Lumen Technologies Inc (LUMN) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


Lumen Technologies(原名 CenturyLink)舉行了 2023 年第四季財報電話會議,並提供了其業務轉型進展的最新資訊。



Lumen 預計 2024 年調整後 EBITDA 將在 41 億至 43 億美元之間,有機下降 2% 至 5%。他們專注於公共部門和中端市場的收入成長,並投資擴大其光纖網路。



使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Greetings and welcome to Lumen Technologies's fourth-quarter 2023 earnings call.

    歡迎參加 Lumen Technologies 的 2023 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded on Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

    (操作員說明)謹此提醒,本次會議將於 2024 年 2 月 6 日星期二錄製。

  • And I would now like to turn our conference over to Mike McCormack, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations.

    現在我想將我們的會議交給投資人關係資深副總裁 Mike McCormack。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Mike McCormack - SVP, IR

    Mike McCormack - SVP, IR

  • Thank you, Aaron.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining Lumen Technologies's fourth-quarter 2023 earnings call.

    大家下午好,感謝您參加 Lumen Technologies 的 2023 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • On the call today are Kate Johnson, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Chris Stansbury, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天參加電話會議的是總裁兼執行長凱特·約翰遜 (Kate Johnson);克里斯‧史坦斯伯里(Chris Stansbury),執行副總裁兼財務長。

  • Before we begin, I need to call your attention to our Safe Harbor statement on slide 2 of our fourth-quarter 2023 presentation, which notes that this conference call may include forward-looking statements subject to certain risks and uncertainties.

    在開始之前,我需要提請您注意 2023 年第四季度簡報第 2 幻燈片中的安全港聲明,其中指出本次電話會議可能包含受某些風險和不確定性影響的前瞻性聲明。

  • All forward-looking statements should be considered in conjunction with the cautionary statements on slide 2, and the risk factors in our SEC filings.

    所有前瞻性陳述應與投影片 2 上的警示性陳述以及我們向 SEC 提交的文件中的風險因素結合考慮。

  • We will be referring to certain non-GAAP financial measures that reconciles to the most comparable GAAP measures, which can be found in our earnings press release.


  • In addition, certain metrics discussed today exclude costs or special items as detailed in our earnings materials, which can be found on the Investor Relations section of the Lumen website.

    此外,今天討論的某些指標不包括我們的收益資料中詳細說明的成本或特殊項目,這些資料可以在 Lumen 網站的投資者關係部分找到。

  • With that, I'll turn it over to Kate.


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and thanks for joining us today.


  • I'm excited to provide an update on the significant progress we're making on Lumen's business transformation.

    我很高興能夠介紹 Lumen 業務轉型所取得的重大進展的最新情況。

  • A year ago, I shared that 2023 was a reset year for this company, with the new mission and vision, a new executive team, and a newly redesigned culture.

    一年前,我曾說過,2023 年是這家公司的重置年,擁有新的使命和願景、新的執行團隊以及重新設計的文化。

  • And importantly, we aspire to restore confidence in Lumen, not only with the improved financial results, but with execution excellence that delivers on our commitments.

    重要的是,我們渴望恢復對 Lumen 的信心,不僅透過改善財務業績,而且透過卓越的執行來兌現我們的承諾。

  • We outlined big multi-year strategic priorities, including strengthening our balance sheet, executing on key programs to turn the core business around by 2025, and igniting new growth by delivering disruptive innovations that help our customers solve their next-gen networking needs.

    我們概述了重大的多年策略優先事項,包括加強我們的資產負債表、執行關鍵計劃以在2025 年之前扭轉核心業務,以及透過提供顛覆性創新來幫助我們的客戶解決其下一代網路需求,從而激發新的增長。

  • And now, I'm pleased to report that we both delivered on our 2023 EBITDA and free cash flow guidance.

    現在,我很高興地向大家報告,我們都實現了 2023 年 EBITDA 和自由現金流指引。

  • And we made material progress on our strategic priorities.


  • I'll start with the balance sheet.


  • As we announced in late January, we entered into an agreement with a significant number of our creditors that clears the path for our turnaround.


  • The deal extends most of our debt maturities to 2029 and beyond, injects $1.325 billion of net new financing into the business, and gives us access to a new approximately $1 billion revolving credit facility to support our operations.

    該交易將我們的大部分債務期限延長至 2029 年及以後,為業務注入 13.25 億美元的淨新融資,並使我們能夠獲得約 10 億美元的新循環信貸額度來支持我們的營運。

  • It's a strong indication of the confidence of our bondholders and the broader debt markets that they have in our strategy, and it allows us to focus our energy on executing our business transformation.


  • All right.


  • So how is the pivoted growth going?


  • While we have a lot of work left to do, we're seeing progress as evidenced by our North American business performance compared to other industry competitors.


  • While two large legacy telco companies saw Q4 revenue declines in their business wireline segment of roughly 8% to 10% year over year, Lumen's business Q4 revenue decline was only 3.5% year over year, breaking away from the others for the second straight quarter.

    雖然兩家大型傳統電信公司的有線業務第四季營收年減約 8% 至 10%,但 Lumen 的第四季業務收入年減 3.5%,連續第二季領先其他公司。

  • We believe our positive peer group performance is due both to our strategy and our turnaround execution.


  • Simply put, Lumen stands alone in how we think about the industry.

    簡而言之,Lumen 在我們對產業的看法中獨樹一幟。

  • In today's digital economy, technology environments are complex and multi-layered, whether it's hybrid or multi-cloud or edge compute or emerging technologies, like Gen AI, businesses need fiber networks with digital services that deliver blazing fast speeds, ultra-low latency, massive capacity for growing data workloads, and proximity to widely distributed users all in a secure environment.

    在當今的數位經濟中,技術環境複雜且多層次,無論是混合雲、多雲、邊緣運算或 Gen AI 等新興技術,企業都需要光纖網路提供數位服務,以提供極快的速度、超低延遲、用於不斷增長的資料工作負載的巨大容量,以及在安全環境中接近廣泛分佈的使用者。

  • While our competitors harvest their business wireline segments for cash, Lumen is building a fully digital platform to deliver important new capabilities to these customers.

    當我們的競爭對手從他們的有線業務領域獲取現金時,Lumen 正在建立一個完全數位化的平台,為這些客戶提供重要的新功能。

  • And importantly, we're tailoring our go-to-market approach to get them there.


  • So let's dig a little deeper into that go-to-market execution progress.


  • I'll start with our commercial excellence efforts in the business segment, which is all about driving better sales execution, securing our base of customers, and creating a world-class digital customer experience.


  • In 2023, we tailored our go-to-market approach to each customer segment.

    2023 年,我們針對每個客戶群量身定制了進入市場的方法。

  • This focus is allowing us to meet customers where they are and provide unique and tailored path to our modern communication infrastructure.


  • And not surprisingly, it's driving better sales execution.


  • This year, with the North America enterprise, we added over 3,000 customers and increased new logo sales by 13% sequentially in Q4, specifically our public sector segment grew double digits quarter over quarter and year over year in Q4, powering our strong revenue performance.

    今年,我們在北美企業中增加了3,000 多個客戶,新標誌銷售額在第四季度連續增長了13%,特別是我們的公共部門部門在第四季度環比和同比增長了兩位數,推動了我們強勁的收入表現。

  • Year over year, we sold 29% more growth products to existing public sector customers in Q4, and we increased seller productivity by 18% for the full year.

    與去年同期相比,我們在第四季度向現有公共部門客戶銷售的成長型產品增加了 29%,全年賣家生產力提高了 18%。

  • With this momentum, we expect this segment to be the first to bend the revenue curve back to growth.


  • And we think that market segment will follow suit.


  • Since establishing the dedicated go-to-market team for mid-market last June, tenured direct sales productivity increased 26%, while we simultaneously grew the sales force by 15%.

    自去年 6 月建立專門針對中階市場的市場進入團隊以來,終身直銷生產力提高了 26%,同時我們的銷售團隊也成長了 15%。

  • Importantly, we exited 2023 by outperforming market growth rates and taking share in both SASE and IP.

    重要的是,我們在 2023 年結束時表現優於市場成長率,並在 SASE 和 IP 中佔據份額。

  • In our large enterprise segment, we're winning business with sophisticated digitally native companies like Uber, who recently chose Lumen 400-gig wave service to ensure that they can scale and accelerate their company's growth with greater agility.

    在我們的大型企業領域,我們正在贏得像 Uber 這樣成熟的數位原生公司的業務,他們最近選擇了 Lumen 400-g Wave 服務,以確保他們能夠以更大的靈活性擴展並加速公司的發展。

  • Okay.


  • Let's turn to securing the base.


  • This is all about install disconnects, renewables, migrations, and usage.


  • This program is the most challenging part of executing Luminous turnaround for sure.

    該計劃無疑是 Luminous 週轉過程中最具挑戰性的部分。

  • The good news is we're making progress in mid-market and large enterprise shown by our sequential results for the second half.


  • Installations were up 13%, migrations were up 4%, renewals were up 50%, and in Q4, usage was up 3%, helping us end the year strong.

    安裝量成長了 13%,遷移量成長了 4%,續訂量成長了 50%,第四季的使用量成長了 3%,幫助我們以強勁的勢頭結束了這一年。

  • Now that said, we're just not satisfied, and we'll be focusing on improving performance here in this part of our turnaround using data and analytics and AI to help determine the right action for each unique customer at the right time.


  • The third piece of commercial excellence is all about customer experience. the Lumen operations and IT teams did a fantastic job building the digital CX foundation in 2023, redesigning our processes from order to cash, starting to implement new state-of-the-art systems, and infusing Gen AI into our service delivery and assurance.

    商業卓越的第三個面向是關於客戶體驗。 Lumen 營運和 IT 團隊在 2023 年建立數位 CX 基礎方面表現出色,重新設計了從訂單到現金的流程,開始實施新的最先進的系統,並將 Gen AI 融入我們的服務交付和保證中。

  • And while we're still in the initial stages, we're seeing signs of impact.


  • And for example, in our North American business pilot, we were able to reduce order processing time by 70% for dedicated Internet access, or DIA, one of our highest-volume products.

    例如,在我們的北美業務試點中,我們能夠將專用網路存取(DIA)(我們銷量最高的產品之一)的訂單處理時間縮短 70%。

  • And across all products for large enterprise and public sector customers, we're already seeing a 17-point year-over-year improvement in net promoter scores based on our process improvement works.

    在所有針對大型企業和公共部門客戶的產品中,基於我們的流程改善工作,我們已經看到淨推薦值較去年同期提高了 17 個百分點。

  • Time to talk about innovation; innovating for growth.


  • As we announced last month, Dr. Satish Lakshmanan joined Lumen as our Chief Product Officer.

    正如我們上個月宣布的那樣,Satish Lakshmanan 博士加入 Lumen 擔任我們的首席產品長。

  • Satish comes to us from AWS, and brings a highly valuable combination of cloud, artificial intelligence, and product development experience that will be an important part of fueling our innovation engine.

    Satish 從 AWS 來到我們,帶來了非常有價值的雲端、人工智慧和產品開發經驗組合,這將成為推動我們創新引擎的重要組成部分。

  • And just this morning, we announced that Dave Ward is joining Lumen as our Chief Technology Officer.

    就在今天早上,我們宣布戴夫沃德 (Dave Ward) 加入 Lumen,擔任我們的技術長。

  • Dave has a long history of successful executive leadership, having served as CTO for Cisco Systems and most recently as the CEO of PacketFabric, a Network-as-a-Service provider.

    Dave 擁有長期成功的行政領導歷史,曾擔任 Cisco Systems 的 CTO,最近擔任網路即服務供應商 PacketFabric 的執行長。

  • Talented visionaries like Satish and Dave are joining because they see the potential for Lumen to innovate, disrupt the industry, and create major value for customers, and therefore, major value for investors.

    Satish 和 Dave 等才華橫溢的遠見者之所以加入,是因為他們看到了 Lumen 創新、顛覆產業、為客戶創造重大價值以及為投資者創造重大價值的潛力。

  • And I'm delighted to report that we are well on our way.


  • In 2023, Lumen co-created with customers and launched several new digital services that take advantage of our world-class fiber network.

    2023 年,Lumen 與客戶共同創建,並利用我們世界一流的光纖網路推出了多項新的數位服務。

  • Our vision is to empower enterprises to leverage the Lumen digital platform, as we are calling it, enabling customers to digitally consume our secure network services.

    我們的願景是讓企業能夠利用我們所謂的 Lumen 數位平台,使客戶能夠以數位方式使用我們的安全網路服務。

  • This innovative platform will help customers build AI-powered applications across on-prem, co-lo, and cloud environments seamlessly; while also simplifying network onboarding and management to save costs.


  • In the latter half of this year will share new reporting for Lumen digital to allow you to better understand our growth trajectory.

    今年下半年將分享Lumen digital的新報告,讓您更了解我們的成長軌跡。

  • Let me highlight a few important capabilities in the Lumen digital platform.

    讓我重點介紹 Lumen 數位平台的一些重要功能。

  • First is Network as a service, or NaaS.


  • We continue to enrich our NaaS offering with more capability.

    我們繼續以更多功能豐富我們的 NaaS 產品。

  • And just last week, we announced the availability of two new Naas solutions with private connections.

    就在上週,我們宣布推出兩種具有專用連接的新 Naas 解決方案。

  • As our recent customer Element Materials remarked, Lumen's NaaS solution was not just timely but transformative.

    正如我們最近的客戶 Element Materials 所說,Lumen 的 NaaS 解決方案不僅及時,而且具有變革性。

  • It highlighted the untapped potential of such innovative network solutions.


  • Another Lumen digital breakthrough capability is ExaSwitch, our high-capacity optical switching platform originally conceived for direct InterCloud peering, is performing extremely well in the market.

    Lumen 的另一個數位突破性功能是 ExaSwitch,我們的高容量光交換平台最初是為直接 InterCloud 對等互聯而設計的,目前在市場上表現非常出色。

  • And as Microsoft shared, they highly value the ExaSwitch platform for the fast and scalable interconnections that it provides, and they're eager and excited to expand ExaSwitch to new metros in 2024.

    正如 Microsoft 所分享的,他們高度重視 ExaSwitch 平台提供的快速且可擴展的互連,並且他們渴望並興奮地在 2024 年將 ExaSwitch 擴展到新的城市。

  • Lumen sees ExaSwitch as assumed to be must-have solution for any corporation needing simplified, low latency, high capacity, direct cloud connectivity.

    Lumen 認為 ExaSwitch 是任何需要簡化、低延遲、高容量、直接雲端連線的公司的必備解決方案。

  • Finally, Lumen security.


  • You may have read in The Washington Post that the Department of Justice announced that it disrupted the Volt Typhoon bot net used by a major Chinese government-backed effort to hack the US critical infrastructure.

    您可能在《華盛頓郵報》中讀到,美國司法部宣布它破壞了 Volt Typhoon 殭屍網絡,這是中國政府支持的一項主要黑客攻擊美國關鍵基礎設施的行動所使用的網絡。

  • I'm incredibly proud of our Black Lotus Labs team for identifying this threat and being credited by the DOJ for helping to keep the United States safe.

    我為我們的 Black Lotus Labs 團隊識別出這一威脅並因幫助維護美國安全而獲得司法部認可而感到無比自豪。

  • Soon you'll see Black Lotus Labs powering the Lumen digital platform with some highly valuable security services.

    很快您就會看到 Black Lotus Labs 為 Lumen 數位平台提供一些非常有價值的安全服務。

  • Now the initial capabilities in the platform gives Lumen access to around $40 billion in net new available market.

    現在,該平台的初始功能使 Lumen 能夠進入約 400 億美元的淨新可用市場。

  • And to be clear, we're just getting started.


  • We're bullish on the impact that Lumen digital will have on helping pivot our company to growth.

    我們看好 Lumen digital 對幫助我們公司成長所產生的影響。

  • Finally, let's cover mass markets.


  • We're executing our strategy to deploy capital where we see the greatest opportunities with the goal of continuing to evolve our business across a portfolio of markets, investing wisely, and driving fiber market penetration.


  • Some quick notes to share about 2023 in mass markets.

    分享 2023 年大眾市場的一些簡短說明。

  • We delivered our commitment to grow our fiber network by more than 500,000 locations and intend to maintain that similar robust rate in 2024.

    我們兌現了將光纖網路擴展至超過 50 萬個地點的承諾,並計劃在 2024 年保持類似的強勁速度。

  • While we weren't happy with our net adds performance in 2023 all up, our sales and marketing engine is now gaining momentum as we close the year strongly with record-high December sales, and we continued to see this pace hold through January.

    雖然我們對2023 年的淨增加表現並不滿意,但我們的銷售和行銷引擎現在正在獲得動力,因為我們以創紀錄的12 月份銷售強勁結束了這一年,並且我們繼續看到這一速度保持到1 月份。

  • Quantum Fiber is the best multi-gig product in the market.


  • And to maintain that status, we know that constant innovation is a priority.


  • That's why we made sure we were the first company in the industry to achieve WiFi 7 certification.

    這就是為什麼我們確保我們是業內第一家獲得 WiFi 7 認證的公司。

  • And finally, Quantum Fiber customers continue to be delighted, as shown by our Q4 net promoter score of plus 64, improving both quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year customer satisfaction.

    最後,Quantum Fiber 客戶繼續感到高興,正如我們第四季度的淨推薦值 + 64 所示,客戶滿意度環比和同比均有所提高。

  • One last exciting note.


  • I talked about rebuilding this company from the people up and how important culture change is to supporting our transformation.


  • In just the fourth quarter alone, we won four different culture awards.


  • Most notably, U.S. News & World Report named Lumen Technologies as one of the 2024 Best Telecomms Companies to Work For.

    最值得注意的是,《美國新聞與世界報道》將 Lumen Technologies 評為 2024 年最佳工作電信公司之一。

  • Our culture is helping us attract new talent, as well as supporting our current Lumen workforce through a pretty intense time for this company.

    我們的文化正在幫助我們吸引新的人才,並支持我們現有的 Lumen 員工度過公司一段非常緊張的時期。

  • To sum it up, 2023, we made great progress putting Lumen for growth.

    總而言之,2023 年,我們在推動 Lumen 成長方面取得了巨大進展。

  • We believe our strategy is the right one and we're executing well; to our plan is to hold steady on our strategy through 2024.

    我們相信我們的策略是正確的,並且執行得很好;我們的計劃是在 2024 年之前保持穩定的策略。

  • We'll continue to strengthen our balance sheet, we'll drive commercial excellence to return the business to growth by 2025, and we'll co-create innovative new capabilities that delight customers and give Lumen access to net new profit pools.

    我們將繼續加強我們的資產負債表,我們將推動商業卓越,到 2025 年讓業務恢復成長,我們將共同創造創新的新功能,讓客戶滿意,並使 Lumen 獲得新的淨利潤池。

  • And we'll do all of that while keeping you apprised of our progress, being transparent about our wins and our struggles, and delivering on our commitments every step of the way.


  • And with that, I'll turn the call over to Chris.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Kate, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • Kate spoke about our progress and how we are disrupting an industry ripe for change as Lumen transforms into the leading digital enterprise solutions provider.

    Kate 談到了我們的進展,以及隨著 Lumen 轉型為領先的數位企業解決方案供應商,我們如何顛覆一個已經成熟的產業變革。

  • She also spoke of our success in reaching agreement on an amended TSA with a broadened group of creditors to extend our debt maturities.

    她還談到我們成功地與更多債權人就修訂後的 TSA 達成協議,以延長我們的債務期限。

  • On our Q2 earnings call, we said we viewed the formation of the creditor group as an opportunity to address a large part of the capital structure in a very efficient way, and the amended agreement we announced in January accomplishes that.


  • The amended TSA has support from a broad group of creditors and when finalized will address approximately $9 billion of outstanding indebtedness, including more than 77% of debt maturing through 2027.

    修訂後的 TSA 得到了廣大債權人的支持,最終確定後將解決約 90 億美元的未償債務,其中包括 2027 年到期的超過 77% 的債務。

  • The TSA transactions will extend debt maturities to primarily 2029 and beyond, provide $1.325 billion of new money and provide access to a new approximately $1 billion revolver.

    TSA 交易將把債務期限延長至 2029 年及以後,提供 13.25 億美元的新資金,並提供新的約 10 億美元的左輪手槍。

  • This agreement and the broad support for it speaks to the confidence our banks and creditors have in our plan and provide Lumen ample runway to execute on our business turnaround.

    該協議及其得到的廣泛支持表明了我們的銀行和債權人對我們的計劃的信心,並為 Lumen 執行我們的業務轉型提供了充足的跑道。

  • In short, our capital structure is no longer a limiting factor in our transformation.


  • We expect to complete the transactions contemplated by the TSA in the first quarter, subject to the satisfaction of limited remaining closing conditions.

    我們預計將在第一季完成 TSA 預期的交易,前提是滿足有限的剩餘成交條件。

  • Before covering our fourth-quarter results, I'd like to take a moment to discuss some changes to our 2024 financial reporting to enhance comparability with prior periods and better align with how we manage the business.

    在介紹我們第四季度的業績之前,我想花點時間討論一下我們 2024 年財務報告的一些變化,以增強與前期的可比性,並更好地與我們的業務管理方式保持一致。

  • First, we're updating our business sales channel reporting by breaking out a new international and other channel, including CDN.

    首先,我們透過開闢新的國際和其他管道(包括 CDN)來更新我們的業務銷售管道報告。

  • Secondly, given the sale of substantially all of our CDN contracts during the fourth quarter of '23, we are updating our business product category reporting to move CDM from Harvest to other within the international and other channel.

    其次,鑑於我們在 2023 年第四季度出售了幾乎所有 CDN 合同,我們正在更新我們的業務產品類別報告,將 CDM 從 Harvest 轉移到國際和其他管道內的其他管道。

  • And finally, with the sale of our EMEE business and select CDN contracts completed in the fourth quarter of '23, we have updated our financial training schedules to provide the historical contributions of these sales, as well as the associated commercial agreement impacts.

    最後,隨著我們的 EMEE 業務和精選 CDN 合約的出售於 2023 年第四季度完成,我們更新了財務培訓計劃,以提供這些銷售的歷史貢獻以及相關的商業協議影響。

  • Keep in mind, when these impacts are excluded from results, our sequential and year-over-year growth rates are substantially better than the reported rates.


  • I'll now discuss the financial summary of our fourth quarter.


  • Our fourth quarter total reported revenue declined 7.4% year over year to $3.517 billion.

    我們第四季的總營收年減 7.4% 至 35.17 億美元。

  • Approximately 39% of the decline was due to the impact of divestitures, commercial agreements and CDN adjusted EBITDA was $1.099 billion in the fourth quarter with a 31.2% margin.

    大約 39% 的下降是由於資產剝離、商業協議和 CDN 調整後的 EBITDA 的影響,第四季度 EBITDA 為 10.99 億美元,利潤率為 31.2%。

  • Free cash flow was $50 million in the fourth quarter.

    第四季自由現金流為 5,000 萬美元。

  • In 2023, we delivered on our expectations for both adjusted EBITDA and free cash flow.

    2023 年,我們實現了調整後 EBITDA 和自由現金流的預期。

  • Next, I'll review our detailed revenue results for the quarter on a year-over-year basis.


  • Within our North America enterprise channels, which is our business segment, excluding wholesale and international and other, revenue declined 0.1%.

    在我們的北美企業通路(不包括批發和國際及其他業務部門)中,收入下降了 0.1%。

  • This quarter, we had a public-sector benefit in our other product group.


  • As a reminder, our other category tends to fluctuate quarter to quarter, given the nature of these revenue streams.


  • Overall, North America business declined 3.5%.


  • We again significantly outperformed our two largest historical competitors in the fourth quarter.


  • While results can vary in any given quarter, we expect this trend of divergence between performance at Lumen and the legacy business wireline providers to continue to widen over time as we expand our digital service offerings.

    雖然任何特定季度的業績都可能有所不同,但我們預計,隨著我們擴展數位服務產品,Lumen 與傳統業務有線供應商之間的業績差異趨勢將繼續擴大。

  • Large enterprise revenue declined 3.6% in the fourth quarter.


  • Large enterprise revenue was impacted by lower other product revenue, and also the timing of large infrastructure revenue benefiting the year-ago quarter.


  • Our year-over-year growth rate was in grow moderated.


  • We expect continued variability in trends as we drive toward overall stabilization.


  • Now, moving on to mid-markets.


  • Revenue declined 6% year over year.

    收入較去年同期下降 6%。

  • Mid-markets is a very important channel for us and one where we had lost considerable share prior to our focus and investment in this important area.


  • We are leaning into this channel with products and buying tools to make ordering and provisioning more frictionless.


  • As Kate mentioned, we're seeing improved leading indicators and are taking share in both IP and SASE products.

    正如 Kate 所提到的,我們看到領先指標有所改善,並且正在 IP 和 SASE 產品中佔據份額。

  • This is a channel that we expect will be extremely interested in our NAS offering, given the flexibility and ease of provisioning it provides.

    鑑於該通路提供的靈活性和易於配置的特點,我們預計該通路會對我們的 NAS 產品非常感興趣。

  • Public sector revenue grew 14.8% year over year.


  • Trends improved driven primarily by continued strength and grow revenue, moderating declines in nurture and higher other revenue as mentioned earlier.


  • Over the past 12 to 18 months, investors have asked us when we will start to see the benefits of the big contracts signed with the USDA, the U.S. Postal Service, the Department of Defense, and other public sector wins.

    在過去的 12 到 18 個月裡,投資者問我們什麼時候才能開始看到與美國農業部、美國郵政局、國防部和其他公共部門簽署的大合約的好處。

  • As our results demonstrate, we are seeing revenue strength in part due to those and other deals ramping as we work diligently to deploy these mission-critical services.


  • Given our visibility to sales bookings and the longer install cycles related to the complexity of the solutions we're deploying within public sector, we have high confidence that we'll be the first sales channel to return to sustainable growth.


  • Wholesale revenue declined 11.2% year over year.


  • The majority of wholesale represents the balance of trade with other carriers as we negotiate with each other on buy-side and sell-side arrangements.


  • The historical industry behavior between carriers has been to leverage pricing and rate changes to drive results instead of delivering incremental value to customers.


  • In our opinion, these actions are often to the detriment of the industry's customers, and is also generally unhealthy for the industry, while also creating volatility in our and others' results.


  • Within wholesale, approximately 39% of our revenue comes from harvest products, which declined 15.9% year over year in Q4 and contributed to a majority of the 11.2% decline.

    在批發領域,我們約 39% 的營收來自收穫產品,第四季年減 15.9%,佔 11.2% 下降的主要原因。

  • Our harvest product revenue will likely continue to decline over time and is an area we will continue to manage for cash.


  • International and other revenue declined 43.5% year over year, driven by the divestiture of our EMEA business and the sale of select CDN contracts in the fourth quarter of '23.

    由於我們 EMEA 業務的剝離以及 2023 年第四季度精選 CDN 合約的出售,國際和其他收入同比下降 43.5%。

  • Moving to our business product lifecycle reporting, I'll reference results based on our North America enterprise channels, which represent our core strategic categories.


  • Grow products revenue increased 5.7%, driven by strength in IP across all enterprise channels, cloud services, and infrastructure product growth, particularly within co-location and dark fiber.

    在所有企業通路、雲端服務和基礎設施產品成長(尤其是主機代管和暗光纖領域)的 IP 實力的推動下,成長產品收入成長了 5.7%。

  • Grow represented approximately 40% of our North America enterprise revenue, and for our total business segment carried in approximately 80% direct margin this quarter.

    成長約占我們北美企業營收的 40%,本季我們整個業務部門的直接利潤率約為 80%。

  • Within nurture and harvest, we continue to expect headwinds in these categories as we take proactive steps to migrate customers to newer technologies.


  • These actions improve our customers' experience and provide an uplift in customer lifetime value for Lumen.

    這些行動改善了我們的客戶體驗,並提高了 Lumen 的客戶終身價值。

  • As Kate mentioned, we continue to see positive leading indicators that our initiatives are working, and it will take some time to be reflected in our results.


  • Nurture product revenue declined 9.7% year over year.

    培育產品營收年減 9.7%。

  • Pressure within VPN and ethernet services drove the decline.

    VPN 和乙太網路服務內部的壓力推動了這一下降。

  • Nurture represents about 30% of our North America enterprise revenue; and for our total business segment, carry an approximate 69% direct margin this quarter.

    培養約占我們北美企業收入的 30%;對於我們整個業務部門而言,本季的直接利潤率約為 69%。

  • Harvest products revenue declined 10.4% year over year.


  • Harvest continues to be negatively impacted by declines in TDM-based voice and other legacy services.

    Harvest 繼續受到基於 TDM 的語音和其他傳統服務下降的負面影響。

  • Now, I want to take a minute to discuss harvest in more detail.


  • We have a very tactical approach to our harvest portfolio, which contains a mixture of customers that are on net as well as off net.


  • These off-net customer contracts carry a much different margin profile, and in some cases, are margin dilutive.


  • We utilize rerates to manage the margin, and in some cases, this can result in non-regrettable churn.


  • In other cases, we will seek to migrate customers to our newer grow technologies.


  • Another set of customers within harvest are quite profitable, and their needs can be met with existing services.


  • Our data-driven approach drives our product migration and pricing strategies for each of these customers, enabling us to optimize our return profile.


  • Harvest represented less than 17% of our North America enterprise revenue in the fourth quarter, an improvement of approximately 200 basis points year over year for our total business segment, it carrying approximate 81% direct margin this quarter.

    Harvest 占我們第四季北美企業營收的不到 17%,我們整個業務部門年增了約 200 個基點,本季直接利潤率約為 81%。

  • Other products revenue grew 31.7%.


  • As I mentioned earlier, public sector showed particular strength in this product set.


  • Moving on to mass markets, revenue declined 8.3% year over year.

    轉向大眾市場,營收年減 8.3%。

  • Our mass markets fiber broadband revenue grew 11.5% and represented approximately a third of mass market's broadband revenue.

    我們的大眾市場光纖寬頻收入成長了 11.5%,約佔大眾市場寬頻收入的三分之一。

  • Also, noted our exposure to legacy voice and other services revenue continues to improve with an approximate 200-basis-point reduction year over year.

    此外,我們也注意到,我們對傳統語音和其他服務收入的曝險持續改善,較去年同期減少了約 200 個基點。

  • During the quarter, fiber broadband enabled location adds were 126,000, bringing our total to approximately 3.7 million as of December 31.

    本季度,支援光纖寬頻的地點新增數量為 126,000 個,截至 12 月 31 日,我們的總數達到約 370 萬個。

  • As Kate mentioned, we intend to maintain the same 500,000 build pace this year.

    正如 Kate 所提到的,我們今年打算保持 50 萬輛的建造速度。

  • And during the fourth quarter, we added 20,000 Quantum Fiber customers and this brings our total to 916,000.

    在第四季度,我們增加了 20,000 名 Quantum Fiber 客戶,這使我們的客戶總數達到 916,000 名。

  • Fiber ARPU was flat sequentially and increased on a year-over-year basis to approximately $61 in the fourth quarter.

    第四季光纖 ARPU 環比持平,年成長至約 61 美元。

  • At the end of the quarter, our penetration of legacy copper broadband was approximately 10%, and our Quantum Fiber penetration stood at approximately 25%.

    截至本季末,我們的傳統銅質寬頻滲透率約為 10%,量子光纖滲透率約為 25%。

  • Our 12-month frozen penetration of our 2022 enablement cohort was 18% at December 31.

    截至 12 月 31 日,我們 2022 年賦能隊列的 12 個月凍結滲透率為 18%。

  • For our 24-month frozen penetration of our 2021 enablement cohort was 25%.

    2021 年賦能組的 24 個月凍結滲透率為 25%。

  • Turning to adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter of 2023, adjusted EBITDA was $1.099 billion compared to $1.393 billion in the year-ago quarter.

    至於 2023 年第四季調整後 EBITDA,調整後 EBITDA 為 10.99 億美元,去年同期為 13.93 億美元。

  • The fourth quarter of this year included a net headwind of $13 million related to the divested EMEA business, a net benefit of $3 million from divestiture-related post-closing commercial agreements, and a net headwind of $16 million from the sale of select CDN contracts.

    今年第四季包括與剝離的EMEA 業務相關的1300 萬美元的淨阻力、與剝離相關的交割後商業協議帶來的300 萬美元的淨收益,以及因出售部分CDN 合約而產生的1600 萬美元的淨阻力。

  • These items represent approximately 9% of the year-over-year decline.

    這些項目約佔年減的 9%。

  • Special items impacting adjusted EBITDA this quarter totaled $211 million.

    本季影響調整後 EBITDA 的特殊項目總計 2.11 億美元。

  • Our fourth-quarter 2023 adjusted EBITDA margin was 31.2%.

    2023 年第四季調整後 EBITDA 利潤率為 31.2%。

  • Capital expenditures for the fourth quarter of 2023 were $821 million, and the company generated free cash flow of $50 million in the fourth quarter.


  • Moving to our financial outlook.


  • For the full-year 2024, we expect adjusted EBITDA to be in the range of $4.1 billion to $4.3 billion.

    對於 2024 年全年,我們預計調整後 EBITDA 將在 41 億美元至 43 億美元之間。

  • Our EBITDA guidance includes an expected 2% to 5% organic decline, a significant and roughly 600 basis point improvement from the organic decline included in our 2023 outlook, as our transformation initiatives take hold.

    隨著我們的轉型舉措的實施,我們的 EBITDA 指導包括預計有機下降 2% 至 5%,與 2023 年展望中包含的有機下降相比,顯著改善約 600 個基點。

  • Moving to capital spending and our other outlook metrics.


  • For the full-year 2024, we expect total capital expenditures in the range of $2.7 billion to $2.9 billion.

    2024 年全年,我們預計總資本支出在 27 億美元至 29 億美元之間。

  • We expect to generate free cash flow in the range of $100 million to $300 million for the full year of 2024, and this includes an approximate $700 million tax refund received during the first quarter of this year.

    我們預計 2024 年將全年產生 1 億至 3 億美元的自由現金流,其中包括今年第一季收到的約 7 億美元的退稅。

  • We expect free cash flow to be impacted by higher interest expense related to our new TSA agreement.

    我們預計自由現金流將受到與新 TSA 協議相關的更高利息費用的影響。

  • And based on our initial analysis, we've included an incremental $125 million to $225 million of cash interest in 2024 versus 2023.

    根據我們的初步分析,我們在 2024 年比 2023 年增加了 1.25 億至 2.25 億美元的現金利息。

  • We do not have any required or planned discretionary pension fund contributions in 2024.

    我們在 2024 年沒有任何必需或計劃的任意退休金基金繳款。

  • In terms of special items for 2024, we continue to expect dedicated third-party costs to support transition services for the divestitures.

    就 2024 年的特殊項目而言,我們仍然預計會有專門的第三方成本來支援剝離的過渡服務。

  • The reimbursement for these services will be in other income with no material net impact to our cash flows.


  • In addition, in the first quarter of 2024, we expect to recognize meaningful charges related to the negotiation and execution of our TSA agreement.

    此外,我們預計將在 2024 年第一季確認與 TSA 協議的談判和執行相關的有意義的費用。

  • Before we move to Q&A, just a couple of housekeeping items.


  • First, please remember that the first quarter typically has seasonally higher expenses related to the timing of bonus payments and other prepaid expenses.


  • Additionally, while we are happy to discuss the recent TSA announcement in further detail, our focus is now on our business and the financial results as we move forward.

    此外,雖然我們很高興進一步詳細討論 TSA 最近的公告,但隨著我們的發展,我們現在的重點是我們的業務和財務表現。

  • Accordingly, we would prefer to be oriented to questions around the business.


  • I'll turn over to Mike.


  • Mike McCormack - SVP, IR

    Mike McCormack - SVP, IR

  • Aaron, we're ready for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Simon Flannery, Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員指示)西蒙·弗蘭納裡(Simon Flannery),摩根士丹利。

  • Simon Flannery - Analyst

    Simon Flannery - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Thank you, very much, and good evening.


  • Thanks for all the color.


  • I was wondering if you could just help us with the updated trajectory of revenues through the quarter.


  • I think, in the past, you've talked about a second half acceleration after some first half noise.


  • You didn't really talk to that during your prepared remarks.


  • So any updates there would be great.


  • And then thanks for the color on Q1 OpEx.


  • How should we think about some of the OpEx savings from some of the severance and other actions that you've recently been taking?


  • How does that flow through the quarters in 2024?

    2024 年各季度的情況如何?

  • Thank you.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah, Simon.


  • On the revenue side, we would expect the public sector implementation and the conversion from sales to revenue to accelerate as we move through the year.


  • And to Kate's point, we continue to see improvement in the other channels as well.


  • But mid markets, we expect to continue to improve over the course of the year as well.


  • Obviously, wholesale can be a little more choppy.


  • So that's a harder one to predict.


  • As it relates to OpEx, most of the savings that are related to the action we took last year will be realized this year.


  • And I would expect that to be fairly even quarter to quarter.


  • It's a full-year impact.


  • Simon Flannery - Analyst

    Simon Flannery - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And just on that public sector, I mean, to what extent was the Q4 number, including, I don't know, CPE sales or other things that may not recur next quarter?

    我的意思是,就公共部門而言,第四季度的數字有多大,包括我不知道的 CPE 銷售或下季度可能不會出現的其他情況?

  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • So we did say that other product revenue impacted the fourth quarter, and that's the bulk of it.


  • I would say that our commentary around our competence in public sector really relates to the revenue recognition associated with the installs from those big deals we announced over the last 12 to 18 months.

    我想說的是,我們對公共部門能力的評論確實與我們在過去 12 至 18 個月宣布的那些大交易的安裝相關的收入確認有關。

  • Simon Flannery - Analyst

    Simon Flannery - Analyst

  • Great, thanks a lot.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Simon.


  • Next questioner?


  • Operator


  • Batya Levi, UBS.


  • Batya Levi - Analyst

    Batya Levi - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • On the enterprise trends, earlier you had mentioned that you were concerned about some of the upcoming maturities and the conversations where the enterprises were on a hold.


  • Can you provide more color on maybe recent conversations with some of those larger clients and how the sales funnel is shaping up?


  • And maybe just another follow up on 1Q, can you quantify the seasonal expenses we should think about for the first quarter?


  • And lastly, taxes, how should we think about tax range if bonus depreciation or other credits are extended?


  • Thank you.


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • Thanks, Batya.


  • I'll handle that one and give you two pieces to Chris.


  • The clarity of having this TSA updated and amended has been great for our customer conversations.

    更新和修改此 TSA 的清晰度對於我們與客戶的對話非常有幫助。

  • It basically shifts the maturities to


  • ['29].


  • It provides the ability to focus on our transformation efforts and have conversations with customers without that question.


  • And so we've really been re-leashing that.


  • Our pipeline and conversations with customers are positive and growing.


  • And a lot of that has to do with the sales excellence that we've put in place, in terms of supporting our people with world-class platforms and driving AI for sales productivity and things like that.


  • So I think we're in a good spot.


  • Chris?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • And on taxes, our guidance, we gave a cash tax amount that we feel is the best way to look at it.


  • Obviously, with the one-time expenses and special charges associated with the debt transaction, the impact from an ETR standpoint on net income can be really sensitive.

    顯然,考慮到與債務交易相關的一次性費用和特殊費用,從 ETR 的角度來看,對淨利潤的影響可能非常敏感。

  • So that's why we chose to guide the cash tax amount.


  • As it relates to on legislation, again, we're really pleased with the momentum around that.


  • We would expect that if everything was enacted, that's out there, that the benefit to us could be in the $300 million to $400 million range on an annual basis, but we'll have to wait and see.

    我們預計,如果一切都實施,那麼每年為我們帶來的好處可能會在 3 億至 4 億美元之間,但我們必須拭目以待。

  • Batya Levi - Analyst

    Batya Levi - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Batya.


  • Next question, please, Aaron?


  • Operator


  • David Barden, Bank of America.


  • David Barden - Analyst

    David Barden - Analyst

  • Hey, guys.


  • Thanks so much for taking the questions.


  • I guess two, if I could.


  • The first would be just -- Chris, how you could maybe put some guardrails around how a successful TSA conclusions would impact the free cash flow guidance outlook that you're presenting here today, which does not appear to have it in there.

    第一個是 - 克里斯,你如何可以圍繞成功的運輸安全管理局結論將如何影響你今天在這裡介紹的自由現金流指導前景設置一些護欄,但似乎沒有包含在內。

  • And the second question would be -- and sorry to go back to the to the public sector, but given that this is the tip of the iceberg of the growth turnaround, third quarter to fourth quarter was up $30 million.

    第二個問題是——很抱歉回到公共部門,但考慮到這只是成長轉變的冰山一角,第三季到第四季都成長了 3,000 萬美元。

  • Third quarter, fourth quarter doubled another $50 million.


  • Most of all of that was attributed to one-time items of where we see it's going to be the first to return to growth.


  • From what number should we assume that growth begins?


  • Thank you.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • So I'll answer the last part first.


  • Again, you're right.


  • We have said over the last couple of quarters there were some one-time benefits that that have repeated themselves and certainly helped us.


  • But as we look into the year from here forward, David, we should continue to see growth in public sector, as the installs around those big contracts build their pace.


  • So we do expect public-sector revenue to be increasing as we go forward from here.


  • And as it relates to the free cash flow guidance, it does include all of the TSA costs.

    由於它與自由現金流指導相關,因此它確實包括所有 TSA 成本。

  • So successful closure means closing in Q1, and we've got line of sight to doing that.


  • We'll certainly give more commentary around that as that gets finalized, but it is contemplated.


  • And I think part of that confusion may be that included in that free cash flow guidance is the $700 million tax refund impact that hit in Q1.

    我認為造成這種混亂的部分原因可能是自由現金流指引中包含了第一季發生的 7 億美元退稅影響。

  • David Barden - Analyst

    David Barden - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Those are the offsetting forces.


  • Perfect.


  • All right.


  • That's very helpful.


  • Thank you, Chris.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah, thanks, David.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Michael Rollins, Citi.


  • Michael Rollins - Analyst

    Michael Rollins - Analyst

  • Thanks, and good afternoon.


  • A couple of questions.


  • The first one is if you go back to the Analyst Day slides from a few months back, the EBITDA guidance range is lower at $4.1 billion to $4.3 billion versus the $4.3 billion to $4.6 billion.

    第一個是,如果你回顧幾個月前的分析師日幻燈片,EBITDA 指引範圍較低,為 41 億美元至 43 億美元,而 43 億美元至 46 億美元。

  • Can you remind us of just some of the influences and some of the developments that got you to the current range?


  • And then can you also give us an update on how the revenue range should look?


  • After all this time, I think it was originally at [$13.6 billion to $14.1 billion] for 2024.

    經過這麼長時間,我認為 2024 年的最初金額為 [136 億至 141 億美元]。

  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • So a few things.


  • So what's changed versus Investor Day?


  • Obviously, the EMEA sale, the CDN sale, and last but not least, just the impact of the debt discussions, and that overhang in our business.

    顯然,歐洲、中東和非洲地區的銷售、CDN 的銷售以及最後但並非最不重要的一點是債務討論的影響以及我們業務中的懸而未決的問題。

  • We were pretty clear, I think, on the Q2 and Q3 calls that customers were concerned, and certainly the size of the '27 debt tower and our ability to execute the turnaround in time to refinance that, particularly the Lumen debt.

    我認為,在第二季和第三季的電話會議上,我們非常清楚客戶所關心的問題,當然還有27 年債務塔的規模以及我們及時執行週轉以進行再融資的能力,特別是Lumen 債務。

  • And that was of particular concern, so we adjusted for that.


  • And with the negotiations behind us, we see positive momentum there.


  • As it relates to revenue, we're not guiding revenue at this point.


  • And I would say that's conscious, because the revenue piece is going to be choppy as we go forward, and we want to be really transparent about that.


  • It's hard to predict what totals will do.


  • It's easier to predict channel by channel that we know when we would expect to see a turnaround.


  • But to try to give that with some level of confidence at this point is just a little too early, so we've chosen to stick to EBITDA where we obviously have more levers to pull and more control around that.

    但此時試圖給予一定程度的信心還為時過早,因此我們選擇堅持 EBITDA,顯然我們有更多的槓桿可以拉動,也有更多的控制權。

  • Michael Rollins - Analyst

    Michael Rollins - Analyst

  • And then just second, in the past, you've talked about the opportunities to proactively churn some of the legacy revenue and convert that into the strategic revenue.


  • Can you share maybe some additional details or developments or there are some numbers where you're able to show the financial benefit of being able to migrate customers more quickly to fresher strategic services?


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • So a couple of things.


  • There's, number one, using AI to reach out to customers in a programmatic fashion at scale to drive productivity of the outbound calling that we do is the first step.


  • And so we've made a lot of progress there putting the platform together.


  • Number two, taking a migration factory approach.


  • So for each legacy platform that customers are on, understanding the behavior signals that drive likelihood to churn, and approaching them in cohorts, and then meeting where they are in terms of what they have and the best solution that we can migrate them to, and doing as much of that either in an automated fashion as possible.


  • All of that is the chassis that we built in '23.

    所有這些都是我們在 23 年製造的底盤。

  • Now we're starting to -- and in Q4, we had some pretty significant progress numbers we don't report on but in terms of doing the reach out and making progress with migrations, et cetera.

    現在我們開始 - 在第四季度,我們有一些相當重要的進展數字,我們沒有報告,但在進行外展和在遷移方面取得進展等方面。

  • So we'll continue to monitor it.


  • And as we get to a place of growth and stability and productivity of those teams in a way that we can share, we certainly will.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • Next questioner?


  • Operator


  • Eric Luebchow, Wells Fargo.

    艾瑞克‧盧布喬 (Eric Luebchow),富國銀行。

  • Eric Luebchow - Analyst

    Eric Luebchow - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Maybe you could touch on mid-market a little bit.


  • I know that's been a big focus of the company in terms of new salespeople and new logo generation.


  • I mean, when do you think -- is that more of a 2025 story when we start to see the revenue line really turn in that segment?

    我的意思是,當我們開始看到該細分市場的收入線真正發生變化時,您認為這更像是 2025 年的故事嗎?

  • And then secondly, maybe you could just touch on your interest in additional asset sales or divestitures as you look out.


  • I think you've been pretty open about the consumer and mass markets business potentially making sense being separate from the enterprise segment.


  • Is that something that you would actively evaluate?


  • Thank you.


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • So starting with mid-markets.


  • This is actually the first market segment -- customer segment that we stood up, our squads, our scrum teams to go after.

    這實際上是第一個細分市場——我們站出來的客戶細分,我們的小隊,我們的 Scrum 團隊要追求的目標。

  • And that's everybody from sales marketing, customer success, IT operations, finance, billing, et cetera, all circling around the customer segment to say, what are the offerings that we need?

    來自銷售行銷、客戶成功、IT 營運、財務、計費等領域的每個人都圍繞著客戶群問,我們需要什麼產品?

  • What's the price we need to win?


  • What does the marketplace look like?


  • How do we swarm them and cover the markets, both direct and indirect?


  • Because as you know, we want to continue to leverage our ecosystem for more feet on the street from a sales perspective.


  • And all of that work happened in '23.

    所有這些工作都發生在 23 年。

  • What's most remarkable about that is it set the tone and context for how we then do turnarounds in the other segments, because we got this learning mojo thing happening, where the teams are meeting with daily standups and weekly standups, and reporting back on the challenges that they were experiencing.


  • And then using an agile methodology, whether it's building a piece of IT functionality, or it's working with the product team to say we need these net new capabilities, or the marketing team to say how can we do better, account-based marketing, et cetera.

    然後使用敏捷方法,無論是建立一項 IT 功能,還是與產品團隊合作說我們需要這些淨新功能,或者與行銷團隊合作說我們如何做得更好,基於帳戶的行銷等等等。

  • And that method of working across functions with no silos in an agile, rapid fashion has set the context for, basically, how we treat all the other segments.


  • So that's thing one.


  • Thing two is, internally, there's a bit of camaraderie and healthy competition.


  • And I call my mid-market teams the sand baggers, because basically, they are always coming in a little bit better than they say they're going to and I think they're starting to get their chops.


  • And so we're excited by our improvement in productivity.


  • We're excited about our improvements in sales and revenue, et cetera.


  • I think what we'd like to do next and where you'll see us target the guns is on the ecosystem side, making sure that we have a platform that is partner friendly.


  • So we can drive sales productivity indirect, because we all know that's what we need for total coverage.


  • You want to you want to handle the other


  • --?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • I mean, on asset sales, we'll obviously continue to evaluate the entire portfolio.


  • What I would say specifically about the mass markets business is really a few things.


  • One, that's an enormously valuable asset and we know that.


  • And that's why we're continuing to invest at the pace that we're at right now in getting more fiber in the ground and pushing really hard to drive subscriber growth.


  • That said, we've been very public about saying that's a space where consolidation is necessary and we will not be the consolidator.


  • And I think you've seen in the last few days some noise in the industry, as people are, I think, taking more active positions around what happens next with that sector.


  • So we're going to keep our heads down, continue to focus on execution, and building out the value of that asset, and we'll evaluate as we go.


  • Eric Luebchow - Analyst

    Eric Luebchow - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • Thanks, Eric.


  • Next questioner?


  • Operator


  • Nick Del Deo, MoffettNathanson.


  • Nick Del Deo - Analyst

    Nick Del Deo - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks for taking my questions.


  • I've got two guidance-related ones for Chris, the first one on CapEx.


  • So it looks like your midpoint for CapEx this year is $2.8 billion.

    因此,您今年的資本支出中點似乎為 28 億美元。

  • It was about $3 billion in '23 ex-EMEA.

    23 年(歐洲、中東和非洲地區除外)的銷售額約為 30 億美元。

  • Your fiber-to-home passings are about the same in '24 versus '23.

    24 年和 23 年的光纖到戶傳輸量大致相同。

  • So it seems like the CapEx or everything else is ticking down some.


  • I was just wondering if you could talk a little bit about what's behind that reduction, assuming that observation is correct?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • It's really driven by our continued focus on efficiency.


  • And so we continue to push on both OpEx, as well as CapEx, and we will continue to do so.


  • But it's not -- don't view it as a signal of us pulling back anywhere.


  • We are investing aggressively and we'll continue to invest aggressively in both enterprise and mass markets, as well as just the broader simplification of Lumen as we go forward.

    我們正在積極投資,並將繼續在企業和大眾市場以及 Lumen 的更廣泛簡化方面進行積極投資。

  • There's an enormous amount of effort that's taking place, in particular, this year, around financial systems, as well as operations that will dramatically improve the customer experience.


  • Nick Del Deo - Analyst

    Nick Del Deo - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So it's you'd say you get a similar bang for your -- or more of a CapEx paying for your buck this year than last year and that kind of explains it?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • That's right.


  • Nick Del Deo - Analyst

    Nick Del Deo - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then second on cash taxes.


  • It looks like cash taxes paid excluding the refund are going to be in the $400 million to 500 million range, which is a pretty big number.

    看起來不包括退稅在內的現金稅將在 4 億至 5 億美元之間,這是一個相當大的數字。

  • I guess, barring any change in the tax code, is this a reasonable starting point to think about for the next few years?


  • Or regarding the debt transactions rather than things throwing it off?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah, I don't want to try to estimate what '25 is right now.


  • We're obviously not doing guidance there.


  • As I said earlier, we gave the guidance, the cash tax guidance we gave this year just because of the sensitivity and net income with all the other special charges hitting this year.


  • I will give you a little bit here, though, on the interest, because I think it's important.


  • I think the cash interest in '25 will not be materially different than it is in '24.

    我認為 25 年的現金利息與 24 年不會有太大不同。

  • And the key thing there is -- just for your modeling is, well, we don't have a full-year impact under the TSA and '24.

    關鍵的是,就您的模型而言,我們在 TSA 和 24 條規定下沒有全年影響。

  • At the execution of the TSA, we do basically have to pull forward interest expense.

    在執行 TSA 時,我們基本上必須提前支付利息費用。

  • So when we look at it, that variable is going to be roughly the same '24 and '25.

    因此,當我們查看它時,該變數在 24 年和 25 年大致相同。

  • I think that -- I'll give you that much on '25.

    我想——我會在 25 年給你這麼多。

  • Nick Del Deo - Analyst

    Nick Del Deo - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I guess -- maybe I'll phrase it differently.


  • Are there one-time tax items that we should bear in mind that are baked into that guidance?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • No, not materially.


  • No.


  • Nick Del Deo - Analyst

    Nick Del Deo - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay.


  • Thank you, Chris.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Nick.


  • Next questioner?


  • Operator


  • Greg Williams, TD Cowen.


  • Greg Williams - Analyst

    Greg Williams - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • Chris, I realized you typically guide EBITDA in that $200 million range and I'm just wondering if there's any particular puts and takes to consider what's driving that range this year?

    克里斯,我意識到您通常將 EBITDA 指導在 2 億美元的範圍內,我只是想知道是否有任何特定的看跌期權和支出來考慮今年推動該範圍的因素?

  • I know you mentioned some levers that you can pull.


  • And then the second question is just on the ABS debt markets, if you're looking at that in the year now that you've got the clean runway from the TSA.

    第二個問題是關於 ABS 債務市場的,如果你在今年已經從 TSA 獲得了乾淨的跑道的話,那麼你會考慮這個問題。

  • And maybe you can leverage some of these fiber homes?


  • Thanks.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah, we'll continue to look at the capital structure and for ways to make it more efficient forward.


  • So we're not done that was a big one, but we're not done.


  • I'm sorry.


  • Repeat the first part of the question.


  • Greg Williams - Analyst

    Greg Williams - Analyst

  • Just the EBITDA range, if there's any puts and takes to consider and levers to pull?

    只是 EBITDA 範圍,是否有任何需要考慮的看跌期權和槓桿?

  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • No, I mean, we felt that the plus or minus $100 million was the way to go.

    不,我的意思是,我們認為正負 1 億美元才是正確的選擇。

  • The comment that I made earlier on just the levers we have, obviously, we're doing a number of things, right?


  • The primary objective is to get revenue growing as we shift aggressively from legacy services to digital service offerings.


  • But at the same time, we are fixing the internal workings of Lumen.

    但同時,我們正在修復 Lumen 的內部運作。

  • I mean, multiple billing systems, multiple GLs, inventory, frankly, a really poor customer experience.


  • And Kate spoke to some of the progress we're making there.


  • So as those things get fixed, that obviously gives us the opportunity to drive more efficiency in addition to a better customer experience and that also had EBITDA effect.

    因此,當這些問題得到解決後,除了更好的客戶體驗之外,這顯然也使我們有機會提高效率,也產生了 EBITDA 效應。

  • So the EBITDA, we get the double benefit obviously of the revenue as well as those efficiency plan.

    因此,就 EBITDA 而言,我們顯然獲得了收入和效率計劃的雙重好處。

  • Greg Williams - Analyst

    Greg Williams - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Next question, please.


  • Operator


  • Frank Louthan, Raymond James.


  • Frank Louthan - Analyst

    Frank Louthan - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Just wanted go to slide 6 and the different opportunities you have there.

    只是想看第 6 張投影片以及那裡的不同機會。

  • Can you characterize that as what potential revenue that is?


  • Is that multi-billion-dollar opportunity for Lumen?

    這對 Lumen 來說是一個價值數十億美元的機會嗎?

  • How should we think about that?


  • And then you mentioned something on the recognition of the revenues for the public sector business.


  • Is there some timing difference in the cash flow, some of those that we should be aware of?


  • Thanks.


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • Why don't hit the cash flow and all the


  • (multiple speakers)?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yeah.


  • So really public sector, Frank, that's the longest sale to install interval of anything we sell.


  • The big complex deals, obviously, we're working with government agencies, and they've got to go through their processes and that takes time.


  • So you can have a 12- to 18-month lag, as I mentioned, until that starts to get recognized in revenue.

    因此,正如我所提到的,您可能會有 12 到 18 個月的滯後期,直到您開始在收入中得到確認。

  • As it relates to the cash flows around that, it will increase as time goes on because obviously the pace of the installs increase.


  • But

  • --


  • Frank Louthan - Analyst

    Frank Louthan - Analyst

  • Is the book-to-bill difference is what you're talking about, not a cash recognition difference?


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Exactly.


  • And they're just massive contracts.


  • So yeah.


  • But I'll turn it back to Kate for the first part of your question.


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • Sure.


  • On page 6, we -- just for everybody's identification here, is the Lumen digital platform.

    在第 6 頁,我們-僅供大家識別,是 Lumen 數位平台。

  • And we have the portfolio outlined with a totally digital customer experience wrapped around two important things.


  • So first is our network, our core network services, because none of these digital services are relevant without total integration to the network.


  • Customers are demanding left-to-right, top-to-bottom integration, quick, secure, effortless.


  • It needs to be exactly that in order to be relevant in the digital economy.


  • And I think you can look to other companies that have some of these digital services and they don't have the fiber network, and they just can't get the economics and they can't get the customer service right.


  • So we're excited about it.


  • There are there are four core capabilities that we have right now for Lumen digital.

    Lumen digital 目前擁有四項核心功能。

  • We're just getting started, as I said.


  • The ones that we have here represent a total available market of around $40 billion.

    我們這裡擁有的市場總額約為 400 億美元。

  • But I think that's actually understating it, because we have a couple of really interesting opportunities emerging that we'll talk about as we get a little bit closer to shaping them.


  • Think of it this way.


  • NaaS is a cloudifying telco.

    NaaS 是一家雲端化電信公司。

  • It's digital everything, any port, any service, anytime, anywhere.


  • ExaSwitch is the center of connectivity, fast path into the cloud, any cloud, and across clouds. the Edge is becoming more and more germane, especially with a totally digital network and a high-capacity switching because users are everywhere.

    ExaSwitch 是連接中心、進入雲端、任何雲端以及跨雲端的快速路徑。邊緣變得越來越密切,特別是在全數位網路和高容量交換的情況下,因為用戶無處不在。

  • And the expectation is that I'm going to process all of that data that's generated at the speed of thought.


  • And so proximity really matters.


  • And then the last thing is security, and we have huge muscle here that's totally under commercialized.


  • So we're excited about the about the future.


  • And right now, we're just calling it a very big opportunity for net new profit pools, which is going to really help our growth curve.


  • Frank Louthan - Analyst

    Frank Louthan - Analyst

  • Right, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Frank.


  • I think we have time for just one more question, Aaron.


  • Operator


  • Jonathan Chaplin, New Street.


  • Jonathan Chaplin - Analyst

    Jonathan Chaplin - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Thanks for squeezing me in, guys.


  • Actually, two very quick ones.


  • So Chris, given that it may make sense at some point to separate mass markets out, could you give us a sense for the EBITDA that you're generating that business today?

    那麼,克里斯,考慮到在某些時候將大眾市場分開可能是有意義的,您能給我們介紹一下您今天產生的業務的 EBITDA 嗎?

  • And then maybe a more conceptual question for you, guys, is you run through the trends in the business, which seem to be improving in a lot of areas.


  • And it seems like you're taking share in the core segments that you're focused on, and you're struggling against the industry backdrop.


  • That's just really, really tough.


  • It strikes me that the end of the business segment in aggregate is just fragmented and that's part of the problem.


  • And I'm wondering if there's a consolidation opportunity there, and whether you'd be a consolidator, or whether a big consolidation transaction would just give you exposure to revenue streams that you're looking to move away from?


  • Thank you.


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • Yeah.


  • So I'll take the second part of the question -- is it's an interesting one for sure.


  • And I think you should think of us as being huge opportunity in the business segment by providing digital services that are integrated into the network in getting smarter and smarter about how we can take advantage of these really, really complex environments, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, Gen AI, et cetera.

    我認為您應該將我們視為業務領域的巨大機遇,透過提供整合到網路中的數位服務,我們可以越來越聰明地利用這些非常非常複雜的環境、混合雲、多雲。雲端、Gen AI 等等。

  • We have, not only the right team, as I've talked about, we've got a world-class network, which I've talked about.


  • And we've already got a head start with a lot of intellectual property protected by patents that uniquely positions us to take advantage of this.


  • That's where our focus is.


  • We're maniacally focused on delivering value to customers and obsessing about their needs, because that's how we grow as fast as possible.


  • If there are opportunities to integrate vertically or horizontally as time goes on, we will strategically look at every single one of those as it's our fiduciary responsibility.


  • And as it makes sense, we'll go after them.


  • Jonathan Chaplin - Analyst

    Jonathan Chaplin - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • And on the EBITDA, we don't guide to that.

    對於 EBITDA,我們不做指導。

  • It is in our filings.


  • So I think that's where I would point you to in terms of the splits between mass markets and enterprise.


  • But as it relates to a potential split of the businesses, what I really want to emphasize is we're not looking to fire sale any assets.


  • We're investing in good assets to make them great.


  • And that's our focus first and foremost, because that's how we see the path to maximizing value as we go forward.


  • So definitely on the radar screen, but we've got a really dedicated group of people who are very focused on the Quantum Fiber build-out and the great customer experience that it brings.


  • And we're going to continue on that path.


  • Jonathan Chaplin - Analyst

    Jonathan Chaplin - Analyst

  • Great to hear.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Jonathan.


  • Kate Johnson - President & CEO

    Kate Johnson - President & CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

    Chris Stansbury - Executive VP & CFO

  • Aaron, with that, we're going to end the call.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, this will conclude the conference call for today.


  • We thank you for your participation and ask that you please disconnect your line.


  • Have a great day, everyone.


  • We'll see you next time.
