 能夠利用非冷卻直接調製激光二極管來滿足我們 100G CWDM QSFP 28 收發器的全部性能和光規格。

  • These directly modulated lasers are less expensive to produce than Electro-absorption Modulated Lasers that many other suppliers require in order to meet full spec performance.


  • We currently have volume sales of full spec CWDM transceivers to multiple customers, including several hyperscale datacenter operators.

    目前,我們已向多個客戶批量銷售全規格 CWDM 收發器,其中包括多家超大規模數據中心運營商。

  • As a result of these trends, along with our customers' continued adoption of 100G technology, we expect 100G to continue to grow as a percent of our datacenter revenue and to exceed 40G sales in late Q3 or early Q4 of this year.

    由於這些趨勢,加上我們的客戶繼續採用 100G 技術,我們預計 100G 在我們數據中心收入中所佔的比例將繼續增長,並在今年第三季度末或第四季度初超過 40G 銷售額。

  • As we look into Q3, we see softer than expected demand for our 40G solutions with one of our large datacenter customers that will offset the sequential growth and increased demand we expect to see in 100G.

    展望第三季度,我們發現我們的一個大型數據中心客戶對 40G 解決方案的需求低於預期,這將抵消我們預計 100G 中的連續增長和需求增加。

  • This slowdown in 40G demand has been anticipated for some time, but the decline in Q3 is greater than previously expected.


  • Looking beyond 100G, I'm pleased to announce that this quarter, we have received initial orders for qualification with a new OEM customer for our next-generation 200G product.

    展望 100G 以外的領域,我很高興地宣布,本季度,我們已收到新 OEM 客戶對我們下一代 200G 產品進行資格認證的首批訂單。

  • We believe that we are the first-to-market in developing a 200G solution for intra-datacenter applications.

    我們相信,我們是第一個為數據中心內應用開發 200G 解決方案的市場公司。

  • While we expect this customer to be smaller scale compared to our large datacenter customers, we believe that this initial qualification order for 200G transceivers is a significant milestone in our development efforts and validates our design approach for 200G and beyond.

    雖然我們預計該客戶的規模比我們的大型數據中心客戶要小,但我們相信,200G 收發器的初始資格訂單是我們開發工作中的一個重要里程碑,並驗證了我們針對200G 及更高標準的設計方法。

  • In addition to the 200G opportunity I just discussed, we expect to begin 200G qualification testing with 3 other OEM customers and 1 hyperscale customer this quarter.

    除了我剛才討論的 200G 機會之外,我們預計本季度將與其他 3 個 OEM 客戶和 1 個超大規模客戶開始 200G 資格測試。

  • In total, we have 14 new active qualification efforts for our 100G and 200G technologies with customers outside of our core hyperscale customer base.

    總的來說,我們與核心超大規模客戶群之外的客戶針對我們的 100G 和 200G 技術進行了 14 項新的積極認證工作。

  • We are pleased with the share that we have achieved in this large and dynamic Web 2.0 datacenter market.

    我們對在這個龐大且充滿活力的 Web 2.0 數據中心市場中取得的份額感到高興。

  • We believe our vertical integration and proprietary manufacturing processes are the keys to our success and provide us with cost leadership advantages, a faster time-to-market and the ability to quickly scale and adjust our throughput to meet growing demand.


  • Over the past couple of years, we have demonstrated our ability to land new customers and then expand within our existing customers, improve our gross margin and drive bottom line earnings in this high-volume and price-sensitive market.


  • We continue to maintain focus on diversifying our customer base, and we believe that our cost leadership, scaled production capacity and 20-year track record of innovation in the optical components business will allow us to be successful in many of these new customer engagements.

    我們繼續專注於客戶群多元化,我們相信,我們的成本領先優勢、規模化生產能力以及光學元件業務 20 年的創新記錄將使我們能夠在許多新客戶合作中取得成功。

  • While not all of these customers are currently at the scale of our hyperscale customers, we believe that they represent a significant opportunity for continued growth in addition to what we expect to see from our core hyperscale base.


  • Turning to our cable TV market, revenue from CATV products increased 51% year-over-year to reach $14.4 million compared with $9.5 million in Q2 of last year.

    轉向有線電視市場,CATV 產品收入同比增長 51%,達到 1,440 萬美元,而去年第二季度為 950 萬美元。

  • We are pleased with the demand we're seeing in CATV and continue to anticipate improved demand in this business, as cable MSOs evolve and transition to more fiber deep network architecture with DOCSIS 3.1.

    我們對 CATV 的需求感到滿意,並繼續預計隨著有線 MSO 的發展並過渡到採用 DOCSIS 3.1 的更深光纖網絡架構,該業務的需求將有所改善。

  • Our telecom products delivered revenue of $3.1 million compared with $3.6 million in Q2 of last year.

    我們的電信產品實現了 310 萬美元的收入,而去年第二季度為 360 萬美元。

  • For the quarter, 85% of our revenue was from datacenter products, 12% from cable TV products, with the remaining 3% from FTTH, telecom and other.

    本季度,我們 85% 的收入來自數據中心產品,12% 來自有線電視產品,其餘 3% 來自 FTTH、電信和其他產品。

  • In the second quarter, we had 2, 10% or greater customers in the datacenter business that contributed 47% and 27% of total revenue, respectively.


  • Additionally, our third largest datacenter customer contributed approximately 9% of total revenue in Q2, an increase of 83% sequentially.

    此外,我們的第三大數據中心客戶貢獻了第二季度總收入的約 9%,比上一季度增長了 83%。

  • We continue to expect to have 3 hyperscale customers, each represent more than 10% of our revenue for the full year 2017.

    我們預計將繼續擁有 3 個超大規模客戶,每個客戶都占我們 2017 年全年收入的 10% 以上。

  • Moving down the income statement.


  • As Thompson mentioned, we delivered another record gross margin of 45.5%, which is an increase of 233 basis points compared with last quarter.

    正如湯普森所說,我們的毛利率再創新高,達到 45.5%,比上季度增長了 233 個基點。

  • The increase in our Q2 gross margin was driven by continued improvement in our manufacturing processes and a greater mix of CWDM products.

    第二季度毛利率的增長得益於我們製造工藝的持續改進和 CWDM 產品組合的擴大。

  • These factors have primarily contributed to 6 quarters of sequential gross margin performance.

    這些因素主要促成了 6 個季度的連續毛利率表現。

  • Given our vertical integration and proprietary manufacturing processes, we believe this to be sustainable.


  • And therefore, expect our gross margins to remain in the range of 41% to 45%, even in a price-sensitive market and as planned pricing reductions take effect in Q3.

    因此,即使在價格敏感的市場中,預計我們的毛利率也將保持在 41% 至 45% 的範圍內,並且計劃的價格下調將在第三季度生效。

  • Total operating expenses in the quarter were $16.5 million or 14% of revenue, compared with $15.5 million or 16.1 % of revenue in the prior quarter.

    本季度總運營費用為 1,650 萬美元,佔收入的 14%,而上一季度為 1,550 萬美元,佔收入的 16.1%。

  • Operating income in Q2 grew to $36.9 million, up 42% when compared with operating income of $26 million in the prior quarter, and up from operating income of $3.5 million in Q2 of last year.

    第二季度的營業收入增至 3690 萬美元,比上一季度的營業收入 2600 萬美元增長 42%,也高於去年第二季度的營業收入 350 萬美元。

  • Our operating margin in the quarter increased to 31.5%, up 441 basis points from the prior quarter.

    本季度我們的營業利潤率增至 31.5%,比上一季度提高 441 個基點。

  • Net income after-tax for the second quarter increased to $31.3 million, above our initial guidance and up 44% when compared with net income of $21.8 million in the prior quarter and up from net income of $2.8 million in Q2 of last year.

    第二季度稅後淨利潤增至 3130 萬美元,高於我們最初的指導,與上一季度淨利潤 2180 萬美元和去年第二季度淨利潤 280 萬美元相比增長 44%。

  • We reported net income of $1.54 per diluted share, up from $1.10 in the prior quarter and up from $0.16 per diluted share reported in Q2 of last year.

    我們報告稀釋後每股淨利潤為 1.54 美元,高於上一季度的 1.10 美元,也高於去年第二季度報告的稀釋後每股淨利潤 0.16 美元。

  • GAAP net income for Q2 was $29.1 million or $1.43 per diluted share compared with GAAP net income of $19.8 million or $1 per diluted share in the prior quarter.

    第二季度 GAAP 淨利潤為 2910 萬美元,或稀釋後每股 1.43 美元,而上一季度 GAAP 淨利潤為 1980 萬美元,或稀釋後每股 1 美元。

  • The Q2 weighted average fully diluted share count was approximately 20.4 million shares.

    第二季度加權平均完全稀釋股數約為 2,040 萬股。

  • Turning now to the balance sheet.


  • We ended Q2 with $75.9 million in total cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash compared with $60.6 million at the end of the previous quarter.

    第二季度末,我們的現金、現金等價物、短期投資和限制性現金總額為 7590 萬美元,而上一季度末為 6060 萬美元。

  • As of June 30, we had $59.7 million in inventory, an increase of $2.2 million from Q1.

    截至 6 月 30 日,我們的庫存為 5970 萬美元,比第一季度增加了 220 萬美元。

  • Our cash generated from operations totaled $37.9 million, an increase of $25.9 million from Q1.

    我們的運營現金總額為 3,790 萬美元,比第一季度增加 2,590 萬美元。

  • We made a total of $18.1 million in capital investments in the quarter, including $12.2 million in production equipment and machinery and $4.5 million on construction and building improvements.

    本季度我們總共進行了 1,810 萬美元的資本投資,其中包括 1,220 萬美元的生產設備和機械投資以及 450 萬美元的建築和建築改進投資。

  • This brings our total capital investments year-to-date to $26.7 million.

    這使得我們今年迄今為止的總資本投資達到 2670 萬美元。

  • As we discussed a few minutes ago, we believe vertical integration is the formula for success in the large and dynamic datacenter transceiver market and is critical to our differentiation and our cost leadership position.


  • As an example, compared to Q2 of last year, we've been able to reduce the manufacturing cost to produce our 100G transceivers by over 46%.

    例如,與去年第二季度相比,我們生產 100G 收發器的製造成本降低了 46% 以上。

  • The efficiency gains that we have achieved through automation an improved design for manufacturing, have led to directly to the substantial manufacturing cost production.


  • Looking ahead, we see further efficiency gains and we also expect to expand the extent of our vertical integration by producing certain optical components internally that were previously purchased from outside vendors.


  • This initiative, which will lead to further cost reduction along with other investments to expand our capacity will be reflected in our capital investments for the year, which we expect to total approximately $85 million.

    這一舉措將進一步降低成本,並通過其他投資擴大我們的產能,並將反映在我們今年的資本投資中,我們預計總計約為 8500 萬美元。

  • Moving now to our Q3 outlook.


  • We expect Q3 revenue to be between $107 million and $115 million, representing 58% year-over-year growth at the midpoint.

    我們預計第三季度收入將在 1.07 億美元至 1.15 億美元之間,中間值同比增長 58%。

  • On a sequential basis our guidance represents a decline of approximately 5% at the midpoint, reflecting a decrease in 40G demand offset by continued growth in 100G, which we expect to increase even as planned pricing reductions take effect in Q3.

    環比來看,我們的指導意見中值下降了約5%,反映出40G 需求的下降被100G 的持續增長所抵消,即使計劃中的降價在第三季度生效,我們預計100G 需求的增長仍將增加。

  • We currently expect to deliver sequential revenue growth in the fourth quarter, as we continue to ramp 100G capacity.

    目前,隨著我們繼續提高 100G 容量,我們預計第四季度收入將實現環比增長。

  • We expect Q3 gross margin to be in the range of 43% to 44.5%.

    我們預計第三季度毛利率將在 43%至 44.5%之間。

  • Net income is expected to be in the range of $26.6 million to $29.4 million and EPS between $1.30 per share and $1.43 per share, using a weighted average fully diluted share count of approximately 20.5 million shares.

    根據加權平均完全稀釋股數約為 2050 萬股計算,預計淨利潤將在 2660 萬美元至 2940 萬美元之間,每股收益將在每股 1.30 美元至 1.43 美元之間。

  • With that, I will turn it back over to the operator for the Q&A session.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question comes from Simon Leopold of Raymond James.

    (操作員說明) 第一個問題來自 Raymond James 的 Simon Leopold。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • So a lot of the -- the sort of arguments you've helped, I think, offset with the detail you provided in terms of 100 gig and 40 gig breakouts, so I appreciate that level of detail.

    我認為,你所提供的很多論點都與你提供的 100 場和 40 場突破的細節相抵消,所以我很欣賞這種細節水平。

  • One of the aspects I'm sort of struggling with is this idea that your 100 gig business is heavily biased towards your second biggest customer and you don't have meaningful 100 gig in your biggest customer.

    我有點掙扎的一個方面是,你的 100 份演出業務嚴重偏向於你的第二大客戶,而你的最大客戶沒有有意義的 100 份演出。

  • If you could help us get a better understanding of maybe what the different customers are buying and why?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, Simon, we have meaningful 100 gig revenue with our largest customer as well as our other customers.

    好吧,Simon,我們與我們最大的客戶以及其他客戶一起獲得了 100 份有意義的收入。

  • We can't get too customer-specific on exactly what varieties of products we do have -- as you can imagine, nondisclosure agreements with these customers that prevent us from telling exactly what types or what quantities of these types of products they are buying.

    我們不能太具體地了解我們所擁有的產品種類 - 正如您可以想像的那樣,與這些客戶簽訂的保密協議使我們無法準確告知他們正在購買的此類產品的類型或數量。

  • However, we do have meaningful -- meaningful 100 gig sales with all 3 of our large datacenter customers.

    然而,我們確實與所有 3 個大型數據中心客戶進行了有意義的 100 場演出銷售。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Great, appreciate that.


  • And in terms of the gross margin guidance, I would've thought that if you had not too bad a sequential volume decline and I don't think you do, and you're indicating what I would believe would be a favorable mix, meaning that you're going to see more 100 gig in September and less 40 gig and I'm making this assumption that 100 gig is better gross margin, so maybe that's flawed.

    就毛利率指導而言,我認為如果你的銷量連續下降不太糟糕,我認為你不會這樣做,並且你表明了我認為是有利的組合,這意味著你會在9 月份看到更多的100 場演出,而更少的40 場演出,我假設100 場演出的毛利率更高,所以這可能是有缺陷的。

  • Can you help me understand what are the drivers for the lower sequential gross margins in September than June?

    您能否幫我了解導致 9 月環比毛利率低於 6 月的原因是什麼?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • We have some price reductions as we mentioned in the prepared remarks that took -- that are taking effect during Q3.


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • And that's the gist of it?


  • Is it correct to assume that 100 gig gross margins are better than 40 gig?

    假設 100 場演出的毛利率高於 40 場演出是否正確?

  • Or is that a flawed assumption?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • That's generally true.


  • Although, again, you have to look at it on a product-by-product basis to see the details, which of course we can't go into it at this point.


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And you did indicate that you expect sequential improvement again in December, maybe help us understand sort of the basis for your confidence.

    您確實表示您預計 12 月份會再次出現連續改善,也許可以幫助我們了解您信心的基礎。

  • Are these committed orders?


  • Is this based on the windows of guidance you're getting from your customers?


  • Or is this based on the third customer coming back into 10% ranks.

    或者這是基於第三個客戶回到 10% 的排名。

  • Help us understand the drivers for the confidence in 4Q?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • We expect to see strong growth from 2 out of the 3 large datacenter customers that we have and a resumption of growth from our largest customer.

    我們預計我們擁有的 3 個大型數據中心客戶中的 2 個將出現強勁增長,並且我們最大的客戶將恢復增長。

  • In addition to that -- you asked whether these are committed orders.


  • There are some committed orders out there, not all of that expectation is committed at this point.


  • But we do have a significant amount of committed orders and a good forecast from all 3 of our customers.

    但我們確實有大量的承諾訂單,並且我們所有 3 個客戶都做出了良好的預測。

  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And one last if I may and I'll be blunt.


  • You answer as you see fit.


  • But this argument that MACOM has made that it's disrupting the market by partnering with a contract manufacturer to sell into your customers and crushing pricing.

    但 MACOM 提出的這一論點是,它與合同製造商合作向客戶銷售產品並壓低價格,從而擾亂了市場。

  • If you could help us understand how you view the competitive landscape against a player that is selling lasers and ICs into a contract manufacturer into ultimately webscale?

    您能否幫助我們了解您如何看待向合同製造商銷售激光器和 IC 並最終實現網絡規模的競爭者的競爭格局?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Sure.


  • So first of all, we don't believe that the MACOM-Fabrinet alliance is actually producing anything or is likely to produce any products or any meaningful quantities, certainly, in the next quarter or 2, probably longer than that.

    因此,首先,我們不認為 MACOM-Fabrinet 聯盟實際上正在生產任何東西,或者可能會生產任何產品或任何有意義的數量,當然,在下一個或兩個季度,可能會比這更長。

  • In addition to that, in the long term, and in the short term, we don't see any cost advantage to this model.


  • AOI, as we mentioned, is currently very highly vertical integrated on the most expensive components, meaning the lasers.

    正如我們提到的,AOI 目前在最昂貴的組件(即激光器)上高度垂直集成。

  • As we announced in the call, we also intend to produce other optical components that we currently don't produce internally, which will further enhance the extent of our vertical integration, and we think this gives us a significant cost even against the MACOM-Fabrinet business model or any of the other competitive business models that we're aware of.

    正如我們在電話會議中宣布的那樣,我們還打算生產目前我們內部不生產的其他光學組件,這將進一步增強我們的垂直整合程度,我們認為即使與MACOM-Fabrinet 相比,這也給我們帶來了巨大的成本商業模式或我們所知的任何其他競爭商業模式。

  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Paul Silverstein of Cowen & Company.

    下一個問題將由 Cowen & Company 的 Paul Silverstein 提出。

  • Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Stefan and Thompson, what percent of content today is fully internal?

    Stefan 和 Thompson,今天有多少內容是完全內部的?

  • So when you talk about bringing in-house certain components that aren't currently being done by you, can you quantify for us how much is truly vertically integrated?


  • And what percentage of the transceivers today are outside of Applied Opto?

    目前,Applied Opto 以外的收發器所佔百分比是多少?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I'm not quite sure I completely understand your question, Paul.


  • We produce -- all of the transceivers that we're selling today are produced internally.


  • If you're asking exactly which parts and what dollar content is currently internally sourced, I don't have an exact figure for you.


  • It's very (inaudible).


  • Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • That is the question to be clear.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I understand, but I don't have a figure for you.


  • It varies depending on the particular type of product.


  • And also, to be honest, with the time.


  • Because, as we mentioned, we're making improvements and further vertically integrating what we manufacture in-house.


  • So it's kind of a moving target.


  • But certainly, we produce the lasers that we use, at least, the DFB lasers that we produce, the directly modulated DFBs and some of the EMLs as well.

    但當然,我們生產我們使用的激光器,至少是我們生產的 DFB 激光器、直接調製的 DFB 和一些 EML。

  • And we produce a number of the PC board assemblies and other optical components internally.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • And Paul, this is Thompson.


  • By the way, today we just announced we just start making the 25G PD and 1 PD array.

    順便說一句,今天我們剛剛宣布我們剛剛開始生產 25G PD 和 1 PD 陣列。

  • That's very significant to the bill materials.


  • Then actually, beside that, we were making some other expensive module internally too either by end of Q4, early Q1.


  • So basically -- one of the 100G transceiver piece and I would say -- more than 60% would be made by ourselves.

    所以基本上——我想說的是 100G 收發器之一——超過 60% 將由我們自己製造。

  • In the future could be even as high as 70% for cost starting, it would be similar.


  • So we're making all our stuff by ourselves besides the IC.

    因此,除了 IC 之外,我們所有的東西都是自己製造的。

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I believe what Thompson is talking about, when he says 60% of 70%, I believe he is referring to the dollar content of the cost, the bill material -- percentage of the bill material that's produced internally.

    我相信 Thompson 所說的,當他說 70% 的 60% 時,我相信他指的是成本的美元含量、票據材料——內部生產的票據材料的百分比。

  • Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • I know pricing is always a sensitive topic, but to the extent that you spoke -- referenced the price declines in Q3, can you give us any sense of quantification?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • It's not across the board.


  • It's with certain customers on certain products though we can't comment on it directly, but it is a factor for us.


  • It's not something that is not unanticipated, as we mentioned in the script, that that's been communicated with the customer and negotiated for some time.


  • And most importantly, we're not meaningfully lowering, in fact, we are raising our gross margin guidance on a long-term basis, which we think is a significant testament to the fact that even in the price of -- even in the face of price competition, we're very confident in our ability to continue to maintain these margins, which frankly haven't been seen in the industry and really aren't seen by any companies outside of AOI.

    最重要的是,我們並沒有有意義地降低,事實上,我們正在長期提高毛利率指導,我們認為這有力地證明了這樣一個事實:即使在價格上 - 即使在面對由於價格競爭,我們對繼續保持這些利潤率的能力非常有信心,坦率地說,這在行業中是前所未有的,而且除了AOI 之外的任何公司也確實沒有見過。

  • We're very proud with where we are in the gross margin.


  • I think the fact that we think we can sustain that over the long term, even with the price reductions that we know are going to be out there in this industry is a testament to our confidence in our business model and our confidence in our ability to be the cost leader.


  • Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Stefan, can I -- if you said this before, my apologies, but I assume it's implied by the gross margin guidance, but was the degree -- I'll ask the question anyway -- was the degree of price reduction less, more, or consistent with what you were expecting?

    斯特凡,我可以 - 如果你之前說過這個,我很抱歉,但我認為這是毛利率指導所暗示的,但程度 - 我無論如何都會問這個問題 - 降價的程度是少還是多,或者與您的預期一致?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Absolutely consistent with what we expected.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Troy Jensen of Piper.

    下一個問題來自 Piper 的 Troy Jensen。

  • Troy Donavon Jensen - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Troy Donavon Jensen - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Two question from me guys.


  • So first of all, can you dig in a little bit more on the 200G product?

    首先,您能詳細介紹一下 200G 產品嗎?

  • Just curious to know what the form factors is.


  • Is it like an LR8?


  • Is this -- any more detail would be great.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • The product that we have is going into new customers we mentioned.


  • It's the exact product that we showed at our OFC booth, if you were there.

    如果您在場的話,這正是我們在 OFC 展位上展示的產品。

  • So you know you can go back and look at the press releases from around that time to see more details about what the product is, but -- and it is going into a new customer.

    所以你知道你可以回去看看當時的新聞稿,以了解有關該產品的更多詳細信息,但是 - 它正在進入新客戶。

  • And as we mentioned in the script, we have multiple other customers that are going to be qualifying this product in the near future this quarter.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • So basically, we have more than -- more than 10 active qualifications with many new customers and I want to emphasize this and other similar customers -- this is a good-sized customer, some of them is big OEM including other hypersecurity datacenter customer and this -- the one difference is including CWDM, PSM, AOC.

    所以基本上,我們擁有超過10 個活躍的資格,擁有許多新客戶,我想強調這個和其他類似的客戶,這是一個規模很大的客戶,其中一些是大型OEM,包括其他超安全數據中心客戶和唯一的區別是包括 CWDM、PSM、AOC。

  • We had very-- I belive AOI is forcing market and we are very complete product list.

    我們有非常——我相信 AOI 正在推動市場,而且我們有非常完整的產品清單。

  • Troy Donavon Jensen - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Troy Donavon Jensen - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • So, Thompson, so I heard that correctly, you said more than 10 trials for both cases gone on improvement?

    所以,Thompson,我沒聽錯,你是說這兩個案例都經過了 10 多次試驗才得到改善?

  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • That's what we said in our script.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Total is 14 active with new customers.

    共有 14 名活躍新客戶。

  • (inaudible) our existing customer base.


  • Troy Donavon Jensen - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Troy Donavon Jensen - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • All right.


  • One follow-up then on this -- the planned pricing reductions.


  • Have you historically had Q3 price negotiations?


  • Or is this kind of new that the customers are pushing it through now?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • No.


  • As we've said for years, I mean, the pricing negotiations that we have with our customers are on an ongoing basis and they occur no particularly defined time throughout the year.


  • That is, they occur randomly throughout the year whenever it's appropriate.


  • But these price negotiations that we have undergone are something that we do in advance with the customer, and we know what those prices are expected to be on a go forward basis.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Mark Kelleher of D.A. Davidson.

    下一個問題來自 D.A. 的馬克·凱萊赫 (Mark Kelleher)。戴維森。

  • Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • Just looking at the 40G.


  • If we look at the datacenter revenue in total, it was up 25% sequentially.

    如果我們看一下數據中心的總收入,就會發現它比上一季度增長了 25%。

  • You gave the 100 gig up 62% sequentially.

    您使 100 場演出連續上漲了 62%。

  • So clearly, 40G was down pretty significantly.

    很明顯,40G 下降相當明顯。

  • Are you expecting that to accelerate, moderate?


  • What do you expect that downward task to look like over the next couple of quarters?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, our customers are moving away from 40 gig into 100 gig, which is something that we've said and it shouldn't be a surprise anybody in the industry, I think, that the transition is occurring.

    嗯,我們的客戶正在從 40 GB 轉向 100 GB,這是我們已經說過的,我認為行業中的任何人對於這種轉變的發生都不應該感到驚訝。

  • For several quarters, we've said, that we expected that -- our revenue to crossover meaning 100 gig will start to exceed 40 gig revenue, in late Q3 or Q4, and we continue to believe that.

    我們已經說過,幾個季度以來,我們預計——我們的收入將在第三季度末或第四季度實現交叉,這意味著 100 場演出將開始超過 40 場演出,我們仍然相信這一點。

  • The rate of reduction or the speed at which that process is occurring, particularly in Q3, is a little bit surprising to us, but it's definitely -- the trend is clearly not unexpected.


  • And what we're seeing is consistent with that trend just a little bit faster than what we have expected.


  • Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just generally, you talked a little bit about the MACOM competitive situation.

    然後一般來說,您談到了 MACOM 的競爭狀況。

  • How about just generally -- you're seeing other competitors come into the market?


  • Or be more aggressive on pricing, anything?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I wouldn't say we're seeing any new customer -- new competitors really coming the market.


  • I think the competitor -- the competitive base that's been out there for some time is still the same one that we see.


  • As far as pricing aggressiveness, if you will, again, I don't see really any changes.


  • This has been an aggressively price-sensitive market for quite some time.


  • So, I don't think there's really a change in aggressiveness, if you will, of competitors with respect to pricing.


  • Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Daniel Kelleher - VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And last question.


  • You're generating 680,000 lasers in a quarter.

    您將在一個季度內產生 680,000 束激光。

  • What percent of the lasers do you think you have?


  • What percent of market share you think that represents?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I don't have an estimate for the total number of lasers that are produced out there.


  • What we -- we certainly see the need to continue to grow to that 1 million lasers per month level that we outlined earlier.

    我們當然看到需要繼續增長到我們之前概述的每月 100 萬台激光器的水平。

  • We're making good progress on that.


  • We think we see the need for that capacity and then some over the next few years.


  • So we continue to make and let you know about our progress on that regard.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • Would all amplified surround that they are making laser, it take about 6 weeks to make transceiver.

    將所有放大環繞他們正在製造的激光,製造收發器大約需要 6 週的時間。

  • Another point is that beside datacenter, we have many customers for the AOT and Michel and fiber-to-the-home market.


  • So right now, we need to increase our capacity to meet this customer demand, too.


  • In Q1, Q2 our laser capacity was limited, so that's why we are already pushing this customer further.


  • Okay?


  • And number three point is, we still believe that the market leader in 40G and 100G long-range transceiver.

    第三點是,我們仍然相信 40G 和 100G 遠程收發器的市場領導者。

  • But market share, we don't really know what's really the market share, what percentage.


  • It's hard to say.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • And varies by product.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Richard Shannon of Craig-Hallum.

    下一個問題來自 Craig-Hallum 的理查德·香農 (Richard Shannon)。

  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Maybe I'll first follow-up on the 40 gig topic here, sounds like you've got one customer who's talking about lowering forecasts for 40 gig.

    也許我會首先在這裡跟進 40 場演出的主題,聽起來好像有一位客戶在談論降低 40 場演出的預測。

  • Any indication of other customers -- other major cloud customers also taking down there, their 40 gig in the near future and does your fourth quarter guidance -- so you're talking about revenue growth -- imply any other significant step down?

    有沒有其他客戶的跡象——其他主要雲客戶也會在不久的將來取消他們的40 場演出,以及您第四季度的指導——所以您正在談論收入增長——是否意味著任何其他重大的下降?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Other customers are also reducing their 40 gig.

    其他客戶也在減少 40 份演出。

  • As you would expect, as they transition to 100 gig.

    正如您所料,他們過渡到 100 場演出。

  • We've known about that and we've expected it, as I mentioned on the last answer.


  • So the only surprise this quarter is the extent to which one customer is decreasing their forecast or the speed at which they're decreasing their forecast for 40G.

    因此,本季度唯一令人驚訝的是某個客戶降低其預測的程度或降低 40G 預測的速度。

  • That's the only unexpected thing that's come about.


  • The rest of it is known.


  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then you talk about growth for the fourth quarter here.


  • Is there anyway, Stefan, that you can help us think about gross margins, I guess, directionally to the range you've given us for the third quarter?


  • Obviously, you were talking about revenue growth and if there is more 100 gig, those seem to be positive drivers for gross margins.

    顯然,您談論的是收入增長,如果有超過 100 份演出,這些似乎會成為毛利率的積極推動因素。

  • Is there any reason why we wouldn't assume gross margins at least that high for fourth quarter as well?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I mean, we're not in the habit of giving forward guidance several quarters out in terms of gross margin.


  • I think, it's significant that we just raised our long-term target range that we think we can sustain this level of gross margin for the foreseeable future.


  • It will potentially bounce up and down a little bit around that 41% to 45% range that we outlined.

    它可能會在我們概述的 41% 至 45% 範圍內上下波動。

  • But I think that's a significant testament again to the confidence that we have in this business model that we're able to maintain those kind of gross margins for the foreseeable future.


  • So I won't comment on specifically what we expect to see in the fourth quarter, but it's certainly -- there's no reason to believe it'll be below the range that we've outlined.


  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • And I agree that, that's an impressive range, if you can keep that up.


  • I'd love to delve into the assumptions behind that, if I could, Stefan.


  • Obviously, you've done some modeling on your cost structure and price declines there.


  • Wondering if you can give us a sense of what kind of price reduction year-on-year declines that you can still keep up that range of gross margins on?


  • Is that like -- can you sustain 20% pricing declines per year or greater that?

    是不是這樣——你能維持每年 20% 或更多的價格下降嗎?

  • Any sense of what pace that -- what you can absorb to do that would be appropriate?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Our competitors love to know what they have to do to bottom-tick us on the price.


  • Yes, I'm not going to comment on that.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • I would mention that in the past 4 quarters, we have reduced outright the costs by 46%, from Q2 last year to Q2 this year.

    我要提到的是,在過去的 4 個季度中,從去年第二季度到今年第二季度,我們的成本直接降低了 46%。

  • That's how fast and how much we can reduce our costs.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • And as we outlined, we're making some serious investments to continue to in-source the remaining portion of the bill of materials that's not already in-sourced.


  • So we have the ability to continue to push down that cost.


  • Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

    Richard Cutts Shannon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • Last quick question from me on CapEx.


  • Did I hear you say you're expecting to spend $85 million this year and you spent $26-and-change million so far this year?

    我是否聽說過您預計今年將花費 8500 萬美元,而今年到目前為止您已經花費了 26 億美元?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • That's correct.


  • $40 million of that spend is going to be on production and equipment and machinery to continue to ramp capacity.

    其中 4000 萬美元將用於生產、設備和機械,以繼續提高產能。

  • Operator


  • The next question will come from Brian Alger of Roth Capital Partners.


  • Brian Matthew Alger - Head of Technology Research & Senior Research Analyst

    Brian Matthew Alger - Head of Technology Research & Senior Research Analyst

  • For the better part of the past several quarters we've been talking about an industry that has been supply-constrained, given the pull back in the 40 gig demand and your guys' ability to shift your capacity, would you describe the current environment as balanced?

    在過去幾個季度的大部分時間裡,我們一直在談論一個供應受限的行業,考慮到 40 演出需求的回落以及你們轉移產能的能力,您能否將當前環境描述為均衡?

  • Or are we still sitting in a situation where whatever you produce you can sell?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • We're going to be selling everything we can produce in this quarter.


  • As Thompson mentioned, part of the challenge that we've had is we have a -- in any given quarter, we have several hundred thousand lasers that are sold into other applications besides the 100 gig and 40 gig transceivers.

    正如 Thompson 提到的,我們面臨的部分挑戰是,在任何特定季度,我們都有數十萬個激光器,除了 100 GB 和 40 GB 收發器之外,還銷往其他應用。

  • And so those applications have actually been suffering in terms of long lead times and customers have been very unhappy.


  • So we're going to be able to catch up a little on some of those other things that we have where the lead times have been pushing out.


  • And in addition to that, we also need to build up some buffer inventory for what we believe will be a strong fourth quarter.


  • So we're not going to be holding back on sales or building lasers during the quarter.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • And don't forget, we have a lot of the design capability for our 100G and 200G new products.

    不要忘記,我們對於 100G 和 200G 新產品擁有大量的設計能力。

  • So we need to be ready for the demand for the Q1 and Q2 next year, too.


  • Brian Matthew Alger - Head of Technology Research & Senior Research Analyst

    Brian Matthew Alger - Head of Technology Research & Senior Research Analyst

  • Right.


  • Well, it seems as you clearly have a pretty good handle on what's going on with 100G and next generation type of designs with your customers.

    嗯,看來您顯然對客戶的 100G 和下一代設計類型有了很好的了解。

  • I'm curious as to how -- you seem to have been caught off-guard in terms of the decline on 40 gig.

    我很好奇——你似乎對 40 場演出的下降感到措手不及。

  • Is that something that transferred from your customer recently?


  • Or is that something that was communicated in the middle of the quarter?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • It's a recent development.


  • And again, it's not that we didn't expect 40 gig to decline with this customer or the other customers, we knew it would.

    再說一遍,我們並不是沒有預料到該客戶或其他客戶的 40 演出會減少,我們知道它會減少。

  • It's just coming a little bit faster which, in the end, means a faster transition to 100 gig, which is not a bad thing.

    它只是來得更快一點,最終意味著更快地過渡到 100 GB,這並不是一件壞事。

  • But obviously, in this particular quarter, it's happened faster than we expected.


  • Brian Matthew Alger - Head of Technology Research & Senior Research Analyst

    Brian Matthew Alger - Head of Technology Research & Senior Research Analyst

  • Understand.


  • I think we all expect the transition to occur and we all think it's a positive, certainly for you guys, given your product portfolio.


  • I guess where I'm going with this is, it's a bit unusual for a company to preannounce a very strong beat and then to have something like this come in a couple of weeks later from that announcement.


  • And I'm just -- it seems as though maybe you guys were informed of this after your positive pre-announcement.


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • That is true, but just to be clear, the pre-announcement is made when we see the results of the quarter differing materially from the last guidance that we put out with The Street.


  • That's why we preannounce.


  • It's not an indication of future, it's an indication that the past has been very different from what we last guided The Street.


  • In other words, we don't want -- when we know that there is different information from what we've previously guided for, we want to get that information in the hands of investors as quickly as possible.


  • That's what investors have asked us to do and that's what we think is the right thing to do.


  • But that's not necessarily an indication of any particular thing about the future.


  • In this case, the information that we got about the 40 gig actually did happen post the pre-announcement, but that wouldn't necessarily change our thinking about whether or not to preannounce.

    在這種情況下,我們得到的有關 40 場演出的信息實際上確實是在預先公告之後發生的,但這不一定會改變我們關於是否預先公告的想法。

  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Alex Henderson of Needham & Company.

    下一個問題來自 Needham & Company 的 Alex Henderson。

  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • I wanted to talk a little bit about the mechanics around the production of 40 gig versus 100 gig related products.

    我想談談 40 G 與 100 G 相關產品的生產機制。

  • So to the extent that you have a quick slowdown in 40 gig, what is the change-over time that it takes for you to take that capacity that you would have otherwise have allocated to 40 gig based components and then shift it over to the 100 gig product line?

    因此,如果您在 40 GB 中速度迅速放緩,那麼您需要多長時間才能將原本分配給基於 40 GB 的組件的容量轉移到 100 GB演出產品線?

  • Is the reason the 40 gig decline is a problem is because it's created a mismatch between where your demand is and where your production is?

    40 場演出的下降之所以成為一個問題,是因為它造成了您的需求與生產之間的不匹配嗎?

  • And therefore, as you resolve that mismatch, you rebound pretty quickly on the production of transceivers that then have a better match to the end market demand?


  • Because I'm having a hard time understanding how you would have substantial increase in laser production and positive mix shift unless you have a mismatch?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Well, it doesn't take us that long to switch over the production.


  • But as Thompson mentioned, there's about a 6-week time from when we produce a laser to when actually gets shipped out as a transceiver.

    但正如 Thompson 提到的,從我們生產激光器到實際作為收發器發貨大約需要 6 週的時間。

  • And so the time to actually shift over the production is not long, but the time to -- between doing that shift and when you start to see the end product transceivers coming-out is about 6 weeks.

    因此,實際轉移生產的時間並不長,但從進行轉移到開始看到最終產品收發器問世之間的時間約為 6 週。

  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • No problem to change from 10G to 25G laser.

    從 10G 更換為 25G 激光器沒有問題。

  • It takes another 6 weeks for the record growth and processing and the chip testing.

    創紀錄的生長和處理以及芯片測試還需要 6 週的時間。

  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • So again, if you have a 6-week differential, you should be able over the course of the quarter to re-align your production to the end market demand mix and, therefore, as you go into the fourth quarter, I would think that you would be able then to match closely your laser and transceiver production to the mix of demand you're getting from the field and, therefore, you should not have any issues on weakness on 40 gig in 3Q impacting 4Q.

    因此,如果您有 6 週的差異,您應該能夠在本季度內根據終端市場需求組合重新調整生產,因此,當您進入第四季度時,我認為然後,您將能夠將您的激光器和收發器生產與您從現場獲得的需求組合緊密匹配,因此,您不應該遇到任何第三季度40 gig 的弱點影響第四季度的問題。

  • Logically, that would follow.


  • Is that not a reasonable line of logic?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • If I understand your comment or you question, you're saying that by the end of the quarter, we should have our resources realigned.


  • And going into the fourth quarter, there shouldn't be an overhang or something from the mix shift.


  • If that's your question, the answer is yes.


  • Yes, that's correct.


  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • So if you're expecting the 40 gig to fall off to the level that you have in the fourth quarter anyway, then this is a temporary wobble in demand and you should be able to power through it as you go into the final quarter of the year.

    因此,如果您預計 40 場演出無論如何都會下降到第四季度的水平,那麼這只是需求的暫時波動,當您進入第四季度的最後一個季度時,您應該能夠克服它。年。

  • Is that the right way to think about it?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes, and that's why we said we think we expect to see sequential growth in the fourth quarter.


  • I think we were pretty clear about putting that out there (inaudible).


  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • Clearly, The Street is expecting a lot more than sequential growth off of a lowered third quarter.


  • It would imply a fairly robust rebound into the fourth quarter, if you had that in balance, I would think.


  • Is that not a reasonable way to think about it?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes, I think it's a reasonable thing to think about it, absolutely.


  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • In terms of the mix, I would assume that you're getting a benefit on price -- on average selling price, not just from the mix in 40 gig to 100 gig, but also a mix from PSM to CWDM4 and that ultimately will help offset considerable amount of pricing between those 2. Is that also a reasonable way to think of it?

    就混合而言,我假設您在價格上獲得了好處 - 平均售價,不僅來自 40 gig 到 100 gig 的混合,還包括從 PSM 到 CWDM4 的混合,這最終將有所幫助抵消這兩者之間相當大的定價。這也是一個合理的思考方式嗎?

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • That's correct.


  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • And then finally, how do I think about the volume increases.


  • I normally think about a 20 -- 15% decline in pricing needing about 25% volume increase to offset it in this industry over a number of years.

    我通常認為,該行業多年來的定價下降 20% 至 15%,需要增加約 25% 的銷量來抵消。

  • If you're producing volume growth, it's substantially greater than that.


  • Does that scale near literally?


  • Or is it -- is there a big diminishing benefit as you go from -- instead of 25% growth to, say, a 50% growth rate in volume?

    或者,當數量增長率從 25% 增長到 50% 時,效益是否會大幅遞減?

  • In other words, would the impact to margins be comparable benefit to margins?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • I'm not really sure I follow your question, but maybe I can try to restate it.


  • Are you asking, do we see sort of economies of scale coming from larger production quantities and, therefore, lower costs associated, for example, with chip production or what have you, as we scale production?


  • Is that...


  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • Well, clearly, you do that.


  • The question is, if I get x amount of benefit from 25% increase in volume, is it 2x improvement in costs, on a 50% increase?

    問題是,如果我從產量增加 25% 中獲得 x 數量的收益,那麼成本增加 50% 後是否會降低 2 倍?

  • Or is it substantially diminished benefit on the second increase in volume?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • That's a pretty complicated question, Alex.


  • I mean, there, obviously, is sort of an asymptote here.


  • There's a minimum cost that you can get for any component.


  • And so, as you get higher and higher you start to approach that.


  • But I can't tell you where we are in that curve at the present time.


  • So I know I'm answering your question, but I don't have a good way to answer that question based on the information that we have.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • But what we can say that we're making more long-range transceivers in Q3s than Q2 and we're making more long-range transceivers in Q4 than Q3, for sure.


  • At least by 1% each.


  • But for sure, at the same time, we had price reduction, but even so although our revenue was still growing.


  • Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

    Alexander Henderson - Senior Analyst

  • One last question if I could.


  • Your friends who reported earlier this week, talked about getting to 8 million lasers a month and they were talking about a new fab coming onstream in the September -- late September timeframe which would allow them to get to that production in 4Q.

    本週早些時候報導的朋友們談到了每月要達到800 萬台激光器,他們正在談論一家新的晶圓廠將在9 月(9 月下旬的時間範圍內)投產,這將使他們能夠在第四季度實現該生產。

  • I guess my question is, that seems awfully aggressive timeline to bring a fab onstream and be able to actually get lasers off of it.


  • I know you guys have a lot of experience in bringing that kind of stuff up and I would think the length of time to go from a new fab launching to actually having qualified-lasers that can be put into transceivers and sold to customers would be more like 6 or even 9 months.


  • How would you view that timeline that was offered up?


  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • Yes, I think that's very aggressive.


  • As you point out, just to do the qualification effort requires several thousand hours of qualification testing time at a minimum.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • Minimum 3,000 to 5,000 hours, minimum.

    最少 3,000 到 5,000 小時。

  • Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

    Stefan J. Murry - CFO and Chief Strategy Officer

  • And that's just time after the laser and the modules have already been made and assembled where they have to be tested.


  • And so that's several months just sitting there doing the testing, not to mention actually having to bring the fab up, make the wafers, and all the rest of it.


  • I think that's a pretty aggressive time frame.


  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • And (inaudible) actually, we don't really understand, is capacity based on growth?


  • How about the capacity for processing, quality of special testing?


  • So we don't really know.


  • The number three point is, I don't know who are their customers who want to buy so many lasers.


  • Anyway, that's good for them.


  • If they can find the customers to buy so many lasers, they would have a lot of inventory.


  • As I say, we believe we are market leaders in 40G long-range transceiver and 100G long-range transceiver and we're making our own laser.

    正如我所說,我們相信我們是 40G 遠程收發器和 100G 遠程收發器的市場領導者,並且我們正在製造自己的激光器。

  • And I believe we have very significant market share.


  • If the market be so great next year, that would be good for everybody in this market, not only AOI, or not only this company, the market would grow by 300% next year or 400% next year.


  • That's great.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I would like to turn the conference back over to Thompson Lin for any closing remarks.

    我想將會議轉回湯普森·林(Thompson Lin)發表閉幕詞。

  • Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

    Chih-Hsiang Lin - Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President

  • Okay, and thank you for joining us today.


  • As always, we thank our investors, customers and employees for your continued support.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.


  • Have a good day.
