恩智浦 (NXPI) 2018 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Q3 2018 NXP Semiconductors Earnings Conference Call.

    女士們,先生們,美好的一天,歡迎參加 2018 年第三季度恩智浦半導體收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • I would now like to introduce your host for today's conference, Jeff Palmer, VP of Investor Relations.

    我現在想介紹一下今天會議的主持人,投資者關係副總裁 Jeff Palmer。

  • Sir, you may begin.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Ahmani, and good morning to everyone.


  • Welcome to the NXP Semiconductors Third Quarter 2018 Earnings Call.

    歡迎參加恩智浦半導體 2018 年第三季度財報電話會議。

  • With me on the call today is Rick Clemmer, our CEO; and Peter Kelly, our CFO.

    今天與我通話的是我們的首席執行官 Rick Clemmer;和我們的首席財務官彼得凱利。

  • If you've not obtained a copy of our third quarter 2018 earnings press release, it can be found at our company website under the Investor Relations section at nxp.com.

    如果您尚未獲得我們 2018 年第三季度收益新聞稿的副本,可以在我們公司網站的 nxp.com 投資者關係部分下找到它。

  • Additionally, we've posted on our Investor Relations website a supplemental earnings summary presentation and a document of our historical financials to assist you in your modeling efforts.


  • This call is being recorded and will be available for replay from our corporate website.


  • Our call today will include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause NXP's results to differ materially from management's current expectations.


  • These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the macroeconomic impact on the specific end markets in which we operate, the sale of new and existing products and our expectations for financial results for the fourth quarter of 2018.

    這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於關於宏觀經濟對我們經營所在的特定終端市場的影響、新產品和現有產品的銷售以及我們對 2018 年第四季度財務業績的預期的聲明。

  • Please be reminded that NXP undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements.


  • For a full disclosure on our forward-looking statements, please refer to our press release today.


  • Additionally, during our call today, we will make reference to certain non-GAAP financial measures, which exclude the impact of purchase price accounting, restructuring, stock-based compensation, impairment, merger-related costs and other charges that are primarily driven by discrete events that management does not consider to be directly related to NXP's underlying core operating performance.


  • Pursuant to Regulation G, NXP has provided reconciliations of the non-GAAP financial measures to most directly comparable GAAP measures in our third quarter 2018 press release, which will be furnished to the SEC on Form 6-K and be available on NXP's website in the Investor Relations section.

    根據 G 條例,恩智浦在 2018 年第三季度新聞稿中提供了非 GAAP 財務指標與最直接可比的 GAAP 指標的對賬,該新聞稿將通過表格 6-K 提供給 SEC,並可在恩智浦網站的投資者關係部分。

  • I'd like to now turn the call over to Rick.

    我現在想把電話轉給 Rick。

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Thanks, Jeff, and welcome, everyone, to our conference call today.


  • Overall, our revenue growth in the third quarter was good, and our results were better than our guidance.


  • We resumed our buyback program, and as of yesterday, we have now returned just under $5 billion to our owners and also initiated a $0.25 per share cash dividend.

    我們恢復了我們的回購計劃,截至昨天,我們已經向我們的所有者返還了不到 50 億美元,並且還發起了每股 0.25 美元的現金股息。

  • Our outlook for the fourth quarter reflects a wider-than-normal top line revenue range due to the cloudy demand environment.


  • Our top line revenue expectations are driven by content gains, which, combined with improved operating expense control and lower share count, should result in earnings above analysts' expectations.


  • Before we discuss the details of the third quarter, we'd like to make a few comments on the trends we're seeing in our business.


  • We do not have any unique insight into the macroeconomic environment.


  • We can only speak to what our customers and supply chain partners are telling us and what in turn is reflected in our order books.


  • We've realized there is a significant amount of investor angst about the next couple of quarters in the semiconductor market.


  • What we've seen in the automotive market is a modest slowdown primarily due to the WLTP testing bottlenecks in Europe and lower car sales in China.

    我們在汽車市場看到的是適度放緩,這主要是由於歐洲的 WLTP 測試瓶頸和中國汽車銷量的下降。

  • As it pertains to the industrial MCU market, we've seen a slight sequential weakening of order rates through distribution in China, which we believe reflects the heightened sense of caution by our customers on placing orders, given the shifting in the uncertain landscape in global trade and tariffs.

    由於涉及工業 MCU 市場,我們看到通過中國分銷的訂單率略有下降,我們認為這反映了鑑於全球不確定格局的變化,我們的客戶在下訂單時更加謹慎。貿易和關稅。

  • To be clear, we have not experienced any weakness in the typical leading indicators, including unusual backlog cancellations or any program cancellations.


  • It is also not clear to us that there is any excess NXP inventory in our customer supply chain.


  • In summary, while the environment is uncertain, we feel customer demand is okay, and we are making the right product development investments, which are aligned with the right customer engagements.


  • Taken together, we are confident that we will successfully achieve our strategic and financial goals as presented at our recent Analyst Day.


  • Now looking at the specifics of the third quarter.


  • Total revenue was $2.45 billion, an increase of 2% year-over-year.

    總收入為 24.5 億美元,同比增長 2%。

  • Our HPMS segment revenue was $2.35 billion, up 3% year-on-year.

    我們的 HPMS 部門收入為 23.5 億美元,同比增長 3%。

  • On an operating segment perspective, automotive third quarter revenue was $990 million, up 4% year-on-year, with advanced analog and RADAR contributing to the year-on-year growth, while reduced pulls of automotive MCUs from Tier 1 customers impacted the overall year-on-year growth we've been experiencing.

    從運營部門的角度來看,汽車第三季度收入為 9.9 億美元,同比增長 4%,高級模擬和雷達推動了同比增長,而來自一級客戶的汽車 MCU 拉動減少影響了我們一直在經歷的整體同比增長。

  • Looking forward, design win momentum continues to be strong.


  • In strategic areas like our S32 family of next-generation automotive MCUs, RADAR transceivers and battery management systems, the design win momentum is just explosive.

    在我們的 S32 系列下一代汽車 MCU、RADAR 收發器和電池管理系統等戰略領域,設計獲胜勢頭簡直是爆炸性的。

  • Within Secure Connected Devices, or SCD, third quarter revenue was $717 million, up 1% year-on-year, driven by the continued demand for general-purpose multimarket MCUs, which were up high single digit, somewhat offset by a significant decline in demand for mobile transaction solutions due to a strong new customer ramp during the previous year 2017.

    在安全連接設備 (SCD) 中,第三季度收入為 7.17 億美元,同比增長 1%,這主要得益於對通用多市場 MCU 的持續需求,這些 MCU 呈高個位數增長,但在一定程度上被由於 2017 年新客戶的強勁增長,對移動交易解決方案的需求。

  • We continued to see solid design win momentum with our MCU and application process or portfolio.

    我們繼續通過我們的 MCU 和應用程序流程或產品組合看到穩固的設計贏得勢頭。

  • We've recently announced the new i.MX RT600 crossover processor, and the customer interest is very strong.

    我們最近發布了新的 i.MX RT600 跨界處理器,客戶的興趣非常濃厚。

  • We continued to innovate in the mobile transaction area with our new integrated single-chip secure element and embedded NFC radio, which is ramping into high volume on new phones this year.

    我們通過新的集成單芯片安全元件和嵌入式 NFC 無線電繼續在移動交易領域進行創新,今年將在新手機上大批量生產。

  • We also extended our thought leadership in mobile security into the IoT security space.


  • We see strong customer activity with our new A71 security family, which is aimed at providing in-node security for IoT cloud-connected devices like video cameras, smart home gateways and industrial PLC controllers.

    我們看到我們新的 A71 安全系列的客戶活動強勁,該系列旨在為攝像機、智能家居網關和工業 PLC 控制器等物聯網雲連接設備提供節點內安全。

  • in Secure Interface & Infrastructure, or SI&I, third quarter revenue was $511 million, up 5% year-on-year, due to the early 5G network trial deployments at our North American carriers.

    在安全接口和基礎設施 (SI&I) 方面,由於我們北美運營商的早期 5G 網絡試驗部署,第三季度收入為 5.11 億美元,同比增長 5%。

  • Our customers view NXP as having the broadest portfolio of RF technologies, brand for structured applications, spanning LDMOS and GaN high-power amplifiers for traditional macro base stations, with massive MIMO and millimeter wave products for the last mile applications.

    我們的客戶認為恩智浦擁有最廣泛的射頻技術組合、結構化應用品牌、跨越傳統宏基站的 LDMOS 和 GaN 大功率放大器,以及用於最後一英里應用的大規模 MIMO 和毫米波產品。

  • We see 5G as both the content and share gain opportunity.

    我們將 5G 視為內容和份額獲取機會。

  • Lastly, in Secure Identification Solutions, or SIS, third quarter revenue was $133 million, down 4% year-on-year due to lower demand for bank card products.

    最後,在安全識別解決方案(SIS)中,由於對銀行卡產品的需求下降,第三季度收入為 1.33 億美元,同比下降 4%。

  • Turning to our distribution channel performance.


  • We continued to manage closely the total months of inventory in the distribution channel at 2.4 months.

    我們繼續密切管理分銷渠道的總庫存月數為 2.4 個月。

  • We consistently target to maintain 2.5 months of supply plus or minus a 0.5 month in the channel.

    我們一貫的目標是在渠道中維持 2.5 個月的供應加減 0.5 個月。

  • Distribution as a percent of total revenue continues to average about 55%, which is split between our mass market channel customers and our fulfillment channel for strategic customers.

    分銷佔總收入的百分比繼續平均保持在 55% 左右,這分為我們的大眾市場渠道客戶和我們的戰略客戶履行渠道。

  • Given the uncertain environment, we are paying very close attention to the trends in the channel, staying close to our distribution partners.


  • Before I pass the call to Peter, I'd like to announce our decision to shift how we report our revenue.


  • Beginning January 1, 2019, we will report our revenue in terms of 4 specific end markets: automotive, industrial and IoT, mobile and communications infrastructure and other.

    從 2019 年 1 月 1 日開始,我們將根據 4 個特定終端市場報告我們的收入:汽車、工業和物聯網、移動和通信基礎設施等。

  • After multiple discussions with investors and sell-side analysts, we believe there are greater insights to be gained by making the shift to end markets.


  • We recommend that all investors review the Analyst Day deck on our website, as it provides the market size and growth potential of the addressable end markets.


  • What we see is our unique opportunities to drive revenue in each end market.


  • We will post a historical reconciliation of the new end-market focus to the existing operating segment structure.


  • And I'd like to pass the call over to Peter for a review of our financial performance.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Thank you, Rick, and good morning to everyone on today's call.


  • As Rick has already covered the drivers of the revenue during the quarter, I'll move to the financial highlights.

    由於 Rick 已經介紹了本季度收入的驅動因素,我將轉向財務亮點。

  • In summary, overall revenue performance was better than our midpoint guidance, although we did experience some softness in demand primarily from our partners in Greater China and, to a lesser extent, our Tier 1 automotive customers, who didn't pull material at the rate originally anticipated.


  • Our non-GAAP operating profit was 30%, and cash flow continues to be strong.

    我們的非公認會計準則營業利潤為 30%,現金流繼續強勁。

  • Our balance sheet continues to be in excellent condition, with a leverage ratio of 1.4x, which is below our long-term target.

    我們的資產負債表繼續保持良好狀態,槓桿率為 1.4 倍,低於我們的長期目標。

  • Focusing on the details of Q3.


  • Total revenue was $2.45 billion, up 2% year-on-year.

    總收入為 24.5 億美元,同比增長 2%。

  • We generated $1.29 billion in non-GAAP gross profit and reported a non-GAAP gross margin of 53 basis points, down 70 basis points year-on-year due to a slightly weaker product mix.

    我們產生了 12.9 億美元的非美國通用會計準則毛利潤,報告非美國通用會計準則毛利率為 53 個基點,由於產品組合略微疲軟,同比下降 70 個基點。

  • Total non-GAAP operating expenses were $563 million, up $14 million year-on-year and slightly above the growth in our revenue.

    非美國通用會計準則運營費用總額為 5.63 億美元,同比增長 1400 萬美元,略高於我們的收入增長。

  • But this was a reduction of $28 million from the second quarter and about 2/3 of this reduction was from lower bonus accruals and 1/3 was from general OpEx management.

    但這比第二季度減少了 2800 萬美元,其中約 2/3 來自較低的獎金應計,1/3 來自一般運營支出管理。

  • The lower bonus accrual rate will continue to benefit us in the fourth quarter before returning to a more normal rate in 2019.

    較低的獎金累積率將在第四季度繼續使我們受益,然後在 2019 年恢復到更正常的比率。

  • From a total operating profit perspective, non-GAAP operating profit was $733 million, and non-GAAP operating margin was 30%, down 80 basis points year-on-year, reflecting the previously mentioned items.


  • Interest expense was $34 million, noncontrolling interest was $13 million and cash taxes for ongoing operations were $33 million.

    利息支出為 3400 萬美元,非控股權益為 1300 萬美元,持續經營的現金稅為 3300 萬美元。

  • Stock-based compensation, which is not included in our non-GAAP earnings, was $83 million.

    不包括在我們的非公認會計原則收益中的基於股票的薪酬為 8300 萬美元。

  • Now I'd like to turn to the changes in our cash and debt.


  • Our total debt at the end of Q3 was $6.36 billion, an increase of $1 billion due to the bridge loan facility we entered into during the quarter.

    我們在第三季度末的總債務為 63.6 億美元,由於我們在本季度簽訂的過橋貸款安排而增加了 10 億美元。

  • Cash was $1.94 billion, and net debt was $4.41 billion.

    現金為 19.4 億美元,淨債務為 44.1 億美元。

  • We exited the quarter with a trailing 12-month adjusted EBITDA of approximately $3.18 billion.

    本季度末,我們過去 12 個月調整後的 EBITDA 約為 31.8 億美元。

  • Our ratio of net debt to trailing 12-month adjusted EBITDA at the end of Q3 was 1.4x, and our non-GAAP interest coverage was nearly 22x.

    截至第三季度末,我們的淨債務與過去 12 個月調整後 EBITDA 的比率為 1.4 倍,我們的非 GAAP 利息覆蓋率接近 22 倍。

  • During the quarter, we returned $4.6 billion to our shareholders and bought 49 million shares as part of our share repurchase program.

    在本季度,我們向股東返還了 46 億美元,併購買了 4900 萬股股票,作為我們股票回購計劃的一部分。

  • We also announced the cash dividend, and an initial cash payment of $0.25 per share was paid on October 5. Our balance sheet includes an accrual of $346 million for the payments of a deemed dividend tax on the buybacks we made.

    我們還宣布了現金股息,並於 10 月 5 日支付了每股 0.25 美元的初始現金支付。我們的資產負債表包括應計 3.46 億美元,用於支付我們回購的視為股息稅。

  • As a reminder, this payment does not go through the P&L and is likely to be paid in cash to the Dutch tax authorities in the fourth quarter.


  • Turning to our working capital metrics.


  • Days of inventory was 100 days, a reduction of 11 days sequentially.


  • Days receivable was 32 days, an increase of 1 day sequentially.


  • And days payable was 74, a decline of 16 days versus the prior quarter.

    應付天數為 74 天,比上一季度減少 16 天。

  • Taken together, our cash conversion cycle was 58 days, an increase of 6 days versus the prior quarter.

    綜合來看,我們的現金周轉週期為 58 天,比上一季度增加了 6 天。

  • Cash flow from operations was $2.62 billion, as we received a $2 billion termination fee in the quarter.

    運營現金流為 26.2 億美元,因為我們在本季度收到了 20 億美元的終止費。

  • Our net CapEx was $155 million, resulting in a free cash flow of $2.46 billion.

    我們的淨資本支出為 1.55 億美元,產生了 24.6 億美元的自由現金流。

  • Turning now to our expectations for the fourth quarter.


  • We currently anticipate total revenue will be in a range of about down 5% to up 1% sequentially; at the midpoint of our range, about down 2% or $2.39 billion.

    我們目前預計總收入將在環比下降約 5% 至上升 1% 的範圍內;在我們範圍的中點,下跌約 2% 或 23.9 億美元。

  • We anticipate the following trends in the business: auto is expected to be down mid-single digits sequentially; Secure Connected Devices is expected to be up low single digits sequentially; Secure Interface & Infrastructure is expected to be down mid-single sequentially; Secure Identification Solutions is expected to be down low single digits; and we anticipate revenue from corporate and other to be approximately $90 million.

    我們預計該業務將呈現以下趨勢:汽車預計將環比下降中個位數;安全連接設備預計將連續增長個位數;安全接口和基礎設施預計將連續下降中單;安全識別解決方案預計將下降個位數;我們預計來自企業和其他方面的收入約為 9000 萬美元。

  • We expect non-GAAP gross margin to be about 53%, plus or minus 70 basis points.

    我們預計非美國通用會計準則毛利率約為 53%,上下浮動 70 個基點。

  • Operating expenses are expected to be about $551 million plus or minus about $10 million.

    運營費用預計約為 5.51 億美元,上下浮動約 1000 萬美元。

  • And taken together, we see non-GAAP operating margin to be about 30% plus or minus 100 basis points.

    綜合來看,我們認為非美國通用會計準則營業利潤率約為 30% 上下 100 個基點。

  • We anticipate cash tax to be about $30 million plus or minus $1 million and estimate interest expense to be about $57 million, as we are considering refinancing our bridge loan and extending our debt maturities if conditions allow it.

    我們預計現金稅約為 3000 萬美元正負 100 萬美元,估計利息費用約為 5700 萬美元,因為我們正在考慮為過渡貸款再融資並在條件允許的情況下延長債務期限。

  • Noncontrolling interest will be about $13 million plus or minus $1 million.

    非控股權益約為 1300 萬美元,正負 100 萬美元。

  • I'd like to provide an update on our share repurchase program.


  • As previously mentioned, by the end of Q3, we bought back 49 million shares at a cost of $4.6 billion.

    如前所述,截至第三季度末,我們以 46 億美元的成本回購了 4900 萬股股票。

  • Since September 30, we repurchased an additional 5 million shares and have completed the previously announced $5 billion buyback.

    自 9 月 30 日起,我們又回購了 500 萬股股票,並完成了此前宣布的 50 億美元回購。

  • Additionally, the NXP Board of Directors has approved the company to utilize the remainder of the buyback authorized by shareholders at our general meeting in June.

    此外,恩智浦董事會已批准公司在 6 月的股東大會上使用股東授權的剩餘回購股份。

  • So we now have the authorization to buy back an additional 15 million shares.

    因此,我們現在有權回購額外的 1500 萬股股票。

  • As of September 30, our share count was 296 million, and we would suggest that for modeling purposes, you use an average share count for the fourth quarter of 295 million shares.

    截至 9 月 30 日,我們的股票數量為 2.96 億股,我們建議出於建模目的,您使用第四季度 2.95 億股的平均股票數量。

  • Finally, I have several housekeeping issues I'd like to address in follow-up to the Analyst Day.


  • Although markets continue to be difficult to predict and, as Rick described, are somewhat murky, we firmly believe we can outgrow the market by 1.5x in the coming 3 years and remain comfortable with our 3-year compound annual growth rate of 5% to 7% revenue growth.

    儘管市場仍然難以預測,並且正如 Rick 所描述的那樣,有些模糊,但我們堅信我們可以在未來 3 年內以 1.5 倍的速度增長市場,並且對我們 5% 的 3 年復合年增長率保持滿意7%的收入增長。

  • Secondly, we'll return all excess cash to shareholders through buybacks and dividends and expect to run our leverage level of 2x.

    其次,我們將通過回購和分紅將所有多餘的現金返還給股東,並期望我們的槓桿水平達到 2 倍。

  • Disappointingly, it now looks like the Dutch government will not repeal the deemed dividend tax on buybacks, so we will continue to consider alternatives to minimize these payments.


  • Thirdly, clearly, our gross margins are not where we want them to be, but we plan to be at 55% exiting the fourth quarter of 2019, as I described in the Analyst Day.

    第三,很明顯,我們的毛利率不是我們想要的,但我們計劃在 2019 年第四季度達到 55%,正如我在分析師日所描述的那樣。

  • Fourth, I'd like to update you with an improved view of the cash taxes we gave you at the Analyst Day.


  • We currently believe the effective rate on a cash basis will be 5%, 7% and 11%, respectively, for 2019, '20 and '21.

    我們目前認為,2019 年、20 年和 21 年的現金有效利率將分別為 5%、7% 和 11%。

  • Fifth, and finally, as we've mentioned previously, we also have to pay incidental cash taxes related to the sale of standard products and the Qualcomm breakup fee, both of which occurred in prior periods and have been recorded in the provisions for income tax in the period they occurred.


  • At this point in time, our revised estimate for these incidental cash payments will be $80 million in -- 8-0, in 2019 and $40 million, 4-0, in 2020.

    在這個時間點,我們對這些附帶現金支付的修訂估計將在 2019 年以 8-0 為 8000 萬美元,在 2020 年以 4-0 為 4000 萬美元。

  • So with that, I'd like to turn it back to the operator for your questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from John Pitzer with Crédit Suisse.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 John Pitzer。

  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • Congratulations on the solid results, given the macro backdrop.


  • Rick, my first question is just on SI&I.

    Rick,我的第一個問題是關於 SI&I。

  • It was nice to see the pickup in the quarter, and as you mentioned in your prepared comments, you kind of have attributed it to a single U.S. carrier early deployment of 5G.

    很高興看到本季度的回升,正如您在準備好的評論中提到的那樣,您將其歸因於一家美國運營商早期部署 5G。

  • I'm wondering if you could just give us a little bit more detail on what you think the 5G opportunity is on SIS -- I'm sorry, SI&I.

    我想知道您能否就您認為 SIS 上的 5G 機會向我們提供更多細節——對不起,SI&I。

  • You talked about it being both a content and a share story.


  • Can you try to put some numbers around that for us?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, it's a little premature to talk about the actual size of it since it's early on in the deployment stage.


  • But I think we've talked a little bit at the Analyst Day, John, about the massive MIMO opportunity for kind of the last mile.

    但我想我們在分析師日上談了一點,約翰,關於最後一英里的大規模 MIMO 機會。

  • And clearly, what we saw in Q3 was some of the trial deployments taking place in that area and an opportunity for us, really, to be able to take what we believe to be a pretty unique technology to that.


  • And we think there's clearly some opportunities.


  • As you know, our expectations for SI&I over the next 3 years are pretty shallow, and that's because it's a combination of things.

    如您所知,我們對未來 3 年的 SI&I 的期望非常淺,這是因為它是多種因素的結合。

  • Actually, in the current quarter, our DN product area, actually, showed some upside as well.

    實際上,在本季度,我們的 DN 產品領域實際上也顯示出一些上升空間。

  • But clearly, with the legacy roll off of the network processors on the PowerPC side, we don't plan on that on a sustainable basis.

    但很明顯,隨著 PowerPC 端網絡處理器的遺留問題,我們不會在可持續的基礎上對此進行計劃。

  • I think we could see some upside in SI&I through a combination of our enterprise products that will sell per attach, along with our MCU portfolio, but on the 5G itself, I think it's an opportunity that we see that will be fairly -- we'll not get ahead of ourselves relative to the opportunity associated with that.

    我認為我們可以通過將我們的企業產品與我們的 MCU 產品組合相結合來看到 SI&I 的一些上升空間,但在 5G 本身上,我認為這是一個我們認為公平的機會——我們相對於與此相關的機會,我們不會超越自己。

  • I think we're trying to be sure that we get the technology engagements and we win the design wins, and then when 5G is actually deployed significantly, we'll be able take advantage of it.

    我認為我們正在努力確保我們獲得技術合作並贏得設計勝利,然後當 5G 實際得到大量部署時,我們將能夠利用它。

  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • That's helpful.


  • And then for my follow-up, guys, you gave us good color by your product segments and expectations in the December quarter.

    然後對於我的後續行動,伙計們,你們在 12 月季度的產品細分和期望給了我們很好的色彩。

  • I might have missed this, but could you talk about what your expectation for your distribution channel in Q4 is?


  • Do you expect sell-in to be below sell-through?


  • How do we see -- or how do you guys see inventories progressing through the December quarter?

    我們如何看待——或者你們如何看待 12 月季度的庫存進展?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Well, John, we think our distribution inventory is in pretty good shape at 2.4 months.

    好吧,約翰,我們認為我們的分銷庫存狀況良好,為 2.4 個月。

  • We actively managed that, specifically in this last quarter as the environment changed as we went through the quarter.


  • We were actively engaged being sure that we had the right level of distribution inventory, and we think we'll do the same thing into Q4.


  • I think it's still a very cloudy picture.


  • The economy continues to be good, production rates continue to be okay in most areas, but the concern over tariffs and the trade war clearly have our customers where they're being cautious in their inventory purchase and their backlog commitments to be sure that they don't get overextended.


  • And I think we're going to go through that for some period of time, and it will require us to be very well aligned with our distribution partners to be sure we have the right level of inventory in place to take advantage of the market opportunities, but be sure we don't have too much inventory in place.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Stacy Rasgon with Bernstein Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Bernstein Research 的 Stacy Rasgon。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • I had, first, a question on gross margin.


  • It came in just maybe a hair light in the quarter, the guide looks a little light.


  • I know you said a weaker product mix, but in the quarter, a secure interface is very strong.


  • I would have thought that would have had higher margins, which might have helped.


  • So if you could you give us any maybe further view on other drivers of gross margins beyond product mix, utilization, pricing, anything else that may be impacting that.


  • And then around the -- as you kind of work toward the 55% exiting 2019, what should that trajectory look like given where we're starting from today?

    然後圍繞 - 當您朝著 2019 年退出的 55% 努力時,考慮到我們從今天開始的位置,該軌跡應該是什麼樣子?

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes, we were 30 basis points light, which is $7 million on a $1.3 billion [of cost].

    是的,我們是 30 個基點,即 13 億美元 [成本] 中的 700 萬美元。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Yes, just a hair.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes, I mean to be honest, I don't have that much control over it.


  • There's lots of moving things that go on, certainly, on volume, your yields, your pluses and minuses.


  • You have all sorts of crazy mix kind of things going on.


  • But there was no one big specific thing.


  • We just had lots of pluses and minuses there.


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • I guess, I asked you more about Q4, about the guide?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Again, we said we'd be at 55% pending next year.

    同樣,我們說明年我們將有 55% 的待定。

  • As we go from Q3 into Q4, yes, the mix looks like it could be a bit better, but volume is down a bit.


  • And there's all sorts of things that go on, Stacy.


  • So I can't really give you a simple bridge from Q3 to Q4.


  • And in terms of kind of how we progress to 55% next year, it won't be kind of a linear track.

    就我們明年如何發展到 55% 而言,這不會是一種線性軌道。

  • And at this point, we're not guiding 2019 by quarter.

    在這一點上,我們沒有按季度指導 2019 年。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's helpful.


  • For my follow-up around OpEx, I know you said you'd reduce bonus payments in Q3 and that carries into Q4 and then, I guess, those come back with the new year.


  • I think you usually, typically, have raises and everything that happen in -- so how should we think about, I guess, OpEx seasonality into Q4 just maybe coming off a what would be a depressed Q4 base?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • The way I think about it at a kind of simple level is, we were roughly $30 million lower from Q2 to Q3 and 2/3 of that $20 million was bonus and the other $10 million was real cuts we made, which we'd expect to maintain.

    我從某種簡單的角度考慮的方式是,我們從第二季度到第三季度減少了大約 3000 萬美元,其中 2000 萬美元中有 2/3 是獎金,另外 1000 萬美元是我們實際削減的,這是我們預期的維持。

  • So as we go out of Q4, it's going to be increased by at least the $20 million for the bonus, assuming we perform next year and we can pay the bonus.

    因此,當我們結束第四季度時,假設我們明年表現出色並且可以支付獎金,獎金將至少增加 2000 萬美元。

  • But -- and then as our revenue grows, then you would see our OpEx increase in line with revenue.


  • But the big nut, so to speak, is that $20 million.

    但可以說,最重要的是 2000 萬美元。

  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • You think you kind of like drift into the model like next year as you grow into it?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Sorry, say it again?


  • Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

    Stacy Aaron Rasgon - Senior Analyst

  • I'm sorry, you have an OpEx model that you're running heavy on right now.


  • You think you kind of drift into the model next year as you grow?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes, I'll stay on the -- we'll, what we say, 16% on R&D and...

    是的,我會繼續——我們會說,16% 用於研發和...

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • 8% SG&A.

    8% SG&A。

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • 8% in SG&A.

    SG&A 8%。

  • That will be the -- ultimately, the worst case, yes.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, I think that's the right way to think about it, Stacy.


  • As we see the revenue strengthening, get through this cloudy period, we'll get back to the levels that we've talked about associated with OpEx.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Vivek Arya with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    我們的下一個問題來自美銀美林的 Vivek Arya。

  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • I think, Rick, you mentioned that you might have a new reporting structure.


  • I agree.


  • I think that will be a very useful thing to get a sense of the trend.


  • Is it possible to perhaps get a preview and see how your Q3 sales and then, importantly, Q4 outlook kind of roughly aligns with the new structure?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • We'll come back to that at the start of the year and give you the details.


  • We can't change kind of in midstream.


  • We want to do it in an orderly fashion and want to provide a bridge-to-bridge back at the time that we do that implementation.


  • Vivek Arya - Director

    Vivek Arya - Director

  • Okay.


  • Then for my follow-up, when I look, Rick, at the automotive business, I understand that Q4, you're seeing the deceleration, a lot of your peers are seeing the deceleration, so that's not unexpected.

    然後對於我的後續行動,當我查看 Rick,汽車業務時,我了解到第四季度,你看到了減速,你的很多同行都看到了減速,所以這並不意外。

  • But when I look at Q3, growth rates have come down to kind of the mid-single digit, and I think you mentioned the slower fall of some of your MCU business.

    但是當我查看第三季度時,增長率已經下降到中個位數,我認為您提到了您的一些 MCU 業務的緩慢下降。

  • This deceleration, is this more units?


  • Is this more content?


  • Because when I look at some of your peers in Q3, they still had pretty decent growth in automotive.


  • So how are you feeling about the automotive business overall?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, I think the automotive business is performing quite well.


  • Actually, if you look at it, we had strong growth rate in the analog side as well as in RADAR solutions.


  • What happened was we had our OEM customers that reduced their pulls based on what they were seeing, again, create back kind of this fear, uncertainty and doubt about the economic environment.

    發生的情況是,我們的 OEM 客戶根據他們所看到的情況減少了他們的拉動,再次製造了對經濟環境的這種恐懼、不確定性和懷疑。

  • We think that that's relatively short-lived.


  • There was no issue on content whatsoever.


  • It was just on actual volume and pulls from our major customers as they reduced their build plans as they went through the -- towards the end of the quarter.


  • And remember that inventory is a vendor-managed inventory, so we only get it as they actually goes into production.


  • So that kind of giving the confirmation of that kind of came in at the end of the quarter.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • And to that, it's Jeff, I would just add, as we've noted at the Analyst Day, content is definitely the tailwind to the automotive business over the next several years.


  • So we don't see any issues to the content growth story whatsoever.


  • Clearly, we have to ebb and flow with global SAR, but that was never the key driver to our overall automotive business.

    顯然,我們必須在全球 SAR 中起起落落,但這從來都不是我們整個汽車業務的關鍵驅動力。

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • And when you talk about it versus our peers, our mix is quite unique in automotive, being the largest semiconductor supplier into the automotive market.


  • The macro space clearly gets a little more linked in the near term to actual car production, but the ramp-up associated with new applications that we see and the opportunity to really provide safer driving is going to give us a real tailwind to help drive the growth that we see over the next few years.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from William Stein with SunTrust.

    我們的下一個問題來自 SunTrust 的 William Stein。

  • William Stein - MD

    William Stein - MD

  • First, a couple more on automotive.


  • Rick, you talked about explosive growth in design wins in the quarter.


  • I'm wondering if you can comment as to the mix of technologies.


  • I think at the Analyst Day and in the past, you've talked about a new opportunity in BMS.

    我認為在分析師日和過去,您都談到了 BMS 的新機會。

  • Obviously, RADAR has been something that you've been talking about for a while.

    顯然,RADAR 一直是您談論的話題。

  • There is also V2X.


  • Any, not to say specific design wins, but technologies that you could highlight for us?


  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, I think you said it well.


  • It's RADAR, it's battery management systems, and it's also our new S32 platform.

    它是雷達,是電池管理系統,也是我們新的 S32 平台。

  • Now the S32 platform is one that we're behind on giving out to our customers, so it didn't contribute as many of the design wins in the most recent quarter.

    現在,S32 平台是我們在向客戶提供方面落後的平台,因此它在最近一個季度的設計勝利中沒有貢獻那麼多。

  • But in RADAR and battery management systems, we continued to see explosive growth with, really, a unique opportunity to lead what were designed in at all of the major Tier 1s on RADAR and being able to drive that at a very rapid growth rate as we see the implementation to actually make driving safer here over the next couple of years.


  • William Stein - MD

    William Stein - MD

  • Great.


  • And the follow-up relates to margins, again.


  • I'm wondering if the company has done any sort of sensitivity analysis as to, let's say, you don't meet the revenue growth goals in this year.


  • Understanding that's a 3-year view, but if 2019 winds up being flat or, let's say, even down 5%, would you still be able to get into the range of your targets?

    了解這是一個 3 年的觀點,但如果 2019 年最終持平,或者甚至下降 5%,您是否仍然能夠進入您的目標範圍?

  • And sort of any comment as to what the biggest drivers would be besides just the leverage that you'd see -- operating leverage from revenue growth and the [price effects]?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Good question, Will.


  • About 35% of our COGS is fixed, so you can do the math on volume.

    我們大約 35% 的 COGS 是固定的,因此您可以根據數量進行計算。

  • I mean, it's not a science, but it gives you a good idea.


  • I think if the revenue was flat, yes, we'd be able to get into our gross margin range.


  • We went through some of the bridges at the Analyst Day, and I think, directionally, they're right.


  • There's -- it's not so much about volume as making sure the manufacturing teams are doing all the things they need to do on cost reduction with our suppliers and yield improvements, making sure the marketing teams are doing the right things on pricing.


  • But for this to see a real issue on gross margin, it'd actually be just an unbelievable downturn next year with absolute significant drops in revenue because at 35% fixed cost, we have a lot more flexibility now than we had it in the past.

    但要讓毛利率出現真正的問題,明年實際上只是令人難以置信的低迷,收入絕對顯著下降,因為固定成本為 35%,我們現在比過去擁有更大的靈活性.

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • One thing I should just go back and add on auto when the question was asked about the MCU volume, part of that was related to the WLTP and the testing that was going on in Europe.

    當被問及有關 MCU 體積的問題時,我應該返回並添加 auto 的一件事,其中一部分與 WLTP 和歐洲正在進行的測試有關。

  • It slowed the implementation.


  • So that clearly was a factor in our results in Q3 that I should have just been more specific about a few minutes ago.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Matt Ramsay with Cowen.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Matt Ramsay 和 Cowen。

  • Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

    Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

  • I just wanted to step back in a bigger picture, and I think Stacy might have some questions earlier around OpEx, specifically around getting into the model next year.

    我只是想從更大的圖景中退後一步,我認為 Stacy 早些時候可能對 OpEx 有一些疑問,特別是關於明年進入模型的問題。

  • But one of the questions I get most often from investors on a go-forward basis is -- maybe we can talk about the investments you made in the core franchises of the business during that 20-month -- 21-month period under the Qualcomm umbrella of the deal.

    但是,在前進的基礎上,我最常從投資者那裡得到的一個問題是——也許我們可以談談你在高通公司下的 20 個月——21 個月期間對業務核心特許經營權的投資交易的保護傘。

  • And it occurs to me that your OpEx has, actually, been managed quite well, but R&D spending is actually up on an absolute basis and as a percentage of revenue.


  • And I guess, maybe you guys could talk a little bit about where you've focused investments during that period of time, particularly in the auto business?


  • And I guess, the pushback is, did you under-invest?


  • And is that going to come back on a go-forward basis in revenue?


  • And it occurs to me that I think that you didn't.


  • So maybe you could just talk about that at a high level.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • I think, if anything, we were kind of -- we didn't take complete control of the investments we were making in R&D, but I think we were a little more gentle in cutting back to fit within a budget as we went through that 21-month period of time and now we get the benefit of it.

    我認為,如果有的話,我們有點——我們沒有完全控制我們在研發方面的投資,但我認為我們在削減預算以適應預算時會更加溫和一些。 21個月的時間,現在我們得到了它的好處。

  • The investment we made to continue to solidify our position in RADAR, the ability to take what was some early opportunities in battery management and really invest to see that through to an opportunity are key areas that we think are key for us.

    我們為繼續鞏固我們在 RADAR 中的地位而進行的投資,能夠抓住電池管理領域的一些早期機會並真正投資以看到機會是我們認為對我們至關重要的關鍵領域。

  • And in addition, our S32 micro platform sets us up very well in a unique position that no other competitor has the ability to drive.

    此外,我們的 S32 微型平台使我們處於一個其他競爭對手無法驅動的獨特位置。

  • The ability to drive 16 nanometer finFET solutions while our competitors are now, at the same time, beginning to introduce 28-nanometer positions us in a very unique position quite well and will help drive our growth.

    驅動 16 納米 finFET 解決方案的能力,而我們的競爭對手現在同時開始引入 28 納米,這使我們處於一個非常獨特的位置,並將有助於推動我們的增長。

  • In R&D investments, specifically in automotive, we've been increasing that.


  • It's kind of 15% compounded growth rate based on where we were in the industrial and IoT space, investing in the crossover IoT and the ability to continue to solidify our position in the apps processor in the i.MX family and drive some unique platforms that will be able to actually address machine learning in the implementation of artificial intelligence is key areas that we've invested in as well.

    這是 15% 的複合增長率,這取決於我們在工業和物聯網領域的位置、對跨界物聯網的投資以及繼續鞏固我們在 i.MX 系列應用處理器中的地位並推動一些獨特平台的能力將能夠在人工智能的實施中實際解決機器學習問題,這也是我們投資的關鍵領域。

  • In addition to that, we implemented the single-chip secure element in NFC radio.

    除此之外,我們還在 NFC 無線電中實現了單芯片安全元件。

  • So I think there's no lack of investments that we've done.


  • We've made the right kind of investments.


  • In addition to what I talk about in automotive, we also have been investing in ethernet that will position us quite well to continue to strengthen our in-vehicle networking platforms and the leadership position that we've had in the car space and the domain controller opportunity that we see in auto.


  • So the opportunities have been there.


  • We've been investing.


  • There is no lack of investment that's been done during that 21-month period of time.

    在這 21 個月的時間裡,不乏投資。

  • In fact, if anything, we've probably invested more than we would have if we were on a go-along basis to try to be sure that everything was set up to move forward.


  • So I don't think -- you can rest assured to tell investors there wasn't a lack of investment that puts anything in question going forward, but providing that capability of bringing security to the edge and what we see the opportunity to really create and support the disruption of the cloud from IoT and in ultra-wideband are the areas that really position us uniquely going forward and the reason why we feel very comfortable outgrowing the market by at least 50% and still feel comfortable with the kind of 6% to 8% compounded growth rate going forward.

    所以我不認為——你可以放心地告訴投資者,並不缺乏投資會導致任何問題的發展,而是提供將安全帶到邊緣的能力以及我們認為真正創造的機會並支持物聯網和超寬帶對雲的破壞是真正使我們處於獨特地位的領域,也是我們感到非常自在的原因,超過了市場至少 50%,並且仍然對 6% 感到自在未來複合增長率為8%。

  • Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

    Matthew D. Ramsay - MD & Senior Technology Analyst

  • No, Rick, that's consistent with my view.


  • I'm just relaying some pushback that I've gotten.


  • Just as a quick follow-up on SI&I given some fairly very good upside in Q3 and you've talked about it into Q4, how should we think about calibrating that expectation into what's probably a seasonally down Q1 just so we have the right sort of trajectory into Q1.

    正如對 SI&I 的快速跟進給出了第三季度相當不錯的上漲空間並且您已經在第四季度談到了它,我們應該如何考慮將這種預期校準為可能是第一季度的季節性下降,這樣我們才能擁有正確的類型進入 Q1 的軌跡。

  • If there's anything you could add there, that'd be helpful.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, we don't give guidance for Q1, but I do think that we may see some things that will be a little bit abnormal associated with 5G implementation.

    是的,我們沒有為第一季度提供指導,但我確實認為我們可能會看到一些與 5G 實施相關的事情會有點不正常。

  • But it's really too early to say.


  • And we'll come back and talk about that more when we give you our Q1 guidance.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Ross Seymore with Deutsche Bank.


  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Congrats, especially on the cost and the cash return.


  • Wanted to focus on the SCD part of the business.

    希望專注於業務的 SCD 部分。

  • Some of the concerns people have in broad-based markets aren't just limited to auto, but also kind of general purpose microcontrollers, inventory and broad-based analog, those sorts of things.


  • So wondered what you're seeing in that business, especially given that you're guiding it up sequentially in the fourth quarter?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • The interesting thing about SCD is, it's a mix of products and so the mobile wallet, combined with the implementation of the mass market, general-purpose micros as well as our i.MX family.

    SCD 的有趣之處在於,它是產品和移動錢包的組合,結合了大眾市場、通用 micros 以及我們的 i.MX 系列的實施。

  • Clearly, in China, we're seeing the FUD factor that we talked about where our customers are actually being somewhat slow in placing orders and being very diligent relative to their inventory levels.

    顯然,在中國,我們看到了我們談到的 FUD 因素,我們的客戶實際上在下訂單時有些緩慢,並且相對於他們的庫存水平非常勤奮。

  • And that has an impact on the mass market micros.


  • And while we see slowing on a sequential basis in the growth rate, not a decline, but a slowing growth rate, still see the opportunity for growth year-over-year because of the position that we've had and the strong performance we had early on in the year.


  • So I think for us, the opportunity is still there.


  • We still continue to be working with our distribution partners as the majority of that business -- clear majority of that business probably around 3/4 of it goes through the distribution channel.

    我們仍然繼續與我們的分銷合作夥伴合作,因為該業務的大部分——顯然大部分業務可能有大約 3/4 是通過分銷渠道。

  • So it's really important that we work closely with our distribution partners to be sure that we get the technology out to customers where it can be implemented.


  • But as we see the opportunities in IoT and ability to really drive the utilization that the cloud supports in making IoT real, that business is really critical to be able to fulfill that opportunity.


  • And so I think that, really, one of the tempering factors is, it's still those designs and the opportunities that we'll have even with people being a little more reluctant in placing orders in the near term as they're trying to figure out what's going on with the tariffs and trade war and, really, creating a significant amount of fear, uncertainty and doubt or FUD relative to the overall marketplace.

    所以我認為,實際上,緩和因素之一是,即使人們在短期內不太願意下訂單,因為他們試圖弄清楚,仍然是那些設計和我們將擁有的機會關稅和貿易戰正在發生什麼,實際上,相對於整個市場,造成了大量的恐懼、不確定性和懷疑或 FUD。

  • Ross Clark Seymore - MD

    Ross Clark Seymore - MD

  • Great.


  • And for my follow-up, I just want to go back to the auto side of things.


  • Rick, you mentioned a couple of things, the FUD side for sure and then the WLTP side.

    Rick,你提到了幾件事,肯定是 FUD 方面,然後是 WLTP 方面。

  • For that latter side of the equation, I realize that the former was the macro impact, it's difficult for you guys to project, but for the latter side, it seems like it's a transitional issue in Europe, might be a big one, but a transitional one nonetheless with that change in testing standards.


  • How do you view that kind of lull working its way through the system?


  • And when do you think that headwind might abate for NXP?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Well, I think our customers are working closely to try to address that so that they'll get through that over a relatively short period of time.


  • I don't think that's going to be a prolonged period.


  • I think it will work through the supply chain here fairly quickly.


  • And I think that it will continue to be a near-term factor as they go through their pulls, but we have the impression that they'll get back to kind of a normal ongoing basis here relatively soon and then it's going to be more dependent on actual car sales.


  • The interesting thing is, when people talk about the reduced sales of cars in China, the interesting thing is if you go back and look at over last 4, 5 years, July is always the lowest car sales month in China.


  • And if you actually look at actual sales in August and September, while they were down from the previous year, they were actually increasing sequentially.

    如果你真的看一下 8 月和 9 月的實際銷售額,雖然它們比上一年有所下降,但它們實際上是連續增長的。

  • And so I think part of it's going to depend on what happens with the Chinese government.


  • When this happened a few years ago with the first time where there was decline in car sales, they actually changed the tax structure and car sales in China got back on track very quickly, and we'll see that take place.


  • But the WLTP, specifically, we think it's only a 1 or 2 quarter issue.

    但是 WLTP,具體來說,我們認為它只是一個 1 或 2 個季度的問題。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Craig Hettenbach with Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Craig Hettenbach。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Rick, 5G looks like a positive development.

    Rick,5G 看起來是一個積極的發展。

  • You noted some of the North American market initial activity.


  • As you look into 2019, can you just discuss kind of the visibility you have into additional 5G ramps and how you're thinking about the business?

    展望 2019 年,您能否討論一下您對其他 5G 斜坡的可見性以及您對業務的看法?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Well, I think it's really going to depend on how that gets deployed.


  • I know early on, some of these last-mile implementations, they're doing those with FPGAs, which are extremely expensive.

    我很早就知道,其中一些最後一英里的實現是使用非常昂貴的 FPGA 來實現的。

  • So I don't see those going to mass market associated with it.


  • So I think they have to be able to get to a commercial solution that they can drive in a cost-effective manner the deployment associated with 5G, and it's not clear to me that that's taking place quite yet.

    因此,我認為他們必須能夠找到一個商業解決方案,以經濟高效的方式推動與 5G 相關的部署,而我還不清楚這是否正在發生。

  • So I think it's an opportunity that clearly was a positive for us in Q3.


  • We're being a little more cautious on the implementation in 2019 because we think they have to get to a cost-effective commercial implementation before we'll see the volumes actually begin to ramp on a significant basis.

    我們對 2019 年的實施更加謹慎,因為我們認為他們必須先進行具有成本效益的商業實施,然後我們才能看到數量實際上開始顯著增加。

  • Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

    Craig Matthew Hettenbach - VP

  • Got it.


  • And then just as a follow-up regarding the overall environment, a couple of companies have talked about kind of a downtick in the month of September.

    然後,作為對整體環境的跟進,幾家公司談到了 9 月份的下跌。

  • Can you just talk about kind of linearity in the quarter and how things progress and how kind of orders were up until October?

    您能否談談本季度的線性度以及事情的進展情況以及截至 10 月的訂單情況?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • So it depends on the business.


  • Each one of the businesses is separate.


  • Clearly, the lion share of our automotive business is on vendor-managed inventories.


  • So those pulls kind of begin to slow.


  • But August was kind of a vacation month as well, so it was down a little bit as well as we went through the vacation months in Europe associated with August.

    但 8 月也是一個假期月份,所以隨著我們在歐洲度過與 8 月相關的假期月份,它也有所下降。

  • In September, I don't think we saw anything that continued to go down at all.

    在 9 月,我認為我們根本沒有看到任何繼續下降的情況。

  • Again, I think it's really important to point out that while we see the growth slowing on a sequential basis, we still see positive growth year-over-year.


  • And we don't see anything continuing to weaken or weaken more significantly from where we were in September.

    而且我們沒有看到任何東西從 9 月份的情況繼續減弱或減弱。

  • The environment continues to be kind of status quo, although quite cloudy and still not really able to confirm getting back on the steady growth rate of the first half of the year.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Harlan Sur with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Harlan Sur。

  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • Just back on the multi-market MCU, which is up high single digits.

    回到多市場的 MCU 上,它的漲幅高達個位數。

  • So this is really good performance, and it bucked the trend of the overall general-purpose MCU segment, which was -- I think was only up about 1% to 2% in Q3 kind of looking at the SIA data.

    所以這是非常好的性能,它逆勢而上整個通用 MCU 細分市場的趨勢——我認為從 SIA 數據來看,第三季度僅增長了 1% 到 2%。

  • This is even with some of the weaker demand trends in China.


  • So Rick, if you could just help us understand what are the geographies or applications that are helping to drive the above-market demand for your general-purpose MCU business?

    那麼 Rick,您能否幫助我們了解哪些地區或應用有助於推動您的通用 MCU 業務的上述市場需求?

  • And within the SIA data, it looks like 32-bit also kind of outperformed year-over-year.

    在 SIA 數據中,看起來 32 位的表現也比去年同期好一些。

  • Obviously, that's a strong leadership position for you guys, but I love to get your thoughts.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • So, Harlan, I think one of the key things that was a benefit for us in Q3, we brought our lead times back in check on kinetics.


  • Early in the year, were talking about that we were out at 39-week lead times, which was just unacceptable for our customers, and we're downtime in the 14, 15-week lead time at the current basis.

    今年早些時候,我們在談論我們在 39 週的交貨時間下,這對我們的客戶來說是不可接受的,而且我們在目前的基礎上在 14、15 週的交貨時間內停工。

  • So that transition -- obviously, as you go through that transition, it creates a little confusion with your distribution customers as well.


  • So we kind of gone through in Q3, but clearly, based on the results that you talked about, we would have gained share in Q3 based on the strong portfolio we have.


  • As you pointed out, we're really focused on 32-bit arm, we're not focused on 8-bit kind of general marketplace.

    正如您所指出的,我們真正專注於 32 位 arm,我們並不專注於 8 位一般市場。

  • And I think that played out well for us.


  • We continued to have the broadest platform in place with the high-performance kinetics and the LPC in the low end as well as in the apps processor on the i.MX in the product that we just announced recently on the first implementation of the crossover from i.MX technology, but had a micro cost associated with it.

    我們繼續擁有最廣泛的平台,具有高性能動力學和低端 LPC 以及 i.MX 上的應用程序處理器,在我們最近剛剛宣布的產品中首次實現交叉i.MX 技術,但有與之相關的微成本。

  • So I think we continue to feel like we've got the broadest portfolio, the best portfolio for our customers, really trying to see how they can use the cloud to implement the disruption opportunity that people talk about as IoT.


  • For the last few years, everybody's been talking about IoT, but it was really hard to get your hands around what was real.


  • And I think what we see is the clarity of being able to take advantage of the cloud now through the computing at the edge and bringing that secured, and I emphasize the word secure, computing to the edge to be able to get that.


  • But clearly, I think based on the results you talked about, we did gain share in Q3 and hope to be in a position with our portfolio to continue to maintain that going forward and grow it.


  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • Good performance there.


  • Manufacturing utilization trends, 87% in Q3, how was the team positioning utilizations in Q4?

    製造利用率趨勢,第三季度為 87%,團隊如何定位第四季度的利用率?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • I think the interesting thing about that is you can't take as much out of that as you used to a couple of years ago on the utilization.


  • One of the things that we're going through is, our individual factories have some unique requirements to be able to meet the ramp-up associated with our RADAR requirements internally as well as some of our others.

    我們正在經歷的一件事是,我們的各個工廠有一些獨特的要求,能夠滿足與我們內部以及其他一些 RADAR 要求相關的提升。

  • So as we -- and we have our capacity limited in some of our analog side of our automotive business.


  • So as we implement the expanded capacity on that, I think that, that creates a little bit of a factor that's not as significant on the utilization itself.


  • We continue to grow our external support as well, so I think, today, we're kind of a little over...


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Just over 50%.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, a little over 50% that's external.

    是的,超過 50% 是外部的。

  • But the utilization, I don't think you can take as much about that on a quarterly basis and, specifically, right now as we go through the transition and trying to expand our capacity in RADAR as well as some of our unique analog capacity -- auto analog capacity, we'll go through a little bit of tempering of utilization to be able to bring up that capacity.

    但是利用率,我認為您不能按季度對此進行太多處理,特別是現在,我們正在經歷過渡並試圖擴大我們在 RADAR 方面的能力以及我們的一些獨特的模擬能力 - - 自動模擬容量,我們將通過一些使用的鍛煉來提高該容量。

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Overall, it would be about the same in Q4 as it was in Q3.


  • But as Rick said, it's kind of a useless indicator these days.

    但正如 Rick 所說,如今它是一種無用的指標。

  • And only what is a 12.5% of our COGS goes through the internal numbers, if you do some trends on that.

    如果您對此進行一些趨勢分析,那麼只有 12.5% 的 COGS 會通過內部數據。

  • And then you have to look at it by factory.


  • So it's kind of interesting as an indicator, but it's kind of not very useful in terms of helping you understand what's going on, on the cost.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Toshiya Hari with Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Toshiya Hari。

  • Toshiya Hari - MD

    Toshiya Hari - MD

  • I had a question on automotive, going into 2019.

    我有一個關於汽車的問題,進入 2019 年。

  • Rick, you've talked about the design win momentum in MCUs with your S32 family.

    Rick,您談到了 S32 系列在 MCU 中的設計獲胜勢頭。

  • You've talked about RADAR.


  • You've talked about BMS as well.

    您也談到了 BMS。

  • I know it's kind of early, but from a content growth perspective, how do you see momentum going into 2019?

    我知道這有點早,但從內容增長的角度來看,您如何看待 2019 年的發展勢頭?

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • We -- what we talk about is over the 3-year period of time, I think '19 will be a clear indication in implementation associated with that.

    我們 - 我們談論的是在 3 年的時間段內,我認為 19 年將清楚地表明與此相關的實施。

  • As we went through -- Kurt talked about at the Analyst Day that even with a 1% or 2% growth in actual car production, which we think still with the growth of the middle class in a developing world, specifically in China, but Southeast Asia as well, we'll see some production increase in cars.

    正如我們所經歷的——庫爾特在分析師日談到,即使實際汽車產量增長 1% 或 2%,我們認為這仍然伴隨著發展中國家中產階級的增長,特別是在中國,但在東南部亞洲也是如此,我們將看到汽車產量有所增加。

  • But even without that, we'll see the content driving a significant opportunity for us to continue to grow kind of mid to high single digit through the implementation of RADAR and Level 2 and 3 capability of the car, which is -- we think we're in a very solid position to be able to continue to maintain our leadership position in the overall RADAR solution.

    但即使沒有這一點,我們也會看到內容為我們提供了一個重要的機會,通過實施 RADAR 和汽車的 2 級和 3 級能力,繼續實現中高個位數增長,這就是 - 我們認為我們'處於非常穩固的地位,能夠繼續保持我們在整體 RADAR 解決方案中的領先地位。

  • The implementation of ethernet to be able to process data around the car at a much higher speed that's required for the implementation of ADAS, and the changed architecture of the car with the domain controllers and ability for the car companies to really look at a different implementation, which our S32 family of product fits very nicely into.

    以太網的實施能夠以更高的速度處理汽車周圍的數據,這是實施 ADAS 所需的,以及具有域控制器的汽車架構的變化以及汽車公司真正考慮不同實施的能力,我們的 S32 系列產品非常適合。

  • So we feel very comfortable with our position in automotive and look forward to continuing to expand it.


  • And I think that will take place in '19 as the first year of the 3-year basis that we've talked about at the Analyst Day.

    我認為這將在 19 年作為我們在分析師日討論的 3 年基礎的第一年進行。

  • Toshiya Hari - MD

    Toshiya Hari - MD

  • So is it fair to assume that you come in within the range of the 7% to 10% growth rate in 2019 as well?

    那麼假設您在 2019 年也處於 7% 到 10% 的增長率範圍內是否公平?

  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Look, Toshiya, I don't think we're going to guide 2019.

    聽著,Toshiya,我認為我們不會指導 2019 年。

  • I think we've laid out a 3-year target for our businesses, 7% to 10% for the automotive business, all driven by the different irons we have in the fire, as Rick laid out, but we're not going to guide '19 specifically.

    我認為我們已經為我們的業務制定了一個 3 年的目標,汽車業務為 7% 到 10%,所有這些都是由我們在火中使用的不同鐵桿推動的,正如 Rick 所製定的,但我們不會專門指導'19。

  • Toshiya Hari - MD

    Toshiya Hari - MD

  • Okay, fair enough.


  • And then as a quick follow-up for Peter on gross margins, again, I just wanted to confirm, in a flattish revenue environment in 2019, are you still confident -- if that were to be the case, can you still hit that 55% gross margin target exiting the year?

    然後作為彼得對毛利率的快速跟進,我只是想再次確認,在 2019 年收入持平的環境中,你是否仍然有信心——如果是這樣的話,你還能達到 55 % 毛利率目標退出今年?

  • And if so, what would be some of the drivers?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes, and exactly the same drivers I described at the Analyst Day because the reality is even if it's flat, you will see changes in mix.


  • But it's all about kind of how we drive our cost reduction and manage our pricing.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • But I think you have to be realistic with the economic environment we see.


  • We think it would be hard for the year to be flat based on the economic environment unless something more to weaken significantly in the general economic environment.


  • So while we're going through this cloudy period, I think you've got to be careful about not looking too far in the future associated with that so long as the robust economic environment is still in place.


  • Clearly, the semiconductor industry is going to drive content gain after we get through this quarter or 2 of uncertainty associated with what's going on in the marketplace.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from C.J. Muse with Evercore.

    我們的下一個問題來自於 Evercore 的 C.J. Muse。

  • Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • I guess, Peter, first question, trying to better understand kind of debt financing interest expense going forward and your means for additional buyback.


  • So could you tell us what kind of cash you need to run the business, what you're planning in terms of the debt refinancing, both the bridge and the cash convertible notes and how we should think about potential incremental debt on top of that in the coming months?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Okay.


  • So we want to run 2x net debt for trailing 12-month EBITDA.

    因此,我們希望為過去 12 個月的 EBITDA 運行 2 倍的淨債務。

  • So to the extent that the markets come upright, we would add additional debt.


  • We've mentioned on my call kind of looking at that, so this quarter, we definitely look to replace the bridge with the bond that converts -- that comes due the end of next year, same thing we look to replace that with a convert.


  • And I guess, very, very roughly, a 2x net debt to trailing 12-month EBITDA.

    我猜,非常非常粗略地,淨債務是過去 12 個月 EBITDA 的 2 倍。

  • That would say between now and the end of next year, you could buy back an additional $3 billion, very roughly and then in subsequent years $2-plus billion per year.

    也就是說,從現在到明年年底,您可以再回購 30 億美元,非常粗略,然後在隨後的幾年中每年回購 2 多億美元。

  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • But as Peter talked about replacing the convert, we probably would not be replacing the convert with a convert at the current equity price.


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes, yes.


  • I mean, it's -- current equity prices could be absolutely be a bond, but that's a year away.


  • Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Got you.


  • Great.


  • And I guess, as a follow-up, from a free cash flow margin perspective, I think you're running around 20% in the last 2 years, excluding the Qualcomm payment.

    而且我想,作為後續行動,從自由現金流利潤率的角度來看,我認為你在過去 2 年中運行了大約 20%,不包括高通的付款。

  • So curious, can you kind of walk through how you plan to drive that higher?


  • You've talked about gross margin.


  • I imagine that flows right through.


  • Are there other drivers that you're working on?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • Yes, yes.


  • So the extent that EBIT margin increases, cash flow margin would increase.

    因此,EBIT 利潤率增加的程度,現金流量利潤率就會增加。

  • So at a real simple level, EBIT margin will increase because gross margin will improve and OpEx percent will decline.


  • But your working capital will be kind of about what it is.


  • So yes, I mean, it's directly connected with EBIT margins.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, I think one thing that we talked about at the Analyst Day is we might invest -- we plan to invest a little more in CapEx in the near term really to take advantage of some of the opportunities that we have with some of our unique processes that will be a little bit of a factor above the 5% for a short period of time.

    是的,我認為我們在分析師日討論的一件事是我們可能會投資——我們計劃在短期內對資本支出進行更多投資,以真正利用我們擁有的一些獨特的機會在短時間內會稍微高於 5% 的過程。

  • But our cash flow position, we think, is in a very strong position and the growth of the business that we feel very good about, over the next 3 years, we'll continue to generate a huge amount of cash.

    但我們認為,我們的現金流狀況非常強勁,我們對業務增長感到非常滿意,在未來 3 年,我們將繼續產生大量現金。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Chris Danely with Citigroup.

    我們的下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Chris Danely。

  • Christopher Brett Danely - MD

    Christopher Brett Danely - MD

  • Just a quick question on, I guess, next year.


  • So Rick, you talked about the murky environment right now.


  • If the environment stays "murky", conceptually, what should we be thinking about for Q1 revenue on a sequential basis?


  • Like down 5% to 10% will be something reasonable range?

    像下降 5% 到 10% 會是合理的範圍嗎?

  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • We don't guide Q1.

    我們不指導 Q1。

  • I mean, clearly, you can go and look historic seasonality, but we're not guiding Q1.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes, I think that one thing that you talked about though on the cloudy environment, if the economic environment stays as robust as it is, this cloudy environment cannot continue for a prolonged period of time.


  • So long as production rates continue and the economic growth continues, you have to get back to a steady increase in production.


  • So we don't anticipate that something is prolonged for an extended period of time unless the economic environment were to worsen because of the FUD factor associated with the tariffs and trade wars.

    因此,除非與關稅和貿易戰相關的 FUD 因素導致經濟環境惡化,否則我們預計某些事情不會持續很長時間。

  • So if those don't materialize, we don't think this is -- this cloudy environment will continue for a prolonged period of time throughout next year.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Operator, we'll take one more call, and then we'll plan to wrap it up here today.


  • Operator


  • Our last question comes from Tore Svanberg with Stifel.

    我們的最後一個問題來自 Tore Svanberg 和 Stifel。

  • Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

    Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

  • First question, Rick, you've talked about lead times for the microcontroller business, but can you talk about trends of your lead times for sort of the overall business over the last few quarters?


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • For the LPC business?


  • Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

    Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

  • No, for -- so lead times in general for your business.

    不,因為 - 所以一般來說,您的業務的交貨時間。

  • You've talked specifically about microcontrollers earlier.


  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Yes.


  • No, I think, in general, that's kind of the typical lead time that we have is in that 12- to 16-week period of time across the board.

    不,我認為,總的來說,這是我們擁有的典型交貨時間,即全面的 12 到 16 週的時間段。

  • So I don't think there's anything that's different in that.


  • It depends on the actual manufacturing cycle time of some of our unique products, but we're pretty much in that typical lead time, and we see it in a very healthy situation right now.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • And, Tore, you have to remember, most of the auto business, which is almost 50% of the revenue, runs on a vendor-managed inventory model, right, which is kind of theoretically 0 lead time business since we consign inventory to different build locations.

    而且,Tore,你必須記住,大部分汽車業務,幾乎佔收入的 50%,都是在供應商管理的庫存模型上運行的,對,這在理論上是一種零交貨時間業務,因為我們將庫存委託給不同的建立地點。

  • Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

    Tore Egil Svanberg - MD

  • That's helpful.


  • And as my follow-up, Peter, do you have the CapEx number for next year, forecast at this point?


  • Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

    Peter Kelly - CFO, Executive VP of Strategy, M&A and Integration

  • At the Analyst Day, we said our normal run rate is 5%, but over the next 3 years, we could spend up to 7% per year.

    在分析師日,我們說我們的正常運行率為 5%,但在接下來的 3 年中,我們每年最多可以花費 7%。

  • Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

    Richard L. Clemmer - CEO & Executive Director

  • Thanks a lot.


  • So once again, thanks for joining us today after our second quarter here following our 21-month quiet period with the Qualcomm transaction.

    因此,再次感謝您在我們與高通交易的 21 個月靜默期之後的第二季度之後今天加入我們。

  • Clearly, as we've talked about, we think the near-term period and the cloudiness associated with it, we'll be able to work our way through.


  • The key factors is with the overall growth in the economy, we think that this will not be a prolonged period of cloudiness that we'll work our way through to back to see a steady growth rate over the next few quarters.


  • But clearly, the product position that we have, the design wins that we continue to win and the cash flow capability of our business is what excites us about the opportunity to create real shareholder value and look forward to your continued support.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

    Jeff Palmer - VP of IR

  • Thank you very much, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in today's conference.


  • This does conclude the program.


  • You may all disconnect.


  • Everyone, have a great day.
