Opendoor Technologies Inc (OPEN) 2023 Q1 法說會逐字稿


房地產公司 Opendoor 報告第一季度收入為 31 億美元,超出預期,原因是新房源減少和供應有限。


自 2022 年秋季以來,Opendoor 的利差已下降約 500 個基點,部分原因是房價趨於穩定。

該公司預計第二季度收入在 17.5 億美元至 18.5 億美元之間,調整後的 EBITDA 虧損在 1.8 億美元至 2 億美元之間。


使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Good day, and thank you for standing by. Welcome to the Opendoor Technologies First Quarter 2023 Earnings Conference Call. (Operator Instructions) Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded.

    美好的一天,謝謝你的支持。歡迎參加 Opendoor Technologies 2023 年第一季度收益電話會議。 (操作員說明)請注意,今天的會議正在錄製中。

  • I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker today, Elise Wang, Vice President, Investor Relations. Please go ahead.

    我現在想把會議交給今天的發言人,投資者關係副總裁 Elise Wang。請繼續。

  • Elise Wang - VP & Head of IR

    Elise Wang - VP & Head of IR

  • Thank you, and good afternoon. Details of our results and additional management commentary are available in our earnings release and shareholder letter, which can be found on the Investor Relations section of our website at Please note that this call will be simultaneously webcast on the Investor Relations section of the company's corporate website.

    謝謝,下午好。我們的業績和其他管理層評論的詳細信息可在我們的收益發布和股東信中找到,這些信息可以在我們網站 的投資者關係部分找到。請注意,此次電話會議將同時在公司網站的投資者關係部分進行網絡直播。

  • Before we start, I would like to remind you that the following discussion contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking, including, but not limited to, statements regarding Opendoor ncial conditions, anticipated financial performance, business strategy and plans, market opportunity and expansion and management objectives for future operations.

    在我們開始之前,我想提醒您,以下討論包含聯邦證券法含義內的前瞻性陳述。除歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述均可視為前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於關於 Opendoor 財務狀況、預期財務業績、業務戰略和計劃、市場機會以及未來運營的擴張和管理目標的陳述.

  • These statements are neither promises nor guarantees and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed here. Additional information that could cause actual results to differ from forward-looking statements can be found in the Risk Factors section of Opendoor's most recent annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31 and 2022 as updated by our periodic reports filed after that 10-K.

    這些陳述既不是承諾也不是保證,不應過分依賴它們。此類前瞻性陳述涉及風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與此處討論的結果存在重大差異。可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述不同的其他信息可以在 Opendoor 截至 12 月 31 日和 2022 年的最新 10-K 表格年度報告的風險因素部分找到,該部分由我們之後提交的定期報告更新10-K。

  • Any forward-looking statements made on this conference call, including responses to your questions, are based on management's reasonable current expectations and assumptions as of today and Opendoor assumes no obligation to update or revise them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. The following discussion contains references to certain non-GAAP financial measures. The company believes these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors and supplemental operational measurements to evaluate the company's financial performance. For a reconciliation of each of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP metric, please see our website at

    在本次電話會議上做出的任何前瞻性陳述,包括對您問題的回答,均基於管理層截至今天的合理當前預期和假設,Opendoor 不承擔更新或修改這些陳述的義務,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或其他,除非法律要求。以下討論包含對某些非 GAAP 財務指標的引用。公司認為這些非 GAAP 財務指標對投資者和補充運營指標有用,以評估公司的財務業績。如需將這些非 GAAP 財務指標與最直接可比的 GAAP 指標進行核對,請訪問我們的網站。

  • I will now turn the call over to Carrie Wheeler, Chief Executive Officer of Opendoor.

    我現在將把電話轉給 Opendoor 的首席執行官 Carrie Wheeler。

  • Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

    Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

  • Good afternoon. Also on the call with me today is Christy Schwartz, our Interim Chief Financial Officer; and Dod Fraser, President of Capital Markets and our Enterprise business.

    下午好。今天與我通電話的還有我們的臨時首席財務官 Christy Schwartz;以及資本市場和我們的企業業務總裁 Dod Fraser。

  • At Opendoor, our vision is to build the most trusted e-commerce platform for residential real estate, a $1 trillion history that remains static and broken. The process of buying and selling a home today remains complicated time-consuming, stressful and offline. We are at the forefront of transforming this status quo, so consumers can buy, sell and move between homes with simplicity and confidence.

    在 Opendoor,我們的願景是建立最值得信賴的住宅房地產電子商務平台,這是一個 1 萬億美元的歷史,它仍然是靜態和破碎的。今天買賣房屋的過程仍然複雜、耗時、壓力大且離線。我們處於改變這種現狀的最前沿,因此消費者可以簡單而自信地購買、出售和搬家。

  • Over the last 9 years, we've developed a magical product that home sellers want and need. Our conversion rates continue to exceed our expectations and past performance on a spread adjusted basis. and we've built unique pricing and operations capabilities to become one of the largest buyers and sellers of homes in the country. These are the things that differentiate us, particularly in times of macro uncertainty.

    在過去的 9 年裡,我們開發了一種神奇的產品,滿足了房屋銷售商的需求。在利差調整的基礎上,我們的轉換率繼續超出我們的預期和過去的表現。我們已經建立了獨特的定價和運營能力,成為該國最大的房屋買賣雙方之一。這些是我們與眾不同的地方,尤其是在宏觀不確定性時期。

  • While we are seeing some stabilization following what has been the step is transition in housing in 40 years, home sellers continue to be on the sidelines. The number of new listings within our buy box were down almost 25% in the first quarter, versus prior year. Market clearance is trending higher than expected as a result of this lack of supply, but the outlook for home prices continues to be uncertain.

    雖然我們看到在 40 年的住房轉型之後出現了一些穩定,但房屋銷售商繼續保持觀望。與去年同期相比,第一季度我們購買框中的新上市數量下降了近 25%。由於供應不足,市場出清率高於預期,但房價前景仍不明朗。

  • In light of this macro backdrop, it's imperative that we continue to operate with caution and discipline. Specifically, we expect to maintain double-digit spreads for the rest of 2023 and as we grow a new book of inventory that comfortably meets our margin targets. Given the impact this will continue to have on conversion, we are focused on expanding our low-cost partnership channels, including home builders agents and online real estate platforms to attract more sellers.

    鑑於這種宏觀背景,我們必須繼續謹慎和自律地經營。具體而言,我們預計在 2023 年剩餘時間裡將保持兩位數的價差,並且隨著我們增加一本輕鬆滿足我們的利潤率目標的新庫存。鑑於這將繼續對轉化產生影響,我們專注於擴大我們的低成本合作夥伴渠道,包括房屋建築商代理和在線房地產平台,以吸引更多賣家。

  • We expect these channels to be highly scalable and allow us to reach more customers in a cost-effective way. We've partnered with over 90 homebuilders across the country where we facilitate a trade-in for customers of new build homes, enabling a simple and seamless move from their existing home. We've also partnered with thousands of agents to give them another option in the toolkit to sell their clients' homes with speed and ease. We are seeing a growing number of agents make Opendoor a regular part of their service offering. Over 50% of contracts sourced via an agent relationship in the past 12 months came from agents who had previously done business with us. We are continuing to deepen these partnerships through our improved agent access rewards program that incentivizes repeat transactions and a referral offering that agents utilize to introduce sellers directly to us.

    我們希望這些渠道具有高度可擴展性,並使我們能夠以具有成本效益的方式接觸到更多客戶。我們已與全國 90 多家房屋建築商合作,為新建房屋的客戶提供以舊換新服務,使他們能夠簡單、無縫地搬出現有房屋。我們還與數以千計的代理商合作,為他們提供工具包中的另一種選擇,以便快速輕鬆地出售客戶的房屋。我們看到越來越多的代理商將 Opendoor 作為他們提供的服務的常規部分。在過去 12 個月中,通過代理關係獲得的合同中有超過 50% 來自之前與我們有過業務往來的代理。我們將繼續通過我們改進的代理訪問獎勵計劃來深化這些合作夥伴關係,該計劃可以激勵重複交易,以及代理可以直接向我們介紹賣家的推薦服務。

  • And finally, we now have partnerships with the top 3 online real estate platforms by visitor traffic in the country, Zillow, Redfin and We expect to grow acquisition volumes via these platforms as we get to market parity over time, enabling us to reach the hundreds of millions of homeowners that visit these portals every month.

    最後,我們現在與全國訪客流量排名前三的在線房地產平台 Zillow、Redfin 和 建立了合作夥伴關係。隨著時間的推移,我們希望通過這些平台增加收購量,使我們能夠接觸到每月訪問這些門戶網站的數億房主。

  • Furthermore, we are continuing to iterate on our marketplace offering, exclusives. In our pilot market of Plano, almost 60% of sellers we pitched in Q1 agreed to enroll into Opendoor exclusives. Amongst these sellers, we're tapping into a category of customers we're calling semi serious. They are those who are interested in selling at some point depending on price, but are not yet ready to commit to listing their home on the MLS.

    此外,我們將繼續迭代我們的市場產品,獨家產品。在我們的 Plano 試點市場中,我們在第一季度推銷的賣家中有近 60% 同意加入 Opendoor 獨家銷售。在這些賣家中,我們正在開發我們稱之為半認真的客戶類別。他們是那些有興趣根據價格在某個時候出售但尚未準備好承諾在 MLS 上掛牌的人。

  • We believe these are largely incremental to the customers we serve with our current cash offering. We are encouraged by these early signals, and we'll continue to iterate on this product offering this year to hone the customer experience and drive liquidity in that market.


  • Another focus area for us in 2023 is the strengthening of our operating pricing platforms so that we can deliver greater efficiencies and higher unit economics over time. In Q1, we evolved our in-person home assessment process to gather additional home condition and home feature data. We also implemented technology to better capture an action on the home condition feedback that we collect for home across multiple sources throughout our ownership cycle.

    我們在 2023 年的另一個重點領域是加強我們的運營定價平台,以便我們能夠隨著時間的推移提供更高的效率和更高的單位經濟效益。在第一季度,我們改進了面對面的房屋評估流程,以收集額外的房屋狀況和房屋特徵數據。我們還實施了技術,以更好地捕捉我們在整個所有權週期中跨多個來源為家庭收集的家庭狀況反饋的行動。

  • Together, these improvements enable us to better understand home condition, both pre-acquisition and for owned homes and optimize acquisition and resale pricing at a per home level. We have also expanded our repair and renovation capabilities through platform and process investments, enabling us to perform targeted renovations. Beginning in the fourth quarter of last year, we applied selective home condition improvements in almost 2,500 of our longest held homes, which has in turn allowed us to drive faster sell-through rates on these homes than planned.

    總之,這些改進使我們能夠更好地了解房屋狀況,包括購置前和自有房屋,並優化每個房屋級別的購置和轉售定價。我們還通過平台和流程投資擴大了我們的維修和翻新能力,使我們能夠進行有針對性的翻新。從去年第四季度開始,我們對近 2,500 套持有時間最長的房屋進行了選擇性的房屋條件改善,這反過來又使我們能夠比計劃更快地推動這些房屋的銷售率。

  • These are just some examples of platform improvements we are executing against with the goal of delivering at least 100 basis points of contribution margin improvement next year, incremental to our current annual target range of 4% to 6%. And finally, we have further rightsized our operating capacity to reflect the overall decline in market transaction volumes and our reduced pace of acquisitions. In April, we announced a workforce reduction of approximately 22% or 560 employees, primarily focused on volume-based roles across operations, transactions and G&A groups.

    這些只是我們正在執行的平台改進的一些例子,目標是明年實現至少 100 個基點的邊際收益改進,增量到我們目前 4% 到 6% 的年度目標範圍。最後,我們進一步調整了我們的運營能力,以反映市場交易量的整體下降和我們收購步伐的放緩。 4 月,我們宣布裁員約 22% 或 560 名員工,主要集中在運營、交易和 G&A 團隊中基於數量的角色。

  • We expect this to deliver savings of approximately $50 million in annualized expenses. While this was a difficult decision, it was necessary to ensure that we can continue to deliver on our long-term vision and serve customers for years to come. As we look forward to next quarter and beyond, we remain as focused as ever on improving the lives of customers and building a durable generational company. We know we have the right products, unique capabilities, the capital and the best team and not only weather this cycle, but emerge stronger and more resilient than we've ever been.

    我們預計這將每年節省大約 5000 萬美元的費用。雖然這是一個艱難的決定,但有必要確保我們能夠繼續實現我們的長期願景並在未來幾年為客戶提供服務。展望下一季度及以後,我們將一如既往地專注於改善客戶的生活和打造一家經久不衰的世代相傳的公司。我們知道我們擁有合適的產品、獨特的能力、資本和最好的團隊,不僅能度過這個週期,而且比以往任何時候都更強大、更有彈性。

  • With that, I'll pass the call over to Christy to discuss our financial highlights.


  • Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

    Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

  • Thank you, Carrie. Our first quarter results reflect the progress we've made in selling through our old book of home while building into a new book of healthy inventory, the continued reduction of our cost structure and our focus on capital and book value preservation. We delivered $3.1 billion of revenue, which exceeded our guidance as overall market sell-through rates outperformed our expectations due to a significant decline in new listing volumes and therefore, limited supply.

    謝謝你,嘉莉。我們第一季度的業績反映了我們在通過舊的家庭賬簿銷售方面取得的進展,同時建立了健康庫存的新賬簿,我們成本結構的持續降低以及我們對資本和賬面價值保值的關注。我們實現了 31 億美元的收入,這超出了我們的指導,因為由於新上市數量大幅下降,因此供應有限,整體市場銷售率超出了我們的預期。

  • These macro dynamics, coupled with our success in completing targeted home condition improvements allowed us to pull forward sales of old book homes. In particular, 92% of the Q2 cohort, which is homes we made offers on between March and June of last year is sold or in contract as of quarter end. On the acquisition front, we purchased 1,747 homes in the first quarter, down 81% versus the first quarter of 2022.

    這些宏觀動態,加上我們成功完成有針對性的家庭條件改善,使我們能夠推動舊書房的銷售。特別是,截至季度末,我們在去年 3 月至 6 月期間提供的房屋中有 92% 已售出或簽訂合同。在收購方面,我們在第一季度購買了 1,747 套房屋,與 2022 年第一季度相比下降了 81%。

  • The reduction in acquisitions has been driven by 2 primary factors: First, with sellers in a holding pattern, we observed an increasing decline in new market listings versus last year, from a 17% decline in January to a 27% decline by March. Second, we saw a decline in offered contract through seller conversion due to higher spreads year-over-year. Although it is worth noting that conversion has improved from approximately 10% going into the first quarter to 15% as of March as a result of a modest reduction in spreads. In response to these 2 factors, we pulled back on marketing spending by 45% versus prior year.

    收購的減少是由兩個主要因素驅動的:首先,由於賣家處於持有模式,我們觀察到新上市的房產數量與去年相比有所下降,從 1 月份的 17% 下降到 3 月份的 27%。其次,由於同比較高的價差,我們看到通過賣方轉換提供的合同有所減少。值得注意的是,由於價差小幅下降,轉換率已從進入第一季度的約 10% 提高到截至 3 月份的 15%。為了應對這兩個因素,我們將營銷支出比上一年減少了 45%。

  • Our contribution margin was negative 7.7% in the first quarter, which is a reflection of the resale performance of our old book of inventory. These longer-dated lower-margin homes comprised 75% of our retails in the quarter. In contrast, sales from our new book of homes generated a contribution margin of 8.5% in the quarter. We continue to expect these newer acquisition cohorts to deliver margins in excess of our annual contribution margin target of 4% to 6% once fully sold through.

    我們第一季度的邊際貢獻為負 7.7%,這反映了我們舊庫存的轉售表現。這些房期較長、利潤率較低的房屋佔本季度零售量的 75%。相比之下,我們新的房屋銷售在本季度產生了 8.5% 的邊際收益。我們繼續期望這些較新的收購群體在完全售罄後能夠提供超過我們 4% 至 6% 的年度貢獻利潤率目標的利潤率。

  • Adjusted EBITDA loss was $341 million in the first quarter, which is inclusive of previously recorded inventory valuation adjustments of $295 million on homes sold in the period. As a reminder, over the last 9 months, we've been reducing our operational capacity, marketing spend and fixed expenses in response to the macro environment and the intentional slowdown in our purchasing activity. As such, our adjusted operating expenses, which we define as the delta between contribution profit or loss and adjusted EBITDA totaled $100 million for the quarter, down from $156 million in the first quarter of 2022 and a peak of $204 million in the second quarter of 2022.

    第一季度調整後的 EBITDA 虧損為 3.41 億美元,其中包括先前記錄的該期間售出房屋的 2.95 億美元庫存估值調整。提醒一下,在過去的 9 個月裡,我們一直在削減我們的運營能力、營銷支出和固定支出,以應對宏觀環境和我們採購活動的故意放緩。因此,我們調整後的運營費用(我們將其定義為貢獻損益與調整後 EBITDA 之間的差值)在本季度總計 1 億美元,低於 2022 年第一季度的 1.56 億美元和第二季度 2.04 億美元的峰值2022.

  • Turning to our balance sheet. We ended the quarter with $1.3 billion in unrestricted cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities and $459 million of equity invested in our homes. We also had $10.7 billion in nonrecourse asset-backed facilities. Additionally, in March, we invested $101 million to repurchase $189 million of our outstanding convertible notes at a substantial discount, reducing our total future debt obligations.

    轉向我們的資產負債表。本季度結束時,我們擁有 13 億美元的不受限制的現金、現金等價物和有價證券,以及 4.59 億美元的股權投資於我們的房屋。我們還有 107 億美元的無追索權資產支持工具。此外,在 3 月份,我們投資 1.01 億美元以大幅折扣回購了 1.89 億美元的未償還可轉換票據,從而減少了我們未來的債務總額。

  • Looking ahead, we plan to continue to operate with a cautious approach via home pricing, expense management and capital discipline, given the uncertainty of the near-term macro environment. Given typical housing seasonality, we expect spreads to remain relatively elevated throughout the remainder of the year.


  • Turning to guidance. We expect our Q2 revenue to be between $1.75 billion and $1.85 billion and adjusted EBITDA loss to be between $180 million and $200 million. Adjusted OpEx is expected to be around $90 million, which generally reflects savings from the April reduction in force. Consistent with this guidance, we expect the second quarter to mark the last quarter of negative contribution margin. with positive contribution margin levels beginning in Q3 when our fresh book of inventory comprises the majority of our resales.

    轉向指導。我們預計第二季度收入在 17.5 億美元至 18.5 億美元之間,調整後的 EBITDA 虧損在 1.8 億美元至 2 億美元之間。調整後的運營支出預計約為 9000 萬美元,這通常反映了 4 月份裁員帶來的節省。與這一指引一致,我們預計第二季度將標誌著最後一個季度的負邊際貢獻。從第三季度開始,當我們的新庫存占我們轉售的大部分時,貢獻邊際水平為正。

  • With that, I will now open the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from the line of Nick Jones with JMP Securities.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Nick Jones 與 JMP Securities 的對話。

  • Nicholas Freeman Jones - Director & Equity Research Analyst

    Nicholas Freeman Jones - Director & Equity Research Analyst

  • Maybe one just around outlook. As contribution profit improved after 2Q, should we expect us to kind of sequentially improve through the remainder of the year? And then, I guess, does that kind of trickle down to EBITDA as well? Because it looks like there's a pretty good step up from kind of 1Q results of 2Q guide on EBITDA. So how should we think about that, I guess, as we kind of get to the rest of '23?

    也許一個只是周圍的前景。隨著第二季度貢獻利潤的改善,我們是否應該期望我們在今年剩餘時間裡有所改善?然後,我想,這種情況也會影響到 EBITDA 嗎?因為它看起來比 EBITDA 的 2Q 指南的 1Q 結果有了很大的進步。那麼,我想,當我們進入 23 年的剩餘時間時,我們應該如何考慮這一點?

  • Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

    Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

  • Nick, it's Christy here. And thank you for the question. For contribution margin, as you know right now and in Q2, we're still selling through the old book of homes. But once those clear out, you will see improved margins. And as we said, we expect them to be positive starting in Q3. There is a slight tail. We expect to be mostly sold or in contract by the end of Q2, but the ones that are in contract will sell through in Q3 and be a little bit of a drag on contribution margin. So I think it's correct for you to think about it as increasing in the second half of the year. And then that will flow down to EBITDA.

    尼克,我是克里斯蒂。謝謝你的問題。對於邊際收益,正如您現在和第二季度所知,我們仍在銷售舊書。但是一旦這些都清除了,你就會看到利潤率的提高。正如我們所說,我們希望他們從第三季度開始表現積極。有一條輕微的尾巴。我們預計到第二季度末大部分將售出或簽訂合同,但合同中的部分將在第三季度售罄,並對邊際貢獻產生一點拖累。所以我認為你認為它在下半年增加是正確的。然後這將流向 EBITDA。

  • It's also important to note that EBITDA contains the release of our impairment adjustments, our inventory valuation adjustments that we recorded in prior periods. And so as those homes that have those inventory valuation adjustments sell-through, which is the old book of inventory, you won't see those in EBITDA anymore.

    同樣重要的是要注意 EBITDA 包含我們減值調整的發布,我們在前期記錄的庫存估值調整。因此,隨著那些進行了庫存估值調整的房屋售罄,這是舊的庫存賬簿,您將不再在 EBITDA 中看到這些。

  • Nicholas Freeman Jones - Director & Equity Research Analyst

    Nicholas Freeman Jones - Director & Equity Research Analyst

  • Got it. Makes sense. And then maybe one on the balance sheet. As inventories come down, restricted cash has remained relatively high. Can you remind us kind of the dynamic between the restricted cash position and the inventory position?


  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • You're right, the restricted cash has gone up. The majority of the restricted cash increase relates to our term debt facilities, so they don't revolve. So either they're collateralized by inventory or they're collateralized by restricted cash. In our 10-Q, there's a good breakdown that shows those entities. But it's really just collateralizing the asset-backed debt. And on that cash, we do earn interest income. So you can think about that excess cash as earning interest income to offset the interest expense.

    沒錯,受限制的現金增加了。大部分受限制的現金增加與我們的定期債務融資有關,因此它們不會循環。因此,它們要么以存貨作為抵押,要么以受限現金作為抵押。在我們的 10-Q 中,有一個很好的細分顯示了這些實體。但它實際上只是抵押資產支持的債務。在這些現金上,我們確實賺取了利息收入。因此,您可以將多餘的現金視為賺取利息收入以抵消利息支出。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Dae Lee with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Dae Lee。

  • Dae K. Lee - Analyst

    Dae K. Lee - Analyst

  • And I apologize, I see if I missed this on your recurred remark, but how should we think about your home acquisition pace going forward? Like should that follow the normal seasonality? Or do you expect that to accelerate as you're going to the back half?


  • Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

    Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

  • Yes. I mean I -- it's Carrie. Thanks for the question. I would guide to do a couple of things. One is what we tried to indicate in our remarks is we've seen our spreads come down meaningfully from the back half of the year into the first part of this year and conversion has followed, i.e., conversion has improved, and we have been able to increase our pace of acquisitions. Sitting here today, I would think about us being at a pace of around 1,000 acquisitions per month. And that's a pretty good baseline for you to think about for the balance of the year. And that's under the assumption that, as we indicated in our remarks, we expect right now our spreads to be pretty much at this level for the back half.

    是的。我是說我——是嘉莉。謝謝你的問題。我會指導做幾件事。一個是我們試圖在我們的評論中表明的是,我們已經看到我們的利差從今年下半年到今年上半年顯著下降,轉換也隨之而來,即轉換有所改善,我們已經能夠加快我們的收購步伐。今天坐在這裡,我想我們的速度是每月大約 1,000 次收購。這是一個很好的基準,供您考慮今年餘下時間的情況。這是在假設的情況下,正如我們在評論中指出的那樣,我們預計現在後半部分的價差幾乎處於這個水平。

  • Dae K. Lee - Analyst

    Dae K. Lee - Analyst

  • Got it. And I guess a follow-up. I mean what would you need to see for the acquisition phase to pick up higher?


  • Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

    Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

  • I mean, for us, acquisition pace has a lot to do with where we are in spreads because that drives conversion for us. And for us to decrease spreads, we're really looking for is stabilization or said another way, we need a lot less volatility in the system. Implicit in our spreads right now, what we're baking in is a modest amount of home price appreciation for the back half of the year. So we want mortgage rates to stabilize. We think that will lead to volume stabilization in turn, that will lead to a little more stabilization on pricing and that allow us to compress brands. But for the balance of the year, just given the range of uncertainty around how Q3, Q4 can play out, we're going to continue to hold spreads pretty high.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our next question comes from the line of Ryan Tomasello with KBW.

    (操作員說明)我們的下一個問題來自 KBW 的 Ryan Tomasello。

  • Ryan John Tomasello - Analyst

    Ryan John Tomasello - Analyst

  • Just on the expense efficiency. It sounds like the $90 million of OpEx in the quarter is what you're thinking about as a full run rate of the $50 million of expense savings. Just wanted to clarify that piece. And then as you ramp volumes into 2024 to the $10 billion breakeven level, do you feel like you can achieve that with the same level of OpEx? Or should we be modeling some additional investment in marketing spend in just general overhead to support that volume increase?

    就費用效率而言。聽起來本季度 9000 萬美元的運營支出就是您所考慮的 5000 萬美元費用節省的全部運行率。只是想澄清一下。然後,當您將銷量增加到 2024 年達到 100 億美元的收支平衡水平時,您是否覺得可以通過相同水平的運營支出實現這一目標?或者我們是否應該在一般管理費用中對營銷支出進行一些額外投資以支持數量增長?

  • Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

    Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

  • Ryan, this is Christy. Thank you for the question. On the $90 million for operating expense, I think that does contemplate the reduction in force that we just had in April. And so that is a relatively safe amount to model forward. To get to $10 billion, I would expect some increase in marketing, probably more in the first half of the year. But yes, that's a good place to start.

    瑞安,這是克里斯蒂。感謝你的提問。關於 9000 萬美元的運營費用,我認為這確實考慮到了我們在 4 月份剛剛裁員的情況。因此,這是一個相對安全的模型前瞻量。要達到 100 億美元,我預計營銷會有所增加,今年上半年可能會更多。但是,是的,這是一個很好的起點。

  • Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

    Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

  • Yes. I mean the other thing I want to point you to is we try to provide a little more color in our letter, Ryan, around partnerships and the fact that we are leaning heavily into the fact that we have a number of low-cost channels, low-cost channels ala online real estate, we're in the very early days of our Zillow partnership. We're now across all our markets with Redfin and, and we have a lot of optimism for how those are going to play out over time. We're also very enthusiastic about what we're seeing out of the agent channel right now. Again, it's a low-cost, highly scalable channel for us.

    是的。我的意思是我想指出的另一件事是我們試圖在我們的信中提供更多顏色,Ryan,圍繞合作夥伴關係以及我們非常傾向於我們擁有許多低成本渠道這一事實,低成本渠道 ala 在線房地產,我們正處於 Zillow 合作夥伴關係的早期階段。我們現在通過 Redfin 和 橫跨我們所有的市場,我們對這些市場將如何隨著時間的推移發揮作用非常樂觀。我們也對我們現在從代理渠道看到的東西非常熱情。同樣,這對我們來說是一個低成本、高度可擴展的渠道。

  • And we're seeing lots of activity on the homebuilder side, where we're partnering with 8 of the 10 big ones, 90-plus homebuilders. And as you know, new builds right now is a pretty active part of the home category. So -- well, Christy, you're totally right, to get back to $10 million, we're going to spend a little bit more money on marketing. But we are also leaning into these channels that we think are quite scalable and again, come to us with very attractive CAC economics attached to them.

    我們在房屋建築商方面看到了很多活動,我們與 10 家大型建築商中的 8 家、90 多家房屋建築商合作。如您所知,現在新建築是家庭類別中非常活躍的部分。所以 - 好吧,克里斯蒂,你是完全正確的,為了回到 1000 萬美元,我們將在營銷上多花一點錢。但我們也傾向於這些我們認為非常可擴展的渠道,並且再次向我們提供非常有吸引力的 CAC 經濟學。

  • Ryan John Tomasello - Analyst

    Ryan John Tomasello - Analyst

  • Okay. Got it. And then I believe on the last call, you talked about exclusives continuing to ramp through next year and targeting more material volume potentially in 2025. Is that still the time line that you think is achievable here as you continue to iterate the platform? Just any updates around your expansion targets there beyond your initial test markets.

    好的。知道了。然後我相信在最後一次電話會議上,你談到明年獨家產品將繼續增加,並可能在 2025 年瞄準更多的材料量。隨著你繼續迭代平台,這仍然是你認為可以在這裡實現的時間表嗎?只是圍繞您的擴展目標的任何更新,超出您的初始測試市場。

  • Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

    Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

  • Yes. I think the most salient update on exclusives we can give right now is that we're really encouraged by the early signs we're seeing. If you think about what we're doing right now, which is focusing on a single market, iterating, learning and testing. We've had some incredibly good signal. We're tapping into this customer segment called the latent seller, which is a seller that wants to sell at some point time line to be determined, but they don't want to list it, right? But they do want to sell it and if it's easy, they love the offers, and they want to do it the way of this seamless. And what's interesting about that to us is those customers are incremental to what we're seeing on the sales direct side. That's number one.


  • And two, we believe we're unearthing a category of supply that we wouldn't access otherwise. So that's encouraging. And then we're seeing buyers engage with the platform because they're getting these homes, they can't get anywhere else. They're now sitting on MLS. And in a very short period of time, within the quarter, we're driving to, I think, north of 3% listing share in Plano alone.

    第二,我們相信我們正在發掘一類我們無法通過其他方式獲得的供應。所以這是令人鼓舞的。然後我們看到買家參與該平台,因為他們得到了這些房屋,他們無法在其他任何地方獲得。他們現在坐在 MLS 上。在很短的時間內,在本季度內,我認為,僅在普萊諾,我們的上市份額就超過了 3%。

  • So that's not the 2025 metric. I know you want. But I'd say, well, the numbers are small on an absolute basis, what's really encouraging are the growth that we're seeing and the number of sellers and buyers coming to the platform. And we're going to stay focused on making sure that we are perfecting the customer experience. We're going to drive for liquidity in that market and then we're going to look to expand it over time.

    所以這不是 2025 年的指標。我知道你想要。但我要說的是,從絕對基礎上看,這個數字很小,真正令人鼓舞的是我們看到的增長以及進入該平台的賣家和買家的數量。我們將繼續專注於確保我們正在完善客戶體驗。我們將推動該市場的流動性,然後我們將尋求隨著時間的推移擴大它。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our next question comes from the line of Jay McCanless with Wedbush.

    (操作員說明)我們的下一個問題來自 Jay McCanless 與 Wedbush 的對話。

  • Jay McCanless - SVP of Equity Research

    Jay McCanless - SVP of Equity Research

  • The first one I had, a little surprised to hear that you're starting to bring the spreads down already. Could you talk about maybe -- I know you don't like to hear the percentage, but maybe the magnitude of how much those spreads have come down since the fall of '22?

    我的第一個,聽說你們已經開始降低點差了,有點驚訝。你能談談也許——我知道你不喜歡聽到這個百分比,但也許這些利差自 22 年秋季以來下降了多少?

  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • Yes. So since the fall, they're down approximately 500 basis points. So basically off of peak, we're down about 500 basis points. I think we -- part of that was done this year. on the back of seeing the stabilization in house prices. So one of my favorite charts that's in the back of the shareholder letter is our month-over-month home price appreciation. We talked about this a bit last quarter, but we saw an improvement there, and that's carried through the full first quarter. So we actually saw positive home prices in the first quarter. That said, in the back half, normal seasonality is basically flat to slightly negative home prices. And so given the uncertainty on rates, we have continued to maintain high above average spreads for this time of year.

    是的。因此,自秋季以來,它們下跌了大約 500 個基點。所以基本上脫離高峰期,我們下跌了大約 500 個基點。我認為我們 - 其中一部分是今年完成的。在看到房價企穩的背景下。因此,股東信函背面我最喜歡的圖表之一是我們每月的房價升值。我們在上個季度討論過這個問題,但我們看到了那裡的改善,並且整個第一季度都在進行。所以我們實際上在第一季度看到了積極的房價。也就是說,在下半年,正常的季節性基本上是持平到略微負的房價。因此,鑑於利率的不確定性,我們繼續保持每年這個時候高於平均水平的利差。

  • Jay McCanless - SVP of Equity Research

    Jay McCanless - SVP of Equity Research

  • Okay. And then when you talked about the homebuilding channel, I mean, I know you all have been in Lennar's sales offices for a long time, Horton, et cetera. I guess maybe what have you done this quarter or recently that's above and beyond what we've seen out in the field previously? And maybe talk to the economics of it, if you can.

    好的。然後當你談到房屋建築渠道時,我的意思是,我知道你們都在 Lennar 的銷售辦公室工作了很長時間,Horton 等等。我想也許您本季度或最近做了哪些超出我們之前在該領域看到的事情?如果可以的話,也許可以談談它的經濟學。

  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • So I can't comment on the economics specifically, but that is, as Carrie alluded to, a very low-cost CAC channel for us. I think the piece there is really the trade-in product, which has been a staple of ours for 6 years now. To your point, we started with the largest, and we continue to have an on-the-ground marketing team that is out there in the field, helping sell new home sale consultants explain the product to customers and really help us create and allow for that trade-in product that makes it so seamless for every customer.

    所以我不能具體評論經濟性,但正如 Carrie 提到的那樣,這對我們來說是一個成本非常低的 CAC 渠道。我認為那裡的產品確實是以舊換新產品,它已經成為我們 6 年來的主要產品。就您的觀點而言,我們從最大的開始,並且我們繼續擁有一支實地營銷團隊,該團隊在現場幫助銷售新房銷售顧問向客戶解釋產品並真正幫助我們創造和允許以舊換新的產品讓每一位客戶都能無縫使用。

  • Jay McCanless - SVP of Equity Research

    Jay McCanless - SVP of Equity Research

  • Okay. And then just one other question. Why not print the contribution margin after interesting words there, the reason that's been removed from some of the disclosures?


  • Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

    Christina Schwartz - Interim CFO & CAO

  • Yes, Jay, this is Christy. So we removed it last quarter, and that's because we've really kind of changed the way that we're financing our homes. A lot has changed to be senior term loans, and we have some items that are not fully utilized right now. And so it kind of reflects our current capital market structure. Dod, do you want to add anything?


  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • Yes. I think like as a good example is what I alluded to earlier, which is we have senior term facilities today where we have positive interest expense and interest income offset each other because of that restricted cash balance we're carrying. And so allocating to a home level to load it into contribution margin was something that was -- we just could -- it's not -- there's not a clean mapping of that. So that's where we did remove that disclosure.


  • I think one of the things that is helpful if you're trying to understand the interest cost, though, is given where our inventory balances are now and given that those are fixed rate lending facilities, we have $2.9 billion in fixed rate term facilities. Those are very notable from a cash interest expense perspective because they're fixed. There's no LIBOR attached to it, no volatility.

    不過,我認為,如果你想了解利息成本,其中一件有幫助的事情是考慮到我們現在的庫存餘額,並且考慮到這些是固定利率貸款設施,我們有 29 億美元的固定利率期限設施。從現金利息支出的角度來看,這些是非常值得注意的,因為它們是固定的。它沒有 LIBOR,沒有波動性。

  • Operator


  • I will now turn the conference back over to Carrie Wheeler for closing remarks.

    我現在將把會議轉回給 Carrie Wheeler 作閉幕詞。

  • Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

    Carrie A. Wheeler - CEO & Director

  • Thanks. I just want to thank everyone for joining us today. And I want to underscore that we remain extremely focused on operating with a ton of excellence and discipline in this moment. Macro aside, there's no debt that real estate is going to continue to move online, and that customers want the certainty convenance of our product. So we're focused to continue to innovate, make investments that position us to come through this with greater resilience and on the path to market leadership and building a profitable business. So that's it. Thank you. Shout out by the way to all our Opendoor teammates who are making this happen every day, and we look forward to talking with you next quarter.

    謝謝。我只想感謝大家今天加入我們。我想強調的是,此時此刻,我們仍然非常專注於以大量的卓越和紀律運作。除了宏觀之外,房地產將繼續在線移動,並且客戶希望我們產品的確定性便利。因此,我們專注於繼續創新,進行投資,使我們能夠以更大的彈性度過難關,走上市場領導地位和建立盈利業務的道路。就是這樣了。謝謝。順便向每天都在做這件事的所有 Opendoor 隊友大聲喊叫,我們期待下個季度與您交談。

  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.
