雷神技術公司 (RTX) 2021 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Raytheon Technologies First Quarter 2021 Earnings Conference Call.

    女士們、先生們,美好的一天,歡迎參加雷神科技公司 2021 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • My name is Deborah, and I will be your operator today.


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded for replay purposes.


  • On the call today are Greg Hayes, Chief Executive Officer; and Neil Mitchill, Chief Financial Officer.

    今天參加電話會議的是執行長 Greg Hayes;和財務長尼爾·米切爾。

  • This call is being carried live on the internet, and there is a presentation available for download from Raytheon Technologies website at www.rtx.com.

    這次電話會議正在網路上直播,並且可以從雷神科技公司網站 www.rtx.com 下載簡報。

  • Please note, except where otherwise noted, the company will speak to results from continuing operations, excluding net nonrecurring and/or significant items and acquisition accounting adjustments, often referred to by management as other significant items.


  • The company also reminds listeners that the earnings and cash flow expectations and any other forward-looking statements provided in this call are subject to risks and uncertainties.


  • RTC's SEC filings, including its forms 8-K, 10-Q and 10-K, provide details on important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements.

    RTC 向 SEC 提交的文件,包括其 8-K、10-Q 和 10-K 表格,提供了可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中預期結果存在重大差異的重要因素的詳細資訊。

  • (Operator Instructions) With that, I will turn the call over to Mr. Hayes.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, Deborah, and good morning, everyone.


  • Before we jump in, I'd just like to take a couple of minutes to acknowledge the news that most of you saw yesterday of Dr. Kennedy's retirement as Executive Chairman of the Board effective June 1 of this year.

    在我們開始之前,我想花幾分鐘時間向大家通報大家昨天看到的消息:肯尼迪博士從董事會執行主席的職位上退休,並於今年 6 月 1 日生效。

  • As you've all heard me tell the story, it was just over 2 years ago that Dr. Kennedy called me to suggest that we merge our 2 companies.


  • You could see then that in combining our talent, technologies and capabilities that we would have the breadth and scale to meet any industry challenge in aerospace and defense.


  • Little did either of us realize then, of course, how quickly a global pandemic would put that value proposition to the test.


  • And yet here we stand today 1 year post merger, and we've made substantial progress not only in integrating their 2 heritage companies, but also managing through an unprecedented downturn in commercial aerospace, all the while identifying new technology synergies and establishing an operational rhythm that allows us to meet many of the goals sooner than what we had expected just a year ago.


  • So I want to thank Dr. Kennedy for his leadership, partnership and stewardship throughout this merger and congratulate him on a distinguished 38-year career with Raytheon.

    因此,我要感謝肯尼迪博士在整個合併過程中的領導、合作和管理,並祝賀他在雷神公司 38 年的傑出職業生涯。

  • We wish you well, Tom.


  • I'd also like to officially welcome Neil Mitchill in his new role as Chief Financial Officer, though most of you, of course, already know Neil.

    我還要正式歡迎尼爾米切爾 (Neil Mitchill) 擔任財務官,儘管你們中的大多數人當然已經認識尼爾了。

  • He's not new to the call.


  • Toby O'Brien stepped down earlier this month, and we thank him for all of his contributions as we form Raytheon Technologies.


  • Many on this call also know that Neil was our interim CFO at UTC prior to the merger.

    這次電話會議中的許多人也知道,在合併之前,Neil 是 UTC 的臨時財務長。

  • And since then, he's led the IR and financial planning functions.


  • I'm very pleased to have him as our CFO, and I look forward to working together as we continue the integration and cost initiatives that will capture the full value of the Raytheon Technologies company.


  • Lastly, I'd also like to welcome our new Head of Investor Relations, Jennifer Reed.

    最後,我還要歡迎我們新任投資人關係主管 Jennifer Reed。

  • Jennifer, for the past year, has led our integration team.

    Jennifer 在過去的一年裡領導了我們的整合團隊。

  • She was Vice President of Integration.


  • She was responsible for the financial and operational planning activities related to the merger and do a wonderful job, and we'll hear more about that later.


  • So I think that completes the HR section of the call.


  • Let me move on to the numbers.


  • Let's take a look at Slide 2, please.

    請讓我們看一下投影片 2。

  • So as I mentioned, earlier this month, embarked the 1-year anniversary of the merger's closing.


  • And I'm proud of the major accomplishments and progress made by our employees and business leaders, who came together from across our businesses to execute as a single team.


  • Our ability to adjust to the unique circumstances and stay nimble in this very dynamic operating environment has served us and our investors and customers well.


  • With that, let me take you through the performance and some highlights from the quarter.


  • I'm pleased to say that we've had a really strong start to the year.


  • And we're seeing continued momentum with signs of economic recovery and incremental improvements in domestic aerospace markets, with international markets, of course, remaining challenged.


  • As you saw from the press release this morning, we delivered strong quarterly sales, adjusted EPS and free cash flow, all of which exceeded our expectations from earlier this year.


  • And while it is still early in the year, the rate of vaccine distribution and signs of travel recovery within key domestic markets, specifically the U.S. and China, are better than what we expected just 3 months ago.


  • In the U.S., daily TSA traffic has averaged about 1.4 million people a day since the beginning of April, nearly double the levels of January of this year.

    在美國,自 4 月初以來,TSA 日均客流量約為 140 萬人次,幾乎是今年 1 月的兩倍。

  • So we're headed in the right direction with key metrics improving, but we continue to monitor recovery indications around the world and engage with our customers as they prepare for this recovery.


  • On the defense side, happy to say our backlog remains robust at more than $65 billion.

    在國防方面,我們很高興地說我們的積壓訂單仍然強勁,超過 650 億美元。

  • These encouraging trends in commercial aerospace and our Q1 performance gives us confidence to raise the low end of our full year sales range by $0.5 billion to $63.9 billion, bringing our new sales range for the year at $63.9 billion to $65.4 billion.

    商業航空航太領域的這些令人鼓舞的趨勢和我們第一季的業績使我們有信心將全年銷售額範圍的下限提高5 億美元至639 億美元,從而使我們今年的新銷售額範圍達到639億美元至654 億美元。

  • We're also going to raise the low end of our full year adjusted EPS range by $0.10 to $3.50.

    我們還將全年調整後每股收益範圍的下限提高 0.10 美元至 3.50 美元。

  • That's up from $3.40.

    價格高於 3.40 美元。

  • So the new range that we expect for the year is somewhere between $3.50 and $3.70.

    因此,我們預計今年的新價格區間將在 3.50 美元到 3.70 美元之間。

  • We're going to also maintain our free cash flow outlook for the year of at least $4.5 billion, and Neil will give you a little color on all this later in the call.

    我們還將維持今年至少 45 億美元的自由現金流前景,尼爾將在稍後的電話會議中向您介紹這一切。

  • On the capital deployment front, after a better expected start to earnings and cash in Q1, we're also going to increase our share buyback plan by $0.5 billion.

    在資本部署方面,在第一季獲利和現金出現更好的預期開局後,我們還將增加 5 億美元的股票回購計畫。

  • It will take it up to $2 billion for the year.


  • During the first quarter, of course, we did resume our share buyback, and we repurchased about $375 million of our stock, giving us a good start to our full year commitment.

    當然,在第一季度,我們確實恢復了股票回購,回購了約 3.75 億美元的股票,為我們的全年承諾提供了良好的開端。

  • You also probably saw yesterday that we increased our dividend by more than 7% yesterday to $0.51 from $0.475.

    您昨天可能還看到,我們昨天將股息從 0.475 美元增加了 7% 以上,達到 0.51 美元。

  • Since the merger last April, we've already returned over $3.2 billion to shareholders between share buyback and dividends.

    自去年 4 月合併以來,我們已透過股票回購和股利向股東返還超過 32 億美元。

  • And we remain on track to return at least $18 billion to $20 billion to shareholders from the first 4 years following the merger.

    我們仍有望在合併後的頭 4 年向股東回報至少 180 億至 200 億美元。

  • We also continue to execute well on our synergy programs during the quarter.


  • We achieved nearly $200 million of incremental RTX merger synergies, bringing the total since the merger of up to $440 million.

    我們實現了近 2 億美元的增量 RTX 合併綜效,使合併以來的綜效總額達到 4.4 億美元。

  • And given our strong synergy capture to date and the growing opportunities that we see in the pipeline, we're going to increase our cost synergy target by $300 million, from $1 billion to $1.3 billion, and I don't think we're done yet.

    鑑於我們迄今為止所獲得的強大協同效應以及我們在管道中看到的不斷增長的機會,我們將把成本協同目標提高3 億美元,從10 億美元增加到13 億美元,而且我認為我們還沒有完成然而。

  • Collins, importantly, also achieved an incremental $40 million in acquisition cost synergies in the quarter, bringing their total acquisition-related savings to $510 million since the deal closed in November of 2018.

    重要的是,柯林斯本季也實現了 4,000 萬美元的收購成本協同增效,自 2018 年 11 月交易結束以來,收購相關節省總額達到 5.1 億美元。

  • Lastly, we continue to strategically shape our portfolio with a focus on higher growth, higher technology businesses.


  • We did close on the Forcepoint divestiture earlier this year.

    今年早些時候,我們確實完成了 Forcepoint 的剝離。

  • That brought in about $1.1 billion in gross tax -- gross proceeds without the tax benefit.

    這帶來了約 11 億美元的總稅收——沒有稅收優惠的總收益。

  • And we will continue to be disciplined in M&A as we evaluate both strategic acquisitions as well as strategic divestitures.


  • And with that, let me turn it over to Neil.


  • Mr. Mitchill.


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Thank you, Greg.


  • I'm happy to be on the call today in my new capacity as CFO, and I look forward to our continued partnership as we continue to capture the full value of RTX.

    我很高興今天以財務長的新身分參加電話會議,我期待我們繼續保持合作關係,因為我們將繼續發揮 RTX 的全部價值。

  • With that, I'm on Slide 3. Let me take you through our financial results.

    接下來是投影片 3。讓我向您介紹我們的財務表現。

  • I'm pleased with where we landed for the quarter, exceeding expectations on our key metrics.


  • And as we've mentioned previously, Q1 will be the last quarter of tough compares for our commercial aero businesses resulting from the onset of the pandemic last year.


  • Q1 sales were $15.3 billion, above the midpoint of the outlook we provided in January.

    第一季銷售額為 153 億美元,高於我們 1 月預測的中位數。

  • Adjusted EPS was $0.90 per share, ahead of our expectations, driven by better-than-expected operating profit at all 4 of our businesses as well as favorability in some corporate items.

    調整後每股收益為 0.90 美元,超出我們的預期,這是由於我們所有 4 項業務的營業利潤好於預期以及對某些公司項目的青睞所推動的。

  • On a GAAP basis, EPS from continuing operations was $0.51 per share and included $0.39 of net nonrecurring and/or significant items and acquisition accounting adjustments.

    以 GAAP 計算,持續經營業務每股收益為 0.51 美元,其中包括 0.39 美元的淨非經常性和/或重大項目以及收購會計調整。

  • Free cash flow of $336 million exceeded our expectations primarily due to better-than-expected working capital timing, most notably the timing of collections across the businesses.

    3.36 億美元的自由現金流超出了我們的預期,這主要是由於營運資金的時機好於預期,尤其是各企業的收款時機。

  • So with that, let me take you through the segment results.


  • Starting with Collins Aerospace on Slide 4. Sales were $4.4 billion in the quarter, down 32% on an adjusted basis and down 31% on an organic basis driven primarily by the expected adverse impact of COVID-19 on the commercial aerospace industry.

    從幻燈片 4 上的柯林斯航空航天公司開始。本季銷售額為 44 億美元,調整後下降 32%,有機下降 31%,這主要是由於 COVID-19 對商業航空航天業的預期不利影響。

  • By channel, commercial OE sales were down 45%, again, driven principally by the impact of the current environment.

    按通路劃分,商業 OE 銷售額再次下降 45%,這主要是受當前環境的影響。

  • Commercial aftermarket sales were down 43% driven by a 39% decline in parts and repair, a 66% decline in provisioning and a 32% decline in modifications and upgrades.

    商業售後市場銷售額下降了 43%,因為零件和維修下降了 39%,配置下降了 66%,改裝和升級下降了 32%。

  • Sequentially, however, commercial aftermarket sales were up 11% driven by growth in parts and repair and modifications and upgrades.

    然而,在零件、維修、改裝和升級成長的推動下,商業售後市場銷售額隨後增長了 11%。

  • Defense sales were down 3% on an adjusted basis but up 4% organically.

    調整後的國防銷售下降了 3%,但有機增加了 4%。

  • Organic growth was driven by F-35 as well as growth in several avionics product lines.

    有機成長是由 F-35 以及多個航空電子產品線的成長所推動的。

  • Adjusted operating profit of $332 million was down $952 million from prior year and better than our expectations for the quarter driven by continued cost control and favorable sales mix.

    調整後營業利潤為 3.32 億美元,比去年同期減少 9.52 億美元,優於我們對本季的預期,這得益於持續的成本控制和有利的銷售組合。

  • On a year-over-year basis, cost control as well as lower E&D and SG&A were more than offset by lower commercial aftermarket and OE sales volume.

    與去年同期相比,成本控制以及較低的 E&D 和 SG&A 被較低的商業售後市場和原廠銷售所抵消。

  • Looking ahead to the rest of the year.


  • With a solid start in Q1 and improving trends on the commercial side, we are increasing the low end of Collins' sales outlook from a prior range of down high to low single digit to a new range of down mid- to low single digit.


  • And based on our first quarter cost containment measures and those improving trends on the commercial side, we're also increasing the low end of Collins' operating profit outlook by $75 million to a new range of down $200 million to up $25 million.

    根據我們第一季的成本控制措施和商業方面的改善趨勢,我們也將柯林斯營業利潤前景的下限上調了 7,500 萬美元,達到下調 2 億美元至上調 2,500 萬美元的新區間。

  • Shifting to Pratt & Whitney on Slide 5. Sales of $4 billion were in line with expectations.

    轉向幻燈片 5 上的普惠公司。銷售額 40 億美元符合預期。

  • Year-over-year sales were down 24% on an adjusted basis and down 25% on an organic basis also driven by the expected adverse impact of the current environment on the industry.

    調整後銷售額較去年同期下降 24%,有機銷售額下降 25%,這也是由於當前環境對產業的預期不利影響所致。

  • Commercial OEM sales were down 40% driven by lower deliveries across most of Pratt's large commercial engine and Pratt Canada platforms.

    由於普拉特大部分大型商用引擎和普拉特加拿大平台的交付量下降,商業 OEM 銷售額下降了 40%。

  • Commercial aftermarket sales were down 35% in the quarter driven by an expected decline in shop visits.

    由於商店客流量預期下降,本季商業售後市場銷售額下降 35%。

  • But growth in the GTF aftermarket volume was more than offset by the impact of a reduction in legacy large commercial engine shop visits of 38% and a 28% reduction in Pratt Canada shop visits.

    但 GTF 售後市場銷量的成長被傳統大型商用引擎商店訪問量減少 38% 和普拉特加拿大商店訪問量減少 28% 的影響所抵消。

  • In our military business, sales were up 1% on higher F135 aftermarket, partially offset by lower volume across certain development programs.

    在我們的軍事業務中,由於 F135 售後市場的成長,銷售額成長了 1%,但部分被某些開發項目的銷售下降所抵消。

  • Pratt's adjusted operating profit of $40 million was down $475 million from the prior year.

    Pratt 調整後營業利潤為 4,000 萬美元,比前一年減少 4.75 億美元。

  • Significant aftermarket volume reductions and fixed cost headwinds more than offset continued cost containment measures, including reductions in G&A and E&D.

    售後市場銷售的大幅減少和固定成本的不利因素足以抵消持續的成本控制措施,包括一般管理費用和 E&D 的減少。

  • Looking ahead, with a solid start in Q1 and improving trends on the commercial side of the business here, too, we are also increasing the low end of Pratt's full year sales outlook from a prior range of flat to up mid-single digit to a new range of up low to mid-single digits.


  • And we are increasing the low end of Pratt's operating profit outlook by $50 million to a new range of down $75 million to up $25 million.

    我們將普拉特營業利潤預期的下限上調了 5,000 萬美元,達到下調 7,500 萬美元至上調 2,500 萬美元的新區間。

  • Turning now to Slide 6. First, I'll remind everyone that the percentage of completion reset at the merger date continues to impact the compares for both sales and operating profit at the legacy Raytheon businesses.

    現在轉向投影片 6。首先,我要提醒大家,合併日重置的完成百分比繼續影響雷神公司傳統業務的銷售和營業利潤的比較。

  • With that, Raytheon Intelligence & Space sales were $3.8 billion, up 2% versus the prior year on an adjusted pro forma basis and better than our expectations for the quarter driven by higher volume in sensing and effects, particularly airborne ISR.

    至此,雷神公司情報與航太部門的銷售額為38 億美元,按調整後的預估計算,較上年增長2%,好於我們對本季度的預期,這是由於感測和效應(尤其是機載ISR)銷售量增加所致。

  • Operating profit in the quarter was $388 million, down $11 million year-over-year on an adjusted pro forma basis and a little better than expected due to higher sales volume.

    該季度營業利潤為 3.88 億美元,經調整後預計將年減 1,100 萬美元,由於銷量增加,略好於預期。

  • It's worth noting that sequentially, the ROS at RIS improved 110 basis points to 10.3%.

    值得注意的是,RIS 的 ROS 連續提高了 110 個基點,達到 10.3%。

  • RIS had bookings in the quarter of $3.7 billion, resulting in a backlog of $19.2 billion.

    RIS 本季的訂單量為 37 億美元,導致積壓 192 億美元。

  • Significant bookings included approximately $1.4 billion on classified programs as well as several other notable awards.

    重要的預訂包括約 14 億美元的分類節目以及其他幾個著名獎項。

  • Our Q1 book-to-bill was 1.08.

    我們第一季的訂單出貨比為 1.08。

  • And looking ahead, we remain confident in our full year outlook for RIS with sales growing low to mid-single digit and operating profit growing $125 million to $175 million versus adjusted pro forma 2020.

    展望未來,我們對 RIS 的全年前景仍然充滿信心,與調整後的 2020 年預估相比,銷售額將實現低至中個位數增長,營業利潤將增長 1.25 億美元至 1.75 億美元。

  • Turning now to Slide 7. Raytheon Missiles & Defense sales were $3.8 billion, up 3% versus prior year on an adjusted pro forma basis and better than expected due to higher volume across multiple mission areas.

    現在轉向投影片 7。雷神公司飛彈和國防銷售額為 38 億美元,經調整後的預估基礎上比上年增長 3%,並且由於多個任務領域的銷量增加而好於預期。

  • Adjusted operating profit was $496 million, also better than expected and down $43 million year-over-year on an adjusted pro forma basis due to the absence of a favorable prior year contract settlement and the EAC reset impact that I mentioned.

    調整後營業利潤為 4.96 億美元,也好於預期,但由於沒有有利的上一年合約結算以及我提到的 EAC 重置影響,調整後的預計營業利潤同比下降 4300 萬美元。

  • RMD's bookings in the quarter were approximately $2.5 billion, resulting in a backlog of $27.7 billion.

    RMD 本季的預訂量約為 25 億美元,導致積壓 277 億美元。

  • Significant bookings in the quarter included an award of approximately $520 million for AMRAAM for the U.S. Air Force, the Navy and international customers and an award of about $250 million to provide Patriot engineering services support for the U.S. Army and international customers.

    本季度的重大訂單包括為美國空軍、海軍和國際客戶提供約 5.2 億美元的 AMRAAM 訂單,以及為美國陸軍和國際客戶提供約 2.5 億美元的愛國者工程服務支援。

  • It's also worth noting that RMD's industry team was down-selected for the Next Generation Interceptor award, and we expect to book that award in the second quarter for over $1 billion.

    另外值得注意的是,RMD 的行業團隊落選了下一代攔截器獎,我們預計將在第二季以超過 10 億美元的價格預訂該獎項。

  • Book-to-bill was 0.68 in the quarter as expected, as we continue to deliver against the previously awarded multiyear production contracts.

    本季的訂單出貨比為 0.68,符合預期,因為我們繼續履行先前授予的多年生產合約。

  • Before moving on, I'd also like to make a comment on the previously disclosed ongoing DOJ investigation into cost accounting matters at legacy Raytheon Company's former Integrated Defense Systems business, or IDS, which is now part of RMD.

    在繼續之前,我還想對先前披露的司法部正在進行的對雷神公司前綜合防禦系統業務 (IDS) 成本會計問題的調查發表評論,該業務現已成為 RMD 的一部分。

  • As you'll see in our upcoming 10-Q filing later today, the investigation includes potential civil liability for defective pricing for 3 contracts entered into between 2011 and 2013 by IDS.

    正如您將在我們今天晚些時候即將發布的 10-Q 文件中看到的那樣,調查包括 IDS 在 2011 年至 2013 年期間簽訂的 3 份合約的定價缺陷的潛在民事責任。

  • We provided for our best estimate related to this matter in connection with the finalization of purchase accounting during the quarter.


  • Additionally, as part of the same investigation, we recently received a second subpoena relating to a different IDS contract from 2017.

    此外,作為同一調查的一部分,我們最近收到了第二張傳票,涉及 2017 年的另一份 IDS 合約。

  • We do not currently believe the resolution of this matter will result in a material impact to our financial condition, and we will continue to cooperate fully with the government's investigation.


  • So turning back to RMD's full year outlook.

    那麼回到 RMD 的全年展望。

  • We continue to expect RMD sales to grow low to mid-single digit and operating profit to grow $25 million to $75 million versus adjusted pro forma 2020.

    我們仍預期 RMD 銷售額將達到低至中個位數成長,營業利潤將比調整後的 2020 年預計成長 2,500 萬美元至 7,500 萬美元。

  • And finally, for your reference, we've included an updated outlook for each segment in the webcast appendix.


  • With that, moving to Slide 8, let me update you on how we see the current environment as we look ahead at the rest of the year.

    接下來,請前往投影片 8,讓我向您介紹我們在展望今年剩餘時間時如何看待當前環境。

  • Starting with our merger synergies.


  • As Greg said, we are increasing our gross merger cost synergy target to $1.3 billion.

    正如 Greg 所說,我們將合併總成本協同目標提高到 13 億美元。

  • And that's due to higher expected synergy capture in our corporate office and segment consolidation as well as additional opportunities we've identified in the supply chain and footprint consolidation and in IT.

    這是由於我們公司辦公室和部門整合中預期的協同效應更高,以及我們在供應鏈和足跡整合以及 IT 領域發現的其他機會。

  • And keep in mind, that's on top of $600 million of Rockwell Collins acquisition synergies.

    請記住,這還不包括羅克韋爾柯林斯 6 億美元的收購綜效。

  • Additionally, we continue to see the benefits of the cost actions we took last year.


  • We're making solid progress on the structural cost reduction actions we previously announced while, at the same time, working additional opportunities to drive further cost out of the business.


  • And moving to the commercial side of the business, the shape of the commercial aero recovery remains critical to our outlook.


  • As Greg mentioned, we're encouraged by the pace of the vaccine distribution, and we're seeing signs of increasing travel demand, particularly on many domestic routes.


  • However, we continue to watch Europe and international border reopenings.


  • While we've seen slightly better-than-expected results to start the year, particularly at Collins as customers prepare for a strong summer travel season as well as evidence of increasing future travel demand, we still need to see this demand translate to strong sequential growth in RPMs and ASMs as we head into the -- into and through the peak summer travel season.

    雖然我們看到年初的業績略好於預期,特別是在柯林斯,因為客戶正在為強勁的夏季旅行季節做好準備,並且有證據表明未來旅行需求不斷增加,但我們仍然需要看到這種需求轉化為強勁的連續成長隨著夏季旅遊旺季的到來,RPM 和 ASM 的成長。

  • As such, the second quarter remains a critical period in determining the recovery profile for the rest of the year.


  • Looking longer term, we continue to expect that it will take until at least 2023 for commercial traffic to return to 2019 levels.

    從長遠來看,我們仍然預期商業流量至少要到 2023 年才能恢復到 2019 年的水準。

  • For the defense side of our business, we continue to expect both domestic and international program growth to remain robust as evidenced by our over $65 billion defense backlog.

    對於我們業務的國防方面,我們繼續預期國內和國際專案成長將保持強勁,我們超過 650 億美元的國防積壓訂單就證明了這一點。

  • Our strength with international customers, our innovative technologies and our positions in high-growth areas gives us confidence in our ability to grow these businesses even in the current domestic budget environment.


  • And finally, our financial strength is underpinned by the strength of our balance sheet and supports our capital deployment commitments.


  • Moving to Slide 9. Following our strong start to the year, we remain confident in our full year outlook.

    轉向幻燈片 9。繼今年開局強勁後,我們對全年展望仍然充滿信心。

  • And as Greg mentioned, we are bringing up the low end of our sales range by $500 million and bringing up the low end of our adjusted EPS range by $0.10, with about $0.06 coming from the segments and the remainder coming from improvement in some corporate items.

    正如格雷格所提到的,我們將銷售範圍的下限提高了5 億美元,並將調整後每股收益範圍的下限提高了0.10 美元,其中約0.06 美元來自各個部門,其餘的來自某些公司項目的改進。

  • Now let me just give you a little color on Q2.


  • At the company level, we see sales in the range of $15.5 billion to $16 billion, adjusted EPS in the range of $0.90 to $0.95 per share and we see sequential improvement in free cash flow.

    在公司層面,我們預計銷售額將在 155 億美元至 160 億美元之間,調整後每股收益將在每股 0.90 美元至 0.95 美元之間,自由現金流將連續改善。

  • It's also worth mentioning that we've included an updated outlook for some of the below-the-line items and an updated pension outlook that includes the impact of the latest COVID relief bill in the webcast appendix.


  • And so with that, I'll hand it back to Greg to wrap things up.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Neil.


  • So no surprise here as we think about our 2021 priorities.

    因此,當我們思考 2021 年的優先事項時,這並不奇怪。

  • First and foremost, it's going to be to continue to support our employees, our customers, suppliers and communities, all the while continuing to invest in new technology and innovation to drive industry leadership for the long term.


  • I am confident in the outlook for our company.


  • RTX is well positioned to deliver strong sales, earnings growth and cash flow for not just this year but for the foreseeable future.

    RTX 處於有利地位,不僅在今年而且在可預見的未來都能實現強勁的銷售、獲利成長和現金流。

  • Before we get to Q&A, just a note, we are going to have an Investor Day coming up on May 18.

    在進行問答之前,請注意,我們將於 5 月 18 日舉辦投資者日。

  • So you'll get a chance to hear from our business unit leaders as well as on our transformation initiatives from Mike Dumais.

    因此,您將有機會聽取我們業務部門領導的意見以及 Mike Dumais 介紹我們的轉型計劃。

  • I look forward to sharing a lot of information also on our revenue synergies and our long-term growth strategies with you at that meeting.


  • So with that, let's turn it over to Q&A.


  • Deborah?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question comes from the line of Carter Copeland with Melius Research.

    (操作員說明) 第一個問題來自 Carter Copeland 和 Melius Research 的線。

  • Carter Copeland - Founding Partner, President and Research Analyst of Aerospace and Defense

    Carter Copeland - Founding Partner, President and Research Analyst of Aerospace and Defense

  • Greg, I'm going to resist the urge to ask a numerical question and instead ask you about -- in light of Toby's departure and Tom's announced retirement and we're 1 year on into the merger, this is the biggest integration in the history of aerospace and defense mergers.


  • And you've been obviously trying to do a lot of that virtually.


  • With respect to what still needs to be done and what has yet to be accomplished, where do things stand in that regard, and where do you want them to go?


  • Have things surprised you along the way that have led to any change relative to where the plan was?


  • Just anything you can give us to help us understand where that is in its process, aside from the cost synergies and some of the numerical pieces, but more the integration of the 2 companies culturally.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Yes.


  • Carter, it's something that we have spent a lot of time on over these past 12 months.

    Carter,過去 12 個月我們在這方面花了大量時間。

  • We're fortunate I got Jen Reed sitting here with me, who has been leading that integration effort.

    我們很幸運,Jen Reed 坐在我身邊,她一直在領導整合工作。

  • I would tell you, we've realized over $400 million of cost synergies, but there is a lot of work yet to do.

    我想說的是,我們已經實現了超過 4 億美元的成本協同效應,但還有很多工作要做。

  • We've done many of the hard things in terms of reducing staff, making sure the policies are consistent but, again, not done with that.


  • I think the biggest opportunities we still have are on the digital front, where we have a lot of work to do to reduce the number of data centers.


  • We just made a big investment to try and reduce the data centers from more than 30 to less than a dozen.


  • We're also working on what we call the digital thread, that is, how do you connect everything from product development through operations, supply chain and sustainment.


  • And lastly, I would tell you, it is rolling out our common operating system.


  • You'll hear more about this in May, but we do need a common operating system.


  • We have 178 manufacturing facilities around the world, and we had to work to do to consolidate those yet.

    我們在全球擁有 178 個製造工廠,我們也必須努力鞏固這些工廠。

  • We're making good progress, but it is going to take us some time.


  • It will take us a full 4 years to realize the $1.3 billion of synergy savings.

    我們需要整整 4 年的時間才能實現 13 億美元的協同節約。

  • We made good progress on identifying savings related to procurement, both product and non-product cost reduction.


  • All of those things are on track.


  • But I would just remind you, it's too early to declare victory.


  • And just like Collins has got now over $500 million of synergies on their way to $600 million, there's still work to do there.

    就像柯林斯目前已獲得超過 5 億美元的協同效應,預計將達到 6 億美元一樣,這方面仍有工作要做。

  • And it's -- we're not going to declare victory.


  • Carter Copeland - Founding Partner, President and Research Analyst of Aerospace and Defense

    Carter Copeland - Founding Partner, President and Research Analyst of Aerospace and Defense

  • And did you find anything in the process that has, I guess, surprised you?


  • I'm just thinking about some of the charges in the legacy Raytheon defense segments and the comments you made around the DOJ subpoena regarding the pricing.


  • I mean are these things surprising to you?


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Well, look, first of all, just to be clear, these are contracts from 2011 through 2013.

    好吧,首先要明確的是,這些是 2011 年至 2013 年的合約。

  • So there's always surprises like that out there when the DOJ suggested that we defectively priced some contracts.


  • We've been doing an investigation, been working with the DOJ and I think we've appropriately provided for those exposures, as Neil mentioned.


  • I wouldn't call that a big surprise.


  • What I would tell you, people think about the culture, and it was not that different between the aerospace businesses at legacy UTC and the defense business at Raytheon.

    我想說的是,人們對文化的看法是,傳統 UTC 的航空航太業務和雷神公司的國防業務之間並沒有太大區別。

  • The fact is many of our customers on the defense side were the same and the cultures were the same.


  • I think, again, that has been a pleasant surprise in terms of how easily we have been able to integrate the 2 businesses culturally, and that process will continue.


  • But I would tell you, it is going remarkably well for what is probably the largest aerospace and defense merger ever.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Robert Spingarn with Crédit Suisse.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸銀行的羅伯特‧斯賓加恩 (Robert Spingarn)。

  • Robert Michael Spingarn - Senior Aerospace and Defense Analyst

    Robert Michael Spingarn - Senior Aerospace and Defense Analyst

  • Neil, for you, you're essentially guiding to EPS of around $0.90 in each quarter this year, at least if I think about what you said for Q2 against Q1.

    尼爾,對你來說,你基本上指導今年每個季度的每股收益約為 0.90 美元,至少如果我考慮一下你所說的第二季度與第一季的情況。

  • Why isn't there more improvement from the first half to the second especially given the buyback and maybe even a slightly lower tax rate?


  • You mentioned Q2 is going to be key for assessing the pace of the recovery.


  • So could you elaborate a little bit on what you're expecting?


  • Or is this just a conservative second half guide?


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • No, I don't think it's that.


  • I think there's still 3 quarters ahead of us.

    我認為我們還有 3 個季度的時間。

  • So I need you to keep that in mind as we look at the rest of the year.


  • We did see some promising uptick as we were in March of first quarter at Collins and Pratt.


  • Some prebuy, I would call it, for the airlines ahead of the summer travel season.


  • But let me give you a little bit more color on Q2 specifically.


  • We do see segment operating profit growth somewhere between $0.03 and $0.07 for Q2, if you think about that sequentially.

    如果你按順序考慮的話,我們確實看到第二季度的部門營業利潤增長在 0.03 美元到 0.07 美元之間。

  • We do have some headwinds on the corporate side.


  • So one of the things that we benefited from in the first quarter was reduced corporate expenses, in part on interest as we had better-than-expected cash flow.


  • And so that will lower our interest for the year as well as we are being more efficient with our synergy investment spend.


  • But those -- that spending on the synergy investment will pick up here in the second quarter.


  • And so you got a few -- $0.02, $0.03 of headwind on that front in the second quarter as well.

    因此,第二季在這方面也遇到了 0.02 美元、0.03 美元的阻力。

  • As it relates to the second half of the year, we'll have to wait and see a bit.


  • But certainly, the back end of our plan contemplated a real strong summer travel season.


  • And that's why I think Q2 is going to be so important.


  • Robert Michael Spingarn - Senior Aerospace and Defense Analyst

    Robert Michael Spingarn - Senior Aerospace and Defense Analyst

  • And then just on the cash flow cadence throughout the year.


  • You touched on it there, but if you could just go into perhaps a little bit more detail?


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Sure.


  • As you know, our cash flow tends to be back-end loaded as we ramp and then deliver through the year.


  • As I think about the first quarter, our free cash flow was better than we expected, probably by about $600 million, all of that attributable to improved working capital.

    我對第一季的看法是,我們的自由現金流比我們預期的要好,可能增加了約 6 億美元,所有這些都歸功於營運資本的改善。

  • If I break that down for you, think about $300 million of that coming from better-than-expected customer collections.

    如果我為您詳細分析,您會發現其中 3 億美元來自好於預期的客戶收藏。

  • We were happy to see some customers pay early at the end of the quarter.


  • We had a couple of hundred million dollars of improvement in disbursements timing and $100 million better improvement -- better-than-expected performance on inventory.

    我們在支付時間方面取得了數億美元的改進,並在庫存方面取得了 1 億美元的改進——好於預期的績效。

  • So still a long ways to go to get to our full year $400 million working capital improvement but good progress.

    因此,要實現全年 4 億美元的營運資金改善還有很長的路要走,但進展良好。

  • And as I think about Q2, I would expect to see clearly some sequential growth, probably at least doubling, and then more of that in the back half of the year as the sales continue to ramp and collections as they seasonally do ramp up.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Jon Raviv with Citi.

    你的下一個問題來自花旗銀行的喬恩‧拉維夫 (Jon Raviv)。

  • Jonathan Phaff Raviv - Director & Senior Analyst

    Jonathan Phaff Raviv - Director & Senior Analyst

  • On the -- some that's going back to DOJ items.


  • Can you clarify the estimates that we'll see in the 10-Q?

    您能否澄清我們將在 10-Q 中看到的估計值?

  • Those are not material?


  • And the second subpoena, you do not expect to be material either?


  • And just any kind of color on any connective tissue or any narrative or rhythm or theme, I'd say, between these items.


  • For instance, are they all FMS or tied to a particular person or team or incentive structure?

    例如,它們都是 FMS 還是與特定的個人、團隊或激勵結構有關?

  • And then any comments on what the functional impact of those settlements is going to be on the ongoing business for which -- on those contracts referenced, the '11 to '13 and also the '17 item.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Jon, I appreciate the question.


  • I'm not sure we can really answer it.


  • I will say, this is an ongoing investigation by DOJ.


  • We have begun our own investigation.


  • And as we discover facts, we have been sharing all of those facts with the DOJ.


  • I would tell you, again, the dollar amounts are not going to be material in our view today.


  • These -- again, these are older contracts, where it was alleged that we defectively priced some contracts.


  • Again, I can't get into much more detail than that.


  • But again, we've looked into it.


  • We think there is potential liability for defective pricing.


  • Clearly, we've provided for that this quarter.


  • And we're going to continue to work with DOJ to bring these things to a resolution.


  • I would tell you, these investigations take time.


  • We're still going through doing some work.


  • But we don't believe there's going to be any ongoing impact to any of the businesses as a result of these investigations.


  • We think these were one-off events that occurred -- should not have occurred, but they did.


  • And we're going to clean it up and move on.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Ron Epstein with Bank of America.

    你的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Ron Epstein。

  • Ronald Jay Epstein - Senior Equity Analyst

    Ronald Jay Epstein - Senior Equity Analyst

  • So just maybe on Pratt.


  • I think in the hearing on Thursday on F-35, Pratt was mentioned 39 times.

    我想在周四關於 F-35 的聽證會上,普拉特被提及了 39 次。

  • So I guess the question is this.


  • How are you guys remedying the issues that the Air Force has with the F135 engine?

    你們如何解決空軍 F135 引擎的問題?

  • And do you fear that kind of all this rhetoric around the engine could offer an entrée for GE to try to get a second engine in there?


  • Because they've been raising their rhetoric on that, at least they have been with the investment community.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Well, Ron, first of all, it's nice to be mentioned 39 times.

    好吧,Ron,首先,很高興被提及 39 次。

  • No publicity -- or all publicity is good in some respects.


  • But I would tell you, the issues -- and I think Matthew Bromberg, who's President of our Military Engines business, explained this pretty well.

    但我想告訴你,這些問題——我認為我們的軍用發動機業務總裁馬修·布羅姆伯格(Matthew Bromberg)對此做了很好的解釋。

  • We've actually done a good job on the production or the OEM front in terms of delivery in engines.

    實際上,我們在生產或 OEM 方面在引擎交付方面做得很好。

  • We ended the year on contract.


  • In fact, there were about 50 engines sitting at the final assembly line for the F-35 today.

    事實上,今天 F-35 的組裝線上大約有 50 台引擎。

  • Unfortunately, where we didn't do a great job was at the sustainment center.


  • And we did not provision enough in terms of test equipment and personnel to deal with the volumes that we saw coming into the shop.


  • As a result, there are about 20 aircraft today that are sitting there that do not have a serviceable engine.

    因此,目前大約有 20 架飛機停在那裡,沒有可用的引擎。

  • Now one of the solutions, I think Matthew pointed this out last week in his testimony, we can take some of those engines from the final assembly line and put them over at the sustainment center and solve this problem tomorrow.


  • But as you know, the color of money for procurement is different than it is from operations and maintenance, so it's not that easy.


  • But we have committed and working with the customer with the JPO to put the equipment in place necessary to service the engines such that we get back on, I'll say, contract performance levels by the end of this year.


  • A lot of work to do.


  • But again, we were caught by surprise in terms of the amount of hours that were being flown.


  • We were surprised at the scope of the work that was required on some of these.


  • But again, we will catch up.


  • As far as does this give an entrée to GE to build the F136 engine, I can't answer that question completely.

    至於這是否為 GE 製造 F136 引擎提供了機會,我無法完全回答這個問題。

  • I would tell you, though, that is a multibillion-dollar, multiyear effort to bring that engine back in line.


  • And I think, again, given the cost challenges on the program, it seems unlikely that any of the services are going to spend that kind of money for an extra engine when, in fact, our engine is actually performing quite well in service.


  • We're meeting the reliability targets, meeting the fuel burn targets.


  • It's -- look, the issue with the F-35 is not capability, it's sustainment cost.

    看,F-35 的問題不是能力,而是維護成本。

  • And that is the other thing that we committed to work with the JPO on, is how do we reduce, working with Lockheed, the sustainment cost because that will ultimately be the bigger cost than the initial procurement.

    這是我們承諾與 JPO 合作的另一件事,就是我們如何與洛克希德公司合作降低維持成本,因為這最終將比最初的採購成本更大。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Sheila Kahyaoglu with Jefferies.

    你的下一個問題來自 Sheila Kahyaoglu 與 Jefferies 的對話。

  • Sheila Karin Kahyaoglu - MD

    Sheila Karin Kahyaoglu - MD

  • Maybe I'll ask one on Collins.


  • Decrementals are still in the 40% range there.

    減幅仍在 40% 的範圍內。

  • What are the moving pieces of that?


  • And how do we think about the trajectory of margin improvement in that business just given commercial OE start/stops on 787 and the MAX?

    鑑於 787 和 MAX 的商業 OE 啟動/停止,我們如何看待該業務的利潤率改善軌跡?

  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Thanks, Sheila.


  • I'll take that one.


  • So you saw the decrementals today, 47% at Collins, slightly better than what we were seeing last year, so that's good.

    所以你今天看到了柯林斯的下降 47%,比我們去年看到的略好,所以這很好。

  • The cost containment actions that we've implemented are taking hold and continuing.


  • As you think about the rest of the year, we continue to see the incrementals being very strong.


  • probably in the 75% range if you'd average Q2 to Q4.

    如果您將第二季到第四季進行平均,則可能在 75% 的範圍內。

  • But as you look at Q2, they should be in excess of 100% because you'll recall that last year, Q2 was our deepest quarter.

    但當你看第二季度時,它們應該超過 100%,因為你會記得去年第二季是我們最深的季度。

  • I'm happy with what the team is doing there in terms of maintaining that cost control around E&D, SG&A in the factories.

    我對團隊在維持工廠 E&D、SG&A 成本控制方面所做的工作感到滿意。

  • It took some difficult steps last year, as you know.


  • And as we started the year, the Collins team has done a nice job of containing the growth in those costs.


  • We will see a little bit of that come back in the second half of the year at Collins as we reinstate merits and furloughs are reduced and volume picks up.


  • But it should be a really good story for the back 3 quarters of the year.


  • Sheila Karin Kahyaoglu - MD

    Sheila Karin Kahyaoglu - MD

  • So that -- Neil, can you just comment on what's going on with the MAX and the 87, what kind of rates you expect for the year?

    那麼 - Neil,您能否簡單評論一下 MAX 和 87 的情況,以及您預計今年的價格是多少?

  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Yes, sure.


  • So starting with the 787, we are aligned with the Boeing production schedule.

    因此,從 787 開始,我們就與波音的生產計畫保持一致。

  • So you can think about that being around 5 ship sets per month.

    所以你可以想像每個月大約有 5 艘船。

  • On 737, also aligned with Boeing.

    在 737 上,也與波音保持一致。

  • I think they're out there with 161 deliveries expected for the year.

    我認為他們今年預計交付 161 架。

  • As we've talked about, Sheila, we have produced and delivered a fair amount of that, 1/3 to 1/2 of that.

    正如我們所說,Sheila,我們已經生產並交付了相當數量的產品,其中 1/3 到 1/2。

  • So the uptick in the 737 OE deliveries will start in the back half of the year.

    因此,737 OE 交付量將從今年下半年開始增加。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Seth Seifman with JPMorgan.

    您的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Seth Seifman。

  • Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • So maybe just a follow-up on Sheila's last question.


  • The guidance for Collins would seem to imply kind of this continuation of the mid-7s margin that we saw in the first quarter, but there's potential for an error recovery and continued efforts on efficiencies.

    柯林斯的指導似乎意味著我們在第一季看到的 7 美元左右的利潤率會繼續下去,但有可能恢復錯誤並繼續努力提高效率。

  • And so why wouldn't we see that margin expand off of that level as we move through the year?


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Seth.


  • I'll take that.


  • The -- you're right, as you think about the guide for the rest of the year for Collins, particularly given some of the strength we saw here in the first quarter, those margins are contained in that range.


  • However, I will say we're being really smart about the timing of when we spend our E&D and when we reinstate some of the discretionary spending.

    不過,我要說的是,我們對於何時支出 E&D 以及何時恢復部分可自由支配支出的時機非常明智。

  • So those will be natural offsets to what we expect to see in terms of aftermarket growth.


  • But as that aftermarket growth comes, I would expect, if it's better than our plan, then you'll see it drop through.


  • Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Seth Michael Seifman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just on that, I think you mentioned the sequential aftermarket growth in the quarter, 11%.


  • Can you talk about what pieces of the aftermarket are showing the most strength right now and where you expect that for Collins for the remainder of the year?


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Yes.


  • It's coming from the 2 places you'd expect it, parts and repair and mods and upgrades.


  • Provisioning is lagging a little bit.


  • But again, that tracks more closely to the commercial OE deliveries.


  • So I'm not surprised to see that.


  • But we are seeing, I'll call it, cautiously encouraging signs as we exited March and started April on the repair intake in particular.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Noah Poponak with Goldman Sachs.

    你的下一個問題來自高盛的諾亞·波波納克(Noah Poponak)。

  • Noah Poponak - Senior Equity Analyst

    Noah Poponak - Senior Equity Analyst

  • Neil, could you just add a little more color to that last question there, just with this -- all of these questions about how the guidance implies some flattish things through the year despite some signposts for improvement with the aftermarket being the shorter-cycle lever?


  • Just how did you tackle how to decide what to include for the aerospace aftermarket given the signposts are positive but it is still uncertain?


  • And then could you also tackle what happened with your pension cash flow input?


  • It looks like those changed less than maybe we thought, based on how the inputs were revised there.


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Let me try to build upon the aftermarket.


  • As I think about the year and we think about the recent IATA data on RPMs, January and February were a little bit of a slow start.

    當我回顧這一年以及最近 IATA 的 RPM 數據時,一月和二月的起步有點慢。

  • That definitely picked up in March.


  • When I think about the change in the RPM forecast that we and the industry are looking at today, I think we're pretty well aligned.


  • It looks a little bit different today than it did 3 months ago.


  • Clearly, the domestic routes, U.S. and China, in particular, are much stronger, so that's helping us.


  • But on the international side, it's a little slower than we thought.


  • On the ASK or ASM side, the available seat miles, those are tracking pretty consistently with what we saw in January or thought we would see in January.

    在 ASK 或 ASM 方面,可用座位里程與我們在一月份看到的或我們認為在一月份看到的情況非常一致。

  • I think the thinking that we've had as we look at the rest of the year, and there's still a long way to go, is that we really need to see those ASMs and corresponding RPMs increase here in the second quarter.

    我認為,在展望今年剩餘時間時,我們的想法是,我們確實需要看到第二季的 ASM 和相應的 RPM 有所增加,而且還有很長的路要走。

  • And we're thinking about a 40% sequential growth in RPMs from Q1 '21 to Q2 and then again to Q2 to Q3.

    我們正在考慮從 21 年第一季到第二季度,然後再從第二季度到第三季度,RPM 環比增長 40%。

  • And then corresponding on the ASM side, think about 25% to 30% sequential growth between Qs 1 and 2, and 2 and 3.

    然後相應地在 ASM 方面,考慮第 1 季和第 2 季以及第 2 季和第 3 季之間的環比增長 25% 到 30%。

  • If we see that kind of growth, then we will likely see a stronger second half.


  • But I think at this point, it's just too early to call that.


  • So that's how I'm thinking about that a little bit more.


  • Shifting to...


  • Noah Poponak - Senior Equity Analyst

    Noah Poponak - Senior Equity Analyst

  • If I could just interject there really quickly, just to make sure I have it correctly?


  • Your guidance does not imply those types of sequential moves -- or really, really close.


  • So am I hearing you correctly that the signposts are saying that could be what happens?


  • But just given how much uncertainty there still is with the virus and the vaccine rollout and restrictions to travel, you're feeling the need to keep the guidance fairly conservative in case things are more volatile than that?


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think you said that exactly correctly, Noah.


  • I mean the fact is there's still a lot that has to go right in the back half of the year in these next 8 months of the year.

    我的意思是,事實上,今年下半年,在接下來的 8 個月裡,還有很多事情要做。

  • And so while we're optimistic, based upon the vaccine rollout here and what we've seen in China, there is still a tremendous -- I mean keep in mind, 40% of Collins' aftermarket is widebody.

    因此,儘管我們很樂觀,但根據這裡的疫苗推出以及我們在中國所看到的情況,仍然存在巨大的——我的意思是請記住,柯林斯的售後市場 40% 是寬體飛機。

  • And that market is down significantly.


  • It is not recovering nearly as fast as what we thought it was going to.


  • So domestic market is better, international markets worse.


  • Overall, though, still confident in the full year guidance.


  • And to Neil's point, if the recovery happens faster, if the vaccine rollout -- and we start to see travel to Europe, for instance, in the summer season start to improve, these numbers could be better, and you'll see that in the bottom line.


  • And so again, we debated.


  • We could -- there could be upside on the top line and bottom line, but it's April.


  • And so when we see you guys in May, we'll talk about it again.


  • You'll have a chance to talk to Steve Timm and to Chris Calio to see what they're seeing in the marketplace.

    您將有機會與 Steve Timm 和 Chris Calio 交談,以了解他們在市場上看到的情況。

  • And then we'll have a better view, obviously, by the end of the second quarter.


  • But right now, we're optimistic but still cautious.


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Yes.


  • And let me take the pension question, too.


  • So -- and thanks for bringing it up.


  • So yes, we did put out some new numbers there.


  • As you know, the relief bill that was passed reduced pension funding.


  • We currently don't see the need to do any domestic funding in the near term as a result of that bill.


  • You'll recall that we prefunded $800 million in 2020.

    您可能還記得,我們​​在 2020 年預籌了 8 億美元。

  • That would have been our 2021 contribution.

    這將是我們 2021 年的貢獻。

  • So there's nothing in '21 that changed as a result of the bill.

    因此,21 年並沒有因該法案而發生任何改變。

  • However, looking forward, we do get a little bit of improvement.


  • So we'll have to fund a little bit less into our pension plans.


  • We'll get a little bit less on the CAS recovery.

    我們對 CAS 恢復的了解會更少。

  • It's about $75 million next year and I think $50 million in 2023.

    明年大約是 7500 萬美元,我認為 2023 年將達到 5000 萬美元。

  • So good news here.


  • The last thing I'll add is we got a little bit of a P&L benefit here in Q1 as we've rolled this lower CAS cost into our forward pricing.

    我要補充的最後一件事是,我們在第一季獲得了一些損益效益,因為我們已將較低的 CAS 成本納入我們的遠期定價。

  • Probably about 70 basis points of margin improvement at the RMD segment is where it really showed up.

    RMD 細分市場的利潤率提高約 70 個基點才是真正體現的地方。

  • Going forward for the rest of the year, I don't expect to see much more of that, and we've rolled that into our forward pricing.


  • Noah Poponak - Senior Equity Analyst

    Noah Poponak - Senior Equity Analyst

  • How far into the future did it take down the domestic funding?


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • It's pretty far out.


  • I'd say, for the next 3 to 5 years right now.


  • And of course, that depends on a lot of other assumptions that could change, but all things equal, for the next several years at least.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Myles Walton with UBS.


  • Myles Alexander Walton - MD & Senior Analyst

    Myles Alexander Walton - MD & Senior Analyst

  • I just wondered if you can speak on how -- where we left off on RMD.

    我只是想知道您是否可以談談我們在 RMD 上的進展。

  • It outperformed on margins.


  • And Neil, thanks for the clarity on the pension contribution there.


  • But still, I think it was running hot and obviously no change to the full year.


  • And then maybe talk about the bookings trends there, which obviously look lighter, and when you think that could turn around given more confidence to at least stability in the segment from a revenue perspective run rate.


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Sure.


  • No problem.


  • So yes, as you saw, 13.1% RMD margins in the quarter.

    所以,是的,正如您所看到的,本季的 RMD 利潤率為 13.1%。

  • We are very happy with that.


  • As I mentioned just a minute ago, I think about 70 basis of that is a little pension tailwind that won't repeat.

    正如我剛才提到的,我認為其中大約 70 個基點是一點退休金順風,不會重複。

  • We also had about 40 basis points, I'd say, of international mix, some acceleration of award timing that came through with CFR liquidation.

    我想說,我們還有大約 40 個基點的國際組合,以及 CFR 清算帶來的授予時間的一些加速。

  • That helped RMD here in the first quarter.

    這在第一季幫助了 RMD。

  • And so if you kind of adjust for those 2 items, you'll see continued margin progression, again, as the productivity improves through the year.


  • So we're still seeing that margin growth that we would expect absent those couple of items.


  • And I'm sorry...


  • Myles Alexander Walton - MD & Senior Analyst

    Myles Alexander Walton - MD & Senior Analyst

  • And the bookings trends?


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • The bookings trends, yes.


  • So listen, a year ago and in the past 18 months, RMD has had some significant multiyear buys.

    聽著,一年前和過去 18 個月裡,RMD 進行了一些重大的多年期收購。

  • So as we burn down the backlog there, our book-to-bill is a little bit lower.


  • But later this year, we do expect Next Generation Interceptor.


  • We talked about that.


  • That will be over $1 billion booking that we'll book here in the second quarter, LRSO and some other international Patriot awards that are forthcoming later in the year.

    我們將在第二季度在這裡預訂的金額將超過 10 億美元,LRSO 和其他一些國際愛國者獎項將於今年稍後頒發。

  • So all in all, I still expect, on a full year basis, a book-to-bill of about 1.0 for RMD and RIS for that matter.

    總而言之,我仍然預計,就全年而言,RMD 和 RIS 的訂單出貨比約為 1.0。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Peter Arment with Baird.

    你的下一個問題來自 Peter Arment 和 Baird 的對話。

  • Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

    Peter J. Arment - Senior Research Analyst

  • Greg, good sequential improvement from Pratt & Whitney on the kind of the large engine inductions.


  • How are you thinking about at least planning or visibility-wise in the second half or at least as we move forward from the recovery?


  • And then also maybe you could just highlight how Pratt Canada is doing just given that we're seeing kind of a resurgence in biz jet flying activity?


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Yes, Peter.


  • So if you think about engine induction Vs, I think we had about 118 Vs into the shop in the first quarter, which is exactly on plan.

    因此,如果您考慮引擎感應 V,我認為第一季我們有大約 118 個 V 進入車間,這完全符合計劃。

  • And we accept -- that will accelerate, we think, throughout the year as domestic travel recovers.


  • Right now, only about 60% of the V fleet is flying.

    目前,V 機隊中只有約 60% 正在飛行。

  • Again, that -- it will come back, and compare that to the GTF-powered fleet, which is in the high 80s.

    再說一次,它會回來,並將其與 GTF 驅動的機隊進行比較,後者處於 80 年代初。

  • So again, there's a little bit of a lag in demand.


  • But we fully expect we're going to see a big sequential -- or a sequential improvement.


  • We're not going to get back to 1,000 engines this year, probably not for 2 more years on the V. But we're clearly going to trend that way as people need more lift in these domestic markets.

    今年我們不會恢復到 1,000 台發動機,V 型汽車可能再過 2 年也不會恢復。但我們顯然會朝著這種趨勢發展,因為這些國內市場的人們需要更多的升力。

  • So that's actually very encouraging.


  • As far as the rest of the aftermarket, still talking about Pratt Canada.


  • Again, good traction in their aftermarket.


  • We're seeing biz jet flying hours are up, as you would imagine, significantly.


  • That's translating into some higher aftermarket.


  • Keep in mind, most of the engines that we have out there, they were on a power-by-the-hour arrangement.


  • So we don't actually recognize the revenue or the cost until we see those engines come back in.


  • So flight hours are up, aftermarket is up.


  • But it's not as much as you might think just because of the nature of the contracts.


  • The one area at Pratt Canada that continues to be a challenge is in the regional marketplace, the PW100, PW150 for regional transport.

    普拉特加拿大公司繼續面臨挑戰的一個領域是區域市場,即用於區域運輸的 PW100、PW150。

  • That market has been slower to recover.


  • It's, again, something we expect to see next year but certainly not a big uptick this year.


  • Biz jet deliveries engines are very solid.


  • Helicopter engine deliveries, solid.


  • It's really just the regionals that are the challenge right now for Pratt Canada.


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Peter, just -- it's Neil.


  • Just to go back and -- on the Pratt shop visits.


  • We still expect Q2 to Q4 shop visit growth within the 25% to 30% range.

    我們仍預期第二季至第四季的實體店客流量成長在 25% 至 30% 範圍內。

  • So all that's holding, as Greg mentioned, good start to the first quarter, and then we'll see that back half growth.


  • The other point I would throw out there is we're watching Europe obviously, but the majority of that V fleet and our planning around those shop visits, I'd say, 80% or more, 85% or more is not in the Europe region.

    我要拋出的另一點是,我們顯然正在關注歐洲,但 V 車隊的大部分以及我們圍繞這些商店訪問的計劃,我想說,80% 或更多、85% 或更多不在歐洲地區。

  • So we feel pretty good about that outlook.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of David Strauss with Barclays.


  • David Egon Strauss - MD

    David Egon Strauss - MD

  • So I think you mentioned that the Collins aftermarket was up 11% sequentially.

    我想您提到柯林斯售後市場環比增長了 11%。

  • I would imagine January, February weren't very good.


  • Can you talk about what you saw in March in terms of how quickly the airlines can turn it back on, and then maybe also what you're seeing in April?

    您能否談談您在 3 月看到的航空公司恢復營運的速度,以及您在 4 月看到的情況?

  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Yes.


  • Dave, I don't know that we want to get into month-by-month compares.


  • I would say that, directionally, that is absolutely correct.


  • January and February were a little scary because, again, we saw an uptick in China in the virus, and the U.S. was going through the last wave.


  • And so the air traffic was not picking up as fast as what we had expected it to.


  • That all turned around in March.


  • With the vaccine rollout, with China getting the pandemic under control, things got remarkably better.


  • And what surprised us a little bit was typically when we see a recovery in RPMs, it's usually 3 to 6 months before we see a recovery in demand for parts and repair.

    令我們有點驚訝的是,當我們看到轉速回升時,通常需要 3 到 6 個月才能看到零件和維修需求的回升。

  • But in this case, because you've got so many parked aircraft out there, think about 11,000 out of 30,000 around the world are parked today, and yet demand is coming back very quickly in the U.S. and in China.

    但在這種情況下,因為停放的飛機太多,想想今天全球 30,000 架飛機中有 11,000 架停放,但美國和中國的需求正在迅速恢復。

  • The airlines are actually being proactive in getting the aircraft ready for service in the summer selling season.


  • And that's really what drove March, what's driving April and I think which will benefit second quarter as the airlines are not waiting to see the RPMs.

    這確實是推動 3 月、4 月成長的因素,我認為這將有利於第二季度,因為航空公司並沒有等待看到 RPM。

  • They see it in their advanced bookings, and they know they need the lift.


  • This is a very different kind of recovery than what we have seen in the past.


  • David Egon Strauss - MD

    David Egon Strauss - MD

  • Okay.


  • And I wanted to ask about the legacy Raytheon businesses and the margin expectation there.


  • So those businesses were around 13% on average, blended together pre the accounting adjustments and all of that.

    因此,在進行會計調整等之前,這些業務的平均佔比約為 13%。

  • Is there anything structurally in terms of anything different about how we should think about where those margins can get to as you're able to start booking EACs again?

    當您能夠再次開始預訂 EAC 時,我們應該如何考慮這些利潤可以達到什麼程度,在結構上有什麼不同嗎?

  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Let me give you a couple of thoughts.


  • I mean, first of all, you got to keep in mind that as we implement all these synergies, which are great, they do come with a give-back to our customer, which is great because it also makes us more competitive.


  • So that's a factor that you got to think about in the margins.


  • But both those businesses are laser-focused on driving productivity and cost reduction throughout their businesses.


  • We do see the opportunity for margin expansion.


  • It's going to be a great question for Wes and Roy in our upcoming Investor Day in May, where they'll talk a little bit more about that.


  • We've talked about the EAC reset.

    我們已經討論過 EAC 重置。

  • We do expect that to be -- that issue to be largely behind us as we exit the year.


  • So you could see a little bit more margin expansion throughout this year.


  • But these are great businesses as we get into longer-term production contracts.


  • On the RMD side, in particular, you'll see margin expansion there.

    特別是在 RMD 方面,您會看到利潤率的擴張。

  • But you do have a replenishing of some of the programs.


  • And so we've had the Patriot missile program, a very good program for us.


  • That will get replaced with the LTAMDS in the future.

    未來它將被 LAMDS 取代。

  • So it'll be a little bit of a mix shift as the margin sort of transitions between those early LRIP contracts, when you get into late ['23 and '24] and we get out of the more mature programs that we've been in today, but a lot of potential there.

    因此,當你進入後期 ['23 和 '24] 時,隨著這些早期 LRIP 合約之間的保證金過渡,這將是一個混合轉變,我們將退出我們一直以來更成熟的計劃。今天,但那裡有很大的潛力。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Robert Stallard with Vertical Research.

    你的下一個問題來自垂直研究的羅伯特·斯塔拉德(Robert Stallard)。

  • Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

    Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

  • I just wanted to follow up on Peter's question about Pratt & Whitney and the other side of the engine portfolio there.


  • I was wondering if you could tell us what you've been seeing on some of the older aircraft variant -- engine variants that are out there and how freighters has perhaps been helping those older aircraft out.

    我想知道您是否可以告訴我們您在一些較舊的飛機型號上看到了什麼 - 現有的發動機型號以及貨機如何幫助這些較舊的飛機擺脫困境。

  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Yes.


  • So if you think about the -- so the freighters, if you think about Pratt's installed base of 11,000-plus engines or so, about 10% of that is freighters.

    因此,如果您考慮貨機,如果您考慮 Pratt 的 11,000 多台引擎的安裝基礎,其中大約 10% 是貨機。

  • Those are old PW4000, those are the 94-inch 767s and 747s.

    這些是舊的 PW4000,那些是 94 英寸的 767 和 747。

  • That has actually been a pleasant surprise, I would tell you, because freighter traffic, as everybody knows, is up significantly year-over-year given the push of e-commerce and global supply chain.


  • So as we think about the aftermarket for Pratt, it's not all bad news.


  • Freighter's traffic is good.


  • At the same time, we started to see some retirements of some of the older engines out there.


  • Not a significant number this year but pretty much in line with what we had expected, especially I think on the 112-inch.

    今年的數字並不大,但與我們的預期基本一致,尤其是 112 英寸。

  • That's the 777 that we saw JAL retiring their fleet.

    這就是我們看到日航退役的 777 飛機。

  • Not a surprise that 12 months before we originally -- or we had thought they were going to retire it, but that will be putting those aircraft down.

    毫不奇怪,在我們最初 12 個月之前——或者我們以為他們會讓它退役,但這將導致這些飛機停飛。

  • But those engines will still end up in service someplace else, probably in a freighter configuration.


  • So again, it's -- the older stuff is still out there.


  • It's still a meaningful piece of the aftermarket.


  • I think it's like 20% -- 25%.

    我認為大約是 20% - 25%。

  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • About 25%, yes, so it's still very significant.


  • And frankly, that cargo traffic that you all know is considerably higher than it was even pre-pandemic, has helped the shop visits at Pratt in '21.

    坦白說,眾所周知,貨運量比大流行前要高得多,這對 21 年普拉特的商店客流量有所幫助。

  • Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

    Robert Alan Stallard - Partner

  • And a quick follow-up, if I may.


  • I mean it's the tough question, but how sustainable do you think this freight demand is likely to be?


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Look, I -- as I look at how sustainable is e-commerce and this trend towards global supply chains, I think this is here to stay.


  • The fact is global supply chains are stretched thin today, and freighters are the most efficient way to get parts from point A to point B. So I think this is not just a temporary phenomenon.

    事實上,如今全球供應鏈已經變得捉襟見肘,而貨機是將零件從 A 點運送到 B 點的最有效方式。所以我認為這不僅僅是暫時現象。

  • Operator


  • And your final question comes from the line of Cai von Rumohr with Cowen.

    你的最後一個問題來自蔡馮魯莫爾(Cai von Rumohr)和考恩(Cowen)的對話。

  • Cai von Rumohr - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Cai von Rumohr - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Yes.


  • So at our conference in February, Toby talked of 15% to 30% growth in commercial aftermarket at Collins over Q2 to Q4.

    因此,在我們 2 月的會議上,托比談到柯林斯的商業售後市場在第二季到第四季將成長 15% 到 30%。

  • That kind of seems like it fits with your full year guide.


  • But it implies that commercial aftermarket moves up from the first quarter by something like $250 million if it's an orderly build.

    但這意味著,如果建設有序的話,商業售後市場將比第一季增加約 2.5 億美元。

  • Could you give us some more color on kind of maybe the margin headwinds we look at?


  • Because you had this huge profit gain at Collins on basically lower volume sequentially from Q4 to Q1.


  • And as Seth brought out, your guide for the rest of the year assumes basically not much margin improvement at all sequentially, and yet you should have very strong growth in your more lucrative part of your business.


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Thanks, Cai.


  • Just a couple of thoughts here.


  • So as I think about the sequential growth in commercial's aftermarket -- Collins' commercial aftermarket for the rest of the year, it's a little bit lower than what we talked about in the first quarter.


  • And that's because we've derisked that a bit by the performance we've seen.


  • So think about 5% in Q1 to Q2, maybe 10% Q2 to Q3 and another 5% or 8% in the -- 3 to 4 in terms of growth.

    因此,就成長而言,考慮第一季到第二季的 5%,第二季到第三季的 10%,以及第三季到第四季的另外 5% 或 8%。

  • In terms of thinking about the strength that you saw in the first quarter, a lot of really good work on the cost containment.


  • E&D and SG&A combined about $60 million of improvement.

    E&D 和 SG&A 合計改善費用約為 6,000 萬美元。

  • And that will come back because the team is phasing that investment during the year because we've tried to be very prudent about the discretionary elements of our spending until we see the recovery take a stronghold.


  • So that's what I can share with you there.


  • Appreciate the question.


  • Operator


  • I would now like to turn the conference back over to Mr. Hayes for closing remarks.


  • Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

    Gregory J. Hayes - President, CEO

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, everyone, for listening in today.


  • I know it's a busy earnings day out there, but I appreciate everybody's time.


  • Jennifer and Neil and the whole IR team will be available all day today to answer your questions.

    Jennifer 和 Neil 以及整個 IR 團隊今天全天都可以回答您的問題。

  • And we look forward to seeing you or talking to you on the 18th of May.

    我們期待 5 月 18 日見到您或與您交談。

  • Take care.


  • Bye-bye.


  • Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

    Neil G. Mitchill - CFO

  • Bye.


  • Operator


  • This does conclude today's conference call.


  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect your lines.
