德州儀器 (TXN) 2020 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to today's Texas Instruments Q4 2020 earnings release conference call.

    大家好,歡迎參加今天的德州儀器 (TI) 2020 年第四季度收益發布電話會議。

  • At this time, I would like to turn things over to Mr. Dave Pahl.

    這個時候,我想把事情交給Dave Pahl先生。

  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Good afternoon, and thank you for joining our fourth quarter and 2020 earnings conference call.

    下午好,感謝您參加我們的第四季度和 2020 年收益電話會議。

  • Rafael Lizardi, TI's chief financial officer, is with me today.

    TI 的首席財務官 Rafael Lizardi 今天和我在一起。

  • For any of you who missed the release, you can find it on our website at ti.com/ir.

    對於錯過該版本的任何人,您可以在我們的網站 ti.com/ir 上找到它。

  • This call is being broadcast live over the web and can be accessed through our website.


  • A replay will be available through the web.


  • This call will include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause TI's results to differ materially from management's current expectations.

    此電話會議將包含前瞻性陳述,這些陳述涉及可能導致 TI 的結果與管理層當前預期存在重大差異的風險和不確定性。

  • We encourage you to review the "Notice regarding forward-looking statements" contained in the earnings release published today, as well as TI's most recent SEC filings, for a more complete description.

    我們鼓勵您查看今天發布的收益發布中包含的“關於前瞻性陳述的通知”,以及 TI 最近提交給美國證券交易委員會的文件,以獲得更完整的描述。

  • First, let me provide some information that's important for your calendars.


  • We plan to hold a call to review our capital management on February 4 at 10:00 a.m.

    我們計劃於 2 月 4 日上午 10:00 召開電話會議,審查我們的資本管理。

  • Central Time.


  • Similar to what we've done in the past, Rafael and I will summarize our progress and provide some insight into our business and approach to capital allocation.


  • For today's call, let me start by summarizing what Rafael and I will be reviewing.

    對於今天的電話會議,讓我首先總結一下 Rafael 和我將要審查的內容。

  • First, I'll start with a quick overview of the quarter, and next, I'll provide some insight into fourth quarter revenue results.


  • And as we've done the past few quarters, we'll provide details by end market, including sequential performance, since it's more informative at this time.


  • I'll also provide the annual summary of revenue breakdown by end markets.


  • And lastly, Rafael will cover the financial results, some insight into one-time items and our guidance for the first quarter of 2021.

    最後,Rafael 將介紹財務業績、對一次性項目的一些見解以及我們對 2021 年第一季度的指導。

  • So starting with a quick overview of the fourth quarter: The company's revenue increased 7% sequentially and 22% year-over-year, driven by strong demand in automotive, personal electronics and the industrial markets.

    因此,從第四季度的快速概覽開始:在汽車、個人電子產品和工業市場的強勁需求推動下,公司收入環比增長 7%,同比增長 22%。

  • Analog revenue grew 9% and Embedded grew 11% sequentially.

    模擬收入環比增長 9%,嵌入式收入環比增長 11%。

  • On a year-over-year basis, Analog revenue grew 25% and Embedded grew 14%.

    與去年同期相比,模擬收入增長 25%,嵌入式增長 14%。

  • Our Other segment grew 4% from a year-ago quarter.

    我們的其他部門比去年同期增長 4%。

  • Moving on, I'll now provide some insight into the fourth quarter revenue by end market.


  • First, the automotive market continued its rebound following the second quarter bottom, with 19% sequential growth and 25% year-over-year growth.

    首先,汽車市場在第二季度觸底後繼續反彈,環比增長 19%,同比增長 25%。

  • The industrial market was up 7% sequentially and 16% from the year ago.

    工業市場環比增長 7%,同比增長 16%。

  • The strength was seen across most market sectors.


  • Personal electronics was up 11% sequentially and up 39% compared to a year ago.

    個人電子產品環比增長 11%,與一年前相比增長 39%。

  • The strength was broad-based across sectors and customers within personal electronics.


  • Next, as expected, communications equipment was down 28% sequentially and down 8% from the year ago.

    接下來,正如預期的那樣,通信設備環比下降 28%,比去年同期下降 8%。

  • Enterprise systems was down 2% sequentially and down 13% from a year ago.

    企業系統環比下降 2%,比一年前下降 13%。

  • And lastly, as we do at the end of each calendar year, I'll describe our revenue by end market for 2020.

    最後,正如我們在每個日曆年末所做的那樣,我將按終端市場描述 2020 年的收入。

  • We break our end markets into six categories that are grouped by their life cycles and market characteristics.


  • The six end markets are industrial; automotive; personal electronics, which includes products such as mobile phones, PCs, tablets and TVs; communications equipment; enterprise systems; and other, which is primarily calculators.


  • As a percentage of revenue for the year, industrial was 37%; automotive 20%; personal electronics 27%; communications equipment 8%; enterprise systems 6%; and other was 2%.

    工業佔全年收入的百分比為 37%;汽車 20%;個人電子產品 27%;通訊設備 8%;企業系統 6%;其他為2%。

  • Looking at the changes versus 2019, industrial increased one percentage point, automotive declined one percent [point] (added by company after the call), personal electronics increased four, communications equipment declined three, enterprise systems was even and other declined one percentage point.

    從與 2019 年相比的變化來看,工業增長 1 個百分點,汽車下降 1 個百分點[點](公司在電話會議後添加),個人電子產品增長 4 個,通信設備下降 3 個百分點,企業系統持平,其他下降 1 個百分點。

  • In 2020, industrial and automotive combined made up 57% of TI's revenue, about even with last year and up [from] (added by company after the call) 42% in 2013.

    2020 年,工業和汽車行業合計佔 TI 收入的 57%,與去年持平,而 2013 年為 42%(由公司在電話會議後添加)。

  • We see good opportunities in all of our markets, but we place additional strategic emphasis on industrial and automotive.


  • Our industrial and automotive customers are increasingly turning to analog and embedded technology to make their end products smarter, safer, more connected and more efficient.


  • These trends have resulted and will continue to result in growing chip content per application, which will drive faster growth compared to our other markets.


  • Rafael will now review profitability, capital management and our outlook.

    Rafael 現在將審查盈利能力、資本管理和我們的前景。

  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Thanks, Dave, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Gross profit in the quarter was $2.6 billion, or 65% of revenue.

    本季度的毛利潤為 26 億美元,佔收入的 65%。

  • From a year ago, gross profit increased primarily due to higher revenue.


  • Gross profit margin increased 230 basis points.

    毛利率增加 230 個基點。

  • Operating expenses in the quarter were $786 million, down 2% from a year ago and about as expected.

    本季度運營費用為 7.86 億美元,同比下降 2%,與預期基本一致。

  • On a trailing 12-month basis, operating expenses were 22% of revenue.

    在過去 12 個月的基礎上,運營費用佔收入的 22%。

  • For the year, we have invested $1.5 billion in R&D, an important element of our capital allocation.

    今年,我們在研發方面投資了 15 億美元,這是我們資本配置的重要組成部分。

  • We are pleased with our disciplined process of allocating capital to R&D, which we believe will allow us to continue to grow our top line over the long term.


  • Acquisition charges, a noncash expense, were $47 million in the fourth quarter.

    收購費用是一項非現金支出,第四季度為 4700 萬美元。

  • Acquisition charges will remain at about this level through the third quarter of 2021.

    到 2021 年第三季度,收購費用將保持在這個水平左右。

  • Operating profit was $1.8 billion, or 44% of revenue.

    營業利潤為 18 億美元,佔收入的 44%。

  • Operating profit was up 45% from the year-ago quarter.

    營業利潤比去年同期增長 45%。

  • Other income and expense was $162 million in the quarter due to a one-time benefit related to the signing of a multiyear royalty agreement.

    本季度其他收入和支出為 1.62 億美元,這是由於與簽署多年特許權使用費協議相關的一次性收益。

  • Net income in the fourth quarter was $1.7 billion, or $1.80 per share, which included a 16-cent benefit that was not in our prior outlook, primarily due to the royalty agreement we just mentioned.

    第四季度的淨收入為 17 億美元,或每股 1.80 美元,其中包括我們之前預期中沒有的 16 美分收益,這主要是由於我們剛才提到的特許權使用費協議。

  • Let me now comment on our capital management results, starting with our cash generation.


  • Cash flow from operations was $2.1 billion in the quarter.

    本季度運營現金流為 21 億美元。

  • Capital expenditures were $212 million in the quarter.

    本季度的資本支出為 2.12 億美元。

  • Free cash flow on a trailing 12-month basis was $5.5 billion, down 5% from a year ago.

    過去 12 個月的自由現金流為 55 億美元,比一年前下降 5%。

  • In the quarter, we paid $937 million in dividends.

    本季度,我們支付了 9.37 億美元的股息。

  • We have increased our dividend per share by 13%, marking our 17th year of dividend increases.

    我們將每股股息提高了 13%,標誌著我們連續第 17 年增加股息。

  • We repurchased $15 million of our own stock for a total return of cash to owners in the fourth quarter of about $1 billion.

    我們回購了 1500 萬美元的自有股票,第四季度向所有者返還的現金總額約為 10 億美元。

  • For the year 2020, we returned $6 billion, consistent with our strategy to return all free cash flow to our owners.

    2020 年,我們返還了 60 億美元,符合我們將所有自由現金流返還給所有者的戰略。

  • Over the same period, our dividend represented 62% of free cash flow, underscoring its sustainability.

    同期,我們的股息佔自由現金流的 62%,凸顯了其可持續性。

  • Our balance sheet remains strong with $6.6 billion of cash and short-term investments at the end of the fourth quarter.

    截至第四季度末,我們的資產負債表依然強勁,現金和短期投資達 66 億美元。

  • Total debt was $6.8 billion with a weighted average coupon of 2.77%.

    總債務為 68 億美元,加權平均息票率為 2.77%。

  • Inventory days were 123, down 21 days from a year ago and down 14 days sequentially.


  • Now let's look at some of these results for the year.


  • In 2020, cash flow from operations was $6.1 billion.

    2020 年,運營現金流為 61 億美元。

  • Capital expenditures were $649 million, or 4.5% of revenue.

    資本支出為 6.49 億美元,佔收入的 4.5%。

  • Free cash flow for 2020 was $5.5 billion, or 38% of revenue.

    2020 年的自由現金流為 55 億美元,佔收入的 38%。

  • Our cash flow reflects the strength of our business model.


  • As we have said, we believe that growth of free cash flow per share is the primary driver of long-term value.


  • And after accretive investments in the business, the remaining cash will be returned over time via dividends and share repurchases.


  • Over the last 12 months, we paid $3.4 billion in dividends and purchased $2.6 billion of our shares, reducing outstanding share count by 1.4% in 2020.

    在過去的 12 個月裡,我們支付了 34 億美元的股息併購買了 26 億美元的股票,使 2020 年的流通股數量減少了 1.4%。

  • Turning to our outlook for the first quarter, we expect TI revenue in the range of $3.79 billion to $4.11 billion and earnings per share to be in the range of $1.44 to $1.66.

    談到我們對第一季度的展望,我們預計 TI 收入在 37.9 億美元至 41.1 億美元之間,每股收益在 1.44 美元至 1.66 美元之間。

  • We expect our 2021 annual operating tax rate to continue to be about 14% and our effective tax rate about a percentage lower than that -- a percentage point lower than that.

    我們預計我們 2021 年的年度營業稅率將繼續保持在 14% 左右,而我們的有效稅率將比這低一個百分點——比那個低一個百分點。

  • In closing, we will stay focused in the areas that add value in the long term.


  • We continue to invest in our competitive advantages, which are manufacturing and technology, broad product portfolio, reach of our channels, and diverse and long-lived positions.


  • We will continue to strengthen these advantages through disciplined capital allocation and by focusing on the best market opportunities, which we believe will enable us to continue to improve and deliver free cash flow per share growth over the long term.


  • With that, let me turn it back to Dave.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Rafael.


  • Operator, you can now open the lines for questions.


  • (Operator Instructions) Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) We'll go first today to John Pitzer with Crédit Suisse.

    (操作員說明)今天我們將首先與 Crédit Suisse 一起去 John Pitzer。

  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • Congratulations on the solid results.


  • Dave and Rafael, I'm wondering if you could talk a little bit about just the current demand backdrop.


  • I mean, clearly, we're hearing about lead times stretching out in the semi industry.


  • Many of your peers are talking about raising pricing.


  • I guess, specifically to you guys, can you help us understand what your lead times are doing?


  • What you guys are thinking about doing around pricing?


  • And I guess more importantly, given your inventory strategy and the fact that you ran your fabs a little bit fuller last year, do you think the current results represent your ability to gain some incremental share as some of your peers just are having a harder time supplying customers right now?


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Yes.


  • John, let me take -- you covered a lot of ground with that first question, so let me take some pieces of it.


  • Rafael, if you want to add anything, and if I miss any, John, we'll give you a chance for the follow-up.


  • But the first one, certainly, we've read the same reports and seeing the same releases from our peers on the supply constraints and raising prices.


  • The short answer -- are we doing that -- the short answer is no.


  • And I think that, that brings us to, one of our foundational competitive advantages is manufacturing and technology, and that really provides two benefits.


  • One is the obvious, which is lower cost, but the second is just greater control of our supply chain.


  • So it's really times like this and really throughout 2020 that, that greater control of your supply chains really becomes a great advantage.

    所以真的是這樣的時候,真的是整個 2020 年,更好地控制你的供應鏈真的成為一個很大的優勢。

  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Yes.


  • I'll just add on the inventory angle of your question, John.


  • Remember, our long-term objective for inventory, as we have talked about in many capital management calls, is to maintain high levels of customer service while we minimize inventory obsolescence.


  • Now part of the reason we can do that is that we are strategically positioned -- the way we run the company, our business model and competitive advantages where we -- our parts are mainly catalog parts that sell into industrial and automotive, our focus is on those, with very long product life cycles so we can build inventory ahead of demand, we can position that inventory well.


  • That served us well in 2020, and will continue to serve us well from a business model standpoint in order to maintain those high levels of customer service with our customers.

    這在 2020 年為我們提供了良好的服務,並將繼續從商業模式的角度為我們提供良好的服務,以便與我們的客戶保持高水平的客戶服務。

  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • So I think we've got most of the pieces.


  • John, do you have a follow-up or other pieces we can touch on?


  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • Yes, just a quick follow-up for Rafael.

    是的,只是對 Rafael 的快速跟進。

  • Rafael, I know you don't specifically guide gross margins, but I was wondering if you could give us some parameters around OpEx for the next couple of quarters.

    拉斐爾,我知道你沒有具體指導毛利率,但我想知道你是否可以在接下來的幾個季度為我們提供一些關於 OpEx 的參數。

  • I mean, we're heading into a strong cyclical recovery in revenue off of what was kind of an unusual expense year last year with COVID.

    我的意思是,我們正從去年因 COVID 導致的異常支出而進入收入的強勁週期性複蘇。

  • And so as we think about the March quarter, can you help us kind of frame the period cost around SG&A and R&D that we should be thinking about?

    因此,當我們考慮 3 月季度時,您能否幫助我們構建我們應該考慮的 SG&A 和 R&D 的期間成本?

  • If you want to give us a gross margin target, that would be great, but I know you tend to avoid that.


  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Yes.


  • On a gross margin, like we have said before, just think of 70% to 75% fall-through.

    關於毛利率,就像我們之前說過的,想想 70% 到 75% 的失敗率。

  • So you figure out what revenue -- incremental revenue you want to play in and just fold that through at 70% to 75%, you get at a good place -- over the long term, right?

    所以你要弄清楚什麼收入——你想參與的增量收入,然後把它折疊成 70% 到 75%,你會得到一個好地方——從長遠來看,對吧?

  • Any one quarter can be a little higher or lower, right?


  • On OpEx, we talked about we can operate between 20% and 25%.

    在 OpEx 上,我們談到我們可以在 20% 到 25% 之間運營。

  • The last -- the last three or four years, we have been between 21% and 22% pretty much, right?

    最近——過去三四年,我們的比例幾乎在 21% 到 22% 之間,對吧?

  • So I don't mean to narrow that range, but that's where we've been running.


  • And I would expect to stay somewhere in that neighborhood for a foreseeable future.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Between 20% and 25%.

    在 20% 到 25% 之間。

  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Yes, between 20% and 25%.

    是的,在 20% 到 25% 之間。

  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Right, right.


  • Yes.


  • Okay.


  • Thank you, John, and we'll go to the next caller, please.


  • Operator


  • That will come from Vivek Arya with Bank of America.

    這將來自美國銀行的 Vivek Arya。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Congratulations on the strong growth.


  • Just wanted to follow up on the demand question.


  • I'm curious, even if you are able to supply because of your very strong strategic capacity, do you think your customers, especially on the automotive side, might be constrained with other parts of the bill of materials that they get from others and maybe those become bottlenecks?


  • I'm just trying to reconcile the very strong demand backdrop that we are hearing from your results and your outlook versus all the news around auto supply chains facing more constraints.


  • What is the true sense of kind of supply and demand across your customer base?


  • It would be very helpful to hear your views.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Sure, Vivek.


  • Yes, I think that's a great question.


  • We see the same reports that you're seeing.


  • And I think the best way to maybe describe what we're seeing in the automotive market is just a -- just-in-time supply chain that's restarting from essentially a full stop that happened in second quarter.

    而且我認為,最好的方式來描述我們在汽車市場上看到的情況只是一個 - 即時供應鏈,它從第二季度發生的基本完全停止中重新開始。

  • And just as a reminder, what we saw in third quarter was a 75% sequential increase, followed by this last quarter with a 20% sequential increase.

    提醒一下,我們在第三季度看到的是 75% 的環比增長,緊隨其後的是上個季度 20% 的環比增長。

  • So what I'll say is that those reports are fairly widespread.


  • And -- but we aren't seeing demand signals that would show us that there's anything that's consistent with any of those constraints that you're pointing out or that are in press releases.

    而且 - 但我們沒有看到需求信號會向我們表明,有任何東西與你指出的或新聞稿中的任何限制相一致。

  • Do you have a follow-on?


  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Yes.


  • Good to see the growth in the Embedded segment.


  • And I know you made some changes in that business last year.


  • Do you think we will start to see the benefits of that in 2021, because they also tend to be somewhat stickier markets?

    您是否認為我們會在 2021 年開始看到這樣做的好處,因為它們也往往是更具粘性的市場?

  • So I'm just curious if you could give us an update on what are you doing specifically to regain market share.


  • And do you think we can start to see your Embedded business start to grow in line with your Analog business this year?


  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Yes.


  • I'll give you a few on those ones.


  • So first, we're pleased with the progress we're seeing in Embedded.


  • Our plan has called to first stabilize the business and then start to prove that we can resume long-term consistent growth.


  • We're leveraging our competitive advantages, particularly building a broad-based, a more diverse product portfolio that can then deliver long-term sustainable growth.


  • I think it was in second quarter of '20 where we announced -- when we had a restructuring charge related to Embedded -- and we reallocated resources from some product lines, increased investments, some we decreased, others stayed about the same, and we're seeing the beginning of that stabilization on that front.

    我認為是在 20 世紀第二季度,我們宣布了與嵌入式相關的重組費用,我們重新分配了一些產品線的資源,增加了投資,減少了一些,其他則保持不變,我們在這方面看到穩定的開始。

  • Operator


  • We'll hear next from Craig Hettenbach with Morgan Stanley.

    接下來我們將聽到 Craig Hettenbach 與摩根士丹利的對話。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Dave, just following up on your comments around autos and particularly the just-in-time inventory angle.


  • Certainly, 2020 was a challenging year for the supply chain, and we're dealing with some of those repercussions now.

    當然,2020 年對供應鏈來說是充滿挑戰的一年,我們現在正在應對其中的一些影響。

  • But do you think you'll see some changes to that over time in terms of how they operate from an inventory perspective or something that might be difficult for the next couple of quarters, but kind of gets back to that just-in-time?


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Yes, Craig, I don't want to speak for our customers or how they're managing their inventories.


  • I think, as you've seen us and how we've managed our business and our operations, we would just work very hard to try to have capacity in place to support our customers' needs.


  • You saw the decisions that we made earlier in the year to try to keep high service and optionality in place.


  • And we'll just continue to try to support our customers' needs, whatever their supply chains look like.


  • So -- and whether that's in the automotive market or the other markets.

    所以 - 無論是在汽車市場還是其他市場。

  • So we just -- we try to make them happy.

    所以我們只是 - 我們試圖讓他們開心。

  • That's what we're trying to do.


  • Do you have a follow-on?


  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • I do.


  • And just looking at Analog up 25% year-over-year, I know that comes off of a difficult year and coming out of a down cycle, and so that's some of it.

    看看 Analog 同比增長 25%,我知道這是艱難的一年,走出了下行週期,僅此而已。

  • But just curious at a high level, just to get your thoughts of just the type of strength you're seeing and how you feel about what the demand is out there?


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Can you clarify that a little bit for me, Craig, just so I make sure I answer the right question?


  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Yes.


  • So just with the Analog business up 25% year-over-year, that's coming off of an easy comp, if you will, coming out of the down cycle.

    因此,隨著模擬業務同比增長 25%,如果你願意的話,這是一個簡單的比較,走出了下行週期。

  • So I think that's some of it.


  • But just curious, I know in some of these calls, you've talked about just your view of just, hey, our supply and demand equilibrium or how you feel like demand is relative to how your business is trending right now?


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Well, yes.


  • Yes, I think that when you look at where that business is, I think that we've just come through a -- from cyclical indicators and those types of things.


  • You'd even have to go back to 2018 when the industry had reached a cyclical peak, then you throw in and sprinkle on top COVID-19.

    你甚至必須回到 2018 年,當時該行業達到了周期性高峰,然後你投入並灑在 COVID-19 上。

  • And it was really at the beginning of, or the end of last year and the beginning of 2020, that we had begun to see signs of stabilization before COVID had hit.

    確實是在去年年初或去年年底和 2020 年初,在 COVID 來襲之前,我們已經開始看到穩定的跡象。

  • So inventories really weren't a problem at that point in time, and we had said at that point in time that our shipments were beginning to reflect what customers were beginning to ship overall.


  • So again, I think that what we are shipping today is reflective of what customers are asking us to ship.


  • We have a good availability of product because of the decisions that we've made, and our lead times have remained stable.


  • That doesn't mean, of course, that we don't have hot spots that we're working, and we always have hot spots.


  • But that's kind of where we are today.


  • Operator


  • We'll hear next from Harlan Sur with JPMorgan.

    接下來我們將聽到來自摩根大通的 Harlan Sur 的講話。

  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • Congratulations on the strong execution.


  • Amidst the strong demand environment, as we all know, foundry capacity is pretty tight, both leading edge and lagging edge.


  • And I know that TI outsources about 20% of its wafer requirements, most of it with your Embedded products, MPUs, MCUs.

    我知道 TI 外包了大約 20% 的晶圓需求,其中大部分與你們的嵌入式產品、MPU、MCU 一起外包。

  • So because of the foundry tightness, is the team also somewhat constrained on your Embedded products, either Q4 or here in Q1?


  • And also the same thing from an assembly test perspective, where I think about 40% of your assembly and test requirements are outsourced to the subcons?

    從裝配測試的角度來看也是同樣的事情,我認為大約 40% 的裝配和測試要求外包給了分包商?

  • Is this constraining maybe some of your shipments near term?


  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • At a high level, we have long-term agreements with these suppliers, like we do with other suppliers.


  • Even though we only outsource a relatively small part of our loadings, we're still, being a big company there, that's still a good amount of loadings, right?


  • So we still get some decent leverage.


  • So we're seeing some hot spots here and there, but to the largest degree, we're getting what we need.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Yes.


  • And I would say having 80% of our wafers sourced internally, almost all of our Analog sourced internally, and that is a great advantage for us.

    我想說我們 80% 的晶圓都是內部採購的,幾乎所有的模擬都是內部採購的,這對我們來說是一個很大的優勢。

  • So overall, as we've talked about, that, lead times have remained stable.


  • So that has been a huge advantage for us.


  • Do you have a follow-on, Harlan?


  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • Yes, absolutely.


  • Can you guys just provide us with the shipment trends quarter-over-quarter, year-over-year by geography?


  • I know it's shipped to location, but I think it's still useful to kind of understand the breadth of the overall demand profile you guys are seeing.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Sure.


  • So in the quarter, and thank you for the preamble there, so I won't repeat it.


  • But year ago, Asia was up and all of the other regions were either flat or down.


  • And sequentially, all the regions except for the U.S. were up.


  • And just as another point of color on where we ship our products, 90% of our revenues come from shipments outside of the U.S., and we've got about 20% of our revenues that are based by customers in China.

    正如我們運送產品的另一個顏色點,我們 90% 的收入來自美國以外的出貨量,我們有大約 20% 的收入來自中國的客戶。

  • So just a little bit more color on the comment that you made there earlier.


  • Operator


  • And we'll hear now from Timothy Arcuri with UBS.


  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • Rafael, I guess I asked this question last quarter, too, but you, again, bought back next to no stock, and I totally get that you were running ahead of the plan in the first half and you were certainly ahead of 100% for the full year.

    拉斐爾,我想我上個季度也問過這個問題,但是你再次幾乎沒有股票回購,我完全明白你在上半年提前完成了計劃而且你肯定提前了 100%整年。

  • But you also have a pretty strong intrinsic value model for the share repo and you'd be pretty good at buying back the stock.


  • So I guess maybe I'll ask you again to just sort of comment on that.


  • Is there anything that we can read into that, given that it's the second quarter in a row?


  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • What I would tell you is that as we talk about during capital management, our goal is to return all free cash flow to the owners of the company.


  • We generated in 2020 $5.5 billion of free cash flow and we generated $6 billion of free cash flow.

    我們在 2020 年產生了 55 億美元的自由現金流,我們產生了 60 億美元的自由現金流。

  • So clearly, well above the cash flow generation.


  • Do you have a follow-up?


  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • And then I guess -- yes, yes, yes, I do.


  • I guess, can you give us an update on the 300-millimeter, the new fab and sort of the timing around that?

    我想,您能否向我們介紹一下 300 毫米、新工廠以及相關時間安排的最新情況?

  • And I guess on that, can you qualify for some of these subsidies coming from the government?


  • Or is that mostly going to be leading edge?


  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Yes, sure.


  • So the update on the factory is the same as -- nothing has changed as far as our expectation.


  • The new factory is being built.


  • We expect it to be completed in 2022.

    我們預計它將於 2022 年完成。

  • So next year.


  • In fact, we should have some level of output in the second half of next year.


  • So that's all going as per plan.


  • When it's fully equipped, it has the potential for revenue of about $5 billion per year.

    當它配備齊全時,它有可能每年帶來約 50 億美元的收入。

  • On your question on the incentive -- a lot of that remains to be seen.


  • There are two legislations, one that was approved but was not funded.


  • Another one hasn't been approved.


  • The chips, I think, is the one that hasn't been approved.


  • But the one that was approved has not been funded.


  • So -- and there's a lot of uncertainties on that, depending on how that comes out.

    所以 - 這有很多不確定性,具體取決於結果如何。

  • So when that comes out, we'll look at it, and we'll decide if it makes sense for us.


  • But at the biggest or the highest level, we think semiconductor is a foundational technology and anything that the government can do to strengthen that and to keep us at a level playing field -- companies in the United States versus other countries -- that would be a good thing.


  • Operator


  • That will come from Tore Svanberg with Stifel.

    這將來自 Tore Svanberg with Stifel。

  • Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

    Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

  • Congratulations on the results.


  • First question for Rafael.


  • I typically wouldn't ask you this because I know you get a lot of these, but the royalty this quarter was pretty material, $162 million.

    我通常不會問你這個,因為我知道你得到了很多這樣的東西,但這個季度的版稅非常重要,1.62 億美元。

  • Can you maybe add any color on that?


  • And should we expect sizable things like that going forward as well?


  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Yes.


  • So it was about -- inside that $162 million it was more -- most -- of that $162 million.

    所以它大約是 - 在這 1.62 億美元中,它更多 - 大部分 - 這 1.62 億美元。

  • And we recognize it based on accounting rules.


  • The cash actually comes in not quite like that.


  • It comes in over time.


  • But it's just -- it's a licensing agreement.


  • We've had those for many years.


  • They have become de minimis at the highest level, frankly.


  • So I don't expect that to change.


  • From a cash standpoint, it's about $100 million a year.

    從現金的角度來看,每年約為 1 億美元。

  • So from the revenue or the income recognition standpoint, sometimes they come in as pops as what you saw, but the cash, which is really what matters, it's more stable than that.


  • And again, like I said, it's about $100 million a year.

    再一次,就像我說的,每年大約 1 億美元。

  • I don't expect that to change much.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • You have follow-on, Tore?


  • Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

    Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

  • Yes.


  • Thank you, Dave.


  • So I know your long-term goal is to grow CapEx at 6% or -- to spend 6% of your revenues in CapEx.

    所以我知道你的長期目標是以 6% 的速度增長資本支出,或者——將 6% 的收入用於資本支出。

  • I think last year, you said it was 4.5%.

    我想去年,你說是 4.5%。

  • Were there sort of any COVID-related issues that slowed things down?

    是否有任何與 COVID 相關的問題拖慢了速度?

  • And as we look at 2021, do you think it will come in close to that range of sort of 6%?

    當我們展望 2021 年時,您認為它會接近 6% 的範圍嗎?

  • Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

    Rafael R. Lizardi - Senior VP of Finance & Operations, CFO and CAO

  • Yes.


  • So I'll go ahead and take that.


  • So yes, our guidance is 6%.

    所以是的,我們的指導是 6%。

  • Our guidance continues to be 6% CapEx as a percent of revenue.

    我們的指導仍然是資本支出佔收入的 6%。

  • That's a long-term guidance, includes everything that goes into CapEx as far as building and equipment.


  • Now, of course, that number can fluctuate, right?


  • Like you pointed out, it just fluctuated down in 2020 to 4.5%.

    正如您所指出的,它在 2020 年波動下降至 4.5%。

  • So I wouldn't be surprised if it's a little higher than 6% for a year or two.

    因此,如果它在一兩年內略高於 6%,我不會感到驚訝。

  • But for your models, I would suggest you stick with 6% out into the future.

    但對於你的模型,我建議你堅持 6% 的未來。

  • It's just -- it's simpler that way, and it gets the point across.

    只是 - 這樣更簡單,而且可以理解重點。

  • That concludes the call.


  • So let me finish with a few comments on key items that we believe deeply.


  • First, we run the company with the mindset of being a long-term owner.


  • We believe that growth of free cash flow per share is the primary driver of long-term value.


  • Our ambitions and values are integral to how we build TI stronger.

    我們的抱負和價值觀是我們如何使 TI 變得更強大不可或缺的一部分。

  • When we're successful in achieving these ambitions, our employees, customers, communities and shareholders all win.


  • Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

    Dave Pahl - Head of IR & VP

  • Okay.


  • And thank you all for joining us.


  • A replay of this call will be available shortly on our website.


  • Good evening.


  • Operator


  • And again, that will conclude today's conference.


  • Thank you all for joining us.
