美光科技 (MU) 2020 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to Micron Technologies Fiscal Second Quarter 2020 Financial Conference Call.

    女士們,先生們,感謝您的支持,歡迎參加美光科技 2020 財年第二季度財務電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please be advised that today's conference may be recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions) I would now like to hand the conference over to your host, Head of Investor Relations at Micron Technologies, Farhan Ahmad.

    (操作員說明)我現在想將會議交給您的主持人,美光科技的投資者關係主管 Farhan Ahmad。

  • Sir, please go ahead.


  • Farhan Ahmad - Senior Director of IR

    Farhan Ahmad - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you, and welcome to Micron Technologies Fiscal Second Quarter 2020 Financial Conference Call.

    謝謝,歡迎參加美光科技 2020 財年第二季度財務電話會議。

  • On the call with me today are Sanjay Mehrotra, President and CEO; and Dave Zinsner, Chief Financial Officer.

    今天與我通話的是總裁兼首席執行官 Sanjay Mehrotra;和首席財務官 Dave Zinsner。

  • Today's call will be approximately 60 minutes in length.

    今天的通話時間約為 60 分鐘。

  • This call, including the audio and slides, is also being webcast from our Investor Relations website at investors.micron.com.

    此次電話會議(包括音頻和幻燈片)也將通過我們的投資者關係網站investors.micron.com 進行網絡直播。

  • In addition, our website contains the earnings press release and the prepared remarks filed a short while ago.


  • Today's discussion of financial results will be presented on a non-GAAP financial basis unless otherwise specified.


  • A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures can be found on our website.

    可以在我們的網站上找到 GAAP 與非 GAAP 財務指標的對賬。

  • As a reminder, a webcast replay will be available on our website later today.


  • We encourage you to monitor our website at micron.com throughout the quarter for the most current information on the company including information on the various financial conferences that we will be attending.

    我們鼓勵您在整個季度監控我們的網站 micron.com,以獲取有關公司的最新信息,包括我們將參加的各種財務會議的信息。

  • You can follow us on Twitter, @MicronTech.

    您可以在 Twitter 上關注我們,@MicronTech。

  • As a reminder, the matters we will be discussing today include forward-looking statements.


  • These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made today.


  • We refer you to the documents we file with the SEC, specifically our most recent Form 10-K and 10-Q for a discussion of risks that may affect our future results.

    我們向您推薦我們向 SEC 提交的文件,特別是我們最近的 10-K 和 10-Q 表格,以討論可能影響我們未來結果的風險。

  • Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements.


  • We are under no duty to update any of the forward-looking statements after today's date to conform these statements to actual results.


  • I'll now turn the call over to Sanjay.

    我現在將把電話轉給 Sanjay。

  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, Farhan.


  • Good afternoon.


  • I hope all of you and your families are safe.


  • These are unprecedented times, and I'm calling from home today.


  • In Micron's fiscal second quarter, we delivered strong results, including revenue at the high end of our guided range even as the COVID-19 crisis began to unfold halfway through our quarter.

    在美光的第二財季,我們取得了強勁的業績,包括在我們指導範圍的高端的收入,即使 COVID-19 危機在我們的季度中開始展開。

  • We have now achieved positive free cash flow for 13 consecutive quarters.

    我們現在已經連續 13 個季度實現了正的自由現金流。

  • This performance represents a marked improvement from historical cycles and is evidence of the strength of the new Micron.


  • The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has created both operational challenges and macroeconomic concerns.

    COVID-19 大流行的出現既帶來了運營挑戰,也帶來了宏觀經濟問題。

  • Micron has more than 37,000 team members in 18 countries around the world.

    美光在全球 18 個國家/地區擁有 37,000 多名團隊成員。

  • Since the earliest signs of the outbreak in China, we have taken proactive measures to safeguard our employees.


  • Where possible, Micron employees are working from home, and we have suspended all local and international business travel globally.


  • We implemented health screenings at all Micron locations.


  • We were among the first in the industry to implement physical separation protocols at all our manufacturing sites globally to mitigate the risk of community spread with blue teams and red teams that operate on alternate schedules.


  • We have been requiring self-declaration and self-quarantine measures as this crisis has spread, whereby team members, contractors and their immediate families observe 14 days of work from home after any air or sea travel.

    隨著這場危機的蔓延,我們一直要求採取自我聲明和自我隔離措施,團隊成員、承包商及其直系親屬在進行任何空中或海上旅行後都可以在家工作 14 天。

  • As of yesterday, we have 2 employees who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus and are receiving appropriate medical attention.

    截至昨天,我們有 2 名員工的新型冠狀病毒檢測呈陽性,正在接受適當的醫療護理。

  • At the 2 sites where we have confirmed cases, we have used contact tracing to quarantine individuals who were in close contact with either infected team member.

    在我們已確認病例的 2 個地點,我們使用接觸者追踪來隔離與任一受感染團隊成員密切接觸的個人。

  • We have also implemented more restrictive controls of on-site access, social distancing and service protocols.


  • As a result of stringent preventative measures in place, these events have not impacted our manufacturing operations thus far.


  • We have also taken measures to protect our raw material supply and increase our supply chain flexibility.


  • First, we have been in close ongoing communication with our suppliers to ensure continuity and identify supply gaps.


  • Second, we have increased our on-hand inventory of raw materials and have begun to store more of that supply on our sites to minimize the impact of any logistics delays.


  • Third, we have increased our focus on multi-sourcing of parts to reduce supplier dependence risk.


  • And fourth, we have added assembly and test capacity at both our captive and contract manufacturing sites to provide redundant manufacturing capability in multiple regions.


  • As COVID-19 spreads, we are complying with all government orders at our global sites.

    隨著 COVID-19 的傳播,我們在全球站點遵守所有政府命令。

  • These orders may result in a temporary or prolonged shutdown of our sites, which could impact our shipments this quarter.


  • For example, on March 16, the Malaysian government issued a restriction of movement order resulting in the closure of borders and most businesses in Malaysia.

    例如,3 月 16 日,馬來西亞政府發布限制行動令,導致馬來西亞邊境和大部分企業關閉。

  • Subsequently, the Malaysian government added semiconductors to the list of essential services, and we were able to resume operations.


  • Our assembly and test facilities in Muar and Penang, primarily used for packaging high-value NAND, were briefly shut down and have since been able to return to production on a very limited basis in compliance with local regulations.

    我們在麻坡和檳城的組裝和測試設施,主要用於封裝高價值 NAND,暫時關閉,此後能夠在非常有限的基礎上按照當地法規恢復生產。

  • We are using our global supply chain network and increased flexibility to try and mitigate this production impact, and we are working to keep our commitments to our customers.


  • Turning now to COVID-19's effect on demand.

    現在轉向 COVID-19 對需求的影響。

  • COVID-19 is significantly impacting China's economic growth in the calendar first quarter, reflected in the sharp decline of smartphone and automobile unit sales.

    COVID-19 對中國第一季度的經濟增長產生了重大影響,這反映在智能手機和汽車銷量的急劇下降上。

  • Weaker sell-through of consumer electronics and our customers' factory shutdowns in China were headwinds for us late in our fiscal second quarter.


  • In China, lower consumer demand was offset by stronger data center demand due to increased gaming, e-commerce and remote work activity.


  • Looking to the third quarter, as these trends also take shape worldwide, data center demand in all regions look strong and is leading to supply shortages.


  • In addition, we are seeing a recent increase in demand for notebooks used in the commercial and educational segments to support work from home and virtual learning initiatives occurring in many parts of the world.


  • We are also encouraged to see manufacturers in China increasingly returning to full production, and we have recently started to see China smartphone manufacturing volumes recover.


  • Nevertheless, as the world deals with the outbreak of COVID-19, we expect that overall demand for smartphones, consumer electronics and automobiles will be below our prior expectations for the second half of our fiscal 2020.

    儘管如此,隨著全球應對 COVID-19 的爆發,我們預計對智能手機、消費電子產品和汽車的總體需求將低於我們之前對 2020 財年下半年的預期。

  • Once the U.S. and other major economies have demonstrated containment of the virus's spread, we expect a rebound in economic activity.


  • Much depends on potential government stimulus and the rate, pace and effectiveness of containment efforts.


  • We are modeling an improvement in the trajectory of economic activity later into the second half of calendar 2020 with a further rebound in economic momentum into 2021.

    我們正在模擬 2020 年下半年經濟活動軌蹟的改善,到 2021 年經濟勢頭將進一步反彈。

  • This is a very fluid situation, and we will learn more about the virus, its spread and its economic impact over the next few weeks and months.


  • Anticipating changes to our customer demand, we have been moving supply from smartphone to service the strength in data center markets for both DRAM modules as well as SSDs.

    預計我們客戶需求的變化,我們一直在將供應從智能手機轉移到服務於數據中心市場的 DRAM 模塊和 SSD 的實力。

  • Just like we have increased our raw materials inventory in these uncertain times, it is possible that certain customers are similarly increasing their inventory of DRAM and NAND products.

    就像我們在這些不確定的時期增加了原材料庫存一樣,某些客戶也可能同樣增加了 DRAM 和 NAND 產品的庫存。

  • We will manage our business with prudent and proactive action and continue to work closely with customers to understand their latest demand outlook.


  • We are evaluating our production levels and CapEx plans for calendar 2020 and will adjust to the most recent demand requirements.

    我們正在評估 2020 年的生產水平和資本支出計劃,並將根據最新的需求要求進行調整。

  • Once we emerge from this low-visibility environment that is impacted by COVID-19, we expect the industry to resume its long-term growth trajectory with a DRAM demand growth CAGR in the mid- to high teens and NAND in the 30% range.

    一旦我們擺脫了受 COVID-19 影響的低能見度環境,我們預計該行業將恢復其長期增長軌跡,DRAM 需求增長 CAGR 處於中高水平,NAND 處於 30% 範圍內。

  • For both DRAM and NAND, we expect our multiyear supply growth CAGR to be in line with the industry's demand growth CAGR.

    對於 DRAM 和 NAND,我們預計我們的多年供應增長 CAGR 將與行業的需求增長 CAGR 保持一致。

  • Focusing on 2020, we returned our DRAM operations to full utilization at the beginning of the calendar year, and our NAND operations continue to run with reduced wafer starts as we deploy capital efficiently through our conversion to replacement gate.

    著眼於 2020 年,我們在日曆年初恢復了 DRAM 業務的全面利用率,我們的 NAND 業務繼續以減少的晶圓開工率運行,因為我們通過轉換為替換門來有效地部署資本。

  • While we returned our DRAM utilization to full production, we remain flexible to adjusting these levels depending on the near-term demand environment.

    雖然我們將 DRAM 利用率恢復到全面生產,但我們仍可根據近期需求環境靈活調整這些水平。

  • Node transitions and industry supply growth in calendar 2020 could be impacted by disruptions to equipment companies' operations including travel restrictions, hindering, field service and engineering support.

    2020 年節點轉換和行業供應增長可能會受到設備公司運營中斷的影響,包括旅行限制、阻礙、現場服務和工程支持。

  • Recently, some equipment companies have also indicated delays in equipment deliveries due to the impact of various government actions to combat COVID-19.

    最近,一些設備公司也表示,由於政府為抗擊 COVID-19 採取的各種行動的影響,設備交付出現延誤。

  • The situation with coronavirus is rapidly evolving, and disruptions could be much larger than we can see today.


  • However, our continued focus on innovation and execution, combined with our rock-solid balance sheet, puts us in an excellent position to navigate this period of uncertainty and capitalize on the long-term opportunities driving our industry once conditions eventually normalize.


  • Stepping away from the COVID-19 discussion, I want to spend a few minutes talking about the tremendous progress we have made on our technology and products.

    離開關於 COVID-19 的討論,我想花幾分鐘談談我們在技術和產品方面取得的巨大進步。

  • This progress is contributing to the underlying strength of the new Micron, and this is a source of excitement for us as we look to the future.


  • The new Micron is undergoing a dramatic transformation to combine product leadership with technology, manufacturing and supply chain excellence.


  • Our objective is to have leading process technology so that we can deliver differentiated products to our customers and maintain a competitive cost structure.


  • We are making good progress on this front in both DRAM and NAND.

    我們在 DRAM 和 NAND 方面都取得了良好的進展。

  • In DRAM, we were the first to introduce 1Z in volume production and expect over half of our bit production to be on 1Y and 1Z by the summer of 2020.

    在 DRAM 方面,我們率先量產 1Z,預計到 2020 年夏天,我們一半以上的位產量將在 1Y 和 1Z 上。

  • We are managing the construction schedule of our new Taiwan cleanroom expansion carefully and currently remain on target for first output in calendar 2021.

    我們正在仔細管理我們新台灣潔淨室擴建的建設時間表,目前仍保持在 2021 日曆年首次產出的目標。

  • In the fiscal second quarter, we began sampling 1Z-based DDR5 modules and are on track to introduce high-bandwidth memory in calendar 2020.

    在第二財季,我們開始提供基於 1Z 的 DDR5 模塊的樣品,並有望在 2020 年推出高帶寬內存。

  • We are also making good progress in our 1-alpha node.

    我們的 1-alpha 節點也取得了良好的進展。

  • In NAND, we made significant progress on our replacement gate, or RG, transition and expect to begin volume production in our current quarter with revenue shipments to follow in our fiscal fourth quarter.

    在 NAND 方面,我們在替換門或 RG 過渡方面取得了重大進展,並預計將在本季度開始量產,而收入出貨量將在我們的第四財季跟進。

  • We expect replacement gate production to be a meaningful portion of our total NAND supply by the end of this calendar year.

    我們預計,到本日曆年底,替代柵極生產將成為我們總 NAND 供應的重要部分。

  • Micron continues to lead on QLC NAND, which lowers cost for SSDs and helps us target market segments that are currently served by HDDs.

    美光繼續在 QLC NAND 方面處於領先地位,這降低了 SSD 的成本,並幫助我們瞄準了目前由 HDD 服務的細分市場。

  • QLC SSD bit shipments rose by 60% sequentially in our fiscal second quarter with a meaningful portion of our consumer SSDs now shipping with our QLC technology.

    在我們的第二財季,QLC SSD 位的出貨量環比增長了 60%,我們的消費級 SSD 中有相當一部分現在採用了我們的 QLC 技術。

  • We expect QLC to continue growing in the second half of the fiscal year as market adoption increases.

    隨著市場採用率的提高,我們預計 QLC 在本財年下半年將繼續增長。

  • In the fiscal second quarter, we made significant progress on increasing the mix of high-value NAND bits to over 70% of total NAND bits, and we remain on track to drive this figure to around 80% in fiscal 2021.

    在第二財季,我們在將高價值 NAND 位的組合增加到總 NAND 位的 70% 以上方面取得了重大進展,我們仍有望在 2021 財年將這一數字提高到 80% 左右。

  • Despite normal seasonal weakness in COVID-19, mobile MCP products had record revenue in the quarter and showed strong sequential growth.

    儘管 COVID-19 出現季節性疲軟,但移動 MCP 產品在本季度的收入創紀錄,並顯示出強勁的環比增長。

  • SSD revenue also grew approximately 20% sequentially, led by greater than 50% growth in data center SSDs.

    SSD 收入也環比增長約 20%,其中數據中心 SSD 增長超過 50%。

  • The resolution of the assembly and test constraints we experienced in the fiscal first quarter, combined with market share gains, drove strong growth in these product lines.


  • This mix improvement increases our profitability and reduces the volatility in our margins.


  • Now let's turn to 3D XPoint.

    現在讓我們轉向 3D XPoint。

  • As the only company in the world with a portfolio of DRAM, NAND and 3D XPoint technologies, Micron is uniquely positioned in the marketplace.

    作為世界上唯一一家擁有 DRAM、NAND 和 3D XPoint 技術組合的公司,美光在市場上處於獨特的地位。

  • We are encouraged by the customer reception of our first 3D XPoint product, the X100, which is the fastest storage device in the world.

    客戶收到我們的第一款 3D XPoint 產品 X100 後,我們深受鼓舞,它是世界上最快的存儲設備。

  • It is a great start to our portfolio of differentiated 3D XPoint products built in collaboration with our customers.

    這是我們與客戶合作構建的差異化 3D XPoint 產品組合的良好開端。

  • As we mature this X100 solution, we look forward to engaging a broader set of customers this year and delivering the value of 3D XPoint to the data center market.

    隨著我們這個 X100 解決方案的成熟,我們期待今年吸引更廣泛的客戶群,並為數據中心市場提供 3D XPoint 的價值。

  • Early in March, we entered into a new 3D XPoint wafer sale agreement with Intel that replaces previous agreements.

    3 月初,我們與英特爾簽訂了新的 3D XPoint 晶圓銷售協議,以取代之前的協議。

  • Intel has been an important partner over the years, and this new agreement ensures a continuation of our close relationship.


  • Now turning to highlights by products and markets.


  • In SSDs, we had record consumer SSD revenue, assisted by growth of our QLC NVMe consumer SSDs.

    在 SSD 方面,我們的消費級 SSD 收入創下歷史新高,這得益於我們的 QLC NVMe 消費級 SSD 的增長。

  • We expect strong sequential bit growth in our NVMe product portfolio in fiscal third quarter as we continue the transition from SATA to NVMe.

    隨著我們繼續從 SATA 過渡到 NVMe,我們預計第三財季 NVMe 產品組合將出現強勁的連續比特增長。

  • In SATA, we achieved several customer qualifications for our newest 96-layer SATA-based data center SSD.

    在 SATA 方面,我們最新的 96 層基於 SATA 的數據中心 SSD 獲得了多項客戶資格。

  • In the fiscal second quarter, we became the first company to deliver LP5 mobile DRAM products to customers, including Xiaomi, which is using our LP5 in its 5G-capable Mi 10 smartphones in 8- and 12-gigabyte configurations.

    在第二財季,我們成為第一家向包括小米在內的客戶提供 LP5 移動 DRAM 產品的公司,小米在其 8GB 和 12GB 配置的支持 5G 的 Mi 10 智能手機中使用了我們的 LP5。

  • More recently, we have begun sampling the world's first LP5 DRAM-based UFS MCPs.

    最近,我們開始對世界上第一個基於 LP5 DRAM 的 UFS MCP 進行採樣。

  • These LP5 DRAM products will enable longer smartphone battery life and high-performance image processing.

    這些 LP5 DRAM 產品將實現更長的智能手機電池壽命和高性能圖像處理。

  • They are great examples of how Micron is innovating for our customers to enhance the end user experience.


  • We are encouraged that LP5 and UFS will become even more important as 5G adoption accelerates, reigniting smartphone unit sales and driving content growth.

    我們感到鼓舞的是,隨著 5G 採用加速,LP5 和 UFS 將變得更加重要,重新點燃智能手機銷量並推動內容增長。

  • In just 2 short years, we have gone from trailing the competition in our mobile product portfolio to leading the industry with innovative first-of-a-kind products, consistent with our new Micron strategy.

    在短短 2 年的時間裡,我們已經從落後於移動產品組合的競爭者轉變為以創新的首創產品引領行業,這與我們的新美光戰略相一致。

  • In the data center market, we benefited from strong demand for our products from key cloud and enterprise customers, driven in part by ongoing strength in cloud markets, increased use of online properties, such as e-commerce and the surge and remote work requirements due to COVID-19 containment measures.

    在數據中心市場,我們受益於主要雲和企業客戶對我們產品的強勁需求,部分原因是雲市場的持續強勢、電子商務等在線資產的使用增加以及由於激增和遠程工作需求造成的到 COVID-19 遏制措施。

  • In the graphics market, GDDR6 bit shipments increased more than 40% quarter-over-quarter, and we anticipate strong growth with the launch of new gaming consoles that are expected to feature 16 gigabyte of GDDR6.

    在圖形市場,GDDR6 位出貨量環比增長超過 40%,我們預計隨著預計配備 16 GB GDDR6 的新遊戲機的推出,將實現強勁增長。

  • These new consoles also deploy SSDs in place of hard drives for the first time.

    這些新遊戲機還首次部署 SSD 來代替硬盤驅動器。

  • In the PC market, DRAM bit shipments and revenue declined sequentially, driven by a slow seasonal demand and continued CPU shortages.

    在個人電腦市場,受季節性需求放緩和 CPU 持續短缺的推動,DRAM 位出貨量和收入環比下降。

  • Our client SSD sales also declined sequentially.

    我們的客戶 SSD 銷售額也環比下降。

  • In the automotive market, we delivered record DRAM and NAND revenue despite soft global automobile unit sales as content growth remains strong in this market.

    在汽車市場,儘管全球汽車銷量疲軟,但我們仍實現了創紀錄的 DRAM 和 NAND 收入,因為該市場的內容增長仍然強勁。

  • Micron continues to lead the auto market with the industry's highest quality products.


  • Power efficiency is increasingly important in the auto market, creating an opportunity for Micron to leverage our strength in low-power DRAM.

    電源效率在汽車市場中變得越來越重要,這為美光創造了利用我們在低功耗 DRAM 方面的優勢的機會。

  • LPDRAM now makes up approximately half of our auto DRAM revenue.

    LPDRAM 現在約占我們汽車 DRAM 收入的一半。

  • In the industrial market, we had record bit shipments for both DRAM and NAND.

    在工業市場,我們的 DRAM 和 NAND 出貨量均創歷史新高。

  • In the longer term, we expect secular growth in the industrial IoT market as 5G rolls out and increases the importance of AI, machine learning and compute at the edge.

    從長遠來看,隨著 5G 的推出,我們預計工業物聯網市場將出現長期增長,並增加人工智能、機器學習和邊緣計算的重要性。

  • I'll now turn it over to Dave to provide our financial results and guidance.


  • David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

    David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Sanjay.


  • We executed well in the fiscal second quarter, and our reported financial results largely came in at the high end of our guidance ranges despite the uncertainty and impacts related to COVID-19.

    我們在第二財季表現良好,儘管存在與 COVID-19 相關的不確定性和影響,但我們報告的財務業績在很大程度上處於我們指導範圍的高端。

  • Prior to the event of COVID-19, we had outlined our expectations that F Q2 would mark the low point of our financial performance in this cycle, and our business trajectory has been consistent with those expectations.

    在 COVID-19 事件之前,我們已經概述了我們的預期,即 F Q2 將標誌著我們在這個週期中的財務業績的低點,並且我們的業務軌跡與這些預期一致。

  • While we still expect improvements in our financial results, these expectations now need to reflect the evolving impacts of COVID-19.

    雖然我們仍然期望我們的財務業績有所改善,但這些期望現在需要反映 COVID-19 不斷變化的影響。

  • As Sanjay said, the situation remains fluid, and we continue to assess our plans and make real-time changes to adapt and optimize our operations.


  • Total F Q2 revenue was approximately $4.8 billion, the high end of the guidance we provided for the quarter.

    F Q2 總收入約為 48 億美元,是我們為本季度提供的指導的高端。

  • Revenue was down 7% sequentially and down 18% year-over-year.

    收入環比下降 7%,同比下降 18%。

  • F Q2 DRAM revenue was $3.1 billion, representing 64% of total revenue.

    F Q2 DRAM 收入為 31 億美元,佔總收入的 64%。

  • DRAM revenue declined 11% sequentially and 26% year-on-year.

    DRAM 收入環比下降 11%,同比下降 26%。

  • Bit shipments were down by approximately 10% sequentially and up more than 20% on a year-on-year basis.

    比特出貨量環比下降約 10%,同比增長超過 20%。

  • ASPs were flat sequentially.


  • F Q2 NAND revenue was approximately $1.5 billion or 32% of total revenue.

    F Q2 NAND 收入約為 15 億美元,佔總收入的 32%。

  • Revenue increased 6% sequentially and was up 9% year-on-year.

    收入環比增長 6%,同比增長 9%。

  • Bit shipments declined in the low single-digit percentage range sequentially and increased approximately 20% year-on-year.

    位出貨量環比下降在低個位數百分比範圍內,同比增長約 20%。

  • ASPs increased in the upper single-digit percentage range sequentially.


  • Now turning to our revenue trends by business unit.


  • Revenue for the compute and networking business unit was approximately $2 billion, down approximately 1% sequentially and down 17% year-over-year.

    計算和網絡業務部門的收入約為 20 億美元,環比下降約 1%,同比下降 17%。

  • We have now started to include all 3D XPoint revenue in CNBU reporting as the use cases for 3D XPoint technology are more closely aligned with memory expansion, and this business is being managed by CNBU.

    我們現在已開始將所有 3D XPoint 收入納入 CNBU 報告,因為 3D XPoint 技術的用例與內存擴展更緊密地結合在一起,並且這項業務由 CNBU 管理。

  • Excluding 3D XPoint, CNBU revenue would have been down 7% sequentially, primarily driven by weaker sales in the PC market.

    不包括 3D XPoint,CNBU 收入將環比下降 7%,主要是由於 PC 市場銷售疲軟。

  • Revenue for the mobile business unit was $1.3 billion, down 14% sequentially and down 22% year-over-year.

    移動業務部門的收入為 13 億美元,環比下降 14%,同比下降 22%。

  • The sequential decline was primarily driven by seasonality in certain products as well as our decision to walk away from some business due to our concerns regarding pricing.


  • Revenue for the storage business unit in F Q2 was $870 million, down 10% from F Q1 and down 15% year-over-year.

    F Q2 存儲業務部門收入為 8.7 億美元,較 F Q1 下降 10%,同比下降 15%。

  • Without 3D XPoint, SBU revenue was up 9% sequentially.

    如果沒有 3D XPoint,SBU 收入環比增長 9%。

  • Operating profit margins for SBU improved sharply in the quarter and were at approximately breakeven levels.

    SBU 的營業利潤率在本季度大幅提高,接近盈虧平衡水平。

  • And finally, revenue for the embedded business unit was $696 million, down 5% sequentially and down 13% year-over-year.

    最後,嵌入式業務部門的收入為 6.96 億美元,環比下降 5%,同比下降 13%。

  • The consolidated gross margin for F Q2 was 29.1%, exceeding the high end of the guidance range.

    F Q2 的綜合毛利率為 29.1%,超過了指導範圍的高端。

  • The quarter-over-quarter margin improvement was driven by portfolio mix improvements and NAND pricing, and approximately $50 million of benefit came from the NAND depreciable life change we made in the prior quarter.

    季度利潤率的提高是由產品組合改進和 NAND 定價推動的,大約 5000 萬美元的收益來自我們在上一季度所做的 NAND 可折舊壽命變化。

  • The impact of underutilization at our Lehi Fab was approximately $142 million or 295 basis points in F Q2.

    在第二季度,我們的 Lehi Fab 利用率不足的影響約為 1.42 億美元或 295 個基點。

  • We expect underutilization to be approximately $160 million in F Q3.

    我們預計第三季度的未充分利用將約為 1.6 億美元。

  • We're continuing our efforts to reduce spending in our Lehi Fab, which we expect will begin to materialize in fiscal 2021.

    我們正在繼續努力減少 Lehi Fab 的支出,我們預計這將在 2021 財年開始實現。

  • Operating expenses were $856 million in F Q2.

    第二季度的運營費用為 8.56 億美元。

  • Given the increased uncertainty, we have taken additional steps to control our OpEx.


  • These actions include freezing our near-term hiring and cutting back significantly on discretionary spending.


  • As a result, we expect OpEx to decline sequentially in F Q3.


  • For modeling purposes, our F Q4 will be a 14-week quarter.

    出於建模目的,我們的 F Q4 將是一個為期 14 週的季度。

  • As a result, we expect an uptick in operating expenses for F Q4 that is consistent with the extra week in the quarter.


  • F Q2 operating income was $542 million, representing 11% of revenue.

    F Q2 營業收入為 5.42 億美元,佔收入的 11%。

  • Operating margin was nearly flat compared to the prior quarter.


  • Net interest expense was $6 million compared to $7 million of net interest income in the prior quarter.

    淨利息支出為 600 萬美元,而上一季度的淨利息收入為 700 萬美元。

  • Since the Federal Reserve has cut short-term interest rates, we anticipate lower interest income on our cash balance for F Q3.


  • With the increased debt from the drawdown of our revolver, we expect net interest expense to be approximately $35 million in F Q3, and it will likely be modestly higher in F Q4, with a full quarter impact of the lower interest income.

    隨著我們左輪手槍的提款導致的債務增加,我們預計第三季度的淨利息支出約為 3500 萬美元,第四季度可能會略有增加,整個季度都會受到較低的利息收入的影響。

  • Our F Q2 effective tax rate was 3.2%.

    我們的 F Q2 有效稅率為 3.2%。

  • For the remainder of FY '20, we expect our tax rate to be approximately 5%.

    在 20 財年的剩餘時間裡,我們預計我們的稅率約為 5%。

  • We expect our long-term tax rate to be in the high single-digit to low double-digit range.


  • Non-GAAP earnings per share in F Q2 were $0.45, down modestly from $0.48 in F Q1 and $1.71 in the year-ago quarter.

    F Q2 的非 GAAP 每股收益為 0.45 美元,略低於 F Q1 的 0.48 美元和去年同期的 1.71 美元。

  • Turning to cash flows and capital spending.


  • We generated $2 billion in cash from operations in F Q2, representing 42% of revenue.

    我們在第二季度的運營中產生了 20 億美元的現金,佔收入的 42%。

  • During the quarter, net capital spending was approximately $1.9 billion, up slightly quarter-over-quarter.

    本季度,淨資本支出約為 19 億美元,環比略有增長。

  • We're continuing to project FY '20 CapEx in the range of $7 billion to $8 billion, including some increases for assembly and test flexibility that Sanjay mentioned.

    我們將繼續預計 20 財年的資本支出在 70 億至 80 億美元之間,其中包括 Sanjay 提到的組裝和測試靈活性的一些增加。

  • Free cash flow in the quarter was $63 million compared to $86 million in the prior quarter.

    本季度的自由現金流為 6300 萬美元,而上一季度為 8600 萬美元。

  • This marks the 13th consecutive quarter of positive free cash flow.

    這標誌著連續第 13 個季度實現正自由現金流。

  • Our ability to generate cash consistently through the cycle is largely the result of the structural improvements made to Micron's profitability, which has led to more than $1.5 billion of operating cash flow improvement and more than 25 percentage points of operating cash flow improvement compared to the trough quarter of the prior cycle.

    我們在整個週期中始終如一地產生現金的能力很大程度上歸功於美光對盈利能力的結構性改進,與低谷相比,這導致了超過 15 億美元的經營現金流改善和超過 25 個百分點的經營現金流改善前一個週期的四分之一。

  • We repurchased approximately 785,000 shares for $44 million in F Q2.

    我們在第二季度以 4400 萬美元的價格回購了大約 785,000 股股票。

  • In the first half of fiscal 2020, we returned $94 million of capital through repurchases, representing approximately 65% of our free cash flow.

    在 2020 財年上半年,我們通過回購返還了 9400 萬美元的資本,約占我們自由現金流的 65%。

  • Ending F Q2 inventory was $5.2 billion or 134 days.

    F Q2 期末庫存為 52 億美元或 134 天。

  • The increase was expected and largely due to the seasonally weaker demand experienced in F Q2 combined with our strategy of holding more NAND inventory as we approach our transition to replacement gate later in the calendar year.

    這一增長是預期的,主要是由於第二季度需求的季節性疲軟以及我們在日曆年晚些時候接近更換門時持有更多 NAND 庫存的策略。

  • We have also increased our raw material levels as a precaution given increased uncertainty in the supply chain with these materials.


  • As we had outlined on our prior earnings call, we continue to walk away from unfavorably priced business, which also added to our near-term inventory levels.


  • We ended the quarter with total cash of $8.1 billion and total liquidity of approximately $10.6 billion.

    我們在本季度末的總現金為 81 億美元,總流動資金約為 106 億美元。

  • F Q2 ending total debt was $5.4 billion.

    F Q2 期末總債務為 54 億美元。

  • To preserve ready access to our liquidity in a period of macroeconomic uncertainty, early this quarter, we drew $2.5 billion from our revolving credit facility.

    為了在宏觀經濟不確定時期保持隨時可用的流動性,本季度初,我們從循環信貸額度中提取了 25 億美元。

  • Now turning to our outlook.


  • Based on our conversations with our customers, the demand for our products remains strong and the pricing trends are favorable.


  • However, it is important to note that we are a lagging indicator relative to end demand, and macro projections have significantly weakened in the near term.


  • It is also currently unclear, the extent to which inventory builds related to COVID supply concerns might be masking weakness in end demand.

    目前還不清楚,與 COVID 供應擔憂相關的庫存增加在多大程度上可能掩蓋了最終需求的疲軟。

  • In addition, we also faced the continued risk of production and logistic disruptions due to government actions, labor and material shortages and to travel and border restrictions.


  • Given these unusual uncertainties, our guidance ranges are wider than usual.


  • However, these wider ranges do not reflect the magnitude of all the risks, and results could vary significantly from these ranges.


  • Our guidance ranges also include expenses for COVID-19 mitigation efforts.

    我們的指導範圍還包括 COVID-19 緩解工作的費用。

  • With all these factors in mind, our non-GAAP guidance for F Q3 is as follows: we expect revenue to be in the range of $4.6 billion to $5.2 billion; gross margin to be in the range of 31%, plus or minus 150 basis points; and operating expenses to be approximately $825 million, plus or minus $25 million.

    考慮到所有這些因素,我們對第三季度的非公認會計準則指導如下:我們預計收入將在 46 億美元至 52 億美元之間;毛利率在 31% 的範圍內,上下浮動 150 個基點;運營費用約為 8.25 億美元,上下浮動 2500 萬美元。

  • Finally, based on a share count of approximately 1.14 billion fully diluted shares, we expect EPS to be $0.55, plus or minus $0.15.

    最後,根據大約 11.4 億股完全稀釋後的股票,我們預計每股收益為 0.55 美元,上下浮動 0.15 美元。

  • In closing, notwithstanding the near-term uncertainty, we are pleased with Micron's financial execution exiting this cyclical downturn.


  • F Q2 revenue was approximately 65% higher and gross margins 11 percentage points higher than in the prior trough, which occurred in F Q3 of 2016.

    F Q2 的收入比 2016 年 F Q3 發生的前一個低谷高出約 65%,毛利率高出 11 個百分點。

  • This revenue growth far outpaced the growth of the overall semiconductor industry in this period.


  • As we assess our cross-cycle performance from the last trough to this trough, we have delivered average returns as follows: gross margins of more than 40%, EBITDA margins of 50%, CapEx to revenue in the 30s and return on invested capital exceeding 20%.

    當我們評估我們從上一個低谷到這個低谷的跨週期表現時,我們的平均回報如下:毛利率超過 40%,EBITDA 利潤率為 50%,資本支出在 30 年代的收入和投資資本回報率超過20%。

  • While the near-term business environment is uncertain, we believe that long-term demand trends for Micron remain robust.


  • Our focus on execution, our strong product portfolio and our solid balance sheet ensure that Micron is in the best position to capitalize on the secular trends driving our business.


  • I will now turn the call over to Sanjay for closing remarks.

    我現在將把電話轉給 Sanjay 做結束語。

  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, Dave.


  • I want to close by thanking our extraordinary Micron team around the globe.


  • These recent weeks have placed unforeseen challenges on businesses but, more importantly, on people and families.


  • Micron's team has responded with professionalism and care during this period, and our team members are the reason we can execute our business plan and deliver the strong results we have reported today.


  • To assist during this period, we are offering U.S. team members earning less than $100,000 per year a special onetime payment of $1,000.

    為了在此期間提供幫助,我們為年收入低於 100,000 美元的美國團隊成員提供了 1,000 美元的特別一次性付款。

  • These figures are adjusted for market rates worldwide, and 68% of our global team is eligible.

    這些數字根據全球市場價格進行了調整,我們全球團隊中有 68% 的人符合條件。

  • In addition, we are establishing an emergency relief fund for employees facing financial hardship.


  • We are also focused on assisting the communities in which we operate through this difficult time.


  • As part of that effort, we are contributing an additional $10 million through the Micron Foundation to address the impact of COVID-19 on top of what we have already donated in China, Italy and the U.S. We are also working with local officials to make space in our facilities available if needed for emergency services as well as providing support through our supply chain operations to help source needed screening and protective equipment.

    作為這項努力的一部分,我們將通過美光基金會額外捐款 1000 萬美元,以在我們已經在中國、意大利和美國捐款的基礎上應對 COVID-19 的影響。我們還與當地官員合作以騰出空間如果需要緊急服務,並通過我們的供應鏈運營提供支持,以幫助採購所需的篩查和防護設備,我們可以提供這些設施。

  • Finally, we are accelerating our payment terms to our small business vendors to help with their liquidity.


  • I've said many times that the new Micron is stronger than ever, and we are showing that strength today.


  • Micron is leveraging our core expertise to drive leadership in technology, products and manufacturing, delivering differentiated solutions that enrich life for end customers around the world.


  • While the near-term environment creates uncertainty for all of us in our daily lives, the long-term fundamentals of our industry are strengthening, and opportunities are expanding.


  • With these opportunities in front of us, we will continue to execute with tenacity and resilience as we make demonstrable progress towards our vision.


  • We will now open for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from the line of Joe Moore of Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Joe Moore。

  • Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

    Joseph Lawrence Moore - Executive Director

  • David, in the prepared remarks, you talked about inventory accumulation potentially masking weakness of customers.


  • What -- where specifically might you have that anxiety?


  • It seems like in compute, I think conditions are pretty strong and your customers don't seem to have a lot of this end product inventory.


  • So when you -- is that just a precautionary remark on your side?


  • Or is there anything you're seeing there that creates anxiety?


  • David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

    David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

  • Well, we -- I mean clearly, as I said -- oh, sorry.


  • Yes.


  • Sure.


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So let me -- I'm sorry.

    所以讓我 - 對不起。

  • I was just going to say, let me address that first, and then I will definitely have Dave expand on that.

    我只是想說,讓我先解決這個問題,然後我肯定會讓 Dave 對此進行擴展。

  • So it is an environment where there can be supply shortages.


  • And of course, underlying demand trends in the markets we are participating continue to be strong.


  • There can be supply shortages given the fluid situation related to the spread of coronavirus in various countries.


  • The rate and pace is different.


  • And ultimately, it will depend upon the rules and regulations that different governments may impose that can potentially impact supply in the industry.


  • So just like we are accumulating some inventory ourselves to make sure that we don't have supply disruptions, it is legitimate to think that our customers can also be building some inventory to make sure that their supply chain is under control.


  • So I think this is the part that we are just mindful of.


  • Although when you look at work-from-home economy and study-from-home economy for students that are certainly driving greater demand in the enterprise PC side and certainly placing quite a bit of constraints and stress on the infrastructure, so the cloud infrastructure, the enterprise infrastructure definitely is driving increased demand as well.

    儘管當您查看學生的在家工作經濟和在家學習經濟時,這肯定會推動企業 PC 方面的更大需求,並且肯定會對基礎架構施加相當多的限制和壓力,因此云基礎架構,企業基礎設施無疑也在推動需求的增長。

  • So in that backdrop, I think we are just being mindful in terms of making those comments.


  • But I will let Dave further elaborate on it.


  • David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

    David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • I think what you covered, Sanjay, is good.


  • The only thing I'd add is I think we believe the strength in the data center market is real and that the inventory levels are normal in that market.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Timothy Arcuri of UBS.


  • Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    Timothy Michael Arcuri - MD and Head of Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

  • I guess, Sanjay, there was some language in the release that -- and you guys have talked about the fact that you're a lagging indicator relative to demand.


  • Can you just help parse through that?


  • I guess it sounds like maybe you're suggesting that the fiscal fourth quarter could be maybe down sequentially, which is typically up.


  • I know that it's very difficult to tell what's going on right now.


  • But maybe can you just help us walk through what the puts and takes look like into Q4?


  • I know you don't want to guide Q4, but it sounds like it's possibly down.


  • So can you just help us think about that?


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So certainly, as you noted, we are not guiding to Q4 here.


  • And, of course, the environment is fluid.


  • These are unprecedented times in terms of anybody dealing any business, any verticals or any country dealing with the situation and the spread and containment of coronavirus.


  • But what I would say here is that with respect to our own assessment of the demand trends, I think underlying demand trends definitely continue to be healthy.


  • And when we look at what we supply to our customers, customers build it into the product, if there has to be any macroeconomic weakness, and we know that in the environment of coronavirus pandemic, there will be some impact on some aspects of the consumer demand.


  • The consumer demand, there's a lag between the consumer demand getting impacted to the demand from our customers who are building the product in their supply chains getting impacted.


  • So that's what we mean that sometimes there can be a lag between what we are supplying to our customers versus the impact on the demand in the marketplace.


  • So we are not guiding to fourth quarter.


  • I think what's important is that it will depend on the spread of the virus, the containment of the virus.


  • Different countries may have their containment at different rates.


  • So while we have seen, for example, last fiscal quarter, our F Q2, demand in China, in the consumer demand and the smartphone demand decline, we have also seen that China has contained this.


  • And, in fact, production is coming back in China, and the demand is being restored in China.


  • Same thing will happen in other parts of the world as well, that while there may be some impact on smartphone demand in different countries, eventually, as the containment happen, the consumer demand will be back, and the long-term trends certainly for our business are strong.


  • The trends of 5G driving greater content in smartphone when we come back on the other side of this pandemic, there will be -- the demand drivers will reassert themselves.

    當我們回到這場大流行的另一端時,5G 推動智能手機內容更多的趨勢將會出現——需求驅動因素將重新確立自己的地位。

  • Similarly, cloud demand continues to do well.


  • As I mentioned, the COVID-19 scenario may actually be accelerating some of that demand in cloud that is driving greater demand for memory and storage.

    正如我所提到的,COVID-19 情景實際上可能正在加速雲中的一些需求,這推動了對內存和存儲的更大需求。

  • The point is, the situation is fluid, and we are really not prepared to guide you to F Q4 at this point.

    關鍵是,情況瞬息萬變,此時我們真的不准備將您引導至 F Q4。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from John Pitzer of Crédit Suisse.


  • John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

    John William Pitzer - MD, Global Technology Strategist and Global Technology Sector Head

  • I'm just kind of curious, Sanjay and Dave, is it possible to quantify what the impact of COVID was in the February quarter?

    我只是有點好奇,桑杰和戴夫,是否有可能量化 COVID 在 2 月季度的影響?

  • And more importantly, is there a number in mind for May?


  • It's clear the uncertainty is increasing the range for the May guide, but is it also bringing down the midpoint?

    很明顯,不確定性正在增加 5 月指南的範圍,但它是否也降低了中點?

  • Any sort of guidance of how you're thinking through that would be very helpful.


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So I'll let Dave address that.


  • David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

    David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

  • Okay.


  • Yes.


  • Sure.


  • So maybe without throwing out a number because it's difficult to estimate, clearly, we would have been above the high end of the range on revenue if not for COVID-19.

    因此,也許沒有拋出一個數字,因為很難估計,如果不是 COVID-19,我們顯然會超過收入範圍的高端。

  • And there were some mitigation expenses already in both cost of sales and operating expenses that impacted us a bit in the fiscal second quarter as well.


  • We would have likely been more skewed to a higher growth number for fiscal third quarter if not for COVID-19.

    如果不是 COVID-19,我們可能會更傾向於第三財季更高的增長數字。

  • And, of course, somewhat unusual for us, we widened the range by a couple of hundred million dollars also to account for the uncertainty as it relates to what might happen, not only from a demand perspective, but from a supply perspective.


  • Either one has some risk to it.


  • Additionally, we have built in more costs associated with COVID mitigations for us.

    此外,我們還為我們增加了與緩解 COVID 相關的成本。

  • Sanjay and I already talked about the fact that we're carrying higher levels of inventory of raw materials, but we're also having to flex our supply chain back and have some redundancy that can drive up some expenses on the cost of sales side.

    Sanjay 和我已經談到了這樣一個事實,即我們的原材料庫存水平較高,但我們也不得不重新調整我們的供應鏈,並有一些冗餘,這可能會增加銷售成本方面的一些費用。

  • In addition, we may see an increased level of tariff expense in an effort to mitigate some supply disruptions that might occur.


  • And also, there's a fair amount of expense associated with just the work-from-home model and allow -- enabling our employees to be able to do all the work they do in the offices now in their homes, and so there are some expenses associated with that.

    而且,僅與在家工作模式相關的費用就相當多,並且允許 - 使我們的員工能夠在家中完成他們在辦公室所做的所有工作,因此有一些費用與此相關。

  • So our expense likely would have been down even more, particularly with all the actions we've taken to reduce expenses, if not for the fact that we have a bit of this offset or headwind associated with the mitigation expenses in the third quarter.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from C.J. Muse of Evercore.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Evercore 的 C.J. Muse。

  • Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Christopher James Muse - Senior MD, Head of Global Semiconductor Research & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Great to hear that you're safe and well.


  • I guess my question is regarding the supply side, particularly for DRAM.

    我想我的問題是關於供應方面的,特別是對於 DRAM。

  • You talked about some issues related to equipment installation and part availability.


  • You've also talked about switching over some of your capacity from mobility to server.


  • So curious, as you think that through, what does bit production look like now, either for you or for the industry here in calendar '20?

    如此好奇,正如你所想,鑽頭生產現在是什麼樣子,無論是對你還是對 20 年日曆中的行業來說?

  • I think we were all thinking kind of 6% to 8% coming in.

    我想我們都在想 6% 到 8% 的人進來。

  • Is that still the right number?


  • Or is there a change there?


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So I think what we have said before the COVID-19 scenario that in calendar year '20, the DRAM demand growth would be in mid-teens, around mid-teens, and that supply would be somewhat less for the year, supply growth would be somewhat less for the year than the demand growth.

    所以我認為我們在 COVID-19 情景之前說過,在 20 日曆年,DRAM 需求增長將在十幾歲左右,大約在十幾歲左右,而且今年的供應量會有所減少,供應增長將比需求增長略低。

  • And of course, as we look at the scenario of supply growth, technology transitions, the node transitions in the industry perhaps can be impacted by tool deliveries or the engineering or the service support in the industry.


  • It's too soon to tell this but the point is that there could be some impact to supply and not just related to the wafer output, but there could be some impact to the supply, as I said before, depending upon the rules and regulations and the orders in various countries where the supply chain for memory and storage exists.


  • If those orders impact any production, there could be some supply growth impact there as well.


  • It's hard to tell at this point.


  • And we certainly, when we look at our current supply growth, our current supply growth at this point is intact, but we are mindful of the changes that could occur due to the COVID environment.

    當然,當我們查看當前的供應增長時,我們目前的供應增長是完整的,但我們注意到 COVID 環境可能發生的變化。

  • And of course, we continue to watch the demand as well.


  • And on the supply side, we will take actions.


  • Today, we have shortages in supply, as we have mentioned, for server DRAM as well as for cloud.

    今天,正如我們所提到的,服務器 DRAM 和雲的供應短缺。

  • Overall, there are shortages for DRAM.


  • And therefore, we are shifting some of the supplies from mobile to the DRAM side.

    因此,我們正在將一些供應從移動端轉移到 DRAM 端。

  • But of course, we'll continue to keep track of what the demand looks like.


  • And as we said, we will evaluate making reductions in our production utilization or in terms of any CapEx aspects to manage the supply growth during the calendar year '20, but it's too soon to really give you any specific projections on that.

    正如我們所說,我們將評估減少我們的生產利用率或任何資本支出方面,以管理 20 日曆年的供應增長,但現在給你任何具體的預測還為時過早。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mehdi Hosseini of SIG.

    我們的下一個問題來自 SIG 的 Mehdi Hosseini。

  • Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

    Mehdi Hosseini - Senior Analyst

  • David or Sanjay, can you please tell me how you think of the mix of revenue from China, especially going back to what Sanjay said earlier, China is resuming operation?

    David 或 Sanjay,能否請您告訴我您如何看待來自中國的收入組合,尤其是回到 Sanjay 之前所說的,中國正在恢復運營?

  • They're also providing a lot of incentives for 5G adoption.

    他們還為 5G 的採用提供了很多激勵措施。

  • And I'm just curious how China accounted for your revenues in the February quarter and how you see it trending for the remainder of the year.


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So I'll let Dave answer that.


  • David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

    David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • So I think cumulative revenues, I'll have to go back and look at the exact statistic, but it was somewhere in the kind of 30%, I think it was, China revenue in aggregate.

    所以我認為累積收入,我將不得不回過頭來查看確切的統計數據,但它在 30% 左右,我認為是,中國的總收入。

  • Clearly, as you said, there is a come-back-to-work kind of phenomenon going on in China, and there is economic stimulus.


  • So that certainly will benefit.


  • But we're -- also the customers in the U.S. are -- a lot of them are in the cloud space.


  • And of course, that's a big driver of our business today, given, as Sanjay mentioned, the move to work-from-home and e-commerce and so forth.


  • So I'm not sure that the mix, as we projected, is likely to shift around significantly, geographically.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Ambrish Srivastava of BMO.

    我們的下一個問題來自 BMO 的 Ambrish Srivastava。

  • Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

    Ambrish Srivastava - MD of Semiconductor Research & Senior Research Analyst

  • I had a question on capacity and cost per bit.


  • What percent of your CapEx is flexible?


  • And I appreciate that things are in such a way that it's very hard for you to tell us how much you're going to -- you would flex.


  • But just as a ballpark, what percentage?


  • And then is the cost down going to change based on what you know as of now versus what you told us last quarter for both NAND and for DRAM?

    那麼,根據您目前所知道的與您上個季度告訴我們的 NAND 和 DRAM 的情況,成本下降是否會發生變化?

  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • In terms of CapEx, we -- for our fiscal third quarter, we won't be impacting the CapEx of fiscal third quarter.

    就資本支出而言,我們 - 對於我們的第三財季,我們不會影響第三財季的資本支出。

  • However, for the rest of the calendar year '20, we certainly will be, as I said before, evaluating our CapEx as well as our production utilization to make sure that our supply stays in line with our demand expectations.

    然而,在 20 日曆年的剩餘時間裡,正如我之前所說,我們肯定會評估我們的資本支出以及我們的生產利用率,以確保我們的供應符合我們的需求預期。

  • Demand expectations, of course, we laid out, working closely with our customers.


  • So just like in 2019, we made changes to CapEx fairly rapidly, and we reacted fast as well as we manage our production.

    因此,就像在 2019 年一樣,我們對資本支出做出了相當快的改變,我們的反應很快,我們也管理了我們的生產。

  • We will, of course, be doing the same things here.


  • Just keep in mind that the situation with respect to coronavirus escalation across the globe just has really evolved rapidly over the course of last couple of weeks.


  • So we will, of course, keep close tabs with our customer demand expectations.


  • And we will make sure that we make any adjustments to our CapEx, if needed, accordingly.


  • We are absolutely continuing to look at that.


  • And in terms of cost reductions, of course, cost reductions are a function of technology transitions that are being made in the fabs.


  • And so far, we are on plan with respect to the cost guidance that we had provided to you for our fiscal year '20.

    到目前為止,我們正在計劃為我們提供給您的 20 財年成本指導。

  • David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

    David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

  • I would add that on the NAND front, as you've seen, we've gotten a fair amount of benefit from the change in depreciation in the first half of fiscal '20.

    我想在 NAND 方面補充一點,正如你所見,我們從 20 財年上半年的折舊變化中獲得了相當多的好處。

  • So that, in essence, kind of pulled ahead.


  • As you remember probably, we mentioned that as we transition to replacement gate, FY '20 would show a minimal cost decline.

    您可能還記得,我們提到當我們過渡到更換門時,20 財年將顯示出最小的成本下降。

  • And really FY '21 was where we would see it.

    真的 '21 財年是我們會看到它的地方。

  • But with the depreciation change, in reality, what's happening is we're kind of pulling ahead some of that improvement into fiscal '20.

    但實際上,隨著折舊的變化,我們正在將部分改進推進到 20 財年。

  • So when you look at the percentages, a bit better in FY '20 and maybe not as good as we had originally kind of telegraphed in FY '21.

    因此,當您查看百分比時,20 財年會好一些,但可能不如我們最初在 21 財年電報的那樣好。

  • And in addition, what -- we continue to drive this mix to the high-value solutions, they generally carry higher costs.


  • And we hope to continue that.


  • Our goal is to get to 80%.

    我們的目標是達到 80%。

  • So that certainly will also be an impact on the cost side as well.


  • But if you step back and then look at how we do over a multiyear period in terms of NAND improvement, once we're really running on the second-generation replacement gate, in good momentum, we're up to the right yields, it's running through the inventory and showing up in cost of sales, and you see that over a multiyear period, you'll see that our decline in costs over a multiyear period is actually very good, very healthy, very competitive.

    但是,如果你退後一步,看看我們多年來在 NAND 改進方面的表現,一旦我們真正在第二代替代門上運行,勢頭良好,我們就會達到正確的良率,這是遍歷庫存並顯示在銷售成本中,您會看到在多年期間,您會看到我們在多年期間的成本下降實際上非常好,非常健康,非常有競爭力。

  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • And I will just add that due to COVID-19, as we said, that we are enabling greater flexibility in our supply network by adding captive capacity as well as adding capacity on part of our subcontractors to give us the opportunity and resiliency in the supply chain in case there are rules and regulations in various countries that impact our production.

    我只想補充一點,由於 COVID-19,正如我們所說,我們通過增加自備能力以及增加部分分包商的能力來為我們的供應網絡提供更大的靈活性,從而為我們提供機會和供應彈性鏈,以防各個國家/地區的規則和法規影響我們的生產。

  • So some of those aspects certainly do have headwind on the cost side.


  • But by and large, I think those are being managed well.


  • And overall, our cost targets for fiscal year '20 at this point are on track.

    總體而言,我們在 20 財年的成本目標目前已步入正軌。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Aaron Rakers of Wells Fargo.

    我們的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Aaron Rakers。

  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

  • Congrats on the great execution.


  • I want to go back to the customer inventory dynamics and trying to understand or appreciate how you think about that potential buildup of inventory.


  • Can you help us understand whether you've implemented anything differently or have different lines of visibility into those customers, how you exactly plan on managing or seeing any kind of inventory build, particularly at some of the cloud customers?


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • I mean we certainly work closely with those customers.


  • Our relationships over time have only deepened with those customers.


  • We have become a more valuable partner to them as well as we have expanded our product offering.


  • For example, on the SSD side, we have brought out NVMe SSDs, those are getting qualified in data center.

    例如,在 SSD 方面,我們推出了 NVMe SSD,這些都在數據中心獲得合格。

  • On the DRAM side, we have been a strong partner with highest quality with those customers.

    在 DRAM 方面,我們一直是這些客戶的優質合作夥伴。

  • And on the cloud side, still in the very, very early innings of all the growth for memory and storage in cloud.


  • So compared to the last cycle, our relationships with those customers have only expanded, have deepened.


  • We continue to work closely with them in terms of understanding their demand requirements.


  • And this is what -- the best that we can do in terms of working closely with those customers to understand their requirement.


  • And I would like to once again point out that we are in an environment even before COVID-19 that CapEx investments in cloud were on a strong growth trajectory.

    我想再次指出,我們甚至在 COVID-19 之前就處於這樣一個環境中,即資本支出對雲的投資處於強勁的增長軌跡。

  • A lot of that CapEx going toward the infrastructure for memory and storage requirements.


  • Of course, new CPU architectures with more cores in them as well as more channels giving you greater attach rates for memory and storage and, of course, the workloads that are demanding more DRAM memory for memory-intensive compute applications as well as for faster access driving more SSDs.

    當然,新的 CPU 架構具有更多內核和更多通道,可為您提供更高的內存和存儲附加率,當然還有需要更多 DRAM 內存以用於內存密集型計算應用程序以及更快訪問的工作負載驅動更多的 SSD。

  • So those demand trends pre-COVID were already strong.

    因此,COVID 之前的這些需求趨勢已經很強勁。

  • And with COVID, if anything, we are seeing that work-from-home digital economy is driving greater demand on that structure and is accelerating some of that demand.

    對於 COVID,如果有的話,我們看到在家工作的數字經濟正在推動對該結構的更大需求,並且正在加速其中的一些需求。

  • So we, of course, as we work through the memory shortages, we continue to work closely with our customers.


  • And while the smartphone demand may be somewhat down, for example, in China in F Q2, but that demand is coming back in China.


  • And we will continue to monitor these trends in the other parts, and it just requires continuing to work closely with the customers, understanding the requirements and us applying our own judgment and remaining mindful in terms of how we manage overall our supply.


  • So it's really customer relationship in terms of managing our supply growth and understanding the demand expectations.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Harlan Sur of JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Harlan Sur。

  • Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

    Harlan Sur - Senior Analyst

  • A strong memory demand driver in the second half of this year, as you pointed out, is the new game console refresh.


  • I think there's 35% to 100% more GDDR DRAM memory versus prior generations platforms and the move to SSD storage versus HDD.

    我認為與前幾代平台相比,GDDR DRAM 內存增加了 35% 到 100%,轉向 SSD 存儲與 HDD 相比。

  • Given your leadership in graphics DRAM, we know that the Micron team will be participating here on these new consoles.

    鑑於您在圖形 DRAM 方面的領導地位,我們知道美光團隊將參與這些新遊戲機的開發。

  • But given your good NVMe client SSD positioning, is the team also participating in the console refresh with either your NAND or your SSD products?

    但是,鑑於您良好的 NVMe 客戶端 SSD 定位,該團隊是否也參與了您的 NAND 或 SSD 產品的控制台更新?

  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • Certainly, as we expand our portfolio of SSDs, yes, previously, we just had SATA.

    當然,隨著我們擴展 SSD 產品組合,是的,以前我們只有 SATA。

  • Now we have NVMe SSDs as well, and we are broadening our reach with those NVMe SSDs and to the end market applications as well as with customers.

    現在我們也擁有 NVMe SSD,並且我們正在通過這些 NVMe SSD 擴大我們的覆蓋範圍,並擴展到終端市場應用程序以及客戶。

  • Certainly, it is a growth market opportunity for us, not only in DRAM but also in SSDs.

    當然,這對我們來說是一個增長的市場機會,不僅在 DRAM 領域,在 SSD 領域也是如此。

  • But as you know, these take product qualifications with the customers.


  • And then we are able to realize the benefit of sales and revenue growth in those areas.


  • I want to highlight here that as we have expanded our product portfolio, both on the SSD side as well as in mobile, on multichip packages, and bringing out discrete UFS products for mobile applications as well, that really has enabled, as I mentioned in the script, opportunity for us to gain share in the marketplace.

    我想在這裡強調的是,隨著我們擴展了我們的產品組合,無論是在 SSD 端還是在移動端,在多芯片封裝上,並為移動應用程序推出離散 UFS 產品,正如我在劇本,讓我們有機會在市場上獲得份額。

  • We have gained share in NAND, managed NAND solutions in mobile.

    我們在移動設備中的 NAND 託管 NAND 解決方案中獲得了份額。

  • We have gained share in SSDs as well that's enabling us to deliver healthy results in F Q2.

    我們在 SSD 中也獲得了份額,這使我們能夠在 F Q2 中提供健康的結果。

  • And our gain in share and expanding product portfolio also positions us well to navigate through these choppy waters related to COVID-19, and we remain very focused on continuing to expand the product portfolio and broaden our customer relationships in the kind of applications that you just talked about in gaming consoles, both for DRAM and NAND as we look forward to the future long-term secular demand trends and addressing those requirements by our customers.

    我們在份額和擴大產品組合方面的收益也使我們能夠很好地駕馭與 COVID-19 相關的波濤洶湧的水域,我們仍然非常專注於繼續擴大產品組合併擴大我們在您剛剛使用的應用程序中的客戶關係我們在遊戲機中談到了 DRAM 和 NAND,因為我們期待未來的長期需求趨勢並滿足客戶的這些需求。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Mitch Steves of RBC Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題來自加拿大皇家銀行資本市場的 Mitch Steves。

  • Mitchell Toshiro Steves - Analyst

    Mitchell Toshiro Steves - Analyst

  • So impressive guidance there.


  • One of the questions I did have, though, is just the offset of kind of commercial PCs coming back because obviously more people are working from home, offset by kind of the smartphone unit demand.

    不過,我確實遇到的一個問題是商業 PC 回歸的抵消,因為顯然更多的人在家工作,被智能手機單位需求所抵消。

  • So how are you guys thinking about that for the rest of the calendar year?


  • Obviously, there's a lot of moving parts, but just how do you guys track kind of the lower expected sales probably from the handset type versus commercial PC upgrade from people working from home?

    顯然,有很多活動部件,但是你們如何跟踪可能來自手機類型的較低預期銷售額與來自在家工作的人的商用 PC 升級?

  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So yes, that's correct.


  • I think there is near-term surge in demand with respect to commercial PCs.

    我認為近期對商用 PC 的需求會激增。

  • I mean if you look at just Micron itself, Micron itself bought something like 5,000 notebook computers to really provide it to our team members in terms of enabling them to work from home, and we implemented those really very, very fast.

    我的意思是,如果你只看美光本身,美光自己購買了大約 5,000 台筆記本電腦,以真正提供給我們的團隊成員,讓他們能夠在家工作,我們真的非常非常快地實施了這些。

  • So yes, surge in demand related to enterprise PCs, and that bodes well for both SSDs as well as for DRAM.

    所以,是的,與企業 PC 相關的需求激增,這對 SSD 和 DRAM 來說都是好兆頭。

  • And as we noted, also with respect to virtual learning and students learning from home, that also drives demand in notebook.


  • How long this trend last -- and of course, it is global in nature.


  • But how long does it last, we will have to see.


  • But overall, yes, I mean, we do see that.


  • While there may be some smartphone -- the weakness outside of China, while China is recovering on the smartphone front, certainly, as I said, enterprise PCs and other PCs for virtual learning, along with greater demand in the data center world, is a tailwind for us.

    雖然可能會有一些智能手機——中國以外的弱點,而中國在智能手機方面正在復蘇,當然,正如我所說,企業 PC 和其他用於虛擬學習的 PC,以及數據中心世界的更大需求,是一個為我們順風。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Raji Gill of Needham & Company.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Needham & Company 的 Raji Gill。

  • Rajvindra S. Gill - Senior Analyst

    Rajvindra S. Gill - Senior Analyst

  • Just another question on the demand conditions.


  • I think David had mentioned in his prepared remarks that the macro conditions had weakened in the last couple of weeks, and you talked about some of the moving pieces of that.


  • If we try to quantify that, the impact, DRAM is about 70% of your revenue.

    如果我們試圖量化這一點,DRAM 的影響大約佔您收入的 70%。

  • NAND is 30%.


  • What percentage of DRAM is coming from PCs, hyperscalers, mobile and likewise, on the NAND side?

    多少百分比的 DRAM 來自 PC、超大規模、移動設備以及類似的 NAND 端?

  • So we can just kind of get a sense of where the potential strengths and weaknesses could be.


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So we don't break it down specifically in terms of percentage, but I think what's important is that we are a very well-diversified supplier, and we have a broad portfolio.


  • And the end market applications are well diversified as well, all the way from data center to PC to smartphone, networking, for DRAM, and Micron is well positioned in these markets.

    終端市場應用也非常多樣化,從數據中心到 PC 再到智能手機、網絡、DRAM,而美光在這些市場中處於有利地位。

  • And certainly, some of these markets are seeing some shortages today, such as on the side of data center DRAM requirements.

    當然,其中一些市場今天出現了一些短缺,例如數據中心 DRAM 需求方面。

  • And while others, we are continuing to monitor the overall demand trend.


  • But we don't break it out, but important thing is that the underlying vectors for demand are good.


  • And as we go through the uncertainties related to COVID-19, when we come out on the other side, I'm very confident that with our broad portfolio and deep customer engagement and the technology and product capabilities, I think we will overall do just fine.

    當我們經歷與 COVID-19 相關的不確定性時,當我們站在另一邊時,我非常有信心,憑藉我們廣泛的產品組合和深入的客戶參與以及技術和產品能力,我認為我們總體上會做到美好的。

  • By and large, our mix is fairly similar to the industry in terms of overall mix.


  • If you look at the industry, I think you'll see that tablet is in the 25% to 30% range.

    如果你看看這個行業,我想你會看到平板電腦在 25% 到 30% 的範圍內。

  • The mobile tends to be around 25%.

    移動端往往是 25% 左右。

  • PC is 20%, give or take some.


  • And of course, then is all the others, which we can call like specialty, which includes automotive, includes industrial and other applications.


  • And that, you can -- I think were down around 20%.

    而且,你可以 - 我認為下降了大約 20%。

  • So I think roughly speaking, I think that's the kind of mix.


  • And you can -- as you can see, it's well diversified across these various end market segments.

    而且你可以 - 正如你所看到的,它在這些不同的終端市場領域非常多樣化。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Chris Danely of Citigroup.

    我們的下一個問題來自花旗集團的 Chris Danely。

  • Christopher Brett Danely - MD & Analyst

    Christopher Brett Danely - MD & Analyst

  • I guess just to follow up on some other folks' questions.


  • So you talked about the demand forecast or things changing in the last couple of weeks.


  • Can you just give us a sense of what you've seen in the last couple of weeks?


  • And then also for your -- sort of your forward forecasting, whether it's internal or what you're giving us, are you shaving down what your internal forecast is in anticipation of some more weakness?


  • Or is this kind of like what we see is what we have?


  • Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

    Sanjay Mehrotra - CEO, President & Director

  • So I think as Dave mentioned in his prepared remarks that we see strong demand and favorable price trends.


  • But we had also seen that in China, as is well known, that during the time frame of our fiscal second quarter aligned with the COVID-19 spread in China starting from around mid-January kind of time frame, it had impacted smartphone demand in China, while it grew the demand in the cloud infrastructure in China.

    但我們也看到,眾所周知,在中國,在我們第二財季的時間範圍內,與從 1 月中旬開始的 COVID-19 在中國的傳播相一致,它影響了智能手機需求中國,同時它增加了中國對雲基礎設施的需求。

  • So as now, over the last couple of weeks, you see the spread of coronavirus across the globe and various actions being taken in various countries to contain the spread of coronavirus.


  • We do expect that there will be some impact on the consumer demand, but it is really too soon to quantify that.


  • And again, having said that, we also see increasing demand coming from the cloud side as well as from enterprise PC applications.

    同樣,話雖如此,我們還看到來自云端以及企業 PC 應用程序的需求不斷增加。

  • So we are seeing acceleration of demand on that front.


  • So we are continuing to really manage that, and this is all escalating over the last couple of weeks, and we will, of course, continue to work closely with our customers to understand their increases in demand as well as their demand outlook, for example, in the consumer devices and then manage our business accordingly.


  • David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

    David A. Zinsner - Senior VP & CFO

  • The only thing I'd add is, in the prepared remarks, leading up to what I did say that pricing and demand trends were favorable, and that included all the way up until today.


  • But of course, there's a higher degree of uncertainty, and that's kind of why we got to the range we did.


  • Operator


  • That does end our session.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
