恩智浦 (NXPI) 2018 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Fourth Quarter 2018 NXP Semiconductors Earnings Conference Call.

    女士們,先生們,美好的一天,歡迎參加 2018 年第四季度恩智浦半導體收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) And as a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • I would now like to hand the call over to Mr. Jeff Palmer, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我現在想把電話轉給投資者關係副總裁 Jeff Palmer 先生。

  • You may begin.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Thank you, Amanda, and good morning, everyone.


  • Welcome to the NXP Semiconductors Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Earnings Call.

    歡迎參加恩智浦半導體 2018 年第四季度和全年財報電話會議。

  • With me on the call today is: Rick Clemmer, NXP's CEO; Kurt Sievers, NXP's President; and Peter Kelly, our CFO.

    今天與我通話的是:恩智浦首席執行官里克克萊默;恩智浦總裁Kurt Sievers;和我們的首席財務官彼得凱利。

  • If you've not obtained a copy of our earnings press release, it can be found at our company website under the Investor Relations section at nxp.com.

    如果您尚未獲得我們的收益新聞稿副本,可以在我們公司網站的 nxp.com 投資者關係部分下找到它。

  • This call is being recorded and will be available for replay from our corporate website.


  • On our call today, we'll include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that can cause NXP's results to differ materially from management's current expectations.


  • These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the macroeconomic impact on the specific end markets in which we operate, the sale of new and existing products and our expectations for financial results for the first quarter of 2019.

    這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於關於宏觀經濟對我們經營所在的特定終端市場的影響、新產品和現有產品的銷售以及我們對 2019 年第一季度財務業績的預期的聲明。

  • Please be reminded that NXP undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements.


  • For a full disclosure on forward-looking statements, please refer to our press release.


  • Additionally, during our call today, we will make reference to certain non-GAAP financial measures, which will include -- exclude the impact of purchase price accounting, restructuring, stock-based compensation, impairment, merger-related costs and other charges that are driven primarily by discrete events that management does not consider to be directly related to NXP's underlying core operating performance.


  • Pursuant to Regulation G, NXP has provided reconciliations of the non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures in our fourth quarter earnings press release, which will be furnished to the SEC on Form 6-K and is available on NXP's website in the Investor Relations section.

    根據 G 條例,恩智浦在我們的第四季度收益新聞稿中提供了非 GAAP 財務指標與最直接可比的 GAAP 指標的對賬,該新聞稿將通過表格 6-K 提供給 SEC,並可在 NXP 的網站上獲得投資者關係部分。

  • Before we begin the call today, I'd like to remind you that beginning January 1, we've shifted our revenue reporting to an end-market view from an operating segment approach.

    在我們今天開始電話會議之前,我想提醒您,從 1 月 1 日開始,我們已將收入報告從運營部門的方法轉變為終端市場的觀點。

  • We believe this change over time will enhance the insight into the drivers of our business relative to the markets in which we operate.


  • The current and historical end market information is available from our Investor Relations website in the historical financial model, which we post every quarter.


  • And now I'd like to turn the call over to Rick.

    現在我想把電話轉給 Rick。

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Thanks, Jeff, and welcome, everyone, to our conference call.


  • On today's call, I would like to cover 3 major themes: our full year financial performance, our view of the market environment in which we operate and then the specifics around our fourth quarter performance.

    在今天的電話會議上,我想介紹 3 個主要主題:我們的全年財務業績、我們對經營所在市場環境的看法以及第四季度業績的具體情況。

  • Overall, looking at 2018, our revenue was $9.4 billion, an increase of 2% year-on-year.

    總體而言,縱觀 2018 年,我們的收入為 94 億美元,同比增長 2%。

  • The drivers of the full year growth were the automotive and industrial end markets, with flattish trends in mobile following a strong 2017, offset by weaker trends in the communication infrastructure and other end market relating to a decline in our digital networking business.

    全年增長的驅動力是汽車和工業終端市場,在 2017 年強勁之後,移動市場的趨勢趨於平緩,但與我們的數字網絡業務下滑相關的通信基礎設施和其他終端市場的疲軟趨勢抵消了這一趨勢。

  • Turning to the details of the full year.


  • Automotive revenue was $4.51 billion, up 6% year-on-year.

    汽車收入為 45.1 億美元,同比增長 6%。

  • Highlights include double-digit growth of both our RADAR transceivers and processing solutions for ADAS applications and the growth of i.MX processors used in auto display cluster applications.

    亮點包括我們用於 ADAS 應用的雷達收發器和處理解決方案的兩位數增長,以及用於汽車顯示集群應用的 i.MX 處理器的增長。

  • For the full year, ADAS products were just under 10% of overall automotive revenue, and the expectation is for continued strong growth as automatic braking and other safety features become more widely deployed and mandated.

    全年,ADAS 產品僅佔汽車總收入的 10% 以下,隨著自動制動和其他安全功能得到更廣泛的部署和授權,預計將繼續強勁增長。

  • Industrial and IoT revenue was $1.81 billion, up 6% year-on-year, including high single-digit growth in general purpose MCUs.

    工業和物聯網收入為 18.1 億美元,同比增長 6%,包括通用 MCU 的高個位數增長。

  • Within the portfolio, growth of our 32-bit ARM MCU products were up in the high-teens, driven by the breadth of our power-optimized portfolio and 25,000-plus customer base served through our distribution partners across Industrial and IoT applications.

    在產品組合中,我們的 32 位 ARM MCU 產品的增長速度高達十幾倍,這得益於我們的功率優化產品組合的廣度以及通過我們在工業和物聯網應用中的分銷合作夥伴服務的 25,000 多個客戶群。

  • We also continue to see the acceleration of design wins for our RT crossover processor family announced last year.

    我們還繼續看到我們去年宣布的 RT 跨界處理器系列的設計勝利加速。

  • Mobile revenue in total was $1.16 billion, essentially flat year-on-year, with sales of mobile transaction products up mid-single digits in 2018.

    移動總收入為 11.6 億美元,同比基本持平,2018 年移動交易產品銷售額增長中個位數。

  • In mobile transactions, we continued to be focused on moving the attached rate of mobile wallets down into the future phone market and adding new use cases, including transit and access solutions.


  • Communication infrastructure and other revenue was $1.79 billion, down 4% year-on-year, with increases from early 5G trials during the second half of 2018 more than offset by the continued declines in digital networking.

    通信基礎設施和其他收入為 17.9 億美元,同比下降 4%,2018 年下半年早期 5G 試驗的增長被數字網絡的持續下降所抵消。

  • Before we review Q4, we would like to offer our views on the current demand environment.


  • As we communicated on our third quarter call, we believe the demand environment was cloudy at best.


  • As we progressed into the later part of Q4, we began to see accelerating deterioration in the China market in industrial -- in the China automotive and industrial markets.


  • With respect to automotive, we see weakening domestic demand in China clearly impacting the demand from global OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers.


  • Within the broad China industrial market, serviced by our distribution partners, we saw an increased reluctance to place orders due to weak demand from their end customers, which we believe is due to the uncertainty created by the ongoing trade dispute.


  • In this broad market, it is extremely difficult to point to one specific set of customers or submarket that is causing the reduced demand.


  • In the European automotive market, the WLTP emissions testing bottlenecks we highlighted last quarter continues to create headwinds to demand.

    在歐洲汽車市場,我們上個季度強調的 WLTP 排放測試瓶頸繼續對需求造成不利影響。

  • We do not see the testing bottlenecks clearing before the end of Q1.


  • In addition, the lack of progress of how the U.K. will exit the EU has created additional levels of uncertainties in the auto market.


  • Within the mobile market, we anticipate worsening seasonal trends into the fourth quarter, primarily due to weaker trends in the premium smartphone market and the continued absorption of shipments after the strong launch in India by Reliance in the second half of 2017.

    在移動市場中,我們預計到第四季度的季節性趨勢將惡化,這主要是由於高端智能手機市場的疲軟趨勢以及 Reliance 於 2017 年下半年在印度強勢推出後繼續吸收出貨量。

  • Overall, we do not see the historical leading indicators of an overheated supply chain, including unusual backlog cancellations or outright program cancellations.


  • Our distribution channel continues to be in good shape, with channel inventory consistently at 2.4 months, in line with our long-term targets.

    我們的分銷渠道繼續保持良好狀態,渠道庫存始終保持在 2.4 個月,符合我們的長期目標。

  • Unfortunately, we do not have any unique insights to forecast the duration or depth of the slowdown.


  • However, our order rates would indicate that Q2 revenue will be higher than Q1.


  • And with most third-party economists continuing to forecast global GDP at a range just under 3%, you would have to believe the second half of 2019 will be stronger than the first half for the semiconductor market.

    由於大多數第三方經濟學家繼續預測全球 GDP 將保持在略低於 3% 的範圍內,因此您不得不相信 2019 年下半年半導體市場的表現將強於上半年。

  • Now I'd like to turn to the specifics of Q4.


  • Total revenue was $2.4 billion, a decline of 2% year-over-year.

    總收入為 24 億美元,同比下降 2%。

  • Our results were modestly better than our guidance for the quarter.


  • From an end market perspective, automotive Q4 revenue was $1.11 billion, up 1% year-on-year with ADAS and i.MX, both up double digits.

    從終端市場來看,汽車 Q4 收入為 11.1 億美元,同比增長 1%,其中 ADAS 和 i.MX 均增長兩位數。

  • In industrial and IoT, revenue was $435 million, down 7% year-on-year, primarily reflecting the weaker distribution trends in China, as previously mentioned.

    如前所述,在工業和物聯網領域,收入為 4.35 億美元,同比下降 7%,主要反映了中國較弱的分銷趨勢。

  • In mobile, revenue was $344 million, down 8% year-on-year, primarily due to a tough comparison with the ramp-up of Reliance in the second half of 2017.

    在移動領域,收入為 3.44 億美元,同比下降 8%,這主要是由於與 2017 年下半年 Reliance 的增長形成鮮明對比。

  • However, we did see seasonally strong sequential demand for mobile transaction products in the premium smartphone market.


  • Finally, communications, infrastructure and other revenue was $483 million, up 3% year-on-year, with RF Power solutions up a very strong double-digit, offset by declines in digital networking.

    最後,通信、基礎設施和其他收入為 4.83 億美元,同比增長 3%,其中射頻電源解決方案實現了非常強勁的兩位數增長,被數字網絡的下降所抵消。

  • Now I'd like to pass the call to Peter for a review of our financial performance.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Thank you, Rick, and good morning to everyone on today's call.


  • As Rick has already covered the drivers of the revenue during the quarter, I'll move to the financial highlights.

    由於 Rick 已經介紹了本季度收入的驅動因素,我將轉向財務亮點。

  • In summary, our Q4 overall revenue performance was modestly better than the midpoint of guidance.


  • And as it's our year-end, I'll review the full year financial trends and then move on to the results for the fourth quarter.


  • For the full year, revenue was $9.41 billion, up 2% year-on-year.


  • Non-GAAP gross profit was $4.98 billion or 52.9% of revenue.

    非美國通用會計準則毛利潤為 49.8 億美元,佔收入的 52.9%。

  • Non-GAAP operating income was $2.7 billion or 28.7% of revenue, essentially flat year-on-year on a dollar basis as we stepped up R&D investments over the course of the year, while we managed SG&A expenses downwards.

    非美國通用會計準則營業收入為 27 億美元,佔收入的 28.7%,與去年同期基本持平,因為我們在這一年中加大了研發投資,同時我們管理的 SG&A 費用也有所下降。

  • We generated $3.76 billion in free cash flow, which included the one-time termination fee from Qualcomm, and we returned $5.08 billion to our owners through a combination of share buybacks and cash dividends, and we reduced our diluted share count by 15% versus the same period a year ago.

    我們產生了 37.6 億美元的自由現金流,其中包括來自高通的一次性終止費,我們通過股票回購和現金分紅相結合的方式向我們的所有者返還了 50.8 億美元,我們將稀釋後的股票數量減少了 15%。一年前的同一時期。

  • Focusing on the details of fourth quarter.


  • Total revenue was $2.4 billion, down 2% year-on-year, but modestly above the midpoint of guidance.

    總收入為 24 億美元,同比下降 2%,但略高於指引中點。

  • We generated $1.28 billion in non-GAAP gross profit and reported a non-GAAP gross margin of 53.1%, down 110 basis points year-on-year.

    我們創造了 12.8 億美元的非美國通用會計準則毛利潤,報告非美國通用會計準則毛利率為 53.1%,同比下降 110 個基點。

  • Total non-GAAP operating expenses were $543 million, down $25 million year-on-year and a reduction of $20 million from the third quarter.

    非美國通用會計準則運營費用總額為 5.43 億美元,同比減少 2500 萬美元,比第三季度減少 2000 萬美元。

  • This was $8 million better than the midpoint of our guidance.

    這比我們指導的中點高出 800 萬美元。

  • From a total operating profit perspective, non-GAAP operating profit was $731 million and non-GAAP operating margin was 30.4%, down 70 basis points year-on-year, reflecting the previously mentioned items.


  • Interest expense was $60 million, noncontrolling interest was $13 million and cash taxes for ongoing operations were $29 million.

    利息支出為 6000 萬美元,非控股權益為 1300 萬美元,持續經營的現金稅為 2900 萬美元。

  • Stock-based compensation, which is not included in our non-GAAP earnings, was $93 million.

    不包括在我們的非公認會計原則收益中的基於股票的薪酬為 9300 萬美元。

  • Now I'd like to turn to the changes in our cash and debt.


  • Our total debt at the end of the fourth quarter was $7.35 billion, an increase of $1 billion sequentially, as we issued $2 billion of our first investment-grade bonds and simultaneously repaid the $1 billion bridge loan facility.

    我們在第四季度末的總債務為 73.5 億美元,比上一季度增加了 10 億美元,因為我們發行了 20 億美元的第一筆投資級債券,同時償還了 10 億美元的過橋貸款。

  • Cash was $2.79 billion, and net debt was $4.57 billion.

    現金為 27.9 億美元,淨債務為 45.7 億美元。

  • We exited the quarter with a trailing 12-month adjusted EBITDA of approximately $3.15 billion.

    本季度末,我們過去 12 個月調整後的 EBITDA 約為 31.5 億美元。

  • Our ratio of net debt to trailing 12 months adjusted EBITDA at the end of fourth quarter was 1.45x, and our non-GAAP interest coverage was 12x.

    截至第四季度末,我們的淨債務與過去 12 個月調整後 EBITDA 的比率為 1.45 倍,我們的非 GAAP 利息覆蓋率為 12 倍。

  • Our liquidity is excellent, and our balance sheet is very strong.


  • During the month of October, we returned approximately $500 million to shareholders, as we bought 5 million shares for $424 million and paid $74 million in cash dividends.

    在 10 月份,我們向股東返還了大約 5 億美元,我們以 4.24 億美元購買了 500 萬股股票並支付了 7400 萬美元的現金股息。

  • During the quarter, we paid a deemed dividend tax of $142 million.

    在本季度,我們支付了 1.42 億美元的視同股息稅。

  • And as a reminder, this payment does not go through the P&L.


  • Turning to working capital metrics.


  • Days of inventory was 102 days, an increase of 2 days sequentially, was slightly down on an absolute dollar basis.


  • Days receivable were 30 days, a decrease of 2 days sequentially and days payable were 80, an increase of 6 days versus the prior quarter.


  • Taken together, our cash conversion cycle was 52 days, an improvement of 6 days versus the prior quarter.

    總而言之,我們的現金轉換週期為 52 天,比上一季度改善了 6 天。

  • Cash flow from operations was $731 million and net CapEx was $170 million, resulting in free cash flow of $561 million.

    運營現金流為 7.31 億美元,資本支出淨額為 1.7 億美元,自由現金流為 5.61 億美元。

  • Turning now to our expectations for the first quarter.


  • We currently anticipate total revenue will decline in a range of 16% to 10% sequentially, reflecting the weaker demand environment we've discussed.

    我們目前預計總收入將環比下降 16% 至 10%,這反映了我們討論過的疲軟需求環境。

  • At the midpoint of our range, this is a decline of approximately 13% sequentially and 8% versus the same period a year ago of $2.09 billion.

    在我們範圍的中點,與去年同期的 20.9 億美元相比,環比下降了約 13%,下降了 8%。

  • As a reminder, beginning January 1, we made a shift towards reporting our total revenue on an end market approach.

    提醒一下,從 1 月 1 日開始,我們轉向以終端市場方法報告總收入。

  • We have posted the historic data on our website and in our guidance today, we'll follow the new end market definitions.


  • At the midpoint, we anticipate the following sequential trends in the business.


  • Automotive is expected to be down about in the middle -- in the mid-single digit range.


  • Industrial and IoT is expected to be down in the low double-digit range on a percentage basis.


  • And mobile is expected to be down in the low 30% range.

    移動設備預計將下降 30% 左右。

  • And finally, communications infrastructure and other is expected to be down in the upper single-digit range.


  • We expect non-GAAP gross margins to be about 52.3%, plus or minus 70 basis points.

    我們預計非 GAAP 毛利率約為 52.3%,上下浮動 70 個基點。

  • Operating expenses are expected to be about $550 million plus or minus $12 million or so.

    運營費用預計約為 5.5 億美元,上下浮動 1200 萬美元左右。

  • Taken together, we see non-GAAP operating margin to be about 26% plus or minus 100 basis points.

    綜合來看,我們認為非美國通用會計準則營業利潤率約為 26% 上下 100 個基點。

  • We anticipate cash tax related to ongoing operations to be about $24 million, and we estimate interest expense to be about $62 million because of the additional debt we added last quarter.

    我們預計與持續運營相關的現金稅約為 2400 萬美元,我們估計利息費用約為 6200 萬美元,因為我們在上個季度增加了額外的債務。

  • Noncontrolling interest will be about $7 million, down about $6 million below our usual number, reflecting our joint ventures -- joint venture partners reduced loadings in SSMC.

    非控股權益將約為 700 萬美元,比我們通常的數字低約 600 萬美元,這反映了我們的合資企業——合資夥伴減少了 SSMC 的負荷。

  • I would like to provide an update on our share repurchase program.


  • As previously mentioned, in October of 2018, we bought back 5 million shares at a cost of $424 million.

    如前所述,2018 年 10 月,我們以 4.24 億美元的價格回購了 500 萬股股票。

  • Since December 31 -- so in 2019, we've repurchased an additional 5.9 million shares at a cost of about $481 million under a 10b-5 program.

    自 12 月 31 日以來——因此在 2019 年,我們根據 10b-5 計劃以約 4.81 億美元的成本回購了額外的 590 萬股股票。

  • We suggest that for modeling purposes, you use an average share count for the first quarter of 290 million shares.

    我們建議,出於建模目的,您使用第一季度 2.9 億股的平均股數。

  • Finally, I have several housekeeping comments I'd like to address: one, given our new end market reporting, I would recommend you all review the data we posted.


  • But going forward and beginning in Q1, we will not include revenue from our manufacturing services agreements, which is related to the divestment of assets, such as Standard Products and RF Power a couple of years ago.


  • And as an example, the MSA revenue in the first quarter of '18 was $39 million.

    例如,18 年第一季度的 MSA 收入為 3900 萬美元。

  • And what you'll now see in Q1 guidance is 0, which creates, obviously, about 160 basis points of headwind to our product revenue growth.

    你現在在第一季度的指導中看到的是 0,這顯然對我們的產品收入增長造成了大約 160 個基點的阻力。

  • As Rick pointed out, most economists continue to predict global GDP growing 3% in 2019.

    正如里克指出的那樣,大多數經濟學家繼續預測 2019 年全球 GDP 將增長 3%。

  • So at this point, we would see no reason to not believe our market can't grow 3% to 5% compound annually over the next 3 years and our business reflecting this growth would grow 5% to 7% compound over the same period.

    因此,在這一點上,我們認為沒有理由不相信我們的市場在未來 3 年不能以每年 3% 到 5% 的複合增長率增長,而我們反映這種增長的業務將在同一時期以 5% 到 7% 的複合增長率增長。

  • Clearly, our gross margins have challenged us in Q1, but we still plan to exit fourth quarter 2019 at 55%.

    顯然,我們的毛利率在第一季度對我們提出了挑戰,但我們仍計劃在 2019 年第四季度以 55% 的水平退出。

  • Interest costs for 2019 are anticipated to be about $270 million and that reflects the new debt.

    2019 年的利息成本預計約為 2.7 億美元,這反映了新債務。

  • We continue to believe our cash tax rate related to ongoing operations for 2019 should be about 5%, and we expect CapEx for 2019 to be in the range of 6% to 7%.

    我們仍然認為與 2019 年持續運營相關的現金稅率應約為 5%,我們預計 2019 年的資本支出將在 6% 至 7% 的範圍內。

  • I'd like now to turn it back to the operator for questions for Rick and I and, of course, Kurt.

    我現在想把它轉回給接線員,為 Rick 和我,當然還有 Kurt 提問。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question is from the line of John Pitzer of Crédit Suisse.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 John Pitzer。

  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • Rick, I guess, my first question is just can you talk a little bit about the expected inventory trends as you go through the March quarter, both on your own balance sheet but I guess, more importantly, in distribution.


  • When you look at your rev guide for Q1, do you think that, that represents kind of undershipping end demand?


  • And is there any meaningful difference on what's going on with inventory by geo?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Well, I think, John, as we talked about, if you look at our automotive business, the bulk of that, that's outside of China is actually on a vendor-managed inventory.


  • So we actually only ship it to the customer when they're actually using it in production.


  • In the case of China, it's not quite as refined yet, so most of the shipments we have for the automotive market in China do go through our distribution partners.


  • As we talked about, our total distribution inventory is at 2.4 months.

    正如我們所說,我們的總分銷庫存為 2.4 個月。

  • And our target is to maintain that at around 2.5 months plus or minus a half.

    我們的目標是將其維持在 2.5 個月左右。

  • So clearly, the guidance we have would be dependent upon our anticipation of what we believe the POS to be for Q1 with the reduced inventories that would go associated with that.

    很明顯,我們的指導將取決於我們對我們認為第一季度的 POS 以及與之相關的庫存減少的預期。

  • I think we're in a very unusual environment where the U.S. is okay.


  • Europe is basically okay and maybe not quite as robust as it was in Q3, but China is just kind of locked down.


  • It's in the quagmire.


  • Our distribution partners' customers are not placing orders and not taking inventory because of their uncertainty about what's going to happen in the trade war.


  • And as long as we see this uncertainty on the trade war, there'll continue to be at reluctance by them to place orders and take inventory.


  • Now if you believe that the full year's GDP growth is going to be 3% or just under, then clearly that can't continue.

    現在,如果您認為全年的 GDP 增長將是 3% 或略低於 3%,那麼顯然這種情況無法持續。

  • So if that's the case, then we'll see a significant rebound in the second half of the year.


  • And as we said, our orders right now would indicate that Q2 will be higher than Q1.


  • So I would say that we see an improved environment, but we're still going through the shipments in Q1, and we'll have the distribution inventory reduced associated with those reduced shipments in Q1.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • And on our internal inventory, John, I think I said last time, I want to get it down to 95 days.

    關於我們的內部庫存,約翰,我想我上次說過,我想把它縮短到 95 天。

  • And we're putting a lot of pressure on the organization to do that.


  • Clearly, Q1 is a difficult quarter to do because it tends to be a low quarter.


  • But I have a lot of confidence we'll get there, and we're certainly not going to allow our inventory to grow on a dollar basis.


  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • That's helpful.


  • And as my follow-up, just on the auto trends in Q1 and then throughout calendar year '19, clearly, auto is outperforming the midpoint of the overall guidance.

    作為我的後續行動,僅就第一季度和整個 19 日曆年的汽車趨勢而言,顯然,汽車的表現優於整體指導的中點。

  • Does that, in your view, reflect just kind of you keeping up with the market or there are company specific drivers that you see kicking in in Q1 that are helping you outperform the overall market?


  • And how does the company's specific stuff trend throughout calendar year '19?

    公司的特定產品在 19 日曆年的趨勢如何?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Well, I think on the company's specific, I'll let Kurt comment on it in just a second, but I think we believe that on the ADAS, specifically in RADAR, that will continue to ramp through the year.

    好吧,我認為關於公司的具體情況,我會讓 Kurt 在一秒鐘內發表評論,但我認為我們相信在 ADAS 上,特別是在 RADAR 上,這一年將繼續增長。

  • But Q1, it's -- we've been shipping it.

    但是第一季度,它是 - 我們一直在運送它。

  • It's just under 10% of automotive revenue for full year '18.

    這僅佔 18 年全年汽車收入的 10% 以下。

  • And so that will be -- we'll continue to see that more robust than the rest of the automotive market and that will continue to ramp through the years, specifically in automotive.

    所以這將是 - 我們將繼續看到它比汽車市場的其他部分更加強勁,並且這些年將繼續增長,特別是在汽車領域。

  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • Yes, Rick, so I -- absolutely, it's on the -- as we had discussed earlier, the ADAS being now just below 10% of the total order revenue is a strong content story.

    是的,Rick,所以我——絕對是——正如我們之前討論的那樣,ADAS 現在僅佔總訂單收入的 10% 以下,這是一個強大的內容故事。

  • In the current environment, we don't see that disturbing the trend.


  • So we clearly see that the, say, 25% to 30% growth rate of that part of the business is fully intact, also, in the current environment.

    因此,我們清楚地看到,這部分業務的 25% 到 30% 的增長率在當前環境下也完全完好無損。

  • While other parts of the business, obviously, are much closer tied to the SAAR, which has been more suffering from the Q1 environment.

    顯然,業務的其他部分與 SAAR 的聯繫更加緊密,後者在第一季度的環境中受到了更大的影響。

  • Another one, which we -- and Rick was speaking about it earlier, which does clearly outgrow from a content perspective is our i.MX application processor business, which goes into the digital clusters.

    另一個,我們和 Rick 之前談到的,從內容的角度來看,它顯然已經超出了我們的 i.MX 應用處理器業務,它進入了數字集群。

  • So there is a continued strong trend of adoption of digital-to-cluster solutions where we have a very strong leading solution with our i.MX applications processors.

    因此,採用數字到集群解決方案的趨勢持續強勁,我們的 i.MX 應用處理器擁有非常強大的領先解決方案。

  • So those 2, I'd say, clearly, are content driven also through a weaker market environment.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Stacy Rasgon of Bernstein Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Bernstein Research 的 Stacy Rasgon。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • I wanted to ask about the gross margin guide.


  • You're still holding the 55% at the end of the year.

    到年底,你仍然持有 55% 的股份。

  • What revenue level is required to hit that?


  • And can you give us some idea of the gross margin drivers that drive your trajectory from the Q1 point through Q4 exiting the year to get there?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • Sure, Stacy.


  • I, obviously, anticipated that we'd get a lot of questions around this.


  • I think if you go from Q4 '18 to Q4 '19, so flat revenue.

    我認為,如果您從 18 年第四季度到 19 年第四季度,那麼收入就會持平。

  • To get from 53.1% to 55%, several things.

    從 53.1% 到 55%,有幾件事。

  • First of all, we have annual price reductions.


  • So that gives us about an 80 basis point headwind.

    因此,這給我們帶來了大約 80 個基點的逆風。

  • Mix has a little bit of a benefit in what we're planning right now, probably about 60 basis points.

    混合對我們現在的計劃有一點好處,大概是 60 個基點。

  • Operationally, I've got about 200 basis points of performance locked in to get to the 55%.

    在操作上,我已經鎖定了大約 200 個基點的性能以達到 55%。

  • So that's about 130 basis points in input pricing, which we've got identified and about 60 basis points in factory efficiency, which we've got identified.

    因此,我們已經確定了投入定價的大約 130 個基點,以及我們已經確定的工廠效率的大約 60 個基點。

  • Now to be honest, on those -- on that last one in particular, the factory efficiencies, I'd like to see that improve actually.


  • But I said it last time, I don't think we need volume or revenue increase of our Q4 '18 number to get to 55%.

    但我上次說過,我認為我們不需要將 18 年第四季度的數量或收入增長到 55%。

  • And I think we've got it pretty well identified now.


  • And that can do better, I'll do better, but there is always things that have the potential to offset some of the other potential goodies we could see.


  • I'm feeling pretty comfortable about it still.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • For my follow-up, I wanted to ask about buybacks.


  • I know you've been buying back more incremental amounts lately.


  • I think you had said that you needed to hold a shareholder meeting to authorize like a -- further like large repurchase amounts.

    我認為您曾說過您需要召開股東大會來授權像 - 進一步像大額回購金額。

  • Why have we not seen that shareholder meeting?


  • Is it going to happen soon?


  • And how much of the existing authorization of the buyback remains?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Well, I can still -- yes, there is a kind of technical thing in the Netherlands where, basically, you get an authorization to buy back up to 20% of your stock.

    好吧,我仍然可以 - 是的,在荷蘭有一種技術性的東西,基本上,你獲得了回購最多 20% 股票的授權。

  • And typically, people don't buy back 20% of their stock, but we're getting close to it.

    通常,人們不會回購 20% 的股票,但我們已經接近了。

  • The reason we've not asked for that meeting yet is that I can still buy back about -- I think about 14 million shares, which is 1 -- at least of our current prices, $1.5 billion or so.

    我們還沒有要求召開那次會議的原因是,我仍然可以回購大約 1400 萬股,這是 1 股,至少是我們當前價格的 15 億美元左右。

  • So as soon as I use all that, I'll go and request the meeting, but either way, our next annual general meeting is on -- Rick will probably correct me, is in May or June.

    因此,一旦我使用了所有這些,我就會去請求開會,但無論如何,我們的下一次年度股東大會即將召開——Rick 可能會糾正我,是在 5 月或 6 月。

  • And we'd get it topped up to 20% on that.

    我們會在上面加滿 20%。

  • But the simple answer is, I have the capacity to still buy an additional 1.5 billion.


  • So I don't need the approval right now.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of William Stein of SunTrust.

    我們的下一個問題來自 SunTrust 的 William Stein。

  • William Stein - MD

    William Stein - MD

  • Just one more quick one on the buyback.


  • Peter, you said -- I think you've said either at the Analyst Day or the last call that you anticipated spending approximately $3 billion from Q4 '18 through the full year '19, is that still the plan?

    彼得,你說——我想你在分析師日或最後一次電話會議上說過,你預計從 18 年第四季度到 19 年全年將花費大約 30 億美元,這仍然是計劃嗎?

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes.


  • We said we would return, and I said this for many years, all excess cash to shareholders.


  • So if we do the math, obviously, yes, we now include our dividend and -- but yes, it'd be roughly that number.

    因此,如果我們進行數學計算,顯然,是的,我們現在包括我們的股息 - 但是是的,大概就是這個數字。

  • William Stein - MD

    William Stein - MD

  • Okay.


  • And then, I guess, I'd like to turn to 5G.

    然後,我想,我想轉向 5G。

  • Rick, last quarter, I think you expressed some skepticism about the near-term strength in that market owing to your customer's sort of design approach and expressed an expectation that there might be some change in that, that would accelerate demand.


  • Can you update us on your view in that market in the quarter and as we progress through '19?

    您能否在本季度以及我們在 19 年取得進展時更新我們對該市場的看法?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • So thanks, Will.


  • So I think 5G is still pretty fluid right now.


  • I think one of the major U.S. carriers actually announced that they were going to delay some of their deployments on the CPE with the last mile because they didn't believe the architecture was ready for prime time, a little bit like we talked about on our last earnings call.

    我認為美國主要運營商之一實際上宣布他們將在最後一英里推遲他們在 CPE 上的一些部署,因為他們不相信架構已經準備好迎接黃金時段,有點像我們在我們的最後一次財報電話會議。

  • So I think it kind of confirmed our view associated with that.


  • We anticipate that there is not really going to be the 5G availability by reasonable cost architecture that's not driven by FPGAs until late in '19.

    我們預計,直到 19 年末才由 FPGA 驅動的合理成本架構不會真正實現 5G。

  • So we would not see a huge ramp-up of that CPE or last mile for 5G into late '19.

    因此,到 19 年末,我們不會看到 CPE 或 5G 的最後一英里的大幅增長。

  • I think in the meantime, in preparation for 5G mobility, the infrastructure investments are ongoing, and we see a very solid demand, a very solid increasing demand that, frankly, we're struggling a little bit to get in position to be able to fulfill all the requirements.

    我認為與此同時,為準備 5G 移動性,基礎設施投資正在進行中,我們看到了非常穩固的需求,非常穩固的不斷增長的需求,坦率地說,我們正在努力爭取能夠做到滿足所有要求。

  • So it is kind of the tale of 2 pieces.


  • When you look at the infrastructure side, we do see that really beginning to ramp now, but when we see the deployment of more for the last mile, we think that, that will be later in the year before really the architecture will be cost-effective to be able to support a significant ramp.


  • William Stein - MD

    William Stein - MD

  • In that last comment, you're talking about massive MIMO and your power amps, is that the business you're referring to?

    在最後一條評論中,您說的是大規模 MIMO 和您的功率放大器,您指的是業務嗎?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • That's what we see today, is we see for the infrastructure deployment, massive MIMO as well as the deployment for base stations to get prepared for the 5G rollout actually beginning to be -- receive orders for it today.

    這就是我們今天看到的,我們看到的是基礎設施部署、大規模 MIMO 以及基站部署,為 5G 的推出做好準備——今天就收到訂單。

  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Sorry.


  • Just before the next question, I'll need to correct something.


  • Stacy, I have 10 million shares capacity left, not 15 million.

    史黛西,我還有 1000 萬股容量,而不是 1500 萬股。

  • So I could only buyback $1.1 billion, $1.2 billion before I have to go back to the shareholders.

    所以我只能回購 11 億美元,12 億美元,然後我必須回到股東那裡。

  • But again, I don't think that's an issue and it's an easy thing to do should we need it.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Vivek Arya of Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    我們的下一個問題來自美銀美林的 Vivek Arya。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Rick, from a high-level perspective, do you think NXP is more exposed to China versus your peers?


  • Or you are perhaps seeing more of this downturn?


  • And if there is a trade resolution, perhaps you also see a somewhat better recovery.


  • And as part of that, I think you mentioned some optimism around Q2 being better.


  • Was hoping you could give us some color on which end markets are starting to stabilize and which remain weaker?


  • I know it's pretty early, and data is limited.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • So I guess, relative to China, I think we're -- China represents a significant portion of our business.

    所以我想,相對於中國,我認為我們 - 中國代表了我們業務的重要組成部分。

  • If you look at what we see, we see that the end market in China from a distribution viewpoint for the industrial side is kind of continuing to be somewhat on hold or in a gray area.


  • I think what we talked about that gives us confidence for Q2 is the order rate that we see for the last few weeks coming in actually really gives us the confidence that Q2 will be in excess or larger than Q1.


  • I do think that China is somewhat of a contributor.


  • But I think, obviously, there was a hard shift, a hard reset by a number of our customers, specifically in automotive, but also with our industrial and IoT customers in China.


  • As we see that taking place, as long as the world's GDP continues to be relatively healthy, then I think we're very confident we'll work our way out of that.

    正如我們所看到的那樣,只要世界的 GDP 繼續保持相對健康,那麼我認為我們非常有信心我們會努力擺脫困境。

  • But the increased orders that we're seeing over the last few weeks really gives us that ability to have the confidence to be able to say that on this call.


  • And then relative to the second half of the year, it all gets down to what your belief is on the world's GDP.


  • So as long as you believe it's going to be close to 3%, then we clearly believe that the second half of 2019 will be better than the first half.

    所以只要你相信它會接近 3%,那麼我們顯然相信 2019 年下半年會好於上半年。

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • I think, Vivek, our exposure to China is -- complicates things for us slightly in the sense that we know what we ship in.


  • And the supply chain in China is, certainly, more opaque than what you'd see in Western Europe or the U.S. So it feels to us like we do get moved about in terms of what's going on in the supply chain over there, but once we ship it in, you don't know when it comes out.


  • Our -- we ship auto product in there that some of it will be for domestic, some of it will be for global.

    我們的 - 我們在那裡運送汽車產品,其中一些將用於國內,一些將用於全球。

  • Our industrial products we assembled into devices that get shipped all over the world.


  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • And it works both ways actually.


  • It's -- even some of the shift to in Europe and the U.S. ends up in the end market of China.


  • So we don't have 100% traceability, which shipments are really down to the market itself in China.

    所以我們沒有 100% 的可追溯性,哪些出貨量真正取決於中國市場本身。

  • Both outside of China shipments could end up in China.


  • Some of the into-China shipments could be tied to end markets outside of China.


  • So that's why it's really a bit hard to say what exactly that exposure is.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Jeff, what was our -- do you have our 2018 shipping number?

    傑夫,我們的 - 你有我們 2018 年的發貨編號嗎?

  • Was it 20?


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Just about 20-some-odd percent into China.

    只有大約 20% 左右進入中國。

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes.


  • 20, high 20.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • No, 30%.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • It was 27%.

    為 27%。

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • 27%.


  • I think it seems like 27%, 28% in terms of shipping for 2018.

    我認為 2018 年的出貨量似乎是 27%、28%。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Got it.


  • And for my follow-up back on the automotive business, so it grew about 6% you mentioned for the full year.

    對於我對汽車業務的後續跟進,你提到的全年增長了約 6%。

  • It was growing at, obviously, a higher base until Q3.


  • How would you characterize the market share environment in your traditional market?


  • And let's say, if this year, we are in a situation where the automotive industry has negative units down 3%, 4%, do you still think your automotive business can grow in that environment that some of the new initiatives, Rick, that you mentioned in Battle Management Systems and RADAR and other areas, can they grow enough to -- from a content perspective to help you do better than the unit environment?

    假設今年,我們處於汽車行業負單位下降 3%、4% 的情況下,您是否仍然認為您的汽車業務可以在這樣的環境中增長,瑞克,您在戰鬥管理系統和雷達和其他領域中提到,它們能否成長到足以——從內容的角度來幫助你做得比單位環境更好?

  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • So let me -- this is Kurt.

    所以讓我 - 這是庫爾特。

  • Let me try and capture the pieces of your question.


  • So firstly, on the SAAR environment for 2019, we do see external sources forecasting somewhere between plus 1% and minus 1%.

    因此,首先,在 2019 年的 SAAR 環境中,我們確實看到外部消息來源預測介於正 1% 和負 1% 之間。

  • So a big data point which we typically look at is actually IHF, which talks about plus 1% SAAR growth for '19, but also some people are more negative like minus 1%.

    所以我們通常看的一個大數據點實際上是 IHF,它談到 19 年 SAAR 增長 1%,但也有些人更負面,比如負 1%。

  • So we think it's going to be somewhere in that range.


  • 2018, however, was actually a negative SAAR, reported at minus 2%.

    然而,2018 年實際上是負的 SAAR,報告為負 2%。

  • So in that environment, we did grow 6%, as you said.

    因此,正如您所說,在那種環境下,我們確實增長了 6%。

  • So, obviously, the content growth story did play out the way we were speaking about it earlier.


  • And in that regard, yes, we do think that also for 2019, that theme is intact.

    在這方面,是的,我們確實認為,對於 2019 年,這個主題也是完整的。

  • I talked earlier about ADAS as a large contributor, being pretty independent of the SAAR, but also the i.MX cluster applications helping in that respect.

    我之前談到 ADAS 是一個很大的貢獻者,它完全獨立於 SAAR,而且 i.MX 集群應用程序在這方面也有幫助。

  • So in the SAAR environment, which is maybe around the zero unit growth in '19, we do think indeed that our content growth story does help us to outgrow the SAAR continuously.

    因此,在 SAAR 環境中,可能在 19 年的零單位增長附近,我們確實認為我們的內容增長故事確實幫助我們不斷超越 SAAR。

  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Hey, Vivek, it's Jeff.


  • I'd just like to also clarify, I looked at the wrong number.


  • Our ship to for China is 30 -- high 30% range.

    我們的船到中國是 30 - 高 30% 的範圍。

  • Apologies.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Ross Seymore of Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Ross Seymore。

  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • I want to go back to the disty side of things and maybe ask the revenue visibility in a different way.


  • Can you just talk about what you're seeing on the disty versus the OEM side?

    你能談談你在 disty 和 OEM 方面看到的東西嗎?

  • And maybe, specifically, in your first quarter guide is a bit down 13% sequentially, how the OEM versus disty side differs either in aggregate or if the disty side is worse given your commentary in China?

    也許,具體來說,在您的第一季度指南中環比下降了 13%,OEM 與 disty 方面的總體差異如何,或者根據您在中國的評論,如果 disty 方面更糟?

  • Is that really localized to the Industrial market or any of the various end markets that your new segments define?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Well, clearly, Ross, when we talk about the market in China on the industrial, a significant chunk of that, somewhere around 3/4 or 80% of that, is served through the distribution channel.

    好吧,很明顯,羅斯,當我們談到中國的工業市場時,其中很大一部分,大約 3/4 或 80% 左右,是通過分銷渠道提供的。

  • And that's really the area of significant weakness that we see, combined with automotive.


  • So in the case of automotive, it's probably somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 of our total business goes through the channel, primarily for shipments into China.

    因此,就汽車而言,我們總業務的 1/4 到 1/3 可能是通過該渠道進行的,主要用於向中國發貨。

  • The rest of it is pulled from vendor managed inventory where we have seen declines.


  • We talked about it in Q4, I mean, in our Q4 call for Q3 results that we've seen a decline in auto production in Europe for the CO2 testing and we see that continue through Q1.


  • So there is -- continues to be an impact of that.

    所以有 - 繼續產生影響。

  • And then there is also the uncertainty of Brexit and the auto industry has a lot of parts moving from Europe to the U.K. and vice versa.


  • And so that's created some concern with the lack of clarifications on what's going to happen on Brexit as well.


  • But I do think, really, the key area that we see the weakness is really China...


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes, and I think, Ross, your question was indeed then for China, disty versus direct, clearly that weakness in China expresses itself in the distribution channel for us, and that's both for industrial as well as automotive.


  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Got it.


  • As my follow-up question, Peter, you did a great job of walking us through on your expectations for the full year on the gross margin side with a lot of helpful detail.


  • I want to switch over to the operating margin side, and specifically, the OpEx side.


  • Given that revenues are weaker than expected, what's your plan as far as how OpEx spend might trend directionally throughout the year?


  • Are you tightening things down, given the revenue level?


  • Are you investing more for growth?


  • Any sort of changes in your strategy from the last time we spoke?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Well -- I mean, you can see in our Q4 actuals on our Q1 guide, we're definitely keeping a lid on things at the moment, so -- but it's -- we're not taking out any programs.

    嗯 - 我的意思是,你可以在我們的 Q1 指南的 Q4 實際數據中看到,我們目前肯定會控制事情,所以 - 但它是 - 我們沒有採取任何計劃。

  • We're managing travel, not replacing electricians straightaway, trying to push out various expenses.


  • So all that, kind of things you'd normally do.


  • On a more long-term basis, so into '19 and '20, I'll go back to a percent of revenue.

    在更長期的基礎上,到 19 和 20 年,我將回到收入的百分比。

  • So we want to run R&D about 16% of revenue.

    因此,我們希望將收入的 16% 用於研發。

  • We'd like to run SG&A about 7.5%.

    我們希望運行 SG&A 約 7.5%。

  • And so going forward, we'd see, over the next 3 years, R&D run about 16% and ultimately, getting SG&A down to about 7%.

    所以展望未來,我們會看到,在接下來的 3 年裡,研發運行約 16%,最終將 SG&A 降至約 7%。

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • It is important to say, Ross, we are definitely taking actions in the near term to significantly control our cost.


  • We're adjusting people levels relative to that.


  • As Peter said, we're not really stopping any programs, but we clearly are not replacing attrition in some cases.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Performance improvement, so we work to actually use this to move low performers, eventually, out of the company to strengthen the organization.


  • So all of that helps the cost levels.


  • I think you can see -- you've seen, historically, from us, and I think it was a clear indication in Q3, Q4 and Q1 that we will manage our OpEx, and we know how to do that.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Matt Ramsey of Cowen.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Cowen 的 Matt Ramsey。

  • Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

    Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

  • I wanted to ask about, I guess, 2 of the smaller segments of the business.


  • I think one growing really strongly and the other one on decline.


  • I think you guys mentioned that 32-bit MCU programs in aggregate were up on the order of high-teens.

    我想你們提到了 32 位 MCU 程序總體上是十幾歲的數量級。

  • Maybe you could give us sort of an update about how big that is in the overall mix and the trends you see there, relative to demand and sort of distribution levels?


  • And then on the flip side, you've been very clear about how you're going to manage the decline sort of directionally of the digital networking business, but maybe just talk to us about where that business is run rating now, so we can sort of, I guess, calibrate models going forward?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, sure.


  • On the 32-bit ARM, we don't talk about the specifics associated with it, but it's the biggest chunk of our industrial and IoT business.

    在 32 位 ARM 上,我們不討論與之相關的細節,但它是我們工業和物聯網業務的最大組成部分。

  • And so that really gives us the benefits of [working] at that from a growth.


  • The one area that we're seeing really strong design wins on is our new crossover product that we announced really about a year ago, the so-called RT family, which takes the processing capability of our i.MX family down to a cost of micros on specific applications like visual or air detection or audio.

    我們看到真正強大的設計獲勝的一個領域是我們大約一年前宣布的新跨界產品,即所謂的 RT 系列,它將 i.MX 系列的處理能力降低到成本micros 在特定應用上,如視覺或空氣檢測或音頻。

  • So that's really a significant factor for us in driving that growth, and we continue to see that accelerate with design wins.


  • So that puts us in a really unique and positive position for the 2019 outlook.

    因此,這使我們對 2019 年的前景處於一個非常獨特和積極的位置。

  • And we're kind of uniquely positioned where there is not a lot of competition in that space.


  • Most of our competitors in i.MX don't participate in micros and vice versa, the same thing with the micro.

    我們在 i.MX 中的大多數競爭對手都不參與 micros,反之亦然,micro 也是如此。

  • So we're kind of in the sweet spot where it gives us the ability to really drive that and participate in it.


  • On the digital networking business, that business is kind of stabilized.


  • It's declined through 2018 and kind of stabilized.

    它在 2018 年有所下降並趨於穩定。

  • It's just over $100 million a quarter or so.

    每個季度大約只有 1 億多美元。

  • There are some opportunities for growth, with design wins we won over the last year or so as we see those finally begin to ramp.


  • And the PowerPC legacy business is not continuing to decline as much as it has in the past.

    PowerPC 的傳統業務並沒有像過去那樣繼續下滑。

  • So I think we've gotten to more of a stable level there and with some of the applications that we see, there are some opportunities for growth later in the year an 2020 that we'll see how they materialize.

    因此,我認為我們已經達到了更穩定的水平,並且通過我們看到的一些應用程序,在今年晚些時候和 2020 年有一些增長機會,我們將看到它們如何實現。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Blayne Curtis of Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Blayne Curtis。

  • Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

    Blayne Peter Curtis - Director & Senior Research Analyst

  • Just one on auto.


  • Just trying to better understand the trends there.


  • You obviously called out 2 segments in double-digit growth.

    您顯然在兩位數增長中提到了 2 個細分市場。

  • Just curious, obviously, your orders are slower.


  • Just kind of curious, are there any segments that are providing a headwind above and beyond what we're seeing from just the overall environment?


  • And then in just 5G, I wanted to understand that was a big boost, it kind of surprised people end of '18, it seems like you're saying things may take a little bit of a pause, but I just wanted to understand what your expectations are for the RF business in kind of the first half of the year?

    然後在 5G 中,我想明白這是一個很大的推動,這讓 18 年末的人們有點驚訝,好像你在說事情可能需要一點停頓,但我只是想了解什麼您對上半年射頻業務的期望是什麼?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • Let me take the RF business first and then I'll let Kurt to comment on automotive.


  • So on RF, we are seeing demand ramp for the massive MIMO and 5G infrastructure.

    因此,在射頻方面,我們看到對大規模 MIMO 和 5G 基礎設施的需求激增。

  • And we're frankly struggling here on a near-term basis in being able to meet all the requirements from our customers.


  • So we are seeing a ramp and that's being a significant contributor -- positive contributor versus overall environmental issues that we see in the other businesses.


  • So we think we're in a unique position with our massive MIMO product and have gotten really very positive feedback from customers and our requirement to be able to actually see if we can build more for them than what they'd originally anticipated as we go into the near term.

    因此,我們認為我們的大規模 MIMO 產品處於一個獨特的位置,並且已經從客戶那裡獲得了非常積極的反饋,並且我們要求能夠真正看到我們是否可以為他們建造比他們最初預期的更多的東西進入近期。

  • Let me let Kurt then talk a bit on that.


  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • Yes.


  • I think, in auto, it's really differentiated between what is the content growth story versus what is very tightly associated to the SAAR growth.

    我認為,在汽車領域,內容增長故事與與 SAAR 增長密切相關的內容之間存在真正的區別。

  • So those product or application segments where we are holding our highest share, but the penetration itself isn't growing anymore, we are obviously more swinging with the SAAR quarter-by-quarter.

    因此,那些我們佔有最高份額的產品或應用領域,但滲透率本身不再增長,我們顯然在逐個季度地與 SAAR 搖擺不定。

  • So you could call this, especially with the China environment and the WLTP in Europe, a headwind.

    所以你可以稱之為逆風,尤其是在中國環境和歐洲 WLTP 的情況下。

  • They're, again, at the same time, the content growth, and I mentioned, ADAS RADAR before is largely independent of this.

    同時,它們又是內容增長,我之前提到過,ADAS RADAR 在很大程度上與此無關。

  • So it's the mix of those 2 which drives our overall growth number.


  • And we -- roughly speaking, we think that about 70%-ish of our total business is pretty close associated with the SAAR, where another 30% are really benefiting from strong content growth.

    而且我們 - 粗略地說,我們認為我們總業務的大約 70% 與 SAAR 密切相關,另外 30% 真正受益於強勁的內容增長。

  • And in that 30%, the largest piece, obviously, is ADAS, which is just under 10% of total run rate.

    在這 30% 中,最大的部分顯然是 ADAS,它僅佔總運行率的 10% 以下。

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, it's -- Blayne, it's probably worthwhile to talk about in the case of automotive, in our last quarter's call, we talked about, in Q3, we'd really seen weakness in the CO2 testing in Europe.

    是的,它是 - Blayne,在汽車的情況下可能值得談論,在我們上個季度的電話會議中,我們談到,在第三季度,我們確實看到了歐洲二氧化碳測試的弱點。

  • And we actually didn't see a lot of weakness in China in automotive at that time.


  • It was really not until kind of mid-to-late Q4 where we begin to see some weakness in the automotive market in China as all of that is basically served through the distribution channel partners.


  • So we saw that weakness really begin to materialize at that point.


  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • This is Kurt, indeed.


  • So while many of the Tier 1 companies talked about this already, we didn't see it in our orders nor in our revenue, but I think it was like late Q4, kind of late November, early December, that we also saw that hitting us.

    因此,雖然許多 1 級公司已經討論過這一點,但我們在訂單和收入中都沒有看到,但我認為就像第四季度末,11 月底,12 月初,我們也看到了這一點我們。

  • But again, that only relates to that product, which is in the 1-1 relation with the car production.

    但同樣,這僅與該產品有關,它與汽車生產處於 1-1 關係。

  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of C.J. Muse of Evercore ISI.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Evercore ISI 的 C.J. Muse。

  • Matthew Patrick Prisco - Associate

    Matthew Patrick Prisco - Associate

  • This is Matt Prisco on for C.J. So outside of GDP forecast, are there any customer conversations or other factors that are giving you confidence in this second half recovery?

    這是 C.J. 的 Matt Prisco。所以在 GDP 預測之外,是否有任何客戶對話或其他因素讓您對下半年的複蘇充滿信心?

  • And regarding the recent order uptick, do you think any of that's related to pull-in ahead of the Chinese New Year tariff deadline?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • No.


  • There was none of that, that felt like it was pull-in associated with the Chinese New Year tariffs.


  • Once again, the U.S. is okay.


  • We really don't see a lot of concern about demand from our customers in the U.S. The general economy, even though it's down somewhat, is still performing quite well.


  • In Europe, I would say, we see things pretty reasonable, but we do see isolated pockets, again, driven primarily by automotive.


  • And we believe that the biggest chunk of that is CO2 testing, and we'll see how the demand comes out as we get -- work through that.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Some of the Brexit.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • And then the effects associated with Brexit that we talked about.


  • So in the case of China, that's much more cloudy, much more murky as far as determining what's happening [and coming in the second half] of the year.


  • I think it does depend on some kind of resolution or confidence in what's going to happen out of the current trade issues that are being discussed.


  • So if you believe that the trade issues were going to continue, then the world's GDP is not going to be close to 3% for the year and then that's a different factor.

    因此,如果您認為貿易問題將繼續存在,那麼今年全球 GDP 不會接近 3%,那麼這是一個不同的因素。

  • But as long as you believe that the world's GDP is going to be just under 3%, so there probably has to be a trade resolution with China to be able to accomplish that.

    但只要你相信世界 GDP 將略低於 3%,那麼可能必須與中國達成貿易決議才能實現這一目標。

  • And with that, then, we think we'll see a very strong growth in the second half of the year.


  • Matthew Patrick Prisco - Associate

    Matthew Patrick Prisco - Associate

  • Fair enough.


  • And then as a follow-up, just a housekeeping item.


  • Looks like your incidental cash tax forecast increased for 2019 and therefore 2020, could you give some additional color there?

    看起來您對 2019 年和 2020 年的附帶現金稅預測有所增加,您能否在此處提供一些額外的顏色?

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Right.


  • So you're talking about the taxes for the businesses that we -- like next period where we sold off and also the tax on the Qualcomm transaction.


  • You actually have to look at the Q4 actual.


  • So we were saying previously that we've spent $295 million in Q4, and we only spent $32 million because we went into a kind of long-winded negotiation with the Dutch tax authorities and were able to negotiate that particular transaction, the Qualcomm deal went through the innovation box.

    所以我們之前說過,我們在第四季度花費了 2.95 億美元,而我們只花費了 3200 萬美元,因為我們與荷蘭稅務機關進行了一種冗長的談判,並且能夠就特定交易進行談判,高通的交易去了通過創新框。

  • So we managed to reduce that a little, but I guess, because at the time we were negotiating, it's slipped from Q4 into Q1.


  • So the big move is really just the fact that we moved the payment on the Qualcomm breakup fee from the end of December to early January.

    所以真正的大動作是我們將高通分手費的支付從 12 月底轉移到 1 月初。

  • I think if you actually do the math on Q4 actual and what we've guided for 2019 and '20, the amount is actually lower, and it's a very specific cash flow item, so that's why we pulled that one out separately.

    我認為,如果您真的對第四季度的實際情況以及我們對 2019 年和 20 年的指導進行數學計算,金額實際上會更低,而且它是一個非常具體的現金流項目,所以這就是我們單獨將其拉出的原因。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Craig Hettenbach of Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Craig Hettenbach。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Just question for Kurt on the BMS side.

    只是向 BMS 方面的 Kurt 提問。

  • Just curious to get kind of what type of feedback you're hearing from customers, given you're taking more of a kind of complete system approach versus some of the existing players?


  • And just how you feel about the pipeline of opportunity in BMS?

    您對 BMS 的機會管道有何看法?

  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • Thanks, Craig.


  • Yes, we feel actually increasing these stronger because in the whole environment, the one subsegment, which is really pushed, is electric cars.


  • So there is a pretty strong drive to really be on time from a car company perspective to do the launches, which we've planned for '19.

    因此,從汽車公司的角度來看,我們有一個非常強大的動力來真正準時進行發布,這是我們計劃在 19 年進行的。

  • So if you think about it short term, the design win funnel which starts to turn into a couple of tens of millions revenue in '19 is on track that is all firmly designed in.

    因此,如果您從短期來看,在 19 年開始轉化為數千萬收入的設計獲勝漏斗正走上軌道,所有這些都已被牢牢設計。

  • It depends really on the timeliness of the car launches.


  • I unfortunately cannot tell you which cars those are, but once they are out, we will tell you, and it's pretty prominent, nice car.


  • On the more strategic side, yes, the solution play, which we talked about earlier is absolutely hitting the nail, as much as the ASIL-D capability.

    在更具戰略意義的方面,是的,我們之前談到的解決方案遊戲絕對是一針見血,就像 ASIL-D 能力一樣。

  • So I really want to say it's 2 things: it is the solution play between micros and the analog front-ends, hence the ASIL-D capability of the whole solution, which continues to set us apart from competition.

    所以我真的想說這是兩件事:它是微控制器和模擬前端之間的解決方案,因此整個解決方案的 ASIL-D 能力,繼續使我們在競爭中脫穎而出。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Got it.


  • And then just a follow-up on the near-term environment.


  • On the WLTP issue, do you think once that passes, there should be kind of a catch-up or because the overall automotive market is soft right now, you wouldn't see any kind of rebound, if you will, in Europe?

    在 WLTP 問題上,您是否認為一旦過去,應該會有某種追趕,或者由於目前整體汽車市場疲軟,如果您願意的話,您不會在歐洲看到任何形式的反彈?

  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • Really hard to say, Craig.


  • I'm very careful with that because -- of course, this is also somehow related to the overall demand environment in the end.

    我對此非常小心,因為 - 當然,這最終也與整體需求環境有關。

  • And I'm hearing, but I -- we don't have the latest detail that there is a second wave of WLTP plant.

    我聽說了,但我 - 我們沒有關於第二波 WLTP 工廠的最新細節。

  • So another type of test limits for CO2 emissions where I'm hearing that the OEMs now start to figure out how they can again go ahead with that one.


  • So I -- what we can say, at this point, is that the current one is not going to be here before the end of Q1.

    所以我 - 在這一點上我們可以說的是,當前的不會在第一季度結束之前出現。

  • If there is a strong rebound from this, I'm a bit careful to say that this is going to happen there in Q2, not sure.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from the line of Mark Lipacis of Jefferies.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Mark Lipacis。

  • Mark John Lipacis - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Mark John Lipacis - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • One for Peter and one for Rick.


  • Peter, just accounting mechanics on the deemed dividend.


  • Is that embedded in the cash flow statement under shares repurchased?


  • And then for Rick, a number of microcontroller companies and analog companies have kind of talked about a benign pricing environment.

    然後對 Rick 來說,許多微控制器公司和模擬公司都在談論良性的定價環境。

  • And when Peter just walked us through the variance progress marches as we go through this year, I think there was a note of 80 bps of headwind on the pricing side.

    當彼得剛剛向我們介紹今年的差異進展時,我認為定價方面有 80 個基點的逆風。

  • So I was wondering if you can share with us your thoughts on kind of like just the bigger picture, what's going on in the industry with consolidation?


  • And how that seems to be helping some of the other microcontroller, analog companies, but doesn't seem to be benefiting you guys yet, so if you have any thoughts or color on that, that would be greatly appreciated.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • It's Peter.


  • So first thing is, it goes through the cash flow and not through the P&L.


  • And if you look on Table 3, you can see an item there, cash paid on behalf of shareholders for tax on repurchased shares, $142 million, right at the bottom of the cash flow, so that's pretty specific.

    如果您查看表 3,您可以在其中看到一個項目,代表股東支付的回購股份稅款的現金,1.42 億美元,位於現金流的底部,因此非常具體。

  • And then the other thing, I'll just say on the comments I made on gross margin, on pricing, that's just our annual price reduction.


  • It's not related to kind of anything that's going on in the market.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, I would say that the general environment on pricing is okay.


  • I don't think that we would say that it's poor for us at all.


  • I think if anything we're trying to whittle down, when you go through the annual price negotiations with the OEMs and the Tier 1s, it's an arm wrestling that takes place.


  • And we try to get down slightly and that's under the contract, and we try to reduce it slightly and they try to get a little more.


  • But I don't think there is a significant change in environment that we see associated with that.


  • And on most of the industrial and IoT, you said that price with the design wins and then you have a built-in reduction that takes place associated with those that we honor contractually.


  • Kurt?


  • Kurt Sievers - President

    Kurt Sievers - President

  • Yes, and it's also important to note that a lot of the ASP reduction you see there is a once-in-the-year element.

    是的,同樣重要的是要注意,你看到的很多 ASP 減少是一年一次的元素。

  • I mean, that happens in Q1 and then it's done for the year.


  • So it's not like this repeats all the time, but it's -- because those are annual contracts.


  • And I clearly support what Rick was saying, I think we actually played it a bit tougher this year.


  • Meaning that, directionally, we gave less price away than on the average of the past years.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • It really depends on the product family.


  • And so it has different characteristics based on the customer and product family and everything.


  • So it's really hard to draw any conclusion, but I wouldn't say that the pricing environment is problematic.


  • It's very healthy right now.


  • Operator


  • And this does conclude our question-and-answer session.


  • I'd like to turn the conference over to Mr. Jeff Palmer.

    我想把會議交給 Jeff Palmer 先生。

  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Great.


  • Thank you very much, everyone.


  • Before we go, I think I'll pass the call over to Rick and see if he has any last comments he'd like to make.

    在我們走之前,我想我會把電話轉給 Rick,看看他是否有任何他想發表的最後評論。

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • I guess, the thing that we have to point out is that we remain in somewhat of a cloudy environment, but the encouraging sign that we see with increased orders over the last few weeks really improves our confidence for the Q2 outlook and that being larger than Q1.


  • And again, then for the second half of the year, it comes down to your belief on the GDP and whether the trade issues will be resolved, so that we'll return to a healthy growth around just under 3% as most of the economists are projecting or not.

    再一次,下半年,這取決於你對 GDP 的看法以及貿易問題是否會得到解決,這樣我們就會像大多數經濟學家一樣恢復到略低於 3% 的健康增長投影與否。

  • But with that, I think it's important to point out that we are taking the appropriate cost actions to be sure that our costs are under control and we can deliver on our financial performance to ensure that we continue to focus on improved shareholder value as we go forward.


  • So thank you very much for your support, and we appreciate it.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Thank you, everyone.


  • This concludes the call.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation in today's conference.


  • This does conclude the program, you may now disconnect.


  • Everyone, have a great day.
