Opendoor Technologies Inc (OPEN) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


在公司財報電話會議上,Opendoor 討論了 2023 年的進展,重點關注收購量的成長、成本降低以及未來成長計畫。他們報告了強勁的第四季度業績,並概述了 2024 年的目標,包括增加收入和購房。



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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by, and welcome to open doors Fourth Quarter 2023 earnings conference call.

    感謝您的耐心等待,歡迎您參加 2023 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • At this time, all participants are in a listen only mode.


  • After the speaker presentation, there will be a question and answer session to ask a question.


  • During the session, you will need to press star one one on your telephone to remove yourself from the queue, you may press star one one.


  • Again.


  • I would now like to hand the call over to Kimberly Newhouse, Investor Relations.

    我現在想將電話轉交給投資者關係部門的 Kimberly Newhouse。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Kimberly Niehaus - IR

    Kimberly Niehaus - IR

  • Thank you, and good afternoon.


  • Details of our results and additional management commentary are available in our earnings release and shareholder letter, which can be found on the Investor Relations section of our website at investor dot Please note that this call will be simultaneously webcast on the Investor Relations section of the Company's corporate website.


  • Before we start, I would like to remind you that the following discussion contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws.


  • All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking including, but not limited to, statements regarding open doors, financial condition, anticipated financial performance, business strategy plans, market opportunity and expansion and management objectives for future operations.


  • These statements are neither promises nor guarantees and undue reliance should not be placed on them.


  • As such, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed here.


  • Additional information that could cause actual results to differ from forward-looking statements can be found in the Risk Factors section of Opendoor most recent annual report on Form 10 K for the year ended December 31st, 2023, as updated by our periodic reports filed after that 10 K. Any forward-looking statements made on this conference call, including responses to your questions are based on management's reasonable current expectations and assumptions as of today, and Opendoor assumes no obligation to update or revise them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by law, the following discussion contains references to certain non-GAAP financial measures.

    可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述不同的其他資訊可以在 Opendoor 截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的年度 10 K 表格的最新年度報告的風險因素部分中找到,並由我們之後提交的定期報告進行更新10 K . 本次電話會議中所做的任何前瞻性陳述,包括對您問題的答复,均基於管理層截至今日的合理當前預期和假設,Opendoor 不承擔更新或修改這些陳述的義務,無論是由於新信息的出現、未來事件或其他情況,除非法律要求,以下討論包含對某些非 GAAP 財務指標的引用。

  • The company believes these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors as supplemental operational measurements to evaluate the Company's financial performance.


  • A reconciliation of each of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP metrics, please see our website at investor dot I will now turn the call over to Carrie Wheeler, Chief Executive Officer of Opendoor.

    這些非 GAAP 財務指標與最直接可比較的 GAAP 指標的對賬,請參閱我們的投資者網站。我現在將把電話轉給 Opendoor 執行長 Carrie Wheeler。

  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • Good afternoon.


  • Also on the call with me today is Chris Schwartz, Interim Chief Financial Officer, and David Fraser, President of capital and open exchange for Opendoor 2023.

    今天與我通話的還有臨時財務長 Chris Schwartz 和 Opendoor 2023 資本與公開交易所總裁 David Fraser。

  • With your focus, execution and results, despite a dynamic macro environment marked by the lowest level of home sales since 1995, the team focused on controlling what we could control, and we made meaningful progress.

    憑藉您的專注、執行力和成果,儘管宏觀環境充滿活力,房屋銷售水平處於 1995 年以來的最低水平,但團隊專注於控制我們可以控制的事情,我們取得了有意義的進展。

  • We grew our acquisition volumes sequentially every quarter and tripled our market share from Q1 to Q4.


  • Our new book of inventory generated a contribution margin of 8.3% in the year, demonstrating the health of our more recent acquisitions.

    我們的新庫存帳簿今年產生了 8.3% 的邊際貢獻率,證明了我們最近收購的健康狀況。

  • We also made improvements to our tooling, technology and processes to make our platform more efficient, which resulted in a year-over-year reduction of nearly 30% in adjusted operating expenses in Q4, excluding the reduction in our advertising spend with these improvements, we now enter 2024 with the foundation in place to rescale the business and build the future of sustained profitable growth.

    我們還對工具、技術和流程進行了改進,使我們的平台更加高效,這使得第四季度調整後的營運費用同比減少了近 30%,其中不包括這些改進帶來的廣告支出的減少,現在進入2024 年,我們為調整業務規模和建立持續獲利成長的未來奠定了基礎。

  • Last month, Mark opened doors 10 year anniversary since our founding, we've made it possible to sell your house with the tap of a button, something unthinkable a decade ago, we built the largest e-commerce platform for residential real estate and have served over 250,000 customers across 50 markets.

    上個月,馬克開業了,我們成立十週年了,我們讓你只需按一下按鈕就可以賣掉你的房子,這在十年前是不可想像的,我們建立了最大的住宅房地產電子商務平台,並擁有為 50 個市場的 250,000 多名客戶提供服務。

  • And we're committed to building a product suite to become the place for every seller can start their home selling journey in a way that the traditional process cannot provide with simplicity and certainty.


  • Looking into 2024, we're excited about our ability to reach and attract more sellers to our platform, namely to increase advertising spend, continued growth of our partnership channels and more attractive spread levels.

    展望 2024 年,我們對能夠接觸並吸引更多賣家加入我們的平台感到興奮,即增加廣告支出、我們的合作夥伴管道的持續增長以及更具吸引力的價差水平。

  • Last year, we reduced our marketing spend by over 60% versus the prior year as elevated spreads made our marketing investments less efficient.

    去年,我們的行銷支出比前一年減少了 60% 以上,因為價差上升降低了我們的行銷投資效率。

  • Despite these reductions, we maintained our aided awareness, a testament to the effectiveness and efficiency of our creative advertising efforts in 2024, we plan to ramp our total marketing spend to widen the top of our funnel and reach more sellers, and we're spending more creatively last Sunday during the Super Bowl.

    儘管減少了這些支出,我們仍然保持了輔助意識,這證明了我們在2024 年創意廣告工作的有效性和效率,我們計劃增加總營銷支出,以擴大我們的漏斗頂部並覆蓋更多賣家,並且我們正在支出上週日超級盃期間更有創意。

  • We live stream accounts family, getting an open-door cash offer on their home and Atlanta during halftime proving just how easy and quick it is to sell to us acquisition from our partnership channels, which includes online real estate platforms, homebuilders and agents continue to increase in the fourth quarter, up 35% versus Q3 and up over 140% since Q1.


  • These partnerships have effectively positioned us as the branded cash offer for residential real estate and are a true win-win and offering enhanced the design experience of our partners' platforms to their customers and also provides us with a source of acquisitions and customers and they're attractive to expand.


  • We expect volumes from this channel to continue to grow on an absolute basis in 2024.

    我們預計該管道的交易量將在 2024 年繼續成長。

  • Finally, as a reminder, our spreads are important lever in managing seller conversion and mitigating risk on our platform meaningfully reduced spreads during 2023, which resulted in improved conversion and acquisition volumes throughout the year.

    最後,提醒一下,我們的價差是管理賣家轉換和降低平台風險的重要槓桿,在 2023 年大幅降低了價差,從而提高了全年的轉換和收購量。

  • Looking ahead, based on where we are at today, we expect to see an increase in contract volume late in Q1, which would translate to sequential acquisition volume growth in Q2.


  • Kristie will speak to our outlook next, but I want to quickly address our goal of returning to positive adjusted net income.


  • We have strong tailwinds at our back, but we're still facing ongoing macro uncertainty.


  • Mortgage rates remain volatile, whereas in the lessons we've learned in recent years and taking a prudent approach to balancing growth and profitability while also operating within our risk management framework, we expect to make significant progress in both scaling acquisition and resale volumes and meaningfully reducing our losses this year.


  • However, we don't anticipate reaching positive adjusted net income for a full quarter in 2024.

    然而,我們預計 2024 年整個季度的調整後淨利潤不會達到正值。

  • We are focused on driving sustainable growth, and our entire business is organized around durably.


  • Getting back to positive A&I.

    回到積極的 A&I。

  • I am proud of what our teams accomplished in the last year.


  • We've emerge smarter, leaner and energized, and we are building a platform that over the long term has the potential to transform the way millions, sell and buy real estate.


  • Today, we stand alone in not only what we offer, but also the scale at which we are able to do so and we're just getting started.


  • Christie will now review our financial results and guidance.


  • Christy Schwartz - CFO & Interim

    Christy Schwartz - CFO & Interim

  • Thank you, Carrie.


  • Our fourth quarter results came in above the high end of our outlook across the board as we continue to increase acquisition volumes while driving margin and cost improvements.


  • As we enter 2024, we remain committed to rescaling our business, delivering healthy contribution margins and operating with disciplined cost management, all while providing a best-in-class customer experience.

    進入 2024 年,我們仍然致力於重新調整業務規模,提供健康的邊際貢獻,並透過嚴格的成本管理進行運營,同時提供一流的客戶體驗。

  • We delivered $870 million of revenue in the fourth quarter above the high end of our guidance range.

    我們在第四季度實現了 8.7 億美元的收入,高於我們的指導範圍的上限。

  • We continued to make progress on selling through our old book of inventory and had less than 75 of these homes non resale contract as of year end.

    我們繼續透過舊庫存簿在銷售方面取得進展,截至年底,這些房屋的非轉售合約不足 75 套。

  • For the full year, we achieved $6.9 billion of revenue.

    全年我們實現了 69 億美元的收入。

  • As a reminder, we intentionally slowed our home acquisitions beginning in the second half of 2022, prioritizing risk management and inventory health.

    提醒一下,我們從 2022 年下半年開始有意放慢了購屋速度,優先考慮風險管理和庫存健康狀況。

  • This resulted in lower resale volumes in 2023 versus the prior year.

    這導致 2023 年的轉售量低於前一年。

  • As Carrie mentioned, we reduced our spreads this year as we saw signs of market stabilization resulting in increasing acquisitions sequentially each quarter, we purchased 3,683 homes in the fourth quarter, up 17% from the third quarter and ahead of our prior expectations of approximately 1,000 homes per month.

    正如Carrie 所提到的,我們今年減少了利差,因為我們看到市場穩定的跡象,導致每個季度的收購量連續增加,我們在第四季度購買了3,683 套房屋,比第三季度增長17% ,超出了我們之前約1,000 套的預期每月的房屋。

  • We continued to generate positive contribution profit in the fourth quarter, delivering contribution margin of 3.4% ahead of the high end of our implied guidance range.

    我們在第四季度繼續產生積極的貢獻利潤,貢獻利潤率達到 3.4%,超出了我們隱含指導範圍的上限。

  • While ahead of our expectations, contribution margin declined sequentially for two reasons.


  • First, to maintain our clearance target we implemented home level price drops last quarter in response to the amplified seasonal decline in market level sell-through rates.


  • Second, sales from the tail homes of our old book continued to be a drag on overall performance.


  • For the full year, contribution margin was negative 3.7%, driven by sales from our old book of inventory.

    全年貢獻邊際為負 3.7%,主要受舊庫存銷售的推動。

  • Notably, as Carrie mentioned, the new book of homes generated a contribution margin of 8.3% in 2023, demonstrating the health of the more recent acquisition cohorts.

    值得注意的是,正如 Carrie 所提到的,新的房屋帳目在 2023 年產生了 8.3% 的邊際貢獻,這表明了最近收購群體的健康狀況。

  • Adjusted EBITDA loss was $69 million in the fourth quarter ahead of the high end of our guidance range.

    第四季調整後 EBITDA 損失為 6,900 萬美元,高於我們指引範圍的上限。

  • We ended 2023 with adjusted EBITDA loss of $627 million versus a loss of $168 million in 2022.

    截至 2023 年,我們的調整後 EBITDA 虧損為 6.27 億美元,而 2022 年為虧損 1.68 億美元。

  • Adjusted operating expenses totaled $99 million for the quarter, up from $92 million in Q3 and down from $144 million in Q4 2022.

    本季調整後營運費用總計 9,900 萬美元,高於第三季的 9,200 萬美元,低於 2022 年第四季的 1.44 億美元。

  • The sequential increase was expected as we continued to rebuild inventory in the fourth quarter for the full year, adjusted operating expenses were $369 million, down 47% from $693 million in 2022, which reflects the progress we've made in reducing our cost structure.

    由於我們在第四季度繼續重建全年庫存,環比增長是預期的,調整後的營運費用為3.69 億美元,比2022 年的6.93 億美元下降47%,這反映了我們在減少成本結構方面取得的進展。

  • Turning to our balance sheet, shareholders' equity decreased by $53 million in the fourth quarter.

    轉向我們的資產負債表,第四季股東權益減少了 5,300 萬美元。

  • We ended the year with $1.3 billion in total capital, which includes $1.1 billion in unrestricted cash and marketable securities and $161 million of equity invested in homes and related assets, net of inventory valuation adjustments.

    截至年底,我們的總資本為 13 億美元,其中包括 11 億美元的非限制性現金和有價證券,以及投資於房屋和相關資產的 1.61 億美元的股本(扣除庫存估值調整後)。

  • We also had $8.1 billion in nonrecourse asset-backed borrowing capacity composed of $3.8 billion of senior revolving credit facilities and $4.3 billion of senior and mezzanine term debt facilities, of which total committed borrowing capacity was $2.8 billion.

    我們還擁有 81 億美元的無追索權資產支持借款能力,其中包括 38 億美元的高級循環信貸安排和 43 億美元的高級和夾層定期債務安排,其中總承諾借款能力為 28 億美元。

  • Looking ahead to 2024, we will continue to operate with focus and execution to drive results.


  • We expect our Q1 revenue to be between $1.05 billion and $1.1 billion contribution profit between $40million to $50 million, which implies a contribution margin of 3.8% to 4.5% and adjusted EBITDA loss between $80million to $70 million.

    我們預計第一季營收將在10.5 億美元至11 億美元之間,貢獻利潤在4,000 萬美元至5,000 萬美元之間,這意味著貢獻利潤率在3.8% 至4.5% 之間,調整後的EBITDA損失在8000 萬美元至7000 萬美元之間。

  • We expect adjusted operating expenses to be approximately $120 million, a sequential step-up as we re-ramp marketing and rebuild inventory levels.

    我們預計調整後的營運費用約為 1.2 億美元,隨著我們重新加大行銷力度和重建庫存水平,這一數字將連續上升。

  • Additionally, we expect first quarter home purchases to be approximately flat from Q4 and up over 100% year over year.

    此外,我們預計第一季房屋購買量將與第四季基本持平,但年增超過 100%。

  • We expect home acquisitions will increase sequentially in line with typical seasonality into Q2 as we enter the spring selling season in earnest.


  • As we begin 2024, we are focused on rescaling our business in a sustainable fashion.

    2024 年伊始,我們致力於以永續的方式重新調整我們的業務規模。

  • We have the benefit of a book of inventory that is generating healthy margins.


  • And the steps we took last year position us well to accelerate volumes throughout the year with an improved cost structure and a line of sight to achieving our annual contribution margin target range of 5% to 7%.

    我們去年採取的措施使我們能夠透過改善成本結構和實現 5% 至 7% 的年度邊際貢獻目標範圍來加速全年銷售。

  • I'd now like to turn the call over to the operator to open up the line for questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • As a reminder to ask a question, you will need to press star one one on your telephone.


  • If you have not already to remove yourself from the queue, you may press star one one.


  • Again, please stand by while we compile the Q&A roster.


  • We ask that you limit yourself to one question and one follow-up.


  • Our first question comes from the line of David Lee of JPMorgan.

    我們的第一個問題來自摩根大通的大衛李(David Lee)。

  • Your question, please.


  • Dae Lee - Analyst

    Dae Lee - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • I guess the first one on reaching adjusted net income profit pressure.


  • I appreciate the color on the timing but just curious to hear like what needs to happen to reach this target.


  • Has it's just a matter of and a ramp in your acquisition volume or do you need to key industry transactions.


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • We'll cover two Southern metals and the day out.


  • It's Gary.


  • I'll take that on a couple of things.


  • One is we're highly focused on rescaling the business, but we're intent on doing it in a sustainable way.


  • So right now, what we're managing to is what I'd call a macro neutral environment.


  • We're now willing to lean into spreads were not willing to lean in to access marketing to drive growth at the expense of margin.


  • Certainly, if there are macro tailwinds, say second half of this year, we are well-positioned to take advantage of those.


  • But our Our objective is to meaningfully ramp our acquisitions this year and to do so within our Canada contribution margin target range.


  • We've talked about all of which will substantially reduce our CNI losses year on year.

    我們已經討論過所有這些都將大幅減少我們的 CNI 虧損。

  • So this is about wind.


  • No.


  • Dae Lee - Analyst

    Dae Lee - Analyst

  • And I guess as a follow-up on the Glory Leisure spread right now, I guess relative to exiting 2023 and I guess early part of 2023 and down this breadth and the federal level to be at the higher end of your contribution margin target.

    我想,作為目前 Glory Leisure 傳播的後續行動,我想相對於 2023 年退出,我想 2023 年初以及這個廣度和聯邦層面將達到邊際貢獻率目標的較高端。

  • Is that the right way to think about it?


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • Yes, when we made substantial improvement last year in our cost structure, much of which we fed back into durably, reducing spreads so the combination of cost structure improvements and home price stabilization allowed us to take those down throughout the year.


  • And we like where they are today, which is why we're ramping advertising spend by 50% in Q1 and why we are leaning into acquisition contract growth.

    我們喜歡他們今天的狀況,這就是為什麼我們在第一季將廣告支出增加了 50%,也是我們傾向於收購合約成長的原因。

  • Dae Lee - Analyst

    Dae Lee - Analyst

  • Understand.


  • Thank you,


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • Welcome.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Benjamin Black of Deutsche Bank.


  • Your question, please, Benjie.


  • Benjamin Black - Analyst

    Benjamin Black - Analyst

  • Hi, this is Jeff on for Ben.


  • Thank you for taking my questions.


  • Because I noticed that you exited three markets on this quarter.


  • What are you seeing there that led to and the decision to exit this market and change your strategy around market expansion going forward?


  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • Yes, happy to take that.


  • It's certainly not an indication of our forward plans.


  • These were three small markets that represented less than 1% of our volumes.

    這三個小市場僅占我們銷量的不到 1%。

  • And really it's more just a cost structure question, given the size of those markets and where they're physically located, they were approximate they weren't next to one of our other markets.


  • And so it was more just a cost inefficiency question.


  • Benjamin Black - Analyst

    Benjamin Black - Analyst

  • Yes, I guess just as a follow-up then.


  • So as you think about expanding your buybacks in a given region, is there sort of a contribution margin impact of doing that?


  • Or is it simply a matter of adding the capability to kind of expand your and your addressable market and therefore, you'll see similar contribution margins to other other homes in a similar region or where does that come at the expense of some gross margin constitutes.


  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • And our goal in expanding buy box is more about pricing accuracy.


  • And so we expand our buy box as our pricing system improves, and we believe we can price accurately so that we can deliver the same contribution margin across the expanded buybacks.


  • Benjamin Black - Analyst

    Benjamin Black - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Yes, thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Nick Jones of JMP Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 JMP 證券公司的 Nick Jones。

  • Your line is open.


  • Nicholas Jones - Analyst

    Nicholas Jones - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking the questions on.


  • So the new book on Zilver contribution margin of 8.3%, very solid kind of targeting 5% to 7%.

    因此,新書中關於 Zilver 的貢獻率為 8.3%,非常可靠的目標是 5% 到 7%。

  • I guess what gets you comfortable maybe increasing that range gone five to seven and maybe being north of eight over time?


  • I guess just some some clarity as to why not expanding that range yet?


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • Hey, Nick, it's Gary.


  • I'd say at a very high level, last year's 8.3% GM on the new book, which was great was about long Lasher spreads.

    我想說的是,在一個非常高的水平上,去年新書的 GM 為 8.3%,這很棒,因為 Lasher 的利差很長。

  • And we realize that 8.3% I mean this year, given where we sit our spread, that's why we're reaffirming our 5% to 7% contribution margin target.

    我們意識到,我指的是今年的 8.3%,考慮到我們的利差,這就是為什麼我們重申 5% 至 7% 的邊際貢獻率目標。

  • So again, we're balancing that interplay of growth margin risks, and we reduced the spreads to a level where we want to deliver within that 5% to 7% for the year.

    因此,我們再次平衡成長利潤率風險的相互作用,並將利差降低到我們希望今年達到 5% 至 7% 以內的水平。

  • Nicholas Jones - Analyst

    Nicholas Jones - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Helpful.


  • And then on the homes that are kind of lifted over 100,000 a day, you took that down to 18% versus I think it was 21% of markets, those homes, whereas you're kind of outperforming the market given the model over time, like how what kind of outperformance can we expect in terms of on the homes you're selecting and how long it's on the market versus kind of the average in those markets?

    然後,對於每天銷量超過 100,000 套的房屋,您將其降低至 18%,而我認為這些房屋的市場比例為 21%,而隨著時間的推移,鑑於該模型,您的表現有點優於市場,例如,就您選擇的房屋以及其在市場上的停留時間而言,與這些市場的平均水平相比,我們可以期待什麼樣的優異表現?

  • I guess ultimately, where does that kind of percentage go of overtime and maybe what's kind of the standard hold time today is the market's kind of neutral as we ended 2020?

    我想最終,加班費的百分比會去哪裡?也許今天的標準保留時間是多少,在 2020 年結束時市場是中性的?

  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • Yes.


  • So we are I think from a business portfolio management perspective, I really think about from the homes that we are shorter and hold periods of early days on market, we want to be slower and then as homes sit on our balance sheet longer, we want them to be selling faster than market.


  • So our goal is to outperform market.


  • And at on that older cohort of homes.


  • We think that's appropriate portfolio management and sort of disciplined risk management.


  • But there's not a specific target to your specific question of where we're trying to get to X number of it's much more about for homes that are 90 to 120 days on market.

    但對於您的具體問題,我們並沒有具體的目標,即我們試圖在哪裡達到 X 數量,更多的是針對上市時間為 90 至 120 天的房屋。

  • We want to be outperforming market.


  • Nicholas Jones - Analyst

    Nicholas Jones - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Hugo Reunion of Citi.

    我們的下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Hugo Reunion。

  • Your question, please?


  • Ygal Arounian - Analyst

    Ygal Arounian - Analyst

  • Yes, hi, guys.


  • Yes, Max on free golf.


  • So wondering if we could if you could walk us through how you think about the pace of acquisitions through the rest of the year, given your market neutral comment on the macro comm, how your expectations are for home acquisitions and anything you're seeing kind of as we head into the spring season.


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • So at a high level, you should see a meaningful increase in acquisitions 2024 over 2023.

    因此,從總體上看,您應該會看到 2024 年的收購量將比 2023 年大幅增加。

  • I'll repeat some of our guidance, which was Q1 being up 100% year on year.

    我將重複我們的一些指導意見,即第一季同比增長 100%。

  • So we're going to see good acquisition growth in the first quarter what we're seeing right now as we'd expect to see for this time of year.


  • Just given seasonality, people kind of getting back and just thinking about selling post Super Bowl is we're seeing a ramp in contracts month to month, so February, higher than January, March and February.


  • And we're going to see those contracts turn into closes in Q2, which is why we indicated like you should expect to see from us sequential acquisition growth Q2 over Q1 for that.


  • That's what I can tell you in terms of acquisition pacing for the first half of the year.


  • Ygal Arounian - Analyst

    Ygal Arounian - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And then on a follow-up, just is any updates on the 3P model as we look into 2024?

    接下來,我們展望 2024 年,3P 模型是否有任何更新?

  • And are you more focused kind of on the corporates.


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • I'd say we're focused on both, but I would say our plan to get back to positive cash flow is all about the current core business today or sell direct model that gets us back there.


  • Our cost structure and our balance sheet allow us to deliver on that marketplace for us, certainly important long term strategic one here and do it right?


  • We're about connecting buyers and sellers, but we're doing in a single market.


  • We've said consistently, we want to make sure that we focus on having great product market fit before we scale it.


  • I would say that this has been a tough year for experimentation against a low market supply like record low market supply.


  • That's challenging, but that short term long term, we remain committed to continue to evolve the marketplace product.


  • Ygal Arounian - Analyst

    Ygal Arounian - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And just welcome.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Next question comes from the line of Curtis Nagle of Bank of America.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Curtis Nagle - Analyst

    Curtis Nagle - Analyst

  • Curtis conservative.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Let's see.


  • I guess first of all would be in terms of the I think there's a $20 million delta on the operating expenses in 4Q positive.

    我想首先是我認為第四季的營運支出有 2000 萬美元的增量。

  • That is what accounted for that?


  • And I guess how should we think about quarterly operating adjusted expenses 24, assuming that should be maybe something a little bit above 100 mill given the higher marketing costs or what's the right way to think about?

    我想我們應該如何考慮季度營運調整費用 24,假設考慮到較高的行銷成本,該費用可能會略高於 100 工廠,或者什麼是正確的思考方式?

  • Christy Schwartz - CFO & Interim

    Christy Schwartz - CFO & Interim

  • Hey, Curtis, it's Christine.


  • Thank you for the question.


  • And so our the performance of 99 versus our guidance of 120 is a reflection of us continuing to make meaningful progress throughout the P & L. We saw continued strong execution from our teams in the fourth quarter, which allowed us to smooth the timing of some hiring from 4Q to 1Q as we're ramping up.

    因此,我們99 的表現與120 的指引反映了我們在整個損益表中繼續取得有意義的進展。我們看到我們的團隊在第四季度繼續保持強勁的執行力,這使我們能夠順利完成一些任務的時間安排隨著我們的增加,從第四季到第一季的招募。

  • And we continued to realize some cost saving initiatives we guided in Q1 to $120 million, and that just to unpack that change, it's about roughly half is marketing and advertising.

    我們繼續實現了一些成本節約計劃,我們在第一季指導了 1.2 億美元,而為了展開這一變化,大約一半是行銷和廣告。

  • And the other half is increasing our operations.


  • And we expect that increase from Q4 to Q1 to be the biggest bump for the year.


  • Curtis Nagle - Analyst

    Curtis Nagle - Analyst

  • So.


  • Okay, that's very helpful.


  • But maybe staying on the marketing front.


  • So you guys obviously made a big push with the Super Bowl this year, or I guess is that indicative of sort of plans for brand margin for the rest of the year?


  • Like it can't be like a one and done, right.


  • If that's really kind of a first shot and would love to hear like any is there any metrics you have in terms of a lift in traffic or perhaps people inquiring about it offers post-harvest.


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • In terms of Jeremy, I think you're are you asking your marketing mix question for you?


  • Curtis Nagle - Analyst

    Curtis Nagle - Analyst

  • I just quoted.


  • The question was right.


  • So you did your first your Super Bowl ad, right?


  • That's a very splashy form of brand marketing.


  • So is that indicative of a big ramp up right as we've kind of been talking about in brand marketing and just kind of how to think about that for the rest of the year.


  • And then again, just to note to you what you see in terms of a response in the first the first week from that end?


  • Carrie Wheeler - CEO

    Carrie Wheeler - CEO

  • Yes.


  • I mean, all credit to our creative marketing team, we actually did buy a Super Bowl ad.


  • To be clear, we said this is going to have cost discipline, as you know, as we were not trying to compare it also because we are yes, we were lighter with the different.


  • We want to be part of the Super Bowl, you know, free run and part of the conversation.


  • And I think our team did a good job of putting us in that room.


  • And we did a lot of stuff in and around Super Bowl before the game.


  • And then we had a live out during of time in Atlanta.


  • So I'd say it's too early to tell the impact of that.


  • We definitely saw a big pickup in traffic and awareness in Atlanta specifically, I think we know time will tell in terms of what the what the impact of that is, say at a higher level.


  • Do you think about how we think about marketing spend in the last year, we took down spend substantially.


  • That was in response to where spreads were because some spend became less efficient.


  • And you think about this year, we have really leaned into some of our more efficient marketing channels, branding.


  • One receivable thing is that the evidence is one of those.


  • But what we found is that brand lift all boats for us.


  • So we increased our brand spend, and we're finding that increases conversion across all avenues.


  • And actually, even though we had lower spend last year, we actually maintain our brand awareness is something we're really proud of and partnerships will continue to lean into because they're very efficient from a customer acquisition cost perspective and then there's paid.


  • So you should expect to see more creative from as you start to see more brand, but we're going to do with them, you know, making sure we manage the overall envelope figure for that research, virtual network functions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you again to ask a question, please press star one one on your telephone.


  • Again, that's star one one on your telephone to ask a question.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Ryan Tomasello of KBW.

    我們的下一個問題來自 KBW 的 Ryan Tomasello。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Ryan Tomasello - Analyst

    Ryan Tomasello - Analyst

  • Ryan, Tyler, thanks for taking the questions.


  • And it seems like one of the more important variables you focus on from a macro perspective is not necessarily the absolute level of rates, but the volatility in rates is that an accurate statement?


  • And if so, it would be helpful if you can just elaborate on how you define rate volatility if there's a difference between upward versus downward volatility, if that makes sense.


  • And just generally how that plays into your willingness to ramp volumes?


  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • Yes, happy to have it right?


  • Yes, I think a rate volatility really flows through and impacts the overall market by keeping sellers and buyers on the sidelines.


  • And I think that is why you can see in the numbers and the metrics that we have in the back of our shareholder letter as well.


  • If you look at where you've seen rates come down and you've seen increases in supply and demand.


  • And so I think really for us, at least we care most about the balance of sellers and buyers, the balance of supply and demand and so that's really where we stay focused.


  • And based on what we're seeing right now and what we've seen year to date, we continue to see a balance between the sellers and buyers, and that is leading to relative price stability and in line with what we've seen historically.


  • Ryan Tomasello - Analyst

    Ryan Tomasello - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay, thanks.


  • And then just on the capital structure, it looks like borrowing capacity came down by a few hundred million quarter over quarter, and you've removed the language from the shareholder or shareholder letter around sufficient capacity to hit the breakeven targets.


  • Just just to clarify that, that commentary and that move in the capacity?


  • And second, just how you're thinking about longer-term capacity beyond the $10 billion in volume, especially as you have to dip into the higher cost floating rate debt and obviously you bought back some of the convert.

    其次,你如何考慮超過 100 億美元規模的長期產能,特別是當你必須投入成本更高的浮動利率債務,並且顯然你回購了一些轉換債券時。

  • Just any updated thoughts there on capital allocation to the convert?


  • Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

    Dod Fraser - President of Open Exchange & Capital

  • Yes.


  • I'm certainly not trying to signal any change.


  • So we're comfortable that with our current capital base, both on the equity and debt side, we can get to that breakeven point.


  • We are and always have and you saw us do this in COVID modulating how much capacity we have lenders don't like to have unused capacity.


  • So I think that is something we've been working with our lenders on and they like to reduce unused capacity and they've been there for us in the past.


  • I think really for the near term, we're very focused on the fact that we have these term debt facilities that are fixed through the full year, and we feel very comfortable about our ability to use those facilities and cash on hand to sort of finance our business.


  • And so really feel quite comfortable on the capital side.


  • And I think if you sort of zoom out a bit and think about your last question there, Tom, but we obviously don't talk about future capital decisions.


  • But we as you alluded to, we did three convertible note buybacks last year.


  • We will always be opportunistic on and on the capital front.


  • Ryan Tomasello - Analyst

    Ryan Tomasello - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • You bet.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Our next question comes from the line of Mike Ng of Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Mike Ng。

  • Please go ahead, Mike.


  • Mike Ng - Analyst

    Mike Ng - Analyst

  • Hey, good afternoon.


  • Thank you very much.


  • For the question.


  • I just had a follow-up on the earlier question regarding OpEx and marketing spending.


  • I was just wondering if you could talk a little bit more about on any of the direct benefits that you see from increasing marketing spending?


  • Is there a direct relationship between marketing and sales.


  • (technical difficulty)
