Zillow Group Inc (Z) 2019 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon and welcome to the Zillow Group First Quarter 2019 Earnings Conference Call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Zillow 集團 2019 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please note, this event is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to RJ Jones, Vice President, Investor Relations.

    現在我想將會議交給投資者關係副總裁 RJ Jones。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Raymond T. Jones - IR

    Raymond T. Jones - IR

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon and welcome to Zillow Group's First Quarter 2019 Financial Results Conference Call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Zillow Group 2019 年第一季財務業績電話會議。

  • Joining me today to discuss our results are Zillow Group's Co-Founder and CEO, Rich Barton; CFO, Allen Parker; Zillow Brand President and Co-Head of Zillow Offers, Jeremy Wacksman; and President of Media and Marketplaces, Greg Schwartz.

    今天與我一起討論我們成果的是 Zillow Group 共同創辦人兼執行長 Rich Barton;財務長艾倫·帕克; Zillow 品牌總裁兼 Zillow Offers 共同主管 Jeremy Wacksman;以及媒體和市場總裁 Greg Schwartz。

  • During the call, we will make forward-looking statements regarding future financial performance, operations and events.


  • Although we believe the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee these results.


  • We caution you to consider the risk factors described in our SEC filings, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements made on this call.


  • The date of this call is May 9, 2019, and forward-looking statements made today are based on assumptions as of this date.

    本次電話會議的日期為 2019 年 5 月 9 日,今天所做的前瞻性陳述是基於截至該日期的假設。

  • We undertake no obligation to update these statements as a result of new information or future events, except as required by law.


  • This call is being broadcast on the Internet and is accessible through the Investor Relations section of Zillow Group's website.

    此次電話會議正在網路上播出,您可以透過 Zillow Group 網站的投資者關係部分進行存取。

  • A recording of the call will be available later today.


  • During the call, we will discuss GAAP and non-GAAP measures.


  • We encourage you to read our financial results press release, which can be found on our Investor Relations website as it contains important information about our GAAP and non-GAAP results, including reconciliation of historical non-GAAP financial measures.

    我們鼓勵您閱讀我們的財務業績新聞稿,該新聞稿可以在我們的投資者關係網站上找到,因為它包含有關我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 業績的重要信息,包括歷史非 GAAP 財務指標的調節。

  • In our remarks, the non-GAAP financial measure adjusted EBITDA is referred to as EBITDA, which excludes other income, depreciation and amortization expense, share-based compensation expense, acquisition-related costs, interest expense and income taxes.

    在我們的評論中,非公認會計準則財務指標調整後的 EBITDA 稱為 EBITDA,其中不包括其他收入、折舊和攤提費用、股權激勵費用、收購相關成本、利息費用和所得稅。

  • We have posted our quarterly shareholder letter and financial tables on our Investor Relations website.


  • We will open the call with brief remarks, followed by live Q&A.


  • I will now turn the call over to Rich.


  • Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

    Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

  • Thanks, RJ, and thanks to everyone for joining today.

    謝謝 RJ,也謝謝大家今天加入。

  • Before we open for questions, I wanted to share a few thoughts.


  • As I reflect on the quarter, I'm reminded of a fantastically cheesy and popular TV show from the '80s called The A-Team about a former special forces unit that became mercenaries for good and would take on daring rescue missions and despite long odds would somehow pull it off.

    當我回顧這個季度時,我想起了80 年代一部非常俗氣且受歡迎的電視節目,名為《天龍特攻隊》,講述了一支前特種部隊部隊永久成為僱傭兵,儘管勝算微乎其微,仍將承擔大膽的救援任務會以某種方式實現它。

  • Each episode, just as the tide was turning, cigar in mouth, Colonel Hannibal Smith played by George Peppard would turn to the camera and say, "I love it when a plan comes together." Well, our daring plan to transform the real estate transaction for the super-empowered, smartphone-wielding, uberized consumer is, in fact, coming together or at least is beginning to come together.


  • It's still early days, but Zillow Offers is working.

    雖然現在還處於早期階段,但 Zillow Offers 正在發揮作用。

  • You'll see in this quarter's results that our Homes segment, where Zillow Offers resides, meaningfully outperformed the high end of our guidance with revenue of $128.5 million.

    您將在本季度的業績中看到,Zillow Offers 所在的住宅部門的業績顯著超出了我們指導的上限,收入為 1.285 億美元。

  • And we are publishing Homes segment guidance range for next quarter of $230 million to $245 million, up from 0 a year ago.

    我們發布的下個季度住宅細分市場指引範圍為 2.3 億美元至 2.45 億美元,高於一年前的 0。

  • We are leaning in to early success and are accelerating our investment in Zillow Offers.

    我們正致力於早日取得成功,並正在加速對 Zillow Offers 的投資。

  • Today, we are announcing plans to enter another 6 markets by the end of Q1 2020, bringing our total announced markets to 20.

    今天,我們宣布計劃在 2020 年第一季末進入另外 6 個市場,使我們宣布的市場總數達到 20 個。

  • In Q1, we received more than 35,000 seller requests, and that demand is rapidly accelerating.

    第一季度,我們收到了超過 35,000 個賣家請求,而且這項需求正在迅速成長。

  • We now receive 1 request every 2 minutes, which is nearly $200 million in potential transaction value per day.

    我們現在每 2 分鐘收到 1 個請求,每天的潛在交易價值接近 2 億美元。

  • During the quarter, Zillow sold 414 homes and purchased 898 homes, up dramatically from our Q4 transaction volume.

    本季度,Zillow 出售了 414 套房屋併購買了 898 套房屋,比第四季度的交易量大幅增加。

  • To support Zillow Offers' rapid growth and expansion, we're investing to scale this business as we build a world-class operating platform.

    為了支持 Zillow Offers 的快速成長和擴張,我們正在投資擴大這項業務,打造世界一流的營運平台。

  • We are currently pricing homes to breakeven at the unit level and expect profitability and unit economics will improve over time as we gain efficiencies with scale.


  • Longer term, we are also expecting to benefit from other adjacent businesses such as title and escrow, insurance, moving and other services we might explore.


  • In fact, in the second quarter, we are planting seeds for title and escrow services tied to Zillow Offers, which is another fundamental yet fragmented piece of the transaction we intend to streamline.

    事實上,在第二季度,我們正在為與 Zillow Offers 相關的產權和託管服務播下種子,這是我們打算簡化的交易的另一個基本但分散的部分。

  • We've also been making solid progress in our Mortgage business.


  • Last month, we rebranded the recently acquired Mortgage Lenders of America as Zillow Home Loans.

    上個月,我們將最近收購的 Mortgage Lenders of America 更名為 Zillow Home Loans。

  • We've been focused on integrating this loan origination business into our operations while building out a digital mortgage technology platform.


  • In the future, we will more tightly integrate Zillow Home Loans with our Zillow Offers consumer experience.

    未來,我們將更緊密地將 Zillow Home Loans 與我們的 Zillow Offers 消費者體驗結合。

  • This will take some time, but I'm encouraged by progress to date.


  • It's incredibly pleasing to see how well the whole of the Zillow Group team is performing to enable such rapid growth on our new bets.

    看到整個 Zillow Group 團隊的出色表現,讓我們的新業務實現如此快速的成長,我們感到非常高興。

  • Zillow Offers is growing so quickly because it is standing on the shoulders of a huge real estate shopping audience anchored by the Zestimate that has been built up over 14 years.

    Zillow Offers 成長如此之快,是因為它站在了以 Zestimate 為基礎的龐大房地產購物受眾的肩膀上,而 Zestimate 已經建立了 14 年之久。

  • And it is supported by profits from the Premier Agent marketplace that have made us look more courageous than we really are as we invent the future.


  • Our Premier Agent marketplace performance is improving as planned.


  • Consumer data that we monitor indicates that transactions and conversion are increasing, and agent feedback about the recent changes has been positive.


  • We are also continuing to test new models that are tied to transactions versus leads.


  • In June, we will expand our Flex pilot and convert multiple ZIP Codes in Colorado and Connecticut to 100% Flex.

    6 月,我們將擴大 Flex 試點範圍,並將科羅拉多州和康乃狄克州的多個郵遞區號轉換為 100% Flex。

  • As a reminder, in Flex, agents do not pay us upfront for advertising exposure.

    提醒一下,在 Flex 中,代理商不會為廣告曝光預先向我們支付費用。

  • Instead, they pay Zillow a success fee only when they close a deal with a Zillow consumer.

    相反,只有當他們與 Zillow 消費者達成交易時,他們才會向 Zillow 支付成功費用。

  • This is an important test as it aligns incentives and rewards with our agent partners to deliver superior service and close more transactions.


  • While our initial Flex tests have been positive, we are being methodical in our approach.

    雖然我們最初的 Flex 測試是積極的,但我們的方法是有條不紊的。

  • I came back as CEO mid-quarter, and this was the first full quarter for our CFO, Allen Parker.

    我在季度中期重新擔任首席執行官,這是我們的首席財務官艾倫·帕克 (Allen Parker) 上任後的第一個完整季度。

  • While there has been a lot of change at Zillow Group of late, we're settling into a new rhythm as our leadership changes and market expansion are generating a level of excitement and energy that comes from being a start-up again, but a start-up with 14 years of experience and the size and scale to confidently embark on this new mission to transform the transaction.

    雖然 Zillow Group 最近發生了很多變化,但我們正在適應一種新的節奏,因為我們的領導層變化和市場擴張正在產生一定程度的興奮和能量,這來自於再次成為一家新創公司,但一個開始憑藉14 年的經驗以及規模和規模,可以自信地開始這項轉變交易的新使命。

  • I'm really proud of the way the team is executing.


  • Despite the bears pawing at the empty garbage cans in our backyard, one must only look in the front yard to see something astounding happening.


  • I know we still have much to prove to you before the fog is fully clear on Zillow Offers.

    我知道,在 Zillow Offers 的迷霧完全消散之前,我們還有很多事情需要向您證明。

  • We must show you that we are not just buying dollars for $0.95.

    我們必須向您表明,我們不僅僅是以 0.95 美元的價格購買美元。

  • The unit economics of Zillow Offers are justifiably under the microscope.

    Zillow Offers 的單位經濟效益理所當然地受到密切關注。

  • But even at small start-up scale, the economics show promise.


  • Of course, we will gain efficiencies from here as we gain depth and density in markets.


  • This will be done while we simultaneously and rapidly roll out new markets, so we will try to be as transparent as possible to get your questions answered.


  • And remember, investments in our Homes segment are funded through our profitable core operations as well as revolving credit facilities that are backed by the home assets themselves and are nonrecourse to the company.


  • We also must you that we can profit from the multiple adjacent businesses that surround the real estate transaction.


  • It's early, but I have high expectations here.


  • Further, I believe that the really big win comes from integrating these disparate costly and complicated components into one integrated transaction experience.


  • We are rapidly reorienting Zillow Group's talented team to make this dream a reality.

    我們正在迅速重新調整 Zillow Group 的才華橫溢的團隊,以實現這一夢想。

  • We have miles to go before we sleep, but the journey has begun, and results so far are encouraging.


  • RJ said this at the top, but in addition to Allen, our CFO, recently from Amazon, back in the conference call room by popular demand are Jeremy and Greg, 2 of the folks who actually lead the Homes and IMT businesses, here to answer your questions.

    RJ 在上面說了這一點,但除了最近從亞馬遜離職的CFO Allen 之外,應大眾要求回到會議室的還有Jeremy 和Greg,他們是真正領導Homes 和IMT 業務的兩位人士,在這裡回答問題你的問題。

  • Questions?


  • RJ?


  • Gary?


  • Sorry.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Tom Champion with Cowen.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Tom Champion 和 Cowen。

  • Thomas Steven Champion - VP

    Thomas Steven Champion - VP

  • Congrats on the nice results.


  • My questions are on the Homes segment.


  • So maybe that's for Jeremy.


  • So 1Q transactions and revenues beat our expectations and came in above the high end of the range.


  • I'm hoping you could maybe unpack that outperformance and what were maybe the 1 or 2 or 3 key drivers.

    我希望您能夠解開這種出色的表現以及可能的 1、2 或 3 個關鍵驅動因素。

  • And then 2Q guide implies another very healthy step-up.


  • Any context here on how to think about what is driving that growth and maybe how to think about the balance of the year for modeling purposes?


  • Any comments on that would be really helpful.


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Tom, this is Jeremy.


  • On the guide, I mean, it's still so early.


  • We're going a quarter at a time here, and so we'll try and give you visibility as we go.


  • You can kind of look at our market entry pace that we've hit now and draw some lines from that as we try and continue to open markets there.


  • In terms of what's driving the beat, it's really consumer demand, both on the acquisition side in terms of people wanting the service and then us just finding our footing on the market and bringing those homes back to our large audience on Zillow.

    就推動這一趨勢的因素而言,這實際上是消費者的需求,無論是在收購方面,還是在人們想要服務方面,然後我們只是在市場上站穩腳跟,並將這些房屋帶回Zillow 上的廣大受眾手中。

  • We continue to just see very strong consumer demand.


  • I think we crossed 100,000 requests since we've launched now.

    我認為自推出以來我們已經收到了 100,000 個請求。

  • We're seeing 1 in every 2 minutes.

    我們每 2 分鐘就會看到 1 個。

  • And that's just in the 9 markets that we're in to date.

    這還只是我們迄今為止所涉足的 9 個市場。

  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Justin Patterson with Raymond James.


  • Justin Tyler Patterson - Internet Analyst

    Justin Tyler Patterson - Internet Analyst

  • And Rich, thanks for leading off with an A-Team quote.

    Rich,感謝您以 A-Team 引言作為開場白。

  • I think we all needed that this afternoon, this spring season.


  • This one is for Allen.


  • Just really wanted to talk about the difference on EBITDA this quarter versus your guidance.

    我只是想談談本季度 EBITDA 與您的指導的差異。

  • And then it looks like you updated the full year outlook.


  • Would love to understand what's better driving those changes around EBITDA.

    我很想了解什麼可以更好地推動 EBITDA 的變化。

  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Justin.


  • This is Allen.


  • Why don't I start with Q1.

    為什麼我不從 Q1 開始呢?

  • So we did perform better by about $25 million versus the high end of our outlook on EBITDA, and I describe it in 3 categories.

    因此,與 EBITDA 預期的上限相比,我們的表現確實好於約 2500 萬美元,我將其分為 3 類進行描述。

  • About 50% of the beat came from what I'll call nonrecurring.

    大約 50% 的節拍來自我所謂的非重複性節拍。

  • There was a legal settlement that they were ruling related to pending legal settlement that allows us to adjust our accrual.


  • We had an accrual for this matter of about $4.1 million at 12/31.

    截至 12 月 31 日,我們對此事的應計費用約為 410 萬美元。

  • And based on the latest status of the ruling, we were able to take that accrual down to an immaterial amount.


  • And the second piece of those nonrecurring was related to as we reviewed our processes around the new hire process, we made it explicit that some certain payments that are made early are actually earned over a period of time of initial employment.


  • And based on that change, we're able to recognize that cost over that initial period of employment versus recognizing it right away.


  • And so that's kind of a timing thing but did provide a benefit in the quarter and for the year.


  • And that is part of the outlook.


  • It's included in the outlook that we have.


  • And then the other 50%, just really quickly to touch on it, about 25% in Q1, the $25 million beat was just some ad spending rolling from Q1 to Q2.

    然後另外 50%,很快就會談到這一點,大約是第一季的 25%,2500 萬美元的增長只是從第一季滾動到第二季度的一些廣告支出。

  • So that's really just timing.


  • And the remaining 25%, it's just us gaining traction on some of our discretionary spend and improvements, including integration costs, as we look at the integration of MLOA.

    剩下的 25%,當我們考慮 MLOA 的整合時,我們只是透過一些可自由支配的支出和改進(包括整合成本)獲得了吸引力。

  • And again, that's also now reflected in the outlook for the full year.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from John Campbell with Stephens Inc.

    下一個問題來自 Stephens Inc. 的 John Campbell。

  • John Robert Campbell - MD

    John Robert Campbell - MD

  • Congrats on the solid quarter.


  • Just one quick question for me on the Flex program.

    請教我一個關於 Flex 計劃的簡單問題。

  • Could you guys provide a little more color on how that testing had gone thus far?


  • And maybe if you could shed a little light on what your plans are maybe over the longer term.


  • Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

    Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

  • Yes.


  • I'll take that one.


  • It's Greg.


  • And thanks for the question.


  • Yes.


  • So now the Premier Agent business has stabilized nicely, we're focused on expansion in Flex.

    現在,Premier Agent 業務已經穩定下來,我們將重點放在 Flex 的擴張上。

  • We're hitting the second round of testing, which we just announced this week, which we'll launch in June.

    我們正在進行第二輪測試,我們本週剛剛宣布,將於 6 月啟動。

  • It's in Colorado and Connecticut.


  • And the big change there is focused on our most established, highest-performing Premier Agent teams, brokers and agents.


  • The prior round of testing was testing the pipes in the software with newer customers.


  • So we're looking for very strong performance in this next round of Flex testing.

    因此,我們希望在下一輪 Flex 測試中獲得非常強勁的效能。

  • And the big gain is it starts to allow us to look at the pipeline, the performance of leads and then direct that volume to the highest-performing folks.


  • So we should see a nice transaction benefit that, with the post-pay approach, allows us to reclaim incremental profits seamlessly.


  • So that's the story there.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Brad Berning with Craig-Hallum.

    下一個問題來自 Brad Berning 和 Craig-Hallum。

  • Bradley Allen Berning - Senior Research Analyst

    Bradley Allen Berning - Senior Research Analyst

  • One follow-up on the Zillow Homes segment.

    Zillow Homes 細分市場的一項後續行動。

  • When you guys are talking about 100,000 type quotes, maybe you can talk about what portion of some of these initial markets that you're seeing of used home sales are calling to get a quote from you, what portion of those you're buying.

    當您談論 100,000 個類型的報價時,也許您可以談論您所看到的二手房銷售的一些初始市場的哪些部分正在致電向您索取報價,您正在購買其中的哪些部分。

  • And have you made any progress on the seller lead generation side of the equation yet?


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • This is Jeremy.


  • On the sort of market buy box, we're pretty broadly penetrated in the markets we're in.


  • We walk into each market, and we rapidly expand as we got the operations online, and the opportunity for Zillow Offers is pretty broad.

    我們走進每個市場,並隨著線上營運而迅速擴張,Zillow Offers 的機會相當廣泛。

  • If you think about the number of homes we would touch if we're in every market, it's around half the country that's in our buy box.


  • So we're talking to most homeowners in the markets we're in that are in that medium price range in and around.


  • And on seller listings, it's still early.


  • We're focused very much on trying to figure how to have the right conversation with the customer, whether they sell to us or less traditionally with one of our great Premier Agents.


  • But we're focused on ideating on the right product there with our agent partners in our Zillow Offers markets.

    但我們專注於與 Zillow Offers 市場的代理商合作夥伴一起構思合適的產品。

  • And that's just a handful for now.


  • Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

    Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

  • Jeremy, it sounds like Brad was asking about the funnel conversion metrics, too.


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Oh, sure.


  • On the request that we see, I think we talked about it last quarter.


  • We're still only buying 3% to 4% of the homes we see, and that's mostly our choice.

    我們仍然只購買我們看到的房屋的 3% 到 4%,而這主要是我們的選擇。

  • We're mostly looking for the right type of home and where we can make the strongest offer.


  • And we'll grow that and we'll grow that conversion as we grow Zillow Offers.

    我們將隨著 Zillow Offers 的增加而增加這一點和轉換率。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Maria Ripps with Canaccord.

    下一個問題來自 Canaccord 的 Maria Ripps。

  • Maria Ripps - Analyst

    Maria Ripps - Analyst

  • Rich, can you provide any more depth around the Premier Agent marketplace stabilization?


  • And what are some key metrics you're looking at besides agent churn?


  • Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

    Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

  • Maria, thanks.


  • Why don't I take that to Greg to answer.


  • Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

    Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

  • Yes.


  • So after the Premier Agent has been launched, Premier Agent 4, we repositioned it as Premier Agent 4, made a bunch of the changes in giving more of those nurtured leads.

    因此,在 Premier Agent 推出 Premier Agent 4 後,我們將其重新定位為 Premier Agent 4,並進行了一系列更改,以提供更多培育的潛在客戶。

  • So we increased the volume of leads to our customers.


  • And then we focused on improving the quality of those connections, those live connections by phone.


  • And the customer feedback on connections had been what we hoped for now that we've had a little incubation time in those connections, which is, gosh, they're starting to convert really nicely.


  • So that's one piece.


  • The quality of the connections and how to achieve what we'd hoped for and the feedback is quite strong from investors and Premier Agents.


  • Just one piece.


  • The second is not all stuff that we break out, but gross sales volume is something we, of course, follow and then net retention.


  • That stuff is all hitting the forecast we provided you for 2019.

    這些都符合我們為您提供的 2019 年預測。

  • No changes to the forecast.


  • But the stabilization we're hoping for has arrived.


  • And as you know, this is a SaaS business.

    如您所知,這是一項 SaaS 業務。

  • So you dig a little hole and you have to fill it in until you grow.


  • So the same growth forecast in the third and fourth quarter that we led you to is what we're sticking with.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Ron Josey with JMP Securities.

    下一個問題來自 JMP 證券的 Ron Josey。

  • Ronald Victor Josey - MD and Senior Research Analyst

    Ronald Victor Josey - MD and Senior Research Analyst

  • Maybe just a follow-up on Flex.

    也許只是 Flex 的後續產品。

  • And Rich, a bigger question for you, I guess.


  • Just on Flex, I think, Greg, you talked about you're expanding to Colorado and Connecticut.

    就在 Flex 上,我想,Greg,您談到要擴展到科羅拉多州和康涅狄格州。

  • In the letter, you talked about some impacts to revenue in 2Q in '19 from deferred.

    在信中,您談到了遞延對 19 年第二季收入的一些影響。

  • Can you just talk about how you -- how we should think about or how you think about what the impact is?


  • Because I think the full year, Premier Agent revenue was still sort of -- still pretty good, in fact, unchanged maybe at the high end, increase at the low end.


  • And then, Rich, you talked about on Homes like efficiencies from here as you get from depth and density.


  • Can you just talk about where you see those efficiencies?


  • We look at, I guess, your first figure around home acquisition costs, renovation costs, holding costs.


  • Any insights there will be helpful.


  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • This is Allen Parker.


  • I'll take the first part of your question with respect to the impact of these Flex tests on our PA revenue.

    我將回答您問題的第一部分,即這些 Flex 測試對我們 PA 收入的影響。

  • So with respect to the 2 markets that we're going to go into, our current guidance -- and you're right, we left the top the same and we actually took the bottom up a little bit on revenue.


  • It's included in that number, and it's not significant for the size of these 2.

    它包含在該數字中,並且對於這 2 個的大小而言並不重要。

  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Yes.


  • And then I'll take at the second piece on Homes unit economics.


  • Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

    Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

  • I didn't have to ask for that.


  • Thank you, Jeremy.


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Scale efficiencies come across all those items in the cost line.


  • So it's going to come across buying and selling costs as well.


  • It's going to come across renovation efficiencies and rehab return.


  • It's going to come across closing and faster holding.


  • So pretty much all the lines, when you get to scale on density, you'll see us improve leverage there.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Nat Schindler with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    下一個問題來自美國銀行美林銀行的納特‧辛德勒 (Nat Schindler)。

  • Nathaniel Holmes Schindler - Director

    Nathaniel Holmes Schindler - Director

  • Just looking at the charts on Page 5 and 6 on the home unit economics, I see on Chart 5, you're really pointing out interest expense being a little bit more than 1% on a per home basis.

    只要看看第 5 頁和第 6 頁上有關家庭單位經濟學的圖表,我在圖 5 上看到,您確實指出了每套住房的利息支出略高於 1%。

  • Would you consider that to be a good placeholder that it will likely stay somewhere around that number long term?


  • And is that inclusive of -- is that only inclusive of the homes that are actually sold in the quarter on a per home basis?


  • Or is that divided by the homes sold if it's -- there are some homes sitting on the market for longer?


  • And then I have a follow-up based on Chart 6, on the chart -- on the next chart.

    然後我根據圖 6、下一張圖表進行跟進。

  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • Okay.


  • This is Allen Parker.


  • Maybe I'll take the first part of that.


  • Yes.


  • So on a per home basis, it's coming at about 129 basis points of revenue for the home value.

    因此,以每套房屋為基礎,其收入約為房屋價值的 129 個基點。

  • And when you think about the current facilities we have, we have 2 and we discussed them in the Q, they're about 6% interest.

    當你考慮我們目前擁有的設施時,我們有 2 個設施,我們在 Q 中討論過它們,它們的利息約為 6%。

  • And our leverage right now, effective leverage is about 76% of the home value.

    現在我們的槓桿率,有效槓桿率約為房屋價值的 76%。

  • And so based on our turns, this is probably something we'd expect, but there's going to be a lot of decisions to make as we think about ways that we're going to get capital or finance the assets over time and what we can do to reduce hold period.


  • So there's quite a few variables there, but we think this is reasonable based on what we would have expected at this stage, and then we'll continue to track it.


  • And I did want to just call out that yes, in this calculation, this is the interest related to the homes actually sold.


  • Nathaniel Holmes Schindler - Director

    Nathaniel Holmes Schindler - Director

  • Okay.


  • And then just going further down on the next chart when you do the at scale kind of calculation, you're using EBITDA.

    然後,當您進行大規模計算時,在下一張圖表中進一步查看,您將使用 EBITDA。

  • And since you're always going to be leveraging these homes and as you get above, that really should take out the interest rate.


  • So you take out the 130 bps basically and you're really looking at -- should we really think of this business as kind of a 70 bps to kind of a little less than 2% business at scale?

    所以你基本上把 130 bps 去掉,然後你真的會考慮——我們真的應該把這個業務視為 70 bps 到略低於 2% 規模的業務嗎?

  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • Yes.


  • I think what we did say before is we're sitting for 100 and 200 basis points of EBITDA less interest at scale.

    我認為我們之前說過的是,我們的 EBITDA 規模將減少 100 和 200 個基點。

  • So that would imply that at the low end, the 2, we have to have better turns, and so our interest rates will be slightly lower.

    因此,這意味著在低端,即 2,我們必須有更好的周轉,因此我們的利率會略低。

  • So if you take the 200 to 300 before interest, or at EBITDA, prior to adjacencies and think about around 100 basis points of interest at scale, that's what we think is the long-term model.

    因此,如果您採用利息前的 200 到 300 個基點,或者按 EBITDA 計算,在鄰接之前,並考慮大約 100 個基點的利息,這就是我們認為的長期模型。

  • Operator


  • The next question is from Jason Helfstein with Oppenheimer.


  • Jason Stuart Helfstein - MD and Senior Internet Analyst

    Jason Stuart Helfstein - MD and Senior Internet Analyst

  • As we're trying to think about the fixed cost as you scale it out, is it fair to think about it on a per market basis?


  • So as you add each market, there's a certain amount of fixed cost for Homes and Mortgages?


  • So any kind of color where you can help us think about that.


  • And then the investment cost for title and escrow, where will they show up in the model?


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Yes.


  • This is Jeremy.


  • I'll take the first part of that.


  • You can think about each -- as we get to scale on the platform, each market will have a relatively modest fixed cost to open.


  • I think we've talked about a couple dozen folks in each market with a lot of assumptions being centralized on the platform.


  • Obviously, we're early days from that now, but that's what this will look like at scale.


  • Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

    Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

  • And then on the Mortgage business, our model is a consumer direct model with our -- overwhelming majority of our staff in a call center or in a few call centers.


  • So there won't be much of a footprint or cost specific to markets.


  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • Title and escrow, we're just kicking off.


  • It will be reported in the Homes segment, but it's so early, and the fact that we are just giving guidance one quarter out, there's really not much of significance included in that 2Q guidance.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Ryan McKeveny with Zelman & Associates.

    下一個問題來自 Zelman & Associates 的 Ryan McKeveny。

  • Ryan McKeveny - Director of Research

    Ryan McKeveny - Director of Research

  • So my question also relates to the scale margin opportunity in Homes, so that 2% to 3% EBITDA margin.

    因此,我的問題也涉及住宅領域的規模利潤率機會,即 2% 至 3% 的 EBITDA 利潤率。

  • So obviously recognizing a lot is going to change and there's certainly a lot of opportunity to leverage fixed costs.


  • But I wanted to focus on the selling costs and the leverage there that you mentioned.


  • So I'm just curious, do you expect things to look meaningfully different in the future in terms of how those kind of third-party agents are involved in the transactions?


  • And I guess the question to be blunt is over time, does this look more like a brokerage-type structure where maybe you actually employ agents, ship some of those variable commission costs to kind of a fixed point of leverage?


  • Or is that kind of too extreme with maintaining things on the IMT side?

    或者說在 IMT 方面維護事情是否太極端?

  • Any thoughts there would be great.


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • This is Jeremy.


  • I'll take that one.


  • So when you think about the cost leverage, it's very important to think about across all those.


  • So buying and selling is one.


  • But closing and transaction costs, and that's why we talked about title and escrow a bit here, and then holding costs and turns, those all add up to the leverage we see at scale.


  • As it relates to selling specifically, we absolutely expect to see better leverage there on the work that we ask, whether it's employees or partners, to do as we scale.


  • We currently are using our great agent partners in every one of our transactions, and we plan to continue to do that.


  • As you can imagine, as we're scaling to hundreds of listings in each market, the work we're asking them to do, you can scale that work across many more listings, and we can drive efficiencies in the work we're paying for.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Lloyd Walmsley with Deutsche Bank.


  • Gregory-T. Vlahakis - Research Associate

    Gregory-T. Vlahakis - Research Associate

  • This is Greg on for Lloyd.


  • One, within the channel, we've been hearing that a couple of agent teams are starting to dismantle just because of a lack of volume advantage.


  • So I guess are you guys seeing something similar?


  • And if so, how is that affecting the Premier Agent business?


  • And second, I noticed that there's a redesign to the mobile app and the desktops.


  • And also, you guys included a couple of new features to help agents with the lead flow.


  • So I guess can you talk about the redesign and some of the new features and how that's impacting the business?


  • Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

    Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

  • Yes.


  • It's Greg.


  • Happy to grab it.


  • So agent teams are going strong.


  • We're actually seeing the opposite movement from what perhaps you observed in the channel, which is we're seeing the differentiation standardization.


  • The service commitment that teams bring is increasingly important, especially as our volume concentrates for Zillow Offers and into our Flex test.

    團隊帶來的服務承諾變得越來越重要,特別是當我們的業務量集中在 Zillow Offers 和 Flex 測試中。

  • So we think teams are a growth strategy for us, and it's certainly what we're seeing.


  • Redesign, yes.


  • We've redesigned recently both the mobile app and desktop experiences with a beautiful photo-driven and video-enabled experience.


  • It's been well received by consumers and very carefully tested.


  • As it pertains to new features in our CRM or Premier Agent app, the Premier Agent app has been a quiet and very significant success for us.

    由於它涉及我們的 CRM 或 Premier Agent 應用程式中的新功能,Premier Agent 應用程式對我們來說取得了悄然且非常重大的成功。

  • The vast majority of the leads we generate are actually touched in the app.


  • It's probably one of the most used -- impossible to compare it but probably the most used CRM in the industry.

    它可能是最常用的 CRM 之一——無法進行比較,但可能是業界最常用的 CRM。

  • And it's become really critical to our agents' success in converting, and we will continue to invest in it because we think we can help them drive real efficiencies in their activities and power them with differentiated data.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Brad Erickson with Needham & Company.

    下一個問題來自 Needham & Company 的 Brad Erickson。

  • Bradley D. Erickson - Senior Analyst

    Bradley D. Erickson - Senior Analyst

  • A couple of follow-ups, I guess.


  • One, Jeremy, when you call out the 3% to 4% conversion rate on the inbound requests for Offers, and I recognize that can move a lot higher, do you view that as kind of the opportunity set for seller leads ultimately?

    第一,傑里米,當您提到入站報價請求的轉換率為 3% 至 4% 時,我認識到該轉換率可能會更高,您是否認為這最終是為賣家帶來的機會?

  • Or do you expect to be able to refer seller leads to, say, more of a majority of the inbound leads you're receiving ultimately?


  • And then I guess secondarily, given how many you're getting so far, I think you said something like 1 every 2 minutes, it would seem like you have significant demand for PAs to get in front of those opportunities like now today.

    其次,我想,考慮到您到目前為止獲得的數量,我認為您說過每 2 分鐘 1 個之類的內容,看來您對 PA 有著巨大的需求,以便能夠像今天這樣抓住這些機會。

  • Why do you think that hasn't happened yet?


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Yes.


  • This is Jeremy.


  • I'll take that, and Greg maybe can chime in.


  • So the conversion opportunity is definitely the whole 100, right, not the 3% to 4%.


  • And there's just different phases based on what their question is for us, whether they're actually getting an offer, whether they're getting to a final offer for us or whether they're not eligible.


  • So yes, we do think that the opportunity for both seller listings and Zillow Offers to grow is the fact that everyone is showing up asking about how to help sell their house and either Offers or a great Premier Agent is the right answer for them.

    所以,是的,我們確實認為賣家清單和 Zillow Offers 成長的機會在於每個人都出現詢問如何幫助出售他們的房子,而 Offers 或優秀的高級經紀人對他們來說都是正確的答案。

  • And that is what we're testing today with our agent partners.


  • Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

    Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

  • I would add one more thing.


  • Customers are falling in love with the Zillow Offers experience.

    顧客愛上了 Zillow Offers 體驗。

  • So it takes a little bit of invention and magic to take someone who's fallen in love with an Offers experience and get them over to Premier Agents.


  • And Jeremy and my team, both these teams are really working hard to figure out what the compelling offer is to get a consumer to do it.


  • And that's why it's not in this year's financial plans is we have some invention to do because they want an offer and they want to transact with us.


  • So we're channel-changing them, and we'll get there.


  • I'm just not ready to put it in paper yet.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Ygal Arounian with Wedbush Securities.

    下一個問題來自 Wedbush Securities 的 Ygal Arounian。

  • Ygal Arounian - Research Analyst

    Ygal Arounian - Research Analyst

  • On Zillow Offers, so you guys noted -- you got a lot of questions about getting to scale, but you noted building a world-class operating platform for national scale.

    在 Zillow Offers 上,你們注意到,你們對擴大規模有很多疑問,但你們指出要為全國範圍建立一個世界級的營運平台。

  • Was wondering if you could dig into that a little bit and highlight some of -- what that means, some of the things you're doing to help you get to scale.


  • And then you also noted the 7% average rate on Offers.

    然後您還注意到報價的平均利率為 7%。

  • I was wondering if you could talk about in various markets where there might be more or less competition, how that differs and as you think over time as competition increases, pricing on offers would play an important role or not.


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Yes.


  • This is Jeremy.


  • I'll take both.


  • So on platform, you can think about it as a couple of buckets.


  • One is kind of workforce management and tools to enable all of operations and the operators to scale.


  • So everyone who touches one of the homes in the field and central office, there needs to be scale, tools and technology that allows us to run this operation more efficiently than we are today.


  • And then you can also think of it as kind of pricing and Big Data.


  • So we're collecting every day more data to make our models more efficient and more real time in their feedback to drive not just a more accurate price but a faster customer experience.


  • So that's how you might want to think about the platform.


  • On the fee and are we seeing sort of variableness by market or from competitors, it's still so early.


  • We're not seeing much in terms of cross-shopping.


  • I mean our biggest competitor here is just the traditional way of listing and whether that's the right path for each customer.


  • Obviously, the fee varies widely because we're solving for what we think it will take to sell your house.


  • And so the 7% was the average but it varies for every house.

    所以 7% 是平均值,但每個房子的情況都不同。

  • And so different price bands, different neighborhoods will have different estimates of what it will take to sell, how long and at what price.


  • And that's what spits out the fee.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Brent Thill with Jefferies.

    下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的布倫特希爾 (Brent Thill)。

  • Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

    Brent John Thill - Equity Analyst

  • We saw the illustration in the shareholder letter showing the path to 3% margins at scale within the Homes business.

    我們在股東信中看到了插圖,展示了住宅業務規模達到 3% 利潤率的路徑。

  • Can you just give us a sense of how long you think it takes to get to scale or how many markets or homes that would entail?


  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • Yes.


  • This is Allen.


  • I think what I'd say is longer than 3 to 5 years because I think our view is our long-term target of getting to the 5,000 homes purchased a month and getting to a $20 billion rev run rate, the 200 to 300 basis points that we say is at scale likely exceeds that point.

    我認為我所說的時間比 3 到 5 年更長,因為我認為我們的長期目標是達到每月購買 5,000 套房屋並達到 200 億美元的轉速運行率,即 200 到 300 個基點我們所說的規模可能會超過這一點。

  • But again, we're learning all the time.


  • And the great thing is, as Jeremy just talked about, we're focused on the inputs.


  • We're focused on building the mechanisms to drive great operations, and we've got a customer signal that's really strong.


  • So all of those things have to continue and execution we control, and the customer signal keeps getting stronger as we enter markets.


  • So we're optimistic, but I can't put a time line on it.


  • Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

    Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

  • And to a certain extent -- this is Rich.


  • To a certain extent, it's a function of growth.


  • To the extent we are continuing to see rapid growth and future growth opportunities, we will continue to make smart investment decisions on a go-forward basis, which might put off achieving the scale model.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Deepak Mathivanan with Barclays.

    下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Deepak Mathivanan。

  • Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

    Deepak Mathivanan - Research Analyst

  • Two questions.


  • So first, on the Homes business, last quarter, you ended with about a little over 400 homes -- sorry, 500 homes in your inventory.

    首先,在房屋業務方面,上個季度,您最終擁有大約 400 多套房屋——抱歉,您的庫存中有 500 套房屋。

  • And in the first quarter of this year, you sold closer to 400.

    今年第一季度,你們的銷量接近 400 輛。

  • I mean there seems like there's a few ones older than 90 days.

    我的意思是,似乎有些已經超過 90 天了。

  • Can you talk about the inventory aging trends there?


  • And then on EBITDA loss for Homes business in 2Q, can you parse out between contribution profit and then fixed costs?

    然後,關於第二季度房屋業務的 EBITDA 損失,您能否解析貢獻利潤和固定成本之間的關係?

  • Just a quick one on the PA business as well.

    簡單介紹一下 PA 業務。

  • You guys had a sizable advertising spend on the Premier Agent business last year.


  • But clearly now the messaging and the creatives have changed to a more holistic basis.


  • How should we think about the advertising spend allocation between the IMT business and then Homes and Mortgages business this year?

    我們該如何看待今年 IMT 業務與住房和抵押貸款業務之間的廣告支出分配?

  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • This is Jeremy.


  • I'll take the first of what I counted as 3 questions.

    我將回答我算作 3 個問題中的第一個問題。

  • So on inventory aging, you're right.


  • And you'll see our inventory grow as we scale because every month, we're going to buy more than the homes we had bought in prior months to sell.


  • And as we grow and we get to more aged inventory, you'll see us manage that on a cohort basis.


  • So for any given cohort homes we buy, we're pricing that cohort to account for both the head of overperformers that sell faster and that tail you'll start to see as homes that take longer to sell.


  • And so we'll treat each cohort carefully and revenue manage it as a portfolio, but you'll see that total inventory balance grow as we continue to push for scale.


  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • Yes.


  • And this is Allen.


  • Let me just add to that, that in addition, as any company that has inventory and manages inventory, we have processes in place to ensure that we're adjusting -- assessing our inventory values and marking them down to lower cost of market.


  • And to date, we have not had to make an adjustment.


  • However, as Jeremy mentioned, as we grow, it's likely in the ordinary course of business that we will have to make such an adjustment.


  • And then maybe I can just quickly take your second, Deepak.


  • We don't break out the split, but I think what I would just highlight is in Q1, our EBITDA for Homes segment was negative 27% of revenue.

    我們不會詳細說明分割情況,但我想我要強調的是,在第一季度,我們的住宅業務部門的 EBITDA 為負收入的 27%。

  • And if you look at our Q2 guidance, it implies a range of negative 20% to negative 23% of revenue.

    如果你看我們第二季的指導,它意味著收入的範圍為負 20% 到負 23%。

  • So you can see that as we grow and even as we enter new markets, we're going to continue to get leverage.


  • And then our fixed cost will not grow as fast as our top line.


  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • And on the marketing question, I mean we don't give out an allocation to the segments.


  • I mean you can -- the vast majority of the spend is driving all segments right now.


  • And if you actually look at our new ad campaign that talks about all segments.


  • In fact, some of our hero spots talk about -- one of our hero spots talk about Offers, Mortgages and PA.

    事實上,我們的一些英雄景點談論了——我們的英雄景點之一談論了優惠、抵押貸款和 PA。

  • But we aren't disclosing the breakdown of sort of media weight or specifics.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Shyam Patil with SIG.

    下一個問題來自 SIG 的 Shyam Patil。

  • (Operator Instructions) And the next question is from Mark May with Citi.

    (操作員說明)下一個問題來自花旗銀行的馬克梅(Mark May)。

  • Mark Alan May - Director and Senior Analyst

    Mark Alan May - Director and Senior Analyst

  • I have 2, please.


  • Maybe just a follow-up on the last question and your answer.


  • I just want to clarify in terms of thinking about the cohorts head and tail and some of the homes that might work, some of them that may be down to your expectation.


  • Did you say that you haven't yet had to write down the value of any homes?


  • I just wanted to be clear.


  • Maybe if that's not the case, can you give us a sense for what portion of the homes that you've purchased live to date that maybe did not meet your sort of criteria in terms of average markup or resell or holding period and if, in fact, that there haven't been any that you had to sell at a loss?


  • Just was trying to clarify that.


  • And then in terms of the -- we've had the existing home sales kind of soft here for a while.


  • Just curious what impact, if any, you've seen on the Premier Agent side of the business in terms of active accounts on -- active paying accounts on Zillow and/or the average spend per lead per agent as a result of kind of the softer existing home sales market.

    只是好奇,您在 Zillow 上的活躍付費帳戶和/或每個代理商的每條潛在客戶的平均支出方面看到了業務的高級代理商方面的影響(如果有的話)。現有房屋銷售市場疲軟。

  • Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

    Jeremy Wacksman - President of Zillow & Co-Head of Zillow Offers

  • Yes.


  • This is Jeremy.


  • I'll take that first and maybe Allen can clarify.


  • I think Allen's talking more about the accounting treatment.


  • No.


  • In any of our cohorts, we're selling homes a little bit above what we enter into in that we're having to drop price and sell them for less on others.


  • So it's not about pricing.


  • We're really, really pleased actually with how tightly we are to our underwriting.


  • The vast majority of our homes are actually performing within bps of what we underwrote to, which is really impressive to see for how early we are in the operations in some of these markets.


  • I think Allen was talking specifically around do we hit a test in accounting in which we have to actually account for inventory markdown, and we haven't hit that yet.


  • And we probably won't for a while because it won't be material to the business.


  • I think that's what Allen was saying there.


  • Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

    Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

  • We'll have to.


  • We believe it will happen in the future.


  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • In the ordinary course of business, we will likely do some of these markdowns.


  • And Mark, just to be clear, the lower cost to market assessment would come -- for example, at 3/31, we would look at all of the 993 homes in inventory, focusing on all -- focusing likely on the aged ones and determine whether the expected price we expect to sell for is lower, including sales cost, the cost to sell is lower than the carrying value.

    馬克,需要明確的是,較低的市場評估成本將會到來 - 例如,在 3 月 31 日,我們將查看庫存中的所有 993 套房屋,重點關注所有房屋 - 可能重點關注老化的房屋和確定我們預期出售的預期價格是否較低,包括銷售成本,出售成本是否低於帳面價值。

  • And if so, we would have to take a markdown.


  • And what I was trying -- what I indicated was we have not yet taken a markdown for that event.

    我正在嘗試 - 我表示我們尚未對該活動進行降價。

  • Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

    Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

  • Mark, it's Greg.


  • On the Premier Agent business, with relatively low interest rates still hanging around and decent -- growing choices among homes, Premier Agent business is buyer-driven, so buyers are having a suddenly easier experience finding something to move into.


  • So that business hasn't seen macro headwinds in this period.


  • The fourth quarter when it was tough from a macro perspective, things look really solid right now.


  • Operator


  • The next question is from Heath Terry with Goldman Sachs.


  • Heath Patrick Terry - MD

    Heath Patrick Terry - MD

  • I just wanted to dig a little bit into the guidance.


  • Bringing the EBITDA guidance up the way that you did.

    按照您的方式提高 EBITDA 指引。

  • I know you called out some of the nonrecurring items and stock-based comp in the quarter.


  • Anything that we should be thinking about sort of in the forward guidance, whether nonrecurring items or other things sort of underlying the improvement and the profitability outlook?


  • And then on -- with the rebranding of the Mortgage business, any more color on the progress that you're seeing in integrating with home offers and what sort of uptake you're getting in Mortgages along with that part of the business?


  • Allen Parker - CFO

    Allen Parker - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So this is Allen.


  • I'll take the first part of your question.


  • So again, we exceeded Q1 guidance -- our top end of our guidance by about $25 million.

    因此,我們再次超越了第一季的指導——我們的指導上限約 2500 萬美元。

  • And for the year, we've taken up EBITDA about $35 million to $40 million.

    今年,我們的 EBITDA 約為 3500 萬至 4000 萬美元。

  • I walked through the $25 million, and what I'd say is that besides that amount, there's still a little bit more, about another $8 million -- $8 million to $10 million related to this change in our recognition of the employee expenses that go throughout the year.

    我瀏覽了 2500 萬美元,我想說的是,除了這個金額之外,還有一點,大約還有 800 萬美元——800 萬至 1000 萬美元,與我們對員工費用的認識的變化有關。全年。

  • And then the remainder is just based on our latest forecast and looking at some of the traction we're getting on discretionary spend.


  • Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

    Greg M. Schwartz - President of Media & Marketplace

  • It's Greg.


  • As it pertains to Mortgage, we're having a blast with that business.


  • We rebranded Zillow Home Loans, rebranded the new brand.

    我們重新命名了 Zillow Home Loans,並重新命名了新品牌。

  • And we're a bit ahead of schedule on the software and platform build.


  • You know this is intensive, operationally demanding business.


  • We got to get a digital borrower platform out for borrowers and our loan officers.


  • We've got -- have a very efficient operating model with underwriting and processing.


  • And then we have to make a lot of progress on automation to build a healthy, scalable business.


  • That is 100% our focus.

    這是我們 100% 關注的焦點。

  • It is not the time -- we're not focused on attach at this point.


  • We are focused on building a scalable model that's technically driven.


  • And we're a little -- we're maybe a quarter ahead of schedule.


  • We already have this digital platform being tested by 2 of our origination teams.


  • But there's many, many, many miles to walk here.


  • And as you know, attach really isn't significantly in the biz model for this year.


  • It's still the tech and the platform that's scalable.


  • Operator


  • Showing no further questions, this concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I would like to turn the conference back over to Rich Barton for any closing remarks.

    我想將會議轉回給里奇·巴頓(Rich Barton)發表閉幕詞。

  • Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

    Richard N. Barton - Co-Founder & CEO

  • Thanks for your time today.


  • Look, we are in the midst of a major transformation to revolutionize the real estate transaction.


  • And as I said at the top, the plan is coming together.


  • We know that this will take time, but we are well on our way.


  • As investors, I realize this requires more belief and imagination than required in a typical public company investment.


  • I am convinced Zillow Group is anything but typical.

    我確信 Zillow Group 絕非典型。

  • Thank you for your continued constructive support.


  • Smart critical shareholders who are owners just like us make for great partners.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect.
