思佳訊 (SWKS) 2015 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Skyworks Solutions first-quarter FY15 earnings call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Skyworks Solutions 2015 財年第一季度財報電話會議。

  • This call is being recorded.


  • At this time, I will turn the call over to Stephen Ferranti, Senior Director of Investor Relations for Skyworks.

    此時,我將把電話轉給 Skyworks 投資者關係高級總監 Stephen Ferranti。

  • Mr. Ferranti, please go ahead.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you, Rochelle.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to Skyworks' first-quarter FY15 conference call.

    大家下午好,歡迎參加 Skyworks 2015 財年第一季度電話會議。

  • Joining me today are David Aldrich, Don Palette, and Liam Griffin.

    今天和我一起的還有 David Aldrich、Don Palette 和 Liam Griffin。

  • Dave will begin today's call with a business overview, followed by Don's financial review and outlook.


  • We will then open the lines for your questions.


  • Please note that our comments today will include statements relating to future results that are forward-looking, as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    請注意,我們今天的評論將包括與 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》中所定義的未來結果相關的前瞻性陳述。

  • Actual results may differ materially and adversely from those projected, as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, those noted in our earnings release, and those detailed from time to time in our SEC filings.


  • I would also like to remind everyone that the results and guidance we will discuss today are from our non-GAAP income statement, consistent with the format we've used in the past.

    我還想提醒大家,我們今天將討論的結果和指導來自我們的非 GAAP 損益表,與我們過去使用的格式一致。

  • Please refer to our press release in the investor relations section of our Company website for a complete reconciliation to GAAP.

    請參閱我們公司網站投資者關係部分的新聞稿,以了解與 GAAP 的完全對賬。

  • With that, I'll turn over the call to Dave for his comments on the quarter.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • And welcome, everyone.


  • Well, we're off to a great start to FY15, with first-quarter revenue, profitability, and earnings all exceeding our guidance, driven by strong demand across our served markets and increasing adoption of our integrated system solutions.

    好吧,我們在 2015 財年開局良好,第一季度的收入、盈利能力和盈利都超過了我們的預期,這得益於我們所服務市場的強勁需求以及越來越多地採用我們的集成系統解決方案。

  • We increased revenue by 59% year over year.

    我們的收入同比增長了 59%。

  • We grew EPS by nearly 90%, and we posted record cash flow, as we continued to efficiently convert our strong earnings growth into cash returns.

    隨著我們繼續有效地將強勁的盈利增長轉化為現金回報,我們的每股收益增長了近 90%,並公佈了創紀錄的現金流。

  • These financial results reflect our success in capitalizing on a number of powerful industry dynamics, while expanding our addressable opportunities, and enhancing our value-add in the marketplace.


  • In particular, we're benefiting from the proliferation of many forms of wireless data, as more and more applications leverage the power of connectivity.


  • Along with this, we're seeing a dramatic increase in analog complexity, driven by higher performance requirements, and these market dynamics have created greater content opportunities, closer engagements with our customers, and higher value solutions across the board, with a narrowing field of capable competitors.


  • Skyworks is uniquely positioned to capitalize in this environment, by providing integrated RF and analog solutions, which enable our customers to navigate increasingly more complex design challenges, resulting in above-market growth and superior financial returns for our shareholders.

    Skyworks 通過提供集成的射頻和模擬解決方案,在這種環境中利用得天獨厚的優勢,使我們的客戶能夠應對日益複雜的設計挑戰,從而為我們的股東帶來高於市場的增長和卓越的財務回報。

  • This is playing out across our served markets today, as evidenced by our first-quarter results.


  • Specifically during the quarter, we delivered revenue of $806 million.

    特別是在本季度,我們實現了 8.06 億美元的收入。

  • That's ahead of our guidance and up more than 59% year over year.

    這超出了我們的指導,同比增長超過 59%。

  • We produced operating income of $282 million.

    我們創造了 2.82 億美元的營業收入。

  • That's roughly double that of a year ago, translating into a 35% operating margin.

    這大約是一年前的兩倍,轉化為 35% 的營業利潤率。

  • We posted $1.26 in earnings per share.

    我們公佈的每股收益為 1.26 美元。

  • That's up 88% versus a year ago.

    與一年前相比,增長了 88%。

  • We generated $383 million in cash flow from operations.

    我們從運營中產生了 3.83 億美元的現金流。

  • And we ended the quarter with over $1 billion of cash on hand with no debt.

    我們在本季度結束時手頭有超過 10 億美元的現金,沒有債務。

  • Looking ahead, we see our momentum continuing, and while March is normally a seasonal slower quarter in the mobile industry, our broadening market footprint, our new product ramps and an expanding solutions portfolio enable us to mitigate these seasonal patterns, a clear testament to our diversification.

    展望未來,我們看到我們的勢頭仍在繼續,雖然 3 月通常是移動行業季節性放緩的季度,但我們不斷擴大的市場足跡、新產品的增加和不斷擴大的解決方案組合使我們能夠緩解這些季節性模式,這清楚地證明了我們的多樣化。

  • Our Q1 design wins highlight some of these diverse opportunities.


  • In mobile, our more notable wins include diversity received modules and smartphone platforms at several OEM customers, including Samsung.

    在移動領域,我們更顯著的勝利包括在包括三星在內的多家 OEM 客戶中獲得多樣化的模塊和智能手機平台。

  • Now, this is a new product category for us, representing a compelling growth avenue for Skyworks.

    現在,這對我們來說是一個新的產品類別,代表了 Skyworks 一個引人注目的增長途徑。

  • We also launched SkyLiTE.

    我們還推出了 SkyLiTE。

  • These are highly integrated systems supporting MediaTek's latest SOC reference design across multiple smartphone platforms.

    這些高度集成的系統支持跨多個智能手機平台的聯發科最新 SOC 參考設計。

  • Switching and connectivity modules across Xiaomi's leading smartphone platforms as well.


  • In the broad markets, we've successfully captured a suite of 10 Skyworks' products for Cisco's latest home gateway solution, supporting multiple cable operators; multiple analog devices and a leading telematics platform for GM vehicles; high reliability analog ICs and avionics systems for Talus; ZigBee connectivity modules for smart light bulbs with Phillips, LG and others; local area connectivity solutions for Echo and Fire TV; and streaming media devices at the leading online retailer.

    在廣闊的市場中,我們為思科最新的家庭網關解決方案成功捕獲了一套 10 款 Skyworks 產品,支持多家有線電視運營商;用於通用汽車的多個模擬設備和領先的遠程信息處理平台;用於 Talus 的高可靠性模擬 IC 和航空電子系統; ZigBee 連接模塊,適用於飛利浦、LG 等公司的智能燈泡; Echo 和 Fire TV 的本地連接解決方案;和領先在線零售商的流媒體設備。

  • And we captured more than $10 of analog content, supporting Technicolor's latest set-top box platform for DIRECTV.

    我們捕獲了超過 10 美元的模擬內容,支持 Technicolor 最新的 DIRECTV 機頂盒平台。

  • So in total, 2015 is shaping up to be another great year for Skyworks.

    所以總的來說,2015 年將成為 Skyworks 又一個偉大的一年。

  • With the design momentum we have in place today, we're poised to continue our track record of above-market revenue growth, expanding profit margins, and earnings leverage.


  • Now, before providing a more detailed view of our market position, I'll turn the call over to Don for a more in-depth review of the financials.


  • - VP and CFO

    - VP and CFO

  • Thanks, Dave, and thanks for joining us, everyone.


  • We appreciate that.


  • Revenue for the first quarter was $805.5 million, ahead of our prior guidance of $770 million, and up more than 59% versus the year-ago quarter.

    第一季度的收入為 8.055 億美元,高於我們之前 7.7 億美元的預期,與去年同期相比增長了 59% 以上。

  • Profit was $376.4 million, or 46.7% of revenue, ahead of our guidance, and up 220 basis points from the first quarter of FY14.

    利潤為 3.764 億美元,佔收入的 46.7%,高於我們的預期,比 FY14 第一季度增長 220 個基點。

  • Operating expenses were $94.4 million, consisting of R&D expense of $58.7 million, and SG&A expense of $35.7 million.

    運營費用為 9440 萬美元,其中研發費用為 5870 萬美元,SG&A 費用為 3570 萬美元。

  • We generated $282 million of operating income, roughly twice that of the year-ago quarter, yielding a 35% operating margin.

    我們創造了 2.82 億美元的營業收入,大約是去年同期的兩倍,營業利潤率為 35%。

  • Our cash tax rate for the quarter was 13.5%, resulting in net income of $244.8 million, or $1.26 of diluted earnings per share, as compared with diluted EPS of $0.67 in the year-ago quarter.

    我們本季度的現金稅率為 13.5%,淨收入為 2.448 億美元,或稀釋後的每股收益為 1.26 美元,而去年同期的稀釋後每股收益為 0.67 美元。

  • That's $0.08 ahead of our guidance, surpassing $5 in annualized EPS.

    這比我們的指導高出 0.08 美元,年化每股收益超過 5 美元。

  • Turning to our first quarter balance sheet and cash flow statement, we generated $383 million in cash flow from operations, invested $87 million in capital expenditures, with depreciation of $36 million, and we exited the quarter with just over $1 billion in cash on hand and no debt.

    談到我們的第一季度資產負債表和現金流量表,我們從運營中產生了 3.83 億美元的現金流,投資了 8700 萬美元的資本支出,折舊 3600 萬美元,我們在本季度結束時手頭現金剛剛超過 10 億美元,沒有債務。

  • Moving to our product mix for the first quarter of FY15, power amplifiers represented 31% of revenue, integrated mobile systems was 48%, and broad markets was 21%.

    轉到我們 2015 財年第一季度的產品組合,功率放大器佔收入的 31%,集成移動系統佔 48%,廣闊市場佔 21%。

  • We saw healthy growth across all product categories, with the strongest being integrated mobile systems, which benefits from strong December quarter seasonal patterns.

    我們看到所有產品類別的健康增長,其中最強勁的是集成移動系統,這得益於強勁的 12 月季度季節性模式。

  • As a reminder, this product category includes SkyOne, SkyLiTE, and our power amplifier duplexers, as well as analog products like power management, Wi-Fi and GPS.

    提醒一下,該產品類別包括 SkyOne、SkyLiTE 和我們的功率放大器雙工器,以及電源管理、Wi-Fi 和 GPS 等模擬產品。

  • It's also worth noting that our broad markets product lines, which serve the connected home, networking, media, automotive and medical markets, grew at 26% year over year, significantly outpacing the broader semiconductor industry.

    還值得注意的是,我們服務於互聯家庭、網絡、媒體、汽車和醫療市場的廣泛市場產品線同比增長 26%,大大超過了更廣泛的半導體行業。

  • Now, for our second-quarter business outlook.


  • We expect second-quarter revenue to be $750 million, representing 56% year-over-year top line growth, and significantly better than normal seasonality.

    我們預計第二季度收入為 7.5 億美元,收入同比增長 56%,明顯好於正常的季節性。

  • At this revenue level, we suggest modeling gross margin in a range of 46% to 46.5%, with operating expenses of approximately $95.5 million.

    在這個收入水平上,我們建議將毛利率建模在 46% 至 46.5% 的範圍內,運營費用約為 9550 萬美元。

  • Below the line, we anticipate $100,000 in expenses from interest income and other expenses, and a cash tax rate around 13.5%.

    在這條線之下,我們預計利息收入和其他費用的支出為 100,000 美元,現金稅率約為 13.5%。

  • We project our tax rate to remain at these levels for the remainder of our FY15.

    我們預計我們的稅率將在 2015 財年剩餘時間內保持在這些水平。

  • We expect the share count to be around 194.5 million shares, resulting in second-quarter EPS of $1.12.

    我們預計股票數量約為 1.945 億股,第二季度每股收益為 1.12 美元。

  • Many of the drivers that support a strong 2015 are already in place, giving us a high level of confidence in our growth trajectory.

    許多支持強勁 2015 年的驅動因素已經到位,使我們對我們的增長軌跡充滿信心。

  • We continue to see opportunities for sustainable margin expansion, as we leverage our ongoing capital investments and benefit from growing demand for our custom integrated solutions and precision analog products.


  • We recommend modeling 52% incremental gross margin, providing a path to continued margin improvement.

    我們建議對 52% 的增量毛利率進行建模,以提供持續提高利潤率的途徑。

  • Longer-term, we are targeting a goal of a 50% gross margin for the Company, and we have a number of initiatives in place to accelerate our progress towards achieving this goal.

    從長遠來看,我們的目標是為公司實現 50% 的毛利率,並且我們採取了許多舉措來加快實現這一目標的進程。

  • All of this gives us a high confidence level in our ability to extend our track record of best-in-class financial results, putting us on a path toward our goal of $7 in annualized EPS over the long term.

    所有這一切使我們對我們擴大一流財務業績記錄的能力充滿信心,使我們走上了實現長期年化每股收益 7 美元的目標的道路。

  • With that, I'll turn the call back over to Dave for his comments on our market trends and growth strategy.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Thank you, Don.


  • Well, it's clear that our business is performing at a high level, as we execute on our strategy and maintain a clear focus on operational excellence.


  • Now, for the remainder of the call, I would like to provide some additional perspective on the positive trends in our end markets, and how we positioned the Company to capitalize.


  • By all measures, wireless connectivity is exploding as an enabling technology.


  • In fact, this year's CES was a showcase of ground-breaking new devices, leveraging the power of wireless connectivity to enhance our daily lives.

    事實上,今年的 CES 展示了突破性的新設備,利用無線連接的力量來改善我們的日常生活。

  • Much of the excitement at CES was around innovations in the connected car, the automated home, wearable technologies, and previously unimagined new categories like drones, all utilizing and enabling technologies like 4G, like GPS, local area networking, and near-field protocols like ZigBee and bluetooth.

    CES 上的大部分興奮都圍繞著聯網汽車、自動化家庭、可穿戴技術以及無人機等以前無法想像的新類別的創新,所有這些都利用和支持 4G 等技術,如 GPS、局域網和近場協議,如ZigBee 和藍牙。

  • Our overarching mission is to make it effortless for customers to embrace these forms of connectivity, leveraging our decades of experience in mobile to enable more and more devices in adjacent markets to become seamlessly connected.


  • Powering these will be a combination of sensors, micro controllers, and most importantly for Skyworks, connectivity and power management solutions.

    為這些提供動力將是傳感器、微控制器的組合,最重要的是 Skyworks、連接和電源管理解決方案。

  • With a high proportion of analog content and comparatively low digital processing needs.


  • These products require high levels of integration and will need customized solutions, produced in massive scale, at attractive cost points.


  • All of these attributes play directly into Skyworks' core strengths.

    所有這些屬性都直接體現了 Skyworks 的核心優勢。

  • In this way, Skyworks is a conduit into the Internet of Things.

    通過這種方式,Skyworks 是進入物聯網的管道。

  • This is an exciting opportunity, but just one of many tailwinds we're capitalizing on today.


  • More broadly, as we enter the calendar year 2015, we see four major trends driving our growth.

    更廣泛地說,隨著我們進入 2015 日曆年,我們看到了推動我們增長的四大趨勢。

  • First, leverage of our leadership in high-performance integrated systems.


  • In high end connected devices, performance is paramount for our customers to enable seamless, anytime access to on-demand content, social media, streaming services, and cloud data.


  • At the same time, technical challenges like band proliferation, like the adoption of advanced uplink architectures, and the implementation of 802.11 AC and precision location services are resulting in an explosion in analog complexity, and the net result for Skyworks is an expanding addressable market, significantly outpacing unit growth.

    與此同時,頻段擴散等技術挑戰,如採用先進的上行鏈路架構,以及 802.11 AC 和精確定位服務的實施正在導致模擬複雜性的爆炸式增長,而 Skyworks 的最終結果是不斷擴大的可尋址市場,顯著超過單位增長。

  • Second, enabling connectivity in emerging markets.


  • We see tremendous opportunities for 4G devices in markets like China, India, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, where broadband penetration rates are low, and population densities are high.

    我們在中國、印度、拉丁美洲和東歐等寬帶普及率低、人口密度高的市場看到了 4G 設備的巨大機遇。

  • Strategy Analytics estimates that smartphone shipments into India alone will grow at 40% compounded rate through the year 2020.

    Strategy Analytics 估計,到 2020 年,僅印度的智能手機出貨量就將以 40% 的複合速度增長。

  • This new generation of devices is replacing a global install base of billions of 2G voice-only phones, where we have minimal addressable content.

    新一代設備正在取代全球數十億部 2G 純語音電話的安裝基礎,我們在這些電話中可尋址的內容最少。

  • Over the next few years, we see significantly increased content opportunities in these markets, driven by more stringent performance requirements, and much higher complexity.


  • Third, cultivating the Internet of Things.


  • Market analysts estimate that the number of connected devices is poised to explode over the next five years.


  • Analysts project that the machine-to-machine connections alone will increase four-fold through 2020, accounting for nearly 800 million connections, adding to our other opportunities in the connected home, in wearables and other markets.

    分析人士預測,到 2020 年,僅機器對機器的連接將增加四倍,連接數接近 8 億,這增加了我們在互聯家庭、可穿戴設備和其他市場的其他機會。

  • These applications all rely heavily on efficient connectivity solutions, providing incremental new growth opportunities for Skyworks, and enhancing our diversification, while dramatically expanding our served addressable markets.

    這些應用程序都嚴重依賴高效的連接解決方案,為 Skyworks 提供增量新的增長機會,增強我們的多元化,同時顯著擴展我們服務的潛在市場。

  • And finally, aggressively expanding into new vertical markets.


  • We're investing heavily to increase our market footprint in traditional analog segments like automotive, like medical, and industrial.


  • These are highly attractive markets for us, characterized by longer product lifecycles, fewer competitors and higher margins.


  • These new growth verticals outside of mobile remain a strategic priority for us, and we are investing significant resources in building out our presence in these markets.


  • These elements of our strategy have enabled us to consistently expand our served markets, and to significantly outpace the growth of the semiconductor industry, while offsetting the seasonal trends at the mobile market.


  • So in closing, we're quite optimistic about our prospects for the remainder of 2015 and beyond.

    所以最後,我們對 2015 年剩餘時間及以後的前景相當樂觀。

  • We've created a unique business model, combining strong, consistent top line growth with the financial returns of a best-in-class diversified analog company.


  • And we've established a solid track record of delivering on that vision to produce superior financial returns.


  • This concludes our prepared remarks.


  • Operator, let's open the lines, please.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Your first question comes from the line of Harsh Kumar of Stephens.

    您的第一個問題來自斯蒂芬斯的 Harsh Kumar。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • First of all, congratulations.


  • Stellar quarter.


  • Stellar guide.


  • And special congratulations on hitting that 35% mark.

    特別祝賀你達到了 35% 的大關。

  • That's like the gold standard in the semi business.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Thank you.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I just wanted to say, your numbers in March, your guidance in march is better than seasonal.


  • I guess if there was any overarching reason why that is so, if you would just give us some color around that?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Yes, thank you very much.


  • Some of the assumptions in our Q2 guidance that allow us to offset seasonality are first, our broad markets products and the aggregate of all of our vertical markets are much less than seasonal, so that's helping.


  • We're seeing new opportunities that we're ramping, specifically in the connected home, significant wearables products, in fact.


  • We also have some customers that are starting to ramp new mobile platforms for 2015 and they are doing so in the March quarter.

    我們也有一些客戶開始在 2015 年推出新的移動平台,他們在 3 月季度開始這樣做。

  • So we're seeing content gains.


  • We're seeing more high value-added analog systems, both in the mobile and in non-mobile, and that's helping Q2.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • As a follow-up, if you look beyond March, I think one of your customers had a pretty substantial ramp.

    作為後續行動,如果您展望 3 月之後,我認為您的一位客戶有相當大的增長。

  • As you look beyond March, I'm not asking you to give color, but maybe some -- I'm not asking you to give numbers, but just some color.


  • What would be the puts and takes on growth, let's say in the June and the September quarter and the rest of the year?

    假設在 6 月和 9 月季度以及今年剩餘時間,增長的看跌期權和承擔額是多少?

  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, that's a good question.


  • Obviously, we don't provide guidance for the year, but if you look at our Q1 results and add our Q2 guidance, we're well over 50% top line growth through the first half.

    顯然,我們不提供今年的指導,但如果您查看我們的第一季度業績並添加我們的第二季度指導,我們在上半年的收入增長超過 50%。

  • And so, if one were to take normal seasonal patterns for the rest of the year, and our track record of growing faster than market, we're looking at a very attractive, we think another high growth 2015.

    因此,如果一個人在今年剩下的時間裡採用正常的季節性模式,並且我們的增長速度快於市場,我們正在尋找一個非常有吸引力的,我們認為 2015 年的另一個高增長。

  • Of course we've got strong visibility today, because we're actually ramping programs now.


  • So I think the positive dynamics that are going to continue to fuel this above-market performance for us, we'll continue to see big content gains in mobile and connectivity, particularly 4G and 11 AC, by the way.

    因此,我認為積極的動力將繼續為我們帶來高於市場的表現,順便說一下,我們將繼續看到移動和連接方面的巨大內容收益,特別是 4G 和 11 AC。

  • We continue to see a small number of competitors and consolidation of share favoring those companies and led by Skyworks that can do a complete overall solution.

    我們繼續看到少數競爭對手和份額整合有利於這些公司,並由 Skyworks 領導,可以提供完整的整體解決方案。

  • And our broad markets and vertical segments continue to outperform.


  • I think all of these will play out not only in Q1, Q2, but over the long haul.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Your next question is from the line of Rick Schafer of Oppenheimer.

    您的下一個問題來自奧本海默的 Rick Schafer。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, thanks.


  • I'll add my congratulations Nice job on the quarter.


  • I had a quick follow-up question, just kind of talking about the, or looking at what you guys sort of expect to see or what your expectations are for content increases this year with your two top wireless customers?


  • As well as China and emerging markets.


  • Is it too early to have a sense of what kind of content increase you could see, at particularly your two largest OEMs?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Okay.


  • Well, thanks, Rick.


  • So obviously we can't comment specifically on customers.


  • However, in general, these analog architectures are getting much more complex, and that's across our entire customer base.


  • And mobile and non-mobile, by the way.


  • But in terms of our largest customers, this provides a tailwind for us.


  • We have consistently more addressable content with each successive design.


  • And in fact, we continue to look out two to three years, as we become more of a systems producer, we're engaging very early in architectural selection.


  • So we have very good visibility in terms of how the architectures are going.


  • And so I guess I would say that our clearly stated goal has been for a long time, is to gain content with each model, and as an incumbent, we've been very successful at maintaining and in fact growing our footprint.


  • And that's aided, of course, by complexity that all of our customers need help in solving, particularly on the analog side, and that's our strength.


  • Maybe Liam could comment on China?


  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Sure, Rick.


  • This is Liam on China.


  • If you look at the China dynamic, we are very excited about the LTE opportunities this year.

    如果你看看中國的動態,我們對今年的 LTE 機會感到非常興奮。

  • We've seen an LTE number in China that was probably about 92 million or so.

    我們已經看到中國的 LTE 數量可能約為 9200 萬左右。

  • We think that number could go up 2X, maybe 3X over the next 12 months.

    我們認為這個數字可能會在未來 12 個月內增長 2 倍,甚至可能增長 3 倍。

  • Here, we have an opportunity to bring in our multimode system solutions.


  • Invariably, there's Wi-Fi, there's GPS, there's power management, very content-rich opportunities.

    總是有 Wi-Fi、GPS、電源管理和內容豐富的機會。

  • Then adjacent to that, you mention emerging markets.


  • There's yet another set of developing markets that are looking for their first wave of connectivity.


  • We support that and often times that could be $2 to $3 of incremental content, in markets where there really was no subscriber.

    我們支持這一點,而且在真正沒有訂閱者的市場中,這通常可能是 2 到 3 美元的增量內容。

  • We're excited about both of those opportunities.


  • It's early for that cycle to evolve.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, and just switching gears onto auto, I know Dave mentioned auto in his prepared remarks.


  • Can you give us an idea, I guess, maybe what you're targeting or how you look at growth in that business, whether it's this year or the next couple of years, however you're comfortable talking about it?


  • In terms of are you going to outgrow the auto unit market by 2 or 3X, just some kind of target on what kind of growth rates we could see there, and actually what's primarily driving growth there for you?

    就你是否打算將汽車市場增長 2 倍或 3 倍而言,只是一些關於我們可以在那裡看到什麼樣的增長率的目標,實際上是什麼主要推動了你的增長?

  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Sure.


  • As we've outlined with CES, and as you've seen with some of the new models that have been released, connectivity, infotainment, all a big part of the auto story.

    正如我們在 CES 中所概述的那樣,正如您在一些已發布的新車型中所看到的那樣,連接性、信息娛樂性都是汽車故事的重要組成部分。

  • So what we've been doing so far is really leveraging our strength in SOI switching, in GPS technology, and in Wi-Fi technology, and leveraging some of the great tech products that we've built through our mobile portfolio.

    所以到目前為止,我們所做的實際上是利用我們在 SOI 切換、GPS 技術和 Wi-Fi 技術方面的優勢,並利用我們通過移動產品組合構建的一些偉大的技術產品。

  • And we're growing that business quite well.


  • We have initiatives to further increase content.


  • We're looking at unique solutions, even some cellular-based solutions are entering into automotive.


  • We look at that as a key part of the IoT portfolio.


  • We have design wins with companies that we named here in the call, and we think that's going to continue to proliferate.


  • And we're excited about it, we have dedicated teams working that market as well, and we'll report more to you as the quarters transpire.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • And the next question comes from the line of Vivek Arya of Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    下一個問題來自美銀美林的 Vivek Arya。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you for taking my question.


  • Dave, when you look at the high end of the market in mobile phones, I think there's a perception that perhaps overall content might have saturated, because these phones already have so many LTE bands, and it's just not possible to grow anymore bands.

    戴夫,當你看到手機市場的高端時,我認為可能整體內容可能已經飽和,因為這些手機已經擁有如此多的 LTE 頻段,而且不可能再增加頻段了。

  • What are you seeing on the ground?


  • What do you think can help to drive content up, even in the high end phones?


  • So even if, let's say, units decelerate or are flattish, you could still see growth even on the high end of the market?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Yes, thank you, Vivek.


  • It's a little bit of a complicated question.


  • I would say from a band standpoint into the foreseeable future, and I'm talking a few years out, we don't see any trend that is narrowing the number of bands.


  • And in fact, we see the opposite.


  • If you pay attention to some of the auctions that are occurring right now for spectrum, I mean, they are moving higher and higher in frequency, on narrow bandwidths.


  • I think that's going to drive a lot of complexity and the higher in frequency you go, by the way, the more differentiated the kinds of technologies we can produce are.


  • So that's a very good trend for us.


  • That implies complex switching, complex amplification, filtering, and so on.


  • On the receive side, by the way, now it's becoming equally important to have more and more of it streaming.


  • So we're starting to see downlink architectures get very complicated.


  • That's adding a lot of content in the next five years, we think, because it isn't just that you're transmitting all the time, you're actually streaming.


  • So the performance of the battery, the bandwidth and so on is very important, how the antenna plays in that environment.


  • And remember, Vivek, Skyworks is a little unique, because as, for example, as connectivity moves to AC and multiple modes of backward compatibility and Wi-Fi, that's a real strength of ours.

    請記住,Vivek、Skyworks 有點獨特,因為例如,隨著連接轉移到 AC 以及向後兼容和 Wi-Fi 的多種模式,這是我們真正的優勢。

  • We're the leader in that space.


  • Power management and the voltage that these devices see is important, so we have a suite of power management devices.


  • We're in the camera flash, particularly in dual and high performance, and so on.


  • So our systems capability is serving us very well.


  • I think it would be a mistake to interpret the current suite of phones as being some kind of a high point in band proliferation.


  • I don't think there's anything that can stop that for the next several years.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Very useful.


  • And then as my follow-up, more on the operational and the supply chain side, you're growing at this 50% rate, probably seven to eight times the broader semiconductor industry, and I'm wondering, do you see any supply constraints on that growth?

    然後作為我的後續行動,更多的是在運營和供應鏈方面,你正以 50% 的速度增長,可能是更廣泛的半導體行業的七到八倍,我想知道,你是否看到任何供應限制關於那個增長?

  • How are your front end and back end facilities owning up and supporting this kind of growth?


  • Thank you.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, if you look at our CapEx the last couple of years, you can see that we've had to grow our capacity.


  • We've done that significantly.


  • We've maintained our flexible model where we have outsource partners for all of our critical processes and cooling, assembly and test and so on.


  • So I -- we've made provisions for that.

    所以我 - 我們已經為此做好了準備。

  • We have the capacity.


  • Our on-time delivery remains very high.


  • I think we're all set, but we've had to make a significant investment over the last several quarters.


  • - VP and CFO

    - VP and CFO

  • Vivek, you look, we spent $200 million last year and we had $87 million from Q1, so it's, as Dave said, it's spending the CapEx to maintain that right ratio and those products that we do both internally and externally.

    Vivek,你看,我們去年花費了 2 億美元,我們從第一季度獲得了 8700 萬美元,所以正如戴夫所說,它花費了資本支出來維持正確的比率以及我們在內部和外部所做的那些產品。

  • Remember, we outsource a significant percentage of our products.


  • The SOI products for power management, we run fabless.

    用於電源管理的 SOI 產品,我們運行無晶圓廠。

  • So it's a nice balance, and we feel very comfortable about our ability to get products.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Vivek, I would make one final comment.


  • The other piece in the last couple quarters, you've seen a significant investment in filter capacity.


  • Our high performance temp comp duplexers, we're on track now to ship a billion in 2015.

    我們的高性能臨時復合雙工器,我們現在有望在 2015 年出貨 10 億美元。

  • A billion.


  • And we're in good shape to do that as well.


  • So we're -- we know how to do this, but it's a lot of capacity, I will admit.

    所以我們 - 我們知道如何做到這一點,但這是很大的容量,我承認。

  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Next question from the line of Sid Sinha of Canaccord Genuity.

    下一個問題來自 Canaccord Genuity 的 Sid Sinha。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, thanks for taking my questions, and congratulations on the strong results.


  • Dave, one of your leading Korean customers is trying to reduce the number of SKUs on handset models it produces by roughly a third, and focus perhaps more on super-regional phones.

    Dave,您的一位主要韓國客戶正試圖將其生產的手機型號的 SKU 數量減少大約三分之一,並可能更多地關注超區域手機。

  • I interpret this as more content for Skyworks as these phones should not support more regional bands and frequencies.

    我將此解釋為 Skyworks 的更多內容,因為這些手機不應支持更多區域頻段和頻率。

  • Is that a fair assessment?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Yes, I'll let Liam address that.


  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Yes, sure.


  • I understand what you're alluding to there.


  • What we are seeing with one of our larger customers is a move towards fewer SKUs, but the SKUs that are being provided are much more complex, and will handle more of a broader geography.

    我們看到我們的一個大客戶正在向更少的 SKU 邁進,但所提供的 SKU 要復雜得多,並且將處理更廣泛的地理區域。

  • That's actually a great trend for us.


  • That's what we do best.


  • We integrate solutions.


  • We're able to provide the breadth of not only the amplification, but the filtering, the power management switching, and the Wi-Fi.

    我們不僅能提供放大功能,還能提供濾波、電源管理切換和 Wi-Fi。

  • So we see an opportunity uniquely with this customer now to gain significant content, platform over platform, and enable what we think to be a step up in functionality and performance on their end.


  • We're excited about it.


  • You are on to that by your question, and we're seeing that coming to fruition this year.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, thanks.


  • And just a follow-up to that question.


  • The very same way you are facing competitive market dynamics from the Chinese smartphone OEM base.

    同樣,您也面臨著來自中國智能手機 OEM 基地的競爭激烈的市場動態。

  • I guess simple way to ask, if the Chinese smartphone makers gain share from some of your existing non-Chinese android customers, would that in totality be a net positive or negative or neutral for Skyworks?

    我想問一個簡單的方法,如果中國智能手機製造商從您現有的一些非中國 Android 客戶那裡獲得份額,那總體上對 Skyworks 來說是積極的還是消極的或中性的?

  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Well, actually, I think it's a net positive.


  • We're starting to see a tremendous growth here in China.


  • We talked about that in a prior question.


  • You're seeing names like Xiaomi and OPPO and TCL and Lenovo that are executing very well in China, which is a huge market, but they are also delivering some compelling solutions into another set of emerging markets outside of China, so we're benefiting from that and we think the unit volume opportunity there, coupled with content gains, is a real compelling driver for us.

    你會看到像小米、OPPO、TCL 和聯想這樣的公司在中國這個巨大的市場表現得非常好,但他們也在為中國以外的另一組新興市場提供一些引人注目的解決方案,所以我們從中受益由此,我們認為那裡的單位數量機會,加上內容收益,對我們來說是一個真正引人注目的驅動力。

  • And that will be around here for many years.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Next question, from the line of Anthony Stoss of Craig-Hallum.

    下一個問題來自 Craig-Hallum 的 Anthony Stoss。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • My congrats as well to all Skyworks employees.

    我也祝賀 Skyworks 的所有員工。

  • Two parts.


  • If you could talk a bit more on what you're seeing on the infrastructure side, what you saw in December, and what you might think infrastructure-related business, up, down, or flat in the March quarter?

    如果您可以多談談您在基礎設施方面看到的情況,您在 12 月看到的情況,以及您認為與基礎設施相關的業務在 3 月季度的上漲、下跌還是持平?

  • And then more of a bigger picture, Dave, now that it seems like the handful of the RF players in this space are all playing within their subsegments.

    然後是更大的圖景,戴夫,現在看來這個領域的少數 RF 玩家都在他們的細分市場中玩。

  • Are you seeing less pricing pressure overall now than you did, say, a couple years ago, since everybody seems to be doing well and focused on their niches?


  • Thanks.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • I'll answer that, and then Liam can talk about infrastructure.

    我會回答這個問題,然後 Liam 可以談談基礎設施。

  • I will say that we continue to see dramatic changes in the competitive dynamics in the market, for a couple of reasons.


  • One is that, the simple reality is that, our customers don't want, in fact many cases don't know what to do with discrete components.


  • Even the best in breed companies with whom we used to compete are unable to compete, many of them, in these advanced system architectures.


  • That's allowing us to capture content, simply because we have a solution, a breadth of product, and we have scale in this solution dynamic.


  • We understand it, we approach it as a system, not as a bag of chips, if you will.


  • That's helping us.


  • So we see consolidation of share, with or without consolidation of companies.


  • Where we have seen consolidation that you alluded to, is actually I think healthy long-term for the market, because I'm really encouraged to see a reduction in underutilized manufacturing assets.


  • Where we've seen some of these RF companies come together, that seems to be the trend, which is to shutter underutilized assets in the form of foundries, and so on, consolidate design centers.


  • So we're finding it making it easier for us to hire the absolute best in breed engineers, and we're certainly seeing less -- a more rational environment from a pricing standpoint.


  • I would put it that way.


  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Sure, and with respect to infrastructure, we are seeing that market slowly improve, commensurate with the increases in LTE developments and increasing data rates and demand for streaming and services.

    當然,在基礎設施方面,我們看到市場在緩慢改善,這與 LTE 發展的增長、數據速率的提高以及對流媒體和服務的需求相稱。

  • Some of the beneficiaries that we see that we also supply to, companies like Nokia-Siemens, Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE, all now are starting to show vibrant signs of demand going into 2015, and even into 2016 in long-term forecasts.

    我們看到我們還向諾基亞西門子、華為、愛立信、中興通訊等公司供貨的一些受益者,現在都開始顯示出充滿活力的需求跡象,進入 2015 年,甚至在長期預測中甚至進入 2016 年。

  • So that market, as we've outlined in the past, is a margin-rich portfolio for Skyworks.

    因此,正如我們過去所概述的那樣,這個市場對於 Skyworks 來說是一個利潤豐厚的投資組合。

  • It's a big part of our story in broad market, and we're looking forward to rolling out some new design wins here this year.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Next question from the line of Tim Long of BMO Capital Markets.

    BMO Capital Markets 的 Tim Long 提出的下一個問題。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Tim Long, your line is open.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • We'll move on, operator.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Next question is from the line of Cody Acree of Ascendiant Capital.

    下一個問題來自 Ascendiant Capital 的 Cody Acree。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my questions, and congratulations.


  • Maybe if we can look at a split of revenue to the best you can, the details that you can give us on handset versus non-handset.


  • Obviously, the March quarter is much better than seasonal, and to the extent maybe you can give us a mix split, that's helping to drive that?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, I think clearly December marks a high point in terms of the amount of mobile revenue you see, because obviously that's where you see some big programs ramping.

    好吧,我認為 12 月顯然標誌著您看到的移動收入數量的一個高點,因為顯然這就是您看到一些大型項目加速發展的地方。

  • Our March guidance is to be much less than seasonal, as we expect a strong March quarter, and that will be driven by a lot of broad market activity, there will be some mobile phones launching, but in general, the outperformance there is broad market based.

    我們的 3 月份指導遠低於季節性,因為我們預計 3 月份季度表現強勁,這將受到大量廣泛市場活動的推動,將會有一些手機發布,但總的來說,市場表現出色基於。

  • You'll see a reduction in mobile volume and an increase in broad market and vertical markets.


  • Within mobile, where we're seeing by far the greatest strength is in these integrated system solutions, the power amplifier duplexers, SkyOne, Wi-Fi based products, power management, and the like.

    在移動領域,我們目前看到的最大優勢在於這些集成系統解決方案、功率放大器雙工器、SkyOne、基於 Wi-Fi 的產品、電源管理等。

  • I hope that answers your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Well, Dave, I guess as you look into -- really through the first half, are you seeing the non-handset markets grow as quickly as you're seeing opportunities for the handsets in units, or are you just seeing numerous new applications coming in that are driving that?


  • And then I would also like to get maybe your view on the inventory health as we wrap up the year, both China and non-China handsets.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, Cody, I think if you look at our last quarter, our year-over-year growth in broad markets was about 26%.

    好吧,科迪,我想如果你看看我們上個季度,我們在廣泛市場的同比增長率約為 26%。

  • We've been growing that business 25% to 30%, which is far greater than anybody's estimation of what broad market semiconductor content is growing.

    我們一直在將該業務增長 25% 到 30%,這遠遠超過任何人對廣泛市場半導體內容增長的估計。

  • We're doing it with connectivity.


  • We're doing it in the home.


  • We're doing it in the automobile.


  • And I expect that to continue.


  • Now, you know, over time, we see our mix shifting, less discrete power amplifier-like products, more integrated mobile systems within our mobile products, and more and more vertical market and broad market, but we are performing pretty darn well in our mobile business, so we don't see dramatic shifts in that overall split.


  • Operator


  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Next question from the line of Craig Ellis of B Riley.

    B Riley 的 Craig Ellis 的下一個問題。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you for taking the questions, and congratulations on the very strong execution.


  • Dave, I wanted to follow up on the helpful color you provided around calendar 2015 growth drivers.

    戴夫,我想跟進你提供的關於 2015 年日曆增長驅動力的有用顏色。

  • When talking about internet of things and machine-to-machine, you mentioned a number of technologies.


  • Clearly, Skyworks is very strong in connectivity, but there are other areas like MCU and sensing, where you can go down different paths, either developing or acquiring that technology, or partnering up.

    顯然,Skyworks 在連接性方面非常強大,但在 MCU 和傳感等其他領域,你可以走不同的道路,要么開發或獲取該技術,要么合作。

  • What makes the most sense for Skyworks longer term?

    從長遠來看,什麼對 Skyworks 最有意義?

  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, that's a great question, a complex one again.


  • If you look at some applications, if you open up the hottest-selling thermostats, for example, like Nest, you'll see a module that has a combination of controllers and code that has been provided by a partner where we've added connectivity, switching, filtering to create a module that's really easy for the system to use.

    如果您查看一些應用程序,如果您打開最熱銷的恆溫器,例如 Nest,您會看到一個模塊組合了控制器和由我們添加了連接性的合作夥伴提供的代碼,切換,過濾創建一個真正易於系統使用的模塊。

  • We like that model.


  • It leverages our strength.


  • We're doing more than -- yes, it's connectivity, but it's also the switching, the antenna tuning, the filtering, and all the logic that drives that -- the adoption of these connected devices in the markets you described.


  • We are -- the long-term strategy is not to be a micro controller company.


  • We think that the relatively level of processing horsepower required is nominal, so we think we can partner, acquire and license, frankly, MCU technology.

    我們認為所需的相對水平的處理能力是名義上的,因此我們認為我們可以坦率地說,我們可以合作、收購和許可 MCU 技術。

  • We are looking at investing in various forms of sensing, so you could picture that we have connectivity, analog system wrapped into an MCM that we produce, perhaps in our Mexicali factory with all the requisite componentry, we license an MCU and the piece of the puzzle we're working on very hard right now is how to do the sensing and control.

    我們正在考慮對各種形式的傳感進行投資,因此您可以想像我們將連接性、模擬系統封裝到我們生產的 MCM 中,也許在我們的墨西卡利工廠中擁有所有必要的組件,我們許可 MCU 和我們現在正在努力解決的難題是如何進行傳感和控制。

  • And we're on track to use a couple different approaches, but they will likely be with partners.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • And then I wanted to clarify a related comment that you had.


  • You indicated that broad market strength is helping to offset seasonality.


  • Was that, was that pointedly at the current quarter's outlook, or is that longer term?


  • Should we expect to see a year from now, relative to historic patterns a little less seasonality from the December quarter into the March quarter?

    相對於從 12 月季度到 3 月季度的歷史模式,我們是否應該期望看到一年後的季節性?

  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • I think it's both.


  • I think it's both.


  • It is clearly the case that the shift from mobile to broad market in Q2 is helping moderate some seasonality.


  • If you were, if you were a company focused purely on mobile, purely on high-end mobile, you would see far more seasonality than we're able to see.


  • If you go back and look last year, the year before that, I would expect you to think this way in years to come, we will be far less seasonal as a result of the diversification of our business model, both within mobile, but outside of mobile.


  • Operator


  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Next question from the line of Edward Snyder of Charter Equity.

    Charter Equity 的 Edward Snyder 提出的下一個問題。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Dave, clarification, if you will.


  • Have you are or are adding premium filter capacity right now, and will you offer those discrete filters in the open market or are you planning on just consuming all that you build for your own use?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • We are, we are more -- in fact, we are significantly more than doubling our filter capacity.


  • I think we'll probably ship -- our plan is, if not a billion, very close to a billion in 2015.

    我認為我們可能會出貨——我們的計劃是,如果不是 10 億,2015 年將非常接近 10 億。

  • These are all high-performance TC duplexers, high frequency, narrow band.


  • We're expanding into new bands that previously weren't addressable by SAW, by temperature compensating with some really slick processes.

    我們正在擴展到以前 SAW 無法解決的新頻段,通過一些非常靈活的過程進行溫度補償。

  • We're doing it across multiple customers and multiple applications, both on the transmit and the receive side.


  • And no, I don't think for the time being we'll offer merchant discrete filters.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Next question, from the line of Vijay Rakesh of Sterne Agee.

    下一個問題來自 Sterne Agee 的 Vijay Rakesh。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Congratulations on a strong quarter here and good guide.


  • Looking at your content as you go into 2015, you talked about filters here growing to 1 billion.

    進入 2015 年,看看你的內容,你談到這裡的過濾器增長到 10 億個。

  • Is that also doubling year on year in 2015?


  • And how have you been able to improve the opportunity, the performance on SAW or TC SAW versus let's say BAW actually going to the high frequency modes?

    與假設 BAW 實際上進入高頻模式相比,您如何能夠改善機會、SAW 或 TC SAW 的性能?

  • Thanks.


  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Sure.


  • Well, I think when you do a comparison year over year, of course we didn't have that joint venture in-house the prior year.


  • But it is true that we are ramping our production substantially.


  • We have customers lined up to consume that capacity.


  • As Dave mentioned, we're going to continue to add capital, and that's going to be a great driver for us.


  • And I think we have an opportunity now to leverage a proprietary temp comp process that will move us up from some of the traditional frequency bands that would be, to remain through SAW or TC SAW and move into areas that allow us to address an even greater set of end devices.

    而且我認為我們現在有機會利用專有的臨時補償流程,這將使我們從一些傳統頻段上升,繼續使用 SAW 或 TC SAW,並進入允許我們解決更大問題的領域一組終端設備。

  • And when we talk about less devices going discretely or today really no devices discretely, what we're saying is these billion filters are enabling system-level solutions.


  • PAD-like solutions.

    類似 PAD 的解決方案。

  • SkyOne-like solutions that have very rich ASPs and a tremendous amount of systems level knowledge and know how that comes in through our team at Skyworks.

    類似於 SkyOne 的解決方案具有非常豐富的 ASP 和大量系統級知識,並且知道這些知識是如何通過我們在 Skyworks 的團隊獲得的。

  • So it's not just the filter, but it's our ability to leverage our gallium arsenide technology, our switching technology, the Mexicali configurability of custom assembly and test house.


  • Bringing all of that together is really special, and we're starting to see the benefits of that today.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And just moving on to the capital allocation side of it, obviously very strong cash flow and big wads of cash now.


  • What do you see in terms of, dividends, share repurchases, or other mandates?


  • Thanks.


  • - VP and CFO

    - VP and CFO

  • Thanks, Vijay.


  • Our allocation strategy, I think we've been pretty clear that we're -- and we're going to continue to focus on trying to distribute about 40% of the free cash flow to shareholders.

    我們的分配策略,我認為我們已經很清楚我們 - 我們將繼續專注於嘗試將大約 40% 的自由現金流分配給股東。

  • We returned over 35% in 2014.

    2014 年,我們的回報率超過 35%。

  • We initiated a dividend in 2014, and we've actually increased that in two quarters in 2014.

    我們在 2014 年開始派發股息,實際上我們在 2014 年的兩個季度中增加了股息。

  • And we've repurchased a significant amount of shares.


  • We're going to continue to do both of those.


  • As far as the dividend, the model looks really good.


  • Earnings look good.


  • At a minimum, we're going to look at adjustments to that on an annual basis.


  • That's at a minimum.


  • So we like -- having a strong cash balance gives us a competitive advantage.

    所以我們喜歡 - 擁有強大的現金餘額給我們帶來了競爭優勢。

  • We like being in that position.


  • Operator


  • Okay, and the next question is from the line of Steve Smigie of Raymond James.

    好的,下一個問題來自 Raymond James 的 Steve Smigie。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • I was hoping you could talk a little bit about market share in terms of units of handsets that you're on, and some dynamics around that, such as LTE increases as a percentage of the mix, does that suggest you might gain share as you're typically providing some higher-performance solutions?

    我希望你能談談你所使用的手機單元的市場份額,以及圍繞這一點的一些動態,比如 LTE 作為組合的百分比增加,這是否表明你可能會隨著你的手機獲得份額'通常提供一些更高性能的解決方案?

  • Or is it, as you see, maybe a proliferation of more customers, like more Chinese handset guys, is it difficult to have the resources to keep up with all the new players there?


  • So hoping you could talk about your market share potential from a unit basis.


  • Thanks.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • I think it's a little hard to answer, because if you, if you look at our product portfolio within smartphones, there aren't very many smartphones -- there are no smartphone manufacturers where we don't have a position.


  • And in fact, there aren't very many smartphone platforms in the world today where we don't have something.


  • The real -- so they are so complex, it isn't like you have 30% PA share or whatever, that's not the case.

    真實的——所以它們是如此復雜,不像你擁有 30% 的 PA 份額或其他什麼,事實並非如此。

  • We're participating with virtually everybody and on every baseband platform.


  • So some cases like MediaTek where we'll go to a broad market, we're on that platform and we gain a lot of content and pull-through by working together with, for example, the indigenous subset of China customers.


  • So for us, it's more about more content.


  • Now, the tailwind is that there is more content period to given complexities.


  • There's more Wi-Fi, more modes of Wi-Fi, there's more bands, there's more filtering, there's more downlink architectures, more need for power and voltage management.

    有更多的 Wi-Fi、更多的 Wi-Fi 模式、更多的頻段、更多的過濾、更多的下行鏈路架構、對電源和電壓管理的更多需求。

  • So that trend is going to happen anyways, and what's helping us in addition to that tailwind is that we see consolidation of share benefiting us, because our customers simply aren't going to the traditional discrete customer base any longer.


  • They are looking for a system solution that may be a complicated set of integrated circuits, integrated in a multichip module with filtering and passives.


  • That's what we think we do better than anybody in the world.


  • It's those two things.


  • It's share capture by virtue of our system solution, our strong customer relationships, and it's a tailwind of content continuing to increase.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • And just a question on fully integrated solutions.


  • Could you talk about what a 2015 SkyOne solution might incorporate?

    您能否談談 2015 SkyOne 解決方案可能包含哪些內容?

  • I realize you have shared multiple wins but they are not all the same.


  • Is it you're putting three power amplifiers, two filters, switch, something in there?


  • Just give us a sense of what you've had in terms of -- just get some sense of the complexity of what you're building for 2015?

    讓我們了解一下您的經歷——了解一下您為 2015 年構建的內容的複雜性?

  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Sure, Steve.


  • Absolutely.


  • SkyOne is really becoming a mainstream part of our portfolio.

    SkyOne 正在真正成為我們產品組合的主流部分。

  • As you've outlined and what we've learned is that one size does not fit all.


  • And our ability to customize and configure account by account has been critical to our success.


  • So we have SkyOne solutions that could be six or seven bands with multiple filters, with power management, some switching, of course, all integrated with a very rich ASP.

    所以我們有 SkyOne 解決方案,可以是六或七波段,帶有多個濾波器,帶有電源管理,一些開關,當然,所有這些都與非常豐富的 ASP 集成。

  • We could find some customers that want very specific regional SKUs, where you might have three or four filters and three or four frequency bands of amplification with maybe some receive side technology and some power.

    我們可以找到一些需要非常特定區域 SKU 的客戶,您可能有三到四個濾波器和三到四個放大頻帶,可能還有一些接收端技術和一些功率。

  • It's really a unique development for each account.


  • What makes it special for us, again, is our ability to do that systems work, knowledge of multiple baseband partners.


  • So this is the baseband agnostic set of solutions.


  • And now with our filtering technology in house, we can be much more agile in how we pick and place and manage and select the right frequencies, the right technologies for that customer.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Next question is from the line of Mike Burton of Brean Capital.

    下一個問題來自 Brean Capital 的 Mike Burton。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Congrats on the great results and guidance.


  • Don, first for you, just wondering if you could help us understand how we should be looking at OpEx going forward this fiscal year, especially as you have to support the broad markets ramp of many products across a bunch of diverse customer sets?


  • - VP and CFO

    - VP and CFO

  • Sure, Mike.


  • We just spent $94.5 million for our Q1 results and guided up $1 million from that.

    我們剛剛為第一季度的業績花費了 9450 萬美元,並由此增加了 100 萬美元。

  • I would expect, we have a merit increase midyear in our fiscal year.


  • So I would expect to add $1.5 million to $2 million a quarter as you model out through the balance of the year.

    因此,當您在今年的餘額中進行建模時,我預計每季度將增加 150 萬至 200 萬美元。

  • That's a safe thing to do as we continue to grow when you have the model.


  • When you look at the revenue, the top line revenue opportunities that we have, you'll see there's still a tremendous amount of leverage.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • For Dave and Liam, very impressive guidance relative to seasonality.

    對於 Dave 和 Liam,關於季節性的指導非常令人印象深刻。

  • I was hoping you could help us understand how the China market has done for you in December, and the outlook for that important region in the March quarter, as it heads into Chinese New Year?

    我希望您能幫助我們了解中國市場在 12 月對您的影響,以及在進入農曆新年之際,該重要地區在 3 月季度的前景如何?

  • Thanks again.


  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Sure.


  • With respect to China, actually, we're seeing China as a grower here in the March quarter, where there's something interesting dynamics now, with LTE really picking up.

    關於中國,實際上,我們在 3 月季度看到中國是一個種植者,現在有一些有趣的動態,LTE 確實在回升。

  • We mentioned some of our lead customers Xiaomi, TCL, Lenovo, et cetera, so we're seeing that pick up.


  • And we're also seeing, as Dave outlined, the content opportunity in each one of these phones increase.


  • And of course, our ability to grow into that content has been important as well.


  • China looks good.


  • Last quarter was about flat.


  • As we go into the December quarter, it wasn't a big part of our growth story.

    當我們進入 12 月季度時,這並不是我們增長故事的重要組成部分。

  • We continued to work on design wins.


  • And we're much more of the 4G play, and as you know, in China, the 2G and 3G market has sort of rolled off with the uptake of LTE, which is very good for us.

    而且我們更多的是玩 4G,如你所知,在中國,隨著 LTE 的普及,2G 和 3G 市場已經開始下滑,這對我們非常有利。

  • And it's early stages.


  • This is a long-term growth cycle.


  • We're well positioned.


  • We've talked about some of our relationships with players like MediaTek and Spreadtrum, and of course Qualcomm.


  • We're real fortunate to be in that position, and we look forward to a long-term growth cycle there.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • The next question is from the line of Suji De Silva of Topeka.

    下一個問題來自托皮卡的 Suji De Silva。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Congratulations on the quarter.


  • In terms of the overall filter capacity for the industry, not just for you, would you say it's tight and the people are chasing demand, or you're taking share versus other guys?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • I think, I think it's tight across the board.


  • In the case of high-performance filters, which is where we're producing our own, that is something where we're servicing our customers was very specific proprietary designs.


  • But in general, the filter capacity industry-wide is quite tight.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Then on SkyOne, it occurs to me you guys are providing a lot of value with integration and helping people get to market quickly.

    然後在 SkyOne 上,我突然想到你們通過集成提供了很多價值,並幫助人們快速進入市場。

  • I don't know if you could talk about the relative margins of SkyOne versus your core margins, but are they going to be 10 points higher or something like that?

    我不知道您是否可以談論 SkyOne 與您的核心利潤率的相對利潤率,但它們會高出 10 個點或類似的東西嗎?

  • You can walk people up the price curve with that?


  • I mean, is that something that SkyOne growth could be a material tailwind for your margins for several quarters?

    我的意思是,SkyOne 的增長是否會對您幾個季度的利潤產生重大影響?

  • - VP and CFO

    - VP and CFO

  • We haven't given a specific number, a specific 10 points, but they are meaningfully above our stand-alone power amplifiers, and they are accretive to where the business is typically today.

    我們沒有給出具體的數字,具體的 10 分,但它們明顯高於我們的獨立功率放大器,並且它們對當今業務的典型情況有所增加。

  • The value-add proposition, for sure.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Next question from the line of Alex Gauna of JMP Securities.

    JMP Securities 的 Alex Gauna 的下一個問題。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just wondering, has the favorable exchange rate, specifically for the Yen, improved or changed the way people are thinking about the value proposition of TC SAW versus BAW or F BAW alternatives?

    只是想知道,有利的匯率,特別是日元,是否改善或改變了人們對 TC SAW 與 BAW 或 F BAW 替代品的價值主張的思考方式?

  • - VP and CFO

    - VP and CFO

  • No, I would say that has minimal impact.


  • It's had minimal impact on our results.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, and you have had a great track record of exceeding your guidance, but you absolutely crushed it now a couple quarters in a row.


  • I'm wondering, is there something that has materially exceeded your calculus that's led to such upside?


  • Where were you off in terms of how you set guidance over the past couple of quarters?


  • Is it a single customer?


  • Is it a certain platform ramp?


  • Can you give us some color on that?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • I think we're capturing more of the -- we were probably most successful in the last few quarters, relative to our expectations, it would have to be in the amount of content we're sweeping in.


  • So if we capture -- let's suppose we engage with a, not a full up, but a SkyLiTE, kind of a light version of SkyOne product for a regional phone.

    因此,如果我們捕獲 - 讓我們假設我們使用的不是完整的,而是 SkyLiTE,一種用於區域電話的 SkyOne 產品的輕型版本。

  • And then, of course, we're competing to try to then capture the receive side, we're trying to capture the antenna switching and tuning, we're trying to capture both Wi-Fi bands, if there are more than one.

    然後,當然,我們正在競爭嘗試捕獲接收端,我們正在嘗試捕獲天線切換和調諧,我們正在嘗試捕獲兩個 Wi-Fi 頻段,如果有多個頻段的話。

  • And so we're continuing to do a better and better job of making the argument that it's easier for you to engage with Skyworks as a customer for the complete solution.

    因此,我們將繼續做得越來越好,以證明您作為客戶更容易與 Skyworks 互動以獲得完整的解決方案。

  • Fewer moving parts.


  • You let us handle more of the complexity.


  • We can help you solve the overall analog system solutions.


  • That's such a benefit that when we are surprised, we're being surprised with more content within an existing win, I would say.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • And next question from the line of Ian Ing of MKM Partners, please go ahead.

    MKM Partners 的 Ian Ing 的下一個問題,請繼續。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I share in my congratulations.


  • In mobile, you've got top reference design exposure to all the merchant baseband partners, but how are your relationships with the internal baseband teams at OEMs that are trying to in-source, and what do you think their prospects are for success?

    在移動領域,您已經獲得了所有商業基帶合作夥伴的頂級參考設計,但您與 OEM 內部基帶團隊的關係如何,他們試圖內購,您認為他們的成功前景如何?

  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • That's a good question.


  • We certainly are engaged with every potential developer on the chipset side, and we have seen in some cases, specifically in Korea, there's been some success with an in-house solution, and we'll be lined up with that, with our product as well.


  • We do still see a couple of real big players out there, who you know.


  • Qualcomm, MediaTek very powerful.


  • We have great position with both.


  • And, there's a lot happening in the space right now.


  • As Dave mentioned, a lot of complexity.


  • Our customers are having to do much, much more with this technology, in addition to things outside of mobile.


  • If you look at the processing speeds, the display.


  • So what we're finding is for the most part, our job is to enable connectivity, enable solutions, be customer-friendly, be flexible.


  • We're doing that.


  • And our products, we'll work with just about every baseband.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • For my follow-up, the China 4G opportunity potentially doubling or tripling this year, what's your reliance on the two smaller carriers in China?

    對於我的後續,今年中國 4G 機會可能翻倍或三倍,您對中國兩家較小的運營商的依賴是什麼?

  • To the best of my knowledge, they currently have trial 4G license in FDD, but not full commercial at this point.

    據我所知,他們目前在 FDD 中擁有試用 4G 許可證,但目前還沒有完全商用。

  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Yes, I mean, we're still believing that we're going to see a number here, if you go off of a 90 million or so LTE shipment in 2014, and if we look at the estimates, the estimates are as high as 250 million to 300 million.

    是的,我的意思是,我們仍然相信我們會在這裡看到一個數字,如果 2014 年 LTE 出貨量超過 9000 萬,如果我們查看估計值,估計值高達2.5億到3億。

  • We think the number, even if it's below that, it's going to be very explosive for us.


  • We work directly with the carriers, but we also work closely with all the OEMs that we mentioned and the chipset partners that we mentioned.

    我們直接與運營商合作,但我們也與我們提到的所有 OEM 以及我們提到的芯片組合作夥伴密切合作。

  • We just had a special note with MediaTek and our SkyLiTE reference design with close collaboration, and that's tied closely to their OEM suite.

    我們剛剛與聯發科和我們密切合作的 SkyLiTE 參考設計進行了特別說明,這與他們的 OEM 套件密切相關。

  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • We're not seeing any particular advantage or disadvantage from one carrier to the next, if that's the nature -- if that's your question.

    我們沒有看到從一個承運人到下一個承運人的任何特定優勢或劣勢,如果這是性質的話 - 如果這是你的問題。

  • We really don't see a particular difference one way or another.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • And next question from the line of Tom Diffely of DA Davidson.

    DA Davidson 的 Tom Diffely 提出的下一個問題。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, good afternoon.


  • Maybe one more question on the Chinese market then.


  • Do you see the relative pricing or margin trends, dealing with either the large or the smaller Chinese customers, versus your traditional customers?


  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • No, not really.


  • We're going in and selling systems-based solutions.


  • We think the market there has been great.


  • We don't have any pricing issues there.


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • And Tom, they are often different -- not often.


  • They're usually different products designed for that price point and designed for perhaps that regional approach, or whether it's a three-mode design versus a five-mode design.


  • The products are different.


  • So the margins there are very good.


  • But the products are usually quite different, tailored for that product.


  • We know what the market can bear, so we're able to tailor our design around that price point.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • A question from the line of JoAnne Feeney of ABR Investment.

    ABR Investment 的 JoAnne Feeney 提出的問題。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Congrats, everybody.


  • Great execution.


  • I wanted to get into a longer-term question.


  • I think we all understand the content increases driven by higher bands and carrier aggregation.


  • We're clearly in a situation where carrier aggregation is just being implemented first for uploads, and then as you pointed out, two-speed download streaming.


  • One question, that I think is important, is what happens after a couple of years?


  • And do you think the second level of carrier aggregation is complete in a couple of years?


  • And do you have your sights on other technology changes and complexities, that might come after we get through that download improvement, from the second wave of carrier aggregation?


  • What is it that's going to drive content higher, once we're through that stage?


  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Well, I think -- JoAnne, I think the content, I think downlink, you're right, there will be successive future generations of downlink.


  • I think that's going to be increasingly important.


  • You can see what's being driven by the carrier, user models, and simply what the user appetite is for streaming, and streaming of video and streaming of 4K video.

    您可以看到運營商、用戶模型正在推動什麼,以及用戶對流媒體、視頻流和 4K 視頻流的需求。

  • You can just imagine that there will be constant demand for more bandwidth.


  • So we think complexity is downlink.


  • We think complexity is on the transmit side, I will tell you, our experience, and our design activity today is very much around solving more and more and more complexity with more high frequency bands crowded on top of one another, coexistence issues across the board.


  • I don't see anything turning the tables on this natural tendency towards complexity for the next five years.


  • I mean, there really isn't any elegant solution that somehow says we got it.


  • You can do this a lot easier.


  • It's going to be more of this kind of approach to analog design, and our ability to integrate more functionality into a system.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • And you have a question from the line of Quinn Bolton of Needham.

    你有一個來自 Needham 的 Quinn Bolton 的問題。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Nice job on the results.


  • Just wanted to ask, you talked about the receive diversity opportunity in the prepared comments.


  • Wonder if you could shed a little bit more light on that?


  • What number of bands are you seeing being aggregated in those receive diversity modules?


  • And then a second question, you talked about emerging markets, specifically India as a future opportunity.


  • Sounds like India 4G's been pretty quiet to date.

    聽起來印度 4G 迄今為止一直很安靜。

  • When do you think India starts to see a ramp on the 4G handset side?

    你認為印度什麼時候開始看到 4G 手機方面的坡道?

  • Thank you.


  • - EVP and Corporate General Manager

    - EVP and Corporate General Manager

  • Sure.


  • On the diversity received solutions, it really varies customer by customer.


  • We've seen some that the carrier aggregation band count could be quite small, but it's still incrementally beneficial.


  • But as Dave has mentioned, if we look out at the road map and some of the designs that we're cementing today, we see very rich diversity received technologies on downlink, that have up to six or seven filters, multiple LNAs, low noise amplifiers, and their function to receive that signal and amplify it back through the chipset.

    但正如 Dave 所提到的,如果我們查看路線圖和我們今天正在鞏固的一些設計,我們會看到下行鏈路上非常豐富的多樣性接收技術,具有多達六個或七個濾波器、多個 LNA、低噪聲放大器,以及它們接收該信號並通過芯片組將其放大回來的功能。

  • So we're seeing that happening.


  • SOI switching is embedded there.

    SOI 開關嵌入其中。

  • And it's a content-rich opportunity that we're seeing today just in a few leading OEMs, but if you look out through 2015 and 2016 road maps, more and more customers will adopt this technology.

    這是一個內容豐富的機會,我們今天在一些領先的 OEM 中看到了,但是如果你看一下 2015 年和 2016 年的路線圖,將會有越來越多的客戶採用這項技術。

  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • And ladies and gentlemen, that concludes today's question and answer session.


  • I'll now turn the call back over to Mr. Aldrich for closing comments.

    我現在將電話轉回給 Aldrich 先生以徵求結束意見。

  • - Chairman and CEO

    - Chairman and CEO

  • Okay.


  • Well, thank you so much, everyone, for participating, and we look forward to seeing you at upcoming conferences.


  • Operator


  • Okay, thank you.


  • And ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude today's conference call.


  • We thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
